
Mordhau Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by Wardens_Guard

Will any of the older maps be reworked in the future to flow better and have more interesting objectives? I know a revision to Castello is in the works, so will any other maps get future updates? Id really enjoy if there were more ways to interact with the maps added in the future as well, Maybe breakable stone walls on certain areas that you could try and break through similarly to the rocks in the feitoria tunnel?

As of now, Mountain Peak and Castello are getting changes - we're not looking much at destruction stuff, but opening things up in other ways is a priority.


Originally posted by soobidoobi

Allow for customizable team colours, im so done with neon red vs neon blue and I know lots of people are too.

I'll bring it up at our next meeting. We've talked a bit about it, but haven't made a decision as of now.


Originally posted by Lefty_Gamer

I'll just reiterate my question from last week. You mentioned Grator and his team were working on 're-proportioning' some older cosmetics. Could we get a list of what he's planning on redoing, so that we may add to it, and an example, if there's any done, to know what we can expect?

I'll check in and ask him 👍

22 Jun


Hey all!

As usual, we'd love to hear any feedback and questions you all may have. Please keep things on-topic; joke posts tend to clutter the feedback and drown out actual suggestions. As for this week, we had a pretty short meeting; a few of the developers had some obligations to attend to, but overall development is still ongoing. A lot of work has been accomplished on tasks from previous weeks, and hopefully soon we'll have a decent idea of the timeframe for beginning the testing phase of our next update. I'll be releasing some snippets (most likely tomorrow) on the official Discord, Twitter and here - so stay tuned!

Anyways, here's some notes from today's meeting:

  • SDK verification is still ongoing.
  • Some misc. stuff has been fixed up, and Battlefield has been working on some support for making sure the BR mode still works with our next update.
  • Continued optimization on certain maps, with some recent changes this h...
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Originally posted by VoevodaGorbunov

There is one point that, as it seems to me, is worth correcting.

We have the flesh wound perk in the game, which works like this - if you received a fatal blow (not on the head), then you can run around for a few seconds with the ability to kill someone.

If you do not have this perk, then a fatal blow to any part of the body will kill you. It doesn't matter if the last blow was struck in the arm or in the leg - you die.

What I suggest is that the flesh wound perk should be default. That is, if you receive a fatal blow to the head or body, you die, but if this damage is received by an arm or leg, you run / crawl and scream for a few seconds. And yes, you can have time to kill someone.The non-default perk should increase your life time after a fatal blow by 5 seconds, as well as you do not die when receiving a fatal blow, not only on the legs and arms, but also on the body.Let's summarize what we get:

  1. Default perk Flesh Wound (should be built-in ...
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We're not looking to make flesh wound a default perk - it's fine if a few people are using it, but it being default makes the combat a bit confusing and slow.


Originally posted by MaximusProxi

Triternion why are you guys so slow on the development u are listing the same old stuff every week.. U can't be serious about releasing a handfull of skins and 1 map in a whole year?! I'm sorry but what are you doing all day long?

I was hoping Chiv 2 release would wake u up but nothing happend as we can see.. Honestly wondering how long this will work out for you.

Usually, development on features and content takes longer than a week. We're working as hard as we can.


Originally posted by Puilus

The chat is frequently really, really toxic and racist which I think drives many people away from the game, especially new players. I know the option is there to mute people, but I don't think many people know how to do that. Maybe a ban on certain keywords in order to prevent it. People love to rant about religion and politics which I think does the game bad.

We've implemented some basic filters - we're adding incrementally to this, as we don't want to go overkill and have people muted unintentionally. We're also adding in-game reporting in the future 👍


Originally posted by baaraduda

Can there be an option where we can have mid swing left and mid swing right on different keys while lower and upper strike left-right directions are still by looking?

it would be cool, but at this point we're not really looking to add more options - there are a ton of semi-niche user preferences and we can't support all of them :(


Originally posted by Pazoom2019

  • A bug relating to fleshwound (right arm being severed causing the player to not be able to do anything) has been identified and fixed internally.

I'm curious why this was a problem? It seems fitting to the perk that you risk getting your arm chopped off and not be able to use it. Or do you actually mean not able to do anything at all?

what was intended:
if you no longer have a right arm, you can't ghost-punch people
what happened:
if you no longer have a right arm, you can't punch at all

this will be fixed in the next update :)


Originally posted by VoevodaGorbunov

This week I will limit myself to just one simple question:

When will I and my fellow countrymen be able to incarnate in these warriors (especially those circled in blue)?\_TMHRg/P5KtEDzUyc8.jpg?size=515x624&quality=96&sign=cc436ac54fc221b84b956c54fdbc708a&type=album

Of course, I tried to implement this image, but this is still not what we need. Thank you!


Some of the stuff coming in the Eastern Invasion patch should work pretty well - some of it is Arabic in origin, but there's a lot of visually similar overlap in Varangian/Eastern European/Arabic armor, so it could work out.


Originally posted by Coom-guy

Please consider changing the character behaviour when falling over from height so instead of ragdolling you fall over and stand up with a custom animation and do the same for when you fall of the horse and maybe some other things. I think the game would benefit from the visual realism if you added animations instead of using ragdolls for everything. Also make so that bots that climb ladders near you dont ragdoll you but stun you or something. Btw I don't see anything wrong with the new flourish animation. The old one was awful

This is a good point, thanks a ton :)


Originally posted by HerrPlagueDoktor

Would love to see a war dart/ fletched javelin skin for the javelin, maybe something like these?

