
Mordhau Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by Lucky_Deal

Are there any new cosmetics in the works?

Yep! Still more to come :)


Originally posted by Destralnar

its not a huge deal, but losing a kill/getting -100 for suicide deaths kinda sucks. i get why in the context of the actual suicide button, but getting kicked off a ledge by a teammate or getting killed by jacked up out of bounds messages when spawns change shouldnt take points away. again not a huge deal, but it seems like an easy fix for a pretty obviously backwards mechanic.

Yeah, I think that is more of us just needing to fix TK's or ledge kills, etc. counting as suicides. IMO kill boundaries are fine as counting as a suicide but it's still something to consider.


Originally posted by ImVannox

I would be really more interested in new armors being added then weapon skins, also maybe some new emotes? I think we could definently use more options to create good looking/realistic builds, something like a better Chainmail Tabard would be a nice start.

Cosmetics are planned, and we are looking into new emotes as well! We'll need to update the emote menu, UI and functionality wise, so we don't have like 8 pages to cycle through. After that, more emotes will be on the table!


Originally posted by rude_ooga_booga

Nerf war axe combo speed. It's silly fast for a two hit weapon.

Nerf one handed axe windup and combo speed for f**ks sake. It's unnaturally fast and every pleb in invasion runs it for a good reason

Already planned for the next update :)


Originally posted by dankmemesm80

Two questions, cosmetic related

  1. I've heard that Grator is sitting on a stockpile of cosmetics he's made. Is there any chance that some can be included in the coming patch?

  2. Will the Kastenbrust faulds receive a visual update (particularly the skirt underneath)?


Some will be included, others are slated for the next major update (after this one) and an update after this. We originally planned on the past update and the upcoming one being a single update, so the cosmetics have been a little dry recently. Things should be back to normal, and I think we are going to plan cosmetics for more updates to prevent this in the future!

For number 2, at the moment probably not, since we need some colored cloth for team identification.


Originally posted by Miltawne

Billhook deluxe skin?

We definitely need some cool poleaxe, greatsword and billhook skins :)


Originally posted by Foxyfluffy

On Grad Invasion; a rework on the red king's playable area would be really welcome. If you step beyond the pile of logs you're doomed to get eliminated by the castle ballista and mounted crossbows. Taking the required cover behind the logs is claustrophobic at best before you get to the spawn death zone, causing firebombs to be more of a nail in the coffin than for any other noble.

Definitely something to take a look at, Iron Company commander is a lost cause at the moment.


Originally posted by tomscott90

Not a single word about server stability? SMH

We've done a few things that should be in the next update, but it's very hard to tell if netcode optimization will have an effect outside of "lab conditions".


Originally posted by protogoblin

Suggestion: Map of killing blows / recent hits when you die

This would be interesting, although our hitboxes are pretty simple.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

A compromise then, keep the bumber's ability to interrupt attacks BUT remove his ability to prevent his victim from parrying, that way it's still useful for plowing through others but he can't abuse the stun to get guaranteed kills.

This could be interesting, although I'm not sure exactly how opinion horse balance is at the moment. We can look into it though!


Originally posted by Hyper_anal_rape

any updates on the DDOS? its getting bad, invasion is unplayable at this point.

We will be working on an update to UE4, which will have native DDOS protection. Until then there isn't a ton we can do, although we have permanently banned a few individuals who we have had sufficient evidence for. There aren't a ton of tools we have at our disposal currently, since a DDOS attack can be very hard to prove.

27 Feb


We are improving our translations soon! We've outsourced them and we're working with the company on making sure things are grammatically correct and make sense. :)

24 Feb


Originally posted by TheRussianSnake

Would it be possible to reduce the new parry start timing from 100ms to about 60ms.

Can you elaborate on why?


Originally posted by TheGaboGamer

Hey are you guys thinking of introducing any new game modes? I think a head taking game mode (kinda like kill confirmed I suppose) would be pretty neat!

Also any thoughts on mixing frontlines and invasion together?

I can’t wait for modding to be more relevant. There’s so much dumb shit this community will be able to do soon, it’s gonna be great.

(Also new snippets?)

