
Mordhau Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by Nair0

Some mockups and potential changes for armory customization, to get rid of the endless lists we currently have. It should end up prettier and more useful in the future!

Speaking of suggestions. I made a post a few weeks ago, proposing changes to how armour purchases work, making it more like weapon details/skins, where you just buy different guards, blades, etc. So that we don't have to purchase the same helmet 3-4 times just to raise/lower a visor or add some paint to it.

Seeing how you're already thinking something up, and how an onslaught of new cosmetics is on the way, I thought maybe this would be a good time to mention it again.

Cheers! Looking forward to new updates

The unlocking system will be the same as before, changing it this late after the game's release is out of scope, unfortunately. That being said, there will be more options for searching and filtering items.


Hey all!

As always, we'd love to hear what you've got on your mind. Please let us know any feedback, suggestions, critiques and anything else that comes to mind. Let us know your thoughts below!
Lots of notes this week, read 'em below:

  • Hit a bit of a snag with how we're doing a new party list/friends list, but we'll probably implement this in the patch after this one, as we're not trying to hold things up any longer.
  • SDK is awaiting verification from Epic, but there isn't really anything left for this. We're also looking into mod compatibility and there could be some issues with existing mods, which we're investigating. As for the SDK itself, we do have the ability to launch the SDK independently of the patch, so if necessary the update can come and then the SDK when it's cleared to be released.
  • Development wise we're looking at testing as the main focus now, and we'll be doing a content hold to get things sorted out quickly.
  • ...
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Originally posted by BeanWard_xD

Banning the toxic players for what they say in chat might bring more people back to the game

We've permanently muted over 4k people, but we always need to improve on this area. We're looking into some good automated features, and reporting as well.


Originally posted by SkinMilonov

I didn't get a response from the developers in the last discussion, so I'll quote my comment here.

" As a big fan of the Cossacks, I would very much like to see in the game forelocks, like hairstyles, one-handed sabers, fur hats of Ukrainian hetmans and hats of Russian Cossacks, wide trousers, traditional Cossack clothes. Can I expect this to appear in the game?

Examples: "

Sorry for the spam if that counts as it.

Could be cool in the future, but we might have to do a bit simpler designs. Either way it's interesting :)


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

Please do something about the battle axe alt mode. Either change the speed, make it mode readable, or just remove it. It doesn’t make any sense.

My recommendation: Change the alt mode from a choked grip to an extended grip (like the bardiche and halberd). The battle axe is already a somewhat short pole weapon, so there are fewer reasons to make the reach shorter than to make it longer. The extended grip, like with the bardiche and halberd, would slightly increase reach, stamina drain, and damage while slightly decreasing speed and making combos impossible. Being unable to combo will also mitigate the issue of unreasonably fast combos.

I believe we've already tweaked axe weapons for this upcoming patch.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Remove horse's ability that prevents you from parrying when it bumps you, there's no counter to it and makes horses even more frustrating to fight.

I'll bring this up with the team - good points.
EDIT - we've actually fixed it internally, should be no more flinch on parry with the next update with horses bumping you.


Originally posted by SignalSecurity

Could we please let engineers get points when their walls take damage from the enemy team? It would make building walls more worthwhile, all I ever see are spikes and ballistae due to dealing damage even though walls are really good for delaying the enemy.

Also it's REALLY hard to hit badly damaged buildings with the blacksmith hammer even with stabs, I hit the ground or swipe empty air many times trying to repair walls and spikes if the ground geometry isn't flat. Is there a way to give it more consistent interaction with buildables/repairables?

Hmm, we can look into improving in these areas. Thanks for the feedback! 👍


Originally posted by Gomer-san

The gold gains are terrible, I get that the gold is tied to the time spent in a match but there should be a minimum gold gain based on your score. Joining a late game of FL and accruing 1500 points in a couple of minutes just to get 70g is awful. Even worse is joining a game that's almost over, getting 3 or 4 kills and getting 0g when it ends.

Right now you get roughly a little over 1k an hour, which is how we've set up most cosmetics for. We could look into some fixes though.


