over 1 year ago - MultiVersus - Direct link
over 1 year ago - MultiVersus - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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904s versus fall Showdown European open
907s number two my name is Austin I'm joined
909s here by Sharpie we got some great
911s matches coming for you guys this
912s tournament has been going on all weekend
914s and right now we are jumping into top
916s eight of the section so many good
918s players coming up two weeks ago we had
920s eight teams come up get the qualifier
922s into finals now we have eight more teams
924s to see who's going to be what seed who's
926s going to place what tournament for this
928s today and honestly I'm can't wait for
930s the rest of this bracket Sharpie how are
931s you doing how's everything I'm doing
933s great you know I'm really excited to see
936s so much amazing european-based talent we
939s have so many incredible players inside
941s of this bracket a couple of my personal
943s favorites I want to go ahead and Shout
944s Out actually I'm seeing that Babar and
947s Elroy made it out on the bottom side of
951s the bracket to compete inside of this
952s topic incredibly excited to see them
954s play do you have any personal favorites
956s here going into this top eight Aussie oh
959s man I mean if I'm gonna be real I feel
961s like I'm a fan of every single player
963s here right because a lot of them bring a
965s lot of cool stuff to the table uh just
966s as an example ponics and trab bringing
968s Finn and Rain dog I've always been a fan
970s of that team just because fan it has the
972s ability to just get in there really
973s quick and do any sort of thing he wants
975s to do through the gym back to try to
976s teleport to rain dogs in the background
978s trying to play like the more support
980s role tether them on in but if I had to
982s pick a favorite team I think right now
984s my eyes are on bazio and Minnie Michael
986s purely because the team from Poland that
988s lost literally their first set of the
990s entire tournament yesterday round one
992s they got knocked into losers they have
993s climbed throughout the entirety of the
995s lower side of the bracket to make it
997s into top eight so far so they are going
999s on a tear right now so if I were to see
1001s them actually get all the way to losers
1002s finals Grand finals like just from
1004s losing round one that would be quite the
1006s sight to see we'll have to wait and see
1007s what happens though
1008s most assuredly I know that there's been
1011s so many new changes inside of the game
1013s not only have we had the addition of
1015s Black Adam uh literally but a few like
1017s weeks ago now but we also have stripe
1020s who is legal inside this tournament
1021s ultimately didn't have any Stripes
1023s actually get into top eight this time
1025s around but we did see him throughout
1027s pools we saw him in parts of top 32.
1029s it's it's really exciting to see how
1031s quickly a lot of these players are
1032s adapting to the new character characters
1034s that are existing inside of this game
1036s yeah and you never know someone might
1038s bust them out later on in this bracket
1039s just goes like he's a very good
1041s character to throw in as like your
1042s secondary if remains not working out for
1044s him right because he's just got such
1045s strong tools such a great assassin to
1047s get in there and just deal
1049s so much damage to all the tools in this
1051s kit but we're going to jump into our
1052s first set of the day winners semis of
1054s top eights we're going to be jumping
1055s into ponics and trab versing off against
1058s viren and rip so this is a Netherlands
1061s in Sweden facing off against London UK
1064s you can see what's going to be able to
1065s bring up to the table here so on the
1067s left side is going to be ponics rocking
1069s the fin trab with the rain dog and on
1071s the right side you're gonna be seeing
1072s more of a virin with the cake the cat
1074s and rip on the Arya Stark
1077s now rain dog has done has been a very
1078s popular pick for a lot of players going
1080s into this fall Showdown I remember back
1083s on the n a side of things we saw quite a
1085s few rain dogs and what I'm really
1087s interested to see here is exactly how
1089s Finn is going to operate with the rain
1091s dog what type of perks they're going to
1092s be taking and what we're basically going
1094s to be looking at for the mindset against
1095s a character like an Arya who can easily
1098s stick to you rain dog's going to really
1099s have to be careful but I'm interested to
1101s see exactly what match uh which map they
1103s select and what the round start is right
1106s because like how the maps work by the
1108s way for game number one for those that
1109s don't know it's not like matchmaking
1110s when you just get a random map right
1111s like both teams have to agree to what
1113s map you're going to be going to so it's
1114s like a striking system out of all the
1116s legal stages which I believe is the
1117s whole map list they strike each stage
1120s one by one until there's one map left
1122s and that's gonna be map number one and
1124s this is what we saw two weeks ago all
1125s throughout the European open number one
1127s is we saw sky Arena pretty much the
1130s entire day whether it was with the try
1131s platforms or The Flash series this is no
1133s shocker to me so we're gonna jump right
1134s into the first number game an
1136s immediately virant and print are able to
1138s secure a significant amount of pressure
1140s onto the blue team we're looking at
1142s possible knockout situations already
1144s because that rain dog is sitting up
1145s there at 58 and is precariously not
1148s necessarily able to recover beautiful
1150s recovery there so far and just just
1152s keeping that cat the Calico cat off the
1154s scene yeah phonics doing a great job
1156s just kind of covering for his teammate
1158s right letting travel get back on the
1159s stage easy peasy qualities is really
1162s good for being able to bring your
1163s teammate back in but also fantastic at
1165s having a ton of passive damage while
1167s she's touching the opponents so good
1168s tool to just be able to have in your kid
1170s I'm really appreciating Panic racking up
1173s so much damage there on on uh that Jake
1176s player and I'm noticing that that the
1179s Aria is not letting necessarily one get
1181s away almost getting knocked out there at
1183s 133 of me just go ahead and recover now
1185s both parts of the resume are over 100
1187s meaning they are in very dangerous
1189s territory right now
1190s oh gets caught by the high five spikes
1193s right into it gonna dab him up my man
1195s that's what you got to do with this
1196s character but all of a sudden we got
1197s Arya coming in rip getting that up
1199s special gonna be able to get some big
1200s combos off the vertical damage but still
1202s everyone's sitting at so high right now
1204s literally the smallest little swing
1206s could be setting someone down bye bye to
1208s the blast zone I have to wait and see
1209s what the person's gonna be for sure I'm
1211s really surprised that the raid on the
1213s week is a beautiful knockout there by
1216s The Blue Team the Jake player both still
1219s sitting at 100 neither necessarily
1221s having to worry about losing their
1223s products in there but that Aria does
1224s have full stacks on an AOE stun right
1227s now they have to be careful not to wrap
1229s up but it doesn't matter if Jake's gonna
1230s go ahead and knock you out
1234s yeah just being able to try to survive
1236s even longer look at that even though
1237s they get knocked down there's a finally
1238s that up attack gets the side air on top
1240s of that it's going to be the one and the
1242s two coming up from Jake and honestly
1244s that's something that I keep the cats
1245s are really good at right this is like
1246s solidifying the Ko's be able to get
1249s those points racked up because she just
1250s has such strong attack power whether
1252s it's the up attack on the ground with
1253s the ax or the side of the Mega Punch has
1256s so much range on it get The Sweet Spot
1257s on top of that now we're gonna see
1259s panics coming in turn regular damage bit
1261s by bit here on verb you're gonna notice
1263s Arya one of the lightest characters in
1265s the game is at potentially a death
1267s sentence here they get one more solid
1270s hit on them
1271s I'm noticing obviously oh okay very very
1275s very clean
1276s nasty yep beautiful knockout security
1280s immediately comes back over because
1282s Rob's Jade and just quickly separates
1285s that Jake from them who unfortunately
1288s not necessarily able to worry about that
1289s wasn't able to get the final up to
1292s secure that knockout there and right now
1294s quickly easily recovers back onto the
1296s stage really really clean plate here but
1299s I'm noticing it's because somewhere even
1301s right now it's still anybody's game
1303s yeah literally because it's two to three
1305s like that doesn't mean too much right
1307s because all they need to do is just get
1309s rid of
1310s um be able to take that point and then
1312s be able to win the game meanwhile on the
1314s red team they're both at high damage
1315s they can get like one solid hit on both
1317s of them that's also the game so this
1319s could be anyone's time to shine 105 here
1322s on ponics looking for this opening gonna
1324s try to start charging up these attacks
1325s on the ground that's gonna be one Center
1326s on him it actually gets called out by
1328s the side special from rips it's Arya I
1332s can't believe that actually Chao from
1334s that far away you know I really did like
1336s the down air there by the Aria to go
1339s ahead and get that very final knockout
1342s but as we saw throughout the entirety of
1343s the match there were several instances
1345s where blue team was able to get an early
1347s knockout lead unfortunately after that
1349s point they really weren't able to secure
1351s any Knockouts after these first really
1353s like two or so uh red team brought it
1356s back with these earlier Knockouts right
1358s now I didn't actually see Arya end up
1360s ever using these Suns unfortunately but
1362s thank fully after this third knockout
1365s red team was able to find their footing
1367s and easily secure that double knockout
1370s to secure the very first win inside of
1372s this Winner's top eight winner side I'm
1375s really excited to see what adaptations
1376s we may see here but honestly I'd love to
1378s hear your input you actually think we'll
1380s go back over to sky Arena platforms or
1382s do you think we'll change I noticed that
1383s Arya tended to have a relatively easier
1386s time truthfully recovering but so did
1389s thin and that rain dog onto the platform
1391s so you think we may be looking at Skyrim
1392s and no platforms moving forward
1394s Pro of History repeats itself I would
1396s say 100 that we're gonna see sky Arena
1399s in some capacity right because like I
1401s said if you if you if people watch the
1403s European open number one like I would
1404s say 90 of the stages were on Skyrim just
1406s in general I had the Steven universe
1407s theme stuck in my head all day
1409s afterwards but for this particular set I
1412s could see them sticking with the
1414s triplets even though it is such a huge
1416s benefit for Arya I think Finn and both
1419s rain dog also get a ton of benefits off
1421s of it right being able to throw like the
1423s flying projectile onto a platform and
1424s just kind of keep that firewall there on
1426s top of it having the ability to throw at
1428s uh Rain Dogs Crystal star into the
1430s crystal gem into the air from a tall
1432s platform also gives it more air time so
1434s they kind of benefit both teams kind of
1437s benefit from the same type of stages so
1439s it could be a run back to that they
1441s could pick the flat flat stage just to
1443s kind of like maybe it's like a personal
1445s preference or something we'll just have
1446s to wait and see what game number two is
1448s going to bring for us
1449s both these both these team s are so
1456s engage it looks like they are gonna go
1457s for sky Arena no platforms inside this
1459s matchup which personally I think works
1461s out significantly better for Jake and
1463s Ari in this instance compared to Jake
1465s and uh the I'm sorry compared to Finn
1469s and the rain dog but immediately we have
1471s a really really aggressive round start
1473s here blue trying to rack up some damage
1475s not necessarily winning and then being
1476s knocked get ready
1480s yeah yeah see that's what you call
1482s that's what you call me good then yeah
1486s it was actually going kind of cool is
1487s that phonics did a good job trying to
1489s survive that opening push right you saw
1490s him get knocked back by grip he faded
1492s away to avoid any sort of follow-ups but
1494s then say he tried to go for a recovery
1496s right afterwards trap was trying to get
1499s in there to save his teammate but like
1500s urine just had to the lockdown on lock
1503s with that side there facing downwards
1505s and now we have ourselves a pretty
1506s strong starting Reverend Rift could be
1508s the end of rain dog good recovery Gonna
1510s Know straps didn't go for the upper
1511s special to get back on the stage gets
1512s called out by the downer another Spike
1514s of Rooney coming from the blue time this
1515s time around and now we're seeing how
1517s he's gonna be able to play out right you
1518s got uh viren now staying at 121 damage
1521s very beautiful play there by that rain
1523s dog wonderful Spike and we may see it
1525s yet again on to Jake here rainbow just
1527s trying to let Finn take active trying to
1529s get Finn and opportunity here to connect
1530s and isn't necessarily able says I have
1532s to go power rain dog I'm your mummy fan
1534s let's go I'm just really personally
1536s enjoying some of these holiday skins
1538s right now I thought for the record for
1540s the record yeah it's still it's real
1543s Halloween
1543s get that double candy playing with these
1546s costumes you know what I'm saying that's
1547s exactly what Trump's trying to do trying
1548s to collect those money much
1549s trick-or-treating as possible build that
1551s bag so you get that Mighty KO sitting at
1554s 126 damage trap being the stock tank
1556s right now just trying to fight for as
1558s long as possible while letting panics
1560s play the game get in there be the
1562s aggressor be able to get that KO that
1564s he's looking for off of that up attack
1565s into the up there very strong string
1567s from the fins you're gonna notice that a
1569s lot Ben's been seeing a lot of this
1571s character recently just because of just
1572s how fast and strong it can be especially
1575s with the coins you gotta be able to be
1576s on the lookout oh for sure I'm really
1578s appreciating the fact that uh rain dog
1580s is just allowing Finn to basically go
1583s ahead in 1v1 which is exactly what he
1584s wants whenever there's a situation where
1586s Finn isn't sitting by all beautiful I
1588s almost thought that was a knockout I
1589s almost thought that was a knockout okay
1591s okay okay there we go there we go very
1594s nice knockout secured by that Aria the
1596s Jake player is just being incredibly
1597s airport right now at 121 any type of
1601s Smash exactly like Batman could prove
1603s fatal and they have to be incredibly
1604s careful here
1606s damage is not a joke yeah virin is
1609s sitting at 158 so literally there are
1611s one downer from rain dog away from
1612s stealing this entire game but a whole
1615s lot of seconds getting caught by the up
1616s special they just steal it from them
1618s they had the lead it was all in their
1621s grips but they got they got a little bit
1622s too greedy you saw them being Airborne
1624s so many times they could have been
1626s conditioning throughout the rest of the
1626s game right because you saw the crabs
1628s constantly jumping the entire game
1631s because he wanted to get some you know
1632s aerial Mobility going one to get some
1634s huge anti-airs going on top of him but
1636s because he committed the air so much
1638s beer was like aha I see a moment I'm
1640s Gonna Catch You with my up special when
1641s you're at super low damage which we'll
1643s probably see a replay of later on in the
1645s day I can't wait to see it
1646s I'm also very much so appreciating uh
1650s viren and Rip's coordination on that
1652s final knockout as you saw that they did
1654s both actively move up in order to secure
1655s that final knockout because they
1656s understood the importance of it and at a
1658s point where you had the Jake player who
1661s was literally only one smash I'm sorry
1663s one aerial away from a knockout right
1666s there incredibly dangerous but still
1667s followed up just to secure it right
1669s there you can see unfortunately uh
1671s unfortunately the Finn wasn't able to
1674s follow up fast enough to secure and save
1677s rain dog there but good play and good
1679s adaptation from the red team in general
1681s what are you expecting to see this next
1683s game here Aussie uh same thing literally
1685s the same stage you're gonna see some
1687s more sky Arena but if you notice that
1689s that very ending that last Replay by the
1690s way Trev died at 17 damage that's what
1693s that combo started because it got caught
1695s by Jake's up special Jake's up special
1698s is such a strong tool for uh dragging up
1702s someone and being safe because whenever
1703s Jake or cake commits to the up special
1706s their head is their vulnerable spot so
1708s they get hit in the head that's when
1710s they're gonna get you know called out
1711s but everything else about them is
1712s invincible so they actually trap them
1714s the second they caught trab in that trap
1717s right both Arya and um Jake went up to
1721s the top just to secure that kale and
1722s there was nothing that panics could do
1724s to help them because like if planets
1725s would have went up there to try to chase
1726s after him even honestly that's probably
1728s what they did but even if they committed
1730s to that he would have also been caught
1731s by the also been dragged up then they
1733s both would have exploded so it was just
1734s kind of like a Checkmate but the second
1736s it got caught into the up special
1738s I've I've noticed in both instances that
1740s blue team is having difficulties
1741s actually securing the final knockout it
1743s almost appears as though they get a
1745s little bit more passive a little bit
1746s more
1747s um comfortable in their lead and
1749s ultimately it's been the resulting of
1751s their downfall here so I'm really hoping
1752s to see a change inside this very next
1754s match
1755s yeah I mean they're playing very solid
1757s both of those games I like the for sure
1759s I thought they were going to win both
1760s both of those but in this type of game
1761s especially at top level like you're
1763s never safe at any damage right if
1765s someone can be like one good read on you
1767s at a specific uh section especially with
1769s this composition you can explode at any
1771s damage like that's what makes Jake and
1773s Arya such a strong team is that they
1775s both have the ability to just steal
1777s lives at any given moment
1779s I'm really appreciating Arya racking up
1782s this ridiculous damage right now on
1784s brain dog that is going to be the very
1785s first knockout for the red team onto
1788s rain dog who's now just trying really
1789s hard ultimately to stick towards Jake
1792s which is a bit of a difference that
1793s we've seen inside of some of these other
1794s matches previously we've seen them
1796s completely comfortable in the 1v1
1797s situation now we're seeing red team
1799s separate brain dog uh for their benefit
1802s and that is going to secure a knockout
1804s on The Blue Team
1805s yeah trab had a great kbi there to try
1808s to escape that combo right just trying
1810s to fade to the left they probably have
1811s Tasmanian uh trigonometry equipped as a
1814s part to help them with that to escape
1815s combos it's a very popular Park we've
1816s been seeing a lot in meta is just
1818s because it allows you to be able to
1819s survive a little bit longer so now we're
1820s going to jump right into it one point a
1822s piece here you'll notice that uh Jake
1824s veren's starting to get pretty high
1826s damage 127 but Jake's a pretty heavy
1828s character if you're the Wonder Woman
1830s even so has a lot of weight to their
1832s mountains still not in that danger zone
1833s just yesterday caught by a big combo see
1835s look at that any other character that
1836s would have exploded but still
1837s surrounding at 135 meanwhile Ben being
1840s super light Rip's gonna get that up air
1841s into the up special looking for that guy
1843s I love this the Escape story
1851s top and just like hit them or try to
1853s save their teammate they get caught by
1856s the oh special and they die at a super
1858s low damage Sharpie so talk to me exactly
1861s about how red team was able to secure a
1863s win through these replay moments right
1865s here because it truthfully as you said
1867s previously it didn't always look like it
1869s was in red team's favor in this match we
1871s saw a very very large momentum shift
1874s yeah literally it was like what I was
1876s talking about earlier is that you're in
1877s danger of any damage right here was the
1879s given moment that that was Checkmate
1881s purely because that whole section there
1883s at the very end you'll notice that Arya
1885s hit him with the side air got the little
1887s trap in the top Corner Finn dies at 122
1889s damage which is a pretty high damage so
1891s you're gonna see that or sorry rain dog
1892s did but then you see Pines like okay I
1894s need to go up there and save them panics
1896s jumped into immense danger at zero
1899s damage and because he jumped up there at
1901s zero he got called out by the up special
1904s from viren got dragged all the way to
1906s the top of the screen and then you know
1908s lost their life at that low of damage
1910s which is something that like a team of
1912s Jake and Arya can do extremely well so I
1915s feel like if foxes would have kept us
1916s cool and didn't try to go and save for
1918s their teammate they could have been
1919s still in that fight grants they've been
1920s a very uphill battle it was one point to
1922s three it was kind of a Do or Die moment
1925s like what do you do in that situation
1926s it's very scary to jump up and try to
1928s save her teammate against a when there's
1930s a Jake on screen just having that
1932s ability to just like be like Invincible
1934s below below you and also have the
1935s ability to have that unique perk which
1937s drags you up to the top and makes you
1939s explode is such a danger to be able to
1940s challenge
1942s it's really really hard especially when
1943s you're up on those High percentages but
1945s once again congratulations to Varian and
1946s rip who move forward on the winner side
1948s of the bracket unfortunately that
1949s doesn't mean that trough and panic are
1951s going to be on the lower side of the
1952s bracket moving forward and they'll have
1954s an opportunity to redeem themselves
1956s later on we are going to move to our
1957s very next match inside of fear which I
1960s know may not necessarily be your
1961s personal favorite but is another
1962s Multiverse casters personal favorite
1965s character going into this we have plug
1968s tank who's teaming with Timmy
1971s 222 as well as two Senpai who's teaming
1975s with uh maju maju of course is a Batman
1979s player uh who I actually was kind of
1982s kind of on the fence about naming here
1984s uh of course everyone knows that uh
1987s Batman's a very contentious player a
1988s very contentious character right now but
1990s is a very very strong character
1992s especially with characters like Arya
1995s talk to us about what we can expect
1996s inside this very next match here
1999s um sure so it's Ari and Batman facing
2001s off against in the morning pleb tank on
2003s the fin Timmy on the Morty this is going
2005s to be kind of a uh aggressive match from
2009s Finn Arian Batman all three of those
2011s characters are going to try to get in
2012s and go gun swinging especially to Senpai
2015s and mad they're going to be playing
2016s incredibly aggressive especially with
2018s that comp just having Ari and Batman
2020s having kind of similar aerial speeds
2021s with the up special from Arya can easily
2024s like teleport to your opponent allows
2026s Batman to jump in there and get a lot of
2027s like uppercut action on top of that so
2029s they can follow up with each other
2030s extremely well meanwhile with Finn and
2032s Morty Timmy's gonna have the ability to
2034s save Finn whenever he finds himself in
2036s danger right having that special that
2038s just has like the saves Point Special is
2040s such a strong tool in Morty's kit that
2042s can save his teammate from literally
2043s anywhere as long as he pops it it's
2046s going to be kind of difficult to see
2047s what we're gonna be able to see how it's
2048s going to be able to play out though so
2050s we'll see you have to get a lot of
2052s damage already on Blue Team
2054s I'm really already not necessarily
2057s seeing what I thought I was going to see
2058s on MJ's side racking up 76 and that Aria
2061s is already at 70 red team coming out
2063s relatively unscathed and we're noticing
2066s already Finn's benefiting from a lot of
2068s this great health assistance from the
2070s Morty support
2072s yeah like again just having the ability
2074s to just go out there get that passive
2076s healing as well on top of that it's very
2078s strong for them and red team's already
2079s up to a fantastic start not really
2081s letting blue team play the game they
2082s want to do right you'll see MJ going off
2084s stage immediately getting about big
2086s cider coming up from plebden nice follow
2088s up with the up air Timmy Morty's up air
2090s is such a strong tool be able to just
2091s like throw out their big Blast Zone on
2093s top of it could easily send someone
2095s flying you know as a plug thing's trying
2096s to go for the down tag right there on
2097s the edge try to get a spike on top of
2099s them two Senpai in trouble flying off to
2102s the top Sharpie you know it's crazy
2104s because Arya wasn't able to touch that
2106s Morty not once every single time that
2109s she attempted there was a Dodge and
2110s reaction and an immediate punish from
2112s the thin it's almost like they know Arya
2114s is trying to Target Morty and she's
2116s being forced to change attention because
2118s Finn is over there to stop her
2121s by the way speaking of stopping they
2123s stopped that up special right there I
2125s mean just close to the down special took
2127s him right out of the death's grass and
2129s brought right back down to the stage
2130s that's what makes Morty so strong is
2131s he's such a great he made me classified
2133s as a Bruiser but I swear he's a support
2135s dude and he has the ability to just be
2136s able to save his teammate from any sort
2138s of combo that's in arya's worst
2139s nightmare because Arya is all about
2140s getting those vertical combos Batman's
2142s all about those vertical combos man
2144s right now he just can't get anything
2145s they're combos off because they are
2146s exploding left and right resting you
2148s have to lose a single life no points on
2150s the board for Bluetooth this would look
2152s like a Struggle Bus finally gets the
2153s uppercut because they close out pin as
2154s well they have to at this moment he
2156s managed to finally get it off of the
2157s dagger now he was a tied game in terms
2160s of like the accident actually that side
2162s is Sharpie never mind he's looking
2163s pretty blue it's it's not necessarily
2166s looking super great for the blue team
2167s right now you haven't already had 126
2169s and with a fit and a Morty heaping that
2172s Batman at Bay is really really not
2174s looking Grim but we do have those
2175s weekend Stacks coming out on Finn that
2177s could provide a really good possibility
2179s for Arya go ahead and secure a knockout
2181s if is able to grab him looks like that
2183s down special is not going to necessarily
2186s that down here it's not going to
2186s necessarily be enough to go ahead and
2187s knock him out and Batman's in a very
2189s prepare situation that final knockout
2191s does move pleb tank and Timmy one oh
2195s right now inside of this matchup talk to
2197s me about how we got here
2199s dude literally it was just they were
2201s just shutting down all the regression at
2203s the very end they're actually liked a
2205s lot that Finn uh pleb tank jumped off
2207s got the downer whenever you're off stage
2210s against Finn it's one of the scariest
2211s positions to be in you could be an
2213s advantage state disadvantaged state it
2215s doesn't matter if you're trying to face
2216s off against the defend off stage you
2218s might get caught by the downer because
2220s you even if you're playing like the
2221s aggressive approach and try to go off
2222s there and chase after him there's a
2223s chance you can copy that sword from
2225s right above him but this is the spot
2226s right there you caught him with the down
2227s attack got the spike right afterwards
2229s and that solidified the entire game for
2230s them the thing is Arya was the primary
2233s target right you want to change after
2234s Arya she has 150 damage she could
2236s literally explode to one down here I get
2238s one easy ring out not even a combo just
2240s like one big hit would send her flying
2242s but if you see an opportunity which is
2244s exactly what blip tank saw oh I got a
2246s down attack and I put Batman in a very
2248s bad position against Finn one of the
2250s greatest people off stage ever I'm gonna
2253s go down there and I'm gonna solidify
2254s that Spike I don't even need Arya
2256s now here's an unpopular opinion
2259s truthfully going into this Aussie um
2262s there was recently A Change made to
2264s Scooby's Mansion which actually is
2267s currently an experimental format that
2268s allows you to play on Scooby's mansion
2270s with no roof that stage would be so good
2274s so good right now I believe for the
2276s Batman and the Arya to counter pick over
2278s to I don't know if they're gonna do it I
2280s don't necessarily know if they are able
2282s to do it inside of this tournament but
2283s just something to keep in mind inside
2285s these situations you don't always have
2287s to go back to sky Arena and you don't
2288s always have to put those platforms on
2290s there are a multitude of different
2291s opportunities that you have on other
2292s different stages more so than just
2294s trophy's action Sharpie I hope you like
2296s Steven Universe's theme song because
2298s you're going to be hearing it literally
2299s all day I'm not kidding like this though
2301s like it's like I know you want to see
2303s all these stages I know people do want
2304s to but this is where the players feel
2306s comfortable to play on this is kind of
2307s like European scene they like playing on
2309s the stage because of it not being too
2311s complicated right you have the flat Open
2313s Stage you have to try platforms that's
2315s all these players want and or need
2317s that's kind of what they're kind of
2318s feeling with right now so it's just kind
2320s of like Europe's European scene it's
2322s very different from like the n a
2324s tournament that we saw like a month ago
2325s right where we saw a lot of trophies
2327s Edge it's all sky Arena you even saw
2329s crimeans a couple times so like it's
2331s it's just I think it's just a culture
2332s thing in my opinion I understand I
2335s understand and you know it's really
2336s interesting to know that there's so many
2338s different stages that we could see as
2339s well I know later on as I'd rack we have
2341s an Iron Giant it'll be interesting to
2342s see what choices they go to but it's no
2343s time necessarily to talk about some of
2346s these changes because look at the way
2348s that red team is able to command some of
2349s these percentage we have both teams
2351s sitting and cruising really really close
2352s to 100 right now that gray Health coming
2354s in massive handy right now ultimately
2357s resulting in an adult
2359s because of that Aria we're playing with
2362s The Knockout in time right there Arya
2364s ultimately getting knocked out both
2366s members of the red team also getting
2367s knocked out meaning that MJ is currently
2369s up to Da wow okay it's even it's even
2373s it's even don't listen don't listen
2375s if I had a nickel for every time I saw a
2378s Finn die because they tried to save
2380s their teammates like I'd be rich because
2382s like that's just what happened you saw
2384s Timmy was in trouble from arya's up
2386s special jumped up there to try to save
2387s them and then got caught in it
2389s themselves and they both exploded for it
2391s but that's okay they're able to even
2392s this up and not only even it up but take
2394s the leader right now two step by trying
2395s to find that follow-up on Timmy Tim he's
2397s gonna be able to use his side special
2398s that's another strength of Morty's right
2400s being able to use the side special to be
2401s able to just kind of take yourself out
2402s of the battle for a little bit make your
2404s recovery insanely strong because not
2405s only do you gain armor you can decide
2407s where you're gonna pop out of the door
2408s so it keeps your opponents guessing they
2410s can't see that that little marker that
2412s uh you can normally see on your screen
2414s oh for sure Marty uh Morty Sarah is
2416s really really good just for stalling in
2418s instances like this when you have a fin
2419s who is actively engaging on making sure
2421s that both of the enemy teammate uh enemy
2424s team is off of you it's a really good
2426s technique to use just kind of grab a
2427s little bit more Brown and as we are
2429s watching both of these teams play ping
2431s pong right now I can't help but wonder
2433s who's going to secure the very next
2435s knockout here because if it is in fact
2437s red team that is very possibly GG for
2441s this specific match
2442s I mean this is this go either way right
2444s because both players in the red team are
2446s at high damage only use one down or one
2448s uppercut one follow-up that's what
2449s they're looking for meanwhile arya's in
2451s danger it's going to be off
2453s team drops they're definitely trying to
2456s get more these aims them with the same
2457s swing that's what I'm saying is what
2459s he's so strong to be able to see you in
2460s a bad position but not that bad it is a
2463s cool down move you cannot be out there
2464s spamming it so unfortunately not gonna
2466s be able to save him a second time the
2468s save points such a good use of just like
2470s I give you a second chance but you know
2472s it's balanced by making it on a cool
2474s down obviously going into this match uh
2476s we saw a very early lead secured by The
2480s Blue Team and ultimately this very next
2482s stock out onto the Batman kind of
2484s worried me a little bit because we kind
2485s of saw we kind of saw red team getting a
2487s lot of their footing back not only just
2489s by knocking out the Aria but also by
2491s this right here we see them kind of
2493s making sure to keep Batman off the stage
2495s and that was what I was mostly concerned
2497s about because Batman was having a lot of
2499s issues recovering the final knockout
2501s ultimately was secured as well by Batman
2503s here we saw batarang actually keeping
2505s them nice and safe what a beautiful
2506s recovery by the way as an aside we
2508s talked about it excessively but that
2509s battering definitely deserves MVP inside
2512s of that previous match I really like the
2514s way that Batman stepped up inside of
2516s that matchup and kind of got a majority
2518s of The Knockout situations even though
2520s Arya was over there providing the brute
2522s force that we usually see come through
2523s with Arias
2525s MJ is so good at controlling the
2528s batarang in a way that he manipulates it
2530s right because how the battering works is
2532s when Batman throws it out you can
2534s actually control it while you're moving
2536s it so if you ever see the batarang like
2538s moving on like these crazy like ways
2540s right you're gonna be like what what is
2541s going on how is he doing that Batman
2542s just has these mind controls that you
2544s can just be able to send his battery
2545s whoever he wants to do it what makes it
2547s a very strong tool is that it is a
2549s disjointed projectile it's a projectile
2551s so you it while it's just out there you
2553s can just throw it out if you're in
2554s disadvantage as an example if Batman's
2556s off stage and you try to chase after him
2557s he can just throw it right back at you
2559s as a free get me off me tool it's a
2561s great combo move if you throw it in
2562s somewhere in the middle of a combo it
2563s can help extend it it's a great combo
2565s starter because it's super safe to throw
2567s out you're not you're not like
2568s committing to anything because you're
2570s throwing out a projectile as long you're
2571s throwing out an armor or anything so
2572s you're not at risk so it's just overall
