
Mordhau Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by jrubolt

Please fix ladders being impossible to climb with the dwarf perk.

Also please review kill zones in all frontline/Invasion maps. They are super frustrating, especially the roof ones on feitoria & taiga

Noted on the dwarf stuff, but if you can get a bit more detail on the kill zones that would be appreciated.


Originally posted by payl0ad

We also tested a Frontline variant of Castello

Castello has severe performance problems that make it basically unplayable for everyone who doesn't have top-of-the-line CPUs.

Is this going to get rectified in any way? I'm staying away from Invasion servers because Castello runs like trash, would suck having the same problematic map on Frontline servers.

There are optimization changes planned and in development, Castello is a known issue for a lot of players as well. We're working on it 👍


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

I think they’ve mentioned this to be included in the armory rework.

Armory rework is strictly a UI update - better menus and folders, etc.
There won't be any changes to the cosmetics themselves included in the armory rework, just the armory changes.


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

Any updates on Armor Tint Rework/Saturation? It's a small, seemingly simple thing that would add a lot of variety to the game which we've been asking for since release.

You could remove more than half of the available tints in the game, and I don't think anyone would notice.

So we are going to be making the tints in the UI more saturated, but we want to avoid tons of oversaturated colors. I think we can add a few that are a bit more dramatic, but we don't want full-bright-yellow armor tints because they will look like plastic.


Originally posted by Ulkenstride

In Mordhau's 2nd devblog, a feature was showcased which allowed you to customize the wear and tear of your armor, but it never made it into the game in alpha, beta or release. I think allowing players to add scuffs, scratches and dents to their armor with such a customization option is a brilliant idea, and would allow for cooler loadouts and more creativity.

This is something that had to be cut, since we just have a ton of stuff that you can do customization wise. More options decreases performance and leads to more work for everyone involved, but I do agree that some more pieces with wear and tear would look really good. :)


Originally posted by Delta1116732

The current development of maps might take time to come out, but they shouldn't take as long as it's been going. I understand it's easier said than done, but I hope the dev team is aware they can reuse assets and even the same maps to make different layouts.

There are entire unused sides of the map on Grad, Castello, and Feitoria that are wasted unless you play Horde or BR. Grad has the entire village off to the side, and I'm certain a handful of people could pretty it up; plan some simple objectives and set it for testing/release. Feitoria is no different, and Castello could easily have an alternate attack/defend sequence going into the attackers camp below.

Again this is all easier said than done, and I'm by no means a professional developer but I've had my share of working with SDK's before. What we've seen/heard about the new coming maps sounds wonderful, but these options would be "easy" to accomplish and are worth looking at at the very least.

We are looking into more map variants, and while we are making new maps with new assets we're planning on using them for multiple maps. At the moment there are about 3 full-size maps in development, and some smaller ones that are planned as well. Recently, we've also brought more people onto the team that are involved with level creation to speed things up :)


Originally posted by nametakenfuck

hello im not sure how to reddit so i will post my suggestion in this text box:

instead of me having to buy the german sallet plume 4 times to get all of it; you can buy the helmet itself and then add cosmetics to it, so for example i buy the helmet and i can buy a bevor to it and make it 3 armor, i can buy the plume and it would cost tens of thousands (you will need to buy the plume for each of the helmets to still have a reason to grind), and visor up and down i dont think you should need to buy the raised visor but anyways you can customize that too. all helmets will have that but i decided to elaborate on the sallet bc its my favourite one (not all helmets will need to have extra cosmetics, maybe design it like you have for the chest with the gloves and sleeves)

It's kind of hard for us to change that now, but it's something we can look into. :)

17 Feb


Hey everyone! :)

As always, we'd love to hear what's on your mind. Any feedback, suggestions (constructive) critiques, etc. are welcome here! Please keep things civil and on topic! Keep in mind most suggestions here would probably be things we work on in a little bit, as right now we're focusing on short term goals for the next update.

Speaking of which, (a few) notes from this week's meeting:

  • We've started testing for our upcoming update. So far there was some good progress - the new chamber-feint-to-parry changes seem promising, some horde changes (item location overhaul, gold for late joiners) and a few other things are looking pretty good. We also tested a Frontline variant of Castello, which seems pretty decent but needs some changes to timing and a few tweaks here and there.
  • Some sound improvements are in development. Talked a lot about footstep sounds and potential bugs that are making it hard to hear people near you. Also, we pl...
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16 Feb


Originally posted by Sleve_The_Cleave

Maps take a long, long time to make. I've already made the modded maps suggestion to the Devs but they said it wouldn't be possible until the official SDK is out.



Next patch won't have new maps, it will be combat and tech oriented. After that, we plan on a big content update :)


Originally posted by waffleking9000

Hello my friends, my game has been crashing for the last two weeks randomly. I have done EVERYTHING I can think of to fix any issue I can think of, and still have the same problem. I have sent a crash report EVERY time Mordhau has crashed, which is 87 times.

I will sometimes play for 4 hours, then the game will crash. It will continue to crash at the end of the Unreal Engine logo on start-up. Maybe 10% of the time it will make it past this point, and load to the main menu of Mordhau instantly (way quicker than usual, normally 15-20 second load), then it crashes.

I have 1400 hours on Mordhau and this is game breaking :(

Please help.

My steam acc name is AbcdO. Same ingame. Thanks!

Head over to the discord tech support channel, they'll help ya there.


Originally posted by shmoleman

It makes me really sad the state of the servers (I can only speak for US East). The performance of the servers is horrible. I cant play this game anymore because of internal lag.

