about 1 year ago - NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
9s [Music]
18s [Music]
33s [Music]
34s thank you
39s [Music]
53s [Music]
65s [Applause]
68s foreign
71s foreign
75s [Music]
90s [Music]
93s [Applause]
96s [Music]
103s [Music]
116s [Music]
118s all right
130s [Music]
140s [Music]
153s thank you
159s [Music]
176s foreign
183s [Music]
220s foreign
221s [Music]
241s [Music]
255s thank you
258s [Music]
265s [Music]
270s [Music]
277s [Music]
294s [Music]
299s foreign
303s [Music]
318s [Music]
324s [Music]
338s [Music]
350s [Applause]
352s thank you
354s [Music]
365s dude
406s foreign
420s [Music]
442s foreign
502s National
504s s
509s better
512s [Music]
523s [Music]
542s thank you
545s [Music]
551s foreign
554s [Music]
568s [Music]
610s thank you
624s [Music]
641s [Music]
647s thank you
648s [Music]
653s [Music]
660s [Music]
675s foreign
677s [Music]
686s [Music]
701s [Music]
707s [Music]
715s thank you
721s [Music]
733s [Applause]
737s [Music]
747s foreign
758s [Music]
771s [Music]
784s [Music]
794s laughs
798s [Music]
808s [Music]
826s foreign
830s [Music]
861s foreign
868s [Music]
895s thank you
905s thank you
909s [Music]
926s [Music]
930s thank you
933s [Music]
938s [Music]
945s [Music]
962s [Music]
970s foreign
973s [Music]
986s [Music]
992s [Music]
1006s [Music]
1018s [Applause]
1020s thank you
1022s [Music]
1033s Antonio
1055s [Music]
1057s thank you
1063s [Music]
1078s thank you
1093s [Music]
1115s foreign
1132s [Applause]
1132s [Music]
1155s thank you
1160s [Applause]
1160s [Music]
1173s [Music]
1179s [Music]
1188s foreign
1192s [Music]
1222s [Music]
1227s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
1231s daughter
1232s you're not my mother you're a monster oh
1236s ungrateful
1240s is an honor for I allowed to serve me in
1243s death as in life
1247s [Music]
1249s Viper and who is this test Justina group
1254s Winter's Grace
1258s foreign
1264s [Music]
1271s [Music]
1279s let's finish this
1283s [Music]
1309s [Music]
1322s thank you
1331s foreign
1348s [Music]
1377s foreign
1405s [Music]
1406s foreign
1411s [Music]
1419s [Music]
1450s laughs
1452s [Music]
1464s [Music]
1467s IES
1469s [Music]
1496s come on
1504s Bros
1510s [Applause]
1528s foreign
1539s [Music]
1549s [Music]
1572s Direction
1575s [Music]
1600s hiding on that left side is two other
1602s players as well near Feather Lake and
1604s Indigenous Mound as immediately we're
1605s going to come in and see Zero fighting
1607s this out with GG shock and absolutely
1609s putting in work with Just Hair hands
1611s here man absolutely not looking good for
1613s these shots gonna have to retreat this
1615s but actually this out
1624s hello there now action
1626s gonna get hit by that grapple floor
1629s chart from spider in the back end now
1630s actually it might be a big trouble he's
1631s forced to pop that matar ultimate but
1633s spider
1639s [Music]
1641s the two the both of the long swords are
1644s gonna be very helpful for each one here
1645s but these nunchucks are doing work on
1647s Rexy right now meanwhile the dodgy on
1649s each side and the fourth of the yodohime
1650s ulti is gonna be just as strong he's
1651s gonna buy he's gonna Dodge out on each
1653s side here at exit it's just been putting
1654s in work here on each side and it looks
1656s like he's gonna hit him again with it oh
1658s it's a Once hits him twice
1660s beautiful shots on each side though
1662s let's see if he's gonna be able to find
1663s it here let's see where he works towards
1665s the next gym is going to be able to pop
1666s the Max and it looks like Rex he's
1667s caught him very
1675s sub
1676s um this could be massive as actually is
1678s gonna be able to connect him as well
1679s here pushing him outside of the circle
1680s here
1681s which catches him on the back side of
1683s this wall here meanwhile it looks like
1685s we're gonna be able to find it again if
1686s GG actually is gonna be able to find his
1687s closest with a knife
1691s [Music]
1696s real careful actually now moving in he
1698s has that Mystic Mike and he knows he's
1700s weak and it's Rexy he had that scrap off
1702s earlier so he knows that he is the Yodo
1704s now Jin he's gonna get buried by
1706s actually the action just coming in hot
1708s right now and now it's a 1v1 situation
1710s here in game six an RV Army confirmation
1712s action
1722s true
1733s foreign
1754s [Music]
1761s foreign
1765s [Music]
1803s foreign
1836s thank you
1843s [Music]
1854s [Music]
1869s [Applause]
1879s thank you
1881s foreign
1898s [Music]
1913s foreign
1914s [Music]
1943s foreign
1952s foreign
1980s foreign
1987s [Music]
2007s [Music]
2017s [Music]
2027s foreign
2029s [Music]
2051s [Music]
2057s [Music]
2065s [Music]
2089s foreign
2093s [Music]
2107s thank you
2117s [Music]
2123s hello
2145s [Music]
2148s foreign
2153s [Music]
2170s foreign
2183s [Music]
2222s [Applause]
2222s [Music]
2249s foreign
2250s [Applause]
2250s [Music]
2263s [Music]
2268s [Music]
2282s [Music]
2293s there is no point to this Viper
2298s you've spent too long fighting Mortals
2301s in a forgotten Hutch and I am no
2304s immortal
2308s s
2311s [Music]
2317s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
2320s daughter
2322s you're not my mother you're a monster oh
2326s ungrateful
2330s an honor for I allowed to serve me in
2333s death as in life
2337s [Music]
2339s Viper
2341s and who is this past Justina group
2343s Winter's Grace
2354s [Music]
2361s [Music]
2368s not that girlfriend says let's finish
2370s this
2373s [Music]
2399s [Music]
2410s thank you
2434s laughs
2438s [Music]
2479s thank you
2495s [Music]
2501s [Music]
2509s foreign
2512s [Music]
2542s [Music]
2554s [Music]
2563s thank you
2565s [Music]
2573s thank you
2575s [Music]
2595s [Music]
2610s thank you
2614s foreign
2618s [Music]
2641s [Music]
2651s all right
2655s [Music]
2675s what's going on ladies and gentlemen
2677s welcome back to the nbpl I'm your host
2680s and your cast of The Room Keeper joining
2682s me for a very special segment before we
2685s actually get in to our pro league games
2687s this even is gonna be my boy Javier
2689s Dobby how you feeling tonight baby I'm
2692s excited actually get a got a chance to
2694s see this new character a little early
2697s um get a first hand sneak peek and
2699s obviously we're here to tell you guys
2701s about him what he can do and how he's
2704s gonna be probably pretty pretty powerful
2706s for the mbpl season
2708s yeah you know we we're talking about the
2710s new hero of course akkos that's coming
2712s out on March 16th and we've got a lot to
2715s talk about with this particular hero and
2717s his kit first of all
2719s phenomenally well-designed character in
2722s my opinion insane he looks cool he he
2725s does cool stuff he probably to me feels
2728s like the most balanced hero on release
2730s we've had since the start of the game
2733s since we've added new Heroes he comes in
2735s and he feels like he has a very specific
2738s Niche that he fits into it's also
2740s something that I feel like The Meta has
2742s desperately kind of been looking for as
2744s well which of course is this kind of
2746s counter pick to these Transformer comps
2748s which still to this day are dominating
2751s The Meta so I'm super excited to just go
2754s ahead and Dive Right In and start
2755s talking about him as a hero and looking
2758s at his abilities and stuff and we're
2760s gonna do that in just a minute but Dobby
2762s uh tell me how you're feeling about
2764s hakos when I saw um a lot of his
2767s playstyles and his moves it made me
2769s think immediately of anime character
2771s like just like the amount of anime boss
2774s battles that I could see going on
2776s between him and you know uh just
2780s Fireball is coming at him or you know uh
2783s the absolute all team the swords just
2785s slashing down like just there's so many
2786s possibilities in my mindset about what I
2789s think could be absolutely phenomenal for
2791s this character that it's one of those
2793s things where it just it's I'm excited to
2796s see
2797s how all of these players play him
2799s together but I think in a pro sense it
2801s makes me even more excited to see how he
2803s how he stands out as a solo and probably
2806s as the trios because I feel like this is
2808s one of those few characters that I think
2809s could be a very very liable in both
2812s solos and Trio
2814s oh yeah absolutely he's gonna be a very
2817s very interesting character I think he
2818s comes into trios with just a little bit
2820s more power behind him because of what he
2822s does to those Transformer comps acting
2825s as like an active counter to those
2827s Transformers
2828s um and we're gonna take a look at this
2829s kid in a minute and we'll see exactly
2831s what that looks like but I do think he
2833s is gonna find his place in his viability
2835s in solos because he does have some very
2838s sick movement Tech as well and we know
2840s that our solo players love to get that
2842s movement in to dash around confuse
2844s people and you know just outright show
2847s people that Rocka has some of the best
2849s movement of any game out there much less
2851s any BR out there but we are gonna go
2853s ahead and dive in at uh ladies and
2855s gentlemen before we jump into these
2857s showcase matches where these Pro players
2859s are going to show you what they can do
2861s with akko's with just a couple hours of
2864s playing the hero uh we're gonna go ahead
2866s and take a look at the ability so first
2867s we're gonna take a look at his F1 if we
2870s can go ahead and throw that video up
2871s here so we can go ahead and start
2873s showing you guys what about and here in
2876s his F1 here he's got a roar which is a
2879s super cool ability every single uh
2881s person that he hits here actually gives
2883s him a stack of damage reduction
2885s including on to himself they all stack
2889s for every single person he hits this
2892s ability also able to stagger back
2895s Transformers and that's kind of the name
2896s of the kit here almost every single
2898s ability he has is able to stagger those
2901s Transformers back giving him the ability
2903s to counter them out we're gonna take a
2905s look now at his F2 ability as well and
2908s it's an alteration of the version of war
2910s and instead of these fists coming down
2911s he kind of literally lets this massive
2914s tiger roar out he can both re-letter rip
2917s very quickly and he can charge it up to
2919s a big gold focus and he can combo off of
2922s this as well you just go ahead and let
2924s it rip you go ahead and send the full
2927s blue Focus out and you see here as well
2929s you're gonna be staggering the mech you
2931s can also stagger here on the varja so
2933s you've got a lot support coming from
2936s this ability for your team right every
2938s one of those Transformers coming in is a
2940s massive threat and being able to stagger
2942s them off of your team buy your team
2945s space buy your team time so that
2947s Transformer alt is ticking down is
2950s absolutely massive now the next thing
2953s we've got to talk about is the ultimate
2955s so we're going to take a look at the B1
2957s first and the B1 and V2 have very
2959s similar abilities here first of all he's
2961s able to activate this ultimate while
2963s under attack while he's sprinting he can
2966s get up to three leaps in and these
2968s leaders are gonna speed him up every
2970s single time and while he is leaping he
2973s can also left foot to uh get some
2976s attacks in with the Tiger Claws here you
2978s can see that while he's actively using
2980s that ultimate uh he can't be staggered
2982s out of it by yodegime here this is the
2985s V1 you can see he gets three leaps with
2988s the tiger here and every single one of
2989s these is going to stagger all of the
2992s Transformations he's doing here on it to
2994s fear era in the mech as well following
2997s it up on you Asian as well we also got
2999s to see it on T on high and then also he
3002s has another variation which is the V2
3006s here and the V2 gets two charges instead
3009s of the three charges and it allows him
3011s to go ahead and grapple down an opponent
3013s and lock them down in a gold Focus which
3016s is absolutely massive when you're
3018s talking about Duos and trios because it
3020s opens up the path for your team to come
3023s in with some of those bigger charged
3025s blue moves off of like say a great sword
3028s or a long sword slash to follow it up
3030s for massive damage and one of the things
3033s to keep in mind as well with this
3035s ultimate is that all of the damage
3037s coming out of this ultimate scales with
3040s your weapons very similarly to how the
3043s Transformer olds do meaning if you've
3045s got a gold weapon you're going to be
3046s going in and hitting for a lot of damage
3048s specifically if you look at the V1 the
3051s first two hits of V1 if you've got a
3053s gold weapon hit around the 320 damage
3055s range and then that third hit comes in
3058s for a whopping
3060s 450 damage almost and those back to back
3064s are absolutely going to destroy a
3068s transformer in the blink of an eye so
3070s he's got a crazy awesome kit Dobby also
3074s I think too what's really awesome is
3076s obviously kind of keeping the um the
3078s lore of the tiger kind of uh within its
3081s moves and Strikes notice the way that he
3082s swings notice the way that uh even when
3084s he leaps towards the character for the
3086s takedown it still kind of keeps that
3088s that lioness type of movement here and
3091s even the jumping was also really cool
3092s too notice the momentum that he does use
3095s which is going to be amazing because it
3097s is kind of similar to a tiger attack and
3100s you have to be very wary of that because
3101s there is fast opponents here but I can
3103s only imagine how fast these players are
3106s going to be using this knowing that they
3107s can just go hop hop and buy their third
3109s hop they're at this point they're flying
3111s absolutely flying towards you and most
3113s likely if you have the V2 as well that's
3115s also probably going to be a strong
3116s strike as well towards that if you do
3118s that with another combo so there's so
3120s many combos that you can probably put
3122s within this one thing that AKO is going
3124s to be very very dangerous not only for
3126s just the normal Transformers but also
3128s just the just the other players too like
3131s we saw it with uh Wu Shin we saw it with
3133s Terracotta Warrior that they were having
3135s the Staggering effect as well so
3136s nobody's really safe here against Vega
3138s nobody's safe oh yeah absolutely no
3140s massive kit coming in from him I love to
3143s see it I think it's going to shake up
3145s the meta a lot when we finally do get to
3147s see it coming to pro league but speaking
3149s of getting to see it come to pro league
3151s you know we're not going to be seeing
3152s Actos coming in until you know maybe
3155s next season next split but tonight we've
3158s got something very special for you
3160s ladies and gentlemen at home before we
3161s get started here with the nbpl we've got
3163s two showcases with the pro players gonna
3167s be coming in and they are going to be
3168s piloting Echoes for us tonight and
3170s showing us exactly what he can do here
3173s on the big stage and you know it is two
3176s games that are gonna be coming back to
3178s back we're gonna take a look in here at
3180s some of the players now uh giving us a
3182s little wave here from on stage we'd love
3185s to see it Dobby
3187s oh we love to see it though but it looks
3189s like also too look at the fits as well
3191s here
3193s um as we're going into this I am excited
3194s to see what some of these people are
3196s wearing here because now it's not like
3197s they have to wear some of their pro
3198s league stuff they can go a little bit
3200s more casual
3201s um as we saw with
3204s um the last player uh and obviously as
3207s we're looking at bang here getting ready
3208s here is they're gonna probably uh lock
3210s in as well it's still going to be as
3213s well with everything else here more and
3216s more but we did see that bathing ape on
3218s that last player I did notice that it's
3219s got the Jordan on I see it nice and
3221s clean we're gonna get ready to lock this
3223s in here for our first game so this is
3225s the fun that we're gonna be seeing here
3226s just to let everybody know what's going
3228s on it's gonna be a normal game like we
3229s usually do here for mvpl same point same
3232s scoring but everybody is running AKO not
3236s a single person should be running
3237s anything different
3239s um nobody should be doing anything in
3242s terms of locking in other characters but
3244s everybody has full capabilities of using
3246s Aiko so we're going to see
3248s um a full stacked Lobby of akos in these
3252s in these two games so when we say this
3254s is a showcase this really is going to be
3256s a Showcase of what this player can do by
3259s some of the best of the best oh yeah
3261s absolutely I mean that's kind of the
3262s cool thing right and it's going to be
3264s interesting to see echoes in a vacuum
3267s here as well because again he really is
3270s meant to be kind of counteracting these
3272s Transformers but in these particular
3273s showcase matches we're not going to see
3275s any Transformers it's just tiger on
3277s tiger violence baby
3280s wow you know all right actually let me
3283s do that right hold on
3294s yeah no this should be very very
3298s interesting to watch and one of the
3301s things I'm excited to see not only is
3303s the new character but the fact that this
3305s character is literally like he's not
3306s been out that long at all and these Pro
3309s players even if they've had access to
3312s get their hand onto acos that you
3314s haven't really like they can't put time
3316s into practicing a hero that's not going
3317s to be in the lineup yet like obviously
3320s if they've got some free time they want
3321s to get in and play with them and stuff
3323s like that but mostly they're going to be
3325s coming in pretty raw into this
3328s experience and we're gonna get to see
3330s how they react to this new hero and in
3334s an environment that's extremely
3336s competitive I expect to see you know in
3339s regular mbpl we don't get a whole lot of
3341s BM we don't get a lot of like you know
3343s these players really kind of like doing
3346s weird stuff because everything's on the
3348s line all the time but here
3351s you know we're having a little bit of
3353s fun it's a new hero you know we don't
3356s know all the combos coming out I expect
3358s to see a little bit of test in the
3360s waters maybe a cheek you know like
3362s shoulder rub like hey what's up how you
3364s doing what's good let me see you're all
3366s okay let me show you my old real quick
3367s kind of deal you know what I'm saying
3369s just having some good fun yeah there's
3371s gonna be some uh a little bit of some
3372s hesitancy and there's probably going to
3374s be some aggressiveness from some of
3376s these players but I think at the same
3377s time too at the end of this at least for
3379s this particular thing tonight it's just
3381s gonna be for fun
3382s um all these players are probably gonna
3383s have a good time we're probably gonna
3384s see some goofiness and we're definitely
3386s gonna see some mistakes had uh with this
3388s new character and I think it's still
3389s going to be fun to see but it also goes
3391s to show uh showing chats here that like
3392s hey even some of the best of the best
3394s here have their days and I think uh this
3396s showcase is going to be a perfectly a
3398s perfect example of that but at the same
3400s time it should be fun I would love to
3402s just have everybody just in one Circle
3403s and we just have just a battle of just
3405s Fist and just
3407s just claws you know no weapons no blades
3411s no daggers just land in celestra
3414s everybody go in a circle you point it to
3416s your enemy and you say you me let's duke
3418s it out that would be so much fun I would
3420s love to see that that would be like a
3422s totally different atmosphere energy
3424s let's just see how your tiger swings
3427s baby
3428s you know like I would just love to see
3430s how that would go down so you like I
3431s said in these games and these next two
3433s games we're gonna be doing you never
3434s know what's gonna happen
3436s oh yeah no you you never know what's
3439s going through these players minds and
3441s again I think some of these players are
3442s definitely going to come in here just
3443s looking to have a good time get some
3445s little get get your fingers warmed up
3447s before you come in for the matches today
3449s you know what I'm saying and then some
3450s of these other players might be coming
3452s in and you know that competitive worm
3454s gets in your brain sometimes and they're
3455s gonna be like look I'm gonna I'm gonna
3457s dumpster this whole Lobby we got the new
3458s hero he's about to go absolutely crazy
3460s let me get in here and just show show
3462s them what it's all about you know what I
3464s mean so I I love I love when we do these
3467s showcase matches I I hearken back to
3469s when we got to do the preview uh of
3472s hollow Roth for the first time and we
3474s got to watch all the new players running
3475s around the map and just watching these
3479s Pro players kind of fumble through a map
3480s they've never played before seeing
3482s people walk onto spike traps and get
3484s sent flying off in the distance or get
3487s hit with the rolling pin for the first
3489s time and you know you you feel bad for
3492s him but at the same time you're just
3493s like ah yeah I remember my first time
3495s playing on holleruffs hmm
3498s and I think a lot of these players are
3500s going to remember their first time
3501s playing Aiko
3502s um and we're going to be able to
3503s broadcast it live see it's different
3505s when you know for for you and I you know
3508s we can play AKO you know on our own
3510s private time and we don't have to worry
3511s about the embarrassment of you know
3513s losing fights uh with a character that
3515s we've never used before and and doing
3518s these practice sessions and trying to
3520s figure it out meanwhile they're doing
3522s this live in front of hundreds of people
3524s thousands of people live here on this
3526s channel you know that's a little bit
3527s more of a nerve-wracking situation but I
3529s mean as a pro player you have to adapt
3531s they have to get ready for any type of
3533s environment and any type of player that
3534s you're going up against here so
3535s obviously luckily everybody is coming
3539s into this with a very similar playing
3541s field which is good so there's no real
3543s favoritism there's no real Advantage
3546s anyone has everybody's coming in with
3548s the same amount of information and the
3549s same amount of of work that they've put
3552s in on Aiko which is absolutely none so
3555s it's gonna be fun to see
3558s how these players adapt in just just two
3561s games now obviously
3563s though I think we're gonna see two
3564s totally different games the first game
3566s is going to be a much more hesitant I
3569s think some of these players probably are
3570s going to get knocked out early some of
3572s these players are going to come into
3573s this and kind of just be like
3575s what is this this is crazy but I think
3578s by game two after all of those fights
3581s after all the aggression after kind of
3583s getting used to it even for those few
3584s minutes here I think we're definitely
3586s going to see a completely different game
3588s uh from we did on games oh yeah game
3591s game two my expectation or my what I
3594s want to see from game two is I want to
3596s start seeing some experimentation right
3597s like I've gotten in and I've got to play
3599s around with ocos kind of come up with
3602s some of my own little combo ideas and
3604s stuff but you know I'm not on the same
3606s level as these Pro players here playing
3608s in the player I look I've got an
3611s understanding but I'm I'm washed Dobby
3613s let's let's be honest if I if I were to
3615s drop it in this Lobby I would get
3617s absolutely
3620s do it come on let's throw them in there
3623s he's he's at a little bit of time show
3626s him how it's done you can do it I
3628s believe uh but no I'm sitting here
3630s watching with my popcorn
3631s I'm really excited to see a little bit
3634s of experimentation because I've been
3635s playing around myself trying to do some
3637s more advanced things with him and see
3639s what he's really capable of but in the
3641s hands of a pro player who's really
3644s getting to get into that meet for the
3646s first time in a competitive setting I
3648s would love to see somebody the kind of
3651s theory craft something crazy and just
3653s throw it out in the middle of game
3654s number two and be like oh that actually
3656s works let's go that would be probably
3659s the hypest thing I think we could see
3661s tonight in terms of akkos as a hero is
3664s just a pro player be like yo let me try
3666s something real quick and then it comes
3668s out exactly how they want it to and they
3670s just absolutely delete somebody out of
3672s the game would just be just chef's kiss
3675s we love to see you win pro players we we
3678s get a chance to actually witness a
3679s Eureka happen and uh you know obviously
3682s as a pro player a lot of these players
3684s are really built on trying to Break
3687s characters and fine little loopholes and
3689s find things that you know um maybe the
3692s normal naraka a casual player probably
3694s wouldn't realize that AKO can probably
3698s do
3699s um whether it's movements whether it's
3701s the attacking whether it's defense too
3703s as well it could also be just defending
3705s as well and and doing something because
3707s we know we talk about infinite loops and
3709s we talk about juggling and we talk about
3710s all these uh little nuances of things
3712s that not uh you know the Casual player
3715s would know so going into this for a new
3718s character I can only imagine what they
3721s can do with this type of uh character
3723s and how powerful he is the stunning The
3726s Staggering and everything else that
3727s comes with this character I can't wait
3729s to see what they provide in these two
3731s games
3732s yeah absolutely and we should be getting
3734s into that first game uh fairly soon here
3736s speaking devil we are getting ready to
3738s lock in for game number one it's it's
3741s like a psychic zombie you know what I'm
3743s saying I called that right on the money
3745s absolutely it's a good time and by all
3748s and that's why we're really good with
3749s our timing here as uh we're getting
3751s ready to uh lock it in here for our game
3754s here but this is uh some of our players
3755s there for this list we got Mike we got
3757s spider mirrors you're on we have Panda
3759s we have cuckoo we have bang we have
3762s zxgen and we have the seven two at least
3764s three or more players here on this
3767s roster ready to go
3768s um volunteered to play for these two
3771s games here um and even Panda man in the
3773s building ladies and gentlemen who we
3775s haven't necessarily seen play yet
3777s um but we will uh later on so far
3781s yeah this is going to be very exciting I
3783s like this roster of players that they
3785s picked for this I mean you got Mike you
3787s got spider we've got both of our lovely
3789s uh female players here from the league
3791s and Panda man always the crowd favorite
3793s when we get to see Panda man come here
3795s and bang I'm so excited that they put
3797s Fang in this honestly after day one
3800s watching this man absolutely just
3802s dumpster all of day one come out on top
3805s throw a little bit of VM out I think
3807s he's the perfect choice to put into a
3810s showcase match like this
3812s oh absolutely even look at the fit man
3814s it's got a nice necklace it's got a very
3816s comfortable stand
3817s off a little button up and then you got
3819s his drip is nice when somebody
3821s 's hand we're gonna have to do a fashion
3822s check one of these days uh for naraka
3824s love to talk about like what some of
3826s these players got on when we have these
3828s type of days we should tell them Yo
3829s coming with your Flyers fit
3831s how would you fly us heat I need a shoe
3834s Tech I need a jacket I need all of it as
3836s we're gonna get ready to lock this in
3838s for our day our game number one here I'm
3840s excited this is gonna be fun here
3841s already I already said it was going to
3844s be an absolute absolute Insanity of a
3846s game of a game but immediately they're
3849s going in and running circles here
3851s they're gonna be goofing around and I I
3852s genuinely think these two games are
3854s gonna be so much fun to cast
3857s oh absolutely man you'll love to see the
3859s little train in the lobby just just a
3861s little good fun here at the very start
3864s of game number one as we get ready to
3865s lock in still taking a look at some of
3867s our players here oh man I I love it did
3870s you check the fit by the way akos has
3872s some absolutely sick Cosmetics uh coming
3875s with him on release that red outfit with
3878s the gold lion pauldrons or tiger
3880s pauldrons absolutely insane as we take a
3884s look here at player 13. coming across
3886s here in Sun Wings a little bit of
3888s literary place and here we go ewg's year
3890s on going head to head here with the ZX
3893s or no sorry uh giron I apologize here
3896s going up with a scale rush and moving
3899s across going back in for the armor swap
3901s as we see 101 continues jcx coming down
3904s here with the staff gonna actually put
3906s him into the wall with the uppercut with
3908s the follow-up on to the scale Rush Oh my
3911s God ZX here absolutely popping off going
3914s insane on the ewg Run
3917s all right
3918s even with that one here let's see which
3921s more we're gonna find as we do see the
3922s Tiger Strike immediately coming through
3924s here as xeron's Gonna Keep that same
3926s pressure onto ZX here and look at this
3928s already an ulti pop as aow's Mike oh
3931s insane take down coming through from
3934s klw's Mike coming on to player number
3937s eight putting it slow but oh my goodness
3939s that's a massacre it's a mauling we're
3940s watching this is absolutely this is this
3943s is dangerous why would he why would we
3945s put this in the hands of Mike I don't
3946s think this is a good idea Mike is just
3948s absolutely going to stagger and push and
3949s just keep that same aggression you gave
3951s him the perfect character to fight this
3953s out even though this character is
3955s dangerously low he can also strike as
3957s well but he is putting in so much effort
3959s into these strikes and he's making him
3961s solo dangerous with only 10 HP left he's
3964s coming in so small as he's gonna push it
3965s and keep the same momentum and Mike is
3967s gonna claim that elimination
3969s unbelievable like we said before that
3972s pure strength and the timing of what we
3974s watched earlier was gonna be insane as
3976s we watch him Faye coming out in Vegas
3978s I'm getting immediately by Zhang six
3980s dangerously low here is gonna get pushed
3982s back on the inside zang's gonna come on
3984s the outside here immediately finds a
3986s shield swap goes for the heal and looks
3988s like we're gonna go back for a reset
3989s here as we're gonna be able to find it
3991s beautiful Parry on top of this hot here
3994s the immediate takedown the gnawling the
3997s grabbing and the throwing up
3998s all the way up in the air absolutely
4000s insane and then there goes that strike
4002s towards the bottom here I'm telling you
4003s this takedown is going to be favorited
4005s amongst these players because look
4006s they're already spamming so much
4008s yo you we we got to talk about how
4011s incredible that animation looks right
4013s where they just come in the tiger comes
4016s out grabs hold of him and mauls him and
4018s then sends them flying I I absolutely
4021s love it I really enjoy what seems to be
4024s the favorite pick here with the uh F2 uh
4027s V2 coming out here four solos I honestly
4030s expected to see a little bit more V1
4032s coming through in for the solos just
4035s because of how maximum the uh damage is
4037s coming off of it but we're actually
4039s seeing a lot of that V2 coming through
4042s these players favoring that lockdown as
4044s we see Zhang six here getting picked up
4046s by player number three here with with
4048s some quick handiwork on the dagger now
4050s player number eight and one going head
4052s to head here there we go look at that
4055s mall into an uppercut but player eight
4057s turns it back around with an old of
4059s their own the grapple into grapple the
4062s return of the mall coming in back and
4065s forth and player Eight's gonna actually
4066s get picked up by Panda man in the
4069s pandemonium Panda man now turning his
4071s attention onto zxzx hitting him with
4074s that F2 Panda man they'll return in the
4076s favor with the katana here into the
4078s grapple uppercut we love to see it Panda
4081s man giving Chase doesn't want to give up
4083s The Kill here but Mike hot on the heels
4085s a panda man comes in heavy with the
4088s katana hot swap into the great sword
4090s Panda man hits him with the lockdown but
4092s I don't think Mike's gonna give it up
4093s anytime soon we see that extended scale
4096s Rush coming out Panda man trying to buy
4097s as much distance as he can but Mike is
4100s on the hunt Mike's got another charge
4102s left on that ultimate but he's not even
4104s gonna need it as he picks up the
4105s elimination on the panda man
4108s absolutely insane gameplay here number
4111s 13 looks like he's ready to fight this
4113s out but Snyder catching xjin in the
4116s middle of his fight though but spider
4118s um actually has lost a lot of HP and
4120s shield to your spider is gonna have to
4121s force the back off here currently in the
4123s middle of his fight and XJ and actually
4125s is going to claim the elimination on the
4126s wbg spider is that the mask that he's
4129s doing a cosplay of is that like a
4132s character creation it looks like he had
4133s he's trying to do the mass like the Jim
4135s Carrey
4136s yeah the green all over it looked like
4138s he had glasses on I was like is that is
4140s he trying to be the mask
4142s okay I'm just saying that'd be hilarious
4145s if it was AOW Mike claims the second
4146s elimination here of this game of our ACO
4149s showcase ladies and gentlemen this is
4151s not a part of if you guys are new to the
4152s stream welcome to the stream welcome to
4154s naraka Blade Point uh make sure to hit
4155s the follow button here make sure to
4156s follow us on the rocky Esports currently
4158s we are giving a beautiful showcase to
4161s Aiko one of our newest Heroes for naraka
4164s blade Point Ever every single one of
4166s these players the pros are uh playing
4169s this out this is uh not for any prize
4172s this is just for bragging rights and a
4174s little bit of some fun had by all and
4176s obviously after we're done with the
4177s Showcase we're gonna send you guys right
4178s over to our beautiful casters or our
4181s Trio's day number four uh for naraka
4184s blade Point pro league so back at it
4186s again with cuckoo Finance out here with
4188s number uh number three absolutely
4190s getting jumbled and said here the speed
4191s coming through on each side here as the
4193s staff is putting in so much work here
4194s dangerously low as the grapple's gonna
4196s be able to connect him and he does is
4197s able to get him close by and says come
4199s here and kiss is the elimination and
4201s says I will see you later buddy nice
4205s work on Cuckoo getting that shut down
4206s yeah absolutely incredible I'm really
4208s liking where this final circle is
4209s pushing and there's a specific reason I
4212s like where this pushing we're pushing
4214s into an area that has a lot of trees for
4216s this final circle and a long long time
4219s ago you used to be able to scale rush
4221s off of trees with just a single click
4223s like you could a wall and unfortunately
4225s this kind of meta developed around this
4227s we called it naraka tree point and
4229s eventually that had to be patched out
4231s and now if you're on a tree or like a
4233s pole you actually have to fully charge
4235s to get a scale rush off but something
4237s interesting I figured out about akos is
4239s when you're in that old form he breaks
4242s that rule he can one click scale rush
4244s off of trees and I'm interested to see
4247s if these Pro players figure that out
4249s given where this final circle's headed
4253s oh absolutely it's going to be uh very
4256s very awesome to see what happens I'm
4258s more so excited to see uh somebody get
4260s their first gold weapon here because
4261s we're gonna look at all of them let's
4264s completely even hey I see you homie oh I
4267s like that fish hey you look nice man it
4269s looks like we're going immediately in
4270s towards the portal looks like they knew
4272s where it was going to be here and it
4273s looks like uh we'd love to see the
4275s sportsmanship of all these players here
4276s just having a good time we said it
4278s before it was gonna be a fun time had by
4279s all and obviously it's only going to get
4281s better as we're gonna walk in here for
4282s cuckoo and spider here in the realm of
4285s Yang that 1v1 situation here a minute
4287s and a half on the clock here as the
4289s fight starts going on spider's gonna
4290s keep the same aggression right towards
4291s cuckoo cuckoo gets immediately destroyed
4293s no Shield left the blocks come through
4295s and the dagger is putting in so much
4297s work on each section here spider keeping
4299s it live they both Pop All Seasons at the
4300s same time but cuckoo is bad in the safe
4303s spot but he ends up getting the takedown
4304s right on the wbg spider spider trying to
4307s hold it together and spider's gonna try
4308s to push in here number 12 is scrambling
4310s to try to keep it alive not getting
4311s caught up but it really only takes one
4313s strike and just like that spider gets
4316s taken out
4317s oh my goodness I I got to talk about
4320s that there's a little reap I wish we
4322s could have a replay action on that
4323s already because wbg spider right they
4326s both old up he gets grabbed he turns
4329s around and throws the grab back out
4331s spider has the opportunity to secure the
4333s kill he's got to find that second grab
4336s his comes up faster than Cuckoos he
4340s throws it out and just barely misses it
4342s at maximum distance and cuckoo's able to
4345s turn around cuckoo misses his grab as
4347s well but is able to get that dagger
4350s uppercut and come out on top I love to
4352s see it coming out from cuckoo here now
4355s as we turn our attention back here wbg
4357s spider looking to find an elimination
4359s here so he can get that Soul boom
4361s Essence and get rid of that uh Yang
4363s depletion on to ZX here and spider on
4367s the hunt Man ZX needs to be careful he
4369s don't want to get trapped in that web
4370s Dobby oh absolutely I wouldn't want to
4372s either it's like question like who's
4374s winning the spider or the Tiger
4376s ah I don't know how that fight gonna go
4378s but I feel like the spider might win
4380s that anyway
4381s um as we're gonna come back towards it
4383s here spider gets absolutely out of
4385s the window this is this is based off of
4388s an anime dude like we like at this point
4390s we need a naraka series because these
4393s fights are so based in every which way
4396s I'm obsessed with how these fights are
4398s now knowing how Eco and how powerful he
4400s is this insane Harry coming through from
4402s cuckoo beautiful reset coming in from
4404s Panda man the takedown slash immediately
4407s are going to come through here the Lions
4408s War comes through at a beautiful time
4409s here and it looks like he's gonna be
4410s able to jump over trying to wait for the
4412s strike here but pan is gonna come
4413s through with a beautiful strike going
4415s for the reset gets the finish and shuts
4418s him down right at his prime meanwhile
4419s Fang claims elimination off of spider in
4423s this game it's number three and number
4425s one are going at it as well here it
4426s looks like they're gonna start to back
4427s off here
4428s looks like the shields are gonna go in
4430s as well here trying to keep the game
4432s alive for themselves you're not
4433s necessarily forcing if they don't
4434s necessarily need to and ladies and
4436s gentlemen there is 10 players left here
4438s and the circles could close in 20
4440s seconds Fang caught up in his next fight
4442s here against cuckoo cuckoo getting
4443s destroyed by the dagger though and it's
4445s a blue Dagger by the way as both of them
4447s are going to keep pushing it together
4448s here waiting for the strikes waiting for
4450s the swings at all here scale rush comes
4452s through is a little short as cuckoo's
4454s trying to back off as best as possible
4456s meanwhile number three nearby could come
4458s through and third party this fight
4459s trying to claim an elimination here
4460s meanwhile dads come through is able to
4463s catch him with the Parry but the ulti
4465s comes through a beautiful time here
4466s trying to keep the game alive as Fang is
4468s going to keep the same speed and the
4469s momentum but he ends up getting caught
4470s in the backside as one of the other
4472s characters and now here comes the
4473s bouncing of the chase
4475s oh I love to see this coming out from
4477s bang bang utilizing that movement Tech
4480s and if you notice there the grapple's
4482s not stunning him out of that movement
4484s Tech as he just builds momentum and
4486s gives Chase here Fang turning every one
4489s of these situations on its head I'm so
4492s happy Fang ended up in this showcase
4493s match here because man he's making akos
4496s look so good here I really love the
4499s decision for the V2 for so many of these
4501s players here especially when we cut back
4503s to that moment where uh ZX sends spider
4506s flying out of the window there the V2
4509s being able to buy space like a lot of
4512s people you know we were talking about
4515s this when I was showing akos off on
4517s stream uh just yesterday we're kind of
4519s complaining about how that V2 really
4522s sends your opponent flying so you can't
4524s follow it up with too much uh combo wise
4527s right but it does buy you a lot of space
4530s and we saw that when uh ZX sends spider
4533s flying out of the window and it may and
4535s these players are so aggressive I love
4539s the speed and the momentum coming out of
4541s these players here just because of how
4543s aggressive akkos can be and I also love
4545s the fact that almost every single player
4547s in this Lobby opting for the nunchucks
4549s or the dagger to kind of give them even
4552s more of that momentum right octos very
4554s fast hero here he's able to transverse
4557s the terrain extremely quickly but then
4560s you throw the dagger into the mix with
4562s that dagger Dash or the nunchucks the
4563s tech Chase on that follow-up tap Dodge
4566s into the right click man it's so much
4568s speed and momentum it's absolutely
4571s insane
4572s absolutely incredible the way that it's
4574s been so far here is actually in look at
4577s that putting that together and getting
4579s that smoking
4581s Avi here with all green looks like it's
4584s all four here just absolutely just
4586s mugging around and just vibing out with
4589s a new ACO coming March 16th oh Fang is
4593s gonna come down with a big strike here
4595s they're like hey that's cool actually
4596s let me show you how I do it
4599s love to see it here it looks like
4601s they're both just absolutely just vibing
4603s out here full Squad here just chilling
4606s out in game sometimes we don't see these
4607s often so this is nice it's about the
4609s fresh air a little bit
4611s well you know everybody's just vibing
4613s out they they're like look whoever gets
4615s in the realm of Yang you get it it's
4617s fair go enjoy your 1v1 till then we're
4619s just gonna hang out baby
4620s we're gonna do the same thing in the
4622s realm like what yeah exactly right yeah
4625s it is what are we doing we might as well
4626s just chill we don't have to fight it out
4628s anyway so
4630s and then look they got in and they
4632s immediately start fighting after they
4634s after they got out of it that's great
4637s here we go dang and number one here
4641s it's like they're gonna not lock it in
4643s here for our realm of Yang here putting
4645s it together here it looks like it's
4646s gonna be staff versus dagger the knee
4648s breaker immediately comes through from a
4650s Zhang Zhang trying to keep the same uh
4652s rotation and energy here number one
4654s actually getting depleted of majority of
4655s his shield here and here comes the
4656s bouncing trying to keep the speed and
4658s the momentum up from the bounce here of
4660s the ulti both of them having the ulti
4662s out immediately here Zhang immediately
4663s gets hit right back at you and gets the
4666s shield depleted completely here and here
4670s comes the bounce and the dive coming in
4671s on both sides here you love to see the
4673s movement coming in from this new player
4674s and this new character akos so much
4677s momentum coming through on each side
4678s here number one is gonna put a massive
4680s amount of damage on the Z anger
4681s dangerously low here waiting to try to
4684s see if maybe he can find it the staff
4685s putting in work and now both of them
4686s dangerously low waiting for the strike
4688s to see if maybe it can accident dive and
4690s the tiger wins it again and takes it
4693s over and says that is my Loop thank you
4697s DG see you back in game two oh my
4699s goodness you I was talking about a woman
4701s see some cool experimentation and stuff
4703s man if you saw there Zhang with the
4705s ability there where he's just hopping
4707s around he's building that momentum he
4708s instantly claws into the player and it
4711s finds a way to confirm into an uppercut
4714s off of it and follows it up with a full
4717s aerial dagger combo absolutely sick I
4719s love to see that these players are
4721s already thinking of cool things and
4723s experimenting with it and that's one I'm
4725s definitely going to remember as we turn
4728s down to player three who's given Chase
4729s to j-team's action here you see a little
4732s Bane's breath come down in the distance
4733s now back to player one and Jen going
4736s head to head again outside of the realm
4738s of yang this time and it looks like
4739s Zhang gonna come out on top for the
4741s second time and uh player One's Gonna be
4743s eliminated panaman gonna come over Zhang
4746s Panda man she's kind of chilling
4748s they're like they're cool they're like
4749s yo bro bro let me let me let me get
4751s healed up here we'll fight right after
4752s this you know what I'm saying
4754s man doing a little bit of repair over
4756s here are we gonna see the classic Parry
4758s at each other to say we ready to fight
4761s are we oh up
4763s you know I guess they're waiting maybe
4765s maybe he doesn't want panaman doesn't
4767s want to take that fight because he's got
4768s that uh Mystic might right he's got that
4770s 25 damage reduction Panda man's like he
4772s hit me with that F he's gonna get uh
4774s even more damage reduction I don't know
4775s how I feel about that
4777s looks like they're still going to be
4778s able to work towards this one here as
4780s now half bang and exiting going back and
4782s forth with this fight here uh still
4784s trying to see if maybe they can get some
4785s impact here is Xin trying to hold on
4787s here with the purple dagger it looks
4790s like he actually is gonna decide to
4791s retrieve her
4793s oh no gets caught by number three and
4796s the knee breaker from the staff here
4798s forcing eggs in to really be able to try
4801s to take off here as much as possible
4802s look at the movement and the speed the
4804s scale Rush coming through Fang actually
4806s surprisingly being able to catch up here
4808s x didn't doing as much as he can here oh
4811s gets hit okay and then immediately the
4813s pistol is able to take action out of the
4815s game here gets the finish and bang is
4817s immediately gonna fight this out with
4818s panda man Panda man so I feel like yo
4820s Jill
4821s what's up hey relax not that serious I
4826s love it over here Fang just coming in
4828s hitting panaman with a couple of Bops
4830s backing out letting him heal up here we
4832s are down to four players left here in
4835s our showcase match and man what a
4837s showcase match it has been we we've had
4839s some good funny we've had some really
4841s good fights we've had some
4842s experimentation I've got everything I
4844s want already from this first showcase
4846s match Dobby
4848s coming in here now
4851s dead handyman just hitting it hard with
4854s the dagger here Zhang though still with
4856s a little bit of that Mystic might looks
4858s like it's gonna head down soon he's
4859s going to pop the old there and then
4860s immediately jump onto panaman get that
4862s gravel Panda man gonna use his old
4864s charge actually to extend the distance
4866s he can get away here Zhang gets a little
4868s caught up there on the terrain Panda
4870s Manor using those leaps trying to get
4872s away turns it back around but Jackson
4874s still has an old charge cashes him out
4876s and uh he's gonna pick up the
4877s elimination there but Panda man a little
4879s salty there hits him with that poison
4880s Splash on the way out the door bang
4882s though uh head to head here with a
4884s player number three player number three
4885s trying to uh Maul Fang down there we're
4888s gonna see the aerial come out from the
4891s staff but it's not really going to be
4892s enough Fang's got enough HP here oh the
4895s pistol comes out the double pistol shot
4897s back to back is gonna pick up the
4898s elimination and now we're down to a 1v1
4902s love to see how the 1v1 is going to be
4905s here between Zhang and Ben come on drop
4908s your weapons use your fists would love
4910s to see it though as it looks like they
4911s might be sizing each other up here
4913s or are they gonna go to a different
4915s place here are we gonna go to an opening
4916s oh no looks like Fang wants to do this
4918s fight right here and there
4920s see where they're going to head to where
4923s are we going Zang where where are you
4925s leading our destination for our final
4927s fight here
4929s or is it just about just getting the
4931s best soldier dates for this fight is
4932s this just about the soul Jades this is
4934s what's going on oh oh yeah
4936s there's a gentleman's agreement going on
4938s here they're like look we we're the last
4940s two here in the Showcase but there we go
4942s we're gonna see the red flashes coming
4943s out both the players without ever even
4946s communicating telling each other hey
4947s it's time for this fight to break out
4949s Zhang's going in he's waiting for that
4951s opportune moment to pop the old here
4953s fangs already popped his early trying to
4956s give Chase here misses the opportunity
4958s with the claws as we see Zhang go around
4960s the corner here Fang just hopping around
4963s like a madlib comes topside red flashes
4966s but miss times it eats a great sword to
4969s the face Fang now trying to find a
4971s little bit of a reset here if he can the
4973s problem is he does not have his ultiang
4976s does still we're gonna see the F come
4978s out he's gonna get that 30 damage
4980s reduction for the next eight seconds
4981s here coming up Zhang absolutely putting
4985s the moves on to Fang here there's the
4987s grapple no place for Fang to go he's
4988s gonna eat all of that damage the pistol
4991s coming out now hot swapping back to the
4993s katana bang it just trying to find some
4996s space here trying to use that dagger
4997s movement looking for any chance to heal
5000s as you can here actually takes the armor
5002s swap in to the gray armor as Zhang
5004s continues the hunt here we're gonna see
5007s the LeapFrog come through as he hunts
5009s down bang bang finding the Box actually
5011s gonna get an armor swap into a legendary
5013s armor might flip this fight onto his
5016s head if he's able to get that ultimate
5017s back he gets the F off gonna get that
5019s damage reduction through looks like he
5021s actually almost gets a pot off is forced
5023s to cancel it though thunderstorm uh
5025s buying him enough space here though that
5027s he can actually uh get the full heel off
5030s Zhang also going to take the full reset
5033s and this fight's back on Dobby
5036s absolutely coming through with this one
5038s as the Perry is going to be absolutely
5039s connecting with this one is that as well
5041s as zag and Finn backing this out and
5043s fighting it once again here's Fang
5045s holding on for as best as possible here
5047s Zhang being doing a really great job
5049s when it comes to Defender I mean look at
5050s all this defense that he's holding on to
5052s more and more and more even with all of
5055s this and he looks like he's trying to
5056s push him outside of the circle here he
5057s gets a nice trade for the gray Shield
5059s but that's not going to be enough here
5060s as Fang has that gold immediately within
5062s this looks like he's going to be able to
5063s try to see if he can grab him here but
5064s it's unsuccessful here beautiful switch
5066s trying to see if Zang is going to be
5068s able to connect something but sadly
5069s misses that as Fang keeping the energy
5071s and putting it right next to Zhang here
5073s putting him all the way on the outside
5075s here and gets a destroy and a finish
5077s this Bank he's gonna claim the final
5079s elimination and the dub for game number
5081s one of our ACO showcase
5083s we got bang it coming in here and I mean
5085s honestly I feel like no surprises here
5087s right bang his performance at solos has
5090s just been insane absolutely comes in a
5092s new hero and you gotta respect the uh
5095s the the final fight here both of them
5097s are like hey yo let's go do a little bit
5099s of shopping and I love how as soon as
5101s they're done shopping you see one red
5104s Flash come out immediately followed up
5106s by another red Flash the universal
5108s naraka signal for I it's time for the
5110s fight to go and they waste absolutely
5113s zero time as soon as that second red
5115s flash comes out they are on it down each
5118s other's throats just pulling out all the
5120s stops Fang immediately pops the ultimate
5123s into that fight starts going ham but man
5126s I love this new hero and these guys
5129s already as much time as I already put in
5131s on aggos the other day already learning
5134s new stuff from the pros watching them
5136s play him here in the first showcase game
5138s I'm ready to get straight into the
5140s second one Dobby
5141s oh absolutely I am pretty much ready
5144s already here as we saw what they were
5146s able to do and what they were capable of
5148s here like I said I think they did a
5149s fantastic job nonetheless of really
5152s showcasing the amount of power and what
5154s this character can do but now seeing
5157s what is going to be the favorite of AKO
5160s immediately it's clearly the tiger
5162s jumping and nearly onto him hitting the
5164s grab toss him up in there getting the
5166s slash down I mean it's one of those
5168s things where we really sit here and we
5169s go yo
5170s that is a very powerful character that
5172s is a very powerful thing to to see here
5175s as we're able to put that together here
5177s like I said they did a fantastic job of
5179s that Within These these fights here but
5181s obviously well is there any takes from
5183s this that you were kind of surprised by
5185s roon or did you like pretty much see
5187s this and be like this is exactly what I
5188s thought would happen uh you know I I
5191s will say I'm honestly surprised that we
5194s saw a lot of uh F2 coming in here uh I
5197s like the F2 but the fact that you can't
5200s really extend your combos with it
5201s because of how long the startup frames
5204s are on it I didn't expect to see so much
5206s of that I expected to see a lot more of
5208s that F1 because off of that slam you can
5211s follow it up with a huge charge right
5213s click off of most of the weapons and
5216s then also you know that F1 not only buys
5219s you a little bit of Gap but that 30
5221s damage reduction or even more
5223s potentially depending on how many
5225s opponents you hit so you get a massive
5227s stack of damage reduction is so so vital
5231s it's eight seconds long and eight
5234s seconds does not seem like a long time
5236s but when you're here playing with the
5238s pros eight seconds is an eternity of
5241s damage reduction for these players and
5244s then on top of that I was excited to see
5246s some extensions I haven't seen uh some
5249s of these other players uh that I've been
5252s watching who've been playing him and
5253s myself who've been testing him out and
5255s playing him uh didn't come up with yet
5257s like uh we saw that fight in the realm
5259s of Yang where he was able to come in and
5262s follow up the slam down into the huge
5266s uppercut with the dagger and we're gonna
5267s take a look at some of the replays right
5269s now Mike here just going absolute off
5271s with this right into the uh full
5273s uppercut combo there off the long sword
5275s into the grab comes back down and just
5278s follows it up from up here if Bob picks
5280s up the elimination Mike once again here
5282s I love how it's turned into a mic
5284s highlight reel here with the staff as
5286s well finding some cool stuff just the
5289s really good hits cuckoo also played one
5291s heck of a game as well winning his realm
5294s of Yang against wbg spider this a great
5298s example of just some movement and then
5300s there we go here we go cuckoo turning
5302s this whole fight around like an absolute
5304s mad lad wbg spider misses his grab
5307s cuckoo comes here misses his grab but
5309s here we go check this out into the
5311s dagger up boom catches spider out flips
5313s the script there Fang here I really
5315s thought Fang was also going to get
5317s eliminated here but he picks up a kill
5318s and then manages to find some armor and
5320s get back in the game action here also
5323s the you gotta love these V2 finishers
5326s where they see somebody low and they
5328s just Maul him to death it's so cool the
5332s style points alone on that are just
5335s massive I I feel like if you if you kill
5337s somebody with that in pro league next
5339s season 100 you should get like point one
5342s style Point added to your point total at
5346s the end of the day Dobby
5348s that's absolutely insane but also really
5351s really funny as we're claiming the bang
5352s as our number one as our first winner
5355s here for our game number one of the ACO
5357s showcase by the way guys just let
5359s everybody know if you guys are new here
5360s to the stream welcome I hope that you're
5362s enjoying the show currently right now we
5364s are doing a showcase for the new
5366s character that drops March 16th ACO uh
5369s for naraka blade Point pro league is
5371s going to be a massive attacker and
5373s possibly a massive switch in The Meta
5376s here for naraka blade point and the nvpl
5378s in general and obviously after we're
5381s done here for tonight we're going to be
5383s heading over to our amazing casters uh
5387s Seb and Jake for trios day number four
5390s from The Rocker blade Point pro league
5391s but after our first game we still have
5394s one more left that's right we're giving
5395s you guys two games of this ACO showcase
5398s just to show you guys exactly what they
5400s can do and how the pros are showing you
5402s how they get it done as well here for
5404s the mvpl yeah absolutely this this this
5408s was a really really great showcase again
5409s I I feel like I got everything that I
5411s really wanted here right I wanted to see
5413s a little bit of funny we got some funny
5415s in the beginning I wanted to see a
5417s little bit of like agreement between
5419s players the realm of Yang's popping up
5421s and everybody's just kind of chilling
5422s hanging out like yo what's good buddy
5424s how you doing you I mean yeah you know
5425s it's good and then as soon as two people
5427s getting around was just a fight to the
5429s death off the rip straight away all the
5431s kid gloves are off you know we were
5433s hanging out it was cool we were having a
5435s block party you know what I'm saying but
5437s now
5438s my favorite had to be
5441s um in the middle of the one fight in uh
5443s one of one of the big sections and
5445s there's like four people in a Chase four
5448s people going against one another like
5449s one person's getting chased and you look
5451s behind them there's another person
5451s chasing look behind him there's another
5452s person said you look bad it was another
5453s person and just within a split second
5456s everybody's in this scramble one
5458s person's already dangerously low catches
5460s them with the slash he does the throw
5462s down sends one back that way and because
5464s he's low he he gets eliminated because
5466s of that
5467s the other two end up getting spread wide
5470s because they also got hit by it as well
5473s thread ride wasn't necessarily the best
5475s term dude
5477s um
5478s do not take that out of context
5480s um what I meant is is is
5485s sent separation also is kind of not the
5488s greatest quote either you could also get
5489s clipped by that one too
5491s um sent in different directions
5493s um in the air and it immediately becomes
5496s a thing where this also could be a
5498s character that's great for crowd control
5500s and that's something that I've talked
5502s about numerous uh throughout our Seasons
5504s here for the rocker blade when crowd
5506s control is a very important aspect here
5508s because you know when you're getting
5509s chased there's a lot of people that's
5510s around you might be dangerous to low
5511s that third party is also going to be
5513s something you have to watch out for and
5514s then there's the fourth and there's the
5515s fifth and just within that moment you
5517s could just slam down boom cause
5518s everybody to throw back and in those few
5520s seconds you can treat as fast as
5521s possible trying to at least get a little
5523s bit of some space and because of how his
5526s momentum is where you can hop and do
5528s this hop you can gain a little bit of
5529s momentum it really separate yourself
5531s from the rest of the group if you have
5533s the speed and the agility
5535s oh he's like we're gonna talk about
5537s crowd control we're gonna talk about the
5538s moment where uh ZX extremely low he's in
5542s the top side of that building and it's
5544s wbg spider dogging him down right that's
5547s the last place you want to be you you'd
5549s never want to be in spiders like radar
5551s much less when you're like no Shields
5554s just a little tick of HP spider hops
5556s through the window in after him and he
5558s turns around with that that line grab
5561s grabs him mauls him and then just pucks
5564s spider out of the window and then zv or
5567s uh XV gone just on the other side of the
5570s planet and spider's like yo what
5572s happened you can just you could feel the
5574s moment he's just laying on his back like
5576s man how did I get here what happened to
5579s me just now like because man he he
5581s literally like threw him like baseball
5583s threw him out the window
5590s whole body's just
5593s just get sent in that direction that was
5595s absolutely insane
5598s um the way that they were able to do
5599s that and that was that was really fun
5600s that was also something that that was a
5602s great highlight as well was how far you
5604s can actually send somebody especially
5605s from outside of the window here I wish
5606s we would have caught like another camera
5608s angle of just like how far he got sent
5611s out the window like maybe from like the
5613s outside because where we was we were
5615s seeing the POV from the inside so I
5616s don't really imagine what it looked like
5617s to be outside imagine somebody's on the
5619s outside you you walk up and then you
5620s just see spiders just get sent down here
5621s like
5622s you get look you get that nice camera
5624s angle where you track spider through the
5626s air but you gotta slow it down Midway
5629s and then you just gotta start playing
5630s how could this happen to me
5639s yeah you you know spider as soon as that
5642s hit him he was just like yo did somebody
5644s get their license plate number that uh
5647s 18 wheeler that just hit me
5650s he just absolutely can send out the
5652s window and then it's just a slow motion
5654s reaction reveal about it it's just like
5657s at that time you just never really know
5658s you know honestly I'd rather be the
5660s person that watches him just get sick
5662s the way that he did you know look spider
5663s about to dial that 1-800 uh How's my
5666s driving on the back of the 18-wheeler
5669s spider like hold up let me call this
5671s number real quick
5673s I don't hit someone
5678s that's a lot
5683s as we're gonna get ready to lock in for
5685s our game number two here
5687s um we're doing this ACO showcase I'm
5688s very very um excited to really get a
5691s chance to grind him out the question is
5692s for chat
5693s um what do you guys think of acre so far
5695s obviously within our first games I'm
5697s watching chat so I will be paying
5699s attention but obviously you know AKO
5701s seems really cool I do like his uh his
5703s skins from what I've seen so far I need
5705s to get a close hand look at that
5707s see what he's really rocking because
5709s that looks really cool so I can only
5710s imagine what else he probably has for
5712s any of the special skins and obviously
5713s there probably will be some win uh this
5716s character drops March 16th and he will
5718s be
5719s um probably available for them for the
5720s battle pass I'm assuming
5723s oh look I mean when he comes out March
5725s 16th he's gonna be oh he's gonna be
5727s crazy he's gonna have some cool stuff
5729s uh coming out immediately I looked at
5731s that first cosmetic we saw a lot of
5733s players rocking that it's just like this
5735s long fit red jacket right and he's got
5738s these like remind me of vipers huh
5741s reminds me of vipers yeah it's Viper but
5744s you got that nice he's got the nice open
5745s chest he's got some straps he's got that
5747s Dante look going on you know what I'm
5749s saying the Devil May Cry Dante look but
5751s he's got these cool golden tiger
5753s pauldrons covering both of his shoulders
5756s right absolutely just drip drip for days
5759s you know what I'm saying oh absolutely
5762s definitely we'll say drip for days I
5765s still like I said it's love to see a
5766s little nice little bit of close up here
5767s for
5768s um Aiko but obviously with uh everything
5770s else going on here um they're still
5772s setting up here getting ready for our
5773s game number two
5774s um for the ACO showcase here where
5776s that's right we're just getting a
5778s getting two fun games in with nothing
5779s but eight house and AKO so far has been
5782s an absolute treat to be able to cast so
5783s I can only imagine
5785s um uh what it's going to be for now
5787s here's my question to you rude this is
5789s actually interesting question I just
5790s thought of it just off the key
5793s um what character do you think is going
5795s to have the toughest time dealing with
5798s makeup well I mean the thing is is right
5802s his whole kit is built around being able
5804s to stagger these Transformers right and
5807s while he's in his mode yodohime also
5811s can't stagger him out of his old right
5813s and we saw that also while he's doing
5815s that little hop you can grapple him but
5817s it ain't canceling out right so I think
5820s the biggest issue uh for these players
5823s are going to be the Transformer comps
5825s right because you you Monk up and then
5827s all of a sudden you've got a tiger just
5829s mauling you right and we're talking big
5832s damage the I think V1 absolutely is
5835s going to destroy some of these
5837s Transformers because one of the big
5839s things for these Transformers is it's
5842s hard to get in their face and just pump
5844s out a ton of damage because they all
5846s have things they can do to you right
5847s monk can just reach down and grab you
5849s and then all of a sudden you're not
5851s doing damage and he's getting ready to
5852s just light your world up you get on you
5854s know to Fiera and she just Cannon modes
5858s up hits you sends you you fly in 12
5860s acres away and then she's just shooting
5862s you on repeat right you've got you a
5864s Sean as well the last place you
5866s typically want to be is face to face
5868s with you Ashan because he's just gonna
5870s you Pummel you on repeat he's gonna do a
5873s ton of damage you don't want to be in
5874s his face but if you're acos
5877s you kind of flipped the script on all of
5878s that because as soon as that tiger comes
5880s out you can sit there and hit those
5882s slashes and they can't do anything to
5885s you because you're staggering them so
5887s they're like oh oh oh
5890s especially that third hit on the V1 with
5893s how much damage it does if you've got a
5895s gold weapon on akos and you just V1 and
5900s immediately rip all three hits onto a
5903s monk that Monk's probably gonna be like
5905s this much HP depending on you know which
5907s armor he had when he munked up and all
5910s of a sudden he's gonna go from yeah I'm
5912s good too oh I'm like one bow shot away
5915s from dead I might should D transform and
5917s get my out of here
5921s I might need to take off here this is
5923s looking good for me that type of energy
5925s you know and we've seen that a lot so
5927s far Within These first games here but I
5928s definitely noticed the favoritism of uh
5930s the main takedown now the question is
5932s why do you think is that the more
5935s important one uh that a lot of people
5937s are prioritizing in this game
5940s uh are you talking about the V2 right
5942s now
5945s I'm calling it The mauling Smalling of
5947s the mauling uh well right now I think
5950s one of the big reasons we're seeing a
5952s lot of the V2 is it buys you a lot of
5955s space but also once you're locked down
5957s into that you you don't get away from it
5960s it's guaranteed damage and in a Big
5964s Brawl like we're seeing in these 1v1s
5967s where it's like four or five people on
5969s top of each other fighting that entire
5971s skill is gold Focus so as soon as you
5975s grab somebody with it there's no Clank
5976s in that there's no stop in it you're
5979s just completely free it's not like
5980s you're gonna have somebody come in you
5982s know you hit a Parry in the middle of a
5985s melee and then you try to do that repost
5987s somebody walks over and just hits you in
5989s the back and all of a sudden oh man
5991s being locked in that Parry animation
5992s kind of sucks but if you hit somebody
5994s with the mall and you grab them and lock
5997s them down you are completely free nobody
5999s can do anything to you or the duration
6002s of it and you send people flying to buy
6005s yourself more space I think that's why
6007s we're seeing so much of that V2 now here
6011s we are we're ready we're locking in for
6012s game two Dobby
6014s so uh question of the day
6016s um I saw somebody in chat actually put
6018s this together so I'm gonna throw this at
6019s you
6020s um intro and chat says can monk grab
6022s akos on gold folks
6026s uh that's a good question that's
6028s something I have not laughed yet but I'm
6030s a I I'm gonna I'm gonna go out on a limb
6032s okay since I haven't labbed that
6034s specific interaction just yet and say
6037s probably not if yodohime can't knock him
6040s out of his gold focus when he's doing it
6042s I'm gonna assume monk can't grab him
6044s either
6047s absolutely it can tell exactly what's
6049s going on here let's see if they can keep
6051s that same momentum into the next bit
6053s here and we'd love it to see
6056s where we're going towards this is we're
6058s gonna be able to lock this in for our
6060s second and final game for our ACO
6062s showcase here so far it's been
6064s absolutely fantastic to be able to cast
6066s this to be able to talk about it more
6068s and more and more and let's see uh how
6070s this final game is going to be all the
6073s way towards the end here as it's still
6075s going to be more and more happening here
6076s and I'm very excited to see uh where the
6078s rest of it goes I think it's only going
6080s to get better
6081s yeah absolutely and here we go off to a
6085s fight fight already here Panda man
6087s absolutely Blitzen the Blue Shield off
6089s of player eight number your Panama's I
6091s don't care if you guys I might have
6093s spoke too soon I might have just cursed
6095s Panda man here because player number
6096s eight turn around hit him with that F2
6098s and with bop bop and Panda man
6100s disappears
6102s unfortunate he does ends up getting
6105s finished and claimed here within this
6106s fight
6107s it's tough to see the first elimination
6109s here coming in from a fan favorite here
6111s but it's okay because they can go back
6112s for the recent years it looks like we're
6113s gonna go back to number eight finding
6115s this out with wbg spider getting caught
6117s right on the back side here hey it's
6119s gonna get caught with a Juggle and the
6121s right click of the katana is gonna take
6122s out wbg spider as well what is going on
6125s here meanwhile number three caught in
6127s between the face of amw's mic with a
6129s Blue Shield here nice scale rush comes
6130s through hits him hits Mike on the on
6132s each side here trying to see if they can
6134s capture this fight well with a a must of
6137s it here and here comes Duron ziron looks
6139s like he's gonna try to see if they can
6140s she can steal some Shield as well and
6142s looks like three is deciding to back out
6144s and Retreat from this fight but ziron
6145s wants some of his energy
6146s jiren's gonna catch him beautiful Perry
6149s beautiful kick beautiful defense and
6152s ziron's gonna claim their first
6153s elimination of this game and then Here
6155s Comes aow's bike beautiful defense on
6157s each side here the gravel's gonna come
6158s in to connect ziron meanwhile aow's Mike
6160s trying to see if they can do something
6161s with the staff the staff trying to put
6163s in some damage but those nunchucks might
6164s hit a little harder if you play them
6166s just right spider coming through a
6167s double insane from the nunchucks But
6170s Here Comes the grab and the slash coming
6171s in from zeron spider ends up getting
6173s caught on the wall with Mike and spider
6175s he's gonna come back here with the salty
6178s run back as Mike is going to be able to
6180s catch one of the players but ziron is
6182s still got their eyes focused as Mike is
6184s going to be able to catch him on the
6185s wall goes for the mall and gets him on
6187s the wall here catches him in a tough
6189s space and still gonna be able to balance
6191s it out on each side here as oh no player
6194s number three actually ends up stealing
6195s the elimination away from aow's Mike
6197s meanwhile wbg spider still wants that
6198s energy gray shield on both sides here
6200s AOW Mike no Shield at all forced on the
6203s back off here gonna go for the scale
6204s rush trying to retreat a little bit more
6206s gets hit by musket shot looks like this
6208s coming in from one of the other players
6209s as well here has to keep it alive here
6211s as action is gonna keep that same
6213s momentum right towards aow's mic he's
6215s gonna be able to push in gets the
6216s grapple trying to connect towards it
6218s so Perry coming through from from aow's
6222s mic
6223s getting dangerously close here as it
6225s looks like he's gonna find a gold troll
6226s here the question is is there any Shield
6227s under it no looks like it's gonna be
6229s unsuccessful as aw Mike is trying to
6230s scramble to run to get out of Dodge's
6233s way doesn't want to end up getting
6234s eliminated by this since I'm getting
6235s grabbed mold getting sent off the wall
6237s isn't going to be enough yes it is the
6239s next skin is going to claim the
6240s elimination on Mike and not letting Mike
6242s let up at all wow exit wanted that
6246s elimination and he got it yeah
6248s absolutely the follow-up shots there
6249s with the pistol coming a huge for Action
6251s them all not quite doing enough damage
6254s to pick up the elimination but he just
6256s quickly hot swaps over to that pistol
6259s and says no I'm not even gonna let you
6261s touch the ground and have the
6262s opportunity to walk away when you're
6264s that low now back into the heat here's
6267s wbg spider player eight going head to
6269s head here you can grab his fighter here
6271s absolutely molum Spider goes for the
6274s charge to F2 there but it buys player
6276s ain't enough time to go ahead and slip
6277s around it to the backside player eight
6280s using those hops here to create the
6282s Speedy ones but AOW Mike comes in out of
6284s nowhere and sends him Airborne Mike
6287s comes in with the slam connects onto
6289s spider not onto player eight but he's
6291s easily able to turn around and find that
6293s elimination and spider finds himself in
6295s a bad situation Mike with the alt as
6297s well trying to follow up misses the
6298s first charge on the alt there he's not
6300s going to be able to get that ball and
6301s the Damage he wants but he's probably
6302s gonna be able to find it here and there
6304s it is the big jump on wbg spider now
6308s coming in for the third party J teams
6311s action don't head to head here with Mike
6313s Mike just a little bit of that old left
6315s but none of those charges left no malls
6317s he's gonna have to use the Hops to get a
6319s little bit of speed here and j-team's
6321s action looking to do the same so both of
6323s them gonna back off and take the full
6325s reset
6327s absolutely insane here as we able to get
6330s the reset here aow's Mike still with
6333s that gray Shield though very surprised
6335s that he has yet to find anything better
6337s than gray shield in general here
6342s it looks like we will be able to put
6344s this one together as Fang is gonna try
6346s to see if he can claim the elimination
6347s onto Panda man panaman caught him
6349s between a wall but Panama is pushing
6350s right back towards Fang Fang actually
6353s having to force the retreat here looks
