
Mordhau Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by your_mom_kiddo

only possible when you stand perfectly still and its just an animation bug, will probably be fixed eventually- you can do the same thing with messer stabs its just a glitch

Can confirm this is a bug, will fix

04 Feb


Originally posted by Kyle-Ritten-House

Remove AutoKick

no, but we're looking into some more forgiveness. it's annoying when you have like 80 kills and get that 6th teamkill

although as admin I don't get kicked, but i feel your pain <3


Originally posted by dikkekankertimo9000

Very nice devlog. Does the armory rework mean the addition of loadout folders??



Originally posted by Demaciaishomo

Anyway you can let beards show up on the Burgonet no buffet? At the moment, it completely erases any facial hair and replaces it with a stubble while any medium armets cause a huge clipping issue with facial hair, beards just straight up going through the metal.

Hmm, we can take a look at that. Thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by MoleHester

What's up with the recent DDos? What have you learned from it and how will you try to prevent it.

Can't say too much at the moment, but we're doing what we can. Also, upgrading our UE4 version in the near future should help - native DDOS mitigation has been implemented :)


Originally posted by Eutruria

I hate to ask for more cosmetics that don't change the gameplay, but lamellar definitely needs revision. It looks more like leather than steel (particularly the shoulder slot). Please add some rigid lamellar armor.

We will add some good lamellar!


Originally posted by PrideBlade

Make armour tints more noticeable in-game and in menu (%90 are shades of grey and are next to indistinguishable) and maybe add a couple.

As for in-game, we don't want them to be over saturated, but I do agree that there could be a few ones that are a little more dramatic. On the UI side, it's already sorted internally and we should get it out in the next update.


Originally posted by plumplumber

The slow progress is hurting your game

That's why we've brought on like 6 people in the past few months. Once everybody's all settled in, things are going to go a lot faster! :)


Originally posted by flappypaddy

Last I talked to g3ach a while ago he said there were a couple of maps one of which was in it's final stages of development. I'm also confused by this. I assume there's no ETA for the next patch either.

> I assume there's no ETA for the next patch either.

*astronaut meme* never has been

In all seriousness though, next update isn't too far off. Just a few things to finish up and we'll get it tested and released :)


Originally posted by shamelessness9001

This map that has been alluded to since October is still in early development? Do you guys spend 2 hours a week on map development? Map development doesn’t and shouldn’t be moving this slowly. Meanwhile, you waste an entire discord of zealous modders and map creators. Just let the community make the maps at this point and make competitions for the best maps like Chivalry did. Let us help the game not die

Other than that, great changes. The friendly perk change has been a no brainer since the games inception.

there are like 3/4 big maps in development, each at different stages! we hope to have at least one out relatively early on in 2021 :)


Originally posted by Diridibindy

Any ideas on adding a "streamer mode" like many other games have. (Disabling nicknames, chat, pfps and other identifying info)?

yeah, right now the workload is pretty much all focused on the armory for the UI side of things. a streamer mode would be nice going forwards though


Originally posted by Fabsquared

adding to this, people getting kills from your ballista should get you assists. and if you're the owner of the ballista, only you can kick people away.

pretty sure you already do


Originally posted by weefatpie

If teammates can no longer dismount other teammates from vehicles will engis be able to dismount players from the ballista they’ve built so they don’t get locked out while resupplying or tending to other structures?

Right now, no but that's something we're going to add. This isn't a perfect solution but it's better than getting slapped off your own equipment constantly.


Originally posted by PetMyPeePeePlease

have you all thought about having any extremely expensive items in-game for players who have held on to hundreds of thousands (or more) of coins?

I'm not one of these people, but I could imagine something like a true gold base armor tint, or some insane armor pieces being a cool implementation and a great 'endgame' reward for those who can save enough.

Yeah, it's on the list of things to add. imo a really expensive matching set would be nice - mordhau equivalent of the infinity gauntlet :D


Originally posted by Jaewok

I'm sure it's been mentioned a million times at this point but ballistas need some serious attention. They're either entirely useless for their team, only used against their own team, or in some cases they're practically invincible.

I just played a Mountain Peak level where red ballista went 41/0/0. They were able to shoot INTO BLUES STARTING SPAWN.

Nobody could touch them, because that area is inaccessible to blue. The only way to get close enough for a fire bomb is by running up a ramp, directly in the ballista's line of fire. Who thought that was a good idea??? There should not be a spot where someone can rack up dozens of kills uncontested without any danger of being attacked.

Also please fix horses, they can still stagger you out of your parry and immediately kill you. An experienced horse rider can use this to get free kills, even against someone who sees the attack coming.

We're aware. Working on it. 👍


Originally posted by k_i_l_l_m_e

day #646 of waiting for folders

life is pain

folders are coming. soon™


Originally posted by ilily

Usa east servers have been totally borked lately with high ping spikes and huge amounts of packet loss. It doesn't happen all the time but it's happening enough to be really frustrating.

Yeah, they're DDOS attacks most likely. We're working on it. <3

02 Feb


Hey all!

You know the drill. Let us know your thoughts, feedback suggestions critiques, or any questions you might have. Please keep things civil and constructive :) Also, lots of meeting notes!


  • Horde: We've added bonus gold when you join a match in progress, as requested by you all. Just a quick little fix that should be really helpful, but we plan on some bigger changes sometime down the line as well.
  • General housekeeping in regards to balancing - some changes to perk point costs, as well as some tweaks focused on axe-type weapons that have a fast combo speed.
  • Backend work for ...
Read more External link →

okay this is top tier gaming


sometimes you gotta eat the weak 🤷‍♀️