over 1 year ago - MultiVersus - Direct link

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0s Sweden to Senpai and MJ who won the
3s second EU finals again now dropping a
5s single set from Poland Netherlands and
7s so so many more to other teams coming in
9s through today so gonna be kind of uh
12s heavy hitter teams gonna be facing off
14s against each other Sharpie I don't know
15s what we're gonna be able to expect from
18s it all but at the end of the day I don't
20s think there's a single easy round
23s it's really really important as well to
25s note how hard the journey has been up
27s here like you said there are very few
29s teams that manage to win without any
31s losses whatsoever inside of the
33s preliminaries and as we get here a lot
35s of these a lot of these teams are only
37s going to have a singular opportunity or
39s maybe even two opportunities basically
41s to move forward inside of this top eight
43s basically after they lose as you know it
45s is double elimination so they have two
47s opportunities uh their first loss will
49s put them aside losers unless they're
50s already on that side in which case
52s they'll actually be removed from the
54s entirety of the bracket now as we go
56s into our very first match today
59s um I believe that's going to be OG San
61s and uh atsui versus a phantom and uh
65s misukin do you have any favorites going
67s into this very first match of the day
69s that we're going to see
70s I honestly could not tell you because if
72s you looked at the these guys's past
74s results OG sounding nuts we got fourth
76s at the first EU open and Phantom and
78s mitsugen mitsu shin got fifth at the
81s second one so like those are pretty
85s similar placements they never fought
86s against each other within the fall
87s showdowns so they have a lot of stuff
90s coming up here if you look at OG sound
92s and atsui they could probably be rocking
93s LeBron or Harley alongside A Bug's bunny
96s from Matsui and on the other side of
98s that coin you're gonna have Superman and
99s Arya from Phantom and mitsukin and it's
101s like this is kind of like up in the air
104s but what's gonna happen right because if
106s you go for the Superman if we kind of
108s like analyze the actual characters and
110s what the characters are gonna be going
111s against each other Superman does have
112s the ability to ice freeze the basketball
114s from LeBron to kind of like slow it down
116s or just stop it in its tracks completely
118s so that could be a factor to end up
120s going for LeBron so Harley might become
122s the pick instead we're just at the wait
123s and see I know at the very beginning of
126s the game's lifespan LeBron came out and
128s a lot of people were just kind of
129s sleeping on this character was like I
131s know he doesn't feel so good whatever
132s but as the game has gone on and he's
134s gotten a couple of Buffs this character
136s is actually kind of uh nasty hard he's
140s nasty bro he's hard to deal with like in
142s 2v2 because the basketball's like
143s constantly in play so we're seeing a lot
145s more people playing LeBron James because
147s of that
148s so let me ask because as you know
150s Superman and Arya was a very very
152s popular pick earlier inside of this
154s game's lifespan especially at some of
156s the first couple of Make It Rain Dogs
158s some of the very first of ajax's locals
160s uh we even saw it at very high demand at
163s Evo a little bit less popular but we did
165s see it quite frequently uh how do you
167s think Superman uh and Arya as a
170s combination uh can play against LeBron
174s who has become more of a very popular
175s more high-ranking pick amongst
178s high-level meta well you put the
180s heaviest character and the lightest
182s character together not counting Iron
183s Giant obviously
184s um and you got that's the kind of team
186s you got right so Superman's probably
187s gonna be pulling the point gonna be
188s playing the front liner while Arya hangs
190s in the back and looks for those sweet
191s spots uh to actually move in the
194s Assassin role rather it's kind of
196s interesting because if you looked at NA
198s East finals yesterday a lot of the team
200s comps were like clearly the front liner
202s was like an assassin a Bruiser a tank
205s and the backliner was usually like a
207s support or a range and that's not kind
209s of what we're seeing here today mine is
210s the winner obviously the winner was a
212s Morty and a rain dog shout outs to uh
215s house arrest and um monk for being able
217s to pull that off but uh yeah I love me
219s some Monk bro I love watching one
222s gameplay
226s yeah they pulled it off dude they ended
228s up getting the whole win on that and I
230s also want to give a shout out to any
231s West yesterday that was a luck and Mikko
234s winning North America West finals so we
236s got our two Champions now we're here to
237s figure out our third and last champions
239s here at Europe and now we're looking it
241s looks like we're sitting here on the
242s character select screens exactly the
243s characters are going to be seeing so
245s just to let you guys know on the right
247s side for the red team it's going to be
251s um
251s uh Phantom in mitsukin and then on the
254s left side the blue team is going to be
255s OG San and atsui this is pretty much a
257s France battle going on here I'm pretty
259s sure uh Phantom's also from France but
261s the other three players are definitely
262s 100 from France so if you recall from
265s the first EU open France was dominating
268s all of Europe so like it's because
270s they've been pushing a lot of these
271s terms especially in the beginning of
272s this game's lifespan they were
273s constantly having tons of online
275s brackets before France has helped like
277s push the scene
279s now uh just a quick question because
281s we've seen a lot of Superman play
283s earlier previously inside of the setups
286s of these qualifiers
288s um and obviously phantom for those of
291s you who don't know is an amazing
292s Superman player we did see him actually
294s switch off of Superman at a certain
296s point as I have the bracket do you
297s expect that to happen depending upon
299s their first loss or their first win
301s inside of the set I mean it could happen
303s uh Superman has definitely fallen off in
305s recent memory just because it's not
307s because Superman is like like he's
309s clearly got a couple of Nerfs and he's
311s still a fantastic character but the
313s problem is a lot of the people that play
315s Superman kind of don't believe in him as
316s much anymore one of the people that come
318s to mind is oops here who is now like
319s primarily a Batman man so a lot of these
322s pillars have been like kind of dropping
324s off of them in favor of other characters
325s so it's always refreshing to see someone
327s still locked with the Superman
328s especially over in Europe this is not
330s the only Superman in our midst there's
331s also a G3 and Cowfish coming up the
333s later in the bat later on in the day so
334s it's always nice and refreshing to see
336s him because you gotta remember he is one
337s of the heaviest characters in the game
338s minus Iron Giant so he's gonna to live
340s for a long time especially when you get
341s combos like that the down attacking the
342s down attack bring it up into a side
344s special to easily easily put them into a
346s fantastic positioning here in the
348s opening part of this bracket
349s really really good start so far just for
352s this red team they've already been great
353s about racking up damage you can see
354s Superman's at 90 he's only gonna be
356s sitting there for a while just as a
358s stock tank inside of this matchup we're
359s seeing a lot of aggressive Bugs Bunny
362s play not as much projectile in the very
364s first ring out does go in favor of the
366s red team blue team does get a ring out
368s on Arya now oh actually that's a ring
371s out on Superman my apologies fantastic
373s start just an easy trade so far aside
375s this match it looks really really close
377s so far Aussie yeah I mean they're just
379s trading stocks left and right and now
380s it's up to uh Bugs Bunny to be on that
384s uh stock tank roll but unfortunately
386s caught by that up there and that's gonna
388s be otsuite taking a pretty early stop
391s right there one thing that's also really
393s interesting to note is that in EU open
395s number one we didn't see a single Arya
397s star start whereas in the second one we
399s saw tons of them so this is going to be
401s kind of like a combination of them all
402s coming together look at this team damage
404s coming out from OG sound and atsui
406s they're just completely just dominating
407s the 2b1 right there I guess I'm just
409s continuing the combo damage I like how
410s they're like jumping off of each other's
412s Combos and synergizing extremely well to
414s get those damage as Max as possible we
416s have a ton coming in there's the dagger
417s throw continues the onslide good kbi
419s coming from OG sign to be able to land
420s right back down on the stage now I'm I'm
423s already really concerned just because
425s one of the things I'm not necessarily
426s seeing here is as many projectiles as I
428s usually see from A Bug's teeth you know
430s it actually looks like he's taking more
432s of an aggressive post and basically
434s boxing in these instances uh choosing to
436s mostly use tunnel and safe as opposed
438s using rockets inside of these setups
440s which I think is actually really smart
442s because rocket setups will take a lot of
444s time Arya can already get on you and
445s especially when you are sitting there
446s alone that's a perfect time for Arya to
448s do exactly what he did right there to
451s that to that to that LeBron by singling
455s them out in a 1v1 situation
456s meets again been doing a fantastic job
458s of just like cornering like OG sense
461s specifically and getting a lot of these
462s side air Kos are the very like high low
465s damages rather and it's been helping
467s them out tremendously within this match
469s and now that big Target right now is
470s gonna be Phantom but while Phantom's
472s gonna be kind of chilly in the back line
473s because he has to do such a high damage
475s they're actually gonna collude on the
477s mitsukin instead and get rid of this
479s nasty Arya and gonna send that stock
482s flying and give themselves a game number
484s one in their favor the whole time at the
486s very end Phantom was at 170 damage so of
489s course they're gonna trade rules he's
491s gonna play the back line because he
492s can't risk anything and so instead Buju
494s San and uh atsui playing the chase game
496s and just be like you know what we're
498s instead of going after this runaway
499s Superman let's just go after the Aria
500s she is the lightest character of the
502s game if we do enough damage to her she
503s will be at ring out percent so that's
504s exactly what happened
506s you know one of the things that I also
508s saw really helping The Blue Team inside
509s of this win was the fact that LeBron's
511s uh perk I believe was actually keep
513s possession which as you know gives Bugs
515s Bunny a little bit of gray Health there
516s were several times where Bugs Bunny
518s could have actually gotten ringed out
520s just because of the attack and the
522s pressure that was on him but because of
524s that little bit of gray Health kind of
526s like being a buffer as you see right
527s here it prevented him from being inside
529s of situations where Arya could very
532s easily have just gone ahead and up aired
534s him or up specialed him to an
536s unfortunate ring out very good uh uh
539s very good know-it-all I think by LeBron
541s very popular perk especially inside of
543s doubles and it also speaks to exactly
544s what you're talking about before
545s previously austie which is the fact that
547s LeBron just excels so much because of
550s that basketball it's so incredibly
551s versatile especially inside of twos
553s he also has two different movesets based
555s on if he has the basketball in hand or
557s if he doesn't have the basketball so
558s once he tosses the basketball out and he
559s doesn't have one the only way for him to
561s get a basketball is to use his alternate
563s moveset which is considered worse
564s because it's the the initial moves are a
567s little bit more laggy on Startup so he
569s has to actually hit someone to reclaim
571s that basketball or he uses one of his
573s cooldown moves to just find a basketball
574s like on his own and his moveset just
577s gets significantly better while he has
579s he's in possession of the ball you know
580s LeBron's better on offense than defense
582s I suppose
584s and and he's just consistently asking
586s the ref what is this called that's why
588s he's so good on both because he knows
589s the call is never going to be in his
590s favor what what what what now let's talk
594s a little bit more about what red team
595s can improve on here and what changes
598s we're looking for on this red team the
600s first thing is of course we went over to
601s sky Arena no platforms very popular
603s choice
605s um do you expect for us to go to the
606s same stage as well
608s so if we if the history repeats itself
610s from Europe uh European uh open one and
612s two we saw a ton a ton a ton of sky
615s Arena like they were not really kind of
617s experimenting with the stage list and na
619s West and NA East for both number one
621s number two and finals we saw a variety
623s of stitches a lot of trophies Edge a lot
625s of sky Arena with a lot of Scooby's
626s mansion with no roof a lot of bat cave
628s and those are like the four most common
629s stages but over in Europe it was
632s primarily just sky Arena that seems to
634s be the meta they like to play on it's
636s just this one and only stage with
637s sometimes getting kind of big every now
639s and then so just because of European in
641s the past I would not be shocked that
642s this is like the most common stage we
644s see all day today
645s got it a really strong start yet again I
649s I love these round starts by Red Team
651s here they're so aggressive on the start
653s they really want that early pressure on
655s their side and it's usually resulted in
657s them getting the very first knockout in
659s their favor so I'm interested to see
661s what this first knockout situation looks
662s like so far and of course as soon as I
664s say that blue team immediately turns
666s that pressure around and gets advantage
669s being able to get that Offensive start
672s is such a boon for them because it
674s doesn't give any time for red team to
675s get set up granted there's not much for
677s them to set up besides just placing the
680s dagger potential of the Timothy that
681s enraged there we gotta follow up right
682s there see Phantom getting the up air
684s after Michigan opens him up the
686s really early KO they're from the bottom
689s of the Blaster and now we're gonna see
690s both players on red team at relatively
693s high damage LeBron in trouble but that's
695s okay OG stands playing character that is
696s relatively heavy on top of that so
698s you'll be able to survive to fight a
699s little bit longer keeps getting caught
701s by the upsortion because it's a little
702s bit too far away is the Michigan's
704s struggling to get that Hollow because of
705s that manages to find the downers who not
707s only finds the basketball and a KO and
710s is also going back here on the offensive
712s 136 damage here on OG San has to play a
714s little bit of the back Landing game
716s really nice setup there by bugs
718s unfortunately fell a little bit short
719s because Superman was easily able to get
720s that with ice breath now in a very
722s precarious situation inside of the air
724s game you don't necessarily win against
725s Superman and he has to recover back onto
727s the stage just trying really hard to get
728s on there beautiful beautiful Sarah to go
731s ahead and keep that uh keep Superman off
733s the platforms and immediately we're back
735s inside of a game where Arya immediately
736s gets that next second knockout beautiful
738s play and it's almost a miracle that
740s absolutely still alive by the way like
742s he has not lost a single stock there's
743s that opportunity on the left side of the
744s stage but he was struggling again
746s there's a fantastic combo coming up from
747s OG son gonna shut down Phantom Superman
749s now the score is team but not for long
751s again that's gonna be obso he going
753s flying from the sidear he thought he was
755s done I thought he was done but he still
756s surviving kbi coming out from him until
758s finally finally finally goes in the
761s blast zone and we got Match Point here
762s for red team but it is still pretty even
764s and just like that in his match point
766s for anyone
768s this is a this is a real toss-up of a
770s game right now you're looking at these
772s trades literally go one and one the
774s percentages are similar the the the
776s pressure is similar and the only
778s difference is the ability to get wall
780s mode which we saw blue team just do now
782s we're looking at Superman otherwise
784s known as Super Tank sitting at 94 not
787s necessarily the easiest ring out but at
789s 100 he is going to be in Rage we are
791s going to have to be worrying about
792s additional damage coming out but it may
794s not be concerned because of how high
797s these ceilings are on the stage
799s yeah and there's one thing about getting
800s like an early Spike on Superman as well
802s it's not impossible hold on a second
803s here's the narrow you try to get the
804s center who's well we have literally a
805s fantastic kbi from otsuite he faded away
808s purposely to get away from Superman
810s forcing himself to get closer to the
811s blossom so he didn't get that follow-up
813s combo because that easily would have
814s spelled out a ring out at the end of the
816s game gonna get some Burling action
818s coming in to catch someone off guard
819s connects the bat batter up gets 2-0 lead
823s and now they're finding themselves in a
825s really good spot here for blue team
828s you know something I really we want to
829s talk about from that last game there
831s Aussie was one of the things if you
832s watch you'll see a lot of very careful
835s play from both Bugs Bunny and LeBron
837s LeBron takes a much more active
839s combination inside of a lot of these Duo
842s attacks for The Blue Team very
843s frequently you don't usually see bugs on
846s the front line like that and in this
847s match specifically he took more to more
849s of a passive role than he did inside
850s that first one even inside of situations
852s where you can see that he's the only
854s character left there you can see him
856s kind of just moving back slightly moving
858s off and one of that final stocks that
860s happened where he was able to recover
861s back on the screen as you said only
863s happened because he was slightly
865s drifting outside of the range very very
867s careful micro dashing and micro
869s placement there keeping him safe and
871s making him I think one of the MVPs from
873s that very last round especially for blue
875s team LeBron did amazing as well and if
877s we discount any of LeBron's dunk I would
879s be genuinely a lesser commentator for it
882s but fantastic play and fantastic
884s awareness I want to shout out for that
886s bugs player who was responsible for that
888s final stock inside of both the previous
890s match and in sight of this match as well
891s very good awareness and understanding
894s yeah atsui's bugs was doing a fantastic
896s job of playing that backline role being
898s the stock tank especially when OG San
900s was a stuck tank in the previous game
901s because he was the one surviving granted
903s you gotta remember that like in in
905s within multiverses there are characters
907s that excel in specific roles like I said
910s earlier you know those people that are
911s frontliners that are really that are
913s better at front lining there are
914s characters that are better at backlining
915s but I think as the game starts to evolve
918s and players keep getting more and more
920s comfortable with this game and continue
921s to reach more peak of the growth you
924s gotta start to understand that you might
925s have a role that your character excels
927s in but you need to adapt what role
929s you're going to fly into on the Fly
931s based on what's going on so as an
933s example there was that moment where like
935s OG San was uh is probably going to be
937s the front liner while Bugs Bunny stays
939s in the back and throws out projectiles
940s or you know could throw out basketballs
941s from the back line it doesn't really
942s matter they could both play either role
944s but they're switching it up based on
945s what the circumstances are based on what
947s their numbers are so as an example atsui
949s hasn't hadn't lost a single stock yet
952s and ogson's been down for two so now
954s that he's at a high damage no reason's
956s out of fresh damage that means uh
957s atsui's bugs is going to go into the
959s back line and start playing really safe
960s while OG San takes the risks because
962s he's at a lower uh lower number in that
964s stock it's all about adapting based on
967s the situation
969s now I did see a gizmo swap over there
971s for Phantom uh opting to not necessarily
973s go Superman inside of this game three
975s but actually Gizmo how is this going to
978s change the possible pressure that red
979s team will be able to provide here
982s I I so I'm gonna be real I didn't I
984s didn't catch it really quick are you
986s trolling me right now is that actually
987s Gizmo
988s no I'm I'm not trolling oh I'm sorry
991s that was stripe that was stripe my
993s apologies
1002s I've never commented in a gizmo in my
1004s entire life so I got I got really
1005s excited I was like you are you getting
1007s me like no never never ever so uh this
1010s is uh switching over to the bats instead
1013s of the suits this is actually a very
1015s natural transition a lot of players have
1017s been playing Superman feel like you just
1018s can't keep it up so off to swap over to
1020s Batman instead to get that bastard speed
1022s more combo game as well as really
1025s earlier chaos the only downside is that
1027s he's a much lighter carrier than
1028s Superman and they're playing a super
1029s glass Cannon team it seems to be working
1031s out dividends for them right now already
1032s getting it really early in Ko against
1034s optimus's bugs
1036s that weekend stack that Batman gets on
1039s his passive from both the smoke screen
1040s and from certain special moves while
1042s also greatly assist Arya here as you're
1045s already seeing and it's one of the
1046s reasons why they were able to get that
1047s early knockout so much look at how much
1049s damage they're literally racking about
1050s Bluetooth 79 85 139 and both the blue
1054s team is just dancing inside the blast
1056s zone because of it it is a ridiculous
1059s amount of pressure that red team is able
1061s to put out on Blue Team until Arya
1063s secured that knockout on LeBron very
1065s very advantageous they're currently two
1067s knock-ups up over blue team zero
1070s get another down arrow they're
1071s ultimately in a bad position trying to
1073s find a way to get back on gets called
1074s out by a cider and this is a completely
1076s different ball again until they finally
1078s get their first point on the board it is
1079s still
1080s a very Hefty lead here for red team this
1082s is looking very pretty for them and the
1084s things are falling out of control for
1085s blue insanely fast also he's gonna get
1088s some rage things going here get
1090s throughout the basketball throughout the
1091s pies get the Bro ready to go so let's
1093s pop in left and right they're gonna get
1094s another point on the board but it might
1095s be a little bit too late because OG song
1097s is already at 71 damage and we're seeing
1099s how fast red team is getting these early
1100s chaos I cannot stress enough though that
1102s this is a glass Cannon team and they're
1104s now at risk of potentially losing their
1106s final stops look how high they going
1108s traveling hook managed to catch him all
1111s the way up to the top get the uppercut
1113s get the KO off the top and that is
1115s something to say for the grappling hook
1117s on Batman they get you right into the
1119s fight he went up there bro like he was
1121s going super fast he zoomed up there
1124s you know was it a Superman was he flying
1127s I'll never truly be sure but that double
1129s knock out there even though it only they
1131s only needed one stock what a beautiful
1133s play and it's something that you saw
1134s throughout the entirety of that last
1136s match blue team was playing just as well
1139s as they had been earlier inside the set
1141s but because of Batman's weekend stack
1143s because of the amount of Mobility that
1146s Batman has compared to Superman because
1148s of his ability to stick and move and
1150s also assist Arya a little bit better on
1152s the damage side we saw significantly
1155s earlier Knockouts we saw ridiculous
1157s combo moves right there look at that I
1160s just I'm so happy we caught the replay
1161s because getting that grappling hook on
1164s them up inside of the blast zone for
1166s that final uh sure you can into a double
1170s knockout that was that was just um
1172s chef's kiss beautiful play there by
1174s Phantom and it does actually keep them
1177s inside of this set now with the score of
1179s one two one game inside of their favor
1183s and this is why we're seeing a lot of
1185s Superman start to drop the character in
1187s order to pick up Batman instead Batman
1189s just has way more ability than Superman
1191s and allows him to be able to chase down
1192s opponents and not let them breathe as
1194s heavily Superman on the other side is a
1196s little bit slower if you manage to get a
1197s couple hits he no longer has some of
1199s those true combos I guess some netsum
1201s some really really early Kos that are
1203s kind of degenerate Kos in the past so a
1205s little bit more balance meanwhile over
1207s here with Batman my man can get in there
1209s and you gotta remember we're playing a
1211s platform fighter where compared to like
1213s a traditional 2D fighter speed is
1215s everything in a platform fighter speed
1217s is so so much more important because you
1220s being able to Zip Zap Zoom all across
1222s the stage allows you to be able to move
1224s your opponents allows you to win neutral
1226s more allows you to be able to run away
1227s in case you're feeling in an
1228s uncomfortable situations and that's
1229s exactly what this team of Ari and
1231s Batman's going to be able to establish
1232s here
1233s so I guess one of my biggest concerns
1235s going into this very next match is I'm
1237s wondering if firstly if that if that
1239s shaggy is real if that shaggy is a real
1241s pick I know earlier you said that Batman
1243s uh that LeBron and bugs were a favorite
1247s for uh atsui and ojisan but did uh did
1252s atsui have a Shaggy
1254s uh potentially I know otsuite played
1256s Harley in bugs but honestly I I feel
1259s like if you play multiverses you have a
1261s shot yeah I think he's the easiest
1262s characters to pick up he goes he he he's
1265s the um he's the Shoto of the game you
1266s know he's like the character that like
1268s the rest of the roster is based around
1270s he's the blueprint and so like if you
1272s know how to play multiverses you know
1273s how to play Shaggy so I feel like
1275s everyone has a pocket Shaggy just based
1277s purely off of that but also he's going
1278s to be busting it out to see what we're
1280s gonna be able to do here with this
1281s character I think the reason for this
1282s swap is I feel like bugs was also with
1285s these bugs is feeling a little bit
1286s overwhelmed by The Rush down right so
1288s maybe playing as shag he's gonna give
1289s him that edge of being able to chase
1290s after them go for the uppercuts as well
1292s as play this keep away game in case he
1294s wants to right if he manages to go into
1296s the background and just kind of charge
1297s for rage it forces the opponents to
1298s chase after him to stop the rage charge
1300s from happening they're also going to
1302s Trophies Edge now another change of pace
1303s here to make it a little bit more
1305s claustrophobic for them to get some
1306s really even earlier chaos so the upper
1308s uppercut coming out already look at that
1310s this is what we're gonna see with trophy
1311s said way smaller blast ones compared to
1313s uh sky Arena it's gonna allow you to
1315s keep this fight up Batman already at a
1318s pretty dangerous percent there's the
1319s combo the downer start is also a really
1321s fantastic starter for Shaggy
1323s now one of the things I'm already
1324s noticing from this game is both teams
1327s appear to be significantly more
1329s aggressive like almost recklessly
1331s aggressive I want to say beautiful
1332s beautiful down air there by Shaggy
1335s almost resulted in a knockout from
1336s Batman who was very very quickly able to
1339s go ahead and grab the side and recover
1340s but it is sitting now at 138 that is a
1343s Danish percent as a dangerous percentage
1345s for someone as big as Batman like that
1348s you do not want to be sitting at the
1350s percentage an uppercut does go ahead and
1352s results inside of a knockout on that
1354s Batman beautiful up air there by Shaggy
1356s uh they are not letting Shaggy charge up
1358s at all very smart very aggressive play
1360s even at the cost of their own life it
1361s appears
1365s that's enough
1366s it almost feels like Shaggy's actually
1368s charging up not actually to try to
1370s finish the charge up but actually to to
1372s force their hand to force them to
1374s approach it appears like in every single
1376s instance immediately after we get that
1378s charge up we are watching the shariuk
1380s and we're watching the uppercut come out
1382s we're watching the down air come out to
1384s go ahead and bounce off the stage
1385s immediately onto the circuit like we're
1386s watching a knockout every single time I
1388s see us jacket and so parking is like red
1391s team be a little bit more careful with
1393s it like not every single charge up is an
1395s actual thing
1397s yeah I mean I think that's a valid
1399s strategy I'm trying to cancel it really
1400s earlier on but right now things are
1401s going out of control here for red team
1403s three points to two Batman Phantom has
1406s to play the back line because he's at
1407s risk of getting an early KO whether it's
1409s from a slam dunk coming out from OG son
1411s or Epica coming up from otsuite one of
1413s those two things could easily be able to
1414s turn the tables on the thing is he's
1416s also got to play say look he's charging
1417s rage right in front of them trying to
1418s force them to attack them managed to
1420s finally get called out by it's still
1422s gonna be able to survive here at 126
1424s gets a sidekick managed to get it but
1426s unfortunately another up there coming
1427s back in and now OG song's the one he's
1429s gonna be the new Target gets a downer on
1430s top that doesn't even need the
1431s basketball slams him into the platform
1433s sends him off flying that's going to be
1435s a 3-1 victory for OG sanonatsui to start
1438s off today's bracket at the European
1440s finals my goodness oh what a set
1443s Aussie walk us through a little bit some
1445s of this early because at the start of it
1447s all I see right here is just boxing like
1449s just straight up going into The Fray and
1451s attacking somewhat recklessly what was
1453s the thought process behind this game for
1458s um let's play let's make it so we can
1460s get some Kos off the top we got trophy's
1462s Edge smaller blast zone so we can easily
1464s get some chaos off of the top very uh
1466s simple stuff for them to be able to kind
1468s of come in here and be able to get that
1469s working like I said I think the Bugs
1471s Bunny pick just felt like it was a
1473s little bit overwhelmed by how fast a
1475s phantom was like closing in so it didn't
1477s give bugs a chance to get anything
1478s really set up with whether with like the
1479s safe or even maybe even the rocket
1481s sometimes so this time with Shaggy he's
1483s like okay bet I want you to come after
1485s me because I want you to try to like
1486s feel like you could interrupt my Ridge
1488s and I can cancel out of it and you were
1490s talking about that a lot in the past
1491s game with Shaggy's Ridge that's actually
1493s a very common strategy from a lot of top
1494s Shaggy players with a purposely charged
1496s Ridge not for the point of getting raged
1499s but to force someone to go after it's
1500s almost like a provocability you know
1502s like if you're playing like an RPG or
1504s something it's like you're forcing them
1506s to like yeah get over here like like if
1508s you don't do it if you don't do it then
1510s they're gonna get the free range and
1512s that's actually what they want because
1512s they can cancel out of it super fast and
1515s then go for a follow-up right afterwards
1517s and then that's kind of like helped them
1518s out it kind of like got aggro off of OG
1521s son you know
1522s you know I I really appreciated a lot of
1526s the um attempts at Oki that red team was
1530s trying to go for there were several
1532s times where they did go ahead
1533s immediately after they watched blue team
1535s recovering where they were like watching
1537s and covering the potential uh potential
1539s approaches especially since there were
1541s significantly more approaches on
1542s trophy's edge because of the moving
1543s platform
1544s um but I didn't think that a lot of
1548s their predictability was as useful
1551s inside of this match as it was inside of
1553s the previous match that they won you
1555s could tell that blue team was much more
1557s reactive this time and they were much
1560s more comfortable being reactive and
1561s slowing down the pace of the match
1563s previously
1564s um which I think ultimately resulted
1566s inside of that loss for Phantom and uh
1568s mikshuken who unfortunately came out one
1572s over the three that OG son and natsui
1574s had there who do move forward inside of
1577s this bracket on Winner's side
1579s um I want to congratulate both players
1580s for getting this far and of course as
1582s you know Phantom and mitsukin will
1584s continue to play on the lower side of
1586s the bracket only being able to lose one
1588s more time before they are eliminated but
1590s a fantastic showing from both teams
1591s there
1592s I do want to talk about all the other
1594s round ones that we saw off stream right
1596s so just go through some quick little
1598s results here we had cycle quacks and
1600s macmatts take down uh parsley Bodo and
1603s mitsukin that's going to be uh 3-0 for
1605s them to move on to the winners quarters
1606s two sent by an MJ took down hulky and
1609s not sweaty we had uh let's go MJ
1612s LOL Club tank and Timmy taking down G3
1615s and Cowfish a little bit of an upset
1616s there uh rizking and SJP taking down Joe
1620s suit and eweck we had viren and vrip
1622s take a set off uh take a set off of
1624s Kiran and urbidor and then last but not
1626s least this next that we're going to be
1628s seeing is from a result of RJ King 08
1630s and lager taking down trap and panic so
1633s our next that we're gonna have here on
1634s stream is actually uh paradoxy and Es
1637s Kobe facing off against RJ King and
1639s lager and this is a set that we actually
1641s saw happen in the first EU open number
1645s one there was a 3-0 in Paradox and Es
1648s Kobe's favor so a lot of time has passed
1650s since the first European open so maybe
1652s there's a little bit of uh like
1654s adaptility coming from the other team
1656s maybe they try to take some notes figure
1658s out why they lost especially with a 3-0
1660s you know so try to come back and get
1661s that Grudge Match for them
1663s now I do you touched on something very
1666s briefly while going over those stats
1668s especially with this upcoming team but
1669s how much do you think some of the
1672s qualifying matches will play into some
1674s of the sets that we'll see further on
1675s obviously a lot of these teams aren't
1678s strangers to each other because they
1679s have had opportunities to play inside of
1680s different opens uh do you think that
1683s there will be a lot of strategy and a
1685s lot more layers of uh okey okimoru or um
1689s sorry just Okie in general which is the
1691s thought process of understanding your
1693s opponent and playing oh because you know
1695s what your opponent's going to do uh
1697s specifically because this is a finals
1699s where there were multiple qualifiers you
1701s think we'll see a lot of that similar to
1702s how we saw it inside of of the previous
1704s set
1706s um I'm not entirely sure because that's
1709s so like open to like what you're like
1711s that's like diving into someone's mental
1713s in terms of like how they're actually
1714s going to the match like we get theorize
1716s all we want but at the end of the day we
1717s actually never know for 100 certain but
1720s for this set in particular I think
1722s enough time has passed where like this
1724s could be anyone's ball game that's what
1726s we saw a lot from yesterday especially
1728s with any East finals is that we saw that
1730s the people who qualified for number one
1731s were like the ones that you know they're
1734s they're the better players for that
1736s tournament because they weren't allowed
1737s to enter number two to qualify right so
1739s the number one player to qualifying got
1740s the better seed and number two players
1742s qualified and got the Lesser seed
1744s because it was the second one but the
1745s number two players were playing a lot
1747s better it looked like because they were
1749s fresh off the presses from last week you
1751s know very playing very in these
1754s tournaments that had a lot at stake
1755s meanwhile number one happened so long
1757s ago that maybe they just kind of less uh
1758s rested on The Laurels a little bit and
1760s just didn't really you know get back
1762s into the groove so we saw that the
1763s people who qualified the second time
1764s were actually coming out on top so we'll
1767s see if that actually happens here for
1769s Europe or not because both these players
1770s actually come from number one so we'll
1772s see who's gonna be able to come out on
1773s top and who's gonna be able to send home
1774s a little bit early
1776s so let's also briefly talk about the
1779s stage pick that we saw inside that very
1781s last match they went to trophy's Edge we
1783s have like you said multiple times not
1786s seeing it that much we've not seen
1788s really any counter stage picks that are
1790s not a form of sky Arena at all inside of
1792s these EU brackets what do you think
1794s could possibly trigger some of these
1797s stage stage changes because we did see
1799s it happen literally on that game three
1802s uh are we looking at a possible stage
1805s pick or a stage change just depending on
1809s their status inside of the game or
1810s whether or not they're behind or ahead
1812s do you think we're much more likely to
1813s see stage changes because of being
1816s behind further on the side of the set I
1817s don't want to jinx them but I I mean you
1820s know let's be honest let's be honest
1822s here
1823s I mean that I mean as I said in game
1825s number four the reason they went to
1827s Trophies Edge was because we are one of
1829s those really early Ko's off the top
1830s that's a really bad spot for glass
1832s Cannon team like Batman and Arya because
1834s they're gonna explode really even faster
1836s because of that especially off of the
1838s top of the blast zone and in my honest
1841s opinion if you are just constantly going
1843s to sky Arena and not picking any other
1845s stages you're not playing the game
1846s correctly you're not counter picking
1847s correctly and you're not giving yourself
1849s the advantage that you actually need to
1850s go in if your first map is sky Arena
1852s that's perfectly okay that's a very safe
1854s stage to start on for the rest of the
1856s set it's one of the most popular stages
1857s for a reason but if you're gonna play
1859s the whole set on here and not utilize
1861s the like your strengths on different
1863s stages that I think you're throwing
1865s I totally get that and a really strong
1868s start so far just playing the projectile
1869s game with Velma and bugs at the start of
1872s this match already blue team is racking
1873s up quite a bit percentage and look at
1874s Red Team almost perfectly healthy
1876s literally one percent the very first bit
1878s of delmen going out on Velma a very very
1881s strong showing and a very very strong
1883s Ground start so far for red team who
1885s already has bugs inside of the blast
1886s area an up air from Velma is going to go
1889s ahead and kind of Bounce bugs back up
1891s who does recover now at 75 on the rest
1893s of the stage
1895s yeah and you got to remember blue team
1896s here with paradise and Kobe were the
1898s ones that got a 3-0 against lager and RJ
1900s King last set so well you see they're
1902s gonna be able to adapt to this or is it
1904s going to be kind of a repeat but right
1905s now they're doing a pretty good job
1906s right lager's playing that backlining
1908s role pretty well only taking 21 damage
1910s kind of slipping and sliding into what
1911s Harley can do very well is set up a lot
1913s of traps like you said just having like
1914s the the confetti Bombs all over the
1916s place can throw out the Batman stuffy to
1918s try to like just control stage space
1920s because whenever those things are put
1921s out the you could the opponents can no
1923s longer go toward those areas without
1924s taking some additional damage or
1926s applying to confetti debuff which can
1927s also put on some more fire there's an
1929s opening down here coming out from lag
1931s you're going to score that opening Point
1932s here for red team
1934s very nice down here by Harley and I
1936s think Harley's been doing a really good
1937s job of securing some of these ring out
1939s situations look at that look at that a
1941s second ring out right there from Harley
1943s who was sitting at 60 really good at
1946s meeting Velma and keeping Velma there
1948s and ate up all of that damage literally
1950s ate up all that momentum and that
1952s knockback for Velma right there so Velma
1954s was able to go ahead and live lager is
1956s doing a really good job of having almost
1957s an omni presence especially for an
1959s assassin character like hard then we
1961s have a one-two KO count coming out from
1963s Blue Team managed to get that side KO
1965s into the spike gonna put them in a
1967s really good spot here to be honestly
1969s really easily even it up one thing that
1971s Harley has like in her Arsenal is having
1972s a pretty safe Spike right her Downer
1975s especially with the most popular unique
1977s perk for her is one where you can kind
1978s of angle it oh my gosh look at that
1980s chase off of the top almost got it
1982s completely even further a little bit
1983s higher of damage unfortunately not gonna
1985s be able to get enough off that gets
1986s another Chase good evasion from es Kobe
1989s opportunity to go for that double jump
1990s very close to the ceiling the Blaster to
1992s get back down on the stages we're just
1993s gonna continue to see just an onslaught
1995s of just kind of an obstacle course for
1997s everyone involvers projectiles all over
1998s the place there's traps all over the
1999s place
2001s it's really interesting as well because
2002s one of the big changes that I'm seeing
2004s so far look at that knockout amazing
2006s knockout there for a blue team they're
2007s only one knockout away from winning this
2009s entire match but you're watching already
2011s a momentum shift almost even though blue
2013s team's at a higher percentage which is
2014s exactly what we saw at the start of this
2015s match they're playing much more
2017s thoughtfully they're putting a lot more
2019s um they're kind of slowing the match
2020s down almost right like it even though
2022s they are at a higher percentage you can
2024s tell that momentum's very much so it's
2026s either side just with the stock being up
2028s and you're watching red team kind of
2029s slowing down on the projectile game
2031s you're not seeing as many Velma speakers
2033s coming out you're not seeing as many
2034s word bubbles coming out you're not
2035s watching as many uh as many as many uh
2038s as many Harley tracks being put out
2040s right now it's it's a very very slower
2043s paced game than it was at the start of
2045s this match and it's in blue team's
2046s favorite who secures that final knockout
2048s right now moving up 1-0 inside of this
2051s Winner's top 16 bracket austie that was
2055s a really good game one we got a lot of
2056s information about both teams here
2058s that was a really scary Ending by the
2061s way like just having es Kobe being at
2064s 130 damage like they were at risk of
2066s losing that entire game but because they
2067s went over there and got that really
2069s early Spike against them literally out
2071s of like practically nowhere they were at
2074s pretty low damage when nerger King went
2075s flying down to manage to secure that
2077s victory that was actually like that
2079s could have gone either way so to see RJ
2081s King and lager put up such a big fight
2084s especially for the opening game you know
2086s like we'll have to wait and see what's
2087s going to be happening for the rest of
2088s the set because I really don't know that
2090s could have gone literally either way
2092s now one of the things that I'm not
2094s necessarily certain of is whether or not
2096s we will see them go back over to sky
2098s Arena platforms I'm sorry just sky Arena
2100s no platforms because I actually think
2102s that stage Choice works out perfectly
2104s for both teams I'm kind of curious as to
2107s whether or not we may actually see
2109s something like a cromulon's pick and
2111s this that's a very big wish mostly
2113s because I actually feel as though both
2115s teams Excel so well on no Arena on no on
2119s no platforms on sky Arena no platforms
2121s here that I almost feel as though we may
2124s be looking at the red team actually
2126s choosing to change stage just to
2128s something that may actually throw the
2129s blue team off but that would be that
2131s would be a really big wish you know it's
2133s not it's definitely not something we'll
2135s probably see we'd be more likely to see
2136s it on the n a side but uh I I'm I would
2140s I really was a fan of that stage for
2142s both teams it's it's gonna be I think
2144s it's gonna be Skyrim and no Platz purely
2146s because of Velma Velma thrives on that
2148s state that's probably velma's best Stage
2150s this is like an example of like where
2151s you're counter picking you're counter
2152s picking one of velma's best stages
2153s chromolons is also a really good stage
2155s for her but I think Skyrim is like the
2157s most comfortable pick for this team
2158s especially just like having that edge
2160s now if red team were to win this we
2163s would see where blue team would take
2164s them afterwards right because that's
2166s what's going to be like the counterfeit
2167s that's when you actually want to change
2168s the stage against the likes of Zelma you
2170s want to take Dalma somewhere where she
2171s can't have room to run away because what
2172s makes the stage so good for Velma is
2174s that look at this she can set up shop
2175s she threw out an ice potion just in case
2177s they opt to go for the approach she can
2179s throw a megaphone from Super far away
2181s hit her teammate with it and extends the
2182s length of it she can throw out word
2184s bubbles from a very far distance this
2185s isn't like one of velma's best stages
2188s and I'm really appreciating the Velma
2190s play I always really like watching Velma
2193s in general Moi is probably one of my
2194s favorite Velma players of all time but
2197s watching RJ Knight literally just move
2199s in and out of reigns with bugs and even
2202s Harley inside some of these situations
2203s and win because of it it's absolutely
2205s amazing to watch
2207s um I'm really appreciating the fact that
2209s blue team is kind of trying uh very very
2213s early to get set up here and they're
2214s just establishing their space on the
2216s stage right now they said we're we're
2218s gonna bring you on side of the left side
2220s of the map we're gonna keep you here and
2221s as soon as we keep you there then we're
2222s going to approach because I think was
2224s really really smart and ultimately
2225s resulted inside of a knockout on that
2226s Velma
2227s you really hit the nail on the head
2229s there sharper because like blue team is
2230s doing a fantastic job just controlling
2232s stage having that Center Stage pushing
2233s him against the corner keeping them in
2235s the disadvantage state has been working
2237s wonderfully and also if they ever find
2239s themselves corner like that they can
2240s just usually go for a bug's burrow and
2241s they can easily reclaim the center stage
2243s immediately because of the ability to
2245s move across the stage so fast there's a
