
Mordhau Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by Healthy_Yesterday_84

Kill cam please. The game has a high learning curve and this would help with improving and knowing what you did wrong or what another player did right. Having played FPS games, it makes the game feel like in early release.

A kill cam would be cool, but it might end up not displaying what actually happened correctly (since it would come from the POV of the server, not the other player). We can look into it, but at the moment I don't think we'd be able to work on this :(


Originally posted by ChilliadMan

Allow us to gain money from Solo Horde Mode. When ping is too high I have to play "offline" so I go to a horde with bots. I might kill 400 enemies alone and it sucks to not receive any money. Also more money from all matches and horde, the store items are very high priced so either lower the price or raise the amount of money we get. 21 rounds and over 1k enemies killed I should receive more than 1-3k. Oh and a revive friend or lives system would be nice too. Other than that still LOVE THIS GAME!

Doing gold for offline isn't something that's possible, because people would be able to glitch the system and get infinite gold if that was the case. Right now the servers make sure you're not cheating in gold, so we can't change that. :(


Originally posted by Destralnar

With the amount of massive gold sinks already in the game, and the numerous shown in the preview stream, the raw game time required to get these cosmetics is becoming a little ridiculous . Are there any plans to update the gold system to accommodate for this? Personally, what I'd like to see most are quests, both daily and weekly. They could be "Get X kills with X" or "Do X in X gamemode" or some more creative ones using utility items like bear traps or medkits. I'd like to see them random, but there should be a limited re-roll system in case you get the quarterstaff. I think it promotes diversity in the game, gives incentive to return daily/weekly, and lays out fun challenges. Beyond just quests, there are a number numerical changes that could be made that I think incentivizes trying other gamemodes or trying to win. You could give more gold for wins, give more gold for more kills/higher scoreboard placement, give more gold for duels/3v3 at higher ranks, and just more gold for tho...

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Well, the idea is to "pick and choose" the cosmetics you want, instead of collecting all of them. We don't want every player to get all the fanciest looking stuff, because at that point nobody would feel special - if that makes any sense. We do plan on doing more 2X gold/xp events in the future though :)


Originally posted by Kryptografik

Invasion needs a TK forgive button that negates TK % or something. Or only allow kick votes at a certain threshold % of TKs. Maybe abused isn't the right word, but the vote kicking is starting to get rampant, and not in a good way. I'm not that smart, maybe there's a better way to do it, but I think it something that needs to be looked at.

We're looking into changes to the team damage calculation, as well as vote kick stuff as well.


Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

u/Jaaxxxxon anything about ddos fixes? Servers are crapping themselves (at least in EST) multiple times a game, for some reason it always seems to mainly affect one team as well which is kind of weird

The engine update we do after this one will have DDOS protection - we'd like to roll it out sooner but this update has taken longer than expected, and there are some improvements we don't want to wait on implementing.


Originally posted by faredelisi

Will there be a teaser for the new big patches

Yes, for content updates we'll have trailers. We can't really make a cool hype trailer out of SDK stuff and bugfixes, though :D


Originally posted by MaximusProxi

I think you should do a cost overhaul in general, it's quite lame to have the majority of skins sitting at 5k and below but then put a plume on it and make it 10x-20x the value.

There are so many cool skins that can be unlocked on the fly, increasing cost would make people much more appreciate them..

And yes having visor open/closed as 2 different helmets is a bit silly in my opinion...

What I don't like is having different parts of weapons hidden behind "skin unlocks". For example the Battle Axe where you can buy the raider skin for example and only after that u can get different heads and shafts which you couldn't see before. Would be nice if you could show these additional options all the time but add a note that you have to unlock that and that beforehand. Because I don't wanna unlock all skins so that i can see what else there is to buy..

The reason to inflate the plume prices is so that EVERYONE isn't wearing the plume - it makes the items have more 'value', as the rare/fancy looking items aren't always the most common.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Superphysiological

Does anyone know how the cocaine crush meme started? Did giru find out he actually does coke or something?