6355s like they're gonna go for the shield
6356s here it looks like they're gonna go for
6357s the run back here it looks like
6359s phantoman's gonna try to retreat because
6360s X10 actually gets destroyed by aow's
6363s Mike it looks like Mike wants to get a
6365s little bit of that payback and Mike does
6366s as Mike claims action for their
6370s elimination and gets the Finish
6372s meanwhile mirror caught in a fight
6374s between cuckoo
6375s and let's see here beautiful Perry on to
6378s uh cuckoo here as he's gonna be able to
6380s connect and send mirror back dangerously
6382s meanwhile here comes the mauling it
6384s looks like he's gonna even find him and
6385s sends me here so far off the edge
6388s goodness gracious
6390s gonna have to call truck driver for that
6392s one
6393s I I love to see it it's like it's like
6395s they bought a train ticket cuckoo just
6397s said in the downtown you know what I'm
6398s saying come back in here on to Mir we do
6400s see a little bit of a Dash coming out
6402s from the staff but unfortunately cuckoo
6405s no charges left on the ultimate's gonna
6406s get picked up and mauled by mirror
6408s cuckoo now and a little bit of a
6410s precarious situation me are trying to
6413s find a way in here to clear up some
6416s damage Mir actually gonna be able to get
6418s a pot off but so will cuckoo mirror
6421s opting to go ahead and go for the full
6423s reset actually in favor of Mir to go
6426s ahead and do this thing as Mir does have
6427s the purple armor and now we're gonna see
6429s cuckoo come in for the scale Rush what a
6431s massive headshot by Mir oh my God I
6435s can't believe Mir hit that the mid-scale
6437s rush catches the headshot on to cuckoo
6439s cuckoo though quickly turning things
6441s back around both of them no Shields
6443s mirror a little on the low side here
6446s cuckoo looking to use that staff lunge
6448s but it gets picked up by the mirror
6450s uppercut unfortunately near misses the
6452s follow-up but doesn't
6455s picks up the elimination
6458s absolutely insane finish here coming in
6460s as number one is going to try to see if
6461s he can get elimination onto mirror but
6463s Mira's not going out without a fight
6464s beautiful tiger slam on the ground
6466s sending a mirror back here but it's not
6468s going to be enough here at the mirror
6469s putting in so much energy and pressure
6471s on to number one here forcing leader to
6473s back off here but here comes the jump
6474s waiting to see if maybe they can go back
6475s for the strike but misses it it looks
6477s like mirror looks like they're gonna let
6479s them go go for the reset here meanwhile
6482s back at it with number eight
6486s and action inside of the realm of Yang
6490s here and let's see if they're going to
6491s be able to capture this fight and
6492s captivated for everyone to see looks
6495s like both strikes are gonna be able to
6496s come through a beautiful time and it
6497s looks like the ulti pops in on one side
6499s and looks like number eight hasn't
6500s popped his yet trying to see if maybe he
6502s can wait it out for the perfect time
6503s waiting for the period it looks like he
6504s does pop it and now it's back on both
6506s sides here number eight get absolutely
6507s sent the mauling comes through on to
6510s number nine action trying to hold it
6511s together and they go for the repeat goes
6513s for the switcheroo that was actually
6515s really cool to see it was like a full
6518s flip
6519s whether they did it the last time here
6520s and it looks like number eight still
6521s trying to find it out here number nine
6524s you're ready to work towards this one
6526s and even get better towards the end here
6528s as Exton is able to get a nice beautiful
6530s strike and looks like action is gonna be
6532s able to dodge the strike and claim the
6534s elimination moments later
6537s yeah I should come in there with a nice
6539s follow-up off the back of that oh ZX
6542s here trying to come in here with yep
6544s there it is the Dreadful whale trying to
6546s lock down a panda man here Panda man
6549s also with the dagger trying to find him
6551s into that charge left click but no off
6553s the back of a bad towards left foot ZX
6556s finds the Dreadful whale and picks up
6558s the elimination now turning our
6561s attention here to player number one
6563s going head to head with gd's beer mirror
6565s picking up that huge elimination on the
6566s cuckoo earlier but all they're gonna
6568s need is one Plank and unfortunately
6569s that's gonna be it from here but aow's
6572s Mike coming in looking for a little bit
6574s of Vengeance from here ready to turn
6576s things around and now we see player one
6578s in the exact same situation mirror found
6581s themselves in one clink was all it was
6582s took and Mike was able to find it
6585s absolutely insane fine here and it looks
6588s like he was able to find it much more
6589s than that as well here let's see if
6592s maybe they're gonna be able to find even
6594s more past this one here still a whole
6596s lot to do here and it looks like number
6598s 13 is trying to find it here as he does
6600s able to get the takedown and the strike
6601s look at the massive circle of the snow
6603s that came through as that takedown
6605s happened hit number 13 he's like hey
6607s buddy I see you what's up Mommy
6609s meanwhile number eight gotta see if you
6611s can find anything maybe get clucky here
6613s but no the mauling is just it's
6615s absolutely just decimating this man the
6617s number eight is absolutely struggling to
6618s connect anything meanwhile Derma 13 is
6620s truck is striking everything that he can
6621s here but there goes those Leafs those
6623s leaves getting faster and faster every
6625s single time here the turnaround for him
6627s to be able to find a Blue Shield has
6628s been absolutely amazing goes for the
6629s juggle misses the strike of the mauling
6632s unfortunate though the right click
6633s connects the first one it doesn't
6634s connect to Second and 13 is gonna go to
6636s strike down and get the separation that
6638s he needs here both dangerously low one
6640s has low Shield one heat low heel the
6642s other one has low Half deals half shield
6643s and it looks like they're both gonna be
6645s able to emote back towards each other
6646s here it looks like we'd love to see
6648s these uh friendly fights here on each
6649s side here trying to see if maybe they
6651s can claim it together oh no he catches
6652s him with the rezza here for the spear
6654s misses the shot oh unfortunate that
6657s Moscow was not able to do what he needs
6659s to here is he's gonna grapple to get
6660s close here beautiful right click
6662s connects him right towards him with the
6664s massive amounts of damage it looks like
6666s we're gonna go back for another reset
6669s yeah Player 13 here also just coming in
6673s more than happy to take this reset this
6675s has been a long fight here between
6676s player 8 and Player 13 but now aow's
6679s Mike coming in for the third party this
6681s is something I love to see so in Pro
6683s play you're not allowed to emote because
6685s you could potentially give away who you
6687s are or you know all sorts of things not
6690s that any of these players would cheat or
6692s do anything like that you know we're
6694s talking about the most professional
6696s players here but you love to see kind of
6699s The Cheeky emotes getting their
6700s opportunity to come through because this
6703s is just a showcase match we're here
6704s we're having fun and you love to see it
6707s and Mike definitely a fan of the emotes
6709s he's got here trying to come in here on
6712s to Player 13 uh I love the respect here
6714s Mike flashes at him 13 doesn't red flash
6718s back and there's just that understanding
6719s between the two players instantaneous
6721s and he's gonna wait till we see the red
6723s Flash come out from 13 and that's the
6725s universal sign to go ahead and let
6727s things just rip off here Mike even
6728s giving him some soul Jades look at this
6730s there we go the red Flash in both
6732s directions and We're Off to the Races
6734s ladies and gentlemen aow's Mike looking
6736s to find some pistol shots here we're
6737s gonna see his dragons Rush come through
6739s from Player 13 but they're gonna cancel
6740s the Neches might in fear of the old
6743s coming out for Mike here 13 does go
6745s ahead and pop the old looking for the
6746s opportunity misses the uh lockdown here
6749s unfortunately from their first charge
6750s with only a single charge left they need
6752s to be careful but they throw it out and
6753s they miss that one as well and Mike's
6755s not gonna miss the opportunity here we
6757s see the infinite jungle coming down with
6760s the terrain he just continues to walk
6762s Player 13 down the edge Mike so close to
6765s picking up this elimination 13 doesn't
6767s want to let it happen but the musket
6768s shot comes out and aow's Mike picks up
6771s the elimination absolutely what an
6774s insane finish here an insane kill all
6777s the way towards that when the shutdown
6779s can be absolutely Flawless here and
6780s obviously it was as the ow's my
6782s connection nearby here this fight you
6785s could tell is a little bit more
6788s um choreographed you can tell that these
6789s people know what's going on and and how
6791s they're getting used to it I think
6793s they've done a fantastic job of it and I
6794s think now we're really starting to see
6796s it more and more the confidence of some
6798s of these players here is we're now down
6799s to our final four here
6802s and it's only going to get better here
6804s as it looks like we got aow's mic we
6806s have action
6808s I'm curious where the other two are here
6810s within this fight it looks like AOW is
6812s my connection saying what's up
6814s as they're about to get ready to lock
6815s this in for another fight
6818s yeah here we go we're just waiting for
6820s the red flag I love this just showing
6823s off everything they've got just
6825s oh my God not the not the kurumi
6828s question mark coming in no no no no no
6829s no can't hit him with that Mike also
6833s hitting him back with some of the emotes
6834s as well there we go They're gonna take
6836s their fight to the realm of Yang it
6838s looks like somebody else would beat him
6839s into it though so it's gonna be ZX
6841s versus J team's action as they go
6843s head-to-head here in our final realm of
6846s Yang here in our second showcase match
6849s who's gonna come out on top Chad is it
6851s gonna be action or ZX let me know over
6854s in the twitch chat and here we go we're
6856s gonna see a long sword slash come out
6858s but a ZX here with an expertly placed
6861s musket shot actually pumps out a ton of
6863s damage early on to action from at j-team
6867s action gonna follow up with a nice
6868s grapple combo here's DX coming in both
6870s of them not wanting to pop the tiger
6871s early we do see the F2 come through and
6874s now ZX forced to throw the tiger needs
6877s to be careful in his timing here here
6878s because action has his available too
6880s don't want to get caught in that mall
6882s while you're trying to throw your own
6883s out here both of them coming in for the
6885s Hop but it's gonna be action who finds
6887s the hit coming in
6889s ZX actually getting forced to pop the
6891s charge and not connect on to action just
6893s to get away action finds his grapple
6895s though ZX needs to find this final
6898s grapple if he has any hope no he goes in
6900s with the App instead of going for the
6903s grapple and immediately gets punished by
6905s J James action action gonna charge up
6908s that F2 in the air looking to find that
6910s final hit onto ZX doesn't find it but ZX
6913s is in a bad situation a single hit there
6916s it is J teams action will walk away with
6919s the elimination
6921s absolute beautiful finish here as it
6923s looks like now it's down to our final
6924s three here as one of as Fang and Mike
6928s still vibing out over here inside of the
6930s canyon as they're still waiting on the
6932s final person to come through here and
6933s here we go it looks like it's gonna be
6935s fist on fist are they not fighting this
6937s out oh I don't think they are they're
6939s doing the fist on fist let's go ladies
6941s and gentlemen I've been waiting for this
6942s hands on deck ladies and gentlemen it's
6944s Peg and Mike are gonna be able to take
6945s this in nothing but hands here as we're
6947s gonna see the strike come down
6948s immediately both with massive kicks on
6950s each side here absolute destruction on
6953s each side here as they're gonna drop
6955s their weapons and they say no let's goof
6956s this out 1v1 model a model you love to
6959s see it even without it there in the ulti
6961s comes out from
6963s meanwhile Mike still has yet to pop his
6965s though and he's still working towards it
6967s though as he's gonna be able to find it
6968s and dangerously trying to hold on here
6970s waiting for it on each side beautiful
6972s kick right towards Fang still waiting it
6974s out the strike coming through here as
6976s he's gonna hop towards it and it looks
6977s like exit is going to be outside of this
6979s too he could be either watching it looks
6981s like he's gonna join another three-way
6982s fight ladies and gentlemen it's a
6983s three-way fist fight it's all brawl
6986s ladies the gentlemen is now back at it
6989s again both climbing on each side here
6991s aow's Mike dangerously low with Shield
6995s and it looks like XJ and Fang is
6996s fighting this out of two and it looks
6998s like it's still gonna be with the hands
6999s on deck here and it looks like now here
7001s comes the chase Fang trying to get away
7003s here trying to disassociate is able to
7005s pop The Shield a little bit immediately
7006s goes for the the floor slam immediately
7008s trying to find the next Pace on how on
7010s where to hit but man the melee is a
7013s little bit different here we get to see
7014s this and oh no ZX comes back and decides
7017s he wants to join in with the numb chucks
7019s no that's not what was supposed to
7021s happen you were supposed to do it
7023s without the hands
7025s look Tommy I mean you know number one
7028s rule of Fight Club is you don't talk
7029s about Fight Club how is ZX supposed to
7031s know if they ain't talking about it it
7034s does look like we are going to respect
7036s the 1v1s though action waiting to see
7038s who's going to come in first it looks
7040s like it's going to be action versus uh
7042s Fang here going in the Fang gonna come
7044s in with the massive slam off of the F1
7046s on to action action looking for the pair
7049s he doesn't quite find it looks for the
7050s F2 and also doesn't find that but does
7053s find the Perry on defense scale rush and
7055s immediately follows it up with the jump
7057s into left click left click after the
7059s repost for the extra damage here and
7061s action has got one thing into the
7063s uppercut needs to find the last hit here
7066s and Fang it doesn't want to let it
7068s happen trying to utilize those scale
7070s rushes get around the side of the HUD
7072s action though not gonna lose track of
7074s him knows where he's headed knows
7076s exactly how Fang wants to play this out
7079s and action says no this is gonna be my
7082s game you might take the first showcase
7083s match but this is gonna be mine he goes
7085s for the F2 unfortunately the tent gonna
7088s block it from coming through and Fang of
7090s finding a health pot here as well as the
7093s armor swap into the gray armor is going
7095s to be able to keep things moving here's
7097s Jay team's action continues to give
7099s Chase Fang on the scale rush trying to
7101s use the grapples just a Dodge and
7104s ducking and weaving trying to get away
7106s but it doesn't look there's gonna be
7107s enough action able to come in find a
7108s little bit of a grapple combo but Fang
7110s able to pop the old into the F1 and
7113s looks like he's gonna be able to get
7114s away here with the full reset
7117s absolutely insane coming towards it
7120s though it definitely have to be a little
7122s bit careful here as it still is a
7124s three-way though let's see what they can
7126s do with more of it though absolutely
7128s insane trying to find this out here
7130s Spang is gonna be able to get a nice
7131s strike here setting Exogen outside and
7133s sends him back out there yet again here
7135s with this fight here and it looks like
7137s we're back to using our blades and our
7138s nunchucks here
7141s looks like his action is going to decide
7143s to retreat the sound effects gonna go
7144s for the reset
7146s ready with gray Shield currently I know
7149s he had more than that I'm curious where
7150s that happened his next student is going
7152s to be able to do a beautiful parry and
7153s ends up sending his fangs so far back
7156s absolutely decimating this man
7159s and now here comes the chase do you
7161s think he's gonna give him the
7161s opportunity though maybe go for the
7163s reheal I don't think so here as he is
7165s going to be able to get a shield off in
7167s some way but still dangerously low here
7169s as the chase does come up here and he
7171s goes for the peak on trying to see if
7172s maybe he can have the opportunity though
7174s to get the finish and it looks like he's
7175s not going to be able to as he will be
7176s able to get some of his heels back and
7178s the game is back on it's Fang trying to
7180s be able to go for the switcheroo here
7181s still gets hit and massacred immediately
7183s dangerously low X10 is gonna go for the
7185s heel and so is Fang as CZ if CX is just
7188s gonna Vibe out a little bit towards the
7189s end here
7191s Yeah Bang here finding multiple multiple
7193s armor swaps it looks like this fight
7195s could go on for an eternity but action
7197s with the F2 actually comes in catches in
7200s Fang no Shields half health is gonna be
7202s forced to use the F1 to buy even a
7205s little bit of space here forced to scale
7206s rush into the Zone finds a broken gray
7210s armor to swap into goes for the hill
7212s gonna pop the ultimate but old for old
7214s and Dodge to the pain spread oh
7218s ah
7219s okay I didn't expect Bane's breath to be
7221s a part of this uh part of this stack
7223s when this happened definitely was not
7225s ready for that at all in any which way
7226s shape or form
7229s um that was the last thing I thought was
7230s actually going to go down here is now
7232s we're gonna look back here as uh ZX
7235s trying to do some maneuvering back here
7237s hitting him with the pistol doesn't
7239s necessarily want to go against action
7240s the way that he wants to here he already
7241s has the old popped out here looks like
7243s he's gonna go for the slam sends him up
7245s and next he's trying to see if he can
7246s find him but he ends up getting caught
7247s by the mauling of the tiger here sends
7249s him so far off of the cliff why is it
7251s that every time we've seen this so far
7252s they have been getting sent either out
7254s of a window off a cliff out off of a a
7258s large wall and they're just being set
7260s this is the funniest thing we've seen so
7261s far as ZX is gonna hit him with a
7263s massive Perry on to this reset here
7265s Exxon doing a great job of being able to
7268s reset himself and getting back towards
7270s the fight here meanwhile ZZ ZX still
7273s trying to see if he can claim it as
7274s before dangerously low here x Zin trying
7277s to see if he can scramble away here but
7278s ZX is not gonna much of an opportunity
7280s here to really back off and ZX is gonna
7283s find it and claim the elimination and
7284s gets the finish here for our game number
7286s two I'm gonna be honest I feel like
7288s there was a little bit of some some
7289s unknowingness
7291s um because there was being thrown around
7293s and he comes through with the nump shock
7294s and Glitz gets elimination on the aow's
7296s mic I call that just a little off but
7297s this is about this is about having fun
7300s and it's about having a good time and
7302s that's all that matters I do think it
7304s was a little unfair it's almost time
7305s like yeah he was privy to the situation
7308s he comes he's gonna you're gonna use
7310s your fist everybody was in the fist you
7312s could have saw that
7313s look I mean as fast as ocos be moving
7316s around he'd be scale rushing everybody
7318s be hopping throwing olds out I don't
7320s know man I I'm a call maybe maybe he
7322s didn't realize they was using a fists
7324s you know what I'm saying he just he kind
7326s of slid up on the back side of the fence
7328s sees might come around defense he's like
7330s oh hey he's low let me get in on that
7332s you know what I'm saying don't get me
7334s wrong I'm with you though we we like
7335s some Fight Club okay fight club's always
7338s great we love to see we have yet to
7340s really see a fight club in general so to
7343s finally see a Fight Club here was this
7345s was pretty this was pretty cool
7348s yeah even in general this was this was a
7351s really fun that you know you could tell
7353s there was some players trying to play a
7355s little more serious and a lot of these
7357s other players just here having a lot of
7358s fun and I love seeing these players
7360s respect the 1v1 right you you see Fang
7364s and uh action going head to head and ZX
7367s just chills the whole time he's like all
7368s right baby cool I'm I'ma wait for mine
7370s you know what I'm saying because he had
7373s to does he have to in these situations
7375s there's a whole lot of that even going
7376s back and forth here has been a fantastic
7377s job of really being able to see where
7380s the stuff are and get the shutdown the
7382s way that they want to here but yeah
7384s let's um you know obviously fantastic
7388s fantastic Showmanship here for this game
7390s look at that jacket
7392s oh that looked nice look at that drip
7395s that looks nice
7398s absolutely nice here is it looks like uh
7401s we will be able to uh lock this down
7403s here and like we said before to
7405s everybody here thank you to all of the
7407s players that decided to step up and play
7409s some games for the new showcase here for
7412s AKO thank you I hope everybody got a
7413s chance to enjoy seeing the new character
7416s you can get your hands on him March 16th
7419s which is very very soon here it's
7422s literally at the at the end of uh the
7424s end of the week actually end up next
7426s week we will be uh being able to play
7428s him somewhere sometime halfway through
7430s next week and um yeah it's gonna be a
7432s good time had by all and we're just
7434s going to enjoy it I'm definitely going
7436s to be playing somewhere no roon is and
7438s so it's probably the rest of the cast
7439s and it's going to be an absolute good
7440s time but thank you guys for tuning in
7443s and checking this out and just having a
7444s good time with us like we're just here
7446s just to have fun and and in a few
7448s minutes here hopefully very very soon
7449s here uh we will be sending this over to
7451s our casters
7453s um over for our trios maroon what'd you
7455s think I mean great I I couldn't ask for
7458s more from these two showcase matches
7460s honestly I'm excited to see the
7462s highlights I wanna I wanna I wanna see
7463s some of those big moments because
7465s there's definitely some moments that
7466s were just kind of absolutely wild some
7469s fights getting flipped on their head and
7471s some players like you said I love it's
7474s like akkos knows where the lion the
7476s witch's wardrobe is because he'd be
7477s sending people to Narnia sometimes you
7479s know what I'm saying just grabbing off
7482s the cliff just like get out of here I
7484s don't want to get out of the window
7485s through the glass through the wall
7487s further
7490s through the open there were so many
7491s openings where it just get absolutely
7492s sand even I was like Lord this is gonna
7494s be fun to see how many times we could do
7496s this
7498s oh yeah absolutely man and you know
7500s we're we we got a couple little things
7502s before we jump over and get straight
7505s into your regular mbpl but happy to be
7507s here you know I don't know you know
7509s tonight wasn't my night to cast but
7511s we're here we got some of the Showcase
7512s games I gotta I got to scratch that itch
7515s that in rocket itch you know what I'm
7516s saying you get in you cast once or twice
7518s in the week and then you're like man
7520s I really wish I was casting soon to
7522s Rocky tonight
7522s [Music]
7526s still gonna be able to work towards that
7528s one though I mean even with everything
7529s that's happening though I mean it was
7530s just fun just to see all these players
7532s just kind of like buy back relax a
7534s little bit
7535s you know seeing the circle of Echo
7538s ducklings just just going around the
7540s circle and just like having a little
7542s dated
7547s so that was nice to see even with that
7550s one here we you know we talked so much
7551s about the hype and anticipation
7553s throughout our solos and trios here so
7554s it's good that some of these players get
7556s a chance to just enjoy something new
7557s have a good time and you know just uh
7560s treat themselves just to some good vibes
7561s and good times with uh some of their
7563s competitors especially some that we've
7564s seen you know like Mike and spider and
7568s um surprise Gigi Shaw is in here on this
7570s roster for the Showcase I'm gonna be
7572s honest with you
7573s yeah you know what I I'm just happy to
7575s see some some of the people that were
7577s here right you know uh Huang fly was
7579s actually in our list of players here and
7581s he's not here for the season so it was
7583s nice to see Juan flag come back get a
7585s little bit of action and you know come
7587s in give people that Tiger Claw you know
7589s one of the great great players from last
7592s season in my opinion
7595s right
7597s still going to be able to find that out
7598s more and more here but I'm excited are
7601s you excited to play them
7602s oh yeah absolutely you know I'm getting
7604s ready to get off here and go jump on the
7605s test server and go play oh absolutely
7607s here is we're going to see some of the
7608s highlights here xeron getting a
7610s beautiful Parry on to number three here
7612s getting that beautiful strike here as we
7614s see the corner of number eight getting
7616s caught in a bad situation is aow's Mike
7618s is going to be able to shred spider for
7620s all of his work and the same thing with
7622s aow's Mike shutting down an ex-gen from
7624s earlier here as we saw xgen claiming the
7626s elimination on Mike in the uh Shadow
7629s inside the 1v1 realm and still was able
7633s to come back and get eliminated by aow's
7636s Mike meanwhile uh life back at it again
7638s with AOW who's Mike again just
7640s absolutely man down a hill with the
7643s utmost disrespect you'll love it to see
7646s it though in the agency at the same time
7647s here it looks like he's gonna be able to
7649s capture him as well here and just gets
7650s dangerously close and then it gets the
7652s elimination with the pistol a lot of
7654s people not really going out without a
7655s fight here is uh ZX earlier struggling
7658s and then gets eliminated by X did and
7660s then back at it again with xgen fighting
7662s ZX yet again in the realm of Yang
7665s claiming it again as we look a Fang
7667s getting absolutely juggled the way that
7669s we saw him get juggled earlier and
7671s ex-gen gonna be able to come through
7672s with that shutdown here and pushes him
7674s into a Bane's breath the Bane's breath
7677s finish was insane
7678s oh you you know Fang was was a little
7681s bit butt hurt about a little salty right
7683s yeah just just a little salt
7685s just a little bit of salt there and I
7687s mean I love these fights in the end the
7689s absolute respect of the 1v1s coming
7692s through nobody disrespecting that this
7695s is a showcase match you know
7697s it's not like when you're playing in the
7698s pro league you can't really respect
7700s those 1v1s in the pro league because
7701s there's too much money on the line
7703s there's too much pride for your team
7704s online but here in the Showcase match
7706s you get to have a little bit of fun you
7707s see the 1v1 you can sit back take your
7709s little coffee break and go all right you
7711s two do get out I'll get mine when it's
7712s my turn
7714s I was able to do that the way that he
7716s does and he did a fantastic job of it
7717s and so did everyone else hear that
7719s um really got a chance to use and have
7722s fun with a CO like I said you guys will
7724s be able to get your hands on him in the
7725s next patch coming March 16th chinaraka
7728s blade point and and all platforms here
7730s as we're steady gonna get ready here for
7732s uh trios we're gonna be sending it over
7734s very soon to Seb and Jake here but at
7736s the end of the day that is technically
7738s it for us
7740s um we have been um excited for more and
7742s more stuff I know roon got a chance to
7744s play him a little bit earlier and caught
7746s a good feel for him
7747s um obviously ruined doing a fantastic
7749s job telling you guys in terms of has v
7751s ones V2s are gonna work his f1s and f2s
7754s f3s are gonna work as well here it's
7756s still a lot and and this is still the
7758s early stages of how powerful this
7761s character can be not only with what we
7763s have seen what he's capable of but also
7766s what these Pro players are going to
7767s slowly interject and dissect and just
7771s study more and more and more and
7773s eventually we're going to be seeing him
7774s just do some insane stuff Way Beyond
7777s what we have seen tonight and that I am
7780s very very excited
7781s oh yeah absolutely I mean just seeing
7784s what they already came up with here I
7785s can't wait to see him in trios this was
7787s a lot of fun getting to see the solos
7788s but I really want to see him get in and
7790s kind of do his thing where he's going to
7792s shine where he's able to stagger those
7793s Transformers back and kind of put a
7795s counter onto that meta kind of come in
7797s and weigh on it just a little bit and I
7800s really like that his design doesn't like
7802s hard counter the Transformers but does
7805s buy your team a lot of necessary space
7808s you know what I'm saying but like you
7810s said Dobby that is going to be it from
7812s you and me today we're gonna throw
7814s things over to Jaeger Yeager take it
7816s away
7819s hey guys this is Jager and welcome to
7821s post game interview and now I'm standing
7824s here with fullai and let him say hello
7825s to our audience hello
7828s hello
7835s [Music]
7843s so welcome back to MVP here and first
7847s first of all a very important things I
7850s think everyone is very interested in our
7852s new hero echo's who so how's your
7855s feeling today
7864s um
7874s how that so fly said he thinks the new
7877s hero is very strong both in the solo
7879s game and also so in the show's game and
7881s he thinks it will be very popular in the
7884s mbpl okay so
7887s um because you back to the mvpr again
7889s and we are really interesting like how's
7892s it going these days where you go now um
7907s [Music]
7928s so full I said actually these days he's
7931s moving back to the place he bursts and
7934s eat a lot at these days and he is also
7937s going to plan to like eat less and
7940s exercise okay so also back to the mbpr
7944s again for the new season I would like to
7946s know how's your feeling is
7957s foreign
7991s exhibition match and he also met our two
7995s female esport players and also they are
7998s very strong he gave very high comment on
8001s these two playersets
8031s also be our like exhibition match in
8034s mbpl and we can looking forward to these
8037s games
8041s thank you for life for today's interview
8043s and we will take a break and be right
8045s back later
8047s foreign
8067s [Music]
8076s [Music]
8082s foreign
8106s [Music]
8124s foreign
8144s [Applause]
8144s [Music]
8173s [Applause]
8173s [Music]
8176s foreign
8185s [Music]
8191s [Music]
8193s foreign
8193s [Music]
8204s [Music]
8215s there is no point to this Viper
8221s you've spent too long fighting with
8223s forgotten much but I am no immortal
8229s thanks
8234s [Music]
8239s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
8243s daughter
8244s you're not my mother you're a monster oh
8248s ungrateful
8252s that is an honor for I allowed to serve
8255s me in death as in life
8260s hey
8262s Viper
8263s pencil is this pest Justina goob
8266s Winter's Grace
8270s foreign
8277s [Music]
8283s [Music]
8292s let's finish this
8295s [Music]
8312s [Music]
8321s [Music]
8325s thank you
8351s foreign
8360s [Music]
8373s [Music]
8394s foreign
8417s [Music]
8423s foreign
8431s [Music]
8462s laughs
8465s [Music]
8477s [Music]
8516s foreign
8522s [Applause]
8546s foreign foreign
8551s [Music]
8561s [Music]
8584s [Music]
8600s thank you
8612s hiding on that left side is two other
8614s players as well near Feather Lake and
8616s Indigenous Mound as immediately we're
8618s going to come in and see Zero fighting
8619s this out with GG Shaw and absolutely
8621s putting in work with Just Hair hands
8624s here man absolutely not looking good for
8626s GG shots gonna have to retreat this but
8627s actually
8636s hello there now action
8639s gonna get hit by that grapple floor
8641s chart for a spider in the back game now
8643s actually it might be in big trouble he's
8644s forced to pop that matar ultimate but
8646s spider
8652s [Music]
8653s the two both of the long swords are
8656s gonna be very helpful for each one here
8657s but these nunchucks are doing work on
8659s Rexy right now meanwhile the dodgy on
8661s each side of the fourth of the yodohime
8662s ulti is gonna be just as strong he's
8664s gonna buy he's gonna Dodge out on each
8665s side here and exit is just been putting
8667s in work here on each side and it looks
8668s like he's gonna hit him again with it oh
8670s it's a Once hits him twice
8673s beautiful shots on each side though
8674s let's see if he's gonna be able to find
8675s it here let's see where he works towards
8677s the next gym is gonna be able to pop the
8678s match and looks like Rex sees condom
8680s Barry
8684s [Music]
8687s dub um this could be massive as Exodus
8690s gonna be able to connect him as well
8691s here pushing him outside of the circle
8693s here
8694s which catches him on the back side of
8696s this wall here meanwhile it looks like
8697s we're gonna be able to find it again if
8698s GG actually is gonna be able to find his
8700s closest with a nice
8703s [Music]
8712s [Music]
8733s [Music]
8747s thank you
8752s [Music]
8765s thank you
8768s [Music]
8778s foreign
8782s [Music]
8826s [Music]
8843s thank you
8847s thank you
8871s [Applause]
8888s [Music]
8908s awesome
8911s [Applause]
8912s [Music]
8918s [Music]
8936s foreign
8941s and I am joined by Seb it's been a hot
8944s minute mate how are you doing you're
8946s right it has been so long and let me
8949s just say I am so happy to be back at the
8952s mbpl I've been watching these past
8955s couple of days man
8957s they have stepped up the game they have
8960s really stepped up from so many different
8962s things happening Panda man now on a
8964s different team
8965s like in my head I'm just oh Casey's
8967s Panda man that's iconic now you G's
8970s Panama and there's so many things going
8971s on that are brand new with this mbpl
8973s 2023 I'm just so excited to be back and
8976s casting how are you how about you I'm
8979s good I'm good babe to be honest I'm I'm
8982s sure here you talk about solos and not
8984s hit on Mike and the return of Mike
8985s obviously you're gonna miss the the rise
8987s of spider who became the world champion
8989s in solos as well but today we're
8991s covering the trio uh obviously Trio's on
8995s Friday were really explosive because xcg
8998s who are the rating champions of trios in
9000s mbpl won the first two games
9003s convincingly and then just crumble they
9006s absolutely fell apart then you look at
9008s the likes of KLA who are one of our new
9010s teams Dave popcorn actually took the day
9012s so I'm really excited to see how some of
9014s these other teams are gonna be shaking
9016s up I believe J team are playing today
9018s which is very exciting because uh J team
9020s obviously are still the reigning world
9022s champions they made a miraculous
9024s comeback during the world Championship I
9026s love the Jersey mate team Baby J team
9030s let's go
9033s [Music]
9035s in a moment anyway but oh of course yeah
9038s because they are the original Jay team
9040s roster for stuff from the first world
9041s yeah so we've got the current reigning
9043s world championship J team and the
9046s original world champions on a new team
9048s uh and they're playing in the same group
9050s so I believe that group are playing
9052s today which means that we will see these
9054s two teams kind of show up and I'm
9056s excited to see you know which ones are
9057s gonna be the ones to uh to kind of
9060s really put put their put their like
9062s stamp down on the league I mean with xcg
9064s and KLA having a pretty good start to
9067s the uh season you know it's the onus is
9069s on a bunch of these teams to show up and
9071s with the missing of fpx now that they're
9074s not with us anymore you know I'm curious
9076s to see you know what the power Dynamic
9077s what the Power Balance is gonna look
9079s like and I feel the first week's not the
9080s best week to get a good read on how the
9083s teams uh Shape Up and how they how they
9086s kind of how they're gonna look as we
9087s move later in but at least gives us a
9089s taste of it it gives us a uh an
9091s opportunity to kind of start to draw
9092s some conclusions and figure out you know
9094s where the Power Balance is because I
9096s think there's some teams who I would
9099s have said of were three wins or like
9100s kind of just three points in in previous
9102s seasons and then now they're not one of
9106s those themes is bowder and I know
9107s they're 12 right now but honestly these
9110s guys look way more consistent than they
9112s did in previous seasons in season two
9115s they looked I gotta say it they look
9117s trash they look really really bad in
9119s season two and yes they were 12 but yes
9121s uh Friday sorry was a very very high
9124s scoring Day so a lot of teams getting
9126s some pretty serious points on the board
9127s I mean about getting 13 points we've
9130s seen Trio's games well that's like third
9132s place that's how high people were
9133s scoring
9134s um on on Friday but here you are KLA
9137s absolutely astronomical day one oh my
9141s goodness 145 point game in game number
9145s three that is insane as yeah look it xcg
9148s did end up crumbling towards that ending
9150s it came out really strong on those first
9153s two games hitting 37 and 33.8 points at
9156s the very start but they weren't able to
9157s come away on top in the end they're 81
9160s points still not a bad place to be in
9163s second there's jjh taking away third
9165s we're gonna see GG ewg GS and aoww you
9169s taking up the rest of those spots here
9170s win the 50 to 60 point region today
9173s we're going to have six total Trio games
9176s between pools a and pools B this is
9178s going to be an interesting game because
9180s we're gonna also this is I personally
9183s haven't been able to see hollaroth in
9187s competitive play that much I haven't
9188s casted much of that so it's gonna be
9190s cool to see the difference of Morris
9191s Isle versus holla Roth how these
9194s different games play out I know watching
9196s it you can see that there's always
9197s different styles of play like we tend to
9199s see less monk called holleroth with the
9202s extra terrain it's gonna be really cool
9204s to actually fully experience that today
9206s with all of you guys ladies and
9208s gentlemen we are going to be hopping
9209s into our first game shortly but first
9211s predictions how do you think this day is
9213s going to be going out how do you think
9214s the tune because you had said earlier
9216s the first week isn't really a great
9218s place to judge because you know they're
9219s just getting back into the swing of
9221s things back on stage they don't really
9224s know of course they've been playing each
9225s other for ages and ages but there's new
9227s metas new health damages you have to
9228s skip into uh you have to keep into
9231s consideration everything the dagger got
9233s nerfed everything is different now
9236s yes
9238s um I I so interestingly I totally used
9241s to agree with you on the honor of not
9242s using Monk and as much as I hate it uh
9244s anybody's watched this show for a while
9246s or no I disliked the Transformers Club I
9248s think I don't have a problem with it as
9250s a core concept I just think it's too
9252s strong so you kind of get that sale or
9254s like the games go a little stale because
9256s everyone's picking it but pharah or Fifi
9258s as some people are calling her uh she
9260s came into the matter as someone who
9261s could shake up trios potentially because
9264s she looked like an anti-monk uh
9267s character and then they released her V3
9269s and the ability for her to share the met
9271s and now we're in what me and run have
9273s now dubbed as the Pacific Rim method uh
9275s where you've got the Kaiju and the met
9277s and the worst thing is is they just pair
9279s up so while monk is waiting for his
9281s ultimate to come back he'll just hop in
9283s the Pharaoh Mech it gives him Mobility
9285s because obviously the mech can fly it
9287s gets a lot of damage when you get the
9288s secondary uh fire off when you go
9290s stationary monks can't grab you out of
9292s the mat and you do just colossal amounts
9296s damage absolutely
9299s stuff coming out from it so typically I
9302s don't think monks do holler off but I
9303s think you're gonna see a lot of Monk on
9305s the holler off just purely because of
9307s this specific room matter and the other
9308s teams are getting picked up but before
9310s we get in to our first game of the day
9313s we actually have a chat with the lads in
9314s KLA to see what they're to say about
9316s their first day in the league
9319s foreign
9348s [Music]
9354s great video there from KLA as they're
9358s getting ready to set up their coach
9359s watching them here as they were saying
9361s they did make some mistakes but mistakes
9363s are inevitable they always they ended up
9366s coming out on top which is great for
9368s their first day in the mvpl league
9370s Heroes we're gonna see all these teams
9372s getting ready and set up there we go my
9374s boys repping the brand new long-sleeve
9377s jerseys that's one thing I wanted to
9378s talk about as well the drip
9380s for mbpl has been upgraded obviously
9384s you know they've they just have a new
9386s way the New Jersey's coming in with the
9388s 2023 everything's been revamped the
9390s stage looks different to everything all
9393s the graphics
9394s pulling through to the great top above
9398s the line ladies and gentlemen as we're
9400s about to jump in to this next our very
9402s first game actually here
9404s like I said
9406s something about wanted to talk about as
9407s well actually is just the
9409s the way in which we now play because
9411s obviously season one uh kind of
9414s functions you know just game into game
9415s it was one it was more of Silence more
9417s as well then we shook things up with
9419s adding the addition of holler off and
9421s for a while we didn't know where our
9422s office is gonna fall in the day
9425s um so it was it was interesting but now
9426s we go into season three
9428s what I like is the fact that we get game
9430s one and two back to back there's very
9432s little time to breathe and we saw
9433s whatever xcg in the first few games
9435s because they just took that momentum
9436s into the second game and smashed it
9438s through two games in a row but then they
9440s fell off in the breaking between game
9442s two and game three and then after that
9444s they just struggled to kind of get get
9445s going again so I really think that the
9448s current wave that it plays is really
9450s interesting because it can it's not it's
9453s a marathon and not a Sprint it's a
9455s really really bizarre way to run it but
9457s I love it I think it's really fun but
9458s before we get into this we actually have
9459s another video from another team uh who
9461s are ready to talk a little bit more
9462s about their posts and dreams for this
9464s place
9466s foreign
9470s [Music]
9503s nice there to hear from 101 TN obviously
9506s joining uh J team a little bit later on
9509s in the year
9510s um has honestly been a great addition to
9512s this team uh was solid back in season
9514s one I actually can't remember who he was
9516s on but they were a pretty scary even
9518s that's really bad I'm pretty sure was it
9521s powder it might have been better yeah uh
9523s but now you know ever since this Edition
9525s to J team this team have looked you know
9527s infinitely better than GSA actually
9528s another team who are joining us this
9530s season there's a new Fresh team uh so
9533s there are you know still some new names
9534s wolves obviously my boys the
9536s Wolverhampton wolves the only UK org
9539s that's playing in this tournament a bit
9541s of a change out actually Benji being a
9543s new addition to the roster lxx actually
9546s I believe stayed it was once 14 he was
9549s another player I can't remember the rest
9551s of rules uh is the V we've got so many
9553s teams and Everything's changed try to
9555s remember who's on what team uh the king
9557s though these guys unfortunately were at
9560s the bottom of the barrel on day one
9562s another new edition another new team to
9564s the league and they were struggling they
9567s were definitely struggling I didn't
9569s really see uh
9571s overall that much impressive kind of uh
9574s in that many impressive games coming out
9575s from them yeah they had a top four
9577s finish I believe at one point but for
9580s the most part the king you know they
9582s felt fairly passive
9584s um as you can see looking at kind of the
9586s comps that they play they are playing
9587s that uh the sandstorm month comp but we
9590s did see for quite a while
9592s um especially during season two
9595s it feels like this that that particular
9597s build of Monk still is obviously viable
9599s but it's definitely been forced out by
9601s the Pharaoh comps it was
9603s basically on day one just the the pharah
9606s and the traditional kurumi monk bumps uh
9610s not some of the like the Tammy monk
9611s comps we haven't had the Valderrama
9613s monkey cop yet and as much as I'd love
9615s to see it I don't think we're ever gonna
9617s see it
9618s um it's honestly felt though with now
9620s for just like the amount of various
9622s monkey cops there are and the fact that
9624s you can kind of swap your supports out
9625s and keep the uh
9627s keep keep your hero points as low as
9629s possible it feels like things like Yoto
9632s Comics have kind of disappeared which is
9633s really sad because I was I've always
9635s thought Yoto was like one of the best
9636s answers to monk but it just feels like
9638s there's too many tools to handle it now
9640s and the Yoto comp is more of a defensive
9642s comp but plays for the end of the game
9644s uh and a lot of these teams are scoring
9646s early and Yota comps don't typically
9648s score until the last minute and at which
9650s point they can feel a panic system to
9652s put the kills together and it's a shame
9655s it's a shame to see it kind of kind of
9656s fall apart and crumble so you know we're
9658s gonna have to keep our eyes on um
9662s on those guys
9664s and see you know what the cons to get
9665s what the other team drafts are going to
9667s be looking like you know I I'd like to
9669s see some changes to try and see some
9670s more themes kind of come in and have an
9672s answer to the monk comp especially for
9674s the maps like holler offers because you
9676s can get those final circles at the end
9677s where
9678s the teams
9680s struggle they really struggle to kind of
9683s sometimes find the openings find the
9685s opportunities
9686s to get into uh to get into fights
9688s because the terrain can just be such a
9690s such a nuisance uh just running through
9693s a bunch of the teams though Alliance
9695s back here in the lit in the saddle see
9698s if they're going to be able to finally
9699s have a good split they've been a team
9700s who you know we were excited about for
9702s quite a while uh but unfortunately you
9705s know they never really found their form
9706s they were always at worst a kind of like
9708s mid of the table team uh so they always
9711s kind of had that that area of uh of a
9715s struggle on that front so we'll have to
9717s see whether or not Alliance do have a
9719s have enough in the have enough fuel in
9721s the tank because remember we're all
9722s seeing only one of these teams wants
9725s today some teams we will be seeing twice
9727s because they played on day one
9728s with the fact that we have three groups
9730s that is just kind of the nature of it
9732s and how it is going to be going down now
9735s look at uh this is OC yes that's it OC
9738s did play on um on day one as well uh
9741s unfortunately though
9743s it wasn't
9745s it wasn't the best
9747s performance they they definitely felt a
9749s I'd say a little bit underwhelming it's
9751s probably the uh
9753s probably the best way to wear it it
9754s really wasn't the best performance uh
9757s coming in from OC so we'll have to see
9760s uh how how they're gonna be playing
9762s again playing a altered version of the
9766s uh of the Pacific Rim comp I can't
9768s believe that is the normal position you
9771s don't run Eurasian you don't run triple
9772s Transformer that's a that's a nasty God
9775s Bachelor not for like triple Transformer
9777s that would be horrible to play into
9778s triple Transformers seems like it's just
9781s a little bit too much like at one point
9783s do you say okay okay stop this is not a
9787s good idea we do not want to see this
9790s please just I don't I don't necessarily
9793s think it's a bad idea I think the reason
9795s why you don't see it is it mostly comes
9797s down to Hero points right like Eurasian
9799s exists to do a similar role to what
9801s Pharaoh does which is they they jump in
9804s and uh basically interrupt and buy time
9809s for monk to build his energy is Rage
9811s back up and uh transform again when on
9814s the other side uh
9816s if you if you have a Pharisee she does
9819s that but better because she gives her a
9820s safety net and a mix to sit in triple
9823s Transformer would technically work if
9825s somehow both pharaoh and monk are
9827s basically on cooldown at the same time
9829s but like at that point if you've not won
9830s the fight in your still going and it's
9833s not and you haven't taken at least one
9835s person out you're probably losing the
9836s Fighter's ears I think Tammy
9838s forces you to well family allows you to
9841s hold on to those ultimates when
9842s contesting more as blessings and other
9844s bits and Bobs like that
9847s exactly right so we are going to be able
9850s to hopefully see that
9852s coming into these games here temi is
9855s just temmie's such a versatile hero
9857s because you can sort of slap temi into
9859s any comp
9860s and have him do well the the way he's
9864s able to control a fight and just take
9866s control of these other players movements
9868s with the F ability especially the alt
9871s being able to that V3 being able to get
9874s those wisps back again and again in the
9876s way that these Pro players are able to
9878s do it you know a normal player would
9880s only be able to get them back one or two
9882s times whereas these Pro players are able
9883s to go five six seven wisps just
9886s annihilating these players rendering
9889s them completely immobile and making it
9892s so that they can't move
9895s leading them to take so much damage it's
9897s just insanely powerful it's and you pair
9900s that with any hero comp right this very
9903s attemi
9905s and Chen haikov is just insane because
9907s then you have them grabbed out of that
9910s and then you have the safety net with
9912s Feria able to come in and give it to the
9914s temi or The Chiang Hai if they're
9916s running that V3 so it's a very
9918s interesting way to see how these games
9920s are going to shape out it's interesting
9922s as well because that was xcg on the
9924s screen uh showing you know their best
9925s comp which is the the Pacific Rim comp
9927s but the problem is
9929s they just kept dumping
9931s into that comp or into variations of
9934s that comp they basically ran out of hero
9935s points and I believe you can only really
9938s afford to play the same chord twice and
9939s then after that it you just can't or
9941s like you you get no points and then you
9943s get like negative points after a certain
9945s point uh they're actually losing points
9947s for playing more than once and
9951s you know for xcg they just totally ran
9953s out of speed they just they just
9955s completely fell apart in that game
9958s um and you know unfortunately for them
9961s it's hard but you know they need to
9963s figure out other comps other than just
9965s this one comp because I feel like
9967s what to find a bunch of the teams are
9969s the ones who didn't just lean on the
9971s Pacific rom-comp and just lean on the
9973s monkey comps and we did see uh some
9975s cicada comps limited success I think KLA
9978s had an okay game with it it was like
9980s Matari
9982s um cicada and I can't remember who the
9984s third was maybe Wu Shen uh but you know
9987s it was
9988s there are various other comments that
9990s are playable I just think at the moment
9991s The Meta is very very Transformer heavy
9995s um and I think some teams because of
9997s that feel very locked in to those
9998s Transformer themes and it's great when
10000s you play back-to-back games I think it
10002s worked for XC xcg in game number one you
10005s know they they opened up with with the
10008s uh Pacific rimcom they got to play
10010s straight into game two they got two
10012s games back to back and it was a good
10013s honor offer monk as well and they got
10016s two massive games on the board uh a 20
10018s bomb in game one and then I think just
10020s shy I think it was like 16 or 18 points
10023s in game two
10025s so
10026s it and then they ran out of steam they
10028s had time off they had a break and they
10029s just ran out of steam and they really
10030s struggled now this team is the team I
10032s want to talk about te
10034s those names you'll all recognize the
10037s Knights of vvv uh I would argue is the
10039s best
10041s um
10042s Viper there we go got that over the hero
10044s there uh the best Viper in in the league
10046s if not the world vvv is unbelievably
10049s cracked up this fat hero but that is the
10052s season one world championship
10055s um team they they took the first ever
10057s World Championship under J team's flag
10059s now moving on to te as a group together
10063s I honestly think tea are gonna be a team
10065s to watch they have some crazy potential
10068s but they are in a hard group you know
10070s you've got xcg playing today you've got
10072s J team playing today
10074s um
10076s there's a whole bunch of names and I'm
10077s like oh God I forgotten who the team's
10079s playing today are but there's some
10081s really really solid teams playing today
10082s uh some pretty high scorers I think
10084s they're one saving grace to the likes to
10086s Kelly aren't on today uh which is I
10088s guess good news for them because KLA uh
10091s were unbelievably scary back during uh
10094s day one and could really throw things
10096s off but definitely if you are new to the
10099s season or new to the league keep your
10101s eyes peeled on TV these guys are a team
10103s who have a lot of potential we'll have
10106s to see you know how warmed up and how
10107s ready they are there's a lot of teams
10109s kept their rosters together between
10111s Season Two Worlds and now into the
10113s spring split so I'm excited to see you
10116s know how some of these maybe newer
10118s formed or newer newly backed together
10121s reform is the word I'm looking for uh
10124s teams do
10126s yeah it's gonna be interesting to see
10128s the chemistry right because then you you
10130s have these teams that have just stuck
10132s together nobody's changed nobody has
10135s moved teams or done anything since the
10138s very start and then you have all of
10139s these teams that are fresh and new and
10144s do these younger teams these new teams
10148s here
10149s bring it in
10151s is there energy going to be
10154s able to take over these players who have
10156s just been playing together all the time
10158s and the fact that they play together a
10160s lot in their chemistry they're just they
10162s just know exactly what to do they know
10163s oh if this guy's gonna do this then I'm
10165s gonna go and do this right and it makes
10167s it so that
10169s they know they have very good chemistry
10171s together whereas these newer teams they
10173s might mess up they might have comms that
10175s are wrong they might not know exactly
10177s what the other player means when they're
10179s doing something and this allows for a
10181s little bit of an advantage for these OG
10183s teams whereas we have these other teams
10186s with the newer teams they also are you
10189s know they're brand new they have
10190s something to prove they might be a
10191s little bit hungrier than these older
10193s teams so it could give them an advantage
10194s it really depends at all how it plays
10196s out and this is why we play the games
10198s ladies and gentlemen this is why it's
10199s not just let to Stats and we're going to
10203s be jumping into this game very shortly
10205s but Jake what do you think about this
10206s like do you think these older teams have
10208s a better chance or do you think these
10209s new fresh teams have a better chance I
10212s mean the victory today I'm a bureau you
10214s go to statistics the older teams have an
10216s advantage uh mostly because a lot of the
10218s older teams the teams who've already had
10220s success or have been decent during the
10222s previous splits and now they stay
10224s together uh you don't get that what we
10226s saw in season two was a lot of teams
10228s shaked things up for the sake of shaking
10229s things up they swapped out rosters they
10231s changed things around and I think that
10235s led into an issue of
10237s um yeah that kind of just led into an
10239s issue of the players uh struggling to
10242s kind of get get going especially versus
10244s Team two are a little bit who'd stay
10246s together and we're a little bit more
10247s comfortable playing together
10249s um so I I think it's weird because
10251s sometimes if you've got people with a
10253s lot of potential that team has potential
10254s to grow but also for a lot look at teams
10257s this time around instead of locking in
10259s potential Talent they go what they've
10261s got and
10262s I think but the problem with that is you
10264s don't you kind of like you have you have
10266s a ceiling really like there is the
10268s potential to smash through that ceiling
10269s but realistically you expect these teams
10271s to only be able to kind of achieve where
10273s their Peak is and if you had someone
10275s knew that Peak might be able to go
10276s higher
10277s but you know it's hard to say I I think
10280s you know mostly going off the
10281s performances of of day one
10284s I think Teensy stuck together still
10286s played very very well most of teams who
10288s were new or like had shuffles up uh
10291s we're definitely still finding their
10292s footing other than the lighter klf
10294s anyway I believe we have another video
10296s while we're waiting for some issues on
10297s stage to get sorted out so we'll roll
10299s that I'll be getting ready to go into
10300s game number one as soon as possible
10308s um
10351s thank you
10354s ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the
10357s naraka blade Point pro league we just
10359s had a little bit of a short video from
10361s oug's the King talking about the fact
10363s that he's switched from solos to now
10367s he's playing trios he was a menace in
10369s that solo field but now we're gonna get
10371s to see the damage that he's gonna be
10372s doing in these Trio games as these
10375s players are getting ready again and
10377s again we're seeing them they're all
10378s dialed in they're ready to go just
10380s relaxing making sure that their this
10382s game is going to be the greatest that
10384s they're going to play because this is
10386s the first game of the day they have to
10387s set the tone for the entire rest and
10389s like you said it is a marathon type of
10391s games they have two right away and they
10394s keep continuing and what they're going
10397s to need to do here is not drop that
10400s energy because like you said xcg had an
10402s amazing first two games they were able
10404s to ride that energy but as soon as a
10406s break happened and they were able to
10407s just sort of calm down
10410s boom they lost points because they lost
10413s their energy they weren't able to pick
10415s it back up whereas these other players
10417s who played steadily were able to pick it
10419s up towards the end and go in and have
10422s amazing games do you know when you're in
10424s a stick game day
10427s um I I remember speaking to a coach in a
10429s different game but you know I think the
10431s points still stand
10433s um I spoke to a coach who you know
10435s talked to me about like five game series
10437s in like best elves and stuff like that
10439s and he said do you know the key to
10440s winning those is bananas whoever got the
10443s bananas and it was like coaching staff
10444s would like battle backstage for the
10446s bananas because whoever got the bananas
10448s would win because by game three onwards
10451s the exhaustion starts to set in and
10454s things like bananas are slow release
10455s energy so
10457s these are long days and you know this
10459s isn't like a best of this is they just
10460s play six days uh six games per day so it
10465s is a lot of naraka to be playing
10467s especially now when it's back to back
10469s like game one like I think it's like
10471s four or five minutes they get in between
10473s game one and game two then they have
10475s game three after a short break that's
10478s very short as well game three into game
10480s four is like the longest break of the
10481s day and then it's another back-to-back
10483s uh set of games okay they're all playing
10485s today I will come back to that in a
10487s moment
10488s um but yeah the extension of uh the the
10491s day like as well the third sort of
10494s basically the amount of games you're
10495s playing in a day uh in close proximity
10498s without you know like a 15 minute break
10500s like they used to get in between
10502s it is really about pacing yourself
10503s because you have like two sprints and
10506s then into a bit of a slower slog and it
10508s can be really really tough on the
10509s players and I think we saw it with xcg
10512s KLA on your screens though these guys
10515s did not struggle on that they seem to
10517s have a really clear plan of how to play
10520s through the the kind of very stop start
10522s nature of the day and they you know I
10526s mean they've fumbled in like one game
10528s but I wouldn't even really call it a
10530s major fumble because they didn't really
10531s lose too much they still gained points
10532s they still had an okay performance it
10535s just wasn't their best day uh best game
10537s of the day but I mean when you had a 35
10539s Point game
10540s a little bit before that you know they
10542s had
10543s 220 bombs or plus 20 bombs I think it
10546s was like a 21 point game like 26 or 27
10548s point game like they absolutely killed
10552s it
10553s um the KLA is definitely a scary team
10555s and that's what I'm talking about te
10556s team to watch J team team to watch but
10559s they've got some stacked stacked teams
10562s playing against them today and I think
10564s we might see another really high scoring
10567s day
10568s oh of course it's always going to be
10570s high scoring in trios you know like the
10573s difference there's three times the
10575s players so there's gonna be three times
10576s the amount of kills three times the
10578s amount of chaos and three times the
10579s amount of fun as I always say
10581s and it is three times as scary when
10584s you're in those lobbies playing against
10585s these Pro players like
10587s the way that they play they keep their
10590s component it is menacing
10592s how these players are able to play use
10594s the text so well and yeah of course
10596s we're always going to see high scores
10598s here in these Trio games but yeah I want
10600s to see a 50-point game you think we're
10602s gonna see it a 50-point game coming from
10604s one of these teams I've very much
10608s that's so hold on we had 45 right and
10611s that was yeah I think that was about 26
10613s kills I think for most the record is 29
10616s or 30 and I believe it was fbx you said
10618s that
10619s fbx I don't think he's out of the Realms
10621s of possibility but the thing to talk
10622s about is
10624s when I say high scoring day I don't mean
10626s like one team scoring high I mean
10628s everybody's scoring high okay okay
10631s we typically see one or two teams on a
10633s day do well and then everyone else kind
10635s of just like dragging behind them but
10637s day one I mean the team in fourth team
10641s still scored pretty decent by like
10643s Season Two Season one standards like
10646s that was very middling scores not bottom
10648s scores so everybody was Finding kills
10650s everybody was going more aggressive and
10651s I think that actually kind of leans into
10653s a couple of reasons one the runway yangs
10655s uh they actually add extra kills to the
10658s game because
10659s even if you're losing the rubber Yang
10661s then still get a free revive yes you
10663s have three minutes 30 to go find another
10664s team and take them out that forces the
10666s point of aggression and forces the tempo
10669s of the gamer but it does also allow to
10671s farm extra kills that way I think going
10673s from 16 to 14 teams in a day as well
10677s also uh led into that because I feel
10679s like early game a lot of teams actually
10681s just didn't fight because they were
10684s always scared of that third party
10685s potential but I think losing two extra
10687s teams it doesn't sound like a lot
10689s they're taking them off the off the uh
10691s off the map has allowed us to uh spread
10694s out a little bit more and then you could
10696s normally just get one or two teams
10698s dropping in the same spot and then
10699s they'll fight each other and who wins
10701s that area takes over that area now uh I
10704s believe you have another little video to
10705s run uh we are still having a few text
10706s messages and we'll roll that and then
10708s hopefully by the time we're back from
10709s that we'll be getting ready to game one
10711s [Music]
10724s foreign
10727s on that left side is two other players
10729s as well near Feather Lake and Indigenous
10731s Mound as immediately we're gonna come in
10732s and see Zero fighting this out with GG
10734s Shaw and absolutely putting in work with
10737s Just Hair hands here man absolutely not
10739s looking good for GG shots gonna have to
10741s retreat this but actually finds this out
10743s with his hands
10751s hello there now action
10753s gonna get hit by that grapple floor
10755s chart for a spider in the back end now
10757s actually it might be in big trouble he's
10758s forced to pop that matar ultimate but
10760s spider
10766s [Music]
10767s the two the both of the long swords are
10770s gonna be very helpful for each one here
10772s but these nunchucks are doing work on
10773s Rexy right now meanwhile the Dobby on
10775s each side and the fourth of the Yoda
10776s Hime ulti is gonna be just as strong
10778s he's gonna Bop he's gonna Dodge out on
10780s each side here at exit it's just been
10781s putting in work here on each side and it
10782s looks like he's gonna hit him again with
10784s it oh it's a Once hits him twice
10787s beautiful shots on each side though
10788s let's see if he's gonna be able to find
10789s it here let's see where he works towards
10791s in the next gen is gonna be able to pop
10792s the match and looks like rexy's caught
10794s him Perry
10799s foreign
10802s here
10808s which catches him on the back side of
10810s this wall here meanwhile it looks like
10812s we're gonna be able to find it again if
10813s GG actually is gonna be able to fly it
10814s as close as a with a nice
10818s [Music]
10822s spot there for himself needs to be real
10823s careful actually now moving in he has
10825s that Mystic might and he knows he's weak
10827s and it's Rex he had that scrap off
10829s earlier so he knows that he is the Yodo
10831s now Jim he's gonna get buried by
10833s accident just coming in hot right now
10835s and now it's a 1v1 situation here in
10837s game six an RV RV confirmation action
10839s YouTube
10850s [Music]
10861s thank you
10863s [Music]
10870s foreign
10878s [Music]
10901s thank you
10904s foreign
10905s [Music]
10912s [Music]
10935s foreign
10940s foreign
10943s [Music]
10957s [Music]
10992s thank you
11010s hello everybody and welcome back to the
11012s mbpl apologies about the break we were
11014s having a few technical issues I do
11016s believe they are done or if not almost
11018s finished and ready to get into that game
11020s I am so excited to see you know how this
11022s game number was going to go down there
11024s as obviously a whole heap of teams I've
11026s got my eyes on te being the big one for
11028s me I am super excited to see how a
11031s former World Championship roster does
11033s technically they've had a year apart so
11036s it's been a hot minute since these guys
11037s have played together so there might be
11039s some heaving issues on that front but
11041s I'm still very very excited to see them
11043s go uh go up against their former team J
11045s team who are still the world champions
11047s as well so man it's gonna be a doozy
11050s today I think we've got some really
11051s really stacked teams and I think there's
11053s gonna be some some bones to pick I guess
11056s it's probably the best way to work it's
11057s about some beef to settle let's say
11061s and hopefully they won't do it in person
11063s and they'll leave it all out on their
11065s computers because we don't want to see
11067s any scraps coming down but the J team
11070s beef will be settled in these games here
11073s we've got six games coming up for you
11075s guys ladies and gentlemen six action
11077s pass fast paced
11081s crazy games of naraka Blade point and
11084s that is always what we love to see
11086s they're gonna start game one very
11088s shortly yeah they have a few Tech
11089s problems you know some of the computers
11091s it's going to be unfair if we start the
11093s game and some of these players computers
11094s aren't working properly we can't have
11096s that happening we gotta have a fair
11098s place because the mbpl is always Fair we
11101s gotta keep it that way we gotta stay
11102s consistent so we are going to take a
11105s little bit more time but then we will be
11107s right back into it so Jake talk to me a
11109s little bit more
11110s about your favorite team your UK team
11113s wolves Esports I don't know is that your
11116s is that your favorite team
11117s uh they held a special place in my heart
11119s for that reason okay they're my favorite
11121s they're definitely 18 the older special
11122s Festival the thing about wolves is
11124s they've changed roster they're not did
11126s you haven't got rules 14 and one thing
11128s uh I believe
11130s the end of the player now but they've
11131s kept one player on uh but the rest of
11133s the team has fun have been picked apart
11135s and has changed up so they're another
11137s team that I will be watching today
11138s they're another team that I will be
11140s interested by to see you know how they
11142s perform because I think they've they've
11146s they were a team with a phenomenal uh
11148s potential in season two I think these
11151s are one they were fun because they were
11152s mindlessly aggressive uh for season two
11154s they were
11156s they were they were playing that kind of
11159s like hard early aggressive style but
11161s they were making it work for them and
11162s making it the final circles and not
11164s necessarily winning every game but at
11165s least looking uh pretty decent as a team
11169s so there's definitely a team that I I
11171s will keep my eye on across the season to
11173s see do they still have that potential
11174s they had in previous Seasons or you know
11177s have they maybe kind of lost that a
11179s little bit but I I I think you know it's
11181s going to be interesting to see what kind
11183s of team they have become now I do
11185s believe that everything is set up and
11186s now ready so hopefully you begin jumping
11189s into this game game nice and thin I
11192s think
11192s there's a lot of good teams here so even
11195s if wolves you know this new roster do
11197s show up they've got some serious work to
11199s do to actually perform on the day uh do
11203s you hear another team they've actually
11204s kept their full roster from the previous
11205s splits
11207s um another team who
11209s I believe they were they were normally
11211s kind of like the middle of the pack team
11212s you know they had a few pop-off games
11214s but they obviously believe in this
11215s roster and believe in the capability of
11217s these guys so keeping everything the
11219s same as as as they did before I think
11222s that's been one of the most interesting
11223s things is I think more rosters stuck
11226s together than broke apart during the
11229s offseason
11230s yeah and it's great to see these rosters
11233s changing but it's also we just love to
11235s see these household sorry for me
11238s household names that I hold near dear to
11240s my heart staying together GD is a
11243s perfect example of that we see these
11246s teams sticking together the OG bauda
11248s roster as well I miss teams like Ada
11252s we're missing teams like
11255s older teams that we used to see in the
11257s First World season one of the mvpl the
11260s ones that I hold near and dear to my
11261s heart aren't necessarily together
11262s completely anymore which is okay because
11265s we're seeing these new teams coming in
11266s like t-e-txj vvv and lyd this team
11270s before was on the team of fun Plus
11271s Phoenix
11273s these oh yeah they're also on JT as well
11275s they were the first dating yeah this was
11278s the original original J team before
11281s worlds because j-team's world was was uh
11285s when this is the first World's win that
11287s was the first they won the first World
11291s okay okay and we got teams as well like
11294s Alliance Alliance is another great team
11296s that we love to see they have an EU
11298s region team as well I'm pretty sure this
11302s is one of those teams that is difficult
11304s it's a little bit more difficult for
11306s them to gain traction that we've seen in
11308s the past but they hopefully they'll be
11310s able to step it up here as we are about
11311s to start into game number one ladies and
11314s gentlemen this is the moment you've all
11315s been waiting for all of these teams
11317s getting ready getting together so that
11320s we can play some naraka the moment is
11323s here game one is about to kick off we've
11325s got GS o-u-g-t-k JL Alliance xcg wolves
11330s GD OC powder k-l-a-t-e Ventus and last
11334s but not least J team ladies and
11337s gentlemen welcome to the rockablay point
11340s pro league
11342s let's see what the hero select is going
11345s to be looking like what the uh well the
11348s individual heroes are gonna be I I'm
11349s expecting especially in game one to be
11351s just transformers in Pacific Rim
11353s I don't think too many people are gonna
11356s shake the apricot on that front I will
11358s be interested by te's comp uh most of
11361s the fact that you know they got likes of
11362s vvv who I said is an amazing Viper
11364s player and a very good team enabler so
11367s maybe they might have something
11368s different in mind but they're at the
11370s bottom of the screen so we'll keep our
11371s eyes on those guys KLA had some
11373s unbelievable success on the Pacific Rim
11376s uh comp as well uh obviously the big one
11379s as well is xcg who are playing that so
11381s KLA actually going in for a traditional
11383s yotahime compare and then te actually
11386s locking in 18 cup which they made they
11389s were the pioneers of the Transformer cob
11392s kurumi the Eurasian and the monk so they
11394s are locking in their team xcg though
11397s have gone for that pacific rimcom so the
11400s three teams that I am watching right now
11401s have all locked in different uh
11404s different teams uh one of which a
11406s completely different team from the
11408s others the variations or anything like
11409s that and then across the board there's a
11411s couple of Pacific Rims there's a couple
11413s of traditional Monk coming in and I
11415s believe there's like two Yota he may
11416s comps but having a look at where
11418s everybody is dropping for the most part
11420s it's fairly spread out for there is
11422s going to be a little bit of action I
11423s believe over towards
11425s um
11426s no I see the shipment it's a bit away
11428s from that but there are a whole bunch of
11429s teams dropping over here so this could
11431s be a pretty exclusive start in this area
11433s celestra is a gold Zone and nobody is
11436s dropping right there it looks like these
11437s players are gonna be trying to go for
11439s these fireflies before they actually
11441s enter into these fights here's we're
11443s going to see Team oug Landing all by
11445s themselves just a little bit Southwest
11448s of Celestia we're gonna see one team in
11451s that close shipwreck area as well as
11454s game number one is kicking on the waves
11456s we're gonna flip over to Jay team here
11458s 101 TN they're gonna get those fireflies
11460s and then they're gonna hop over to
11462s Eventide Temple most likely here as I am
11466s going to be one of your casters today my
11468s name is Seb I am joined along with my
11470s man Jake hip rain and we're about to
11472s kick things off you can join us in the
11473s Discord if you want ladies and gentlemen
11475s as well here follow us on Twitch as
11478s always as we're gonna flip over to KLA