We've got some issues with servers that we're working on, also some DDOS issues. We'll do what we can. <3


Originally posted by MonoXtr

u/Jaaxxxxon Hey man how are you doing? It's definitely been awhile, hope you are doing well! When are we getting a fancy badass greatsword skin? I've got 400k saved up :P. But seriously though, keep up the good work, still stuck on my trash internet but it's good to see the game continue to evolve. I would like to ask if you can elaborate on the improved polearm animations? Imo polearms have had the worst animations in the game since day 1 of alpha, what are you guys planning to change? Either way, best of luck and keep up the good work! <3

Hey! Nice to see ya :)) I agree about the greatsword though, I'll see if we can get a real fancy skin made in the future! I don't have any extra info on polearms but I'll let you know when I know!


Originally posted by Sevealin_

Any fixes for LAN servers? I always seem to have weird issues joining my server when people from internet/outside have already joined.

Also, any more fixes on "Preparing to download mods..."? I am having more and more people have this issue and deleting the .modio folder/verifying integrety of game cache isn't working. I usually end up just giving them a copy of my .modio folder then everything works.

We'll look into this, I'll see if there are some fixes we can do on our side.


Originally posted by -Helvet-

The last buff made to the King on Crossroads need an obvious tweak and I don't think I'm the first to have mentionned it here but I feel there is an opportunity for something a bit crazy.
This might not fit with the game standards and maybe more of a one-time event or a mod but this video made me wish we had an acctual super OP King vs the rest of the server (basically 1vX the whole server) with one guy on Iron Comp. and the 47 other players against. Is that something we would like to see just for fun?

Planned, read the notes :)


Originally posted by thatxwasxeasy

Hey I had idea decent idea. When we die and are in a party with friends the view should go to your friend instead of viewing some random person. Would love to see my friends fights after I die

Yep, I think this is planned! We're on a heavy workload UI-wise with the armory rework - once that's done we'll have a lot more time freed up to tweak little things like this. :)


Originally posted by NotANinja252

Ello ello

There are two things which I would love to see change.

Firstly, I think the bastard sword needs some love. I hardly ever see it in game due to the damage being a bit sub-par to most other weapons. Why would I use the bastard sword when I can use the Messer for instance? I think either increase damage or decrease points value.

Secondly, I would love to see some 13/14/early 15thC English plate arms like we see here:

The above being fully enclosed, somewhat spindly, short pauldron'ed arm harness. Would love to run around as an English knight.

Cheers and keep up the good work!

Love his armor, it's soo good. But yeah, we can look into the bastard sword as well!


Originally posted by Enigmoria

A couple of things:

  • Make it so you hear the enemy. I don't know why you guys designed this game so you can't hear someone running towards you with full armor. It was a deliberate designchoice from you guys and I can't fathom why.
  • Balance or remove the artillery. Either remove all ballistas/mortars/catapults from the game or balance them. On crossroads, why the f**k are the red team's ballista (which is situated at their spawn) allowed to fire on both points, but the blue team's ballista can do f**k all. It's getting really f**king annoying getting blown the f**k away from some asshole in their spawn and you can't do anything about it.
  • Give long weapons some love. I don't like the designchoice where if I try to do an attack with a Zweihander, say, but if there's a wall behind me, it gets stuck for some reason. In reality, the tip of the blade is the only thing that hits the wall, and you guys decided to make it so the attack fails completely? What? In...
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Thanks for the feedback. Good points. :)
However, I don't think that disarming people would be fun, since there would be absolutely no reason to ever use a dagger or small weapon at that point.


Originally posted by HPADude

Combat changes look great, glad to see runhau is a recognised issue.

Very glad to see you're moving to a proper VCS. Does this mean we can expect bug fixes to happen well after a patch?

Not really a 'proper' VCS being new to us, we're already using perforce. We're just updating things to a new server.


Originally posted by Mateusz707

Since I didnt received any reply from Jax for those ideas before, I will post it again (I really would like to hear what he thinks about it)

  1. Are there any plans for adding clans for Mordhau? It would be really cool to have clans where people could join, and fight together to lead their clan on the top of scoreboard. Perhaps, with this we could have our own custom symbols.
  2. How about adding some new animations to the game, like being able to choose some new kinds of movements animations, you get the idea I think. As for kind of animations for damage received, I think that helmets could fall off the head after receiving a critical head damage, and low health players could have crippled movement look.
  3. Please consider adding a perk which would allow to use rusty and broken weapons (I really liked using them in BR mode, I was always curious about their stats, some of them seemed pretty good. It will also fit the spooky update, right?) And a silent perk whi...
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  1. No, it doesn't really fit within the scope of the game to be honest.
  2. Not likely since there would be one animation set that hides attacks better than the rest and people would only use that one. Helmets need to stay on since otherwise people would have invisible armor tiers.
  3. Not a terrible idea, we'll see what we can do!
  4. Something that may make an appearance later down the line (combat 2.0)
  5. Could be some cool ideas!
  6. Probably not - just tough animation wise. I'm a lefty IRL but it's something that doesn't add that much to the game and would require us to remake all attack animations.
  7. Maybe, could be tough to balance though.
  8. Yes, more voice lines would be great.
  9. If things are able to be worn with other armor pieces, we allow it. Otherwise, they're not allowed due to clipping.
  10. We could look into some more armor pieces!
  11. We could look into some more coat of plates-styled armor!
  12. Hmm, ...
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