
Mordhau Dev Tracker

23 Aug


i removed a bunch of replies here because you said the gamer word. don't say it.

as for the op, sucks to hear that, but we're releasing an update soon™ that will include a chat filter. that will help, if you feel like coming back


" Unfortunately the developers have chosen to approach the game's new found success with their original strategy of developing it as a side hobby while living their regular lives. "

uhh no, not true at all. Update will be soon, and we plan on supporting the game long term

20 Aug


Originally posted by lehan112

And they're working on it to the extent that their business model allows. Its not like they said thanks for the money, we'll send you a message when we make Mordhau 2.

They just simply cant compete with the speed that many people are accustomed to now from games that have microtransactions. If they fail, I think it would be more about that business model being unable to compete with the microtransaction model of bigger studios in today's market, and less about how they blundered a huge opportunity with their laziness and incompetence.

^ this, more or less.

My $.02 (personal opinions, not some statement or anything):

Adding more people would make the current development model unsustainable and introduce a ton of pressure, and the current size of the team isn't great for super-quick updates. That being said, a small team gives us a HUGE ability to support the game long term and quality doesn't suffer; just how quickly the updates come.

What I don't think that most people realize is that 11 people on the team + ~5 years of development = 55 years of pay to just catch up to release, then factor in operating costs (servers) taxes fees royalties etc and yeah, it's still a decent chunk of change, but what if we tried to take that leftover cash and hire out to 30-ish devs?

- more people = more pay (just say 3x the amount)
- if that's 30 devs, now you need project management and positions that are more supervisory instead of actually making stuff (to a degree) so either more posi...

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Originally posted by ChalkPie

I use eager


19 Aug


join mp game, if 1st time doesn't work type 'reconnect' into console
should work then

18 Aug


i'm gonna need some steam profiles, message them to me


Originally posted by Imafilthybastard

For real, the devs are completely transparent and try their hardest to keep us in the loop!/s Just f**king kidding, these guys have the PR equivalent of a greased up monkey trying to f**k a football. Give us a f**king monthly update or some shit.


we're playtesting the ranked section of the update atm, found a bunch of bugs and we're trying to fix them.


Originally posted by FreeKarmaforCats

I think people are more bothered about getting a "july patch update" then getting no patch halfway into august and effectivley radio silence from the devs with the exception of the occasional rather snide or ambiguous remark or meme, which means they are aware of how upset the commjnitybis and how much it wants some information and are still not obligjng.

If they either a) didnt announce anything or b) gave us a brief and candid update in timeframes and changes to them

Everyone would shut up, but currently for all we know patchie could come tommorow or it could be end of august or mid september, we dont know.

If we had either no expectations or some info managing the expectations they gave us the people wouldnt be spamming "when patchie"

Im an in house developer for a company and god would the business go nuts if we told them patchie comming in july then just went silent with nothing but "soontm" for 6 weeks and ignored all the questions and reques...

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July development update - we are updating you on the progress of development in july, not that the patch will be released in july. Could have been worded better though, I'll give you that.

As for the update itself, we're looking at splitting it into a ranked update and the a map update that will come shortly after. No reason to hold up a build for the maps, as they take a long time to get ready.

Currently we've done a bit of playtesting on the ranked stuff, found a bunch of bugs that we're fixing atm. Can't really give you a timeframe because that's just not how game development works, unfortunately.

17 Aug


Originally posted by ZambiGames

I’m level 69 with 50k gold to drop like it’s hot. Checking reddit everyday for patchie

keep saving ;) you're gonna need it


Originally posted by kepartii

human catapult round

when we have the time i want to annoy the team until they make a barrel vehicle, with 2 modes of use

  1. MGS - style cardboard box. Wear the barrel, walk around, crouch and become an ordinary barrel, nothing to see here...
  2. Take barrel, put on catapult, enter, LAUNCH! 50% survival rate, the true gambler's rush in Mordy

14 Aug


Originally posted by RaisinsInMyToasts

It would be nice if you guys could do a sort of dev blog on Fridays. Doesn't have to even be that long, just like 2 pictures and a small paragraph of what was worked on or completed the prior week.

Thing with it is a lot of the time it would be "hey we did optimizing and boring code stuff" and then the next week might be "hey we did more optimizing and more boring code stuff". It's better to keep communication without a set weekly/etc. schedule because there's not always something super flashy to show off.

That being said, I'll definitely pester the team more often, and try to get some info for you all. Also, keep in mind some things, like the full new set of armor with multiple variations and trim levels... we want to keep that a little secret for now ;)


It's kinda bad against competent players, but always mega-annoying. IMO it just needs a bit of a rework, and then we can rebalance the point costs if needed.


Originally posted by lushaacc

theres been a huge decrease in dev interaction on this reddit as well as updates/patches ever since the PC Gamer outrage. Correlation does not equal causation. Just pointing out a coincidence.

The update is just taking a while because it's a really big one, as for communication I do hop in on here when I can but I'm spread pretty thin with all of our social media accounts and also doubling as the PR dude / tech support :D

I'll be a bit more active on here though!


Originally posted by Blackout_AU

If only we had a community manager to showcase this stuff on their "official" reddit

I mean it's over there and available to view, but if you want I can do like a weekly roundup or something. Let me know what you all want communication wise and I can look into making it happen.


Originally posted by otokonokofan

There is no way official servers will ever have admins. The idea is pretty silly. An autokick on TK damage is probably a good idea but hiring hundreds of people to sit around and kick people is weird.

As an aside, this is a pretty weak example of abusing votekick, if it's an example of abuse at all. Seems like you've been telling people to go to middle the whole game and you decide to TK a dude after he mildly insults you and kicks you out of spawn. Claiming to be carrying the team while not in the top 5 of your team's score while getting into arguments all the time and telling people what to do is bound to get people to talk back. If you can't handle not airing your grievances at other players while not being able to handle them talking back you should probably just turn off chat.

We have like 12 or so moderators which are global admins, and well over 1 million players total - while we are increasing the amount of mods, we have to do it carefully as they do wield a lot of power.

As you said, there are ways we can work on the voting system and potentially add in autokick in the future, and we're looking into this. No guarantees on when, but obviously manual moderation and reporting isn't enough to deal with the amount of players we have.


I still top frag tho

edit: before anyone freaks out, yea we know it's imbalanced


Originally posted by Zer0Skilled

Update on this pls ^