
Mordhau Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Originally posted by Superphysiological

hey please add a note for the team, don’t make the women scream or shriek like battlefield V. women screams/shrieks scientifically are one of the most grating sounds since it has always been used as an alarm of threat.

Having a frequent grating sound would subconsciously drive players away from the game.

BF1 had women death sounds that weren’t shrieks or the typical moans. The death sounds were as visceral as the male ones.

Edit: article on how screams affect the mind differently than other noises

When we add women characters into the game, our goal is to make them feel like they've been in Mordhau all along.


Originally posted by IronLegion52

Any chance that we could see some snippets of the new cosmetics Grator has been working on?

I know a few months ago there was mention of two "Chad" armour sets that were very ornamental and very expensive. I'm super interested as to what they look like.

I'll look into it!


Originally posted by Coom-guy

Make weapon sounds louder over distance to add natural ambiance to the battlefield because all we can hear right now is foppish screams from 1 kilometer

Edit: by weapon sounds I meant parry, chamber and clash sounds, shield blocks, maybe weapons hitting armour sounds

We're adding ambient battle noises at some point that trigger when there are people fighting at a distance. IIRC, actually doing distant sounds of each thing isn't viable due to some technical stuff about audio channels or something, but either way there's some cool stuff coming. Also, we're adding a ton of new sounds as well, re-mixing the audio levels, and adding ambient level sounds too. Having an actual sound guy on the team is amazing 😍

26 Jul


This has been reported a few times - I'm looking into a potential fix despite not being able to reproduce it in the editor (it works on my machine™).

20 Jul


Hey everyone!

As usual, we'd like to hear your feedback. Please be constructive when posting, but aside from that, we'd love to hear anything that's on your mind! Any feedback, constructive criticism, etc. is always welcome, and your comments are always seen by the dev team. In any case, today was a bit short of a meeting, as we're all stuck downloading updates for the game for testing. Either way, here are our meeting notes for this week:

  • We talked to our server providers, who've said that some issues that EU players have been experiencing are a result of DDOS attacks.
  • Speaking of servers, we're looking into some other hardware related changes - we'll have some more info hopefully next week.
  • We're bringing in a project manager, environment artist and level designer over the next month or so :)
  • We've improved the .pak security a bit (always nice).
  • Some work on UI is ongoing.
  • We're tweaking the catapult, which is m...
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Originally posted by AustinShagwell

Can you actually take down community servers??

We can unlist them, but we only do it for offensive server names or extreme cases.


Originally posted by HPADude

Stab drags: any plans to address them? After 2k hours, I still loathe being hit by them and feel bad when I use them. They just don't make any sense and they're janky as hell to read - plus you can make several disgusting mix-ups with them in teamfights that are almost impossible to read e.g:

  • Stab at an opponent who's 1vX against you, if he doesn't parry then let it miss, if he does then stab drag it back in

  • 50/50 stab switches. Wind up stab with spear/estoc/short spear and either throw it into the first guy or drag it into the second. Extremely difficult to punish, because an early stab chamber to try and punish the switch will just make you easy to hit with a stab drag.

I would suggest significantly reducing stab release times across the board, making the weapon do damage only while it is visibly moving forward with speed

The current plan is new animations → more combat balancing/changes.

We've kind of hit a hard limit on what we can do with the current ones via blending and timing stuff, so new animations should help in this regard, as well as some longer term goals of reducing the general recovery times, which should allow for shorter releases - essentially we're looking into "tightening up" the combat in some areas.


Originally posted by death1234567889

Can you PLEASE stop friendlies from being able to eat the chicken drumsticks on Feitoria????!!!!!

IIRC we're taking a look at noble food - I think that we are just doing balance changes to it currently, but this is something to consider (although other comments are right, that it's a fun little mini-objective).


Originally posted by Kazerz

Hey Jax,

Thank you for the weekly feedback.

I talked to Geach on Discord on how to improve communication with the community as it seems to be mostly limited to Reddit and the Discord channel, having looked at other games and how developers talk to the community about how development is going - i.e. Insurgency Sandstorm devs uses Steam announcements to post monthly Community Update blogs where they show Feedback results and content produced by the community (There was a public survey a few months back for Mordhau, the results have yet to be published publicly). They also have a blog for State of production, where they talk about the current state of development, and provides a pedestal for members of their team to discuss what's going on.

With that said, here is a list of suggestions which may help with playerbase communication:

  • Weekly feedback thread visible on the main menu (Suggested by another user called Frost, website compatibility sho...

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I think the most feasible thing is our current idea of doing regular developer streams pre-patch (and perhaps monthly in the future) which can then be posted on Steam as announcements. I'm the only PR guy on the team, so aside from being on social media I'm also in charge of all inboxes, I manage the moderation, organize tournaments and prizes, etc. and I'm also going to school full-time. 🙃 That being said, I agree that there could be some improvements.

As for SDK, it and any updates are mostly separate - once the SDK's approved we can pretty much release it (after a few tests and checks) - unfortunately this engine update has been pretty involved so that's set us back quite a bit with this one. Luckily, most of the content planned for the Eastern Invasion patch has been in development alongside this stuff, so fingers-crossed it shouldn't be as absurd of a wait in between 'em.