2247s missile coming in unfortunately lager
2249s was stuck between some hit lag so he
2251s ended up getting caught by the rocket
2252s into the process that big opening Gambit
2254s there and now blue team has themselves
2256s with a two-point lead granted they're
2257s both at triple digits they're trying to
2259s survive they're both stalling on their
2260s respective sides until finally Kobe
2263s comes in I'm sorry Paradox comes in and
2265s manages just kind of like opens up up
2267s slightly and tries to push him back into
2269s a 2v2 situation
2270s really nice I actually really like that
2273s approach even though bugs kind of got
2274s punished a lot for it I really like the
2277s attempt there and it was the thing that
2278s ultimately resulted in their first two
2279s stops beautiful just Moment of clarity
2282s there for Velma who goes ahead and up
2284s airs for that final knockout on bugs
2287s right now the right now they are matched
2289s up but they but blue team was able to
2290s secure 88 on Velma and 26 on Harley
2293s before they got those stocks out now
2295s velma's sitting over there literally
2297s within knockout range at 111 and it's
2300s really only gonna be one down here or in
2302s this case one up there from that Harley
2304s Quinn to go ahead and secure that
2305s knockout right now blue team sitting
2307s literally one stock away from victory
2310s and things are falling out of control
2312s here for a red team dude they already
2313s got them at 86 damage on lager all they
2316s need to do is just get them right back
2317s up to the top get a baseball swing
2319s warmer up air up special coming up from
2321s Harley I mean this team is literally
2322s vertical Ko's the team right bugs and
2325s Harley they both want the same thing so
2327s they're both gonna chase after the same
2328s thing getting the ladder combo getting
2330s that down air started to get the combos
2331s going I like that hesitation from lager
2334s opted to go for the side special before
2336s managed to go back towards the blasto
2337s and help them survive just a little bit
2339s longer get another Downer there on Kobe
2341s or uh Paradox to try to keep this fight
2344s in the game they're desperate to get the
2345s stock against liger they're chasing
2347s after them kind of Desperately we're at
2348s this point maybe it's better to just go
2349s after RJ because they can't seem to find
2351s a hit on him because now lager it's a KO
2353s on their own another up special and now
2355s things are starting to turn the tables
2356s in favor of Red Team all they need to do
2358s is get this one good pick against Kobe
2360s and that might be it for RJ
2362s unfortunately a c Paradox come in get
2365s that K on the left side get the Home Run
2367s swing get the up bear and that's going
2369s to be a 2-0 lead for blue you
2371s now it's interesting because at the very
2373s start of the set Aussie you stated that
2375s basically the blue team has had a host
2377s has had a history of basically going 3-0
2380s I believe inside the situation is that
2381s correct
2382s yes they went 3-0 in the last that they
2384s played in for the EU open number one
2386s watching their team
2390s watch this match
2394s they do they are totally fine giving up
2396s the first couple of stocks and trading
2398s if need be in order to understand their
2400s opponents and that is a very high level
2402s technique that you frequently see inside
2404s of high-level play
2406s um watching the way that they also
2407s understand and kind of break down their
2410s opponent's habits very frequently
2412s they're like okay our opponents tend to
2414s recover this way our opponents tend to
2415s do this move when they're trying to
2417s recover space our opponents tend to use
2419s the special which then immediately goes
2420s on cooldown is one of the reasons why
2422s paradise and Kobe were very easily able
2425s to put Velma and Harley inside of that
2427s box because they basically force them to
2429s exhaust every single one of their tools
2431s very frequently at the start of the set
2432s we saw Harley put a box down we saw
2434s Velma immediately take a much more
2436s defensive round start just because of
2437s how aggressive they were the very first
2438s game and she's done it every single time
2440s ever since bugs and Harley have
2443s basically conditioned their opponents to
2445s be immediately afraid of them and they
2447s wait until that conditioning takes
2448s effect and then they approach and then
2451s they push them and take even more of
2452s their resources away and ultimately get
2454s those Knockouts sit really nice and
2456s pretty get some free damage and then
2457s they continue to just kind of snowball
2459s with that advantage that is probably one
2462s of the reasons why they were able to 3-0
2464s their entire way through the early opens
2466s and it's kind of what we're starting to
2467s see now I don't want to take away from
2469s the red team's options of winning here
2471s because they can win but it is 100 blue
2474s team's game to lose yeah I mean both
2477s games so far that we saw today have been
2478s four points to three so they've been
2480s relatively close the red team is hanging
2482s in there but you know what they say at
2484s the end of the day of when you report
2485s your bracket tournament right it was 3-0
2487s but close though you know what I'm
2488s saying
2489s what's close it was close okay it was
2491s close you know Define clothes
2495s one of the things I'm also really liking
2498s here is kind of the wherewithal for RJ
2500s King and lager to go over that platforms
2502s because I I know like you said
2504s previously Velma thrives on
2505s non-platforms but look at the options
2507s that they have for recovering now as
2508s opposed to previously when they were
2510s just getting hit by upbeers every single
2512s time they tried to recover because they
2513s didn't have a safe recovery option
2515s already we're looking at several times
2516s where Velma has been able to have a
2518s little bit more control over her
2521s recovery just because of these platforms
2522s and I think she's happy with trading
2524s some of her offensive opportunities for
2526s a little bit more defensive play
2528s the problem is this is actually a
2530s fantastic stage for blue team because
2532s they want the lattering combos which is
2534s why we already saw the first stock going
2536s down in the first 20 seconds because of
2537s that top platform that's like this is
2540s quite the gamble of a stage to try to
2542s mix up this might just be a whole like
2544s let's just change the scenery to get
2545s something going here because these
2546s platforms can really help out the ladder
2547s but there we go there's already a very
2549s good start here for red team got two
2550s points to zero but now both of them are
2552s looking at pretty high damage the only
2554s reason they find themselves in this
2555s situation is because they got that early
2556s stock against the Harley Quinn lagger on
2558s near the top of the blast zone so that's
2559s one of the things you got to come to
2561s terms with when you pick a stage like
2562s this is that if you're near that top
2563s platform it's going to be way easier to
2565s try to get like a ladder which is
2566s exactly what paradise and Kobe are
2569s looking for they want those up air kills
2571s they want those up special kills so
2573s that's going to be something you're
2574s going to see as a threat coming into
2575s this set
2577s it's it's a little bit more difficult
2578s for Harley to get set up here as well
2580s we're watching uh we're watching a
2582s lagger just try to put down these boxes
2584s to try to stop their movement as much
2587s especially moving through the platforms
2589s to set up for some of those ladder
2590s attacks and it's not working the way
2592s that I think lager wants inside of these
2594s instances obviously unfortunately there
2596s was an up air there Velma did pay for it
2599s with her stock and blue team is just
2601s sitting at very very pretty right now
2603s not necessarily at 100 just kind of
2606s touching around it right now bug's
2607s actually finally hitting 100 but it
2610s almost looks like a much safer 100 than
2612s Velma I'm sorry then Velma and Harley
2614s inside of that case what a nasty double
2617s knockout to go ahead and secure that 3-0
2619s victory for paradise and Kobe there
2621s beautiful Play Beautiful on that then
2625s that's why I did not agree with that
2626s stage counter pick just because of
2627s situations like that that only happened
2629s because they counterpicked the triplets
2631s here's that first stock by the way off
2632s because they use the platform on the
2634s left side to kind of extend their
2635s verticality on the ladder and then in
2636s the later on the replay you'll notice
2638s that that's when they died at 21 damage
2641s and that was only possible because of
2643s the top platform so that was definitely
2645s a case of red team kind of
2646s counterpicking themselves against a team
2648s like that because like it might be a
2649s good team for Velma and Harley obviously
2651s it's gonna give lager the ability to get
2652s some early chaos but you're playing
2653s against the bugs and Harley who both
2655s want that so at the end of the day it
2657s looks like they counter picked
2657s themselves look at this that started
2659s less than 15 damage it was all because
2661s of that rocket they were able to
2662s continue it because of that top platform
2665s some of those rocket plays were so good
2667s especially since we just saw atsuki
2670s atsui another bug's play this play by
2673s Kobe was completely different we saw
2676s much much much more Rockets we saw many
2679s more projectiles especially against this
2681s combination and it's it's really funny
2683s the way that we saw bugs really Excel
2685s against Velma and Harley inside of this
2687s matchup congratulations to both paradise
2690s and Kobe who move forward on the winner
2692s side of top 16 bracket so far
2696s um Aussie do you have any final thoughts
2697s about that match
2699s uh 3-0 but it was close though so we're
2701s moving on to this next set yet again
2703s we're gonna go into top eight winners
2706s semis by the way so actually a paradise
2708s and NES Kobe secured themselves the top
2710s eight spot here in the finals of EU
2712s being on the bottom side of winter semis
2714s we take a trip over to the top side of
2716s that it's gonna be two Senpai and MJ
2719s taking out psycho and macmatt to secure
2721s themselves in Winter semis on the other
2723s side but guys we're still trying to
2725s figure out who's gonna be getting into
2726s the rest of the top eight spots and why
2727s we try to figure that out and we get
2729s ready for our next set we're just gonna
2730s take a quick little break please don't
2732s go anywhere we got some more multiverses
2734s European action coming your way
2740s foreign
2744s [Music]
2769s foreign
2774s [Music]
2805s foreign
2808s [Music]
2863s foreign
2865s [Music]
2881s foreign
2887s [Music]
2909s thank you
2912s foreign
2916s [Music]
2931s [Music]
2945s [Music]
2954s foreign
2955s [Music]
2987s foreign
2992s [Music]
3029s foreign
3034s [Music]
3057s [Applause]
3064s [Music]
3080s foreign
3089s [Applause]
3101s [Music]
3111s foreign
3117s [Music]
3131s [Music]
3138s [Music]
3143s foreign
3148s [Music]
3179s foreign
3189s [Music]
3214s foreign
3231s [Music]
3239s [Music]
3259s thank you
3260s [Music]
3281s [Music]
3285s foreign
3288s [Music]
3317s foreign
3333s [Music]
3353s welcome back everyone to the multiverses
3356s fall Showdown Europe finals we've had 16
3359s teams come in today and now we're
3361s starting to get to the nitty-gritty in
3363s the top eight part of the bracket tons
3366s of teams have been coming in here a lot
3367s of people have qualified for the past
3369s month and a half but there's only a
3370s couple more teams left here in the less
3373s of the top baby before that Sharpie you
3374s got something to say don't you
3376s I do I want to say congratulations to
3379s all the teams for getting this far
3380s whether or not they're on the upper or
3382s lower side of bracket and I want to
3384s remind all of our viewers and listeners
3386s that you can check out all the
3387s highlights by going to twitter.com
3389s mvsgaming to keep up on any competitive
3392s multiverses in addition we will be
3394s posting some exclusive polls amazing
3396s clips and even better highlights on that
3398s page as well you want to make sure
3400s you're staying tuned and following that
3402s page for any multiverses updates but
3404s Aussie let's go ahead and get into our
3406s very next match of this bracket we have
3408s now officially started top eight we have
3411s gotten through some of the craziness
3413s from the first part of this bracket who
3415s are we looking at for this very next set
3417s so when he ordered the second part of
3419s winter semis while we try to find her
3421s out who's going to be the one for the
3422s top part of it so this is going to be
3424s risking and SJP facing off against
3427s paradise and Es Kobe so we literally
3429s just saw these guys bugs uh Harley Quinn
3432s and bat or sorry Harley in Batman Harley
3435s and bugs rather and they were doing
3437s quite a lot of work there in that
3439s previous set coming over from France and
3441s they didn't drop a single game in this
3443s whole tournament so far and honestly
3445s this is kind of like a a little bit of a
3448s a flash from the past right because in
3450s number one EU open they got third place
3453s they didn't drop a single game until
3455s they got they faced off against the
3457s people that knocked them out this
3459s tournament they haven't lost a single
3460s game yet except for the team that
3463s they're not gonna place the guns against
3464s that knocked them out in the previous
3466s tournament it's the only time they've
3468s ever dropped a single game was against
3470s risking and SJP twice it got double
3473s eliminated by this team in European open
3475s number one so the other coming back so
3477s here comes the end another Grudge Match
3478s risking sap getting second place at that
3481s open while paradise and Es Kobe ended up
3483s getting third so you gotta Wonder like
3486s is there was a little bit of grinding in
3488s between those sets is a little bit of
3490s like adapting coming out with the wait
3492s and see how he's gonna be able to play
3493s out because we've got risking SUV coming
3495s all the way from Sweden and UK paradise
3497s and yes Kobe coming from France
3499s themselves so we've got some country
3500s versus country battles going on too
3502s and one of the things I do want to
3504s clarify especially inside of these
3505s matchups is communication is so
3507s incredibly important you have to be able
3509s to adapt so incredibly quickly inside of
3510s these setups you know and it's one of
3512s those things where when you watch a team
3514s go 3-0 the entirety through bracket and
3517s then you watch them run into issues
3519s later on inside of the bracket
3520s especially inside of top eight there's
3522s an adaptation issue there you know like
3524s they're either not able to adapt fast
3526s enough or the other team is actually out
3528s adapting them and it's it's going to be
3531s really interesting to see what problems
3533s we may run into in this very next match
3535s especially since it's kind of a reminder
3537s match just like we saw we've seen
3539s previously inside of these sets now
3541s going into this obviously austie we've
3543s seen paradise and Kobe do amazing inside
3546s of their previous set where they were
3548s playing against RJ King and lager they
3549s kind of dominate inside that match and
3551s we talked about some of the adaptation
3553s that we saw through their yomi and
3555s through some of their Oki options do you
3557s expect for us to go to Sky Arenas no
3559s platforms first game again just to go
3561s ahead and kind of get like a little bit
3562s taster and then adapt from there or are
3564s you expecting to see something else for
3566s the round start
3567s I'm going to be honest Sharpie what do
3569s you think we're gonna go for game number
3570s one because sky Arena I think we're
3572s gonna be the map
3573s what do you think what do you think
3575s I think we're going to Mansion ah to be
3579s to be
3581s to be young again
3586s the thing is over on any West with with
3589s the introduction of Scooby's mansion
3591s without the roof we actually saw that
3593s stage a lot of the times over at nna so
3595s it actually became a very popular
3596s counterpick without the roof being there
3597s especially within the past couple of
3599s days they they raised the uh top of the
3601s blast zone you know so it actually
3602s becomes a really cool stage but we have
3605s yet to see it so far today and again
3606s Oscar arena is like the most common
3608s starter stage not only for Europe but
3610s also for n a and you know how much
3612s Europe loves sky Arena bro they want to
3614s be out there they're trying to train
3615s with pearl man they're trying to get
3616s that training you know what I'm saying
3618s yeah no they wanna they wanna be out
3620s there they want to be like stronger than
3622s you you know for real for real um that's
3624s a joke that I'm going to continue making
3625s because everybody knows that rock mommy
3627s Garnet is literally the best mommy out
3630s there I see you Zork I see you let's go
3632s anyway uh and and serious and on serious
3635s side I'm really personally enjoying some
3637s of the new stages that have been added
3638s inside of the game you mentioned
3640s Scooby's Mansion uh with a high ceiling
3642s obviously is a very very popular
3645s competitive pick especially on the n a
3647s side but one of the other stages that
3649s I'm really enjoying watch adapting which
3651s unfortunately is no not legal for this
3653s tournament is the Space Jam stage I
3655s think it's a very very inventive stage
3657s it actually does not have a floor at all
3660s and by it does not have a floor I mean
3661s there's no Blast Zone on the floor it's
3663s just two straight walls right now and
3666s the walls are actually breakable which
3668s makes it a very very interesting fun
3669s stage to play on right now there's still
3671s a little bit of tweaking which is why
3673s it's not available right now inside of a
3674s competitive scene but it is going to be
3677s a beautiful uh I think beautiful
3679s addition to the current stage choices
3681s that are currently inside of multiverses
3683s do you personally outside of competitive
3685s play and just in general have a favorite
3688s stage Aussie and if you say tree fort I
3690s just want to let you know I'm blocking
3691s you on Twitter
3692s Yeah we actually said my least favorite
3694s stage actually uh tree board
3703s sky Arena a lot sky Arena with no
3705s plaques tends to be a very popular stage
3707s I like to go to but Scooby's Mansion
3709s ruthless is starting to become one of my
3711s favorites and also actually crimeulons
3713s those are like my top three stages right
3714s now I'm actually a big fan of crimeulons
3716s just because of like that middle
3717s platform in the middle of the stage as
3719s well as the stage transforming once you
3721s break the stereo speakers and it kind of
3722s changes up how you play on that stage
3724s dramatically so a lot of stages coming
3726s out and actually ranked mode just got a
3728s little bit of a tweak as it came out
3729s that a couple days ago but there's only
3731s select few stages so a lot of people
3733s have been responding very well to that
3735s we'll see how it's going to be able to
3736s play out for future of the competitive
3737s play but now let's dive into the first
3739s set of winners semis risking sap over
3742s here on the blue side representing Velma
3745s and a rain dog facing off against the
3748s set players we just saw previously
3750s paradise and Kobe with the Harley Quinn
3752s and Bugs Bunny on the red team
3755s now already I want to shout out this
3757s rain dog right now because look at the
3758s way rain dog is commanding the space
3760s they have really not been able to touch
3761s rain dog at all which is too that's an
3764s accomplishment especially against the
3765s Harley and a bug's two players or two
3768s characters that really have a very
3770s strong projectile game and another
3772s character that is really able to go
3773s ahead and approach pretty easily against
3776s you so I I'm really really liking so far
3779s the way that blue team's able to go
3780s ahead and just play defensively while
3782s also racking up quite a considerable
3783s amount of damage on Bugs Bunny and
3785s Harley so far they are sticking together
3787s literally like peanut butter and jelly
3789s right now and look at that very first
3791s knockout situation onto the bugs
3793s Paradise immediately getting ringed out
3795s and that first stop Advantage going over
3798s the blue team
3799s playing that double support team is a
3802s little bit unorthodox but it ends up
3803s working really well for them because
3805s both rain dog and Velma can scrap when
3807s need be right they can actually get in
3809s there and start to do some big damage
3810s whenever they need to they're really
3812s good at setting up shop too however they
3813s put this ice potion here that gives them
3815s all the time in the world so rather
3816s they're showing up some word bubbles
3817s some makeup on the teammate to add
3818s either some health recovery or gray
3820s Health on top of that you can put the
3822s ice potion to get them set up shop so
3823s you put the electric Crystal they can
3825s put up the fire they can just start
3826s basically they know how to set up a
3828s bunch of traps in one part of the stage
3830s because of the weight nature this tank
3831s team works also this is team passive
3834s damage rain dog is gonna be throwing out
3836s a ton of passive damage all over the
3837s field whether it's the Fireballs coming
3839s down on the ground the tether adding on
3841s some additional damage whatever it
3842s touches the opponent giving the ability
3843s to also have that additional perk of
3845s being able to leash them on in case
3846s they're about to go flying into the
3847s Blazer and also just that lightning
3849s Crystal to start with it's going to be
3851s able to follow them with the unique perk
3852s just tons of passive damage that's just
3854s gonna add up quickly throughout the rest
3856s of the game
3857s now that is exactly what the red team
3860s wanted right there that nice little
3861s group up and unfortunately they did not
3863s come up ahead of it now uh Velma getting
3865s all of her trading cards needed to go
3867s ahead and call the mystery machine not
3869s able to get any damage very easily eaten
3871s up by the projectile game from both
3874s Harley and bugs there but look at that
3876s percentage damage right now on Velma and
3878s rained on this is not the situation they
3880s want they do not want to be separated
3881s like this and you already see both
3883s double knockout situations that is kind
3885s of red team's win condition right now if
3888s they get blue team separated enough far
3890s enough that that peanut butter and jelly
3892s sandwich comes apart they are looking at
3894s very very easily knock outable
3896s characters so it's really up to Blue
3899s Team to kind of stay close together kind
3901s of keep inside that situation where
3902s they're able to go ahead and knock up
3903s but also not get too grouped that
3905s they're stuck inside of this Wombo
3907s situation that we see right here
3909s and they're playing pretty dominantly
3911s right now es Kobe being at 85 damage
3913s final points for blue team they just
3914s need to get one clean down here off
3916s stage or even turn the tables on and do
3918s a reversal with an up air themselves and
3920s play as safely as possible because at
3921s this point it's all about just trying to
3923s play the survival game Letty as Kobe
3924s till stay in the back line screw it do
3926s the 2V1 against uh Paradise instead and
3929s make it work out in your favor that's
3930s exactly what's happening because you're
3931s seeing that uh Paradise is the one
3933s that's charging and playing the
3935s aggressive game and going into the blast
3937s zone right there but here comes our
3938s rocket this is not a bad spot for SCP
3940s he's off stage he has to get out
3943s and nice coverage coming up from risking
3946s as he goes all the way to the top of the
3947s blossom connects the upper plays
3950s coverage for SJP so that they can
3951s actually finally get that game boy near
3954s the very very close ending they've
3956s barely got that by the skin of their
3957s team Sharpie
3959s I just wanted
3960s I know for a fact Kobe is beating the
3966s meeting the play by SJP to go ahead and
3968s micro Dodge some of those down airs from
3971s Harley but he then moved on to go ahead
3975s and secure that final knockoff uh Kobe I
3977s know Kobe is just like literally we only
3979s needed that one spot right there there
3982s were several situations where it was
3983s looking very precarious for The Blue
3985s Team just because of some of the
3987s knockout situations that they were in we
3989s saw several times where red team did go
3990s ahead and get them to group up not
3991s necessarily add Advantage but look at
3993s this very snap last stock right here
3994s look at this situation you see those two
3996s down ears right there until Velma comes
3998s back they literally that's P had to play
4001s the defensive game for literally 20
4003s seconds by themselves now that is a big
4007s brain uh rain dog if I if I know a big
4010s bang Ray dog that's a big brain radar we
4012s were talking about house arrest and monk
4014s being big brain I don't think I don't
4017s think Velma and Rain dog can even light
4021s a candle to Morty and Rain dog to be
4023s honest but they came pretty freaking
4025s close there
4026s I mean that was they also avoided The
4028s Bugs Bunny down there right before so
4030s that was actually three down airs that
4032s fgb avoided to in order to like secure
4034s that Victory and the whole time he was
4036s playing bait down there they gave plenty
4038s plenty of time for uh risking to just
4041s jump in there and secure that stock
4044s playing the expert bait by staying down
4047s they're like oh no I'm in Danger Don't
4049s Spike me and while they're all all their
4051s attention was centered on the rain dog
4053s and Guinness fight because that was
4054s their win con they just completely
4056s forgot that risky was gonna spawn in and
4058s just get a really easy knockout I'm
4059s gonna go for a counter pick here add
4061s some platforms I agree with this
4062s counterfeit this is actually a fantastic
4064s counter pick for red team this is what's
4066s going to be able to give them some more
4067s easier ladders having those striped
4069s flats are gonna allow them to be able to
4070s continue the combos even closer to the
4073s top of the blast zone and on top of that
4074s it's not a pretty bad counterpick in
4076s terms of for Velma Velma is kind of a
4078s little bit harder for her to like get
4079s some of her um projectiles and her traps
4082s ready to get set up so interesting
4083s counterfeit to come out from Red Team
4085s this is gonna work out very well for
4086s them I'm guessing I'm I'm thinking the
4089s platforms is definitely a smarter pick
4090s here by the red team because it is more
4093s so in Harley's advantage and it doesn't
4095s allow rain dog to get us started as we
4098s want a beautiful first knock out there
4100s by the blue team look at this early
4102s control they always secure they've
4104s secured it inside the last game let's
4106s hear it inside the first one we're
4107s watching them stick together and always
4109s they are literally always between that
4112s tunnel and ready to get any type of
4114s approach by the red team very good trade
4116s as well
4118s yeah literally that first opening stock
4120s from risking was incredible he had him
4122s he caught him off stage with like
4124s literally his last resource going for
4125s the up specialty that I'm very low
4126s damage catches him with the camera which
4128s is like really easy to kind of react to
4129s where they're gonna go with that move
4130s and manage to secure that knockout and
4133s now blue team still playing
4134s predominantly here in control yes it's a
4137s tied game in terms of the point
4138s scoreboard but in terms of damage SJP is
4141s on a fresh stock so we might as well
4143s just keep going on there this is a very
4144s dangerous territory look I'm starting to
4146s stuff a lot of shop here with the
4147s Fireballs add on those debuffs towards
4149s red team as they're desperately trying
4151s to find their opening here and try to
4153s get another KO on top of it
4155s I really like the trade right now of
4157s aggression and dominance basically
4159s between the Velma and the rain dog you
4161s can see now that velma's playing a
4163s little bit more of a soft tank rain dogs
4164s being a lot more aggressive than we see
4166s inside the past um I'm noticing
4167s especially whenever Velma starts getting
4169s over 80 right now it starts taking a
4172s much more active role which is allowing
4173s Delma to get up even higher on the stock
4175s percentages and being a lot more
4177s defensive for that Velma is ultimately
4178s resulting in situations where blue
4180s team's able to get even more passive
4181s damage because of that tether and it's
4184s it's really really working out in blue
4185s team's Advantage right now you can see
4187s with them literally only being One Stop
4189s away from Victory it's really looking
4191s like it's red team's game to come back
4193s to
4195s is so good in his favor look at him go
4198s back down there secure that stock while
4201s he was off stage the entire time yet
4203s again the similar thing to game number
4205s one he was playing bait off stage he's
4208s like look at me look at me on Mr
4210s meeseeks don't Spike me off stage and
4212s the whole time red team was desperate to
4215s get them and then what happened what
4217s happened risking goes over there and
4218s gets a spike on someone when he was
4220s playing distraction yet again SJP is so
4224s dominant when he's in disadvantage I've
4225s never seen someone feel so comfortable
4227s off stage with a rain dog it's one of
4229s those things that I'm really personally
4231s appreciating with SJP I know I had an
4233s opportunity to see them as I had one of
4234s the very first opens that I commentated
4235s with you Aussie but watching their
4237s Improvement as a rain dog player it's
4239s very obvious to me that not only are
4241s they comfortable not necessarily playing
4242s the most optimal rain dog skin there is
4244s which is rain dog money but they're also
4246s very optimal baiting their opponent you
4248s know and that's what really really comes
4250s down to look at look at this exact
4251s opportunity that you're talking about
4252s right here gets them off the stage them
4254s immediately covers up the remainder of
4257s their options and then says you're not
4259s coming back on this stage not on your
4261s life not on your mama not on rain dog
4263s mummy skin which is once again the best
4265s right dog skin in existence
4267s and it's also if you manage to play the
4269s Halloween event got enough candy it was
4270s only like 2 000 candies so it was pretty
4272s easy to get to also the gold skin you
4275s know the one that we're rocking right
4276s now that's like 30 000 gold or something
4278s I like that we have all these costumes
4280s that you can get without having to spend
4281s gleamia or buy the battle pass or
4283s anything it's really cool to see these
4284s costumes come into fruition but now
4286s we're jumping into game number three
4287s they are down two to oh and we are
4290s seeing a counter pick come into play The
4293s Shaggy steps out to fight
4295s now you talked about the Shaggy
4297s counterpick earlier inside of the match
4299s where we saw uh and you basically said
4301s Shaggy as and you were correct and
4303s saying Shaggy is considered a Shoto
4305s player which is a character archetype
4307s that kind of has answers at any point of
4309s stage on the map it's going to be
4311s interesting seeing exactly how it's
4313s going to change the way that red team's
4315s able to approach against this Velma and
4317s this rain dog I don't really think that
4319s shaggy has as many uh approaching
4321s options as they're looking for but the
4322s important thing is that shaggy does have
4323s that armor which we already saw come
4324s into play here to go ahead and get a
4326s little bit of a cleaner approach but
4328s Jackie just doesn't have those thinking
4329s abilities that he needs in order to get
4331s in there it's not going to matter if
4332s he's able to get them in these combos
4333s we're already able to see them separate
4336s SJP from risking here which is allowing
4338s them rack up a little bit of damage but
4340s at the cost of their own percentages
4341s right now it's really just an even trade
4344s so far we're not necessarily seeing any
4346s big Advantage come out from that shaggy
4348s powder finish
4349s I've actually talked with some of the
4351s players from n a about shagging about
4353s how you play Shaggy optimally it's
4355s interesting that you said that he kind
4356s of has he struggles a little bit to
4358s approach right I think it's optimal
4359s Shaggy player is one that does not
4361s approach he's one that chills back
4363s charges rage only goes in when he finds
4365s that his teammates in trouble and tries
4366s to play some interrupting game and plays
4368s like kind of like you know a little
4370s pulling game instead and instead it's
4372s kind of chilling in the background but
4373s unfortunately doesn't get any sort of
4374s time to be able to go for it got almost
4376s a two for one here from risking getting
4378s the spike with the downer against Shaggy
4379s thinking the megaphone against es Kobe
4382s and now again we're gonna see another
4383s rage coming to play looks like he's
4384s running the unique perk that allows him
4385s to consume the sandwich to make the the
4388s rage charge even faster which is why he
4389s does look how fast that charge is Boom
4391s it's already done because he had the
4392s sandwich and he ate it very very smart
4394s pick I think actually as well because
4396s especially when you're playing up
4397s against a rain dog and Velma two
4399s characters with really high cooldowns on
4401s some of their specials uh that that
4403s speed is really going to add up
4405s especially because of the armor that you
4407s get on some of your moves especially
4409s you're like I want to call it like a
4411s dive kick almost even though it's not
4413s one you know what I'm talking about the
4414s stair yeah yeah I I think it's really
4416s really important that you're able to
4418s charge that especially because that rage
4419s armored Sarah is just so incredibly
4421s important for Shaggy's game especially
4422s when it comes
4424s yeah his side's special especially with
4426s the rage is so strong because of that
4429s armor because it goes through armor on
4431s top of that and just other like
4432s properties on top of that meanwhile the
4434s uh the knee move he's been throwing out
4436s is such a good move to be able to charge
4438s up as well just to like you know get on
4440s there and be able to try to open people
4441s up and he's getting a lot of rage
4443s charges and that's why I think we saw a
4444s Discounter could come out from Shaggy is
4446s because blue team likes to play a little
4448s bit passive they want to be in the back
4449s line they're trying to set up traps
4450s she's like okay cool while you're doing
4451s all that I'm charging red who's in so
4453s many range charges already come out from
4455s Paradise that seems to be like paying
4457s out kind of in dividends there's the
4458s mystery machine you can call it a
4459s megaphone from downtown baby that was a
4462s three-pointer is that LeBron bro
4464s KO dog my word
4467s you know I I am a lot of damage coming
4472s out on the red team to The Blue Team
4475s side so the blue team is sitting over
4476s here at these high percentages one of
4478s the things I'm not seeing are these
4479s knockout secures right now and I think
4480s it really comes down to the fact
4481s beautiful beautiful knockout there
4483s really really strong but is it going to
4486s be enough they really have to work for
4488s this final knockout and I don't know if
4490s the game that they're playing right now
4491s just racking up damage is going to be
4493s enough I'm not seeing the follow-up that
4495s that the red team has right now they're
4497s able to get these percentages up they're
4499s not following off stage to secure them
4501s inside the blast out I'm not seeing that
4502s same level of connection that I'm seeing
4504s on the blue Level side and it's kind of
4506s nasty it's kind of nasty yeah this is a
4509s dangerous situation for red team they
4511s are literally one aerial uh one of air
4514s or one up special away from being
4517s knocked out and losing the set and
4519s that's all it took right there right
4521s there just a quick little fire from rain
4525s dog we'll go ahead and fire them out of
4528s this bracket pudding them up I'm sure
4530s putting blue team up 3-0 over red team
4533s now this is exactly what I was concerned
4535s about with that counter pick Aussie
4537s going into the set even though Shaggy is
4539s a fantastic choice and a fantastic
4540s opportunity for someone that's really
4541s good like you said previously for
4543s interrupting for racking up that damage
4545s for getting inside of The Fray he does
4547s not have as many movement options as you
4549s need in order to catch up with someone
4550s as floaty as a rain dog or someone as
4553s like I want to say as uh as like you
4556s know scalable as a Velma like it's
4558s difficult to stick to them and that's
4560s really where the red team was lacking
4562s you can see how many times the blue team
4563s was able to go ahead and rack up these
4565s percentages while they were just sitting
4566s someone was always on the other side of
4568s this this the the stage they were
4570s literally consistently sandwiched
4572s between the blue team and that mattered
4574s Because by the time they got down to
4575s that final stock option look at Red Team
4577s both players over a hundred percent very
4580s easily within knockoutable range and
4583s with that final uh just illumination
4585s from Velma securing the win for the blue
4587s team it kind of looked like blue team
4590s was in control of Advantage State the
4593s entire match
4594s especially at that last moment there
4596s where they were just like center stage
4598s and just throwing out constant barrage
4599s of projectiles there was a moment there
4601s where like they couldn't break through
4603s at one point I saw a very questionable
4605s side special come out from Paradise
4606s because he charged his rage and he
4609s looked desperate to get in so he just
4610s threw it out randomly when he was
4611s nowhere near someone just to try to like
4613s power through but then and still got
4615s caught off by our projectiles so they
4616s definitely struggled at the end against
4618s the stage control they're gonna go down
4619s with a 3-0 finish but that's gonna net
4621s risky and SJP a spot in winners finals
4624s already for Europe got some other
4626s results here before we jump into this
4627s next step by the way we got pass and uh
4630s M taken down RJ King and lager gonna go
4634s down with that Ninth Place finish while
4635s Paz and Minnie Michael are going to move
4637s on into losers round one of top eight
4639s other side of the token a big upset by
4642s the way is uh Phantom and mitsukin
4644s taking a 3-1 over viren and rip for
4647s those that don't know you've got second
4649s place at the second EU open and is now
4652s going down with a Ninth Place Finn
4654s finish that's going to be an unfortunate
4656s placement for them but now we're gonna
4657s dive into other side of winter semis
4659s immediately let's go into it we got two
4664s pleb tank and Timmy two two two two two
4666s two two
4668s now uh two piece of her these are these
4672s are two these are two teams that I'm
4675s actually very familiar with we had an
4677s opportunity to uh
4681s we had an opportunity to commentator
4683s matches like the very first open and MJ
4686s is a character that I'm very very very
4688s very much so a fan of even though they
4690s do play Batman I'm not necessarily a
4692s Batman fan I am an MJ fan uh I think MJ
4695s does a great job regardless of whether
4697s or not he's playing Batman or whether or
4699s not he's playing Shaggy you see
4701s incredibly oppressive play regardless
4703s and that is what I am a fan of then when
4706s you bring in two Senpai over here to
4708s follow up on some of these conversions
4709s it just turns into a quick damage attack
4712s which is what you see already on Finn or
4714s I'm sorry on Morty look at that 58 right
4717s now their win condition on red side
4719s really is to go ahead and get some of
4721s these grenade setups ready and allow
4723s Finn to go ahead and secure those
4725s Knockouts in the blast zone right now
4727s where's blue teams blue teams game is to
4730s go ahead and get them inside of that
4731s Wombo Combo go ahead and get Arya
4734s massively mess them up so that they are
4737s inside of hits done and then have Batman
4739s come through with some of those DP or
4742s just allow Batman to go ahead and sure
4744s you can just like we've seen before and
4745s allow Arya to follow up now we're
4747s looking at Blue Team both members being
4749s over 100 very nasty play very very good
4753s grappling recovery to go ahead and save
4754s both of them there and we are looking at
4757s a very very very close Contender for
4759s first knockout which does ultimately go
4761s in the red team's favor now currently
4763s one knockout over the blue
4765s yeah two sent by an MJ such a strong
4768s Contender did drop a single set in their
4769s bracket when they won number two and one
4771s of the things about their team is that
4772s they are playing a glass Cannon Team bro
4774s they're both playing extremely light
4775s characters so I am shocked that MJ's
4778s actually like surviving to this like
4780s point right sitting at 149 damage
4783s literally one down air from either
4785s character could send them flying and
4787s then we have Club tank over here playing
4788s with the fin trying to get something
4790s going finally finds a mark with Timmy's
4792s Morty gets that kill but might be a
4794s little bit too late because now pleb is
4795s trying to struggle to get down to the
4797s ground and there he goes from that cider
4799s you gotta remember in the past four days
4800s spin has actually been his weight was
4801s nerfed a little bit he was dropped to
4803s kind of match the other assassins so
4804s he's going to be falling off faster than
4806s other characters whenever he gets called
4808s off near the Blast Zone
4811s look at these permanent weekend Stacks
4814s right now just racking up that damage
4815s Finn is already at 75 literally after
4818s just coming back onto the stage Dean's
4821s weekend Stacks are doing some very real
4823s work right now they are consistently
4826s inside of these combos against the red
4828s team and they're consistently knocking
4829s out this damn look at that look at the
4832s way that that fin flew Austy are you
4835s seeing that was because of the save
4837s point so what happens is Morty activates
4839s save point and when someone gets thrown
4840s into the blast zone you can teleport to
4842s me to where their spot is that doesn't
4844s even matter they're gonna get that up
4845s there KO take secure that game number
4847s one in favor of blue team and that's
4849s actually what's making Morty kind of a
4850s meta pick for a lot of Na and Europe
4852s starting to catch up to it is that this
4854s character has the ability to save you
4856s from literally anywhere on the screen by
4858s the simple button push as long as he's
4861s not preoccupied by in the middle of
4863s attacking someone or being attacked
4864s himself and he's not committing to
4866s anything he can easily just tap down
4867s special and it's gonna activate point if
4870s his teammates anywhere near the blast
4871s zone he gets teleported over to where he
4873s is it's what makes monkey house arrest
4875s such a strong team in the over nnas
4877s because they have the ability to save
4878s each other so when you see Morty by
4880s themselves that's primarily his main
4882s concern is trying to keep pleb tank
4883s alive that's exactly what he did there
4885s in that situation we kind of flew over
4886s to the center of the stage
4888s now simpi is a character or is a player
4892s that I'm really really used to seeing
4893s take this incredibly aggressive like
4895s follow-up movement especially when it
4897s comes to some of these Knockouts from MJ
4899s because MJ just does a great job of
4901s playing that super aggressive rushed
4904s down character inside of these matchups
4906s we've talked before how much we've seen
4908s some of the meta shift away from this
4910s specific setup of kind of like a
4912s bruisery like attack person and then
4915s like more of like a kind of passive
4917s damage that also follows up on it and
4919s that's exactly the game that simpi and
4921s MJ both play here they're not really
4923s doing a support Batman build where he
4926s kind of sits back and just you know adds
4928s up that passive amount of damage he is
4930s in The Fray and he is up there setting
4932s up for the Arya to simpi who is amazing
4936s at following up on these knockout
4937s opportunities as we saw on that very
4939s first knockout and that final knockout
4940s situation in that very first game but I
4942s do want to ask you Aussie are we looking
4944s at a possible change right now for the
4946s red team just based off what we saw
4948s previously is there maybe something that
4950s the red team can go ahead and kind of
4951s adjust or change in order to to be more
4954s at an advantage state in this set
4956s they gotta not lose um they're probably
4959s going to stay with their characters
4959s they're probably gonna go back to sky
4961s Arena no plots to be honest because it's
4963s like a kind of like an easy stage film
4965s to be able to just play on both
4966s characters both teams kind of benefit
4967s the same type of stuff from that type of
4969s stage but I do want to point out that
4971s pleb tank and Timmy actually lost who
4972s sent to Senpai and MJ in uh the EU open
4976s number two so like there's again another
4978s Grudge Match coming up here to try to
4980s get that you know uh get that revenge
4982s and if history repeats itself the teams
4984s that won past uh the past set ended up
4986s winning again this time around that's so
4987s far we're two for two with that are we
4989s about to be three for three I mean right
4991s now things are saying everything's
4992s looking and saying yes you know magic
4993s eight ball what is it we got we're up
4995s 1-09 right now for a blue team coming
4997s from Poland and Netherlands Club tank
4999s and Timmy coming from Germany gonna see
5001s how they're gonna be able to come into
5003s this match with fists a swinging
5007s mm-hmm I'm I'm really hoping that we do
5012s get a return over to platforms just
5014s because I actually think it would be
5015s better inside of Morty's opportunities
5018s for some of these grenade setups but um
5021s I'm I'm sure we'll see no platforms yet
5023s again which is of course a favorite over
5025s here on the EU side
5027s um and I'm just I'm expecting no
5029s platforms I'll be fine in both instances
5031s wait am I hearing a sound change you and
5034s I understand wow okay we are
5036s let's go we're going to mansion we're
5039s going to Mansion we're going to own the
5041s Amanda as a matter of fact look at look
5043s at the good grace of player first games
5046s allowing me to commentate one of my very
5049s first Mansion setups in this entire EU
5052s bracket I love y'all I love y'all so
5054s much I'm now rooting for red team
5056s Sharpie I just got word a Sharpie I just
5059s got word it looks like this was a
5060s mistake in terms of stage being picked
5061s they're gonna redo this game right now
5067s hahaha
5068s I almost thought my face literally bro
5072s okay look there's something that I
5074s really appreciate about mansion and I
5076s think it's the reason why we saw red
5078s team counterfeit to that it's because
5079s grenades really does Excel on this
5081s because of that you're going literally
5083s because of that because of that middle
5085s roof area is so good it's so good for
5089s characters with a projectile like uh
5091s like like with a specially an
5093s interactable projectile light grenade it
5096s does allow Morty to get significantly
5097s more setups you have been with some
5099s amazing up air uh up aerial moves
5103s especially when you're looking at his
5104s Nair a backpack to go ahead and secure
5106s things inside of the Mansion it's just a
5108s good opportunity to rack up and it does
5110s allow quite a bit of opportunity which
5112s is what we're not seeing from 260.