11480s here they've got Tes txj as well close
11482s to them but it looks like they're not
11484s gonna engage too quickly here's vvv
11486s hiding in a bush right there trying to
11488s avoid conflict right off the bat it's
11491s thj rocking the default monk LP here as
11493s we're gonna see we're gonna flip over to
11495s gd's dong ching here taking a lot of
11497s damage from xcg xiaon's dual blades
11499s Kakashi trying to go for a pair he does
11501s not hit it here we're Mr Bell come up
11503s from Xiao non unable to take he's gonna
11506s end up taking a lot of damage it looks
11508s like dongchin getting very low here XG
11510s flipping the fight over as we're gonna
11512s see dong ching and Kakashi NK go down
11516s yeah action's still breaking out those
11518s giannon dodging away on the edge of this
11520s fight Ventus turns on the swordfish Adam
11522s actually jumped him in with the dual
11524s blades trying to get a bit damage off
11525s it's going to transform in the middle of
11526s the fight in xcg should now just be able
11528s to get a pretty good handle on this
11530s fight there is a good Viper stun coming
11531s out though and he can't interrupt it so
11533s pixel will be able to wiggle out of this
11535s grab can he find the re-grab I don't
11537s think he can he's now just looking for
11539s the Viper instead unable to land him he
11541s does finally get pixel can come in with
11543s a slam guts the double grab as well that
11546s should just be an easy wipe and finish
11548s up for fight for xcg they are five kills
11551s deep two minutes into this game
11553s absolutely phenomenal J team actually
11555s find himself in a fight here versus jail
11557s is Eagle transformed gets himself the
11559s slam but he's low HP needs to
11561s d-transforms got the bell for a bit of
11562s safety if he needs it and what I want
11564s Tien is going to be hunting down Z who
11566s goes for a bit of an armor Repair
11568s actually and is able to buy some space
11570s but on to the end keeping the chase up
11572s on the rest of J team have separated
11574s away in almost in classic J teams style
11577s they kind of just split apart and leave
11580s their teammates to do their own thing
11582s not backing up what I want TN and that
11586s actually could put him in some danger
11587s Eagle is chasing down ziu now with the
11590s help of what I want to end but still
11592s this is a two versus one J team I'm
11594s missing a player because they're just a
11596s little bit slower on this rotation I
11598s believe all of the uh all of the
11600s grapples have been pretty much run out
11601s for everybody so see you he's to be
11604s super careful here using as much
11605s movement as possible an income ZK on the
11608s long angle they got the bow from Eagle
11610s as well coming over the pole sword and
11612s see you should just about be cooked
11614s there
11615s great Bell coming in right at the end
11618s from Eagle they're almost being able to
11620s prevent that charged attack from
11622s happening giving Zu a little bit more
11624s time to stay alive but it looks like it
11625s is gonna be the end of him here it's KLA
11628s qgg chasing Xiao non here xiaon turning
11632s around hitting a couple of shots off
11634s with that pistol here as it looks like
11635s they're gonna try and go for leasing
11637s hand here qgg taking all of his shield
11639s away here fujiji's Shield gone needs to
11642s go for a reset before he re-enters this
11644s fight here taking that full charge
11647s Katana attack right to the face here as
11649s we're gonna see now HQ sionon and
11651s leeching hand have all regrouped here
11653s they're going to play
11655s the very very selective range battles
11658s here they're not trying to get into too
11660s much of a fight here xcg already have
11662s six kills they're already on top of the
11665s leaders here they're going to be trying
11667s to make as much happen as possible
11669s without
11671s losing their lives this early they
11673s already have their six kills they don't
11675s need to completely re-engage hands we're
11678s gonna see they do have that Pacific Rim
11680s comp as you were talking about we're
11681s gonna see one grab come out from ciano's
11683s but y'all not getting staggered so much
11685s it's gonna looks like he might go down
11686s here pops the Bell as fast as he can he
11688s does have a little bit of Shield left
11689s but at KLA just absolutely mincing down
11694s on here cxd is going to come over with
11696s the kill with the long sword here as
11697s we're gonna see the Viper ultimate come
11699s out in ihq trying to run away but it
11700s looks like it's gonna be the end of
11702s leasing hen here he's able to go into
11703s the bush and he gets away hey lacxz now
11706s is on the back foot because xcg now has
11709s a 2V1 and it looks like xcg coming away
11712s with the victory in that fight able to
11714s turn it around just like that super fast
11717s great use of the Bush there to avoid
11719s that Viper ultimate and the other player
11721s was able to get out of the way just in
11723s time bringing their kill score up to
11725s Nine Kills and it looks like oug is
11728s climbing up in the standings as well
11729s that was such a nice kill on to
11731s Louisiana at the last moment because
11732s they were about to TP out with the Karen
11734s revive and then reset the fight but they
11737s got onto the Wu Shen before he could get
11739s the TP off and that was just horrendous
11742s for them it completely fell apart and
11743s KLA only rocking the two kills now used
11746s all of the revives up as well
11748s this is a team who you know they had a
11750s really solid day currently they are at
11752s the top of the table uh they had 109
11755s points I believe so gonna be starting on
11757s a little bit of a slower start to this
11759s game and that could come back to bite
11761s them we are seeing now TK in a fight
11763s here versus Alliance down by the shadow
11765s gem mines Ally getting himself pretty
11768s heavily chunked out here as yeah Lin is
11770s just able to get himself the shoved
11772s facts on staggering from the slams but
11774s lucky does get slammed in response uh
11776s Ellen able to get the Slime down as well
11778s but uh Ali everybody actually keep
11780s himself alive for the moment getting
11782s healed up the d-transformations come out
11784s here but Alliance do still have the
11786s Eurasian actually both of them running
11788s traditional kurumi monk bumps there's a
11790s lot of healing a lot of Transformations
11792s could come out but they are going to
11793s find themselves now fighting in the zone
11795s as the Lions have lost the player zew in
11798s here try to finish up onto AK but as she
11801s gets a little bit staggered by the
11802s terrain and caught on the edge is uh
11804s Juan is actually able to force back a
11807s couple of members he wants to get the
11809s revive onto lucky they're inside the
11811s Zone they've got time to be able to do
11812s it it's a very early Zone it's Zone one
11815s so it's not going to do too much damage
11816s and Ali actually not going to be getting
11818s revived here so this is gonna leave TK
11821s down a member they're gonna have to run
11822s towards the next uh Resurrection point
11824s and hope that Ali can get there and join
11827s up with them meanwhile xcg starting in
11831s style like they did in day number one
11833s forcing out the roof Channel but being
11836s able to use the um the Met to get into
11839s the air and spot where vintus ran to xcg
11842s now can keep the chase up they are going
11843s to lose the mech from knights Cuba he
11845s can now just join the rest of the team
11846s if they all got a aggressively push
11848s forwards here really really nice use of
11851s the mech to kind of scout out where your
11853s enemies ranting
11855s taking a look now at xcg looks like they
11859s are still on the hunt they see Team
11861s Ventus over here and they know that they
11863s aren't very high in health so they might
11866s try and take out another team Ventus
11868s with only one kill and one point on the
11870s board so far xcg might want to take
11873s advantage and capitalize on that here as
11875s we're going to see them not follow this
11878s fight too closely they do still have
11879s their resurrections left but these
11881s resurrections are fleeting so if they
11882s get into a fight and lose their
11883s resurrections and die that is going to
11885s be it for them even with those nine
11886s points put up on the board they still
11888s need that kill multiplier and those
11889s placement points to be able to go a
11893s little bit higher in these standings
11895s they want to keep it consistent they
11896s don't want to go out just yet because
11897s they would only get those nine points
11899s and a nine point game isn't terrible but
11901s a 27 point game is way more valuable as
11905s always more the better here as we're
11907s taking a look right now this is going to
11910s be a little bit of a mid game lull here
11911s as the resurrections are going to be
11913s going away in about five seconds here we
11916s do see thinking look after this first
11918s initial blood it looks like xcg is
11920s carrying it
11921s pretty much on their own with OC wolves
11924s and GD close behind but only with three
11927s points tied as well as we're gonna see
11929s flipping over to j-team here te txj
11932s looking like they want to settle this
11935s beef as you were saying before here as
11937s we're taking a look Jay team oh they're
11939s just trying to go for the realm of Yang
11940s and it looks like they're going to get
11942s in against each other no fights
11945s happening there surprisingly for me if
11948s it were me I would get them low as
11949s possible before they get back into that
11951s realm but well you think we're gonna see
11953s a crazy realm here starting off as Jay
11955s team and g-e's txj both monk up
11958s instantly here GE is taking a little bit
11960s more damage than Eagle Eagle trying to
11962s stagger txj as much as possible before
11966s any of this damage gets really done here
11968s is lyb dealing a lot of damage ZK is
11971s gonna get grabbed out of that kurumi
11972s ultimate he just needs to go for that
11974s one more grab he is gonna be able to
11975s grab ZK and vvv is able to actually deal
11979s a lot of damage with that long sword as
11981s well probably back over to that kurumi
11983s ultimate to gain just enough Health as
11984s possible back here as the chromium goes
11986s down the Tien High mode all goes down
11988s lyd here dealing a lot of damage as well
11990s in that UE alt we're going to see 101 TN
11992s now in that uh Channel as well trying to
11994s give a huge slam onto Lydia lyd very
11998s very low here as we're gonna see him try
11999s and go in but the kurumi ultimate is
12002s Gonna Come Out playing it safely having
12004s that Karimi ultimate just a little bit
12005s later than that J team has really
12007s allowed them to keep their footing into
12009s this fight for as much time as they can
12011s 101 TN here very low in how still
12013s dealing as much damage as you can here
12015s ZK trying to go for that scale that into
12018s the Neches might there 101 out of his
12020s monk trying to still do something which
12022s we're gonna see and Overcomer come out
12024s the horsey bringing a huge strength onto
12027s J team's Eagle here so we're gonna see
12029s it try and bring it out again as he
12032s slams down onto the last player ZK and
12035s ZK is going to go down T E's txj is
12038s going to be the one to get them to come
12039s away with the victory a very very close
12042s player off the back of that though
12043s they'll be really happy with that also
12045s getting their hands on the golden dagger
12046s nice and early he's gonna do favors for
12049s the monk giving him more damage to work
12050s with purple armor as well more Health to
12053s work with really really clutch fight
12054s coming out powder did win their
12057s um
12058s as well while Ventus got the hands just
12061s on a um
12063s on amora's blessings but they will take
12065s it out so they've lost their voras
12066s blessing uh the Mystic might buff
12068s already unfortunately oh youg are
12071s currently now finding himself in a fight
12072s with uh alliances uh it does look like
12075s uh Lin actually losing a fair amount of
12077s HP here SS trying to find these grabs
12079s here for oug but struggling somewhat
12081s they do catch up to Lucky but he's gonna
12083s de-transform so it does look like
12085s they're gonna be able to get out as
12087s though the king's Gonna Keep the
12088s pressure up for the moment as Duty
12089s coming in with a charge attack and
12090s actually a lion's picking two up with
12093s the pole sword already getting a whole
12095s bunch of damage off and oug are going to
12097s be the first team eliminated from the
12099s lobby nice and early in this game now
12103s cutting over the JL who are finding
12105s himself in a fight versus Juventus able
12107s to find themselves two kills on Juventus
12109s there don't Quake over the full tidy up
12111s and clean out there's a te will see them
12114s in the wing so I'm amazed here holding
12117s this they're playing very very slow here
12120s waiting for a third party opportunity
12122s but remember they've got the millions
12123s Birds might said they have the
12125s opportunity
12126s to take a fight whenever they want and
12128s it's kind of risk-free but I think for
12131s now they just want to do some shopping
12131s and grab some soul Jades before they uh
12133s Chase up for anything more
12137s te stacked on soldiers here they do have
12140s a lot of gold and a lot of purple now as
12143s we can see in their inventory here this
12146s looks like a team that is absolutely
12148s stacked and ready to go for a fight we
12150s did see that they have a golden dagger
12152s in their low notes as well when that
12155s comes out and how effective that's going
12157s to be in their fights is yet to be seen
12158s but they do seem to have caught ventus's
12161s wx-98 here
12164s just trying to run away from this fight
12166s they could be trying to lure them into
12169s the rest of the Ventus team and it looks
12171s like wx98 tried to defend against this
12174s team and it looks like it's gonna be
12175s very difficult for him last player alive
12177s on ventis is gonna try and get away here
12180s but is unable to
12183s me that's it Vince is done and out of
12185s another kill for Te off the back of that
12188s putting them up to four kills but still
12190s gonna do some work before they can catch
12192s up to likes of xcg but so I was talking
12194s about a high scoring game a lot of
12195s people have at least four kills right
12197s now in this Lobby there's a lot of teams
12199s who are doing pretty good J team
12201s honestly being very passive here
12203s considering they've got one minute 30
12204s left on the runway young depletion they
12207s kind of need to move and actually find
12209s themselves some kills because
12211s they are about to basically just fade
12214s out they got one minute 20 now and the
12216s longer they sit on this Cliff Edge and
12218s don't strike the less time they have to
12220s actually find those kills and get their
12221s solving messages now it looks like GSR
12224s in their line of sight but they're
12225s playing it so carefully so I would say
12229s scared is probably the best word one
12231s minute left
12232s they've wasted 20 seconds of potential
12234s fighting time which they need they need
12237s every second they can and I just think
12239s jtm are going to fade here unless this
12240s is like the most
12242s just an enormous fight ever this is
12244s gonna go so bad for them 55 seconds to
12247s get three kills can J team do it jumping
12249s in immediately onto GS they're gonna
12251s throw everything down Transformations
12253s coming out and all Samsung catches onto
12255s 101 Tien though as he's going low Eagle
12258s needs to find the grabs he needs to get
12260s the kill to his team he's gonna miss one
12261s and's gonna make up this is really gonna
12263s put a Stamper On It Slam coming down
12266s onto xiaohu he's low HP 101 TN needs to
12269s try and finish up onto xiaohu just
12270s be able to get him here that's gonna be
12272s one Soul blue message at least for the
12274s side of J team has a slight opportunity
12276s a slight potential for them to survive a
12279s little bit longer 22 seconds though and
12281s I think they might be out of options
12283s Eagles been staggered he's gonna try and
12285s keep the pressure up they're running out
12286s of time Jason they saw on their Laurels
12289s and it's gonna bite them right in the
12291s backside for this one eight seconds left
12294s I don't think you is in any danger any
12297s more grapples come in knock-ups go down
12301s and JJ team fade from the map
12304s sad to see it happen ladies and
12307s gentlemen and it looks like JD and ZK is
12309s gonna be the only one to stay alive here
12312s as they did get that Soul Bloom Essence
12314s which means that they're going to be
12315s able to go a little bit into the storm
12317s here try and put some distance between
12319s these teams because he knows if he tries
12321s to fight that team 1v3 it is going to be
12324s wraps for them it's going to be able to
12325s buy at least one of his team members
12327s back with the money that he has there so
12330s it shouldn't be a problem to get the
12331s team back as later on but it will be a
12334s challenge they will not have all of the
12336s loot all of the soldiers that they had
12337s before so we're gonna take a look at
12338s this realm of Yang here it's gonna be
12340s Bao da versus t-e's txj here txj trying
12345s to make something happen with that gold
12346s dagger who's unable to right off the bat
12348s here we're gonna see a huge carumial
12351s coming out saving most of their players
12353s we see him get caught in that temi
12354s standstore but so high up that nothing
12356s happens
12358s as well trying to also
12360s deal a lot as much damage as they can
12362s with that spear we're gonna see txj as
12365s well Val does lion TT as well just
12367s sending in shots after shots on that
12370s Faria all just getting that high ground
12372s in the Vantage Point here we're gonna
12373s see moon go down here to lyd the UAE
12378s Sean on the team of TV gear T
12381s controlling this fight as well as they
12383s can txj actually going very very low
12384s because we can see Malmo taking a decent
12386s amount of damage as well lion TT trying
12388s to make something happen with the katana
12390s using it to put a little bit of distance
12392s lion TT is the only one with the full
12393s amount of Health here's mammo is in a
12395s 2V1 situation against txj we're gonna
12397s see a huge Parry come out and that's
12399s going to be the end of in the realm of
12402s Yang as of always they do have four T
12405s four minutes sorry not 40 minutes to get
12408s themselves back into this game they are
12410s going to take that vermillions bird mop
12412s buff which has been the one sorry not
12414s the Mystic might box which has been the
12416s one that has been more favored in that
12418s second box as we're gonna see Team GD
12420s actually did up to go for that Draco
12422s storm here and it looks like they are
12423s using it to the best of their ability
12424s jl's as taking a lot of damage here glsk
12428s using the scale rush to the best of
12431s their ability here jailed as making a
12433s lot of damage but they are gonna lose an
12435s ultimate out there as fast as they can
12437s it looks like they are going to be able
12438s to escape GD isn't able to come away
12441s with the recovery here so you're gonna
12443s still send a couple of bow shots their
12444s way before they exit this fight
12446s completely but it looks like GD isn't
12448s going to be able to come away with any
12449s kills
12451s kick it off with seven kills now I mean
12454s this is their first game of the of the
12456s Year their first game as a team uh well
12459s for a long time anyway uh so it's cool
12461s to see them you know coming in swinging
12463s taking every Roman Yang being hyper
12465s aggressive with it and it's working out
12468s for them because they're getting really
12469s good gear onto the Transformers team the
12471s big limiting factor of Transformers is
12473s gifts if you could get golden armor
12474s golden weapons or at least the purples
12476s but the golden is what you want you
12478s really buff the capability and the
12480s damage of your Transformers so team with
12482s a traditional Transformer com winning
12484s everywhere we're young they can get
12485s their hands onto they are going to be
12487s sitting so pretty going into this final
12489s Circle and they're gonna be scary
12491s because yes xcg they started off the
12494s game with a lot of kills but they
12496s haven't actually been into any runway
12498s yet so they haven't maybe they've got
12499s some aura's blessing Goods and maybe
12502s they've just been lucky on loot piles
12503s but like there's a guarantee for tea
12505s you're gonna be pretty geared up going
12506s into uh into what kind of follows now so
12510s a lot of teams are gonna be very scared
12512s of them in the final circle is gonna be
12514s really really powered and kind of run by
12517s the tempo of the power of this
12519s Transformers team now bowder are in the
12522s same position as Jay team were so I
12524s think what we didn't talk about was
12525s you're in the middle of that rubber Yang
12527s J team actually got toward Morris but I
12529s think I've got two rebirth charms off so
12531s they actually will be back to a full
12532s three-man team for the final Circle so
12535s they actually are going to be A-Okay we
12537s saw this quite a lot
12538s um yesterday as well as a Friday as well
12541s where like teams were losing they just
12543s make sure that one person gets cleansed
12545s to the Roman Yankee buff they pass all
12547s the gold to that one person uh it was
12549s all the uh dark tycoons that person and
12552s then they just go and buy
12553s the the uh get the rebirth charms and
12556s just pick up their team so they don't
12557s have to go for the full committed fight
12559s and lose for it now bowder have found
12561s himself in a skirmish with KLA KLA
12563s currently the leaders of the scoreboard
12565s who lost the fight at the beginning of
12566s the game have been a little bit more on
12569s the back but with only those two kills
12570s but now they're looking to see if they
12571s can find the fight Mama actually takes
12573s himself a guitar to click charge there
12574s Moon trying to block it out for a bit is
12577s a killer qgg sorry I got a whole heap of
12579s damage in KLA decide they can't fight
12582s for this they've got a Yoto Tom they
12583s want to play for late games they're just
12585s gonna back off refresh and heal but look
12587s at their gear just blue armor they're
12589s really really behind right now and
12591s bowder hunting KLA
12593s about our with a very much more armor
12598s stronger than I do have a better comp
12600s right now as according to Soul Jade's
12603s armor but KLA does have that they just
12606s have that drive in them right now to be
12609s able to go and take these fights to try
12610s and get this better gear and it looks
12612s like kls ykc is going to go down about
12614s us mama cxd is going to go down and
12616s that's one that's two and it looks like
12618s the third is short still follows here 2G
12621s trying to make something happen we're
12623s gonna see the ultimate in desperation
12624s come out here looks like they're able to
12626s gain back a decent amount of Health
12628s before fully closing off and trying to
12631s get out of the way here as they're gonna
12632s Focus attacks as much as they can and
12634s Desperation is able to pick up one more
12636s kill before calling it a day and lion TT
12640s is gonna finish them off with the purple
12642s Katana Zorro style three swords we'd
12645s love to see it we love this pace of the
12648s game I'm having a great time right now
12650s baldas moon is gonna be going out here
12653s so are gonna have to buy bow does Moon
12656s back this is going to be interesting to
12657s see how they're gonna fare with only two
12659s players now he said if you guys are
12662s gonna if I'm going down you guys are
12663s going with me you guys are going to be
12665s at a disadvantage for the rest of the
12666s game here is look it J teams 101 Tien
12668s with gray armor
12670s well he did just get revived so
12672s unfortunately he hasn't been on fun
12673s Panorama yet uh that is gonna be the
12675s problem right now for Jay team is
12677s they're going to be lacking a little bit
12679s in the uh in the in the uh item
12682s Department after going down GD I've
12685s taken himself a fight versus bowder but
12687s it does feel like balder might be in a
12689s little bit of danger here as lion TT on
12691s his Lonesome he's able to get a bunch of
12693s damage off onto GD but there's about a
12695s eliminated from the lobby we can't see
12698s just about to get in and heal themselves
12701s back up but it looks like actually our
12703s final circle is gonna be here at the
12706s shadow Jay mine as a base breath does
12709s rain down onto all of the teams in the
12711s surrounding area 18 Mile just playing on
12714s the edge of it to be comfortable that
12716s they can dodge anything that comes up
12717s and know some more is blessing spawning
12719s up so you just want to get their hands
12721s onto this Morris blessing while all the
12722s other teams aren't there J team this
12724s could be a bit of a comeback from this
12726s golden armor in there for the likes of
12727s Eagle there's golden bow in there as
12729s well to kind of buff his damage as well
12731s he's gonna grab the Army he's gonna grab
12733s the bow Soul Jade's grabbed out as well
12736s that is fantastic for Jay team actually
12738s I don't know if they were able to pass
12740s they haven't been able to pass the
12741s purple armor off as her Eagle does eat a
12744s shot and I think there might be Tes
12746s opportunity to jump forward they thought
12747s eagle eat that and they know that he's
12749s going to take a whole heap of damage
12752s I think they are just gonna back off for
12753s now and yeah 101 TN doesn't get any
12756s purple or blue armors yet so he's still
12758s going to be very weak in the uhm forum
12760s for the moment as it actually looks like
12761s uh Jayden may be looking for a bit of
12764s Revenge for that first fight versus te
12765s they've got the golden bow they've got
12767s the monk Transformations ready to throw
12768s down
12770s there's J team trying to force TK off
12773s this High Ground it looks like both
12774s teams are just gonna scatter away from
12776s one another decide not to take these
12778s fights it looks like 101 Tien has now
12781s picked up a little bit of better armor
12782s here as Eagles not not full armor but
12786s full health here looking to try and
12788s scale around the map 13 shortly
12790s following them here as quickly as
12792s possible it looks like JL has spotted
12794s them using the Swarm from the top of the
12796s roof to deal as much damage as they can
12799s while they're passing by just eat up eat
12802s up the consumables that at this point
12804s right now you want to have all your
12806s players eat up your consumables so at
12807s the final fight again ihq is gonna go
12810s down to Tes txj ladies and gentlemen my
12814s HQ is has been already brought back up
12816s here as we're gonna see the temi
12818s ultimate come out to be able to revive
12820s them and that's what I mean they're
12822s burning consumables they're burning
12823s ultimate and now they're at a
12825s disadvantage they don't have that temi
12827s ultimate anymore because they used it to
12829s revive Knight HQ you're gonna see txj
12831s here
12832s absolute Menace with the cannon here he
12834s does have repair roll as well so it's
12836s going to be a huge advantage to be able
12838s to just repair his Cannon as fast as
12841s possible without having to reload it
12843s it's great Soul Jade for ranged weapons
12845s it's it's great for just repairing your
12847s weapon in general you just done press R
12849s you roll and you repair at the same time
12851s the repair time gets shortened by a lot
12854s and txj is gonna get caught in a tennis
12856s and txj is gonna go down here what a
12860s crazy play by xcg there and GG is
12863s actually gonna be able to sneak in with
12864s the kill there Gigi's Kakashi from
12867s behind with the pistol is actually gonna
12868s be the one that's gonna be able to Come
12869s Away With The Killers actually
12871s has some old here to protect my HQ he's
12875s gonna try and get this gradually no he's
12876s made himself a huge Target taking a
12878s decent amount of damage at the start
12879s here he's gonna say Zu using that Wu
12882s Chen F3 to block some of the damage in
12885s their Direction and TJ's being Tethered
12887s to vvv should be able to get him up oh
12889s my goodness he's gonna get jumped
12891s immediately
12893s they're gonna immediately jump on him
12896s they're looking for the grabs
12897s taking a little bit of time they are
12900s going to jump in now and get him up
12901s takes Jake no lost his gold armor and
12904s has now done blue on the back of that
12906s and actually wolves gonna take the
12908s opportunity to jump into actually it's
12909s gonna have to transform swords off to
12910s save the sorrow look how much more
12912s Health he's got he had gold armor versus
12914s the blue armor immediately finds a
12916s gravel to lyd is looking for that second
12918s grab unable to get it but should just be
12919s able to find the slam although txj is
12921s knocking sorrow back Sorrows low HP
12924s sorrow loses his health he loses
12927s everything txj find the punish Get Taxi
12930s gets grabbed in response repeating
12932s crossbows raiding into txj but with the
12935s healing coming in he eats a zephyr can
12937s quickly switch out for the gold armor
12938s and now as from Jail's gonna jump in
12940s onto the txj able to just about break
12943s away from that action absolute Carnage a
12946s txj eats another Zephyr to the Face Time
12950s and Time and getting it eating these
12952s wisps and they are absolutely destroying
12954s him 101 TM with that golden bow from
12957s earlier ever to pick up a kill onto
12959s Knight HQ from a distance as J team
12963s finding some opportunity some openings
12965s to get himself some kills here what I
12968s want Tien though is currently rocking
12971s just that blue armor so the
12973s transformation is not going to be that
12974s effective for him but at least his
12976s damage is gonna be high
12978s there's a xdg off to the sides and all
12980s of the teams now slowly but surely
12982s getting pushed together there's still 29
12984s players in a very very small shape in a
12986s very very small place we see the
12988s Transformations breaking out everywhere
12989s I don't want to end losing a lot of HP
12991s look how many monks there are everyone
12994s has transformed it is Carnage right now
12996s he is BBB has already lost his life and
13000s alliance's Lin goes down to K well a
13003s musket shot there as well off in the
13005s distance Eagles able to find one grab
13007s and one slam is looking for a regrab
13009s unable to get it though as up on The
13011s High Ground Slayer has joined the eagle
13013s he got I believe already with two people
13015s in his hands gets the double slam down
13017s two kills picked up for j-team they're
13019s starting to put some numbers on the
13021s board xcg unable to find any kills
13024s unfortunately for themselves but they
13025s should have their Transmissions coming
13026s up fairly soon Jayden's 101 TN launching
13029s into the middle of xdg and just Landing
13031s a phenomenal amount of damage onto these
13033s guys but hasn't he able to stick any
13035s kills yet off the back of it JT popping
13037s that bellows well just waiting for the
13039s transformation to come up and I see 101
13041s Tien in a dangerous position Eagles been
13042s grabbed Eagle's been slammed able to
13044s move off and Away to safety isn't going
13046s to be going down te on The High Ground
13049s Zips down by giannon and txj will
13053s probably just lose his life if they can
13054s find that re-grab he's low HP and one
13057s thing able to find the kill onto him as
13060s JL starting to put a bunch of kills on
13062s the board off the back of this tee have
13064s been eliminated from the lobby and I
13067s believe J team now down a player Carnage
13071s taking us from 29 players to 17 in just
13075s under a minute and J team being
13077s eliminated in the middle of it this is
13079s now xcg's moment KLA are gone te are
13082s gone J team are gone they are ruling the
13085s lobby they rule the ruse they can hail
13087s back up they can get this rage back up
13089s and look to take this game but as has
13091s gone for the yotahime ultimate here
13093s trying to hunt onto some members
13094s donching loses a lot of HP here hey yes
13097s will chase on them as long just about
13099s breaking away low HP zipped out by the
13102s Wu Shen ultimate to get him away to
13104s safety but I do think he still went down
13106s as one thing uh actually is able to pick
13108s him up down and trying to see if he can
13110s build up the race of the cannon a bunch
13112s of people clustered together this is his
13113s opportunity but he needs to heal over a
13115s part of that weapon before he can press
13117s her a little bit more GD equalizing on
13120s the kill right now for the likes of xcg
13122s with two minutes left
13124s the energy is high The Kills are just
13128s endless and everybody is scrapping in
13131s the air trying to fight through that
13133s little bit of high ground but it does
13134s remain a Slayer transforms up on the
13136s higher ground and we'll be looking to
13137s grab players out from this position lxx
13141s from wolves hiding on the edge of the
13143s crane just avoiding slayer's grabs for
13145s as long as possible wolves just down for
13147s those last two players are at a man
13150s disadvantage now he's doing John and
13152s eating a big damage there from I believe
13154s the uh the range strike uh from a long
13157s sword transformation coming out from
13159s German now on the low ground he's
13161s looking for K able to find K mid air
13164s should just be able to find the slamming
13165s secure another kill for the likes of xcg
13168s they're back up to 12 tying there with g
13171s d big kill on kakaxi could come in as
13174s well as they get another grab double
13176s slam gdr eliminated and any opportunity
13179s to surpass xcg has been passed by them
13181s wolves still Clinging On but not along
13185s as lxx is gonna get slammed and taken
13188s down xcg go up to 15. are they gonna
13191s find another 20 bomb at the start of the
13193s day we'll have to see link Chang
13195s actually on The High Ground now jumps up
13197s with the Mech switches to that
13199s alternative fire it's a massive shot off
13201s behind the wall there the explosive
13203s explosive damage of those shells is
13205s gonna be able to do a fair amount of
13206s work here for them xcg up to 16 kills
13209s there's only seven players left in this
13213s lobby as as it's gonna get bopped up
13215s that's gonna be 18 kills now picked up
13217s xcg trying desperately to put this last
13220s couple of kills together for themselves
13222s and it looks like they should just be
13224s able to do it they're holding on fast on
13226s The High Ground it's just down to
13229s alliance's final member who's going to
13230s transform the one versus three I don't
13233s know if he has it in him can he do it
13236s for the team but lost his shot he's got
13238s one he's got two he's brought it off no
13241s no he doesn't this one it's so closed
13244s captioning not available
13297s by the opposing player there if he
13300s wouldn't have had that UE alt it would
13302s have been done out those just the way
13304s that they were able to control that
13306s Circle the fact it was so hard for monks
13309s to get their grabs off in that final
13310s Circle
13312s I mean Shadow Jay mine I think is like
13314s in the one place
13316s where if you actually go into like the
13319s mines itself for the final Circle
13321s that is the hardest place for monks to
13324s play on all of Morris Island I think
13326s maybe maybe you could ask something
13328s argue someone's rest as well but like
13331s most of all uh most of Morris isle is
13333s fairly open so they get like really good
13335s ultimates if you're playing on that
13337s among but shout out to man there's just
13339s so many like little areas and like
13341s little crevices where it just becomes so
13342s much harder to actually get in and find
13344s those uh find those people to grab and
13347s they still made it work I have to admit
13349s they did still make it work but
13351s oh my word that was that was a chaotic
13354s game number one and xcg do take the win
13356s I do believe they were denied the 20
13358s bomb I will have to see when we get onto
13360s that scoreboard but very comfortably an
13362s xcg
13364s it was close it was it's gonna be close
13366s I mean they took very comfortably won
13368s that game they took first place and they
13370s had the most kills it was just a
13372s phenomenal game from HCG but we saw this
13374s on Dame what they went from game one
13376s into game two being really really well
13378s like they just did they've had an
13380s amazing performance you've got lots of
13381s points for itself and then they kind of
13382s fell apart so I'm gonna see if this xcg
13385s are still on form or if this is they
13387s just seem to do well at the beginning of
13389s the day I'm curious to see you know how
13390s well do they weather the rest of the day
13392s can can they kind of handle the heat can
13394s we keep up for the rest of the like the
13395s pace of the rest of the team as they
13397s move later into the day or are they
13399s maybe just a little bit of a two-hit
13400s Wonder but here we go let's see the
13402s scoreboard let's see how many points
13404s they got it was a 19 point game
13408s tragedy for xcg but no they got 33.4
13411s points that's gonna do them good
13412s especially when they were about 30
13415s points behind KLA and Kayla he only got
13417s three points for that game so they could
13419s actually zip into first on the
13420s scoreboards off the back of that GD
13422s coming in with 12 points get a 7 17
13425s pointer there an alliance closing in
13428s with eight kills and a 15 point game
13430s really really good stuff coming in
13431s nobody got a donut that's the key thing
13434s no one got a donut
13435s at least that at least that's good there
13438s as we're gonna take a look as well Laura
13439s and the scoreboard GS and TK we didn't
13441s see too much of them this game went out
13443s pretty early Ventus as well one kill
13445s across the board for all of them wolves
13448s middle of the pack usually where they
13450s are they're climbing up a little bit
13451s from last season and look at this cop
13455s look at the damage Nine Kills for 9 HQ
13459s now HQ went down so many times at that
13464s end there now HQ went down a total of
13467s five times those five rescues
13470s from combined from Xiao non and Li Xing
13473s hen were all for Nai HQ in that last
13476s Circle
13491s [Music]
13502s you know I really wanted to think I
13504s won't be one got into the actual
13506s position where they weren't gonna get
13507s first party no egos
13511s we're good and it was a close one yes he
13514s won it but Jay team they made them fight
13516s for it a tea honesty
13519s I am sold I do think these guys
13524s I mean obviously they played on fbx they
13526s would have paid on J team prior to that
13528s together as well this is a team who have
13530s a serious amount of potential and I
13533s think we are seeing that obviously they
13535s haven't had a day to warm up like it's
13537s needed so they did seem to trouble
13539s coming into this but xcp back on Fourth
13543s especially after you know cheers
13550s a return here it's such a high-ending
13553s man if that monk transformation didn't
13555s come out ACG wouldn't have taken first
13557s there and Knight HQ is our nvp 19k
13562s damage Nine Kills 21k healing coming in
13565s had thunderstorm and Pride full as his
13568s uh legendary soldiers of assassin lunch
13570s digest that great Soul stop and heal
13572s hence the big healing numbers uh coming
13575s in for the side of now I just give
13577s really really big stuff
13579s Rook heal is a crazy Jade to have
13582s especially in these Pro tournaments
13584s group heals something you don't usually
13586s see because if you do heal yourself
13588s individually less but when you're
13591s playing Feria and you're trying to
13593s support your monk you can heal yourself
13596s and it'll heal your monk in the ultimate
13598s so the way that they played around it
13599s was very good though the damage the
13602s healing the assist it was they had five
13605s kills before their rebirth before they
13608s before they ever died once yeah
13610s absolutely five kills xcg showing
13615s exactly what we wanted from this tune
13619s exactly what we needed them to do it's
13622s always what we're gonna see it's gonna
13624s be great and I'm just so excited to see
13626s how they're gonna keep this momentum on
13627s it if they're gonna Sprint and go into
13629s this next game get a lot of points and
13631s then fall off for the rest of it or they
13634s could maybe hopefully keep up the
13635s momentum and
13637s keep going keep winning games all day
13639s but that's what we saw you know that's
13641s the funny thing is we saw a lot of xcg
13643s at the start the start of every season
13645s xcg always there I mean keep in mind
13648s right hold on xcg did win season two uh
13652s in Trio they have definitely been one of
13655s our top performing teams for a very very
13657s long time I think they had a similar uh
13659s season one was for them was very much
13661s like wbg's season one I mean wbg won it
13664s but like
13665s they were just went under the radar the
13667s whole time they go into season two we
13669s still kind of crucially underestimated
13671s xcg because it was all about yzg uh who
13674s were the team who we really were keeping
13676s our eye on as like the team to win it
13677s all I also believe there was a bit of
13679s hyper and wolves than FTX for fbx kind
13681s of fell apart during that season but
13684s then like xcg would just always
13685s consistently consistently in that top
13687s three and they would have got to like
13689s the actual finals they just popped off
13691s xcg just absolutely popped off so
13694s don't be surprised if you see xcg
13697s swimming a couple of games per day and
13699s then just kind of like simmering after
13700s that and just playing it you know
13703s fourth second and third and then when
13705s you get to the finals when you get to
13707s the Grand finals that's when you'll see
13709s HCG kind of go in hard because that's
13711s kind of how they play season two that's
13712s kind of how they played season one uh I
13715s mean even that's kind of how they play
13716s worlds even at Worlds I I mean
13719s I know it was J team who won World but I
13722s still kind of criminally underestimated
13724s xcg and I've I've made it I've made a uh
13727s a point of it in the spring season not
13729s to underrate estimate xcg anymore I'm
13731s gonna I'm gonna go on record of saying
13734s no they're definitively one of the best
13736s teams in the league they're not just a
13738s team I'm gonna like say oh yeah they're
13740s also doing good they they are good they
13742s are bloody good at this game
13744s well I mean you have to be bloody good
13746s at this game if you want to be in the
13748s mvpl
13750s say that and then TK I don't think have
13752s scored more than like six points a game
13754s so okay but I I I'll flame I'll play but
13757s I don't care but let's let's let's put
13759s it in perspective
13760s PK versus you me and RunKeeper
13765s yeah okay so obviously I'm not saying
13767s they're bad players I think there's a
13769s difference between like me saying oh
13770s they're just a bad they're bad players
13772s as a team there's a bunch of teams right
13774s now and in previous season so I just
13776s think functionally weren't good to teams
13778s nothing doesn't mean that in the
13779s individual players aren't good of course
13781s the players are good you're getting
13782s scouted on a high league but I think for
13785s some teams I don't know what it is
13786s whether it's the players not matching
13788s whether it's maybe their macro or like
13790s understanding of rotations isn't there
13793s I'd be interested to kind of get some
13795s insight on what the teams work on uh and
13798s crucially to see what the better teams
13800s are working on versus what the weaker
13801s things are working on because to me it
13803s feels like some of the weaker team
13805s I feel like they actually rely a little
13807s bit too much on macro so they don't do
13809s anything that's like almost an issue in
13812s the sense where like they don't want to
13813s take fights because oh if we get third
13815s party they'll know we should be playing
13816s for realm of Yang and they're not
13817s actually focusing on like okay this is
13819s potentially just a really good fight for
13821s us to take and I think that's what
13822s separates the good teams from the bad
13824s teams is there is no hesitation around
13826s third party right now I think it has bit
13829s sometimes in the back but I also do
13830s think for some teams they don't seem
13832s that scared by the idea of a third party
13835s they would just go both to the wall and
13837s run into a fight and take that fight
13840s um because they they know that
13842s mechanically they can outplay whoever
13844s they're playing versus and even if the
13845s other team's good they'll have a good
13847s enough understanding how to win that
13848s fight
13849s so they're able to rack up those points
13850s early because I think separating teams
13852s right now and have a mess it is right
13854s now
13855s early points matter just as much as late
13857s points I feel like a lot of teams have
13859s put more emphasis on scoring early and
13861s then taking that into the late game and
13863s then scoring a little bit more at the
13864s end then what we used to see which was
13866s teams do nothing and then pop off at the
13868s end I remember like season one and
13870s season two final circles before the
13872s realm of Yang came in and we'd have like
13874s 37 the 38 people in a lot it's still
13877s left in the lobby like nobody will be
13878s out in the Carnage and now we're seeing
13881s like 19 players if from like four
13884s minutes on for like the last four
13885s minutes it's crazy how much more how
13888s much faster The Meta is right now
13891s yeah the way that they've the way that
13893s they've The Meta has switched is
13895s actually I personally I'm in love with
13898s it the fact that it's not oh fights
13901s fights fights at the start and then like
13902s a big lull and then like the last two
13904s minutes are fighting yeah at the end the
13907s fact that there's constant action
13909s throughout the entire game is the thing
13911s that just gets you so exciting and I
13915s love the fact that they've changed it up
13916s like this as we're taking a look here
13919s our our scores oh Ventus
13923s a video One game the video One game I I
13925s can't blame them too I have only had one
13927s game J team and team is 18th and 19th
13930s again only one game but that is a little
13933s bit tragic for them to be fair like
13935s these are the two teams I mean the three
13937s teams I wanted to watch are all at the
13940s bottom of the table that's so sad for me
13942s man GD uh 15 obviously pretty decent
13945s game for them off the front of that but
13946s we'll head a little bit further up the
13948s table and see how some of these other
13950s teams did do and how everyone is sitting
13952s the expectation is the teams that have
13954s played two days are gonna be higher
13956s obviously the king you know yeah they
13959s had a 1.7 uh that they did have some
13961s points coming coming into today already
13963s so expect them to be probably by the end
13965s of the day I'm gonna be a little fool
13967s here and say I expect to see them at the
13969s bottom of the table or you know on the
13971s lower end of that at least in the bottom
13973s page uh but I've got a few teams here
13976s obviously we haven't seen today the
13977s likes of wbg AOW he's still a good days
13980s on day one so are still going to be
13982s relatively high this is what I mean like
13983s a 55 Point win day was used to be like a
13987s fourth place fourth or fifth place day
13989s like exactly still a good day and right
13992s now just based on some of the other
13993s team's performances it's just like I
13996s mean ewg are six and they haven't played
13998s the game today like this is how high
14001s scoring day one was absolutely
14002s phenomenal stuff but ACG still haven't
14005s surpassed uh KLA 33 points wasn't quite
14009s enough for them to catch up but it is
14010s very very close uh on that front I am so
14014s excited to see how this uh how this
14015s evolves over the rest of the day the end
14017s of the day that graphic is gonna be so
14019s fun to watch and see you know oh where
14021s the teams are at yeah that that the
14025s graphic where you get to see the overall
14026s standings comparing them to teams who
14028s have played only one day the teams who
14031s have played two full days
14033s and you can see that some teams who have
14035s even only played one day are beating
14038s teams who have played two full days it's
14042s it's sad to see sometimes but it's also
14044s like wow some of these players are
14047s insane yeah absolutely
14050s absolutely well obviously we will be
14051s shifting things up going into our second
14054s game moving on to holler off
14056s um obviously you you don't remember much
14058s experience casting horror off it's
14060s Carnage it's fun obviously we've got new
14061s weather effects in there like the meteor
14062s shower and stuff like that
14064s um I'm very excited to see you know what
14066s what this game's gonna look like I mean
14068s I say that but then I also kind of just
14070s know it's gonna be more specific Rim
14072s like it's what we see so much of I was
14075s happy to see some yotos but I just I
14077s feel like to make Yota viable she needs
14079s to be immune to like CC while using her
14083s role I I think that needs to be a change
14086s I genuinely don't need to be a change
14088s because then she can actually count a
14089s month and actually do something about it
14091s the problem is she's immune for the
14092s first batch and then after that monks
14094s just grab it's so easy to grab a Yoda
14096s out of the sky canceling her ultimate
14098s you know there is no tool to actually
14100s cancel monk ultimate so I feel like I
14103s feel like that's what she needs I also
14104s think Pharaoh just even needs more
14106s damage or monk needs less damage I don't
14108s know they need to do something about
14109s this month he's been he's been met for
14111s like a year and a half now and it's uh
14113s hey stop talking about it like me man no
14116s no I I've I have had enough I want like
14120s what I loved about world was there was
14123s so much variety we were seeing in solos
14125s uh in trios because the Roma Yang really
14128s shook things up but I think bear has
14131s just come in as like an answer to monk
14133s I'd actually just ended up buffing bugs
14134s and becoming another support unit for
14136s him and it's just like okay we're in
14138s another Monk meta we need something to
14141s can handle with him and
14147s [Music]
14150s do you think there's an answer in that
14152s do you think he's gonna because I have
14154s players talking about being very good
14155s solos uh I'm not sure his Trio's
14158s viability yeah I mean I'm gonna get
14160s ahead of myself yet for me it looks like
14162s a Tarka who doesn't have his heart
14164s broken by vulner
14167s from what I've seen
14170s we're gonna see but ways to counter if
14173s you use yashon and if you use uh
14177s different ways there's different ways to
14179s be able to counter it's just very
14181s difficult
14183s all right there's there's there is still
14186s a way to counter it it's just there's
14189s more things that the monk can do to
14192s counter the counter
14193s than actually countering the mug if that
14196s makes sense like
14198s monk is able to grab Yodo but if the
14200s Yodo gets the shot off first Monk Is
14203s staggered
14204s right if yeah
14207s isn't that low I'd say he can still grab
14211s her after that first after being
14213s staggered it's it's
14214s he's just very strong he's very strong
14217s at the moment and I think pharah
14218s basically coming in and giving him a
14220s second transformation to use is really
14222s really big uh but it looks like we're
14225s getting ready to go into our second game
14227s of the day
14229s getting in for some horror off action
14232s again probably the expectation is we are
14235s going to see more of the of this uh
14237s this monk coming out it was weird to see
14239s xcg actually not like did they they know
14242s they did use the Transformers team they
14244s did use the Transformers team it was a
14245s te used the traditional uh traditional
14248s team but I I'm gonna be interested
14250s because realistically xcg are only able
14252s to play that comp one more time and
14254s that's kind of there there
14256s they're key failing in on day one was
14259s they played the comp twice and then they
14261s kind of tried to play variations of the
14263s monk pump as long as possible but they
14265s were only really performing on this
14267s particular Con on the on the pharah the
14269s Tammy and the monk so I'm gonna be
14272s interested to see you know what their
14273s adaptation will be I'm expecting to see
14275s Pacific Rim come in one more time from
14277s them and then from there I'm gonna be
14280s interested to see what the uh what the
14282s adaptation is gonna be
14284s I'm you know you know the adaptation
14287s that I want to see
14288s that which is probably the one that
14290s we're going to see is we're going to see
14292s Wu Chen
14293s add it into the comp taking away the
14297s we're gonna see Wu Chen Viper goto
14299s hopefully we'll see some cicada hope
14302s we're definitely gonna see some temmie
14303s see look at exactly what did I say Wu
14305s Chen Viper and Yodo team gd's main comp
14309s here that's a fun comp to see also we
14312s could see maybe we'll see if you take
14316s Kata temi Yodo to K to Tammy Viper maybe
14320s we'll see some valda I don't think we'll
14322s see too much valda
14324s I I enjoy seeing the Volvo play
14327s incompetitive we saw it a lot in solos
14329s but we didn't see it very much in Trio's
14333s here last season and the season for that
14336s what do you think do you think we'll see
14338s valdo
14339s no as much as I want to see valda we
14341s just won't it's really sad I I love Vara
14344s I think she's actually a really good
14346s support unit uh I just think the tidal
14349s wave moves kind of too slow it's very
14351s easy to kind of Dodge out of
14354s um her sphere even if she does land
14356s doesn't actually do that much damage not
14358s enough to really justify it uh it seems
14360s very very solid and we did see at one
14362s point someone run about a month club
14364s where like when they hit them with the
14365s tornado over the tidal wave the monk
14367s band just plucks them out of it she
14369s spheres it while they're in the Monk's
14370s hand and then they kind of win the fight
14371s from there
14372s um but I just think her tidal wave is
14376s too slow moving for her to actually be
14378s viable and a lot of these players you
14380s know they are all good enough to dodge
14381s about the title away it's just one of
14383s those abilities where like if you're
14385s good enough it it should never hit
14387s realistically unless like they're right
14389s in your face and you're staggered or
14392s counted or you know there's there's a
14394s there's a reason where you can't just
14395s hit that tap Dodge in time
14397s um so yeah it's it's
14400s as much as I want to see it I'd be very
14402s doubtful I'll be very happy to eat my
14404s words on that and uh and see there and
14407s see the vow to get locked in but uh
14410s unfortunately probably not I think it's
14411s probably gonna be you know a lot of a
14413s lot of cue balls on your uh
14416s on your screen when we get into the uh
14418s into the hero select should be coming up
14420s any second now as well
14422s um but the king unfortunately these guys
14424s you know
14426s it's not been a great Friday it's not
14428s been a great Sunday either they they're
14430s definitely struggling right now and
14432s the question is is aren't they gonna be
14434s able to bounce back are they going to be
14435s able to find their footing because they
14436s are a new team they are a new roster you
14439s know they're not as experienced playing
14441s together as some of these other teams
14442s are so maybe they just need a couple
14445s weeks to kind of find their form I'd
14446s like to see a recovery from them at the
14448s moment they are kind of a bit of a three
14450s points team like you run into the king
14452s odds are you're just gonna get two or
14454s three points
14455s now that's not nice to say they can
14458s still hold their own in fights it's just
14460s the way that I beg to differ I've been
14463s statistics might go against you on that
14465s one homie they uh I'm just I'm just
14468s trying to be positive and supportive
14469s with all of the teams but yeah no I I
14471s agree with what you're saying TK is a
14473s bit of a three kill right now
14475s just slowly
14477s back that they're very new
14479s they don't have as much skill as much
14481s experience playing on this huge stage as
14484s all of these other teams here so
14486s hopefully they'll be able to pick it up
14487s right you know it's the first week we
14489s can't assess anybody's skill in the
14491s first week
14493s right and also keep in mind I used to
14495s think powder I used to say in season two
14496s bowdo were a free win like every time he
14498s ran into ballot it was like okay we'll
14500s just get points now uh they look way
14503s better after a year well after sorry I
14505s seized them together they look
14507s infinitely better now uh and you know
14510s still not like top of the tables but
14512s like a vast Improvement of for this for
14514s that roster so I I feel like you know
14517s for the like of the king their hopes is
14520s to kind of follow in battle footsteps
14522s because
14523s there's a world where it turns out that
14525s this is just a cracked roster and it
14526s needed time to get going but
14528s realistically I think they're a team who
14529s you know have potential to make kind of
14531s middle and make some of the bi-weekly
14533s finals and even potentially hit those uh
14534s the grand finals if they can uh if they
14537s can at least play towards the middle of
14539s the table as much as possible but at the
14540s moment you know they're very much fun in
14542s the first thing they are getting
14543s prepared to get into into the flow of
14546s things I guess and you know you are also
14547s playing versus teams who have a lot of
14549s experience playing
14551s as a uh as a team and have been playing
14554s as a team for a while now so you kind of
14556s got little things you've gotta you've
14557s got to keep in mind I guess on that
14559s front as well as uh we are literally
14562s running through every team Apparently
14563s one by one uh JL uh a team who you know
14567s made up of a lot of teams are players
14570s that we uh
14571s but we've seen the Nona lover while one
14573s thanks to uas you know all players have
14576s played for the both the seasons of the
14577s mbpl which is under a new roster and
14580s under a new label I can't remember if as
14582s played I believe zero and one playing
14584s play together at one point I can't
14585s remember
14586s if they have I can't remember where
14588s these guys played together or if they're
14589s fully I know one thing was on Wolves at
14591s one point
14592s it was wolves as one thing and 14. yes
14595s so Zu is the uh change
14603s well because yeah vvv
14606s um txj and the other player on uh KL is
14611s it sorry
14613s no that's uh tea what you just that
14616s roster yes this roster right here
14618s actually the ones KLA
14620s CXC
14621s qgg and ykc here this is this is a
14625s strong game but sorry I was talking
14626s about team te
14629s and that that team used used to be fun
14632s Plus Phoenix
14634s so they've still been together they're
14636s just under a different name a different
14637s organization could be different coaching
14640s all of the things are just
14643s when you see this difference in a team
14646s they're rebranding it's the same players
14648s but you have this whole different
14650s attitude coming through with these
14652s players making it so that they have
14656s it it just creates a different
14657s atmosphere here as we're seeing like
14659s even Jay team J team's original team was
14663s wushin98 who's now on I think Ventus or
14666s bauda
14667s and uh when long and J teams Lee who no
14671s longer plays that team was insane the
14676s way that they they won the first Worlds
14678s the way that the second team won the
14680s first worlds here this team ZK eagle and
14683s 101tn
14685s the way they were in amazing phenomenal
14689s the way that they came out and played so
14692s we're gonna see this as well the way
14694s that they're gonna be using the subs is
14696s gonna be great as well we haven't really
14697s talked about that yet the substitutions
14699s in this game all of these trio teams
14701s have an extra player on hand in case
14703s they need to sub out in case something's
14705s going wrong with one of the players in
14706s case they just feel the need that oh we
14709s need to switch up our comp right we're
14711s gonna have another player come in and
14712s play this other team so they're able to
14714s have someone play
14717s a little bit
14720s more if that makes sense
14722s they're able to work around it
14726s well again unfortunately hence why we
14729s are going one by one by the scenes that
14731s we do have a few on stage issues these
14733s do happen when you play Live
14735s um so we'll take a little bit of time
14737s before we get in to that second game
14739s unfortunately gives the teams a little
14741s bit of time to kind of reset but it also
14744s does take away from that kind of like
14745s high Tempo HCG you're probably itching
14747s to get into the game as soon as possible
14749s they've got the momentum they want to
14750s carry that forward going into game
14752s number two and their hot Drop paid off
14754s for them they got seven kills and that
14756s initial Hot Drop and they were like okay
14758s we're happy with the seven kills we can
14761s now just play for the end of the game
14764s and just play to get the uh to get as
14766s many points as possible so it's been a
14770s it's obviously gonna be a bit of a pain
14773s for the uh bit of a pain for those guys
14775s but I do believe because we have some
14777s issues going on we are going to throw to
14778s a very quick break and then we're back
14780s back with our second game so we'll see
14782s you in a moment
14786s foreign
14791s [Applause]
14819s [Music]
14824s foreign
14829s [Music]
14852s [Music]
14872s there is no point to this Viper
14877s you've spent too long fighting Immortals
14880s in a forgotten much I am no immortal
14887s s
14890s [Music]
14896s but it is time to accept your Fates with
14900s daughter
14901s you're not my mother you're a monster oh
14905s ungrateful
14909s honor for I love serve me in death as in
14913s life
14916s [Music]
14918s Viper
14920s who is this Justina goo winter
14933s foreign
14940s [Music]
14948s let's finish this
14951s [Music]
14962s hello everybody and welcome back to the
14964s mbpl we are in the to Hero select
14966s apologies again about the uh the delays
14968s getting in but we are ready to go and oh
14972s my word is everyone running
14974s Pacific Rim I think there's two teams
14976s right hold on
14977s there's literally two teams not running
14979s Pacific Rim and they're just running
14980s traditional Transformer oh my Lord oh
14984s yeah if if I can't tell you how broken
14988s this comp is this should at least try
14991s and give you some understanding of how
14993s broken Monk Is
14998s today ladies and gentlemen the amount of
15002s temi play that we're gonna be seeing the
15004s Timmy boy is getting his Pro play action
15006s here as we're gonna be seeing the monk
15009s as well as we're kicking it off into
15011s Hollow Rock Let's Take a look at these
15012s spawns we're gonna see the Firefly spots
15014s obviously going to be the first places
15016s of interest as the Imperial Village is
15019s going to have the most amount of players
15021s is where you see KLA Alliance and a few
15024s other players over by the yushon ruins
15026s as well and the ice we're going to see a
15028s couple of these other teams and down at
15031s the end but yeah most of our players are
15033s going to be at that Imperial Village it
15034s is going to be full of some crazy fights
15037s right to start off the game no one's
15039s good for the puzzle no one's going
15041s puzzle and the remaining teams at Mata
15044s we're gonna see xcg down there and looks
15046s like they're gonna be
15047s ready on their loans from six kills
15050s potentially able to be picked up in the
15052s first five minutes but without
15054s any more able to come after that
15058s I'm surprised that no one went puzzle
15061s guess we'll probably see some action
15063s around there and a little bit xcg just
15065s starting at the rolling pin gonna be
15067s grabbing themselves as much gear as
15068s possible they can actually move over
15069s from their position to the puzzle
15071s wouldn't test me too long Jay team
15073s finding himself in a fight here versus
15075s oug the king is absolutely juggling
15077s Eagle around and in with a pole saw down
15080s down he goes the mecca comes in as they
15083s are trying to get some damage off onto
15086s uh 101 Tien and he is finished up J team
15089s now only got ZK in the mech looking for
15091s zinu it's just gonna take off into the
15094s skies and try and Reign some damage down
15096s but J team off the back of a pretty
15099s rough Hot Drop are gonna be ending out
15101s losing all of their teammates
15104s out of the mech they go and VK is taken
15108s down really really rough stuff
15110s really rough start indeed hip rain as
15114s we're going to take a look here GS we
15116s already have these monks up here and
15118s from Team GS is very very low here as GS
15121s is you trying to make something happen
15122s as well lucky from Alliance here it's
15125s trying to go around but wolf sorrow is
15126s gonna be able to pick up the kill onto
15128s gs's end Alliance lucky trying to make
15130s something happen but is the only player
15132s left alive on his team right now they do
15134s have their souls they are going to be
15135s able to respawn as KLA back in the mix
15139s as well here as they take a look at they
15141s see Alliance is lucky and they're gonna
15143s go in on the 3v1 here we're gonna see
15146s what lucky can do and it looks like oh
15148s my goodness they're able shot from the
15151s F3 ykc here able to hit a crazy shot
15155s silencing Alliance here making it very
15159s difficult for him to get away no use of
15162s his abilities permitted coming through
15164s with that kills we're gonna see wolves
15166s coming up onto the side of KLA here and
15168s it looks like they might want to engage
15170s into this fight because they still do
15173s have their souls qg is the only one who
15174s doesn't have the resurrection yet that
15177s he has the best armor on the team here
15179s as we're gonna take a look going up onto
15181s the ballista now
15183s using that ballista to get a better
15185s vantage point to see these other teams
15187s but it looks like nobody is around for
15189s them we do see a soul close by but
15192s nobody else
15194s yeah it looks like uh okay
15196s I've actually got GS in the line of
15198s sight if they want to go for it but
15201s I'm just gonna play this nice and chill
15202s move in towards the edge
15205s of the uh of the Zone because it is
15207s going to be pulling into this area
15208s they're now nice and safe but
15210s actually does look like KLA are chasing
15213s onto GS cfts can get away I said but if
15216s they caught a grapple on so cute G you
15218s know Kelly they had a rough start they
15221s actually called the meccan to try and
15222s get the interrupt and actually get onto
15224s you that was super smart and you he's
15228s just gonna be punished for this there's
15229s not really too much he's gonna be able
15230s to do off the back of that I love the
15232s use of the uh V3 on the map just to
15234s knock them back really really smart
15238s yeah we've been seeing it coming up a
15241s lot in three bands and in solos they've
15244s been able to use that that V3 of the
15249s mech not to go in in it but only to use
15252s it as a way to stagger and knock back
15254s the other place as we see it happen
15256s again as xcg's Knight HQ is going to end
15258s up getting into there as we're gonna see
15260s OC with the man's breath here and it
15262s looks like Slayer is gonna be taking a
15264s lot of damage getting into that temi F
15266s here and OC Slayer can look even more
15268s getting very low Pops that Bell to be
15270s able to get out of there as fast as
15271s possible but not HQ is hot in Pursuit
15274s feeling as much damage as they can he's
15275s able to get a pot off but he goes to one
15277s shot here and one more tap and he is
15280s going to be down and out OC star manages
15282s to get awake here but it looks like
15284s xiaomon is gonna be able to come away
15286s with the kill so Meng trying to see if
15288s they can do something as well x g is
15291s trying to do something but OC is just
15293s taking so much damage they're gonna see
15295s if they can go for the charge tries to
15296s go for the Perry unsuccessful and then
15298s tries to pop that F3 finally at the end
15300s and now it's going to be it for OC we're
15303s gonna see another Bane's breath being
15305s popped already here whereas the same
15307s veins but they've just re-entered here
15309s and it looks like zooming is going to go
15311s down and that is going to be itch for
15313s team OC for now dude I do not know if
15317s they have their souls yet or not if they
15320s don't have their souls they will not be
15322s able to resurrect into this game but it
15323s looks like they might they're going to
15325s be able to rejoin it at a later date
15327s okay they haven't been knocked out yet
15329s yeah you'd see if they've been knocked
15330s out you'd know they wouldn't have their
15331s souls uh J Team hunting xcg here uh see
15336s if they actually decide to go for this
15338s there's been a uh it's been a hot minute
15341s really
15342s since we've seen uh you know acgb
15344s challenge they were challenged obviously
15346s in the later half of day one but
15349s uh sorry day two but now we're on to day
15352s four already kicking off of a pretty
15354s solid start to the uh to the day a 19
15357s pointer game to kick it off really
15359s really really really big
15362s so
15363s see if uh JT were feeling it obviously
15365s they don't know who they're fighting
15367s versus or who they're looking at uh
15369s until they see the scoreboards pop up
15371s so Jay team you know they can't assume
15374s that they can't just go oh yeah that's
15375s xcg but even so
15377s you know maybe not feeling it you'll see
15379s the zephas being sent out but HCG aren't
15382s going to be able to find an opportunity
15383s to find a kill here but cutting over to
15386s te who finding himself in a fight for
15388s his GS right now Mex has been cooled
15391s down and they still are going to be just
15393s trading hours and I think getting quite
15395s a lot of damage off did they cancel the
15397s mech they got the grab onto Anne
15401s cxj coming in clutch and that is just a
15405s bunch of kills for te2 already picked up
15407s they may just look to hunt down you but
15409s actually wolves are gonna come in as the
15410s third party and just steal away this
15413s third kill as you actually does get a
15414s zapper off he's a whole bunch of damage
15416s onto wolves but wolves are able to
15417s secure the kill denying one from te used
15421s quite a lot of their ultimate there so
15422s wolves may be comfortable for push-up on
15425s to the likes of te and see if they can
15427s grab themselves some more kills and you
15429s can see they're feeling it because
15430s they're gonna continue the chase the
15432s pursuit onto te I believe sorrow
15435s realizes that maybe this might not be
15437s the fight to take so they do back off
15438s and decide T today you shall live
15443s and it looks like yeah they don't want
15445s to take the fight the resurrections and
15447s the circle closing this it's just all
15449s these factors play into whether they
15450s want to take this fight or not they
15452s could risk it all for the biscuit or
15455s they could just play it safe they
15456s already have a lot of kills here they
15458s don't need to be playing too aggressive
15461s here JDM as well no kills up on the
15464s board yet but they do have their
15465s resurrections going so they need to play
15467s this as safe as possible they are using
15470s our classic Pacific Rim comp as you've
15472s been talking about before this is the
15473s one that we've been seeing most used
15475s throughout the daycare is Wolf sorrow is
15478s going to be taking some damage as well
15480s as lxx and team wolves it looks like
15483s they're just not they're not going to
15484s engage too much here so just keeping an
15486s eye on them making sure they're not
15487s getting too close not too far away you
15489s don't just see pull sword play come out
15491s and it's interesting to see how pull
15493s sword fits into the dynamic of trios
15494s it's just such a powerful weapon and
15498s it's such a good alternative to
15499s Greatsword the way that you can use it
15501s in this in similar ways for other things
15504s you're able to use it in such greater
15507s ways in the Greatsword the way that
15510s just the attacks are a little bit
15512s quicker the timing's a little bit
15513s different it throws everybody off
15515s because you know it's a great sword
15516s variant right it's both they're both
15518s called
15520s like heavy swords so when when you're
15523s fighting against it obviously in the
15524s mental you're thinking oh it's just
15526s another great sword the moves are very
15527s similar it's what it's modeled after but
15530s then you go against it and the timing's
15532s just a Teensy bit off you miss your
15534s Parry you miss your top Dodge and boom
15537s you're taking way more damage than you
15538s need to be and then trios that's just
15540s not the way to go is we're gonna see KLA
15542s entering KLA versus xcg and te versus
15546s Team GD these are our top four teams
15549s actually I'm pretty sure so this is
15550s going to be this is going to be an
15552s interesting realm of Yang fight let's
15553s see how this is gonna go down here we're
15556s gonna see up top txj trying to land and
15559s he's gonna monk almost instantly he sees
15560s the other Monk and they're going at it
15563s ladies and gentlemen pure chaos is both
15565s of these
15567s alts as well come out from the Sandy boy
15570s we're gonna see txj with a grab we're
15572s gonna see Kakashi go down to we're gonna
15575s see txj get a Perry off we're going to
15578s see thj then hop from the Monk into the
15581s ultimate here from various Shen vvd
15584s still alive trying to make something
15585s happen lyd as well the ultimates are
15588s coming out from everybody here this is
15591s pandemonium K taking a lot of damage
15593s here dvv is gonna be the okay it's gonna
15596s be the last player on GD alive and it
15598s looks like GE Esports are gonna be able
15601s to come away with the kill here and it
15602s looks like KLA is going down to xcg xcg
15605s is leasing hen they've got one player
15607s alive here and it's going to be it for
15610s KLA in this fight they are going to be
15613s able to get their resurrection and they
15614s do have to get a kill in the next four
15616s minutes
15618s it is definitely hard it's I've died to
15621s it a lot of times all these Pro players
15624s it's even harder for pro players you
15626s know because it's so tragic though again
15628s because they were so good on the first
15630s day of trios and it just feels like that
15632s magic is kind of faded they they're
15635s really struggling they didn't even look
15637s like it would have been a close fight it
15638s just looked like it had been a rough one
15639s wolves and J team are finding themselves
15641s to the Skirmish here Eagle is going to
15643s lose his monk forms DK's gonna jump up
15644s the wolves with the Mech and the monster
15647s is able to do so much damage here sorry
15650s is getting staggered so he can't get the
15651s slam down this is the power
15653s of the mech coming in on the pharah and
15657s ZK is able to save Eagle for just a
15661s little bit longer he does eventually go
15662s down but he still bought him some time
15664s now's DK gonna try and just cut as much
15666s damage in as he can for his team as uh
15669s 101 Tien comes in from the scale rush
15671s but the alternative Fire coming out and
15673s oh that's a big Harpoon coming down
15675s sorrow is gonna look to finish him up ZK
15678s now has to somehow turn this one around
15680s but gets counted and wolves
15683s eliminate JT very early from the lobby a
15687s really really rough one for them to get
15689s knocked out this early in the game
15691s meanwhile moving up towards Imperial
15693s Village it's nice and snowy my favorite
15695s part of the map uh xcg looking to be
15698s hunting JL here xcg obviously with the
15701s vermillions first mate desperate to try
15703s and basically use it and get you know
15706s risk-free fights
15709s for themselves obviously there were some
15710s changes between now and worlds uh none
15713s of this affects xdg but I mean it
15715s technically can uh if the Roma Yang uh