I think you've summed up the issue with Ranked pretty well - FL/INV is just more fun cur...

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Originally posted by KasiFlow

Female characters was a Kickstarter goal. Something like that should be way closer than past the engine update and eastern invasion. Eastern invasion is already taking ages but it's more forgivable because it wasn't even a goal that was reached. Female characters however are 2 years LATE.

Eastern Invasion was a KS goal - we showed off women characters in a trailer, but didn't get them working in the alpha. Adding male characters is somewhat easier since we don't need extra voice lines - we're trying to be as efficient as possible.


Originally posted by mrdebelius

- Please, in order to keep up with the competitors, we need new FL/INV maps and objective ASAP. I know a lot of people are asking for this, please hurry hup! I hope more maps are in development after Noria, they are what the game needs the most.

- Some more snippets would be cool!

- Among all the bugfixes and optimizations you are doing, please remember to take a look at the cloth animation bug on gtx1070 I talked you about some time ago. (fingers crossed it gets auto-fixed with engine update.

- Can we put emblems on the back of our armors in addition to on the front? (like in the back of the tabard)

  1. That's the plan, and Noria is just the most finished map that we're comfortable showing off. We did show a Brawl map on the Discord that's heavily WIP, but those take way less time to make. There are other maps in development, but we don't want to show them off just yet - if we show a map too early, it's pretty underwhelming.
  2. Yes, more incoming.
  3. We'll see - it's really low priority since it seems to be a pretty weird graphics driver issue which would take ages to diagnose. We haven't forgotten about it though.
  4. Unlikely, it would require re-doing all the armors.

19 Jul


Originally posted by FryingSauer

I wouldn’t either. Though I do remember one time I found a bunch of people watching “the Birth of a Nation” which kinda freaked me out. Guess there could be a Mordhau to Klansman pipeline lol

if you see that again, message myself or a mod - (preferably on discord, reddit's dm system is smelly) - we'll take the server down and delete the offenders from the mordhau universe :)


Originally posted by not_consistent

At first I was like well this is stupid but it just kept on giving. Good shit. Games not going anywhere. I like to think Triternion is a company that doesn't embrace any sort of "crunch" culture or whatever it is that causes burn out in other big companies so the update frequency is a bit slow. One thing I think doesn't get enough credit is just how good the game itself actually plays net code wise and in terms of stability. It just works yanno. Get the sdk into some talented hands and the game will only not die even harder.

Big true. We are working hard but there's no point for us crunching and getting burnt out - and we've been steadily bringing in new developers for a while now. We're also getting some more structure soon, with a project manager coming onboard which should help with being more efficient.


Originally posted by xXJightXx

Crush didn't do any of the code though? Crush made the animations which mesh because of the code. According to other animators, the animations are fairly simple.

Marox does the code for the combatJure is doing the new animationsCrush does gameplay balance

Crush is the person who sets up weapons, determines their stats/damage/timings, and also sets general timings and movement speeds, and when needed makes mechanics ie. miss detector. This is overly simplified as there are group decisions, decisions by Marox, group efforts, etc. but Crush does a ton of the combat stuff and directs the design on the actual swordplay in many regards.

17 Jul


Originally posted by Coom-guy

Please do a quality check of current cosmetics, many cosmetics either have their rivets or leather straps coloured by team colour. Burgundian cuirass has blue/red rivets or straps on both cuirass versions. Many other cosmetics have this same problem. I wish we had more splinted arms and leg cosmetics with upper arm chainmail and dense splinted forearm

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure it's taken care of in the next update.


Originally posted by AnarchAtheist86

People are still abusing armor cosmetics to cover up their red/blue team coloring in frontline and invasion. It makes it very difficult to tell what team they're on and really shouldn't even be possible. Please fix this

We're still looking into it. Part of the issue is that it's not feasible to go back and change every armor piece to match, so we have to figure something else out.


Originally posted by Roldieth

The achievement "Whack-A-Mole" is still broken. I've spent ages trying to complete it just to find out its currently unobtainable. No hard feelings, just want to complete my journey.

It has been fixed internally, and will be included in the next update.


Originally posted by Bodisious

Love all the customization options that are already in the game, but I had a couple more suggestions if they are possible.

First I think items with a "rust" look, similar to how we have "rusty longswords" etc spawned into some maps, but making it a metal tint how we have the black or gold armor tints unlockable. That would really look nice having some hand me down armor or peasant armor since it is degraded.

Also would love some more trim color options, like purple or an orange/red option maybe.

Love your guys work so far though!

As far as I know, the tints just change the metal color, they can't change the texture. We can look into more colors, although we're trying to stick to actual metal colors, so don't expect lime green trim :)


Originally posted by ThisFinnishguy

Anyone else having issues finding ranked 1v1 or 3v3?

1v1 takes a long time but I eventually find a match but 3v3 is like once in a blue moon for me. Really sucks cause it's such a fun game type

Unfortunately this is due to low player counts in these modes. We're looking into ways to revitalize Ranked <3