I think uhh Crush mentioned looking into buying a house at some point and people ran with that


Originally posted by Theoulios

I know it's selfish, but as an estoc main I feel the weapon is in a awkward spot, I do find the damage on the strikes(lvl 3 armor) completely understandable, but the damage on the stabs should for no reason be 38(cause 38+38+20=96)the same as the bastard sword. Therefore I think the damage should be at least 40(lvl 3 torso) and, although it would need testing, 60 in the head (lvl 3 head) cause landing a thrust at high lvl duels is harder than landing a strike.

P. S. My thanks to the team for making such an excellent game!

Yeah so I think the reasoning (I haven't specifically asked crush about the details of every weapon) is that it's pretty long and overall just good in terms of handling, so it's a lot easier to get hits in with it when compared to other weapons. Stab weapons in general are in a weird spot due to a bunch of things like animations, chamber stuff, etc. so I think the balance of the estoc will change a bit more once those fundamental gameplay issues get sorted.


Originally posted by MusicalNoises

Thank you for all the hard work!



Originally posted by SirXarounTheFrenchy

You spoke about folders being implemented for the the armoury. When do you think this will come live ?

We have an update that is coming very soon (pretty much content locked on it), but the armory rework still has a decent amount of work needed. Atm it's mostly feature complete with the backend code but it needs quite a lot of testing, polish, some design improvements and a few other various things. So with that being said, it won't be in the very next update, but most likely in the one afterwards.


Originally posted by MinimumCritical4058

MinimumCritical4058 6 days ago

Is it possible to increase attribute points so players with tank perk and full 3/3/3 armor can also use a spear?

Thank you sir.

needlzor Young 3 days ago

That's a bad idea, but OTOH the spear costs way too much for what it is. It's a worse halberd, it should cost between 20 and 25 points at most and not 27.

Wardens_Guard 6 days ago

Could you rebalance the point costs so weapons dont arbitrarily cost more for no apparent reason, if there is actually a reason why a spear should cost 27 points and then something like the war axe only costs 15 points, id be happy for an explanation. Point costs just really dont seem to make much sense to me considering a lot of weapons dont seem to be balanced around their point costs.

Reposting the above from last week's thread; hope the devs see this as it shouldnt be too difficult to implement

We're not looking to let tank use that combo as far as I know, but we do plan on some balancing to point costs and weapon attributes already. I think the war axe is getting an actual nerf so it is more in-line with the point costs, but don't quote me on that. Either way, we know some weapons are problematic and we're going to adjust them.


Originally posted by EpicOverwatch

“Side note, this patch isn’t going to be content-heavy” If Grator has a bunch of content already finished and ready to ship, and a look at his Digital Coalition page shows he clearly goes. I get some things like the Islamic and Cuman armor, as well as the tabards, but what about the renaissance stuff? The tier 3 Kettle shown off, et cetera. Assuming this patch ships sometime in April, and Eastern expansion comes in the next 3-4 months, that’ll be damn close to a year between major content updates. Why hold back armor sets and content that is visibly ready to ship when the game is already gone a fairly long time without a major content update?

Okay so some things will be coming, but we plan on doing a big eastern/crusader patch in the future, followed by a renaissance or later medieval patch afterwards.

We've kind of come to the realization that bigger, themed updates are a better bang for our buck and are received better - that being said, we're not abandoning the idea of some interim items, because they do let us be a it more flexible with how they're released.


Originally posted by rocknin

I played a bunch at launch but lost interest because frontlines wasn't my deal.

invasion is a massive improvement, but I feel like it's absolutely grueling playing attack on invasion.

pushing a cart/siege tower works well enough. kill the peasants is fun. burn stuff works well enough.

pickup and walk stuff is just a slog. instead of having fun or having to fight tactically, you just have to start walking and hope your team has your back. obviously the core of the issue is you're defenseless, but another is that dropping it to fight someone off only brings out your fists, so you have to drop the obj with enough time to swap weapons, win a fight, then pick it back up and keep moving. making it so you'd auto pull out the last weapon you were using before it would be a big change in the right direction without trivializing the objective, IMO.

fighting the nobles is an odd bag, because design wise it means that defense on a map that ends with the objectiv...

