
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by West_Blackberry_3222

Greetings! Just a minor pet peeve. Could you make it so that the emotes line up while using a shield versus not doing so? Pressing XX1 with a shield makes you dance, normally it makes you cheer.

Keep up the good work!

We're looking into it :)


Hey everyone!

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for the game. Anything is welcome, as long as it's constructive! Additionally, this week we'd like to ask for some more specific feedback - as we plan to improve Horde in the future, what are some things that you think could be done better with Horde?

As for progress notes, there isn't too much to talk about short-term - quite a bit of dev focus is pivoting towards longer-term progress at the moment as we're getting somewhat close to wrapping up for patch #21. (No ETA yet!) Some quick notes, though:

  • More work on the Armory update has been done. A decent chunk of the functionality is in place, and it needs some more love and attention to get it ready. Still some work to do, but it's looking good so far!
  • New sounds are in development for footstep audio, which will give different armor tiers some much-needed character.
  • Development on a few ma...
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Originally posted by concernedgamer27272

For me and lots of others, the update made performance worse, not better. Is this on your radar? Seems like when people bring up ping problems on the discord, drunk dwarf wants people to install and run a diagnostics program.

Since we don't work in the triternion IT department, there's gotta be a fix that doesn't involve that, right?

As DD said, can't fix what we don't know. Most of the time it's something specific to a single computer (not that it's your fault, just something not cooperating) and blanket fixes don't always work. So we need detailed info to address the issue :)


Originally posted by 7dayban

You guys need a find a solution to insta accels in duels still. IDK what to say but having to deal with every single duel being who can hit a better accel rather than swing manipulation is just beyond annoying. Maybe this is just from personal experience but it feels like the game kinda falls apart after 50+ ping. Weird shit happens like swings phasing through your parry cause of the network delay or them getting what looks like the largest extended parry known to mankind. Kicks phasing through people is another problem at these higher pings. One might say just find a lower ping server but I dont think its that hard of an ask to expect to be able to compete fairly in duels from anywhere to 50-70 ping, which in literally any other game would be considered good ping. Also Bardiche is OP but I think you already responded to that one the last weekly discussion.

Combat changes are planned. No ETA as of yet, but crushed is working on a lot of experimental things that are showing some promise :)


Originally posted by flappypaddy

we are starved for content

We will feed you :)


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Armory rework is going well. It's still a medium-ish term goal, but Spook is adding some really cool features to the new armory. He's started work on loadout categories, and has a very rough but mostly functional system in place. Definitely not close to being polished at all, but it's a good step in the right direction. There is still a LOT of work needed on the new armory UI, but it's shaping up really nicely.

If there were an option to opt-in to a very rough and unpolished armory revamp beta but is mostly functional and has loadout categories I'd do it in a heartbeat. But you guys are probably waiting to surprise us all with a big reveal of all the features 😉

Unfortunately, development doesn't work like that :( You wouldn't be able to actually load in and make a mercenary at this point if we added an opt-in feature, and most people would be reporting bugs that we already have fixed internally, etc.


Originally posted by Skiian360

Hey fellas, love to see you guys are always looking to make the game better and improve the community.

I wouldn't normally comment but I just wanted to express a few concerns on adjusting the fistfighting animations. Specifically with respect to the Mordhau Fistfighting Championship.

I'm well aware that your team has taken the opinions of higher level players into account when working on animations. This is not only important for the competitive scene but refreshing for the community to know that decisions are vetted. I would just like to put a diligence on your radar to ask for similar opinions of players who specialize in this particular field versus your standard competitive knight.

The MFC has plenty of members whom may have input on modifications to these specific animations. Not to throw anyone under the bus, but organizers Bard and Mud, or pros such as Fizzik, Liquid, Lucas Yum, JumpinQuills, Chatick, or the 4x champion ManWithThePlan are a few name...

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We'll be sure to show them off relatively soon, that way everyone can give feedback on them. :)


Originally posted by sex____man

My advice is don't promo combat 2 0 and don't release combat 2.0 in its final form before it's working great and preferably release it with new map content like Eastern crusader seige content and trebuchets so you can remarket the game with the new update packing a whole lot of features, which should hopefully make mordhau sell A lot more copies from promo material for the new patch compared to if you marketed combat 2.0 and new map content in smaller individual piecemeal patches which aren't as significant in content size.

So in other words wait until you have a lot of good content and features before releasing the patch to make a compelling impression rather than just small updates and it will help sell the game more because you can make better promotional material on YouTube when you have more new features to show off.

  1. Can we have a long sallet visor which extends as a mouthguard and shoulderpad cosmetics like in this photo? ...

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That's the plan with the combat stuff, get it polished and working :)

  1. Potentially a new sallet in that style could be cool, but those pauldrons are very mall-ninja-y. Not historical as far as I know.
  2. We are aware of the demand for this and we're seeing what we can do.
  3. Some cool ideas we can definitely look into. I think we need some more late-stage progression.
  4. ^
  5. ENB type presets aren't something we're really interested in doing, usually ENB's have a big performance hit and they're a 3rd party thing regardless. We're not preventing anyone from trying, though.
  6. Each level has the lighting baked into the map, and we'd have to change some things on the backend to make this possible - right now you would need a new copy of each map with different lighting, and that would probably increase the file size by at least 25 GB if I were to make a random guess. We have some plans for non-day maps but we're still looking if it's possib...
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Originally posted by BlastingFern134

This isn't my video, but is made by a good member of the community and sums up all my gripes. Overall, after my first 200 hours, Mordhau is a ton of fun, but these are the issues I've had as well.

Thanks for the video recommendation. Working on these issues!