Oooh, neat!


Originally posted by zeroxthegrim

So I was playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance and I was thinking that Mordhau combat system would make that game perfect. What I am trying to say is that you made this amazing combat system and if it would be possible to somehow export it to other games. Just imagine an RPG or MMORPG with Mordhau's combat. If this combat system lives and dies only inside Mordhau it would be an absolute waste

Yeah, I wish we could just plop our combat into something like Skyrim :D

This being said our combat formula for MORDHAU is 100% designed around arena-style PVP as a priority, so it wouldn't work at all in something larger scale like Mount and Blade. For something like that we'd definitely need some major changes, but having the hit-tracer system is something I hope more games adopt :)


Originally posted by Stage_5_Autism

The delay to activate parry should be reduced. Parrying stupidly fast accels are already hard enough to do, you cant rely on the grunt the person makes as the audio reaction time to do that is literally faster than what the human is capable of reacting to, and you cant block before hand as they can easily feint it. When you put on top of that a delay until the parry begins, it just worsens this. It makes no sense why its there. If somebody reacts at the last second, why should his parry be ignored? Accels by far are the most annoying thing to counter, but this can be fixed with reducing the delay when parrying.

This whole game is set around precise timings, super fast accels, super slow drags, to add a delayed time until your parry is finalized just makes it basically impossible to react to an accel thrown out of nowhere, and it is what makes feinting more powerful than it should be. When you on top of that add ping people have, certain accels are downright impossible to b...

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There is only a visual delay - the moment you press your parry key, your parry is active.


Originally posted by DovahkiinRifleman

Any plans for horse caparison customization in the future? It wouldn’t be much of roleplaying to have a teutonic knight loadout, for exemple, on top of a horse with a blue and white/red and black caparison. In fact, a system of horse customization would not only fit the upcoming Eastern Invasion update, it would be an overhaul amazing addition to the game.

Horse customization would be super cool - at the moment we don't have the code in place to make it actually work, but it's something we can consider in the future potentially. One potential issue is that we already have a huge amount of cosmetic slots that you can customize - we do a bit of trickery to optimize this but the more options the player has for customization, the more potential performance impact if we're not careful. This is why we're not looking to add scabbards or more cosmetic slots on characters, and might prevent us from doing so with horses.


Originally posted by BurgerKid

Well I’m glad you’re back and full of energy, I always look forward to these posts every week! Awesome stuff gentlemen, can’t wait to see the new changes and fixes and all the new cosmetics! I always ask and I figured you can’t really answer specifically, but are you hoping to have this drop this summer or in Q3?

We plan on the next update in the "near future", and then Eastern Invasion is TBD.

For the next update there isn't all too much left until we start testing, and we'll have a better idea on progress once we've seen if there are tons of issues or not.


Originally posted by needlzor

Maybe a stupid idea and I'd love for people to tell me why if it is, but I'd love it if 80 player servers were removed and instead there was some bot padding to make the fights feel bigger with fewer players.

actually, bots are harder on the server than players


Originally posted by Sir_Bang_Alotz

Would it be possible to set a "special attack" for some weapons? I personally think you should be able to plant your halberd or Spear into the ground to brace against calvary. Maybe have the ability to use the Mordhau Grip fighting style on other swords like the Messer and greatsword.

I personally think all weapons should be able to be thrown again back to my "special attack" idea. Hell maybe just make it so holding R will throw the weapon. Perhaps all weapons with the exceptions of Zweihander, Polehammer, Spear etc. Basically all but the absolute largest weapons.

What about a true overhead strike? You lift your weapon directly over your head and slam it down. Could be balanced due to low Accel and drag ability for turn manipulation. Could do higher damage in exchange for a high stamina cost, no ability to combo, and if missed leads to a slightly longer parry cooldown.

Perhaps make the battlefield more brutal. What if they added onto the gore system. More...

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Something like this would be cool, but it's a lot of work. I personally would love to see it, but IMO we should fix some core combat issues before adding more variables in. One thing I and a few other devs have been vocal about is wanting to add more interesting mechanics and actions to the combat; obviously these would need to be balanced, but right now the game is manipulating a stab or swing, kicking or parrying. There are no cool "special" things you can do aside from those, and adding some new actions in would be an interesting idea.


Originally posted by Jaykila713

You know what would be great? Different teams other than just red and blue fighting each other, like why cant there be purple vs green or yellow vs brown or maybe even black vs white? Maybe even mox match the teams so a random color is fighting a random color. Seeing red vs blue always fight eachother in every game kinda gets stale

The linked mod below is nice, and we're looking into colorblind options as well.


Originally posted by Jamcakes_

Why is the 80 player "experiment" still running after a whole year? 30 tick simply can't support this kind of combat, a player can do everything right and still fail because the server can't keep up which is confusing as hell for new players generally feels awful, let alone the packet loss issues 30 tick exacerbates. The 80 player servers are also an optical nightmare for the game, despite Mordhau having superb netcode these servers are giving people the impression the whole game is a clunky mess with poor netcode because they get matchmade onto these servers. Most players are very casual and use matchmaking, they don't probably don't even realise the difference between 48 and 80, just that some severs are good and most of the servers they play are bad, because the nature of high playercount means the 80 player servers suck up the playerbase and leave the 48 player servers with lower playercounts than they otherwise should have, diminishing the qua...

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We will be making some decisions on this soon :)