15718s depletion
15719s if the problem you used to have was
15721s sometimes the teams would run out and
15722s just run into each other and then one
15724s team would have Revolution the other one
15726s had uh the millions Birds might so they
15727s won't be able to get the saw blue
15728s message you now do still drop Soul blue
15731s messages when you get birds mites in So
15733s at the end of the day you still uh
15736s still can revive if you are well you can
15739s still not go down because you've got
15741s bird mited meanwhile we did just see uh
15744s Team GS get eliminated from this Lobby
15748s so really really rough on a KLA
15751s taking a fight versus te but
15755s they're playing versus it's even just
15756s beat them in the in the zone and uh qgg
15759s has been taken out and it does look like
15762s this might unfortunately just be the end
15764s of KLA we are seeing some pretty big
15765s teams
15766s struggling in their second game of the
15769s day
15770s I mean that different Dynamic with these
15772s different groups here it's always it's
15774s going to be a little bit different than
15776s these other days because you just have
15777s the different groups the different
15779s chemistry between these players and the
15781s way that it's playing and it looks like
15782s gd's Kakashi he does have that Yang
15784s depletion so if he goes down he is going
15786s to be in a lot of trouble here he does
15789s have to heal up as fast as you can oh
15791s you ginu is gonna hop into that monk try
15795s and make it as easy as possible for his
15797s team Alliance here coming in on the
15798s third party as well oud's SS we're gonna
15801s say a huge alternative fire there on to
15804s alliance's team as we can see the
15806s ultimate come out as ug's blue red or
15808s the King goes down continue taking a lot
15811s of damage as well Alliance coming in
15812s perfect third party onto the spike here
15814s as you see they already have some crazy
15816s gold Jades that I think I saw the long
15818s sword Jade coming in Phoenix Blast from
15821s alliances lucky and zoo on here because
15824s oug thinks they need to get out of there
15825s as fast as possible as well as these
15827s other team Alliance I mean with a great
15829s third party able to pick up couple of
15831s kills but not nothing too crazy with the
15834s damage here so we're gonna see the
15835s meteor showers dropping in 30 seconds
15839s yeah they're gonna be coming down
15840s obviously either also going to be on the
15842s second round only two teams can go in
15844s and grab that though so not as many Rama
15847s Yanks will be happening when that one
15848s does spawn up
15849s but for now I think I like just a little
15851s bit of light shopping wearing some
15853s goodies is uh
15855s they do pop the Bell just to spot who is
15858s about
15859s KLA cxz the only member for KLA who's
15862s alive I believe now as well and I
15864s believe they were just spotted out by
15866s the bells though uh cxd needs to be
15868s careful yep doesn't have any teammates
15870s and uh that's eight seconds so
15873s I guess the good news for KLA is they
15876s won't be giving someone extra kills but
15878s it has not been a good day
15881s for our first place team as they are
15883s eliminated to the rubber young depletion
15886s and this is a team who had a 130 Point
15889s day on the first day
15892s and now are currently
15895s I think
15896s 15 points at most on today in two games
15899s it has not been what they wanted Roman
15902s Yang spawning up it's like uh wolves and
15905s uh te and Ventus are all looking to try
15908s and jump into that rubber Yang uh there
15911s will be more as blessing as well which I
15912s believe ACG are currently trying to get
15914s their hands onto so we'll see what they
15916s can get from there but for now gonna be
15918s about this Rumble Young when that spawns
15919s up and what can be achieved within it
15924s we're going to see the realm of Yang
15925s Adventist versus te this is going to be
15927s an interesting fight here we see that
15928s they've already dropped
15931s that V3 ultimate so that anyone at any
15935s time will have the chance they're not
15936s gonna wait and have the Miss opportunity
15939s to get stagnanted as thj takes already a
15941s decent amount of damage here so we're
15943s gonna we're gonna see lyd already gone
15945s down txj and vvv are not off to a great
15950s start Ventus is just absolutely
15952s controlling this fight but it's actually
15953s not even going for any grabs you're
15955s getting staggered backwards jumping
15957s around he's he's already out of his
15959s ultimate hops right back into that very
15961s old Sans you hear from Ventus is just
15964s murdering this other team BBB going
15967s super low here's wx98 Lucian 98 goes and
15971s takes that kill with that
15974s oh my God
15976s just like very Holland that was very
15979s hard
15980s it's been interesting with Ventus
15982s because they've been a team who I've
15983s always thought I've been on there like
15985s the edge of greatness they've always
15986s been very capable but just falling short
15989s and watch it I like the worst moments
15991s it's nice to see actually today Ventus
15994s have shown up they've really shown up
15996s today and actually have potential to be
15998s you know a team but maybe I'm gonna put
16001s under my underestimated tier where like
16003s I'll underestimate these teams we are
16005s actually going to see what happens so
16007s lyd went down oh that's why they lost
16010s that is so tragic what
16014s they are they've been playing like this
16016s all day just jumping in and picking up
16018s by one kill they waited for everyone
16020s else to jump into the Roma Yang and
16022s their wolves jumped then
16023s and took out lyd so it was already a man
16027s disadvantage in they basically
16030s oh that is so big I didn't think it was
16034s wolves he did that beautiful stuff from
16036s wolves
16037s okay it was under my impression that
16040s they just got absolutely murdered right
16042s as soon as they came in there not after
16045s we're gonna see a little bit of a fight
16047s in this storm here xcg is going to have
16051s an old popular against ug only having a
16054s few members one member of their team
16056s Left Alive here seeing you trying to run
16058s away but it looks like it's gonna be
16060s unfortunate for them and oh ug is gonna
16063s go out here as xcg picks up another kill
16066s and fills up that top place because they
16068s are the only team in the top three other
16069s than wolves they are the they're one of
16072s the teams in the top three with all
16074s three players left te with only two
16076s players left they will have enough to
16077s buy back remember but they have two
16080s minutes and 43 seconds otherwise the is
16084s gonna be done out for them they will
16085s have their one member revived ge's lyd
16089s here will not have that Yang depletion
16091s but txj and vve will need to get a kill
16096s in the next two minutes and 29 seven
16097s seconds otherwise it's going to be good
16099s night for them
16105s class this is what I mean I was talking
16106s about this
16107s uh in between game one
16109s we saw like I mean you were Mr season
16112s one so you saw the season one circles
16114s for like but oh yeah for a long time
16116s there was like this whole thing of uh
16118s the
16120s the circles were very uh no one did
16123s anything basically that was season one
16125s like everyone fought and then as soon as
16127s their revives disappeared nobody wanted
16129s to fight everyone just wanted to wait
16130s for final Circle and pick up as many
16132s kills but everyone was clustered
16133s together but what's been interesting is
16136s in season two things kind of stayed the
16140s same but then worlds came around the
16141s realm were young to shake shake
16143s everything up and we used to have like
16145s 30 players minimum like it was like 30
16148s 36 37 player final circles now we're
16151s down to 26 players and 19s already we've
16154s already lost a bunch of our teams and
16156s we're already in a position where like
16158s this is going to be quite a quite an
16160s empty final Circle and it might just get
16162s a little bit emptier it's Ventus and T
16164s Go for the double slams onto each
16167s other's members there's already a mechan
16169s youth and it looks like te want to try
16171s and find himself a bit of Revenge for
16173s that previous fight but the mech damage
16175s is coming in event is actually losing a
16176s lot of HP pixel low as he's gonna get
16179s demaged and taken down lyd able to
16182s finish him up txj as well now in danger
16184s vvv hunting down the remaining members
16186s Juventus aren't trying to get out as
16189s quick as possible they scatter they
16191s spread apart the mech d-mac comes in
16193s from txj quickly switching into that
16196s alternative fire but wx98 is on their
16200s Lonesome and te revenge is a disc dish
16204s served best cold as they take out Venta
16207s fourth that just that Roma yang 2v3
16212s and now it is back it is a 3v1 situation
16216s because Ventures now only has one player
16219s Left Alive one of them actually does
16221s have a soul here as we can see their
16223s purple outline on their little player
16226s card there so their Feria is still alive
16228s and their tummy does have a little bit
16230s uh so temtemi is able to get revive here
16234s because we're going to see t-e and xcg
16236s actually coming up pretty close to each
16238s other here as look at the soul Jades
16240s this is a mortal War ladies and
16242s gentlemen you're not supposed to have
16244s this many Soul Jades that are purple and
16246s gold and then if you've played an
16248s immortal scrim and na you guys know
16250s there's not nearly this amount they're
16254s so good at getting it though they're so
16256s good at putting the dot toy uh DOT type
16258s coins together but they can always
16259s guarantee that they're gonna get it oh
16261s so I'm so good at it on this on this
16263s server I mean there's nothing I noticed
16264s and that's why they're called players oh
16266s my God hold on a second is an ihq using
16268s Focus slide no way we're actually gonna
16270s get to see this in a pro Lobby I think
16272s he's using focus light I'm not 100 sure
16275s but if you see the animation when he
16277s goes and does a Crouch I think he has
16279s Focus line it Focus slide is a jade
16283s that is mostly treated by the naraki
16285s community as something that is really
16287s funny
16288s because solo players in na developed an
16291s infinite for it and they naraka
16294s responded by taking it out of solos and
16297s it's in trios only as a joke not many
16299s people pick it up to gain a competitive
16301s advantage
16302s but they're using it in the nbpl and I
16305s am in love I am so happy that this has
16308s happened
16310s this is risky with you oh
16313s my God
16315s is that a meteor shower oh they didn't
16317s get the goodies they need to heal up
16319s oh that's such a desirable one as well
16321s golden armor and dual sword AF as he
16325s jumps onto one of the Ventus members is
16327s he trying to grab maybe the revives
16329s there could be a revive token ziu going
16331s low actually Ventus
16334s being a real pain here WX stunts yet and
16336s remember they're the final member oh it
16338s wasn't that it was the ballista it
16340s wasn't the meteor shower it was a
16341s Ballista shot that hit them
16343s oh that is rotten that is that is really
16346s rotten
16348s there's a lot oh my they're hiding in
16351s the corner here in the house and it
16353s looks like one of jl's players has gone
16355s down they're not able to get the revive
16356s so it looks like one thing and as are
16359s gonna be the last team ever see you is
16360s gonna go completely down here as
16362s alliance's Lynn
16364s able to just
16366s keep this area as secure as possible and
16369s it looks like they might actually come
16370s across no way they just jumped over them
16371s did you ladies and gentlemen Alliance
16374s the most blind team
16377s in naraka here jumping over
16380s another team missing these other two
16383s players I think they're in a bush as
16384s well we'll give them that we'll give
16385s them that but GD looking very strong
16387s right now with those golden armor golden
16389s dual blades lots of weapons here they're
16392s gonna drop some heels for his teammates
16395s and other players as they go and try and
16397s run the Box
16399s maybe you'll see what they can grab from
16401s there meanwhile
16403s a bunch of teams are all in close
16406s proximity to one another but we are at
16408s that point now where the circle is kind
16410s of still too big for the amount of
16412s players left so they're not really gonna
16415s be under any threat of being like hard
16416s pushed into each other everyone can
16417s hardly find out of space but they're
16419s comfortable that's a nice Cube just
16421s gonna be using that F to try and see if
16423s they can find a shot unable to land it
16425s unfortunately as though you do a bit of
16427s damage there to uh Z Meng
16429s fairly healthy chunk
16433s but it looks like that is going to be
16434s all she wrote on that front
16437s CG up on top here as well reloading
16441s their guns just making sure that they
16443s still have their range weapons this is
16444s exactly what I said before burn these
16447s resources for these other teams make
16449s sure your teammates
16451s have all the cards and that all of the
16455s other players do not carry them because
16457s once you have all the resources these
16460s other teams are going to be struggling
16462s to be able to get
16465s healing powders Vitalia they're recharge
16468s on their old rage having their players
16471s alive full armor all of this factors in
16474s look at how much damage xcg are taking
16477s right off from the top there we're gonna
16478s see the flame arrows and the
16483s we're gonna see the flame arrows coming
16485s out as well and that gold Soldier for
16487s the bow getting hit hitting xcg up on
16490s top as we're gonna see as well lyd
16492s tossing those whisks as bow does lion TT
16495s is trying to protect as much as possible
16496s here he's trying to get that gold armor
16498s from the box gets it gets it really
16500s faster is also able to swap out for that
16503s Cannon we're gonna see protected very
16505s well by that Katana Jade and look at
16509s that piercing Arrow coming right from
16511s the top there xcg's leasing hand is
16514s taking a lot of damage
16518s yeah they really are five minutes left
16521s on the lobby though got a fair amount of
16523s time before this game does come to an
16524s end still a whole bunch of players all
16527s grouped up
16528s see if anything can be really done I
16531s think for now it's it's kind of just a
16533s matter of building up those ultimates
16534s again Knights Q still needs to get a bit
16536s more rage before they can get their
16538s ultimate the rest of their team do have
16539s their abilities up and available and
16540s ready for them to throw down so at least
16543s they do have that but
16544s you're gonna want all of your tools
16546s available especially in a monk comp it's
16547s very reliant on having those ultimates
16549s do you really have any impact in the
16551s game and kind of be able to control
16553s everything is TX E I say t e sorry are
16557s currently in charge of this Lobby they
16559s have the most kills right now with nine
16560s under their belt and you know they were
16563s a team to watch
16565s and they had a pretty disappointing game
16567s one so eyes are very much on them to see
16570s if maybe this is their uh their comeback
16573s their recovery game here as uh everybody
16576s is all hanging around this one the area
16578s is one thing does get himself somewhat
16581s chunks out
16582s from the cannon shot coming in off onto
16585s the side as doing his best to try and
16587s body block but also just eating a bunch
16588s of that damage now scg they've thrown
16591s out a transformation as everybody's
16592s gonna try and advance in now the circle
16594s is getting tight and it's very open lion
16597s TT grabbed playmered and he will be
16601s slammed into the Zone tries to dodge out
16604s immediately low HP for him now off the
16607s back of that one he's gonna transform
16608s himself just to be able to get away just
16610s to be able to survive a little bit
16611s longer but that is a major ultimate burn
16614s as the sandstorms whirling in the center
16616s of the map as well making life really
16618s hard for a bunch of these players to
16620s really get an opportunity to find much
16622s here as Slayer losing a fair amount of
16625s HP may just be slain himself here as
16626s vintage actually wx-98
16628s jumps onto see if he can get the damage
16630s off unable to do so mountain with the
16632s golden flamer and the golden armor with
16635s the rest of his team for bow to holding
16637s this High Ground actually have a
16638s position where they can really control
16640s this final Circle we do see OC getting
16643s knocked out during the middle of all of
16645s this as txj jumps in forward and is able
16649s to secure himself whoa a zephyr to the
16652s face and lyd also eating it they have
16655s got himself this little like nook and
16656s cranny to hide in xdg they don't want to
16659s give him the opportunity to get Four
16660s Hills off so they do jump forward but
16662s with xcg being down a member being down
16665s there Pharaoh are a little bit scared to
16667s overextend overreach their limit here so
16671s they are playing it nice and slow te
16672s also missing their pharaoh
16675s as actually I do believe one thing yeah
16678s one thing just went down to repeating
16679s crossbow bow the Adventists and wolves
16682s are the only three teams left that have
16684s four players GD has won lentis has one
16688s xcgs2 te has two and the rest of them
16691s have three xiaon did also just go down
16694s here so we are gonna see that xcg does
16698s only have one player left as they might
16700s be able to get a resurrection sorry not
16703s a resurrection just Reviving him quickly
16705s but it looks like it might be very
16706s difficult in all of this chaos here
16708s Could Happen could not as we can see
16711s leasing hand is going to go down that's
16712s going to be the end of
16714s xcg that looks like txj is also going to
16717s go down leaving one player left onto the
16719s top two teams wolves is looking very
16722s strong here lyd going down te has been
16725s eliminated wolves picking up another
16727s kill on 12th gear wolves it's all coming
16730s up wolves bow dark here taking a lot of
16732s damage DCC trying to come in with that
16734s have to dash here we're gonna see the
16735s alternate Fire come out lion TG is going
16737s to go down to Alliance is lucky like
16740s wolf sorrow here trying to deal as much
16742s damage he can with that ultimate fire
16743s goes out of the monk goes in to the full
16746s meter dump here and wolves's bench who
16748s is going to knock him right into the
16749s storm here the Mortal Defiance comes out
16751s and then we're gonna see the kurumi
16753s ultimate here we saw the horsey come out
16754s as well at least you see using that
16756s Phoenix plus to deal as much damage as
16758s possible Soro is going to go down
16760s here Lynn be dealing a lot of damage
16764s lucky getting grabbed is staggered it's
16766s gonna be able to jump out of that alt
16767s Kakashi from Team GD here taking so much
16770s damage barely any Hulk leffert is able
16772s to come back with just a little bit of
16774s Shield able to stay alive wolves with 12
16778s kills up onto the board alliance with
16780s eight gear this is gonna be very
16782s interesting here bow down with two
16783s players left GD with one player left bow
16786s does moon going down the double slab
16788s come on
16790s go down
16792s bow down with six kills now up onto the
16794s board GD with that's one player left
16796s Kakashi you're taking so much damage
16798s they're all trying to get it as much as
16799s they can Malmo as well last player alive
16802s on team GD and it looks like it's going
16804s to be a half the dash coming out as well
16805s going down and it's all coming up
16809s Alliance here as gd's Kakashi last
16812s player alive here just trying to stay up
16813s in the air Skywalk as long as possible
16815s the monkey now we're seeing the
16818s transformed we're going to see zhuon
16820s coming out as well alliances again we're
16822s seeing the grabs coming up
16825s the 1v3 there's no way he gets the crap
16829s he gets this oh there's so long and it
16832s looks like he's gonna be able to do it I
16834s said it
16834s [Music]
16836s wait he didn't no no it didn't happen I
16840s I think he started the D transform it as
16843s like an immortality like there's like a
16845s moment how did Alliance win that
16850s that is unbelievable I I'm pretty sure
16852s what happened with the Eurasian as he
16854s transforms as a brief moment of
16856s invulnerability and there was I think
16858s there was two poison slashes
16860s on uh on the alliance's members he went
16863s down and as that popped that will the
16866s Zone tick damage and the poison split
16867s tick damage and then that like brief
16869s like window where he can't go down
16872s with what secured Alliance to win how on
16876s Earth did that happen that was beautiful
16878s from a lion a phenomenal victory for
16881s themselves there and a dog an underdog I
16884s guess a team that we uh underestimated
16887s coming into this actually popped off in
16889s this game an alliance take themselves
16891s their first win of the season in the
16894s first week
16895s and there's a bunch of teams who are
16896s going to be disappointed KLA
16898s what happened they look like a vastly
16900s different team uh than they did uh in
16903s previous weeks I will say though Kelly
16905s had a weaker game one and two on day one
16908s so that's just I'm not gonna say that's
16911s gonna be how this get how today goes but
16913s do keep that in mind their first two
16914s games were their weakest uh xcg falling
16917s apart as well they had a better game but
16920s nowhere near as good as I as as you
16922s wanted them to coming out of that last
16924s game J team just fell apart like they
16926s were the first team out big old Donut
16928s for themselves really really rough game
16930s so
16931s some of it needs to get words on there
16933s for J teams that was not the game they
16935s wanted at all yeah it was a little
16937s disappointing to see Jay team in the way
16939s that they they played but we're
16942s hopefully going to be able to see them
16944s play a little bit better but the thing
16946s that I want to talk about is wolves
16948s wolves came through with 12 kills and
16951s they just kept on going until that very
16953s end when there were four teams left they
16955s choked they got that double grab and the
16957s double slam killing those last two
16959s wolves players and then that was it for
16961s them yeah I mean the wolves
16963s and it was actually a good monk Circle
16965s uh it's weird but like I think we are
16968s we've played three horror off in trios
16970s now two of which have had good monk
16972s circles which is crazy because it's like
16974s I think the way I look at it is like
16977s I think it's about 60 of the circles on
16979s mauricyle are good for Monk and they're
16981s like 40 half and on horror off it's like
16984s 40 are good for Monk and then sixty
16986s percent aren't that great for monks but
16988s sometimes you do just get those open
16989s kind of more like density areas where
16991s there's you know a couple of rocks for
16993s the monks to stand on and have that High
16994s Ground advantage and then almost just
16997s clean shooting onto all of the teams in
16999s the area and that was just a phenomenal
17001s one Circle so these guys they took a
17003s gamble everyone around the Pacific Rim
17005s comp at a bar two teams and it worked
17008s out really really solid stuff coming in
17010s from these guys uh and Alliance end out
17013s taking a win a team I did not expect to
17016s be picking up a win today but regardless
17018s they popped off they had a fantastic
17020s performance I I don't know if they were
17022s able to get that final kill there that
17024s 1v3 at the end these scenarios that keep
17027s on happening we're gonna take a look at
17029s the scoreboard really quickly I think
17030s they had like around a 12 or 13 point
17032s game look at these new animations ladies
17035s and gentlemen I can't stress enough
17037s naraka animation team you are absolutely
17040s crazy as we're picking up the board
17042s alliances wool Alliance and wolves 11
17045s kills for Alliance here coming in first
17048s place those five ranking points doing so
17050s much for them team GD only with six
17053s points but they were able to keep that
17054s last player alive for so long that they
17056s got those three ranking points and that
17058s crazy multiplier here
17059s wolves 12 points here 20 points total in
17063s their game score that those 12 kills
17066s really carried them to that area there
17069s what I what I was talking about before
17071s wolves is the one that did it very well
17074s but Alliance is the one that came away
17076s with the victory look at all of that
17077s damage coming off from alliance's lucky
17079s there 24
17082s 000 damage in one game yeah big big
17086s numbers you know I I'm still holding
17088s down for like this is 27k games that's
17090s way that's where you see the the fat
17092s juicy numbers that you want to be saying
17093s but yeah even though Alliance
17095s just a phenomenal final Circle really
17097s popping off and having a fantastic end
17100s to that game as uh let's take a look at
17102s the replays as well from from before
17105s it was it was a bizarre game I just I I
17107s can't believe how early we saw some of
17110s the kind of front running teams that
17111s teams who we have high expectations of
17113s actually failing and falling apart I
17115s mean Jay team
17116s they lost this fight very convincingly
17119s wolves were on fire early taking out Jay
17122s team I think this was where yeah that
17123s was where they got eliminated as well so
17126s wolves just set up for Success te
17128s definitely felt like a better game than
17130s game one for them you know not exactly
17132s perfect for them but you know they still
17134s felt like a lot more of a scary team a
17137s team that people wouldn't want to be
17138s playing versus but when you get pinned
17140s on the low ground in in that Buccaneer
17142s phase in the Cannons come out it is
17144s gonna be real hard xcg they made it into
17147s the final Circle or later's into later
17149s stages of the final circles But
17151s ultimately uh they were able to just
17153s hold out and Yeah was it double poison
17155s Splash there's one poison splash
17158s oh no lucky live
17161s I didn't end up remaining alive no one
17165s died one died one did that one did that
17167s okay the poisonous brush was what won
17169s them that game by the way that poisonous
17170s fresh pick was just enough holy moly
17173s that is a pretty stacked uh built there
17176s for Lucky Hector detached finish last
17178s but Sarah stormstride fire Ariston
17180s scatter shots very very strong uh set up
17183s for just the arrows for that kind of
17184s ranged phase of the game 24K damage and
17187s 10K healing coming out from this guy
17189s lucky for Alliance
17191s a very earned NDP if I'm gonna be honest
17193s with you played really really well it's
17196s crazy how though they got zero kills
17198s before their rebirth yeah they didn't
17201s they didn't get a single kill before
17203s rebirth and then after
17206s their resurrections went away they said
17208s you know what let's play aggressive
17209s let's do it boom and they got away with
17213s a bunch of kills and I I think they
17214s played it very well they could have
17215s played a little bit more aggressive and
17217s it would have made them
17218s Now Incredible
17220s through the end there but
17223s I I thought it was great I thought I
17225s thought the way that they did it was
17226s just download amazing it was it was a
17228s college game it was a very close game
17230s and it was I think my key takeaway from
17232s it is I'm happy to see teams who maybe I
17236s had lower expectations of uh performing
17239s early in the season because normally it
17241s feels like those kind of things where
17242s it's like
17244s uh are these teams actually gonna pop
17246s off or are they just gonna kind of find
17248s like the odds game in the middle of the
17249s season and they kind of stay relevant
17250s that way but no we're seeing teams
17252s actually strike early and it looks like
17254s we're in for quite a competitive season
17255s anyway we need to take a quick break
17257s before we get going into that game
17259s number three so we will throw through
17261s that and I will see in a moment
17270s [Music]
17278s thank you
17280s [Music]
17292s um
17293s [Music]
17301s Canada
17304s [Music]
17316s [Music]
17318s service
17321s [Music]
17359s [Music]
17364s thank you
17365s [Music]
17384s foreign
17387s [Music]
17397s ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the
17399s naraka blade Point pro league we are
17401s jumping right into showing you the
17403s scores overall as we're taking a look
17405s j-team has now dropped to the number
17408s 21 spot here that's ventis has climbed
17412s up just a little bit
17414s in the numbers J team only two games
17416s played 8.8 points on the board sad to
17419s see it happen but I guess it had to one
17422s team has got to take the bomb spot as
17424s I'm rocking my j-team jersey as we're
17427s saying this right now ewg with 56
17430s sorry GS only 2.7 points on the day so
17433s far TK with only five points on the day
17435s so far unfortunate to see that happen
17438s but
17439s it's like I said inevitable stuff like
17442s this is gonna happen players and teams
17444s are gonna have bad games they have so
17447s long
17448s Intel worlds again
17450s yeah I mean yeah no one's looking
17453s towards worlds right now people are
17454s barely even looking towards the grand
17456s finals they're looking more towards the
17458s bi-weekly final uh that that's where the
17460s attention is right now for these guys
17462s and you know for some of these teams
17463s it's very much about establishing where
17465s they sit xcg though are having a much
17468s better start from saving KLA and have
17470s now been able to re-grab themselves a
17473s top spot oh see a slowly but surely and
17477s balder actually are slowly and surely
17479s catching up with the higher ends of the
17481s table
17482s the interesting thing about the higher
17484s end of the table is the teams at the top
17486s of that table right now
17487s um
17488s I mean they've got
17490s what uh I think there's three teams who
17493s have only played one day they haven't
17495s even played like the first two games of
17497s the second day and their teams are two
17500s games who are still struggling to catch
17502s up to that top episode
17503s I I think I think our final day on
17506s Friday next week before we get into the
17507s bi-weekly finals is gonna tell us a lot
17509s about the the relative strength of some
17512s of these trios at least for this first
17513s bi-weekly I said it last season though
17515s and I'll say it again
17517s I do think that the way in which that
17520s the uh the first bi-weekly goes
17522s shouldn't really be a big Telltale of
17524s how everything goes I think the the best
17526s way to uh the best way to kind of look
17529s at it is uh the season itself
17533s um
17534s I think you have a good idea of how how
17537s strong I had completely lost I should
17538s have thought there uh you the season
17540s itself will kind of be
17543s more decided or like we'll have a better
17546s understanding of where teams are by that
17547s second bi-weekly I think by the time we
17549s get on to that seconds bi-weekly so the
17551s fourth Sunday of the season
17553s um I think at that point we'll have an
17555s understanding okay this is this team is
17557s strong because of X reasons I think the
17560s first bi-weekly is still everybody
17561s getting a feeler the teams have been
17563s playing together still gonna probably do
17565s the best just because they got the most
17566s experience together the newer teams May
17568s struggle or the revived teams like uh te
17572s who obviously you know fpx and then
17574s formerly uh J theme you know those teams
17577s are gonna be uh the teams who I think
17580s will be the teams who we expect to do
17583s well at that first bi-weekly but then
17585s we'll start to see some of these teams
17586s where I feel like KLA has shown us at
17588s least at the least the potential to be a
17591s very very solid team so I think as we go
17594s on and we we get we get more and more by
17596s weeklies we're gonna start to see more
17598s and more new things show up and I think
17599s you know already high scoring lobbies
17602s high scoring days things I think this is
17604s going to be a very tight season I think
17606s this is going to be way less excited
17607s than season one and season two I think
17609s spring
17609s is gonna be just an unbelievably uh type
17613s season I think there's gonna be a few
17614s teams he may look a little bit um
17617s you look a little bit it's shakier
17619s throughout the season I think that's
17620s fair to say the King right now have some
17623s work to do
17627s oh well you obviously have to take a
17629s look at these players and go hey like
17631s you gotta you gotta work on your stuff
17633s if you're if you're down below right now
17635s you gotta rebuild
17639s and recreate that fire that you maybe
17642s once had before or that you're trying to
17644s gain back because these teams that are
17647s on top right now they've already got it
17649s they're sticking with what works they
17650s don't need to change anything why would
17652s they change anything they're they're
17654s already on top of the game
17656s yeah
17658s no absolutely I mean we'll have a look
17660s at uh the likes of uh
17663s te here on our screens obviously these
17666s guys
17667s having a
17669s just uh just a a pretty solid start to
17672s the split like yes game one wasn't great
17675s but game two seeing a bit of recovery it
17677s feels like the momentum is starting to
17679s roll for Te if they are slowly but
17681s surely
17682s coming into their own as we are loading
17685s into game three we'll be moving back to
17686s Morris Isle just for those who are
17687s joining us fresh on the broadcast we'll
17689s be doing two more games tomorrow style
17690s then we'll be jumping over to holler off
17693s um for this game you know fresh off a
17695s break some of these teams may have had a
17696s bit of a mental reset coming into
17698s everything and we'll see what the team
17700s comes to be looking like remember a lot
17702s of people have already used their
17704s Pacific Rim comp you can only
17706s realistically pull it off twice there'll
17708s be a bunch of people who still haven't
17709s used it but I feel like that last game
17711s has put the nail in the coffin for some
17713s of these teams that I think xcg
17715s have led into that concert yes they are
17717s actually going for the uh to catacomb
17719s this is the Decatur Matari and the
17721s zipping comp which is one we have seen a
17723s few people rocking as an alternative
17725s comp as well OC doing the same when you
17728s do get in to the likes of a uh Aroma
17731s Yang or those final circles this comp
17733s can be hella scary really really scary
17736s actually quite a lot of yotos okay not
17739s so many months I'm a happy boy I'm a
17741s happy boy not so many months so we're
17742s still seeing a few a few monks come out
17745s on that last game they're not going to
17747s want to save it for holler off they
17749s obviously have an advantage a
17751s probability wise for playing against uh
17756s playing with monk but
17758s if they use if they use up their picks
17762s now they will not have that Comfort pick
17763s at the end whereas some of these teams
17766s like xcg they'll be able to play some
17769s version of Transformers later on in the
17771s game and
17773s these other teams will also be able to
17775s play other versions but right as of now
17778s they won't be able to play a single
17780s version of this car until the next day
17783s has come so taking a look here at our
17785s spawns we're gonna see some players
17787s directly Landing in Shadow Jade mine
17789s we're seeing these others going for our
17791s Firefly spots on the maps here we're
17793s gonna see one team spawning directly at
17795s that gold Zone in Eventide Temple which
17798s is going to be one of the craziest drops
17800s that we're going to have here as well
17802s j-team KLA and cggc sorry coming up in
17808s that
17809s Shadow or sorry sunwig's rest area and
17812s then just west of celestra and in the
17815s far west side of the map we're gonna
17816s have a couple of teams isolated from
17818s each other and game three we're about to
17820s kick things off taking a look at
17822s Alliance
17823s yeah winners of the previous game I
17825s think interestingly
17826s a lot of teams dropping in basically
17829s opposite airs areas as like KLA their
17833s bad day is unfortunately continuing as
17835s one player has already gone down qgg was
17838s the start of the show last time he is
17840s the carry in this team but has already
17841s lost way too much health scale rushing
17843s up and out of there doesn't want
17844s anything to do with this action because
17846s Kelly will lose a flavor Jason now
17849s getting jumped onto by GS as they come
17851s in and take out a couple of players
17853s already the kill feed is just alive
17855s wolves picking up a whole bunch of kills
17858s as well
17860s GD and wolves with three kills to kick
17863s it off GS with one kills if you got off
17864s and J team only getting that single one
17866s onto KLA before getting jumps but the
17868s action is just not ending it's not
17871s stopping ke finding himself in the mine
17873s shaft here in a fight with OG and ug are
17876s just absolutely destroying no in comes
17880s to beans fresh to do a whole heap of
17882s damage vvv goes down and oug will win
17886s that fight that Bane's breath couldn't
17889s have been more awkwardly placed for both
17891s of those teams
17893s they're taking a look oug here with
17895s three kills on the board wolves and GD
17898s with the same amount of kills as they do
17901s on the top GS you're trying to come in
17903s to deal some damage as well but KLA
17905s looks like they're gonna be the ones in
17907s the way of this fight here GS they're
17909s gonna be those red mushrooms are gonna
17911s be coming into play here giving them a
17913s bit of an attack buff but as soon as
17914s that attack buff is over they are going
17916s to be losing a lot of Health here as GS
17919s is picking up their fourth kill of the
17921s game going up onto the top of the
17922s leaderboard gear taking out another
17924s member of KLA and it look like you said
17927s KLA is not doing very well today they
17930s have all been not that day Spirit form
17932s and it's okay this is the first three
17934s games of the day they still have three
17936s more to play they can pick it up later
17938s on we have no clue what's going to be
17939s happening as we're taking a look as well
17942s xcg no kills on the board so far it
17944s looks like they spawned did spawn pretty
17946s isolated to these other teams they
17948s haven't gotten into a fight yet as we're
17950s gonna see
17951s GD here trying to go into their
17954s ultimates here as baldos lion TG is the
17957s last player alive here and it looks like
17958s they're gonna do some looting a little
17960s bit of hiding on some bodies waiting for
17963s them to go for their resurrections here
17964s is lion TT last player in the game just
17967s trying to run away as fast as possible
17968s he is about to go on his Alzheimer is
17971s going to be over and this is going to be
17972s it for him in a second here it is going
17975s to be very difficult for him to come
17976s away with this one through three gear
17978s but he is he is evading them pretty well
17980s here so we're gonna see the charge
17982s attack coming up from the katana here
17983s I'm just gonna just try and attack away
17985s as fast as possible uses that F but
17988s unfortunately balda is gonna be fully
17990s eliminated
17991s right off the rip unfortunate for balda
17996s really really unfortunate for Bala there
17998s but TD actually kicking off of a pretty
18000s solid start to the day of the game
18002s getting himself up to six kills oh you g
18004s as well also a team who
18007s if I remember correctly during the last
18009s split of the mbpl they had a pretty good
18012s start to the season and then just kind
18014s of
18015s fell apart so it feels like you know
18018s they're looking to kind of at least
18019s replicate the first half of the Season
18021s maybe they're gonna maybe work up on
18023s what happened in the set in the last
18024s half of the season
18026s but he can offer a really good start
18028s here we've already lost balder I'm
18030s fortunate lost for them I honestly think
18032s bow to have improved as much as this is
18034s a rough game for them I think
18036s from the from the just the two days I've
18038s seen them play it already feels like
18039s battle are performing better and since I
18042s have their head screwed on a little bit
18043s more height than uh in previous seasons
18046s KLA though I am starting to worry about
18048s them was was that first day just a flash
18051s in the pan or was it a a sign of
18053s potential greatness but they still got a
18055s lot to work on before they can hit maybe
18056s a consistent uh level of playing that
18059s well because they have shown us that
18061s they are a very capable team they're a
18062s team are very very good at playing
18064s um the style are very aggressive and I'm
18068s taking interesting and dynamic fights I
18071s think
18071s they've also not used the the Pacific
18074s Rim comp too much today that might be
18076s something to keep in mind they may pull
18077s it out in the latter half to try and put
18079s points together when other teams haven't
18080s used all of their when the other teams
18083s have used all their hero points so they
18085s can't run it OC though getting himself
18087s in a fight here versus
18088s oug that ballista gonna be raining hell
18091s down onto them the Meng getting a whole
18094s bunch of damage off and there they go
18095s pinging out of that fight OC are gonna
18098s be able to control this one and four so
18100s Eugene away so ug oh
18102s took a serious amount of damage there
18105s from the ballista shot but it looks like
18107s SS actually does just burn down off the
18109s tail of that oh egos just singing their
18112s praises and then they kind of throw a
18114s fight
18116s yeah it's looking very tough for them
18118s here Takeda V3 out on OC Slayer here and
18122s it looks like oug is trying to go for
18123s the Resurrection The revive here on
18125s seeing you trying to make something
18127s happen looks like he's not unable to
18129s trying to evade as fast as possible is
18132s unable to at the moment now I've seen
18135s you taking a lot of damage here it looks
18137s like the King was able to escape before
18139s the king not trying to take too much
18142s damage here as soon as he seen you going
18144s high up into the air just trying to get
18145s away as fast as possible before I
18147s actually need to engage into this fight
18149s because it's gonna be very difficult for
18151s them to take on all of OC's Slayer Shang
18154s Yu and mang it's going sorry OC is
18158s saying you oh you G's saying you oh see
18161s what gen you was on OC originally that
18164s is by default the F3 coming out from
18166s samyu as well we're trying to make
18168s something happen not able to get this
18171s kill jangyu is using doing a very good
18173s job of avoiding this fight
18177s foreign
18179s yeah a couple more shots coming in
18181s though the king this time it's oyuki who
18183s control the ballista as a oh hit that
18185s shot he's gonna try and get the next one
18187s on two zero can he actually do it SS is
18189s sliding in OC seeing if they can save
18192s the day slayer's invisible this is this
18194s Matari comp when you run it with a
18195s cicada
18197s really really painful Slayer gets
18199s knocked back throws the F forwards
18201s and is able to secure a kill onto the
18203s king meanwhile base breath reigning down
18206s KLA healing up why CK for now though but
18209s oh good grab from a mile away gets it in
18214s slam's gonna get interrupted Kay's able
18216s to wiggle out of that one and now yzk
18219s low HP they've got to grab but a d uh
18221s Monk Is Gonna Come in the healing is
18224s gonna be there though to make sure of uh
18226s uh KLA are able to hold on for just a
18228s little bit longer nobody's gone down yet
18230s health bars are blinking and now they're
18232s fighting in the zone so the anti-hill
18234s kind of started to come in as qgg
18236s burning out going solo the Atari
18239s healing's there but it's just not there
18241s enough down he goes here GGG Falls as
18244s well and it's only going to be the one
18246s member standing is cxz desperately
18250s trying to wiggle his way out through the
18253s zone to a safe spot where maybe he can
18256s get those rebirth charms but he has a
18259s long long walk to go because he has been
18261s completely immediately body blocked by
18263s GD cxe may just sit in the zone for a
18266s bit and have to tank it and I don't
18268s think the opportunity to get a res is
18270s going to come in at all have dots those
18273s Roma Yang's spotting up though and
18275s that's where the attention is going to
18276s be now we'll see where
18279s and who is going to be getting in to
18281s these Roma gangs that's like uh JL will
18284s be one of those teams as that nobody
18286s will be contesting them at this portal
18288s Jesse is in the uh in the close
18291s proximity is clearly do go down to GD
18294s off screen so that is going to be Eminem
18296s and they have to make the tail end of
18298s the day go really really well for
18299s themselves because that has not been the
18301s great performance unfortunately going
18302s into day two but JL come in and they'll
18305s be going up versus xcg going into this
18308s run we're yelling this is gonna be
18311s this could be an interesting one because
18312s jail actually have played very well
18314s today to be completely fair to them up
18316s into the sky they go remember xcg not
18318s running among comp this time they have
18320s the Decatur com and as immediately is
18322s gonna pop the Bell getting staggered
18323s back he's trying to get the halt off as
18325s soon as possible one thing has thrown it
18327s down already ultimate's gone out from
18328s Knight excuse loses a lot of HP already
18330s as going low nice Q again just being
18333s caught constantly time and time again he
18335s wants to try and get that F off get the
18337s damage out and look at it coming in
18339s absolutely huge but one thing is just
18340s being a nuisance right now it's not HQ
18343s desperately trying to avoid but he's
18345s just losing so much health to the Slants
18347s coming in from one thing and now the
18349s carries grabbed and slammed down but the
18352s vitari healing so the zipping healing
18354s keeping him alive nice kid doesn't wear
18357s on everything those invisible face from
18358s the retari as now they just need to wait
18360s out these uh these transformations
18364s xcg honestly one thing was being such it
18367s was being such a nuisance to my HQ he
18370s couldn't do anything he was constantly
18372s grabbed and slammed and is just getting
18374s himself completely bullied around now
18376s that the Transformations have run up
18378s maybe there's a world in which they can
18380s win this for Zhu charging in with this
18382s with the pole sword and JL will win this
18386s fight
18388s amazing play they went from the pole
18390s sword overcomer
18392s into a grab slam and they still didn't
18396s get the kill and they finally managed to
18398s get the kill on all three of them thank
18399s you thanks to the Overcomer the
18401s Overcomer was a very the pony is just
18404s crazy man like the the fact that they
18406s actually have that in competitive play
18409s where you can ride a horse
18413s and attack your enemies the competitive
18415s advantage that you have when you're
18416s playing with that Jade and of course
18419s it's periable right and it's really easy
18421s to Parry especially if you're a pro
18423s player
18424s but just the fact is if you're getting
18426s staggered and you're not able to Parry
18428s because you've got two other players on
18430s you and you get hit with an overcomer
18433s you're done it's out it's over
18437s flipping over now we're gonna see J
18439s teams 101 TN here it's kind of hanging
18442s out standing around very close to his
18444s other teammates looting up still not got
18447s a decent amount of loot purple armor
18450s onto Eagles ZK and 101 TN wait only with
18453s blue armor but they've got some purple
18454s weapons under their belt they've got a
18457s good few amount of resources as well so
18459s they looking pretty sturdy in this fight
18461s as well as jl's one Fang as and Zu here
18465s taking a look at the side of our screen
18467s here in the right hand side of the
18468s screen you will be able to see three
18470s narakas
18471s steam codes this means that if you put
18474s this into your steam you will be able to
18476s pick up a free copy of naraka Blade
18478s Point jump into the battle and enjoy the
18480s action with your swords out this is
18483s going to be a great opportunity for you
18484s because then you're gonna get to play
18485s Moraga who knows you could get
18487s absolutely cracked and come to worlds or
18490s you could just be washed like me
18491s flipping back now anyways to wx98
18496s yeah I've actually got jtm off in the
18498s distance uh
18500s I believe they're just kind of plucking
18502s what remains of that Mora's blessing or
18503s if they got it I didn't actually see uh
18505s Rama young the policing though on xcg
18508s right now these guys having a similar
18511s trajectory to you there to their day one
18513s uh except lower scoring overall but
18517s luckily for them KLA who are were at the
18520s top and were the biggest competition to
18522s them are having a horrendous uh second
18525s day here on trios
18527s really really struggling but Knight skew
18529s needs to find this kill I know that you
18531s just saw the like the power of the monk
18533s comp though like nice Q just didn't get
18535s to play because he spent the entire time
18537s on the ground being flattened by the uh
18539s and as soon as that wore out he then
18541s just immediately kept getting grabbed
18543s this pumpkin Theory works the monks
18545s completely planned it and actually not
18547s his Q is getting really ruined up here
18549s Monk's gonna Transformer out nice Q gets
18552s Frozen gets grabbed and that was should
18555s just be the end of him slams down xcg
18559s now Jalen grabbed as well nice Q gets
18562s healed back up but double grab into
18565s double slam
18566s a nice Q is down
18569s xdg do take out Ling though so maybe
18572s there's an opportunity but they get
18573s bought back into the Zone it's gonna be
18575s so hard for them to make a recovery the
18577s healing from the Z ping is here and all
18579s of a sudden xcg making a bit of a
18582s recovery in this fight taking down Zone
18584s as well lucky freezing themselves up but
18587s they will get grappled on Chase down the
18589s zipping healing too oppressive and how
18592s on Earth did xcg do that a beautiful
18595s recovery
18597s unfortunately because of the Yang
18599s depletion 9 HQ is not gonna be able to
18603s be uh resurrected or revived but he will
18607s be able to be resurrected here as he's
18609s going to be able to get all of his loot
18610s back goody to them as not HP coming back
18614s into this fight xcg did an amazing job
18617s of turning that on himself the z-ping
18619s was okay in my opinion
18622s From alliance's perspective that was the
18624s most annoying thing to ever witness they
18627s just wouldn't die the amount of effort
18630s that Monk
18632s from Alliance put in to get those double
18634s slams The freezes that had to go in from
18636s the justineas the amount of play that
18638s they did and they just said no we have
18640s we have zipping we have zipping we're
18642s gonna heal you're not gonna get that off
18644s no thank you not today and boom that
18647s like xcg's phenomenal play to get
18650s themselves back into this game yeah
18652s really really nice stuff there but they
18654s do need to find that revive if they can
18655s they are going to be sitting pretty oh
18656s wait they did okay don't worry ignore me
18658s they they're able to buy a rebirth jump
18660s okay well Roe young spawning up also as
18663s well with the Morris blessing so
18666s expectation is we are gonna see I wonder
18669s who we're gonna see go into these
18670s obviously most likely these Transformer
18672s comes from one thing to get their hands
18674s onto it
18675s we'll have to keep our eyes peeled and
18678s you know zipping
18680s when she came into the message you
18681s really Shook Up solos because she was
18683s just Immortal she was really hard to
18685s handle
18686s uh I don't think he's got into that zone
18688s actually but oug are gonna take this
18690s fight versus Jay team uh easy SS jumping
18693s on to 101 TN they're gonna look to throw
18694s down the stun from that Viper ultimate
18697s and Eagle does get the grab down is
18700s gonna get the second grab down as well
18702s into the slams nope wood Chen alt out
18704s for safety is going to d-transform and
18707s oug now have to run away meanwhile
18709s inside the Rama Yang flame is burning
18711s out it's te versus JL as uh jlas has got
18715s to grab on to Z but he is able to uh
18717s move away so on the lyd as lyd but it's
18720s just gonna get slammed down here lose a
18722s little bit of HP there's a bit of
18723s Staggering coming in but these monks are
18725s about to de-transform as the fight will
18727s have to continue without them they have
18728s got the Transformations though on one
18730s thing and lyd who have taken up the
18732s equation uh mantle I guess in this
18735s particular game is xiu playing off on
18737s the distance here on the kurumi waiting
18740s to try to build up a little bit more
18741s rage before they think it's healing up
18742s and available and now t uh
18746s put in some distance between them and
18749s the others has got the whole swords to
18751s work with it's just gonna heal
18752s themselves back up in the middle of the
18753s fight and a very very standard fight
18755s they've got 48 seconds now before the
18757s Romanian just kicks them both out so
18760s really really need to make this work for
18762s themselves because lyd
18764s shot able to land one onto AF lovely
18766s little shot there I see from across the
18767s uh across the arena and now ziu gonna
18770s get jumped onto by vvvte popping off
18773s with one kill as well onto one Fang and
18776s that is it a nice 3-0 in favor of te
18780s what a pleasure like you just when you
18783s see these mbpl fights it looks like it's
18785s going in favor of one team and then all
18788s of a sudden boom
18789s other team has it the the way that GE
18794s was able to come away with the victory
18797s in that fight which is absolutely
18798s amazing using
18800s the spear to the best of their abilities
18805s yeah definitely so well actually right
18807s now yes just uh chilling out in the uh
18811s in the no alt Zone
18813s I don't want anything to do with this
18814s I'll just gonna be uh
18817s I'm waiting out here they're not really
18818s achieving much of they're maybe trying
18820s to bait Juventus into a fight feeling
18822s that they can win without the no alt
18824s coming in uh we did have a crazy funnel
18827s circle on holler off on the first holler
18829s off of the day uh on Friday we had a no
18832s alt Zone final Circle really all the
18834s monks all the monks it just came down to
18836s skill all the monks couldn't transform
18837s it was honestly the coolest final Circle
18839s I've seen in a while that's really
18841s really impactful that's something that I
18844s would have I would have loved to see I
18845s must have missed it but
18847s wow having a oh no alt Zone final Circle
18850s the way that that the difficulty with
18854s that these players would have to take
18855s these fights is just they have their F
18857s abilities they have their swords they
18859s have their weapons and that's it yeah it
18863s was it was yeah it was a lot of skill it
18865s was really really interesting uh JL
18868s right now taking himself a fight versus
18869s oug remember jail need to win this fight
18872s because they are rocking that realm of
18874s uh young completion as they are jumping
18876s on the low ground and one thing is gonna
18878s have to use the Eurasian transformation
18880s here SS actually gets staggered in court
18882s so now this actually might be an
18883s opportunity for oug to go down they are
18887s going to see zinyu throw out that Yoto
18889s Heime ultimate he's doing some work with
18891s it does miss out on the slashes they
18893s actually ping out the safety to get that
18895s Resurrection off and JL wasting time
18897s unfortunately of that rummy and
18900s depletion still got two minutes left
18901s though so plenty of time to go for it
18903s the Nova the Yoto ultimate is down they
18905s know that the um you
18907s ultimate is down and I believe they
18909s still have kurumi and their monk
18911s transformation only using that Eurasian
18912s for now so we'll see if they can
18915s pressure up for a little bit more for
18917s now though they are going to come in and
18919s jump onto the likes of outh though
18921s backing off the Nova they've used a lot
18923s to escape that previous fight but it
18925s doesn't look like it's gonna matter
18926s because in comes the Viper stun from SS
18929s he's gonna look to try and lock down one
18930s thing catching as well with it one thing
18933s going low HP can they get through the
18935s Hellfire in time no grabs coming out
18938s from a S here looking for the slam we'll
18941s be able to find it onto SSS losing a lot
18943s of HP as JL find the re-grab find the
18947s slam and secure a kill onto oug that's
18950s gonna be one member saved from the realm
18952s of young depletion at least on the side
18954s of JL but they need to push up for a
18956s little bit more to see if they can find
18958s an opportunity to kill and secure a
18961s complete cleanse of that Roman Yang I
18963s think jail have now have two they
18965s they're pretty sure they did manage to
18967s get at the soul Bloom Essence off of the
18970s one player they killed earlier that then
18972s got revived so they just need the one
18974s more player there but as they said the
18977s oug does only have two players left one
18980s of their players has just been fully
18982s eliminated there meaning that and as
18984s just did Kill oug's the king now making
18988s it so JL does get their extra kill and
18990s they're able to get that full
18992s Resurrection back into the game cure
18995s their Yang depletion we're seeing dong
18997s ching on the top he does have that
18999s scatter shot Soul Jade which lets him
19001s shoot three arrows instead of one they
19003s do do a little bit of less damage but
19004s they cover more of a wider area if
19006s you're able to hit all three on those
19007s scatter shot it is pretty crazy
19009s especially if you have the fire arrow
19011s souljate as well taking a look they are
19014s fighting against J team here J team on
19016s the other side rying to deal some damage
19019s with rain shots but unsuccessful gd's
19022s Kakashi coming through with a cannon
19024s trying to make the best happen looks
19027s like he's just gonna be hanging out for
19028s now trying to scout out where they are
19030s doesn't want to play it too difficult
19031s does he have focus light as well
19034s are we seeing two games with Focus slide
19037s did they buff Focus that something about
19040s Focus side that I don't know chat
19042s oh my goodness
19044s that's the second time we've seen it
19046s today and I want to see it in use we
19048s haven't gotten to see it where any of
19050s these players have been sliding in to
19052s these other players and taking away
19054s prior but if we do get to see it soon I
19058s will be very grateful
19060s eyes uh I I I like it when we get like
19063s changes like that I'm over just like
19065s here it changes like Soldier changes
19066s they can also affect um
19069s depending on like what the weapons or
19071s the soldier is it can actually affect
19072s like individual Heroes on like how
19074s viable they are uh and how playable they
19076s are also just individual players like
19078s obviously you talk about dagging us at
19080s the beginning of the day the dagger Nerf
19082s obviously did affect the likes of uh
19084s of Jin yeah Jin uh who is a dagger man
19088s he still absolutely killed it using a
19090s daggering solo so
19092s I I guess he's just that good but it
19094s doesn't matter uh Ben's breaths come
19096s down though and honestly this game's
19098s definitely taking a bit of a slower
19099s Tempo to our previous games I think uh
19102s it feels like
19104s these guys are definitely playing this
19105s game a little bit more a little bit more
19107s reserved not as as aggressive as our
19111s previous games were as jtml just tap
19113s dodging the Bane's breath right now
19115s right on the edge of it there are some
19116s more as blessing I think they're waiting
19118s for an opportunity to get on it
19121s and they're just scared of getting hit
19122s by beans bread from third party that
19124s might be what is going on here you know
19127s eight seconds left yeah that's exactly
19128s right they're making a break for it
19131s it's got the kurumi healing oh Eagle's
19133s health bar is gone he is in danger is
19136s gonna have to transform or heal they
19139s didn't get their hands as a swarm and
19140s golden armor in there you know these
19142s teams whatever T not willing to give it
19144s up without a fight
19146s yeah these teams don't want to give up
19148s gold armor gold
19151s band's breath swarm anything gold in
19154s those boxes and it looks like wolves is
19156s gonna try and jump on it now GS is
19159s preoccupied with J team here it looks
19161s like they're gonna be able to perfectly
19162s pop those blue Chan ultimate the ABS
19164s here to block themselves but they're
19166s gonna have to back off as well because
19168s te comes in from behind the whole circle
19170s is on this singular Bane's breath and
19173s whoever I wonder if nobody's gonna get
19175s it I don't know if they played it like
19176s that but it looks like these wolves
19178s players are taking a lot of damage as
19179s well here at least you see lxx taking a
19182s lot of damage benchu is gonna be he's
19184s got the uh a little bit what's got the
19186s most Medicine by the way oh they got the
19188s gold armor yeah okay okay who's rocking
19191s this one someone has it okay
19194s okay well so it looks like they do have
19197s oh there yep we see the Swarm coming out
19199s there I assumed it was gonna be on uh
19202s on their Yoto and it is on their Yoto so
19204s yeah
19206s we see lxx there also has the uh
19210s dragons Roar on his nunchucks
19214s very very useful Jade to have at this
19216s time as well you when you have dragon's
19218s Roar it's just done out honestly in a
19222s normal competitive game when you have
19223s dragon's Roar it is very difficult to
19225s beat unless you get parried and the
19227s competitive Advantage it gives you in
19228s pro league is on rivaled ladies and
19231s gentlemen as jl's as sending a couple of
19234s shots over onto the motorcycle you know
19236s what I don't think it has been unlocked
19237s yet as you see
19241s definitely got it okay okay that's the
19244s kurumi umbrella make that's you got
19247s baited by the kurumi I got I got I got
19249s it yeah no the groom is there it's fine
19253s um
19255s looks like a
19256s a now
19258s still 28 teams left so it's a fairly
19261s healthy size final Circle we've only
19263s lost a couple of players a couple of
19264s teams uh the king being one of those oh
19267s there's a second Morris blessing
19271s what oh my goodness okay so two more is
19274s best in spawned right next to each other
19276s I see
19277s that's why we got baited okay you are
19279s forgiven said it all has been given
19281s thank you thank you thank you that's
19283s what I was saying guys I I wasn't wrong
19286s vent is here taking a decent amount of
19289s damage as jails as is gonna be able to
19291s go ahead and open this right here almost
19293s immediately JL on top of the leaderboard
19296s with 10 kills followed by gdgs and UG
19299s and an OC in our top five here is
19303s Alliance has already been fully
19304s eliminated klatk and powder all on
19307s already eliminated t e and xcg are top
19310s teams from other games here have only
19313s three kills in this game so hopefully
19315s they'll be able to pull through a little
19317s bit more in the end
19319s yeah jail Odyssey a bit of an underdog
19322s in my opinion A team who you know I
19324s might have underestimated but they are
19326s looking very very good they've had two
19328s really good games together I mean
19329s you got the ICC you got lies on one pan
19331s you got lots of Asa these are players
19333s who have always been performing
19335s relatively well uh they're um depending
19337s on what team they're honestly one thing
19338s and uh
19340s and as I believe will put a wolves last
19342s season and like part of like I was
19344s considered wolves is like
19346s Cinderella rock where they just
19348s performed so much better so we'll see
19350s you know
19351s has this new team this slight change to
19354s the roster
19355s done them good and so far the answer
19357s seems yeah probably as uh oh I say that
19359s and then see you gets grabbed he gets
19361s flamed he gets slammed and he is able to
19364s just about get out of there but he gets
19365s re-craft and Jason's Eagle take the kill
19369s denying it from te they are fuming with
19373s that one
19374s jumps in and just gives Eagle a punch
19376s tries to knock him into the zone txj now
19379s needs to dodge away everybody is
19381s fighting in this one a small tight spot
19384s and it is just erupted into action
19387s across all of these teams txj grabs to
19390s the other side as getting stubble
19392s slammed down DJ Pops the Bell just to
19394s avoid a little bit of that kind of
19395s follow-up damage as he is slammed down
19397s onto the ground and now we'll be using
19400s that tree as a place to hide out and
19403s fight but look at the kill speed it is
19405s just constantly scrolling by the end of
19408s movie credit people going down left
19411s right and Center TXU with a golden
19413s dagger very desirable is gonna lose his
19415s life in Eagle
19416s the monk for J team is gonna pick up
19419s that golden dagger so next time he
19421s transforms he is gonna be doing
19423s phenomenal amounts of damage if he gets
19426s the opportunity to escape slides in and
19428s slams in onto the pair of 90 rage on
19431s Eagle here so he is sitting very happy
19433s should be close towards getting his lung
19436s transformation off as well switching
19437s after the dagger preemptively and here
19439s it comes Eagle should be transforming
19441s any moment now transforms up on this
19445s position two minutes left 20 players
19447s this is the opportunity now for j-team
19449s to launch back into this game Eagle just
19452s needs to find these grabs he's one of
19453s the top monks in the region for a reason
19456s so let's see what he's got can't quite
19458s find these openings these grabs yet but
19460s it's still moving into a position where
19461s maybe he can get someone because he's
19463s been grabbed that should be enough for
19465s at least one slam down no good catch
19468s he's able to pop the bell and Dodge away
19469s can the re-grab come in the answer seems
19472s to be no for now t e are eliminated by
19475s xdg and Eagle I'm fortunately achieving
19478s nothing with that transformation
19479s everybody else going into what I like to
19481s call squirrel mode where everybody runs
19483s up the tree and just hides up away from
19485s these monks they don't want to be
19487s getting grabbed down you almost getting
19489s himself into a little bit of danger this
19490s tree actually really good of dogs around
19493s those monks versus platforms but sounds
19495s good enough to dodge the taxi we get to
19497s the double slam down and xcg
19500s they're climbing back up that scoreboard
19502s they're climbing back up the standings
19504s off the back of this one actually does
19506s lose his monk transformation though she
19508s doesn't need to heal back up if some
19509s soul blue Messengers can be given to him
19511s he'll be happy but the bells pop the
19513s flame is going on to him he's low HP
19516s galaxy has to try and Dodge away from
19518s all of this being thrown at him as a
19520s vent assist hanging up here I love this
19523s from wx98 he is going to be dropping in
19526s with that tactical gonna be using those
19529s nunchucks in the soldier just to get as
19531s much control of this platform he wants
19534s to wait until the last possible moment
19536s here for Ventus to jump down with that
19539s tactical nuke I don't know where the
19541s rest of Ventus are okay he's the final
19543s member of Interest that's why couldn't
19545s come in with a game-changing ultimate
19547s here it could be honestly phenomenally
19549s game changing but I have to keep an eye
19550s on him though because we got 50 seconds
19552s now until this can come down until this
19556s final Circle closes out and eyes are
19559s gonna be on what j18 can do Eagle once
19562s again has the ability to transform he
19564s jumps up onto The High Ground isn't
19566s gonna pull the trigger I think getting
19567s staggered and knocked back in the air
19569s Eagle losing a lot of HP w898 comes in
19571s gets the stunner to multiple people but
19573s actually can't capitalize on it this is
19575s the problem no team he lost too much
19577s help Eagles transformed and now he's
19578s looking for the grab onto these players
19580s inside all of this action inside all of
19582s this card is the knockback GT able to
19585s find a couple of people here Eagles
19586s holding on to the same edge of the zone
19588s for the moment xcg getting a bunch of
19590s kills there you g as well JC taking
19592s numbers off and they're finally going
19593s down xcg I'm just taking over this game
19597s wolves will be the last man standing for
19600s sorrow but I think that might be xpg
19602s yeah I think we're gonna have to call it
19604s again xcg winning another game coming
19607s back they only had three kills before
19609s rebirth they only had three kills before
19611s final Circle and then boom they came in
19614s and they just absolutely murdered the
19617s competition it is known when I say
19619s murdered I mean
19621s murdered there was a monk slab and he
19624s used his Takeda ultimate to
19627s stole the person who was on one HP that
19629s was also being slammed down nigh HQ with
19632s a hundred thousand IQ play I don't even
19634s know if he meant to do that but
19636s crazy the way that he was able to just
19638s take that get another kill get an extra
19641s kill all of a sudden they were at 9 10
19643s 11 kills and in that final Circle when
19645s Jay team it looked like it was coming up
19647s all J team they just said you know what
19649s nah J team you only get to win you only
19652s get to win World this is our time this
19654s is our time to shine
19656s really really big stuff coming in from
19658s xcg that final Circle was was honestly
19660s chaotic considering the the amount of
19662s players he made it into that final
19664s Circle very very clustered very
19667s explosive uh into the game and we
19670s thought
19671s any other game
19673s that Viper's done is just game winning
19676s but when Unfortunately they have no
19680s teammates no one to practice capitalize
19681s on stunning like eight to nine people
19683s all of which could have been knocked
19685s back into the zone and taken just
19687s infinite damage like game deciding Viper
19690s son unfortunately there is no one to
19692s punish on it and uh that is all they can
19695s write for that fight unfortunately but
19697s yeah really really solid game uh three
19699s coming in we still got two games left to
19701s go and the next two are back to back as
19703s well so game four and five are like
19705s straight into each other like a couple
19706s of minutes break for the uh for the
19709s players so
19710s I'm interested to see how some of these
19712s guys handle that because game one and
19714s two there was a delay due to computer
19716s issues so they didn't really they got a
19718s slightly extended break for some of
19719s these teams we've not seen how they vote
19721s how they COPE in these situations where
19724s you have that momentum of the game four
19725s going into game five
19728s see I know they do this without any
19730s tournaments they just go bang bang bang
19732s bang bang bang because they're not
19733s they're not as widely broadcasted
19735s they're not as
19736s um like the way that they do them is a
19739s lot faster and I I love that mbpl is
19741s adopting a little bit of a faster yeah
19744s way with it less breaks just more action
19747s it's so much more fun like you get to
19749s see this but it's crazy to see the toll
19752s that it takes on the actual player's
19754s mentals because
19757s they
19759s they play a game and they have a really
19761s bad game and then they don't have a
19763s second to just go hey I had a bad game
19765s I'm okay I'm gonna come back in this one
19768s and I'm gonna do better if they don't
19770s have that time to think about that and
19772s do that
19774s then their mental could still be oh I
19776s lost that last game and they're not
19778s focusing on the right things they're not
19780s gonna be you know you know what I'm
19782s talking about they're not going to be
19783s focused and completely ready into the
19784s game because they're still thinking
19785s about that last game since they're so
19787s close together no absolutely absolutely
19789s uh
19791s is so hard it is genuinely really really
19795s hard
19797s um it really changes up like you don't
19799s get as much time to talk to the coach
19800s and prep like they get I think about
19802s three four minutes roughly uh just
19805s because we have to kind of the only
19806s reason we get that is because we have to
19807s calculate the scores and stuff otherwise
19808s it would just be straight into the game
19811s um and what that kind of means is
19813s that's enough time to quickly pop to the
19814s loom and in some cases it's not even
19816s gonna find a popular loot so like they
19818s are basically mostly sitting at their
19820s computer for those two games and uh it
19823s definitely makes it definitely makes the
19825s life harder for them and you know as
19827s I've been the first one is all right
19829s because you're kind of warming up and
19830s then you're kind of keeping that met
19831s yeah your Energy's High even the
19833s momentum going game one to two feels
19835s great then you get the break into game
19836s three the game four and five is like
19838s you've had a break sure but you've
19840s already played three games you're
19841s already now at the point where you are
19844s that exhaustion starting to set in the
19845s Long Day's starting to get to you and
19848s you know I'm I'm interested to see how
19850s some of these teams cope with that but
19851s here we go xcg with 13 kills and a 22
19854s point game but JL hot on their heels
19856s with just 20.6 points behind them and
19859s then GD also very close behind with 19
19862s points honestly the scores are really
19865s good like everyone's very close to one
19867s another yes KLA TK and Baldo got zero
19870s points and there's a few low scorers but
19871s for the most part from Seventh upwards
19874s you know there's not that much dividing
19876s each team above the person above them
19880s yeah upwards of the top seven and once
19882s you get to the double digits you're
19885s you're seeing very close scores right
19887s this is it's between two four and six
19889s right and of course obviously right like
19892s they're 11 points behind like first and
19895s seven but that's not as huge like that's
19898s very minimal considering other
19901s um other games that we've seen today
19903s where we've seen somebody get 38 points
19905s and then other players get you know one
19907s or two points yeah
19910s uh yeah and yeah I thought I would have
19913s thought J team would have been a little
19914s bit higher up there just because of the
19915s fact that how they were playing at the
19916s end like look at that comp though
19920s I love it I'm so happy to see this film
19922s have success by the way because it's
19924s such a cool club like zipping like I was
19927s saying it earlier
19937s [Music]
19953s [Music]
19961s and he showed up a little bit in solos
19964s but very rarely and then a world we just
19967s made an appearance people started
19968s rocking him so much at world and then
19971s they figured with the mataru the
19973s backstab and the invisibility like it
19975s just works really well as a confidence
19977s knife we did for a while it was
19978s Transformers or Yoko and that was
19980s it but now we're starting to see
19982s the books
19983s so if things are dope
19990s yeah take a look look at this ending
19993s circle when wolves was just able to come
19995s through they got so many kills there
19997s adding on to their school yeah like you
20000s said I main Takeda I love
20004s the way that Takeda plays in these games
20006s and the fact that they have like the
20007s different stages to the V3 ultimate
20010s um the viability in trios
20012s that it's starting to grow I love so
20016s much I know it's probably gonna get
20017s nerfed soon and I know that but I also
20019s feel like zipping
20022s was played in this comp the way that
20025s they envisions you pick