5116s and uh MJ here it's it's it's a it's
5119s looking a little bit like a blow up
5120s right now it's looking a little bit like
5122s a blow up for Redtube I'm not gonna hold
5124s it that was such a sick KO from MJ the
5127s batarang over to the edge 30 damage
5129s managed to get that really early KO and
5131s things are starting to turn into uh
5133s Looney Tunes stage if you will because
5135s people are just bouncing like crazy from
5137s the ceiling another down are going to
5138s come up we're gonna see two zip I'd be
5139s able to survive that a little bit longer
5141s 119 damage here on Timmy he's pretty
5144s much gonna be the one that needs to
5145s survive for as long as possible but he's
5146s also going to become the prime target no
5147s Denver Falls coming up M James he's
5149s gonna chase after him fantastic recovery
5151s from Timmy to get back onto the stage he
5153s is bouncing like crazy collateral damage
5155s all over the place he's gonna continue
5157s to be able to survive for even longer
5159s he's gonna throw out tons of hitbox
5161s everyone's bouncing all over the place
5164s appreciate the bouncy house aspect of
5166s mansions every single time and I think
5168s one of the things we're seeing right now
5169s is as long as Morty stays inside of this
5171s super spooky house he will live they
5173s have an opportunity right now to win an
5175s Unfortunately they did get bounced
5177s outside of the bouncy house and two
5179s simpi and MJ secure that by the
5183s tip of their teeth literally moving
5185s forward not necessarily for it I'm sorry
5187s 2-0 inside of this set so far one more
5190s win will secure them the entirety of the
5192s set but look at some of these first
5193s stocks right here look at what red team
5194s was able to accomplish just because of
5197s how Mansion is set up those two slopes
5200s up there on the roof are incredibly
5201s advantageous for characters like Finn
5204s for characters like rain dog for
5206s characters like Shaggy because they do
5208s allow a lot more for your hitbox
5210s property when you get up there it's
5212s significantly more inside of your favor
5213s especially inside of the house and I
5215s think that's something that both Morty
5217s and Finn were actively aware of I also
5220s really appreciated the way in general
5221s that MJ did secure a lot of that middle
5223s ground even though it is one of the most
5225s dangerous areas inside of the house you
5227s do not want to be directly underneath
5229s that roof inside of mansions but you
5232s know what Aussie Against All Odds we saw
5234s mansion inside of this tournament and I
5236s am happy I am very happy right now can
5238s you tell would you would you have been
5241s happy with Naes because that's also when
5242s we all saw Scooby's mansion with a roof
5244s once as well on top of that now it's
5246s just as Looney tuna bro people just
5248s bouncing all over the place it's why a
5250s lot of players tend to like try to ban
5252s that stage or rather try to like avoid
5253s is because they don't like being like
5255s table tops like all over the place but
5257s it also allows for a little bit of
5259s counter pick Advantage especially with
5260s hazards off the little cranks are no
5262s longer on the stage so it allows even
5264s like a little bit more control right
5266s when the floors are also not dropping
5267s randomly creating these like uh chasms
5270s across the stage so now we're gonna see
5272s the counter pick obviously did not work
5273s out for them they're still down two to O
5275s and that's something we're seeing a lot
5277s of today right now Sharpie I'm looking
5278s at all earlier on this bracket there are
5281s a lot of three O's and there's a couple
5283s three ones and very few three twos just
5285s tons and tons of three that's all we've
5287s been seeing on stream we're about to see
5289s it one more time here I think pleb tank
5291s and Timmy gotta pull something out of
5293s their hat to bring this back to a game
5295s number three I don't foresee them going
5296s straight back to Scooby's mansion with
5298s roof purely because of the um like it
5301s didn't work out for that game you know
5302s too that looked like a gamble of counter
5303s picks so we'll have to wait and see
5305s where they're going to be taking them
5306s here for game number three
5307s if I had to be honest with you one of
5309s the stages that I actually think would
5310s be best for them in terms of counter
5315s countered specifically the 2v2 setup
5317s instead of like the closed one with the
5318s 1v1
5320s um I I do think that those those
5322s specifically more recovery options would
5324s be really nice for them coming back onto
5326s the stage and the fact that the ceiling
5327s is relatively low means that they'll
5329s have an opportunity to go ahead and
5330s knock them out I like them going back to
5332s I like them going back to Mansions
5333s though I do appreciate them going back
5335s to Mansions specifically because I
5338s actually think they had a closer
5339s opportunity of winning on this stage
5340s than they did previously on Sky Arenas
5343s even with the supposed RNG that Everyone
5345s likes to talk about on Mansions I
5347s actually think this is a really good
5348s stage for Finn players and I stand by
5350s that
5351s what makes this a really good counter
5353s pick for red team just in general is
5355s because blue team wants vertical chaos
5357s that's what Batman and Arya want all the
5360s time when you put the roofs there they
5362s can only get those vertical Ko's in the
5363s center of the stage or when they're off
5365s stage so if they manage to get it near
5366s the sides they can't secure a knockout
5368s because of that so that's why we're
5369s seeing this counterpick come into play
5371s from Red Team they're just trying to
5372s bank on the fact that they're gonna go
5373s for the horizontal chaos and said and
5375s right now they're doing a pretty okay
5376s job of just Timmy Staying Alive here
5378s being at 44 damage not being a big prime
5380s target but Club tank is getting beat up
5382s right now safely gonna be able to save
5384s him and that's going to be Senpai going
5385s down into the blast zone first point
5387s going towards red
5389s we we are probably if red team wins this
5392s I'm 100 positive we are going to see a
5394s Mansions fan I am 100 positive we will
5397s see a Mansions fan if red team comes out
5399s on top of us but I just want to
5401s congratulate beautiful high fives there
5402s amazing amazing high five got the angle
5405s properly got off that route and they're
5407s just playing off the roof game right now
5409s they're just sitting up there they're
5410s totally content trading out for these
5412s thoughts especially since they are
5413s literally one stock over uh two simpy
5416s and MJ right now they are totally fine
5418s trading and I think red team's a lot
5420s more comfortable with the pacing of the
5422s match right now because blue team's kind
5424s of scrambling a little bit they don't
5425s have their feet inside of the house they
5427s don't have the damage again they don't
5428s have the stock advantage and and even
5430s with that combo right there on Arya you
5432s watched her unfortunately put them back
5434s inside of the Mansion which was not what
5435s she was trying to do there it's very
5437s clear to me that blue team is not
5439s comfortable on the stage
5441s yeah I mean the thing is they're not
5443s that comfortable but right now they're
5445s flying all over the place Match Point
5447s here for red team two sempi going down
5449s yet again for the second stock now
5451s everything's on MJ they're trying to
5452s play that stock tank role and try to
5454s stay alive so we're gonna try to chase
5455s after Timmy managed to connect that
5456s uppercut put another point for blue team
5458s and now things are potentially possible
5460s here to get against fin but
5461s unfortunately save point was activated
5463s on him he's gonna bring him back to the
5464s center of the stage give him that
5466s additional life like he's literally
5467s living inside of a video game and now
5469s things are looking kind of difficult
5470s here look at MJ play Matt aggressive
5472s though at 134 that's super dangerous
5474s that is a huge gamble to be doing and
5475s right now there's charging to slowly
5477s bring this back bit by him and finally
5478s get catches enough air there's the fire
5480s coming up from Morty Timmy bringing it
5483s home get that point on the board and
5485s finally turn into a competitive set but
5487s now they have lost all counter pick
5489s Advantage there is no more counter picks
5491s in this set for red team so now all the
5494s stages for the rest of the set is going
5495s to be purely wherever blue team wants to
5496s go and I can guarantee you like you said
5497s we're not going to be seeing Scooby's
5499s mansion with a roof anytime soon from
5501s this team definitely not you can see
5503s just the way that red team was able to
5505s go ahead and get started here very very
5507s early very frequently they used Morty
5509s save point as you said his down special
5511s uh to go ahead and recover really early
5514s back on the stage it operates very
5515s similar to rain dog's tether but it is
5517s on a significantly longer cooldown and
5519s it unfortunately does not apply a DOT
5521s while you're doing that but it does heal
5523s which is very important because there
5524s were several times where Finn was
5526s actually able to get a very small heel
5528s buff just because he was right on top of
5530s the save point with Morty when they
5531s recovered and that heel buff did give
5534s them enough to retain a little bit more
5536s of a state ability which is why they
5538s were so low but what we'll probably see
5540s as you said and as I've said before is
5542s we will not see a return to Scooby's
5544s Mansion at all unfortunately it could be
5546s ruthless it could be ruthless I don't I
5549s don't think they'll go to ruthless I
5550s don't think they will because firstly as
5552s you said before ruthless is a really bad
5554s pick especially against the Batman and
5556s Arya because there's only one direction
5557s and that is up you do not want to put
5560s them inside of that situation at all
5562s especially because it's so easy for them
5563s to combo against those walls inside of
5565s mansion when there's ruthless but one of
5567s the things I would like to see and that
5569s I think we will probably see is we'll
5571s probably see sky Arena platforms just
5573s because they're not going to allow sky
5575s Arena no platforms to come back onto
5577s play I don't think we'll see sky Arena
5578s platforms come back to play I think
5579s that's a very very simple uh X out for
5583s the red team there I think we will still
5585s see sky Arena Platforms in play and I
5588s think that is where we'll be going for
5589s this final match here
5590s and you gotta remember all the stages
5592s right now are legal except for Space Jam
5595s and you only get two bands when you win
5597s so you can only X out two of those
5598s stages in blue team and once those two
5600s stages are gone blue team can pick any
5602s stage Under the Sun that's not those two
5604s stages or Space Jam as long as hazards
5605s are off so if they want to take much
5607s report they preferably could they would
5609s not obviously but like that's just
5610s letting them know that there's plenty of
5612s stages for them to be able to go to so
5615s sky Arena could easily be on the table
5617s triplets or not it could be Scoobies no
5620s roof it could be like literally so many
5621s different stages it's all about where
5622s pleb and Timmy are going to be able to
5624s ban and it's all about where they feel
5626s confident on so we're gonna see where
5627s we're gonna be going if I was a betting
5629s man I would say Skyrim and no plats
5632s uh you really think it's gonna be no
5634s plus I feel like I feel like they're not
5636s going to allow my flats I feel like they
5638s want triplets and triplets got banned
5640s okay that would that would make sense to
5642s me and look at the sky Arena it's gonna
5643s be plaits or no plats let's see what we
5645s got it does look like no Flats it does
5647s look like no Flats okay um what can I
5649s say I call what I call Bro
5653s someone saying even a professional
5657s s this
5658s four here with two Senpai two games up
5661s and a red team one game up we're looking
5664s at a very very fast amount of damage
5667s going out onto that Fin and almost a
5669s knockout situation right there on Finn
5671s who's now sitting at 100 immediately
5673s save point does pull them back onto the
5676s stage and we are looking at some Grapple
5678s Games to keep them up inside of the air
5681s yeah just trying to keep them Airborne
5683s for as long as possible get that damage
5685s going and right now it is racking
5686s because now there's no more like roofs
5688s or walls or anything in the way of them
5690s just trying to heal claustrophobic it's
5692s a nice big Open Stage for them to be
5693s able to push that stage Advantage
5695s because what makes Scooby's mansion with
5697s the roof so bizarre is that you never
5698s really truly have stage advantage on
5700s that stage because it's like you know
5702s where it is safe whereas on this you're
5703s seeing a lot of dominance coming out
5705s from Blue Team where they're staying on
5706s the center stage even right there even
5707s after that big conversion who's in
5709s center stage it's blue team and now
5711s we're seeing this push again coming out
5712s from Blue trying to get that uh Edge
5714s guard against blood tank gets another
5715s uppercut off the bathroom and this is
5717s exactly the type of gameplay I was
5718s expecting when it's not on Scooby's roof
5720s look at this they're just kind of
5721s dominating right now triple digits here
5723s on blue team because they go for a four
5724s stock and it's very possible he's
5726s looking for the downer career almost got
5727s there right back on him throws at the
5730s gem is out of money comes back on stage
5732s and still three points to zero red team
5734s is struggling very much so it does
5737s definitely look like blue team's game
5739s till loser you're looking some of these
5742s horizontal I'm sorry specifically these
5744s vertical Knockouts immediately just
5746s early racked up by the blue team that is
5748s going to be a double knockout in red
5750s team's favor right now putting them on
5751s the board with two over right now but
5754s they are still literally at high
5756s percentages meaning only one up air and
5758s one up special is going to secure it for
5760s two simpi and MJ securing them that win
5763s 3-1 over the red team Aussie how did we
5766s get here
5768s basically taking to a stage they feel
5770s comfortable and that's literally all it
5771s was they probably don't practice on
5773s Scooby's mansion with a roof that often
5775s and on top of that the stage Advantage
5777s like I was saying earlier with Scooby's
5779s mansion on roof the stage is unorthodox
5780s compared to pretty much all the other
5782s stages in the game except maybe trophies
5784s Edge two and three four because center
5786s stage in all platform Fighters is such a
5789s golden spot to be for your team or your
5791s player you want to control that stage
5793s you want to make if you're more centered
5795s that means you have more root you have
5796s more options at your disposal as an
5799s example let's say both players are in
5800s center stage in red team teams up
5801s against the corner red team can only
5803s approach stay in the corner or go off
5806s stage who's going to put them in
5807s disadvantage blue team being Center
5808s Stage they have more options at their
5810s disposal they can opt to hold their
5812s ground stay Center Stage they can
5814s Retreat if they want to they feel a
5815s little bit pressured and give up a
5816s little bit of stage control and still be
5818s safe and still have a little bit of
5819s neutral they can all go all the way to
5821s the edge they want to have plenty of
5822s room to move around or they can push the
5824s advantage and try to make them scared
5825s and push them off stage which is why in
5828s platform Fighters it's so important to
5829s have that middle ground so when you
5831s bring on a stage like Scooby's mansion
5833s with the Roof Center Stage is no longer
5835s desired because that's actually a danger
5836s spot to be in because of that little
5838s root that little tunnel in the beginning
5839s so I feel like that's where blue team
5841s was struggling is that they could no
5842s longer control at center stage and
5843s that's why it turns into like such a
5845s Looney Tunes type of like action that we
5847s saw so the second you took them to Stage
5848s that they were comforted on that was
5849s almost a four stock and it's nothing I
5851s did not surprise me but now we gotta
5852s move on into our next set we are flying
5855s by guys that was Winter semis winners
5856s finals happening on later today by the
5858s way is going to be too simple and MJ
5859s facing off against Rez King and SJP but
5861s now we are diving over into losers
5864s quarters I believe we are going to be
5866s seeing some uh passy Bros with and
5868s Minnie Michael basing off against
5871s Phantom and mitsukin this is going to be
5872s Poland versus France Ari and Iron Giant
5875s on the left side and then we have I I
5877s didn't really quite see who the
5878s characters were on the right but it's
5879s probably gonna be Superman and Arya or
5880s Batman and Arya which one
5883s yeah yeah so it's gonna be better look
5885s I'm not shocked I'm not shocked
5887s smart to choose Batman going up against
5890s an Iron Giant type especially because
5892s you're going to have a lot more
5893s opportunities to interrupt
5894s um you're going to have a lot more
5895s ability to go ahead and catch up with
5897s Arya who will probably be flying around
5898s the screen it's just a lot more mobility
5900s in general and look at the Scooby
5903s mansion picks it is going to be a
5906s ruthless very very smart thing I believe
5908s especially by The Iron Giant and Arya
5910s here
5911s um I agree with the choice not only
5913s because I'm a Scooby fan obviously but
5915s just look at both of these teams both of
5917s these teams want to go ahead and knock
5918s you up off of the top of the stage and I
5921s think this is a fantastic opportunity
5922s for them to be able to do it so it is a
5924s very fair game for I believe both blue
5927s and red team here and it was a really
5928s really good unique choice that we're
5931s seeing here
5932s yeah with Scooby's Mansion ruthless
5934s because it's very very similar to sky
5936s Arena no plats the only difference is
5938s that the ceiling is higher than normal
5940s so the vertical decals aren't going to
5942s come as faster gonna manage to find that
5943s one though at 78 against likes of Mario
5945s light character of course that's going
5946s to be able to KO and on top of that
5948s walls do spawn in the beginning but
5949s they're hardly like they're hardly a
5951s factor because they only stay up for
5952s like nearly a second they're usually
5953s gone within the first 10 seconds of the
5955s game so yeah especially Sky reading with
5956s a little bit higher ceiling look at
5957s these side air charges coming out from
5959s Minnie Michael I'm sorry uh passy bro
5962s trying to connect those and get them off
5964s stage and get these really nice Kos with
5967s the strike oh really really nice down
5970s air there uh by I believe the stripe
5973s actually sent that Batman flying
5975s immediately they get back on it and look
5977s at that area look at that Aria follow-up
5979s look at that double knockout situation
5982s because of that Aria immediately
5984s punishes the Arya who was sitting at
5985s over 150 and just like that Phantom and
5989s mitsukin are already One stock away from
5991s big right now with blue team struggling
5994s to keep up right now red team relatively
5997s still very healthy but it is anybody's
5999s game at the situation one very well
6001s placed up special could be a win for the
6006s red team
6007s yeah they just need to find their Mark
6009s right now look at these gunshots coming
6010s out from passy now the thing is passy is
6013s doing that in such a fashion where he's
6015s delaying the gunshots because he'll get
6017s there's a greater chance of him being
6018s able to get the knock back if you just
6020s Spam it all three gunshots will come out
6022s faster there's a less opportunity for
6023s you to like you know get that additional
6025s hit somewhere push them closer and
6026s closer to the blossom look at that
6028s grappling hook into uppercut to finish
6030s it off from Phantom sitting over here
6032s catching the Iron Giant which is kind of
6034s a hard target to be able to avoid that
6036s at first I was kind of like hesitating
6038s at Phantom playing Batman instead of
6039s supreme in this matchup because Superman
6041s gains a lot against the likes of Iron
6043s Giant as an example oops here likes to
6045s play Superman against anytime he's
6046s fighting against an Iron Giant purely
6047s because he has grabs having grabs
6050s against the like of Iron Giant is such a
6052s disaster for the the Colossal character
6054s purely because if he activates bolts
6056s Superman ignores it he just goes through
6057s and grabs you but we're seeing more
6059s often than not even in the previous uh
6061s date oops here did end up going Batman
6063s against Iron Giant and maybe we're
6065s seeing the exact same thing coming out
6066s from Phantom where he is also up to go
6068s for the Batman against them just because
6069s of being able to chase him down and turn
6071s Iron Giant into a combo food
6074s things I do want to talk about is this
6075s final stop
6079s to play specifically caught before that
6081s but I'm sure that you did Aussie was
6083s that actual smoke bomb kind of like
6085s passive reset up that we saw there and I
6087s actually think that was instrumental to
6089s the very last talk because what it
6090s actually allowed Batman to do was go
6092s ahead and get grappling hook off of
6094s cooldown it allowed Arya to also get her
6096s knife and her dagger setup off of
6098s cooldown which allowed them to kind of
6100s separate both the stripe and iron
6102s diamond so that Batman was able to go
6104s ahead and get that final uppercut on
6106s iron dyron to go ahead and go and secure
6108s that final stock I think that final
6110s moment was actually instrumental as to
6112s what we can expect moving forward inside
6113s of this set because there's something
6115s that the Batman and the Arya are doing
6117s right now and that is being very very
6120s patient when they're actually at
6122s disadvantage and we saw the entirety of
6123s the very last match they took a much
6125s more defensive play and that's not
6126s necessarily something that we've seen
6127s throughout the entirety of all of these
6129s sets we've seen a lot of players become
6131s actually a lot more aggressive when
6132s they're at disadvantage day to try to
6134s get it back because the pacing of this
6136s game is so easy to lose when you are at
6139s disadvantage that's not what blue team
6141s or I'm sorry red team is doing inside
6143s this case Phantom and mitsu are actually
6145s taking the time to go ahead and kind of
6147s be a lot more passive wait for the team
6149s to come to them or completely stop what
6152s they're doing and get their cooldowns
6153s back up before they reapproach and I
6155s think that's going to get them very very
6156s far it's something that you see a lot of
6158s as we get further inside of the bracket
6160s and it's I think something that's going
6161s to be a lot more common as we move
6162s further into this top eight
6164s and what's been going on by the way
6166s sharp is if you you know I called it
6168s every single time it's gonna come out
6170s again guess what these two teams have
6172s history they actually ended up fighting
6174s again over in number two of the European
6176s it was actually uh Phantom and mitsukin
6179s were the ones that came out on top and
6180s ended up sending passy and Minnie
6182s Michael into a Seventh Place finish over
6184s in number two so right now again history
6186s might be looking like it's repeating
6188s itself currently we're going over to
6189s Scooby's mansion with a roof This Time
6190s by the way so we're gonna have that uh
6193s continued zaniness of just being able to
6194s try to prevent them from being able to
6196s get those really vertical chaos again
6197s this is a team that follows vertical KO
6199s so having something like that fantastic
6202s setup against Minnie Michael he
6203s struggled to get back on stage and now
6205s he's trying to return the favor and goes
6207s down with the Ganon ball
6208s Elsie I didn't actually expect that very
6210s first knockout on that Iron Giant I
6212s really thought that he had the tools to
6214s go ahead and approach there and I
6215s thought that we were going to see a
6216s little bit more strike Pressure cover up
6217s on that knockout I was incorrect but
6219s that just goes to show you exactly how
6222s much coordination and how good red team
6225s specifically need to end at removing any
6228s recovery options from them they're
6229s already on magically they're already on
6231s Match Point look at this Aussie are you
6233s not entertained
6235s Phantom just going in there being the
6237s Entertainer himself bro with those
6240s uppercuts getting a double KO and now
6242s he's got this mini Michael in a bad
6244s position there was an opportunity there
6245s for him to continue that combo on and
6247s potentially get a really early care uh
6249s KO against iron Giants which would not
6251s only pay dividends for them in terms of
6253s just against Iron Giant making that
6254s stock worthless but it would also make
6256s it so they get the game win but
6258s unfortunately that's gonna be me too
6259s going all the way to the top and now
6260s Phantom has to try to stay alive while
6262s Minnie Michael stays alive over on the
6264s right side gets another Cider on top of
6265s that gets another charge nothing now
6267s unfortunately I can be able to survive
6268s that one that's gonna be a really fast
6269s game in favor of Phantom and me too yet
6272s again
6273s you know one of the things I'm really
6274s appreciating here by Phantom and mitsu
6276s is there I want to say Edge guarding
6279s because they're they did they did
6281s amazing with this very first knockout
6282s look at this opportunity you see Iron
6284s Giant go out to go ahead and try to try
6286s to secure that knockout uh Batman
6288s immediately goes down with that down air
6290s and in order to stop the recovery we
6292s immediately see me two go down to follow
6295s up and stop it even though it's a very
6297s dangerous situation for an Arya
6299s especially someone as light as Arya
6301s against an Iron Giant who is getting
6303s very close to raid you don't want to be
6305s there you want to be careful but several
6308s times they identify where Iron Giant is
6310s in an unsafe situation and they follow
6312s up immediately especially taking
6314s opportunities when Thorns are down to go
6315s ahead and cover when it is safe they're
6318s not scared at all you can see them look
6320s at that look at that where was the fear
6322s literally she's not scared of white
6324s walkers she's not scared of Iron Giant
6326s what is there for Arya to fear inside of
6329s this matchup Aussie
6330s literally nothing you can rip the face
6332s off a metal machine easy peasy lemon
6334s squeezy I've seen in Samurai Jack it's
6336s definitely something you can do bro I I
6337s swear but now we're gonna be jumping
6339s into this next game here it looks like
6341s we might have some character counter
6342s picks potentially coming out I do know
6344s that passy does have an aria to bring
6346s out in case they don't want a feeling
6348s with the stripe also on top of that mini
6350s Michael's Iron Giant does have a Shaggy
6351s to be able to bust down in case he's not
6353s feeling confident with the Colossal type
6354s character so this could potentially be a
6357s counter pick I do want to talk about the
6358s Run by the way from uh EU open number
6360s two if you remember if you recall
6363s correctly they lost their first set
6365s winners round one they got knocked into
6367s losers they climbed all the way to
6369s Seventh Place finish after getting
6370s knocked into that giant bracket in EU
6372s all the way to seven to qualify for this
6374s so you know to get all the way there and
6376s still make it to the top eight here in
6377s this bracket defeating the likes of RJ
6379s King and lager defeating pulkey and not
6382s sweaty to make it here into top eight of
6384s the 16 man bracket where every match is
6386s a death battle it is a testament to
6388s their character and their team to be
6390s able to kind of be be determined to make
6392s sure that at least getting that Seventh
6393s Place fish even if they lose this next
6394s game they got top eight in the EU finals
6397s guaranteeing them a top eight team from
6399s Europe you know that's a title to really
6401s hold strongly to your heart for sure and
6403s you know I think EU has really been
6405s showing out inside of the entirety of
6407s not only the qualifiers but also inside
6409s of this finals if there's one thing that
6411s has definitely been cemented I think
6413s it's either multi-vs Community from some
6415s of these matches is that EU is not here
6417s to play they are here to win watching
6420s the strength of a lot of these players
6421s across the other side of the pond only
6423s cements to me that multiverses is an
6425s incredible game internationally
6427s continentally and in general in our
6429s local so I want to remind all of our
6431s listeners and anybody watching the
6432s stream right now if you are interested
6434s in picking up multiverses especially
6436s competitive multiverses please check out
6438s twitter.com mvsgaming where you can keep
6440s up to date with all the competitive
6442s multiverses inside of the world once
6444s again that website is twitter.com mvs
6447s gaming we have not only Clips not only
6450s highlights but also some extensive
6452s opportunities for you to compete inside
6454s of your locals regionals and major
6456s events near you
6458s yeah just it's always good to be able to
6460s just kind of keep up the date with all
6461s the tournaments that are coming into the
6462s future what makes that Twitter account
6463s really strong is the fact that they help
6465s retweet and give a little bit of a
6467s signal boost to all the locals happening
6470s up some of the more major locals we've
6471s been seeing have been like the
6473s tournaments over in Connecticut on
6474s Wednesday nights hosted on Ajax
6475s underscore HQ as well as the New York
6479s City local coming up over on my channel
6481s Twitter TV slash Australia Vista so that
6483s happens every Mondays as well so the
6485s fact that the signal boost those as well
6486s as all these other locals happening that
6487s are popping up all over the N A they're
6489s starting to pop up over in Europe it's a
6491s really cool resource if you just like
6493s watching multiversions which I assume
6495s you like watching multiverses if you're
6496s here right now listening to this so it's
6498s definitely a channel you want to keep on
6500s your radar on all your social media so
6502s now it looks like we're finally getting
6503s into this character selects right now
6505s looks like no swaps are coming out
6507s except for the Aria and over the um
6510s stripe and honestly you know this is a
6512s pretty good pick right it already just
6513s has a lot of tools in her kit to be able
6515s to get a lot of verticality chaos has a
6517s fully charged side air that can net a
6519s really early kale off of this side now
6521s it's all about where we're going we're
6522s going for the stage we're going to see a
6524s run back over to Scooby's mansion with
6525s Brim or we're going to see a different
6527s stage entirely let's just have to wait
6529s and see
6529s for sure for sure and I want to remind
6531s everybody listening right now on Twitch
6533s chat you can actually vote for who you
6535s think is going to come out on top don't
6537s just listen to our commentary engage
6539s give up some of your channel points to
6541s figure out what will come out
6542s I'll tell you who it is I'll tell you
6545s who wins I got the script right here you
6547s guys want to see it I got the script
6548s it's right here right now for this next
6549s one it's going to Trophies Edge for game
6551s number three I agree with this pick for
6554s blue team because why okay so red team
6556s gets gains a lot from this because of
6558s these verticality kills all they want is
6560s verticality so it can become very scary
6561s right but that thing is so true for Iron
6564s Giant you put them on a small stage all
6566s of a sudden you're now claustrophobic
6568s against this big colossal character
6569s becomes really tough to have to deal
6571s with him when he's just all over the top
6572s of you but unfortunately what we're
6573s seeing is a two feet one against them
6575s and now mini Michael already at 145
6578s damage it is that fear of getting a
6580s really early KO off the first 30 seconds
6582s of the game now I'm I'm watching Iron
6585s Giant just immediately go into the pass
6588s of just throwing scrap every everywhere
6590s mode just because of how high in
6592s percentage he is mini Michael is not
6594s necessarily the strongest inside of this
6597s team right now we're looking at him
6599s taking much more passive role in a media
6601s say that again
6602s the butt slam comes down and it is
6605s commentator's curse on the reel for me
6607s there Aussie
6609s nasty knock out there for many Michaels
6612s he's just playing really well now he
6614s took all that damage all they need is
6615s that one opening against the rage mode
6617s puts him into the green ball and we're
6618s gonna see this capitalization coming out
6620s for passing almost getting to kale and
6622s unfortunately it's gonna fly out from
6624s him he's gonna fall down to the bottom
6626s of the blast zone unfortunate opening
6628s everything wow
6629s gets the up air near the top of the
6631s blast zone and now we see match play
6633s here if you're a Bluetooth the first
6634s time we'll be seeing it this entire set
6636s the counter pick is playing out very
6637s well for them currently but
6639s unfortunately they're getting stuck
6640s between all of these combos right now
6641s the up special up there classic coming
6643s up from Arya he has plenty of time for
6645s Phantom to be able to jump in there and
6646s get a follow-up on top of that grappling
6647s hook on top of it getting on the boat
6649s that high damage all of a sudden tables
6651s being turned on them gonna go into that
6653s rage mode jumps into them and get that
6654s electric ball he's looking for the
6655s autoretical Batman's gonna Dodge right
6657s into it and take a clean 35 damage in
6659s the process it is still trying to find
6660s his opening with the grappling code 200
6662s damage Finance yes
6665s unfortunately that's gonna be Batman
6667s flying into the Blaster I want watch
6669s that replay one more time at the end
6670s because I do too that actually tears me
6672s I thought that was a red team that got
6674s that with no
6677s go on
6679s I was just gonna say that at the very
6681s end there we saw that Arya chased after
6684s them near the end or sorry Batman's
6686s Phantom chased after him with the
6688s grappling hook and we went all the way
6689s to the top of the blast and I thought he
6690s got the uppercut on the Aria on passy
6693s but that is not what happened so as we
6695s get closer and closer to that final
6696s replay we'll finally be able to see what
6699s exactly happened that transpired there
6701s in the final moments of the game because
6703s red team was bringing that back Sharpie
6705s it was really close
6707s it was it was very close indeed and I'm
6709s also really excited to see what happened
6710s inside this final stock I think we're
6711s getting to it right now
6713s um literally as we go inside of this
6715s trade that right there right there you
6717s saw it I
6719s talked about Mario talk me through it
6720s Aussie it was Arya getting Arya so
6722s basically Arya got the KO against Minnie
6725s Michael it was near the top of the blast
6727s zone so then the other Aria from Blue
6729s Team uh jumped in there got the up air
6733s on top of that and passy was able to
6735s finally just shut it down completely and
6737s what was going on you'll notice that
6738s when that first pawn shop against Iron
6740s Giant I talked about this before in the
6741s past broadcast if you guys have been
6742s like Avid Watchers it turns into a
6744s punish a punish into a punish so you
6747s punish the punch to punish and that's
6748s exactly what happened so even when Arya
6751s went out there you saw Batman Phantom
6752s jump in there and try to punish that
6754s Arya in times but unfortunately they
6756s were out of stocks that was the game
6758s points the uppercut actually didn't
6759s register to go through so he teleported
6761s out there because that was the end of
6762s the game so now we finally have a point
6763s on the board here for our blue team
6764s turning into a competitive set but they
6766s have exhausted all the resources four
6769s stage counter picks and now we're gonna
6771s see where red team's gonna be able to
6772s take these two wonders
6775s I kind of want to talk about what we saw
6777s from posi there because posi was
6779s definitely the MVP I believe from Blue
6781s Team there were several Knockouts that
6783s they were responsible for and one of the
6785s things you've talked about excessively
6786s inside the past especially when I've
6787s complained about Iron Giant on broadcast
6789s Aussie is how Iron Giants rage kind of
6793s puts him in a disadvantaged state
6794s especially in twos it's very easy to
6796s punish it's very very hard to come back
6798s especially at your if you're at
6800s disadvantage and it's one of those
6801s situations where you're basically locked
6803s out of any real assistant moves because
6805s you can only do certain moves inside of
6808s rage and that's kind of what we saw but
6810s what Arya did specifically what Posse
6812s did whenever Iron Giant went into rage
6814s was they went on the super offensive
6816s every single time we see Iron Giant go
6819s into rage several times you see a
6821s knockout being followed up on Blue's
6823s team onto red team because the Aria is
6826s immediately stopping the red team from
6828s approaching anywhere near Iron Giant
6830s which I think is just really really good
6832s awareness from The Blue Team and really
6834s good synergy for both mini Michael and
6837s pozzie there
6839s you gotta think of iron giant's rage
6841s mode like it's berserk right you go in
6843s there you go you throw away all of your
6845s defenses because you're so mad you're so
6847s angry and you go into a full offensive
6850s mode because while you lose a lot of
6852s defense and you become very susceptible
6854s to combo games what you get in return is
6856s a ton of damage that you get out of it
6858s right the green ball can trap in a pawn
6860s for you to be able to jump on top of and
6862s be able to get like a cannonball on it
6863s the teammate can actually pilot Iron
6865s Giant for a second and shoot off an
6867s electric ball which adds on 35 damage
6868s and opponent gets caught in it you get
6870s the ability to shoot off missiles which
6872s is great coverage game so you get a lot
6874s of mileage out of it but yeah you lose a
6876s lot of your defensive options as well as
6877s your Close Quarters combat game is not
6879s as great so you got to be careful when
6881s you activate it but right now we're
6882s seeing an up air coming to action
6884s against Phantom all the way on the left
6885s side of the stage first stock already
6887s gone for blue team's favor but
6888s unfortunately that's gonna be Arya going
6890s down as well yet another one against
6892s mitsu kid they're getting tons of these
6894s cameras off of the top what is this
6895s Bluetooth and where do they come from
6898s wow look at some of these immediate
6900s Knockouts by blue team right now I'm
6902s also kind of unsure about where
6904s literally every single one of those
6906s stock that's a double one right there
6908s that's exactly what the Bluetooth that's
6911s exactly what they need that's exactly
6912s what they want look at this wow see
6914s here's here's why I'm surprised that was
6916s almost a double knock down opportunity
6918s for both The Blue Team and the red team
6920s incredibly dangerous incredibly High
6922s opportunity incredibly high risk as well
6925s and I think that's kind of what the blue
6927s team is banking on and I think that's
6929s also what's paying off for them inside
6930s of this setup the way that Batman is
6932s Dashing out putting a lot of time in
6933s Iron Giant is allowing them to kind of
6936s 1v1 which is what both the Arias want
