
Mordhau Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by Strider2126

Why can't you aknowledge that also EU has packet loss problems? What you said it's not true at all

We're looking into it 👍


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

Also, some helmets (mostly newer ones like the vanguard kettles) have some clipping with certain neck pieces that look like they could easily be fixed.

examples would be great :)


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Do you have any plans to go back and allow more armor combinations? For instance i see no reason why the black sallet can't be equipped with the regular aventail, or why alot of shoes are blocked off from alot of legs.

9 times out of 10 it's due to clipping


Originally posted by Murockey

Any plans or thoughts about new mounts? Camels, war elephants, different horse breeds?

Not a huge priority at the moment, but we could look into it in the future 👍


Originally posted by Lefty_Gamer

Edited with links for almost all suggestions :)

Edit1: Uh nvm I guess my hyperlinks didnt work :(

Edit2: Most of them should work properly, hopefully.

thanks boss

13 May


Originally posted by Noah_Dventure

Hi, I'm having some problems with the flesh wound perk, I don't know if it's a bug or a intended feature but if my right arm gets chopped off I can't punch with my left arm and vice versa! It was dumb that you could punch with an invisble arm before the patch so I'm glad that got changed! But it really annoys me that I can't use my remaining arm to punch, can't even kick now if I remember correctly! If my leg got chopped off it would make sense that I can't kick but the way it's now just annoys the hell out of me lol. Would love to know if it's just a bug or intended "feature"?

I'll ask if we can change this, I agree that ghost arm punches are weird but if we could lock the attack side, that'd be great.


Originally posted by soobidoobi

Wtf does “totally black” characters mean? Lmfao.

Still dosent make much sense to add any of this into a medieval game but sure. Ive made some kind of peace with it.

Normally I'd delete this, but instead here's a learning opportunity.

Go look up "moors in spain" :)


Originally posted by EverlastingResidue

And progress on the new totally female and totally black characters?

Uhh, a bit weird on the wording there but:

Females will come later, after POC characters. They just need a bit more work with matching the bodies up to the existing armor pieces and making sure things scale properly, are rigged and weighted etc. with different proportions. The face model exists already, but we'll need to make it work with our extremely cursed facial customization too :) Also, we're searching for VA's at the moment and we'll want to have good voices.


Originally posted by Lefty_Gamer

Hey Jax, thanks for doing the weekly feedback threads, I just have a few more thematic 13th century cosmetic suggestions to offer.

-Non Articulated Poleyns & Couters: Some of the earliest additions of plate over mail during the 13th century were non-articulated poleyns and (later) couters strapped on over mail to protect the knees and elbows. I know we have the 'Padded Chainmail' Legs & Arms to cover this already, it'd be cool, and simple since the plate piece models are good already, to have them over just mail without the padded backing (Aside from Gamboised Cuisse, which ...

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Hey! With cosmetics, links or references are always great. You can also post some of those on the discord, grator and the other art devs look a lot for references there :)


Originally posted by WikiContributor83

I still would like to see more emblems, preferably ones based on Heraldry and not just random generic emblems from popular culture or even the Mordhau community.

Yeah, it's been noted. We're looking into some!


Originally posted by DovahkiinRifleman

Is the Eastern Invasion patch coming after the next one? Or will It be probably closer to the end of the year?

The things we need to do are:
- Engine update improvements
- Eastern invasion

So ideally that means one update and then the one after is Eastern Invasion, the actual update cycle might not line up perfectly with two patches (it should) but those are the two goals we have set.

12 May


Originally posted by Miltawne

Ragdolled players become impossible to hit because their hitbox is juxtaposed somewhere else in relation to the model.

I believe we fixed a bug with ragdolls which then revealed an underlying issue that's been around but hidden by the other bug. Kinda confusing but either way we're looking into it 👍

11 May


Originally posted by Nihhrt

The servers are doing much better so I'm glad to see that! I've even seen some day 1 guys come back because things are stable again.

Is there any workings on the AI for the various NPC nobles? I think they still just chill with you if you get up close to them sometimes.

happy server noises :)))

Yeah, we're working on AI stuff. We broke a few things that need to be fixed.


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

Any new information on the status of fire pots? They really need to have a boost in structure damage in order to deal with some of the out of bounds catapults on a few of the maps.

that's really just us needing to fix the catapult issues, toolbox already got big nerfs recently and buffing firebombs would nerf the engineers into the earth's core


Originally posted by doreato

  • Servers much better thank you
  • Inviting players to Invasion matches is miserable, won't join automatically if group, can't join in game sometimes, can't join from steam friends please fix this
  • Discord integration is broken since 7.29. I used to be able to get into the game, put a group invite in the chat and have people join from it. It was very convenient and worked better than inviting in game.

player invite stuff is due to us swapping from steam's API to Playfab, which was a needed change. we'll be looking into these issues going forwards, IIRC we already have some objectives set for fixing partying issues, etc.


Originally posted by rein_not_reign

Hi Jaxxie! Hope you're doing great :)

What happened to the SDK? :(
As a former Skyrim modder I'm eager to begin working on quality content like Better Bouncing Carrots

we are waiting on verification by epic :) carrot mods soon™


Hi all,

Hopefully things are looking a bit better, in terms of servers. We're still working on fixes, as well as adding new stuff in for upcoming patches. In any case, if you've got any suggestions - please post them here! Any feedback, (constructive) criticism, comments or concerns are welcome here.

  • Battlefield has been working on some powerful reporting tools that should allow us to clean things up super easily ;)
  • Work continues on the combat animations - 1-handers are a big focus as well.
  • We had another meeting with our server providers. They determined that it's pretty much all DDOS attacks and our provider has switched to a different service for us that can potentially cope with the attacks. (This is what happened to NA Central/East servers). We've now done this for NA West servers. As far as we know the specific issue that NA servers had weren't actually happening to EU or other region's servers, but if you all are getting server issu...
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10 May


Originally posted by Pygex

Hi there, long time toolbox player here, been loving the changes to structures so far (fire pit, new wall and bigger spikes).

If there is one thing I would change it's the Blacksmith Hammer and Smith.

Blacksmith Hammer costs too much and takes up one loadout slot. For fast repairs it's better to take the Heavy Handaxe as it is safer, has better reach and nearly the same repair speed and for some off action repairs Mallet does the job. The Blacksmith Hammer should be merged with the Warhammer or then the cost reduced to 2 points so that it is just a straight upgrade to the Mallet taking twice it's point cost.

The Smith perk is absolutely useless for anything else than trolling. If one would increase the repair effectiveness more it would just make some random structure stalemates even more stale so I don't think that's the way to go. I would change Smith so that it allows you to break down weapons on the ground with a repair strike for 2 supplies. This ...

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That could be neat re: smith perk, i'll ask if it's even possible :)


Originally posted by Er3st0r

Ok, so to suggest some minor changes mainly for QOL:

  • Commander/warden/noble does not experience the red flinch thing in the corners of the screen and no grunt either when getting hit by teammates. This is to prevent teammates just accidentally hitting the commander, and the commander struggles to recognise whether it was an enemy or an ally.
  • A perk that makes ANY bow you pick up have full ammo for that weapon, instead of the usual 3-5 that you get currently.
  • Being able to queue for ranked while playing other gamemodes. In less populated regions such as Oceania (where I play in) it takes a while to find a ranked match. It would be really good to have a matchmaking system like team fortress 2 does, where you can queue for a certain gamemode (ranked duels in this case) while playing on a duel server or a frontline match.

I am really looking forward to the Eastern invasion update, so keep up the good work!

I'll talk to the team about these, thanks!