
Mordhau Dev Tracker

29 Aug


verify files on steam


verify files on steam

28 Aug


Originally posted by risingdeluge

Oh. I get the feeling Jax doesn't really like reddit.

I'm here, just a ton of posts I don't get around to :)


Originally posted by 333izidor


you're gonna need to keep saving ;)


Originally posted by pog13959392

Yea Spook seems to be doing very good work.

I am surprised how clean it looks

Spook is a GOD


Originally posted by SSmrao

Ah that's unfortunate. What about being able to specify a number position we want to move it to?

Not a bad idea, I'll look into it!


Originally posted by SSmrao

Hey! Do you think we could get a drag feature to re-organize loadouts instead of the current up/down we have currently?

Also just shows how good the UI is that I had to think for a good minute of a suggestion to give haha

I agree drag and drop sorting of loadouts would be very nice, I've looked into it in the past and unfortunately would be a decent bit of work to implement due to the way the loadout list is structured right now - maybe sometime in the future we can revisit it.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Yea Spook seems to be doing very good work.

I am surprised how clean it looks

Thanks guys :)

26 Aug


modded server i would assume


He's been added to the server ban list. Idc about the twitch name or what his steam name is, we only use steam profiles. Whoever this steam account belongs to will be banned, not who the display name is.


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

Personally I kept all the comics on me lol xD I used the super sledge so much

I run with 3x damage, you die before you get in melee range.

That being said an angry doggo will sneak up on me and cripple 4 limbs if I'm not careful, but the dumbass raider with a baseball bat takes 2 to the chest and goes down hard at 50 yards lmao


added to our ban list.

edit: in the future message our moderators, it will get resolved very quickly. with reddit it tends to take longer

25 Aug


Originally posted by chealous

tangentially related - we should be able to do different metal shades on each slot. this can't even be the hard, please triternion

performance reasons if i remember correctly - we stick with a single metal shade, and then typically 2 color selections per piece of armor. with the amount of potential combinations running around on any map, having more options could lead to serious VRAM usage and a big loss in performance


Originally posted by ToolorDie

They can update it from an Island and even play with us on their modded, updated game. Just not have to stress about "PaTcHiE wHeN???"

technically all these continents are just really big islands

24 Aug


Originally posted by ItsCrashy

All work and no patchie makes Jax a dull boy


23 Aug


"oh sick, a grognak comic"
"+5% critical hit bonus"
"oh yeah, i don't use melee or VATS, this is useless but I'll put it in a magazine rack or something I guess"