20027s yes absolutely I don't think they
20028s envisioned naraka Envision zipping to do
20031s what she originally did in solos right
20034s just make the game not fun anymore and
20038s yeah make people uninstall the game as
20041s soon as they see
20042s yeah
20045s zipping obviously wasn't intended as
20047s like a as a solo 1v1 monster but that
20050s part of what we got it's nice to see
20052s deeping now actually fall into that more
20054s supportive role in the same way I also
20056s think pharah's doing a similar thing at
20057s the moment I don't think Farrell is seen
20058s as a supportive unit I think Pharaoh was
20060s seen as a new character yeah but it's
20063s kind of crazy to see that Fara now is
20065s filling a supportive role uh for her
20068s team but yeah no it's interesting to see
20070s what what kind of new teams are showing
20072s up and obviously we are early days in
20074s we're not that far off the world of
20076s Worlds what happened at world so I think
20078s some of these teams is also just leaning
20080s on comfort and I think that's why we saw
20082s especially a lot in season one as well a
20084s lot of teams actually rock into the monk
20085s because the monk was you know
20088s the monk was very big for it worlds so
20090s people will lean into what they're
20091s comfortable on anyway before we get into
20093s game five we are actually gonna throw it
20095s over to our interview on our place in
20098s the previous game so over here
20102s hey guys this is Diego and welcome to
20105s post game interview and now I'm standing
20107s here with with lyd and let him say hello
20110s to our audience
20113s um
20121s okay so first do you remember that in
20125s your live show room there's an audience
20128s really like you singing song can you
20130s remember her ID and I think maybe you
20133s have something to say to her right now
20141s um
20142s [Music]
20162s foreign
20178s he remembered that audience like her
20181s idea is maybe Jazz and he don't know how
20184s to translate to English but he wants to
20186s say to you that thank you that you can
20188s come to our live show and thank you for
20190s your support okay so let's move on to
20193s the next part answer for treasure
20219s so there's a question on the screen and
20222s if you know the answer just type them in
20224s the chat box and after our player
20227s counting three two one we will take a
20230s screenshot the the first one in the
20232s screenshot take the correct answer will
20235s be whispered okay so today's question is
20239s which one is not the buff from the
20242s moral's blessing now um
20290s is the best is the strongest buff in our
20296s game okay so it's a joking okay and we
20300s are prepared and ready to start counting
20303s down
20307s let's prepare we are prepared and let's
20310s start counting
20312s um
20312s three two one screenshot okay so pay
20317s attention to your mailbox if you are the
20319s lucky guy today so I will monitor will
20321s message you okay so time to find out the
20324s correct answer
20329s [Music]
20334s um
20339s [Music]
20360s so the correct answer is the Hello Kitty
20363s buff and thank you thank you lyd for
20366s today's interview and last I have one
20368s more question because it's the first day
20371s for Te teams like you have the trolls
20374s game today and I would like to know
20375s how's it going
20377s how you're feeling in the new
20379s seasons yeah
20387s foreign
20408s Y and good luck to the team te and we
20412s will take a break and be right back
20414s later
20415s [Music]
20421s thank you
20430s all right and on that left side is two
20432s other players as well near Feather Lake
20434s and Indigenous Mound as immediately
20435s we're going to come in and see Zero
20437s fighting this out with GG Shaw and
20439s absolutely putting in work with Just
20441s Hair hands here man absolutely not
20443s looking good for GG shots going to have
20445s to retreat this but actually
20455s there now action
20457s gonna get hit by that grapple floor
20459s chart for a spider in the back game now
20461s actually it might be in big trouble he's
20462s forced to pop that matar ultimate but
20463s spider
20469s [Music]
20471s the two the both of the long swords are
20474s gonna be very helpful for each one here
20475s but these nunchucks are doing work on
20477s Rexy right now meanwhile the dodgy on
20479s each side of the fourth of the yodohime
20480s ulti is gonna be just as strong he's
20482s gonna buy he's gonna Dodge out on each
20483s side here and actually it's just been
20484s putting in work here on each side and it
20486s looks like he's gonna hit him again with
20487s it oh it's a Once hits him twice
20490s beautiful shots on each side though
20492s let's see if he's gonna be able to find
20493s it here let's see where he works towards
20495s the next is gonna be able to pop
20496s the match and it looks like Rex he's
20498s caught him buried
20506s um
20508s just connect him as well here pushing
20510s him outside of the circle here
20512s which catches him on the back side of
20513s this wall here meanwhile it looks like
20515s we're gonna be able to find it again and
20516s GG actually is gonna be able to fly it
20518s as close as a with a knife
20521s [Music]
20530s [Music]
20544s three
20553s [Music]
20582s [Music]
20591s thank you
20593s [Music]
20607s hello everybody and welcome back to the
20610s nbpl we're getting a quick look at the
20613s standings to see where everybody is at
20615s before we go into game four and five
20617s right now j-team are sitting at the
20620s bottom point one behind inventors in the
20623s 20th spot but a long long way for these
20626s guys to go and J team almost
20628s mirroring what they did last year coming
20631s off as the world champions and then
20633s straight to the bottom of the barrel see
20635s uh we'll have to see we'll have to see
20637s if they got more in them listen listen
20638s this year
20640s you know what's up they're not gonna
20641s play very strongly in the MVP up they
20644s let everybody else show what they've got
20646s and they study and study and study and
20648s then worlds come by and then boom
20651s boom they bring the bomb and that's why
20655s Jay team is my team I was rooting for
20658s them
20659s and they want first worlds they want
20661s second worlds and they're gonna win
20663s third world but back to the mbpl 2023
20666s guys worlds is a long ways away X CG
20669s still in that first spot and OC is
20672s actually catching up
20673s to
20675s KLA here still 45 points away here but
20680s if OC has a good game and KLA has a bad
20683s game
20684s again this is gonna be it's gonna be
20686s tough for them because yeah absolutely
20689s it's no way
20692s yeah I mean it's gonna it's gonna be a
20694s it's
20695s Kayla are a team who've honestly got me
20698s uh slightly slightly worried because I
20701s feel like they had this amazing day one
20703s and then day two they just looked so
20705s lost and there was a point in day one
20708s where I started to go are these guys at
20710s least goes okay because they lost like
20712s two games were a little bit a little bit
20713s off and it feels like that's kind of
20715s carried on and I think they look like a
20718s team who are
20719s I actually I would put them in a similar
20721s way to what wolves were last year like
20724s an incredibly high ceiling but like the
20727s consistency just wasn't there half the
20729s time actually FPS is another really good
20731s example like very much like fvs where
20734s fbx had like days where they were
20735s scoring like hundreds of points they
20737s look so good and then they have days
20739s that they do nothing like completely
20741s fall apart and it feels like to me KLA
20744s looked like they could be that new team
20746s that team but are very capable but
20748s something is just stopping them from
20749s being consistently good and I think
20751s that's that's probably going to be the
20752s key thing to watch is
20754s how often are KLA good was that was that
20756s a flash in the pan or are they gonna
20758s occasionally have like one good Roundup
20760s by weekly that gets them enough points
20762s to make it to the bi-weekly finals or
20764s you know just shy of it or are they
20766s going to be a team but you know
20767s eventually start to work on these issues
20769s and we just see them at the top of the
20771s tables for a long long time and we saw
20773s this with Mike where
20774s season one we saw an amazing start to
20777s the like the season and then he kind of
20779s disappeared as like the good player and
20781s then popped off and obviously we didn't
20783s get him in season two he uh he was uh
20786s due to various other reasons was not
20789s allowed to play uh and was on a
20790s competitive ban for a bit but uh now
20793s that he's returned obviously we are
20794s waiting to see what spider is made of uh
20796s versus his mic because I feel like those
20798s two are the players to watch over in
20800s solos but here in trios I'm gonna I'm
20803s gonna give you a bit of Juicy inside
20804s information powder and KLA they're my
20807s teams to watch they're not the teams I
20809s predict will win everything but I think
20811s they're the teams to watch I think they
20812s are a team that have
20814s team or sorry teams that have potential
20817s to really shake things up and be that
20820s nuisance team but occasionally just wins
20823s so hard that it denies others
20826s yeah and I I see your point
20829s but then
20830s yeah there's there's other times it just
20832s doesn't perform
20834s but yeah it's consistency right yeah
20836s this is always consistency with this
20838s game it's about to hop into game number
20840s four and five pretty shortly and then
20843s we're gonna have game number six after
20845s that
20846s game number six
20848s these last three games they're well
20850s obviously they're gonna decide the day
20851s but I feel like game number four
20854s is where we're gonna see the pace switch
20856s up right they've had a little bit of a
20858s longer break from now and now they have
20861s to play two games back to back right
20863s away
20864s just a little bit of time to talk to
20865s calculate the stores scores
20868s very very little limbo time as the game
20871s is about to start right now we're about
20874s to jump into this taking a look we're
20876s gonna see where they're gonna spawn
20877s we're gonna see the hero picks we're
20879s gonna see everything going on right
20881s about now ladies and gentlemen get ready
20883s for game number four as it's coming up
20885s quick all these players are dialed and
20887s locked in as we're gonna take a look at
20889s their hero picks in a sec and I don't
20892s think we're gonna see a single monk
20893s maybe one one or two no we're gonna see
20895s monk hey you'd be crazy to think there's
20898s not gonna be multiple monks in this
20899s Lobby oh but but they've almost used all
20902s of their monks nice so here's the
20904s workaround you can use monk from most of
20906s your games if you change your support
20908s because the first time you play a hero
20910s it doesn't cost any points so what we
20912s see is we see people play the Tammy and
20915s the Eurasian and in the next game
20917s they'll play the uh
20920s no sorry yeah the time immigration or no
20924s karumi there you go and then Tammy and
20927s Fifi and then suddenly all you've done
20929s is spent points on the Monk and you've
20931s had four Heroes you haven't cost you any
20932s points
20934s and then there's and then you can
20935s technically still play one of those
20937s comps again or you can play A variation
20938s you can add different things in people
20940s will find ways to run this monk at least
20943s four times a day it it'll be crazy but
20945s you will see some some bizarre monk pops
20948s come out just because of how oppressive
20950s he is I don't think we'll see like what
20952s we saw in holler off again maybe on
20954s holler off there's a world where like
20955s they all do decide just to save and go
20957s really hard
20958s um the final game of the day is
20960s typically where they've exhausted all
20961s their points and that's where you'll see
20963s things like what xcg played which is the
20965s Decatur comps we didn't even see the
20967s hero select
20968s so hopefully we have a uh a look at
20970s everything but let's have a quick look
20971s at the drop spots because it looks like
20973s everybody starting up at the temple at
20976s the top most people over there uh he got
20979s a couple down at Shadow gym mine here
20980s wolves off in the distance some wolves
20982s very well placed actually this is what
20984s wolves do they put themselves close
20986s enough to the action but they can come
20987s in and tidy up the action so they'll let
20989s them they'll let them Whittle each other
20991s down and then they'll throw everything
20992s out and take the points at the end but
20994s this here is gonna be Carnage four teams
20998s all dropping on top of each other and
21000s honestly three of those teams are pretty
21002s hungry for points right now
21004s J Team all the way from the action I
21007s don't I don't I don't know how I feel
21008s about that JJ needs to pick up a lot of
21010s points here and obviously they sort of
21013s realize that they're not the greatest in
21015s the action so here we're gonna see xcg
21017s the winner of last game
21018s up in this
21021s middle area here as always I'm your
21024s Caster Seth join along with my man hit
21025s print shout on here they're gonna loot
21028s up fast and they're just gonna try and
21030s go and take these fights early as we're
21033s seeing ventis is gonna be close to them
21035s and it looks like my HQ is already ready
21036s to engage and we're seeing a Viper Yoda
21040s wuchen comp coming out from them right
21043s here as we're also seeing a Feria temi
21046s and we're gonna see they almost got the
21048s Bane off but it looks like they're not
21050s going to be able to sanzi from bent is
21052s unable to come away with the Bane
21054s they're gonna Focus him until boom
21058s is able to come in it looks like they
21060s were able to get two Banes almost right
21062s away
21063s and they're able to pick up two kills on
21066s juventus's Pixel we're going to see the
21068s last player from Ventus go down and
21071s they're getting hit with the Bane but
21072s keep in mind
21073s all the veins in Immortal more in Mortal
21076s War are only blue so they don't feel as
21079s much damage as a gold Bane or a you
21082s think
21083s no you can't yeah yeah you can get
21085s purple vein I don't think you can get
21087s gold I think you're right on that but
21088s you can definitely get perfectly
21090s because we saw teams yesterday like
21092s rushing blue to make sure that they
21093s could have like veins control objectives
21095s while other teams weren't
21098s okay okay we'll check back on on that
21101s but te over here l-y-d
21105s taking control of that ballista early
21107s sending in shots at their Bounty Target
21109s already here as they're looking they're
21112s bouncy in the distance they see some
21113s purple weapons they might go for them
21115s there as bauda and Alliance coming up on
21118s this fight here Alliance is won only
21120s with gray armor trying to find something
21122s blue see if that you can get the armor
21124s it was a soldier so he's not gonna be
21126s able to grab it here you're free in a
21127s rocket codes again ladies and gentlemen
21129s they are incoming and we're seeing the
21131s same comp here take a look we've got one
21133s two three four
21135s five six seven monks so yeah you were
21139s right we're gonna see him welcome cicada
21141s zipping comp which is gonna be nice to
21143s see
21145s yeah I mean again this is what I mean
21147s they will take uh they will take months
21150s just because of how strong he is in the
21152s final Circle and just find other ways to
21154s run him that is that is literally the
21156s game plan is just run monk with as many
21157s different support Heroes as they
21159s possibly can try and enable the Monk
21162s literally every game is decided by by
21164s that really like is prioritized around
21167s that uh lucky finding himself in a Yota
21170s waffle lion TT here though the other
21172s hero who is still semi-relevant in the
21174s current meta as they are just trying to
21176s land those slashes onto each other lion
21178s TT with the gray armor like
21180s he's gonna take a phenomenal amount of
21182s damage if they can get it but lucky
21183s sliding in on the mountain saving Lynn
21186s for just a little bit throws down the F
21187s to make sure that Lin isn't going to go
21189s down the line TT throws the F out
21190s himself low HP but lucky is getting
21193s absolutely dogged on so they immediately
21195s zip out with the Wu channel to make sure
21197s that this fight isn't done but valda are
21200s hunting for blood Lin nowhere for them
21202s to go armagon health bar pretty much
21205s evaporated at this point although Mammon
21207s still feeling pretty comfortable is in
21209s they jump and somehow
21211s now I've been able to turn the tides
21212s there lucky will be next up and bowder
21215s just taking names
21218s taking names and kicking bodies OMG is
21222s picking over down we're gonna see two
21224s ultimates come out at the same time here
21226s and then the no alt zone is Gonna Cancel
21228s cancel shinyu's kurumi as we're gonna
21231s say Z youth tried to go into that storm
21233s from form but just behind we're going to
21236s see that Takeda come out here from jl's
21238s AAS shouldn't you trying to make
21241s something happen and it looks like he's
21242s gonna be able to come away with the kill
21244s as shinyu does have those purple
21246s nunchucks just an absolutely destructive
21249s weapon here so we're gonna see lyd
21251s popping that Takeda all out helping his
21254s team out as much as he can tries to go
21256s for Perry is unsuccessful there gets
21259s shot out by gd's K here looks like he's
21262s trying to go for a combo here with the
21264s one on one with the long sword is
21266s unsuccessful here as gd's hit is gonna
21268s hop into that Mech and go for the grab
21270s as lyd lets off his last charge from his
21274s ultimate here GD on the top of the
21276s leaderboard now dongchang picking up a
21277s kill onto TG T's txj here it's vvv and
21281s lyd are the last two players alive here
21283s we're going to see the alternate shots
21285s come out saving dongchang's life from GD
21288s and it looks like they are going to be
21289s taking a lot of damage every putting out
21291s that vipe that ultimate ability giving
21296s zipping so much extra Health here look
21298s at they've already almost getting back
21300s to half Health Kakashi going for a
21302s little bit of a heal lyd getting some
21304s Shield back here as they're trying to
21306s get the kill focusing as hard as they
21308s can on lyd and it looks like lid is
21310s going to go down to dong Shing here and
21312s they have wiped out te yeah single shot
21315s comment does so much damage it feels
21318s like it splashes well type
21323s uh going down
21326s that is gonna be pretty rough here as
21328s xcg able to pick themselves at the kill
21330s they own this base breath so they own
21332s this fight as wolves
21335s just got fly into lxx does get a little
21337s bit of healing off they are a z-ping so
21339s they have fair amount of sustain but
21340s even with all the sustain in the world
21342s you're not going to survive all of XG
21344s especially with purple weapons running
21345s you down
21346s so they do unfortunately fall there
21349s nice little pickup for ACG and it's this
21351s is nice to see actually because this is
21353s something in rumor criticizing xcg on
21355s was we were crystallizing that they were
21358s a little unwavering in their Devotion to
21361s the monkey comp and basically kind of
21363s ended up throwing up throwing the game
21364s because they were just
21366s play anything they could with monk this
21369s time and last game they've actually done
21371s a really good job of recognizing what
21374s comps they can and can't run and you
21376s know they can't just constantly run the
21378s same variation of the monkcon instead we
21381s saw a decade comp in the game free and
21382s now we'll move into game four they're
21384s playing a Yoto comp I I'm really happy
21386s to see some adaptation coming in from
21389s xcg
21390s yeah well of course you're gonna see
21392s what's working and what's not working
21394s and if you're obviously going to switch
21395s it here's we're going to take a look
21396s quickly at this replay here from lyd
21398s he's able to come through and absolutely
21401s Wipe Out the double Perry from Slayer
21403s here you're gonna see a Perry from vvv
21405s oh my goodness we didn't get to see this
21408s earlier OC's yeah coming through as well
21412s trying to make something happen gee
21414s XG not able to Slayer absolutely insane
21419s play they're all of them going down
21421s there KLA as well no kills on the board
21424s Resurrection still alive so why aren't
21427s they taking a fight ladies and gentlemen
21430s this is what happens when you get scared
21432s and you lose three games in a row
21434s the points that they had they get
21437s overconfident coming into this day they
21439s went down haven't picked up that many
21442s points today and are still playing that
21445s monk comp trying to make something
21446s happen when the rest of the lobby just
21449s sort of moved on they're like okay we
21450s can just we can just take you with free
21452s kills now they're they're getting eaten
21455s up like meals yeah I feel like Kelly uh
21458s similar actually to the likes of J team
21461s last year where they'd have like a good
21463s game and then oh like a good day and
21465s then a bad day or a bad game and it
21467s would just not their confidence and that
21469s seems to be the case here it feels like
21470s the confidence is just too heavily
21472s knocked and now
21474s they're almost terrified to take any
21476s opportunities any openings because it's
21479s almost too risky so it's interesting but
21482s that's kind of the way in which they uh
21485s the kind of in the way it's the way the
21486s game is gone for them but it is a shame
21489s but KLA I do think this team have shown
21491s great potential it's it's their ability
21494s now to commit to plays to not get overly
21497s confident to not uh it's basically not
21499s just throw the game by doing nothing
21503s speak energy team J team have found
21505s themselves two versus three here inside
21508s the realm of Yang I assume yeah ZK got
21511s jumped by uh by uh bowder so Jason would
21514s have to win this fight two versus one I
21516s don't think this goes well we've seen
21518s this before it is very hard especially
21521s when your only other man gets himself
21523s grabbed and basically caught out the
21525s slam comes in no the interrupt is there
21528s Eagle he does get a slams out who's
21530s actually losing a lot of HP no way the J
21532s team pull this off GSN already low HP
21535s they've got the healing coming in from
21536s the kurumi to keep them alive the Eagles
21538s looking for the grab he's able to find
21540s it to get a whole bunch of damage off of
21541s the U he was able to break out as the uh
21543s form is broken these Transformations
21545s have come out can Jay team now pull this
21548s up the monks are gone vertical slash
21550s coming in from the long sword into the
21551s scale rough Bell popped there for a
21553s moment both of the monks are going Toe
21554s to Toe equal get counted Eagle pops the
21556s Bell to dodge all the additional damage
21558s would become out but J team's still on
21559s the back foot trying desperately to turn
21562s this fight around but eagle goes down
21564s and transformation is too much it's
21567s gonna be all on this one new Asian all
21569s in this one Terracotta Warrior here for
21572s 101 TN can he make it happen I do not
21576s think he has enough fuel in the tank you
21578s as the healing has the sustain available
21581s NJ Team I feel this could have been
21584s their Roma Yang but they were destroyed
21587s by the third party denying them a player
21590s into the zone
21593s yeah the way that the third party comes
21596s through it just puts them in such a
21597s disadvantage the amount of grief that it
21600s just caused them as well like
21602s my goodness J team could have come
21604s through an absolutely destroyed that but
21607s now they've only got four minutes
21609s to save the world and they only have two
21612s players to do it
21615s because they're since their other player
21617s died unless he had a resurrection he is
21620s not coming back they need to either buy
21622s him back now which is going to be very
21624s difficult for them to do considering the
21626s amount of cash they have and it looks
21627s like xcg has been fully eliminated
21631s what
21633s oh my goodness it looks like you're
21635s having a good day I just picked up their
21637s eighth kill and got an xcg completely
21640s eliminated from this game actually G18
21642s that we saw have already won two of the
21645s three matches played so far have already
21647s been fully eliminated they still have
21649s seven kills which means that they are
21650s going to get at least seven points which
21653s isn't as terrible as you might think but
21656s no kill multiplier no extra placement
21658s points you're gonna see two monks pull
21660s up right away here we go one of the OG
21662s monks and one of the sword monks popping
21665s on the head of the OG monk the sword
21667s monk makes plays happen here so we're
21670s gonna see the OC Slayer try to make
21672s something happen onto xiaohito these
21674s monks are just playing it very very
21676s carefully here's we're gonna see GSU
21678s able to get a grab get grabbed on from
21681s by OC Slayer he's going to end up
21683s getting knocked back Slayer taking a lot
21685s of damage getting knocked out of the
21687s kurumi all we're gonna see him go down
21689s here out of the Old Tower and it looks
21692s like OC Slayer is gonna be able to get
21694s back into the ultimate just in time with
21696s that extra shield as we're gonna see now
21697s it's time for the UE alt the ueel is
21700s coming out as we're gonna see GS is you
21702s bringing out that kurumi ultimate giving
21704s his team heels now now this team is
21707s going to be the one to fear as we're
21709s gonna see TK going down in the chat here
21712s as well and OC is gonna take a lot of
21716s damage here OC's monk OC's going to D
21719s alt first and this is going to make it
21722s very difficult for Slayer to make
21723s anything happen and it looks like OC is
21726s going to become fully eliminated take a
21728s look to the left of right of your screen
21731s sorry ladies and gentlemen and you will
21732s see yourself three unique steam codes
21735s pick those up for a free copy of the
21737s game if you want to try and play naraka
21739s blade point
21740s try it your best because they go fast
21742s yeah you gotta be quick on that one 31
21745s players left in this game though Fowler
21747s actually are ruling the roost The Nine
21749s Kills under their belt
21751s I'm in a pretty good start of it
21752s actually about a I'm playing very well I
21755s did say bow to one of those teams to
21756s watch out for uh it did also say uh KLA
21759s so you know I'm 50 right I guess yeah
21762s they don't have such a good day
21763s unfortunately uh but honestly GD
21767s phenomenal stuff from them from a team
21769s you know I think basically used to just
21772s sit between like eighth and six you know
21774s they were always good but never like
21777s game decidingly good it's probably the
21779s best way to word it or like you know uh
21782s they never really shook things up too
21784s much it's nice to see them actually kind
21786s of make a make a run for it and make a
21787s make a statement as a team who are you
21790s know actually willing to sit at the top
21792s and kind of
21794s take over the games is a te uh getting
21798s themselves two versus freed here J theme
21800s desperately trying to find the kill with
21802s 50 seconds left this is gonna be such a
21804s hard dude for them 101 TN he needs to
21807s get that transformation off he's gonna
21808s have to throw it down but he's caught in
21809s the Wisp so it's not gonna work Eagle on
21813s the run and I think he's now decided he
21815s just doesn't want to give the kill over
21817s but as long as he gets tacked just
21819s before going down which I believe that
21820s Arrow hit
21822s he will give over a kill Ventus and
21824s knocked out as well in the meanwhile
21827s so if another team can go out if maybe
21828s the likes the TK can go out Jay team
21831s maybe I'll just get a little bit more
21833s placement points but uh oh Eagle is
21835s running into the waiting hands of GD as
21838s well they're gonna rain down onto him
21840s and Eagle is taking out K comes in and
21843s takes that kill from te so you gotta be
21845s pretty disappointed with that one if
21847s they are gonna move away to safety
21849s whoa no no J team come on and we we
21854s expect it to happen it's the mbpl ladies
21857s and gentlemen where anything can happen
21859s so you always got to be on your toes
21861s watching as we're taking a look t e four
21864s kills on the board so far bush camping
21867s out this realm of Yang is KLA is joining
21871s it as well KLA versus te is gonna be an
21874s interesting fight that we're gonna see
21875s happening as well taking a look at the
21877s map we're also seeing lion TT and GD up
21881s at the top here and it looks like te is
21883s gonna try and join into the realm of
21884s Yang but it was full before they could
21886s join so it looks like they might have to
21888s wait out their team the other team
21891s before they can actually join
21894s yeah a little bit too slow to the punch
21896s there for Te and that's needed they need
21899s the gear they're really really low
21900s actually we're going to see KLA this
21902s might be their Arc of redemption in
21904s today if they can win around the Yang
21906s maybe there's the world we'll see what
21908s they can do here they've got themselves
21910s a traditional monkcon they've got those
21912s Transformations up and available they're
21913s just looking for a bit of cannon fire
21914s poking prod first see who pulls that
21917s trigger first bit Kijiji already taking
21919s a fair amount of damage he does just try
21921s and duck and roll away to safety
21923s a little bit more Cannon stuff coming in
21925s and here goes why key set ykc he's gonna
21927s look for the transformation and those
21930s grabs do you trying to find the
21931s interrupt if they do get a grab onto AF
21933s do you play any interrupted they get to
21936s slam down though so it doesn't quite
21937s matter the SEC there's a Decatur coming
21939s out from qgg again get a whole bunch of
21942s damage off on the zoo dodging away
21944s another slime coming in from yq's uh ykc
21946s doing really good on Landing those and
21949s he actually keep it up a little bit more
21950s catches AF the third grab third slam as
21954s well they get a Decay to the F off as
21956s well they are going to de-transform at
21958s this point so now it's looking like it's
21960s onto the lights of one thing or someone
21961s to try and get the transformation off
21963s and take hypnotize of this guy but qgg
21965s actually he's the one on Eurasian I
21967s thought he's on the cave of some reason
21968s jumping forwards just keeping
21972s JL under control was uh ykc getting
21976s jumped onto but the kurumi healing is
21977s probably going to be doing a bit of good
21979s here already
21981s with one of the members of JL down
21983s making that two this should be kla's win
21987s here in the Roma Yang and they finally
21989s find a victory somewhere in today
21993s hey great for them here we're going to
21995s see a legendary and an epic weapon and
21997s armor come out of the box here they're
21999s gonna be able to get some soul Jades
22000s they're gonna be able to get some Mystic
22002s might as we're seeing the rest of the
22004s play is gonna be for that Morris
22006s blessing here so it looks like it
22008s doesn't seem like anybody's been able to
22009s open the Moore's blessing yet and it
22011s looks like shin you trying to go for it
22013s here we're gonna see a wuchen f right a
22016s which an alternate story right on the
22018s box then we're gonna see Ben Chu getting
22020s dangerously low and Kakashi is gonna be
22022s able to come up with a kill giving GD
22024s another yet another kill putting them at
22029s 10 kills a piece here and it looks like
22033s they're bowed up is at 10 kills a piece
22035s sorry GD also at 10 kills we're seeing
22039s look at how little teams are left here
22043s oh this is sorry my apologies that's
22046s overall yeah this is overall as I say
22048s we've still got we've only lost five
22050s themes right it's not it's not that bad
22051s hold up it ain't that deep
22054s it is not that deep I was
22057s this is this is on me oh youg over here
22060s taking a look they are on seven kills
22062s they are right now at third in the
22064s leaderboard GD is slowly climbing up
22066s they were a lot lower earlier today and
22069s now they've been putting up their points
22071s and getting their respect down at the
22073s bottom we do CJ team the sad
22076s sadly we do suggestions
22080s if uh if KLA have a good enough game
22084s they can actually retake first after
22085s this game
22088s it's very doable never got those three
22090s kills they've got a Mystic might so they
22091s get the damage reduction on that because
22092s remember the damage reduction with Draco
22094s storm used to have has now been moved to
22096s Mystic mine hence why Mystic might is
22098s preferred over Draco storm so
22101s it's working in mind but potentially we
22103s could just see
22105s Kelly make a run for it here with GD now
22108s being knocked out um
22110s yeah no they still got to play okay but
22112s with GD getting kind of heavily slammed
22114s here if bow to go as well suddenly Kelly
22117s could be in a position to pounce forward
22119s and take over this game and they got
22121s they got good gear they've got good
22123s weapons and they are chasing onto GS
22126s right now they know where they are the
22127s Mystic Knight is giving them some help
22128s there they're gonna quickly do a bit of
22130s shopping and see what they can grab if
22131s there's any good uh souljades in this
22134s shop for them but it looks like not
22135s really gonna be able to get too much
22136s meanwhile off-screen Alliance do go down
22139s oh my word ykc only rocking the blues so
22142s finally getting some purple stuff I mean
22145s weirdly enough
22147s monk is one of the few Heroes where
22150s soldiers actually aren't like a major
22152s deal like as long as you get like the
22153s health and the Rangers they're soldiers
22155s they're actually quite happy on the monk
22157s he doesn't require because there is no
22158s soul Jay that improves his monk
22160s transformation he just wants gold armor
22161s and gold weapons to buff his
22163s transformation
22164s oh yeah of course there's no there's no
22166s specific buff soldiers for specific
22169s Heroes yeah
22171s but yeah you could you could say that
22174s you would want more
22176s um
22177s attack souljades for
22180s UA Sean and Takeda and Tarka whereas
22185s you'd want more Health Soul Jades for
22188s Feria and
22190s your Healers
22193s where is the distribution but at the end
22196s of the day soldiers or Jades and your
22198s skill is your skill which hero you pick
22200s doesn't really affect the amount of
22201s soldiers that you're gonna pick up it's
22202s more the weapons that you're playing
22204s and obviously yeah if you're if you're
22206s playing monk you're gonna pick up some
22208s range Soul Jades because you want what
22210s whereas if you're playing
22213s just a normal here you might not pick up
22215s as many range soldiers
22218s yeah absolutely well the point mall
22221s stands on
22222s a lot of Heroes want to get this a lot
22224s well a lot of people want to get the
22225s soul Jades for the later game you know
22226s having things like bouncing shell or
22228s meteor and stuff like that's great for
22230s your Cannon but monk is one of those
22232s Heroes where like
22236s because actually the blue soldiers are
22238s the only things that will improve him
22240s while transformed uh versus something
22242s like a Yoto who's gonna want you know
22244s other soldiers to buff their weapons and
22246s you know uh well I mean those the Parker
22249s who's gonna want like once specifically
22251s like the katana and stuff like that is
22253s it shoots them better
22254s yeah but those those soldiers will still
22256s help the monk in his
22259s oh it's the only difference is that with
22263s the purple jade you're getting more of
22264s the buff yeah we know what I'm saying is
22266s yeah that's what I said I'm saying
22268s meteor wouldn't affect it it doesn't
22269s really do much for a monk when a health
22271s Soldier it actually does
22272s well well meteor also gives you a bit of
22275s like the effect of a blue Health sold
22278s Jade oh yeah well as yeah I guess well
22281s me in meteor's case it's a Rangers this
22283s Soldier right like uh razor Swift right
22287s um which is for the spear for example uh
22290s that Soul Jade gives you plus 12 melee
22293s resist as well as Alters the
22297s fact so so it is both just like there we
22301s saw flying kick flying kick gives you an
22303s attack sold Jade boost
22304s it's a purple attache but and it also
22308s Alters the attack the primary function
22311s of it is to give you it an extra attack
22314s percentage
22316s well GDK right now is in for a Wilder
22319s Hut uh they have actually been
22321s eliminated from the lobby oh EG able to
22323s pick them up and actually that now puts
22325s AEG in position to take over this Lobby
22327s and win this game keep in mind we are
22329s only down for 18 players now we've got
22330s seven minutes left and there's 18
22332s players in this game it is
22334s moving very very quickly a lot of people
22337s have already been knocked down
22339s what that most likely means is we're
22340s probably going to see teams uh
22344s teams wait
22345s to kind of do anything now just because
22347s they're not really going to be
22348s contesting each other there's not going
22350s to be a massive fight for like a safe
22352s spot to hide at while you wait for the
22354s zone to close typically what you see
22356s when you see a game where lots of people
22357s do get knocked out nice and early is
22359s that oh Yahoo he loses his life
22362s te gets him with the long range shot on
22366s the musket that is so unfortunate
22369s and just as I'm saying they'll be chill
22371s somebody goes down
22374s the tummy wisps
22377s over on to where they were standing
22381s added by those perfect musket shots just
22384s absolutely decimating it's yahuto's
22387s Health right here as GS trying to
22389s recuperate by Reviving their players and
22392s popping that kurumio but is still unable
22394s to batas taking his shot to the back as
22397s well here and Zu they're forced to use
22401s that F from the wuchen to be able to put
22403s up a barrier in between these players so
22405s they have a little bit of space and they
22408s have a little bit of time to just reset
22409s pop a bit of Shield burn some of their
22411s resources burn some of their F's some of
22414s their alts go on to that recharge and
22416s get back into a good position for them
22418s as we see somebody else is very
22420s dangerously low in that corner as well
22421s as Yahoo toe taking a lot of damage here
22424s needs to heal up as fast as they can
22426s before they re-enter into this fight
22429s because if they don't take that re-entry
22432s right now they are going to be very
22434s disturbing right look at this gsmas
22437s coming through an absolutely murdering
22441s all of GS and it looks like they are
22445s going to be gone they just came in
22446s everybody was going range they said you
22448s know what I'm gonna bring a long sword
22449s to a bow fight and we're just gonna take
22451s them all up
22453s unbelievable that's such a nice long
22455s slow slash there able to get that off is
22457s that about actually losing a fair amount
22459s of HP themselves as a jlas jumping in
22462s and taking down Malmo
22465s lovely shot with the nunchucks we are
22467s going to see the Wu Shen out the safety
22469s there's a te actually looking to
22471s potentially jump and pounce onto the
22473s remaining member of bowder as a moon
22475s gets taken down lyd secures it stealing
22479s it away actually there
22481s but he is taking a lot of repeating
22483s crossbow shots from that High Ground cxe
22486s doing some serious work with that one
22487s one thing able to take out Lyon
22490s there's only 12 players left
22492s we still got five minutes until the
22494s circle fully closes out everyone is so
22496s bloodthirsty and KLA I said they needed
22499s a good game but they are playing a
22501s little bit too passively for how
22502s aggressive this Lobby is moving so they
22505s probably need to think about getting a
22507s shimmy on them jumping into this action
22508s as a te are gonna get their hands onto
22512s that Maura's blessing using the
22514s sandstorm to basically give them cover
22516s that's what we do see this come quite a
22517s lot is lyd with the golden uh armor and
22521s that purple sword sitting very
22523s comfortably but does also take quite a
22526s few shots from JL who are pushing up
22528s behind them
22529s forcing them into a less than
22531s comfortable position KLA can they look
22533s to maybe steal away a couple of these
22535s kills they're gonna fire some cannon
22536s fire towards them but playing it
22539s a little bit more relaxed they've got
22541s the bouncing shells I know they don't oh
22543s they do okay they're bouncing shells
22545s yeah they do they're a bit more kind of
22547s a little bit more harass that can come
22549s in off the side of that it's nice angles
22550s for themselves
22552s and we see the transformation coming in
22554s from ykc looking for a grab he's in a
22557s perfect position he catches you zero I
22560s believe was mid-transformation and he is
22563s gone te steal the kill away now he's
22566s annoyed now he wants to grab one of
22568s these guys beautiful position but also
22571s in a position where he could have kills
22572s tonight trying to find the grabs onto
22574s these te members but they are ruining
22577s kla's day it's becoming so hard for them
22581s to push up and there's only four teams
22582s remaining so with the Transformations
22584s worn out on KLA it could be an
22586s opportunity to push forwards into them
22588s now down to just the three as we do see
22591s JL
22592s getting knocked out of the running te
22595s are gonna push up and see if they can
22598s get onto KLA but Kelly do you have
22600s themself with their backs against those
22601s buildings a nice comfortable position
22603s where pushing onto them could be quite
22605s dangerous and te eating quite a lot of
22607s these cannon shots there from ykc he is
22609s already about 60 of the way towards
22612s having his monk form back so he is going
22614s to be sitting very comfortable I believe
22616s first place is out of grabs right now
22619s for KLA just off the amount of people
22621s left for them to take out but even so
22623s they could get a massive amount of
22625s points put together and maybe close that
22628s gap on xcg who are controlling their
22632s Lobby and the trios right now on the
22634s point stand there's a kll ykc's low HP
22637s he's gonna have to transform or he goes
22639s down for the bow from vvv from te is
22642s able to secure it in Te they want to
22644s push the offensive they're gonna look to
22646s try and finish up txj as well they want
22649s to grab themselves
22650s as many kills as possible so they can
22653s jump up the standings first place is in
22655s within grabs of te right now qgg taking
22659s a lot of damage from Zu off on the side
22661s they're trying to actually get a white
22663s KC up the table might actually pop in
22665s time he might be able to get picked up
22667s he's gonna be able to dash back into the
22668s Zone can it transform somehow ykc is
22673s back in this game instantly with the
22675s grab onto vvv he can slam him into the
22677s Zone if he needs to try to find another
22679s grab unable to do so BBV able to just
22682s about Escape away he's in the zone
22684s taking a lot of Damages SS is looking to
22686s stun the lobby here with the Viper
22688s unable to land those grabs though as the
22690s re-grab may just come in from the monks
22692s he's being staggered by the yo to him
22693s he's EU it's doing so much work here on
22696s this Yoto oh it's gonna tie him out and
22698s he's able to just about get away ykc
22701s gets two grabs but it d-transforms in
22703s time the healing should just keep my
22705s life for a little bit longer but he has
22706s no armor to work with SS goes down ykc
22710s with a cannon able to steal it and
22711s secure it away for his team they're
22713s finally up to that four kill Market txj
22716s looking to deal with them look at the
22717s hell fast though on KLA they are going
22720s so low here and that should just be the
22723s end of ykc but no he's able to hold oh
22727s you G oh my God jumping in and going so
22729s low the damage coming in from txj he is
22732s putting monstrous amount of works in the
22734s Wisps are up the sandstorm can come down
22737s to control this final Circle coming over
22739s to lyd now who gets himself a long Swan
22742s slash off there with a charge click and
22743s secures the kill one's a qgg it is an
22747s absolute cluster of action in this final
22750s Circle as KLA able to just blink back
22753s towards the teammate and avoid being
22754s knocked into the Zone this is on te to
22757s close this game out versus kll they have
22759s the advantage they have the power to win
22761s this one here can they do it why a CX Z
22766s is getting himself knocked back taken
22768s down lyd's able to secure it and this
22770s just be all she wrote for this this
22772s should just be T E's Victory all but
22776s assured but it's not completely done the
22778s King goes down and there it is tea pop
22781s off oh my God
22785s I'm speechless the the way that te
22788s control that it looked like it was
22789s coming up oug it looked like they might
22792s have been able that KLA was going to be
22795s able to come in and do some more damage
22797s but oug made a couple of slip UPS GE
22801s just capitalized
22803s on it
22804s made the easiest little incisions that
22807s Phoenix blast was the most menacing
22810s thing in that whole game they just
22812s absolutely
22815s destroyed the entire Lobby they killed I
22818s think they killed the oug member a
22820s couple of times before actually
22823s he fully died he got rezzed a couple of
22825s times the way that they controlled that
22828s entire Battlefield Up Until the End
22830s saving their ultimates until that very
22832s last second when that Tamil just
22835s absolutely ruined oud that Cameo was
22838s huge also massive approach to KLA for
22841s getting uh ykc back he was he was out
22845s he's dead in the zone and the kurumi
22848s Teva picking him up he then jumps back
22851s in Monks out and yeah sure
22854s he still went down but it gave him one
22856s extra placement point and it also gave
22858s them one extra kill so all those points
22860s are gonna help them here especially when
22863s x-key uh xk6g there's so many x's and
22866s G's when they get knocked out early
22868s really really rough but phenomenal game
22871s coming in from te the team who for a lot
22874s of us we wanted to be watching we've
22876s really really wanted to be watching de
22877s as as a roster but could potentially
22880s take over this league and yeah finally
22884s we see this potential coming to life and
22886s what this team is very much going to be
22887s capable of and why we've said watch te
22891s really really good stuff but nothing to
22894s kind of notice we saw a lot of big teams
22895s getting knocked out I mean
22897s xcg knocked out very early J team
22901s knocked out very early GD had a really
22903s good start to that game but they just
22904s they just fell apart a little bit too
22905s early and were knocked out so
22907s there's a lot of work that needs to be
22909s done here
22911s yeah there's definitely not a lot of
22913s work that needs to be done but
22914s congratulations to team t for coming
22917s away with that Victory KLA let's talk
22920s about that really quickly
22922s oh my goodness
22925s I thought that they were going to be
22926s coming out on top you you talked such a
22929s big game of KLA
22931s before and they're just not not pulling
22935s it together no I mean it's a weird one
22938s with Kelly because they look so good on
22940s day one and then day two they look so
22943s lost and they finally want to roam a
22945s Yang so they finally had something in
22947s their favor but
22949s I don't know this was the team who were
22950s amazing in the final circles literally
22952s two days ago and now all of a sudden
22954s they're really struggling to make it
22956s work for them we'll see the scores we'll
22958s see how many points they were able to
22959s put together for themselves but it's not
22962s the greatest showing te getting
22964s themselves 15 kills walking out on a 29
22967s kill game there oug with the 11 and the
22970s 20 and then JL taking 18th but where are
22973s uh okay they get eight points I mean
22976s this is a team who like eight points was
22978s considered their bad games
22980s yes on Friday and today that's a good
22982s game for them like there is a vast
22984s difference yeah and the performances
22986s coming in from KLA Now versus what we
22989s saw previously but I mean X xcg right
22992s now seven kills
22994s that was it they went out too early to
22996s even get like a placement points or a
22998s kill multiplier score apply for
23000s themselves there just not the greatest
23001s show and they've still got two more
23003s games to go though so for now xcg
23006s they're comfortably in that first place
23008s but
23009s teams will start to catch up teams will
23011s start to contest them but remember for
23013s the likes of xcg this is the last game
23015s they're going to be playing before the
23017s um before the bi-weekly finals as well
23019s because they've already played two sets
23021s a day so there's a room for them to be
23024s overtaken and just in the replay thing
23027s you know PE this was their game and this
23030s this new comb with the cicada I'm really
23033s loving seeing this it has so much power
23035s so much impact uh especially when you
23038s get into these final circles really
23040s really nice stuff
23041s oh geez yeah xcg as well they had a
23045s pretty
23046s unfortunate game coming into this they
23049s tried to make something happen they had
23051s tried this new comp as well JL it was a
23054s team that we saw doing very well and
23055s then they just ended up not making it to
23057s that final Circle there they're seeing
23059s some a little bit of abusive movement
23062s there from lyd getting a couple nice
23064s headshots off there using that long
23067s sword to the best visibility lyd came
23069s through look at this Kill from as this
23071s was one of the ones when they wiped out
23072s gu I was like okay okay
23078s look at that but
23082s the Phoenix blast is just insane and
23085s they were able to pick up every single
23087s one of those final kills the reason why
23089s they got so crazy in that final place
23092s look at that look at that oh look at
23095s that cicada cicada my obviously my
23098s favorite hero
23099s so we're seeing Phoenix plots
23101s desperation that's another great jig
23103s your attack grows as your health Falls
23106s it gives you a very very
23109s good
23112s it gives you a very
23114s huge Advantage when you get to low
23116s Health against other players using that
23118s V3 and that F3 24 000 damage 10 000
23121s healing one only one kill before rebirth
23124s but then seven afterwards they were able
23126s to come away with it that Juggernaut
23128s definitely on level five two now which
23130s is a crazy one to see in those final
23133s circles they usually drop it a bit
23134s earlier but tsuna helps you uh you can
23138s emote and heal yourself which is the
23140s only time that you're allowed to emote
23142s in professional
23145s Morocco
23147s yeah absolutely maybe take it to three
23149s kilo mode just so you get them over yeah
23151s there we are game number one that's
23153s right game number one game number four
23154s getting web going back inside there uh
23157s under our belt and game number one for
23159s Te to win I will say it was their first
23161s win of the uh of the Season uh they're
23164s gonna be very happy with that one they
23165s still have technically have two more
23166s games so they could still look at a hat
23168s trick as an option uh going in a little
23171s bit later into this but obviously we'll
23172s be going on the whole rock pretty soon
23174s as well so very little time to kind of
23176s relax relax and rest in between these
23178s two games and for tea I think they're
23180s gonna be happy with that because they
23182s can now they'll have an idea what comp
23183s they're playing or they know what comp
23184s they're playing already
23186s um
23186s so now it's just keeping that momentum
23188s going you know they lost they won this
23190s game
23191s then sure maybe a few kills were denied
23193s from them but they also denied a few
23195s kills himself by kind of stealing them
23197s away so honestly T showing up again and
23200s showing us why they are a team but you
23202s know we have had faked as one of the
23204s best teams in the league I think for the
23206s other guys there for the likes of the J
23208s teams and your hcgs and your candies
23210s like they can't let that last game get
23212s to them they just need to go all right
23213s holleroth is our map there's no time to
23215s relax there's no time to recover it's
23217s just jump straight into the action lock
23219s in a good comp and make it work for
23221s yourself
23222s I'm excited to see what people are
23224s getting
23225s in this next game because
23227s like like with him it's in the rise of
23228s the Decatur we didn't see this much
23229s decadent yet on Friday things were a bit
23232s different it was mostly just the monks
23233s and the yotos but well now's the end of
23235s the Decatur showing up we had it a
23237s couple of times but like as much as we
23239s are and I've been actually having
23240s success may show christines for okay
23242s maybe it's time to start at least
23243s practicing this Decatur
23245s that's the thing is this was the first
23247s game today that we've seen success with
23249s Takeda we have seen tequila we've played
23251s and one xcg in game three as well yeah
23253s the the
23255s but we haven't seen other than that we
23257s haven't seen much success with it other
23259s than today
23261s okay yeah sorry that's what I meant I
23262s didn't mean just last game it had it was
23264s weird so it had success at Worlds
23267s um
23268s specifically on hold off but it was a
23270s holler off only pick for trios but
23272s seeing it now getting played on Morris
23273s isle is is an interesting adaptation of
23276s how everything's gone I'm finding that
23278s very very interesting we can see the
23280s overall scores right now uh J team
23282s currently sitting at the bottom of the
23284s table with only 15 points it has not
23286s been their day they are having such a
23288s hard time of it and then
23290s the king I mean they're just kind of
23292s coasting off that day one which was just
23294s such a high scoring day though it's
23295s still at the bottom of the table with
23297s those that score by the way that shows
23298s how high scoring
23300s uh Friday was uh GG finally knocked out
23304s of that top eight uh that top seven
23306s sorry uh instead is just uh down here
23309s but keep in mind that's 69 points on day
23311s one they've not played today they will
23313s definitely be in the top end of the
23314s table oh 100 100 without a shadow of it
23318s out a hundred percent and te already
23322s overtaking some teams that have played
23323s both days is
23326s pretty crazy
23328s GD as well another team that has only
23330s played today climbing to the top and
23332s then these are our Powerhouse teams
23334s teams who have played both days
23337s who are on the top of our leaderboard
23340s right because you're not going to see j8
23342s jjh with 75 points is doing a Madness
23346s beating all of feeding out all these
23349s other teams who have played both days
23351s yeah absolutely I mean they had they
23353s honestly were a incredible team and when
23356s we definitely on Friday as well keep
23358s your eyes on these guys they are a team
23360s who I think will always be or at least
23363s should be in the top end of the tables
23365s uh unless they put a lot of care let
23367s what KLA have done here and um kind of
23369s fumble it a little bit Kelly
23371s they need to make a recovery
23373s they've got two games left of this
23375s bi-weekly before finals
23377s I don't see a world where they don't
23379s make it to buy weekly finals unless
23381s Friday is absolutely insane and like
23383s everyone is just killing each other on
23385s Loop uh but they they realistically need
23388s to step up because you look at them
23390s compared to the likes of xcg and xcg the
23393s difference with them and care they is
23395s the consistency like yes KLA had a
23397s bigger number on their game on their day
23399s one but xcg overall and performing at
23402s roughly the same standard on game one uh
23406s on day one and day two so I think that's
23410s what KLA need to work on and need to fix
23412s going in to uh well next week and also
23416s these next two games
23420s I 100 agree if they if they keep that up
23424s and they and they do that they're
23425s they're going to be able to climb back
23427s up on top but they're still they're
23429s still in second place
23431s yeah but I mean that's purely off off
23434s an incredible day one I like don't don't
23437s get me wrong I am not crafting this team
23438s out but I am saying they're a very
23441s inconsistently I think that's their
23442s problem they've shown to be quite
23444s inconsistent you know okay they have a
23445s high ceiling but they have a very low
23447s floor and they say they need to jump
23449s high to hit that ceiling
23451s that's fair enough but they're also you
23453s know they're very new
23455s to this it's their first day play so it
23458s give them just a couple more weeks
23461s second by weekly week two week three or
23466s bi-weekly three week one boom they're
23469s gonna be right back on the top of
23471s leaderboard looking
23473s absolutely amazing right now they might
23475s not be looking as hot
23477s but that's just today today
23480s a day is a day everybody can shake off
23482s something that happened one day and they
23484s could just bring it back
23486s they're taking a look all these players
23487s are getting ready to lock in we may or
23488s may not get to see our hero picks again
23490s like last time they might just jump
23492s right into it as we're gonna take a look
23494s 88 seconds
23496s until we're gonna get to go see the
23498s holleroth with Cloudy Skies there it is
23501s oh my God it's a lot of people love it
23505s on this map because monk obviously
23506s Monk's limiting factor is is his
23508s immobility so having the mech to be able
23511s to kind of get him into high positions
23513s and uh better spots it's so so potent we
23516s all said a few Yoto cops coming out we
23518s also seeing the Matari zipping uh uh
23521s Takeda comp as well coming out from
23524s these guys but for the most part
23526s not too unexpected of a start we'll see
23529s what the map is going to look like where
23531s people are going to be dropping and are
23532s we going to have as action-packed of a
23534s game as we did in the previous one or
23536s are these guys gonna be a little bit
23538s more spread out like they were in
23539s previous games
23541s oh we'll be found out fairly soon but
23543s yeah pretty standard comps across the
23544s board to be honest nothing really
23546s shaking up the uh shaking up the Apple
23549s car I guess
23552s nothing at all that's gonna shake it up
23554s that much we're gonna see taking a look
23557s at our map we've got two players two
23559s teams going for puzzle as we've got two
23562s teams as well xcg done at matab here
23565s we're gonna see closer to the North By
23566s The ushan Ruins we've got a few players
23569s there and then we've got another couple
23571s of players down at my favorite personal
23574s favorite landing spot the Imperial
23576s Village
23577s taking a look we have wolves we're gonna
23580s have Gs that we're gonna have I'm pretty
23582s sure that's about uh Ventus over there
23584s as well
23586s taking ready and then OC all by
23588s themselves down at the city of Tang as
23592s we're about to get this game five
23594s started ladies and gentlemen welcome the
23596s naraka blade Point pro league we're
23598s going to see txj from teamte take a lot
23601s of damage right off the bat from the
23602s ballistic here he does have those dual
23604s blades trying to avoid shots the best he
23607s can he needs to get out of there because
23609s as soon as that ballista hits damage
23611s onto him he is done and it looks like
23613s they've been off the ballista for a
23614s second now and Ty's lyd is gonna go down
23616s to ug here and it looks like ug is gonna
23620s be able to get a huge Parry off and txj
23622s on his last legs here it looks like o t
23626s e the winners of last game are all going
23629s to be completely eliminated here
23633s they absolutely always see if they can
23635s solve that puzzle in time
23638s I'm gonna be interested by this one
23639s because we still in professional play
23641s have not had a red armor show
23645s somehow it's got a seven percent Swan
23648s chance so statistically speaking it
23650s should have shown up by now but for
23651s whatever reason we just haven't seen the
23653s red armor yet so I am holding hope that
23655s one day we do finally get to see it
23658s um
23659s I actually didn't see it in any of my
23661s games for ages and then the one time I
23663s got it I was playing a roon and he took
23664s it so I was very sad and then we
23666s immediately got scored like but
23668s enough about my games let's talk a
23670s little bit more about this one meanwhile
23672s seeing TK here
23674s currently just uh they've got the area
23676s to themselves actually I'm right in the
23679s center of the map between castles powder
23681s getting himself in a fight here versus
23682s GD GD remember they had a really both
23684s these teams actually had a really good
23686s game four uh three four whatever game we
23689s were on we're on five now so there we go
23690s GT actually just winning this fight bit
23693s of lines coming in with a third party to
23694s try and mop this one up can't you turn
23697s the tides here they've got the Decatur
23698s ultimate to use lovely little Tap Dogs
23700s there Lynn is gonna pop himself the Bell
23702s to trying to block out some of this
23704s damage it's just Longs on everyone is
23706s long swording it's all just the range
23708s the charge clicks on those long swords
23710s coming out okay Cassie gonna jump away
23712s now that the monks has come out of the
23713s transformation and lucky looking for the
23715s grab is able to grab K can't get it
23717s another one should just be able to get
23719s the slam sorry he has two I didn't see
23721s that gets the re-grab onto K get the
23723s ring no doesn't I'll take a taxi does
23725s get the re-grab gets the slam down oh
23728s God Lynn what have you had for breakfast
23733s uh he's had a big bowl of I'm about to
23737s win I'm about to get the kill can we
23738s also just acknowledge the fact that
23740s there were like four or five parries in
23742s that fight that we just breezed over
23745s the long sword Perry is coming through
23748s absolutely phenomenal play by Alliance
23751s he had to turn that fight around and
23754s just destroy
23757s with that monk the double grab the slam
23760s one kill re-grab re-grab slam kill
23763s repeat
23765s amazing plays we're gonna take a look
23767s over here at xcg has picked up two kills
23769s so far GD also with 10 with four kills
23774s up on the board already so pretty good
23776s start to the game so far but they do
23777s need to carry those kills very far into
23781s the end
23783s otherwise they're just not gonna be
23785s worth anything they get four points
23786s right now it's four points right
23789s they get four points and carry them to
23791s the end and then get a few more points
23793s as ventus's pixel picks up another kill
23795s here we're gonna see the grabs come out
23797s he's hiding just above that no old so
23800s I'm trying to pull them out sides bench
23802s who is sticking to the very side here
23804s doesn't want to hit that no also and
23807s gets the grab gets the slam tries to go
23809s for the re-grab keeps him up in the air
23811s here just tries to get that line of
23814s sight on them but the tree is gonna
23815s block his way here asventus pixel is
23817s going to pick up another kill Ventus is
23819s wx98 picks up the kill onto wolves
23821s benchoo and we're gonna flip over to
23823s team KLA
23826s lovely little pickup there from Ventus
23828s uh it looks like kl8
23830s still yet to find a kill are trying to
23832s win a fight here versus the likes of GD
23834s immediately losing a lot of help of that
23837s armor just on the scale Rush coming in
23839s as qgg also now I'm gonna have to look
23841s for some kind of healing to come in
23843s before they get in any more danger Jason
23846s chasing on to taxi Cassie losing a lot
23848s of HP qgg does get knocked back
23851s should be a okay is K keeping the
23854s pressure up onto Kijiji and he's gonna
23856s be able to heal up
23858s for chasing for anything more
23861s is that GD actually did go down I didn't
23864s even notice for Kelly got their first
23865s kill of this game
23868s and needed one as well for them as xcg
23870s actually have come in a potential third
23873s party to deny some kills from their
23876s Rivals KLA
23877s um I'm able to actually fully connect on
23879s and secure that kill onto gd's K they
23882s are able to get away so I can't see qgg
23884s chasing onto dongjing catching on with a
23887s grapple just about missing and that
23888s might be the brief opportunity for
23890s daunting needs to get away ggg's
23892s actually got a fumbling a lot of this
23893s movement Tech so the Gap the gap between
23896s the two is only growing larger it's
23898s still keeping it up he's about to run
23900s out of grapples though so might be in
23901s trouble get scale rushed onto but he's
23903s able to dodge away on it the counter
23904s comes down the double counter comes down
23906s onto the two members but he is still
23910s gonna be hunted it is a z-pink so
23912s there's a lot of sustainability a lot of
23914s ability to basically Dodge getting
23916s yourself chunked out here but pinned
23917s against that wall or the edge of the uh
23919s the drop off there another knockback
23921s coming in doesn't quite get the counter
23923s off this time but the grapple swelling
23925s low they need to secure this kill fairly
23926s soon zipping sustain really starts into
23929s rear its ugly head as daunting is almost
23932s full HP once again just been jumped on
23934s constantly by both sides I do believe
23937s that ultimate has now timed out for
23939s daunting though so the survivability is
23941s gonna be
23942s noticeably less and there it is as soon
23945s as that all times out down he goes GD
23947s are eliminated
23949s sad to see GD go they didn't have such
23952s potential to bring those four kills like
23954s I said you're gonna see xcg getting
23957s absolutely mauled
23959s but Alliance here Alliance is LIN this
23963s monk is coming in crazy right now it's
23965s not HQ is gonna go down here we're gonna
23968s see them need to take their res in to
23971s yeah we're seeing they do have one
23973s player left still alive it looks like
23976s they're going to try and stay alive as
23978s long as they can but Alliance is smarter
23980s than that
23983s I'm gonna give him the opportunity I
23985s think they've gone for the reset they
23986s know they're being guarded as a insane
23990s just chilling in a bush uh decided he's
23992s gonna head back towards where the rest
23994s of his team goes
24000s you put the Moon being down
24002s yeah they did it on where his team are
24005s gonna he did it on the saltwater where
24007s his team were gonna resurrect to make
24008s sure that like they had a safe resurrect
24011s where they can quickly grab some better
24012s gear on the way out okay really really
24014s intelligent play actually there from xcg
24016s because the the soul altar was right
24018s next to where they just went down so
24020s they throw that down fourth them out and
24022s maybe can grab as much loot as they can
24024s off their off their old uh Karen's and
24027s then also you can just now head back
24028s onto the game as if they didn't go down
24030s so really smart use of that moonbait
24032s actually
24034s very very very smart used to that
24036s Moonbeam as we're getting ready this
24038s circle is very close to closing
24042s here xcg
24047s only two kills up on the board
24048s unfortunate
24050s to see that they do only have these two
24052s here but hopefully they can get more as
24054s they are passing up by KLA here looks
24056s like they don't want to take this fight
24057s and engage because they do know that
24060s their team isn't as well equipped to
24063s handle a team like KLA right this second
24068s no they definitely can't at this point
24070s so this can play a little bit more chill
24071s but KLA may want the hunt here Romanian
24074s coming up though might be a deterrent as
24076s KLA are gonna head in I think the key
24078s thing for Kelly is they feel very
24080s comfortable when they're playing one
24083s like one team versus one team when
24084s they're playing versus the potential of
24086s a third party that's what they hesitate
24088s so these are gonna favor this they're
24090s gonna favor this really nicely there's
24091s gonna be ykc going in with instant
24093s transformation he's gonna try and head
24095s in through that Sandstorm to find a grab
24097s unable to connect it unfortunately is
24099s just actually just buying time ykc
24101s losing a lot of HP and Sandstorm
24104s blocking out everything he can throw
24105s forward as the Whisk does come forward
24106s does catch on to qgg they use another
24108s transformation to try and block them out
24110s the sky but it's not gonna happen as ykc
24112s losing a lot of HP honestly the Tammy
24115s has completely turned the tables of this
24118s fight here on the side of uh KLC they
24121s are struggling now instant grab instant
24125s double grab slam down pits up easy as
24129s you like
24130s it is a whitewash yes absolutely wipe
24134s the floor
24137s my goodness is we're going to see te
24140s also wiping the floor with the opposing
24144s team here they're going to pick up
24147s the vermilions bird buff and it looks
24150s like OC did get that Draco storm as well
24153s as they are not able to pick up the
24154s vermillions bird from the box they have
24158s since removed it since they added
24162s the vermillions into the realm of Yang
24164s obviously here as we're gonna see te
24167s team te coming up strong right now four
24170s kills up on the board they have their
24172s vermillions bird buff here as we're
24174s flipping over to j-team
24177s j-team's not doing too bad right now
24179s they got one kill up onto the board but
24181s they do need to make a little bit of a
24183s bigger stand here otherwise they're
24185s going to be in a lot of trouble 101 10
24188s without any armor as well on a little
24191s bit of a questionable play I think he
24192s might want to be finding some which is
24194s why he's desperately looking in these
24196s places and it looks like oug is getting
24198s himself into a little bit of trouble
24199s here as we're gonna see two players are
24202s going about to take their res here I'm
24204s pretty sure from Team GS
24207s oh no GS is now coming in on a third
24209s party as we're gonna see this other team
24213s just waiting at that Soul altar
24216s to respawn it looks like they're gonna
24217s move away from that as you can see in
24219s the far corner there gs's and is going
24221s to go down to oug as has really quickly
24223s get GS one the once promising team oug's
24227s SS getting caught in that flavor shot
24229s huge flame Burger Shot from oug here KLA
24233s now joining into this fight so we're
24236s gonna see them try and make something
24237s happen they do have the Yang depletion
24238s here so if they die it's for good
24240s they're gonna try oh coming away from
24243s the ballista gear trying to make
24245s something happen it looks like Kayla is
24247s going to try and control this fight
24248s there's two monk alts out right now he
24250s saves his monkey I'll tell later he's
24251s gonna have a huge advantage in this
24253s fight okay I'm gonna chase him down into
24255s the lower ground KLA this is their
24257s opportunity to get so much back undo
24261s everything that went wrong for them the
24263s rolling pin is gonna completely undo
24265s this yeah takes all of the damage from
24267s it is immediately out of Monk form out
24271s of time as he should just go down here
24273s look at the rolling pin it's destroying
24276s everybody
24278s KLA having a phenomenal opportunity to
24281s pick up as much as possible looking for
24284s the grass but they mean pushed back
24285s towards the edge of that rolling pin or
24287s they'll lose even more HP looking for
24289s the grabs unable to fully connect them
24291s here and now ykc's in danger can they
24293s find a grab no for they're being
24295s staggered back as low HP cxd almost
24299s getting hit up there by the Rolling Pin
24302s once again I don't think they were able
24304s to get any of the Karens oh no they got
24305s one person out of danger but not anyone
24308s else yet so JS now gonna JL sorry gonna
24311s push up into the favor into the face of
24314s KLA can they turn it around the Met gets
24317s used one thing's joining in and now it's
24319s getting scary for the side of KLA
24321s they're trying to avoid away on that
24323s rolling pin but the cannon fire doing so
24325s much damage to ykc he's just pinned he
24327s can't move he has to move away from that
24329s Mech the mech has broken and destroyed
24331s and somebody goes down oh my God they
24333s get executed by the rolling pin it does
24337s so much damage it's ykc now in a bit of
24340s a deficit here versus as can he find an
24343s opportunity to turn this one around but
24344s in comes GS with the third party to undo
24348s it KLA find the kills they finally shred
24351s themselves of that Yang depletion but
24354s the problem is is now they may just go
24356s down to GS CXC needs to avoid the
24359s secondary fire from the cannon somehow
24361s able to get away for now as qgg also
24363s getting out and KLA On The Run can they
24366s make the Escape it looks like they've
24368s been able to just about get away from
24369s this but I do not think the Gs are gonna
24372s give this one up easily I think KLA are
24375s gonna have to do some phenomenal work to
24377s escape from here
24378s that was absolutely crazy I cannot get
24381s over the fact that a pro player just got
24383s killed how I get killed in every other
24385s one of my games by the roll thorny
24388s roller ladies and gentlemen that is the
24390s most hilarious thing that happened in
24392s the history of Esports I think in my
24394s opinion xcg sound up trying to
24397s try and following through KLA because
24399s KLA has gotten very low they don't have
24401s as much heals they don't have the crazy
24404s armor here they do have the still high
24406s weapons here but xcg looks a little bit
24408s more powerful in this fight here as
24410s we're seeing they're playing as
24412s offensive as they can right now just
24414s trying to make the play KLA does need
24416s that Resurrection
24417s Kayla doesn't have a resurrection story
24419s as xcg also without a resurrection just
24423s trying to make a play to get more kills
24424s because if they don't make if they don't
24427s get no kills they don't get no points
24429s trying to make something happen xcgciano
24431s with the blue dual blades here trying to
24434s see if he can get an angle onto them as
24437s balda is going to come in on a third
24438s party on this fight here and it looks
24440s like moon is gonna start trying to
24442s attack here and xcg said nope we're out
24445s of here kl8 going down as well it looks
24448s like the rest of these teams are gonna
24449s bounce out of this area as well as TK
24453s has joined this area first time we have
24455s seen any response of TK's team this
24459s entire time because we're gonna see lion
24461s TT alting up as well we're gonna see
24464s xiaon coming into his ultimate as well
24466s all of these players bringing out their
24469s own look how much health he's got with
24470s that purple armor onto the monkey you're
24473s trying to get those grabs onto the bow
24474s down players is unsuccessful is that
24477s rolling and it looks like they're going
24479s for a bit of a reset as we switch to the
24481s realm of yang
24482s it's gonna be TK versus Juventus inside
24484s this one already the mechs are being
24487s used and the uh monks probably will
24489s de-transform fairly soon but not before
24490s W8 98 takes a wx-28 takes a cannon to
24494s the face low HP maybe an opportunity for
24497s them to kind of sustain up but down they
24499s go easy as you like TK able to pick that
24501s up in the king
24503s finally like you said actually finding
24505s an opportunity to do something in one of
24507s these games they've been kind of just a
24509s bottom team for a very very long time
24512s finally seeing some Life coming in from
24515s TK is pixel this is a massive chunk of
24517s Health there a good counter actually
24519s onto AK though so maybe they can find an
24521s opportunity to turn it pixel goes down
24523s and there it is TK win the rubber yang
