29 days ago - MultiVersus - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

7s [Music]
31s let's get this started let me show you
33s how we do it let me show you how we do
35s it let me show you how we show you how
38s you LIF let me show you how we do it do
43s it let me show you how we do it
47s it let me show you how we do it let me
50s show you how we do
55s it it's not who we are
58s underneath it's what we do defines
61s us I've been preparing for this all my
65s life what now are you trying to test me
68s ma'am but you can't catch
70s [Music]
89s me No More Mr night
105s Mar
110s two why do you think they call me the
112s Man of
114s Steel by the strength of Ammon Black
118s Adam stri
127s you think you can control me I'll do my
130s [Music]
140s best oh boy here we
148s go you're scared Superman admit
154s it you want to try this again Bruce come
160s on don't get
162s cocky we've still got a lot of work
165s ahead of us tremble before me inferior
172s [Music]
183s oh it's fighting time now record
186s [Music]
195s scrash let's shut these down
198s [Music]
213s my moves are for more than fighting pay
216s attention now
223s [Music]
226s I party time
231s [Music]
246s yeah don't worry about it you'll get it
249s next
262s time I've been looking forward to this
271s what's up do let's get
274s [Music]
286s started hey buz Here Comes
290s heat that's it time's
291s [Music]
297s up show we got okay
300s [Music]
316s me what's cooking dog
321s [Music]
330s I could show you new
335s mov bugs in Lebron backing action a
338s friendship Tor aund watch the funny
341s business bu that's you now it's my
345s [Music]
349s turn hey do what's that sh you playing I
353s like it can't tou these
358s moves can't tou these moves
362s man what do you want a
371s selfie keep your
373s eyes keep
376s [Music]
384s your keep your
386s [Music]
387s on let's make it snappy doc
392s I call it the jitterbugs tell me what
395s you think I'm all
397s [Music]
404s [Music]
414s is Let's Get
418s Dangerous yeah let's who it is hary my
422s sweet it's time for
425s Mayhem oh this is going to be
429s fun circus is in town sorry
435s B 60 seconds till the chaos begins
457s [Music]
459s I survived worse than
462s you but you won't be able to say the
465s same of
466s me never consider therapy are
469s you I think you can use
471s it you're not very smart are you I'm
475s cute I'm fun I'm going to kick your
478s teeth in
482s you're only calling the shots because I
484s will it choker it's Bounce Time
490s [Music]
496s baby that's what we call a knockout jump
501s [Music]
523s pathetic
524s [Music]
531s baby
532s [Music]
537s take I win
541s [Music]
546s you ever Dance with the Devil in the
548s pale
550s Moonlight who wants a Scooby Snack do
554s you even understand what's going on here
556s shaki let's see how fast that sword is
567s Ari this is f
578s I bet you could use my help
582s [Music]
601s I'm taking you
605s down take your shot the you know you
608s want
609s to poking and prodding desperate for
613s your
614s dopamine tell me is it working time to
619s say good
624s night another one
635s [Music]
638s Justice vient barly broke a
641s sweat and they call me don't forget
644s about those GS you owe me the rabbit is
649s [Music]
650s mine what a performance can you feel
654s that the electric H possibilities that's
657s today right now we could do
665s anything dson always came naturally to
671s me hero don't like just standing
676s around it's
680s like it's is time to chel your power
684s Shaggy music is an expression of
687s Love pay attention now BR
691s it's I am your Fury I am your patience I
695s am a
697s conversation I am your Fury I am your
700s patience I am a conversation need a
710s shield here it
718s comes that's
724s now these are
724s [Music]
731s moves your Fury your
733s [Music]
739s patience not a
745s Target special delivery
750s time not in my house
753s ja I am your I am your patience I
759s am don't feel
761s [Music]
764s bad I'm just extremely
767s [Music]
770s good got to shake it
775s off I am your to I am your patience I am
780s just as I
781s suspected Jake the dog girl you have got
785s to tell me your hair care routine you
788s disgust me I thought you like dogs
791s zoinks that shirt ripped so
795s easily say zoinks again that's a funny
798s word I'm Batman and I'll stop you let me
802s try I'm bad bad how was that pretty good
806s time to say good night h H yes I'm going
811s to beat you up with the power of
813s friendship let's get this over
818s with don't trifle with
821s [Music]
822s me wow these guys look pretty
826s Fierce dream and team rhyme for a reason
829s to
831s know truth justice
834s and the other good stuff yeah
842s I got you
842s [Music]
846s gar this isn't your lucky
849s day I'm not scared of you
852s Batman Stay Frosty I am
855s your patience
861s [Music]
872s man I feel so much power inside of me
875s it's like kind of
883s tingly I think I'm getting even
888s stronger man what just happened I'm in a
891s computer but I'm here
894s too man is this like real real
898s real this like blowing my mind blowing
