
Mordhau Dev Tracker

17 Mar


Originally posted by BMW_wulfi

I don’t wanna be the downer, the screenshots look incredible. But this road map means nothing without a timeline.

Did they give any dates?

The plan is to have everything done this year. While we could throw around estimates, we frequently underestimate the time required as things pop up. I could see Eastern Invasion coming in June, but it could very well end up in September, and ship together with the new characters/armory rework.


Originally posted by NoLogicBot

Hey I got a quick question, in regards of the proposed roadmap.

Where does the order start? At the engine upgrade or sdk mod tools?

SDK tools. Some things like combat improvements and audio improvements will be sprinkled throughout.

16 Mar


Originally posted by payl0ad

Can someone with some inside knowledge give a quick outline what the SDK will NOT allow us to do?

Asking for those who don't have the time to watch.

C++/binary code won't be allowed -- security risk. Blueprints only. Everything else is as if you're making an Unreal project yourself pretty much.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Emrandall13

Extend, as in increase the range? I appreciate the picture, but I don't understand how the red box triggers, if at all.

Step 1 - Parries are detected (but not triggered) by the parry box (and some other checks to prevent backparries, etc) Step 2 - Parries are triggered (i.e. happen) once an attack that has been detected (see step 1) collides with a) the player hitbox or b) the extended parry box (shown in red above).

10 Mar


Hey everyone!

Sorry for the late post - I'll be sure to check through for any comments that have been posted there either way :) That being said, the usual - let us know what's on your mind - we'd love to hear your feedback, suggestions, critiques, etc. if you've got them! Make sure to keep things relevant and respectful. As for meeting notes, none for this week - we plan on doing something different in a few days, if everything goes to plan. ;)

Last week's post can be found here:

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02 Mar


Hey everyone! As usual, please let us know what's on your mind! Any feedback, suggestions critiques or general thoughts are greatly appreciated. Last week's thread was very useful. Please also try to check a little to see if things have been answered in the past, but of course we don't expect you to scour every weekly thread :D Anyways, please keep things civil and constructive.

As for our meeting this week, for the most part we've been doing testing passes and polish work for the next update. Some other things are listed below:

  • Balance passes on TDM/SKM/FFA for larger maps to ensure things are working as intended. This is focused on things like spawn points, etc.
  • Some audio optimization and general tweaks.
  • The SDK is mostly complete, but needs verification, EULA stuff and legal work completed before we can release it. That's the boring, but important side of game development we need to take care of :( Shouldn't be too long now!
  • So...
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Originally posted by BoiFrosty

I need to vent about this, because these last couple matches got my blood boiling.

For the love of god patch the cata on Camp Invasion.

I just spent nearly 15 minutes in second stage getting deleted by Mike the Furry who just backed the cata into red spawn where he can hit the entire battlefield while being completely unassailable.

You can't hit it with firebombs because you die before getting in throw range, and if you want to hit it with flaming arrows it means setting up as far back as the the blue earthworks and hoping you can hit it from literally the other side of the map. Trying to set up a nest closer is impossible, because the only place to get line of sight is basically the crest of the hill by red earthworks, otherwise known as right smack in the middle of red's front line.

Plus I'm getting some serious stability issues whenever the player count goes above about 40-50. My movement slows/stutter, attacks lag and glitch, or fail to register ...

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Yeah, this is an issue. Definitely think that buildables and vehicles shouldn't be allowed in protected areas - we may have changed some of these rules, but I'll need to check.


Originally posted by ScissorMySausage

A Perk for rock throwers!

Rocks can regenerate over time as you run through the battlefield (as if your character finds them on the ground as the go along)

grug approved


Originally posted by Smash_Z

Do you guys have any plans to make any of the newer helmets and armor's metal paintable? Like how the Padded Armor, Hussar Armor, Barbute, etc. have versions with paint on them. Will newer items such as the German Sallet Buffet or the Kasten Brust get something like that?

Probably not for everything, but we could do some paint variants for certain pieces perhaps. :)


Originally posted by WarlordOfMaltise

Add more events. I love playing this game, but don't always have a reason to come back after a busy workweek and coordinate with friends on getting a group in. Having x2 xp and gold was great (we played a lot in that period of time), as well as all of the Christmas stuff. If you did more of that, I'm sure more people would come back and play.

Yeah, we are working on some backend stuff that will allow us to do more events. At the moment we have to patch the game for 2XP, not do any development during the event, and then release a hotfix. We have only really done this during this last holiday since we were cool with a bit of a break, and we had some good timing on it with our update schedule. We're looking into changing that system so it works based on a server-side switch, but I'm not sure of the status of that.


Originally posted by Chekey-Kiggster

Estimated release date for the next patch?

We don't really give estimates, but we've been testing it in the past few weeks. Not too much longer!


Originally posted by SkinMilonov

Are you planning to add the ability to interact with severed body parts? For example, take a severed head or hand and throw it at the opponent. Or take a leg / arm and use it as a club.

