
Mordhau Dev Tracker

14 Aug

12 Aug


Originally posted by I_Am_Royal

Everyone is good at rapier, you just stab stab stab and there’s not entirely much a person can do to it

if the rapier dude is mindlessly attacking (not even gambling, just spamming) a riposte from even a maul will out-time it. If rapier-boi is extra dumb that will give you a nice meaty whack, if not a feint-to-parry and you will decimate their stamina.

11 Aug


Originally posted by Lebowskerino

@ u/Jaaxxxxon get this guy in a recording booth!

big think

09 Aug


hitler getting decimated by the right hook lmao

08 Aug

07 Aug


Nice mockups, and I agree that this would be a great quality of life improvement especially if you're like me and have way too many loadouts for your own good. The issue with implementing this is a technical one with how the loadout data is stored, we would first need to make changes to that before they could be sorted into folders (which comes with its own complications). We'll for sure be looking into improving this at some future point but for the time being there are higher priority things to complete first.

05 Aug


Originally posted by The_Batfleck

Hey mate, why can a Messer overhand reach an opponent first against a stab with a longsword when both released at the same time, shouldn't the guy with the Messer be stabbed by the longsword first? Is this a desync issue or do some weapons have extended hitboxes?

idk, sometimes messer just seems longer than it should be, we'll look into it


Originally posted by shwarmaramen101

Fr, get rid of Rhaegar and his pals

We usually would do an official server ban for griefing, but we're considering a game ban because the level of asshole-ery that these people are achieving. Not sure yet what we're going to do, we don't want to be "ban-happy" but these people are a big problem.



edit: a little bit of context, that's me in the screencap - I can't resist a good copypasta lol

01 Aug


5head tactics, well played

31 Jul


Originally posted by Bobby--Bottleservice

The barbarian voice lines are not good in my opinion. When I first herd it I could almost see the voice actor trying too hard to sound like that. But the other voices I think are very well done!

IIRC, barbarian are just some asset pack that we used to test the voice system, we already bought it so there was no reason to remove it really. everything else was done specifically for Mordhau.


the mordhau curse, every other game with swords feels like poo in comparison

30 Jul


unpopular opinion doorplay>foreplay


Originally posted by PRZDSUN

I really wish they would hire staff after selling 2 million copies. It's absolutely worth at least hiring a couple of people for QA and one person for PR. I'd say 75% of this player base is willing to overlook a mountain of problems and keep playing if they would just communicate with us and produce real fixes to their game.

I am the PR guy, I guess you could say. Only so much I can do to communicate; we are working on things, released an update about development, I try to hit up all the social media platforms and at the least read everything, reply if i've got the time.


Originally posted by ZZYZX_

Yeah you're correct they haven't gotten paid for release yet

we've been paid - the reason we're not making the team bigger is that it limits how long we can support Mordhau, mostly. Larger team=more operating costs, and the more operating costs we have, the less time we can go without generating additional income

29 Jul

28 Jul


Originally posted by Ezekhiel2517

I've heard the community is toxic AF! I dont care, I'll just throw lots of N words and grieving, that should be enough

no gamer word >:|

27 Jul



25 Jul


Originally posted by SubclassCynical

Seriously, quit being pieces of shit.

This guy gets it