6938s they both want 1v1 they're both totally
6940s fine 1v1 against each other and saying I
6942s am the real Arya of house Stark here red
6945s team and now Phantom just shutting down
6947s that rage mode immediately the second he
6949s activated like we were just saying you
6950s give up all your defenses so Phantom
6952s went for the grappling gun got in there
6954s and you saw like literally Minnie
6955s Michael trying to get it piloted by
6957s passy on top of that now able to throw
6958s themselves a three points to three
6960s points literally neck and neck here for
6962s Reggie trying to close out the set
6963s before blue team gets any sort of
6964s momentum there's the Affairs there's the
6966s up specials coming out from Phantom
6967s trying to close it out gets called out
6969s by the uh bear from Minnie Michael
6971s because he saw that pass he had him and
6973s hit son for so long because of the up
6975s special and it's gonna end up tying the
6977s game two to two our first game five here
6980s on the broadcast today and right now
6983s they are bringing it back in style
6985s you know I I know everyone has their
6988s concerns about Mansion especially about
6991s ruthless mansion in general which as you
6993s said before is becoming a very popular
6995s pick inside of high levels of this game
6997s especially in an a it's such a pleasure
7000s to be able to see characters identify
7002s specifically players identify new stages
7005s as being viable for both them and for
7008s their teammate and what we're seeing
7009s here is almost a comfort it's very
7012s obvious to me that both teams have
7015s actually practiced on ruthless Mansions
7017s here which is kind of why we're getting
7019s some of these opportunities and these
7021s these understandings of when they do
7023s actually win specifically on the stage I
7025s do think that Comfort level brought them
7027s onto a Next Level which ultimately
7029s resulted inside of this game five here
7030s and obviously I just want to know your
7033s opinion what do you think of the fact
7035s that we're seeing Scoobies especially
7037s ruthless so much inside of this specific
7039s set
7040s I think Scooby's ruthless is a fantastic
7042s stage it's literally just sky Arena with
7044s a higher ceiling so it's very easy for
7046s players to adapt to it because literally
7048s if you played on it once you've
7049s literally like wait this is just sky
7051s Arena and then you understand that you
7052s understand the same kind of objectives
7054s yes this is walls in the very beginning
7055s and the ceiling is higher so those
7057s earlier chaos aren't going to become as
7059s prevalent but it's still just a really
7060s nice stage where people just feel
7062s comfortable comfortable on so I
7063s definitely see it entering the meta a
7065s lot more often it's legal right now and
7067s ranked and people are not snubbing on it
7068s whatsoever and it is it's receiving a
7071s lot of positive press especially with
7072s the hazards off but now we're gonna jump
7074s into this next set now Phantom's
7076s switching over to Superman if this is
7077s actually what's going to happen I would
7079s not be shocked right because Superman
7081s does have some answers against the likes
7084s of Iron Giant this is a character that
7086s can just ignore bolts with his grabs all
7088s he has to do is a side special or an up
7090s special and he can just grab right
7091s through those bolts if the bolts become
7092s a pesky but a little bit of a problem
7094s how Iron Giant works is he's throwing
7095s bolts littering across the stage into
7098s whether him or his teammate picks it up
7099s that gives him one more a duration of
7101s invulnerability whenever he activates
7103s bolts up to a maximum of five and on top
7105s of that the partner picks it up and
7106s they're racking the the unique per
7109s they'll also gain some gray Health from
7110s it so while the bolts are active you
7112s become invincible and Batman kind of
7114s struggles in that department Batman
7115s struggles against Shields armor in
7118s general so bolts is a whole other story
7119s when Superman can just ignore it with a
7121s grab that's definitely gonna be the
7122s choice and we're definitely seeing the
7124s Superman finally come out from banto in
7126s this game five situation
7128s you know one of the things you also
7129s talked about not only Thorns being an
7131s issue for Batman but in addition
7132s afterburner becomes a really big issue
7135s as well because even though Batman is
7137s able to be incredibly mobile not only on
7140s the ground but also in the air after
7141s burner's leaving that filer Trail
7143s relatively high up does affect Batman in
7147s a very real way especially with
7148s grappling hook regardless of where he is
7150s because he is very frequently going
7151s through those trajectories that affect
7152s it but as we go into this game five
7154s situation the winner of this game will
7157s win the entirety of this set that is a
7160s double stun right there by that Aria
7162s specifically
7164s mitsu and that is a huge huge game
7168s changer immediately changing momentum
7170s onto red team's side look at the way
7172s they are following up on some of these
7173s combos right now Iron Giant at 125
7176s flying up and down from the blast zone
7178s and it's really a very very such easy
7181s situation for a blue team to possibly
7183s get knocked out this early inside of the
7184s game
7185s yeah both of them being a really high
7187s damage but now blue team has stage
7188s control hold on a second we're seeing
7190s them kind of struggling off stage
7191s missiles are coming in they have rage
7193s mode to activate on top of that running
7194s out of resources so you're gonna see
7195s mitsu just kind of fall off and bottom
7197s of the blast on that opening Gambit that
7198s red team had is slowly starting to fall
7200s out of their grasp but good follow-up
7201s coming out from Phantom he jumped right
7203s into it because he saw oh special gets
7206s another Cider on top of that takes out
7207s passy and managed to take the lead here
7210s wow Phantom is now gonna play that stock
7212s tank lead Superman is also a really
7214s heavy character second heaviest
7215s character in the game in comparison to
7216s Iron Giant and is now going to be able
7218s to play wonders for them look at the
7220s startup they're able to fall off into
7222s each other extremely well here on sky
7223s Arena look at the follow-ups of special
7225s up there trying to get him off the top
7227s side damage all over the place things
7229s are running out of time for blue team I
7232s really thought that Loop was going to
7233s confirm into a stock death and I'm just
7236s really really in all right now of the
7239s red team Synergy with some of their
7240s follow-up opportunities like you said
7242s here previously obviously every single
7244s time you see a connection look and look
7246s at where Superman is every single time
7247s Ariel leads to say almost immediately
7249s they are trading and I think that that
7251s was a beautiful trade right there for
7253s the blue team going to go ahead and get
7255s that double knockout situation right
7256s there and they are both One stock away
7258s Arya is in a very dangerous spot right
7262s now Posey has to be incredibly careful
7265s at 145 anything can send them flying and
7268s that luckily did not convert luckily did
7270s not follow up there from me too and it
7273s stays safe to fight even longer inside
7275s of the set
7281s they beat this team over an EU open
7284s number two and they're gonna defeat them
7285s again here with a 3-2 victory over in
7288s losers scores setting down the passy and
7291s Minnie Michael for a Seventh Place
7293s finish and honestly they put up a one
7295s hell of a fight but unfortunately for
7297s them Superman counterpick just kind of
7299s came in collage they were overwhelmed
7301s from it but in the very beginning they
7302s had to adapt to this brand new type of
7303s character plus all these follow-ups that
7305s was such a sick fall but there was
7306s actually a moment there where I was
7307s worried for red team because Phantom
7309s actually sd'd at one point there was a
7311s point when he was just off stage just
7313s kind of chilling right here right here
7314s yeah he just Falls he touches the wall
7317s so you get his resources yeah you could
7319s tell that was it on you could tell you
7323s could tell it was it was incredibly
7324s unfortunate it was very scary too
7325s because I was like I was a little bit
7327s confused about what happened there I
7328s thought maybe I missed something I
7329s thought maybe a projectile specifically
7331s like if scrap went out and took away
7332s another jump but it was very obvious
7334s that he just kind of floated back down a
7336s Superman can fly doesn't mean he's
7337s always going to you know now as we as we
7340s go out of this set austie what an
7343s amazing bracket that we've seen so far
7344s let's go ahead and take a look at it not
7347s only do we have two Senpai and MJ on the
7350s winners files we also have Riz King and
7352s SJP that is one of my favorite uh
7355s characters and one of my favorite sets
7358s that I'm going to actually be really
7359s looking forward to watching because SJP
7360s has just had an amazing rain dog but MJ
7363s is also a very very very accomplished
7366s not only Batman player but also Shaggy
7368s player with an amazing Rush down we also
7371s obviously get to see plev tank and Timmy
7373s go up against Phantom and mitsu the team
7376s that just won inside the previous set
7377s that we saw and the loser of senpai MJ
7381s and rizking and SJP will move on to
7384s actually play Paradise and Kobe to stay
7386s inside of this bracket so it's it's
7388s really anybody's game here it's filled
7391s with a bunch of very very strong players
7393s very very strong teams and I just have
7396s to ask as you're looking at this bracket
7398s Aussie are there any sets that are
7400s jumping out as you that may be
7401s incredibly clutch that may come out to
7404s one of the game fives that we actually
7405s just saw inside that previous set
7408s well you know right now not really maybe
7412s pledge tank and Timmy versus phantom and
7413s me too that might be the closest one I
7415s think two sempi and MJ are gonna kind of
7418s steamroll resk King and SJP I mean
7420s hopefully they put up a fight but I
7421s think that's kind of like where we're
7422s going to be heading here in this one
7424s they actually ended up uh you know not
7426s being in the same bracket so this could
7428s be a completely different ballpark of a
7429s game so actually that could be closer
7431s than I think so you know what I take
7432s that back I think I'll be also a close
7433s set but Korean and urban are facing off
7436s against psycho and macmatt which is
7437s actually going to be the next set we
7439s jump into here for our last losers round
7441s one of top eight this is going to be
7443s quite the interesting set a lot of
7445s France players here kirians from France
7447s psycho and macmatt both from France
7449s Urban door is the one from Belgium
7451s coming in here this is gonna be Jake and
7452s Shaggy facing off against Finn and
7455s whoever Mac Matt feels like play he's
7457s got a Velma a Wonder Woman a jake one of
7459s the twos you guys remember this is the
7460s Adventure Time team looks like we're
7461s gonna be going with that Jake rather
7463s that cake the cat instead both cake the
7465s cats on both sides of the uh coin here
7467s and you gotta remember that psycho and
7469s Mac Man were actually the winners of EU
7472s open number one remember when they won
7474s with the Adventure Time team that was
7476s yes
7477s here yeah it was super high but now they
7480s find themselves here and loser's side
7481s they got knocked out pretty early on and
7483s but they're still surviving they're
7484s still in the game another phase up
7486s against kyrian and urban door a team
7489s from that got a seventh place at the
7491s first one didn't even get a chance to
7492s fight off against this team so now
7494s you're seeing a first place fighting off
7495s against the seventh place so if I was a
7496s betting man I would definitely put it in
7498s favor of psycho and macmatt but hey a
7500s long time has passed we'll have to wait
7502s and see what's gonna happen as we dive
7503s here into game number one
7505s for sure and I I want to see obviously
7507s we're going to see Sky Arenas listening
7508s to music obviously with no plots which
7510s has been a very
7515s Finn goes in heavy hard on that shag he
7518s says you ain't charging on my stage
7520s honey you want to fight for that right
7523s that was amazing start because he knew
7525s exactly whatever I was gonna do at the
7527s start all Shaggy's one is the same thing
7529s and it's disgusting they want to chill
7530s back and charge their Ridge so you saw
7532s him immediately jump in there also Urban
7534s door been in one one of the shaggies
7536s that likes to rock that unique perk
7537s where he eats the sandwich to speed up
7539s even faster that's gonna be a first KO
7541s going in favor of blue team managed to
7544s just call out mask Matt immediately
7545s right out the gates
7547s now one of the things I did want to
7548s shout out that I didn't get an
7549s opportunity before this match this is
7551s one of the very first signs we're
7552s actually seeing Jake in Scream right now
7555s I I know Jake's a really popular
7557s character in general and multiverses
7559s also one problem the leaderboard and the
7561s 1v1 play but in 2v2s Jake doesn't always
7564s have as much of a prolific scene you
7567s know you're looking at characters uh be
7569s a little bit more challenging especially
7570s against Jake like that and that's kind
7573s of why I'm so interested to see Jake and
7575s hit right now in twos
7576s so in N A Jake is all over the place in
7580s Tunes he's a very strong character when
7582s it comes to teams he has so much
7583s Mobility control he can go up to the top
7585s of the screen has up specials to be able
7587s to get some really early Knockouts by
7589s just catching someone and ricocheting
7590s them up to the top so he is definitely
7592s prevailing it's just kind of weird that
7594s we're not seeing him that much over here
7595s in EU and it's because they're both here
7596s sitting at that Seventh Place finisher
7599s qualifier match so again blue team up
7601s one point to zero finally goes up there
7603s and gets the fully charged up attack
7605s comes back down converts it off of an
7607s air into it up there you can see
7608s shagging charging you can't even see him
7610s charge bro he thought he was dead
7614s two points to one and now we're gonna
7617s see blue team try to get this pesky cake
7619s the cat out of here Mac Matt hanging on
7621s for dear life at 142 but psycho's also
7624s in danger here at 104 on the other side
7625s of the coin so you can easily turn
7627s favorite blue team that's a one dive
7628s kick coming in can we see a second one
7630s maybe he's got a rage this time around
7631s managed to go for it we see Dodgers from
7633s both sides no weak and sexually be
7635s applied this time around and finally he
7636s comes down with the house still being
7638s able to survive uses the gem at a
7639s disadvantage to get back in there and
7641s psycho is just surviving bro
7644s wow no that was going that was that was
7647s bound to happen the dude was sitting
7648s over there at 139 he was going he was
7650s going to pay for it with the stock you
7652s know you can't you can't just sit there
7653s in Center Stage like that now I'm I'm
7656s really appreciating how much blue team
7658s seem to have control right now over
7660s where red team is recovering and kind of
7663s leading them that is actually the third
7664s time we've seen Shaggy be able to charge
7666s literally for free they're not
7668s necessarily focusing on punishing Shaggy
7670s as much just because that calico cat is
7672s at a much higher percent so they are
7674s punishing Jake significantly more and it
7676s did pay off with red team who is now
7678s also at match point there are changing
7680s their focus over here to Shaggy and
7682s Shaggy's trying to get a knockout Shaggy
7684s gets The Knockout with that down air on
7687s to Jake putting blue team up 1-0 early
7690s inside of this loser's set the end of
7694s that game I thought for sure red team
7695s was gonna get that win because they were
7697s off stage there was a time when macmatt
7699s had an opportunity to go for a potential
7701s side air angle downwards against Urban
7703s or Shaggy or or even go for the
7705s skateboard diners and just try to like
7706s send them down to the Blaster but
7708s instead I think Mac wanted to play it
7710s safe because he was at high damage
7711s didn't want to risk at all so you saw
7712s him actually go for an up special
7714s instead which is going to apply that
7716s little stringy body right and when he
7717s went for the stretch body there was a
7719s chance for Erbert could have recovered
7720s really fast and got caught by it and
7722s then he would have got killed that way
7723s so it was also a safe option for him to
7725s go for but also a call out in case
7727s Roberta quickly went towards the stage
7728s unfortunately did not work out in his
7730s favor and he saw psycho kind of jump out
7731s here here's the situation coming out
7733s right after this stop we'll see it here
7734s momentarily it's this point right here I
7736s want to dissect this a little bit he got
7738s him off stage there's a chance he went
7740s underneath them he opts to go for the
7741s recovery instead because he's trying to
7743s hope that Orbiter is going to chase
7744s after him but unfortunately psycho was
7746s off stage on the left side because he
7748s tossed out a gem because he wanted to
7749s help out his bud but because he did that
7751s he actually put himself in a very bad
7752s spot and disadvantage and was able to
7754s get ko'd by urbandar who completely
7756s turned his attention over to the fin
7758s instead of the Jake so a lot of like
7760s minute situations from all three of
7762s those players there on the left side of
7763s the stage ended up going in blue team's
7765s favor
7766s now I'm I'm really firstly I want to
7769s shout out red team who I think had
7770s amazing teamwork there obviously blue
7772s team did come out on top there but as
7774s you stated that final stock was
7776s incredibly close it really did come down
7778s to that final situation and I like I'd
7780s like your opinion here Aussie but do you
7782s think some of the exchanges that they're
7784s going into because I feel as though I
7785s know the answer I feel as though very
7787s frequently red team is losing on those
7790s very small minute options just because
7792s they aren't at that final layer of Oaky
7795s and blue team is kind of reading those
7797s uh those opportunities a little bit
7799s faster they kind of went in those
7800s scramble situations a lot more because
7802s they're easier to react to for blue team
7803s than as opposed to red team but I'd like
7805s to hear your thoughts on it
7806s I think it was legit that could have
7808s been anyone's game there were like tooth
7810s and nail back and back literally a 50 50
7812s situation I think the end of the game
7814s was that last scenario where they all
7816s made a call and unfortunately psycho
7818s just went a little bit got a little bit
7819s greedy I think if psycho did not get
7821s greedy and throughout that gym there
7822s could have been a situation where Urban
7823s are would have went for a fast recovery
7826s and would have bounced right into max up
7829s special but unfortunately psycho just
7830s kind of bet it all with that gem toss
7832s and that's what spelled the game but
7833s everything before that was very even
7835s they were going back and forth like
7837s constant one thing I do like about Mac
7838s Matt's Jake is he's really good at being
7840s able to call but unfortunately can't
7843s call out that sign here coming out from
7845s here Anthem shutting them down
7846s completely only 10 seconds in and a
7848s stock he has gone goes back in WoW right
7851s back throw him with the up special into
7853s it up there it is now a tier type game
7855s this is what we get for trophies and
7856s right you get these really small
7857s ceilings these really small blast notes
7859s with the platform assistance allows you
7861s to be able to do some really early
7862s vertical chaos look at that you
7864s celebrate her trying to catch it again
7865s against McMaster a bad spot offstage
7868s throws an Apple at him as a get off me
7869s to a last-ditch effort to try to get
7871s back to stage and manages to finally
7873s survive
7874s now I'm looking at Shaggy here just kind
7876s of struggle because there's so many
7878s knees going out not all of them
7880s connecting but even the ones that are
7881s are making it a little bit difficult
7882s it's really hard it's really really hard
7885s for Jackie to get some of these
7886s horizontal lockouts right now and I
7888s think that's kind of why it's up to
7890s Kieran to go ahead and try to secure it
7892s with these up specials because Jake's up
7894s special is just so strong and of course
7895s as soon as I say that look at the way
7896s Shaggy look at the way as soon as I say
7898s that as soon as I say that Austin
7901s don't let me commentate
7904s carrion literally just Doffing so many
7908s people like I feel like my jaw's a
7910s little out of place just watching the
7912s game so many side air punches coming out
7914s from there was one at 53 against the
7916s likes of Jake who's a pretty
7917s heavyweights getting knocked out that
7919s early on was already devastating but he
7921s already responded in kind getting the
7923s follow up with the upstairs right there
7924s but this is when Things Fall Apart for
7925s red team right blue team gets and there
7927s he tries to charge up that Ridge gets an
7929s up attack on the ground the axro coming
7931s in Shaggy coming in with the combos
7932s psycho Now 50 damage goes off stage he
7935s accidentally throws his Gem and that was
7938s actually what happened at the very end
7939s it was we saw two mistakes in a row
7942s coming out from psycho but how okay so
7944s how Finn recovers is he wants to throw
7947s his gem he spends 100 gold and he throws
7950s a gem and wherever that gem goes he can
7952s teleport to so what's actually a really
7954s common recovery tool is that he throws
7955s it on stage and he just instantly
7957s teleports to it and gets immediately at
7958s a disadvantage it's like it's like a
7959s cheating card it's like a get out of
7961s jail free like you know I'm not a
7962s disadvantaged I'm center stage now but
7964s what happened at the very end is he
7966s tossed the gem twice the wrong direction
7969s it went towards the right both times and
7971s because he used both of his specials he
7973s was falling down he just kind of sd'd
7974s because of that so that's another
7975s mistake coming out from psycho that
7977s could be very costly for them in the
7979s rest of this set
7981s we are also seeing a change here we are
7983s going to see the fin and Arya come out
7985s as opposed to the Fenn and Jake
7987s um do I disagree with this no I actually
7990s think Arya and Fenn would be very very
7992s good inside this matchup I'm don't 100
7995s think there was really any issue with
7998s red team's Jake to be candid with you I
8001s think there was a lot of changes that
8003s will happen with a fan Arya team inside
8005s of this matchup I don't necessarily
8006s think they'll be as at many disadvantage
8008s stage but I think it'll be a lot easier
8010s for them to secure some of these
8011s knockout situations especially since
8013s Arya tends to stick to the opponents a
8015s lot easier we did see that on the blue
8017s team they had a very high percentage of
8019s majority of the time it will be a lot
8020s easier I think for Ari to secure some of
8022s these Knockouts than for Jake so we'll
8023s just see going into this very next round
8025s who will come out on top and whether or
8027s not this counterpick character will be a
8029s advantageous opportunity for red team to
8032s come back into the set
8033s and you gotta remember that macmatt
8035s plays a whole slew of characters so he's
8037s like oh my God never mind gets shut down
8039s Herbert jumps out there immediately gets
8042s a downer he's like you've got a lot of
8043s characters in your roster bet I play
8045s Shaggy here's it down here and shot him
8048s down the first 10 seconds and scoring it
8050s another point for blue team blue team on
8052s the verge of taking down the winner of
8055s EU open number one when they got seventh
8057s in that one this is the unparamount
8059s we're looking at a lot of damage once
8062s again going out on the blue team and not
8064s as many knockout opportunities they're
8066s just really struggling and in addition
8068s blue team Synergy is just par none right
8070s now they are identifying opportunities
8072s to go ahead and get these knockout
8073s situations and they're pushing them
8075s harder and harder and harder and forcing
8077s them to respond faster and faster and I
8079s just candidly don't think red team is
8081s able to necessarily keep up they are
8082s definitely playing catch up inside of
8084s the situation Austin
8085s but yeah what's happening is that red
8087s team just netting these super duper
8089s early Kos that's putting them in such a
8091s great momentum shift in their favor but
8093s now red team coming up with the backpack
8094s unfortunately Jake's only going to be at
8096s 39 damage they're not going to be able
8097s to send cake the cat literally anywhere
8099s but now we're coming back turn attack on
8101s Dead gonna give him that be that strike
8104s behind strike sneak attack strike and
8106s gonna turn this into a two points to one
8108s lead for blue team but it might not be
8109s for long Sharpie
8111s I'm I'm I'm really concerned right now
8114s about that calico cat sitting over there
8115s at 121 really really high percentage but
8117s luckily Arya is not following up Arya
8119s kind of has her hands full right now
8120s trying to yeah look at look at the way
8123s look at the way they are trading oh we
8125s need to dissect for free I need to
8127s dissect that left side because what
8129s happened was Psycho threw out a gem as a
8132s recovery an urban door threw a sandwich
8134s to delete the gym the dust deleting his
8137s recovery and thus psycho was in a really
8139s hairy spot in servidor was able to get
8142s the capitalization on top of that
8143s fantastic wow he's breaking it back
8146s getting a double KO bringing this down
8148s to three points to three points Red Team
8150s Chevrolet players oh no catches the
8152s second half special minervator is going
8153s to be able to survive 32 damage that
8155s could have been a really early stock
8156s that would have been very good for
8158s Resident finally but a boy on the board
8159s but unfortunately the the victory slowly
8162s running out of their grasp
8163s for sure I'm I'm watching this right now
8167s final trade situation and I'm looking at
8169s the percentages I'm looking at the
8170s momentum and you're right it really is
8172s anybody's game right now oh yeah didn't
8174s want to recover there I see Finn just
8176s throwing out these gems right now trying
8178s to get in situations where he can go
8180s ahead and help Arya but they're not
8181s coming out positively literally both
8184s teammates on the red team are flying
8186s literally anywhere and ever right now
8188s looking for hits trying to get some of
8190s these Knockouts secured and not able to
8192s follow up on that crucial big knockout
8194s click go ahead and bite them in the butt
8196s later arya's trying so hard Arya is
8198s trying so hard to follow up on that
8200s ultimately it's not enough because
8202s Shaggy is able to go ahead and get that
8204s final knockout moving The Blue Team Up
8206s 3-0 inside of the Set uh Austin Aussie I
8210s I know we want to talk about that third
8213s stock that we saw going out on Blue
8216s team's favor because it was one of those
8218s opportunities that I think really
8219s showcases why blue team came out on top
8222s inside of this set 3-0 you were
8223s dissecting it previously you said the
8226s sandwich met the gym stopped the
8228s recovery took away all the jumps and
8229s that was only the third stock that we
8231s saw for blue team's Advantage we're
8232s about to come up to it let's talk
8233s through it right now
8235s yeah be right there that was it he threw
8237s the sandwich and deleted the gym put him
8238s in a bad spot and he couldn't get back
8239s on stage blue team Jake was able to jump
8241s back in there and help with the spike
8243s but another situation that we saw later
8244s on in that stock was Urban or got a
8247s clean hit with a rage side special but
8249s unfortunately when he hit his opponents
8251s it was a tacticade so they didn't end up
8253s getting that kale there's so many
8254s moments where both these are just trying
8256s to get that rushed finish until finally
8258s the diner comes out from orbitor in
8260s Korean and urban are taking a 3-0
8262s victory over the winners of EU open
8265s number one now swapping places they're
8267s the ones going down with the Seventh
8268s Place finish look at that psycho and Mac
8269s Mac going down 3-0 in the bottom left
8271s side of that bracket with a Seventh
8273s Place finish here at the EU finals this
8277s started literally Sharpie this started
8280s with 16 teams now there are six 10 of
8284s those teams are now gone we are ending
8286s winter semis we are now ending losers
8288s quarters losers around two up top eight
8290s so many more sets to come up here but
8293s guys before we even dive into our next
8295s sets we gotta take a quick little break
8297s please please please don't go anywhere
8299s we'll be right back
8304s foreign
8311s [Music]
8317s [Music]
8334s [Music]
8341s foreign
8360s [Music]
8368s foreign
8376s [Music]
8397s thank you
8404s foreign
8414s foreign
8418s [Music]
8426s [Music]
8441s [Music]
8448s foreign
8450s [Music]
8468s [Music]
8498s thank you
8500s [Music]
8522s foreign
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8553s foreign
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8594s foreign
8602s [Music]
8617s [Music]
8628s foreign
8629s [Music]
8658s [Music]
8668s thank you
8671s [Music]
8701s foreign
8701s [Music]
8728s foreign
8731s [Music]
8760s [Music]
8767s foreign
8770s [Music]
8799s [Music]
8806s thank you
8808s [Music]
8815s [Music]
8821s [Music]
8826s foreign
8829s [Music]
8844s [Music]
8862s foreign
8865s [Music]
8877s [Music]
8892s foreign
8915s what's good MVPs welcome back to fall
8919s Showdown for the multiverses the final
8922s finals which is from Europe my name is
8925s Austin I'm joined here by the lovely
8926s Sharpie and we got some great sets
8928s coming your way we started in this
8931s bracket with 16 teams coming all the way
8934s for you the 16 best of the best cream of
8937s the crop from the European side of
8939s things but now we are down to the
8941s nitty-gritty only six teams left only 12
8943s players remain and now we're gonna find
8946s out who's gonna be coming in because we
8948s take a look at this bracket you look at
8950s the winners final side of things we got
8952s two sempi and MJ facing off against Riz
8955s King and SJP over down the losers side
8958s of things though we're probably doing
8959s momentarily here is LOL Club 10 continue
8961s facing off against Phantom men mitsukin
8964s Shin as well as paradise and Kobe facing
8966s off against carrion and urban door Sharp
8968s we haven't been feeling with these sets
8970s so far man you know I've really been
8971s enjoying these sets a lot as we've been
8974s playing I've noticed a lot of
8975s adaptations which is once again one of
8977s my favorite things to see inside of
8979s brackets I don't always look to see
8981s who's playing the best characters I
8983s always look to see the stage selections
8985s the thing I'm watching is the player
8987s adaptation inside of every single match
8988s did they expect this to happen did they
8991s react appropriately did they change the
8993s way they react based upon what happened
8995s earlier inside that set and earlier
8996s inside of the bracket and I am so
8998s incredibly excited to see it from every
9000s single team because every single team
9002s that's currently inside of here are all
9004s six I'm sorry all 12 of the teams that
9006s we basically have inside of here so far
9008s have already done a great job of
9009s showcasing their prowess and their
9012s adaptation skills as we move forward
9013s inside of the bracket but there is one
9015s thing I do want to shout out which is
9017s the fact that if you go over to
9018s twitter.com MBS gaming you too can
9021s become one of these amazing adapted
9023s players because you'll be keeping up
9025s with not only the major scene for
9027s multiverses but also so the regional and
9030s local scenes as well Asti I know you
9032s have quite a few locals that you attend
9034s but I am actually partial to the
9036s multiverses monthlies that we actually
9038s have at Xanadu games where we have
9039s people like mirror man Sunfish we even
9042s sometimes have Z come out and perform
9044s with some amazing Taz and Wonder Woman
9046s work are there any locals that you
9048s really enjoy watching inside of your
9049s local scene
9051s I mean literally just the ones I plugged
9053s earlier was like the ones that literally
9054s on my channel switched on TV slash
9056s Osceola Vista every Monday nights over
9057s in the New York City area if you guys
9059s want to enter it yourself you can head
9060s on over to OS NYC is the venue in
9062s southern Manhattan so it's basically
9064s Chinatown meanwhile another one on top
9066s of that which is really close by is Ajax
9067s is local over in Connecticut at that
9070s venue I'm not sure what the venue is
9071s called but I know the twitch channel is
9072s that TV Ajax underscale HQ and yeah you
9075s usually just said it Vortex so that's
9077s the board venue for that one as well so
9079s tons of locals in that area are like
9081s literally East Coast is feasting right
9083s now with those locals and I know more
9085s are popping up I heard there's one
9086s starting to get startup shop over down
9088s in Florida on top of that and heard of
9090s oops and Broski's mentioning it a little
9092s bit uh in the past couple of days so
9094s tons of more stuff coming your way and
9096s you guys want to know where all those
9097s locals are going to be I guarantee you
9099s that MBS gaming sweater handle is gonna
9100s be retweeting those locals coming so may
9103s stay tuned to that one to be able to see
9104s what's going to be happening in the
9105s future of the competitive scene whether
9107s it's on the local scale or the grand
9109s scale like this circuit with 60 thousand
9112s dollars on the line for this entire
9113s circuit has been going on since the
9115s beginning of October fall showdown's
9117s been a whole the thing that we've had
9119s for the game this is the first circuit
9120s that this game has had right when the
9121s game first came out we had Evo which is
9123s a big splash for the game 100 000 in
9126s This One Singular tournament because it
9128s was like all eyes were on it and then
9130s after that let the game relax a little
9131s bit let it breathe and all of a sudden
9133s fall Showdown was birthed and was the
9135s circuit all online to bring it to these
9137s finals that we've had these past couple
9139s of days East and West happened yesterday
9140s those two files are now gone and this is
9142s the final event for the entirety of fall
9146s Showdown and man I gotta say I'm gonna
9148s miss it after a while man it's been like
9149s we've been on this broadcast so much I
9151s in particular have been on so many of
9153s these almost working every weekend for
9154s it and I love like the logo they got for
9157s with Batman in the background the purple
9158s background and seeing all these players
9160s come up to stop you know to shop and be
9162s able to get so much gameplay and show
9164s their Prouds and put their you know
9166s grits to the test and be like hey we've
9168s been playing this game for so long and
9169s look how good we are and finally being
9171s able to display it for everyone to watch
9173s you know one of the also things that I
9175s really like about the fall Showdown
9176s showcase so far is not only the ability
9179s to be able to commentate this high level
9180s matches with people like you with Ajax
9183s with uh with obviously flambo as well
9186s but like being able to uh work with all
9188s of you guys in addition to also seeing
9190s the variety of different characters
9192s showing inside of high level gameplay
9195s one of the things that you don't usually
9196s see inside of Platformers is a very rich
9198s open roster of gameplay and characters
9201s at a high level you usually only see a
9203s couple usually a handful of characters
9204s being played but inside of multiverses
9206s we've seen almost every single game
9208s inside the character represented at a
9210s top level especially inside of top eight
9212s for these qualifiers and for the finals
9214s which I'm really personally very happy
9217s about because it shows that the game has
9218s really good balance so far it shows that
9221s everybody is viable at a tournament
9223s standpoint and it also shows that
9224s everyone's out here to have fun inside
9226s of this game which is Paramount inside
9228s of a new game like monkey versus so as
9230s we go
9231s yeah
9232s yeah we're gonna jump right into this
9234s set by the way it's going over to losers
9236s course he's gonna be pleb taking Timmy
9238s on the blue side of things got Timmy
9240s reckon presenting the Morty Club tank on
9242s the fan meanwhile on the other side of
9243s that token on the two-piece side red
9245s team Phantom on the Superman and
9247s mitsukin with the Aryan I gotta say
9249s Phantom feeling a little bit confident
9250s with the Superman we saw so much Batman
9252s from him previously on the day managed
9254s to swap over to Superman because he had
9256s to deal with the pesky fan but right now
9257s they gotta be looking at the Aria
9259s because Club tank just carrying needs to
9261s get all the way to the top of the Blast
9263s Zone on the right side take away that
9264s first Blood immediately now we've seen
9267s this before with Phantom and mitsu's
9268s team usually the first game they are
9271s very very cautious and it's always paid
9273s off for them inside the long run so I'm
9275s not as worried about these first couple
9276s of stocks I know they're just gonna try
9278s to get their placing with this and it's
9279s usually how they play throughout the
9281s bracket I am really concerned about them
9282s allowing blood tank and Timmy a somewhat
9284s of a lead early on though because left
9286s tank and Timmy have shown that they are
9288s able to adapt very very quickly and they
9290s are able to go very far especially when
9292s they secure really like this so it could
9293s be a dangerous situation but we're not
9295s going to see as big of a stock
9297s difference here because we did see
9299s Phantom go ahead and secure that ring
9301s out on to Timmy getting that first stock
9304s up meaning that they're both one soccer
9305s piece right now on the red and blue team
9307s yeah fans are doing a fantastic job of
9309s just being able to catch these Landings
9311s getting the up air pushing him back off
9313s say points gonna be activated for Timmy
9315s to get plebting back onto the stage and
9317s look at this collateral damage coming
9319s out from everyone Phantom gonna be able
9321s to live that was Batman he was out of
9322s there but Superman being the second
9323s heaviest character in the game is going
9324s to give him a lot more breathing room to
9326s survive for as long as possible because
9328s right now he has to play stock tank
9330s because mitsukin's already at 117 on the
9332s lightest character it has been playing
9334s mad aggressive a lot of the time
9336s fantastic charged upswing coming up from
9339s pleb two for one special buy one get one
9342s free that is three stocks that club team
9344s cologne has taken that is very very good
9347s for the routine and it's somewhat what I
9349s was concerned about starting up I'm not
9351s as worried about Phantom in these two
9352s later on inside the set but I am worried
9354s about them inside this game that double
9356s stalker right there was huge for the
9358s blue team and you can see fled tank and
9360s Timmy taking a much more aggressive
9361s approach not caring as much Morty even
9363s though he's at 120 right now totally
9365s comfortable just going into The Fray in
9367s a hacking because he knows even if he
9370s happens to trade a stock right now Finn
9372s is still relatively low underneath 60
9373s and is not concerned at all doesn't
9376s really have to be worried in the
9378s slightest right now Morty just just
9380s buying up extra extra damage right now
9383s and it's it's it's nice it's refreshing