2574s a good tool so when you see a Batman
2575s actually show a Mastery of their craft
2577s with that tool it's a sight to behold
2579s that's exactly what we're seeing from
2580s this team for sure I'm really excited I
2584s know I know I know
2587s I'm also willfully happy when they do
2589s not specifically because as you stated
2591s before Aussie I do really like this
2593s universe music you know what I'm a fan
2595s I'm a fan what can I say yeah yeah I
2597s mean they also got that new remix too
2599s they got two different songs on the
2600s stage he's got the new song like a week
2602s ago really hyped stuff to be able to see
2604s in the game I like the continually
2605s adding music so let's jump right into
2607s game number one we got ourselves an even
2608s Series so far one to one's in this race
2612s to three you'll see how it's gonna be
2613s able to start out you're gonna notice a
2615s lot of pleb trying to just kind of play
2617s a little bit more grounded right Finn
2619s has the ability to charge his attacks
2620s while he's grounded so it allows him to
2621s be able to extend it even further a lot
2623s to be able to get some stronger tools
2624s and unfortunately Timmy I'm actually
2627s kind of missed that I didn't even jump
2628s into the blasto I didn't patch that site
2630s I'm going to have to look at the replays
2633s for that because I'm not quite sure if
2634s that was battering or if it was in a
2636s result for uh the dagger there but it
2639s definitely some form of projectile I
2641s believe I'll just I'll make sure to
2643s check that inside of the replays and as
2644s we go into this very next match we see
2646s that blue team is actually already
2647s hooked drink over 100 a lot of damage to
2650s take in return for that very first
2651s knockout and now Ariel was not
2653s necessarily able to secure that knockout
2654s on Morty and does get knocked out of
2656s herself resetting basically the damage
2659s on Blue Team here
2660s I think uh the reason they were able to
2662s escape arya's uh as follow-up by the way
2664s was because of Morty's side special it's
2666s such a great tool for being able to
2667s recover a great tool for being able to
2669s just get out of combo strings stuff like
2670s that just having the shield armor on it
2672s is so strong and ourselves again another
2674s even game coming up but granted red team
2676s does have a little bit more damage on
2678s their clock Timmy sitting at 72 damage
2680s right now gonna have to play a little
2681s bit more passive right which Morty can
2683s do right more he decided to be able to
2684s shoot out projectiles from a safe
2686s distance throughout those nades and be
2688s able to shoot their nades for like
2689s additional damage to try to play like
2691s that a little bit of a support role
2692s against plef even those play going down
2693s there with the double Downer good
2695s challenge from Two Step by two step I
2697s could have lost their stock if it wasn't
2698s for them trying to challenge with an up
2700s air knowing exactly what dick was gonna
2701s go down there for a second down air
2704s those weekend stacks on thin almost
2706s don't even seem to really be scaring him
2708s in the slightest with ah not enough not
2712s enough not enough on that BP
2714s y'all speaking of DP I already managed
2717s to follow the second time got that
2718s uppercut on the left side of the stage
2720s MJ on a tear right now 112 damage got to
2723s be very careful Batman's not exactly the
2725s heaviest character in the Arsenal right
2727s that's like one of the downsides of blue
2728s team is they're playing a extremely
2730s volatile team I like to call them glass
2732s cannons the team because they're both
2733s super lights
2735s I'm personally really enjoying a lot of
2738s the Finn's follow-up here beautiful
2739s knock up there by the Morty not
2741s necessarily able to get anything from it
2743s though I just I love how the blue team
2745s is actively working just to Dodge in
2747s between a final knockout on MJ as well
2751s as a follow-up as well onto two Senpai
2754s does mean that red team comes out
2755s Victorious inside this matchup putting
2757s them on the board as well
2759s Timmy just coming down with both of
2762s those up errors just let him one after
2764s the other insane stuff
2767s you know I'm I'm I'm a little bit I'm a
2770s little bit concerned right now mostly um
2772s I'm not used to seeing a Batman
2775s specifically that MJ uses where we're
2777s barely seeing smoke screens truthfully
2779s uh I counted I believe I think a total
2782s of like three smoke screens the entirety
2784s of this to apply some of those weekend
2785s perks I I expected to see a few more
2788s what what are your thoughts on that
2789s Aussie
2790s uh so it's a commitment it doesn't feel
2792s like a commitment but it is actually
2793s commitment to be able to throw down that
2795s smoke bomb right when I say commitment
2796s by the way it's not that it's not safe
2798s it's that you're instead of going into
2800s the action to be able to fight off
2801s against your opponents you're throwing
2803s it down on the ground instead and like
2807s when you're doing that your teammate's
2808s in trouble or you're not in the in The
2809s Fray trying to do something so a lot of
2811s Batman's especially top level blackmans
2813s will tend to only use smoke screen when
2815s there's downtime I mean there's like
2816s nothing really happening you're waiting
2817s for cooldowns to come back Etc because
2819s it's actually not that great of a tool
2821s at a top level unless you're like on a
2823s claustrophobic stage so say you're like
2825s on Batcave for instance on a smaller
2827s stage that's when smokescreen can come
2828s in very well because there's not much
2830s room to move around on a Big Wide Open
2832s Stage like that the opponents aren't
2834s going to get caught into the smoke
2835s screen unless you have them in
2836s disadvantage if you manage to kick both
2837s of the opponents off stage and you're on
2839s the right side of the stage that's a
2841s perfect time to throw out smoke screen
2842s because then when you're trying to
2843s recover they're going to get caught in
2844s the smoke so situation didn't really
2846s arise that much so MJ was just like I'll
2848s throw it out when I do but it's like not
2849s his priority he wants to get Into The
2850s Fray that's how I think he's playing the
2852s game anyways totally understandable
2854s especially teaming with an assassin
2856s character like Arya you're going to have
2858s to hold your own and having commitments
2859s like that's the very first time we're
2860s actually seeing trophies at Justice
2861s inside uh thoughts on that
2863s uh yeah they probably just want a little
2865s bit of those platforms we did see
2867s trophies Edge a couple of times two
2869s weeks ago but it was a pretty rare seat
2871s to sight to see again right there uh two
2873s Senpai potentially at a point there but
2875s Timmy comes out with the save point
2876s being able to drag him at his death's
2878s door yet again I I cannot stress enough
2881s how much save point is such a strong
2883s tool in Morty's kit to be able to just
2884s be able to save your apartment when
2885s they're in danger can't do it again
2886s though because that moves up
2889s very very nice knockout there by the
2892s Aria secured immediately and I'm
2894s noticing that even for the damage that
2896s right now blue team's racking up it it
2897s seems to be a really good train in there
2899s because of that second knockout on the
2901s spin Arya is just absolutely going to
2904s town right now on red team this seems to
2907s be a much different to Senpai inside the
2910s set
2911s yeah literally with the trophies Edge
2913s having like the ceilings feels like it's
2915s like more claustrophobic a little bit so
2917s being able to have these platforms as
2919s well to be able to chase vertically can
2920s help out immensely on the stage like
2922s this so I'm glad we're seeing these
2923s counter picks come out be able to just
2925s instead of just going for the comfort
2926s pick actually using it as a way to try
2927s to enhance your skill set within the
2929s game because right now two Senpai is
2931s playing on fire a little bit Morty says
2934s Timmy's sitting at 111 damage let's just
2936s wait and see how he's gonna be able to
2937s play out
2938s crap I'm really appreciating the
2939s projectile game right now coming out
2941s from morning
2942s letting Finn get into The Fray right now
2945s at the same point oh he almost was a
2947s double knockout right now very
2948s precarious situation before this one
2950s Morty right now at 125 something comes
2952s in clutch to go ahead and save him and
2953s that is a knockout on Arya and a
2957s follow-up Naka on Finn there to secure
2960s this match 2-2 right now completely tied
2963s up very next round wins
2966s [Music]
2970s spicy one thing that I'm really enjoying
2972s about this map pick by the way was it
2975s allowed blue team to be able to get
2976s those put the glass Cannon to use and
2978s get those really early ring outs like
2981s right here there's another one right
2982s there I saw so many vertical Ko's this
2984s game that if you if you didn't count the
2986s save point rescues it would have been
2987s like so many more right so they were
2990s just playing on fire just continuously
2992s comboing their opponents up into the top
2995s and I like how they both played a really
2996s good game of just kind of separating
2998s them as well because right there
2999s sometimes when uh you'll notice that uh
3001s MJ would force Timmy into a bad
3004s situation so that he wasn't able to save
3006s his teammate because he had to use save
3008s point to save himself so when he
3010s expended it Club tank was caught in a
3012s really bad spot on the other side of the
3013s stage and they just kind of like they
3015s kind of just folded at that point so
3016s finally seeing a trophies Edge come out
3018s in their favor that was a pretty good
3020s counter pick for them to be able to get
3021s those vertical chaos but I can guarantee
3022s you we're probably going to go back to a
3024s bigger stage because of that they
3026s probably noticed that weight we're
3027s getting ringed out wrung out way too
3030s soon in this map so we need a bigger
3031s Open Stage like sky Arena sky Arena is a
3034s gigantic stage and another one would be
3036s like cromulons once you get rid of the
3037s stereo sounds it's a very wide open
3039s stage so I think that's what's gonna
3041s benefit uh red team a little bit more in
3043s this set
3044s I'm interested to see if they actually
3046s do go to chromions because chromions has
3048s a notoriously low
3053s who's actually relatively lower uh or
3056s relatively higher up than Sky Arenas or
3059s even trophy's Edge and one of the things
3060s I wanted to note is that Arya actually
3062s took several different moments inside of
3063s that previous match to recover her
3065s recoveries using that moving platform
3068s which is something that we didn't see
3069s because she hasn't had an opportunity to
3071s utilize platforms inside of sky Arena at
3073s all so I'm really interested to see if
3075s they'll actually take them over to
3077s another platformless stage or if they're
3079s gonna go to sky Arena platforms really
3081s really good counter pick here by Morgan
3082s specifically because I think that one of
3085s the issues was that Finn couldn't get
3087s his recoveries back I saw that Morty
3089s couldn't get his recoveries back either
3090s and platforms just gives them so many
3092s more options for when they actually do
3093s want to return back to the stage
3094s especially against characters like
3096s Batman and Arya
3097s yeah again having those tripe plots are
3100s gonna help them with their extending
3101s combos but it's also going to help out
3102s Arya extremely well so at the Wayne's
3105s gonna be able to play off and jump into
3106s the final game here of the final winner
3108s semi of the Day game number five let's
3110s see how he's gonna be able to play out
3111s because right now blue team seems to be
3113s on fire that's supposed to screen I was
3114s talking about by the way you notice that
3115s he's actually throwing it out when both
3117s of the opponents were off stage that's a
3119s perfect time for him to be able to go
3120s for smoke screen so I'm glad we're
3121s seeing that come out a lot more from MJ
3123s in those specific scenarios really
3126s really good awareness there's almost
3128s like like someone's listening to stream
3129s you know you got a new commentators I'm
3132s not a coach you're not a coach
3134s but here we go we see a lot more combos
3137s coming up from pleb trying to get those
3138s vertical
3139s strong down are gonna be able to kick it
3142s towards the blossom the double wearing
3143s he gets saved by the save point yet
3145s again Timmy coming out you're saving his
3146s teammate constantly love to see it a lot
3150s a lot of really good opportunities being
3152s basically crushed right now by the
3154s morning an ever-present threat on side
3155s of maps like this and as we look at Arya
3158s and Batman both at over 100 both in
3160s nasty situations right now that up air
3162s does go ahead and secure a knockout for
3165s the red team because of Morty's ever
3167s presence yes
3169s you're now seeing him at 124 looking for
3172s these uppercuts here comes the battering
3174s gets the follow-up with another up
3175s special putting more into a very
3177s precarious position right Timmy has to
3179s survive here try to get a little bit of
3180s stage control manage to get the chair
3182s swing on throw that hammer Morty you
3184s know just hit it hit hit that dude get
3186s him out of your sights now we're gonna
3187s jump right back in you another up
3189s special oh no Sharpie it's it's it's
3191s it's it's it's not looking super great
3193s right now for blue team uh they do have
3195s damage on their side and is still very
3197s easy for them to turn this around but it
3198s does require Arya to ultimately get a
3200s dagger off and we haven't necessarily
3202s seen one as of yet now this fin I'm
3204s sorry this Morty is actually very very
3207s very dangerous right now because we're
3210s looking at him over 100 percentage but
3212s it looks like blue team has completely
3215s kind of like ignored him as a threat
3217s really deciding to focus on defense
3218s situation I don't necessarily disagree
3220s with it either specifically because Finn
3222s will come through and secure those final
3224s Knockouts really really nice there to
3226s secure that fight that knockout that
3228s knockout uh on Morty there
3230s and now we're seeing the potential
3232s finale come up to a crescendo we got
3234s three lives to three points to two blue
3236s team in the lead right all they need to
3237s do is get rid of this thing get rid of
3239s pleb tank and that's going to secure him
3240s delayed but Timmy's gonna try to help
3241s save him right they haven't been single
3242s one over six percent probably has the
3243s same point ready to go in case he wants
3245s to go for it be able to save his
3246s teammate blue team both at high damage
3248s can't get in the same in time that's
3249s gonna be his two cent fight and MJ take
3251s in the set taking the final game
3253s adapting to its finest and moving on
3255s into winners final sending Club tank and
3258s Timmy down to losers you know I really
3260s appreciated that very last match we saw
3262s so much commanding attention come out
3264s from two Senpai and MJ here Mel's just
3266s kind of on display
3267s um ultimately I thought that was going
3269s to be a double knockout situation that
3270s very last bit of the replay but watching
3272s the way that Morty's kind of been able
3274s to uh move throughout here and take
3276s attention off of him up until the
3278s crucial moments I think wrecking helped
3280s to Senpai nmj recognize situations where
3282s they could actually knock them out
3283s especially inside of instances like this
3285s right here where we saw Arya follow up
3287s and then they immediately took that
3288s opportunity to go ahead and single out
3290s thin using the time that they had to
3294s actually separate the both of them ended
3295s up working out better inside the long
3296s run which I think allowed them to use
3299s those practice double taunt combos even
3301s better
3302s yeah I mean what practice is there right
3304s you just get the mask you put the ton
3305s out there you tired at the same time you
3307s know I bet I guarantee you at the end of
3309s all their matchmaking games they play
3311s they always do the same thing I mean
3313s it's a funny thing right Arya has the
3315s ability to like take the face off of it
3317s their teammate or their opponents and
3320s they can use their Nair or their neutral
3321s attack but the best part is their taunt
3323s so they can match taunts always a fan of
3325s that so again that's going to be uh two
3328s cent by an MJ moving on into winners
3329s finals to face off against viren and
3331s ripogon to wait and see how that that's
3333s gonna be able to play out but I think
3334s it's time we take a trip down over to
3336s losers side Sharpie this is where the
3338s mat this is where the true struggle
3340s begins right because Winter's side you
3341s have that safety net you get sent down
3343s there it's like okay I lost I'm still in
3344s the bracket whatever but now we're down
3346s to the nitty-gritty you're on your last
3348s life if you get knocked out one more
3350s time you're out of the tournament you go
3351s home with the Seventh Place finish so
3352s we're gonna start off with the bar and
3354s Elroy facing off against Eric and Joe
3356s suit gonna see how he's gonna be able to
3357s play out
3358s now uh candidly Aussie these this this
3362s this set has some of my favorite players
3363s but I would love for you to give us a
3365s quick little history on what we can
3367s expect to see going into this very next
3369s set here
3370s so uh Babar and Elroy uh Babar is a
3373s Morty player uh gonna be playing off
3375s which we just saw right this time
3377s teaming with a potential Iron Giant
3379s looks like they might be going Shaggy
3380s but we'll have to wait and see how this
3381s character's live stream goes out but how
3383s it's been working is that Iron Giant
3384s Morty is a pretty strong team that's
3386s exactly what we're gonna see well the
3388s reason this team is strong is because
3390s Morty can keep Iron Giant alive iron
3393s giant's the heaviest character in the
3394s game so he's gonna be able to live for
3395s as long as possible yes he becomes combo
3398s fighter so his damn drugs up pretty high
3399s but as long as Iron Giant is alive he's
3401s a force to be reckoned with and anytime
3403s he's like in any sort of danger like say
3405s he gets caught by a really early combo
3407s could potentially get spiked off stage
3409s really early on Morty can just pop that
3411s save point bring it right back to Center
3412s Stage like you're in trouble bro I got
3414s you it's like the rain dog pull except
3416s it takes way less buttons to pick with
3418s rain dog to save you have to throw the
3420s tether on them and then push the button
3421s a second time to bring them back to
3423s Stage Morty can just pop that joint and
3425s eventually just works immediately this
3427s is a team from uh Paris France as well
3429s as the UK face up against the UK so we
3432s had a lot of France players two weeks
3434s ago and this time around we got a lot
3436s more UK so we're gonna see how Eric and
3438s Joseph's gonna bring all this uh bring
3439s to the table as well
3441s you know uh going into this very first
3443s match here I noticed that uh Babar and
3446s El Rey were actually running the gray
3448s Health perk of the utility perk that'll
3450s actually allows them to basically get
3452s additional gray Health from projectiles
3454s and that's going to make them an
3456s incredibly difficult team to defeat even
3458s more so than just uh some of the
3460s accolades that you gave previously to
3462s this team so I'm really interested to
3463s see exactly how thin and Taz yeah of
3465s course if I say in the Batcave this is a
3467s really good chance for them to actually
3468s go ahead and get a quick start mostly
3470s because Batcave is notorious for having
3472s really really low ceilings having
3474s opportunities for an amazing comeback
3476s and opportunities for really good double
3477s Kos even with pretty heavy teams you
3479s only have to get them up inside that
3480s blast zone for but a few moments to go
3482s ahead and secure those Knockouts so
3483s really really smart uh first pick I
3485s believe
3486s yeah it's kind of a gamble first pick
3488s honestly like just with Iron Giant on
3491s the table this oh gosh already exploding
3493s that early on what could happen on this
3495s stage is that you're gonna like lose
3497s your ring outs immediately like you're
3499s gonna you're gonna explode very early on
3500s but especially with Iron Giant on the
3503s table you give a claustrophobic you can
3504s make them not be able to run away but
3505s also he can demand to say he can
3507s dominate the stage and control every
3509s little bit of it so it's kind of like I
3511s do everyone everyone's a glass can
3513s that's what it comes down to right now
3515s you're gonna see him trying to chase
3516s after him off to the top as well
3518s ooh okay okay okay been sitting here at
3521s 132 oh and that recovery it takes almost
3525s both of them out there very very
3528s dangerous opportunity ultimately Ben
3530s only takes us then gets a knockout from
3532s it so I mean it's fine
3533s why not yeah right why not just give it
3537s a shot it's gonna be able to fall down
3538s from there as well on top of that Joe
3539s suit chilling right now 107 damage
3542s trying to stay a little bit more alive
3543s you can ask that she's gonna try to go
3545s for some more Downer action can't seem
3547s to find the mark unfortunately good
3549s follow-up yeah I know it's immediately
3552s the bar just caught that Downer off of
3554s the follow-up I love the team combos
3556s when it comes out there's another one
3557s right there get caught by the oh special
3558s and the side special combination attack
3560s very interesting I'm trying to see if
3563s Taz is going to be able to connect any
3565s of these dog Pals to secure some of
3567s these knockouts on Morty or Iron Giant
3569s he has an opportunity but it does have
3571s to get close enough off the stage to do
3572s it just comes down with the kamadazi
3574s booty slam I see you I see you iron diet
3577s do do it baby do it baby we falling down
3582s out here what makes the move really
3584s strong too is he can cancel out of it
3585s you know like being able to come down to
3587s the ground before you commit to that
3588s Lounge the loud ground slam you can just
3591s cancel out of that and they're gonna go
3592s off to space sayonara guys you got it
3596s see you later Space Cowboy what a first
3599s match indeed here
3602s yeah I'm actually kind of shocked uh Joe
3605s suit going Taz was not on my bingo card
3607s I was expecting Joe suit to bust out the
3609s Morty that she's been practicing with
3611s over in matchmaking so to see her
3613s actually use Taz there's kind of a I
3615s think the reason she went for this pick
3617s is because Taz does have the ability to
3619s bully Iron Giant when found in the
3622s proper spot but a good Iron Giant is
3624s really good being able to escape these
3626s follow-ups especially when you have a
3627s teammate like Morty coming out to be
3629s able to get you at like precarious
3630s positions
3631s you know I'm somewhat interested in
3634s seeing what the very next stage that the
3636s team ends up counter picking here is
3639s because Iron Giant actually has a
3641s completely different roster of stages
3642s that would be considered safe for uh
3645s them you know and inside of this matchup
3647s we've already seen that both Morty and
3650s Iron Giant are incredibly prolific not
3652s only characters but also prolific
3653s players and have this energy that they
3655s need in order to follow up on these
3657s smaller stages so going to a stage like
3659s promulence may actually be a good
3661s counter pick if only if only to give
3664s them a little bit more space to kind of
3666s work around but Iron Giant once again is
3668s no stranger to crimeulon so I don't know
3670s if we'll see that counter pitch we
3671s probably will see sky Arena no platforms
3673s as we've seen previously inside of this
3676s bracket but what do you expect to see
3679s not Batcave
3681s um I think again that that stage was a
3683s huge gamble especially on ewick and
3685s Juice hits part I feel like there was a
3687s moment there where like okay if we bring
3688s them to bat cave maybe we can bully Iron
3691s Giant give him make him feel
3692s claustrophobic and just keep them off
3693s stage but if a good Iron Giant finds
3696s their way they can be an oppressive
3697s force on such a tiny teeny tiny stage
3699s and we saw it come into action right I
3701s felt like Eric and Joe suit just found
3703s trouble getting anything started
3705s whatsoever that entire game I think it
3707s was because of the claustrophobicness so
3709s they're definitely going to be picking a
3710s bigger stage from that whether it's
3711s trophies Edge crimeulons or probably sky
3714s Arena I if I was counter picking for
3716s them I would probably go with either
3717s trophies Edge or scattering it with flat
3720s stage with no platforms uh crimeulons
3722s could also be a good stage especially if
3723s you combo them into the stereo open
3724s speaker so it's pretty much just kind of
3726s cover pick at this point just pick
3727s anything that's not as small as Batcave
3729s you're not going to be seeing tree 40
3731s either there's no way you'll be seeing a
3732s tree for from this just because Iron
3733s Giant tree for it is it's a funny stage
3736s right because on Shreveport you can like
3738s hit Iron Giant through the plan
3739s platforms above you because he's so tall
3741s that he goes above the platform but it's
3743s so claustrophobic that you can't escape
3744s from him and whenever you have a big
3746s stage against iron Giants and he pops
3749s those bolts by the way you have the
3750s ability to run away on a bigger stage
3752s because what you do is when you see
3754s those bolts like what they what the how
3756s that works is when Iron Giant puts metal
3758s on the ground these bolts right him
3760s remember to see me can pick that up and
3761s that adds another bolt to his repertoire
3763s for when the cooldown comes up when he
3764s pops that cooldown however many bolts he
3766s has is how much invincibility he has so
3768s if he picks up five bolts he has five
3770s hits of invincibility he can go through
3772s attacks before it wears off but another
3774s thing on top of that is it's on a cool
3775s it's on a timer so after a couple
3777s seconds you know about 15 seconds or so
3779s I'm not sure what the exact time is it
3781s eventually runs out so if you're on a
3783s big stage instead of engaging with
3785s Invincible Iron Giant you just run away
3787s from them and wait for it to cut wear
3789s off and then go back into that on
3790s Batcave you can't do that there's
3791s nowhere to run
3793s in addition when they take perks uh
3795s similar to uh I'm sorry retaliation
3798s ready like that and they stack it so
3799s that they get a total of basically like
3801s I believe uh after after one of the very
3803s first patches it was moved from eight
3806s gray Health to four seconds to about
3807s four HP for for two seconds and at stack
3810s it's 2 Hp for three seconds uh you're
3813s looking at you're looking at a really
3814s really tanky Iron Giant so we are going
3816s to sky Arena no platforms here
3817s immediately have the snake opener uh we
3820s do see just a bunch of projectiles
3822s coming up stacking up both Morty and
3824s iron giant's armor now what you have to
3826s worry about inside situations like this
3828s is you have to worry about using
3829s multi-hitting moves with the fin and the
3832s Morty to go ahead and secure some of
3834s this great help knocking that out early
3836s but it also requires them not to get hit
3838s by any of these projectiles allowing
3840s them to stack up and that's a dangerous
3841s game to play on a game with no flat plan
3843s a stage with no one yeah having so many
3846s projectiles in Your Arsenal is always
3848s going to be a good tool especially on a
3849s big stage like this and now that Joe
3850s suit's rocking the Morty as well the
3852s true main coming here we're seeing a
3854s quite a different game right look how
3855s much room they have to pull down right
3857s on the left side of the stage already
3859s getting a very early ring out on iron
3861s Giants gonna put Elroy in a pretty bad
3863s position right getting an early KO on
3865s Iron Giant can be almost a dead sense
3867s for your team because the point of Iron
3869s Giant is to survive as long as possible
3870s for sure uh not getting that up air
3874s special there by uh to secure that
3877s knockout on Morty was huge because now
3879s red team's looking at somewhat of the
3881s momentum not necessarily being on their
3882s sound as much as it was inside of that
3884s cave Arena I'm already seeing so much
3887s more potential for The Blue Team to come
3890s out on top specifically just because of
3892s the stage change
3893s yeah most definitely just having the
3895s ability to be able to have that
3896s customization is always an invaluable
3897s tool and now we're seeing right now this
3900s is going to be kind of a bad spot for
3902s babar's Morty going out there going for
3904s some cider action trying to just set up
3906s shop this is the time for red team to
3907s get up as much shot as possible you see
3909s how long blue team was off stage for
3911s while they were trying to buy their time
3912s install to get back on stage red team
3914s build up so many resources in the
3915s process whether it was grenades coming
3917s out from a bar or bolts for Elroy just
3919s kind of setting up shop for as long as
3920s possible I believe that Elroy might be
3923s close if not at maximum volts too so
3925s when they'll be able to go for it here's
3926s another KO on top of that you're seeing
3928s Morty's shout in the distance no as they
3930s explode
3931s I'm really concerned right now for the
3934s blue team they have to secure a knockout
3936s in order to stay relevant inside of this
3937s they can't let these percentages get up
3939s too high because that's exactly what
3940s Iron Giant wants Iron Giant wants them
3942s to be flying Every Which Way on every
3944s single attack right now and if there's
3946s one thing that Morty can do it's create
3948s even more situations where both these
3950s are separated we're looking at the red
3951s team Morty kind of go ahead and just use
3953s these grenades to get even more armor
3955s and keep oh as I live and breathe that
3958s was a snake not necessarily in a plane
3960s but in the air that secured that
3961s knockout for The Blue Team currently
3963s putting the stock count up to a piece on
3966s each side
3967s definitely don't need an airline because
3969s you already have the ability to fly
3970s sending your opponents all the way down
3972s to the blast zone you're seeing El Rayo
3974s 167 the scoreboard was saying it was one
3976s to two dude that didn't really mean much
3977s when both opponents were at high damage
3978s anything Elroy 170 damage has bolts
3981s about to wear off and now this point has
3983s to go out there and save gets another
3984s snake action off top of the spaceship
3986s trying to send them flying away from it
3988s has such high knockback on that gun
3990s whenever it's on cooldown but now blue
3991s team's in a really bad spot they're both
3993s at high damage if one big hit goes on
3995s both of them that's going to be the end
3996s of the game meanwhile babar's entire job
3999s is to stay alive for as long as possible
4000s so you have five damage one slam job you
4005s know he's looking for swimming look at
4006s he's got his swim gear on he's got his
4008s sandals you know he's ready for sand you
4010s know that was such an oppressive uh
4012s oppressive showing in like that final
4013s part of the match between
4015s two caught right here beautifully
4016s secured by The Blue Team and cemented
4018s them what felt like a very early press
4020s release ultimately what we saw was a lot
4023s more opportunities kind of changing into
4025s red team's favor uh because blue team
4028s was having an issue actually securing
4029s some of these Knockouts right now that
4031s final double KO on to The Blue Team
4034s really helped them out uh basically we
4037s looked at the situation where Finn
4039s basically uses all of their recoveries
4041s goes ahead and climbs onto the side and
4043s Iron Giant takes that opportunity he
4044s says I'ma sit imma take a load off and
4047s goes ahead and knocks them off that's a
4048s really big hitbox you have to be
4050s incredibly careful when you are
4051s recovering both teams opting to recover
4053s inside of that manner specifically Finn
4055s because he had no more recovery and the
4057s Morty to go ahead and try to assist with
4059s the fence recovery were easily read by
4061s that Iron Giant who has these large
4063s hitboxes and large heart boxes though
4066s you may not have necessarily noticed at
4067s that last match it's a fantastic uh it's
4070s a fantastic opportunity for iron diet to
4072s exploit a recovery like that and I think
4074s that's what we may see a lot of going
4076s into this very next match now that we
4078s have Iron Giant and Morty up 2-0 a piece
4082s listen all I'm saying is if someone's
4084s gonna shut out cannonball at the top of
4086s their lungs you better skedaddle you
4088s don't want to be caught by that dude the
4090s second that was on the edge it's one of
4091s those iron giant's strongest tools dude
4093s being able to just slam down and get
4095s insanely early chaos and on top of that
4098s having the ability to cancel out of it
4099s like you got to be prepared for when
4101s that's gonna happen right you saw Eric
4103s actually kind of like recover a little
4104s bit try to like oh maybe I could save my
4106s teammate nope gets caught I feel like
4108s that's the name of this tournament so
4109s far Sharpie is we see Finns trying to
4111s save their teammate and then yeah
4113s getting rung out for it so what does
4115s that say about Finn
4118s um you know I'm I'm gonna decline saying
4120s that because I think Finn is actually a
4122s very very good character I think inside
4124s of a lot of these matchups what we're
4125s watching are people who are actually
4127s very comfortable playing against fed
4129s Finn is naturally an assassin and as you
4131s know inside of this game uh monikers
4133s like that really just kind of talk to
4134s you more about their kit as opposed to
4136s like how they basically perform but Finn
4138s is one of those characters who after he
4140s gets hit he is not able to easily
4142s recover on his own he has a lot of
4145s offensive tools not as many defensive
4146s tools so he's really relying on Morty to
4149s come through with some of these down
4151s specials with some of these
4152s opportunities to come through with that
4153s uh the the hammer Morty you know with a
4156s lot of these snakes and grenades to get
4157s uh Finn out of these situations but
4159s inside of even just that last knockout
4161s you see what happens when Iron Giant
4163s knows that a Morty is coming to your
4165s rescue uh it looks as though we may
4167s actually be looking at a fin and Shaggy
4169s change inside of this instance in a
4171s double Morty team though I think that's
4173s incorrect oh what are your thoughts on
4175s this possible matchup go going into this
4178s very possible final match here Aussie
4180s well this is definitely not gonna happen
4182s because all those teams are banned in
4184s tournaments uh so I think what's
4186s happening they're just on the character
4188s select screen because what happens right
4189s here is the Players might just be
4190s discussing perks they might be
4192s discussing stage bands and stuff and
4194s they're just kind of like leaving their
4195s character select wherever it is because
4196s on the character's left screen it
4198s doesn't always default back to the last
4199s character you picked sometimes it just
4200s goes on a random character and you know
4202s for me it always goes to Harley I don't
4204s even play Harley but whatever whenever I
4206s finish a game it always defaults to
4207s Harley I don't know why it just happened
4209s so I that's probably channeling your
4211s inner bugs yeah you know what I'm saying
4214s but
4216s um yeah I I don't expect too many
4217s changes right I believe the Morty was
4219s working out way better for Joe suit over
4221s Taz like again I think they're trying to
4222s do a gamble pick there at the beginning
4224s going to bat cave as well as picking
4225s tabs is definitely just like a what if I
4227s just trap Iron Giant with Taz that's
4229s probably what was going through her
4230s brain when they went to that first game
4232s one and honestly it could have worked
4234s out but unfortunately it didn't so okay
4235s let's go to bigger stages instead and
