
Mordhau Dev Tracker

19 Jan


Originally posted by WikiContributor83

If I may put in a comment late: Maybe more heraldry based emblems? (Lions, Dragons, Stags, eagles, double-headed eagles, etc.) instead of just mundane, personal, or especially meme symbols.

The absolute best case scenario would be making a completely custom symbol with backgrounds (pales, fess, crosses, ermines, etc. ) and symbols in conjuncture.

I personally wish symbols still had color too (if you fall for spies, your the one at fault for not paying attention on the field of battle, and for playing with team colors on).

Not a bad suggestion, we'll see what we can add.. As for spies, they were just getting out of hand unfortunately. Had to do it.


Originally posted by Bay_listicx

Add multi-region selecting that let's you set a priority list of regions to try first. This would allow players to define their acceptable lantancy cut off point, expand their global exposure to playstyles and decrease wait times for ranked. Casual gamemodes should focus more on keeping player interactions fast paced at all player counts. I've suggested many things on that front like dynamic map voting (having the map size match the player count trends) and making 1 or 2 predetermined mini buildable spawn points between each objective that only the losing team can build.

I like the idea of multi region selection, but probably something that you can just do from the server browser more effectively as of right now. Definitely agree on the changes to casual modes, and we're looking into some improvements on those fronts.


Originally posted by Ctth2001

waraxe nerf please. For a 15 point weapon that two shots you it’s too strong, it’s busted

I've been hearing this a bit, we can look into it.


Originally posted by 7dayban

Is there any chance you guys are looking at a Bardiche animation rework, specifically on the overheads? The weapon has quickly surpassed the eveningstar as the strongest duel weapon in the game as people have realized its potential. Its got instant overheads and toe drags that wont register your extended parry they go so wide from you. Its such a lethal combo I actively avoid dueling people who use it as I know I'm put at an objective disadvantage.

On a separate note, as you already probably know, the eveningstar is still way to strong in duels. Its kinda become a meme that you can get 2 hits with a greatsword on someone using ES and they will still outstam you. The weapon also suffers from having accels that are insanely fast and drags that wont trigger your extended parry, it happens quite frequently with overheads but also horizontal drags will sometimes just phase through your parry.

Finally, footspeed in general is too strong. Mordhau has become runhau where n...

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Some good points in here, I'll make sure to share this with the rest of the devs :)


Originally posted by ThatSimRacingBloke

Reallocate a few servers to official modded servers for Frontline, Invasion and Brawl. Pick a few decent mod maps, or have a poll and let the Discord decide their favourites. Add a modded selection on the quick play tab below '80 players'. Boom, more maps. Better yet, have a rotation of maps every 2 weeks or month so they don't get stale.

Unlikely until at least we release official modding tools (soon), but it's a cool idea!


Originally posted by needlzor

Please do something about the blue ballistas. They are useless at best, and harmful most of the time.

  • Camp: it's a spawnkilling ballista, useless for blue
  • Grad: spawnkilling ballista, barely useful for blue in one stage of the game
  • Taiga: spawnkilling ballista, barely useful for blue in one stage of the game

Ballistas should never point at a spawning area.

Yeah, I think we're working on this. I'll double check with the team. :)


Originally posted by someb0dy_elses_dog

Honestly yes. You can buffer these misses by swinging with chamber timing, so it's not like they're TOO strong. A 2v1 shouldn't be that easy anyways tbh.

Chamber buffering / chamber-ftp meta is something we want to eliminate in the future btw


Originally posted by Junkster_Funk

Thanks for the response!

So, as I understand it, the MD9000 was intended to ease the punishment imposed on a player who attempted to parry an attack that ended up missing them by reducing the subsequent parry's cooldown. In addition, there was supposed to be some sort of an indicator (sound?) that alerted the player that MD9000 worked.

Anecdotally, I've never heard this sound, and it appears to me that MD9000 rarely works.

For example, in a 1vX, if one of the enemies with a 1h axe just spams LMB (we all know him), likely missing or blasting the back of the heads of his teammates, it becomes really difficult to be able to ascertain whether or not he'll hit me if I don't parry, or miss me and/or hit one of his teammates. If he misses, but I parried, I get wrecked by the maul man who isn't actually terrible. The enemy's swing can hit an object, his teammates, the AIR, and any decent player can't 'read' those outcomes 100%.