9385s to see blue team being comfy inside of
9387s these early parts of the set so far and
9391s there's an opportunity there where we
9392s saw mitsu can almost get a spike or a KO
9394s with the side special images to get with
9396s the other instead bring themselves to a
9398s match when you start to get come to a
9399s climax of this first game another down
9401s attack coming up from Clem take that is
9404s four points on the board purely from
9407s Club tank playing the Assassin rule
9409s whether it's off in the corner against
9411s the atsuki's Arya in the top right or it
9414s was the double swing from on top of the
9416s stage the down Spike at the end he was
9417s just on point look at this that all
9419s started from upswing he was at 34 South
9421s War damage when that whole exchange
9423s started carried him all the way up to
9425s the right because he recognized that
9426s mitsuki was gonna play a little bit Fair
9427s careful and try to keep away from
9429s everything all that from a Charged Up
9431s attack and what makes that attack so
9433s strong again right here gets two for one
9435s what makes it so strong is when Ben does
9437s the charge attacks the farther he runs
9440s across the stage the more powerful it
9442s becomes which is why you see he does
9444s does a little bit of a startup
9445s afterwards they'll do it right here at
9446s the end as well with the down attack
9447s which is right after this next Replay
9449s when he starts up here in the center of
9451s the stage he's gonna charge up the down
9452s attack there it is Bam get on him get
9455s that KO and secure victory for that team
9457s that was a pure example of pleb tank
9460s playing the front roll the Assassin
9462s literally to a T and going in there
9464s eating tons of chaos while Morty just
9466s chilled in the back and played more of a
9467s support role and just like make sure
9469s he's going to be safe with save points
9470s healing is hit both himself and his
9472s teammate shooting off a lot of like
9474s cover damage with like grenades and guns
9476s and just all over the place fantastic
9478s teamwork coming up from blue team and
9479s one of the other things that I think
9481s really helped The Blue Team there uh we
9484s saw Timmy being the focus a lot of the
9486s times and it's one of the reasons why I
9489s think unfortunately red team didn't
9490s necessarily come out on top there Morty
9492s was totally comfortable playing more of
9494s that support role classically everyone
9496s calls mortia support slash Bruiser
9498s slasher he's a supporter he's a support
9501s he's a support I don't care by the fact
9505s he's a mage I think he's a mage
9506s personally but that we're not going to
9508s get too far into that my point is that
9510s that can save you from the blast zone
9512s Sharpie tell me which Mage does that
9514s I'll record it right now literally
9517s having that save point move one of his
9519s best moves in the game when he's in the
9520s Blaster and you bring him right back to
9522s you yeah he's arranged you're right
9523s you're right he's around you guys
9525s Sharpie look I I I I think we're going
9529s to have to agree to disagree inside of
9530s this instance but there were several
9532s times sorry I can't hear you I'm
9533s drinking my water
9535s there were several times where I think
9538s Timmy actually went ahead and saved the
9540s majority of their moves uh it's actually
9542s for the Arya follow-up which was a big
9545s reason why red team wasn't able to get
9547s started up as we've seen inside of
9549s previous sets inside of this tournament
9551s we have seen Phantom and misky get
9554s started up finish these beautiful combos
9556s on either Superman and Arya or Batman
9559s and Arya and it's one of the reasons why
9560s they Excel so much that teamwork is on
9562s point they are able to follow up on
9565s every single touch that they get to
9566s completion basically killing off of like
9569s a 20 confirm and it's wonderful to see
9572s things like that being able to follow
9574s Advantage all the way through Timmy and
9577s pleb are not allowing them to do it
9578s basically whenever they focus on that
9580s Morty getting rid of that very very very
9583s strong
9584s support-esque down special move that
9587s Morty has bringing them out of the blast
9588s zone Morty always makes sure to save
9591s that down air to make sure that they're
9594s not pressing buttons make sure that
9595s they're not throwing out ray gun or
9597s grenade and when there's eye of the air
9599s knowing that Arya is trying to focus
9600s them there were several times where we
9602s saw that turn attack try to come through
9604s on Morty and it was immediately met with
9606s a down air on Morty keeping them out and
9609s Superman wasn't able to follow up
9610s because there was nothing to follow up
9611s on so it's really about seeing how this
9615s team of Superman and Arya are going to
9618s find to try to find that Kink inside of
9620s Timmy and pleb's armor here
9623s yeah just trying to find that opening to
9626s be able to bring it back we're going
9627s straight back to the map with the
9629s triplets by the way yet again I get why
9632s is the popular pick as both teams Thrive
9633s off of this look at red team with this
9635s opening Gambit already forging the
9637s cooldown of the UFO to be able to get
9638s out there look at them trying to call
9640s out a double jump on top of that
9641s advancing would have called out that up
9643s special that would have been a really
9644s early stock against Blue Team so I get
9646s this aggressive approach coming out from
9647s Red save point was the only reason to
9649s bring him back because if you noticed
9650s pleb was out of resources he didn't have
9652s any coins to be able to pull out a gym
9654s so he only had an apple and Jimmy
9656s recognized situation put the same point
9658s button and brought him right back to
9659s Center Stage safely for sure I'm really
9662s really liking the difference in
9664s aggression here from the red team they
9666s are still being just as defensive as
9668s they wore that round one but they're
9669s taking much more advantages to focus on
9671s Finn collectively and look at that
9674s beautiful up test Superman said up up at
9677s home it's that very first thought the
9679s second stop being captured by Aria who
9681s does have five base Stacks we could see
9683s week and aoe's done come out right now
9685s while in The Fray and it's all she's
9687s looking for truthfully I know she is
9689s because one double stun for the red team
9693s could be another double KO into a win
9695s right now and uh both members are
9697s looking for it look at that beautiful
9698s stun on Finn did it quite connect that
9701s sure you can from that Superman right
9703s there but was able to get quite a bit of
9705s damage on that sense sitting at 96 now
9708s yeah trying to dive in there do a lot
9711s more damage two points on red team jives
9714s in with a side charge attacks we've been
9716s getting a lot of mileage off of this
9718s like a move look I'm trying to chase
9720s after them all unfortunately Dove a
9722s little bit too deep winning over his
9723s head got caught by the down area that's
9725s another point over there for blue team
9726s still and maybe attacking in terms of
9728s points but look at these damages bro
9730s things are looking pretty bleak here for
9732s blue Freddy could just keep this
9733s momentum up which they're doing they
9734s have stage control they're pushing them
9736s back off and they're kind of struggling
9737s to get any sort of momentum I'm very
9740s concerned as well for The Blue Team even
9742s though the stock exchange is double even
9744s though the momentum is closed look at
9746s the way red team is is channeling their
9749s aggression right now into very specific
9751s very focused moments and this is the
9753s combination attack that I'm talking
9755s about look at the way they're following
9756s up right there both Arya and Superman
9758s were rushing to hear that in the minute
9759s that they realized that Finn was not
9761s going to be able to recover they
9762s immediately moved over to Timmy but it
9764s was too late I mean Fenn was gone that
9767s stock was done and they moved over 2011
9769s we're looking at a very close matchup
9771s and a very close set right now starting
9773s from the start of here they got amazing
9776s early damage because of their Knockouts
9777s and that early knockout that very first
9780s stock on that Morty was important
9782s because what it did was it secured and a
9785s damage and percentage lead for the red
9787s team Phantom and mitsu needed that so
9790s badly it was one of the reasons why they
9791s lost inside of the previous match inside
9792s of the set so securing that early not
9795s only getting the double knockout early
9796s and also getting the percentage
9798s Advantage but also right here being able
9800s to knock up even more being able to
9802s control the way that every single minute
9805s blue team recovered on the team also
9807s helped them immensely so like just
9809s overall red team doing exactly what
9811s they've done this entire tournament and
9813s every single set that they've played
9815s take the very first round as data and
9818s then move forward to have a very
9819s commanding presence later on inside the
9821s set the very reason why they are one of
9823s my favorite teams to watch inside of
9824s this tournament
9826s and what's also interesting is I love
9828s how Phantom kind of baited out there
9830s near the end we didn't quite catch it on
9831s the replay but there was a moment where
9833s Phantom could have gone in and connected
9835s a side air and got a KO but he
9837s recognized that save point was activated
9838s so even if he got that hit he was just
9840s gonna go back to center stage and then
9842s get out a disadvantage so instead he's
9843s like instead of trying to gamble and go
9845s off stage and risk losing my own life he
9847s just kind of backed off go back to
9849s Center Stage help out his teammate wave
9851s per save point to wear off which it did
9852s and then it went right back out there
9854s because guess what he was still in
9855s disadvantage if Phantom would have hit
9857s him it would have brought him back to
9859s Center Stage instead of being at a
9860s disadvantaged state and because he
9862s didn't he was able to secure the KO once
9864s he was playing the patient game waiting
9866s out the early trigger of the save point
9869s from Morty that awareness is exactly why
9872s I think we've seen Phantom and nitsu get
9874s this far inside of the bracket albeit on
9877s the lower side of bracket they have
9879s shown that they have what it takes to
9881s move and even win this entire thing from
9884s the bottom side of the bracket and I'm
9885s really excited to to see who's going to
9887s come out and talk because both Timmy and
9889s pleb have also shown a very similar
9891s awareness what's really going to kind of
9893s determine the remainder of this set is
9896s how Timmy and pleb adapt inside of this
9899s match right here the round circuit is
9901s vital to both of these teams and that's
9903s really where you're going to see a lot
9904s of the momentum decided so it's going to
9906s come down to The Fray and of course when
9907s you have a momentous Moment Like This
9909s you have to go to Mansions you have to
9912s go to Mansions not ruthless Mansions but
9914s classic Mansions you feel me Aussie
9917s I I do I don't quite understand this
9921s counterpick because a lot of those chaos
9923s were coming from horizontally area and
9925s it doesn't even matter
9929s right into that funnel the counter's big
9931s now working out for blue team whatsoever
9933s that very start what a fantastic start
9935s to Phantom they need to get just
9936s immediately delete those double Kos
9938s what's interesting is this counterpick I
9940s feel like is kind of like a desperate
9942s like I don't know what to do let's go
9944s and take him to Scooby's at the roof
9945s that's what that's what the stage
9946s counter big screams to me yes
9948s for sure and you know based off the very
9951s first KO especially the double KO right
9953s now I don't necessarily know if it was
9956s the smartest counter pick in the world
9957s for Timmy and plett to do there but you
9959s know who it is pig offer Phantom and me
9961s too and you know why look at their combo
9964s opportunities here look at the way that
9966s they're following up off of literally
9967s every single touch we're not seeing the
9969s same thing happen for pleb and tank
9970s we're seeing a much more reactive play
9972s come out for them which is why they're
9974s kind of behind right now because they're
9976s more so reacting to situations that
9978s Phantom and meets were putting them in
9979s instead of being the ones putting them
9981s inside that situation and they're not
9983s responding I would say uh the most
9984s positively every single time they're
9986s kind of just throwing out what they
9987s happen to have inside of some of these
9989s instances and now Morty can't even help
9991s out the Finn who is getting save pointed
9993s there beautiful save point by the way
9995s but it does ultimately oh my goodness
9998s this is not a good opportunity this is
10000s not a good place for blue team to be
10003s right now Finn at 138 completely unable
10006s to help Morty who they are going to go
10008s ahead and just rack up some damage on
10010s basically for free right now they're
10012s totally content just playing the game
10014s because red team is up on that stop
10016s securing that final knockout on Finn for
10019s the double BM tonti finish Aussie you
10023s love and you hate to see it
10026s that was quite the counter pick for a
10029s stage like I cannot stress enough that I
10032s cannot see why they would ever pick this
10034s stage as a counter pick because the only
10036s reason you go to this stage in
10038s particular is because you're getting
10039s chaot off the vertical so much which is
10042s not like it was happening but it wasn't
10044s like the main source of the chaos
10046s they're getting a lot of horizontal
10047s chaos a lot of Spike chaos and to me it
10049s screened that they were just kind of
10051s like unsure of what to do and want to
10053s just like mix it up you know they wanted
10055s to mix it up for the sake of mixing it
10056s up and it did not work in their favor so
10058s I do not foresee them going back here
10059s for game number four and instead of
10061s probably gonna think about a different
10062s counter pick instead because it's kind
10064s of hard to get a counter pick against a
10066s team like this right because you have
10068s Superman who's really good at getting
10069s Kos off the horizontal and spikes you
10071s have Arya who's also good at getting
10072s kills off of the top in the spikes so
10075s there's really nowhere to pick them in
10077s towards of getting them the
10078s disadvantages more about picking a stage
10080s that you feel comfortable on where you
10081s can make things work where you want to
10083s be able to work so I could see them
10084s wanting to go to like maybe trophy's
10086s Edge or right back over to Skyrim for
10088s the Big Wide Open Stage instead for sure
10090s I think sky Arena would be a really good
10092s pick actually beside this case even
10093s though I love Mansion I have to agree
10095s with you Austin when you're right you're
10097s right you know especially when you
10099s happen to tell me that Mansions was a
10101s bad pick except when you're wrong which
10103s is when you tell me that Manchester's
10104s bad pick you know um in this instance of
10106s course you're right uh sky Arena would
10108s be really really good for all players
10109s involved and I I do think we will be
10111s seeing them return over to sky Arena
10113s based off the music I'm hearing thus far
10115s inside of the game you know what sharpie
10117s what we'll do we'll have a session right
10119s like four hours straight
10122s only I'll make you hate this stage I'll
10125s do it and they're going right back to it
10130s [Music]
10132s is that they took them back like after
10134s that performance they really wanted to
10136s try this again I'm kind of shocked by
10137s this kind of perplexed you know I'm
10139s happy I'm happy that they did it because
10141s uh if there's something inside of me
10144s it's the heart of the player truly
10146s believing that they have an opportunity
10148s look at that thin conversion right there
10150s I do think Finn excels inside of
10152s Scooby's Mansion I get it I understand
10154s the hate for it I know nobody liked that
10157s roof I know everybody dislikes Believers
10160s I know everybody hates the fact that you
10163s go outside it has a strong word okay
10165s okay but they really really don't like
10167s it Austin is the truth all right and and
10170s looking at the way that Phantom and
10172s mitsu are excelling inside of here it
10174s only cements to me that not only can
10176s very very good players control the
10178s pacing inside of mansions similar to
10181s every other stage which is why I think
10183s that Mansion is a very viable
10184s competitive stage in addition uh but it
10187s also showcases the fact that Eva even
10189s when you counter picked what you do have
10190s to practice on these stages you're not
10192s necessarily comfortable on look at the
10193s way that Phantom and needs to are using
10195s a momentum to move around specifically
10197s the center of stage to keep everybody
10200s safe inside of the house when they do
10202s leave the stage especially when they
10204s leave the house they immediately go back
10205s in and that is what why I think they're
10207s at such high percentages they identify
10209s the minute you step out of that house it
10211s gets scary it gets a lot less bouncy and
10213s you have a lot less control over whether
10215s or not people are able to survive and I
10218s think uh Timmy and plebs win condition
10220s here is really just making sure that
10222s Phantom and mitsu get out of this super
10224s spooky house and secure that victory
10227s look at that cider to the narrow
10229s conversion bringing this to a match
10230s point for red team unfortunately I'm
10232s gonna mess up that recovery is gonna
10234s mess up the set that's gonna be Phantom
10236s and mitsuki and taking the game three to
10238s one is gonna move on into losers semis
10241s they try to get the counter pick with
10242s the zany Scooby's mansion with the roof
10244s but unfortunately did not work out for
10246s them at all they're gonna go down with a
10248s fifth place finish which by the way a
10250s top five team in all of Europe not
10253s something to sneeze at at all you know
10255s both teams will be very very proud of
10257s the way that they played inside this
10258s game but I especially think that pleb
10260s and Timmy should be very proud because
10261s not only was the very first match inside
10263s of this set Incredibly Close and
10266s incredibly strong but the adaptation
10268s that they showed even though Phantom and
10271s me too came out on top I think was
10272s truthfully par none there were several
10274s times inside of this set where I
10275s actually did think that pleb and Timmy
10277s could have secured a stock Advantage
10279s they didn't come out on top ultimately
10281s and I think it's just because Phantom
10282s and me too are that much stronger of a
10285s team but it was a very good show for all
10287s players involved
10288s oh yeah definitely you're gonna see
10290s Phantom meets again moving on into
10292s losers semi so now we had six teams now
10294s we're down to five can I go take a trip
10296s over the other side of losers quarters
10298s we're gonna have paradise and escobee
10300s facing off against carrion and urban
10301s door so These Guys these are some of the
10303s players that we haven't seen for quite
10304s some time you know we're gonna run that
10306s upper side of that lower bracket now
10307s we're on the Lower Side paradise and
10309s Kobe coming over from France carrion
10310s from France as well Urban door from
10312s Belgium so a lot of France players still
10314s in this braggy which I'm not shocked but
10316s I said at the beginning of this
10317s broadcast I'll continue to say it France
10319s loves this game it is continually
10320s striving to be one of the best regions
10322s in the entire world and they're
10324s constantly running tournaments just for
10326s spiritually just for France or even for
10328s all of Europe so I'm not shocked at all
10329s that a lot of these players are coming
10330s from France in general I kind of It kind
10333s of speaks for just Esports in general
10334s for France I feel like France has been
10336s like on another level in terms of a lot
10338s of other games too so all obviously they
10340s want to get into multiverses as well
10342s we're gonna dive in to see what they're
10344s gonna be playing here right because you
10345s got Paradise it's gonna be rocking with
10347s that Bugs Bunny yes Kobe's gonna be Rock
10348s talking with either Harley or Batman
10350s probably on the Batmans it's primarily
10351s what we've been seeing all day today
10353s well on the other side toga you got
10354s carry on on the Jake and urban door on
10356s the Shaggy Shaggy Galore we've been
10358s seeing so many great players in the
10360s previous set so I feel like that team is
10361s playing on fire right now Sharpie now
10363s one of the things that we mentioned
10365s about Jake is well Jake is very
10367s prevalent on the North America side of
10369s the bracket we have not seen it as much
10371s on the EU side at all one of the things
10373s I'm very interested to see specifically
10375s is how Harley and Batman how that kind
10379s of like team that that paradise and Kobe
10382s move forward with not Harley in Batman
10384s but the switch off between Harley and
10385s Batman how they'll actually counter play
10387s against Jake a character who has so many
10389s different tools not only inside of the
10391s air but also side of the ground as
10392s everyone knows Jake's up special is
10394s incredibly good at securing knockout
10396s opportunities in addition that stretchy
10399s area the hitbox is very very difficult
10402s to hit if you're not correct Batman has
10404s an easier time with hitting it Harley
10405s not so much so it is going to be really
10408s interesting to to see the way that that
10410s bugs and Harley go into this next set
10412s especially against the Jake and whether
10414s or not they choose to actually focus on
10416s Shaggy or they're actually going to
10417s focus on the Jake we've seen teams kind
10419s of take an interesting approach
10420s especially on the North American side
10421s when they're confronted with a J player
10423s where they actually focus on the other
10425s character inside of that team so um
10428s especially looking at this match right
10430s now between both Harley uh and bugs this
10434s matchup specifically I am partial to
10436s believe that they actually will be
10437s focusing on the Shaggy over the Jake
10440s inside of this very next matchup but I'm
10441s interested in knowing your thoughts
10442s austie
10443s well you know what it's not a European
10446s set unless there's some history to go
10448s through these two fought each other an
10451s EU open number one and guess who came
10453s out on top it was Paradise and Es Kobe I
10456s cannot stress enough that paradise knee
10459s as Kobe throughout the entirety of the
10461s circuit of fall Showdown have not lost a
10465s single game except against two rizz in
10468s SJP is that gonna continue we might see
10471s it again again this happened this was a
10473s month ago the number one so a lot of
10475s time has passed curiano could easily
10477s bring up something new they asked
10478s seventh place at that third place from
10479s Paradise and Es Kobe so tons of action
10482s here and tons of History you know they
10483s want to get that run back and kind of
10485s prove themselves that hey we got seventh
10487s at the first qualifier but in finals
10489s we're guaranteed top five so they've
10491s definitely leveled up and improved to
10492s see what we're gonna bring to the table
10494s here we're gonna dive into Scooby's
10495s Mansion for game number one with no roof
10499s oh is there there is a roof oh yeah
10509s we saw it before and uh actually this is
10512s what happened in any East number one
10514s because game number one was actually
10515s Scooby's mansion with a roof and we were
10517s kind of dissecting why that happens and
10519s how that could happen how how the
10521s supplies I don't know how the set count
10522s works and how you get to like that first
10524s stage it's a stage striking system right
10526s so every stage in the roster is viable
10530s the viable pick for game number one but
10531s each team takes turns striking one or
10533s two stages until there's one stage left
10535s so what happened in NA East earlier
10538s yesterday which I think had happened is
10540s that no one was striking Scooby's
10541s mansion with roof because they're like
10542s I'm not gonna waste my strike on that
10544s the other team will do it and eventually
10545s came down with their two stages left and
10547s the team was like you know I don't want
10548s this other stage I want to take him to
10549s Scooby's Mansion roof and that's like I
10551s think it's actually a viable strategy is
10552s that you don't strike it because you
10553s think the other team's going to and
10554s that's how you find out that you get a
10556s stage like that for game number one
10557s unfortunately that's not what's
10558s happening here we're gonna be going to a
10560s different map here momentarily you know
10562s I personally just want to thank every
10565s single team inside of the game right now
10568s and inside of the tournament who has
10570s heard my cries and heard my pleas and
10574s heard my suggestions for Mansion Just
10576s because I genuinely believe that y'all
10579s are the real MVPs you know I talk about
10581s it all the time the multiverses pros the
10583s MVPs out here they'd be looking out for
10586s your girl Sharpie and they'd be giving
10588s me some amazing matches I get to see
10590s some amazing high level play on mansion
10593s and that's all I ever want whenever I
10594s commentate these sets so thank you y'all
10598s I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you
10600s sure but have you played ranked yet you
10602s know don't call me out like this on
10604s stream please no no I just wanted to ask
10605s if you played ranked because uh this
10607s weekend they actually introduced new
10609s stages and uh They removed Scoobies with
10611s a mansion away from the roster that is
10613s no longer a stage you can run into on
10614s ranks and the the community was very
10616s happy about it you know
10626s you're trying
10630s we out here as Garnet players have a
10633s zero percent win rate on Mansion so I
10636s never pick it my teammate never picks it
10638s but you know what I appreciate it is it
10640s being picked inside a competitors you
10641s know what look where we are look where
10643s we are God bless God bless God bless
10646s it's and it's real this time it's not
10647s hand warmings Austin you know no no outs
10650s I guarantee you this was a case of what
10653s I just explained a state striking where
10655s no one was gonna ban it and eventually
10656s was like you know what let's just go
10658s there screw it it's available it's on
10659s the table let's do it it's it's what we
10661s deserve it's what we deserve as
10662s Multiverse players now as we go into
10664s this game one of this set right now look
10667s at the way that's that shaggy is able to
10669s go ahead and already get quite a bit of
10672s damage on Harley immediately outside the
10674s bouncy house puts him back in and now
10676s we're just up specialing our way up and
10678s up charging our way into a possible
10680s death for Harley who's sitting right
10681s there at 131 inside the house and Jake
10684s is just going all out on that burger
10686s right now
10688s yeah trying to find these answers look
10689s at these fully charged Nares coming out
10691s though is that the sandwich right on top
10692s of them gets another KO exchange it in a
10695s punish to punish game and now we're
10697s seeing another down here coming out from
10698s Buzz he has another KO against the
10700s Harley thing stocks are starting to fly
10702s through the tables today oh really
10704s really nasty play so far I'm really
10708s when it comes to follow
10711s changes right now they are just staying
10713s and sticking to that bug so they have
10715s identified the threat and they
10716s understand that they let big bunny get
10719s started then they do not win this set so
10721s I think really establishing that and
10723s understanding it and understanding and
10725s sticking to that character is going to
10728s secure a red team will win here if
10730s they're able to follow up
10738s Kobe's exchange on the right side to
10740s secure that stock and now they are three
10743s points to two again I cannot stress this
10745s enough paradise and Kobe have yet to
10746s lose a single game except the one team
10748s and that might change wow
10751s you're turning the tables on Blue Team
10754s put dent in that
10755s they had the plot armor is now deleted
10758s and that is now finally a game lost for
10760s paradise and Es Kobe that is not against
10762s risen SJP for the first time this entire
10766s circuit very strong showing can we talk
10768s about that last double stock that we saw
10770s right there I think something that we
10773s saw uh Urban and and specifically the
10775s red team do there was when they saw
10777s Paradise in Kobe inside of a
10779s disadvantaged state off stage and they
10781s understood and recognized how many
10783s recovery options they had left they
10784s immediately went all in putting
10786s themselves actually in a very dangerous
10788s spot where it could have easily been
10790s turned out of their favor leaving the
10792s house at those percentages I believe
10793s Shaggy were somewhere inside of the
10795s market of actually like over I I think
10797s it was like 90. yeah like right here
10799s look at that he's at 80 dangerous
10801s situation to be in but luckily because
10803s of Jake's down air and kickflip
10806s opportunities uh that pressure was very
10808s easy to follow up on you could tell that
10810s that Jake player was very comfy leaving
10812s the stage securing those Knockouts and
10814s then returning back in immediately to go
10816s ahead and BM with an eating of Shaggy
10818s and just showing that they are full off
10820s of that win beautiful showing you could
10823s tell like kirian was a big fan of that
10825s cider near the end that thing had a
10827s dacticated like three different times
10829s but it didn't matter when you're that
10830s close to the bottom of the blast zone
10831s you're gonna have the maximum amount of
10832s attack DK you're gonna go flying into it
10834s that's exactly what happens what makes
10836s Jake's side air so strong is the fact
10838s that has a lot of range and you can
10840s angle it so you can kind of sometimes
10842s even react to where your opponent's
10843s gonna go or try to guess where they're
10844s gonna go before letting that punch rip
10846s because there's a little bit of charge
10847s on it so while you're like aiming it
10849s it's like think of it like a bow and
10850s arrow you have to aim it you have to
10852s charge it and then you let it go and
10853s while you're doing that you can kind of
10854s change the aim while you're in
10855s mid-charge that's exactly what Jake does
10858s if you guys remember like there's like
10859s an alpha test even the tech test in the
10861s past Jake's side air was even stronger
10864s that used to kill like 50 damage from
10866s center stage of the stage like it was
10868s like obnoxiously strong so it's been
10869s turned down toned down significantly and
10872s it's still a good tool in his kit it's
10875s it's really interesting interesting to
10876s see the progression of a character like
10877s Jake especially when you look at some of
10880s the character tracks that other other
10882s like characters have literally been
10884s through in terms of Buffs and Nerfs but
10887s we're not going to get too far into that
10888s because I don't want to start setting up
10889s unadulterated J cat hate inside of our
10892s commentary here because I feel as though
10894s once again and a lot of players will
10896s agree with me Jake is a very popular and
10898s a very good character especially inside
10900s the 2v2s meta just not very popular on
10902s the EU side from what we've seen so far
10904s which I appreciate I like the character
10905s variety here and I'm also really
10908s personally appreciating once again these
10910s mansion picks as we go into this very
10913s next game are we gonna go back to
10914s Mansion are we gonna go to sky Arena are
10917s we gonna go to Trophies Edge sky Arena
10919s it's sky Arena it is sky Arena you know
10921s and I think that's a right call I think
10922s that's the right call I've seen a lot of
10924s mansion today and while I agree with
10925s every single time they pick it I do also
10928s really agree with diarrhea here um you
10930s know the times they lost
10932s you know don't call me out don't call me
10934s out I mean I'm just saying red team Red
10936s Team One the red team is up one right
10938s now they won from Mansion they should be
10940s thanking man yeah yeah you know oh yeah
10942s 100 Kyrie and urban are up that 1-0
10944s against paradise and Kobe as we're gonna
10946s jump right here into game number two in
10950s this set we're gonna see how he's gonna
10951s be able to play out with the bugs and
10953s the Harley let's see how they can be
10955s able to play look at all these traps and
10956s everything everything happening all over
10957s the place
10958s it's a
10959s it's a really nice start so far for red
10961s team we're also seeing them secure that
10962s stock out really really early despite
10964s the high ceilings here uh Jake really
10966s using that up air to go ahead and just
10969s secure a lot of that a lot of these
10970s aerial situations which is exactly how
10972s we got the very first knockout um but
10973s I'm not seeing them follow up as much
10976s especially when bugs went up in the air
10977s it's mostly because I think they're
10979s trying to stick together especially as
10980s Shaggy to stick onto uh get both
10983s characters on the blue team up to high
10985s percentages which I think is the smart
10986s move especially on a stage like sky
10988s Arena you know Flats where you have much
10990s more room to work around you want to
10991s make sure you have both members of the
10992s team especially blue on a on someone of
10995s the carry situation uh wow amazing trade
10998s there got double stocks right there and
11001s now we're looking at literally two oh a
11004s two one right now in terms of knockouts
11006s on the blue team's Advantage what what
11008s why why is red team being so I want to
11011s say less aggressive this time around
11013s with uh following up on some of these
11015s knockout opportunities here Aussie are
11017s you seeing something can I even play
11018s it's because I'm playing a little bit
11020s more passive right oh my gosh that was a
11022s Bluetooth unfortunate amateurish mistake
11024s almost like jumping into the blast zone
11027s yeah unfortunately for him but that's
11028s okay we got two points to three still
11030s red team could easily bring this back
11031s manager to close out this Harley stock
11033s against es Kobe gets the downer
11035s unfortunately couldn't do it but as to
11037s why they're playing a little bit more
11038s fast it's because they have more room to
11040s work with with sky Arena at the bigger
11042s Open Stage Shaggy thrives on having
11044s people approach him instead because he
11046s can actually like go for like the
11048s charges and stuff but unfortunately now
11050s they're stuck in a rock and a hard place
11052s shaggies what one thing Sharpie and it's
11055s disgusting they want to charge their
11057s rage and what happens they die for it
11060s they're all the way up to the top he
11061s charges it up he's like bet he has come
11063s he goes up there throws out the mine
11065s don't let the bat Stumpy lets it loose
11067s and gets that stock all because Urban R1
11070s to go for a rage charge near the blast
11072s zone if I had a nickel every time I've
11074s seen a Shaggy die for going for a rage
11076s charge I'd be a millionaire yeah for
11078s sure and you know it's one one of those
11080s things watching every single one of
11082s these Knockouts right now I'm looking at
11083s every single time that shaggy has been
11085s punished for rage and it is stacking up
11087s to literally be half of the stocks that
11089s red team actually lost there it's
11091s unfortunate because rage power up was
11094s also the reason why Shaggy was able to
11095s get the very first knockout in red
11097s team's Advantage you know so like power
11100s up is such an important tool for Shaggy
11102s but it really does come down to
11103s understanding when it's safe for you to
11105s go ahead and attempt and when it's not
11106s safe for you to go ahead and attempt in
11108s addition that's all from Jake really put
11110s him in a nasty spot because it didn't
11112s allow him to actually react and cover up
11115s against that rocket setup on to Shaggy
11117s which was unfortunately their final
11119s stock opportunity I don't really know
11122s how red team comes back to that
11123s especially if they go back over to sky
11125s Arena I really don't know what puts them
11127s up here but do you also have any
11129s thoughts into that
11132s um I think it's less about the stage and
11133s more about how they play there are a
11135s couple of mistakes here and there coming
11136s out from red team that blue team was
11138s definitely capitalizing on and talking
11140s about that rage charge that we were kind
11141s of like broadcasting near the end there
11144s was that moment where Urbandale thought
11145s he was safe to go for that rage charge
11146s and granted you know you're on Skyrim
11148s with no plaster you know the top it's
11149s really difficult for someone to chase
11150s after you without putting themselves at
11152s risk which is something that urbadar
11153s might have had on his mind he could have
11155s been charging that rage on purpose to
11157s force someone to go up there and go for
11158s a punch and then he like you know
11159s counteracts it and does something
11160s against them instead but I think the
11162s thing he did not expect was the clever
11164s punish that carry on went for you know I
11167s did not expect them to throw a bad
11168s stuffy up there as a punch because
11169s that's actually a safe option that way
11171s you're not putting yourself at risk or
11173s anything and you call out the rage so
11174s fantastic stuff coming out from
11176s Bluetooth we just have to wait and see
11178s where they're gonna be taking it for
11179s game number three do you think there's a
11181s possibility later on to the set we may
11183s be looking at any character changes for
11185s the red team
11186s uh I don't think so they've been mostly
11189s playing Jake and Shaggy this entire
11190s tournament if anything we might see Esko
11192s we go to Batman if he feels
11193s uncomfortable uncomfortable with Harley
11195s but for kyrian and urban door they've
11196s been Jake and Shaggy through and through
11198s now we're going to get another
11199s unorthodox stage trophies Edge too that
11203s seems to be the name of the game plan
11204s here for red team is that like hey wait
11206s uh we may be feeling uncomfortable
11208s against you guys on the more Orthodox
11209s stages yeah so let's take you to the
11211s unorthodox stage let's take you to
11212s somewhere weird where there is no stage
11214s control here right because there's two
11215s stages on this map this is one of the
11218s very first time that we've actually seen
11220s trophies edge with the Middlesex and put
11223s out and look at that immediately very
11225s early knockout opportunity there now
11227s important to note as we've said
11229s previously as I said the ceilings here
11231s on trophy's edge are relatively low so
11233s you do get early Knockouts like that and
11234s that may be enough just that little
11237s amount of Headway in that early knockout
11239s opportunity which uh red team very
11241s quickly followed up with with that blue
11243s immediately trading look at the studio
11246s duo with which blue team is able to go
11248s ahead and hit and trade these knockouts
11252s yeah they're doing fantastic job of just
11255s covering this over and over again
11256s getting the punish on the punish
11257s unfortunately could not finish it off
11259s with the KO now we have ourselves an
11261s even score in terms of scoreboard but
11262s red team is bleeding out just a little
11264s bit right you got erador so you got 78
11266s damage getting called out by the bat
11267s stuffy as well on top of that not enough
11269s to get that KO just yet ceiling not that
