
Mordhau Dev Tracker

02 Feb


some big chaotic neutral energy right here


Originally posted by CargleMcCabinets

In order of how much I care:

When the game was being kickstarted, there was scuttlebutt about a crusade game mode. Even if the gamemode is never released in full, I think it'd be great if we got some middle-eastern weapons, specifically scimitars. If this does go through, I would want it released as a DLC- I don't know how your budget is, but you could probably use a second cash injection, and a lot of the people playing today are long-haulers who would be more than happy to pay for more content.

Also, if you do end up adding scimitars, or the sabre I heard rumours of, it would be nice if curved swords had some distinguishing feature to make them cooler. Something like the slowdown mechanic on blunt weapons or the added structure damage of axes- something to make them stand out. Maybe they have a second swing pattern based on the bent edge of the blade or something. Also, it would spice up the Falx a lot of it got to be the sleeper flagship of a new weapon class.

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A crusader DLC is prooobably off the table. IF we're going to release a themed update, we'll do it for free. Doing anything else would be a disservice to the players, as then you'd have core content locked behind a paywall.

I think we could do MTX or paid cosmetics in a way that's non-intrusive and doesn't piss everyone off, but weapons and maps, etc. should be free for everyone. You already bought the game!


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Is the team working on implementing female characters and voices or is that something planned for much later if at all?



Originally posted by WakeWalk

Please do something about teamates destroying their freindly engineers hard work. Its bad enough that they dont make much gold, but then having to contend with some sweat lord fused to their gaming chair stealing their ballista and getting mad when you kick them off or demand it back, just my two cents.

We're looking into some improvements to engineer gameplay - not focused on the gameplay per se, but how it integrates into teamplay and not getting griefed by random teammates :)


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Is the armory rework expected to come in patch #21, or is it expected to come later?

as we plan to improve Horde in the future, what are some things that you think could be done better with Horde?

Horde is boring because it's either sit in exploit spots and slowly whittle the enemies down with ranged attacks, or hold S and press M1 a lot with you headshotting the braindead enemies and killing them in one hit. Not sure what exactly could be realistically done to the mode to improve it, though.

I'm pretty sure we're going to release an interim patch before the armory is done. So patch #21 probably won't have it, but ***maybe*** the next patch will.

The issue with trying to give estimates on things like this is that the patches aren't set for a specific date, and the features for each patch aren't set either. We go "hey let's work on x y z" and sometimes x turns out to take a while, while y and z are something we can roll out relatively quickly. It's really us just continuing to work without update deadlines and then we get to a good "stopping point" where we're able to release an update that actually makes sense.

If I was able to give y'all a solid estimate, believe me I would. It'd make my job way easier, but that's not how game development works in practice 😅


Originally posted by Hiliktor

Bring back 64 player servers. Why 80 player serverd are still experimental? Bring back 64 these serbers were very good and also we need a information where server is hosted . There were informatons about it why did you delete it?

Personally, I agree. When we did our survey though, players were pretty evenly split. It's something we're evaluating, no decision yet.


Originally posted by pgsssgttrs

Ping displayed by new server browser are not accurate in some cases.

New server browser since last major patch has effectively emptied low-ping unofficial east-asian INV/FL servers that supported player base since the game was released. Actual ping of these servers were and still are very low, much lower than they are displayed in the new server browser. But, as these 64/64 servers are invisible with a 200 ping max filter setting, they are all empty now.

Only a fraction of duel-oriented players who know how to switch to oldserverbrowser in the console are staying in the not immersive at all white-level duel server.

I guess Official East-asian FL/INV servers are located in South East Asia? Their ping are much higher than Japanese, Korean, Chinese unofficial servers. Anyway,They are not suitable to sustain the whole East Asian player base.

Is it possible to relocated one FL/INV server to East Asia sector? Or fix the server browser, before the playerb...

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I think this is fixed in the next update. Not 100% on that, but we know about this. :)


Originally posted by stash375

If the guy being paid to do it is on their salary instead of contract, it will take forever. Remote meetings are half f**king useless and when everyone is working from home with relatively little accountability shit takes four weeks when it should take four days.


To give you a little insight on the inner workings, Marox is a super cool boss and just gives us objectives to hit. As long as we do our job (and everyone does) there's no issues. Also, with a lot of game dev being a creative process (even when it comes to programming) not having forced hours etc. is good because it ends up making people more productive. When you like your job, you're motivated to do it and don't need a strict schedule 🤷‍♀️

10/10 would get hired by Triternion again


Originally posted by shamelessness9001

Do you mean that it’s ready to send off to epic or that eventually you will have to do so? It’d be really nice to be kept in the loop if you have any sort of reasonable ETA or percent of completion

Almost ready™


Originally posted by Tr1balR

"New sounds are in development for footstep audio, which will give different armor tiers some much-needed character."

