
Mordhau Dev Tracker

24 Aug


Originally posted by RatedM71

Jax...... when someone who has been beartrapped falls to the ground the change in hitbox has made it infuriatingly inconsistent and harder to hit please revise it back to how it used to be....

Sincerely A bear trap main

We're working on it. :)


Originally posted by Oggnar

That's good! I'm kind of interested which ones were problematic. Concerning your public perception - I feel sorry for you. Maybe add "Please don't make hitlers" in the patch notes or something.

that would make it worse, but thanks for the support :)

23 Aug


Originally posted by BeejsterTTV

Can something more be done about smoke bombs? Limit two per load out effectively does nothing. Effective troll and obj cheese with no countermeasure.

They are being limited to 1 per loadout and 1 per restock.


Originally posted by Flibios

How is bloodlust going to work? Will the health regen stay if I start running? If not, I think it's going to be pretty much useless.

The regen will stay until you either fully heal, get flinched, or parry. It ignores normal regen rules.

22 Aug


i don't like these posts but they're a great motivator to unleash the patchie


Originally posted by daabearrss

- Add a COMBAT LOG that shows the timestamp for the client and server for each action. Ideally it highlights any mismatches between the client and server (i.e. red parries)

- Remove or rework Stun. Why is there no perk to counter it? Should it only be available if the Tank park is also taken? Should it just be removed entirely because it doesn't make sense to have a one-off loss of control mechanic that knee-caps the combat in such an insane way all in the name of a practically non-existent scenario where high level players are complaining others are too good at recovering their weapons in team modes. So SO many better ways to solve that problem.

- Add a SEARCH bar to the loadout screen. Literally copy/paste it from the server browser.

- Lack of content is not really your problem. You'll never release enough content fast enough to solve the problem that way. You need to fix your game. If most players join a public game and half their attacks/parries don't wo...

Read more

The last point is kind of what the engine update is addressing - server fixes, improvements, bug squashing, etc. It might not fix everything, but it should have a noticeable impact.


Originally posted by NajoNajavo

What does the upcoming patch even add? Is it literally just the engine update?

Cosmetics, balancing, map optimization and engine update stuff. Engine update isn't super sexy but it should fix a ton of little issues, and hopefully we'll have lots of FPS improvements and server stability improvements as well.


Originally posted by tg_Taro




Originally posted by OliSuperMC

Add so you can spawn bots with different AI things, like expert bots that is really good at the game or atleast make like a difficulty system to the bots, like Easy, Medium, Hard, Harder & Expert - Since it could be a good idea for new players to improve, also make bots more harder in horde, they are not that hard if you think about it.


Yep, we're adding stuff like that in the training scenarios. Ideally, custom bot behavior stuff to set difficulty or aggressiveness, etc.


Originally posted by Artyom_Petrovich

Give us Bagpipes and a 200k Super Fancy Billhook skin.

Or at least some billhook skin please.

We're looking into Billhook skins, eventually™


Originally posted by Coom-guy

Let us play the lute with numpad and let us rebind that

We're looking into more octaves and better direct support, the mouse thing is annoying and sounds bad


Originally posted by kickflipacat

there was a way to test out the new future weapons and future combat on that one "lite mordhau test level" i was thinking it would be cool to be able to test out the new future maps in development in the same way.

and it would probably help fix bugs and glitches and stuff faster if the whole community was able to test the map out as you make it

Yeah, we're looking at opening up some more testing stuff in the future, but a lot of times maps aren't worked on in a consistent manner. You'd expect everything to kind of get more detailed all across the map or whatever, but sometimes an artist will only focus on creating a castle keep or something and leave the rest of the map bare, or lighting won't be in, etc.

A big thing as well is that we use HLOD and baked lighting - essentially levels of detail and some other tech stuff that makes things look pretty, but run well. To get that working it needs to be 'cooked' so to speak, which can take 2-5 days per map. If an artist then moves a tree 1 cm, everything breaks and it needs to be rebuilt. Major pain in the ass, and it means that FPS would suffer or we'd have to rebuild every time.


Originally posted by fraudulenturinetest

Have you guys ever considered a timer or allow a vote kick on players who hang out as spectators? We had one dude yesterday on a public server who was trolling by going back and forth between spectating and playing a side which made it impossible to kick. I checked in on the Mordhau Discord and the answer was basically if he's not dropping N-bombs then there's nothing to be done. That's bullshit, IMO. Annoying as hell for those who are waiting for a slot to open up.

If they're disrupting the match, it's a bannable offense - as for dodging by going to spectator, we'll look into that. Kind of a weird niche situation, but it should still be addressed. 👍


Originally posted by Sanches319

Are you guys planning any cloth overcoats for tier 3 chest armor? Im talking about something like Draped Cuirass, but instead of covering front and rear, coats would cover sides.

That's tough, because then it might kind of just look like a cloth chest. We need to keep armor readability to some extent - an experienced player will have a mental note of what's what, but a new player can be pretty confused. The game's already hard enough to start playing nowadays, we don't need to make it even harder.


Originally posted by PacJeans

Many rumors have been made regarding the upcoming Noria map. Allegedly it will have no carrot 🥕 do you confirm or deny this?

where do carrots even grow


Originally posted by Powerful-Payment-699

24.08 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
31.09 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
07.09 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
14.09 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
19.10 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
21.12 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
15.02.2022 -
we work, we test. we found a new bug
patch coming soon, we are working...

yeah, that's how it be


Originally posted by 0pp0sitesDailY

My only concern at this point is just fix the mountain peak iron company spawns, I've had people sit behind the spawn with mauls and wait to insta kill me. I've been tired of the fact that blue can just enter there when they please but that was enough for me

Mountain peak is getting quite a few reworks, mostly on the castle side of things. Should fix a lot of issues.


Originally posted by shaihulud95

Why do we never see any news about balance work here?

(A little late since the combat prelim patch notes are already out)

I don't post balance changes because of a few reasons, but mainly because Crush does a lot of iterations and as such, things aren't really finalized until before updates. Also, it's much better to get a big list of them sorted by him, since he knows what will and won't stay, etc. Saying "x weapon release shortened by 25 ms" and then next week it's reverted or whatever, and each time I would have to ask him for tons of little specifics - it's not efficient and it makes things more confusing for you guys.


Originally posted by Branko100

For emblems? The devs are kinda reluctant on adding more emblems since that'd be "unfair" towards the Kickstarter backers who submitted their own emblems. I don't really agree with that point and I hope they'll add some cool stuff regardless.

That's not our position - new, free emblems won't be unfair to KS backers - the backers got to design their own, so it doesn't negatively effect them at all.

random fun fact: I'm a Kickstarter backer


Originally posted by Oggnar

New instruments? NICE! By the way, did you think about historical coats - of - arms? I suggested that a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, we're rolling a few ideas around on them. Unfortunately some have some kind of iffy modern connotations; considering our public perception in some instances, it's probably not good to add icons that have been adopted by white supremacy groups etc. so we're just taking our time.