Personally, this makes 1VX a ...

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Ok, thanks for clarifying. didn't know if you though it was too strong or too weak. Also, thanks for the comments in this thread everyone 👍

Also, the whole combat overhaul crush is planning will attempt to reduce recovery stuff in a way that makes the game feel more responsive with less lockouts in general that make you feel helpless. This might be an area where intentional misses may no longer be viable and also (hopefully) aren't needed to begin with :)

17 Jan


Originally posted by Junkster_Funk

Can you please fix miss detector 9000?

explain please. "fix it" doesn't help us :)

13 Jan


Hello everyone!

As usual, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the game. Any suggestions, critiques, feedback or requests are welcome! Like always, please keep things civil and respectful,

As for this week, we had a shorter meeting and mostly focused on some general "housekeeping", as we've brought two developers on - a sound designer and a programmer. We'll be sure to put out some good meeting notes next week!

Last week's thread can be found here:

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12 Jan


Originally posted by naturkunskap

I have a small and somewhat unimportant suggestion. But it would be really nice to be able to choose, on the home menu screen, which character to display. Or have the option to shuffle all or a set group of loadouts. I have a few ugly fellas I'm not super excited to see.

I think we might be able to do this with our planned rework to the armory! We'll see :)


Originally posted by lukej428

Plz make butcher apply to projectiles. Or add a perk called like beast hunter or something so that it’s a range only dmg multiplier that increased damage to horses 2X. The this would make the newer players actually really helpful with dealing with cavalry by having them focus the horse instead of the rider and burn it down pretty quickly. Also PLEASE add a perk similar to fireproof called goggles or something that increases visibility by 80% in smoke bomb radius, it’s ridiculous that people can take 3 smoke bombs in a load out and spam them cheesing and completely obscure the entire map trolling their teammates and making it impossible to fight.

Good point, butcher would be useful for projectiles. As for smoke visibility, it's definitely something we could look at.


Originally posted by Nickyfazzo

Thanks for taking the time. This kind of community interaction is really encouraging.



Originally posted by dropbbbear

Triternion knows that:

  • Mordhau is a niche indie game with 3000-4000 average concurrent players. If something was to happen that made a significant number of players quit, it would be bad for the game's survival.

  • Regardless of what anyone thinks, a significant number of players will quit if female characters are added without the option to turn them off client-side (gender toggle). Look at what happened to Battlefield V.

  • When Triternion suggested client-side gender toggle as a sensible compromise, the SJW games press bullied them until they said they wouldn't do it. So unless Triternion goes back on their word, that isn't an option.

  • The number of people who actually care that you can't make your Mordhau character female is tiny. In fact I think I've only seen you and like 2 other people mention it on this sub.

That's why they're delaying as long as possible and working on other prior...

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If people quit because we add women, that's good. They should probably go outside for a bit.


Originally posted by lukej428

I’ve noticed a huge inconsistency with riposte hyperarmor, where I’ll be riposting with a longsword (and be about halfway through my swing arc) and some dude will hit me with an axe or other small weapon and still easily block my attack after connecting with me. I feel like the hit stop window should be a bit longer (akin to hitting an obstacle) or bring back overpower to punish people just spamming attacks into one person in 1vX

a lot of the planned changes should remedy this 🤞


Originally posted by captnamazing

Could you please make a peasants vs knights gamemode? It's as straightforward as that. An Invasion map with 28 peasants versus a team of 6 knights. or some ratio like that. Thank you.

Sounds fun, but we're not really in a position to split the playerbase any further.


Originally posted by SlapmanChapman

considering when in history this game is set, i think we all know where those people are...

The Moors kinda conquered what's now Spain and ruled it for like 800 years during the medieval era, so yeah maybe brush up on history a bit 👍


Originally posted by nervvves

also where are black people and women

They're coming in due time :)

09 Jan


Originally posted by Goblin-13

Hi Jax,

Loving the game. Any plans for future game modes? I can imagine a CTF-styled mode being hilariously chaotic given the nature of the game - maybe even 4-way team battles (Red V Blue V Green V Yellow for example)?

Hey, thanks for the suggestions!
The issue is that the more modes we add, the less populated each mode gets. Because of that, we're not trying to go crazy on new modes.

08 Jan


Originally posted by dropbbbear

I mean 1) we will get great voice acting, and 2) we already have Foppish which is completely ridiculous.