24527s this are the little celebration at the
24529s end they were so excited they're like
24531s yes we finally put some points up onto
24533s the board we actually haven't seen them
24535s on screen yet for a very long time they
24536s usually get wiped out pretty early so
24538s it's nice to see Team TK coming in with
24542s a little bit of Victory here shenyon a
24545s Li and AK here from Team T from Team the
24549s king
24550s pulling up
24552s gray ranged weapons but legendary melee
24556s usually what we usually see we oh we no
24559s he's got a purple one equipped now it's
24561s just this backup one it's the gray one
24563s it's got a backup cannon in case you
24565s need some extra damage extra shots here
24567s as KLA is very close to TK right now
24569s this could be an interesting fight
24570s that'll happen because they do have that
24572s extra buff so they're able to see
24575s where they are then they've spotted them
24578s now and they know that they're over
24579s there but it looks like they're choosing
24581s not to engage into this fight
24584s yeah they all just gonna decide to back
24586s off for now
24587s cool it chill it's still a long time
24590s until the game ends and there's still 12
24592s teams so we've only lost two teams in
24594s this match so there's still plenty of uh
24596s plenty of time for the teams to uh kind
24599s of hold on and pick up their kills a
24601s little bit later I think this game is
24602s definitely moving at a slower pace which
24604s doesn't mean the End Circle is probably
24607s going to be Carnage that's typically
24609s what you get you either get an explosive
24610s early game or an explosive late game
24613s if everyone's gonna be crammed in I'm
24614s curious how the circle's gonna look
24616s because there's a lot of monkey cops
24618s remember and obviously the repeating
24620s crossbows uh are such a good answer to
24622s the monk because you just get so many
24624s free shots and so much damage done to
24626s them uh on the other hand you also have
24628s the Cannons as well you're gonna move
24629s into that stage where there's gonna be
24631s so much range damage that's been shot
24633s out but like odds are you're just gonna
24635s eat some damage for free Jason find
24638s himself in a fight here versus Ventus
24639s remember Ventus they're on the young
24641s depletion so they need to win this fight
24642s they're gonna summon the mecca as Jason
24644s actually not willing to give up this
24646s fight they want to keep it going but the
24647s cannon fire is absolutely ripping them
24649s to shred they've got themselves uh the
24652s the wind walls kind of give them
24654s some safety and now the grabs are gonna
24655s go wide it's j team actually able to
24657s dodge away but also GS and Alliance are
24661s in the area Juventus desperately trying
24663s to push up as Jason killed himself at
24665s least a kill two here they need it
24667s they've been so far behind everyone else
24669s in the lobby only got two kills right
24671s now very very low interactions uh did
24674s you just lose channels out because it
24676s gets a little bit too Harry for them but
24678s wolves are coming in this might get a
24680s little bit bloody as Ventus just about
24683s limping one of their members out there
24684s with a blinking health bar as Yahoo
24687s we're gonna chase them down so maybe if
24690s there's an opportunity for them to get
24691s all killed
24693s here giving Chase to ventus's pixels
24696s pixel goes down from a bow shot from
24699s gs's end here and coming in with a crazy
24702s kill and they go down straight away no
24704s right Vibes allowed because guess what a
24708s Yang depletion ladies and gentlemen it
24710s is the thing that we all fear and dread
24713s at the end of the day we're scared that
24715s it's under our bed at night the
24717s inability to revive he still can get
24719s bought back he can still resurrect
24722s but he does not have no revives he
24724s doesn't keep his stuff and wx98 from
24727s Ventus as well I'm pretty sure that's
24729s the last player alive on Ventus right
24731s now
24733s up top trying still as hard as he
24737s possibly can to get a kill but also at
24740s the end of the day accepting the defeat
24742s and the fact that if he doesn't get a
24745s Soul Bloom soon he is not going to be
24747s able to buy his teammates back and he
24749s will not be able to continue playing in
24751s this game
24753s not at all 10 minutes left on this Lobby
24756s still 34 players this is more in line
24759s from what we saw from previous seasons
24760s of the MVP hours I I say that and then
24762s people are going down and that is the
24764s end of Interest so finally down to 11
24765s teams after the end of that it's JT pick
24768s up their third kill it's been a very
24770s very slow run from Jay team
24774s so I have to see you know if they've got
24776s more in the tank potentially to them
24779s so 101 Tien
24781s it's going to rotate towards the circle
24783s it's quite happy to stay in here for a
24785s bit and tank it in an eagle
24787s very comfortable they've got the healing
24789s they've got the sustain available to
24791s them a ZK already within the Zone just
24793s scouting out for the rest of the teams
24795s then this is the way to go everyone's
24796s running away from us now
24800s whirl
24801s excuse me wolves sorrow
24804s on the chase here needing to heal up a
24807s little bit as we're seeing the storm
24809s stride Soldier coming out as well
24811s pairing perfectly with the electricity
24813s coming off of that staff Alliance there
24817s sending some cannon shots from the
24819s distance giving a bit of Chase onto
24822s wolves but they don't want to lead a
24823s little they don't want to lead too much
24825s oh my goodness did you see that bouncing
24826s Cannon shot yeah it just zipped up into
24828s the moon zipped up to Narnia we're
24831s seeing these bouncing cannon shots going
24833s everywhere ladies and gentlemen they do
24835s like to bounce around
24838s oh there's a sandstorm to make sure but
24840s X CG do get their hands on to this
24843s Morris blessing did someone summon a
24845s Mech someone's summoned a Mech on top of
24847s them just to pop them back but it's not
24848s actually gonna deny them down and able
24850s to pick up their gold armor but the
24851s health bars are just obliterated off the
24854s back of that one Knight HQ is pinned you
24857s have to call the meccan because he's
24858s going too low can take off with American
24861s just jump away to safety but look at the
24863s health bar next on Knight HQ being
24866s chased down eggs CG in a world of danger
24870s and this should be okay and I think that
24872s was qla
24874s hey La sorry able to do that damage to
24877s them
24880s taking a look here we're also gonna see
24883s KLA this is gonna be a little bit of a
24885s lull here they just know me because all
24887s these players are sending these bow
24888s shots they're doing absolutely amazing
24890s with these bow drops but nobody wants to
24892s engage in fights and I think I just
24894s spoke too soon on it exactly what I was
24896s about to start talking about KLA and
24898s Alliance look like they're about to get
24900s into this fight right here with oug
24902s right underneath them hiding underneath
24904s KLA losing a lot of Shield here but not
24908s very much their health so they're gonna
24910s heal back up they're gonna get that
24911s reset off Alliance as well look at xcg
24915s xcg looks stacked right now the amount
24918s of gold weapons and armor that they have
24920s using blue weapons
24923s for melee but gold for range so that
24926s they're able to pull off their extra
24928s crazy Tian high alts and look at the
24931s soldier ladies and gentlemen you don't
24933s see this every day
24935s this is a this is some crazy Soul Jade
24937s usage here it's a no alt Zone being
24939s popped xcg are playing this very smart
24942s they're holding an area that is very
24945s desirable and especially since they
24948s can't pop bolts in that area they can't
24950s get altered on there they can they're
24953s almost Untouchable I realize Where We
24955s Are
24957s so this is where our horror off our
24960s first horror off of the split for trios
24961s ended last time there's a no also near
24963s here
24965s we had a roller we had the roller and
24967s the no alt Zone last time and it
24969s actually won
24971s yeah but the circle could close on it I
24973s actually think it's moving away that's
24974s sad okay it is moving away from there
24976s from the looks of things
24978s but we could have had a no alt Zone
24979s final uh finish which would have been
24981s amazing
24982s well it would have been it would have
24984s been absolutely crazy to have a note
24986s this is a good one for monks though look
24988s at The High Ground there's so many
24989s places where they can stand atop and
24991s look to pick people up Eagle recognizing
24993s that is just gonna jump away as a ZK
24996s actually pops himself the Viper stun
24998s they're gonna jump onto txj from Team te
25000s there they have to throw the sandstorm
25002s out knowing that stun's gonna connect
25003s and that basically wastes two ultimates
25006s but also a lot of time I'm sorry txj
25008s pushing back here onto wolves into the
25011s zone as vvv also has used the
25013s transformation in the meanwhile sorry
25015s going very low on HP they're able to get
25017s a grab onto him as soon as he
25018s de-transforms he can pop the bell all he
25020s likes but that is gonna be the end of
25022s him nice and easy tsj is able to pick it
25024s up grab that Soul blue message for a
25026s little bit additional rage to build back
25028s up closer towards that ultimate for
25030s himself bowder now pushing into the two
25033s remaining members of wolsters Benji was
25035s trying to get a resurrection off on that
25037s to sorrow but it was unable to connect
25039s and stay on him long enough x c u x c G
25043s on The High Ground also getting a grab
25045s and into the zone taking tick damage
25047s after tick damage after grab oh no see
25050s steal the kill with the Swarm
25054s oh my God ladies and gentlemen OC coming
25057s in with a huge kill steal and we're
25059s gonna see txj and vvv go down to J team
25063s on the bottom and lxx from Team wolves
25065s is also going to be going down about us
25067s taking that kill is that we're gonna see
25070s it one wolves player left one
25074s one te player left one GS player left
25079s these teams are in dire need of a little
25083s bit of slack gear but they are not going
25085s to get it
25087s about an out
25090s to be climb up the side of the cliff I'm
25092s able to do so unfortunately is uh
25095s just waiting out for the moment about
25096s her quite happy actually in their
25098s current position where they're holding
25099s so they are just going to play this nice
25101s and chill but the rest of teams are
25103s being forced out there is a no Zone pops
25105s just ahead so this could be a real
25107s nuisance to some of these teams is jtm
25109s ZK he's in danger lucky he's able to
25111s finish him up nice and easy pickup on
25113s that front the wushan out to get away
25116s from this is right on the edge of that
25118s no alt Zone a bunch of teams can use
25120s this as a potential place just to hide
25121s away from some of these monk teams as
25123s Lin is going to go for the
25125s transformation we've seen some really
25126s good stuff out of Lynn so far on this
25128s and looking to potentially open up of a
25131s grab unable to quite connect those ones
25133s into those uh open zones is OC Slayer is
25136s gonna go down and that'll be the end of
25138s them as xcg they're able to secure that
25140s kill we also see the end of te as well a
25143s lot of teams getting knocked out in
25144s these last couple of moments is a KLA
25147s also losing a player now just down to
25149s the final player for that team which is
25151s going to be the Eurasian so it's gonna
25153s be a hard ass because xiaoman picking up
25156s so many people picking up so many kills
25158s for his team AK now trying to dodge away
25161s if he gets re-grabbed he's done though
25163s the sandstorm comes out he does get the
25165s regrab onto ak ak has the golden swarm
25168s as well very desirable but AK is
25169s actually able to break away from him
25171s instantly into the mech the moment his
25174s monk wears out he switches to Mech and
25177s feels nice and safe oh my goodness this
25180s this Pacific Rim comp that you have D
25184s dubbed the is become the most funny
25188s thing for me to watch is he's like okay
25190s I'm just gonna start grabbing people
25192s okay I'm just gonna start sniping people
25194s with a Ballista and a swarm that I just
25196s have on my homies all that I can now
25200s play j-team ZK super low and it looks
25203s like Xiao not is gonna be able to pick
25204s up the kill a better place game for J
25206s team they're only
25208s 9.6 points in total for that game better
25211s than their entire day's score combined
25213s so it's a little bit better for them
25214s alliance with 10 kills xcg with eight
25217s kills and TK with Nine Kills we're down
25219s to our last
25222s teams here
25224s five teams remaining ladies and
25227s gentlemen J team the last team to be out
25229s they were top six this is our top five
25232s those are gonna seem TK's a Lee here
25234s still in the game GK with 10 kills up on
25238s the board they are on the top of the
25240s leaderboard right now trying to pick up
25241s as many kills as possible they do get a
25243s grab bada's Moon here is gonna get
25245s slammed down and is gonna go down
25246s putting them at the very top of the
25248s leaderboard in front of Alliance here so
25250s we're gonna see xcg sianan steal a Kill
25254s from oug's SS grab here it's down on
25257s able to use that Cannon to the best of
25259s his ability but he is gonna get the
25261s little bit of Revenge here and get
25263s grabbed and it looks like bada's Mama is
25265s gonna go down to TK's a league here and
25268s xcg Xiao Nan is and not HQ story is
25271s going to take out oug's SS taking out
25273s all of oug here we're gonna see Shannon
25275s coming up with a huge monk alt as this
25277s is bringing it back Alliance is lucky
25279s playing dangerously at the feet of ciao
25282s non here as Alliance is lucky all almost
25285s gets grabbed here but the terrain is
25286s just barely blocking it as we're seeing
25288s TK coming with a huge mug TK Shang young
25291s also in that F ability getting caught in
25294s the grab here we're gonna be able to see
25296s shot on try and make some more plays but
25298s is unable to come away with the grab
25299s Alliance lucky getting very low able to
25301s get a little bit of heals off before he
25303s inevitably goes down and it looks like
25305s TK Shang young is going to take down
25307s Alliance of Lucky at TK with 10 kills up
25309s on the board and it looks like it's
25310s going to be xcg versus TK and TK looks
25314s like they're about to come on top looks
25315s like it's coming up TK shouting on here
25317s taking a lot of damage a lead bells for
25319s a little bit of an inconspicuous reason
25321s here because we're gonna see
25324s team xcg with only two players left this
25327s 3v2 fight here we're gonna see a huge
25329s Parry come off the knock back to move
25331s over here we're gonna see the velocity
25332s Untold come out as well from a Lee it
25336s looks like Ailey is going to be taking
25338s very little damage but scammon is gonna
25340s be dealing the most amount Seattle is
25342s gonna go down here and then it's going
25344s to be one left and it looks like Knight
25346s HQ is going to go down mortal Defiance
25348s comes back and saves him one more time
25349s but the combos just will not let up and
25353s we're gonna see the Bell one more time
25354s and with 17 kills in the victory is
25358s going to go to TK
25360s a lovely little play there from TK and
25363s we said at the beginning of the day we
25365s hadn't seen anything from them they'd
25367s been kind of a three points team they'd
25369s been they had a great team and they
25372s popped off they showed up finally it's
25374s nice to see the TK having a good
25377s performance for themselves especially in
25378s week one as well especially when week
25379s one has been quite rough for them
25381s they've really not had the greatest
25382s performances but coming in to game five
25385s second the last game of the week they
25387s pop off on holler off and they have a
25389s really really good end beating out as
25390s well xcg a team who you know have been
25393s at the top the whole time they have been
25396s super super good so it's really nice to
25398s see them have a good game here and a
25400s good performance
25402s really really solid stuff there's still
25403s one more game to go the Stella Morris
25405s Isle to go
25407s so the real question is how is that how
25409s is that gonna shake up things how what
25411s are they going to be adjusting what are
25412s they going to be picking into our final
25413s game of the day they obviously have just
25416s played two games back to back so they
25417s get a little bit of a break now between
25419s this one and the sixth game and then
25422s we'll see what what these guys have got
25424s prepared for this final game and for
25425s some of them their final game of the uh
25429s of the bi-weekly some of these guys
25431s won't be playing again until maybe
25433s Sunday and some of them may just not
25434s even be playing at all because they
25436s might make it to that bi-weekly on
25437s Sunday
25438s it's gonna be an exciting end so what
25441s you're saying is it's time to do or die
25445s yeah yeah it definitely something will
25447s die I I don't know what that looks like
25449s I don't know if that's just fight more
25451s monk or if there's something a little
25452s bit more spicy in it but I mean we're
25454s seeing we're seeing the insane power of
25457s zipping uh combined oh with that Decatur
25460s it's so powerful and we're seeing a lot
25463s of it I mean the survivability we knew
25465s zipping was a complete nuisance to take
25468s out we knew that zping had
25470s infinite state or almost nion infinite
25473s sustain uh so it's it's interesting to
25476s see the the waiver now where she's being
25478s applied teen comes to his advice because
25480s when I first saw her I went oh another
25482s healer for monks there's just gonna be
25484s like kurumi or zipping or in my worst
25488s case scenario was kurumi and zipping uh
25491s just to make sure that he was completely
25492s Immortal but no actually being used in
25495s different settings I like it disgusting
25497s imagine zipping and kurumi
25503s it's a lot of healing I guess the
25505s problem you have is like you actually
25506s just don't have any real damage other
25507s than your Minecraft you have the cover
25509s for the monk so that's kind of where you
25510s don't see it like that but anyway
25511s regardless of theory crafting annoying
25514s teams to play versus let's have a look
25516s at the points 16 kills over to T TK
25519s there 30 points out after the end of
25522s that then xcg woke up with 20 points an
25524s alliance walk out with 17. ug still
25527s batting pretty high but all day long
25529s they've been doing pretty good for
25530s themselves J team finally had an okay
25532s game but like okay is the best way I can
25535s word it it wasn't anything special it
25537s was just a nine pointer
25539s yeah I mean it was a nine pointer but it
25542s was better than they what they've done
25543s all day so I'm gonna be proud for them
25545s I'm repping the jersey for them anyways
25547s so yeah
25548s my opinion but taking a look xcg with 11
25551s points
25552s very well played but choked a little bit
25555s at the end here so we're gonna take a
25556s look at our VIP screen team the king I
25559s like how there's a team the king and
25561s there's a player called the king yeah
25563s that's not annoying or confusing at all
25565s no no not at all it's Nine Kills are
25568s gonna go to a league
25570s only
25572s Hills
25574s going to Shang Yang and then five kills
25576s going to ak ak playing incredibly well
25580s yeah really really solid getting coming
25582s in uh from aka the same from Ali as well
25585s Nine Kills 22 damage 22k damage
25588s uh survive all the way until the end of
25590s that game
25591s I like you know we're seeing some stuff
25594s out of some of these teams as well and I
25596s think the thing is is inconsistency is
25598s still being a major problem for a bunch
25600s of these teams I think some of these
25601s teams are performing well some days or
25602s some games and then the next game is
25604s just completely throwing it and it's
25606s weird I mean KLA what the hell happened
25610s to them
25610s this is a team who who literally got 220
25613s bombs and then a 19 kill game
25616s and somehow they're still not able to
25619s make it work it's
25621s it's flabbergasting to me that these
25623s guys are struggling as hard as they are
25625s today
25627s yeah it's a little bit upsetting to to
25630s see the fact that they're just not
25631s performing as well as they were in
25633s previous days here's we're going to take
25635s a look and see the final kill again with
25637s the Mortal Defiance and then ale just
25639s absolutely ruining
25644s red Monk skin
25647s we're just kidding crazy here we're
25648s gonna take a look 22 000 damage and Nine
25652s Kills only two kills before rebirth
25654s which I think is crazy in the late game
25656s all in the late game the king team K
25660s gaming six assists as well so you know
25663s he was putting in the work with the
25664s damage as well not just only being
25666s shellfish and getting your kills rupture
25668s Gaylord and Flame Brad and then one of
25671s my favorite Shades velocity Untold
25673s yeah really nice stuff coming in from
25675s these guys just solid performance
25677s overall from the King and it's nice to
25679s see you know a team that's struggling
25681s actually bouncing back and I mean we've
25682s all said te who and Elias actually I
25685s guess win the games today as well
25688s um those guys you know obviously T we
25690s had high expectations of but we didn't
25692s quite we weren't quite able to hit it on
25694s the other side Alliance I didn't have
25696s that many expectations but they have
25697s shown us glimmers of Hope anyway we are
25700s gonna throw to a very quick break and
25701s then when we're back we'll be back with
25702s our game number six so we'll see in a
25705s moment
25707s thank you
25713s [Applause]
25721s um
25732s foreign
25751s [Music]
25778s [Music]
25787s thank you
25793s [Music]
25808s foreign
25809s [Music]
25846s thank you
25850s [Music]
25870s hello everybody and welcome back to the
25872s mbpl we're getting ready to go into our
25875s final game of the day and our final game
25877s for some of these teams until Sunday or
25879s in some cases at all we can see the
25882s overall scoreboards I said at all of
25884s this bi-weekly uh as we go as we look at
25887s the quick scoreboards to see where all
25889s of our teams are currently sitting at J
25892s team they've got some work to do they've
25895s got seven games left until the bi-weekly
25897s and at the rate they're currently going
25899s out I don't know if they can even make
25901s it to that bi-weekly we'll have to see
25903s we'll keep our eyes peeled on those guys
25904s meanwhile moving up towards the middle
25906s of the table
25908s some of these teams catching me off
25909s guard actually of how well they've been
25911s doing finally jjh at the final game have
25914s been knocked out of that top end of the
25916s table but you know as long as they
25918s perform like this again tomorrow they'll
25919s be up oh sorry Friday they'll be up
25921s there again uh same for Te Who coming
25924s alive the overall scores right now
25926s xcg have just surpassed KLA by a
25930s phenomenal amount KLA having a
25933s horrifically hard day really really
25935s struggling and uh
25937s I don't think first is ever going to be
25939s within the Realms of possibility to them
25941s there are some teams who I will keep my
25943s eyes peeled across across the next few
25945s days to see if they can catch up somehow
25947s the king have launched themselves into
25950s the top end of the table a team who
25952s honestly starts the day at the bottom of
25955s our played team so really really
25958s interesting to see the king actually
25960s make this much of a comeback
25963s [Music]
25964s yeah it's really cool to see how they
25967s made that much of a comeback in one game
25969s as well I'm really proud of them and I'm
25972s really excited to see what they have
25974s more can they keep up this consistency
25976s that is the one question I have sure you
25979s have one good game right lots of teams
25981s have one good game but that's what
25984s that's one
25985s there's so many other teams that are
25987s trying to come for your neck if you
25989s cannot defend that Victory and turn that
25993s one Victory into two and then that two
25996s eventually into three and four and five
25999s then what are you doing you can't just
26001s get one and be done you're like okay I
26003s got one Victory you know you need to
26005s keep the consistency and it doesn't even
26006s have to be a win you just have to place
26008s high enough to get the points and stay
26010s in the top eight get into the mbcl by
26013s weekly finals yeah well I mean because
26016s this is obviously key but you know also
26018s kind of now going on to game six my
26019s attention is going to turn towards what
26021s an Heroes that it's gonna look like I oh
26023s you didn't actually take a look at the
26025s remaining her reports going into game
26026s five that was really stupid to me but I
26027s should have uh I'm curious how many
26029s points these guys have got left and
26032s what they're gonna be looking to pick up
26033s and it looks like we are about to get
26035s ready to go into this game so depending
26038s on hero points some of these teams May
26040s struggle and maybe be forced off onto
26042s like bizarre picks some may have saved
26045s their hero Prince of the sixth game and
26046s this might be their moment I have
26048s sneaking suspicion that xcg might pull a
26051s monkey comp out here I feel like they
26053s haven't run as many monk pumps today
26055s they definitely run the uh
26059s yeah they're on the tatercon voice today
26062s I believe so actually they should have a
26063s monkey in them they might
26065s this might Edge beer uh uh Pacific Rim
26068s Map X xcg still has a monk comp left in
26071s them the I'm just trying to figure out
26073s if they have enough to run a specific
26075s Rim comp they might not be able to do
26076s that they might be to do a normal month
26077s they ran Pacific Rim twice yeah so they
26081s can't they ran uh
26084s Decatur twice
26088s pretty sure I'm not sure I'll figure out
26089s we'll have a look when we look at when
26091s we get in we might be completely wrong
26093s here I swear they've run it twice but
26094s maybe I'll model them up for somebody
26095s else
26097s as well just taking a quick look at the
26098s teams before they get in to their sixth
26100s game decide exactly what they are going
26103s to be playing GD
26105s I'm thoroughly impressed by GD actually
26108s they have really made a bit of a
26110s recovery uh coming in from last season
26112s there's a team who you know worked bad
26113s by any means but
26115s definitely struggle more than uh you
26119s might have expected them to but here we
26121s go getting ready for game number six
26125s what are these guys gonna be pulling out
26127s what are the comps gonna be looking like
26129s how many Euro points they got I think
26131s that's the real question here
26133s we are loading in to game at number six
26138s taking a look here game number six
26140s loading as we're about to get started
26142s ladies and gentlemen taking a look here
26145s is going to be our hero picks let's oh
26147s my God
26149s T and Kelly 8 KLA only had three hero
26152s points they have to play brand new cops
26155s oh my goodness
26158s xcg I knew it they saved their points
26160s they were gonna go monk in the final
26161s game they saved J team burnt all their
26163s points so they having to uh run a Tammy
26166s version of the uh of the Decatur comp so
26170s something a little bit different a
26172s little bit more spicy but yeah for the
26174s most part
26175s pretty much as expected the king
26177s actually held on to quite a few points
26178s himself there so some really interesting
26181s uh hero selects coming in I can't
26183s believe KLA and T but so many hero
26185s points and the crazy thing is
26187s honestly for KLA they didn't really
26189s achieve much with it they they really
26191s buckled down on the comps they wanted to
26193s play and it has not worked today
26196s yeah I mean sometimes it works sometimes
26199s it doesn't you just need to take the day
26200s off reassess and then come back to it
26204s I I would also argue this is their final
26207s day before bi-weekly finals so
26210s if they're gonna have to come back to it
26212s on finals if they make it and
26213s realistically they should they're second
26215s right now in the standings I don't see
26217s them dropping that hard in in on Friday
26220s but it's it's gonna they're gonna be
26222s knocked out of the finals but they're
26223s gonna have to have a really long hard
26225s think about stuff throughout the week on
26227s how they're gonna be able to handle that
26228s bye weekly final but as we can see
26230s quality people dropping around that uh
26232s shipwreck area a couple people all in
26236s the middle of the map and just moving
26237s around uh
26239s interesting spread actually of players
26241s nobody dropping that close to someone's
26244s rest I guess JT are relatively close but
26246s they could have dropped on it if they
26248s really wanted to
26249s but fairly even spread actually of the
26252s teams that were out the place so the
26254s potential for third parties is very much
26256s there
26259s right now the king who won our previous
26261s game
26262s did just drop right next to another team
26264s but decided actually they weren't really
26266s ready to take that fight unlike OC and
26269s te here the two teams you seemingly are
26272s very hungry for a fight and are willing
26275s to go for it but now though you see Z
26277s Meng is gonna get hit by the grappling
26280s hook
26281s it's just going to be able to uh hold
26283s faster now but te getting themselves
26286s actually really heavily turned on to vvv
26288s Links back there on that Atari catches
26291s with the uppercut and lyd able to take
26293s out Slayer
26295s lovely little stuff coming in the F
26297s ability comes out from txj just to make
26299s sure that they have that safety net that
26301s place where they can heal up and recover
26303s but they're not going to get up along
26304s vvv with the uppercut on the dagger once
26306s again securing a whole bunch of extra
26307s damage but in clubs on lions actually is
26309s a third party potential jumping on the
26312s te everybody gets slammed down already
26314s and now it's the txj has lost his life
26318s as bowder actually came in with a third
26320s party as well T got two Manford partied
26323s that is so unfortunate for them as lyd
26326s Destiny trying to heal up for the moment
26328s as lucky keeping the pressure up onto
26329s vvv lyd getting launched in onto and now
26333s Lucky's gonna throw the ultimate down
26335s try and Chase onto these players lyd
26337s needs to dodge on these slashes but he
26339s is not going to be able to do so lucky
26341s securing yet another kill in comes vvv
26344s to try and see if he can turn the day
26345s but he is too low and I think he's gonna
26348s have to call it here
26349s taking a look because Elias just came in
26352s an absolutely
26354s destroyed their competition this is
26357s something that you don't see right off
26359s the bat usually Alliance is a little bit
26361s more biting with their time here and it
26362s looks like they're just taking it right
26364s out and their anger right out onto OC
26367s and all of these teams here taking out a
26370s member of OC taking out a couple members
26372s of these other teams here forcing them
26374s to cause their resurrections OC is going
26376s to be completely down and out of here
26378s two players about uh have already been
26380s eliminated as well and all of xcg and
26383s KLA are gone here as we're getting ready
26386s for the next part of the game they do
26388s have their Resurrection so we will see
26390s most of these players back or almost all
26392s of these players back
26394s as I correct myself
26396s oug here just hiding up in the trees
26398s vibing they know that dong ching is
26400s close they are looking for him they want
26403s to get that last member of GD and they
26405s are gonna be ending up fighting with
26407s Team GS here who's trying to make
26410s something happen we're going to see the
26412s measures might
26414s shot here does not happen Dragons Were
26418s International
26419s and GS trying to defend against this
26424s Viper ultimate here and it looks like
26426s you is gonna end up getting stunned but
26428s they do get GS out of the way with the
26431s luchan ultimate as fast as possible Here
26433s dongchang solo player on the team right
26437s now because both of gd's players are
26439s taking their resurrections elsewhere
26441s here because we're gonna say GS back in
26443s the fight against oug here xiaohuto
26446s taking a lot of damage and now GS coming
26449s with a Viper ultimate of their own able
26451s to take out assets able to take out Shin
26453s Yu able to take out almost the entire
26455s team as we're gonna see a huge Parry
26457s into the Neches might with oug and then
26460s oug getting parried the other way around
26462s back into another Neches mic as GSU
26464s steals the Kill from his teammate there
26466s I don't I can't imagine n is that upset
26468s about it though no I I would assume that
26471s they're probably gonna be all right on
26472s that front
26474s still
26476s pretty explosive early game to be honest
26478s a lot of third partying and we kind of
26480s expected this I mean when we looked at
26481s the map we saw that everyone was you
26483s know spread out evenly but close enough
26485s for you know they could quickly move in
26487s when they hear action off in the
26489s distance is uh t e were uh unfortunately
26493s on the receiving end of some of that uh
26495s love as uh vvd was the only one who
26497s escaped all of the action and instead
26500s was able to move away but the
26501s resurrections were used on the rest of
26503s his team as a actually he got Zorn here
26505s looking to lock down with that Viper
26508s stun onto xiu and Zu in danger this is
26512s remember there Bane's breath so the
26514s Lions have control of this area they are
26517s trying to win this fight and bait and
26519s Bert back into the uh into the
26521s thunderstorm Azu looking for grabs is
26524s able to grab one can he grab another I
26526s guess as the question is Lynn is gonna
26528s go down but the Bane's breath lands onto
26530s xiu playing a massive amount of damage
26532s onto him
26533s chunking him out heavily another grab
26534s onto lucky and they might have had that
26536s Bane's breath Advantage but ultimately
26538s JL still feels stronger and will win the
26541s fight jail able to come away with that
26544s Victory they're very fast as kla's qgg
26547s looks like they're trying to come in
26549s from the third party but they don't know
26550s that they're already fully healed it's
26552s neither of their bands and it looks like
26553s they're gonna take a decent amount of
26555s damage KLA here trying to make a play on
26558s the effect
26562s they want a good game they want to end
26565s on at least the high notes they're going
26566s to jump in onto Zuzu losing a little bit
26569s of HP but actually turns it around quite
26570s nicely onto qgg Bainbridge wears off and
26572s now he's just gonna get dumpstered on by
26575s KLA
26576s easy pickup on to see you nice and
26578s simple
26579s and uh six he's out there want to pick
26581s it up moving over to j-team who found OC
26583s Elsewhere on the map
26585s get a good nice little slam down there
26587s coming in from the Decatur because
26589s special is Deming also going to get
26592s caught up Airborne one of those charges
26593s from the ultimate does landsc case not
26595s the next one he's got another one coming
26597s up fairly soon the invisibility comes
26599s out from the Atari the blink away but no
26601s he's pinned down goes OC and they are
26604s taken out by JT that seemed that seemed
26607s like such a solos fight right there
26609s zooming and ZK going head to head in
26611s that 1v1 it just felt like such a solos
26613s thing they just had the whole place to
26616s themselves yes we're gonna flip over to
26617s GS here taking a lot of damage from Ali
26620s Ailey coming back around so we're gonna
26622s see Anne is going to end up xiaohito is
26625s going to bring them back to life here as
26627s you needed to get resurrected here as
26630s gs's n is gonna end up going for a heal
26633s and then rejoining into that fight
26635s because they do want to take out
26636s Alliance again this would be a very huge
26639s play for them to take out one of their
26640s biggest competitors right early as well
26642s like this we're gonna see Jay team ZK
26645s pick up another kill on the bow does
26646s mama they're using another Moon bin
26649s charm here as it's gonna start going off
26651s in Lion TT oh my goodness gets caught
26654s into the Bane's breath gets double hit
26657s by two of the Bane Birds here and it's
26660s going to alt and they're gonna teleport
26662s out of there from the Wu Chen here
26663s they're just trying to grab onto one of
26665s their players and deal as much damage as
26668s they can on to this Baba team they were
26671s on top of this fight and they have the
26673s Gold version of the ultimate for Takeda
26677s here which gives them a lot a huge
26679s Advantage this early on into the game
26681s taking out bowdo's Moon and now trying
26683s to focus on bow does Mao Mao here as
26685s they're able to still continue to make
26687s the plays we're seeing the ultimate come
26689s out lion TT trying to get away here but
26691s Malmo is gonna go down lion TT last
26694s player live on Powder bada trying to get
26696s out of there as fast as possible we're
26697s gonna see a huge oh third parties coming
26699s in from wolves coming through as their
26703s wolves hop on chasing the third parties
26705s whoa they do and then sorrow eats a
26707s zephyr straight to the face and gets
26709s chunked out heavily immediately so Jason
26711s actually turned the advantage Sandstorm
26714s comes out lxx is gonna probably lose his
26716s life there Eagle able to pick that kill
26718s up loses half his armor jumps down into
26720s the hole to get himself away to safety
26722s and wolves the third party becomes the
26725s third party he does bowder I believe
26727s they're able to use the opportunity to
26729s jump in and pick up Melman Jason they
26732s can chase either one of these low Health
26734s teams and potentially turn this into
26736s more kills for themselves unfortunately
26738s eagle has not got any grapples he's
26741s picked up one grapple here so you can't
26743s really do too much as lion TT jumps away
26745s to safety briefly there using that Yota
26747s ultimate to get the mobility offers
26748s they're trying to land the shots onto
26751s him lion TT who's gonna get it it's
26753s gonna be wolves meanwhile cutting over
26755s to the realm of Yang bentists have got
26757s themselves in versus te grab onto from
26761s Pixel coming in onto t uh x j and he
26765s loses a big chunk of HP it's gonna be
26767s A-Okay thanks to these Heather though
26769s keeping pixel alive to make sure he is
26771s nice and sustained up looking for a grab
26773s unable to quite grab it onto l i d but
26777s grab Sands coming in pixel low HP does d
26780s transform his low HP is gonna
26782s de-transform and use that armor to keep
26783s him double life for a little bit longer
26785s is Lloyd
26786s take a lot of damage though ID
26789s needs to be careful using that Atari
26790s invisibility just to keep themselves
26792s away and available should be able to
26794s heal themselves back up nice and safely
26795s but his team are being absolutely
26798s crushed underneath Ventus right now and
26801s no ID he did recover a bit but he now
26803s has to try and one win one versus three
26807s and he is not gonna be able to do so
26808s juggled around Ventus take the win
26811s and we're gonna see in the kill feed JJ
26813s and picking up another kill on to wolves
26817s is Ben 2 here as bentus coming away with
26820s the victory on here they are gonna pick
26822s obviously the vermillions bird bite and
26825s let me tell you why it's obvious
26827s would you rather
26828s extra damage for a little bit would you
26831s rather
26832s to be able to see people for a little
26834s bit or would you rather a whole extra
26836s life in the game where your opponents
26838s can't take your stuff
26841s I will let you decide the obvious answer
26843s ladies and gentlemen this is why these
26845s players are using the verbillions bird
26846s much it does allow them to to make have
26849s a way longer and way higher chance at
26852s Staying Alive in this game because if
26853s they do end up making a stupid death
26855s they aren't gonna be too hardly punished
26858s and said K playing on Takeda which we
26860s haven't really seen him play that far
26862s we're gonna use gonna get a huge Parry
26863s with that sap bringing him back to full
26866s health here as j-team scatters as fast
26869s as possible 101 TN it looks like he is
26871s gonna be caught out here looks like he's
26872s able to get away just as fast because
26874s that V2 of the old does not stun them
26877s for very long ZK here trying to make
26879s something happen it looks like they're
26880s gonna be able to take out cxz here and
26884s it looks like they are going to end up
26886s teleporting away as te coming in for a
26889s third party
26890s yeah look to see if they can maybe get
26891s some kills onto J team here
26894s to eat throwing down that Sandstorm
26896s already J team have had a really really
26898s solid start of it t remember they need
26900s to find these kills because they do not
26903s have long they've got the aroma young
26905s depletion and J team's Eagle will lose
26907s his life I also believe if they take out
26909s two JT members there yeah they think uh
26911s one on Tien as well so Jay team who've
26914s been playing so well to recover from
26916s what has been a bit of a disappointing
26918s day unfortunately fall apart once they
26921s get jumped by a rama young team as a
26923s Juventus with a Millions Birds might try
26925s let's see if they can win a fight versus
26927s xcg here xiaoman about to D transform
26930s nice Q has transformed himself maybe
26932s these graphs can land in for Pixel but
26934s he's gonna have to defran himself now at
26936s this point so they're gonna try and take
26937s this fight as uh things you can lose a
26940s lot of HP is able to survive for just a
26942s little bit longer but pixel has been
26943s jungle the bells popped it down he goes
26945s easy as you like xcg needs these kills
26949s as well they are so close to this one
26951s they've got two minutes left on the run
26953s with young depletion so if they find
26954s these kills they are gonna be sitting
26956s Ricky
26959s yeah if they if they get these kills
26961s it's gonna be great here when they can
26963s join back in but it's gonna look a
26965s little bit difficult for them it's not
26966s excuse charging behind he's gonna get
26968s staggered by sancy from Ventures here
26970s wx98 trying to make something happen as
26972s well he goes to Perry's but then the
26974s Stagger from that you Sean the yushan
26977s goes down almost immediately after and
26979s we're gonna see another kill coming out
26981s from wx-98 here as it looks like xcg is
26985s Gonna Keep
26987s yeah and
26989s it's previously unlike previous Seasons
26991s but Millions first match you do drop a
26993s Karen which has a soul Bloom Essence in
26994s it so at least for the uh
26997s at least of the team they were able to
26998s get the heel off and uh cleanse xcg to
27002s wherever the cleanse himself is that if
27003s you goes down then Vault won't break but
27006s it's not enough he's able to survive
27008s just a little bit longer Don Ching
27010s losing most of his mech's health now
27013s is meanwhile oscaring J team are
27015s actually able to get the uh the rebirth
27017s charms used so even though they lost two
27019s members there The Comeback they're gonna
27021s be fine they don't lose too much over
27023s just some gear and then they're gonna
27024s have to re-sock up but they needed it
27027s they're currently 10 kills in this game
27029s this could be their opportunity to have
27031s a good game to set them up for Friday
27033s next week and then jump back in and
27035s actually prove to us why they are the
27037s world champions
27042s taking a look now TK's a Lee here
27047s going around these purple dual blades
27049s are going to be a huge problem for the
27052s rest of these players dual blades are
27053s one of the those weapons that just if
27055s you get caught in those Blues
27057s it is so difficult to regain your health
27061s and get out of these fights because
27062s these boots are just so punishing
27065s the way that a dual blade is able to
27068s just take away almost all of your health
27070s if you do it properly is just insane as
27074s we're taking a look over here as well
27076s we're gonna see TK's AK
27078s as well as the rest of their team moving
27081s over in TK still doing pretty good this
27084s game four kills total on the board
27087s sorry one kill on the board I saw t e
27089s and TK at the same time
27091s one kill on the board not doing the
27093s greatest that they could but they are
27094s still alive that is something that we
27096s love
27098s how does my mouth here on the defense of
27100s his oud is absolutely raining fire down
27104s if the rest of bowoda's Team comes in
27106s for support lion TT now taking a decent
27108s amount of damage moon coming in with the
27109s armor swap as line GT is gonna go down
27111s here ug SS trying to go for a Perry
27114s tries to go for that
27115s silence as well is unable to get that
27118s they are in an old zone so they will not
27120s be able to bring these ultimates into
27122s the fights here as Moon hiding behind in
27125s the little Hut with the armored swap as
27127s they find Mao Mao
27129s and it looks like moon is going to be
27130s able to get away here and go for a
27133s resurrection
27134s go for a Revive on the other players as
27136s we're flipping over to Ventus versus JL
27138s these are two Powerhouse teams this jlz
27141s who trying to get a grab off on his
27142s Santee because it's just unable to get
27145s him out as we're gonna see the ultimates
27146s come out from all of these other players
27148s now Decatur you Sean
27152s we're gonna see
27154s kurumi all coming out right now the
27156s Takeda all already out in the area pixel
27160s here dropping another one of these body
27162s chairs efang one Fang trying to make a
27164s play and pixel just absolutely
27166s destroying these other players
27169s yeah for now though it's silly fairly
27171s evenly matched but all it takes is that
27173s one moment that one slam and fancy may
27176s have found the opportunity but then
27177s himself losing a fair amount of HP so
27180s it's just gonna peel backwards and
27182s towards his team but he is bleeding out
27184s one more shot and since he's done
27186s cured there by jails A S as Ventus now
27190s will be on that back foot losing two
27192s members wx-98 he's not gonna be able to
27195s pull out the 1v3 and that is going to be
27197s a victory over to JL
27199s gonna grab himself that Draco storm and
27201s golden Jill swords as well she's quite
27203s happy with that one
27205s Kade I curious he gets the golden Jewel
27207s swords in this one
27209s I guess it depends on the the uh
27211s on the soldier they've got meanwhile oug
27213s are killing bowder bowder unfortunately
27216s knocked out of the lobby and their final
27219s game of the day so they'll just be
27221s watching for the next 13 minutes while
27223s they wait to see who else is gonna be
27225s next to go out we do see that the Draco
27227s storm was picked up by xcg so they would
27230s have gotten themselves on a Morris
27232s blessing his J team now fresh off these
27235s revives our look is potentially get
27237s himself into a fight with a lion they
27238s throw out the ultimate there ZK needs to
27240s break line of sight from zuana and she
27243s is able to get onto Eagle Eagles played
27245s he has nothing he can do J team slide in
27247s to try and save the day genres there's a
27249s lot of HP Jason just absolutely dogging
27252s on John here but they don't have Eagle
27254s anymore and he is one of their primary
27256s carries for this team comp so J team may
27259s just fall apart may just crumble here as
27261s Alliance feeling so comfortable with the
27263s two-man Advantage but Lynn goes down
27265s massive meter dump coming in from that
27268s uh 101 TN so that was a dragon's rushes
27271s wrong doing the same thing to ZK Zeke is
27274s in a whole bunch of hurt his lucky has
27276s thrown the ultimate down here to try and
27278s finish these members up with the
27280s yotohime unable to connect to Eagle
27282s times out unfortunately so he won't be
27285s able to revive him regardless of how the
27287s fight goes Lucky's low HP 101 TN trying
27289s to win the 1v1 but the youth yeah
27291s ability Jay team now sliding in they've
27294s got the advantage they've got the man
27296s Advantage This Time Lucky desperately
27298s trying to avoid that as Alliance are
27300s removed from the lobby
27302s Alliance going down to Jay team and
27305s those are my boys picking back up the
27309s haze here and see you trying to make
27313s some plays on to te's l-yd here JL
27318s following this one player to the end of
27321s days lyd going into the storm here so
27324s we're gonna say Kia kla's qgd also
27326s getting sharked on by a million players
27329s at once here because we're gonna see
27330s cute GG is going to go down to Juventus
27334s as I think that is going to be the end
27336s of KLA for this game now oh no they
27339s still have a few players left hiding in
27341s these little nooks and crannies here oh
27342s my goodness cx-z hanging out on the roof
27346s of this building here making sure nobody
27349s is going to spot them maybe need trying
27351s to go for a Revive on qgg he does need
27354s to exit that area as soon as possible as
27357s Shenyang here taking some damage TK in a
27361s little bit of a pickle here with GS GS
27363s sending a lot of rain shots off
27365s and so is Ailey responding with the same
27367s shooting a couple off into the bush just
27369s to see if there's anybody there doesn't
27371s just a little bit of a warning shot
27372s making sure and we got 33 seconds left
27375s on that JL Mystic mutt so you know you
27377s best believe that they're gonna try and
27378s use it
27379s yeah the damage deduction is going to be
27381s very nice for them but I actually think
27383s everyone's now spread out so much
27385s there's only 25 players left it's still
27387s 10 minutes we're still so we're on zone
27389s three
27390s so it's still a fairly large Circle at
27392s this point oh you cheat though I've
27394s found himself in a fight with Juventus
27396s pixel has used the transformation and
27397s this is actually one of those points on
27399s Morris Isiah where uh monk really
27401s struggles because you saw OG did pixel
27404s transformed they just bolt in the other
27406s direction they don't want anything to do
27407s with that sanity eating a couple of
27409s those Yoto slashes I say a couple he's
27411s adding a lot of them does throw down the
27413s no alt Zone which does cancel it out but
27415s now then you're feeling comfortable to
27417s go for this fight versus uh Sandy it's a
27420s lot of health is going low and there's
27422s the clang to finish him up Ventus now
27424s starting to lose a couple of people left
27427s right and Center this fight's getting a
27428s bit hairy as GS have also come in as a
27430s third party to try and see if they can
27432s mop up a couple of kills wx98 loses a
27434s lot of HP ug say nope we started this
27437s fight we're putting the kills on our
27438s scoreboard not yours but GSR just gonna
27441s try and turn this one away they zip out
27442s to safety within you and GD are closed
27445s in the area this could be so scary for
27447s oug are they gonna get jumped on again
27449s no they're all right
27451s it looks like they're gonna be okay but
27453s GS is hot on the trail of oug hear the
27456s king the only one with a little bit of
27457s Health remaining using that ultimate as
27459s fast as possible going into that stone
27461s form trying to stun these players but it
27462s looks like nope the king is just gonna
27465s go down as fast as he went up as xcg now
27470s coming in on that third parties we're
27471s gonna flip over to gs's and here trying
27474s to run away they did get the kill onto
27476s the king but now they're gonna have to
27478s back off to make sure that they're going
27480s to be staying alive here which is J team
27482s right next to g d g d not even knowing
27485s that they're there I think they may they
27486s may have a little bit of an idea but not
27489s 100 sure
27491s GD making their way back into the circle
27494s there I think they if they know that J
27496s team's there they're letting them live
27498s for
27499s the sole reason of the fact that they
27501s don't want to take this fight okay they
27502s know that they're there they're trying
27503s to engage Now ladies and gentlemen I
27505s misspoke Zed King is trying to make
27507s something happen we're gonna see all of
27508s these alternate props at the same time
27509s they're locked into a corner we're gonna
27511s see a huge Perry coming out oh my
27513s goodness gd's Cape getting out of there
27515s Kakashi is gonna go down to three to see
27517s dong ching go down as well GDK is the
27520s only one left alive J team oh my
27522s goodness trapping them inside two V3
27527s just turned into a 2V1 Kakashi is no
27530s longer alive and so is dong ching what
27533s an amazing play
27534s really really nice stuff there coming in
27536s J team obviously
27538s want to find if if the opportunity
27541s presents them a uh a rebirth of champ to
27543s get Eagle back obviously he's a key part
27545s of their team and can really enable the
27548s rest of them but it's gonna be hard to
27550s find a place where they can grab one of
27551s those rebirth jumps there is a uh
27552s Amorous blessing just off in the
27555s distance so they may wait tank The Zone
27557s a little bit run in grab the Morris
27559s blessing there's a song also really
27561s close to uh well just off the right of
27563s Downing so
27565s yes there's a store as well oh yeah of
27567s course there's a store
27569s there you go they have a store right at
27571s their feet they just don't want to go up
27572s because xcg is right there yeah
27576s and now though it depends on it's uh I
27579s think they've got enough yeah they got
27581s it oh yeah yeah they have enough they
27582s have enough it's just
27583s Logistics if they 9 000 they'll be able
27586s to go around they just need to find a
27587s place to rest they need to find a place
27589s to get weapons all the logistics of
27591s rezzing the players but it looks like GD
27593s is going to be a solo act now they have
27597s that really good spot and they don't
27598s want to lose it so it looks like they're
27599s just gonna keep cool for now as gs's you
27602s is going to be hiding down in that area
27604s and I swear to God you see a focus line
27606s no way he actually has Focus line again
27609s as we're gonna see going into as CXC
27612s trying to make something happen but is
27614s unable to with the ultimate here from
27618s the Viper is doesn't get a single stun
27620s onto any of these GS members and GS is
27621s just giving hot Chase cxd getting
27623s dangerously low falling down underneath
27627s here trying to go into the storm going
27629s up above these rocks making sure that
27632s they're able and it looks like gssu is
27634s going to cut them off but can't find
27636s them any more lost line of sight and it
27638s looks like klacxc may or may not have
27639s gotten away with this
27641s I feel that there's a lot of people
27642s chasing them down though there's going
27644s to be so hard for them to outmaneuver
27646s this J team now taking shots from C uh
27650s CG
27651s through the window just slowly but
27653s surely hurting the pair of them they're
27656s still holding fast for now though as
27658s man the fact that goes through the wall
27660s is so painful for them
27663s let's look like Jason are going to be
27664s able to move away for now but
27666s C xcg can't try and keep the pressure up
27670s but it looks like they're gonna have to
27671s give up on a j-team
27673s six he's still going no it's not there
27675s we go they're gone
27678s down they go Jay team
27680s 15 kills if they can find this revive
27683s they may actually find themselves a 20
27685s bomb game to come back from everything
27689s that has just gone so so wrong for them
27691s but the problem is is the opportunities
27694s to do so are slowly but surely fading
27697s away
27698s don't know where the shops are expected
27701s where JT ma now so I don't know if they
27702s can get to a shop there's a sole
27704s Authority where we are now on the
27706s screens so we can use that if they need
27708s but
27711s there's no way there's no way they're
27713s gonna be able to there's no way they're
27714s gonna be able to get their teammate back
27716s it's gonna be so difficult it's just not
27718s worth it I mean high risk High reward
27720s right that that's how every single one
27723s of these games works out they have at
27725s least in hen governing covering the Box
27729s they they have to be incredibly sneaky
27732s and they've already decided against it
27734s here hugging the edge of this Cliff here
27737s without GS noticing is going to be a
27741s very difficult task but it looks like
27742s they're managing just fine to do it so
27744s far here and leasing hen with the gold
27746s bow sending some shots out at e-fang
27749s hits one with that burst Arrow absolute
27753s Menace with the bow here these players
27756s are so good at the Snipes with these bow
27760s shots with all these shots and look at
27762s all these players stacked they don't
27764s want to engage with each other until
27765s they absolutely have to but J team with
27767s 15 kills onto the board right now on the
27770s top of the leaderboard they said you
27772s know what we're going to show a little
27773s bit of our a little bit of what we can
27775s actually do and they said okay let's
27777s bring this in look at the crazy Jades
27780s that these guys have TK that's some
27782s crazy Jade they've got that
27785s oh my goodness they have the dragons
27787s Roar they have the Phoenix blast they've
27791s got all the different animal Jades all
27793s the golden Jades bringing in lots of
27795s power and look at GS here as well just
27797s hugging the edge of the cliff not
27799s wanting to engage any of these fights
27801s they need to take those eight kills into
27802s the final Circle oh my goodness someone
27804s still manages to hit them with a zephyr
27806s wisp
27807s I can't believe that here that is uh
27809s that is a little unlucky for them on
27811s that front but I guess it's not the end
27813s of the world because they're just on the
27814s edge of the Zone uh JT's downstairs in
27816s that building where Ally just left but
27818s looking to move away they actually
27820s almost sees jdk come into shot
27824s attack with the uh Katana Soldier
27827s they're able to get a whole bunch of
27828s extra damage off for the moment
27830s shooting cannons upstairs to see if
27833s anyone's on the roof dude maybe a little
27835s bit of damage to them but this circle is
27837s going to close pretty much on the
27838s courtyard it's gonna be pretty chaotic
27841s in the next few moments we've got 17
27842s players left
27844s three minutes left on the timer and
27847s right now J team are within a position
27849s where they can maybe win this game
27851s they've got good setup they've just the
27854s big problem is they're down a player
27856s luckily for them they do have their
27857s z-ping and they do it their primary
27858s carry for this comp so there is a world
27861s where they can actually do something
27862s here and maybe turn the tides of this
27864s game up on The High Ground Jalen taking
27867s himself a fight here but it's going a
27868s little bit low xcg
27870s need to be careful the amount of damage
27873s just suffered on that monk for me needs
27877s to be oh so careful because he could
27878s lose a lot of HP and and one more shot
27881s and he's probably done though one thing
27882s doing a lot of work to him he
27884s de-transforms and drops down golden
27886s armor honestly doing him complete
27888s wonders there Jay team being jumped onto
27889s that's not good for them at all Jay team
27892s lose 101 TN a huge loss for them
27899s it looks like they might be able to get
27901s that player back no it fully dead gears
27905s we're gonna see just their Takeda is
27908s alive still here as it would have been
27910s more optimal for their z-ping to stay
27913s alive just because of the pure survival
27915s ability what you never know ZK might
27918s have the damage he might have the
27920s ability just to burst people out and
27921s maybe take out a few more teams get some
27923s kills and there's some extra placement
27925s points that way we'll have to see he's
27927s able to sustain up for the moment
27928s everybody is being pushed closer and
27930s closer together we're having a house
27931s final I've not been a house final Circle
27933s for quite a while where everyone's
27935s inside the building and that is going to
27937s lead into some interesting and chaotic
27939s moments as the hallways currently owned
27942s by TK who won our previous game ZK is
27945s losing a lot of HP right now 22k as he's
27948s gonna be jumping down to that low area
27950s lyd goes down and that is actually the
27952s end of J team as well as ZK is
27955s eliminated from this Lobby the levels
27958s basically leaning into multiple
27960s different fights happening in different
27961s areas all within close proximity but no
27964s one is no one team is getting hounded by
27966s the whole Lobby it's broken up into kind
27968s of a bunch of 1v1s and then one team
27971s kind of just hanging on and seeing if
27973s there's an opportunity for them to get a
27974s kill and that is xcg right now these
27977s guys rule the roof as they're gonna hold
27980s it down everyone is just waiting for the
27982s circle to put them Tighter and Tighter
27984s together
27985s but it is just a very very tense couple
27987s of seconds while this circle Creeps in
27990s closer and closer to teams and the
27993s players are going to be starting to get
27995s that position where they Panic some
27996s teams may just try and sustain their way
27998s through it and see if this is a resource
28000s off as the circle's gonna draw them even
28002s tighter JL actually losing quite a lot
28005s of the HP here giannon he's quite happy
28007s just to hold the high ground and see if
28009s he can sustain his way through he's only
28011s got one pot though to heal with so he's
28013s gonna have to hope but maybe he can hold
28015s for a little bit longer as we are going
28017s to see GS now in a scary situation where
28020s the circle's gonna be closing in on
28021s multiple levels everybody is losing so
28024s much HP there's been the shadow
28027s corruption is the one doing the most
28029s work here the most damage but xcg
28031s picking up a bunch of kills to save the
28033s GS here it can jump and hold fast no he
28036s goes down and TK once again have done it
28042s oh my goodness I think I don't know who
28045s that went to when it finally came to
28046s kills it looks like GS is gonna be able
28048s to come away with the victory there
28051s because there was still a GS member
28052s alive at the end there were two players
28054s left and only one member of TK alive as
28058s we're taking a look I don't think
28059s they're 100 sure who has won the game
28061s yet
28062s going over to the scores we will see
28065s them in a second as we're taking a look
28066s and it is confirmed the winner is team
28070s GS congratulations to them for winning
28073s our final game of the day what a game it
28076s was j-team came up popped off with 15
28078s kills you know we love to see a little
28081s bit of J team it's our xcg coming up
28083s with a lot of kills besides TK pulling
28085s up in that final Circle doing amazing
28088s and then we saw a whole bunch of other
28089s teams that we haven't really seen do as
28092s well as they should pull up and have a
28094s presence in this game which I really
28096s enjoy yeah absolutely I think the the
28098s kind of key takeaway for me from this
28100s game was uh well from today was above an
28104s xcg we had a different team win every
28106s game xcg won two games they won game one
28108s and three but Alliance t e the king GS
28112s all of these teams won today it's been a
28115s way more varied Dave in the previous day
28117s of trios where it was basically just the
28119s xcg and KLA show yes JJ H and GG did win
28122s the loss lost two games but
28124s realistically it's been a day where uh a
28128s lot of our a lot more teams have shown
28130s up we've seen uh some promising stuff
28133s from some of the teams did some worrying
28135s Trends from some of the other teams I
28136s have to turn my attention to KLA here
28138s they look so good on day one and they
28141s look like a vastly different team on day
28143s two of trios so I is definitely turned
28146s towards them to see how they're going to
28148s perform later on in the tournament uh
28150s odds are they make it to the bi-weekly
28152s finals but they need to work on some
28155s stuff and kind of fix their
28157s what's the word consistency they need to
28159s fix that consistency for that final game
28161s because oh well for the bi-weekly finals
28163s because
28164s they look lost today they look really
28166s lost J team as well come on you're the
28169s world champion and you do this it's
28173s their tactic I swear I'm not buying not
28175s an excuse
28176s It's hell no I swear I'm not biased I I
28180s no no I it's a bad it's a bad tactic
28182s it's a really bad tactic they look like
28186s they
28188s they they we know their potential
28190s obviously they're the world champions
28191s right but at the same time they looked
28195s so goddamn lost today until that final
28199s game where they finally figured out what
28200s worked for them and I think that might
28202s lead it to some teams just not being as
28204s good at the monk Cups than others and I
28207s think as the monk got less and less
28208s common other teams started to pop up I
28210s think yeah that's almost a problem with
28212s the monk comp is there's some teams who
28214s are just so much better at monks than
28216s other teams but when it's not in the
28218s meta or not able to be picked up as much
28220s the other teams actually get a chance to
28221s shine and it to me felt like J team
28224s actually struggled with a monk this week
28226s I honestly feel like uh when Monk
28231s is at a minority in the game so when
28234s there's less monks
28236s than there are other Heroes
28239s like like monk per team so let's say
28241s like MPT when the MPT ratio is
28245s less than
28247s uh
28249s seven let's say I don't know when less
28252s than half the teams are running Monk
28256s um I feel like other teams shot
28258s and then when more than half the teams
28260s run Monk
28262s it's the same few teams that pull up
28264s because yeah when it's especially when
28267s it's monk versus monk it's always who
28269s has a better mode but when a team who's
28271s not as good as at monk plays Monk and
28274s then a team has a really good monk
28276s doesn't play it
28278s that team with monk still has a decent
28281s enough monk to take out like a Viper
28283s Justina combo yeah
28289s over J team so if Jay team had hung on
28292s for one more placement they actually
28293s could have won this game that is
28294s heartbreaking for them but here we go
28297s the overall scoreboard of the players
28300s really really nice stuff coming up 23k
28303s damage coming out from Anne you only did
28306s 5K damage
28307s with five kills wow I mean
28312s is probably a little bit upset we did
28314s 11k damage and actually only got one
28317s kill very very heavily denied in that
28320s game but some really nice stuff coming
28321s out from GS and it was nice to see them
28322s actually pop off and kind of return a
28325s little bit to form but we have the
28326s overall scores as well at the end of
28329s today let's see uh how everybody kind of
28332s plays JT moving to 19th off the back of
28335s that it's gonna have to be a good day
28336s for you for them it's gonna have to be a
28338s really really good Friday for them to
28339s come back wolves a similar case for them
28342s as well but aw and wbg to be fair we're
28346s actually in the higher end of the table
28348s I believe uh aw was seventh at the
28350s beginning of today so they have slipped
28353s a little bit as well so they're gonna
28354s have some work to do on Friday Friday is
28356s going to be bloody fun uh having a look
28358s at the other teams and their other
28359s standings mostly teams that have only
28361s played one day here in this middle pack
28364s so these are the guys who you will be
28366s expecting to see in those grand finals
28369s oh sorry in the bi-weekly finals on
28371s Sunday I don't really care about this I
28373s think we can talk about all this on
28374s Friday I want to see how the top guys
28375s are doing how the top dogs are doing KLA
28377s just about hanging on to that second
28380s spot still but expect to see them slip
28382s by the end of Friday xcg
28385s killer performance 190 points for them
28387s going into those bi-weekly finals
28389s remember
28390s a percentage of those by of those points
28393s you earn here will then transfer to your
28395s starting points on the bye weekly finals
28397s on Sunday so xcg will be kicking it off
28399s with a nice and comfortable position as
28402s the king have leapfrogged into fifth
28405s place off the back of this now I think
28407s they might be in a bit of danger of not
28409s making it to the bi-weekly finals
28410s because there are teams that potentially
28412s catch up to them and overtake them but
28414s man
28414s what a day what a day we have had
28418s yeah I I have loved it especially just
28421s being back in the chair
28424s casting naraka
28426s it's been a while since I've been out
28428s here since since season one I mean I did
28431s a little bit for the world's qualifiers
28432s but it's been a while since I've been
28434s back in that nppl action and I I've
28436s missed it so much and I just absolutely
28439s loved everything that was going on today
28441s with all the players they just did
28443s absolutely amazing I love my teams
28447s and I just I just missed it so much you
28449s know what I mean it was great being back
28451s with you guys yeah it's been nice it's
28453s been it's been honestly trios
28455s the Rama Yang has just done so much good
28457s development I just like worlds I I mean
28461s you can ask Derby because I did most of
28462s the world's covering with Darby yeah I
28464s was just in a good mood the whole time
28466s because of how much Roma Yang made the
28469s game feel just exactly right so good
28473s because it sped up what the biggest
28475s problem with naraka we had was mid game
28478s was always really boring nothing
28479s happened but now the game is
28481s unbelievably explosive for fast pace and
28483s trios are so much fun to watch it's not
28486s people clinging to ceilings on Huts in
28488s the middle of nowhere waiting for the
28489s final Circle it's it's all about the mid
28493s game action going in and it's just
28495s non-stop action and someone who acted on
28498s that was Anne with 23k there gets the
28500s MVP getting himself uh six kills as well
28503s off the back of that on the yotahime
28504s really really solid performance coming
28506s in from the side of GS and they are
28509s going to take that final win of the week
28511s and well getting close now this is this
28513s is it that was the final game of the
28515s week here at the mvpl so I'm excited for
28517s next week I'm excited to see what we can
28519s get I haven't been able to cover any
28520s solos yet uh so I am that's something
28523s I'm really eager to watch and see how
28525s the solos go because I actually missed
28527s the new Solos rule but most the worlds
28530s where it was like the top I think it's
28531s yeah you can only run one you can only
28533s run you have to run five unique Heroes a
28535s day so you can only run one hero twice
28537s which makes solos so explosive and
28540s exciting and so many different picks for
28541s coming out I it's yeah
28545s yeah you can only you have to run five
28547s unique heroes in solos
28551s another key thing to note as well is a
28554s major change between season two and even
28557s worlds going into this is for this
28559s season is no longer the players can't
28562s see the uh the players can't see the uh
28565s the other Heroes being selected so
28567s they're picking blind so no one knows
28569s what the cops look like there's no
28570s countering anymore it's you're picking
28572s your comments blind into the other team
28574s super exciting anyway we're gonna pass
28576s it over to our interview at the end of
28578s this so let's see what the guys have to
28580s say after that game
28581s yeah
28583s hey guys this is Diego and welcome to
28586s post game interview and now I'm standing
28589s with lucky and let him say hello to our
28590s audience hello
28598s and today is the first day for Charles
28602s game for the aliens and you guys already
28605s get already get the highest score and
28608s you got the MVP and I think everyone is
28611s very excited because you use the kurumi
28614s and I would like to know how you comment
28616s on yourselves today's your performance
28618s is
28643s foreign
28649s foreign
28661s ERS today he can do better and because
28664s he's using kurumi and he have very good
28667s soldiers so that's why he can got the
28670s MVP at that game okay so let's move on
28673s to the next part answer for Treasure
28675s yeah because lucky is here and we will
28678s see who is our lucky guy today
28697s so you guys can see a question on the
28700s screen and if you know the answer just
28703s type them in the chat box and after our
28706s player counting three two one we will
28708s take a screenshot the lucky guy will be
28711s whispered Okay so so today's question is
28714s which one plays trolls are Solo only
28719s um
28753s okay our player is prepared and let's
28756s start counting C two one screenshot okay
28761s so let's talk about these players
28764s situations
28786s is very strong and very popular in the
28789s new season and our correct answer also
28792s is C so the so the guy who got the right
28796s answer just pay attention to your
28798s mailbox and our monitor will message you
28800s later okay so also today we are already
28804s finished all the game and you guys are
28807s the first day for you so they're so
28809s still have a long journey so I would
28812s like to know like what's ambition for
28815s your team in the new season here
28830s foreign
28853s in this new season and we just wish good
28856s luck to Lucky and thank you for today's
28859s interview we will get back to our
28861s casters
28862s thank you
28863s thank you very much Jaeger nice to hear
28865s there from lucky as we are getting
28868s wrapped off the day it's been a really
28869s really good day I've kind of said that
28871s already but it has been phenomenal to
28873s see The Return of trios and now we've
28876s seen every team play I think that's the
28877s big things as well we now at least have
28879s a baseline of idea of where everybody
28881s sits obviously like I said I think by
28883s the end of the next bi-weekly not the
28885s one coming up I think we should have a
28887s fairly solid idea of how the power
28889s levels are within the uh within the
28891s tournament where everybody sits but at
28893s least we have like a rough idea we've
28894s seen everybody J team kind of didn't
28897s surprise me by kind of just being a bit
28899s of a thrower I'll be real with you I
28902s feel like come on man that's how they
28904s that's how they played last split but
28905s you know it they need to step up they
28907s really do KLA massive disappointment
28910s today completely un like unexpected like
28914s crushing of it on day number one the xcg
28917s you know they did win the trios uh
28920s season two of The mvpl
28922s they've shown up as we kind of expected
28925s them to do and they are going to be a
28926s team to watch but I think you know
28928s there's a bunch of other teams that I am
28930s going to be watching quite intensely
28931s over the next couple of days and weeks
28933s to see you know
28935s how they how they actually
28937s Fair like are they are they good or are
28940s they you know have they improved are
28941s they the new teams that are good it's
28943s hard to say but we have the overall
28944s standings at the end of the day once
28946s again so we can just run through where
28948s everybody is at wolves and J team I
28951s think are the two ones that surprise me
28952s on the bottom end of the table however
28954s keep in mind AOW like I said I believe
28958s was seven at the beginning of today or
28960s eight uh so they aren't too far behind
28963s them it is an achievable goal if Jay
28965s team play well on Friday they can jump
28968s up same can be said for wolves I think
28970s this walls roster has a lot of potential
28973s Ventus as well they're at the bottom of
28975s the standings right now but like
28976s realistically Winters
28978s towards the end at least stepped up in
28981s today's games I I think I have to kind
28983s of sing their praises on that front