4237s then went to the true main which was
4238s morning I feel like we got a lot more
4240s work out of Joseph's Morty I agree I
4243s agree um I would like to talk very
4244s briefly about what we saw from Iron
4246s Giant there because one of the things
4248s that I'm used to seeing with Iron Giant
4250s is a lot of players respect rage mode I
4252s didn't necessarily see that inside that
4254s very last match the one time that I did
4255s see Iron Giant go into rage mode uh Iron
4257s Giant was actually flying up at the top
4259s left of the screen and they said oh no
4260s no no no no here's some snakes best get
4263s out of my Skies you know I'm I'm seeing
4265s a a lack a lack of fear for Iron Giant
4268s and try to take opportunities to
4270s actually go ahead and get him whenever
4272s they determine that the Iron Giant is
4273s prone which is not necessarily
4275s necessarily something that I disagree
4276s with do you think that's going to be
4277s Paramount and making sure that blue team
4279s is ultimately able to make their way
4280s back into a victory inside of the set
4283s I think at a top level iron giant's rage
4287s is not as good as you think mostly
4291s because it you are at a you lose a lot
4294s of your physical tools as an example
4296s iron giant's jab is such a strong get
4298s off me tool because it's such a big open
4300s it's fast it's non-committal he loses
4302s that move the second commits the rage so
4304s when you see Iron Giant going to rage
4306s mode a lot of top players are gonna zero
4308s in on that like okay we need to keep him
4309s occupied this entire time so he can't
4311s get anything set up a scary image what
4313s I'm afraid of and I'm sure what top
4314s players are afraid of is when Iron Giant
4316s goes into rage they would they don't
4318s want to give him room if the second he
4320s has room to play with he's shooting out
4322s the Cannons he's shooting out the green
4323s orb of death he's shooting on
4325s electricity like there's so much tools
4327s that come out of him that if you do if
4329s you let him breathe and you give him a
4330s lot of room so when he when you zoom in
4333s on him and you start to rush him down
4335s that's when he can struggle in that mode
4336s so actually going into rage mode can be
4338s kind of a burden depending on what's
4340s going on in the game and we're seeing a
4341s counterpick here by the way Joe suit
4343s going straight back to the Taz might be
4345s going for a smaller stage it's like a
4346s gamble pick again with the weight and
4348s see what that stage is going to be
4350s I'm a little bit interested here and I
4352s want to triple check to make sure I saw
4354s this correctly I thought I saw the perk
4355s coming out on red team that was school
4357s me once and yeah that that's what it
4361s appears to be that that up that that
4363s perk actually gives the red team the
4364s ability whenever they get hit by a
4366s projectile block buff uh whenever they
4368s get hit by a projectile they actually
4369s get uh projectile block up for about two
4371s seconds which is interesting to me
4372s because I actually didn't see that many
4373s projectiles coming out on the blue team
4376s side last game with the exception of
4378s Morty but it looks with the with the
4380s change in the pick here that that perk
4382s isn't necessarily needed here all right
4384s I got I gotta cause you're offshore
4385s because right now Taz is playing out of
4387s his mind Joe shoot already turned Isle
4389s Roy into a chicken and got us very early
4391s on KO sitting off to the bottom of the
4394s blasto budget by the way first time
4396s we're ever seeing trophies Edge 2 in a
4398s European open this thing is never picked
4400s by anyone it gets caught up with the
4401s snakes on top of it you'll be able to
4403s even up the game this is kind of
4404s unparamount right because Joseph's going
4406s for the task counter pick in this
4407s scenario because of the stage right
4409s they're going for that game think again
4411s they want to try to get that Rush down
4412s on our Giant and right now it's starting
4413s to pay dividends this could work out
4415s extremely well for them in the long game
4417s those Morty series aren't doing as much
4419s work as I'd like to see really good up
4421s air by that Morty to go ahead and get a
4423s nice easy recovery but it is it enough
4426s is it enough right now red team actively
4428s occupies One controller we do have them
4430s inside of Rage mode trying to keep that
4432s ground Finn immediately coming attacking
4434s both of them grabbing both of them and
4436s get a little bit of damage on both Iron
4437s Giant and Morty right now come Taz comes
4440s through blast that Morty into the blast
4442s zone easily recovers back onto the stage
4445s and from here we're just playing ketchup
4446s yet again both teams have really high
4448s percentages both teams at one stock a
4450s piece right now it's really anybody's
4453s next knockout
4454s yeah literally everyone has super high
4456s damage you're getting those tabs going
4457s in there with the Spin Attack gets
4460s called out by the second swing on top
4461s going down there to see the team he gets
4463s called out in the process by the snakes
4464s couldn't solidify that kill gets the
4466s same point as well be able to save the
4468s teammate and now all of a sudden things
4469s are turning on their head deploying the
4472s carpet right underneath the blue team in
4474s a trouble spot right now because they're
4476s just trying to find this last KO against
4478s Elroy to bring this to it even scoring
4479s that's exactly what they're gonna do now
4480s they have uh Morty here in a bad spot
4482s but we're gonna back up trying to set up
4484s shop throw grenades get those spikes get
4486s the everything you can go for you as you
4488s pick up all bolts and metal and
4489s everything you can for both you and your
4491s teammate and they're going down until
4492s one life left for both teams and Red
4495s Team pull this off and finish it offers
4496s Bluetooth gonna be able to put one last
4498s point on the board let's see what's
4499s gonna happen
4500s okay really really just trying to get
4502s that projectile very healthy really nice
4505s secure there by the bar and oh we're
4509s gonna go ahead and get that final
4510s knockout going up saying see you later
4513s see ya losers moving forward inside of
4516s this on the losers round two very very
4520s clean display by both Babar and Elroy
4522s there but it wasn't always that way
4524s inside of this previous match I actually
4526s almost thought that blue team was going
4528s to come out on top truthfully like
4529s looking at some of these knockout
4530s situations right here looking at some of
4532s this early Taz play uh we saw a lot of
4535s uh knockout confirms early inside of the
4537s match and it just seemed like momentum
4539s very quickly changed right about here
4541s truthfully uh I enjoy it kind of came
4544s into his own Iron Giant truthfully came
4545s into his own inside of some of these
4547s situations and I was very surprised to
4549s see that final knockout situation
4550s especially since Iron Giant wasn't
4551s actually uh I want to say body blocking
4554s a lot of the percentage from getting
4555s help up on that Morty I almost thought
4557s that Morty was going to get uh knocked
4560s out very very early by Finn just because
4562s Iron Giant wasn't body blocking but what
4564s are your thoughts here Aussie I think
4566s babara was 100 the MVP that Morty was
4570s playing out of their mind there was
4571s actually a situation there I think two
4573s or three times when Elroy was going to
4575s lose her life and not only did he cover
4577s and get a reverse KO with the snake gun
4580s he also used this hay point to bring
4581s Iron Giant out of that Spike now I think
4583s that was the huge turning point in that
4585s entire game because the whole time all
4587s the momentum was in blue team's favor
4588s you saw Finn jump out there go for that
4591s Downer solidifies it on Elroy so elroy's
4593s gonna go bye-bye but when Finn commits
4595s that he got caught by the snakes which
4597s ended up losing his life it got gets
4599s ring out himself and on top of that I
4600s could say Point brings him back to
4601s center stage and that was the turning
4603s point in my opinion especially when Iron
4605s Giant went up there got the up air and
4607s what's also really interesting is I
4609s think we're gonna see a lot more in the
4610s future of this game as The Meta starts
4611s to develop a little bit more is we're
4613s gonna see a lot more counterpicks
4614s because that was the first team that
4615s I've seen not only counterfeit
4616s characters but also counterpick stages
4618s and I love seeing stuff like that I like
4619s people actually utilizing the the
4622s counterpick system right because you get
4624s banned you get you get the sage picks
4626s you can swap your characters right
4627s picking Taz on a small claustrophobic
4630s stage against Iron Giant was a good pick
4632s and we saw that happen at the beginning
4634s of the game you saw Elroy lose their
4636s life at 20 seconds in turning into a
4639s chicken immediately like that that was
4642s such a smart and good Gamble from Elroy
4644s and josu or sorry elwick in Joe suit
4646s unfortunately it didn't pay off and they
4648s did still take a zero three and go down
4649s with the Seventh Place finish but hey at
4651s the end of the day you got top eight
4652s you're qualifying for the finals
4654s happening in a couple weeks for sure and
4656s you know going into this very next match
4658s uh we we have yet another very very very
4663s uh strong team uh I believe we have and
4666s I'm gonna butcher the name so I'm
4667s actually gonna allow you to introduce
4668s the very next team here austie oh sure
4670s it's a bazio and Minnie Michael facing
4672s off against Phantom and mitsukun shin
4674s this is gonna be quite the set right
4676s because uh with the first team rocking
4678s from Poland got both players going all
4679s the way from Poland this team literally
4682s lost their first round in the entire
4685s tournament they like you so when that
4688s happens you lose your first set how are
4690s you feeling mentally Sharpie say you
4691s enter a tournament you go to tournament
4692s you lose your round one how are you
4694s feeling for the rest of your bracket
4695s yeah you're not a good state right never
4697s it's incredibly hard to overcome that
4700s that very first loss and make sure that
4702s you're able to stay as quick and uh
4704s fluid for any other adaptations
4706s especially with new teams that you've
4708s never had an opportunity to play against
4709s you only have so many opportunities to
4711s actually learn about their habits uh be
4714s able to see and punish any of those
4716s habits or even condition them throughout
4718s the entirety of the set so seeing them
4719s inside of top eight right now is truly a
4721s testament to their ability to adapt to
4723s change and one of my favorite things
4725s about watching players like this isn't
4727s even necessarily watching like every
4729s single uh action and reaction but rather
4732s the adaptations over a certain period of
4733s time which most fighting game players
4735s will know is called the art of yomi the
4737s art of conditioning or playing against
4739s uh your opponent's reactions and that's
4741s probably something that I'm really
4742s actually looking forward to as well now
4744s that you've mentioned that it appears
4746s that they have really really good yomi
4748s and that they're really able to
4749s understand exactly what they need to do
4750s to come out on for it here we saw that
4752s um one of their players actually happens
4754s to use Superman who has been a very
4756s popular pick inside of this game for a
4757s very long time since the Inception of
4759s the game excited to see a very possible
4761s strong Superman going into this very
4763s next match
4764s yep having a Superman in Your Arsenal is
4766s always going to be a strong tool
4767s especially when the ability to be able
4768s to just steal ring outside absurdly low
4771s damages right but I dude they got to be
4774s playing on fire right uh bazio and
4777s Minnie Michael literally climbing all
4778s the way from losers to top eights can
4780s they climb even further when you have
4782s that fire in you you know when you're
4783s just like okay we're in losers we're
4785s gonna keep going that's exactly what
4786s they do I would be scared if I was in
4789s Phantoms and Mexicans uh shoes right
4791s just being able to like oh gosh these
4793s guys have climbed so far when are they
4794s going to end but uh Phantom rocking with
4796s the Superman uh mitsukin with the Arya
4798s Stark which is honestly this is a great
4800s team right because when you go into
4802s Multiverse twos you gotta think about
4803s your team composition you just can't put
4805s two good players two good characters
4806s together you gotta think about like can
4808s their playstyles work together can the
4810s characters play Styles work together
4811s having Synergy is such a strong thing
4813s and I think just around the gate having
4815s good character Synergy in this regard is
4816s so strong having Superman have the
4818s ability so but first off out the gate
4820s both characters can get really early
4822s chaos Arya so strong getting vertical
4825s Kos off of the top getting sideways Kos
4827s off of the off of horizontally as well
4829s on top of that but she's a glass Cannon
4831s she can lose a ring out at a very low
4833s damage that's why you bring Superman
4834s comes into play right Superman's a
4836s really hard tanky character to be able
4838s to send out there the only character
4838s heavier than is Iron Giant to an absurd
4841s degree so besides the Colossal character
4843s Iron Giant he is the heaviest character
4845s in the game so it's really hard to send
4847s him off to the top send them off to the
4849s sides even get a spike on him because if
4850s you try to go for a spike off stage he
4852s has the ability to use his up special go
4854s up there grab you and sends you down to
4855s the blast zone instead no matter what
4857s your damage is so he's a force to be
4859s reckoned with and this having these two
4860s characters together have especially a
4862s phantom likes playing the stock tank
4864s that could really work out for mitsukin
4866s to be able to play as aggressive as they
4867s want right so as an example let's say
4869s mitzkin gets in there loses two lives
4871s immediately right but Phantom's chilling
4873s okay cool they're they're in a pretty
4874s good spot and that I think that's like
4876s something that's really good to think
4877s about but that puts a lot of pressure on
4879s Phantom to be able to live as long as
4881s possible and there also is the
4882s possibility of playing other characters
4883s right Iron Giant that's another tank
4885s that can also work in this comp it just
4887s kind of depends on what we're going to
4888s be able to see here today
4890s I'm I'm somewhat concerned truthfully uh
4894s mostly because I don't know what stage
4897s they will go to First sky Arena
4899s platforms it has been an obvious
4901s favorite for everyone inside of this
4904s bracket thus far but I don't know if we
4907s may look at somewhat of a less common
4910s pick just because of the characters that
4911s we see here sky Arena benefits both
4914s these teams but truthfully there's so
4916s many other stages that benefit the both
4918s of them as well bat caves to name one we
4920s have uh trophy's Edge to name another I
4923s actually think both these teams would do
4924s incredibly well at trophies Edge
4927s um the not the not the non-centered one
4930s that we just went to obviously but uh I
4933s I do think that we may actually not
4935s necessarily be looking at sky Arena
4936s platforms for the very first match here
4938s uh it's it's possible it's I'm not going
4940s to say it's not but I am going to say I
4942s wouldn't be surprised if I didn't hear
4944s Steven Universe's music yet again
4946s yep I mean I wasn't shocked it's not the
4949s triplass is going to be the flat stage
4950s Sharpie we're right back into the thick
4952s of things especially for a game one like
4954s this is gonna be a very common sage pick
4956s for all the sets we're gonna see moving
4957s forward right I feel like the only team
4959s that was oh my gosh that was a really
4961s bad spot to start off the game right
4963s Phantom already almost losing a ring out
4965s at 94 damage very scary stuff so by the
4968s way blue team I'm gonna be rocked by
4969s Phantom and mitsukin meanwhile you're
4972s gonna have uh bazio and Minnie Michael
4974s on the red team we're gonna have to see
4976s what's gonna be able to happen here mini
4977s Michael on the iron Giants uh bazio on
4980s the re already being sent off pretty
4981s high gets caught up at Superman that was
4983s a really bad spot to be in they were out
4984s of resources to not get back that's all
4986s 20 damage ring out that is a very bad
4989s start to your game very nice down air
4992s there by the superman to go ahead and
4993s secure that knockout onto the Arya and I
4995s one of the things I'm noticing is that
4996s Superman's being very very careful about
4998s his recovery pass right now I've noticed
5000s that uh the first couple of recoveries
5002s after he was immediately punished by The
5003s Iron Giant and Arya he's taken a lot
5005s more opportunity we immediately get
5006s those recovery back as soon as he uses
5008s them not opting to use any of his
5009s emergency special recovery which is I
5012s think really important to know for a
5013s character as floaty as super Pale King
5015s smiles yeah being able to just kind of
5017s bully him in the air like that you can
5019s see another KO by the way Arya coming in
5021s with the up air on iron Giants or sorry
5023s on the other Aria both tanks playing
5025s their roles they're kind of doing the
5026s same kind of battle plan here I have a
5028s tank and Arya it's just uh who can get
5030s that first oh okay oh that's gonna be
5031s Phantom taking it with a side air there
5033s you can see fans about 189 damage now
5035s this is even absurd even for Superman
5037s this is like some Iron Giant levels of
5039s damage now that we are reaching and what
5041s doesn't kill him makes him stronger as I
5043s say that 207 and finally gonna find the
5044s Kryptonite with that punch bring this to
5046s an even game that weekend was Paramount
5049s to making sure that they were able to go
5050s ahead and knock out that Superman there
5051s really good attention by uh the oh no
5055s Arya there oh no yeah that's that's
5057s that's that's the third knockout that
5059s Superman has secured for this team right
5060s now if there was ever a time to give an
5062s award of MVP preemptively I would have
5064s to give it to Superman
5067s yeah Phantom is playing out of his mind
5069s you know he got called out by that
5070s Cannonball that's gonna be Mexican going
5072s down they're at pretty high damage
5074s that's okay because they have the lead
5075s still here in terms of raw damage
5077s chasing up with the knife gets the up
5079s air off the top and they are living to
5081s fight another day here we go
5084s Superman and Arya coming out with a
5087s Vengeance you know and looking at some
5088s of these early knockout situations you
5090s can see exactly what I was talking about
5091s look look at the way that he secures it
5093s he doesn't get that uh that that side
5095s special but he does go ahead and get
5097s that down Aaron yet again we see another
5100s knockout come out in this exact instance
5102s right here you at first think that the
5104s Superman is going to be prone no another
5106s down air to go ahead and secure that
5108s knockout off the stage Superman was
5110s playing absolutely par on form that's
5113s not to take away from any of these
5114s Knockouts that red team got here but
5116s when you look at how Superman was able
5117s to secure some of these Knockouts you
5119s can't help but be astounded by it now
5121s this knockout right now by the uh red
5124s team was really really good by Iron
5126s Giant I really like the way the Iron
5127s Giant matched the energy here and I also
5129s want to give the shout out to this Arya
5131s who followed up because of that dagger
5133s on that final knockout I just have to
5135s say I know a lot of people may not
5137s necessarily be a fan of watching some of
5140s arya's diver combos I personally always
5142s enjoy watching them because it's such a
5144s rewarding thing to see when Arya throws
5146s that dagger she is able to get that
5147s final part of the confirm and that is a
5149s final knockout um I'm just really really
5151s proud of the blue team inside the
5153s situation but Aussie I'd love to hear
5154s your thoughts on what the red team can
5156s do to possibly get another opportunity
5158s to win here they got to put themselves
5160s in positions where they're not going to
5161s be off stage against Phantom Superman I
5164s feel like Phantom was going off stage so
5166s many times and getting such early Kos 20
5169s on Arya 70 on Iron Giant those are
5171s absurdly low numbers to be getting Kos
5174s on and I feel like if those early Kos
5175s didn't happen I feel like red team would
5177s have won pretty easily based on what
5178s else was going on in the match but
5180s Phantoms are just kind of matching them
5182s for neck to neck whenever they find
5184s themselves off stage so just try to be a
5185s little bit more grounded more trying to
5187s get called off stage when you do try to
5189s get out there to try to help out your uh
5190s teammate and we'll see how it's gonna be
5192s able to go for a game number two two
5194s Arias by the way both players have equal
5196s access to that dagger as well the
5198s follow-ups afterwards and what makes
5199s that combo really hype in my opinion
5201s Sharpie is the fact that you have to
5202s chase after uh what direction not going
5204s to be holding so kbi does come into
5206s effects it's a guessing game once you
5207s put them into the uh the mixer
5210s I'm somewhat interested I'm really
5212s excited I went over to Trophies edge
5213s here I think this team I think this
5215s match at this stage actually works out
5216s better for five teams truthfully um I
5219s think sky Arena platforms the ceiling is
5221s incredibly High which makes it a little
5223s bit harder for Superman to confirm off
5225s the top of the stage but Arya obviously
5226s has no issues here
5228s um and I think it's like in this
5229s instance uh Iron Giant is just kind of
5232s once again like previously as you said
5233s playing stock tank just trying to make
5235s sure that Arya is able to go ahead and
5237s get that damage out and trying to secure
5238s anything because of those large hitboxes
5241s that he does have
5243s that's being a large hitboxes going into
5245s the rage mode with that large hitbox now
5248s you're gonna notice that the brush down
5249s begins right you go on and you don't let
5251s him set up shop this is exactly what's
5252s going to happen you see Phantom kind of
5253s holding forward against him trying to
5255s get some big stuff going on fortunately
5257s that's going to be Mexican's uh first
5259s life going off to the stage being light
5261s as as a butterfly gonna be in very bad
5264s spots we get a bad spot offstage Iron
5265s Giant an incredibly bad one going for
5267s the l-session against Phantom finally
5269s Dodges through managed to turn the
5270s tables on him and brings it back to an
5272s even game okay really really nice
5274s covering there by Superman and Iron
5276s Giant does come down with the butt bomb
5278s I I refuse to call it anything else by
5279s the way it's just such a good name
5281s um
5282s the butt bomb the butt bomb friend the
5285s goodness
5287s I actually like McGee
5293s going into this matchup right here uh
5295s yet again we are looking at a rage mode
5296s Arya coming to to immediately try to
5298s prevent some of that and we do see the
5300s weak and sacks coming out on the enemy
5301s Arya meaning that those Rockets are
5303s doing a phenomenal amount of damage it's
5305s really dangerous for Arya but you
5307s couldn't tell because of the way that
5308s she combed on the iron diet Thor's
5310s coming out last minute that gray help
5311s keeping Iron Giant alive and if not by a
5314s stroke of blood but ultimately they are
5316s able to secure that knockout putting the
5317s blue team up two stops right now to Red
5319s Heat one
5320s yeah but that might be lasting for long
5322s because there comes another attack and
5323s be able to take up that Arya immediately
5325s Phantom has to try to stay alive as long
5326s as possible now they want to try to
5328s secure this lead and keep the lead on
5330s top of that but now you're gonna see
5331s another retaliation coming out one
5333s trading one for one that was a punish on
5335s a punch now we are sells an insanely
5337s even game who can get this next KO who
5339s can get this next ring out who's gonna
5341s be able to solidify who's gonna move
5342s having a lead or a tied game for Game
5344s number three now I do want to go ahead
5346s and commend red team here specifically
5347s the red team Mario because they are
5349s actually getting a lot of these weekend
5350s stats which are resulting in Blue Team
5352s coming out a little bit negative inside
5353s of some of these engagements they're
5355s trying to just go ahead and rack up the
5356s damage and Iron Giant is not necessarily
5358s letting them off uh lock any of that
5360s down right now because he's very quickly
5361s following up every single time those
5363s reasons are crazy uh like you said rage
5365s isn't necessarily working down inside of
5367s irons Giant's favorite side of this
5368s instance iron Giants almost out of
5370s recovery I thought there's a very last
5371s one and gets back on the stage to get
5372s those recoveries back very very clean
5375s opportunity there by uh
5379s but unfortunately gonna get called out
5382s by the side special Phantom coming in
5384s yet again to secure that final KO and
5387s bring themselves to a 2-0 lead this is
5389s like a really strong Edge guarding from
5391s Phantom I feel like Phantom Superman is
5393s playing on fire anytime he puts either
5395s Arya or Iron Giant off stage but you'll
5397s notice so many times especially here on
5399s the left side you just notice that
5400s Superman is just constantly bullying
5402s Minnie Michael not allowing him to play
5404s the game anytime he's like nowhere near
5405s the middle of the stage and that's what
5407s you have to do against the likes of Iron
5409s Giant you have to keep them bullied
5410s don't let him play his game don't give
5411s him breathing room and force him to bust
5414s out his bolts to be able to try to
5415s escape any sort of scenario right there
5417s we saw him in it like that could have
5419s easily been a really really early KO
5421s against Minnie Michael Phantom had him
5423s at 29 damage he was starting to do his
5425s little combo setups on the edge little
5426s jab combos could have easily turned that
5428s into a down attack put him into a very
5430s precarious position off stage and go for
5431s a potential Spike follow-up or a grab
5433s into the boss Zone and get a really
5435s early KO but thankfully the teammate
5437s Arya came through bazio came to through
5439s and save them by getting a really strong
5441s fully charged side air with Arya against
5444s the Superman got the KO and be able to
5446s bring it back to a potentially
5447s competitive game but now we have
5449s ourselves a 2-0 lead you're at a zero
5451s two deficit against this team that has
5452s not lost a single set since our first
5454s round how are you gonna be able to bring
5456s this back you're at a 2-0 deficit how do
5458s you climb this such an uphill battle I
5461s think it's just I don't know man you
5463s just got to try to stay alive yeah it's
5466s it's really it's really somewhat Bleak
5468s right now for the red team you're
5470s looking at mini Michael and you're
5471s looking at uh posi inside of these
5474s situations and you're like it's so
5475s incredibly close but every single time
5477s as you said Phantom is that deciding
5479s factor depending on whether or not
5481s Phantom is present specifically inside
5483s of that area of the area of that map
5485s you're looking at a very possible
5487s knockout or non-knack out situation and
5489s I think they have to be very very aware
5490s of that I don't even think that
5492s separation is enough because even inside
5493s of 1v1 situations uh red team hasn't
5495s necessarily come out on top Iron Giant
5497s usually has a really easy time against a
5500s character like Superman but this Phantom
5503s is just entirely too strong he's like a
5505s ghost on the map one second he's there
5506s one second he's not it's absolutely
5508s ridiculously very good stun there five
5512s uh by Posse and I I really liked it
5515s ultimately able to get 73 now 80 off and
5518s that may be the deciding factor in
5520s whether or not red team is able to
5521s secure a knockout early inside of this
5523s match
5524s and honestly trophy Zedge is doing
5526s wonders for them just having this small
5528s stage allowing Iron Man to play the game
5530s that he wants to like if it felt like
5532s blue team there for a second was
5533s struggling to land down on the ground
5534s because where did they land there was
5535s nowhere for them to go and Iron Giant to
5537s play the game he wants to this is the
5539s Iron Giant that we wanted to see in that
5540s pass game but unfortunately just
5541s couldn't find the mark now you're gonna
5543s notice that Phantom at 142 damage you're
5546s gonna have to play a little bit more
5547s save that side Special by the way the
5549s fly from Superman really strong tool
5551s against bolts can easily just absorb
5553s right through it just ignore it gets
5554s called off to the top of the stage a
5555s potential spike in the action in the
5557s making good save mitsubi be able to get
5560s back on stage but barely he's gonna take
5561s a lot of damage in the process you know
5564s I'm I was going to say prior to both
5566s teams literally falling wow wow wow did
5571s he just beat and Aria at their own
5573s dagger game go off higher giant go off
5576s baby off the stage into the very first
5578s knockout for The Blue Team there Phantom
5581s and M Shin unfortunately not necessarily
5583s inside of the lead design I don't know
5584s why I'm saying unfortunately it's really
5586s really positive for the red team here
5588s wow next game wow
5594s awesome to me please because that that
5597s is literally what I'm excited to see
5598s inside of these matchups this is the
5600s adaptation I am so incredibly excited
5602s one thing I want to go ahead and Shout
5603s Out is the fact that even though that
5604s very first knockout was not necessarily
5606s grounded Iron Giant planted his iron
5609s booty on the ground a majority of the
5611s time and didn't go into the air unless
5613s he knew that Arya was already there to
5615s watch him and I think that's one of the
5616s biggest changes that I saw inside of
5618s this specific set the fact that red team
5620s recognized we need to not necessarily be
5622s inside the air we need to not let
5623s Superman fly against us we need to be
5625s much more careful and when you saw them
5627s get that level of coordination that's
5628s when you saw a lot more of these
5630s Knockouts being secured and red team's
5632s favor very very quickly literally in
5634s under two minutes the very first that
5636s that game was done it was incredibly
5638s fast paced but what are your thoughts on
5640s it Aussie I think it was incredibly fast
5643s paced that I missed so actually what got
5645s the KO against mitsuki at the very start
5648s so I'm glad we had the replay because I
5649s was able to analyze that and I saw what
5651s exactly happened which was incredibly
5653s big brain right or just insanely lucky
5655s one of the two so what happened is you
5657s notice that mitsu can try to chase after
5658s the Iron Giant mini Michael off the top
5660s left right because all they needed is
5662s just one up bare iron guys at 180 damage
5664s they're gonna easily get a ring out here
5665s but what happened in says you saw that
5667s Arya lost their life instead so why did
5670s this happen right it's because if you
5672s notice when Minnie Michael was coming
5674s back down with Iron Giant he was in Rage
5675s mode so what happened is he shot off his
5678s Rockets before Arya got the hit so the
5681s Rockets were right above her and they
5683s got she got smacked by the Rockets while
5685s they're off stage and that sent her up
5687s flying so because he had the forethought
5689s to shoot the Rockets before Arya could
5691s chase after him getting caught by the
5692s rocket send him off to the top of the
5694s blast zone I think that's what happened
5696s like again it happened off stage so I'm
5698s not sure exactly what cut Arya but if I
5701s had to guess S7 Adventure I guess it was
5703s the Rockets while being in Rage mode see
5706s I saw him come back down and I saw the
5708s Thorns proc so I had assumed that armor
5710s had
5711s a final hit
5713s rocket but I was a little bit unsure I'm
5715s really interested I'm gonna definitely
5716s have to go back to the replays yet again
5718s after we're done casting here because
5720s that was an incredibly exciting knockout
5721s and I I really think that instances like
5723s that are why I love high-level
5725s multiverses so much you know it's so
5727s fast it's so incredibly quick and you
5730s have to be able to respond so quickly to
5732s your opponent inside of matches like
5734s this which can ultimately result in you
5736s getting permanent momentum moving
5737s forward to this match originally I
5739s thought this was going to be a shout out
5740s by Phantom but I think that uh I think
5743s that uh posi and Minnie Michael have
5745s actually shown that they are not going
5747s to take this lying down we may actually
5748s be seeing the start of a comeback here
5755s it wouldn't be the first time that we
5757s saw a 3-0 deficit go in the favor of the
5759s people at the losing side but to wait
5762s and see right because now we have the
5763s counter pick is going to be completely
5765s in blue team's favor for the rest of the
5766s set so that means stages right gonna go
5768s to uh Sky uh sky Arena with the flat
5771s stages insanely good counter picking and
5773s slices by Iron Giant because now you
5774s don't feel as claustrophobic you don't
5775s have trouble Landing anymore because
5776s there's plenty of room for you available
5777s to go left or right but the platforms
5780s aren't there so that's not gonna assist
5781s you with the landing so at the wait and
5782s see that's gonna be able to work out for
5783s them if it doesn't that's okay they have
5785s another game on top of that but speaking
5786s of another game they might not be able
5787s to give them one Phantom off stage gets
5789s a grab toss is Arya off stage you're
5792s gonna notice mealy bazio was in a very
5793s bad position gets called out again the
5795s sincerely good KO come here from fans
5797s don't play the offsage game to his
5799s finest moments
5801s really good coordination here by Blue
5803s Team I'm noticing they're literally not
5804s going anywhere separated every single
5806s time this this is what I'm scared about
5808s right now Aussie Aussie every single one
5810s of these situations has almost been like
5812s literally seconds off of being a double
5813s KO and it's always resulted in two
5815s stocks being lost it looks like they are
5817s trading one for one right now which is
5819s not necessarily what you want to do
5820s against a Superman or an Iron Giant team
5822s it's incredibly volatile right now for
5824s both teams
5825s yeah red team being at high damage on
5828s top of that not going to be looking good
5830s for them right oh wait hold on a second
5832s Phantom was in a bad spot uses the fly
5833s goes right through those bolts doesn't
5835s even care rage mode activate let's see
5837s what we're gonna be able to do have to
5838s avoid that green ball comes down with
5839s the body slam gets the big hit because
5841s you saw that uh corito was stuck in the
5844s ball for a second mitsuki has to be able
5846s to look out for it here we go gets
5848s hollowed by another side special
5849s offstage another fully charged cider
5852s hold on a second oh managed to retaliate
5855s it's still there
5857s has to be careful it has to be
5858s incredibly careful there right now okay
5860s the dagger is now gone no rage mode to
5862s speak up because we didn't go ahead and
5863s get it and that knockout means that
5865s Superman is fighting a 2V1 situation
5866s Arya does go ahead and respawn so now
5868s they have changed their sides over to
5870s that Aria it looks as though Arya is
5872s just trying to keep them off of her
5873s right now and at a hundred percent red
5876s team Arya is a nasty position no dagger
5878s but that does secure The Knockout moving
5880s Phantom and M Shin up on the loser side
5883s inside of a 3-1 situation they are
5885s incredibly hot right now honestly I
5887s don't know if anybody I don't know if
5889s anybody can deny them the wins that they
5891s want