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Yeah so these are some good points. Touching on the nobles, we're probably going to shift new objectives a bit more away from them as they aren't really even that fun for the noble themselves; personally, whenever I get it I decline because I'd rather go run around and hit things instead of holing up and not playing so my team can win.
We might have some VIP concepts for objectives, but we're looking into different mechanisms of doing it.

Also, the reason hit tracers go away is because they're more of a debug/testing thing and they actually reduce your FPS a decent amount if there are a ton on screen.


Originally posted by charlysotelo

Make horses have rdr2-like ragdolling when they hit obstacles -- instead of just stopping. It's funny and it allows removing other boring nerfs.

We're briefly talked about some options, maybe horses deflecting or "ricocheting" if they hit at an angle potentially. This being said, right now horses aren't the main priority when it comes to gameplay, but I think it's safe to assume that they'll get some improvements in the future.

One thing we actually did (which will be in the next update) is remove horse bumps from flinching players that are parrying. This solves a pretty big issue of people being able to bump and then kill you with essentially an un-blockable attack.


Originally posted by BeejsterTTV

After the SDK is released, is there any way we could integrate custom maps into official servers? I understand that there would have to be a vetting process, perhaps we could have votes on whether a map should be incorporated or not. I think doing so would really keep the game fresh, as I think most players play on public servers and there frankly aren't a lot of maps to choose from as it is now. Either way thank you for all of your work on the game <3

At the moment we aren't planning on it, but we haven't ruled out the possibility in the future. Right now the focus is just on getting the tools out for people to play with :)


Originally posted by Danubinmage64

Thanks for the update. I'm still going to push forward that there needs to be auto balancing, and it needs to be high priority. One of the games biggest issue is many gamemodes are ruined by imbalanced teams resulting in a frustrating steamroll, this makes the smaller gamemodes nearly unplayable as if you get 1 or two extra veterans you're going to have a very one sided match like in skirm or team deathwatch, invasion and frontline are suspect to this as well.

I think a good method would be to have a 1min startup for players to join in and maybe have ffa before the real game starts, then using some method based on level, kd, etc to balance the teams as reasonably equal as possible.

I also think many maps need to reconsider spawn locations like many in camp invasion, sometimes the player is forced to walk a boring tredge to get to the combat, and for new players who are dying and respawning often this is a good recipe to get new players quitting in the first cou...

This is something we've noticed, the objective modes do tend to be really team-sensitive. We have stats on completion and such so we get to see completion % for each objective and most maps are pretty balanced, but that's assuming balanced teams. We can potentially look into an auto-balancing system going forwards, but I'm not sure how involved developing that would be.


Originally posted by Wardens_Guard

Its nice to hear about more double gold events, although I still believe itd be nice to beef up the gold gain in some other ways, like bonuses for winning or weighing points more heavily would be nice. A "Quest" system like others have suggested could also be nice, but I dont know how well that would mesh with the game.

The way gold is set right now is that you make ~ 1k gold per hour if you maintain an "average" score in your matches. This can go up or down a little, but I think right now the biggest issue is that none of *how* you make gold is visible for the player to see. Once we get that sorted, I think people will understand the process a bit better. We can look into tweaking it a bit, but we don't want to inflate the 'economy'.


Originally posted by SilverXSnake

*please* give us folders to organize our Mercenaries. I only have about 30 different ones, but other people have a loooot more. Maybe even a search function for our merc's? a search function for gear or armor?

Also, there should be the ability to hide certain categories of armor, because going back and forth having to scroll through aaaaall that second level armor is hella annoying just to get a glimpse at how the overall merc looks

Already implemented internally with the armory rework. This will be coming (most likely) with the next major update after the upcoming one. We're mostly complete and testing the current update set to release soon, and the armory rework still needs some visual improvements and bug fixing, general polish that is in-progress.


Originally posted by Spook-

The unlocking system will be the same as before, changing it this late after the game's release is out of scope, unfortunately. That being said, there will be more options for searching and filtering items.

To expand on this a bit for those reading (also thanks for answering Spook), I believe to do this would require a huge change in prices and would break the 'economy', doing gold refunds or whatever else would be needed to accommodate changing the system.