Hey there! So we don't plan on doing a ton of new modes at the moment - player count is a little low, so we want to make sure each mode is populated. However, we're looking into improving Frontline and making it more different from Invasion, Horde changes, and maybe down the line looking into a que-able game mode that has an assortment of smaller modes in a more relaxed setting.


Hey everyone!

As usual, please let us know any suggestions, critiques, requests or anything you think is relevant to the game! Your feedback is immensely helpful and we appreciate it greatly. As always, keep things constructive and also for suggestions, please make sure they're something you think is actually feasible.

As for meeting notes, not really that much to talk about - we tested last week, and found a few issues/bugs and things that needed to be added. We'll be testing again tomorrow, and we are waiting on a few things to finish up which will need also testing once they're in the 'release candidate' build.

Regarding the SDK, it's been going really well - there are a few things to do in terms of making sure it's up to the standards required to be an official SDK, tweaking a few things and testing. As for an ETA on it, we don't have one currently but it's progressing pretty well.

Most other development work has been either focused on long ter...

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23 Feb


Originally posted by Fitfatthin

The game itself is fantastic

Unfortunately this game has remained a retreat for filthy little racist, homophobic and misogynistic twats who always share their view unprompted.

This game is actually phenomenal, it looks great and mostly the mechanics are fantastic. It should be much bigger than is. I think a large part of that is due to how little community management there is. People are horrible in Mordhau and it's honestly pretty shitty going back to the game after a while and immediately seeing several people in a lobby taking about black people stealing completely unprompted. It's not big or clever, its like the readers of Breitbart have found a turgid little corner of the internet to reside in.

This is why we can't have nice things.

We're working on this, and I hope we can get this sorted soon. <3


Originally posted by datmine

More on the technical side of things, could you please pitch the idea to the other devs about implementing dlss for mordhau given the tools being released.
Im sure there would be a few people who would be happy with it.

we're on UE 4.21 currently, we're looking to update soon. Might end up on 4.25 (it takes like a month+ to update versions) but most likely we'll get to 4.26 at some point, which is the version that has DLSS enabled. Would be great for Mordhau :)

20 Feb


Originally posted by Sithiar1

For months i've had my fingers crossed for new instruments. I know that's probably one of the last things on the "want to do" list if its even on it. But I get so excited thinking about the concerts we could have on our server. Flutes, maybe engineer box could make a small drum set, anything really.

More instruments would be great, but we're focused on core content and features at the moment :(


Originally posted by MaximusProxi

My wish list for Battlefields:

  1. Change "Kill-Zones" on some maps. It's not fun to have the Catapult sitting in the mentioned zone on Camp where you can't even contest it. Or Ballistas on Grad and Crossroads where you get constantly sniped without being able to do shit.
  2. Rework spawns on Mountain Peak Invasion (blue Team pushes) for the Red Team.. On the 2nd last you can just spam choke point with firebombs! Add another door on the right side of spawn like you have on the left side! On the last spawn you can simply block the doors with spikes or walls or have a troll player blocking it from the other side and it will literally make 20 people stuck. Just make the door frame wider and remove the door or give it 2 doors like on Taiga Camp exit.
  3. Hopefully Commander being able to hide in spawn on MP getting fixed.
  4. Merge Frontline and Invasion modes. They are way too similar to justify splitting the player base (my opinion).
  5. Add new gamemod...
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Thanks, we'll take a look at these. We do plan on improvements for Frontline to make it a more sandbox-y mode, and feel distinct from INV. Also, the entire point of the maul is to be a 1 tap machine that's terrible in other ways, so we just might need to make the downsides of the maul more dramatic to balance it. It losing the 1-tap ability would just make it a downgraded eveningstar.


Originally posted by Snaiiks

Is it possible to separate cosmetics into a 'face' and 'neck' section instead of having the plague doctor's mask, spectacles, eyepatch, etc, as neck options? I love running a burgonet with a plague doctor mask but having a bare neck is very frustrating.
For armor that can't take face options, just have it be empty, like how the lower torso option for the Tabard is just 'Tabard Lower'

We don't plan on adding more cosmetic slots - too much clipping and potential performance issues. :(