Originally posted by Dazeuh

I love the game the way it is, only gripe is that overhead accels on some ploomer weapons are too fast and not noob friendly at all.

Other than that, what I want the most is more cosmetics from popular eras and nations like roman, byzantium, saracen, persian, ancient greece etc. More variation of skin colours and gender would be nice too.

We plan on some pretty decent combat changes in the future!

As for weapons from antiquity, we don't plan on adding them. Mordhau is a medieval game, and not everything with swords is exactly medieval. Would feel a bit weird to have a time period of 2500 years.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

Finally, an ability to colour brig legs


23 Jan


Originally posted by zwiiz2

This looks like marginally improved Runescape and I'm here for it

buying gf

19 Jan


wacky inflatable tube man isn't real, he can't hurt you


Hey everyone! :)

You know the drill - let us know your thoughts, feedback, suggestions and anything that comes to mind! Please make sure to be constructive and relatively specific, so we can actually look into the issues or suggestions you've got. Thanks a ton, and we'd love to hear what you have to say.

As for our meeting, we had a pretty good one. Some notes:

  • We spent a pretty good chunk of time talking about how to improve the new-player experience, and ways to make things less frustrating when you're learning the ropes. Some good ideas were brought up, and we'll share 'em with ya once we've finalized and developed these features. Also, we're looking into making the default loadouts actually viable. (No one-shotting defaults!)
  • Not directly related to development, but we're looking into some more ways to talk to ya folks that should be pretty cool. More info when we're ready on that front :)
  • Work on the SDK continues, and it's...
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Originally posted by ivvyditt

Xenophobe and political comments should be stopped.

It'd be cool if they include a tool to report players and automatically it give mods the last chat lines of that reported player, so then they can easily create some filters or take a fast look and then decide to ban their messages on chat for a period of time.

that's mostly the idea of what we're working on :)


Originally posted by Mountain_Jelly_Man

Please do something to address the rampant racism in the chat. This issue has already been raised multiple times so you should be well aware of it. Can we at least get a way to report players for racist and toxic comments.. The lack of any kind of effort to stop this issue is extremely disappointing from the devs. Turning off chat only does so little towards providing an actual solution, you need to step up your game and address this, especially considering how long this game has been out now. I understand you are a small development team but at this point its no longer an excuse

We're working on in-game reporting. That being said you can always report people to the mods over on discord - we've muted over 4000 people, most permanently for offensive behavior in chat. <3


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

Making the duration of chambers and parries shorter was a good thing (I think?) for the competitive scene, but it makes the game harder for new players and makes them more likely to quit (I am not a new player, but I don’t want new Mordhau players to stop playing due to frustration). It also makes swing manipulation stronger, and makes other techniques somewhat obsolete (drags are already better than morphs, chambers, and feints because they cost 0 stamina). I don’t see any optimal solution, but I think the stamina system is a bit wierd sometimes, and some tweaks could be made to various weapons.

Other than that, I recommend making the axe and warhammer slightly stronger but MUCH slower, removing or altering the alt modes for the battle axe and eveningstar, and changing the executioner’s sword to be slightly less powerful.

We're working on changes (combat 2.0) that should fix this. Essentially looking into changes to timing across the board that makes recoveries shorter and the game more responsive, and improving the balance of the mechanics across the board. Can't say specifics really yet since a lot of things are highly experimental at this point, but it should have a big improvement on the combat meta.


Originally posted by SlapmanChapman

Possible fix for the naked and T1 players who are broken asf: add a weapon weight system. Basically, say you have a maul, and are running no armour except a linen hosen because nappies are funny. Since the maul is a big 2 handed weapon, It would reduce your speed so you cant run around smashing skulls like a medieval Usain bolt, and would help add some general balance to classes. This could possibly come within the Armoury update? This hopefully would not be too hard to implement since the armour already has a form of weight system. Perhaps you could make it in a way that each piece of armour and weapon had a specific weight value, and there is a weight limit. Exceeding this limit could mean that your character runs slower, like the tank perk (which could be used to increase the weight limit, since it has no practical use right now). Another option for exceeding the weight limit would be to simply not allow them to exceed it, but that would seem rather pointless considering the lim...

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already have weapon slowdowns for certain weapons (maul is one of them), just doesn't show up in the armory. the planned armory rework will be able to display more stats like these :)

that being said, IMO we need to rework armor and mobility, there are some core issues in that department that should be solved before focusing more on weapon slowdowns.


Originally posted by RK-Seventeen

fIX eVErYtHinG dEVS!

I would Love some Invasion and Frontline maps at night. The fighting doesnt benefit from that, but the chaos does!

Other than that i just want to refer to this once again:

ok I pressed the "fix all" everything is now perfect :)

As for the cosmetic, maaaaybe. The domed armet isn't super popular in game, and we have quite a few plumed helmets as it is. Usually plumes (except the first) are decided on for helmets that aren't done yet - it's a lot more efficient workflow-wise to make a new helmet and mess around with variations before you wrap up working on it, than it is to go back to an old model and tinker around.

We have a night map planned, hopefully. Still experimenting to see if the game plays well when it's dark :)


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Love how every week it's guaranteed to just have a bunch of comments who spun a wheel to figure out which weapon they want to complain about. So far we've got war axe and exe, except somebody's downvoted the exe nerf idea and said it's not a problem. How exciting! Can't wait to see further developments.

FYI we don't look at reddit exclusively and do exactly what people say to do on here. I look at feedback and get general trends and opinions, and then we verify these and see if there is merit to the ideas. If we think there is, we change things. If not, we don't.

So it's not "design-by-reddit" but more of coming here to get a general feel for what a bunch of players think. General opinion can also vary wildly on reddit vs. discord, etc.