
Mordhau Dev Tracker

22 Aug


Originally posted by GoldenBoyMORDHAU

Dear devs if patchie not appear in 2 weeks from now Grator will disapear and never comeback TIME LEFT: 336 HOURS



Originally posted by TontonAxay

Hell yes we’re gonna have full orchestras on the battlefield now

Troupe hero when


Originally posted by Lefty_Gamer

Do you guys plan on any gold / exp weekends or gifts due to the backend problems? That and also an Archer's Sallet with Orle /Torse like this would make it up to me...

We'll probably be rolling out double xp/gold once the new update goes out. With things being unstable, now might not be a great time - if we did it now, a lot of people might boot the game up and cause more load, breaking things again.


Originally posted by mnwk

Start with easy stuff to be more accessible:

  • show me how I died, like a list of the last 3-4 hits I took with player, weapon, dmg
  • for lokal games add a gui to add bots from the/my amory. also toggleable gamespeed slider (slomo)

Both things would help a ton to understand the game.

Not a direct reply to you, but a replay option is off the table - it's pretty complicated to get working properly since what you and the server see are two different things, would probably mean that killcams would be more confusing than what you saw.

That being said, we're working on training scenario kinda things where you can adjust bot behavior/difficulty, and we'll probably add weapon stuff there as well - unlikely that we'd hook it into custom classes but it should allow people to actually practice things on their own.

As for post-death stuff, I think it'd be great to have some kind of valorant/cs style x hits / location / damage / weapon UI indicator. It would probably be a long term goal if we decided on it, since it's not absolutely necessary and would require a pretty big UI and programming investment. Either way, I'll bring it up to the team :)


Originally posted by DebVV

can you guys give us a snippet of stuff to come next patch? Anything will do, just give us something.

I'll talk to the team, we'll get a snippet out on Tuesday, post meeting :)

18 Aug


Originally posted by Danubinmage64

The first part is actually a good point. Combo swings from whiffs are basically impossible to punish, if they whiff unless you are chambering you basically have to wait and let them land their swing. I actually think a nerf to combo whiffs like slowing them down so if you whiff then the enemy gets priority and will attack you first.

The combo parry mechanic is unintuitive but intentional. Otherwise I think it would make gambling too strong as if you slightly mistime your swing you will be f**ked, and the game would over prioritize dodging if you could get a garuanteed punish off a whiff.

Miss combos are slowed down in the coming patch. Combo parry mechanic is unintuitive, agreed, which is why in the coming patch it'll be possible to parry during miss recovery at the same cost (if the weapon has combo capability)

17 Aug


Hey all,

We're always happy to hear any feedback that you all have - please let us know any comments, questions, critiques, etc. that you all have. Also, a bit of some info: we're looking into backend outages still - these seem to be issues going on with our backend provider and out of our control (which is also affecting a few other games) - but either way, we'll still talking to our partners to get this resolved.

  • We've been taking a hard look at player numbers, and our main priorities going forwards (post-engine update) are to get more content out, and also make the game more accessible to new players. Hopefully, getting some other stuff like training scenarios/drills etc. might make things more bearable for new players.
  • Most of our work currently is on testing the upcoming update - we're ironing bugs out and getting things sorted. Most development notes below are either minor things or they're for future updates - nothing that's a work-in-progre...
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Originally posted by retrogamerX10

We needs it!

(and blood accumulating on the point side, pls)

both of these would be great, not sure why we never fixed the blood issues as well! I'll bring it up


Originally posted by SharpeHollis

I have some constructive feedback that I hope is helpful, pinging u/DrunkDwarfUK and u/Void_dk as well in case it’s beneficial.

There’s been many folks around the subreddit complaining about “bad admins” without understanding the difference between an official Mordhau staff moderator and a community server admin. Perhaps a sticky post here could help describe the difference between the two?

I’m personally aware that official moderators have a system in place and have to have a justifiable reason to take action against a player whereas community admins aren’t affiliated with Mordhau and run their servers as they please, but many players aren’t aware of this difference and I think a post detailing the differences could help others understand as well.


Edit: Fixed user tags.

Yeah, not a bad idea. I think a little sidebar improvement could be nice.