A very welcome change. One of my extremely minor complaints that you couldn't hear the beautiful sound of plate clashing as you charge your enemies.

Perks of having a dedicated sound dude 😎


Originally posted by mrplayer47

Please gib #dev-snippet on armory rework.

It kinda looks like poo right now since Spook is working on the function first, and then polishing it up afterwards. He's making really good progress though, so it shouldn't be too long until we have something good to share!


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

Some thoughts about customization:

  • Emblem variety is somewhat lacking, I'd love to see more generic emblems, like animals, crossed swords and whatnot.
  • Metal tints are still a mess, finding the right one is hard because of the UI. Some more shades would also be appreciated. (not sure if that's already planned for the armory rework)
  • Color variety could also be improved, we only have a few shades of brown for cloth pieces. And sometimes the same shade of brown doesn't look the same on different cosmetic pieces, same with the red shades.
  • The new shield skins look awesome, however, there's some minor clipping issues - the targe skin clips a lot with the shoulder in the armory.
  • I know it's practically a meme at this point, but female character models would still be appreciated and would add a lot more customization and player expression freedom. Things that are of a higher priority, like the SDK and more long term goals, should of course ...
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So for these:

- We're aware of emblems needing some love, and we plan on adding a few more for community events as it is, so I'll ask if we're able to add some more generic emblems at the same time. It's usually easier to do things like this in batches, as it's more efficient time-wise.

- Yep. We're working on it. Armory rework soon™

- Not sure about this one, but I'd personally like to see more colors. I think we're limited on how many colors we can add, but I'll ask about how possible it is to add more colors!

- To be honest, going and adjusting armory poses is pretty low priority. We're definitely more focused on how they look during normal gameplay, but we'll take note of this.

- They're planned. 👍 Also, SDK soon™


Originally posted by SNAKEH0LE

I love this game thru and thru but could you Please add a Brace option for spear/long weapons against horses. Much like the conch you use for the horse, I feel like spearmen should be able to Pike Wall and brace for a charging horse or cavalry. It could work like the Shield Brace and have to be held for an small amount of time to set. Maybe it does less damage to a horse and kills the rider. I dont know, but i dont want my dreams of a pike wall at Crossroads to die

We've actually talked about this - it's one of those "nice to have" features, we just don't have the manpower to dedicate to it at the moment. If we were to add that, it'd probably be rolled into a larger combat update that adds a bunch of stuff. Not sure on how viable it is for us to do that currently, but it's definitely on our radar.


Originally posted by Branko100

Suggestion for Horde:

Currently when a player joins a Horde round he'll have a low amount of gold. That's not a problem in lower rounds but if he joins in higher rounds he'll either get rekt pretty fast or simply leave to find another round.

I'd suggest that players who join receive an amount of gold equivalent to the amount of gold the other players have received so far through completion of waves.

Players could then join high wave Horde rounds with the ability to buy some gear instead of hoping for drops from other players.

We plan on some big reworks to horde - this should be one of them :)


Originally posted by Grodbert

Is there any Lute improvement being taken into consideration?

Such as increasing the number of octaves (Which I've covered in detail in this post) or allowing the lute to play multiple notes at once (As suggested by this fellow veteran on the discord)?

I know for one I'm not the only one that would like to see some tweaks done, a good chunk of players across bard guilds are very passionate about it and share the sentiment that, although in a good state, there's still space for minor improvements that would prove hugely beneficial.

At the moment, no - just because we have some big content stuff planned, and the programming workload is pretty high right now. That being said, we've talked about this in the past and we don't see any reason why we shouldn't add other octaves, add multi-note support, etc. It's just that right now we're focused on some big ticket items, and once we're done with those it will free up some time to focus on other things. :)


Originally posted by the_stupid_psycho

I remember they took out anticheat because people using lute bot got banned but I think that loosing lute bot is an acceptable casualty personally

not true, lutebot never triggered anticheat

31 Jan


wow, this is great art!

28 Jan


Originally posted by Sam309

Well they’re low poly, and both would have clipping issues with the neck slot. Probably just a placeholder model.



Recently, we have been experiencing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on our officially hosted servers, as well as privately hosted community servers. This has been negatively affecting players’ experiences in-game, and we are looking to do all that we can to resolve the situation. We are accepting reports of DDoS attacks via Discord, and will be taking legal action and/or other appropriate measures.

We apologize for the recent disruptions, and we’re working hard to prevent these issues from continuing. Going forwards, we plan on additional security and prevention measures to keep servers running smoothly. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we hope to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

External link →

26 Jan


Originally posted by Corsario_AT

What is the news on the SDK? Have you started to catalogue the items (static meses, etc.) that will be included or excluded from the library? Can we expect the SDK on the following patch?

Hey! So it's coming along well. We will have to send it off to Epic for them to verify we're not doing anything we shouldn't, so we don't exactly know how long that will take.