
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 May


i have personally contacted the team and instructed them to never patch this

25 May


As always, we're eager to hear your thoughts on MORDHAU! Any suggestions, questions, comments/concerns, etc. are all welcome! We've addressed quite a few things you've brought to our attention, so keep it coming :)

As for development, we're mostly focused on the next update, which will be another tech-focused one, with the engine upgrade being a priority. Without jinxing it, the engine stuff is actually moving a bit faster than we've planned so we might be missing a little bit of content we figured we'd have time to work on! Moving forwards post-update, we'll be prioritizing more maps, gameplay/balance improvements and general content.
Our notes from this week:

  • The UE4 engine upgrading is going relatively smooth - a few critical bugs as expected, but these are being ironed out pretty quickly. The upgrade will help pave the way for future updates and make our lives a lot easier.
  • Work is continuing on FL/INV variations, which should pro...
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Originally posted by knihT-dooG

How do you plan on handling the upcoming competition?

keep working hard and improving mordhau :)


Originally posted by Arcadeseacher

Probably a good idea to add a feature to collapse the categories in cosmetic menus since there are so many items now. At least for helmets and body armor.

UI armory rework will hopefully resolve it 👍


Originally posted by payl0ad

Can I just say that Patch 21 is, with a significant margin, the best the combat has ever felt?

More sound improvements are in development.

I want the old Ballista and Arrow impact sounds back. Most importantly the Ballista, getting sniped with those things feels really weird now because the impact sound is less of a "SPLAT" and more of a "thhhwish" and I always have to look twice to see what killed me. Before the sound changes, that was rather obvious, and even felt better.

Another question: Can we potentially get a 48p version of FL_Castello (with some areas just locked off, to make the map smaller)? Even on full servers it often devolves into a walking simulator.

IMO spawn corrections are still needed, I believe we're working on it


Originally posted by BambusleitungTV

nerf the messer overshoulder acceleration

make folders for loadouts

make a "random" option for loadouts, so you can play with a different character all the time

folders are planned, new animations are in progress. A random selection of YOUR loadouts could be possible, but not completely random loadouts, or you'd end up getting something like 303 + kite shield + crossbow or other stupid combos


Originally posted by Father_Deerhands

hey Jax, quick cosmetic suggestion from me:

Could more gorget options be looked at for the future? the footsoldier's and regular gorget can't have their rivets or cloth recolored and the veteran's gorget doesn't fit very well with most chestpieces. it's a pretty minor thing but more neck options would be pretty nice to see

yeah, i like the idea :)


Originally posted by jak4896

One thing I think would be cool, is that when you have a shield you use it for bashing instead of throwing out a kick. Adds nothing major, but it just kinda bugs me realism wise when you have a big ol shield and you’re still throwing your leg out there.

ideally, we'd like to add in bashes with a new mechanic that works across all weapon combos. not sure if/when we'd work on that, but that's the running idea :)


Originally posted by Murockey

What do you think about nobles/ kings etc. not being able to be kicked? When I got to be the King on mountain peak for the first time I was kick voted after two minutes by some troll. I think I don't have to elaborate why this can be annoying. Thanks for the feedback. :)

I think we just need some major changes to the vote kicking stuff, but yeah it's something we can discuss :)


Originally posted by mak0z

Repeating myself, because i think this is pretty important for smaller playerbases.

Can we have few full servers instead lots of half full servers. Example

Yeah, we can look into it. The thing is that we can't just pop servers on and off super quickly, so having extra empty ones is good to deal with peak hours and random spikes.


Originally posted by W1ldwestern

Is there work being done to make the ai more intelligent in combat or is it mainly the pathfinding that is being fixed? Noticed that they hang on some corners and can't free themselves.

a little bit of both, also we're looking to prevent the murder-conga-lines of bots walking in a line behind one another, and then the leader gets stuck causing a pileup


Originally posted by PacJeans

In the upcoming armory changes do you guys plan on making a feature to allow weapons to start in there alt mode by default? I only use the war hammer and other weapons in alt mode, it would be a really nice qol improvement to not have to hit r everytime I spawned.