5893s no absolutely not just shutting down
5895s this loser's bracket run from bazio and
5898s Minnie Michael denying them any further
5900s climb but honestly congratulations to
5902s them for getting seventh place and
5904s qualifying for finals off of losing
5906s their first round of the tournament so
5908s they might be sad about their loss here
5910s today but they cannot be sad about being
5911s able to qualify here in a couple weeks
5913s Phantom and Mexican moving on to the
5915s bracket though they got a lot more to
5916s prove here with this Superman Arya team
5918s is going to go back into losers quarters
5920s later on in the day fantastic gameplay
5923s from both teams all around Phantom was
5925s definitely playing out of his mind in my
5926s opinion I feel like if I had to name an
5928s MVP it would be Phantom he just got so
5931s many early ring outs off stage
5932s especially against the likes of Iron
5934s Giant who thrives of being able to
5936s survive for as long as possible Iron
5938s Giant takes the tank roll to a literal
5941s role like he like I am my job is to just
5944s be alive and not lose my lives then
5947s that's exactly what they were doing and
5948s Phantom was just denying him that access
5950s you know in addition it's also really
5952s important to note that is the very first
5954s time that their eggs has actually been a
5956s 3-1 inside of top eight so that's in no
5960s way shape or form uh I don't think
5962s truthfully that uh posi or mini Michael
5964s have anything to be ashamed of that was
5965s a fantastic showing in an amazing
5968s amazing uh Showcase in general from all
5971s of those matches I really appreciate it
5973s uh watching it but one of the things I
5974s wanted to shout out specifically was
5976s some of the follow-ups that I felt like
5978s mini Michael uh the Arya player actually
5980s had in a lot of those setups I I want to
5982s note that Iron Giant did a fantastic job
5984s of being the big body of getting a lot
5986s of of getting a lot and blocking a lot
5988s of the pressure being on Arya but there
5990s were several times where Arya followed
5992s up and basically made situations that
5994s ended up becoming either a double
5996s knockout or a knockout in and of itself
5998s and I think that's a that's a that's a
5999s real that's a real talent that can get
6001s you far inside of future matches of
6003s course but unfortunately as you said
6004s previously uh they're no longer inside
6006s the bracket we are going to see Phantom
6007s uh and his teammate moving forward
6009s inside of this bracket but I do have to
6010s ask uh what was your personal favorite
6013s part as I have that previous match
6014s Aussie was there anything that really
6016s stood out to you that you're excited to
6017s see later on in the bracket coming out
6019s uh from Phantom and uh imshin
6022s brother I could go on and on about what
6024s I liked about that last set but I can't
6026s unfortunately because guys we gotta go
6027s to a quick break don't go anywhere we'll
6030s be right back
6046s [Music]
6057s foreign
6063s [Music]
6085s [Music]
6094s thank you
6119s foreign
6120s foreign
6131s [Music]
6150s foreign
6154s [Music]
6183s foreign
6188s [Music]
6225s [Music]
6230s foreign
6232s [Music]
6260s foreign
6261s [Music]
6292s foreign
6294s [Music]
6328s foreign
6333s [Music]
6378s foreign
6383s [Music]
6429s foreign
6431s [Music]
6465s [Music]
6478s thank you
6489s [Music]
6499s thank you
6502s [Applause]
6502s [Music]
6549s numbers
6563s foreign
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6577s [Applause]
6589s [Music]
6591s [Applause]
6618s thank you
6621s [Music]
6638s foreign
6640s [Music]
6667s welcome back to multiverses fall
6669s Showdown European open number two trying
6673s to find our last eight players to put
6675s into the qualifiers two weeks from now
6676s we already have our top eight here now a
6679s top six two teams unfortunately going
6681s down pretty early on there in seventh
6682s place but of course into the nature of a
6684s bracket it's gonna happen that's just
6686s how things work out but my name is
6687s Aussie I'm joined here by Sharpie
6689s Sharpie house kicks how's everything
6691s going for you you know everything's
6692s going really really well because we had
6694s such an exciting round one outside of
6696s this top eight we had amazing players
6698s like Babar and El Rey on the bottom side
6702s of the bracket going up against Eck and
6704s uh Joseph who actually ultimately lost
6707s to Babar and Elroy we had Byron and rip
6709s move forward inside the bracket against
6711s Trump and ponak on the winner side we
6713s had pleb and Timmy ultimately fall short
6715s to two Senpai and MJ moving forward on
6718s bracket well they'll be playing against
6720s Byron and rip and inside of that
6721s previous match we actually had Phantom
6723s and M Shin play against Posse and many
6725s Michael who ultimately won and Phantom
6727s and emption will be moving forward
6729s inside of the loser's bracket as well so
6731s we have quite an exciting top eight plan
6733s but I want to remind everybody watching
6736s this tournament and listening inside of
6737s chat that you can stay tuned with all of
6740s the amazing High comprehensive Clips
6743s replays and dissections by going over to
6745s twitter.com mvsgaming and making sure
6748s that you're keeping abroad with
6750s everything going on inside of the
6752s competitive multiverses Community now
6754s Aussie as we go into this very next
6756s match of viren and VIP versus two Senpai
6759s and oh I apologize this is actually
6761s appears as though it's actually of a bar
6764s is is that Babar in Elroy am I correct
6767s this is uh this is pleb tank and Timmy
6769s facing off against Babar and Elroy yeah
6771s that's the first show we're going to be
6772s seeing here so you're going to notice
6774s that uh with Iron Giant and uh Morty
6777s right that's the team they've been
6777s running a lot recently we've been seeing
6779s a lot of iron Giants today a lot of
6780s mortys today seems to be quite the
6783s DraStic difference from two weeks ago EU
6785s opened number one we saw nothing but
6787s like Bugs Bunnies and Harleys so not
6789s seeing either of those characters today
6791s is so like uh I'm like experiencing
6793s Whiplash a little bit it's it's really
6796s nice to see uh kind of like that there's
6799s an established understanding that Morty
6801s appears to be a very very popular
6802s character right now inside of the state
6805s of multiverses especially at this level
6806s so I'm personally really enjoying it but
6809s as we go here this is I actually I
6811s believe the very first time we're going
6812s to be in promulence this top eight an
6814s exciting stage to say the least
6817s yeah I gotta show us what you've got
6819s here we go game number one The Blue Team
6821s versus red so you got Morty's on both
6823s sides having that home field advantage
6825s with the uh Rick and Morty stage
6827s extraordinaire up the wingtail is going
6829s to be a Play-Doh interesting starting
6830s stage by the way because with Elroy
6832s specifically you have plenty of room to
6833s be able to run away from if you have to
6835s go for the bolts you have plenty of
6836s rooms just kind of like space them out
6837s if he wants to but also helps him when
6839s he wants to build bolts himself so it's
6841s kind of like a double-edged sword a
6843s little bit based on what it says you
6844s want to go to so this is what they
6845s agreed to I'm gonna see how he's going
6847s to be able to play out blue team right
6848s up the gate already got pretty low
6850s damage you notice this Chase hold on a
6851s second that was a really bad spot to be
6853s I mean he had to pop those bolts in
6855s order to escape that situation
6856s oh I'm really really appreciating how
6859s hard they are sticking to this Iron
6860s Giant there's literally only one
6862s character on The Blue Team that's
6864s considered an assassin but both Morty
6865s and iron and Finn are making sure that
6868s Iron Giant is not allowed to get away
6869s with anything inside this bracket uh we
6872s do see no necessarily fall up there
6874s there was no up air to go ahead and
6876s knock out that road spin uh I'm sorry
6879s that Rose Morty but we are seeing a lot
6881s of projectiles being tossed out right
6883s now a knockout on the red horny but no
6886s knockout on that Iron Giant successfully
6888s falls back to the States and now we're
6889s back inside of seemingly neutral
6893s yeah I'm just getting sent out there I'm
6897s noticing a lot from Club tank not only
6899s in this set but in the assets that he's
6900s been doing a lot of high fires as you
6902s don't see too often from fence but it's
6904s a pretty strong tool it looks like Elroy
6905s was out of fuel to be able to fall down
6907s to the blast one it's gonna be the first
6908s life for red team and first playing the
6910s board for blue but unfortunately red
6912s team doing a fantastic job of just
6914s staying light but bartering a great job
6916s of just being the tank even though he's
6918s not the tank in this role that's iron
6919s Giants roll he's sitting at 52 damage
6921s and letting everyone take all of the
6922s bruising and beating while he just stays
6923s in the background plays this eight-point
6925s game gets the healing off of it uses the
6927s teleports to get rid of the debuff be
6929s able to save his teammate and just shoot
6931s projectiles from a distance very smart
6933s stuff
6934s I'm greatly appreciating Iron Giant
6937s survivability right now we've really
6938s only seen a singular knockout on iron
6941s diet right now and it's really up to him
6943s to be this huge stock as we go into this
6946s very possible final fourth stop for the
6948s red team they have to secure three
6950s additional Knockouts in order to stay
6951s inside of this set with a possible win
6954s and that down special does recover the
6957s fin all the way back on the other side
6959s of the state what an amazingly thought
6962s out Dawn special there by The Blue Team
6964s Warrior
6965s oh man you caught up by that up air
6968s you'll be able to send him flying
6969s towards the Blast Zone look at this
6971s combo tune coming out from fleb tank
6972s trying to get something going gets
6974s called out by the booty bomb gonna be
6975s able to survive a little bit longer
6976s against caught up pull the snake sit
6978s down and now it's on plug tank I love
6981s that recovery I cannot stress how great
6982s that recovery was Club tank recognized
6985s that he was out of resources at a very
6986s low damage so he stalled off stage by
6989s swinging his Aerials over and over again
6990s for Timmy to respawn in and use the save
6993s point to get danger instead of risking
6995s too many damage or potentially you're
6996s taking a very early KO very smart
6999s Synergy coming from their team oh
7001s unfortunately did not get that final hit
7003s on Iron Giant to go ahead and secure
7005s that knockout iron daddy is getting
7007s pretty at 174 exactly the thing that you
7009s expect from an Iron Giant enzymulons
7011s just really careful with that final
7013s stock right now and ultimately both
7015s teams just need one more time blue team
7017s looking a lot more healthy but on a
7019s stage like this it's truthfully
7020s anybody's game
7022s yeah right now though it's not looking
7024s too clean and reds team just purely
7026s based off of elroy's damage dude look at
7028s that 185 one more big swing off stage
7031s could potentially end this but hold on a
7033s second you see if it was kind of in a
7034s bad spot there it gets called down I
7036s heard The Sweet Spot sound effect Ben's
7038s gonna be able to clutch that out and put
7040s a point on the board for pleb tank and
7042s Timmy surviving until 202 is something
7046s that I think that Iron Giant can be very
7048s very proud of inside of this matchup
7049s look at the number of times that Iron
7051s Giant is literally being knocked off and
7053s not necessarily resulting inside of a
7056s knockout almost everything
7058s follow every single one of these
7061s follow-ups right here you can see Iron
7062s Giant really doesn't get knocked out
7064s that last one obviously a little bit of
7066s exception but like it's kind of
7068s ridiculous just how long iron giant's
7070s able to live inside of these some of
7071s these situations right here I really
7073s liked the these two follow-up Knockouts
7075s by the red team I think they did a great
7077s job at securing them and I think they
7079s did a really good job of being
7081s understanding and trying to take impress
7082s that Advantage is what I love to see
7084s that type of follow-up that type of
7085s coordination but ultimately inside this
7087s final knockout situation getting that
7089s iron diet up to 202 right here for a
7093s final knockout I mean at that point
7095s you've earned it at that point you've
7096s earned it right like just give it to him
7098s there's something beautiful about an
7100s Iron Giant that can live that long but
7102s also have a Morty to save his life every
7105s single time I'm telling you man if
7107s there's an MVP move of the today's
7109s tournament it's definitely a safe point
7110s I don't know how many ring outs Morty
7112s himself for today has prevented from
7114s happening just being able to bring his
7116s teammate back to the clutches I remember
7118s when the move first came out it wasn't
7119s working as intended like it was you'd
7122s have to be like very specific for it to
7123s actually save you but as mortys have
7125s gotten better and the move got a little
7126s bit buffed it's actually working out
7128s phenomenally it's not like an easy thing
7130s to do yes it is only one button push but
7132s you can't be committing to anything you
7134s can't be in the midst of trying to combo
7136s someone you can't be shooting off a
7137s projectile you can't be like being
7140s comboed yourself you have to be
7142s literally pushing no buttons you can't
7143s be mashing in order to get that save
7145s point to work out for you so it requires
7147s patience as a virtue is such a strong
7150s asset to have as a Morty Mane
7152s personally really appreciating some of
7154s the fluidity throughout these matches
7157s we're noticing that Finn is uh firstly I
7160s wanna I wanna shout out triple recovery
7162s on or triple jump on all of the perks
7165s for The Blue Team here because the that
7167s that that dedicated secondary jump
7169s recovery has been doing wonders for them
7172s inside of these matchups and has been
7174s really helping make sure that they're
7175s able to follow up on the majority of
7177s these of these moves especially on
7179s crimeulons with a really large stage I'd
7180s be interested in seeing if we actually
7182s do go back to cromulons I don't
7183s necessarily believe it is in blue team's
7185s favor inside of this instance uh but I
7187s I'm still I'm still I'm excited I'm
7189s excited to see uh mostly because red
7191s team has the counterfeit I don't think
7193s we'll see them go over to Sky Arena's no
7196s platform yeah we're going back to
7197s promulence okay
7198s um interesting thing interesting thing
7200s to save at least I I I feel as though if
7203s you can't do it the first time at
7204s communes you move you know but but I'm
7207s not playing they are and it's nah man
7210s run it back run it back
7213s give me that run back that's why that's
7216s how I'm feeling I think that's how red
7217s team is feeling it they felt pretty
7218s confident on that that first game they
7220s were just having a little bit of trouble
7222s sometimes but now they're coming back
7224s into it and fighting with the Vengeance
7225s unfortunately Elroy already at 110. the
7228s game just started taking so much damage
7230s off the game that's the nature of fish
7232s being an Iron Giant main though just
7233s having that
7235s um that
7236s potential ability to be able to just get
7238s comboed and explode at a very early
7240s damage it's something scary to be on the
7242s lookout for
7243s I'm somewhat somewhat surprised that uh
7247s bluetooth's Morty is able to really just
7249s sit back and kind of play more of a mage
7251s role inside of this instance uh playing
7253s with the projectile and grenade game to
7255s kind of keep Iron Giant at Bay and keep
7257s Iron Giant away from his own Morty
7259s inside of this instant um it's really
7261s really nice to see Tim acknowledge that
7263s and understand that his job here is
7265s really just to kind of Provide support
7267s to the vet
7269s yeah just being able to try to Survivor
7271s as long as possible such as a powerful
7273s tool to have in your asset but now all
7276s of a sudden 201 damage on Elroy trying
7278s to survive a little bit as long as you
7279s can you notice this Chase from uh flap
7282s tank he's trying to get out there
7283s unfortunately gets caught out by the
7285s green orb of Doom down here not gonna be
7287s able to finish him off morning gonna be
7288s able to survive a little bit longer it's
7290s called out by the dump from top of the
7292s screen what are you doing in that
7293s situation
7294s yeah triple jump does not assist inside
7297s that situation did you go ahead and try
7299s to recover but wasn't able to do it
7300s because that UFO was still on pool down
7302s there a really really nice weekend come
7305s out here on that fin is racked up at 161
7308s right now and with an Iron Giant hot on
7310s his tail he has to be careful it has to
7312s be aggressive and with very few
7314s recoveries being able to get back on
7315s stage immediately getting butt bounced
7317s that's the type of awareness that we're
7319s looking for with Iron Giant here very
7322s very very good you know at first I was
7323s kind of questioning thing but the way
7325s that I'm watching Elroy moves now it
7327s makes a lot of sense about why they
7329s count back over to the stage
7331s yeah it's just uh it because when the
7334s stereos sounds go away the series are
7336s gone it's actually a pretty
7337s claustrophobic stage with Iron Giant can
7339s thrive on unfortunately he's kind of
7341s having trouble getting back on stage
7342s currently and caught by a constant
7344s amount of down attacks and downers from
7346s flood tank but because of iron giant's
7347s highways you'll be able to survive to
7349s fight another day Morty gonna try to get
7351s back on stage here we're sitting at 123
7353s damage let's see if you can try to
7355s survive it's another down air Iron Giant
7357s surviving the fight again
7358s have to be very careful right now I feel
7361s the the biggest issue right now for the
7363s blue team is actually managing the
7364s recoveries the minute they go off stage
7366s because Iron Giant is so easily able to
7368s say I'm a bird I'm a plate I'm an Iron
7370s Giant Mane uh I I you have to be careful
7373s about that man they can just come
7374s through the sky and knock you out of it
7375s you know
7377s that's exactly what he's doing just
7379s falling down this guy coming down with
7381s the body slam the Cannonball
7382s extraordinaire and now all of a sudden
7384s they find himself both on Match Point
7386s the thing is Club tank is the one that
7388s has to try to stay alive a little bit
7390s longer you'll notice that plug Tank's
7391s gonna take like the back wall a little
7392s bit here because he is out of 88 damage
7394s we'll see if they can be able to just
7395s hold on a second double combo damage the
7397s shabama BAM all of a sudden Babar is
7400s that triple digits off of that one small
7402s combo and now this can turn into
7405s something great of course valar's gonna
7406s be the one be in the back line that's
7407s Morty's job stay back there let Iron
7409s Dragon take the brunt of the work
7411s because he's gonna try to be able to you
7413s know
7413s be in there for as long as he can gets
7416s caught by the hammer more still survives
7417s 135 damages the UFO to recharge
7419s resources get back on stage there's a
7421s side Specialists are having trouble he's
7422s been off stage his entire time sees a
7424s touchdown on the ground managed to
7425s finally touch grass survive a little bit
7427s longer look out for that green ball
7428s coming in who throws the gems once the
7431s other special not gonna be able to give
7432s it to him gets called out by The
7433s Cannonball jumps off stage what he's
7435s gonna be able to be able to find out
7436s just needs one big hit
7438s sliding and charged up attack runs
7441s across the entirety of cromulons to get
7444s that swing and send him off to the top
7446s blue team takes yet another point for
7448s themselves now looking at this very last
7451s match there are a couple things that I
7452s wanted to actually notate specifically
7453s about plebs Play Because while pleb did
7455s secure that final knockout I saw a
7457s couple things that were a little bit
7458s concerning the first of which is that
7459s pleb actually went for another aerial
7461s high five several times inside the
7463s bracket inside of this previous match I
7465s actually thought it happened twice
7466s inside of this match and I saw it twice
7467s inside the match previous to this
7468s neither time has connected that's a
7470s total of four attempts with a zero
7472s percent confirm um that that final final
7474s confirm for that final knockout which
7477s we'll see in but a few moment here was
7478s so incredibly important because as you
7479s said it was a sliding incoming so it
7482s really was incredibly dangerous
7483s especially with plebs sitting there at
7485s an incredibly high percentage especially
7488s against an Iron Giant you're looking and
7490s you're playing with fire like this you
7493s know you Iron Giant is right there
7495s literally just one one aerial away from
7498s knocking you back out into the blast
7501s zone and you have to be incredibly
7502s careful but I really do like that
7504s wherewithal that both pleb and uh and
7506s Timmy had going into the final match up
7508s I truthfully if you would if you had
7510s asked me to put down money they would
7512s not have been my pick coming out on top
7513s inside of that previous match but I'm
7515s really happy that they did because now
7516s they have an opportunity to bring that
7518s momentum back onto their side inside of
7520s this set
7521s yeah the fact that they have a 2-0 lead
7523s now is something that's going to be very
7525s scary for red team to try to bring back
7528s from the depths of Despair right because
7530s now it's like okay do you actually do
7532s the run back another time do you go back
7534s to crimeulons or do you try to mix it up
7536s for this because no matter what happens
7538s in the set this is your final counter
7539s pick win or lose that's that's just the
7541s results of it so if you win this you
7543s lose all access to whatever stages you
7545s want to pick you can only ban a couple
7546s stages and the enemy team does have the
7548s advantage in terms of where the scenery
7550s is going to be one thing that I really
7552s enjoyed from that previous set was just
7553s pleb tank going in there and trying to
7555s stay alive while also trying to secure
7557s those Kos right being like the true to
7560s Assassin Forum trying to like sneak in
7562s there find those Kos when it matters get
7563s those hits when it does like matter the
7566s most and I like that we've seen this a
7568s lot from this Germany team which we've
7570s been seeing a lot from you'll also
7572s notice that Finn not really spending
7574s gold the way you think he would right in
7577s the game whenever you collect a lot of
7579s gold how Finn's Mechanics Work is when
7580s you hit someone they drop a gold coin if
7583s you or your teammate pick that gold coin
7584s up that's 100 gold to Finn Finn can then
7587s spend that gold on a myriad of resources
7589s right you can open up the shop choose
7591s goose is shop you can open up get some
7593s speed boots which speeds up uh your
7595s Mobility for you and your teammate you
7597s can buy a projectile armor or you could
7598s buy which is just a big karate chop
7601s that can kill really early on but what
7604s we're seeing primarily uses that gold is
7606s for Gem toss is that's what we're seeing
7608s at a top levels fins primarily don't
7610s want to waste their gold on anything
7611s except for Gem toss is because it's such
7614s a valuable resource it only costs 100
7616s gold and allows you to teleport to
7618s wherever that gem is going to be so if
7620s you're off stage and disadvantage and
7622s you toss it to the middle of the stage
7623s you just teleport right towards it it's
7626s that easy it only costs 100 coins
7628s meanwhile if you try to like spend it
7630s like on speed boots or if you try to
7632s spend it on especially by the
7635s way is like a big gamble if you
7636s spend 800 gold on and you use that
7639s karate I think it's 500 now actually if
7641s you that much gold on I forget
7643s because you never see it but demo cost
7645s so much gold if you see the chop you
7648s spend that goal it's gone you just threw
7650s away that gold it's no longer there
7651s because it because it wears off after
7653s that so instead of putting it on
7654s something gamble you want something more
7656s permanent like a gem toss Elliott you
7657s somewhere like speed boots which
7659s sometimes you'll see finzu because it's
7660s a permanent buff until one of you
7661s explodes so now we're gonna jump into
7663s game three or straight back to chromilon
7665s Sharpie I
7668s you know once again it's their toys and
7671s Stage not necessarily the choice I would
7673s have made tell me I don't understand I
7674s want to hear it I I want to hear it go
7677s off I really badly want them to go to
7679s treefort or to Scooby's mansion inside
7681s of this matchup I I I I I I'm saying let
7685s the cards lie where they're made
7686s obviously crimeulons is not necessarily
7689s working out the way you want but I if I
7691s I appreciate their tenacity if nothing
7693s else
7694s um in hindsight it's 20 20. it's really
7696s easy for me to sit here on the
7697s commentator's desk and say the stage
7699s isn't working out for you go somewhere
7701s else the higher giant has multiple uh
7704s multiple good counter picks but I also
7705s don't know what the counter picks needs
7706s to look like I don't know if treefort
7708s was up on the table I don't know if
7709s Scooby's on the table and I don't know
7711s if the team feels comfortable with
7712s Scooby's Mansion the way that certain
7714s iron Giants do so it's it's really just
7716s whatever they feel comfortable with and
7718s to be honest that's more important
7720s inside of the side of the bracket than
7721s anything else and as we look at this
7723s right now you're seeing seeing
7726s unfortunately that iron diet can scrape
7729s through the glass Zone to be the very
7730s first knockout for the blue team's favor
7732s you can't help but think promulence you
7736s know
7736s let's just see if red team's able to
7738s make this book we do see the projectile
7740s game coming out from Iron Giant already
7741s at 118 that enemy Morty flying right now
7746s uh pleb is not taking any of this lying
7749s down and it immediately resources his
7751s teammate even though he is at 82 and
7753s we're seeing Timmy try to fly around and
7757s prevent himself from getting hit there
7758s nope no follow-up from that Iron Giant
7760s just trying to recover right now and
7762s trying not to get down here it appears
7764s ultimately missing that Morty down here
7766s quickly easy to dodge very very nice
7768s clean play so far by the red team who is
7770s unfortunately two stocks under the board
7772s team right now not looking super great
7773s for them
7774s yeah Timmy you know obviously just kind
7776s of like pick his choices carefully right
7779s like who are you gonna go after it's
7780s more important to try to get that Spike
7781s Iron Giant or save your teammate and get
7783s a kill on top of that speaking of chaos
7785s it's gonna be the first one for red team
7786s gonna be able to try to tie this up
7788s potentially they can get one more on
7790s that club tank not allowing them just
7792s swing in that sort of his over and over
7793s again just getting constant amount of
7795s hits on both of the opponents goes up
7797s there chases after him gets the near
7799s kick into it up there things are looking
7801s believe for red team things are really
7804s not super great here uh no follow-up
7806s luckily for that Iron Giant unluckily
7809s for that Finn who immediately recovers
7811s because of that down special from Morty
7813s right there uh that could be death every
7815s single time I see Iron Giant gold beside
7817s this Blast Zone I am just praying for
7819s him to be able to recover back to the
7820s ground because that's the stage that's
7822s the state that the red team's in right
7823s now it almost feels as though they're
7824s playing right now just to not lose which
7826s is what you want to be in as soon as
7827s that final knockout comes out because
7829s now ultimately pleb and Timmy move
7831s forward on this loser's bracket side 3-0
7834s over El Rey and
7838s Germany's last reps making it all the
7841s way to top four of this bracket pleb
7843s tank and Timmy getting a very strong 3-0
7846s to secure themselves that guaranteed
7848s spot meanwhile the bar in Elroy going
7850s down at the fifth place finish again
7851s it's okay they qualified for finals they
7853s can prove themselves again here two
7855s weeks from now but right now at this
7856s point people are fighting for this
7858s tournament alone they're fighting for
7859s seating purposes and they're fighting
7861s for that Moolah on the line you know you
7863s want to take some of that big chunk
7864s change yes the file is gonna have way
7866s more money on the line but there's still
7867s a healthy amount here today for sure and
7870s you know going into these matches I've
7872s always noticed uh that like it almost is
7876s always truthfully up to the very first
7879s team who wins the match to kind of
7881s retain that momentum lead going through
7883s it I think the only time we've ever seen
7884s it broke it so so far inside of the
7886s match is actually when we were watching
7888s um the phantom and emson match
7891s previously before the break which was
7893s Superman and Arya notoriously and we
7895s actually saw uh pazia mini Michael uh
7898s actually go through inside of that third
7900s game and claim themselves a win but
7902s every other match has been a 3-0 like we
7904s just saw so as we go into this very next
7906s match of uh Trav and ponic versus
7909s phantom and emson I'm kind of interested
7911s to see as to whether or not they will
7913s continue kind of like the 3-0 shutout
7915s that we've seen so far in the entirety
7917s of this bracket or whether or not
7918s they'll actually change it slightly up
7920s do you have any thoughts as to any
7921s predictions we may see in this upcoming
7923s match here
7924s uh if history repeats itself especially
7927s with the last couple tournaments that we
7928s saw 3os tend to be really common until
7930s we get near the end of the bracket when
7932s I say near the end of the bracket I mean
7933s like top four uh it's just like some
7935s teams just kind of figure it out and
7937s then they have it solve for the rest of
7939s the set we did see a three two uh two
7941s Senpai and MJ taking it out on blood
7943s tank and Timmy sending them down to
7944s losers that was a 3-2 uh finish that we
7946s saw over winners but like you said
7947s everything else
7949s 30303130 so tons of those uh unfortunate
7954s 30s that you've been seeing I I would
7957s say it's probably going to be another
7958s 3-0 the question is who's gonna do it
7961s right because panics and trab they're
7963s the ones that came from uh Winner's side
7965s they uh so they already didn't like lose
7968s yet so getting sent all the way down
7970s there try to see if they can try to like
7972s lose a second time because one of the
7973s worst things you can do when you go into
7974s a top eight is go zero two right getting
7977s fifth place in top eight from Winter
7980s side is like the most unfortunate
7981s placement because it's just like wow top
7983s eight date came here I am and I lost
7985s both my sets good night everybody like
7988s it's a hard place to occupy for sure and
7990s since we are obviously both fighting
7992s game players we we both know the feeling
7994s and I'm sure that there are thousands of
7996s Watchers right now and and hundreds of
7998s people inside the chat who can
7999s unfortunately also relate to that
8001s feeling as well so uh obviously as we go
8004s into this very next set we're not
8005s wishing uh laws on either one but I'm
8007s incredibly excited to see how Phantom
8010s and imshin perform inside of this next
8012s match the previous time that Phantom and
8014s emson actually played I saw a very good
8017s adaptation from their opponents which I
8019s ultimately thought may result inside of
8021s a victory for them but they ultimately
8023s got shut down the very next match uh you
8026s mentioned several times inside of the
8028s very last match where we saw Phantom and
8030s imshin that they are playing quote
8032s unquote hot which to those of you who
8033s may not necessarily be familiar with
8034s fighting games or competitive game it's
8036s basically the idea that playing
8038s consistently on a tear on a on an uh on
8042s a uh up slant basically consistently
8044s winning and just uh steamrolling your
8046s opponent with every opportunity that you
8048s get do you believe that they may
8050s continue this going into this round two
8052s of losers
8054s I think it's either that or they're
8056s going to get steamrolled I legit think
8058s that this set is going to be a 3-0 I
8060s just don't know who's going to get the
8062s 3-0 that's if I were to guess I don't
8063s know both but just watching both teams
8065s play that's just kind of like the vibe
8067s that I got especially from pantom's team
8069s and uh this is the first time these guys
8071s are fighting each other which by the way
8073s that last set they fought the winners uh
8075s plug tank and Timmy actually sent Babar
8077s and Elroy two losers and then double
8078s eliminated them so whenever you see
8080s something like that that's super
8081s unfortunate going down in the fifth
8082s place finish but this time around we're
8085s not seeing that this is the first time
8087s these guys are facing off against each
8088s other so anything is possible panic's
8091s coming from Netherlands trab from Sweden
8093s facing off against Phantom who honestly
8096s this Superman and uh the mitsuki uh the
8100s Arya representing France it's gonna be
8102s kind of like a who which Region's gonna
8104s come out on top who's gonna be able to
8106s win this who's gonna be able to try to
8108s represent EU in fashion and honestly I
8111s can't wait to see what we're gonna be
8112s able to bring to the table because this
8114s bracket so far we've seen very little of
8116s France and the reason for that is
8118s because they all qualified in the two
8120s weeks ago I think in Europe France is
8122s one of the most dominating countries out
8123s there they've been like pushing the
8126s Esports scene very hard consistently
8128s having insanely high turnouts for their
8130s start.gg brackets especially all the
8132s Grassroots tournaments they've been
8133s putting on and so to see them like have
8135s like five people qual five teams qualify
8138s two weeks ago did not Shock me at all so
8140s to see that there's only one France rep
8142s in this bracket this top eight is like
8145s okay that's because they all qualify
8146s already so France has always been on top
8148s and I won't be shocked that they managed
8150s to push this even further Beyond fifth
8152s place he's just gonna have to face off
8153s against this Fin and Rain dog first
8155s now I want to go ahead and Shout out a
8157s perk that I actually saw Phantom taking
8159s here who is the Superman player I saw
8161s the perk of hit him when they're down
8162s now that perk is not necessarily stacked
8164s it's just a solo perk but it does
8166s increase via damage by five percent when
8168s you are hitting D buffed enemies an
8171s incredibly strong perk especially when
8173s you consider the fact that Arya has the
8175s ability to already debuff enemies by
8178s giving them that weakened perk
8180s increasing the amount of damage that
8181s they get so you're looking at situations
8183s where uh Superman will be able to secure
8186s even more Knockouts than previously it's
8188s really just going to come down to
8189s awareness and whether or not rain dog's
8191s able to stay and safely out of
8193s Superman's grass now as we go into this
8195s round star we already see in a very very
8196s immediate hustle both players trying to
8199s go ahead and get onto that Arya blue
8201s team very quickly trying to sandwich
8203s that Arya not necessarily uh not
8205s necessarily succeeding inside of this
8206s 1v1 situation ultimately taking more
8208s damage than they're able to dish out
8209s inside the situation brain dog trying to
8211s move back in ultimately not coming out
8213s on top it's just a very big scramble
8214s situation
8216s yeah meanwhile Phantom you know he's
8218s gonna chill near the top of the screen
8220s shut those laser eyes which is one of
8222s the safer moves for him to do it's on
8223s cooldown now but he's already at 122.
