over 1 year ago - MultiVersus - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I hope you're happy with the adventure so far, Morty.
3s Will you just show me how to stay alive?
4s You can't tell me what to do.
6s Whoa, whoa, whoa. Morty, come on.
7s Aw geez.
8s Get in the game, Morty.
10s You're the boss.
10s Wubba lubba dub dub!
12s Geez, I really need to chill.
15s How do you like that?
16s I'm Mr. Meeseeks!
18s Let me try something.
20s Yes!
24s Oldest Rick trick in the book.
28s When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours.
31s Whoa. That was cool.
33s I defeat gagoos more powerful than these guys every week.
36s Oh, man. Okay. All right.
39s Solve that one real quick.
41s All right, that's it. I'm out of here.
43s Get riggity riggity wrecked son!
49s Infinite timelines, infinite possibilities.
57s Good job.