11271s close managed to finish it off with the
11273s bat swing go last second one on top of
11274s that Batman going with the follow-up
11276s there was almost an opportunity instead
11277s of going afterward instead that was
11279s almost a scary situation but now we're
11280s going straight back to three points to
11282s two three on Blue two on red I'm really
11285s liking how well Harley is performing
11288s here her traps have been responsible
11289s literally for that very last knockout on
11291s Shaggy and bat uh and bugs of fat has
11295s actually been responsible for securing a
11297s number of those kills off of the Trap
11299s from Harley so it's really nice to see
11301s the amount of synergy especially on this
11303s stage and uh you know unfortunate
11305s unfortunate there that the platform was
11307s in the way of that but look at the
11308s percentages on red team right now
11309s literally one up air away from death
11312s both members and they really have to be
11314s careful for that Mallet which secured
11316s that final knockout putting paradise and
11317s Kobe 2-1 inside of this losers they are
11320s literally one game away from staying
11322s inside of this top eight four evening
11326s finals another victory yeah they're just
11329s killing it right now about the game four
11332s up two to one here on trophies Edge two
11334s and so many Fantastic Heroes not letting
11337s the unorthodox stage of trophies Edge 2
11339s even phase them in the slightest and now
11342s history looking like it might repeat
11344s itself in terms of getting that win yet
11345s again from the EU open number one we'll
11348s have to wait and see if carrion and
11349s Robert are going to be able to bring
11350s something to the table or if we're gonna
11351s see yet another stage if I was a betting
11353s man based on the stage that everybody
11355s kyrian are picking I would be I I would
11358s not be shocked if we take this to tree
11360s fort next I wouldn't be surprised to see
11362s cromulons truthfully I think I think
11364s Shreveport would be a really really good
11366s counterfeit but I don't think that we're
11368s going to see red team go to it just
11369s because bugs does so well on treefort
11372s you know like I I would be very
11374s surprised if we brought to reports pick
11376s before we see cromulons
11378s you brought something kind of neat uh
11380s because actually we've not seen
11382s crimeulons once this thing and a lot of
11384s players like cromulons that's actually a
11386s pretty good stage for players to go to
11388s but I guess EU doesn't like it as much
11390s as an example we've seen more Scooby's
11392s roof and trophies Edge too than
11394s cromulons or Batcave and that kind of
11396s like boggles my brain a little bit
11398s because those two stages are pretty good
11400s competitively bat cave has the ability
11402s to have that center stage where it's
11403s like nice and easy you have the back
11405s cars there in the very beginning and
11406s then it becomes very close quarters and
11408s forces you to have to interact with your
11409s opponents meanwhile with cromulon it's
11411s kind of the opposite it's a big wide
11413s open Stitch to be able at the very
11415s beginning and as the stereo speakers get
11416s blown up similar to the Batmobiles it
11418s turns into like a slightly smaller stage
11420s with huge blast zones minus the close
11422s blossoms to the bottom which is also
11424s like a really good for counter picks but
11426s we get we have yet to see either of
11428s those stages this entire tournament
11430s instead we just keep seeing back uh
11432s Scooby's mansion with the roof it's kind
11434s of perplexing I'm also somewhat
11437s surprised to see that that
11439s Shaggy is taking the Quirk that actually
11441s gives you additional
11443s um it helps to eat the sandwich faster
11445s as opposed to taking the one that
11447s actually gives you a little bit more
11449s like when you actually get over 100 on
11451s Rage which Shaggy does have
11454s um I'm I'm interested to see it because
11456s while I think that rage is a very
11458s important mechanic especially for Shaggy
11460s there have been several times where the
11462s Shaggy player has actually been over 100
11464s and that little bit of damage could
11466s actually have helped him more than some
11468s of these rage setups The Raid shut-ups
11470s have been incredibly important though I
11471s do want to stay further so I understand
11473s I understand why they're taking the
11475s sandwich part
11477s yeah I mean the sandwich break is really
11478s good ever since the Nerf happened to
11480s Shaggy like I said like just having that
11482s ability to not be able to put the rage
11484s sandwich and do the things it makes the
11486s sandwich for coming to play a lot more
11487s often it was actually one of the perks I
11488s liked using was Shaggy but unfortunately
11489s we have this unspeakable act on the left
11493s side of the stage carrion just goes down
11495s with the side air facing downwards into
11497s the down air skateboard immediately go
11499s leading that first stock in favor of red
11501s team a lot of damage going out very very
11504s quickly and I think this is like one of
11505s the third times we've seen red team get
11507s a very very fast Advantage usually when
11511s we see things like this happen inside of
11513s the game red team comes out on top like
11515s it's almost always been the the team
11518s that gets the first nasty Stock Exchange
11521s wins the game and that's exactly like
11523s stocks exactly on the stock exchange you
11525s want to get that damage and that you
11527s want to get out fast as heck you know
11528s and I think red team's doing a really
11530s good job doing that on sky Arena no
11531s class here
11533s yeah they're coming right back into it
11535s they got that TV ready to go what's
11536s really funny about bugs is safe is that
11539s it can be broken by the enemy team and a
11541s random item drops out of it you're gonna
11543s get the Adventure Time microwave uh the
11545s guy his name's escaping me but he's able
11547s to throw out a bunch of Pies towards his
11549s opponents to get some easily easy damage
11551s on top of that
11553s I don't remember his name either I'm not
11554s gonna lie
11556s I watch I watch Rick and Morty all the
11558s time but I do not remember his name
11559s um look at some of these Loops right
11561s here from the Harley and Jake as they're
11563s like
11565s I'm sorry
11567s neptar is his name I just looked it up
11570s because it was like it was actually
11571s driving me insane
11574s look at these look at the way they're
11576s fine
11578s look at the way that blue team is flying
11580s around this map right now
11582s really nice up there to go ahead and
11583s secure that knockout and now red team is
11586s literally one down our way as soon as I
11588s say that look at the way that they went
11589s out to secure that this is exactly what
11590s I'm talking about austie when red team
11593s gets the momentum early they win win
11595s blue team gets the momentum early they
11597s win they are taking these leads they are
11599s taking that advantage and they are
11600s moving forward with it and it's kind of
11602s what we've seen throughout the entirety
11603s of this set especially now that they are
11604s up to two
11606s and that's what makes that Spike by the
11609s way that first thing so strong for Jake
11611s is because he has two different ways to
11613s send you downwards it will makes the
11614s downer really good is that it's just an
11616s active hitbox so if you try to jump into
11617s it you're gonna get caught by the second
11619s and third hit unless you're already like
11620s dying from it so it's just such a great
11622s tool for catching someone and keeping
11624s them downwards but look at this
11626s follow-up right here almost got that KO
11627s managed to get the follow-up here from
11629s Paradise instead but then the Jake
11631s coming in yet again kyrian nailing so
11634s many of these stocks near the edge just
11635s because he's getting these side areas
11637s angled downwards they're helping him out
11638s tremendously and turning this into a
11640s quite the competitive set as we entered
11641s game number five finally taking it to a
11644s normal State that's all it took he's
11645s like okay we're not we're done with
11646s these gimmick stages let's just go to
11648s like a basic Open Stage like you know a
11651s sky Arena and end up working wonders for
11653s them and now the counter pick Advantage
11655s is now in paradise and Es Kobe's favor
11658s one game away from being sent to fight
11660s to figure out who's going to be getting
11661s fifth place here at the fall Showdown
11663s European finals now it's
11665s interesting is this
11667s in five that we've had inside of the
11668s bracket so far Austin I believe it is
11670s correct uh it's the second gameplay
11672s we've had on broadcast off stream there
11674s were a couple of game fives but not that
11676s many we had a club tank and Timmy take
11679s out OG San and atsui two to three or
11681s three to two risking sap took out viren
11683s and rip three to two uh passy and uh
11687s sorry passy and Minnie Michael took out
11689s RJ King and lager three to two and then
11693s finally kyrian and urban took out OG
11694s sanatsui three to two psycho and magma
11696s took out trap on experience this is
11698s actually quite a couple three twos they
11699s just weren't on the broadcast gotcha got
11701s you well you know what's interesting is
11702s this is the second game five that we've
11704s been able to see on broadcast and I
11705s think it's going to become a lot more
11707s frequent as we move further through this
11709s top eight just because of the skill
11712s level of our opponents game five always
11714s showcases that not only are teams very
11716s very good at adapting they're also very
11718s very good at understanding and changing
11720s immediately what not only they are doing
11722s wrong but also recognizing what their
11724s opponent is doing and that amount of
11726s adaptation is so important as you move
11728s further through the bracket as I said a
11730s numerous amount of times but as we go
11731s into this gameplay it's going to be
11733s incredibly important to see what the
11734s round start is for both these players as
11736s we go to Skyrim flaps
11739s yeah skyrimplatz gonna help them out
11741s this is actually a really really good
11743s stage for paradise and Kobe just because
11745s they both want those ladder combos right
11747s Bugs Bunny and Harley Quinn both Thrive
11749s off of getting people towards the top of
11751s the stage and having that additional
11752s platform to be able to reset your
11753s resources to continue chasing after your
11755s opponents vertically is going to help
11756s them out so much when trying to finish
11759s off those little bit of chaos look at
11760s this Chase already around the gate
11762s coming out from Paradise is kind of just
11764s puts on a lot of damage against curious
11766s got a fully charged rage coming out from
11768s overdr doesn't it'll end up finding its
11770s Mark but that's okay we got a combo
11771s damage coming up from literally everyone
11772s on the stage I'm really liking some of
11775s these up specials from Jake right now to
11777s go ahead and rack up that amount of
11778s damage look at Harley at 119 right now
11780s just try to secure that knockout a lot
11783s of up airs a lot of up charges a lot of
11786s up specials just trying to get these
11788s Knockouts confirmed and red team is
11790s focusing on threats they got that Bugs
11792s Bunny and they got him out fast all
11794s right look at the way they now
11796s immediately change their focus over to
11797s Harley takes the opportunity to go ahead
11799s and get that rage charge and now Harley
11802s is just kind of playing keep away right
11804s now they immediately go on bugs
11806s understanding they won't be able to grab
11807s that Harley and now Harley's back in the
11809s frame not able to stop that enrage from
11811s coming out because of Shaggy's charge
11812s but is able to go ahead and play around
11814s and that is until Jake comes through
11816s with that down air to kickflip you stock
11819s then Sharpie I cannot stress this enough
11821s that this would be a huge upset for
11823s kyrian and Erbert to take this set and
11825s right now they're up two points to zero
11827s on this game five situation we have
11829s another combo coming out gets called out
11832s all the way the top left side perfect
11834s timing coming up from Paradise to be
11837s able to just shut down any momentum that
11839s Richie was starting to build and weigh
11840s ourselves a pretty even game here yes
11842s there are fresh stocks on Red Sea but
11843s look at this combo damage coming out
11845s from Holly so trying to dig around and
11847s try to find the opening when they can
11848s try to start to build up even more
11850s damages Paradise is looking for this
11852s nice opening chilling in the back line
11854s playing that I need damage playing the
11856s stock tank roll and just playing a
11857s little bit more support in the
11858s background while carrion comes back in
11860s with that skateboard ranking of a ton of
11861s damage and putting on the flame debuff
11863s onto the opponents this is getting
11864s really close to neck and neck action
11866s right now very much so every single one
11868s of these projectiles that comes out from
11870s Bugs is being followed immediately by
11872s Harley and it's securing a lot of
11874s momentum opportunities
11876s unfortunately the red team is doing
11878s really really good about it
11882s knockout right now they're following up
11884s in that Harley that up air does connect
11886s and that is going to be a win over here
11889s for red team moving Kobe and Paradise
11892s the personal favorites inside of this
11894s bracket out of tournament what an offset
11898s austie
11899s dude carrion and urban are finally
11901s kicked it up to snub Volume 11 bro they
11904s just turned up so much in this set
11907s especially when they were down two to
11908s one and they're just kind of like what
11909s are we doing this point they managed to
11911s just stick back to their Basics and
11913s finally broke the curse that was
11914s Paradise and Goby going not losing a
11916s single game except for one team and
11918s takes another set loss the winners the
11921s third place finishers rather of e-open
11924s number one going down with a fifth place
11926s finish giving up for paradise and Kobe
11928s going down with a fifth wow Kieran and
11930s urban are who got seventh at that
11932s tournament are now guaranteeing
11933s themselves a top four finish in all of
11936s you you know really really strong play
11939s from both players there I really enjoyed
11941s watching that said I actually have to be
11943s a little bit biased here Aussie I
11945s actually think that was my most favorite
11946s set to see inside of the tournament thus
11948s far I'm sure there'll be more amazing
11950s moments but I really enjoyed watching
11951s the entirety of all of those five
11953s matches from start to finish and you
11955s know what I'm hoping for right now
11958s I'm hoping that we see Kieran and his
11961s teammate get over to Grand finals and
11963s reset it I'm hoping for it right now you
11965s think it's possible
11967s do I think it's possible
11969s yes I think anything is possible I saw a
11971s mansion today seven times seven times
11974s austie seven times did I think I was
11976s gonna see it seven times no I I you know
11978s I have my piece of paper right here
11980s I'm very happy with the number of times
11983s and that also includes the time that
11984s there was a mistake with Mansions By the
11987s way so I'm really enjoying all of the
11990s unprecedented expectations here and are
11993s my expectations always correct no but
11995s you know what you can do if you are
11996s watching right now on twitch.tv
11997s multiverses not only can you follow but
11999s you can also go ahead and donate some
12001s Channel points to putting your money
12003s where your mouth is and I'll tell you
12005s right now as we go into our very next
12006s match which is going to be to senpi with
12009s MJ's team up against rizz King and SJP
12013s I'll tell you my money personally is on
12017s SJP and I'll tell you why rain dog is
12020s probably one of the most underrated
12022s characters inside of the game I know I'm
12025s gonna make some enemies when I say that
12027s because everybody knows I've been garnet
12029s gang gang gang gang but rain dog is such
12032s an incredibly strong force when you look
12035s at what they can provide for their team
12038s in addition Riz King and SJP are also
12040s running the most accredited team that
12042s I'm personally very partial to which is
12044s the double support team as you know so
12047s I'm really really enjoying the Velma and
12050s the rain dog inside of their set and I'm
12051s really hoping that they come through
12052s just like how I have to vote for my good
12055s friends house arrest and monk every
12057s single time I see him I gotta go with
12059s Riz and SJP as we go into this Winner's
12062s finals yeah it's it's funny that you
12065s call them like underrated for rain dog
12066s because I think I'll especially over an
12068s N A they're starting to understand this
12070s character is actually busted and we're
12071s seeing okay bus is a very strong word
12075s he's a very strong character in my
12077s opinion I think he does a lot he adds a
12079s lot to the table he can throw Fireballs
12081s all over the stage a little bit with
12082s passive damage whether it's a fireball
12084s the electric Crystal the tethering
12086s adding on additional damage having the
12087s ability to bring your teammate out from
12088s the depths of you know getting ko'd
12090s really early on he has a strong combo
12092s game he can side air on the middle of
12094s the stage and bring you off stage with a
12095s downer and get a spike really early on
12097s he can catch you off the top with an up
12099s air like I could keep going like he has
12101s so many Tools in his kit that allow him
12103s to be a very strong Contender for being
12106s up like just a good character and that's
12108s why we saw monka in house arrest to win
12110s it not only because they're good players
12111s but they're rocking a really good team
12113s almost like a team that I've yet to see
12114s from literally anyone else I still think
12116s they're people are throwing but not
12118s trying out the ring dog boarding team
12120s because just being able to save each
12122s other is such a strong tool in your Kip
12125s I guess it requires a lot of synergy
12126s between the two players which is what we
12127s see from Monk and house arrest but that
12129s is neither here nor there we are jumping
12130s into a different support double support
12131s team we are seeing Velma and Rain dog
12134s coming out two seven and MJ have yet to
12137s lose a single set this entire circuit
12139s and will this be the start of it we'll
12140s have to wait and see these two have
12141s never faced off against each other the
12143s first set with no history in the in
12145s terms of fall Showdown circuits this is
12148s going to be the person that got first at
12150s eopen number two which is uh sempi and
12152s MJ basing up against risking and SJP who
12155s got second place at the first EU open so
12158s they never really had that opportunity
12159s to face off against each other you gotta
12161s remember this is now no longer France
12164s it's too simpy coming from Poland MJ
12166s from the Netherlands risking from Sweden
12169s SCP from UK we're literally going all
12171s over the place with this match
12173s you know it's also really interesting as
12175s well watching all of EU come out to
12178s represent I I know we've talked about it
12180s multiple times throughout the entirety
12182s of this bracket but I am so proud of the
12185s entire multiversis Community especially
12186s the EU multiversis Community for showing
12189s out and showing up to this fall Showdown
12192s we have had so much representation we
12194s have had people from Portugal we've had
12196s people from Spain we have had people
12197s from Poland we have had people from the
12200s Netherlands and Sweden participating
12201s inside of this bracket it has been a
12204s contending list and look at the amount
12207s of players that we have across the globe
12209s especially inside of Europe showing up
12212s for multiverses especially competitive
12214s multiverses it's really amazing to watch
12216s personally Aussie but as we go into this
12218s very next set like I've said before my
12220s favorite is going into this is probably
12223s going to be SJP but I completely don't
12226s want to Discount too simpy as well as MJ
12229s MJ very well known for playing both
12231s Batman and Shaggy we've seen them be
12233s incredibly incredibly audacious with
12236s both incredibly strong with both an
12238s incredibly prolific as well as good at
12241s both the offensive and defensive
12243s properties of both characters now two
12245s centp has been sticking on that Arya
12247s from day one every single time we see
12249s them inside of the tournament they are
12251s actually playing Arya I cannot think of
12253s an example where they were not actually
12254s prolific with Arya but it's going to be
12257s very interesting to see if Arya is able
12259s to get in against this Velma and Rain
12261s dog matchup and actually stick to the
12264s Rain dog uh preferably or if they're
12267s able to go ahead and get their hands on
12269s Velma as we know inside of the past not
12271s only has SJP been incredibly protective
12274s of Velma but they've also played the
12276s stock tank a couple of times when Velma
12278s is unfortunately out of the mix SJP is
12281s incredibly good at micro placing and
12283s making sure that they are slightly off
12285s every single time using their Dodge only
12287s when it absolutely matters and moving
12289s more towards focusing on placement as
12291s opposed to reactive play when it comes
12293s to dodging out specifically with moves
12296s but I'll leave that further analysis to
12298s you let me ask Aussie as we go into this
12300s very first set of winners finals is
12302s there a stage that you think we are
12304s likely at this round one
12307s um it's gonna be scary enough uh no
12310s platforms anywhere uh the thing is
12312s what's really interesting about this
12313s comp setup though Sharpie is blue team
12316s is a rush down comp that's Ari and
12319s Batman and then you get in their faces
12320s red team is a campy comp they want to
12323s stay in the back and set up shop so this
12325s is like a prime example of like who's
12328s gonna win the zoner or the rush down but
12330s like pure zoner in pure Rush down
12332s because they're both running the exact
12333s same cops both of these cops kind of
12335s unorthodox in that regard by the way is
12337s like usually you want one or one what in
12339s the world am I looking at
12341s hahaha
12349s look at the look at look at the
12352s Ridiculousness of this match so far tree
12356s fort a match a set a stage we have not
12360s seen at all in the entirety of these
12363s finals we have literally not turned it
12365s on in a we have not seen it on EU but I
12369s digress because we are now seeing it on
12371s EU in this inside of this Winner's
12374s finals Aussie I know your speeches but
12376s what I'm mostly excited about is the
12378s amount of damage that blue team is
12380s getting onto red team when it comes to
12382s it look at Velma sitting there at 99
12384s Batman at 100 and 101 right now and Arya
12388s sitting at 102. unfortunately that rain
12391s dog is still at 20 but with those
12393s weekend Stacks it gets incredibly
12395s dangerous especially since Ray dog is
12397s flying up and down and through these
12399s black follow-up almost resulted in a
12401s knockout there but they did get the
12402s devil KO on to that two Senpai and MJ
12406s they're putting them up two to one
12408s stocks all right to the side
12410s yeah we're just seeing a lot of like
12412s this action where they chill off stage
12414s on the likes of tree fort you actually
12416s the bottom of the blast zone is insanely
12419s close you can get spiked out of single
12421s little horses go flying off to the top
12423s results with a match point here for blue
12425s team already to sempi and MJ playing
12428s extremely on point right now on this
12430s stage and honestly this stage might be
12431s working out extremely well for them
12432s because it's kind of like prevents red
12434s team from being able to run away right
12436s like this is kind of like a Close
12437s Quarters match it just happened to be
12438s three different layers to it so it's
12440s hard for them to try to like play that
12442s keep away game when they're back on top
12443s of this so This counter pick or rather
12444s this opening stage however red team
12447s agreed to this might be paying dividends
12448s for them look at that trying to go over
12449s that cider preventing risky from being
12451s able to get back on stage manages to get
12452s the tether to bring him back towards
12454s safety and that was like the only way he
12456s was getting out of that disadvantage
12457s safety because risking was looking like
12458s he was in trouble
12460s the number of side stairs side airs that
12463s I've seen coming out from Batman and the
12465s number of down airs that I've also seen
12466s coming out from Batman have been more
12468s than I care to count and it's also one
12471s of the reasons why Putin was sitting
12472s over here with the stock leads why they
12476s work for so long Batman is just going in
12478s on this stage and it's very easy for him
12480s to platform drop from the top there to
12482s go ahead and get his down ear to connect
12484s Arya trading last minute with that rain
12487s dog it was very very close in those
12490s final moments but Ray dog's down air
12492s covering up a lot more ground and much
12494s more active than arya's up air resulting
12497s in blue red team very very barely
12500s getting that final stock but as we go
12501s through these replays you can kind of
12502s see what I'm talking about look at the
12504s number of times that we see both Arya
12507s and Batman just playing the aerial game
12509s regardless of where they are on the
12511s platforms several times we see up airs
12514s secure these Knockouts not only for red
12516s team but also for blue team look at that
12518s down air right there up and to that
12521s final up uh that up special by Batman
12523s and go ahead and secure those Knockouts
12525s now this final stock that we see right
12527s here not this one which tied it up but
12529s this very next one was one of the more
12531s contending points that I saw and it
12533s actually has nothing to do with tree
12534s four look at the way that that that they
12537s treated right there with her final
12539s breath Arya came up did that up air to
12542s try to challenge rain dog so that she
12544s could go ahead and recover back but in
12546s doing so even though it did connect she
12548s ultimately fell out of recovery moves
12551s and wasn't able to grab back onto the
12552s stage in time resulting in her knockout
12554s prior to rain dogs and that did secure
12557s the victory for red team in that round
12559s one that very contentious round one on
12561s tree fort now austie I know how you feel
12563s about three four I know how secure you
12565s were on the sky Rihanna No plats but how
12568s secure are you on this game Tuesday
12571s I don't know anymore man
12574s this is actually no this is actually a
12576s really good stage for blue team right
12577s like I said it's like they can't do the
12580s camping grounds I think the only reason
12582s they lost that last game was because to
12585s sempy was near the bottom of the blast
12587s zone and just kind of jumped out there
12589s and played a little bit too aggressive
12591s 270 was at 30 damage when they tried to
12593s go for that Spike at the very end and
12594s then died for it so they could have
12596s easily just stayed on stage and kept
12597s playing the neutral and eventually
12598s secure that stock but unfortunately let
12600s a very early stock go away I felt like
12603s they felt like they had their pressure
12604s to do that because the situation of the
12606s team was at a high damage and that's
12607s because of tree for Less situation could
12609s happen again the bottom of the blast
12610s zones are very close in comparison to
12612s other stages the majority of the
12613s majority of the blast zones or the
12615s majority of the stocks gonna be taken
12616s near the bottom yeah
12618s um I'm also noticing a really quick
12620s change right here from MJ which I was
12622s really hoping that I would be able to
12623s see as we moved further inside of the
12625s set even if they went back to over Tree
12627s Court yeah MJ taking a much more passive
12629s role this time around playing a lot more
12630s defensively playing a lot more uh
12633s cautionary towards Arya and being a lot
12636s more respected full of both Velma and
12638s Rain dog here trying to be much more of
12640s I want to say a tank than a loser or a
12643s support than anything and it's just
12645s trying to make sure that Arya is able to
12647s have cover whenever she does go in even
12649s though unfortunately she did get out
12652s there we are seeing a lot of MJ's damage
12654s being stacked up just because he's
12656s playing more of a support too too simply
12659s here
12661s and socks are trading left and right
12663s below for blow risking the SJP already
12666s out here look at them trying to recover
12667s these constant barrages of Downers rain
12669s dog having one of the greatest downers
12671s in the game because it's just such a big
12673s wind open hitbox and he can also charge
12675s it so he can change his trajectory while
12676s he charges it up anyone that has a
12678s charge down there is already gonna have
12679s a fantastic Spike to begin with look at
12681s this putting in a bad situation goes to
12683s the downright again recognizes that it's
12684s not going to go off stage tries to go
12685s for the fall afterwards and instead two
12687s Senpai is gonna turn the tables on it
12689s because I've been looking for that up
12690s special into something literally
12692s anything
12693s yeah rain dog's doing a really good job
12695s of covering approaches even without any
12698s real platforms
12702s really
12705s the way that that meant and how active
12706s it was beautiful play you know if I
12708s didn't know any better I would actually
12710s say that rain dog may actually be S Plus
12713s tier austie
12715s I mean he won a tournament for multi
12717s versus fall Showdown East and he's
12719s currently sitting in winners finals of
12721s Europe looking on the verge of being in
12723s Grand files you're seeing a top two
12724s position I think this character is good
12726s I think this character is really good
12728s actually I've always thought this
12730s character has been good
12732s you know I'm I'm really liking sjp's
12735s placement here and this is kind of what
12736s I was talking about at the start of it
12737s you SJP doesn't just dodge SJP floats
12741s SJP flies SJP moves through the air at a
12746s rain dog speed you know it's one of
12749s those things where I very frequently I
12751s get confused about who's on the map I
12753s don't know if it's Superman or if it's a
12755s rain dog just because of the way he's
12756s flying and I I really genuinely think
12759s that a lot of the damage that came out
12763s there I didn't have an opportunity to
12764s look at some of the final screens there
12766s but if I did I actually think the damage
12768s charts would be higher inside of
12770s actually sjp's favor than they were for
12772s the Velma just because of how frequently
12774s I saw them between that tether to send p
12778s and MJ are really really in a bad
12781s position right now they are literally
12784s two underneath right now red team and
12787s they have to make a change they have to
12789s adapt
12791s yeah then you got to change something up
12792s but I do want to add by the way whenever
12794s you get that daily mission and you're
12796s trying to get you have to do 350 damage
12797s in one sitting I always pick rain dog
12800s for that he's the easiest character to
12801s do it with because of all the passive
12803s damage he shoots out like I said it's at
12805s the tether the Fireballs like just
12807s shooting off straight projectiles from
12809s the neutral attack like he will just
12810s naturally gain damage from like staying
12813s in the back line and shooting out
12814s playing the support world now we're
12815s going over to karate Lawns for this next
12817s stage interesting pick I'm trying to I'm
12820s trying to get myself into the minds of
12823s two sentient MJ for all these counter
12824s picks because right now I'm not quite
12826s understanding this counter pick the
12828s bigger the stage the more room they have
12830s to run away and play the champion that
12832s you want to do but once the speakers go
12833s away it does turn into a slightly
12835s smaller station maybe that's what
12836s they're going for I guess it's wanting
12838s to go to potentially like trophies Edge
12840s one or bat game but chronic ones was
12841s definitely not a stage I thought that
12842s they would try to go for I I think
12845s between mansion and promulence I do
12849s think Mansion is a better okay
12852s for uh 270 in my uh Magic but I also
12857s think that they're probably more
12858s comfortable on formulans than they are
12859s on Mansions so I think this was a
12861s comfort pick between what may have
12863s possibly been left uh which I do
12866s actually think was mansions and
12867s promulond but as we go into this match
12869s it doesn't look at the counterpick stage
12871s is actually doing as much disservice as
12875s they were hoping to risking an SJP here
12878s who are currently two stocks over uh two
12880s semp and NJ and now this might be the
12882s opportunity for them to try to get some
12884s Rush down in right the speakers are gone
12886s they can now push them off stage look
12887s they're both in disadvantage now they
12889s have stage control all typical speakers
12891s to be able to go away and now it finally
12893s might come into fruition for them to try
12894s to get something all they gotta do is
12896s shut down these stocks before they take
12897s any more additional damage and right now
12899s they managed to get one against risky
12901s and get that uppercut right out of the
12902s bottom and now ASAP gonna play this big
12903s disadvantage game and while rain dog is
12906s off stage for so long it is just
12907s constantly adding more passive damage
12909s throwing up Fireballs more projectiles
12911s more like tethers for digital damage
12913s he's doing this all from the
12914s disadvantage because he was the combo
12916s game on top of that putting MJ into 94
12919s damage triple digits now things are
12921s looking like they're flying out of
12922s control here but blue team managed to
12923s get another stock but it might be a
12925s little bit too late MJ has to stay in
12926s the back Lane 270 has to be the one that
12928s goes in look at him trying to get
12930s something to go it has to happen now
12933s it's very very dangerous right now for
12936s that Batman MJ is in an incredibly
12939s precarious spot right now they have to
12941s literally get two stocks out of
12943s basically nothing and that final bit of
12945s Illumination from Velma is going to
12947s secure that nasty knockout moving up
12951s risking and SJP into Grand finals 3-0
12955s over two centi and MJ Austin can you
12959s talk us through what happened that
12960s previous match
12962s um I I I I want to say that MJ and two
12966s sempi I think gambled too hard on these
12968s unorthodox counterpicks and they went
12970s for chromelons which could have worked
12972s out for them if they broke the speakers
12973s a little bit sooner but they already
12975s lost two socks by the time the speakers
12976s went away so I would have much preferred
12979s to have something with like a smaller
12981s like room to be able to chase down
12983s risking sap because I feel like we're at
12985s red team was thriving was anytime
12987s they're playing the back line anytime
12988s they're in the back and setting up shop
12990s and disallowing them from being able to
12992s chase after them and not like they just
12993s weren't able to do that much on top of
12996s that one of the best perks against
12997s projectile teams which is school me once
12999s was nerfed in the past couple of days
13001s yeah if you guys just stack that perk uh
13003s two times it used to be able to give you
13005s a shield for four seconds for getting
13006s hit knocked back by projectile it got
13008s nerfed now to two seconds of stacked one
13010s second of it by itself so it's no longer
13012s as active or as valuable anymore that
13014s could also be doing something wonders
13015s for risking and SJP I mean look at that
13017s they're going they're the three owing
13019s this entire bracket bro the three-yard
13020s paradise and Kobe they throwed um uh two
13024s sempi and MJ this is our first loss in
13026s the entire Circuit by the way for two
13028s simpi and MJ and now it's rain dog and
13030s Velma sitting very nicely over in Grand
13033s finals and I'm actually taking the peek
13035s earlier on even further in the bracket
13037s that I'm seeing here man like they've
13039s been on quite the tear man they got a
13043s 3-2 against Vernon ripping a 3-0 against
13045s Joe suit and Alex so they only lost a
13047s couple games to viren and rip who
13049s unfortunately went down before top eight
13051s but guys we have so many more sets to
13052s come up for you we now have our final
13054s competitors here for the top four loser
13056s semis coming up next before we dive into
13059s that we're gonna take one more break
13061s before I finish off this entire fall
13062s Showdown we'll be right back guys
13080s foreign
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13290s foreign
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13657s foreign
13657s [Music]
13682s Hello everybody welcome back once again
13686s to the multiverses fall Showdown we are
13688s showing you the best that EU has to
13692s offer here we are currently up in the
13694s top four of this finale the winner of
13697s which will be able to receive a portion
13700s of the sixty thousand dollar pot bonus
13702s as always I am one of the voices for
13705s this cast The Purple Sharpie but you can
13707s call me Sharpie and I'm here with my
13709s good friend my brother from another
13711s mother austi La Vista as well how are
13714s you doing austie how are you enjoying
13716s the tournament bro this tournament's
13718s been OD so far so much great sets we've
13722s seen from literally everything coming
13723s out from Europe today man like and also
13726s yesterday we had so many good sets in
13728s Europe for East Side for West Side of n
13730s a and now we're finally here this is the
13733s finale bro the circuit's done after
13735s these next four sets it doesn't quite
13737s feel real yet Sharpie I mean we've been
13739s with the circus since the beginning and
13740s so have these players and it's almost
13742s like you know I feel like a tear coming
13744s up to my eye just a little bit but no
13745s it's got to go away we still got some
13747s more sets we're in losers semis now
13749s Sharpie we're jumping into the next one
13751s if we take a look at this bracket real
13753s quick though we're seeing all the
13755s journeys these players have taken to get
13757s to this point but before that let's jump
13759s into the set shall we we got Phantom and
13761s mitsukin facing off against kyrian and
13764s urban door now this is going to be quite
13766s the set right Phantom and mitsukin rot
13769s representing uh the Superman and the
13771s Arya over on the left side meanwhile the
13773s red team is gonna be carrying an urban
13775s or with the Jake and The Shaggy we have
13778s players from France Got players from
13779s Belgium in terms of orbitor and we're
13781s gonna see how this is going to be able
13782s to shake up for the rest of this set
13784s now one of the things I'm interested in
13786s Austin it may have been just you miss
13789s speaking in all of your excitement
13790s earlier but you said we have four more
13792s sets are you expecting a reset inside of
13796s those grand finals
13798s you know I I shouldn't have given away
13800s the script I messed up
13802s let me go edit it real quick one second
13805s one second
13807s in all seriousness I'm incredibly
13809s excited for this very next set as we go
13811s into game one of this loser semis uh it
13815s is going to be on it looks as though
13818s we're going to uh I'm blinking right now
13820s sky Arena no plots oh my goodness Sky
13822s read and no Platz we are starting off
13824s very very strong weekend snacks already
13825s coming out on Superman but it's not a