28986s yeah definitely they did definitely step
28988s up and it's great to see that these
28991s other teams are coming up like Alliance
28994s stepped up with 63 they're gonna have a
28997s third day to come up and even put even
28999s more points onto the board we have xcg
29002s as well just amazing almost 109 points
29007s in one day almost 110 putting 190 total
29012s points on the board that is an
29014s incredible number to have especially
29016s since KLA has also played all of their
29018s two days and only has 144. yeah
29021s absolutely really big stuff all of these
29023s top teams the the teams that I'm worried
29025s about are TK bauda and OC these teams
29029s are gonna get knocked out of their spots
29030s 100 oh yeah without a shadow of a doubt
29033s I also think Gs are in a bit of a realm
29035s bit to be careful GS I'm curious I'm
29039s curious where I reckon qualifying for
29041s bi-weekly finals is probably just over a
29044s hundred looking at the teams who are
29046s below right now I think just over 100 is
29049s probably where you're going to be
29049s looking at you can't see the upcoming
29051s schedule where everything will be full
29053s length uh obviously right now we are on
29054s the 12th which is today uh but next week
29057s we will have Friday and Thursday
29058s Thursday will be the solos Friday will
29062s be the trios and then the top teams from
29065s both of those will then go on to
29067s Saturday's trios uh solos by weekly
29070s finals and then the bi-weekly finals on
29072s spread on Sunday will be the uh triers
29075s which I believe is me and Moxie doing
29077s next Sunday so yeah yeah I mean moxie
29081s exactly and you can see the schedule for
29084s how everything will be going coming up
29085s with our solos games you want goops B
29087s and C playing versus each other uh
29090s coming up on Thursday
29092s exactly the same layout for the map as
29094s as before we'll be doing those again one
29096s and again one and two again four and
29098s five back to back which I think is super
29100s exciting and really changes things up so
29103s I I'm very excited to see what next week
29104s looks like now we've seen every player
29106s every team play we got we get in that
29109s kind of foundation built for where we
29111s think everything's gonna be falling by
29113s the end of the season or at least by the
29115s midpoint let's make mid yeah the
29116s midpoint the midpoint because we're
29118s we're not gonna we're gonna have no clue
29120s Intel until later on but yes we I mean
29124s well if you're talking about the sin as
29126s a whole
29128s it's it's down to the wire it's down
29130s because as soon as you get after rape a
29133s charge
29134s after rev change represh then you can
29138s figure out okay here's the teams that
29141s are favorite to win it but until you
29143s know who's gonna be playing in the
29145s naraka blade Point pro league finals
29148s we have no that's that's
29150s stupid that's your ship it out you need
29152s to make both predictions I guarantee you
29154s okay you'll be in finals okay I
29156s guarantee you J team will be in finals
29158s yeah no I I think I actually agree on
29160s that I agree I also think tea will be in
29163s finals I think they're three teams oh
29164s yeah pretty comfortably guaranteed that
29167s we will see in the grand finals
29169s um
29170s I think it's too early for cool things
29172s like KLA because they've shown the
29175s potential to be a good team but they've
29177s also shown the potential to just be a
29178s bad team yeah you really need to figure
29180s out what the hell is going wrong with
29182s them so they can fix on that uh but you
29184s know it's still weak one it is still
29186s they've only played two games of a
29187s season they're a brand new team yes the
29190s players uh our players will be no and we
29192s love what we've seen for a while but
29193s it's the first time they've been playing
29194s as a group so I'm excited to see what
29196s becomes the KLA I think they're an
29198s interesting team I think bowed to me are
29199s quite interesting now uh like I said at
29202s the beginning of the day they felt a
29203s little bit like a uh a free win for a
29206s while they were like a team but like
29208s you'd always just see powder and you're
29210s like well they're gonna lose this fight
29211s like it's founder they don't they don't
29213s win fights now they're actually
29214s challenging people and I think that's
29216s been really really fun to watch the
29218s growth and see them actually improve and
29221s uh actually you know become a potential
29223s team but could even maybe some point
29226s actually challenge towards that
29228s bi-weekly finals but with that in mind
29229s we are going to be done here with our
29232s show at the nbpl and with our week we'll
29235s be back Thursday same time same place
29237s for our solos so make sure you join us
29239s for them but until then good night and
29241s we'll see you later
29249s foreign
29255s [Music]
29273s [Music]
29281s [Music]
29295s [Music]
29303s thank you
29310s [Music]
29325s thank you
29339s [Music]
29356s [Music]
29359s okay
29363s [Music]
29380s thank you
29385s [Music]
29396s [Music]
29411s [Music]
29416s so the odds armed in my favor I was soar
29421s above the mountain I won't give an or
29426s Surrender I'm the Phoenix in my head all
29431s the scars beneath my armor I will wear
29435s them like another
29437s they remind me to be stronger like the
29442s Phoenix in my head and they can try to
29447s bring me down
29451s push me to the edge but it won't work
29456s oh no
29458s [Music]
29460s they can try to bring it down
29468s but I
29470s rise a thousand times
29476s oh rise a thousand times
29484s [Music]
29487s see my blood is in the shade of a
29492s burning Scarlet Sunrise the end is my
29497s beginning
29498s I will rise a thousand times
29501s [Music]
29509s just one drop to recover can't stop me
29513s [Music]
29516s asures
29517s [Music]
29528s From the Ashes
29535s from the Brokenness
29539s whoa
29542s and all the pain
29545s they can try to bring me down
29550s but push me to the edge but it won't
29554s work oh no
29559s they can try to bring me down
29566s [Music]
29569s I still
29573s see my goddess in the shade of a burning
29578s Scarlet sunrise
29580s the end is my beginning
29583s I will rise a thousand times
29587s [Music]
29609s [Music]
29610s can't stop because
29613s [Music]
29618s I know
29619s [Music]
29641s [Music]
29646s thank you
29649s From the Ashes
29676s [Music]
29683s [Music]
29700s [Music]
29703s they remind me to be stronger like the
29707s Phoenix in my head and they can try to
29712s bring me down
29715s oh push me to the edge but it won't work
29721s oh no
29723s [Music]
29735s I Rise a thousand times
29741s oh rise a thousand times
29746s games
29753s see my blood is in the shade of a
29757s burning Scarlet Sunrise the end is my
29762s beginning
29763s I will rise a thousand times
29766s [Music]
29775s [Music]
29780s uh
29781s for measures
29782s [Music]
29787s healing powers
29789s [Music]
29804s whoa
29806s [Music]
about 1 year ago - NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

11s foreign
31s [Applause]
45s [Music]
53s thank you
60s [Applause]
72s [Music]
83s thank you
86s [Music]
102s there is no point to this Viper
107s you've spent too long fighting
110s importance
121s [Music]
122s oh
126s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
130s daughter
131s you're not my mother you're a monster ah
135s one grateful
139s in honor for I allowed to serve me in
142s death as in life
147s [Music]
149s Viper and who is this past Justina group
153s Winter's Grace
170s [Music]
177s not that girlfriend said let's finish
180s this
182s [Music]
212s thank you
223s foreign
247s [Music]
260s [Music]
262s foreign
295s foreign
304s [Music]
343s [Music]
349s [Music]
353s foreign
354s [Music]
366s foreign
376s [Music]
396s [Music]
426s thank you
437s foreign
450s [Music]
466s [Music]
488s [Music]
497s [Music]
499s two three
506s [Music]
514s foreign
531s [Music]
539s [Music]
547s thank you
565s [Music]
581s foreign
585s [Music]
595s [Music]
614s [Music]
631s thank you
633s [Music]
640s [Music]
648s [Music]
662s thank you
664s foreign
666s [Music]
679s [Music]
691s [Music]
698s [Applause]
711s [Music]
723s [Music]
730s foreign
733s [Music]
752s um
763s [Music]
770s [Music]
794s [Music]
807s [Music]
811s thank you
815s foreign
821s [Applause]
846s foreign
859s [Music]
886s [Music]
896s foreign
925s [Music]
934s but the terrain is just barely blocking
937s it as the same TK coming with a huge mug
939s TK Shane Young also in that F ability
943s getting caught in the grab here we're
945s gonna be able to see Shannon try and
946s make some more plays but is unable to
948s flabbergasted guys and struggling as
951s hard as they are today
959s you can't see you're gonna jump away now
961s that the monks has come out for the
962s transformation and lucky looking for the
964s grab is able to grab K can't get another
967s one should just be able to get the slam
969s sorry he has two I didn't see that gets
971s the re-grab onto cake it's the ring no
973s dozen
976s foreign
981s [Music]
993s I'm really loving things it has so much
996s power so much impact
1002s [Music]
1005s ZK is trying to make something happen
1007s when you see all of these alternating
1009s props at the same time they're locked
1010s into a corner we're gonna see a huge
1012s Perry coming up oh my goodness
1017s [Music]
1025s thank you
1029s [Music]
1058s foreign
1065s [Music]
1076s [Music]
1103s children
1111s [Music]
1117s [Music]
1121s family
1125s [Music]
1128s foreign
1129s [Music]
1142s [Music]
1150s [Music]
1165s thank you
1194s [Applause]
1206s thank you
1208s [Music]
1222s [Applause]
1235s [Music]
1245s foreign
1249s [Music]
1265s there is no point to this Viper
1270s you've spent too long fighting Mortals
1273s and you've forgotten much but I am no
1276s immortal
1281s s
1283s [Music]
1289s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
1292s daughter
1294s you're not my mother you're a monster ah
1298s ungrateful
1302s is an honor for I allow you to serve me
1305s in death as in life
1309s [Music]
1311s Viper and who is this past Justina goob
1316s Winter's Grace
1333s [Music]
1340s not bad for a princess let's finish this
1345s [Music]
1387s thank you
1410s [Music]
1418s foreign
1423s [Music]
1458s foreign
1467s [Music]
1488s foreign
1505s [Music]
1512s [Music]
1522s thank you
1538s [Music]
1558s [Music]
1586s all right
1597s thank you
1612s [Music]
1629s [Music]
1635s foreign
1651s [Music]
1660s [Music]
1668s foreign
1669s [Music]
1693s [Music]
1702s [Music]
1705s foreign
1706s [Music]
1727s [Music]
1747s foreign
1751s [Music]
1758s [Music]
1776s [Music]
1785s thank you
1788s [Music]
1803s [Music]
1811s [Music]
1829s [Music]
1833s thank you
1842s [Music]
1854s [Music]
1861s [Applause]
1865s foreign
1873s [Music]
1885s [Music]
1892s [Music]
1914s um
1923s [Music]
1930s laughs
1933s [Music]
1946s [Music]
1957s [Music]
1970s [Music]
1977s foreign
1983s [Applause]
2003s foreign
2022s [Music]
2045s [Music]
2061s thank you
2074s a team that people wouldn't want to be
2076s playing versus but when you get pinned
2078s on the Olympic players left GD with one
2079s player left bow down his moon going down
2082s the double slab come on
2085s at least you go down
2087s [Music]
2094s here as Alliance is lucky almost gets
2097s grabbed here but the terrain is just
2099s barely blocking it as the same TK coming
2101s with a huge mug Tike young also in that
2105s affability getting caught in the grab
2107s here we're gonna be able to see Shannon
2109s try and make some more plays with his
2110s unable to flabbergasting information
2112s these guys are struggling as hard as
2114s they are today
2120s [Music]
2122s I see gonna jump away now but the monks
2125s has come out for the transformation and
2126s lucky looking for the grab is able to
2128s grab K can't get it another one should
2131s just be able to get the slam sorry he
2132s has two I didn't see that get the
2134s re-grab onto K gets the ring no dozen
2143s [Music]
2146s there's a room for them to be overtaken
2148s and just in the replay thing you know PE
2151s this was their game and this this new
2154s pump the Decatur I'm really loving
2157s things it has so much power so much
2159s impact
2165s [Music]
2168s is trying to make something happen when
2170s you see all of these alternating crafts
2172s at the same time they're locked into a
2173s corner we're gonna see a huge Perry
2175s coming out oh my goodness
2180s [Music]
2187s [Music]
2227s thank you
2235s [Music]
2258s foreign
2261s [Music]
2306s foreign
2364s thank you
2364s [Music]
2379s foreign
2387s [Applause]
2389s [Music]
2395s [Music]
2406s [Music]
2412s hello ladies and gentlemen it is me
2416s Raven your host for today and I'm joined
2419s by my International brother from across
2422s the pond the number one target of EU Mr
2425s Duncan Donuts
2428s hello hello everybody thank you very
2430s much for even I'm happy to be here very
2432s excited for the day
2434s it's been three months of off-season
2436s since the last World so I'm super
2437s excited to see solos in the second
2439s bi-weekly
2440s a lot of things have changed we have one
2444s two less players with only 14 players in
2447s the lobby but we got one of my favorite
2449s players back huge fan of Mike I can't
2452s wait to see him go head to head against
2454s spider this season and with the meta
2457s changes the new character Feria already
2460s The Meta is shaping up with the veterans
2463s coming out showing their Firefly
2465s strategies playing their same world
2467s strategy with a little bit of counter
2469s play using the new character Fair super
2471s exciting what what do you think about uh
2473s how Tark is being played in today's mvpl
2476s show list Mr Duncan
2478s well I mean we we all know that Tonka
2481s was a uh a prevalent pick last season we
2484s we knew that he was very strong he was
2486s he was uh being picked up by a lot of
2488s the players but now after the Nerfs
2491s after the reduction and his power and
2493s potential uh We've definitely seen less
2496s but I think we're still going to see a
2498s few people picking him up since the uh
2500s the Solo character Pool isn't too large
2503s so people are still going to go back to
2505s Taka potentially it's a comfort pick and
2508s it still can do well but potentially not
2510s with the zippings hoarding around him if
2513s he's on his own he's in big trouble but
2516s uh I think we could we could potentially
2518s see some action at least I hope I hope
2521s we see some action I am of course the
2523s Firebug enjoyer yeah we'll have to see
2528s so today's bi-weekly is the second one
2532s and followed up at the finals next week
2535s uh right now I believe Feng has
2538s rebranded from uh the name sin which Ong
2542s actually translates to top of the
2544s mountain and he is currently at the top
2545s of the mountain for solos right now even
2547s ahead of spiders who's close on his
2549s heels in second
2551s uh they didn't really go head to head I
2553s think they were in different groups this
2554s this past weekly so I'm excited to see
2556s if today if uh Fong and spider get to go
2559s head to head now
2562s the day's gonna be split up up with
2564s different environments we have the first
2565s day being uh looks like evening followed
2568s by Night daytime
2571s and
2573s big things oh yeah I think that's
2575s morning big thing to say is usually the
2576s maps are split up between three Firefly
2578s days and three night days
2584s I'm really curious to see how this Lobby
2588s is going to shape up on how they choose
2589s their Firefly characters because if you
2592s didn't know this there is a character
2593s point system where you have to play five
2596s characters at minimum and usually you'll
2598s go with your main character for two of
2600s them traditionally in the past it's been
2602s Tarka but with Tarka being Nerf of his
2605s punch and like frogging strategy off the
2607s ground it looks like players have been
2609s shifting to Feria and to Takeda so Fong
2615s at the top he actually ran Feria twice
2617s and he used it really really
2618s strategically to get the end game to
2620s annihilate all the zipping pests out
2622s there and they and he ended up Goomba
2625s stomping the the last Circle
2627s and taking out last inning all the
2628s failures while spider straight rushed
2631s everyone down and he even said in his
2633s interviews that he took a break after
2634s winning worlds and he wasn't really sure
2636s where he wanted to go but he came back
2638s with the fuel and fire saying like all
2639s right well I just maintained my skills
2641s and uh let's see where everyone's at and
2643s he just fried everyone in the lobby on
2644s cicada even running to Mike multiple
2647s times and currently Mike
2650s is at the top so we're seeing Fang was
2653s clearly just ahead I think his counter
2654s picks for the first week were just way
2656s ahead of the lobby everyone went with
2658s safe picks running double zipping but
2661s but falling over here top of the
2662s mountain going with the the crazy Feria
2664s pick adapting to the the V3 goombastom
2668s plus the F break
2671s it's really really interesting to see I
2673s actually didn't even know who he was at
2675s first and I was wondering
2677s who he was and I was updated by Trier
2679s and telling me that it's actually sin
2681s rebranded
2682s he usually always runs dagger right now
2685s dagger's the prevalent meta weapon and
2687s solos
2690s everyone warm enough
2691s we got all the goat himself he's ready
2694s to go here
2696s but yeah I am yeah I mean all you say
2699s you say that uh zipping with the crazy
2702s picks and all that sort of thing I
2704s definitely think now though after after
2706s the first week is finished and we're
2707s heading into week two that we're gonna
2708s see some more farriers potentially some
2710s more people picking up uh dude doing
2713s double farrier games
2715s um some people as well potentially still
2717s doing their double Decatur or double
2719s zipping but uh I think I think I'm gonna
2721s predict that we're gonna see a bit more
2723s farrier she's definitely strong very
2725s strong I would say
2726s um and can be a bit of a menace
2728s especially in the in final Zone in hilov
2730s she uh she sort of negates a lot of
2734s uh damaging Potential from from the
2737s other people in the final Zone
2742s but yeah we we will see uh the the
2745s turret the turret does a lot of damage
2748s knocking people back as well in the
2751s final Zone it can it can be very
2752s impactful
2753s I am still a bit surprised though that
2755s we haven't seen much F3 in uh in solos
2759s but Faria I've I've played quite a bit
2761s of solos myself and uh F3 is definitely
2764s uh an annoyance I would say it can be it
2767s can be very good but uh I don't know we
2770s haven't seen it yet maybe we'll see it
2771s today
2775s F3 Terraria
2777s no gold F though for survival I feel
2780s like that this is being the zipping
2781s Nation will recognize very quickly that
2783s you have no combo break and then we'll
2785s just sit there and poke you and death by
2788s a Thousand Cuts until they just get you
2790s at a Lobby that happened to Mike when he
2791s was on Tarka even even talked about how
2795s aggressive he was going into it coming
2797s from ranked being the ranked ooga booga
2799s Warrior he is he's throwing one charges
2802s on people Non-Stop and it just didn't
2804s work versus the tab
2811s an interview from ougs
2817s um
2822s foreign
2853s parents
2888s thank you
2890s foreign
2901s foreign
2934s forever finally doing duels together
2937s it's just way more fun sharing the
2939s experience and glory with another person
2940s and being able to share tips especially
2943s uh with other very very passionate
2946s naraka players which is way more
2948s fulfilling and it starts by just having
2950s that shared interest
2952s going to the game one Duncan what do you
2955s what do you think people are going to be
2956s opening up with oh we have spider and
2959s Mike in this match yes we do
2961s um well I mean it's hard to say there's
2963s a few schools of thought some people
2964s typically like to go a bit slower in
2967s their first game get themselves warmed
2969s up go for our slightly safer pick
2971s essentially for some people they they
2974s like to get ugly they like to go ham
2976s from that from game one they like to
2978s go straight in there get aggressive and
2981s uh and try and put some kills on the
2983s board get those points in early but
2985s so it's hard to really say I think we'll
2987s definitely see some barriers uh can be
2990s reasonably safe but I think we might see
2992s uh some cicada come out of the room but
2995s we'll see oh right well
2999s no cicada so far
3002s we've got a few talkers oh yeah we got
3005s spider and Panama leading it out with
3007s the ugliness don't Target close to the
3010s lobby going very very conservative this
3011s is actually a Lobby of death though you
3013s got all the Heavy Hitters in here right
3015s now with Fong 225 uh
3019s she was then who's rank one right now in
3021s CN Mike is up there too Wang Lange did
3024s super good during worlds
3026s Shaw has always been in the in the top
3028s eight top five everyone is pretty much
3030s neck to neck as far as competitors up
3032s this is going to be
3034s killer Lobby we're gonna see a lot of
3035s fierceness probably a lot of timing
3037s attacks off spawn and with fireflies
3040s we're probably gonna see
3042s Spiderman
3043s Spiderman Spiderman looking for a timer
3047s attack I'm wondering what Mike does I'm
3049s Atari very strange pick compared to
3051s everyone else maybe he knows something
3053s from ranked
3054s I mean it's possible although we do know
3057s I think that this is definitely going to
3059s be a firefly map so I'm I'm not
3061s surprised to see the the few takas in
3063s there fireflies definitely allow him to
3066s uh
3067s to accelerate his game and get those
3069s isolated fights when he needs them try
3071s not to stay in too big of a group and
3073s then uh gives him more uptime on his
3076s kill potential so definitely a solid
3078s pick
3079s um could always be swapped out for the
3081s kiddo since he does similar
3084s um with fireflies but we'll have to see
3085s here what we what we're looking at oh
3087s we've got the the Shipwreck the
3091s Shipwreck gold Zone don't we I think we
3094s do and we've got some Celestial drops
3096s here we've got uh a few people out to
3098s the right of the map
3100s in the east
3101s like seven people are in the top right
3104s just looking for that offspawn timing it
3106s doesn't look like we've got too many
3107s ooglers in wreckage sadly
3111s everyone would be in wreckage right now
3113s yeah an EU everyone will be in wreckage
3115s true
3116s oh Panda man's actually running cave
3121s I like that I like that a lot this is
3123s something that I typically do as well
3125s um you go into the cave you get yourself
3127s some fireflies you get the old charge
3128s and you walk out with some uh with some
3131s decent loot here we are I've got behind
3133s the man going into the cave grabbing the
3135s uh the gold troves getting the fireflies
3138s oh here we have spider
3140s taking down alley
3142s with the great sword Target or we love
3146s to see it or at least I do the Champions
3148s are just going with the rush down Freddy
3150s right off the back we got shanghyu which
3153s is two Zen is he gonna be able to clutch
3155s it
3156s hitting the one charge looking to
3158s retreat
3159s a very low HP situation looks like
3161s shangu is willing to take the 50 50.
3164s on Focus attack away Who's Gonna Take It
3167s doesn't look like he wants to risk it
3170s he's he's creating space the toy is on
3173s high Pursuit though
3174s looking for the bow shot
3179s actually tries to force the heel and
3181s eats the one charge
3184s dang he was ready starting the day off
3186s super strong
3188s oh this is one of one of my favorite
3190s players
3192s T225 one of the best neutrals in the
3194s game zero fat on him
3197s oh the zipping herd fight and there he
3200s is he gets out sculpt-free having picked
3203s up that early kill for himself
3206s solid play here oh and we're moving over
3208s to Spider-Man wreckage with panda man
3210s having come over from the cave Tarka
3212s versus Tarka both ultimates available oh
3215s and spider eats the fry on the katana
3218s goes for the jump area after having
3220s armor swap
3221s gets fried yet again on the run now
3224s handerman
3226s opting to take the the soft reset though
3230s now he's back on the hunt
3233s another one charge from Panda man
3239s five one charges in a row we got the
3242s third party with Matari um
3245s looking to pick up matari's prey tarkas
3248s artist still ends up yoinking The Kill
3250s is he gonna be able to create enough
3252s space to get away getting an lnb for
3254s uppercutted
3256s Matari closing out the kills picking up
3259s the two two tarkas no
3262s the deadly third party it looks like
3265s Mike just took down uh
3268s clicked on a player as well finding
3270s himself
3272s very close to another as well sure with
3275s the with the zipping and the blue dagger
3278s having armor advantage
3281s Mike oh the one two three like chipping
3286s away at that zipping
3289s Mike is at one two three connoisseur
3291s something that you do in rank all the
3293s time the no mixed up mix-up going back
3296s to the basics sending the three
3299s toughest part about zipping though is
3301s closing out the kill
3303s but that's where mataris all comes in
3305s get in the kick
3308s but he's running F3
3309s he is running F3 which to be honest I
3312s think is the more optimal pick right now
3314s but if you if you don't use your F3 well
3318s with the backstab while you're in your
3320s ultimate you can be uh you can't miss
3323s out quite a bit since with F2 you get
3326s two chances you get two of those well
3328s three if you manage to use it
3330s um as fast as possible but uh yeah no I
3334s definitely think that F3 is probably the
3336s the better pick after having
3340s after having been buffed so that it
3342s allows you to uh Port backwards
3346s even imagine though there he is get in
3349s getting at it using the Goomba stomp
3351s trying to catch a focus attack but
3353s suzang just immediately double trip and
3355s grapples away taking the reset
3358s really really tough to secure kills in
3361s in celestra
3363s looks like T225 is looking at take down
3366s long line
3367s the zipping matchup throw it you have to
3369s throw a ton of Blues to burn through her
3370s F to burn through her all ends up being
3373s super risky you're mainly looking to to
3375s pick up people as a third party it looks
3377s like spider went to the outskirts to try
3379s to reset Salvage his game
3381s he's looking to Mather scuff with white
3383s armor still
3385s I believe this is dead side Zone though
3387s we got we got the oogler himself
3390s Mike
3392s in his hunting grounds in celestra
3394s looking to get his key on with the
3397s Matari yeah as you said it it can be
3400s very hard to close out kills in in
3402s Celestron but even more so when you're
3405s uh faced with fighting zippings and
3407s mataris both of which having really good
3409s mobility and the uh
3412s the ability to escape
3414s very um very hard to catch we've all
3417s been there we've all been there trying
3418s to chase him Atari or a zipping gun and
3420s celestra and just ending up giving you
3423s up after a little while
3425s um but yeah I know it's it's
3429s I think this is definitely expected most
3431s of the zippings and mataris are going to
3432s be uh staying around celestra so that
3435s they can use the terrain to their
3436s advantage potentially pick up some kills
3439s some third parties
3440s and walk away with a few points the real
3444s Chad's around the outskirts looking for
3445s these ISO plays
3450s it looks like the lobby is actually
3452s slowing down trying to get the resources
3454s up transitioning in the mid game
3458s oh yeah as well yeah exactly no one
3462s wants to commit their alts right now
3464s there's usually two schools of thought
3466s when it comes to the the Yang strategy
3467s either you play play for endgame and
3469s while everyone's in Yang you try to
3471s scale up get as much loot or you can sit
3473s fancy yourself one of the best duelers
3474s you choose some of the best dueling
3476s characters and you get in there now
3479s the roll of the dice is if you run into
3481s a Feria vario cannot pretty much just
3484s lose or can only win and tie
3487s and she can just grief You by surviving
3491s getting into a Mech and running in a
3492s circle and in general all the characters
3495s in this Lobby it's quite the gamble to
3498s go into Yang I'm curious which players
3499s are actually going to take it or you
3501s already know that spider is going to
3502s take it as Tarka but do you think natako
3504s beats Feria Duncan
3506s well in my experience it's uh I still
3511s feel as though it's more up to the
3512s farrier to make a mistake
3515s um
3516s in uh in Yang to be able to actually
3519s lose for the Target to the win and to
3522s come out on top it's
3523s it's more up to the farrier to make
3525s mistakes or to be uh to be sloppy or for
3527s the Target that you're getting a really
3529s good read on the farrier in neutral
3531s before she has the chance to use her
3533s ultimate and to literally just
3536s Tod her but it's uh it's definitely not
3539s easy I would definitely say it's more
3541s likely that you're gonna end up drawing
3543s or losing but here we have Panda man
3546s against the zipping
3554s and zipping survived through tarkazult
3556s it's always a question you ask yourself
3559s pandemon the most experienced Tark is
3562s he's looking for his his infinite over
3564s and he gets a scoop off the off the
3566s pillar T2 to 5 getting chuckled gets the
3568s one two three he's able to bombs out
3571s nobody gets it again reset again
3574s this panaman drop it though
3579s taking away healing him up
3583s healing on on zipping is just so crazy
3586s since the patch
3588s the overhauls coming in as well
3591s oh and that we have it the farrier
3594s turret doing a lot of damage we have the
3596s target here not having committed his
3597s ultimate yet now pulling it out 12
3600s seconds though this is what I was saying
3601s Feria the Yang Griefers
3605s he either wins or or ties
3608s and there it is
3612s they both end up going down now after
3615s yang this is most the the interesting
3617s part of Yang the lobby goes into chaos
3620s because you have a bunch of players who
3621s have four minutes to try to pick up a
3623s soul Bloom off a body so there's a
3625s guaranteed fight on the map happening
3628s two of them we have chuzang running away
3632s in celestra trying to survive
3635s two fives above
3638s all using the staff beautifully
3642s and he's about to get the scale Rush
3644s breaking two two fives ankles if I'm
3647s looking a little bit lost
3649s where did my man go
3651s running around like those gold dual
3653s blades though
3655s definitely if he catches off to him he
3657s can he can shred through that blue armor
3660s okay
3662s dual Blaze is one of the best weapons to
3664s chase chase people because that Army
3665s just gives you so much distance
3668s and even if he doesn't get this farrier
3670s right here he's still dragging his
3671s resources out that's one of the hardest
3673s things to do if you if you have a
3675s character like Feria that's trying to
3676s get to end game is having resources
3678s there while zippings we can heal
3680s themselves are just saving a lot of
3683s their heels being able to use their F on
3684s cooldown now we have spider Under
3686s Pressure the number one and two going at
3688s it
3689s while you're looking to try to get it an
3692s lmb he gets it it's the turn for
3696s predicts the uh the immediate backstab
3698s by using his F but
3701s actually managed to get the uppercut
3703s onto the Matari preventing her from
3705s doing it
3706s I don't miss myself for sure I've done
3709s this a few times it's heartbreaking
3711s right there handle man under pressure
3712s here in celestra as well having to pop
3715s his ultimate
3716s gets parried but Dash is out
3720s oh in the third and fourth spotted he's
3722s a benefiter with a PTS
3726s man a man find someone else
3728s in his one HP
3731s area confused why is Panda man have
3734s chosen him
3737s he predicts the Goomba Stone from year
3739s on
3742s to come down
3744s allowing his F1 to reactivate off of it
3747s and then he gets the infinite lovely
3750s very well blade there from Panama
3752s exactly what you want to be seeing as a
3755s as a talker here making those reads
3758s salvaging the situation in the clutch
3761s getting the nice tap Dodge
3764s dagger fairy is it looks like most of
3767s the lobbies actually using daggers right
3768s now music selection to stall
3771s kind of
3772s see if anyone overextends and taking
3774s advantage of it
3776s two two five though doesn't care about
3778s looking for the third party he's looking
3780s to do the heavy lifting he does he does
3782s lose his dual blades though after
3784s getting parried
3785s and it looks like his opponent is just
3788s happy to take him
3789s parries the door blades and then heads
3792s right on out not looking to extend the
3794s fight happy with what he's what he's
3796s gained from it now we have Panda man
3798s here being pressured
3804s panaman popsy old
3806s Mike doesn't want any part of this he
3808s doesn't have alt up as a break but he's
3809s safe on the buildings
3812s Panama looks like he's gonna take the
3813s re7 Mike is able to no wait it's not
3815s whether the storm
3817s no it's I'm I'm trolling my bad
3823s my mistake my mistake
3826s oh he gets the
3828s oh I'm Atari forced to pop out here
3831s third party coming in here as well
3834s another Matari it looks like mataris are
3836s just picking the tarkas out they have a
3838s personal Vendetta against the tarkas
3840s this Lobby
3843s and trying to track back to Tarka he
3848s finds him
3849s crouching lmbs
3851s he's smashing he's smashing
3854s this talk is not fighting back at all
3856s what he's a fireball chat
3859s oh no my friend
3861s liable is not the way
3864s yeah
3867s and you
3869s all the tires and jumping in Mike's
3871s looking to to Alpha the lobby taking all
3874s the resources
3876s looks like he's gonna back out
3879s having committed us all he's not really
3881s looking to take another engagement I
3883s don't think potentially pick up a third
3884s party kill but not much more than that
3888s especially since Yang is not coming up
3890s he's he's looking to space out maybe
3892s find some loot to pick up as you said
3896s here we have the real Panda man this
3899s time
3901s and early
3905s Parker versus ferio can't Panama burst
3908s through this HP he's starting out by
3909s throwing some blues he gets gubastom
3911s breaks the r b
3913s now we're in the mech mini game
3918s he's pressuring Ali needs to heal
3922s um
3923s three turn hits his man just to defect
3926s him it's possible we got 44 seconds
3927s there he is
3930s target comes out on top surviving
3934s the the fairy agree
3937s so yeah that right there
3940s um I feel like that coincides with what
3942s I was talking about how
3943s Panda man although he did read that uh
3947s but the ferry was going to go for go for
3950s an attack the ferry is still like she
3952s has to respect the taka F1 if you don't
3955s respect Tarka F1 and you've already used
3957s your combo break your like
3960s you're asking you're literally asking
3962s just to get hit by it
3964s um
3965s if you throw out attacks with multiple
3967s hits animations you're you're definitely
3969s gonna get caught by their F1 punch into
3971s blue Focus
3973s so it just goes to show that Mario
3975s although she's not infallible it's more
3978s of the hard to make a mistake I feel
3979s like but here we have Feng with the
3982s Matari popping his old going for the
3984s backstab
3986s oh hand situation on the outside Spang
3991s rank one player currently in nbpl
3994s one HP situation
3996s ends up folding a standing seven to
3999s three
4001s so close they take your ISO deal looking
4004s to salvage some resources off the boxes
4007s looks like Matari has a solid strategy
4010s in this matter right now going for box
4012s on the outside while the zipping Mafia
4015s out here in Celestial just
4017s playing tag left and right
4021s looks like 225 is it right now with a
4023s layout and Hot Pursuit
4030s avoiding the signs
4032s the 225 completely breaking his ankles
4035s though he's out of there La is
4037s completely lost
4039s but Wang Lang might be the victim of pts
4041s next oh Panda man with the buff 20
4044s damage reduction merciless
4048s probably one of the strongest winning
4049s chain right here
4052s one two
4054s horses
4056s thank you to Alt
4058s getting the uppercut though
4060s yeah F3 reset it now breaks combos
4063s throws yourself into the trees can panda
4065s man tracker
4067s he does have Belle
4070s thank you can get the Celestia though
4072s this is Haven but is it matari's with
4076s zippings everywhere
4080s Target though
4086s Rush
4090s great toy Skywatch does so much damage
4092s it's almost like getting hit by a
4094s straight boat's attack
4097s and a man not looking to overextend with
4099s so many zippings around choosing to go
4102s back to full health everyone's resetting
4105s there's still a lot of naraka to play
4108s he definitely needs to keep his ultimate
4110s as long as possible try and stay keep
4113s his health topped up so that he's not
4115s forced to use it
4116s um as as soon as he does everybody
4118s around him is immediately going to see
4120s him as the target once taka uses his old
4123s he becomes very very weak in comparison
4126s to when he does have it so uh especially
4128s in celestra when he's matched up against
4130s all these zippings and mataris who can
4132s just
4133s maneuver around the buildings with ease
4136s it's uh it's definitely not what you
4138s want to be doing
4140s Mike's gonna get an ISO fight who is
4142s this
4142s versus Shaw the pink versus Matari this
4146s is a tough matchup
4148s ends up eating an r b dumbbell Diva pops
4151s out I'm gonna get the backs up we're
4153s seeing Sean to the Gambit oh he ends up
4155s with a huge catch on the lnb
4157s leading the uppercut oh nicely done this
4161s makes sense of why Mike is so scaled he
4163s is fully Juiced four White Years ten
4167s blue heels he gets purple weapons 24
4170s grapples he's ready to stall he's ready
4172s for end game hell yeah he is
4175s I know I'm watching Mike in the the
4178s previous week it felt like his Tempo was
4180s off
4181s since he didn't really get to play uh
4183s last season but he's been playing ring
4185s improving in skill it's just in rank
4187s it's not really the same as tournament
4189s as far as as Rhythm a lot of people just
4191s run it down and it looked like Mike was
4194s just running it down the entire time he
4196s took every single fight last time and he
4198s was really really successful it's just
4199s when the when the lobby saw him chip a
4201s little bit low the zipping Mafia just
4203s jumped him just put him in the shooting
4205s range and just kept hitting him until he
4207s was out of there
4208s so it looks like he's playing a better
4210s character for the heal off game
4213s with farias and zippings running around
4215s he's looking at third party and all
4217s these mataris have shown a lot of
4219s success third partying tarkas zippings
4221s and using the they're all to kill
4223s confirm
4226s no exactly right I uh
4229s I mean I'm I'm excited to see um some
4232s more Matari here uh potentially there's
4234s uh
4235s there's some power that we're not seeing
4236s in these kind of games he's definitely
4238s using it very well though definitely a
4241s good match for zipping in celestra I
4243s feel uh since it becomes very hard to uh
4246s it's it's just as hard to catch a
4248s zipping as it is I'm Atari and celestra
4250s so um
4252s definitely a good pick here as you can
4254s see we've got the farrier F V3 being put
4257s down on top of the Morris to act as a
4259s sort of Shield very useful
4262s um when it comes to securing boxes
4264s especially considering that it only
4266s costs 30 of your ultimate charge it's
4268s not that big of a loss and you can
4271s always get in it and use it
4273s if need be it looks like
4277s we've got Wang Liang here walking away
4278s with the gold armor Dubai here on the
4281s outskirts with the gold blue blades he
4284s hasn't picked up a kill this game but
4286s he's uh he's definitely pretty kitted
4288s out it seems so uh
4291s nothing to put your nose up but I think
4293s everybody's just waiting everyone's
4294s biting their time for now
4296s looking to see somebody go low
4300s oh no there was a double move
4306s oh that's awesome it's just not your day
4311s we call that Moon Bane surfing and
4313s sometimes you just wipe and you just get
4315s sent right back to the lobby yep
4319s feels like you can tap Dodge and then
4320s you just get the double hit and there's
4322s no way out
4325s I'm kind of curious to see what the
4327s stats were of how how many people get
4330s loot off the boxes I've I've always seen
4333s Wang Lang do Subaru on box situations
4336s it's kind of like a musical chair
4337s situation it was interesting that ferio
4339s actually used uh her alt to guard the
4343s Box because she could easily
4345s accidentally press e and go into it all
4349s very true I just think about that it's
4351s you have to be precise really precise
4355s especially in that tense situation when
4357s you see other people walking towards you
4358s trying to contest the box for themselves
4360s do you accidentally press it you are you
4364s suddenly become the target
4366s um
4367s I'm not sure if you managed to get
4368s anything out of it but uh
4371s definitely worth a try I feel like 30
4373s Old charge isn't that big of a hit you
4376s can make that up with a with a little
4378s bit of range Trading
4380s as we can see right here everybody's
4382s looking to get those uh those range
4384s shots in trying to burn through the
4386s opponent's resources
4389s um and if they don't have all to build
4391s up the the charge for it
4393s nothing seems to be going down right now
4395s it looks like everyone's just boiling
4397s their time
4400s handerman over here
4402s chilling
4403s doesn't want to draw attention to
4404s himself as if you get to final Zone as
4407s taka and there aren't very many of you
4409s you
4410s know if you're going to be hunted
4414s that's uh the fire damage from Target
4416s can be very useful in those final zones
4419s um and as soon as he pops his alt he
4421s becomes very easy target so you have to
4424s be low-key or you have to have a huge
4426s presence with uh with your range weapon
4428s I find that getting a a good range
4431s weapon setup on Tarka in tournament
4433s becomes is almost necessary so that you
4435s can maintain pressure on everybody else
4437s and um not let yourself become the
4440s target
4441s or it is an art form to get other
4443s players lobbied now I saw Wang Lang
4445s holding a cannon he most likely has
4448s flame breath or he can cause fire damage
4450s to the other players as long as you're
4452s shooting at someone else generally the
4454s lobby
4455s will start focusing on that other person
4457s just to Vibe check to see where their HP
4459s is at you can kind of poke someone else
4463s and harass him the entire time and get
4465s the lobby to focus them
4466s now if you don't watch your back someone
4469s else who doesn't really care to go after
4471s that person who actually wants you out
4473s they the fairy is who are going to win
4475s heal off may hit you with a chunky bow
4477s shot and if you're not wearing any range
4480s resistance you can take up to a thousand
4481s damage from a bow shot from behind and
4483s then suddenly your big chilling with
4485s gold gold armor and now you're just
4487s running for your life while everyone is
4489s chipping your health down with pistols
4491s and cannons very easy to light you up
4495s no yeah I completely agree um you get
4498s that one that one guy comes up behind
4500s you doesn't really care about the person
4502s in front of you
4503s and you just eat a huge huge amount of
4506s damage you want your instantly On The
4507s Run having just put in the work to try
4510s and make somebody else the target
4512s extremely frustrating we've all been
4514s there
4516s um
4517s oh yeah now we've got the Zone closing
4518s in it looks like people are starting to
4520s move a little bit close together Panda
4522s man trying to maintain The High Ground
4524s here
4525s uh keep keeping himself moving does take
4529s a small hit but manages to heal it up no
4532s problem
4533s T225
4535s sending out those wind slashes
4537s preventing himself from getting hit by a
4539s ranged
4540s and applying pressure to to Dubai is
4543s right underneath him
4545s Mike does seem a little bit out of the
4547s open but I think he'll probably be all
4549s right
4550s I don't know right underneath Panda man
4555s definitely looking to try and end up
4557s Surviving this one Duncan we got Feria
4559s zipping matar who wins the heel off here
4563s I think
4565s if Ferrier doesn't take damage to her
4567s health
4568s leading up to the very final Zone then
4571s she
4571s theoretically should win as she can drop
4575s down the the Goomba stall in the middle
4577s of the Zone get inside of it and just go
4579s straight into turret form although she
4582s can get she can potentially get burned
4584s down get the health of the mech burned
4586s down and and get knocked out of it she's
4588s still gonna be knocking people into the
4590s Zone making them take a lot of uh Health
4593s damage and uh and applying a lot of
4596s damage numbers to multiple people
4599s potentially securing kills when they do
4602s uh
4603s take down due to the storm but uh I mean
4607s I think Feria probably the favorite
4609s zipping definitely has a lot of power
4611s because of the healing as long as they
4613s don't take any uh
4615s healing reduction here we have T225
4618s getting pressured here
4620s forced to use his ultimate reasonably
4621s early on
4623s manages to compose himself Mike with the
4627s dragon roar oh that's gonna be impactful
4632s yeah he ends up being able to cancel
4633s that 40 this is why zipping is just so
4636s powerful in end game she's just so
4638s durable even though she gets focused she
4640s can always reliably heal that's why I
4641s think Wang Lang back in the Yoda matter
4644s he would always
4645s do super super well in these heel off
4647s situations he was always ahead of the
4648s curve when it comes to how how to use
4650s Zone because the Zone can be your friend
4653s an enemy in this situation where you can
4655s use it to damage your enemies by pushing
4657s them out playing slightly Center and
4660s there's an exact timing you're gonna see
4662s everyone choose to either go out from
4664s the center or try to hold Center for as
4666s long as possible there are pros and cons
4668s to this and it looks like a lot of
4670s people are actually using long sword
4672s it's looking like
4675s and managed to get himself blistering
4678s Edge a huge a huge potential in this
4680s final Zone I think
4682s he's gonna be able to stone form release
4684s that blistering Edge burn everyone
4686s getting elastic is like a big part of
4688s playing heel off too
4690s um 100 why do you think Wang Lang with
4694s the cannon right here he's gonna be able
4695s to chip everyone down play from a
4697s safetist and Pops his heel and one of
4700s the things that the zippings are gonna
4701s get a huge benefit over is when they pop
4703s their own if they eat in flour they get
4705s a huge heal in this end game it looks
4707s like chuzang has already taken some
4709s white health and he's trying to heal it
4711s off
4716s the favorite to win heal off exactly
4718s what you want to be doing a Target
4722s your boy panda man it looks like he's
4725s doing his best here oh my boy he's using
4728s the he was using the mech to Grapple off
4731s of to try and stay up in the air as long
4732s as possible
4734s oh he's even bother popping out just
4736s he's just chilling
4738s pulls out the blistering Edge can he
4741s secure some kills with this
4743s we're gonna get some punches of Wang
4744s Ling
4746s and Panda man
4750s kind of I don't think behind the man
4751s managed to secure any kills at the end
4753s there but good job of surviving
4756s I believe
4760s it still comes out huge placement points
4763s especially in the lobby with only 14
4764s people still come out in very very huge
4767s and it looks like everyone like I said
4768s first round everyone usually comes out
4770s with Conservative Strategies
4772s and a lot of the the better rents
4775s showing up there
4778s but yeah no we've got the the AOW mic
4782s with the win on the first game of the
4784s day I think he definitely came out on
4786s top due to the points
4788s um he didn't come out on top due to
4790s placement definitely a good showing for
4792s Mike they
4793s game one of uh of week two definitely a
4799s a force to be reckoned with showing the
4801s other players that he's no one to be
4804s underestimated
4807s definitely good to see from Mike
4809s and you can see him this time his hair
4812s his hair is combed he's looking composed
4815s he's bringing Matari back in the meta
4820s indeed good to see those timing attacks
4823s by Mike is inspirational because he
4826s found like the best targets his Tempo
4829s like his Tempo which is all off last
4831s week but now it looks like he's firing
4833s on all cylinders catching the precise
4835s timing he's looking for for those ISO
4837s duels and even though he didn't really
4839s get to fight against the one player that
4841s probably would give him problem spiders
4842s he found a bunch of really really strong
4845s players caught them with their pants
4847s down able to pick up really really quick
4849s kills and he managed to get the end game
4851s with a ton of heels it's really tough to
4853s get the end game with a ton of heels you
4855s saw the difference between the strong
4856s macro players like Wang Lang coming in
4859s with gold armor versus other players
4861s with only three to four heals
4864s um
4864s what's really surprising though is
4866s pandemon was able to weather the storm
4868s being on the veteran himself and
4870s sticking true to form he was one of the
4872s OG tarkas not one of the fake tarkas
4875s joining the jump dumping RV Clan Panda
4878s man has been running Target forever he
4880s opens with it starting off really fast
4882s just like spider
4884s ends up winning Yang an exceptional
4886s amount actually even beating out the
4889s Feria uh rushing him down
4892s yeah very impressive oh it's lovely to
4895s see really Panda man sticking to his
4897s guns to picking to exactly what he knows
4899s playing the Tarka the Fire Dog that we
4902s all love
4903s some of you hate
4905s um but yeah no
4906s talk is not he's not as strong as he was
4908s you can definitely see that in his
4910s current matter we we don't see the Frog
4913s no punching on the ground reduce stamina
4916s um reduce duration on his ultimate means
4918s that he has to go back to the old ways
4920s trying to find those isolated fights
4922s trying to uh not get caught in the in
4925s the third as I call it
4927s um and he managed to do exactly that
4929s managing to get himself the the drawer
4932s at the very end don't don't know about
4934s the points just yet but I'm sure we'll
4935s be seeing that very soon
4942s yeah Mike we at the top with 9.5 coming
4947s out of the gates swinging and Panda man
4951s in second atarca Wang Lang always with a
4954s solid performance playing that macro
4956s game two two five
4959s still a really strong performance with
4960s six points and Chang you coming in at
4963s Five Points with only 14 people in the
4966s lobby points are just gonna be overall
4967s lower this season and getting just
4970s getting a kill in this stack Lobby
4972s man this is one of the sweatiest lobbies
4975s I think this is the sweaty Lobby of this
4978s solo season having all the strongest
4980s players in the solo scene all here right
4982s now
4984s Mike Panda Man Spider bong all of these
4988s people it's it's you're going into this
4991s Lobby sweating you know you're in for a
4993s challenge there's no there's no easy
4995s kills in here I mean to be honest
4997s there's no easy kills anywhere in the
4998s mvpr we are we can all saying
5002s yeah it just looks like Matari just has
5006s the edge on confirming kills like let
5008s someone do the Dirty Work come in with
5010s that all get the bag stab and F3 and we
5012s out going back inside good luck catching
5015s me
5016s now the the playing to her strength
5018s really I mean matari's one of her main
5021s advantages is that she can close out
5024s these kills the backstab becomes so so
5027s useful being able to to deny neutral to
5031s prevent somebody from holding in your
5032s face by just backstabbing them applying
5035s the pressure constantly and then at the
5038s same time now having have the F3 buff
5040s being able to break out of combos if
5043s need be or parries
5045s I mean I potentially might be seeing a
5048s lot more matharu this season I to be
5050s honest was not expecting to see this
5051s much but
5053s damage on his Atari too it's been almost
5055s like a year since the first Matari meta
5059s it's taken a long time for her to come
5061s full circle when where tari's gonna be
5063s dominant in solos again I think it's
5065s really goes to show like the the Nerfs
5067s to takeda's F3 and to tarka's punch
5069s there was like a critical mass where
5072s there is so much Touch of death in the
5073s lobby that you could not last until the
5075s end so everyone gave up on the strategy
5077s but now that there's only three or four
5079s tarkas it's a lot easier to survive
5082s versus three or four versus 10 11 in the
5085s lobby if you're like you're mostly every
5087s direction you go you're just gonna find
5089s a touch of death
5091s I don't know I'm I'm excited to see it
5095s to be honest I wasn't expecting her to
5097s to be this powerful but I do think
5099s though that although she is strong
5102s she's not something that you can just
5104s pick up you have to know the strategies
5107s to be able to play her and perform well
5109s in this kind of tournament setting since
5111s we definitely saw Mike opting to go for
5114s those third-party kills those the Snipes
5117s the the the quick steals the low effort
5119s kills you're not going to be able to do
5121s that if your alt is down all the time if
5124s you've been fighting a lot you need to
5125s be positioning well analyzing the the
5128s hunting piles of everybody trying to
5130s find the right moment to go in and get
5133s yourself those points that you need
5135s um so definitely gonna be useful in
5137s certain games but if you can't play it
5140s in such a way it's not going to be very
5141s very fruitful I don't think
5143s yeah I really think Matari thrived in
5145s that situation because you had two
5147s spectrums of strategies going on with
5148s very unzipping playing very campy for
5150s end game and then like four or five
5152s tarkas looking to win Yang and just hunt
5156s in the middle and throughout that
5157s through that chaos Matari just able to
5159s thrive and find these pick-offs
5162s when you die in Yang you have four
5165s minutes to find a soul so in that time
5168s someone is getting griefed just whoever
5170s you see first you're coming out you need
5172s a soul and whoever that is is just
5174s unlucky and when someone's being unlucky
5176s Matari is the opportunist it's coming in
5179s scooping up that loot you saw Mike going
5182s even even if you don't get the kill
5185s coming in and having all the resources
5187s allows you the opportunity to
5189s continuously hunt and leading into end
5191s game that transition from mid to end
5193s game is a big hole in a lot of players
5195s and that's why you see such a big
5197s difference between a lot of the top
5198s players like spider is clearly on
5200s another level Wang Lang's macros clearly
5202s on another level and so is Fong and it's
5205s I think it's that transitional stage
5207s from the mid game to the end game that
5209s really sets you up for Success because
5211s even though you get there it doesn't
5213s mean that you're gonna thrive in those
5214s situations you just don't have the game
5216s sending the right strategy
5218s to maximize your opportunity of getting
5220s there and it was very surprising that
5222s bank that that Mike was actually
5225s yeah he was probably the last person I
5227s thought was going to get a ton of value
5229s of playing gilaf and Matari he was able
5232s to float all the way up in the air and
5234s the cool thing about F3 Matari is you
5236s can actually blink up all the way to the
5238s top float all the way down reset
5239s yourself
5240s float all the way back to the Top Again
5242s press alt uh Max blink up and you're
5246s basically in the air forever your max
5249s height no one can use a grapple off of
5251s you so you're for sure taking zero
5253s damage and at the very least you're
5255s gonna like tie everyone
5256s which ends up being a great strategy and
5259s it turns out that uh
5262s Atari viable again
5265s good or bad thing what do you think what
5267s do you think Duncan
5268s as a Target player from the very very
5271s beginning I suffered through the Matari
5274s matter she was she was definitely very
5276s very strong back in the day and I have
5278s to see her coming back
5280s although it's not something that you're
5281s going to be seeing
5283s constantly like every every corner you
5286s turn you're not going to be seeing a
5288s Matari so I think because it's not
5290s like a mass of them is there not too
5293s many and that it requires a certain
5295s playstyle to be able to execute well and
5297s to get good results out of I think it's
5300s probably good I think it's probably a
5301s sort of
5303s um a solid pick not not at the very top
5306s of the tier I don't think I think
5307s definitely High eight here I would say
5310s um
5311s and uh when played correctly can be can
5314s be very fruitful but I I don't know if
5317s people are going to be playing two games
5318s of them do you reckon people will be
5320s playing two games in Atari
5324s I could see after seeing how she
5327s performed right there there being an
5328s argument for there depending on your
5330s play style and she basically gets to
5332s fight neutral forever with a little bit
5334s of burst on the top end
5336s uh but it really depends on on Morris
5339s she has way more opportunity to get away
5340s the trees on Morris is so much better
5343s now that we're going to holleroth
5344s generally hollerra doesn't go to end
5346s game in solos and even in trios it
5348s doesn't go to end game it's just such
5350s wide open areas that it's really easy to
5352s track your opponent and even with one
5356s opponent forget about it if you have two
5358s players there's only a couple players
5359s places on the map where you can reliably
5361s get away from people and with how
5364s beautiful narako all these CN players
5366s play like you're not getting away once
5368s you start getting low Health on uh all
5371s around it's really really really tough
5373s I'm really curious to see
5377s the rush down characters come out you're
5380s gonna see your takeda's coming out your
5382s Tark is coming out maybe Justina for a
5384s comfort pick
5386s um I I actually I actually genuinely
5389s think that Justina is being slapped on
5391s right now I think we haven't seen very
5393s much Justina at all we've not been
5395s seeing her in uh in our Riot games
5397s um nowhere near as much as I thought
5399s she'd be picked I am
5402s I was of the the idea that after Takeda
5405s and taco were both no both being
5409s um strong match-ups into Justina at the
5413s time we'd see more Justina coming out
5415s since both of her made like problem
5418s matchups were
5420s um we're not but still we haven't seen
5423s any Justina and it's it's rather curious
5425s to me I'm uh I'm definitely waiting to
5428s see it picked up again
5430s this is actually really interesting T225
5433s and and Q
5435s instead of going you shot
5439s during what the rationale behind this is
5441s you definitely
5444s definitely can go toe-to-toe with taco
5447s and at least force him to fight you in
5450s neutral because he can't kill you during
5452s old
5453s and you Sean has definitely slept on now
5456s in in solos you never see it you mainly
5458s see it in trios but yushan can still
5460s chase you pretty effectively if the
5462s terrain is flat you need a building or
5465s something or a tree to climb up and the
5467s cool thing about holler out is there's
5468s not many trees there's only really trees
5470s up in the north in the snow area but
5473s like I said like there's a ton of
5474s cicadas and since this is night time
5476s there are fireflies that all of these
5478s burst characters are going to try to
5479s take advantage of especially with their
5482s ability to cancel their all and keep
5483s their old hot really really high they're
5486s going to be rotating between fireflies
5487s trying to pick up as many kills as
5489s possible and I think last time spider
5492s really really popped off on this and so
5495s did phone now I'm curious to see who
5497s comes out on top this time on their
5499s cicada round
5502s yeah definitely
5504s see I always think about this especially
5507s when I've played in tournaments myself I
5509s I can never really decide where it's
5511s best to land
5513s um
5514s whether it's I mean it depends on your
5516s character pick obviously but deciding
5518s whether or not to go into a gold Zone
5520s and potentially end up flipping your uh
5522s your early game by not getting anything
5524s off the wrist
5526s I can never really be sure but here we
5528s have T225
5529s pressuring Mike
5531s who then gets taken down by shark coming
5533s in with that dagger horizontal blue
5535s Focus
5536s T225
5538s managing to uh put a little bit of
5541s damage on oh when he tracks the F3 back
5543s and takes him down
5547s this is what separate separates the best
5550s fighters T225 in the clutch super
5553s compose cleaning up the kills with no
5556s armor able having the present Minds to
5558s pick up that Blossom between the third
5560s party and still taking the third party
5562s down now panaman and Fong going at a
5566s Decatur ditto ends up getting the slam
5568s dagger versus nunchucks the classic 1v1
5571s duel
5574s Bang's gonna drop down looking for the
5576s overhold
5578s ends up clanking but Panda band picks up
5580s oh
5582s ghosting at the same time it's super
5584s close hand man's gonna have to disengage
5586s ends up getting a heal off his ghost
5588s gets clipped though by Fox ghost eating
5591s and fun piece of a huge kill off spawn
5595s scale
5599s foreign
5600s but Dubai now being pressured by the
5604s Takeda trying to maneuver around these
5606s buildings very very low HP now no alt
5608s available
5611s can he get the can he oh can he smooth
5614s himself out of this
5616s he gets the Air Force up behind the tree
5618s breaking line of sight can he manage to
5620s get away looks like somebody's caught on
5622s to him
5623s and he sends it back with the F3
5626s it looks like he might be away I think
5629s he is
5632s oh
5633s yeah he's completely out oh
5636s he managed to find himself an armor swap
5638s I think no it wasn't on the sword he
5640s manages to heal
5641s still very very low HP
5645s online interesting Hot Pursuit though
5647s yeah
5648s we're tuning in the song you oh thank
5652s you goes with the lnb releasing the
5654s grapple cancel
5655s or suppress Alto
5657s 1 HP
5660s trying to Max grapple distance away so
5662s you can't track him though he loses them
5664s into the distance
5666s hmm ings using F3 as well if you manages
5671s to get that much distance having pressed
5673s F3 he has a whole nine seconds to pull
5675s it back if need be so it becomes a sort
5678s of unwinnable situation for the chaser
5682s oh here we have Alay
5685s hoping he's all going for the the staff
5688s into great sword combo but it gets
5690s broken
5692s looks like euron's gonna try and get
5694s this reset off are they getting the
5696s message still has his ultimate timer
5700s about halfway tick down almost almost
5703s finished it looks like he cancels it
5704s here though managing to keep about 50 of
5707s his old
5708s Wang Lange defining the great
5710s opportunity with both the Takeda Old
5712s Town ticato dildos are one of my
5714s favorite matchups first person to use
5717s ghosts is usually the one to lose
5719s that was weighing you in Hot Pursuit Of
5721s chuzang
5723s trying to survive using these buildings
5725s oh Mike and Shaw it's a really really
5728s good match we've ended up getting a half
5729s charge light
5730s but Shaw keeping up the pressure usually
5732s uses all immediately to break
5734s Mike trying to weather the storm ring
5736s around the
5739s Rosie's ready to Parry Camp though
5742s he's dodging the backstop line and
5744s signing the backside but Mike gets
5745s caught on a little bit of terrain to be
5748s able to get a heal though
5749s little shop push
5752s will he challenge Mike into this and
5754s some timing the Army perfectly
5756s gets a little bit of a muscle shot right
5758s at the end
5760s a brave soul ends up frying Mike as he's
5763s trying to pop the heel
5765s almost out of bullets
5766s he's willing to get in there
5770s tap Dodges Mike's his punch oh
5773s it's an excellent read from Mike
5776s uses Army
5780s now Mike is in Hot Pursuit Of Shaw
5782s chasing him Atari though can Mike
5786s secure the kill Shaw's on F3 able to
5789s recall back get full heals looks like
5792s we're gonna full neutral reset
5794s no also boys nunchucks versus staff
5798s looks like Shaw wants to smoke
5801s Mike will gladly take this dance he's
5803s looking to get kills this is his Target
5805s game
5808s here
5811s oh he manages to catch his tablets with
5814s the lmb going for that full uppercut
5815s combo forcing sharp to teleport away but
5818s with the F3 available he can always go
5820s back shark calling his bluff though
5823s and finally got finally going back oh
5827s it's it's it's so annoying I I I've had
5830s to deal with this so many times it's so
5833s it's so good though it feels amazing
5836s going back and forth yeah for sure but
5839s one thing that I do have to say is that
5841s in tournament a lot of the time it's not
5844s always a wonder One you find yourself in
5847s 1V 1v1v1 situations and uh if you're the
5851s Target and somebody Waits at your your
5854s Port location and the other chases you
5856s then it instantly becomes like an
5860s impossible situation as if you keep
5862s running you might end up getting caught
5863s and if you port back you might be
5866s teleporting straight into the clutches
5868s of another player
5869s I love this spider rudely interrupts
5872s Wang Ling picking up Jades picking up
5875s resources
5876s when you're in the crosshairs of spider
5878s you're going down he misses his Goomba
5881s Stomp and spider sends the one charge
5882s ends up getting his turn taken back with
5884s an lmb we're getting a weapon swap into
5886s to lnb looks like they have a Nerf any
5889s weapon swap boys and girls it's gonna be
5892s in the game forever
5895s with the grapple checks trying to find
5897s an opening fighter overholds
5900s playing extremely aggressively
5904s oh
5907s wait a minute here we have it the one
5909s shot
5910s [Music]
5912s oh
5913s a touch of death the pain is just
5916s automatic with the weapon swaps
5919s is this 225 and Mike all for the matchup
5923s I wanted to see two two five one of the
5925s best fighters in the game haven't really
5926s got to see him against Mike Mike already
5928s taking this tournament with an lnb
5931s looks like
5933s Decatur old pop Tucker old pop they're
5935s both low HP are they gonna take the
5937s fight or go for the reset looks like
5938s they're going for the reset am I playing
5940s it a little bit slow more tempered today
5942s is not someone you want to make a wrong
5944s decision against
5947s Mike going with the classic r b and the
5949s punches gets ghost out of midair
5953s 225 is not able to capitalize off oh he
5955s predicts the old armor is the ghost into
5958s an F trap 225 lost in the sauce Mike
5961s cooking he's back boys
5964s oh chef and get up I love it I love it
5968s and Takeda they're one of the most fun
5970s watch-ups to go
5972s that was just fantastic when you go gold
5975s you're able to go through pretty much
5978s any move
5979s and with Taco having a gold punch
5983s use the first punch to bait
5985s and two to five Under Pressure you can
5988s instantly frame one F and trap any hit
5991s and under that pressure Mike's able to
5993s get that trap and close out the kill
5997s exactly right
5998s being able to read exactly when the
6001s decade is looking for that that demonic
6003s blade
6005s double shifting out dodging the Stagger
6007s getting the punch off
6009s oh now we're we're looks like we we're
6012s catching spider
6014s but you run stuck in this web another
6016s Takeda ditto first to ghost first to
6019s lose he runs down one goes two to go
6022s spider's still in Hot Pursuit you're one
6024s running for his life
6026s the web extends far one two
6029s using rmbs just to chip them down
6031s getting the gravel stagger oh he just
6035s makes it look so easy Duncan spider
6037s makes it look so easy just on another
6040s level the champ
6041s ions getting oogly already losing his
6044s life but that's no problem he has the
6046s Phoenix buff he will come back again
6050s oh here we have fun
6053s on the chase here
6055s T225 at an armor disadvantage
6060s oh first a ghost but then the the three
6063s band Zone gets caught here by the batari
6065s griefing
6067s trying to find that third-party kill as
6069s we talked about
6071s managing to get that long sword grapple
6073s combo putting out a lot of damage here
6075s along now on the Run scale rushing away
6079s trying to get that reset his ultimate is
6082s almost back up he can potentially get
6084s out of the three-band zone and then have
6086s the ultimate to protect him
6089s it's not looking good for Fong no it
6092s isn't Fong though having the Reaper
6095s isn't too fussed about it I don't think
6098s oh but two two five showing why he's one
6101s of the best fighters
6102s um the third party also managing to get
6104s the soul Bloom I think it was true
6106s saying was uh was it needed or is still
6109s in need of a soul Bloom still has that
6111s Yang depletion on him
6113s oh what a huge bearing
6116s what a pair he knew that 225 was gonna
6119s come through the doorway
6121s he wants it
6123s he wants revenge
6126s but chug
6127s oh he's getting out of there he manages
6130s to get his soul
6131s he's happy he's like okay I'm out of
6134s here boy I'm going back to we're going
6137s back to plume Castle
6141s oh
6142s never catching this Matari get away from
6145s the theme and Donkey all in base safe
6148s oh I'm gonna look to reset some
6151s resources
6152s not getting the value
6155s getting his kill stolen by a filthy
6157s third party Atari
6160s spider did come in and get his revenge
6161s though he did manage to get that kill I
6164s think wow looks like spiders
6170s it looks like like Mike's not taking the
6173s fight to spider over and over a lot last
6175s week
6176s spider and Mike fought like two or three
6178s times and looked like Mike wanted to
6180s test his power level and uh he is deemed
6182s that spider's power level is quite High
6185s now Mike being the a very strong fighter
6189s himself there's so many other people in
6190s the lobby that he can go and farm and it
6192s looks like they're just splitting the
6193s map down the middle farming each side of
6195s the map
6196s now choosing actually has a bounty on
6199s Mike right now but Yang is popping up
6201s I'm curious to see Duncan if we see any
6204s uh Yang poor griefing this people going
6208s and trying to go into Yang nice and
6210s peaceful for The Honorable duel
6212s but just some ultimate players looking
6214s to scoop some kills poking people at it
6217s very true I mean it's
6220s I don't know it's possible that that
6223s players who don't have Alt
6225s and have no intention of going into the
6227s Yang might try and find a
6230s might try and find some some damage to
6233s either fill up their old charge or uh
6235s they're simply completely grief somebody
6237s trying to go in and forcing them to use
6239s their uh use their all and their
6241s resources
6242s but uh I don't know
6245s it doesn't look like um
6249s and look how cautious everyone is
6250s everyone's like yeah we're just not
6252s gonna wait right in the center let's not
6255s grief each other let's let's just let's
6257s just try and get in and get this buff
6265s getting in
6267s little oogler himself he got that quick
6270s young clicking speed he's running staff
6274s on Tarka versus Shang Yu
6277s is that a Matari
6279s wait don't fear you dagger can Mike
6282s burster
6284s gets the lnb though wasn't ready for it
6287s oh he he's setting up the weapon stop we
6289s got staff in katana
6291s both One charging each other not backing
6294s off Mike ends up dodging a hit sends
6297s another one charge
6299s how many one charges will we see this
6301s time we've already got two from both
6302s players
6305s looks like one charger hold on but Mike
6307s gets the weapons
6309s the Goomba stomp we get back in there's
6311s a frame to punish this
6313s doesn't get it though
6315s he does get the punch to fire Greg's
6317s gonna try to heal here Mike's trying to
6319s get to her face to see if he can get her
6321s oh but she turns and presses turn for
6323s him
6324s he ends up getting a punch on her
6326s it's super close Mike manages to press F
6328s to dodge the turn shots oh this is a
6331s tough part and Mike is able to dance
6337s he's composed he's ridding the world of
6340s fairies
6341s he's starting to believe
6344s my man Neo over here he's just dodging
6347s he's he's bobbing and weaving
6350s I just look rather optimal now we got
6352s the other optimal spider on the outside
6354s oh no oh no consuming people's Souls
6358s just touch it that's for everyone
6362s that looks like uh
6365s spider without the hesitation instantly
6368s popping out into the weapons world
6372s oh we have some plumed action over here
6374s we've got choose Zhang on the run in his
6377s element Matari and plume extremely hard
6379s to catch Fong though
6382s trying to keep up but it doesn't look
6384s like much is Gonna Come of this
6386s it's not really worth it in this kind of
6388s situation at this time of the game to
6390s really be uh
6392s over using your your resources
6396s wait a minute
6399s slamming family reader versus two two
6401s five
6408s [Music]
6410s oh
6414s [Music]
6417s optimal
6418s that look rather often more Duncan
6421s into the uppercut forcing them
6428s atari's gonna get out of here there we
6430s out and we're invisible thank you it is
6433s a pull sword sub-optimal Tech chasing
6437s confused of where Matari is
6439s uh he's he's on the hunt though he needs
6441s that Soul Bloom to try and stay alive
6443s but the rank the rank current rank one
6446s versus current rank two spider bong has
6448s spider on the on the Run he wants to
6451s hold his lead from spider you're not
6452s passing me today spider
6455s but the fighter actually has one of the
6458s best disengages that I've seen in pro
6460s league it is super slept on because his
6462s his fighting ability is so insane but
6464s when spider wants to get out he is super
6467s elusive he knows so many Innovative
6469s hiding paths
6475s oh he ends up turning it around on Fang
6478s hitting him with a scoop into lnb lmb oh
6481s he was just too far away though he
6482s doesn't get the second hit Mike looking
6485s for his revenge found spider lacking
6487s hits him with the same combo but spider
6489s has Ulta
6491s but you're just looking to Swerve out of
6493s here oh with the light on the on the
6495s entrance able to create enough space to
6497s get away
6498s now spiders
6502s spider gets away
6505s that that kiting path right there just
6507s those those harsh angles oh but Fang
6509s realizes
6512s Vibe check mike realizing that spider
6514s must be low Health ends up leaving
6516s leaving Mike
6518s but Mike Mike also still has the Bell
6520s box
6522s spiders
6525s this is extremely hard to kill someone
6527s though at the on yeah at plume Castle
6529s this circle kiting your ability to scale
6531s Rush especially with katana
6534s I'd be very surprised if they're able to
6536s catch spider here
6539s and spider ants are getting at this cage
6541s they just give it up
6542s this Advanced heal coming in clutch for
6544s him as well if he just gets one heal off
6547s he manages to get that that heel to pick
6549s for him getting extra value out of his
6552s uh his armor pattern battalion
6555s oh
6557s Jiang Yoon now getting desperate it
6559s seems he doesn't have uh he's got less
6561s than a minute on the Yang depletion
6563s trying to make something happen trying
6564s to get himself that Soul wound to stay
6567s alive but
6568s I don't think he can afford to disengage
6571s here
6572s he just doesn't have the time
6574s I think you're right down again it looks
6576s like I don't think he's given up yeah I
6578s think he might simply be trying to
6579s disengage to prevent somebody from
6581s getting the kill when he when he dies
6582s from Yang depletion
6584s typical fairy has maximum grief
6586s [Laughter]
6590s you oh he's on to Mike here
6594s it's less than 10 in 10 seconds no
6598s oh no the desperate one charge two one
6602s he doesn't want to give it up though
6610s he's driving again
6613s it's the blue focus into assassin's
6615s lunge
6617s Mike griefing here
6624s spider managing to get away here
6627s did cancel us all
6630s the moon yeah
6633s this could be uh painful
6636s again
6639s spiders is unkillable on this spot he's
6642s able to take massive risks and just
6644s reset over and over
6647s it's beautiful the pressure that Takeda
6650s can offer though since he can pop
6652s ultimate and only use and only lose 25
6654s percent whilst literally sitting in it
6657s having that pressure for the full 30 or
6660s so seconds it allows him to get the
6663s get on that kite path get away and then
6666s he can simply cancel his own and start
6668s regenerating back to 100.