Originally posted by theshadowhost

always been a problem - we should have fortnightly weapon balance patches (its just edits to a text file) that are based on recorded stats metrics.

Not just edits to a text file, unfortunately. Right now we do have an issue where we're not able to quickly patch the game, but we're looking into it.

24 Mar


Originally posted by HPADude

Improvement to spectator UI is really appreciated. Have the devs seen King Despacito's Tourney UI mod? Will it be similar to that, and if so, have they talked to him about it?

It's similar, with some additional polish and features.


That stuff isn't coming - it was designed back when we had less armor customization slots, and a bunch of it is very low quality compared to the stuff we have now. The crusader update will have 3-ish tabard styled armor pieces, though :)


Hey all, sorry for the delay!

As always, we'd love to know your thoughts on the game. Any feedback, suggestions, criticism or just general requests are welcome. Please make sure to keep comments respectful and any criticism constructive. Also, if you didn't see it, here was the livestream we did last week -

As for this week's meeting, I wasn't able to make it but a *few* notes I've got are:

  • One of the level designers is doing an optimization pass, starting with Grad and moving on from there. As of now, no guarantees it will be in the next update.
  • More sounds are being worked on, as well as audio optimizations.
  • We discussed how to implement a chat reporting system in a way t...
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22 Mar


Originally posted by TheGaboGamer

:( rip weekly posts

They'll come back tomorrow :D got really busy unfortunately with real life :(


Originally posted by OceanSause

Can you guys please make it so that the tank perk makes you taller? The height difference is honestly really tiny to the point where you cant even tell when someone is using the perk. Ive beeb wanting to make a build that looks like that one bald mini-boss from the horde mode.

They will get stuck on doorways if they're taller, we didn't want them to be giants.


Originally posted by antimetaplayer

We are waiting since 4 months when you first talked about combat 2.0 and nothing did changed. If u Plan for the next patch just small things and not patching like feint to Combo or the fckn eyeblink accels then i am really sad and stop playing this game. Many friends bought the game because of me but now nothing new is coming and the community just get worse every day. So please dont do shit with my trust like CD project already did this year..

"Combat 2.0" is a set of experimental ideas that are something we are looking into for the long-term. They are, at this point, just ideas. We're looking into them at a design level right now and seeing which ones are worth developing, but they're not something we're planning for the near future.

19 Mar


Originally posted by ZedPlebs

OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit, Version: 10.0.18363 Build 18363.

Processor: Intel Core i5-6600 3.30 GHz, 4 cores.

BIOS version: American Megatrends Inc. 1006, 3/14/2018.

RAM: 8GB DDR4 2133 MHz.

GPU: Geforce GTX 950 2GB (It’s a bit old).

DirectX version: DX12.

I installed the game on a system drive SSD. I have to assume that its bottlenecked either on the GPU or RAM, as the textures load slowly when i first entered a match.

VRAM is the issue (2gb), we're working on optimizing for lower end memory cards as we've run into similar issues on consoles on certain maps (Castello is the biggest problem). Next patch should help a bit here, but it might not be enough. The patches coming after the next one we'll be including more optimizations for maps in terms of memory usage.


You might be running into memory issues here. Could you share your specs? We're working on some optimizations for Castello's high memory usage, but knowing your setup would be helpful.

17 Mar


Originally posted by ShorohUA

"new characters", not cosmetics? does that means they're adding non-customizable set characters? Because that's what happened to the Sea of Thieves and I personally hated that

Female characters and dark skin characters refers to new faces/bodies/hairs.


Originally posted by DukeofIbanez

Seeing as there is only concept art for the new characters I'm guessing we will see the Eastern Invasion Map(s) in about 9 months time.

Everything you see are rendered game-ready models/textures, not concept art. They are not rendered in engine however, because they haven't been implemented yet.


Originally posted by HFRreddit

Do we know how it's going to work?

It's two eastern themed maps for invasion/frontline + a ton of eastern/crusader type cosmetics, etc.