I'll ask again, I think it would be a nice addition if we can squeeze it in. It's a minor inconvenience, but people tend to die and respawn a lot so it's a very common issue as well.


Originally posted by mrdebelius

Hello u/Jaaxxxxon, I have some questions and a thing to bring to your attention.


some very early experimentation with team colors is underway.

What kind of experimentation? Can you tell us more, what are you experimenting?

2) What will updating UE4 (you mentioned updating from 4.20 to 4.25 iirc, didn't you?) concretely bring to the game? Will we, players, be able to notice any difference? (better physics, animations, lightning and so on)

3) I have a GTX 1070 and I have some troubles with cloth physics, which I know have been reported by other players as well. I have "cloth physics" set on "all" in the in game settings, if I check in the console I have p.clothphysics set to 1 and r.skeletalmeshlodbias is 0, every other setting is on ultra and the game runs smoothly at 60fps 1440p. The problem is that I see no cloth animation in game: all cloths, skirts, and especially tabards looks like ...

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  1. Right now, we're just looking at options for color swapping and integrating options into the game. At the moment, there's no colorblind options, etc. so having some features would be nice.
  2. Some help with DDOS protection, waaay superior environment lighting systems (which will let us do time-of-day variations), potentially some network improvements (?) and general improvements. Our philospohy is usually a yearly engine update to 'catch up' to a newer version, Epic continually improves things with the engine and it saves us work :)
  3. It's a known issue with 1070's, we're not sure why it happens but as far as we know it's tied to that specific GPU.

19 May


Originally posted by soobidoobi

These weekly posts are literally always the exact same. Same info, same points haha

usually, we can't develop an entire feature in a week :)) haha


Originally posted by yesiamyourgod

Will there ever be a way to scroll on the scoreboard via tab?


that is what the scoreboard improvements are - pressing your parry keybind (by default, should be able to be rebound) will let you scroll around and do super cool scoreboard things


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

What exactly did you Devs shadowchanged in the last Update with the Voicelines?

I play with Controller and many Actions had Voiceline-Macros, like running was battlecries - attacking - insults etc., now a lot of them doesnt work anymore, because the timing doesnt seem to work

the tool i use is not capable to add timewindows between button-presses, but voicelines-macros were still working before the update, now its broken..

what exactly was changed?

I'll be honest with you, I don't think we intentionally changed anything there - we don't do 'sneaky' patches, as being transparent usually gets us better feedback. We probably changed some sort of random backend code and it affected something else?

Ehh either way I'll be sure to bring this up to the dev team, there is a chance I missed something.


Originally posted by aquilaPUR

Can you guys fix the spawns for Brawl on regular maps?

You spawn waaay too far away from the action and spending half the game running isn't exactly fun.

Hey! Actually had one of our devs, Vins, reached out to me about this :)

He's already fixed spawn points on most brawl maps internally (not currently in the live build/ actual game, but the changes will be included with the next update) minus about one or two maps, which are being worked on. :))


Hello all, sorry for the late post!

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback. We've gathered a ton of useful data recently from you all (both here and on the discord) and we'd love to keep hearing what ideas you've got for the game! Any questions, comments, feedback, constructive criticisms, etc. are absolutely welcome! If you're unsure about something already being asked, you can always check back and see if it's been answered in the previous posts, but I don't mind repeating myself too much :D.

Anyways, meeting notes!

  • We've been hard at work on overhauling our pretty annoying report system to an automated, in-game alternative. Some development on screenshot reporting, etc. for in-game actions is being worked on. We're not sure how advanced we'll be getting with this, but we're hoping to crack down even harder on racism, toxicity, etc. within matches and the community as a whole. A quick count shows that we've muted about 9,000 accounts for bre...
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18 May


Originally posted by forritz

Thanks now I am going to pick low cruel voice and seek out low level default class team members for loadout points

seekin out getting clapped by the moderators too



Originally posted by ThatOtherRedditMann

Hey Jax, can you balance the poleaxe please? It’s really overpowered atm, as the animations are busted, and the hit manip is stupid. Thanks, every competitive player in existence.

(cries in paxe is my favorite weapon) okay, sure