Originally posted by Branko100

Will we get another map/armor snippet before the patch drops? :)

We'll see!


Originally posted by masterpowerlord

Thanks for the awesome game!

I have had a thought for a while, but not sure if it is a good idea, so let me ask:
Might it be possible to parry/block when laying on the ground and making the "stand up move" based on a command (maybe space/jump)? I hate the fact that my knight slowly gets on all fours to stand up right before taking an axe to the kisser without me being able to do anything. Make standing up a move that the player can do. When laying down the player could parry/block only (and maybe kick) and would lose more stamina per parry/block(/kick). Teammates to the rescue! And during the "stand up animation" you cant do anything off course, but in this way the player chooses the timing. Just a humble idea and it doesn't seem unrealistic right? :)

Thanks for the awesome game!

It sounds cool, but it's pretty niche and not something we can really dedicate time to. We have to focus on big content updates and fixing issues going forwards, at least for a little bit :)

10 Aug


Hey everyone :)

As always, we're always thankful for any feedback or comments you might have about MORDHAU. Any constructive criticism, questions, feedback, comments etc. are absolutely welcome and super helpful to us!

We're skipping development notes for this week - it's pretty much just the same stuff in regards to bug fixing and working on some other miscellaneous content. This being said, we're at the stage where we think that we should be able to release the engine update sometime this month, if everything goes right. We'll be doing some testing tomorrow and we think that we've fixed a decent chunk of the issues we've been having with the engine upgrade. I'd like to apologize for this update taking so long; we thought it would be quite a bit easier than we had planned, and we didn't think we'd encounter as many bugs as we have. We're hopeful that this upcoming patch should fix quite a few issues, improve the game, and let us focus on tons of content in the futu...

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Originally posted by ILLKillYourChild

Are there any thoughts on reworking/polishing the horse and counter-horseplay?

There just needs to be an option to hold your spear in front of you so the enemies will impale if they run into you (no matter if they're on foot or on horseback). That would lead people to make formations and work together.

Horse raiders should be more flexible on the horse back so he could turn around and aim with his spear with precision. There could be a horseman perk that would make you control the horse better, allow you to turn around for 180° (at least with a bow), hold shield block while aiming the lance and etc.

I like the idea that when you blocked an incoming lance charge you got knocked to the ground and disarmed and also took some dmg. It was op but cavalry should be able to do this. Spear/pike held against it shold be not only good enough for balance but also good for making people think about making a formation to defend themseleves and cooperate (pikemen defend...

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Yeah, I think right now it's just that the horse stuff is a tiny part of the gameplay loop, and we're trying to iron out core combat issues and do code-related stuff for the engine update/etc. that's not really letting us focus on this. If we have the time I'm sure we'll take a better look at making horse combat a lot better.


Originally posted by EfficiencyInevitable

when will the executioner's hood make its return?

Spooky season :)


Originally posted by DuskDudeMan

I'm glad we are being heard and you guys aren't just acting like the mood here isn't real, I appreciate the update and hope to download it soon

Believe me, nobody wants the patch out more than I do :))


Originally posted by dikkekankertimo9000

How will the new report tools work, the current method is a real chore. I hope it will be user friendly and not just slightly less inconvenient

So, chat reporting will be super streamlined and take like two clicks, but other forms of reporting will still be manual (but with instructions, yay). We don't have stuff in place to record demos on the server side (even more packet loss if we did) but this at least gives us a good foundation to expand later if we're able to figure out ways to track other behavior.


Originally posted by storm_foam

Jax please bring up team colored glow outlines as markers! I want to be able to see people's colors but also the current yellow triangle markers are inadequate!

I think we talked about a glowy outline thing at one point, it's a decent idea :)


Originally posted by Molja-soy

I know this sounds out of place considering the late medieval/ early renaissance setting of the game, but I and I’m sure many others would like to know if you will add any bronze/iron age weapons/ armors outside of the Falx?

Eh, it's not something we're particularly interested in. There is still an insane amount of medieval stuff that's in-period we can add, so we're gonna focus on that for now.


Originally posted by sfsporic

Here's the thread in case it disappears from the front of the subreddit:

Yeah we took a look at this, it's definitely possible. The map wasn't exactly design to be played this way, but we can make something work :)