8226s they seem to be struggling to get any
8228s sort of like stage control right now
8229s Onyx and trap kind of dominating the
8232s center stage currently Traub off stage
8234s you notice that fox is going to come in
8235s and try to assist but unfortunately a
8237s sweet spot coming out from Arya sending
8239s him flying to the Blaster and 75 damage
8241s they were losing that entire game and to
8244s have that turn the tables on them that
8246s soon could spell the rest of the story
8248s for the rest of this game oh for sure a
8250s very good stun there by that Arya to go
8253s ahead and secure that down here on
8254s Rainbow getting him a secondary knockout
8256s inside this crucial first match right
8258s now now the Reds team can't necessarily
8259s let down because they are both at a very
8262s very formidable percent of course as we
8264s know Superman is a tank so that 179 is
8266s gonna get him further than Arya but aryo
8268s getting hit by a couple of years and
8270s that is a double KO putting blue team
8272s back on this map right now and suddenly
8273s this game's looking a lot more even than
8275s we thought previously
8277s what makes Finn such a strong Contender
8279s is being able to charge up those attacks
8281s on the ground to make them even stronger
8283s he ran up got the upswing on both of
8285s them and sent them both lines to the top
8287s of the blast zone unfortunately they're
8288s both at high damage right now Phantom
8290s one point away from sending them into a
8293s 1-0 lead and right now the Target and
8295s everyone's eyes is on panics and spin
8298s look at him he's trying to survive
8299s trying to get on a rain dog on top of
8301s that try to prevent him to be able to
8302s use the tether to bring him back into
8303s the thing they're gonna kind of wait
8305s this out a little bit get away from that
8306s passive damage just decided to open them
8307s up smack him up smackaroo gets the up
8310s there gets another one
8318s oh that was incredibly viewed I really
8321s enjoyed watching that uh Not only was
8324s blue team able to very quickly take uh
8326s control of the match after these first
8328s two Knockouts from the red team which I
8330s do want to commend uh the red team on
8331s because it was very very awareness I I
8334s actually thought the sun was used there
8335s and I didn't realize it was used later I
8337s almost felt it must have just been The
8339s Knockout from uh the side there but that
8341s double knockout that we just saw inside
8343s that replay almost appeared to be an
8345s actual tie changing knockout here
8348s because after that point in time not
8350s only did blue team start playing a lot
8352s more defensively but they started to
8353s play a lot more coordinated we see them
8355s stick together a lot more we see Finn
8357s take a little bit more of a defensive
8358s role and start protecting the rain dog a
8361s lot more just because of those
8362s percentages and because of that final
8364s stock that type of awareness coming out
8366s from tribe and panics inside of the
8368s situation I think ultimately pulled them
8370s out on top and I really appreciate it
8372s eating it truthfully I was not expecting
8374s that especially since previously Phantom
8376s and M shim have been performing so well
8378s by the first round of every single match
8380s they played with the exception of the
8381s one where they're tossed into losers
8384s Phantom coming out and getting called
8386s out by Rain Dogs up air was such a
8390s strong ladder combo sending them all the
8393s way to the top vertically and the second
8395s that happened Finn was like okay I got
8398s you I got the up attack here on the
8400s ground managed to secure that win that
8402s if there was a roller coaster match that
8404s we've seen today that was probably the
8405s most Looney Tunes one that I've seen
8407s literally just kind of just playing this
8409s tug of war this push and pull type of
8411s game that's exactly what that was
8412s because I had no idea I was on the edge
8414s of my seat wondering who was going to
8415s take away that first game and the first
8417s game is so important Sharpie because
8419s having that lead gives you counterpick
8421s Advantage being able to not you always
8423s have more counterpigs in your opponent's
8425s teams especially near the end it's
8426s always going to be a strong start for
8428s sure and we've talked about it at length
8430s we are actually seeing uh that looks
8433s like a strap that looks like a stripe
8434s locked in right there for Phantom very
8437s interesting counter pick now I I know uh
8439s stripe is one of the newer characters
8440s inside of the game I want to give a very
8441s brief uh introduction to strike to those
8444s of you who may not have necessarily
8445s known who this character is this
8447s character actually comes from Gremlins 2
8449s which is old 80s franchise uh and
8451s they're actually considered an assassin
8453s by trade now uh the Gremlins has a
8456s plethora of different characters and
8458s stripe is a really really good character
8459s it's basically what happens after you
8460s feed a gremlin after midnight when it
8462s turns into stripe and he's uh just a
8465s plethora of Mischief basically he has
8468s not only a small gun he has a tricycle
8471s that he can use to kind of knock you off
8472s the stage but he also has
8474s um a a stage control item that is kind
8478s of like I believe it's like a buzz saw
8479s basically which makes it so that you
8482s cannot come back down into the ground or
8484s basically you have to worry about your
8485s knockout game he's very very good at
8487s securing Knockouts as well because of
8489s that gun that gun has an auto tracker
8491s that can very easily remove that final
8494s recovery for you so blue team definitely
8495s has to watch out of type of situations
8497s maybe not as much as Superman as they
8499s did against Superman but definitely they
8501s still need to be careful going into the
8502s very next time yeah he's also uh running
8505s the unique perk that allows him to be
8507s able to transfer his debuffs to his
8509s opponents if he latches onto them which
8510s is so yeah we've been seeing a lot right
8512s like all these debuffs are getting from
8513s rain dog alone that's what's making it
8515s actually a pretty strong counter pick
8516s alone on top of that being able to play
8518s The Rush down maybe he felt like he
8519s couldn't keep up with Superman on top so
8521s being as faster mobile characters will
8523s be able to play the long projectile long
8525s game can help them out tremendously so
8527s we'll see how Phantom Stripes gonna be
8528s able to play out here gets The Gunshot
8530s has two more shots on top of that
8531s couldn't get the KO on unfortunately
8532s still sitting at 151 gets called out by
8535s the side air and now bringing this to a
8536s one-point lead in favor of red team and
8538s that's exactly what I was talking about
8539s right there those shots actually took
8541s away all of rain dog's recovery Arya
8543s reading on to that probably wasn't able
8544s to go in an air and meet rain dog but as
8547s soon as rain dog did come back to this
8548s place to recover those uh recoveries
8551s specifically Arya was able to meet them
8553s with a beautiful sair to go ahead and
8555s finish off that very first knockout and
8557s I think that's what a lot of what you
8558s can expect when you're going into a
8559s striped magic you have to be careful the
8561s minute you leave stage this double
8563s assassin's team is no joke and they have
8565s to be very respectful
8567s yeah just being able to come out there
8569s and just rush down your opponents as
8570s fast as possible becomes a little bit
8572s more difficult right because you're
8573s noticing that Trump is having a little
8575s bit of difficulty dealing with this uh
8576s pesky stripe that's just constantly on I
8579s feel like stripe is the Phantom is just
8581s constantly locking down trap not
8582s allowing him to play the game and he
8584s wants to that's why you have to fight
8585s against supports right that long tether
8586s That's Not Gonna Save ring dog it's
8588s supposed to say Vin but if he's gonna
8590s get caught by it he's gonna be the one
8591s sitting down to the blast so now you see
8592s red team with a pretty strong lead yeah
8595s red team is absolutely benefiting from
8597s that counter pick on strike right now
8599s we're noticing all the damage going out
8601s on strike which I think is exactly what
8603s red team wants here you see Arya
8605s securing a lot of these knockout
8606s situations it almost appears as those
8608s stripers are just kind of the reason why
8610s arya's able to knock you out not
8612s necessarily the causality of it and I
8615s think that misdirection is securing a
8617s lot of opportunities to already come and
8619s clean that up and put them back on the
8621s board right now 1-1 now it's really
8623s interesting that this happened Oscar I'm
8624s going to let you walk us through the
8625s replays and then we'll get into that
8626s very last match
8627s yeah I mean Phantom and mitsuki
8630s obviously the stripe pick gonna be able
8633s to come out in dividends for this not
8635s allowing trab to play the game
8637s whatsoever I feel like just locking down
8639s rain dog is what helped them secure that
8642s win that was something I felt like uh
8643s Phantom Superman actually struggled a
8645s little bit with right being able to lock
8647s him down you notice every single one of
8648s these replays it's always about them
8649s chasing after rain dog not allowing rain
8651s dog to set up shop because what Rain
8653s Dogs want to do is set up shop from a
8655s very long distance through our
8656s projectiles throughout the firewalls get
8658s the tethers be able to save the
8659s teammates but when you have two
8660s assassins on you constantly when do you
8662s start when do you start to set it up how
8664s can you Zone your opponents when they're
8665s just constantly on you that was
8667s something that Superman struggled with
8668s and that stripe is very well equipped to
8670s deal with so this counter pick is
8671s actually working out extremely well for
8673s red team now I'm starting to understand
8676s why Phantom and imshin are such a threat
8678s inside of this topic even on the lower
8681s side of bracket you look at the
8682s adaptation that they have you look at
8684s the thought behind some of their counter
8686s picks for not only characters but stay
8687s ages and you start to really understand
8689s why they've been able to maintain this
8691s loan their adaptation is absolutely
8694s insane it's beautiful to see inside of
8697s action and it's even more exciting to
8699s look at inside of hindsight here because
8701s you watch all of these very very
8703s dedicated opportunities that they take
8705s to not only uh really punish their
8708s opponents for their missteps and
8709s misgivings but also create opportunities
8711s for their for their opponents to make
8713s decisions where they already know what
8715s the outcome of those decisions are going
8716s to be that is the level of play I'm
8718s always excited to see inside of Aussie
8719s and I'm so incredibly excited to go into
8721s this game three here
8722s yeah game number three tied up series
8725s gonna see how this is gonna be able to
8727s play out for the rest of it because
8729s right now I think the difficult Choice
8732s currently is how to deal with that pesky
8734s stripe bro you fed him after midnight
8736s and now you're paying the consequences
8738s what can we do here sky Arena no
8741s platforms that's gonna allow uh travio
8744s to have a bigger Open Stage defensive
8746s less platforms for him to be able to
8747s land with the most platforms be able to
8749s put the gem on but honestly he didn't
8751s have enough time to do that I was
8753s special anyways look at this Chase off
8754s stage 31 damage off of just pushing him
8757s off that could have been a potential KO
8758s if it wasn't for phonics to come in and
8760s try to like assist his teammate in some
8762s way there is so much damage being traded
8764s right now and ultimately I want to say
8766s that it almost looks as though it's not
8768s necessarily in Bluetooth favor because
8769s they are actively being pushed inside of
8771s a situation where there are inside of
8772s the air is that a previous matchup look
8774s at that very first knockout right there
8775s that is the red team's win condition
8777s right now they want you inside of the
8779s air very good trade right there for them
8781s today ultimately what I'm saying the red
8783s team wants you inside the air the red
8785s team wants you to use all of your
8786s recoveries to safely recover back onto
8789s the stage that is their win condition
8790s and every single time that it happens
8792s we're looking at a very nice follow-up
8794s there by Blue Team who is now two stocks
8796s out over red team's one song
8800s yeah already doing a fantastic job look
8802s at this Chase coming up from panics just
8804s trying to allow him to be able to play
8805s aggressive as possible especially that
8806s tether is active that allows phonics to
8808s go as aggressive and not fear death
8810s right because if you go off stage you
8812s know that rain dog is there to help
8814s bring you back down to Earth around you
8816s a little bit right he's grounded charged
8817s up attacks also getting a big Ko's here
8820s trying to get a lot of knockback against
8821s their opponents they're going to try to
8823s kind of chill back try to put up these
8825s gems they're not going to be able to get
8826s the opportunity look at Reggie and chase
8827s after him goes for the shots then
8828s they're still active not gonna be able
8829s to try to pull go for that pull just yet
8831s throwing out the projectiles to get them
8832s back on stage using the Wall Street
8834s cover gets called by another side air
8835s they're in a bad spot right now both
8837s blue team offstage trying to get back on
8839s gets called up by the up there
8840s immediately the tether is like not
8841s having any of those comboses
8845s gonna be able to give them that lead one
8847s KO away from solidifying themselves this
8850s game win you know it's really
8852s interesting as mobile as the red team is
8854s I'm not necessarily them be able to
8856s secure those Knockouts right now it
8858s almost feels as though for me very very
8860s good there very good but now stripe has
8862s to be incredibly careful right now
8863s because he is literally only one up air
8866s away from this rain dog or one down air
8869s away from the spin of possibly meeting
8871s his own maker
8873s yeah
8874s oh unfortunately banto musler got called
8877s out midair when he used some of his
8879s resources and just kind of fell down to
8880s the Blast Zone in that situation you
8883s want to make sure that when you're the
8884s person with the high damage you want to
8885s stay in the background this part by the
8887s way this KO was super unfortunate
8888s because when panics got ko'd you saw
8891s trab try to get that tether but it just
8894s barely missed that would have secured he
8896s could have easily pulled pawnex in but
8897s it's okay they got the W in the end I
8899s guess that's what matters here in this
8900s tournament phonics and trab taken the
8902s 2-1 lead to try to secure themselves a
8904s win and another chance at this set I
8908s really want to shout out trop here
8909s because every single time I'm seeing
8911s their rain dog move incredibly clean
8914s inside of every single one of these
8915s matchups inside the very last match
8917s obviously we saw a lot of focus on rain
8919s dog and I think this match was
8920s absolutely no exception whatsoever there
8922s were several times that both members of
8923s The Blue Team were up inside of the air
8925s very very prone and ultimately what kept
8927s them safe there was there ever uh ever
8929s vessence basically I want to say like
8931s aerial threat when it came to Arya and
8936s stripes and coming they they stripe and
8939s Arya were a little bit scared to
8940s approach because of the flame incoming
8943s projectile game because Finn was right
8945s there to very possibly backpack them all
8947s the way up into the blast zone up up and
8949s away so I think that that type of
8951s coordination kept them alive a lot
8952s longer than we usually expected to see
8954s especially coming out of that previous
8956s match and now as we're sitting here with
8958s the blue team up 2-1 over the red team I
8961s can't help but think what adaptations do
8963s you expect to see from Phantom and M
8964s shim going into this very next match
8967s uh not much in my opinion I think it's
8969s good I think their game plan was working
8971s they just couldn't get those early chaos
8974s there's so many times we saw a red team
8976s actually push blue team towards the
8978s corner of the blast zone at very low
8980s damage but they just couldn't find their
8982s Mark with trying to like just get those
8984s Kos off really early on they couldn't
8986s finish the job they're really good at
8988s building it up but they just could never
8989s finish it and I could see them going
8992s back to that stage I think it's a pretty
8993s okay stage for them to run back to
8995s granted it was blue team's counter pick
8997s so I have to wait and see how they're
8998s gonna be able to play out here what I
8999s want to see a lot more of is a little
9002s bit more patient play coming out from
9004s Phantom which granted I know that's hard
9006s to do when you're playing the likes of
9008s stripe who has such great aerial
9010s Mobility wants to go in there shut down
9012s rain dog but there was actually an
9013s opportunity there where like mitsubkin
9016s was at 10 20 damage could have easily
9018s played the stock tank there for the last
9020s bit of that game but Phantom was like in
9022s the midst of the with them trying to get
9024s work going and unfortunately he was
9026s getting so zany that he actually used up
9028s all of his jumps and a lot of his
9030s resources that when he got called out he
9031s just didn't know how to get back onto
9032s the stage and just fell to his blast
9034s zone so maybe a little bit more patient
9036s play from Phantom I don't know if that
9037s means sticking with the stripe or going
9038s back to soups but I think stripe is the
9041s answer in my opinion I think he's just
9042s stick with it I'm inclined to agree with
9044s you I actually also think that the stage
9046s pick uh was very beneficial obviously to
9049s the red team there I do agree with the
9051s stripe with staying on stripe as a very
9053s strong character Choice here
9055s um one of the things that I was kind of
9056s also very interested by uh was fnatic's
9059s play I'm sorry a Phantom's play there
9062s because what we saw previously is I have
9064s both the very first match and inside of
9065s previous matches inside of this top
9066s eight with Phantom is that we saw a very
9069s aggressive very very like floaty
9071s Superman character and knowing that
9073s stripe doesn't necessarily have the stay
9075s tools to stay as floaty is much more of
9078s a kind of like stick Like Glue character
9080s uh really beat only by Arya inside of
9083s that sticking capacity uh you can't play
9086s them the same way are we seeing do you
9088s possibly think that we're seeing a
9089s little bit of disconnection here a
9091s little bit of like characteritis where
9092s you know it takes a couple of games for
9094s you to adapt and quickly remember that
9096s you're not necessarily you don't
9096s necessarily have the same toolkit as you
9098s did previously
9099s I don't think so I I I think it's just
9102s he's adapting to a new character and you
9106s got to remember that stripe is two weeks
9108s old so no one's gonna be a master of
9111s this character just yet so to pull him
9112s out here even no matter how good he is
9114s is always going to be a gamble in the
9116s tournament when the character is just
9117s brand new because you know you're
9119s Superman probably been playing Superman
9120s since like the alpha the beta maybe even
9123s the tech test like this character has
9125s been out for an extremely long time in
9126s comparison so you definitely have more
9128s Mastery over him so at the end of the
9130s day it could be something like that but
9132s I he's working it out he's making it
9134s work he's got to get these Rush downs we
9136s gotta get these early chaos if red team
9137s wants to bring this home they gotta
9139s secure these early chaos and keep trough
9141s from being able to play the game that he
9142s wants to do let's jump into game four
9144s for sure very very smart choice I
9147s Believe by going to trophy's edge here
9148s that is 100 and arya's benefits as we've
9152s seen inside of previous sets inside of
9153s this tournament those moving platforms
9155s only help really the Assassins recover
9157s and don't necessarily give as many
9159s opportunities characters like raindog to
9161s have a safe recovery and removing a lot
9163s of recovery options and I think that's
9165s instrumental for the red team to come
9166s out on top here we're seeing a lot of
9168s damage going down on the red team but
9170s even more being traded onto the blue
9172s side we have rain dog who sits at 68
9175s Finn who's sitting at 67 now and those
9177s percentages are very quickly climbing on
9179s the red team sign already at 101 and uh
9182s we have the stripe at five right now
9185s that rain dog side we're just passively
9187s adding damage over time to both
9189s characters
9190s yeah it's a very strong tool to just
9192s have in your kit here's the kind of push
9194s I'm talking about right Phantom securing
9197s that stock it might not have been
9198s against rain dog but that was because
9199s you saw that Mexican was on the rain dog
9202s instead gets the follow-up The Gunshot
9204s could have potentially said I don't know
9205s that could have potentially been a KO
9207s but the gunshot might have slowed it
9208s down and sent the angle a little bit
9210s longer I'm not I cannot call that I'm
9211s not sure but that's not gonna be able to
9214s survive that down are gonna be able to
9215s send it off flying towards the top of
9216s the Blaster red team with a slightly
9218s took the Phantom try to stay light for
9219s as long as possible 145 damage let's see
9222s if they can just try to hang in there
9223s and not explode
9226s blue team just kind of taking the
9228s approach of we don't need to secure that
9229s knockout right now just having the 2V1
9231s situation is enough and getting that
9233s damage on when they can opting to go
9235s with the Bird in Hand instead of the
9236s bird and Bush I think is kind of making
9238s them a real Force right now inside of
9240s this possible final game three if they
9242s win it
9243s yeah you're gonna notice again they're
9245s just trying to play this aggressive game
9247s hitting him with the melee attacks
9249s getting the gunshots afterwards Arya has
9251s to stay a little bit longer mitsukin at
9253s 126 damage under looking pretty bleak
9256s right now hold on a second gets a second
9258s follow-up that was such a sick again
9260s being able to send them all the way to
9262s the Flying once the downer gets
9263s challenged by the up air be able to
9265s fight to Live Another Day Trump instead
9267s of shop with that grenade to call it yet
9268s another by a double side
9270s now we're sitting in here at match point
9272s now they just gotta take out that man
9274s unfortunately that's gonna be already
9275s going down match point and both players
9276s favors again has to be able to go up
9279s there and help it out Phantom he's in a
9281s strong spot he's got to get back in
9282s there throwing up the bus stop here it
9284s comes melee attacks the Lord as they're
9285s trying to even it up bit by bit I'm
9288s really interested to see how that stripe
9290s is going to go ahead and recover right
9290s now because he is most likely to go
9292s ahead and be that final kale just like
9293s we saw on the very inside like the very
9295s last set of this and so ultimately
9297s looking at Arya trying to wrap up that
9298s damage does go ahead yet again rain dog
9301s coming down saying Bow Chicka Wow Wow
9303s gets that final knockout securing the
9306s win 3-1 for Traub and
9310s she's going to flip her Biz doing it
9312s with style showing that hey you know
9315s what we're not gonna go O2 here in Top
9317s bait we're not getting that fifth place
9319s finish we're gonna move on to lose our
9320s semis they probably have some more
9321s matches they want to put out there
9322s congratulations to Phantom and M Shin
9324s for being able to make it all the way to
9326s fifth place guaranteeing them a slot
9328s there in the finals two weeks from now
9330s by the way I honestly can't even believe
9332s that finals are happening this soon
9334s Sharpie we're already coming near the
9336s end of our circuit dude after today it's
9338s just n a West and East number two and
9340s then that's it finals rap for that and
9343s you know I just want to say what a
9344s fantastic showing from all of the
9345s players on both Nae na West and both
9349s sides of EU like EU is large you know
9352s and so seeing this level of talent
9354s exists throughout the entirety of that
9356s continent is very very powerful to see
9359s especially when you have adaptation like
9361s this uh I just want to point out that
9364s inside of that previous matchup Phantom
9366s and M Shin were going into that were my
9369s favorites to win this so seeing them be
9372s shut down by a team coming out here on
9375s from the previous winner side inside of
9376s top eight shows that there's some real
9378s talent inside of this match nobody
9381s should sleep on anybody as you said
9383s previously inside of this bracket this
9385s game requires you to be alert at all
9387s times the minute that you lose that
9389s attention is when you lose the game
9391s yeah no doubt in my mind we're gonna
9394s take a trip back over to the upper side
9396s of bracket by the way winners finals
9398s viren and rip facing up against two
9401s Senpai and MJ now when we look at our
9403s last four teams that are alive still in
9405s this bracket it's the four teams that
9407s started on Winner's side winter semis so
9409s not too big of a surprise here but this
9412s is the last time that people are gonna
9413s be able to play with a little bit of a
9414s safety net right loser that's going to
9416s be sent down to losers finals while the
9418s winner gets to move on into Grand so
9420s there's a lot at stake here you want to
9421s get guarantee yourself that additional
9423s safety net on top of that we're gonna
9425s jump into here Vernon RIP by the way
9427s coming from London UK it's gonna be Jake
9429s and Arya two sent by an MJ coming over
9433s and pulling the Netherlands respectively
9435s Rock and then Arya and Batman so if you
9437s if you if you haven't seen enough Arya
9439s we got some more Arya here for you today
9441s here we go Arya is a very popular pick
9444s and we've seen all throughout top eight
9446s on all regions truthfully and it makes a
9449s lot of sense arya's easily able to stick
9451s to her opponent as you can see right
9454s here immediately we have two Senpai
9456s sticking to both characters applying
9458s those weakened meaning that Batman's
9460s able to come back and put that smoke
9462s bomb down to get even more Stacks
9466s whoa that's huge
9469s that's huge
9479s and just like denying anyone from going
9482s up there you don't want to be on the top
9483s of the screen against a team like this
9485s it's a very scary same thing to them
9487s though
9494s [Music]
9498s currently on their final stop away from
9501s possibly winning his very first match
9502s right now and as you know establishing
9504s dominance on this very first match great
9506s Dodge there by that Arya for that
9507s batteries ultimately has no more aerial
9509s Dodges too uh red Arya does come through
9511s immediately
9513s that Jake and then comes to answer
9515s before that Batman really appreciate it
9518s really appreciating the follow-up here
9520s by Blue teams Arya V rip doing amazing
9524s Autumn blue Arya this game Austin
9528s yesterday
9531s as well
9534s uh like the do but at the end of the day
9536s every single start what what started the
9539s combo Sharpie it was up special from
9542s Jake every single KO started with
9545s someone getting caught by that it's such
9547s a strong it's a unique perk how the
9549s unique perk works is when you use that
9551s stretchy body if you get touched by the
9553s bottom of it you get sent flying up
9555s vertically from it right there again and
9557s you get put in such a bad position that
9558s you're just like combo food for whether
9560s you're up there or your partner's up
9562s there so all four Kos were very early on
9566s and is because they were just up at the
9568s top so how their game plan is working
9570s out which I am actually loving right now
9572s from viren and rip is the game plan is
9575s to have rip be it kind of near the
9576s bottom of the blast and try to send
9578s someone top while viren kind of chills
9580s on those platforms which gives them a
9582s little bit of an edge to try to jump up
9583s near the top to try to get those up
9585s special and get those sneaky early kills
9587s because if anyone just goes flying into
9588s it or if they jump after them they're
9590s done for us so for a counter pick I
9593s definitely expect like a flash stage no
9594s platforms allowed
9596s you know and that was actually going to
9597s be my very next chance do you my very
9599s next question to you do you think
9600s there's a chance and I have to ask you
9603s Aussie as a friend do you think there's
9605s a chance that we see Scooby's haunted
9607s mansion inside of it no absolutely not
9609s get that out of your brain right now
9611s Sharpie I'm going to shut this down you
9612s are not going to be seeing Scooby's
9613s Mansion I saw it once once this entire
9616s circuit uh the unfortunate truth of the
9619s matter is that a lot of top players just
9621s don't like playing there and you know
9623s there's reasons for them right you have
9625s like the uh little cranks at the top of
9627s the stages if you hit those it brings
9629s down the stage you have walls you have
9631s the weird ceiling that makes it so like
9632s if you go towards the middle it uh you
9635s know you're near the middle of that
9636s stage it's like there's a little hole so
9637s it allows for a little very zany
9639s mechanics to have and a lot of
9641s competitive players feel like it's just
9643s a little bit too much so they don't want
9644s to deal with all that which is why I
9646s think a lot of them are very excited for
9648s when Scooby's Mansion ruthless starts to
9650s become legal because as of today
9652s Scooby's mentioned ruthless is not
9654s allowed because it's too new but it was
9656s we always have to give like a little bit
9657s of a grace period whenever there's a new
9659s character a new stage a new mechanic in
9660s general just like let people like flesh
9662s it out a little bit before we bring it
9663s into a tournament format so it might be
9665s legal on later on in this circuit but
9667s for now we just got to deal with what we
9669s have left here another stage That You
9670s Don't See really often is tree fort and
9672s that's another stage why you don't see a
9673s lot in from top level players is because
9676s of the nature of the stage right there's
9678s three platforms on it it feels very
9680s claustrophobic people can explode at
9682s zero damage if they could Spike because
9683s the bottom of the blast zone is so close
9685s to the bottom of the stage so like it
9688s creates a lot of volatile moments and
9690s the last thing competitive players is
9692s once they don't want those volatile
9693s moments they want to be able to like
9695s play and feel a little bit more
9696s comfortable so people counter picking
9698s those stages are usually people are like
9700s I don't think we can beat this team so
9701s let's try something zany and if that
9703s ever is on the table the opponent's team
9705s is just gonna ban the stage
9708s that's my thoughts anyways no thank you
9710s for crushing my dreams Aussie I
9712s appreciate you no it's okay
9714s I got you if you ever like want to feel
9718s optimistic I'll crush your dreams right
9719s in front of you bro
9723s fantastic I believe it's game two right
9726s now we are going back over to Sky Arenas
9728s we are getting diarrhea right now look
9730s at this very commanding start yet
9732s another very early knockdown literally
9735s only 10 seconds on the match and blue
9737s team has already secured themselves to
9739s stop against the red team
9741s they are just playing out of their minds
9745s right now seriously like I I was
9748s actually eyeing their bracket
9749s performance earlier on Vernon
9751s specifically and they've only lost one
9753s game this entire tournament all of
9756s yesterday they only dropped one game to
9757s Gigi Gucci in effect and after that it's
9760s just been three or three O's two o's two
9762s o's so like and we're seeing why we're
9764s seeing why this is happening this team
9765s composition is working out in incredibly
9767s well for them very very strong
9770s commanding start here and you're
9771s noticing that red team's not keeping the
9774s slouching down obviously they're trying
9775s to go inside a very aggressive
9776s situations where they're able to they're
9778s just slightly coming out short when they
9780s need to secure those final Knockouts
9782s into the Blast Zone look at that that's
9783s the third time that Jake or Arya has
9786s been blasted into the blast zone and
9787s come out with their life still in fact
9791s I managed to finally get that first
9793s point speaking up couldn't live for that
9795s long and I don't know I've seen this
9797s time and again whenever you see a
9799s three-point to one point lead it is I I
9802s you usually never see the one point team
9804s take that lead like it's very rare
9806s because you just suck in a really bad
9807s spot two to three a little bit more than
9809s Google but still not in the greatest in
9812s spots so it's up for red team trying to
9813s get something really good get something
9815s really quick and try to even up this
9817s game hold on a second this could be the
9819s moment I'm talking about I mean they
9820s might just be making me eat my eat my
9822s socks bro hold on a sec now I'm really
9825s appreciating the bat bombs that I'm
9827s seeing coming out that recovery was just
9829s enough time to allow him to go ahead and
9831s support his own Aria inside of these
9833s instances but what I'm also worried
9835s about right now is Jake just taking more
9838s of a little bit like passive role
9840s waiting to get those others especially
9842s what we're talking about we're making
9843s him clutch inside of these situations
9845s I'm very concerned right now for red
9848s team safety effortless yeah I would be
9851s too you're gonna notice also viren with
9854s the blue team gonna be trying to like
9855s chill near the top of the Blaster not
9857s only to help him survive but you're
9859s being able to sneak out ring outs like
9861s that like that was the first time we saw
9863s Veron to kind of be a little bit
9864s aggressive when they were like trying to
9866s play the stock tank at the end and it