13827s contender at all because red team is
13829s just going all in right now blue team
13831s still sitting at some 30 and we are off
13834s UV races yeah Phantom sticking with that
13837s Superman by the way he started off with
13839s Batman this entire bracket and is
13840s obviously to go straight back over to
13842s the soups and honestly this might be a
13844s character like uh like comfortability
13846s pick but it doesn't even matter because
13848s meets again already gonna get that up
13850s special into it up here near top of the
13852s blast zone nervous are going for that
13853s rage charge right there preoccupied with
13855s Kieran and gonna come down with some
13857s five stacks of weekend off the rage but
13860s does not matter gonna get another up
13862s there and keep it Flying Blue Team off
13864s to a hell of a start right now Sharpie
13866s wow wow amazingly good start here for uh
13871s literally Phantom as well as mitsuki
13875s here and one of the things that I'm
13876s really noticing a lot of right now for
13879s Kenyan and urban door is that they're
13880s really not able to get some beats or
13883s specifically their their skateboards on
13885s Arya right now to go ahead and secure
13887s some of these Knockouts right now look
13888s at the way that Arya was able to make
13889s something out of that stun on Jake right
13892s now immediately into a knockout and that
13895s is what's keeping blue team right here
13897s at Advantage another one on Jake wasn't
13899s able to make anything from it but
13900s because they were able to separate the
13902s Shaggy and the Jake there they were able
13904s to cure that knockout which made a very
13907s very quick match for them there I cannot
13912s believe that Phantom and mitsuki are
13914s currently up 1-0 over urbandoor and
13917s Kieran right now and even though we may
13920s not have necessarily seen the amount of
13922s super work that we would have liked to
13923s see from them there but like look at the
13926s way that Arya is able to go ahead and
13927s get these stuns not off this knockout
13929s but the very next one I believe is the
13931s one where she actually manages to get
13933s this done and immediately goes in for
13935s the for for blood after it oh no this is
13938s just a normal knockout but here on this
13940s final one we're watching stun's Galore
13942s gets the stun on to Jake immediately
13946s starts focusing on the final Contender
13949s of Shaggy and gets that knockout and
13951s that's kind of what secured blue team a
13953s good point they wanted to be in these
13955s one-on-ones because they they knew they
13956s were going to win them and then it
13957s became a 2V1 blue team starting off very
13960s very strong here Phantom showing up and
13963s showing out
13965s saying blue team started off strong as
13967s such an understatement they absolutely
13970s demolished red team there at the very
13973s beginning and just completely shut down
13975s anything they were going with I feel
13977s like they just kind of cranked that up
13978s to 11 the entire game and they just
13980s didn't really I feel like Curious just
13982s weren't ready for Phantom and mitsuki in
13984s there that I feel like they've been
13985s traveling so long I do want to point out
13988s that kyrian Urban World lost their very
13990s first set today in top 16 yeah and have
13992s done the demons climb down in the Lower
13995s Side of bracket winning set after set
13997s after a set keeping that fire alive but
13999s I feel like you can't keep winning
14001s forever man that fuel might be a little
14003s low they gotta gets something shaken up
14004s to try to compete against the Superman
14006s and Aria team combo
14008s for sure I'm really not thinking that
14012s there there's anything wrong
14013s specifically with their team inside of
14014s this matchup I really think it's just a
14016s coordination issue I really think it's
14018s just a comfort level issue I don't think
14020s stages perks or really even a character
14023s change here is going to stop the way
14025s that they're performing against Phantom
14028s and mitsuki I really think it's just a
14029s tree fort of an issue you feel me austie
14032s uh maybe I mean the thing is I'm not
14034s shocked at all the curion and urban door
14036s have been known to counterpact a
14038s counterpicked unorthodox stages because
14040s this is the type of stuff that can
14041s happen
14043s Sharpie the bottom of the blossoms are
14046s so close on this stage and that's why
14048s you saw that happen look at that all
14049s right almost fanciful almost died at
14051s zero because of a weird exchange off of
14054s that oh special what a start first 15
14056s seconds into the map and they eventually
14059s just go blasting off again
14062s that was huge for red team when we were
14064s talking about momentum changes that's
14066s almost exactly what you want to see
14068s going into this next match Now red team
14070s is at a very high percentages but
14072s luckily because of how high the ceilings
14074s are on Freeport they have a lot more
14076s space to just go up there and kind of
14077s stall out a little bit go ahead and take
14079s a little bit of time to get up that rage
14080s get up some more of their cooldowns and
14083s go back into it Jake did pay for that
14084s with a stock but still we're looking at
14086s renty right now be at a very very good
14088s Advantage State especially since Arya is
14090s sitting over there at 121. if they do
14092s get a double stun off they could be
14094s looking at a bit of an issue against the
14097s blue team but I do not see red team
14099s coming out at this Advantage date
14101s anytime soon still has done look at that
14103s look at that red team is literally one
14105s stop away from Victory right now
14107s literally Phantom and mitsu are shaken
14110s they are quaking they are worried and
14114s they have to be because right here on
14115s three four Jake is at home Jake says I
14118s have a wife and kids to get to I am a
14120s family man and you will not be keeping
14123s me a second here longer than I need to
14125s one one is currently the school Kenyan
14127s and urban moving into very dangerous
14131s tied up territory right now the momentum
14133s Swift so so quickly moved onto the red
14138s team's team uh well side there Aussie
14141s can we talk about that a little bit yeah
14143s I mean literally what happened there at
14145s the very beginning is that blue team was
14148s just doing a unfortunate job trying to
14150s recover from this there was actually a
14152s moment where Phantom was actually
14153s getting spite of like he was off stage
14156s and ran out of resources so he just
14158s ended up asking because he went off a
14159s little bit too hard and then kyrian got
14161s another Cider at the very end against
14163s mitsuke and it managed to just like shut
14165s her down as well on top of that so there
14167s was just a lot of struggle busting
14169s coming from Blue Team I wonder if it was
14170s because of the stage pick in general but
14171s that's okay because they ended up
14173s winning game number one for the rest of
14175s the set they do have counterpick
14176s advantage in terms of how many stages
14177s they get a pick for the rest of the set
14180s it's it's really important as well I
14182s don't expect us to see tree for it very
14184s much inside of the set but it was an
14186s important an important call out there
14188s especially because of just I think
14190s Comfort level especially for Kenyan and
14193s um and uh Urban there you know it it it
14196s it definitely played out and played uh
14199s to their advantage inside of that set
14201s yeah so now we're gonna see where we're
14203s gonna be going for game number three
14204s because you got to remember the game
14205s number one was on sky Arena which is a
14207s pretty good state for both teams on it
14209s and Phantom of mitsu can ran a monk on
14211s that stage then they got taken to
14212s somewhere a little bit more
14213s uncomfortable like treefort which has
14215s been a very popular counter pick for
14216s carrying in urban or to be able to go
14218s for and kind of Shake Up The Meta a
14220s little and be like hey you know you guys
14221s have you been practicing on the stage no
14222s bet we're taking you there and managed
14224s to get some really early Knockouts with
14226s the spikes you got to remember what
14227s makes Street Fort a good stage for the
14229s likes of Shaggy and Jake and as well as
14232s chromelons on top of that is the blast
14233s ones are so close to the bottom and they
14235s have tons of great spiking tools where
14238s Arias and Superman's are not as good
14240s Arya does have a really good Spike
14241s because she has the ability to charge it
14243s while maneuvering but Superman's spikes
14245s aren't as strong unless you're going for
14246s like a down attack or you manage to
14248s recover from down below catch them with
14250s an up special then toss them downwards
14252s but Shaggy and Jake have tons of tools
14254s Shaggy's down here is a big open hitbox
14257s to catch someone and Jake can go for a
14259s downward angled side air or the
14261s skateboard moving now we're going over
14262s straight back to Skyrim but this time
14264s we're adding in some platforms to give
14266s them some more verticality this is going
14267s to work out beautifully specifically for
14269s mitsukin's Arya I'm gonna be able to go
14271s off that top of the platform and try to
14272s ladder them up to the top being able to
14274s have that platform to help reset your
14276s resources to continue it is going to be
14278s extremely good for them but the problem
14280s is right now is that Phantoms used to be
14282s taking a little bit too much damage
14283s already at 94 into this game
14286s wow good punish on that stun wasn't able
14289s unfortunately get a little bit more than
14290s 20 on it but it was a very smart moment
14293s to go ahead and interrupt immediately
14294s after that whiffstone by Arya there me
14296s too uh uncharacteristically dropping
14298s that wasn't expecting to see it
14300s immediately punished that quickly or
14302s that early and also in addition I'm not
14305s seeing as much follow-up as I'd like to
14306s see on some of these Jake Knockouts here
14308s uh it it it's it's a little bit
14310s uncharacteristic of Phantom and mitsu I
14311s want to say especially as I've been
14313s watching a lot of their play throughout
14314s this tournament
14315s um I just don't know what's going on you
14318s know it's it's it's really somewhat just
14321s uncharacteristic of Phantom and metoo
14323s here
14324s yeah here they go with senior the
14326s Phantom on the bottom of the blast zone
14328s trying to get back on 148 and 150 on
14331s mitsuki needs to get living for an
14332s extremely long time but not Phantom by
14335s that uppercut cannot get the official in
14338s the upper because they feel like he's
14339s had too much damage that's okay they're
14340s gonna clean up shop with the cider
14342s action but that gave every door plenty
14343s of time to charge up that Ridge there's
14345s the double swing coming on to Urban door
14347s the stretchy body coming into this uh
14349s shut down needs to get it now girian
14351s finally going down two to one time
14353s thousand down base he'll spend price of
14355s Earthly all the way down there gets the
14357s downer of the rise of the six oval's got
14358s a second stuck on top that against
14360s mitsukin but unfortunately got back onto
14362s the stage blue team is still in this
14364s fight
14365s it's it's that was very dangerous that
14369s was incredibly dangerous there for blue
14371s team and look at those that that that
14373s knockout right there was incredibly
14375s important with these stocks with these
14377s stocks literally not baton
14379s what I think oh bro yeah just the taunt
14384s literally shutting down the match there
14386s was so funny but what we're looking at
14388s right now is a very dangerous situation
14390s whenever you watch them go off the map
14392s like that and immediately gets done
14394s immediately on that incoming Edge
14396s guarding it's really really dangerous
14398s for that stun team and the way that
14400s they're stuck inside that Vortex right
14402s now we're looking at a Jake at 73 out of
14404s Shaggy with 57 but that is nothing
14406s because Superman has grabs that can
14409s secure a knockout immediately at 60 they
14412s are in very dangerous territory and all
14414s Superman has to do is go up and grab
14416s them but we've only seen a singular
14418s Superman grab knockout in this entire
14420s tournament not the set the entire
14422s tournament so it's going to be really
14424s interesting to see if Phantom has an
14425s opportunity to go for one
14428s but unfortunately not gonna be able to
14431s find their Mark Urban door again running
14434s off to the left side gets another down
14437s air and now finding themselves facing a
14439s potential set match win here two to one
14443s lead one game away from carrying
14445s themselves a spot and losers finals and
14447s I feel like history is repeating itself
14448s from N.A East literally we had the same
14450s exact thing with a team climbing all the
14452s way from losing round one actually
14454s getting dequeued with swervin wavy they
14457s got dq'd out of winners round one and
14459s made it all the way to Grand finals and
14461s ended up getting second place finish but
14463s now we're seeing Urban on carry on who
14465s lost their round one now on the verge of
14467s her injury losers files it's like wow
14469s it's like a Deja Vu moment remember am I
14471s right for sure for sure it's it's really
14474s nice to see as well because it shows
14476s that the team is focused on completing
14479s any obstacle in front of them that they
14481s are coming here with the intention of
14483s winning and like we saw inside the
14484s previous match where they were playing
14486s against one of the better teams inside
14488s of here I believe they were playing it's
14490s um who who was it it was a paradox and
14493s Kobe one of the teams that had literally
14495s only lost one chin had been literally
14497s three owing the entire remainder of it
14499s they are they were also I believe First
14501s seed inside of this tournament which
14503s goes to show you how much Urban and
14505s Canyon are really about taking this
14508s whole thing they are not playing this
14509s game the same way everyone else is
14511s playing this game which is to say
14513s they're not just playing to win they're
14515s playing to dominate they want that rags
14517s to Rich a storyline and they are working
14519s for it austie yeah and they're it's
14522s succeeding that's I think that's the
14523s thing that's most important they're
14525s making this work that game one kind of
14527s shook them a little bit but they're just
14528s like okay let's change up the pace
14529s taking the tree for it mess with their
14531s heads a little bit and they're getting a
14532s lot of mileage out of these downers I
14534s would say there's an MVP it's definitely
14535s Urban or bro because he just he keeps
14537s jumping out of there he gets it down
14539s there at super low damage even though
14541s Downer doesn't kill themselves he just
14543s goes down there and tries to finish off
14545s the KO with the Nair on top of it so the
14548s whole time is just making it so easy for
14550s them to net these really super duper
14552s early chaos off of the bottom so now
14554s it's up to Phantom and mitsukin to
14557s figure out where they're gonna take them
14559s next and try to avoid those situations
14561s it they've been really good with counter
14564s picks so far and losing Counterpoint
14566s Advantage this early inside of the set
14568s is somewhat dangerous
14570s um it's it's really hard to come back
14573s especially when you're behind and have
14575s to continue counter picking to the point
14577s that you basically lose sky Arena Platts
14579s I super duper agree with I really do
14581s like it like you said before the
14582s verticality on it is beautiful and you
14585s also get to recover with really really
14587s aggressive startups like this which is
14588s exactly what Arya wants she wants them
14590s both to be mapped up close together so
14593s she can go ahead and get that done and
14594s get a double knockout if possible but it
14596s doesn't look like we're going to be
14597s seeing any Knockouts anytime soon we are
14599s seeing Jake at 79 we're seeing Shaggy
14601s get that down here which does affect
14603s both Arya and Superman and we're just
14605s kind of seeing them play around trying
14606s to get Advantage State on this platform
14608s and also get as much pressure as
14610s possible to knock them off the platform
14612s if possible
14613s our seeing a situation where kirian's
14615s off stage managed to retaliate with the
14617s side air turns the tables on the red
14618s team now has a little bit of stage
14620s control here where they keep continuing
14621s to push off blue team look at this
14623s conversion chasing after mitsukin not
14625s gonna be able to like hang in there
14626s continues to come back and say just kind
14628s of rollercoasting this match are they
14630s going back and forth who's getting sent
14631s flying but the first point going over to
14633s Red team's second point also going to
14635s Red Team
14636s you know they're really happy to just
14638s rack up damage as needed because red
14640s team is comfortable in their ability to
14642s trade as long as they trade first look
14644s at this look at this Shaggy has
14645s literally no fear sitting there at 122
14647s off stage very few recovery options left
14650s does touch stage gets back all those
14652s recovery options but the way that he was
14654s able to move even while at 122 now at
14657s 148 good Dodge by The Shaggy there no
14661s counter play to go ahead and stop on
14662s that uh on that literally empowered
14665s charge up but look at the way Superman's
14667s trying to command the attention again
14669s not able to get anything off of that
14670s Jackie finally flies at 159 but look at
14673s the way that arya's already at 108 Arya
14676s is in dangerous territory literally one
14678s knock out away
14687s is the fact that Arya consistently saves
14691s that Face-Off for the all-important
14693s double Superman taunty ending which I
14695s think we can both agree is the most
14697s important part of any game with an Aryan
14699s Superman Aussie
14701s yeah I mean there was a lot of
14702s situations where Phantom could have
14704s gotten a narrow KO really early on
14706s against herbedor unfortunately couldn't
14708s get that third swing on it to get that
14709s early on KO so managed to mess that up a
14713s little bit and then second off there's a
14715s second opportunity right at the very end
14716s where Phantom found him in a but why
14718s they call the Superman mode where
14720s Superman puts you into this very scary
14722s situation near the horizontal part of
14724s the blast zone right here that Center
14726s started off everything this is what
14727s Superman's known for especially before
14729s the Nerfs came to him is that he's
14731s really really good at carrying
14733s characters across the map Shaggy can do
14735s the exact same thing but we're seeing
14736s this come out more in in fruition from
14739s Bantam that's finally going to be blue
14740s team evening up the score making it two
14742s to two and Sharpie I gotta ask you where
14745s do you think they're gonna be taking
14745s them for game number five
14747s you know if I were a betting woman which
14750s I am as you know and I can't I do know
14752s it's a problem
14753s we need to talk about that afterwards
14755s I'm worried for you
14757s I I do think that we may actually see a
14761s tree fort counterpick again
14762s um do I think there's a high likelihood
14765s of it no do I think it is in a higher
14768s probability than previously inside of
14770s the set yes I do
14772s um unorthodox stages I think have really
14774s shown up a lot inside of these EU
14777s matchups to the point that like
14778s truthfully I'm not 100 certain where
14780s we're going it's either it's either
14782s treefort or it's going to be trophy's
14783s Edge
14784s um and listening to the music being very
14787s patient to kind of vamp a little bit
14789s more I'm trying here to see whether or
14793s not we're going to get trophy's Edge
14795s whether or not we're going to get tree
14797s fort or whether or not we're going to
14799s get the all-important mansions with no
14802s ceiling it sounds as though we are
14805s actively going to go over to
14809s yeah no don't don't play with don't play
14813s with my casting understanding and
14815s knowledge austie I know I know you know
14819s what I mean
14820s yeah I mean I would have guessed the
14822s exact same thing having this red team
14823s they literally picked it last time they
14825s worked out very well here there's
14826s actually a really early care that Urban
14828s or could have gone for there near the
14830s edge of the stage if you notice to pay
14831s attention that they're gonna be able to
14832s carry them all the way to the top it
14834s gets a second one on top that all
14835s because Phantom's going for the Batman
14837s counterpick having this ability to get
14839s in there and speed up things and get a
14841s lot of work coming in and now all of a
14842s sudden red team had this big lead in
14845s this whole set and that was like
14846s completely flipping from underneath
14848s their feet
14849s oh for sure look at that immediate
14852s response right there want to go ahead
14854s and get that trade if they can
14856s especially and I really respect the way
14858s that red team is looking out and is very
14860s aware of when they can go ahead and get
14862s these Knockouts the minute that they
14863s even chance that there's a cooldown
14865s available for them Jake is immediately
14867s on them and Shaggy taking any
14868s opportunity to go ahead and charge up
14870s immediately met with Arya every single
14872s time Shaggy's trying to charge Arya
14873s always happens to be thrown there or
14876s happens to be sitting right there has to
14877s be very careful right now good awareness
14880s by the red team right there they're one
14882s stock away from Victory they're one
14884s stock away from winning this entire set
14886s right now Aussie they weren't careful
14888s enough they're on the edge because they
14889s got the down air in the downward space
14891s cider gonna be able to try to get that
14893s uppercut on top of them both players
14894s from red team and triple digits 127 137
14897s 143 gonna charge the range for over door
14900s at the top of the blast so the scoring
14901s lead is in favor of red team but look at
14903s these numbers bro they are two fresh
14904s stocks that's one did you see to get
14906s this Urban girl dad still and that's
14907s gonna be a phantomime taking the set
14910s getting it a 3-2 Victory and move on to
14913s losers files and stop being carrying
14915s ergador in their losers tracks making
14917s the Finish down at a fourth place finish
14921s here today at the EU finals for fall
14923s Showdown
14924s very strong showing by Kieran and urban
14928s door there I really appreciated watching
14930s them play throughout the entirety of the
14932s set one of the things that I think
14933s Phantom amitsu did very well inside this
14935s very last set is they personally I just
14937s think they didn't give up getting the
14939s advantage very early as I have the match
14940s and maintaining that energy has been
14942s incredibly difficult for them at the
14943s start of the set and somehow they were
14945s able to eke it out by the end being able
14948s to not necessarily have to focus on
14950s punishing some of these Shaggy Knockouts
14951s as much as they were inside of the early
14953s parts of the set but more focusing on
14955s what they could get immediately and the
14958s double taunt ending with Batman I think
14961s basically clutched them a win inside of
14963s that loser semi set moving them up into
14966s losers finals against two centp and MJ
14969s which will be the very next set that we
14971s will see inside of this eu's finals for
14974s multiverses and before we dive into
14976s losers finals we got to give it up to
14978s cure it in urban or man they again I
14979s cannot stress enough they lost that
14981s first round in Winner's side and climbed
14984s through this bracket they defeated Joe
14986s suit and Eric they defeated OG San and
14988s oddsui beat psycho and Mac Matt who was
14990s a first place finisher for the first EU
14992s open mind juice that was a huge upset
14994s managed to take out paradise and EOS
14996s Kobe and finally met their makers to
14999s phanto and mitsu and they almost got
15000s that win they almost found themselves in
15002s losers finals but I think they
15003s counterpicked a Batman on top of just
15005s like believing themselves and like
15007s having that energy at the beginning I
15008s think literally running Superman the
15010s first four games and getting the
15012s opponents adapting to that Superman then
15014s busting out the Batman this Speedy
15016s Gonzalez of a character out of nowhere
15018s just coming in and just like completely
15021s interrupting any sort of flow plan they
15023s got used to and just rushing them down
15025s like I feel like they just couldn't they
15027s didn't have enough time to adapt it they
15028s had one more game to play with to adapt
15030s that Batman maybe the stories would have
15031s been a little bit different but they
15032s purposely saved the Batman counter pick
15034s for when it was true 4 on game number
15036s five so it's gonna stop them with a
15039s fourth place finish and hey you're a top
15040s four team in all of Europe so it's
15042s nothing to shy away from as we're gonna
15044s dive here into losers finals next and
15046s folks just want to let you know if
15047s you've been liking the stream so far and
15049s liking everything about the streams you
15050s want to keep up to date with future
15052s competitive games go ahead and head on
15053s over to twitter.com MBS gaming give them
15056s a little bit of a follow and you'll find
15058s out all the competitive matches in all
15060s competitions whatsoever whether it's
15061s like a big sixty thousand dollar circuit
15063s like this or even like a small local
15065s land to help support your locals if
15067s they're going to be retweeting and
15069s tweeting out all of those streams to
15070s give you more and more competitive
15072s action because guys this game is still
15074s in its infancy we still got much more
15076s coming in the future so go ahead and
15078s give them a little bit of a follow
15080s in addition to not only being the
15082s contender for Game of the Year from the
15083s game awards this game also has a very
15085s robust major regional and local scene I
15088s myself am partial to the Xanadu monthly
15091s locals that happen for multiverses where
15093s we have talent like mirror man sometimes
15095s we have Z come out sometimes we even
15098s have amazing players like uh Harley also
15101s as well come out so there's a lot of
15103s talent inside of local areas and you
15105s won't know about it unless you follow
15107s twitter.com MBS gaming Aussie do you
15110s actually have some locals that you run
15112s or that you're a big fan of as well
15114s why are you asking me this when you
15116s already told you that answer Sharpie
15118s it's all about that
15121s I'm letting you plug
15123s New York City local twitch.tv Austin
15126s Lavista every Mondays you're gonna see
15128s some local players going on there 1v1
15129s action the best players in New York City
15131s coming out there such as like go Pokey
15133s Wonder Bugsby and more coming at you
15136s live also on top of that we've got uh
15139s another 1v1 tournament that I like for
15141s Ajax got to plug out ajax's stream
15142s Twitter TV slash Ajax underscore HQ to
15145s find out every Wednesday for the local
15147s going on there over in Connecticut The
15149s Vortex coming in clutch and also we got
15152s the Make It Rain dog bi-weekly online
15154s tournament that's hosted by PFG that's
15156s going to be happening every other Monday
15158s or whenever the days they just ended up
15159s ending and I believe the next one coming
15161s up is literally tomorrow it's going to
15162s be a ones tournament it won't be one and
15164s speaking of ones we just had a big one
15165s coming up from yesterday's Sharpie Apex
15167s just happened on the VG boot camp 2
15169s channel on top of that I show you all
15171s the competitive action coming your way
15173s for multiverses there's tons of
15175s tournaments coming whether it's ones
15177s whether it's twos so much and more on
15181s the horizon for multiverses in addition
15184s Apex 2022 Not only was in a fantastic
15187s showing for multiverses they also had a
15189s 750 pot courtesy of myself and I'm very
15192s excited to be doing so many other
15195s projects along with other Ms ambassadors
15197s including Ajax including infinity and
15200s even including yourself further on in
15202s the future of this game now as we go
15204s into the very next set of MJ with two
15206s centp up against uh I believe it's gonna
15210s be Phantom and mitsuki inside of this
15213s loser's finals what do you think we are
15216s going to see for the very first stage
15217s here I know it's been a contentious
15219s Point throughout the entirety here but I
15221s can honestly say I don't think it's
15222s going to be true for it and I don't
15223s think it's going to be Mansion
15225s what says you think it's going to be
15227s Sharpie because I already know what
15228s sinjin's probably going to go to but hey
15230s you know what the the team that was
15232s actually picking the unorthodox stages
15234s is now out of the tournament so I could
15235s definitely sense this going back to
15237s something more but then again I guess to
15239s simpi and MJ pick some really weird
15241s stages for winners finals if you recall
15243s we Scooby's mansion with roof twice
15245s followed by uh cromulons for game number
15247s three and so it was kind of some weird
15250s counter picks that they're trying to do
15251s against the likes of risking and SJP who
15254s were playing more of a you know a a
15255s zoner cob which was like rain dog and
15258s Velma together so now that you're up
15260s against a rushed down comp completely
15262s different story everything's up for
15264s grabs here so I can send them I wanted
15266s to pick a more Comfort stage like sky
15268s Arena with no plats
15270s exactly like sky Arena no Platz and you
15272s know austie as much as I love to play
15275s Devil's Advocate and one of the brazy
15278s people oz in terms of this commentator
15280s Duo I have to agree with you I do think
15282s actually in my heart of hearts it's
15284s going to be Sky read of flats and I can
15285s say that now that I've seen a sufficient
15287s amount of scoopy's mansion truthfully
15289s you know it's it's like I have a quota
15290s it's like literally if I don't see
15292s Scooby's Mansion a certain amount of
15294s games then literally I'm unfulfilled as
15296s a person as a human being and so when I
15298s get that tournament I'm like
15309s what a depressing existence am I right
15311s guys
15313s you know one of the things I really do
15315s appreciate about multiverses is the
15318s competitive design of every single stage
15320s in addition to the ability to be able to
15322s turn hazards on and off which I think
15324s makes a lot of the stages a lot more
15326s tournament viable do you think we're
15327s actually going to be seeing a double
15329s Batman Arya comp against each other here
15331s are we going to see mirrors
15333s uh I wouldn't be shocked I think that is
15335s what we're gonna see because that's like
15336s the players these guys play Phantom does
15338s obviously have that Superman which we
15340s saw a lot of today especially in that
15341s previous set but two sentient MJ have
15344s played primarily Arya and Batman this
15346s entire tournament in this entire circuit
15347s so we have not seen them swap off of
15349s that team comp literally at all this
15351s entire broadcast as well as the past one
15353s on top of that so not shocked that we're
15355s seeing the exact mirror match I don't
15357s think Phantom is going to try to go over
15358s the Superman because Superman kind of
15359s struggle against the likes of Batman in
15361s general because if you put that perk on
15363s that allows you to be able to go through
15364s Shields it could be a little bit
15366s dangerous oh it looks like we have a
15367s little bit of controller issue there for
15368s Phantom but I think we kind of respected
15370s it and now they're going right into the
15371s game okay there we go
15372s yeah yeah going straight into it here uh
15375s we already got weekend Stacks
15376s immediately we did get the stun off on
15378s Batman wasn't able to get a lot of
15380s conversion just another quick little 13
15381s off of that into gravels and we're
15383s seeing a couple of upstairs coming up
15386s um a lot of just CPS not really
15389s connecting with anything just trying to
15390s seal them out stop them from approaching
15392s a certain way and it really does look a
15395s lot like you're just trying to establish
15397s damage and they're happy to go ahead and
15398s go to these little skirmishes as long as
15400s they come out with less damage than
15402s their opponent took
15404s yeah and I think that's how you're going
15405s to be able to take that win right just
15407s try to not get hit but right now it's
15409s looking incredibly even currently you're
15411s gonna notice that mitsukin already at
15412s 131 on the edge of the stage Phantom
15415s just gonna go for that die kick back on
15416s but unfortunately uppercut coming back
15418s in gets a second one on top that has to
15419s turn the tables back on him and now
15421s we're seeing ourselves go stock for
15423s stock punishing the punishing and now
15425s we're seeing yet another one come out
15426s here get it up there good survivability
15428s good kbi coming out from to sempi to be
15431s able to live a little bit longer
15432s connects the downer and somehow being
15433s able to survive from that you gotta
15435s remember that both of these teams are
15436s purely glass Cannon Sharpie
15439s yeah no and you're really showing it I'm
15441s seeing Arya just go for every single
15443s down air both Arias both two Senpai and
15446s mitsu King and uh it's really
15447s interesting as well because me too
15448s actually got the last knockout off the
15450s down air on too Senpai like you said
15452s they are glass Cannon it is going to be
15454s very very dangerous
15458s and that's it so what we're seeing right
15462s now is just red team try to secure an
15463s early knockout opportunity so that they
15465s can go ahead and rack up some free
15467s damage to free weekend snacks from that
15470s smoke screen right now and red team and
15472s blue team both looking at really low
15473s percentages very next stop does win this
15476s first match
15477s yeah an incredible first game coming out
15478s look at the chase coming from MJ trying
15481s to catch him near the top unfortunately
15483s not gonna come out in the way he wants
15485s it to as we're going to continue this
15487s Onslaught trying to get the follow-ups
15488s with the up special two stepping barely
15490s being able to survive that a blue team
15491s struggling to get any sort of stage
15492s control they're just kind of going back
15494s and forth right now in such a like up
15496s and down tug of war between these two
15498s teams blue team has a little bit of
15499s stage control pushes red team back up
15501s force him to go for three cover Ops to
15503s go for the grappling gun tries to get
15504s the uppercut but the dash is gonna be
15505s able to go right through that super
15506s punch and try to get some more actions
15508s we're gonna double jumping again trying
15510s to avoid bullet team in a bad position
15511s how are they Landing another uppercut
15513s coming off the Phantom just one more to
15516s seal the deal and that's gonna be game
15517s one going to Red Team Phantom and
15519s mitsukin
15521s now what I think really ultimately
15524s quenched out the wind for red team there
15526s is I think further as we got into the
15528s set while the first couple of stocks did
15530s somewhat seem chaotic to be just
15532s brutally honest with you it wasn't a lot
15535s of I want to say like focused attention
15538s it was more of just like I'm going to
15539s hit you we're going to get this damage
15540s on you and then we're securing The
15541s Knockout I actually feel as though as we
15543s went later on into that past match there
15546s Phantom and metoo actually took a little
15548s bit more of a passive approach on that
15550s final stock because they were completely
15552s refreshed after that last knockout they
15555s were able to go ahead and be a little
15557s bit more cohesive be a little bit more
15558s comfortable and be a little bit more
15560s careful about the way that they
15562s approached you can see right here as
15563s soon as that as soon as that smokes that
15565s comes out we start seeing weekend sex go
15567s out and then look at the way they
15568s approach here we see the up special by
15571s Batman not just once but twice and while
15573s Batman is going in for that up special
15575s arya's actually covering it and taking
15577s more of a defensive path which is not
15579s necessarily something that we saw
15580s reflected on Two sempe And MJ's team on
15583s that final stock and that's ultimately
15585s what one blue team I'm sorry red team
15587s that very first match inside of that set
15589s and it's instrumental that they're able
15591s to maintain that ability to immediately
15594s turn from incredibly incredibly
15596s aggressive energy to a little bit more
15598s passive especially as the stocks become
15600s a lot more important inside of this set
15603s and what's also going to be interesting
15604s is that stage counter picks are not
15606s going to play that big of an importance
15607s anymore because it is a pure mirror
15609s match right Batman Ark versus Batman
15610s Arya No One's Gonna Get The Edge up on
15613s anyone so at the end of the day it's
15615s just going to turn into like a comfort
15616s pick and where they feel comfortable
15617s fighting on so I would not be shocked
15619s this entire set plays out on Skyrim
15620s purely because of it being a mirror
15622s match it was a very close set mind dude
15624s that first game what number one that
15625s could have gone either way they were
15627s just constantly going back and forth in
15629s this gigantic tug of war I felt like I
15631s was playing a mini game there for a
15632s second looking at houses just punishing
15634s the punish you know what I'm saying like
15635s just constantly going up into the air it
15637s was almost hard to keep track of
15639s for sure and you know I think uh
15642s especially inside of 2v2s the game moves
15644s so quickly but it's really just a
15646s testament to the player's skill and
15648s understanding of how to read how quickly
15650s everything is happening it's almost
15651s become second nature when you're playing
15653s this game as you know Aussie because you
15655s are currently playing the game and
15657s ranked and doing relatively well if I
15659s remember are you currently up in gold
15661s uh I'm gold three
15663s let's go we're up there you know it's
15666s gone up there you know we're trying to
15667s play I wish I had more time to play but
15669s I'm too busy casting this game over here
15671s at the fall show and I'm having a blast
15673s doing it honestly I got that ranked in
15675s the background I might be playing it
15676s while I'm casting no you know no no one
15677s no one call out shots or anything but
15679s here we go sky Arena no plots yet again
15682s red team coming back in and trying to
15684s just keep Bluetooth literally they're
15686s just going they're just going back and
15687s forth I cannot stress this enough that
15689s they're just like one team is on the
15690s right but there's a big pick coming up
15692s from two sempi getting a cider off the
15694s top of the screen on the right side 60
15696s damage against Phantom
15698s for sure very very early knockout also a
15702s very important knockout for Tucson p and
15704s MJ here because especially as we've seen
15706s previously said it comes down to having
15708s that stock advantage and having that
15710s damage Advantage especially in somewhat
15712s of a mirror match against Phantom and
15713s mitsu um I'm already watching a very
15716s distinct amount of change and the way
15719s that too simply and MJ are approaching
15721s against Phantom and me too they appear
15723s to be moving a lot more cohesively a lot
15726s more methodically and a lot slower
15728s specifically we're not getting into as
15730s many skirmishes as before where they are
15732s just all inside of The Fray all just
15734s playing kind of willy-nilly and just
15736s throwing anything out we're seeing a lot