901s my mind blowing my mind this like
904s blowing my mind blowing my mind blowing
907s my mind a girl is not impressed by the
909s infamous
913s [Music]
924s Shaggy this w't last
927s long surprise you can't stop me that
933s easy I'll make it
937s quick
939s [Music]
942s this I'll end you with a chicken bone if
944s I have
945s to did someone say Scooby
948s Snacks is that
950s [Music]
955s you I've never seen such weak
958s swordsmanship
961s let's see you do better
964s Earthly a useless effort you're in for
968s it
969s now jeez this sure is a lot to take
973s in maybe I'll just have a scy snack next
978s time it's so delicious I'm going to
981s [Music]
983s cry another victory for how to
987s St you think Gotham City is dangerous
990s then you've never been to flea bottom
992s [Laughter]
996s [Music]
1012s [Applause]
1014s [Music]
1018s [Applause]
1023s the so-called
1026s Superman something I can help you with
1028s I'm here to fight for truth and Justice
1031s allying yourself with weaklings
1035s again our foes are a cowardly and
1038s superstitious lot I will put dirt on
1041s Your Grave Batman got my sword got my
1045s hat what else do I need with my stretchy
1048s Powers we got this no problem dude I'll
1050s slay anything that's evil that's my deal
1053s watch The Funky Junk and we'll be just
1055s fine let's do it for my homies in the
1058s land of disintegration Ray primed and
1061s ready let's off fight fair and this
1063s should be
1065s fun who are you the Superman dude what A
1070s rad day hey you met that kid Finn I like
1075s him even with no superpowers he just
1078s Dives right into the a action that's
1080s some real hero stuff Finn Finn do those
1085s moves that we were practicing back home
1088s they'll never see it
1090s coming okay I'm feeling all like
1093s inspired and stuff
1095s now time to get my hero
1100s on Yon
1112s 3 2
1113s [Music]
1121s 1 woo that's a knockout
1126s [Music]
1137s yeah what do you think about this up be
1140s honest I've tried a lot of looks and I
1143s gotten mixed
1144s reviews that's the uniform you've chosen
1147s to fight in don't feel
1149s [Music]
1164s bad that'll teach you to doubt the
1166s eludium q36 explosive space module eight
1169s all get me back in the
1172s fight do these Momos really think they
1174s can beat us hey come on man I totally
1177s let you win that time put down your
1179s sandwiches and put up your dukes dude
1182s Marvin the Martian never
1185s surrenders nothing scares me now like
1189s clly you are foolish to try and fight
1194s me think it's time to like unleash my r
1203s dance over there Dance This Way dance
1214s [Music]
1234s it's time for us to play the game of
1241s faces I think this should be a fine
1247s warmup every hurt is a
1250s lesson and every lesson makes you better
1253s you really think you can keep up with me
1257s sugar you don't know what what you're in
1268s [Music]
1273s for winter is
1285s coming under the veil of night is the
1287s best time to attack
1290s [Music]
1299s this sword was crafted by the gods and I
1302s shall use it to destroy you you want a
1306s [Music]
1316s dance the north never forgets
1319s [Music]
1324s my dream of a better
1326s world doesn't end
1332s here only love can truly save the
1337s world a girl is AR dark with
1342s Winterfell I will introduce you to the
1344s many face God
1346s myself oh you ain't even see psycho
1351s [Applause]
1355s [Music]
1357s yet my father didn't back down neither
1361s will I by the might of Olympus this is
1370s [Music]
1375s over you won't be able to Tiny own shoes
1379s what I'm done with
1393s you make this quick
1400s [Music]
1424s I never give
1430s up like the
1434s wind
1437s hold that look
1442s like the lasso compels
1452s you you ain't even on
1458s my and now there's
1462s peace if just for a moment
1465s [Music]
1472s [Music]
1478s [Music]
1486s that is a
1492s [Music]
1503s Rec
1506s [Music]
1507s [Applause]
1521s [Music]
1542s [Music]
1547s this oh sorry I was just working on a
1549s new song what's up
1554s up Steven
1556s [Music]
1559s Mr Universe you got some
1562s [Music]
1564s moves can't wait to see the rest of the
1570s team okay here we
1582s go ready when you are
1596s ready let's
1604s go don't worry I'm
1607s [Music]
1611s here call it do not fail me
1615s now you got this gnet
1627s look out Wonder
1636s Woman now this is what I call a classic
1639s [Music]
1642s te Hey Jake want to be jam
1645s buds I love you man let's keep gruning
1649s up bad
1650s guys this T's favorite part oh
1655s man I'm like still
1658s here don't be scared
1661s shag if we act justly we are all
1666s heroes when all this is done we got to
1668s get some fish to pizza stop spinning so
1671s I can kick your but
1683s all right who's got
1685s next
1688s [Music]
1690s go this is what here Che this one
1699s [Music]
1702s out yeah dude let's do it
1715s I promise to try my
1722s hard ready for adventure here we go here
1725s we go here we
1727s [Music]
1729s go there is a superhero in all of
1733s us we just need the courage to put on
1736s the cape
1738s [Music]
1752s [Music]