9867s was from such a safety a safe amount of
9870s positioning right Jake cider allows them
9873s to be able to use their like make an
9875s angle It Up Down to the side they can
9877s react to where their opponent's going
9878s and then once they swing it out it's
9880s such a big open hitbox so you just have
9882s to be like be able to respect it I'm
9885s somewhat surprised at the way that
9888s Tucson to Senpai and MJ are performing
9890s here mostly because previously inside of
9892s their match with pleb and Timmy it was
9895s actually one of the only three twos that
9896s we've seen inside of top eight thus far
9898s and so uh knowing that it was already so
9901s close with them and watching it not
9902s necessarily be like a 1v1 trade here but
9905s almost like a shutout when it comes to
9907s like the first part of the momentum
9908s inside of every single one of these
9909s matches leaves me very concerned right
9911s now especially since viren and Fripp are
9913s basically 2-0 currently inside of this
9915s Set uh do you think there's anything
9917s that two Senpai and MJ can do to kind of
9919s change the way the momentum is moving
9921s forward we're seeing a lot of very early
9922s Knockouts is there anything that Arya
9924s and Batman can do to kind of prevent the
9926s way that that's happening
9929s um I feel like the last game they
9930s adapted really well compared to the
9932s first game because if you ask me that
9933s question after game number one it would
9935s be stop chasing after uh Jake near the
9937s top of the blast zone because all those
9939s early kales are going up there but
9941s there's just a lot of times when you'll
9942s notice that verbs Jake jumps up to the
9945s top of the blast zone and is just kind
9946s of like waiting up there you know
9948s waiting for that right moment for them
9950s to go flying up there from our Australia
9952s hit or if they just jump after the chase
9954s after them kind of like goading them
9955s into chasing them that's what Jake wants
9958s so I don't want them to I don't want to
9959s see them chase after Jake when they're
9961s near the top of the blast zone instead
9962s just do like a dog pile 2V1 against the
9965s enemy Arya or enemy uh Arya instead you
9967s know so I think that's what we got to
9969s see is kind of just like let Jake
9971s understand that Jake is an advantage
9973s even though every other character in the
9975s game would probably be a disadvantage in
9976s that spot they're an advantage you just
9978s gotta accept that and just try to force
9980s the 2V1 against Arya instead yeah I I
9983s also want to get your thoughts
9984s specifically on something that we saw
9986s happen with viren and rip several times
9987s inside of that previous match there they
9989s were knocked up into the air several
9992s times into the blast zone several times
9994s by two Senpai and mji but that didn't
9996s result inside of a knockout what do you
9998s think could change perk wise or possibly
10000s stage Wise from happening are we looking
10002s at possibly going over to trophy's edge
10004s with lower ceilings
10006s uh so I feel like they pick sky Arena
10009s specifically to avoid that scenario
10011s because on the first stage it was sky
10013s Arena they exploded because of Jake so I
10015s feel like sky Arena is the stage to pick
10017s or like cromulons or something like that
10019s any big Open Stage that's exactly what
10021s we're gonna do yes I agree with this
10022s counterfeit you want that big ceiling
10024s even though you're not gonna be able to
10025s get your early Tails you're not going to
10027s be getting caught by early chaos from
10028s Jake it's gonna be harder for Jake to
10029s set up shop which is why we didn't see
10031s it as much game number two compared to
10033s game number one understandable really
10035s really good strong start so far by the
10037s red team racking up a lot of damage on
10040s Blue Team here and trying to to stay
10041s grounded for the most part trying to
10043s stay close to the center of the stage
10044s and we're seeing them not go up as far
10047s into the air out of respect for Jake
10049s just like you mentioned previously
10051s yeah and your nose is battering being a
10054s pile on top of them good counter action
10056s I like that that's the time for MJ to
10058s turn on the clock is when viren is
10061s preoccupied that's when you chase after
10063s them good call out from that and I did
10066s see the Jake come down immediately with
10069s that taxi trying to keep that pressure
10070s off of them so it didn't result as I
10073s have a double knockout very good
10073s awareness by both oh okay um and as we
10077s move further into this match we do see
10079s that red knockout stock goes up for blue
10081s team and ultimately that up does not
10084s result in a knockout for the Batman
10086s who's sitting still at 108 Jake's
10088s sitting at 103 and we have REO at five
10091s stacks of weakness that bomb going off
10093s blue team is appearing yet another stack
10097s I do want to point out that if you look
10099s at the pause the oh my God just call it
10101s by the top if you look at the the
10103s network stream of the top right that is
10104s the spectator's cam we are from a
10106s different country viewing it so if you
10108s ever see some like waney zany like
10109s networking issues it's because it's The
10111s Spectator view I think the players have
10113s a pretty solid connection I've heard
10114s really good things about the connections
10115s over in Europe so it's pretty it's
10117s primarily a spectator thing it's
10119s happening sir don't worry too much about
10121s that
10128s but it's sitting right now at 112. Arya
10131s sitting at 70 and they're both kind of
10134s in danger right now of being that final
10136s knockout Batman does of course get
10138s knocked out there and both teams are
10139s only one knockout away Blue Team One
10142s knockout away from moving forward on the
10143s winner side it's in the grand finals and
10145s Red Team One not got away from some Fury
10147s themselves another win inside of the set
10150s oh calls out the down special from viren
10155s that's a really tough thing to chase
10156s after with uh as Jake right when you're
10159s off the top of the blast zone and you go
10161s for the down special like that's a
10163s really hard hitboxer challenge like
10165s right there for instance you have to
10166s like time it out just right space it out
10168s just right before that uppercut comes
10170s into play and be able to secure that
10172s ring out so good stuff from MJ for
10174s spacing that out just right and finally
10176s showing some signs of life in this set
10178s I'm actually very very happy by the way
10182s that MJ has been not only moving forward
10183s but also adapting to some of the
10185s situations that they're put inside of
10186s you watched MJ kind of stay on the
10189s ground stay towards the center of mass
10190s of the stage a lot more as for previous
10192s matches you saw MJ kind of floating out
10195s of uh off the edges of the match kind of
10198s playing more of an aerial game and and
10200s this one he's staying a lot lighter he's
10202s staying uh he's staying a lot closer to
10204s the ground a lot a lot a lot lower down
10206s on the match and I think that ultimately
10208s uh helped them come out on top inside of
10210s that set as well so as they move forward
10212s inside of this they do need two more
10214s wins to move into Grand finals but this
10217s is an opportunity for them to make sure
10218s that they don't have to worry about
10220s playing it back through the loser side
10222s of this match
10223s um Aussie are we looking at any changes
10226s inside of stage here are we looking at
10227s any character swaps as we go into this
10229s very next match right now
10231s no I don't think so I think the
10233s characters are going to stay exactly the
10235s same uh stage might go back to trophy's
10237s Edge but it depends on what they're
10239s banning so again they get a lot of
10241s mileage off of the top of the blast zone
10243s to manage to get any sort of chaos near
10245s the top that could help them out
10246s tremendously but we just got to kind of
10249s wait and see it's based off of who's
10251s Banning woods and uh you're gonna also
10253s notice by the way those perks that they
10255s use triple jump has been a Mainstay on
10257s every single team we've seen today the
10259s reason triple jump is so good is because
10262s it gives you that additional resource if
10263s it's stacked so if both players on the
10266s team are running triple jump at all
10268s times they get three jumps instead of
10269s two when you have six resources total
10271s you have two Dodges two specials two
10274s jumps with triple jump that gives you
10276s that turns from six to seven because you
10277s have three jumps instead of two it's
10279s such a valuable resource that's insanely
10281s noticeable for chasing up the top or for
10283s when you're trying to recover from off
10284s stage but now all of a sudden bat cave
10288s this is the counterfeit stage this is
10289s actually a pretty good stage from the
10291s the counter pick too I could I could
10292s sense that maybe blue team or sorry red
10294s team bands trophies Edge like okay Bet
10296s let's go to bat cave Instead This is
10298s Gonna Be an incredibly volatile stage in
10300s favor of blue team potential they're
10302s gonna try to get those up specials ready
10303s to go so I'm connected to the down
10304s special instead gets the up air looking
10306s for that oh the special on top of that
10307s to be able to send him off to the top of
10309s the blast zone as they're diving into
10310s this beginning of this game four very
10313s very smart counter pick stage here
10315s especially for that Aria and uh that
10318s Batman here um but I'm I'm somewhat
10321s surprised mostly because if you counter
10323s pick the stages that you get double
10324s knocked out I know you're questioning
10326s yourself I know you're thinking did we
10328s really need to bring Bruce Wayne to his
10329s own stage here did we really need to do
10331s that was that really smart of us to do
10333s you know but right now looking at Red
10335s Team being at 100 right now
10338s crazy crazy
10340s moment there does ultimately get The
10343s Knockout there on red teams Arya two SIM
10345s fight he does go ahead and play with
10347s that with a stock and right now not as
10349s much attention being paid over MJ
10352s two step I did a great job by the way of
10355s being able to survive throwing up that
10356s Dagger from offstage to get back on
10358s there to put himself at a bad spot
10360s speaking of bad spots it's looking very
10362s Bleak for Blue Team all you need to do
10363s is that one more Wing out and they can
10365s turn this around but unfortunately Bruce
10367s Wayne's not gonna allow it MJ jumps up
10369s there gets the uppercut off the tops
10371s like you bring me back to my bat family
10372s again this is what happens game five
10374s baby
10376s who needs battles when you have Batman
10378s I'm sorry I just I want to I always
10381s think it's really interesting when any
10382s whenever an Arya or a Batman get an
10385s opportunity to go to Batcave because you
10387s almost always see this exact thing
10389s happen when you have two players who are
10392s already so incredibly coordinated who
10395s are able to be very very careful about
10397s their movement in addition to their
10398s coordination these are the results that
10400s you get with an incredibly low ceiling
10402s with something like this where you can
10404s just go ahead and uppercut them all the
10405s way out for a knockout and then I just
10408s also want to say to Senpai and MJ have
10410s personally been my top pick inside of
10413s this bracket exclusively because of
10416s their double top ending they they know
10418s how to play to the people and the people
10420s is me I am the Target demographic and I
10422s appreciate your people
10425s I I I literally I actually liked the bat
10431s cave counterpick I think that was a
10433s pretty solid pick for them especially
10434s how with how game one went it looks like
10436s they're trying to have lightning strike
10437s twice without how that game one decided
10439s to go in their favor the problem is is
10442s this is the same type of Team like they
10443s want the same thing both teams want Ko's
10447s off the top it doesn't matter like who
10449s is gonna be able to do it it's just who
10451s does it first and who does it better
10452s looks like we've got a little bit of a
10453s swap here going off of the Calico cat
10455s for uh cake swapping over to alien Jake
10458s the true Forum coming out here let's see
10461s how this is going to be able to play out
10462s here for the game number five of winners
10464s finals winner of this is gonna be in
10466s such a good spot for the rest of the
10467s bracket and losers has to go for a big
10470s climb not only winning a set in losers
10472s finals but having to take two sets of
10474s the person who wins this so now this is
10477s a very important game Jake is a family
10479s man he has a wife and children at home
10481s he has to go you know you don't got time
10484s for these games so I think we're just
10485s trying to see him get back to his true
10487s forms go over to cromulons save
10493s did we want did we watch the same show
10496s cause Jake is a horrible father bro he's
10499s always got time for games bro you know
10501s him he's got that one episode he's about
10503s the family and it goes off and does this
10504s is this is totally in character look I
10507s think I think we're seeing a rewrite of
10509s the cannon right now because as we look
10511s over it Batman who's at 69 almost
10514s securing a double knockout but only
10516s getting one knock out there on Arya uh
10519s Jake coming back relatively clean onto
10521s the stage not necessarily able to come
10523s back yet until he hits that
10526s 65-58 really really clean so far by red
10529s team doing a great job commanding the
10531s momentum in their side so far take this
10533s ding dong yeah just kind of just
10535s having this significantly you can do
10537s them very huge amounts of Wonders the
10539s problem is they're both at high damage
10541s so just if they can just find that Mark
10542s unfortunately viren's having trouble
10544s finding the the up special into the up
10546s air gaming to work for in their favor
10548s send them line with the downer the
10550s skateboard combo coming in clutch the
10552s third swing setting him flying towards
10554s the blast zone we're gonna see how the
10556s sound special is gonna be able to play
10556s out on top of that MJ thing here at 137
10558s goes for a second uppercut can't find
10560s the mark on the Arya gets called out by
10562s the official instead and now all of a
10564s sudden the tables have turned so we seem
10565s now in the lead look after that bat bomb
10567s I could send you to the top
10569s I'm somewhat surprised that that Aria
10571s down air did not actually hit there but
10574s I did see the Dodge come out and it
10576s really looks like Jaden's just being
10577s incredibly careful right now understands
10579s that all eyes are on all of his seven
10581s eyes right now and have to be very very
10583s careful of the way he chooses to
10584s approach it especially since red team's
10586s looking to put him inside of both team
10587s in one situation
10589s yeah just trying to hang on for as long
10591s as possible if you're in being the stock
10593s tank serious thing here at 149th I stay
10595s alive that was
10601s in the head getting the KO off the top
10603s incredible performance coming out from
10606s MJ you'll see if you try to pull this
10607s off one more time he just needs one more
10610s uppercut against grip sitting at 82
10611s damage can he find the Mark he's gonna
10614s get called out this could be turn the
10615s tables insanely fast look at them go
10618s I'm really really rooting for red team
10621s here right now they only need to secure
10624s this right here and they've been playing
10625s so well together very nice by Arya that
10628s up air does finally cement it and look
10631s at that look at that double Tandy can
10633s you not how do you not root for a team
10635s that does that consistently you know no
10637s mutton pancakes someone did that against
10639s me in match I be tilted but here on the
10642s static cannot believe two sent by an MJ
10645s bringing that back from the depths of
10646s Despair bro bring it to a 3-2 victory
10648s such a great recovery after that first
10651s game too and they were just got
10653s slobberknockered in that first 30
10654s seconds bro like it was done and done so
10656s so after that I was like whoa okay it
10658s looks like Vernon rip got this on
10659s lockdown but the adaptation especially
10662s from MJ's uppercut positioning to avoid
10664s right there that's what I was talking
10665s about avoiding the sticky part and
10667s hitting the head which is the vulnerable
10669s part sitting him off to the top it helps
10671s secure MJ and two senpai's spot in Grand
10676s finals of the European open number two
10678s they're guaranteed top two now now it's
10680s interesting because if you go ahead and
10681s take a look at this bracket you can see
10683s exactly how we got where we are and
10686s where we currently are inside of the
10687s standing
10688s this bracket has been uh I want to say
10691s dubious but and truthful it's been a
10693s plethora of skill inside of winners
10696s Grand finals we now have two Senpai and
10700s MJ who secured themselves on Winner's
10701s side meaning that they only need three
10703s victories there in order to win the
10705s entire shebang over on the loser semis
10708s finals we will have pleb and Timmy who
10711s will be competing against Pontiac and
10712s trap who will the winner of which will
10715s go on to fight viren and rip who just
10718s lost to two Senpai and MJ the winner of
10720s that match will ultimately play two
10722s Senpai nmj inside of grand finals and
10724s will have to win a total of three times
10726s in addition to another three inside of
10728s grand finals reset to secure the
10730s entirety of this open now looking at
10734s this bracket so far Aussie we see so
10737s much talent we see so many amazing story
10739s lines that have happened that it's
10740s gotten us to this far and I just want to
10742s say what an incredible Display of
10745s multiverses Power you know like moments
10748s like this are already readily available
10750s of course on an amazing Tournament level
10752s directly here on twitch.tv multiverses
10755s but I do want to remind all of our
10756s viewers and listeners that you can
10758s relive some of the hypest Moments by
10760s going over to twitter.com mvs gaming and
10763s following along to see even more
10766s Competitive Gaming multiverses there uh
10768s Austin I have to ask do you have a
10770s favorite moment from this tournament
10772s thus far
10773s uh probably the game one of the last set
10775s just the 4kos in 30 seconds it's I find
10779s it hilarious like I'm just like wow that
10781s actually happened that's amazing
10782s fantastic good job and they still
10784s couldn't take the set after that so
10786s that's probably my favorite moment
10787s honestly I just anytime like you just
10789s see stocks flying and people just
10792s falling down left and right it's always
10794s a hilarious thing to watch so anything
10795s that makes me giggle I guess is what's
10797s something that I'm gonna be pretty
10798s ecstatic about it really sets the stage
10801s to kind of showcase even more uh amazing
10804s unexpected play later on as I have the
10806s bracket when you see it being played
10807s that early you know inside of uh inside
10811s of the tournament standard like this now
10813s I do have to mention something as uh
10816s before we get into this very next match
10817s but one thing that I've noticed is that
10819s we actually haven't seen two of my
10822s favorite characters inside of this
10823s tournament yet Steven Universe or Garnet
10826s uh both characters that are very very
10828s popular and general and general play but
10832s sometimes aren't necessarily always seen
10833s as side of competitive play at these
10835s levels obviously inside of other side
10837s inside of other tournaments we have seen
10839s Steven Universe and we have seen Garnet
10841s but I'd love to hear your thoughts on
10843s exactly what makes Steven Universe so
10845s difficult to utilize at a high level I
10847s know that competitively what you're
10849s looking at is uh he's one of the only
10850s expert leveled characters inside of this
10852s game he has a very very large uh
10855s Advanced kit but it is relatively
10857s difficult to weld especially in the heat
10859s of ballot so we see a lot of people
10860s moving over to Arya we see a lot of
10863s people moving over to rain dog as a
10865s different support and we're seeing a lot
10866s of Morty do you have any thoughts about
10868s specifically Steven Universe and uh when
10871s we could possibly see him being used
10872s against other characters
10875s um it's just a character preference
10876s thing I I legit think Steven's really
10878s good at a top level
10879s um I see a lot of Stevens kind of moving
10881s away from him to play Morty instead
10883s because
10884s they kind of fill similar roles in terms
10887s of being able to save their teammate
10888s what Stephen can do is he puts out a
10890s shield by holding neutral air Dodge and
10892s allows three hits for both him and his
10894s team that share right so that like okay
10896s that'll help you with recovery come back
10898s and play aggressive right when you do
10899s that that can get broken by Shield
10901s breaker move so like a Wonder Woman or
10903s Shaggy narrow or anything with purple on
10905s it you can break that also it's only
10906s three hits and then if it all wears off
10908s then you can get caught all called out
10910s of that if you swap over to Morty you
10912s hit one button they come back to you
10913s immediately like so it's just way easier
10916s to do especially at top level there's
10917s less things to think about and allows
10920s you to be able to play the game you want
10921s to but of course in every game
10922s especially fighting games people find
10924s those characters that they attach to and
10926s they identify with and so they play
10928s those characters a lot more often
10930s through thick and thin it's a lot more
10931s common in fighting games than in like
10933s say like a MOBA or something just
10935s because you find yourself attached with
10937s those characters so there's still going
10938s to be though Steven Universe Mains out
10940s there they're just not hearing this
10942s bracket today or in last week's bracket
10943s so just not as common Europe as for
10945s Garnet I have not seen this character at
10947s all in Brackets we've seen it a couple
10949s of times she can work I just think she's
10952s very different from the whole rest of
10954s the roster I feel like when I picked up
10956s every single character in this game and
10958s I picked them and I started going into
10959s the game right
10960s first thing I do is I go to the lab I
10962s play every character I see like what
10963s their moves are feel them out what's
10965s going to happen here there are two
10967s characters that did not feel
10969s instinctively like like I I didn't pick
10972s them up right away that took me a while
10973s to figure them out like oh I get it now
10975s that was Garnet and Black Adam uh Garnet
10978s is a character that just feels
10980s incredibly different from the rest of
10982s the cast in terms of how the combo
10983s strings work in terms of how the spike
10985s Works in terms of like a lot of stuff
10987s she's still really good but she just
10989s like she's different it requires a
10991s different type of mindset to play her I
10992s think black Adam's in the same spot
10993s where he just feels so like his combos
10996s game is so flashy it requires a lot of
10999s thought in my opinion that you like you
11001s can't just learn right out the gate
11002s compared to like someone like Finn for
11004s instance I think Finn's combo game I
11006s figured out in like two seconds you know
11008s like I picked up the game I was like
11009s Downer up air back like you know like
11011s that's all you got to do a lot of the
11012s combos in this game revolve around down
11014s air into something into like an upper
11016s level in Garnet and Black Adam don't
11018s really have that as much as the rest of
11020s the cast I apologize for interrupting
11022s you here uh Aussie as we get into this
11024s round one we do have a very very
11026s decisive uh Ground start from Pontiac
11029s and trap who immediately pushed blue
11031s team off of the stage and we do get up
11034s before a lot of damage going out onto
11037s both Finn and Morty who are both sitting
11040s above 80 right now as opposed to the 60
11043s things he's been at and the 43 Percy
11046s brain dog at very commanding round start
11047s and really really good first start for
11050s this loser's uh quarters
11054s yeah uh uh Lose Yourself jumping into
11058s right now yeah yeah so no it's okay
11059s we're here in best of five territory
11061s still that's a whole top eight right so
11063s you gotta be that brace to three see
11065s who's gonna be able to take out this
11066s tournament set right out the gate you're
11068s gonna notice that trap playing a really
11069s good keep away game throwing out these
11071s projectiles from a very very safe
11072s distance trying to throw out the
11074s fireball off the fireball as well as
11075s those little projectiles from neutral
11077s special but hold on a second that's
11078s gonna be the first life going in favor
11080s of blue team you hear that Finch going
11082s off to the top but Travis doing a good
11084s job of playing stock tank oh really
11086s really good recovery there by Morty and
11088s the up Air does not unfortunately knock
11090s out the thin but it doesn't rack up a
11091s nice 30-27 and the very first knockout
11094s for Pontiac and trap does go out on
11099s yeah oh hold on a second now that sock
11104s tanking action's gonna come in clutch
11106s here for trop being able to sit there
11107s with the 91 damage try to survive look
11109s at them they're trying to chase after
11110s that's what you gotta do you're playing
11111s the support character you gotta go after
11113s that sport character do not let them
11114s play the game they want to play that's
11116s exactly what you're going to see here
11117s from The Blue Team not only they're at
11118s high damage but they're also just trying
11120s to set up shop here not going to commit
11121s that up special just yet wants to play a
11123s little fade away game see how they react
11124s instead as we're going down here the 124
11127s the tether going to come in add a lot of
11128s passive damage get called out by that
11130s gem on top of that the lightning strike
11132s is going to be able to do a lot of
11133s Wonders couldn't get the upper special
11134s on the right side of the stage and now
11136s we're seeing another final first life
11138s taken away from Trap it's really good I
11140s believe that was actually a grenade
11141s confirmed that ended up knocking out
11143s tribe there but I want to just say drop
11145s is job is really showing that supports
11147s got paused you know you can't sleep on
11150s rain deck as exclusively just kind of
11151s being an assistant to fend because if
11153s you decide to go ahead and actually
11154s Target this rain dog you're going to
11156s take quite a little bit of damage for it
11158s and I think that's really what the blue
11161s team is starting to learn they have to
11162s go after that then at a high percentage
11164s but they also need to keep that rain dog
11166s off of them because rain dog will come
11168s and interrupt them with Adair easily
11170s knocking them out so very very careful
11173s play by both the Morty and the fin on
11175s the blue team to go ahead and keep that
11177s rain dog at Bay
11180s now sitting on that 64 damage is trying
11182s to just apply pressure and everyone's in
11184s danger territory except for trab again
11187s that's been kind of like the name of the
11188s game so far in the sky Arena flat Open
11190s Stage look he's projectiles being flying
11192s left to right right to left hold on a
11194s second trab's in danger you see the
11196s chase after him as well uses the
11197s projectile to get back on their teammate
11199s Finn coming in clutch phonics trying to
11201s get a punch on top of that transfer as
11203s long as they can only charged up attack
11205s on the ground gonna solidify that first
11206s point they have a lead but not for long
11208s now they're in trouble
11210s finishes it off three points in a row
11215s taken from both teams red team putting
11217s the first point on the board here in
11219s this tremendous series we're seeing so
11220s far very good play by the red team here
11223s and I want to just show off exactly how
11225s they were able to quickly get this
11226s started you see them over here at the
11228s high percentage they got the early lead
11230s as I stated
11231s um during your succinct analysis that we
11233s had at the start of the match we saw red
11234s team immediately take a very aggressive
11236s round start get that early damage out on
11238s Blue Team push them off the stage and it
11240s allowed rain dog time to go ahead and
11241s set up this projectile game which we see
11243s at every single stage of knockout even
11245s when we watch rain dog get knocked out
11247s themselves we see rain dog being careful
11249s touching all these projectiles one for
11251s one and even when blue team becomes a
11253s stock up immediately we see rain dog
11255s puts them inside of situations where
11257s he's able to go ahead and stop those
11258s grenade setups and let Finn go wild
11261s absolutely brazy with some of these
11264s knockout confirms I was actually a
11265s really big fan of the Synergy that both
11268s Jake and Rain dog had coming into this
11271s very next match now I have to ask you uh
11274s Aussie because obviously you really
11276s truly understand uh how much the
11278s projectile game helped the red team
11280s there do you think we're looking at at a
11282s counterpick stage that will actually
11283s include more projectiles making it a
11285s little bit harder for random to get
11286s started or do you think we're going to
11287s go back to a no platform stage
11290s um I mean the no platform stage is also
11292s a pretty good pick to use against rain
11294s dog just because there are no platforms
11296s available
11297s um I'm not sure I could see them going
11299s straight back like sky Arena I feel like
11301s that was a pretty good pick just to put
11302s against rain dog when you give rain dog
11304s platforms that allows them to be able to
11305s put the Fireballs on the platforms on
11307s top of that allows them to be able to
11308s escape even easier because he has
11310s platforms to be able to safely land on
11312s which granted I feel like they weren't
11314s really chasing after him instead of
11315s focusing on the stages I want to focus
11317s on them chasing after rain dog more
11318s applying pressure towards rain dog I
11320s feel like ponyx was doing a fantastic
11321s job of just keeping them off of them
11323s because trab needs to be taken care of
11325s and I don't think it's going to come
11326s down to Stage pick I think it's going to
11328s come down to how their playstyles are
11329s playing completely agree uh it's it's
11332s really it's really an interesting match
11334s for sure and I think this round star is
11336s just going to be as important as it was
11338s previously so I'm very interested to see
11340s what stage they go on uh what the round
11342s starts going to be are we ah actually
11344s looks like we're looking at trophies
11345s Edge yet again whoa wow I I don't agree
11348s with this counter pick again against red
11350s team because rain dog can thrive on this
11353s stage it does help blue team play the
11355s aggressive game I guess because it's
11357s hard for him to run away but if they're
11358s able to set up shop on one of the other
11360s platforms it's hard to break open but I
11361s guess it's working out for them look at
11363s them already charging them down playing
11364s the very aggressive game this is what
11366s I'm talking about though with that metal
11367s platform it's very tough for them to be
11369s able to try to like get in there with
11370s all these projectiles going unfortunate
11371s placement of that tether going left
11372s instead of right puts up again this is
11374s what I'm talking about look at Trump
11375s he's just able to set up so much shot
11376s the second there's a little bit of
11377s distance that's the problem with this
11379s stage against projectiles they have to
11381s be able to get in and it looks like blue
11382s team ultimately does racks up a limited
11385s amount of percentage and I I'm noting
11387s I'm noting it's exactly as you say here
11389s Aussie look at how hard your team has to
11391s work even just for what they got there
11393s which was I want to remind our viewers
11395s 12 they worked that hard they got 12
11398s they ended up taking a total of 30 and
11400s now both under the blue team are sitting
11402s there each over a hundred percent as
11404s opposed to the red team who's still
11405s sitting very safe under 60 each
11410s and if you're just keeping an eye on
11412s tribe the entire time he's barely done
11414s anything besides shoot off projectiles
11415s set up shop with the grenades throughout
11417s the fireballs and then once he goes in
11418s he hits the downer into the up air
11420s shrink it's a very common plan you'll
11422s see from rain dogs and it works
11423s tremendously when there's no pressure
11424s being applied to him which is kind of
11426s not happening right now from routine
11428s with this counterpick stage he's able to
11430s run free look at this he's not doing
11431s anything he's just shooting out
11432s projectiles and blue team they just
11434s can't find their way in when they do you
11436s know you see phonics come in and try to
11438s retaliate against them now they're in a
11440s bad spot hold on a second throwing it
11441s out great recovery coming out from
11443s trouble unfortunately couldn't get the
11444s tether off in time to save off phonics
11446s if that was Morty could have been able
11447s to survive right this is the one button
11449s push you had to get that tether locked
11450s up down is tremendous KO Sharpie wow
11457s great dog has lost a number of their
11460s recovery moves and was still able to
11462s make it back on the stage just because
11463s of that projectile pressure in addition
11465s to also getting another knockout
11466s ultimately they did get knocked out
11467s there but watching the way that red
11469s teams performed inside of that heavy
11471s pressure situation just for the edge
11473s guard game the way that they work just
11475s for it to ultimately come back on their
11477s account I still want to save red team is
11478s up because look at that damage right now
11480s on that Sim we're looking at 140 right
11483s now and we're looking at a Morty at 72
11485s percent they are primed and ready for a
11488s double knockout right now red team is