15737s more thought out conversions and a lot
15740s more thought out fight and skirmishes
15743s here and one thing they're gonna need to
15745s think a little bit more about is two
15746s sempi going for these side airs because
15748s there's an opportunity there where we
15750s saw attack Decay was on it that attack
15752s was not the kid that would have been two
15753s points already for The Blue Team a long
15755s time ago Phantom and mitsu game were
15756s both caught by it because of the attack
15758s Decay they were able to both Dash cancel
15759s out of it when you're the opponent on
15761s the receiving end of an attack decayed
15763s move you actually gain the ability to
15765s dash cancel the hitstone really early on
15767s in order to escape the blast zone so
15769s it's very important to make sure you're
15771s not decaying your attacks like just like
15772s that using the up here that was
15773s undecained another one coming out I'm
15775s not even sure what happened both Batmans
15777s were grappling hooking each other from
15778s opposite sides of the stage and now blue
15780s team is on the bridge of taking this
15781s game Sharpie
15782s that was a really funny exchange I'm
15784s really excited to see that in the
15786s replays but as we go into this possible
15788s final stock here buy blue team beautiful
15790s play there does get The Knockout on to
15794s the Batman specifically Phantom on that
15797s side and it does move to simpi and NJ
15800s onto the board now I believe it is 1-1
15802s in their favor
15805s yeah one one tied Stitch control Advan a
15808s stage uh counter pick Advantage going in
15810s favor of phantom mintsum but again with
15812s the pure mirror matched it doesn't
15813s really matter too much it's all the
15815s comfortability pick so with the top
15817s score being now even with the backs
15819s against their walls Now red team I have
15821s to see how he's gonna be able to take
15822s these next games in this race to three
15825s bro two more games secure yourself a
15828s spot and Grand finals to take down the
15831s rain dog and Velma from risking and SJP
15833s that was a weird exchange I still don't
15836s even know what happened I still don't
15838s know I I was about to say I was like
15839s Aussie give me the next second because I
15841s didn't it was good it was a grappling it
15843s was a grappling hook into an uppercut
15844s I'm pretty sure but like the smoke was
15846s in the way they both did the exact same
15848s time so one of them just kind of went
15849s flying I think they both so what you do
15851s as Batman grappling hook got buffed a
15853s long time ago and makes it a little more
15854s of a better move so a lot of Batman's
15856s like to use grappling hook to close the
15858s distance between them and their opponent
15860s if you manage to catch their opponent
15861s with said grappling hook you then
15862s convert that into an uppercut and I feel
15864s like both Batman's did the exact same
15866s thing where they had the exact same
15868s thing in mind where they both did the
15869s grappling hook into each other and they
15871s both went to the uppercut against each
15872s other it just you know that was the one
15874s that ended up winning and getting the KO
15876s maybe it was a little bit faster maybe
15877s it was even a trade smoke was kind of
15878s blocking it a little bit but regardless
15880s that's probably what happened
15882s now do you think because as you know
15884s obviously inside of mirror match
15885s instances you're not really looking at a
15888s huge Stout uh stage pick uh uh counter
15891s pick advantage and you're not really
15892s looking at perks disadvantage because
15894s you're basically just playing the same
15896s perks same style it really just comes
15898s down like you said previously to comfort
15899s uh do you think that the platforms will
15901s have a large change on the way that
15903s they'll play this round we're seeing the
15904s exact same round start in this instance
15906s actually yeah I mean you're gonna see it
15909s right arya's gonna throw the knife
15910s against their teammate to get that rage
15911s buff for the teammate as well as
15912s themselves and then also you're gonna
15914s see Batman try to get into The Fray with
15915s the grappling hook with the platform
15917s specifically this is going to help both
15919s teams obviously with laddering combos
15921s gonna be able to get even closer to
15923s verticality uh for Kos and just trying
15925s to rack up damage bit by bit again
15927s notice that uh good pickup from Phantom
15929s recognizing that MJ's uh Boomerang was
15931s right in front of them so he just broke
15933s us I mean you've got to be able to do a
15934s good follow-up from Michigan he had a
15936s knife stuck on the opposing REO is able
15938s to chase after them completely up to the
15940s top and take away two senpies uh simply
15942s his first stock
15944s I really appreciated that first knockout
15947s especially because it showed that
15950s Phantom and metoo are really aware of
15952s when they can follow up for The
15953s Knockouts and when they're not
15954s necessarily giving anything up there are
15956s several times just inside this pass
15957s engagement that we're seeing right here
15958s literally where they can go ahead and
15960s follow up on Arya they're choosing not
15961s to because they'd much rather keep their
15963s opponents or specifically their
15964s teammates in a safe spot and whenever
15966s you see that their teammates are
15967s starting to struggle a little bit they
15969s immediately get off that knockout and
15971s get onto assisting their teammate it's a
15973s completely different play style that I'm
15974s not necessarily seeing being reflected
15976s on two Senpai and MJS same this time I'm
15979s seeing them just specifically go for
15981s knockout opportunities they're happy to
15982s take these 1v1 situations especially if
15984s they get a knockout for it just like we
15985s saw with that up special on Batman right
15987s there
15988s yeah I get called out by that cider
15991s evening up the score look at this Chase
15992s unfortunately two sempi was betting it
15994s all with that chase because they were by
15996s themselves one of the downsides of
15998s arya's follow-up combo game is that when
15999s she goes from the up special that combo
16001s takes quite a while to be able to finish
16002s off so while she's setting up for it the
16005s enemy teammate could easily come in and
16006s try to interrupt them which is exactly
16008s what happened with Phantom getting in
16009s there interrupting the combo and getting
16011s a kill in the process now Phantom and
16013s empty mitsukin already on the verge of
16015s trying to get this final key open
16016s unfortunately that's gonna be Phantom
16018s falling meaning their maker up at the
16020s top of the Blaster and now mitsukin has
16022s to play the back line has to be play the
16024s safe game play this uh tank stock roll
16026s and try to play survivability for as
16028s long as possible because they're at the
16030s high damage but they're still going in
16031s there and they're playing mad aggressive
16032s starting it off with the Jazz into the
16034s up special meanwhile other side of the
16036s coin we've got a mad MJ trying to get
16041s something going finally Finds Its back
16043s with that uppercut and steals Victory
16045s from red team
16047s now you know watching this match Aussie
16050s usually I'm very very vocal about one
16053s team coming out on top of the other one
16054s team not necessarily playing as well but
16056s watching that match and even watching
16058s through some of these replays they were
16060s very very close instances every single
16063s time it was almost a toss-up about which
16065s team was going to come out on top
16067s despite both teams having completely
16068s different strategies as we saw several
16070s times inside of the match Phantom and
16072s metoo kind of chose to take a little bit
16074s more of a passive role opting to go
16076s ahead and to go in 1v1 situations with
16078s the emphasis being on making sure that
16079s their teammate was alive throughout the
16081s entirety of it which resulted inside of
16083s some of these early knockout situations
16084s two Senpai and MJ didn't have any
16086s reservations about that however they
16088s were totally comfortable trading as long
16090s as they got and secured a knockout they
16092s did not care they would go into 1v1
16094s situations or even 1v2 situations if
16096s they thought they could get a knockout
16098s and ultimately it paid off this time it
16100s has not inside of the past but it did
16101s this time and what it's really going to
16103s be inside of the set is seeing which
16105s strategy Works off better we're not
16107s talking about different characters we're
16109s not talking about different stages we're
16111s not talking about different perks we're
16112s talking about different play Styles
16114s inside of this
16116s map yeah and that's what's actually
16117s what's coming into fruition man just
16120s being able to change up everything and
16122s try to put it all on the line to sempi
16125s and MJ up two to one on the verge of
16128s taking a trip back up to Grand finals to
16130s get a grudge match against rizz King and
16132s SJP again that's the team that sent them
16134s down here to losers to begin with so you
16136s know they're hungry for that rematch
16137s style they got sent down here by a 3-0
16140s mind you so that was like quite the uh
16142s shocker to see so now we're seeing such
16144s a close match it's all about which
16146s Batman and Harley team is gonna face off
16148s against the rather campy team of rain
16151s dog and Velma let's jump into one more
16153s game here changing the pace of the maps
16155s going to trophy's Edge if you thought
16157s those past couple of games are pretty
16159s quick get a load of this bro like people
16161s are going to be exploding at like 70 or
16164s even 80 damage especially with that
16165s platform what makes this stage very
16166s volatile near the top is because the
16168s platforms that give you that additional
16169s resource to chase after you with a
16171s slightly smaller ceiling than most
16173s stages like sky Arena
16175s it's going to really be super
16179s advantageous for not just Arya who has
16181s an incredibly easy time sticking to
16183s characters but especially to Batman who
16185s as you've talked about several times
16186s throughout this bracket austie has
16187s amazing verticality can follow up from
16189s literally any percentage and that Dodge
16191s was crucial there for a phantom But
16194s ultimately still resulted in a knockout
16196s because of the resources being lost look
16197s at how early we're seeing we're only one
16199s minute side of the game and there have
16201s been two Knockouts in favor of the blue
16203s team so far this is a really really
16206s precarious situation for Phantom and
16207s mits you can find themselves in even
16209s with that knockout
16210s it was all because of those team Synergy
16212s combos the second one of them gets a hit
16214s the other one follows it up and managed
16216s to turn the tables back on him tied game
16218s right now two to two as we're trying to
16220s jump back in here there was an
16221s opportunity for MJ to try to go after an
16223s edge guard against Phantom but try to go
16225s over to help outs to Senpai in the
16226s corner now they're finding themselves in
16228s a sticky situation where they can't find
16229s himself back down onto the ground tons
16231s of grappling hooks coming out from
16232s Phantom trying to get some additional
16234s follow-ups with the uppercuts on top of
16236s that as we're starting to get closer and
16238s closer to the potential finale of this
16240s set
16241s now it's really interesting as well
16243s because there isn't as much counter play
16245s inside of the air for either of these
16247s characters when they get there we're
16248s seeing a lot of dodges to go ahead and
16250s get through it but unlike previous men
16252s yeah this is dangerous this is
16253s incredibly dangerous scratch everything
16254s I'm saying we're looking at possible
16256s last stop and there it is too splimpy
16258s and MJ moving up back into Grand finals
16262s against SJP and his teammate to possibly
16266s get a win with a reset beautiful display
16270s right now from Two sempei and MJ inside
16272s of this set
16273s managed to take that win go up to Grand
16276s finals and get that Revenge match
16278s against risking and SJP congratulations
16280s to Phantom and mitsu Kenshin for getting
16283s a third place finish here at the multi
16285s versus false Showdown European finals
16287s but guys we have the last set maybe two
16291s of the bracket gets reset but these are
16292s our final two team contenders of Batman
16296s and Arya MJ and two sempi coming back up
16299s to try to face off against a 3-0 team
16302s that was Riz King and SJP this is gonna
16304s be rain dog and this is gonna be Velma
16307s the final final finale of the final
16310s finals in this final fall Showdown
16314s multiverses circuit did I mention final
16317s did you say final I I don't remember
16319s what what are we currently in where what
16322s is this
16323s finals maybe here we go 60
16328s 000 United States dollars on the line
16331s for this pop bonus and right now to
16334s Senpai I'm sorry two simpi and MJ over
16337s on the loser side of grand finals
16339s rizking and SJP on the winner side they
16342s only have to win three matches as
16344s opposed to simpi and MJ who do
16347s ultimately have to win a total of six
16350s matches inside of not just this set but
16353s also a possible reset if they win the
16355s first three so it's really going to come
16358s down to whether or not they truly
16360s understand their opponents whether or
16362s not they're able to go ahead and make
16364s some of the changes that they didn't
16365s unfortunately make it's like that very
16366s first one because need I remind you that
16369s very first match or so that very first
16371s set inside of winners finals was a 3-0
16374s blowout and you know why it was was
16377s because they took them to an unorthodox
16379s stage round one you know they they sat
16382s there and they said hey
16384s we don't need to be on sky Arena we
16386s don't need to be we don't need to be on
16389s cromulons we can totally go over to
16391s spooky Mansion and they were fine and I
16394s am
16395s surprise I will be very surprised if we
16397s see the same thing again this time
16400s for counter picks and stages I feel like
16402s two sempi and MJ definitely need to go
16403s for something a little bit more Close
16405s Quarters I I assume because how it works
16408s is this first stage is going to be a
16409s striking system so I have no idea we're
16412s gonna go for stage number one I don't
16413s think it's going to be sky Arena because
16415s it's such a good stage for Velma as well
16417s as rain dog to be able to set up shop in
16419s the corners the only way I would see
16421s Skyrim for game number one is if the
16422s triplets are active but there's other
16424s you know stages to boot that are
16426s actually on the table I would like to
16428s see something like maybe trophies Edge
16430s from two sentient MJ I like to see
16432s something like Batcave I would I'd
16433s actually go for crimeulons again if they
16435s were able to delete those speaker phones
16437s really early on and secure those spikes
16439s so that's more of like a gamble
16440s situation but there's tons of other
16442s stages to go for too Scooby's mansion
16443s with no roof is also a fantastic one I
16446s just don't see them wanting to go to the
16448s original OG sky Arena against a team
16450s like this with no platform so while we
16453s wait to figure out how they're going to
16454s be able to strike these stages man
16455s Sharpie it's been a blast doing these
16458s past four and a half hours with you here
16460s all Showdown it's been four and a half
16461s hours but it's felt like one because
16462s everything's been happening so freaking
16465s fast everything's been so exciting and
16466s Europe has been putting on quite this
16468s show for us tons of sets tons of upsets
16470s and now we're here in the finale where
16473s you gotta remember Riz King and SJP have
16476s only ever lost
16478s to Psycho and macmatt twice in the open
16481s and guess what they're in seventh place
16483s so they didn't have to run into them
16484s this time around so that was their only
16485s demon and they didn't even have to fight
16487s them free trip over to Grand finals for
16490s this team meanwhile on the other side of
16492s the token we got the team that got first
16494s place at the EU open number two that is
16497s two sentient MJ they got knocked into
16499s losers finals by this team with a 3-0
16501s shutout they're representing Poland and
16503s Netherlands coming with the Aria and
16505s Batman on the other side of that token
16506s risking an sap that's Sweden UK yet
16508s again so I was talking I was hyping up
16511s France a lot this entire day and also
16513s throughout the whole circuit but not a
16514s single France player sitting here in
16517s Grand finals kind of a shocker
16520s I wouldn't necessarily call it a shocker
16523s I would call it an upset but I would
16524s also say that that just goes to show you
16526s how heavy this bracket has been
16529s literally the number one seed was
16531s removed from the team that was just
16533s eliminated by two simpi and MJ this
16536s bracket is filled with killers and I
16539s would be doing everyone a general
16541s disservice if I didn't say that this
16543s Grand finals is probably filled with
16546s some of the most an incredibly
16548s respectful and responsible and
16551s Incredibly incredibly competitive
16554s players I have ever seen inside of the
16556s entirety of my Multiverse stent thus far
16558s it's a general pleasure to be here with
16560s you Aussie and I'm incredibly excited to
16562s see how both of these teams will go
16565s ahead and adapt from the previous set
16566s that they just played over on winners
16569s finals obviously with MJ and simpi now
16572s unfortunately being at a little bit of a
16574s disadvantage State and general for the
16577s bracket
16578s and Sharpie I have just one question for
16581s you are you ready for this
16586s who you got
16589s honey I'm so you got who you got who you
16591s got come on my wallet right here
16595s I got me 45 right now on two centi and
16600s MJ to go ahead and reset the bracket 6-0
16602s straight up I got I got 45 if anybody in
16605s the chat wants to match me in terms of
16607s Channel points y'all can go ahead and
16608s match me I just want to thank you in
16610s advance for donating to my personal
16612s Channel points I'm putting 45
16615s 000 Channel points right now on MJ and
16618s Tucson P winning up 6-0 off the reset
16626s only 45.
16628s I only have 45 I'm sorry
16633s too much
16636s I'm sorry I've been losing a lot I've
16638s been playing the odds
16640s you got you sit so confidently I believe
16644s you for a second that you actually had
16645s that many points
16648s I'm sorry I feel like I've been lived I
16650s feel like I've been lied to bro it's
16651s okay
16654s foreign
16659s everything on you
16662s word I'm putting it all in risking sap
16664s bet
16666s oh okay so you're going to the safe
16667s route I appreciate those points by the
16669s way it really means a lot to me
16676s kidding and
16678s finals Let's Get Hype for risking and
16682s SJP over on Winner's side against two
16685s semp and MJ for your very first game of
16690s this eu's multiverses Grand Finals on
16693s cromulons
16695s so cromulons has the opening stage for
16697s this set not too surprised that we're
16699s gonna be seeing this for game one
16700s because this benefits both teams right
16702s in the beginning you're gonna see the
16704s stereo speakers that help out the The
16706s Blue Team a lot because not only is
16707s random going to be able to set up that
16709s electric Crystal throughout the whole
16710s stage by being on the speaker and
16711s sitting up as high as possible it also
16713s gives them plenty of room to play this
16715s keyboard game look at that there's a
16716s chilling outside of Stadium you have to
16718s try to even go for that approach and
16719s when they do they just go right back
16721s over to the right side a big Open Stage
16723s for them to set up so much shop in the
16726s process but then eventually those
16728s speakers will go down and then red team
16730s finally gets a little bit more room than
16732s trying to play their approach game
16733s they're playing extremely patient right
16734s now not diving into anything too much
16736s trying to get rid of the crystals in the
16737s process and not getting going in the
16739s middle of those tethers on top of it and
16741s now you know we're just kind of trading
16742s currently Sharpie
16744s I I agree with the options that blue
16747s team is making right now going ahead and
16749s getting up all this free damage when
16751s they can because the minute those
16752s speakers went down as you said
16753s previously it's really going to be in
16755s two cent piece and MJ's favor so they
16758s want to go ahead and get any Knockouts
16759s that they can before those speakers go
16761s down because the rest of the match is
16763s going to be a little bit more difficult
16764s to get set up on brain dog putting down
16766s so many different projectiles on the
16767s stream getting that damage over time up
16770s to 100 each member of the red team is
16772s sitting at over 120 percent right now
16775s while blue team is still sitting really
16776s healthy both under 80 percent it's a
16778s very very strong case for blue team but
16781s unfortunately that very first knockout
16783s goes out to red team who responds by
16785s actually getting knocked out by that
16788s rain dog SJP the rain dog we have been
16790s actively acclaiming and just raving over
16794s recently just because of their ability
16796s to not only rack up damage but also play
16798s incredibly aggressively inside of the
16800s close combat situation that you don't
16802s usually see from Rain Dogs a down air
16803s down let's go ahead and secure a
16805s knockout there from Velma pointing their
16808s way to Matt MJ's death off of the top of
16811s the stage and look at the way that right
16814s now arya's already at 75 Batman's at 39
16817s just racking up the damage from this dot
16820s which is going up even higher and higher
16822s and higher as I live and breathe and
16824s commenting Velma and rainbowa really
16827s really controlling the entire pacing of
16829s this matching Crosby
16831s I mean right yeah it honestly it's
16833s mostly SJP because that man is surviving
16836s he's at 84 damage on still his very
16838s first stock over two minutes have passed
16841s and he's still surviving outside you're
16842s not gonna be able to find it's KO mark
16844s because the horizontal blast zone is so
16846s far away when the speakers are out of
16848s place so it's hard to get a spike a kale
16850s against him unless you commit to a spike
16852s which you just can't seem to find that
16853s Mark because anytime you see SJP off
16855s stage like that risky is covering his
16857s tracks that's gonna be risking second
16858s stock until finally we get an unofficial
16861s indecider two-step in MJ now on the
16863s verge of taking on this game but
16864s unfortunately they have 1.0 wave 165 on
16867s the lightest character in the game to
16868s Simply has to stay alive has to play the
16870s back Landing game but Vegeta's gonna
16872s stay alive just as long as they did it
16873s doesn't even matter it catches them with
16875s that bite up there risking SJP taking
16878s that first game and already making
16880s Sharpie sweat a little bit with the
16882s channel points
16883s you know it's really hard to talk about
16886s not only because I have to be unbiased
16887s throughout my commentary but because SJ
16889s and rizking played so incredibly well
16891s there we talked about their win
16892s condition kind of resulting and making
16894s sure that they racked up that damage
16896s early on inside of the set especially
16897s through the projectile game and we did
16899s see it they had immediate trade here but
16901s what happened immediately after that was
16902s something that I necessarily did not
16904s expect otherwise I would have put my
16905s channel points a different way and that
16907s was actually that the game that they
16909s played of keep away further onto the set
16911s was incredibly strong they were able to
16913s keep red team at percentages over a
16916s hundred percent a majority of the time
16918s even after those speakers went down they
16920s had absolutely no problem keeping that
16922s pb and j sandwich of red team in the
16925s middle of blue team at any point
16927s throughout crimeulons it was a very very
16929s smart pick I don't know who ended up
16931s winning that coin toss to determine it
16933s but a very very strong pick because I
16935s have some suspicion that it was actually
16937s SJP and rizza's pick there so if it was
16940s their pick congratulations that was a
16942s very very strong pick I understand why
16944s they probably wouldn't have been able to
16945s pick sky Arena platforms if it was not
16947s their pick I do think we're going to see
16949s two simpy and MJ not necessarily allow
16952s them as much Freedom by possibly taking
16954s them over to another stage similar to
16956s bat cave like you were talking about
16958s previously or very possible sky Arena
16960s plots
16962s and another thing you got to remember is
16964s if you look at the history of these sets
16966s right and just Europe and fall showdown
16968s in general both European one and two
16971s open qualifiers did not receive a
16974s bracket reset West and East yesterday
16976s did both receive a bracket reset but it
16979s didn't matter because the person who
16980s started in Winter still won the entire
16983s tournament so if like history is going
16985s to repeat itself with all these
16987s tournaments I gotta say risking sap are
16989s looking very strong right now and it's
16991s up to two sempi and MJ to try to break
16994s hope through this armor and try to go
16996s with a comfortability pick because again
16999s sky Arena I don't think is going to be
17001s on the table
17002s it's gonna be really difficult for sure
17005s yeah this is kind of what I had a
17007s thought about I really did think that we
17009s were gonna see uh probably Scooby
17011s mansions with no ceiling just because of
17013s how comfortable of a stage this is as
17015s you've talked about previously Aussie
17017s this stage is very similar to sky Arena
17019s no platforms especially after you get
17021s rid of those walls it just has a much
17023s higher ceiling so it's a really good
17026s pick for characters like Batman and Arya
17029s who are mostly focusing on trying to get
17032s some of those y-axis confirms
17034s specifically those vertical confirms for
17037s knockout and I think it was a really
17039s smart counter pick especially inside of
17040s the situation with as well as they did
17043s on cromulons you know you don't have to
17044s worry about as much when it comes down
17046s to it and it's already showing off to be
17049s a little bit more of a difficult task
17050s than they would have liked Arya sitting
17051s at 101. Batman sitting at 65 and they're
17054s just both going in against that rain dog
17056s but unfortunately it looks as though
17058s Arya does pay with that with their life
17060s to Simply Be actually being responsible
17061s for the very first knockout and blue
17063s team's favor and there's the mystery
17065s machine now in play MJ has to try to
17067s play keep away while 270 breaks and
17069s managed to do so and if you remember
17072s what we were talking about in the
17073s previous set is that Sage control is so
17076s important in platform Fighters just in
17078s general especially multiverses but right
17080s now what we're seeing is that red team
17081s tends to have stage control and controls
17084s the center of the stage but that doesn't
17086s matter because blue team is very
17088s comfortable seeing in that corner but
17089s finally we see an uppercut coming up
17090s from NJ before he goes blasting off yet
17093s again into the blast zone before he
17094s comes back in spawns and gets the
17096s uppercut tied points game would still
17098s simply a little bit high in terms of the
17100s damage department now it's going to
17102s become a back to the camping stop right
17104s get these Fireballs get the ice potions
17106s projectiles coming out electrical
17107s crystals passive damage over the place
17109s here comes the tether eventually there
17110s it is like just tons and tons of setup
17113s shop for Bluetooth and red team didn't
17115s really have an answer to try to break
17116s through that defense
17117s and one of the things that I'm really
17119s seeing I think Velma excel at here is
17122s that rain dog is totally fine playing
17123s defensively and we've seen that earlier
17125s inside the set as well look at how much
17127s damage is being racked up right now I'm
17130s very excited to see these damage charts
17131s that's that's one of the things I'm
17132s waiting for the most is for this
17134s specific match to be done so I can see
17136s the damage charge because I have a
17137s sneaking suspicion that rain dog is
17139s responsible for a majority of the damage
17140s yet again coming out on this team
17142s um I'm just looking at Batman
17144s consistently be at over 100 I'm looking
17146s at them the play the defensive game
17148s getting these Fair opportunities to go
17150s ahead and knock away that Aria as soon
17152s as she approaches and getting that final
17154s bit of up special right there to go
17156s ahead and secure the illumination final
17158s two oh on for Riz and SJP very very
17163s strong showing and it's looking more and
17165s more Aussie like I'm not gonna get those
17166s Channel points back
17168s yeah I mean risking SJP up two to oh
17171s literally on tournament Point circuit
17175s Point mind you being one game away from
17177s taking home a big chunk of that sixty
17179s thousand dollar circuit coming at you
17181s live here for multi versus fall Showdown
17183s are they gonna be able to shut this down
17185s and get a 6-0 victory over 270 and MJ go
17187s if you carry it over winners finals or
17189s MJ and two simply gonna find something
17191s out because right now I think this is
17194s like a pure counter in terms of like
17197s rushdown comp against this I feel like
17198s they're just struggling to find any form
17200s of way to get in because they're playing
17202s such a pure Rush down comp they don't
17204s have the ability to counteract those
17206s projectiles because like there's so much
17207s there's so many ways to counteract
17210s something like this to be able to try to
17211s figure your push yourself in right
17213s there's characters there's Gizmo even
17215s though Gizmo's like in a weird spot
17216s right now in terms because no one really
17218s plays them he has the ability to shut
17219s down projectiles there's Black Adam who
17221s is still relatively new but has the
17224s ability to neutralize a lot of the
17225s projectiles put up the shield and try to
17226s like set up shop on their own you have
17228s the ability to have a front liner and to
17230s make someone play a support role in the
17232s back so you can actually kind of
17233s counteract some of these projectiles
17235s because right now when you play Pure
17236s Rush down versus pure projectiles I
17238s generally think peer projectiles are
17240s going to come out on top you need to
17241s bring something to the table that's the
17242s way the game is designed to have one
17244s projectile and one Rush down and the
17246s thing is if you have two Rush down
17248s versus two projectiles it's like how do
17249s you get in with all these especially
17251s with rain dog who's just putting up
17252s these constant walls dude Fireballs
17255s projectiles electric crystals they're
17256s just kind of countering themselves by
17258s picking this comp and I think that's
17259s actually what's going to spell disaster
17261s for them for the rest of this tournament
17263s for sure and one of the other issues
17265s that I'm I'm really seeing a lot of here
17268s is I really enjoy watching MJ play I
17271s enjoyed watching MJ plain sight of the
17273s open I enjoyed watching MJ play inside
17274s of Make It Rain dog I've enjoyed
17276s watching them play even when they were
17278s showcasing inside of other tournaments
17280s but I am somewhat concerned that Batman
17283s may not be the right choice inside of
17285s this uh matchup specifically because of
17289s the exact reason that you said how can
17291s you get in with a rushdown character
17292s like Batman when you have so many
17295s projectiles on their screen your
17296s grappling hook is not going to go
17297s through all of that projectile field you
17299s know you have to be concerned you have
17301s to be worried I almost feel like Shaggy
17304s or Superman would actually be a bit of a
17306s better choice here we are going to go to
17308s the arena platform for the third match
17309s right here uh something that I think
17311s they're somewhat comfy going to
17313s immediately we see them set up the
17315s science potion does go down keep reading
17317s a little bit of area we get the crystal
17319s immediately going out from here the
17320s projectile game with risking and SJP get
17323s started to Senpai in uh two centi and MJ
17326s immediately going in not getting in any
17328s damage before they're immediately kicked
17330s out and now arya's at 67 and Batman's
17333s right there at 61. very unfortunate
17335s round start here for red team I'm a wolf
17338s yeah and it's just gonna keep on
17339s climbing look them he pulls him back
17341s just to put up set up ShopRite all they
17343s do is they wait for the cooldowns to
17344s come up and get those big deals ready to
17346s go and it's up to NJ in 270 to break
17348s through this defense and anytime they
17349s get any sort of combo going SJP has the
17351s leash pull ready to rock and pull
17353s risking out of any sort of danger they
17355s were in dropping down the fireball
17356s here's the punish MJ actually has the
17358s opportunity to get this bike he's
17359s looking for it gets the Batman
17361s unfortunately SGP is so good at
17364s recovering and mixing up how they're
17366s gonna be able to get back into the fight
17367s and NJ could not find that KO that's
17370s something they desperately need to get
17372s in order to try to put a point on the
17373s board they need to go for those Edge
17374s guards
17375s yeah they really do it's instrumental
17378s that they do it especially early inside
17380s the set otherwise it'll be next to
17381s impossible for them to come back but as
17383s soon as they get in what really matters
17385s is making sure that you count especially
17387s especially when you watch a velvet down
17390s there you like that pointing you off the
17393s stage and into a knockout situation
17396s unfortunate and untimely if you ask me
17399s knock out for Batman there he was
17401s sitting at 100 so it wasn't necessarily
17402s as a timely as we would have liked I am
17405s absolutely in all right now with sjp's
17407s projectile game there has not been a
17409s single moment that I've been able to
17410s look at the screen and not see a
17412s fireball of another knockout goes down
17415s on 270 right now uh literally risking
17417s and SJP were one knockout away from
17420s winning this entire set it doesn't look
17423s as though risking does actually get
17424s knocked out themselves pudding the very
17426s first stock up for red team but it's
17429s still a monumentously large mole hill to
17432s climb over for victory
17434s and they're trying to climb a sharp
17436s because right now it is three points to
17437s one risky and SJP with three points
17439s against 270 and MJ with that final Point
17442s gets another uppercut gonna try to stay
17444s alive in this battle for as long as
17445s possible 101 damage sitting here on MJ
17448s trying to find a mic trying to get any
17450s sort of gameplay to go to try to
17452s counteract blue team's unfortunate walls
17455s that they're putting up but MJ has to
17456s stay alive he has to play the back
17457s Landing game he's struggling a little
17459s bit like all these Glides into trying to
17460s weave back in but now two step he's a
17461s danger but doesn't even matter against
17463s the up there and that's gonna be the
17465s circuit for Europe brisk and SJP getting
17468s a three to zero victory over red team
17471s and solidifies themselves as your
17474s European Champs give it up for risking
17477s and SJP Velma in the rain dog
17481s fantastic display from risking and SJP
17484s they're two semp and MJ were very very
17486s strong contenders we saw them go ahead
17488s and try to change with battering they
17490s tried to challenge it with the
17491s projectiles they tried to challenge the
17493s project uh the protectiles with dagger
17495s as well but ultimately even inside of
17497s this game three here on the reset side
17500s we still unfortunately see them not be
17503s able to change enough resulting in
17504s risking and SJP coming out Victorious as
17508s your EU final multi versus Champions the
17513s very first of the Fall showcase the very
17516s first Multiverse circuit in history here
17519s what an amazing display of not only high
17523s level multiverses but also prowess and
17526s teamwork throughout the entirety of this
17528s tournament austie
17530s yeah and that's exactly what came down
17532s to everyone just working together to get
17534s to their spot you gotta remember at the
17536s end of the day this is a team gang and
17538s picking the right comp is what's going
17540s to be able to help secure you that
17542s finishing spot in the bracket once again
17544s congratulations to risking sap for
17547s getting that first place finish here
17548s with the circuit and guys that's gonna
17551s be it for us I had a blast here Sharpie
17553s I know you did as well just coming in
17555s here and being the voices of the
17557s European circuit but that is finally it
17560s for a fall Showdown and honestly it's
17562s gave me a little teary-eyed minute it's
17563s all done and this this is the past month
17565s and a half has been so spectacular here
17567s for multiverses man any closing Thoughts
17570s From You Sharpie
17571s you know my final thoughts here austie
17573s is that it's been so much fun for me to
17575s commentate multiverses I'm so incredibly
17577s excited to do it hopefully inside of the
17579s future and I'm so thankful I had an
17581s opportunity to do it obviously inside of
17583s this past multiverses is obviously a
17586s fantastic game and not only is it
17588s incredibly competitive and Incredibly
17590s open and Incredibly well balanced it's
17593s also currently free to play that's right
17595s if you have ever wanted to go ahead and
17597s get into multiverses not only do you not
17599s have to pay a single bit but cross play
17601s is even better especially because the
17604s netcode has been adapted to allow even
17606s more competition you can play on Xbox
17608s series PlayStation or on PC over at
17612s steam so go over to
17614s www.multiverses.com to pick up one of
17616s the only contenders and platform
17618s Fighters for fighting game of the year
17620s at the game awards Aussie it's been a
17622s blast doing this with you and to
17624s everyone else watching at home or
17626s otherwise remember play multiverses
17629s yeah I get that Multiverse action in
17632s there and guys I do want to give one
17633s more shout outs to everyone that's been
17634s able to put this production together man
17636s we got teos coming up shout outs to all
17639s the teos making sure the start.gg
17640s brackets were running fairly and nice
17642s shout out to the staff just in general
17644s whether they're moderating the chat
17646s making sure this production is staying
17647s alive or just being in our ear and
17649s telling us what's been going on we
17651s really appreciate you guys for being
17653s able to come out here and put on this
17655s circuit that would not have been
17656s possible without them and shout outs to
17658s player first game shout outs to Warner
17660s Brothers for putting this on as well to
17662s everyone and all everyone in the chat
17664s everyone everyone everyone everyone
17665s everyone that made this workout I really
17667s appreciate you all and it's been a blast
17670s so guys I think that's finally gonna be
17673s it for us Sharpie you want to take it
17674s away
17676s I want to take it away good friend as
17679s always y'all Play multiverses and play
17681s garnet and Steven they're amazing
17694s [Music]
17712s [Music]
17714s foreign
17717s [Music]
17741s foreign
17748s [Music]
17772s foreign
17775s [Music]
17805s foreign
17807s [Music]
17814s [Music]
17837s [Music]
17846s foreign
17859s [Music]
17876s [Music]
17882s thank you