Not really something we're looking into, performance would be a concern and ragdolls are not server side, so setting less bodies for performance would technically put you at a disadvantage.


Originally posted by 0pp0sitesDailY

I posted on the last weekly feedback and I wanted to add to what i said before, I think after gameplay the next update (or part of this update) could be working on server issues and more bug fixes. I can't wait for the new maps and I wanted to know what we might expect. (If it's secret that's quite alright too :) )I was also wondering if you planning adding a way to buy gold so that people like me don't have to grind 414 hours to get tons of gold. I'm just wierd tho so feel free to criticize me.

Edit: also I was wondering if you planning adding back the game mode where you compete for weapons and armour, I joined late and never got to try it. Do you think once more people get into the game you might add it back in?

We plan on an update before the big content update - we've been testing the past few weeks, and this update will contain bug fixes and some technical things. :)


Originally posted by Haippen

Hey, If you see this, I have been keeping a track on this for a while now, but the offline bot pathfinding has gotten a lot worse as updates have gone on.

On Camp Frontline, blue bots get stuck en masse at the gate, as each of them wants to get through, but one gets stuck in a corner, and it all goes downhill from there. They also try to repeatedly open and close the gate, which only makes things worse as the gate stays closed and nobody has any chance to get through. This makes the whole thing pretty much unplayable with bots.

On Crossroads Frontline, bots on both sides now ignore the watchtower with mortar, only caring about it if you personally capture it. Even then it's not a guarantee that the enemy bots care about it. And when you capture it as blue, the blue bots that try to spawn on that point get stuck in their spawnpoints en masse. They can only be freed with a firebomb or kicking the right bot down.

On Taiga Frontline the bots here too now tend to...

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It's not a huge priority in terms of PVP mode bot pathing , but we can take a note of it.


Originally posted by Ser_Anonymous

War axe is busted because of this loadout:

Full medium armor, waraxe, bloodlust, +3 points left over.

It’s a 2htk with good swing manipulation. This loadout is so busted in frontline and ffa it’s ridiculous. Personally, I think just raising the point cost of war axe would be fine.

Waraxe is getting nerfed, axes at the moment have too strong combo speed and that makes it a little too powerful. It should be a good weapon, it just shouldn't be great at everything. Other things are issues with armor and bloodlust, which are being looked into.


Originally posted by Kazerz

Hey Jax,

Thanks for the weekly updates! Are there any plans to make certain weapons more distinguishable from one another other than point cost? The bastard sword seems to be a straight upgrade to the rapier and the falchion doesn't seem to fit anywhere gameplay-wise due to better alternatives for weapons. The community is hungry for more content as always, and it's always nice to see new dev snippets. Keep up the good work as always!

Edit: Also, are there any plans to make catapult show the trajectory of the projectile?

So yeah, that's just a little bit of us needing to balance things in most areas. That being said we can balance off point cost, so having some weapons be straight upgrades but more expensive still works gameplay wise.

edit: as for catapult, we like that it takes a little bit of guessing, otherwise it would be laser guided rockhau and catapults would be a bit too strong :D


Originally posted by Leslawangelo

Perk sugesions:

  • Sprinter: faster sprinting, but it drains stamina.
  • Mule kick: kick does more damage and causes opponent to ragdoll if it is at low stamina.
  • Hopper: you can jump higher


  • Some passages are no longer availble for dwarwfs (this spot for example). My guess is you just haven't thought about the side effects of the new perks, but I actually like it. It would be cool if maps included tight passages (sewers, tiny holes) where only dwarfs can fit.


Power attacks: Alternative attacks with longer windup animations ( I know... It would be a nightmare to balance):

  • Zweihander: 360° cut
  • Maul: powerful overhead attack that breaks through blocks, but you can't move.
  • Rapier: double stab
  • Polearms: ability to couch them. It would deal damage to charging ...
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Some interesting ideas! Not sure how we could balance them, but we definitely want to add more dramatic things that aren't just stat changes.


Originally posted by spyr04

Please make a competetive map for ranked with good lighting, no elevating ground, no bushes etc. If you make it steedie i woulndt mind either

We have like two of those? Not sure what ya mean


Originally posted by _Risi

Huh, ive got 1000h in this game and i always thought parries are instantaneous

Yep, thought he meant parry duration. Tiny timing windows are cool for skill based stuff, but they don't work for multiplayer games.


Originally posted by Arkelutious-Corem

FL Feitoria’s Blue side spawn points need a rebalance. If the third point is in contest, the spawn point for Blue is 122 METERS AWAY, that is literally further away than the first spawn point which is active if the second Blue point is being contested. This literally kills the flow of the map when you have to walk for nearly a minute just to the battle field, all probably because 1 rat captured the point for half a second. The spawn points on Feitoria just makes no sense at all.

Thanks for the feedback, we'll take a look at this.