11489s just in fantastic form this match
11493s yeah again I think this this is coming
11495s down to the stage this is 100 you saw
11498s that top by the way trap just haunted in
11501s the middle of deck after that KO
11502s something's happening here or not I'm
11505s not sure what's going on but we're
11506s seeing trap just be able to survive a
11508s little bit longer shooting us
11509s projectiles give me electric oh
11510s fantastic KO food coming out from pie so
11513s all of a sudden this is gonna be a
11514s really slippery slope all they need to
11516s do is get this one last KO against him
11518s you see trap trying to chase after the
11520s Morty looks for this opening trying to
11522s find the mark against Timmy Timmy just
11523s trying to survive for as long as
11524s possible sitting at 130 damage oh he's
11526s just one swing one down and that's gonna
11528s be able to slide its Mark red team
11529s taking yet another game close as I
11532s thought it was gonna be but what a
11533s gamble of a counter pick you know
11535s watching the way that red team performs
11536s inside this matchup and this is exactly
11537s what I think both of us were talking
11538s about here look at the percentages
11540s compared to literally how hard blue team
11543s had to work for every single stock every
11545s single time blue team got a knockout you
11548s watch the right team this recovery right
11549s here right here jumps out puts out the
11551s projectile game get the knock out on the
11555s Morty still that is that is ridiculous
11558s austie that is that that to me is
11560s mind-boggling are you really looking at
11563s a support are you looking at BM and by
11565s BM I mean a bad mummy you know what I
11568s mean he is bad he is bad in the best way
11571s and you love to see it because it is
11573s just so beautiful to see a support that
11576s can not only punch but also use their
11578s paws to maintain a lead in this way
11580s truthfully I am absolutely in awe of
11584s tribe going into this matchup and
11586s they're still they're still very
11588s enjoyable for me to watch I know we got
11589s a little bit of bias I can't help it
11591s when I see that level of gameplay a
11594s little bit just a smell a little smidge
11596s almost as much as we saw tether you know
11598s what I mean just a little bit just
11599s enough that it counts and I'm I'm really
11601s enjoying this setup here I'm really
11603s enjoying this match but I am genuinely
11605s hoping that both pleb and Timmy are able
11607s to bring it back that counter pick as
11609s you said was not necessarily a stage in
11611s their favor so hopefully we will see
11612s them go back over to Sky Arenas and pick
11614s a stage that that gives them a little
11615s bit more Comfort possibly
11618s yeah I I think my favorite thing about
11621s this set is trab survivability just
11623s staying alive playing the long game
11625s playing the support role in true
11627s Fashions I don't know how many times
11628s I've Seen Rain Dogs charge in and try to
11630s play the melee game which granted rain
11632s dog has a strong melee tool right that
11634s down air is one of the best downers in
11635s the game in my opinion it's not only can
11637s you charges so it comes out faster once
11639s you commit to it you can move around
11640s with it it also has a gigantic hitbox
11643s allows you to be able to combo off of it
11644s very strongly but the thing is that's
11646s not where rain dog strength is rain dog
11648s strength is what he's doing right now
11650s staying away from the battle and setting
11652s up shop putting down cover fire for his
11655s teammate to wreck shop good call out
11657s there as well for that sare on Morty's
11660s side right there to kind of cover it
11661s look at the way that blue team has kind
11662s of recognized we need to push red team
11664s out of the match before they can go
11666s ahead and get started they're doing a
11667s really good job of basically stopping
11669s brain dog when he is stuck inside of
11671s those animation frames But ultimately it
11673s is only going to result in one knockout
11674s right now you team moving a lot slower a
11677s lot more likely and most importantly
11679s they're moving together not necessarily
11681s having to worry about any gaps inside of
11683s the stage like they had on trophy's edge
11685s I think it's doing a lot more positive
11688s things for them inside of the specific
11689s match
11691s yeah it's really helping them out and in
11693s the long run also traps recovery also I
11696s want to mention is that of special it
11698s gives you a lot of aerial Mobility to be
11699s able to go from right side to the left
11701s side Here Comes Finn by the way Club
11702s tank trying to get something going here
11704s with the down attack so tether not going
11705s to commit to it just yet until he finds
11707s himself in a safe spot I like that wait
11709s for phonics to come back in and we'll
11711s see how the gameplay is going to come
11712s out meanwhile you see Timmy coming down
11714s with the downers the side areas Galore
11715s throwing out the grenades here we go
11716s Blue Team awake trying to find these
11719s down air actions both for the team have
11721s very strong down at the top left wow the
11723s size special to avoid that KO again and
11725s puts armor on you very good get out of
11727s jail free card for Morty very very nice
11729s setup as well and I just love the way
11732s that Morty is kind of meeting and
11734s answering and challenging a lot of these
11737s aerial moves by rain dog right now to
11739s stay inside the game using that armor
11740s and uh sacrificing that damage but in
11742s the same vein look at the way that armor
11744s that that rain dog is using these
11745s projectile flame setups to kind of
11747s increase the amount of damage they get
11749s making it so that these Knockouts are
11751s much faster wow we just have almost a
11753s completely percentage reset right now
11755s sitting pretty at 111 literally one up
11760s air away from Death having to be very
11762s very careful and tethered immediately
11764s into the arms of the Bluefin did not
11765s want that very clearly but was able to
11767s escape from getting possibly knocked out
11769s there yeah that was caught in a bad spot
11772s oh no he didn't want to commit to the up
11773s special I respect it Colette was trying
11776s to wait for like some sort of like Dash
11778s Down recovery to see what they could do
11780s as a punish game but now we're seeing
11781s Trev caught in a bad spot they're
11783s chasing after they're not letting him
11785s play his game anymore but meanwhile on
11787s the other side of the design we're
11788s seeing a Finn do on the right side
11789s panic's just kind of staying in the game
11791s with 139 trying to stay alive for as
11793s long as possible but at the end of the
11794s day it's gonna be all on trap to stay
11796s alive for even longer right because at
11798s this point it kind of except that
11799s phonics is going to lose their life so
11801s it's about him just trying to give him
11803s as much wiggle room as possible for the
11805s next life I really like this aggressive
11807s almost pitbull-esque rain dog right now
11809s kind of like they just let him off the
11811s legion they just said go go go rain dog
11813s obviously you don't want to go go go off
11814s the stage but you do want to go go go to
11816s secure these Knockouts you know what I
11817s mean
11818s oh yeah but unfortunately got called out
11820s all the resources very good Edge
11823s guarding coming out from Blue Team just
11824s constantly calling calling on all those
11826s tools to commit to a double jump smack
11829s him commit to a special smack I'm
11831s running out of resources and you finally
11832s fall down Aussie can you kind of bring
11833s us through exactly how blue team was
11835s able to secure this here
11837s they won
11838s they beat them they they smack them up
11840s they uh they hit him with their sword
11842s and they're uh Morty hammer and because
11845s they hit them uh their damages went up
11847s uh would you say that
11850s that they uh managed to go ahead and
11852s Leash that dog you know a lot of people
11853s say who let the dogs out do you say they
11855s put the dog back in whoa
11862s I think it's very obvious what I'm
11864s saying I think that they managed to
11866s avoid I think they managed to rain that
11868s dog in get what I'm saying here I think
11872s I think they did a brain dog go ahead
11874s and check out the make a rain dog
11875s tournaments happening on this Thursday
11877s TV slash player first games
11880s great plug great plug I I not only
11883s appreciated that plug but I also
11885s appreciate it that win by pleb and Timmy
11888s there who brought it back at a crucial
11890s moment and several times at that very
11892s last match now I know we've talked
11894s several times about the act of yomi that
11895s is understanding and conditioning your
11897s enemy player do you think that we're
11899s starting to see that here for the blue
11901s team we're starting to see a little bit
11902s more change that we needed they do have
11904s themselves up one uh I'm sorry they're
11907s not currently up one but the score is
11908s currently one two not necessarily inside
11910s of their favor uh do you think that
11912s we're looking at a possible comeback
11913s right now for Timmy and pleb
11917s absolutely not they're gonna get smacked
11919s up this next game panics and travel
11920s gonna come in here get a four stock win
11922s send them down to fourth place and jump
11924s into losers finals that's what I'm
11926s saying that's what I'm sensing I'm
11927s calling it I'm shipping it okay okay
11929s fair put my vote in the ballot baby fair
11931s fair on my on my end I am really excited
11935s to see The Blue Team performing well
11936s inside that last matchup I do think they
11938s identified the threat which is as I said
11940s previously rain dog um I do think that
11943s Finn did a great job of keeping his uh
11945s percentages safe making sure that he
11947s wasn't necessarily knocked out as early
11949s as we saw previously
11951s um but it was still definitely red
11953s team's game to lose and I think that
11955s momentum shift is ultimately going to
11957s help uh really play well towards the
11960s blue team here but it's once again still
11963s rain dog and Finn's team a game to lose
11966s Morty and Finn really have to continue
11968s to step it up here and it's going to
11969s start by making sure that they win in
11971s both the opening and on the stage select
11974s as you know
11976s yeah well here we go going for game
11978s number four Stitch looks gonna be sky
11980s Arena this is gonna be a great stage for
11982s Trad be able to just like have this Big
11984s Wide Open Stage that's exactly how it's
11986s gonna start off but now we're seeing a
11988s way more aggressive blue team not
11989s against ponics but against trap this is
11991s what I was talking about the entire set
11993s is you gotta chase after rain dog and
11995s that's what we're starting to see here
11996s granted they're doing a really good job
11998s playing this keep away game because of
12000s this massive Open Stage look at these
12002s cut team combos coming out holy moly I'm
12005s seeing a lot of confirmed right now for
12009s both people uh for both teams but I'm
12011s ultimately seeing red team coming out on
12013s top Morty's sitting at 120 right now
12015s Finn trying to separate the red team
12018s right now and taking a lot of tether
12020s damage in the intro I cannot believe
12022s that Morty's already at 133
12024s that to me is so incredibly strange
12027s especially considering the round side we
12028s have right now I like I said it's all up
12030s to the round start and I'm showing that
12032s red team has already gotten themselves
12033s established like I said it's their game
12035s to lose and they're really showing why
12038s they aren't here why they are this far
12039s inside of top eight
12042s Sharpie you ever get that daily mission
12043s where it's like I need to get 350 damage
12046s you know what character I picked for
12047s that I pick a rain dog this guy can pick
12049s so much damage off of Just passive
12052s damage whether it's a tether straight
12054s projectiles his strong down air again
12056s which we just saw witness Court some Kos
12059s like he just got so many tools that just
12061s adds up damage really fast and before
12062s you know it you're at triple digits
12064s that's just kind of the name of the game
12065s with rain dog he's so good racking up
12067s that damage you know and it's really
12069s interesting as well because we don't
12070s have that many rain dogs inside of the
12072s bracket this is the only rain dog I
12074s believe that we saw inside of top eight
12076s and it's it's really nice to see a team
12078s like this being able to coordinate and
12080s work so well because rain dog is one of
12082s those characters that you do have to be
12083s very careful about working with when
12085s he's separated from his teammate and he
12087s has to work alone you have to be ready
12088s to be just as aggressive and just as
12090s strong and just as succinct about
12094s security so please knockout situations
12095s or seeing that trap is up to the task
12097s both members of the red team are sitting
12099s at 100 right now that down here could
12101s punch it no such luck comes back down
12104s and upayer does go ahead and secure that
12106s knockout on the Trap there very first
12109s stop for the pleb and Timmy and uh it's
12113s it's it's not looking that great right
12115s now for them anymore yeah look at that
12117s it's looking a little Bleak look at that
12119s triple damage on Blue Team like this
12121s could be a little bit too late because
12123s literally one swings away from losing
12126s their bracket going home with a fourth
12127s place finish phonics and trap trying to
12129s get these last hits on them all they
12131s need is this one down here but look at
12133s this strength they're not going down
12134s without a fine blood tank going out
12135s there getting a ton of combo damage off
12137s stage gets the follow-up from Timmy
12139s coming out here trying to get rid of
12140s this right now they do it they're coming
12143s back from the devs of nothing to try to
12145s stay alive for as long as possible
12147s they're both at very dangerous damage
12149s hit the rack up so much against some
12150s early chaos to try to bring this back
12152s three points or two blue team
12154s theoretically has the lead but not in
12155s terms of the damage but Chris he always
12157s goes that's one down here gonna get one
12158s more upper Jimmy has to stay alive 161
12161s damage
12165s on top of that looking out for these
12167s follow-ups he's got to stay alive for
12169s his dangerous
12172s you know watching all of that unfold in
12175s real time is truthfully uh just a master
12179s class and how to make sure that you stay
12182s inside of a reactive State at every
12184s single point in time of the game I don't
12186s think there was a single moment that red
12188s team didn't necessarily have the power
12191s to go ahead and change the pace of the
12192s match and they use it several times you
12194s watch rain dog just sitting back taking
12196s more of a passive role and the minute
12198s that there is a 2V1 situation you watch
12201s rain dog get into The Fray start mashing
12203s out that down air Beautiful by Finn but
12206s was it enough it was not because
12207s immediately what we see here is a
12209s follow-up by that rain down here to go
12211s ahead and secure that knockout and that
12212s we have yet another up air and but a few
12215s moments to go ahead and secure this
12217s final knockout onto the fin beautiful
12220s play by both panic and trap obviously
12224s trap is my personal MVP coming out of
12226s that match but I'm very very excited to
12229s see what lies inside of the remainder of
12231s this bracket for top eight
12233s I'm oxide as well Sharpie but I think
12236s we're gonna have to contain our
12237s excitement because right now I need a
12239s breather you need a breather we all need
12241s a breather guys we got losers finals
12244s coming up but don't go anywhere we'll be
12246s right back
12248s good
12255s foreign
12265s [Music]
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12338s thank you
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12607s thank you
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12924s foreign
12929s welcome back everybody to EU West number
12934s two open bracket for fall Showdown
12937s multiverses I am one of your co-casters
12941s the purple Sharpie but you can call me
12943s Sharpie and I'm here with my good friend
12945s and co-host Austin Austy what do you
12948s think of the bracket so far
12950s um it's been kind of incredible I like
12953s seeing all the sets we've seen from
12954s Europe one of my favorite things about
12955s doing stuff like this and watching these
12957s tournaments from Europe is I don't
12958s really get to see them play as much
12960s because their tournaments always happen
12961s at times I'm asleep you know and granted
12963s that's fine that should be something
12964s that's fair but now I'm forced to wake
12966s up to commentate over it and God bless
12969s I'm so excited that it was forced to do
12971s such a thing because now I can actually
12973s see these sets happen in real time it's
12975s been quite quite a hoot such a trail
12977s that we've seen so far Sharpie for sure
12979s and as we go through this bracket uh
12982s shown I believe on the stream and but a
12984s few moments you can see that we have a
12987s very very large bracket so far on the
12990s winter side we originally had Pontiac
12991s and trap who ultimately lost to viren
12993s and VIP 3-0 we also had pleb and Timmy
12997s who played up against two Senpai and MJ
12999s ultimately came out on the loser side MJ
13002s and two Senpai moving forward three two
13004s we have a bar in Elroy who smashed L
13007s walk and uh Jos 3-0 we had Phantom and M
13011s Shin who absolutely dominated uh uh bod
13015s and Minnie Michael 3-1 and on the
13017s Winner's final side but back up at the
13020s top of the bracket we had two Senpai and
13022s MJ come out ultimately on top against
13025s viren and rip 3-2 knocking them down
13027s into our very next match that we will be
13029s watching which will be Varian invip
13030s versus panic and trab now viren and VIP
13034s are known for playing Jake and Arya
13037s inside of these matches and they have
13039s come out very very strong from the
13041s get-go now panic and trab are two
13044s players that they actually knocked out
13045s originally into the losers at the start
13047s of this top eight trab being a very
13050s well-known rain dog and Pontiac as well
13053s being a relatively a relatively okay
13055s known uh Finn here now ultimately as we
13059s go into this very next match of losers
13061s finals we asked and posed you a question
13064s on twitter.com mvs gaming we asked do
13068s you think viren and ripple will come out
13070s of losers for the run back you all gave
13073s us your answers it was actually a 50 50
13074s split between yes and no now Aussie
13077s before I come to you for your thoughts
13079s on this I want to remind all reviewers
13082s and listeners that you could also help
13085s us be this tiebreaker by going through
13087s to twitter.com MBS gaming and making
13090s sure that you engage with not only the
13091s clips and highlights of all of
13092s competitive multiverses but also the
13094s amazing polls that we have that may
13096s actually end up showing up on stream
13097s with that being said Aussie what are
13099s your thoughts as we go into losers
13100s finals regarding uh rip and viren's
13103s status
13104s All I'm gonna say
13106s is winner semis viren and rip got a 3-0
13111s against ponics and trap
13113s that's it
13115s that's all I'm gonna say sometimes
13116s that's all that's needs to be said you
13118s know sometimes all we need to do is just
13119s remind people about what happened
13121s earlier inside this bracket personally
13123s as someone who watched trap and panic
13126s actually perform incredibly well it's
13128s like this early part of the bracket I'm
13130s interested to see if that adaptation
13132s that they've had against other players
13134s may actually have them running hot as
13136s we've mentioned inside of this bracket
13137s previously running hot is the Players
13140s basically playing all the way through a
13142s bracket and just getting those juices
13143s flowing you know being ready and uh fast
13146s to change anything as needed inside of
13150s the bracket do you think do you think
13152s that there's a chance that we could see
13153s Varian and rip who who have had an
13155s opportunity to kind of like sit on their
13157s thoughts make some adaptation and
13159s changes most notably we see viren over
13162s here not necessarily on catechocat but
13163s actually on alien cyborg-esque Jake here
13167s uh what do you think what do you think
13169s that adaptation is going to do for this
13171s next match
13172s I dude it could go either way I I think
13176s literally one thing I think will
13178s actually help out immensely for the
13180s losers team the one coming from loser
13182s semisphonics and trap is that they've
13184s been on fire right they just got off the
13186s heels of winning a set two sets in a row
13188s meanwhile you know if you're in rip
13191s their last set they lost and they had to
13193s sit on that for a while so we'll have to
13194s wait and see but interesting start by
13196s the way that they allowed trophies Edge
13198s too like again this is a fantastic stage
13201s for the likes of rain dog can easily
13203s just stay back do the tether on them and
13205s throw out the projectiles but I think
13206s what grip and baron want to go for is
13209s these really early chaos which is hard
13211s to avoid on it's such a small stage like
13213s that it is actually working out in their
13215s favor they don't care if that uh rain
13217s dog to have set up shop on one of the
13219s edges of the stage because they're going
13221s up there and they're getting these
13222s combos baby yeah and it's it's
13223s interesting because I think that Jake
13225s and Arya both have tools that allow them
13227s to stick very easily to characters like
13229s rain dog and make it harder for fans who
13231s has less mobile
13233s tools to get back without the assistance
13235s of brain dog tether to kind of assist
13236s rain dog in supporting their Jake really
13239s has to sit next to rain dog because the
13240s minute rain dog gets separated you're
13242s looking at another knockout two
13243s Knockouts courtesy of Arya and Jake on
13247s that poor little rain dog right there
13249s everyone that has played against Onyx
13252s and traps today has not been doing the
13254s whole thing of chasing down rain dog not
13256s letting him play the game Crazy
13257s meanwhile Vernon
13272s so fast
13275s I'm happy that we have the replays
13277s because I believe at this point
13280s more than that entire match did
13282s it was a shutout as you said austie it
13286s was a four stock shutout we saw Jake and
13289s uh Aria separate rain dog and Fenn
13292s multiple times and every single time
13293s resulted in finned I'm sorry rain dog's
13296s death actually I believe rain dog was
13299s four out of four of those that's looking
13300s back on it here literally every single
13302s stock loss was ultimately because rain
13305s dog was stuck by both Jake and
13309s the Haria it's hard not to get it's hard
13312s not to have a character like Arya just
13314s stick to you the entire time
13316s yeah especially when you got like a uh
13318s Jake uh all over you on top of that try
13320s to get those like up specials near the
13322s top on top of that but that entire game
13325s that's exactly how you have to play
13326s against the likes of a support character
13329s just in general like you'll notice that
13331s on their team there's no support it's an
13333s Arya and a jake what they're doing is
13335s that they're just trying to get these
13337s really really early KO as well also
13339s relying on the survivability of uh
13342s virens Jake because of the heavy weight
13343s that Jake has to brings to the table on
13346s top of that they were just mashing on
13348s rain dog not allowing in like not
13349s allowing uh trap to play the game right
13352s like all all three of those chaos were
13354s very low damage in the final KO off of
13356s when they got it on pawnex near the top
13358s of the stage there was a missed uh
13359s tether coming out from Trap so even then
13361s that was just like an unfortunate thing
13363s that just did not work out for them on
13364s trophies Edge too not not sure what
13367s we're gonna see here for game number two
13368s because they got a slug you gotta shake
13370s that off right we've seen games like
13372s that happen before in the past if you're
13374s in grip started the exact same way in
13376s winners finals and they didn't end up
13377s winning the sets so it's very easy to
13380s try to come in here and adapt and change
13382s the play style I think it's also easy to
13384s get overrun game number one by a maybe
13386s like a game plan you're not quite used
13387s to just yet for sure I'm interested to
13391s see exactly what stage we'll see them
13392s take to uh because if if if my memory
13396s and my notes serve correct I believe
13398s actually Darren and rip took them as
13399s well to uh sky Arena the very first time
13402s and they actually took them to Trophies
13403s Edge this time which was counter picked
13406s last time inside of Winner's Side by
13408s Trav and Pontiac so it was almost as
13410s though they knew what stages they could
13412s like necessarily feel comfortable at uh
13414s because they do ultimately have to win
13416s that coin toss in order to determine so
13418s I I'm interested in seeing whether or
13419s not trab and Pontiac actually chose
13421s trophy's Edge there and what the counter
13423s pick is going to be here are we going to
13424s see sky Arena platforms I personally
13426s believe so but ultimately uh we'll see
13429s this guy Arena no platform very smart
13432s decision in my head in my decision year
13434s and we do see that change over to Morty
13436s great recovery as well it is on a really
13438s long cooldown so they have to be very
13440s respectful of the way that they choose
13442s to approach after this
13444s um really excited to see what grip and
13446s viren are going to do inside of this
13448s matchup Veron having such a strong start
13450s with that down there at the forcing
13452s Morty to use his really good cooldown
13454s early on is a really strong ability to
13457s be able to just kind of get in there and
13458s Rush down your opponent speaking of
13460s Morty this is the character we're seeing
13462s now Travis been playing rain dog all day
13464s today finally swapping over to the Morty
13466s instead realizing that okay I can't get
13468s them in town with the tether I'm being
13469s overrun which rain dog can really get
13472s rushed down on Morty has way more Tools
13474s in his kicks he has such great recovery
13476s there's a first potato coming out gonna
13478s be able to get that on steering can they
13480s get a second one on top look I'm trying
13481s to chase after the UFO trapped him wow
13484s wow really good adaptation really good
13487s of that Morty recovery to ultimately end
13490s in the death of his own League uh really
13492s really nice there by bluetooth I think
13494s they have very strong awareness going
13495s into this mess and right now I'm looking
13497s at an aria with full stunts you have to
13499s be aware you have to be careful oh very
13503s nice knockout they're trying to secure
13504s and stop that taking care but they got
13506s so many recovery tools and now he has
13508s all of them
13510s yeah and now all of a sudden you saw
13513s that Morty was actually stuck that was
13515s ingenious from biren so there was a
13517s situation there that drip was just
13519s bullying pies till she finally got the
13522s KO the whole time viren what does he do
13525s he puts Morty in his mouth he can't do
13527s anything when he's in the mouth for that
13529s long you can't bring him back from the
13530s save point that was so smart
13532s that's gonna hear himself the second
13534s point a very dominating performance
13536s coming out from Blue Team yeah a very
13539s very fast match even again we're seeing
13542s inside of all these replays uh a really
13544s common point right the first of which is
13546s that blue team has moments where they're
13549s not necessarily at Advantage but somehow
13551s they stay out of state they go back into
13553s a state uh they're able to very quickly
13555s basically uh be a little bit more safe
13557s be a little bit more defensive and
13559s immediately the moment that they realize
13561s they're at Advantage again they go all
13563s in it's literally like a switch with
13564s them they understand the opportunities
13566s that they have to win and they take them
13568s for all their worth that's what we're
13569s ultimately seeing yet again and Aussie
13572s I'm starting to understand now why you
13574s believe that it is going to be a shutout
13575s overwhelmingly looking at these first
13577s two matches
13578s I agree with the character counterpick
13580s in terms of like being shut down right
13582s because that was a better performance
13584s than game number one because that was a
13586s brutal the reason you're gonna notice
13588s that trap switching over to Morty if I
13589s had to venture a guess he swapped over
13591s to Morty because he realized all the
13593s Ko's were super early on when rain dogs
13596s and disadvantage he doesn't have many
13598s tools to get out of it that other
13600s characters don't have he has an up
13601s special that increases his aerial
13603s mobility and gives him a little bit of a
13604s hop but it has projectiles be able to
13606s try to like throw out like a disjoint a
13609s little bit against of someone trying to
13610s play aggressive against him but that's
13612s pretty much all rain dogs got for him
13613s and disadvantage State meanwhile Morty's
13615s disadvantaged state is incredible
13617s Morning has the ability to go for a side
13619s special which lets him teleport off
13621s stage and be able to like equip armor to
13623s himself as well as appear right behind
13625s his opponent he has the ability to go
13627s for the UFO which prevents spikes which
13629s we saw at the very beginning that if
13630s that was a rain dog that got caught by
13631s that early game but rain dog would have
13633s been done for her but because it was
13634s Morty mortgage ability to spawn the UFO
13636s and bring him up back up vertically on
13638s top top of that he has save Point again
13640s another resource too that can save both
13643s himself and his teammates so that's
13644s three different specials that help Morty
13647s get back to Stage that rain dog does not
13649s have now it's very interesting as well
13651s because while you just named all the
13653s benefits towards playing Morty we did
13655s notice that it looks as though trab is
13657s going on inside of this game three with
13659s actually a rain dog Choice inside of
13663s this game
13664s I'm still seeing sky Arena here it looks
13667s like he said you know what that just
13668s wasn't my best day that just wasn't my
13669s best brain dog I'm gonna do my best you
13672s know yeah I think it's a stage thing too
13674s right because you got you get out of
13675s trophies Edge too and all of a sudden
13678s like you have more room to work with
13680s look all this room he's being able to
13681s play the game that he wants to do right
13682s throwing up these Fireballs trying to
13683s fade away from his opponent shoot off
13685s for dick tails for as long as possible
13687s and they're not getting like these early
13688s Catos that you'll see like on the likes
13690s of trophies Edge 2. he tested the Morty
13692s it didn't work out and right now he was
13694s a little bit more confident with the
13695s rain dub but right now we're witnessing
13696s two 1v1s from both players it's not
13699s working on Red's favor he said get over
13700s here help me out bro we're gonna try
13701s something new and one of the things I
13704s want to count out is that in every other
13705s instance inside of this previous set
13707s when there was a 1v1 situation rain dog
13709s actually
13710s actually extremely hard it doesn't
13711s manage and ultimately lost the stock
13712s just like we saw right there um I'm
13714s unfortunately seeing a repeat I was just
13716s about to commend red team on how well
13718s they perform inside that 1v1 not
13719s including a stop there um and of course
13722s commentator's curse yeah it always
13724s happens to the worst of us the best of
13726s us to all of us and it's gonna keep
13729s happening bro look at this Chase
13731s outstage okay good pickup from phonics
13734s going for a trade but that favorite
13735s trade is not in their favor he's still
13737s staying at 132 on viren looking to try
13740s to set up shop right there you saw that
13741s oh special just in case rip got a hit
13743s had that had that thing ready to go in
13745s case it got caught on the up special
13746s could have easily caught him off to the
13748s top he has the up attack on the ground
13749s fully charged evening up the score but
13752s in terms of damage not the same story
13754s right Pines have triple digits 111 drops
13760s it really just feels like red team right
13763s now is trying to play ketchup in a game
13764s where the other team already has the
13766s mustard the mayonnaise and the bread
13767s inside of the sandwich it's not looking
13770s super great for red team
13772s bro what are you putting mustard and
13773s mail on
13775s what sandwich is that
13777s is it is
13779s a sandwich
13782s dude these guys are caught in a sandwich
13784s right now throw them in the toaster cook
13785s them like a Pop Tart I don't know what's
13787s going on but right now it wasn't 37 on
13789s grip trying to get back in there 141 he
13792s just needs to stay alive for as long as
13793s possible he's such a light character
13795s look out trying to challenge as much as
13797s possible phonics trying to play from a
13799s safe distance the score might be even
13800s bigger a blue team but red team right
13801s now is the one that's kind of deficit oh
13803s look it's kind of special good kbi get
13806s out of that situation and now everything
13807s all eyes are on beer 149 damage can they
13811s put up one on the board look at him
13812s stall out there for as long as possible
13815s Affair to Nair Galore trying to stay
13817s alive
13821s be able to take that set 3-0 in losers
13824s finals red team was so close Sharpie
13826s they were so close they just could not
13828s pull it off at the end an absolute
13830s shutout 3-0 for viren and uh rip here
13835s ultimately I think really what allowed
13837s blue team to come out on top was not
13839s only singling out that uh that rain dog
13842s but also the Jake player being an
13844s amazing stock take inside of these
13846s instances in both cases we saw Jake get
13849s up to over a hundred percent prior to
13851s being knocked out and by a hundred I'm
13854s talking about 139 I'm talking about 122.
