
Mordhau Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Originally posted by Dramatic_Reddit_user

This is no way an attack on the devs, I appreciate the work they do even though I might think its taking a long time. But I feel like some of the devs are sometimes speaking very unprofessionally in the Discord. Things like talking down to players or being agressive. Its leaves a sour taste :(

I'll look into that - there's no excuse for being unprofessional, but we are just humans at the end of the day. Nobody likes being insulted all the time.


Originally posted by DiscoVeridisQuo

armoury rework is at 11 months since they first started talking about it

Armory update has been taking longer than originally expected, mostly due to us making it gamepad compatible. Doing this will let us do console ports, but it also means re-coding every single button in the armory as well - not just the layout, but the entire system is going to be brand new.


Originally posted by RocvaurOfDarkCrystal

Guys we love you but please post an updated road map with estimated dates for new content, I dont care how far out the points are but some knowledge into the coming updates would make a lot of people much happier, hell just more communication in general. Again nothing against the devs but theres a critical communication issue that's splitting the community.

The issue is that at the moment we don't really know when we'll be done with any update. We know the order of things (engine update, eastern invasion, women characters and misc. content) but we can't accurately predict when this stuff will come. I'm trying my best to keep y'all up-to-date with what's going on but it's hard when we don't really know when things will be done either. If we had ETA's we'd let you know ASAP.


Originally posted by goatsedotcx



Planned with the Armory stuff 👍


Originally posted by Broc_colee

idc about how long it takes, the constant "soon :)" spam sure is getting old though

i think part of the reason why people are dissatisfied with patch timeline is lack of ETA

Yeah, I totally understand this perspective. We are hiring a project manager sometime around next month, so that should really help with our efficiency and us getting a better grip on how long things take. At the moment any ETA we give will 100% be wrong and nobody will enjoy that.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

How close are you to a point where you feel comfortable releasing the patch? Halfway? Almost done? I don't want to sound whiny but this is taking way too long.

Past halfway - we're pretty much testing and fixing issues at this point. There are a few minor things getting added last-minute but those are very simple things that aren't delaying us at all.


Originally posted by ILLKillYourChild

By "New armor and weapons are being made" - you mean brand new stuff or the stuff you've already shown us?

New skins, haven't been teased yet. We are adding the Scimitar/Sabre soon, not this coming patch but in the Eastern Invasion update.


Originally posted by DovahkiinRifleman

Could you post more snippets? Please?

yes. gonna get another shot of Noria soon from Elweb :)


Originally posted by MarioMuzza

Any plans for new voices?

At some point, probably. Voice acting is one of the most tedious things - even though we outsource it, finding a good voice actor can be really tough.


hahaha wtf

14 Jul


Originally posted by mart023

I dont know why but it just looks lazily slapped together.

Yeah.. because it's work in progress :)

13 Jul


Hey all!

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback, suggestions, constructive critiques, etc. Please refrain from sh*tposting - jokes or memes or whatever in here clutter up the thread and make it harder for legitimate suggestions to be seen. Thank you, and as usual - meeting notes! This week was focused mainly on our test build and sneaking a few last-minute additions in. This being said, our art devs have been continuing work on future updates, maps, etc. Anyways, check out the notes below:

  • We're looking at removing the toolbox from SKM - the toolbox is great for defending an objective and but in a round based mode it doesn't have much utility outside of stalling rounds.
  • Our localization team is doing in-game QA passes. Translating a massive list of strings vs. seeing how they appear in game are two different things, so they should be improving things soon.
  • Some misc. technical/backend stuff (as always) has been worked on. Engine rebuild...
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12 Jul


Originally posted by NajoNajavo

I have a question: When the Eastern themed expansion drops, will it feature N. African and Middle Eastern ethnicities, or are you doubling down on your American-tier miseducation and are going to depict N. Africans/Moors/Berbers as sub-Saharans?

Here are some contemporary depictions of "Moors" as they invaded/occupied Spain:

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We're adding a variety of skin tones 👍


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

We experimenting with changing fire pits to have a limited duration, as they're a huge damage increase for engineers with virtually no risk or downside. We'll see what we come up with.

Why do you guys hate engineers so much?

Hardly anyone uses firepits. You have to first build the mounted crossbow, then make your way back to the ammo box, then go back to the crossbow. If the frontline hasn’t moved forward meaning the enemy is out of range, or if the enemy hasn’t pushed your team back and destroyed the crossbow, then you can place the firepit. But at that point, it was all a waste of time. Furthermore, the fire barely deals any extra damage to players, and is only useful for wood damage. If that wasn’t enough, the fire arrows are highly visible, giving your position away.

If you make firepits time-limited, it will also have an immense impact on roleplayers who like to have a fire to sit around and warm their h...

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the main reason is because firepit + mounted crossbow = dead noble in like 3 seconds

also, on some maps (mountain peak is a good example) you spawn and are met by like 3 machinegun emplacements of buildable ballistas, and there's nothing you can do about em. What we want to do is to allow the engineer to get some kills, and then requiring them to go re-stock before they can do it again. At the moment an experienced engineer is untouchable unless someone gets into melee range.


Originally posted by 2unguska

Release cosmetics. You guys need to feed us more often. That's how zoo works. In EU at least.

We can't realllly do mini-patches at the moment that are just cosmetic drops - but we do try to include cosmetics in each update! This upcoming one should have some good stuff :)


Originally posted by death1234567889

I remember a mod or someone else saying there was a way to create a report of the server if you're getting ping issues as this is more useful than just saying you're having ping issues. Could you remind me how this is done?

It's WinMTR - there are instructions on our discord (where you need to send the reports to anyways) - try !servers or !winMTR in the tech support, channel and it'll show ya what to do :)


Originally posted by 7dayban

Any update on the multiple limb amputation test? Nothing hyped me more than the thought of cleaving both a dudes legs off in one swing, or lopping off a dudes outstretched arms.

I think (?) it's more or less done, I'll check though :)


That's most likely the idea in the future!

This engine update will support new lighting versions, but we have to split the lighting/map/mode - that, and also we need to of course make night versions/etc. It's on the list of things to do!

07 Jul


We're actively working on console ports, yes. :)


Originally posted by NoneOfUsKnowJackShit

Joined a crossroads game and immediately got killed by a horse, so i went to get on one and saw this guy (beegnyss) at spawn killing all the horses. I'll let you read the chat and see his response. TLDR, basically he said he was a developer and that he was allowed to kill the horses. I'm not sure why they would even add the horses if they're going to pull some bullshit like this. It's not a big deal, because i dont ride the horses that much, it's more the principal of it. But for the people who bought the game and enjoy riding the horses, this kinda f**ked up. We tried kicking him, but it wouldn't allow us to call the vote because of his "Developer" status. Some players left because of it. It's a good way to get your player base to stop playing your game and switch over to your recently released competition. Anyone else deal with this kind of shit?

he's not a dev, if you've got playerlist we can MURDER

(or just do a 3 day ban for light griefing)