13857s every single time we saw Jake stalling
13860s to go ahead and make sure that that
13862s final stock death was not necessarily
13864s him The Knockout and the awareness of
13867s blue team here on when to when to go
13870s ahead and get closer when to go ahead
13872s and separate and when to play 1v1 versus
13874s 2V1 situations was ultimately LED them
13877s to success inside of here and also
13879s brought them onto the grand finals here
13881s where they will have to ultimately win
13883s three total games to reset the bracket
13885s and then another three to move forward
13887s with the win
13888s um Aussie it looks like you were correct
13890s that's a 3-0 shutout inside of losers
13892s finals here I didn't call it I didn't
13894s call it I just simply stated a fact that
13897s happened winter semis and I was almost
13899s proven wrong that last game of red team
13901s almost brought that back you saw planks
13903s and Trev trying to bring it back and I'm
13905s gonna be real right now I am a huge fan
13907s of phonics and tribe I actually did want
13909s them to win because I love good rain dog
13912s play trab was playing so well this
13914s entire tournament I feel like he finally
13917s found his footing on game three
13919s unfortunately when you find your footing
13921s you start to get that matchmaking back
13923s in you already added 2-0 deficit so my
13926s it was just a little bit too late game
13927s one unfortunately uh trophies Edge 2
13930s didn't work out for them because of the
13931s very significantly early chaos rain dog
13934s couldn't get away was constantly getting
13935s rushed down game two tried out the Morty
13937s for the survivability to sake didn't
13939s work out as much so the second you
13941s finally go down to rain dog on a
13942s comfortable stage you're already down
13943s 2-0
13944s and so it's just a little bit too late
13946s even though the team's energy was coming
13948s there but congratulations to them they
13949s got third place qualifying for the
13951s finals happening in two weeks for the
13953s big EU finals as well as the na West
13955s East finals happening that's going to be
13957s a great weekend I believe that's
13958s November 19th and 20th that's going to
13959s be coming up cannot wait for that but
13962s before anything gets decided we've still
13965s got one more set to play sharp here we
13967s do as a matter of finals we have grand
13969s finals coming up right now featuring a
13971s repeat of what we saw inside of winners
13973s files it's going to be two Senpai and MJ
13976s up against viren and rip the on the
13979s loser side now now as a reminder to
13981s Senpai and MJ did actually ultimately
13984s win 3-2 against viren and rip inside of
13988s winners finals I don't know if we're
13990s looking at a repeat or if we're looking
13992s at a three-peat of possibly this team
13996s coming back and resetting the bracket
13998s and then winning with another 3-0 which
14001s is just a statistic that other
14003s commentators would bring up not
14004s necessarily myself but occurs very
14006s frequently inside of this game what are
14008s you trying to say what are you trying to
14010s say I don't know I'm not I'm just trying
14012s to I'm just trying I just talk in
14013s numbers right now my friend you know it
14015s happens a lot it happens it happens a
14018s lot inside of this game but I do believe
14020s that what we're looking at here is a
14022s more intense game than probably we've
14024s seen anywhere else inside of the bracket
14026s because while all of the teams currently
14028s inside of the bracket right now that is
14030s both two Senpai MJ as well as Rip in
14032s Brent uh virion have basically secured
14035s themselves inside of a place at the
14037s finals this does affect their seating
14038s and the opportunity at that sixty
14041s thousand dollar pot bonus for that
14044s finale so it's really up in inside of
14047s their favor to make sure that both or
14050s either one of the teams fights as hard
14052s as they can right now to secure a better
14055s spot there so hopefully their path and
14058s their Trek inside of that final uh
14061s circuit match uh isn't as difficult as
14063s it may be
14064s yeah 100 just having the easier seed is
14069s going to help you out tremendously not
14072s only that but you're also going to get a
14074s big prize pool from this tournament too
14076s if you manage to get that first place so
14077s not only getting a seating for the
14078s future you're securing some money in the
14080s short term too you know what I'm saying
14081s so we're gonna be jumping here into
14083s Grand finals again two cent pie and MJ
14085s facing off against viren and rip uh
14088s three two we've saw two three twos this
14091s entire day so not a very rare occurrence
14093s so I this is a complete toss-up I
14095s actually don't know who's gonna win this
14096s first set but what I will bet if you if
14098s you wanna if you want to put some uh
14100s some some guessing games on the table
14102s here Sharpie I wanna a word you're okay
14106s I'm ready I'm ready friend I'm fgc you
14110s can't say that word bet I I have nothing
14114s I I have uh IOU like I can give you a
14117s piece of paper I got I got my PayPal
14120s Unlimited
14123s personally willing to put up money not
14126s necessarily on the tournament whoa
14128s because I don't wanna I don't wanna I
14130s don't wanna I don't want to stress
14131s either one of these players but what I
14132s would like to do with you my friend is I
14134s would like to put down a fat five United
14137s States dollars right now on what we
14140s think the very stage that we're going to
14142s see right here I'm not gambling either
14143s that's why I'm saying I know for a fact
14145s it's going to be sky Arena platforms you
14148s feel me word yeah
14152s we've seen so much guy reading today and
14154s again just like EU open number one it
14157s was a very common pick for people people
14159s just feel comfortable on these stages
14161s right like it's like it's I I think it's
14163s it's uh something to say about that
14165s stage in general that people just like
14167s it a lot and they want to see more
14168s stages like that I think we're starting
14170s to see a little bit of a shift there
14171s especially with like the ruthless
14172s version of Scooby's Mansion can't wait
14174s till we see that in tournament in the
14175s future I think that's gonna be a treat
14177s to behold later on but for Grand finals
14180s I don't know who's gonna win this like
14181s two sent by maju did get that first win
14185s they did get that first set but viren
14187s and verip have played pretty strongly
14189s that last game and they did catch them
14191s off guard with that game number one
14192s right remember that recall winners
14194s Finals game number one it was a four
14196s stock and it was like 30 seconds long
14198s because it got caught off guard then
14200s they adapted then they won if they can
14202s keep that adaptation and try to continue
14205s to learn as we see some changes in play
14208s Styles they could try to secure this
14210s Grand finals without a reset however if
14212s the bracket resets I think of Aaron and
14214s rip are gonna win I it's very rare to
14216s see a Multiverse tournament or the
14217s person who resets the bracket doesn't
14219s win the tournament in fact
14221s we've seen 60 curses a lot
14223s wait is this did I just will this be a
14226s 6-0
14227s no
14228s I mean respected you know uh it's just
14231s something that sometimes you know people
14234s people people sometimes expect to see
14237s you know inside of a Multiverse bracket
14239s but uh who's who's to say what will
14241s truthfully happen neither of us are
14242s fortune tellers here and I want to kind
14244s of bring it back to what we saw earlier
14246s inside of this bracket uh with MJ and to
14250s to uh to Senpai playing against viren
14253s and Frip uh we did see that three two
14255s you know and and like you mentioned it's
14257s either the previous match that we just
14258s saw it did ultimately come down to the
14260s stage select since I have that very
14261s first match to clench them that early
14264s win where the ultimately it forced trap
14268s and pawnak to actually change their
14270s characters it like they had to sit back
14272s and adapt and be like actually maybe
14274s rain dog isn't the match up here and
14275s that was a crucial decision because it
14277s also ultimately meant that in that final
14280s game where they had an opportunity to
14281s adapt and where we saw uh Trad probably
14284s play one of the best rain dog sets that
14285s they've played inside this bracket to be
14287s honest with you it it just wasn't enough
14289s and we don't know if if just because of
14292s the early round one stage selection it
14295s could have been different you know so
14297s that's why I put so much onus on stage
14299s selection and the round start here
14301s because depending on the stage that you
14303s are depending on literally the very
14304s first inputs that you put into the game
14306s your path could be sealed But ultimately
14309s inside the game like multiverses as
14311s we've both said so much it's never over
14313s until it's over I'm really excited to
14315s see this and as we go into the start of
14318s this Grand finals with two Senpai and MJ
14321s on the winner side viren and rip on the
14323s loser side let's get hyped for the very
14325s first of five matches
14328s yeah hype indeed man let's jump into it
14331s Grand finals try platforms here gonna be
14335s able to see a lot of this later on here
14337s on sky Arena Batman making their
14338s appearance yet again getting these
14339s uppercuts hold on a second MJ and two
14342s Senpai already off to a demanding start
14344s opposed to play the game but hold on a
14346s second Bureau wow being able to just
14348s like turn the tables on him get that
14351s side air get a 20 damage KO strong sub
14355s red team unfortunately trip went off too
14357s hard went a little bit too okay I'm
14359s gonna pay the ultimate price for that
14360s what is going on and right there we did
14363s see the beer and go ahead and beat Aria
14364s pie which is not only disgusting but
14366s also slows them down immensely we did
14368s see Batman go ahead and take that
14369s opportunity to get quite a bit of damage
14370s who's now sitting at 69 very nice
14372s percent right there
14374s looking extremely nice as we're gonna
14376s try to survive with that down special
14378s again look out for that bat bomb it's
14381s still activating a combat I love the
14382s follow-up from MJ just knowing the exact
14384s time on those grenades not only the only
14386s time on your your moves involves in your
14387s opponents because there are very strong
14389s tools to add to your asset here we go
14391s 102 Not Gonna Die to that one up special
14393s just yet meanwhile you're gonna see two
14395s Senpai trying to get some up special and
14397s up air actions against the opponent
14398s themselves rip not
14401s quite trying to
14405s do something right here oh my goodness
14410s knock out there and we're looking at Red
14412s Team trying to recover Arya at 111 right
14415s now Batman going flying from that Jake
14418s down air and that does rack up two
14422s stalks a piece for each team right now
14424s five minutes on the Block three evenly
14426s paced match just like we saw inside of
14428s winners Match Point yeah it's looking
14431s extremely even but hold on a second that
14433s was almost a spell for disaster he saw
14435s for it had a potential up special string
14437s going against MJ gets the uppercut and
14440s now all of a sudden the Atari prime
14441s target becomes virus they're off safe
14443s 600 a lot of the resources were gone
14445s they managed to reclaim them we're
14446s coming back down on the stage and now
14447s puts him in the blender with the
14449s skateboard pulling off a 360 no scope
14451s down air special putting the burn deep
14454s up on them looking pretty strong here
14456s does it again it's such a good combo
14457s starter look at them 81 damage gets
14459s caught by the Upstream hold on a second
14461s gonna be able to survive a little bit
14462s longer two stepwise still in there
14463s anything damage can they be able to pull
14465s off a little bit longer Batman in
14467s trouble MJ off stage can he get back on
14469s sign here coming now recovery
14474s you're in a bad position that was
14476s terrifying that was terrifying Batman
14477s has literally no recovery he was not
14478s able to escape at all the Oreo did not
14480s confirm that final knockout on two blue
14484s teams Arya specifically on two Senpai
14486s clenched that win for grip and Veer in
14489s there who go up one oh inside of this
14492s Grand finals two more wins
14495s but look at all these knockout
14497s opportunities that red team was able to
14499s cure so early inside of the match blue
14502s team getting quite a few Knockouts of
14505s their own very even trades in all of
14507s these matches you can see just how much
14510s each one of these teams wanted they're
14512s making very very crucial decisions
14514s they're going in they're scrapping and
14516s they're trading very evenly almost every
14518s single stock is immediately passed up
14520s with another stock of their own until
14522s ultimately one of these final stocks
14524s happened very good follow-up here by the
14526s way on that upper cup for Batman right
14528s now but this final stock right here is
14530s what I really want to talk about and I
14532s think it's something that you've
14533s discussed several times over Jake's up
14536s up up up up up up up up up
14538s charge on the ground right now is just
14542s beautiful it knocks it out it confirms
14545s and it is an easy way to get one of
14547s those final Knockouts and a point in
14549s time when you need it because it's just
14550s so incredibly active Aussie
14553s Jake has a lot of ko Tools in their
14555s Arsenal right going for the up attack
14557s like you said with the ax swing is such
14559s a strong KO potential move being able to
14562s chill to the top of the screen which we
14563s saw a lot a lot of coming out from Buren
14567s going to the top using his up special
14569s trying to catch someone flinging over
14571s towards them and stick them up to the
14573s top and combo it into an up bear like
14575s vertical is the name of the game you're
14577s either going off the top from one of
14578s those moves or going down from a
14580s skateboard just because it's so active
14582s and long lasting so we're gonna see how
14584s they're gonna be able to adapt here for
14585s the game number two to Senpai and MJ
14587s very close game one could easily bring
14590s this back not much adaptation to bring
14591s to the table just has to you know fine
14593s tune their technicalities here again
14595s everyone running triple jump not a shock
14597s to see very good tool be able especially
14599s in a matchup as volatile as this where
14600s people are flying off stage like crazy
14602s you want that extra jump to try to help
14604s you avoid certain Combos and certain
14605s Doom for sure and it's it's really has
14608s like to your credit it really has been a
14611s very even match it can definitely go
14612s either way and it's one of those things
14614s where it's just like you almost hope
14616s that Vera and VIP are able to keep this
14618s momentum in order to play the reset
14621s opportunity because it's entirely too
14622s easy for two Senpai as well as MJ to
14625s bring it back just like once again we
14626s saw on winners finals it's almost an
14628s exactly now as we go into this game too
14631s right now I'm interested to see what the
14632s round side is immediately we get the end
14634s rage dagger does go out from Red team's
14636s Arya and now it's kind of just a game of
14638s matching up all these weekend stacks on
14641s both members oh my goodness
14648s incredible follow-up from Batman you saw
14651s Susan by hit hit Byron and Matthew had a
14655s star ready to go and he got another
14656s point on the board good follow from
14657s Burien it's a two point to one point
14659s lead now it's like nothing really even
14660s happened now Tuesday if I have 52 damage
14662s is like the one you have to have the
14663s lookout for but gets another KO on MJ
14666s yet again two points a piece they're not
14668s even phased by that early stock
14671s absolutely no it's absolutely impressive
14674s to me the way that yeah look at the way
14675s look at the way they let that Arya
14677s recover look at how that audio
14680s that should have ultimately I'm not
14682s going to sit here and and chastise beer
14685s in and there but I'm surprised that two
14687s Senpai was able to recover the way that
14689s they were there
14690s um that may actually have cost red red
14693s team a very large food that they did not
14695s want to drop there and looking at blue
14697s team right now being in knockout rain
14699s wow make me eat my words friend that
14703s make me eat my words great great
14707s um this isn't the end I'm just going for
14709s the ax swing on top of them gets another
14711s up there and two sempo Ninjas showing
14714s that they're not out of the woods just
14715s yet you may have taken game number one
14716s but we're here again I have no idea
14719s who's gonna be winning these games
14720s because they're trading back and forth
14722s both teams have such great verticality
14725s capabilities right MJ could go in there
14728s get it up a special against someone off
14731s the top of the blast zone to get a spike
14733s off the side get a side attack on top of
14734s that just so many different Tools in
14737s Batman's kit that can help him solidify
14739s these chaos especially having a strong
14740s uppercut having batarang to be able to
14742s combo into stuff as well especially if
14744s you put the the bat bomb on them on top
14746s of it so just really strong tools I love
14748s that escape by the way right there for
14749s two Senpai that was looking like it was
14751s going to be red team's game to win but
14753s two Senpai jumped out of it last second
14755s managed the kbi correctly and get away
14758s from Arya sauce special because what
14760s that is that's a 50 50 mix-up when you
14762s get hit by arya's up special and there's
14765s a follow-up afterwards there's a side
14766s air an upbear what have you that mix up
14769s is all about which way do you di do you
14772s go left or do you go right and the Aria
14774s has to guess which direction you go in
14776s order to get the follow-up they guess
14777s correctly they will survive and honestly
14779s because they caught both of them in the
14780s in the same process there could have
14782s been a thing like okay you go right I go
14783s left and that could have been like a
14785s split second decision they made I'm not
14786s sure it happens way too fast you
14787s probably can't communicate it that fast
14789s enough that is a situation where you can
14791s do maybe it's something you can say off
14792s the beginning was like Hey if we both
14793s get caught by a special you go right I
14795s go left that way we both don't die so it
14797s could be nothing that you think about it
14799s could be it could also be that both
14802s teams are like ultimately you know what
14804s I really want to do is go to Scooby's
14806s mansion
14814s happens
14816s hey you know maybe they might maybe
14818s they'll Grant your wish you know maybe
14819s when it's like game the last game and
14822s they're they're down and they feel like
14823s they're not gonna win at all it's like
14824s oh you know what let's put on a show for
14826s Sharpie let's let's give her these
14829s Mansion I want to hear some spooky music
14831s it's festivities still it's still
14833s technically the Halloween season for a
14835s battle pass one man it's still good a
14838s lot for Christmas
14839s okay you just want a lot for Halloween
14851s we are going to be seeing no changes
14853s inside of either team in terms of
14855s characters I wasn't fast enough to
14856s necessarily see them and it looks like
14858s we're actually going to go to Chrome
14859s here I don't disapprove because mostly
14862s because several times that the teams
14864s were messing around inside the blast
14865s zone uh specifically on red team's favor
14868s they were actually able to recover
14870s really low as a reminder the floors on
14872s promulon are very very low so it's much
14874s easier to secure a knockout with a down
14877s or a down Brown move that both Ariel uh
14881s that both Arya and Jake kind of excel at
14883s here
14884s dude speaking of excel they're both
14886s teams are excelling so well at the
14888s punish game right now they're punishing
14890s the punishing the punish it you know
14891s what I'm saying like if red team hits a
14893s blue team the blue team has red team the
14894s red team hits blue team like it's always
14895s like oh you're punishing my friend I'm
14897s punishing you and you're like oh you're
14898s punishing my friend I'm hitting you I'm
14900s smacking you up we're seeing that a lot
14901s in the beginning of this game you're
14902s also not going to see as many early Ko's
14904s this stage around because it is
14906s crimeulons like look at that the fact
14908s that two Senpai is alive after that is
14910s purely because this has caught me on
14912s stage 152 damage on Arya is literally
14915s unheard of for sure uh just trading in
14919s those knockout situations look at that
14921s ultimately red team coming out on top
14922s Arias is Arya is at 80 right now but
14926s it's not necessarily something she has
14927s to worry about just because of the
14928s nature of crimeon and because of the way
14930s that Jake is making sure that she's
14932s staying in Opportunities where she can
14934s recover pretty safely even at 92 look at
14936s the way that arya's traversing she is
14938s not terrified of anything she's not
14940s scared of white walkers she's not scared
14941s of you here it comes
14943s she's definitely not scared of any of
14945s those things coming over with the upper
14948s look out MJ just trying to laying back
14950s down on the ground letting these up
14951s specials after up specials we'll see how
14953s he's gonna be able to work out oh gets
14955s the downer gets a combo off the
14956s battering on top of that look at this
14957s Chase bat Batman has such incredible
14960s speeds Sheila chase after their
14962s opponents and just try to like keep the
14963s combo game on as we're gonna come back
14965s into this has the bath bomb hold on a
14967s second he doesn't even need it one point
14968s away from two Senpai ninja to be able to
14970s bring this to a potential tournament
14971s Point Let's see if they can pull it off
14973s now this is in this is instrumental for
14976s Two Step by and MJ did not have to look
14978s at that right there look at that
14979s coordination with that Arya beautiful
14981s follow-up there and look at that nasty
14984s that nasty double taunt look if you win
14986s if you win baby you better flaunt it
14988s also you feel me we won't stop until I'm
14991s planting let me tell you what man I
14994s I kind of want to pick up Batman now I'm
14995s not gonna lie this character looks
14997s amazing
14998s I can't lose you to the Batman bro what
15001s do you mean I've always loved Batman
15003s yeah I've always been meaning I've been
15004s meaning him since SEC test one you know
15006s what I'm saying like he's always been in
15007s my pocket don't mind that he's level one
15008s don't worry about that he's always been
15010s there I've always been a Batman fan
15013s um it's really nice to see two Senpai
15015s and MJ come out on top here mostly
15019s because that uh 2-1 lead right now means
15022s that they're only one game away from
15024s possibly taking this entire Grand finals
15027s and not having to worry about a reset it
15029s really does look like that crimeulon's
15031s pick was smart for them to go through
15034s especially on the rebounds of it but
15035s like one of the things that we've talked
15037s about multiple times inside this
15038s tournament counter pick Advantage when
15040s you win that very first match you win
15043s counter pick Advantage meaning that you
15044s ultimately have control of the stages
15046s for the remainder of the time and are
15048s you kind of seeing MJ as well as soon if
15050s I take advantage of that fact
15052s I mean it's gonna just naturally happen
15055s right like he said having that Advantage
15057s right now now that you're up to one no
15059s matter what you're gonna be guaranteed
15061s at least one more counter pick so right
15063s now it's veered in Rip's counter pick
15064s they're gonna be able to take them to
15065s game four but if they win this then
15067s automatically the last game of the set
15069s is going to be in two cent by nmj's
15071s favor just no matter what because
15073s they're up to one so that's what that's
15075s where they're gonna have that counter
15076s pick Advantage come into play it might
15078s not even come in you know if they win
15079s game number four and win the tournament
15080s then it's done it's over they don't even
15082s get it you utilize it but no matter what
15084s they still have at least one more
15085s counter pick and so far I feel like
15087s counter picks haven't been too drastic
15089s in this set at all because both teams
15092s kind of rely off the same stuff both
15093s teams want verticality both teams want
15096s those low those low ground blast zones
15098s for the easy spikes like it's I was kind
15101s of shocked to see crimeulons I looked
15102s like they were just picking that stage
15103s as it's just a change of pace in all
15105s honesty they just want to try to mix it
15106s up they didn't feel like there was any
15107s sort of like character advantage or
15109s anything I disagree with that I disagree
15112s with that actually and I'll tell you why
15113s it's because I actually saw several
15115s times where viren actually utilized a
15119s plethora of down air spikes and one of
15122s the things I actually saw as well from
15123s Arya was I also saw a multitude of
15125s different down air conversions and kind
15127s of forcing them into dagger situations
15129s because of the way that both viren and
15131s rip needed to recover back onto the
15132s stage so I actually think that was a
15134s very smart counterpick in terms of two
15136s Senpai and MJ's site I don't usually
15138s disagree with you also I think
15140s analysis but I I do believe that that
15143s counterpick actually ultimate helped
15145s actually ended up helping out two Senpai
15147s and MJ more than it ended up helping
15148s veran and rip several times inside of
15150s that previous matchup yeah it was it was
15152s like it matches their playstyle right
15153s because it has literally Batman also
15156s benefits from spikes look at that
15157s they're going straight back here
15158s carmelons and definitely the stage like
15160s you said that you want to go back here
15161s because of their playstyles opting to
15163s help them out a lot with those downers I
15165s haven't seen too many spikes coming up
15166s from MJ even though Batman has
15168s incredible spikes himself he's got the
15169s down special he's got the down air he
15171s has batter rain combos that go into it
15173s as well but we're not really seeing that
15174s come out from MJ too often very true
15176s we're seeing a lot of weekend Stacks
15178s coming from MJ's passive on Batman there
15180s but you're correct I'm not necessarily
15182s seeing as many down airs that I would
15184s usually expect to confirm I'm seeing
15185s most of those come out from two Senpai
15187s the Arya player here uh and inside
15190s wow that's the double uppercuts
15196s gigantic yeah yeah just to be able to
15198s get that lead that early on some
15200s fantastic stuff coming up from NJ let's
15202s try to finish this off again on top of
15204s uh viren but again you're gonna see rip
15207s out here trying to get some early Chaos
15209s on top that has a strong fully charged
15211s cider gonna be able to try to stuff it
15212s out there speaking of down air from
15214s Batman gonna be able to get that might
15215s not be a spike but you're going towards
15216s the top of the glasses literally if it
15218s was at 160. anyone's down or where to
15221s send them flying that high for sure and
15223s uh previously oh my goodness look at
15225s these down ears look at these Arya
15226s downers this is why I understand why
15228s Tommy lens is a pig that uh oh
15231s Arya excels at a team like this she
15234s doesn't have to worry about platforms
15235s because her dagger gives her an
15237s automatic recovery
15240s fantastic stare there by that James
15244s fantastic and look at the same situation
15246s this is exactly where Jake does not want
15247s to be inside this matchup in a 2V1
15249s situation of Batman on Final stop
15252s you're gonna notice that rip actually
15253s fell out of resources now we're coming
15255s down to the tournament wire this could
15256s potentially be the end of the European
15258s open number two if Matt MJ can just get
15261s one more uppercut on their opponents and
15263s just end this before we get any sort of
15265s moments of red team it can all be done
15266s if you're in right now I'm sitting at
15268s 111 damage I'm gonna stay alive for as
15270s long as possible keeps getting caught in
15271s the crossfire every time you see him
15273s running away from right side to left
15274s side you can notice that hitbox finding
15276s their way towards their Mark there it is
15277s battering gonna be able to start off
15278s with the weekend debuff on top of them
15280s you see rip trying to counteract on top
15282s of that throwing up the dagger there's
15283s the upstairs
15287s taking home the tournament three to one
15290s grand finals your European open number
15292s two Champions guaranteeing themselves a
15295s fantastic seat for the finals two weeks
15297s from now congratulations to two Senpai
15299s and MJ and let's get back to the moments
15302s that secured them that round look at all
15304s of these down airs that you're getting
15306s not only from two Senpai but also from
15309s NJ which is a complete change of pace
15311s from the previous ones we got another
15312s down out there by brip but it did not
15315s put the blue team at any state of
15318s disadvantage even with that crazy Sarah
15321s right there from Jake they kept their
15322s composure they went ahead and punished
15324s the Arya taking away all her recovery
15326s and then immediately put their eyes on
15328s Jake in order to secure this final
15330s knockout right here Arya following up
15332s and securing that grand finals victory
15335s for two Senpai and MJ as you stated our
15338s EU West 0-2 champions securing that
15342s final fantastic seed for the fall
15344s showcase finals Aussie what a fantastic
15347s tournament we saw today
15349s yeah honestly just I love seeing other
15353s countries and other continents like put
15355s in some great gameplay outside of
15357s because you know we're both from n a so
15359s we don't get to see these players as
15360s much so we're actually being able to
15362s witness them and commentate over them
15363s it's really cool to see like the
15365s differences between character selection
15367s between play Styles between stage
15369s selections like they're all vastly
15371s different compared to like what we're
15372s doing over here in North America so
15374s cannot wait to see what they're going to
15375s be cooking here for finals number two on
15378s top of that but yeah at the end of the
15379s day I just want to take one little last
15381s look at the bracket here just to show
15383s off all the results that we've had
15384s throughout the entirety of the EU open
15386s number two off the start obviously you
15388s got two cent by an MJ taking home the
15390s entire tournament right veren and drip
15393s coming in the second place very
15394s commendable placement by them by the way
15395s they put in a lot of work to come out
15397s from that's ponics and Travis sitting
15399s down at third place down in losers
15401s finals pleb tank and Timmy going with a
15403s fourth place finish tied for fifth we
15405s got Babar Elroy as well as Phantom and
15407s mitsuki then last but not least we got
15409s seventh place with Elric and Joe suit as
15412s well as bodzia and minutes at Mid
15414s Michael so congratulations to all those
15416s players Sharpie you know it's only a
15419s side of a game like this multiverses
15421s which I want to remind all of our
15422s viewers and listeners is currently free
15424s to play on several different platforms
15425s that's PC Xbox series s and X as well as
15429s PlayStation so you can currently
15431s actively play it right now in addition
15432s to having cross play makes it a
15434s fantastic addition to anybody who's
15436s interested in getting inside the
15437s competitive game themselves now if they
15439s may already be playing multiverses but
15441s don't necessarily know where to go in
15442s where to follow the competitive scene I
15444s want to remind everyone you can also go
15445s to twitter.com
15446s nvsgaming to keep up on not only the
15449s fall showcase but all Competitive
15451s multiverses Gaming moving forward as you
15453s mentioned earlier inside this broadcast
15455s on Thursday we do have Make It Rain dog
15456s number four over on twitch.tv player
15458s first games where you can check in to
15461s see some of the amazing locals coming
15462s from the developers of the game player
15464s first games on that side too now Aussie
15466s I'm not going to keep you here any
15468s longer because I know especially after I
15469s at Grand finals our heart can't take
15471s very much more so I just want to say
15474s thank you so much for commentating with
15476s me and do you have any final thoughts on
15479s on this tournament and the Showcase in
15481s general
15482s cannot wait for finals that's all I'm
15484s gonna say like it's because we saw EU
15486s open one EU open two both these topic
15488s players we now have our final 16 teams
15491s coming in and I absolutely cannot wait
15493s for them to go and also you know we've
15495s had a little bit of a break from the n a
15497s uh breath side of things right last time
15499s we had n a West and East it was like
15500s almost three weeks ago so we're finally
15502s gonna have n a East and West coming up
15504s next week on top of that next Sunday if
15506s you guys want to tune into that you're
15507s gonna see the second best of the best
15509s coming in from nas he was going to
15510s qualify for those finals later on so
15512s excited to just keep seeing great
15515s fun multiverses action
15518s I am right there with you brother and
15520s from all of us here on the multi multi
15523s versus fall showcase production site
15525s thank you so much for watching and we'll
15526s see you again in but a little while in a
15530s couple of days for the final showcase
15532s stay tuned and thanks for watching and
15534s playing multiverses
15543s [Music]
15547s [Applause]
15550s [Music]
15572s thank you
15579s [Music]