6671s gonna replay here
6673s what do we have here spider with a combo
6678s oh and he gets great by terrain but the
6681s scale rushed
6683s oh it's just a montage real spider
6687s he's just so clean automatic
6691s you get in spider's web and he just
6694s you're just dead anyway you're nice at
6697s all gets that lnb into uppercut
6699s it's all she wrote
6701s so we're getting still some value as the
6703s the combo finisher move off all these
6706s Scoops off lmb with Steph Spear and
6709s katana
6710s hmm
6712s that it seems like it felt like there
6714s were so many players
6715s but it's actually
6718s totally full it's only four
6721s they're just so aggressive on the third
6723s party and everyone seems to just be
6725s chilling and plumed as well it looks
6727s like this is exactly where they want to
6728s be and they don't want to commit to
6730s anything wait what
6732s wait
6734s he's doing it again bro he did this last
6737s week he is this is quite this is the
6740s dagger connoisseur sing showing that
6744s dagger
6745s he has a monogamous relationship with
6747s the dagger that's it
6750s doesn't matter he is a dagger one trick
6754s for life
6755s oh wait is that
6758s oh no I go I got mixed up he uses he
6761s uses all to
6762s just absolutely decimate the bubble I've
6765s actually seen that before to jump over
6767s bubble to deny any type of reset for
6769s valda that kind of makes sense of all
6771s those just not used at all right if all
6774s the folder gets counted by so many so
6776s many things right now the F1 although it
6778s can provide a lot of neutral pressure
6780s and could be very useful it could be
6782s interrupted by so many different things
6784s with like talker F1 you just jump into
6787s the bubble press F1 and it instantly
6789s dissipates uh it's a cada F3 you can
6792s just use it into the bubble to knock
6795s them out of it if they're healing or
6796s something like that because it's gold
6797s Focus he doesn't get trapped and the
6799s bubble disappears same with his ultimate
6802s um although we haven't been seeing any
6804s tomorrow tomorrow throw it right in
6806s there prevents it from being useful
6809s all sorts of things Justina F's you just
6811s jump in and then press F while sliding
6814s towards it
6816s looks like I found the collection they
6820s found a stockpile of gold weapons well
6823s I'll take that I don't mind if I do now
6825s we got spider weapon swapping with two
6827s gold weapons what have you done
6830s spider here he's rocking the white
6833s Cannon he must have flame breath here I
6835s think there's no reason to ever Rock a
6837s white Cannon unless you you have some
6839s good Jades for it
6841s to try and get it as high as possible
6844s above everybody
6846s oh no oh I love it Mike he might be top
6851s of the mountain get spider out of here
6854s get off it
6857s you think there's any relaxed time there
6859s can only be war no peace
6863s it might just get an Uber spider's like
6866s what's going on here let me reset bro
6868s nah dude
6871s Mike is on type of spider
6875s not letting him breathe at all I mean
6877s Mike's using a lower resources though
6879s he's gonna run out of grapple soon
6881s I think he's already gone through half
6883s that's the trouble unless you actually
6885s managed to knock them off the uh
6889s the big rocks
6891s um you're gonna end up using a lot of
6893s grapples to try and stay on top of them
6895s and it looks like
6897s might may have given up
6900s unless he's completely lost him
6906s the flame breath
6908s Ash is Mike he's trying to hold him in
6911s zone here he's back with the vengeance
6914s these buttery rocks on the cliff side oh
6916s yeah fighting on the on any kind of
6919s slanted wall with the Rocks you get
6921s stuck on sliding animations
6924s it's just just pure pure grief trying to
6927s do any amount of pressure on these so
6929s much
6931s I'm surprised he didn't bust out the
6932s great sword this is a situation where
6934s Grace Road ends up being huge and when
6937s someone says scale rushing from you over
6938s and over trying to stall you bust out
6940s that gray sword every scale Rush is
6942s basically a focus attack
6944s true but when you've got the dagger
6946s daggers startup frames on the on the
6949s scale rush just so so so fast you can
6952s maneuver around much quicker than you
6954s can with great sword so although you're
6956s not getting that chunky damage if you do
6958s manage to hit it
6960s if you're on the Run maybe the maybe the
6962s faster scale Rush is probably just the
6964s best way
6967s I'm curious why they're they want to go
6969s to heal off so bad here since there's
6971s there's a Tarka
6973s two taked as an Atari
6976s takeda's most likely winning this
6978s situation because his his ghosts
6980s actually provide healing
6982s yeah
6984s oh and I'm surprised that makes sense
6987s why Mike's going around trying to
6988s pressure to get some of these cicadas
6990s out of here
6993s being an absolute nuisance like hey
6994s what's you doing over here putting two
6996s backstabs into Funk I do have a
6999s question and in in your experience what
7001s can when you were uh
7004s when you're a coaching tryhard in Worlds
7006s when in this kind of situation what
7008s would you be thinking what would you
7010s suggest
7011s like it should be the objective here
7014s well
7015s try hard being the the excellent player
7018s he is he has so much horsepower and he
7020s would take as many fights as possible
7022s just because they're after fighting all
7024s the best players in the world priority
7026s really only felt spider in 225 were
7030s equal to him as far as everyone so he
7032s was more than happy to take any plate
7034s but in this type of situation you just
7035s don't want to be first so something that
7038s try hard
7040s did in his end games but he would hold
7042s rooftops with longsword and since it was
7044s at 60 ping trying to Parry long swore
7047s beams on rooftops it's just a pain and
7050s since the long sword Buff when you
7051s double hold release beams on longsword
7053s it's basically being hit by a great
7055s sword and this is like why tryhard did
7058s as good as he does it's just he's such
7060s an Innovative player he's always
7061s thinking ahead and with with very little
7064s direction from me he just takes things
7067s to a whole new level and it showed on
7069s the world stage all these plays here uh
7072s I play beautiful naraka and they
7074s probably play three to four times more
7077s naraka than tryhard would possibly do
7079s with some of the best talent and it just
7082s goes to show that if you set your bind
7083s to things and you apply the right
7084s strategies like
7086s anyone can come out here and do well on
7088s these stages
7089s uh but tryhard had nothing but good
7092s things to say about how some of these
7093s players were just built different 225
7095s Mike being those two players Huang
7097s layang as well
7099s looks like Mike's able to hold this is
7101s the interesting part about these layers
7103s right here is that since you have multi
7105s layers
7107s things taken down make the last fight
7109s and now he's gonna shove Mike out Mike
7112s pops old but spider has ghosts up these
7114s are taking so much damage from The Zone
7116s but spider just so automatic
7120s mice
7123s stands there he knows it's over
7126s play
7135s spider being the goat and the winner of
7137s world's just another day in office Mike
7140s looking determined to make his Mark I'm
7144s pretty sure Mike got a ton of kills
7145s though and actually won The Killers
7147s maybe during this Lobby it was neck to
7149s neck during the whole lot spider coming
7150s out on top of him with the points
7159s and he definitely put up a lot of kills
7161s on the board
7163s um throughout that game with all those
7164s uh those weapons or combos
7167s just obliterating people
7170s I think yeah Mike managed to put a lot
7173s of like he put a lot of damage on the
7175s board though at the end there with the
7177s um
7178s oh the Name Escapes Me
7180s the what how could I have forgotten this
7184s the dagger Jade the gold one
7186s red four wheel
7188s no no the other one rifle right it's
7190s full prize full that was it he manages
7192s to catch farm with the Pride's fall when
7194s he's hanging off the edge
7196s and manages to get himself that kill at
7198s the end but
7199s sadly he wasn't able to come out on top
7202s loses his position in the zone and uh
7205s Spider just takes it from him
7207s this is this is exactly what I wanted to
7209s see Duncan I I wanted to see the mic
7212s versus spider match up and I just being
7214s a fan of Mike since I I've known of him
7217s over a whole year I've always wanted to
7220s see him on this stage he just he's
7222s always like evolving showing new meta
7224s techniques he's one of the first players
7226s to really throw a ton of Blues and the
7228s big difference on CN versus other
7229s regions is they play with such low ping
7232s that a ton of weapons you can on
7233s reaction parry and all these guys have
7236s such fast reaction times that it's
7238s actually super unsafe to throw certain
7240s attacks at long ranges they literally
7243s automatically Parry you and Mike found
7246s little timing attacks the throw Blues
7248s reliably versus even a ton of Pros his
7251s Gambit player or boy his reads on all
7254s the players is just Next Level even
7257s after the first day he didn't have a
7258s good game but he comes back this game
7261s with crazy amount
7263s Tempo and ferocity able to take everyone
7266s up but I think the defining difference
7268s between spider and Mike is the weapon
7271s Swap Man Spider just makes it look easy
7274s his his staff in the great sword plus f
7279s he just makes it all look easy
7282s that's one thing I don't really see
7286s Mike also with five kills though both
7290s only a point difference as well though
7292s so I mean although the point multiplier
7294s does come into
7296s come into play
7298s it's not it's only one point difference
7299s so Mike's still going strong especially
7301s having won the first game of the day
7303s spider coming in is like that now bro
7305s what are you doing this is my stage
7309s it takes the win in the second game
7311s showing who's boss with that cicada the
7313s weapon swabs
7316s um T225 oh my God this play here this
7318s this play at the very beginning of the
7320s game very very solid showing as you say
7322s why he's one of the best duelers
7326s in Morocco right now predicting that F3
7329s Port back and sadly getting a collab by
7333s the USA later on in the game
7336s can't sleep on you Sean you won everyone
7339s yes that move exists just because most
7341s always use V3 and trios
7343s and it's been a long time since the
7345s ushan nunchak meadow of the first world
7347s just never really see you Sean and I
7349s could see if you don't have a comfort
7351s pick it's a cicada
7353s and playing the ditto you Sean basically
7356s neutralizes when when Takeda or ARCA
7360s presses all and you have an F break if
7362s you fancy that your neutral is better
7364s than your opponents uh it makes sense to
7368s play yusha now
7371s is it as good as what you see spider the
7373s second you get within spiders range is
7375s popping that out
7377s shoving you he's just bullying you
7378s taking your taking your points looking
7381s at Mike thinking you silly what are you
7384s doing here Mike why are you not playing
7386s it might kind of just like accepting his
7390s fate looking for the last kill
7393s one point difference not being the
7395s biggest difference though I think Mike
7396s has a ton of tempo going in it it looks
7398s like after the
7400s first and second match that he's doing
7401s way better than he did the other day but
7404s spider
7405s spider being the MVP he's just he just
7408s has no holes in this game that's one of
7411s the things that try hard to mention to
7412s me
7413s that want to use that worlds and he got
7415s to fight spider he was very surprised of
7417s just how efficient he was the only thing
7420s that he he saw spider's weakness was was
7423s only in his three band
7425s and what tryhard's actually best
7427s character in his matchup versus fighter
7429s was when he went wuchen he actually
7430s played V3 to play neutral against him
7433s over and over and over and over and over
7434s and that's where tryhard actually had an
7436s edge on spider he actually even got
7438s spider into a duel before the last day
7440s and beat spider 7-3 in a three band
7443s right before they went live
7445s so going into it prior to a super super
7448s confident and one of the other players
7450s here who did Super well uh Wang Lang I
7454s have nothing but good things to say
7455s about him his timing attacks was one of
7457s the big reasons that try had had a hard
7459s time the second day he would take a
7460s fight with spider seeking him out and
7462s Wang Lang would come with a third party
7463s that's why I have nothing but respect
7465s for Wang Lang's uh endgame strategy he
7467s has just the best macro strategy I think
7470s out of all the players during the Yoda
7471s Meadow he dominated everyone he always
7474s found like like kind of the Nook and
7475s crannies of how to last hit how to put
7477s his F on boxes to scoop the armor and
7480s now with the zipping meta you always see
7481s him at these boxes grabbing these
7484s yeah
7486s all right we're gonna take a short break
7488s here
7489s and we'll be back in a few minutes
7492s foreign
7513s [Music]
7521s [Music]
7526s foreign
7547s [Music]
7563s foreign
7567s [Music]
7578s [Music]
7596s [Music]
7606s [Applause]
7609s thank you
7613s [Music]
7621s foreign
7623s [Music]
7631s [Music]
7649s [Music]
7655s thank you
7657s thank you
7661s [Music]
7674s [Music]
7680s [Applause]
7693s [Music]
7703s foreign
7709s [Music]
7732s thank you
7734s [Music]
7748s and we're back take a look at the
7751s leaderboards some of these players
7753s aren't playing right now but we got
7755s Olay two week 13.1 18.6 trying to climb
7760s the right they're way back up Wang Lang
7762s at 22.
7766s believe is I don't think I don't think
7767s ego's not playing today right now
7770s I think your Iran was with a you shot
7772s correct me if I'm wrong Duncan
7775s uh in that last game I think he might
7777s have been yeah yeah or perhaps not he
7779s may have been the um we haven't played
7781s Decatur
7784s I know I mean we've we've definitely got
7786s these players trying to get the trying
7789s to get their points up trying to climb
7790s that leaderboard
7794s 225 doing pretty well here
7798s yeah
7799s not doing too shabby my Parker boy we'd
7802s love to see it usually the places like
7805s between 13 to like fifth place
7808s everyone's really really close neck to
7810s neck 225 Kai Bao and the man and since
7813s like uh these are two particular groups
7815s playing today
7817s um I know spider has been able to play
7819s all three days
7820s and long has actually only played two so
7824s Fong holding his lead here is actually
7825s really impressive because this is only
7828s his second day playing that means he
7830s absolutely decimated the first thing
7833s uh Panda man here I just did I had a
7836s really good first day as well I remember
7839s paying him in during the first day
7840s though
7841s now the top of the leaderboard all the
7843s top players we got choose in at 40.
7846s xiangyu at 43 Mike at 46. event is
7851s Wrecking not in this Lobby currently but
7852s he impressed me uh last week
7855s spider
7857s 54.3 uh I don't believe J team sin is
7861s playing today but flung
7864s [Music]
7867s I just love that his name is means top
7870s of the mountain and he's and he's just
7872s leading the charge on top of the
7875s mountain I feel like if you wear bottom
7877s fragging and your name was top of the
7879s mountain you were bottom of the list
7880s it'd be pretty troll what the fox saying
7883s true to his name and the fact that he's
7885s flexing on everyone showing him that
7887s he's just gonna use the dagger no matter
7889s what putting them in random places I
7891s feel like there's a little mini game
7892s happening regardless of everything
7894s that's happening it's like where's Bob
7895s putting his troll stash everyone's
7898s looking for it the spider being the
7900s optimal player he is goes to the top of
7902s the mountain being like I bet it's up
7904s here and ends up getting a better
7906s Greatsword a better staff and it that
7909s that little bit of damage that could
7911s make a big difference didn't end up
7914s making a big difference because of the
7915s layers there in end game Mike just ends
7918s up to choosing the grief fog get him out
7921s of here and just like just be like all
7923s right well spidey's gonna take this I'm
7924s gonna take this kill he just stands
7927s there and he's just like
7928s see you next game spider just standing
7932s still spider confused just another day
7934s in the office
7936s playing Super up clocking in I don't
7939s know this man is a machine spider is
7941s clearly showing why he is he is the best
7945s I mean he's he's been coming out every
7947s game I mean game one of the day he
7950s didn't he didn't put too many points on
7952s the board but game two he's he's showing
7955s he's showing his boss
7957s um coming out with all the weapon swaps
7959s obliterating people's health bars not
7962s letting them get away with anything and
7964s it just goes to show that this man is is
7966s a force to be reckoned with I'm very
7968s excited to see more action between fun
7970s and spider and Mike those three are
7973s definitely gonna be the ones that I'm
7974s looking at today
7975s um so I'm excited to see what happens in
7978s this next game what do you think we're
7979s gonna be seeing in this next game though
7981s in terms of character picks
7984s right I think it's a daytime morning
7987s yeah it's a daytime
7990s so I believe you're gonna see the The
7993s Long play for end game strategy No One's
7995s Gonna really Rush down so you're gonna
7996s see that the fairio picks come out the
7998s zipping picks come out the Matari picks
8000s come out it's gonna be there's gonna be
8003s a bigger end game if you saw that end
8005s game there was only four players versus
8008s the six or seven that made it to it last
8009s time
8010s and it's just it's so hard when you got
8012s players like spider running around two
8014s two five running around Touch of death
8016s in you the second you get near them and
8018s you got Mike rank demon chasing you down
8021s doesn't care
8022s it's in playing Super solid with his
8025s dagger on
8027s cicada it's just the Decatur is just so
8031s dangerous
8032s he is he is very dangerous it's I mean
8035s he's been one of the top picks for a
8036s very very long time he's I feel like
8038s he's gonna be a stable pick for the
8040s foreseeable future
8042s um but yeah I I was just thinking he
8045s kind of reminds me of myself and that he
8047s will play his weapon no matter what just
8050s play a great sword no matter what you
8053s know
8062s 30 million on great sword 20 20 000 on
8066s dagger I think
8068s I think 40 is it might be 40 million or
8070s something like that now I don't I don't
8072s even know
8073s that is some love for one weapon
8078s honorable but loyal
8083s Day map this game I'm definitely
8086s expecting to see
8089s um well actually do you think we'll see
8091s much Furrier I think we've already seen
8093s a decent amount
8094s I think we'll see a bit more zipping
8095s this game potentially
8098s uh long strategy I believe was double
8101s Feria and I I think a lot of people
8103s picked up on it and I think that the
8105s counter to that was the one with Matari
8108s so I'm curious to see what people will
8111s do
8112s I know that try art is actually in
8114s contact with still spider they still
8116s talk about things where the meta they
8118s think they're going and initially spider
8121s wanted to go double zipping actually as
8123s much as everyone despised zipping it's
8125s actually really really good at playing
8127s heel off and guaranteeing end game also
8129s if you're one of the best fighters you
8131s have nothing to worry about if so
8136s uh a tryhard mentioned that he believes
8139s that Feria the second he saw this
8141s character he thought this character was
8142s gonna be meta just as before V3 even
8145s came out and V3 even with the Nerf
8148s the options V3 gives you is just so
8151s powerful and neutral so it's kind of
8154s like a more offensive Atari
8157s um
8158s but coming out of the gate so Mike
8160s playing matar it wouldn't surprise me
8162s some people to run double Matari from
8164s how effective it's been
8167s um because most people when they when
8168s they come to these strategies right
8170s they're trying to min max the Firefly
8171s dates and here's the thing like everyone
8174s wants to be that guy
8176s but they're only going to be so many of
8177s those guys in that Lobby so you kind of
8180s have to run the other strategy and what
8182s you notice in Yang you see the same
8183s players go in there over and over so how
8186s are other players winning right there
8188s are a bunch there's 10 other Pros in the
8189s lobby there's consistently four or five
8192s players who will go and yang
8194s uh how's Wang Lang doing as well as he
8196s is and the answer is like you can play
8199s for the boxes on the outside you can
8201s take these ISO fights away from the herd
8203s that take a lot of APM and a lot of
8205s decision making like you always see
8206s spider in there you always see two two
8208s five in there in the center fighting
8210s when these huge groups
8212s but you never really see Wang Ling in
8215s there but he's one of the best players
8217s for endgame
8219s uh what you really saw was Mike Mike
8221s wasn't really I think that was Mike's
8223s big adjustment this tournament is like
8224s we've been seeing him on the outside
8226s taking these ISO fights
8228s and Mike definitely I believe the two
8231s best fighters right now are spiders
8233s I think uh long has one of the best
8237s strategies the super super solid and
8239s it's just dagger man
8245s um
8246s but yeah I mean let's let's see what we
8247s got let's see what we got right here I'm
8250s wondering I'm wondering what plan the
8251s man's gonna pick I'm curious
8254s um
8255s but yeah I did just have a thought
8256s though
8257s um as you were talking about getting
8259s those ISO fights out on the boxes
8262s it could potentially be
8264s even better than going to yang
8266s as a dueling character to go for these
8269s boxes because you know you're gonna get
8270s these ISO fights
8272s or you're more likely to do so but I
8275s don't know I think that's something I'm
8276s going to think about a little bit more
8277s but yeah here we are zipping zipping
8280s Galore with some very uh mixed in there
8282s and then a Witcher just for flavoring
8286s um
8290s it's it's kind of what I expected we've
8293s got Wang Liang on the Matari though his
8295s uh his OG
8298s definitely been known for Atari I think
8301s back in the day no or am I I'm thinking
8303s I can't remember
8306s um but yeah no it's it's definitely what
8308s we expect to see on a non-firefly map
8311s when uh
8312s getting that old charge back isn't isn't
8315s as easy playing characters that can
8317s stall out and stay alive for longer such
8320s as zipping and farrier
8322s um
8323s it's uh it's definitely what you what
8325s you think you're gonna see definitely
8327s the better better pick here because if
8329s you let's say you pick taka here with
8331s all these farriers and uh and zippings
8334s no fireflies to help you out when you
8336s need it you are getting hunted you are
8338s getting it absolutely absolutely
8340s demolished you're getting mobbed
8343s um so yeah definitely what we'd expect
8346s to see here
8348s I'm interested to see if if a lot of a
8350s lot of the zipping sort of concentrate
8351s into one area
8354s um
8355s especially when it comes to dropping
8357s here
8358s I wasn't gonna get mine all to himself
8361s mine is actually one of the tier one
8363s spots as far as the you get a ton of
8365s quests a ton of loot for mine you're
8368s gonna come out
8369s used with all the JS that you want now
8372s in Memorial where when you do get kills
8374s you end up getting a ton of money so
8378s zipping definitely benefit from getting
8380s in there area scales really really well
8383s though with weapons
8386s what's the goat doing not looking for
8389s the first fight here
8391s the fist's coming out scrapping nobody
8395s gets the melee weapon let's let's run
8397s away
8398s Mike on the zipping here
8403s uh I'm interested to see if he if he
8405s goes full ham here
8408s Wang Yang in that first fight
8411s two two five looking to get it going
8414s he's been playing fairly solid ends up
8416s getting a great cross here getting
8418s flanked by Mike
8420s quickly picks up this the soul bloom
8424s swerving in and out Mike losing track
8427s two two five and going for the whole
8430s check mike one two sends the three
8433s one two three connoisseur
8436s it's crossed Again by two two five Mike
8438s not worried sends the RMB gets Goomba
8442s Stomps
8443s doesn't get the frame one hit though two
8445s two five able to get out of here for the
8447s reset
8448s survives the one two three but Mike what
8451s a great
8453s some beautiful naraka being played here
8455s but it's not over yet Mike doesn't want
8457s it to be beautiful he wants it to get
8459s ugly he wants to get oogly where are you
8461s going two two five
8466s Mike the OG new kid being one of the
8469s youngest players in the nbpl
8472s Dubai looking for the third party though
8474s two two five Trump trying to fight his
8477s way out but Mike's not letting anyone go
8480s that's one of his favorite weapons the
8482s nunchucks
8486s five still in his
8488s in his sight YouTube Five look in a
8491s brake line of sight
8492s my catch is in the go
8494s one two three
8496s ends up getting an
8498s lmbles in a row it's just it's just full
8502s of ooga booga this man
8506s a Lee versus spider
8508s free band Zone
8510s your neutral ends up getting the cross
8512s Perry Barry still has F3 to break though
8516s can she weather the storm versus zipping
8519s though
8521s sends the three oh he ends up turning
8523s into lnb not getting carried new stone
8526s form
8528s doesn't believe the release just lights
8531s into him
8533s spiders still it doesn't buy the icy
8536s cold
8538s oh my kid on the hunt yet again in the
8541s maze
8543s goodbye managing to F out of that
8546s getting out of the sticky situation Wang
8549s Liang coming in here with the third
8550s party but then Mike coming in with a
8552s meter burn forcing both players to pop
8555s their ultimates
8558s True Value
8561s oh but why liang's got merciless
8564s this early on in the game
8566s damn that's that's that's huge
8571s is the strongest offensive Jade in the
8573s game right now you basically have an
8575s infinite overhold when you after the
8577s double charge and you you stand on the
8579s staff you have one of the most damaging
8582s Focus attacks and your opponent just
8585s never knows when you're gonna release
8587s and even if you don't release it you
8588s have the threat of just normal attack oh
8590s with fun coming with the optimal third
8593s party
8594s oh my God
8598s pure backstab beautiful play by fog Mike
8602s on the run now
8604s at the top of the mountain Mike wants to
8606s get there but at the top of the mountain
8608s is fun
8609s everyone's here though zipping is
8612s everywhere Barrios everywhere oh this
8615s the hold has arrived
8620s he's struggling
8624s on The Chase
8626s the dagger he's biting at his heels oh
8633s my
8635s God oh wait no I'm actually I'm so
8639s confused I'm actually delusional I've
8642s been saying the wrong name the whole
8643s time
8644s but list are coming out here again again
8645s though
8647s doing a chunky bit of damage
8650s playing musical chairs on the ballista
8652s right now literally everyone's taking a
8654s turn to grief
8655s well this is exactly what you this is
8658s exactly what you expect to see when you
8659s see a zipping zippings grouping together
8662s everyone just scrapping it out
8665s whichever one's lowest gets haunted if
8668s they get out they swap over
8671s are we getting some beautiful neutral
8673s clay here half charge grapple cancels
8675s off lmbs it's like that the zippings
8677s have enough of each other all the
8679s ferrios ended up just getting torched
8681s there I don't think Faria does really
8683s well in these these Scrappy fights with
8685s multiple players he just ends up
8687s torching her resources and even if she
8690s gets zipping low because F2 prevents all
8692s light damage she just gets a free get
8694s out of jail card just double jump
8696s grapples with a shield drop you can't
8698s grapple stun her and she just peace out
8701s the one of the hardest matches is the
8704s zipping ditto you have to have a really
8707s good feel of pairing versus Focus attack
8709s it is super super spicy and that F2 is
8713s coming out randomly get the really
8715s really keep track of cooldowns
8718s a lot of really really beautiful naraka
8720s going down right now a lot of people
8722s hate on zipping but the most amount of
8724s neutral engagements that you actually
8726s see is in the zipping versus zipping
8728s battle because all the damage comes from
8730s your neutral engagement
8733s now we're heading over to celestra
8736s don't
8737s wait she was saying
8740s trying to chase another zipping it's
8741s it's not looking like he's gonna be able
8743s to catch this guy it is his Bounty
8745s though and money is driving really hard
8747s to come back come by
8749s lines
8752s fighter I don't know
8757s and Mike all my favorite Fighters all in
8761s one spot
8762s it's quite imagine get that heal off
8765s using that dagger move when getting
8767s stuck on the terrain though the the
8769s scale Rush getting getting stuck on that
8771s little ladder there but he does manage
8773s to get this reset off oh a huge LMP
8778s he's just griefing
8782s I think he's he's just getting ugly bro
8784s Mike Mike with the young clicking speed
8787s he's just getting in there every time
8789s mashing the e
8791s mances
8795s the storm though
8799s let's see all the damage the Abyssal
8801s Aura into uppercut apparently sorry
8808s but then just gets hit by another blue
8810s focus into Soul break nothing to be done
8813s here no combo break to speak of
8817s T225 here
8818s both barriers have been put down their
8820s ultimates Rock'em stalk them robots
8825s look at the Transformers going at it two
8827s two five trying to get some heals up
8829s he's gonna get d-mac here soon though
8831s allay has built up enough charge he goes
8833s for the Goomba stuff triple charge
8835s staggers
8838s lnb damage coming out
8841s oh but 225 gets g-mag first oh my God
8847s Wrigley chips him
8850s he bounces him off the walls to get out
8853s of there boy Snipes there is a move
8856s except when you're in Yang that no
8858s matter what you can hit someone behind
8860s the pillar
8861s uh so even if you go low versus high as
8863s long as they if they see you at all they
8866s can hit you through the pillar the only
8867s safe area to actually go when you're in
8870s there is to
8871s grapple above the bank you ever go to
8874s the pillar you're actually looking to
8875s die from the splash damage
8877s spider
8879s as Mike in his sights
8882s like with the Yang depletion as well
8884s trying to space out trying to
8886s potentially find himself an isolated
8888s fight instead of getting caught out in
8889s the open into the weapon talk combo from
8891s stuff into pole sword though chunking
8894s out this other player
8896s swapping the target from himself to
8899s another
8902s spider now recognizing the damage
8906s on the chase with the dagger
8910s spacing out eats the blue Focus though
8913s forced to pop his F2 and try to space
8915s out and get a reset
8917s but Mike is on the hunt he's been
8919s lurking
8920s but he picks up
8923s he doesn't pick up on the on the more
8925s damage Target and goes for the full
8926s health
8927s zipping here decides to space out yet
8930s again
8931s see this is one of the problems though
8933s with
8934s um with zipping fights or zipping
8936s lobbies is that when you have Yang
8938s depletion it becomes much much harder to
8941s get that Soul Bloom since people are uh
8944s are much more slippery
8946s and they tend to gravitate towards these
8949s um
8950s high density areas of the celestra oh my
8953s God though
8955s the long sword the gold long sword
8957s windslash just decimating that zipping
8963s gets melted by Blues yeah like you were
8967s saying zipping is just really really
8968s terrible even though she's slippery her
8970s heels are just so much stronger after
8973s the Patch when she Pops that V1 she's
8977s practicing the unkillable if she doesn't
8978s want to fight she can just kite over and
8980s over and Mike he's probably down to a
8983s minute and a half he's looking for this
8984s kill 225 runs on the top of the bridge
8988s still Mike in Hot Pursuit looking for
8991s her soul he needs this kill
8995s him it looks like he's gonna end up
8997s getting this hard reset
9000s Mike on the Run oh Mike I ended up
9003s picking but so no more Yang no no he
9005s still has it he still has it it's just
9006s hit behind the scoreboard yeah he's got
9008s a minute and five seconds ish
9012s left on his young depletion so he needs
9014s to find that Soul Bloom as soon as he
9016s can
9017s almost gets hit by the sign you hear
9020s kite through
9021s light goes back running out of time
9024s he's looking for something
9027s always found something he sniffed it out
9030s oh but he's been he's been scale rushed
9033s it loses almost all of his armor
9036s overhaul from two to five likes under a
9039s ton of pressure here only 40 seconds he
9041s needs to make something happen Miss
9044s times the Perry on the double hold two
9045s two five has Mike on the Run Mike lice
9048s in the tap Dodge but ends up getting
9050s over again
9052s oh my the young hero ends up getting
9056s down now two two five minutes
9058s trying to run away from Panda man
9062s gold long sword though
9064s it does so much damage so I believe long
9067s sword is an SEO weapon
9069s you know I've been thinking the same
9071s thing recently I've I've been playing a
9073s lot more long sword lately and I found
9075s it to be very very strong it does
9078s exactly what it needs to it doesn't have
9080s the best matchups into certain things
9082s but
9083s overall I'd say it's very solid it's the
9086s only weak matchup is really versus
9087s dagger so you don't see as much in solos
9090s but as long as you're not fighting
9091s against dagger it's a pretty easy time
9093s it's one week that says it's horizontal
9096s isn't very reliable because of terrain
9098s but it just does so much damage and its
9100s combo game is one of the easier ones to
9103s land in neutral because the startup of r
9105s b and the ending lag is just so fast
9108s there's no really finesse where you can
9110s Crouch attacks on it just such a
9112s consistent weapon that's why in trios
9114s it's just primarily used by by every
9117s lineup there's always someone with a
9119s long story
9120s but the most dominant weapon in solos oh
9124s that dagger
9125s fighter showing why he's World Champ
9128s using zipping's best weapon the dagger
9132s 225 though Bissell or gets the RB's
9135s looking for the uppercut doesn't get it
9137s they both overhold both taking Zone
9139s damage spider willing to take a heal but
9142s he's gonna keep up the pressure trying
9143s to deny the heal from two two five you
9145s do five pretty smart about the spacing
9147s ends up getting enough space to pop off
9149s a second heal but can can get the sent
9153s off spider he's he sense weakness he
9156s wants his kill doesn't matter who you
9158s are
9160s what's interesting to me is Fighters
9161s actually avoiding Yang completely he
9163s just doesn't want to take the 50 50
9165s vario Gambit yeah I think that's
9167s probably the best decision though
9169s when you're playing it when you're
9170s playing zipping here it's not really in
9173s your interest to try and contest a
9174s Ferrier in uh in Yang since you're much
9178s more likely to end up drawing than
9181s actually coming out on top due to
9183s fairies ability to stall
9185s um and the Damage output from the turret
9189s and you're always seeing fairs in there
9190s but spider and two to five still going
9192s in what a great time
9196s but spider keeping this pressure up I
9198s didn't realize this 25 was Feria he's
9200s definitely losing the war of attrition
9202s here
9203s trying to survive but spiders just
9205s lighting him and the whole Dodge waiting
9207s to on reaction Perry you do five looks
9209s for a reset oh oh
9213s he's fighting out on the back foot
9217s the Stars overhauls forces the f
9221s uck spider on the Run
9223s manages to get the reset with the
9226s overhold pressure nicely done he does
9228s lose his dagger and has to downgrade to
9231s the blue but
9234s manages to make it out alive oh we've
9236s got another dagger fight here
9238s barrier versus zipping yeah um oh my
9241s okay all right then here on just
9244s obliterating him
9246s it looked like a perfect scale there
9248s just eats an r b r b and takes out most
9251s of his like 70 of his White House yeah
9253s that that was I don't think he had very
9255s much media resistor that was a lot of
9257s damage there was only a purple purple
9259s dagger as well
9264s you grapple musket shots
9267s that's where we get scuba stomped
9269s it's like sharp gets the gets the armor
9273s denied Wang Lang playing zone defense on
9274s that armor it's a uppercut into soul and
9279s he's able to pick up the kill before he
9280s gets into the mix oh that's the one
9283s downside about fairy is old it is not a
9285s one HP alt yeah you either commit to
9288s getting in or you risk dying because
9291s there's a initially when you jump into
9293s it you can get hit there's like a frame
9296s as you're
9298s forming into the mech that you can get
9299s hit from the front
9301s you know he he I mean he just got red I
9305s mean the the reads there from Wang Liang
9308s were just perfect he knew exactly what
9310s he was trying to do he tried to use the
9312s alt to uh
9314s to Cece Wang Liang get the box get that
9316s armor swap unable to do so dagger
9319s grapple lmb forces him very far away
9323s also then uses after combo break and
9326s then just he just gets red
9329s it's hit by the the lmb blue and then
9332s just chunk
9333s ah this is this area right here I love
9336s when they added this bush area this is a
9338s never die area infinite kite we got
9341s rooftops we got bushes in every
9343s direction you can roll in the bushes
9345s you're definitely never catching him a
9347s tire is zipping in this area if that
9349s Bell is hit he is for sure getting away
9351s from you
9352s right all the people transitioning into
9355s this mid game
9357s looking just to preserve as much
9359s resources as possible year on four white
9361s heels eight armor pots
9364s with LA looking pretty healthy
9368s gold dagger I'd say most of this ladder
9371s over half the lobby is with dagger if
9374s you're looking to be successful in solos
9375s uh dagger is just one of the best
9377s especially when you get another step
9379s you're able to just move way more keep
9383s living leaving like any room to get
9385s staggered or anything I I genuinely
9388s don't think there's a bad baggage I feel
9391s like all of them are just superb
9393s but yeah wait is that Ollie Ollie
9396s getting taken down in the third party
9397s but uh managing to uh
9402s to keep going due to his uh yank buffer
9408s Pride Falls all right
9413s is mainly like a laggy weapon laggy Jade
9417s and later on
9419s um at least in N A we discovered that it
9421s leads into an uppercut that's
9424s kind of soft true but it does so much
9426s damage when you get an Army on someone
9429s oh yeah absolutely it definitely does
9432s um
9434s yeah I don't know I mean Pride's full I
9436s feel like it functions in the same way
9437s that the majority of the uh the second
9440s stage Focus cheats do like the pressure
9443s of it being there the pressure of you
9446s being overheld into a more damaging
9448s second stage Focus that heals like
9451s Prides fall or Soul slash
9454s um Universe slash
9456s all of these sorts of things it becomes
9459s like it weighs on the mental of the
9461s opponent and you can use it very well to
9464s your advantage if you have the constant
9466s risk of this stage two blue Focus coming
9469s at you and doing a lot of damage and
9470s potentially healing the person using you
9472s you've got to be very cautious of it and
9476s you could potentially get first charged
9478s over and over again since you're
9480s expecting the person to use it or to try
9481s and maximize it and then yeah what are
9483s you saying there getting first charge I
9486s think it's mainly like a mind game is it
9488s just Prides fall full slash
9491s those those shades are just not in the
9492s same league as merciless where you can
9495s overhaul a dragon roar where you can
9496s turn it away so you're around it over
9498s here with his dragon war it turns into
9500s gold Focus so you can't even be Perry as
9502s long as you turn it away initially it's
9505s just so strong in these group situations
9507s just to buy time it's gonna lay getting
9509s lobbied right here this is just the
9512s tough part of all these
9515s zippings everywhere and how how optimal
9518s the gameplay is in the end
9521s second you get low the second you start
9524s bleeding there are just sharks in the
9526s lobby ready to take advantage and scoop
9528s you up
9529s even with gold it doesn't matter because
9531s you right now your Ram's gonna just try
9533s to deny the heel the only way L.A can
9536s make it out of here is if he bites back
9537s and creates another Target besides him
9541s it doesn't look like he's got mine he's
9543s gonna manage that though still being
9545s hunted down he did manage to chunk the
9547s armor off of that zipping he was close
9549s to him but
9551s since he's
9553s obvious to see that he's not got his
9556s ultimate available since it was just
9557s stomping Through The Stomping through
9560s the area he's still gonna be the main
9561s target and that's one of the things you
9563s have to be very careful about it's the
9564s same thing with Tarka
9567s um if you see a taco running around it's
9570s pretty hard to miss him so you know that
9572s within 30 seconds or so he's not going
9575s to have ultimate available and then he
9576s becomes a much easier Target same with
9578s farrier she has her combo break
9580s but with no Goomba storm with no
9583s ultimate
9584s um ready to be used again she becomes a
9587s much easier Target especially if
9589s multiple people are chasing this person
9591s down the only thing that you really have
9592s to be careful of is making sure that you
9595s don't take too much damage
9598s um when the person you're chasing is
9600s trying to uh apply their own pressure do
9603s some damage on the on the retreat
9604s because if you run away and you just
9606s don't even try and do any damage you're
9608s typically just gonna get
9610s chip down eventually and died there's
9613s very little very little chance that
9615s you'll end up doing anything Panda man
9617s saw that spider was about that about to
9619s release the horsey
9626s Fighters like you didn't let me have fun
9627s now we're just swinging at you dumping
9630s rmvs into
9632s yaron ended up Surviving that situation
9634s it's just zipping is so so durable that
9638s heels is so powerful now Wang Ling
9641s chilling
9642s squirreling with fire arrows in the tree
9647s kills to his name
9649s this is optimal gameplay right here Peak
9653s Morocco experience right here
9656s is the only Matari in the lobby if
9659s you're if you're seen as being the odd
9661s one out you instantly become the focus
9663s yeah it's just when you're not the same
9666s character as everyone else it's very
9667s hard to lose the scent when you get low
9671s so two two four Wang Lang is just making
9673s sure he's never getting lobbied and
9675s making sure the lobby knows that if you
9677s chase me you're basically going to be
9679s burning resources
9680s uh spy even spider just gives up on it
9685s look into Vibe check
9688s it's not one of the ways that you can
9689s actually Vibe check people to see their
9691s hp's it's not just gravel checking
9693s people but you can actually just tap
9695s Target lock really quickly and it'll
9696s show your health bar above their head
9698s indeed
9700s very useful mechanic slept on by the
9702s masses
9704s exactly what I mean it's it's it's so
9707s much easier as well as long as you're
9708s not too far away from the person you tap
9710s camera log you can tell exactly how much
9713s health and the armor that person has
9716s and um you don't have to waste the
9719s grapple or alert them to your presence
9721s as well
9722s I've got two T225 here now on the run
9724s with his gold dagger having taken about
9727s 75 of his health still with ultimate
9730s available
9732s drops it down doesn't get the blue Focus
9735s confirmed year on as well with the
9737s dragon's ball trying to pressure him
9738s T225 forced to use his ultimate to try
9741s and get that reset off but as we saw
9743s before it's it's looking like he's just
9745s gonna get burned down every single
9747s person in the lobby is just
9750s set their sights on this farrier
9753s although he does manage to do a chunk of
9755s damage to spider
9756s getting hit by that turret getting stuck
9759s on The Buttery rocks no spider
9775s the fire arrows are doing work here
9780s and burn damage into the heel reduction
9782s this is made grieving spider
9786s this is one of those like always yeah
9788s it's so good yeah
9791s flip sites are very very deceptive it
9794s feels like you can reset because you
9795s have so much verticality but because of
9798s how the climbing Mechanics Work naraka
9801s you end up just getting grief by getting
9803s stuck on animations on The Ledges I
9804s always call it buttery rocks
9807s where you're just trying to to scale
9809s Rush you're trying to hold and you're
9810s never getting the outcome that you kind
9812s of want you end up just like mind gaming
9814s yourself on the side of these Hills
9815s everyone still has line inside of you
9823s [Music]
9824s [Laughter]
9828s dude five trying to create some space he
9830s almost has his old backup already it's
9832s the oath for holding a huge chunk of
9833s damage that gold dagger
9836s giving him a lot of a lot of presence
9839s here but he gets grooved
9843s perfectly time error by the paid actor
9845s might have had this kill and you just
9848s got Wang Lang griefing on the top Ledges
9851s with his fire arrows
9853s the veterans staying out out of The Fray
9857s just getting everyone else lobbied I'm
9859s telling you getting other people lobbied
9861s is an art form
9863s it is truly yeah on actually using the
9866s Dragon Roll really well here since he
9868s becomes a
9870s unhitherable or on
9873s untargetable by the uh the rain shots
9875s they just Clank against his Dragon Roll
9877s since it's such a long animation it
9879s gives his ultimate time to kill him heal
9882s him back up he does take the fire damage
9884s though but no uh no actual projectile
9886s damage yeah I'm getting grooved by the
9888s grapple into the into the blue Focus
9892s he's constantly getting gravel staggered
9895s into just rain shots over and over he's
9897s just Lobby blue armor it doesn't matter
9898s you've been chosen it's a shooting range
9901s everyone's just he's just dead
9903s Dragon raw no Dragon Roll you are in the
9907s ground my friend
9908s Panda man
9911s seems to be the next Target this gold
9913s long sword running low on stem here
9916s needs to try and buy some time he does
9919s have his ultimate available but he wants
9920s to try and keep that as long as possible
9923s the end game master himself
9925s I've been thriving in the trees not
9929s letting him get that reset he needs he
9931s has a white bow and he's just been
9933s griefing with fire arrows this whole end
9935s game
9938s optimal
9939s this optimal gameplay from Wang Lang
9942s these barriers just hard committing to
9945s each other he gets the old off but he
9947s dies to the Zone Wang Liang picking up
9949s the kill being the last person to damage
9951s him T225 has the V3 available but the
9954s clmv no he's gonna die too much and he
9958s comes out on top oh my God
9961s he plays it perfectly that's the perfect
9964s timing of third parties
9967s the Tiger The Tiger clmb
9972s you better pick the right option my boy
9979s very very well played
9981s all low risk plays High reward end of
9984s picking up all the kills during that
9986s round the only Matari in the lobby and
9989s he actually comes out on top
9991s that's crazy and when you see the amount
9993s of zippings and ferries in that Lobby I
9996s never expected Wang Lang to take it but
9999s he had such a great game plan
10001s he abused his fire arrows and his
10003s Mobility he just never took damage he
10005s was never in the crosshairs of the lobby
10008s second someone else did he just denied
10010s the heels from a safe distance with his
10012s fire arrows just constantly refereeing
10014s the whole Lobby like yeah this guy next
10017s he looks good let's just focus fire this
10019s gold armor
10022s everybody's like wait a second hey hey
10024s I've got a gold armor what's this what's
10025s happening yo two guys fairy is gonna win
10029s what are we doing
10033s oh good
10035s well very nice to see though
10038s Atari coming out on top
10042s the Atari Mafia coming back with Wang
10045s Lang
10046s and Mike leading the charge
10049s The Meta is still really really early so
10052s um coming from last week a lot of people
10054s opened up with zipping and now we're
10056s seeing a huge adjustment on the
10058s defensive days where there's no
10059s fireflies but everyone's just going for
10061s this various strategy and it's looking
10064s like it's not pinning out for a lot of
10066s them they're not they haven't really
10068s dialed in worked out all the Kinks a lot
10070s of these failures are jumping into The
10071s Fray with all these zippings and they're
10073s just getting picked apart the zipping
10075s just has so much heals and you just
10078s can't take her down even with your own
10080s having two two five chasing him and
10082s another player he was still able to find
10084s a bush getting a tree Grapple out to
10087s reset
10088s man what do you think Duncan what would
10091s you rather prefer zipping or fairy
10094s well to win or it's a place to play what
10097s do you think what do you think is the
10098s play here which is the better matchup
10102s it's hard to really say I feel
10106s because if you're one of the zipping
10108s horde you are inherently gonna get
10111s focused less than of the characters so
10114s as long as there's a lot of zippings in
10116s the lobby I would say it would be better
10118s to be one of them
10120s um because it's it's clear to the entire
10124s like the massive zippings that anybody
10127s else is always going to be a threat and
10129s doesn't have the mobility and the
10131s healing and his capability for tipping
10133s this
10134s so with Ferry if there's a lot of
10137s failures it can be more beneficial to
10139s potentially choose her
10141s but you have to be careful because if
10143s there aren't that many in the end game
10144s then you who are the optimal Target to
10147s focus since you inherently do very well
10149s and heal off and because of that it can
10152s unless you're gonna go absolutely crazy
10154s early on
10156s which is gonna be hard because of the
10158s zippings
10159s I think it's probably not going to be
10160s worth it since if you get focused hard
10162s in that game before the final Zone
10164s closes you're not going to get much
10166s value out of your ultimate at all so I
10168s think zipping probably better in that
10170s kind of Lobby something interesting
10172s about this this scoreboard show is Wang
10174s Ling played Matari and didn't really go
10176s in Yang at all but Panda man went in
10178s every single Yang as farrier one thing
10180s that inferior has over zipping is that
10182s he can reliably go into Yang knowing
10185s that he can take this fight and she's
10187s not the one being Greek like if she
10189s wants a grief she can and just stall and
10191s survive
10193s you're in a also didn't really go into
10196s uh Yang and still ended up thriving
10198s playing on the outside of the city so
10200s one of the things I think is really
10202s exciting about this meta is it's not
10204s just like one strategy that wins right
10206s now
10206s it was really boring to me before where
10209s it was just a bunch of touch of death
10210s weapon swapping meta there was really no
10213s other way to play the game and if you
10214s just couldn't do that there's no way of
10217s winning it right now you're seeing uh
10219s zippings in there Ferry is in there
10221s takeda's in there I think The Rock has
10223s done a great job introducing this
10225s character pool it brings a lot more
10226s variety and excitement and The Meta is
10228s being pushed so much with all these
10230s talented players trying to find every
10233s little advantage that from week to week
10235s they're coming up with new strategies
10237s like even even like how defensive right
10240s now uh Wang Ling played this Lobby
10242s sitting in the trees using his uh bow
10246s with fire arrows that's something that
10247s people did in like season one
10252s resistant just because I didn't want to
10254s get randomly bowed in the head for a
10255s thousand and just get Lobby
10257s I mean back in the day it was like 60
10259s man lobbies
10260s but still
10262s using an old school Strat
10272s I knew he was refereeing you just saw
10274s like randomly scatter shot fire I was
10277s coming out of nowhere it was him and
10279s Panda man just like commanding The High
10281s Ground
10282s it's dictating the place of the lobby
10285s choosing who's getting lobbied that's
10287s such a veteran play to goof you got all
10289s the young Bloods going in there trying
10291s to make something happen doing all the
10292s heavy lifting and Wang Lang and Panera
10295s just sitting back just slurping up
10297s having a cocktail at the lobby Grieves
10299s himself ready to shove everyone in the
10301s zone the zone is your enemy and it's
10303s your friend and in their case it was
10305s their best friend this another list like
10308s easy layup to secure the game
10311s when Feria goes in the zone he he I'm
10313s just holding two two five there going in
10315s the mech and he's just eating five tick
10318s Zone getting pure melted knowing that he
10321s has the Health Advantage he can just go
10324s straight ugly and just get him in there
10326s with the with this with the Daga Tech
10328s Chase
10329s making him Panic you know that boy
10330s sweating you know he's sweating you know
10332s he wants to get into the Mac as fast as
10334s possible
10336s um but uh unable to do so
10338s so uh I mean I don't know I think I
10343s think zipping's still gonna be in a
10345s zipping Lobby zipping will always be
10346s king or queen
10349s um over farrier but Faria definitely
10352s isn't isn't to be underestimated she
10354s does very well in these fighting
10356s fighting Hobbies but anyway we have an
10358s interview we're gonna be yeah heading
10359s off to an interview and uh we'll be back
10361s in just a short while
10364s hi everyone this is Diego and welcome to
10366s post game interview and now I'm standing
10369s here with phone and let him say hello to
10371s our audience hello
10381s so we know that phone now have the
10384s highest damage in per game so I would
10387s like to know for this season you think
10389s anyone will like access you now
10397s um
10408s [Music]
10416s so
10424s as he is like in a dangerous because he
10427s thinks a lot of guys are very have good
10430s performance now like on spider and Mike
10433s and so so much players they have very
10436s high damage per game so maybe they will
10438s access him and he is very in a danger
10442s okay so now let's move on to the next
10445s part answer for
10447s treasurements
10464s okay so you guys will see a question on
10467s the screen and if you know the answer
10469s just type them in the chat box after our
10472s player counting three two one we will
10474s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
10476s be whispered okay so let's see the
10479s question today
10480s which weapon is phone's favorite yeah
10497s um
10511s foreign
10531s uh his favorite weapon is uh better than
10534s the weapon because he thinks he can just
10537s good as this weapon and which one is the
10540s correct answer after our counting and I
10543s think our player is prepared and let's
10545s start counting
10546s three two one screenshot okay pay
10550s attention to a whisper and if you are
10552s the lucky guy today I will monitor will
10554s whisper you okay so we still have the
10558s three other games I would like to know
10560s we are going to have the Grand Final and
10563s what's phones your ambition in the Grand
10566s Final now
10580s grandma
10582s um
10591s actually before today's game he has
10593s really confident but now he has a little
10596s bit like nervous now and his ambition in
10599s the Grand Final is still the champion in
10601s the Grand Final okay we would like to
10603s say good luck to phone because we still
10605s had three other games
10611s thank you phone for today's interview
10613s and we will take a break and be right
10615s back later
10622s thank you
10633s a team of people wouldn't want to be
10635s playing versus but when you get pinned
10637s on the lucky players left GD with one
10638s player left bow down his moon going down
10641s the double slab come on
10644s at least go down
10646s [Music]
10653s here as Alliance is lucky almost gets
10656s grabbed here but the terrain is just
10657s barely blocking it as the same TK coming
10660s with a huge mug TK Shane Young also in
10663s that F ability getting caught in the
10666s grab here we're gonna be able to see
10667s Shannon try and make some more plays but
10669s is unable to flabbergasted these guys
10671s are struggling as hard as they are today
10680s oh you can't see gonna jump away now but
10683s the monks has come out for the
10684s transformation and lucky looking for the
10686s grab is able to grab K can't get it
10688s another one should just be able to get
10690s the slam sorry he has two I didn't see
10692s that gets the re-grab onto cake it's the
10694s ring no dozen
10702s [Music]
10705s there's a room for them to be overtaken
10707s and just in the replay he's saying you
10709s know PE this was their game and this
10713s this new comforter potato I'm really
10716s loving things it has so much power so
10718s much impact
10722s thank you
10724s [Music]
10727s ZK is trying to make something happen we
10729s can see all of these alternating props
10731s at the same time they're locked into a
10732s corner we're gonna see a huge Perry
10734s coming out
10739s [Music]
10747s [Music]
10757s thank you
10759s [Music]
10774s [Music]
10785s thank you
10787s [Music]
10804s [Music]
10835s thank you
10838s [Music]
10853s [Music]
10873s and we're back we have here the
10875s leaderboard yet again what do we have
10878s here we have yeran Allen
10882s Dubai Shen Yuan all putting up a few
10886s numbers on the board nothing too nothing
10888s too crazy year round though definitely
10890s doing well it seems as though he's doing
10893s better than he did on day two but uh
10896s still not much to to speak of I think
10899s he's gonna have to potentially try and
10901s find a few more points later on today as
10904s we got three more games for you guys
10908s um what do you think I mean coming into
10910s the into this into the second week on on
10913s this first day or in these first games
10915s recovering from uh from not the best
10918s first few games how much how much of a
10922s of an impact do you think that really
10924s plays because I I I think that it's a
10926s big factor if you if you don't come in
10928s strong first few games it's kind of hard
10930s to recover
10931s uh it's definitely like you said really
10934s really hard to recover but there's
10936s nothing to be ashamed of this is the
10938s lobby of death and only the veterans at
10940s the top you saw everyone at the bottom
10942s of the list are generally new players so
10944s they're still getting used to the tempo
10945s of these games like uh when you when
10948s you're looking at someone's gameplay
10949s there's your early game and off spawn
10951s you have to find a way to win like you
10954s can Hot Drop and try to take a 50 50 but
10956s again you're fighting against the best
10958s solo duelers in the game so if you're
10961s taking a 50 50. it's more like an 80 20
10963s so that can't be your Strat now you're
10965s looking for a timing attack and there's
10966s just certain players who are just trying
10968s to isolate you on the outside
10970s uh finding that that loot on the outside
10972s to safely come up like you got some of
10974s these players here at the top like 100
10977s targets you on the outside so you have
10979s this dagger demon looking to find you
10981s Mike has shifted his strategy to not
10983s fighting him amongst the pack
10985s he's coming in the outside so finding
10989s even one kill and these hard lobbies
10992s if any of these players on the bottom of
10994s the list got two three three kills a
10998s game
10998s they'd they'd be in the top eight top 12
11001s if they're just getting two or three to
11003s put in perspective so even though
11005s they're struggling right now they can
11006s easily turn this around by having one
11008s good game and a good game right now in
11011s the lobby of 14 is looking like five
11013s kills solid placement get the multiplier
11015s and you're just back in there because
11017s right now they're they're really
11018s fighting to make it to the last week
11020s like this is technically a qualifying
11023s round so they're not really playing for
11024s first playing to qualify is very
11026s different than playing the first very
11029s very true yeah if you as long as you're
11032s you're not looking to get those pop-off
11034s games you're looking to get you get
11036s consistent points throughout the day
11038s throughout each week nothing too crazy
11041s but as long as you're you're sticking to
11044s your your fundamentals you're playing
11046s solid you're not having weak games you
11048s should be all right
11050s um to try and make it into the into the
11052s top bracket I I definitely agree though
11055s I mean it is hard it's hard the amount
11058s of pressure on these players to perform
11061s day in day out and to make sure that
11063s they're on their top game and to make
11066s sure they can get that qualification
11067s can be a lot of stress
11070s um and if you don't come out swinging
11071s first few games it can be hard to
11073s recover but if you do it can be an
11075s amazing sort of rejuvenationary
11078s re-re up on your on your uh adrenaline
11081s you you feel a lot better you start
11084s feeling yourself you you start popping
11086s off that can that can that can make a
11088s big swing in the uh in the leaderboards
11091s um so we'll see maybe maybe these
11093s players at the bottom of the leaderboard
11095s right now get those games that they need
11097s and they and they get the confidence
11099s that they
11100s that they want you know I mean we'll
11102s have to see I I'm a bit curious as to
11105s what we're going to see in these next
11106s few games though we've seen quite a lot
11108s of zipping already a lot of furriers
11111s you saw a few takas at the beginning
11115s I'm not sure what we're gonna be seeing
11117s there I think maybe some
11119s maybe a bit more Decatur maybe a little
11121s bit more darker at least I hope so
11124s um but I don't know Faria seems to be
11127s tapped out right now zipping potentially
11130s as well there'll definitely be a few but
11133s and I think the next map is Firefly no I
11136s think I believe it's yeah
11138s yeah so if that's the case then I think
11141s we're probably going to see a few
11141s dueling characters
11144s um such as taco and Decatur
11146s maybe maybe Justina maybe Justina
11148s finally comes out I don't know we'll
11150s have to see what do you think we're
11151s gonna be able to see in this uh in this
11153s fourth match
11154s I don't in the the past week or so I
11157s haven't really seen any justina's and I
11160s I caught hypernova commenting and he's
11162s definitely one of the best just seen as
11164s an NA and he says just Justina is just
11166s not it right now there's just so many
11168s other better characters picks that you
11169s can do with the buff to zipping the buff
11171s to Matari
11173s um getting that big value of Justina
11176s just isn't there when why not just play
11178s Takeda why not just play Tarka when they
11181s can cancel their all and keep their alt
11183s leading into the the next kill finding a
11186s firefly extending their old it's just so
11189s much more value
11190s and it's practically a 50 50. I'd say in
11193s a duel
11194s and
11195s I know during worlds there are a couple
11198s justina's who did it as a mix-up but
11201s you're seeing way less Mix-Ups here as
11203s far as uh Justina and wuchen kind of the
11205s counter picks that people ran during
11207s worlds right now you're seeing Decatur
11209s Tarka zipping Matari Feria and no one's
11213s really been deviating from it you saw
11214s like one valda in there and she just got
11217s absolutely decimated by a cicada double
11220s jumping and just ulting into her bubble
11222s denying the reset
11224s and look at look at Panda man that is a
11226s man ready to murder people with Target
11230s [Music]
11231s he's ready to get cooking bro
11234s but um yeah no I mean I do agree with
11237s that I have been thinking though
11239s that since these characters we've got
11242s zipping and Matari they do they excel in
11245s stalling and the ability to to get away
11248s Escape
11249s um potentially heal up one thing I was
11251s thinking about
11252s is potentially oh there we go we've got
11255s this we've got the justineers
11257s I was thinking just you know but maybe
11259s with V3
11261s because V3 the Mato V3 yeah they're made
11265s of V3 shout out to the Duggar boy in EU
11270s um
11270s I mean it's it's it's it's it's really
11273s good at stalling you're only using 50 of
11276s your ultimate with each charge you have
11278s them two and as long as you uh keep your
11281s ultimate below 100 you're constantly
11283s farming more rage and being able to to
11287s use your ultimate more often
11289s um and then depending on whether or what
11291s kind of play style you're opting to go
11293s for what kind of weapons you potentially
11295s are looking to get you can either take
11297s F1 or F2 I reckon in games full of
11300s cicadas and takas you probably want to
11303s take F2 just in case you know
11306s playing neutral with with F1 isn't
11308s impossible but it's harder
11311s um and not having the the full heal from
11314s F1 can also be
11316s pretty rough as well if you get the
11318s anti-heal applied to you before you
11320s press it
11321s um but we'll see I wonder if we'll see
11323s the V3 from Justina I I doubt it it's a
11326s pretty hot take it's pretty but um
11329s absolutely
11332s um but with the fire supplies as you
11335s said before taco and Takeda being able
11337s to cancel the roads maybe because of the
11339s fireflies allowing the distance to have
11341s more uptime on her ultimate it might be
11344s the uh it might be a pretty solid pick
11346s here
11347s but uh we'll see we've got looks like
11349s we've got celestra
11352s celestra Zone predominantly
11356s but not that many zippings oh no wait is
11358s this five flats I don't think so I think
11360s it's daytime it may not be no I I can't
11363s excuse me
11364s I'm surprised then we've got so many
11366s parkas
11368s interesting
11371s um jumping into the action Wang Lang
11372s woman take the 50 50 off spawn sang you
11376s oh my God these skins
11379s the cicada skin the green tin always
11381s confuses me with wuchen spider 1 HP
11384s looking for the reset dude we're gonna
11386s see a new Loop look at this man look how
11388s clean that was getting clipped on that
11391s corner that spider is just his ability
11394s to get away in these scuff situation is
11396s second to none oh my goodness
11399s able to light and hold us out of there
11401s low ping privilege stuck on the fences
11403s go a rare two mistake movement errors
11406s from spider he's he's on the edge right
11408s now trying to survive he gets his skills
11411s the F3 clutches
11414s oh my what a close fight that was close
11419s spider with this movement
11422s and here we have the Justina in her
11425s fight with the Takeda it looks like is
11428s that I think that's V2 is that V2
11432s I'm not entirely sure I can't really
11434s tell
11436s um it looks like he's gonna get out of
11437s there no V2 Justina I mean okay okay
11441s um a year on here in celestra in his
11443s element playing Matari managing to space
11446s out and get himself
11447s that armor he needs still being hunted
11451s head on over look where do we find Wang
11454s Ling in the money spot playing macro
11456s game two two five get this late game out
11459s of here I'm taking you in an early game
11460s bringing the Frog rmbs stomping going
11464s for the toes Wang Ling pop in the F Mike
11467s sitting on the outside just watching
11469s them creepily ready to slide in and
11472s scoop up The Kill and do five losing
11474s Wang Lang Wang Ling trying to create
11476s some signal ends up getting picked taken
11478s down by two two five
11480s got him Mike got the kill
11483s oh he did yeah it like stolen optimal
11486s optimal mic my example today just God's
11490s here two two five frustrated throwing
11491s two one charges back to back Mike
11494s doesn't care we're throwing Soul breaks
11495s back half charge light from two to five
11497s he's getting away though he's done with
11499s his googliness he's gonna pop a heal
11500s Mike's like all right we can keep this
11502s going though we can keep it going but
11503s where you going sucker we're back in
11505s there with the dagger
11507s oh on a light attack
11508s are all
11510s right
11512s doesn't want any more of this Burns off
11515s his stamina Mike with the overhold
11518s catches the holdout to wait two two five
11520s Under Pressure trying to get away but
11522s Mike Scoops him crouching Ellen we takes
11525s it two two five just massively grieved
11528s by the oogler himself taking two two
11530s times
11531s did you see Mike just look at this
11535s Target in his eyes having popped his F1
11538s allowing him to get reactivation and
11541s then just keep swinging dude he did not
11543s care he just he he he did not get at all
11548s he he predicted that the taco wouldn't
11551s try and use it because he'd be able to
11553s space out with the dagger so he
11555s predicted the talk is prediction very
11558s risky but
11559s looks like it paid off really well Dubai
11562s now on the run with his Target ultimate
11564s here running low tries to get to Temple
11567s try and get to a spot where he can kite
11569s and loot people around
11573s one of the infinite multiple layers
11576s cracks in the wall
11579s genuine on the outside fighting the rank
11581s one choosing on ladder doesn't like
11585s using once any of the smoke though
11586s looking to bailout
11589s your situation is decent he's he looks
11591s like he's running the the weapon swap
11593s for dude we got the staff and pull
11600s you don't want to be part of this weapon
11602s swap combo this maximum grief spider
11605s fighting Wang Ling stuck in the canyon
11609s is one of the hardest places to get away
11610s climbing The Buttery rocks not getting
11613s scale Rush
11615s looks like Wang Lang's able to get away
11618s dagger Refuge in celestra is a bounty
11623s right there though looking to get to the
11624s main Temple multiplayers getting away
11627s year round
11629s trying to survive here Wang Ling might
11631s have gotten a little bit of whiff of
11633s blood in the water
11634s not ready to commit because of his white
11636s armor trying to find a way to scale
11639s you're on weaving in and out running
11642s into the thing though
11644s pops alt immediately I don't believe
11646s he's F3 here
11649s barely gets away but spiders in Hot
11651s Pursuit
11653s I think the destructible panel blocked
11655s the blocked the shot from uh from the
11658s the pursuer not letting him get that get
11661s the punish on the grapple away sign the
11663s pain the paid actor sign
11667s you're trying to live here oh but he
11670s gets grapple sagger another paid actor
11672s comes in oh
11675s a thousand grapples again
11676s [Music]
11678s we're out
11680s see you guys got what we needed
11685s area I think the failures are wisening
11688s up that taking multiple fights just not
11692s really the best idea burns your
11693s resources all but Yang is coming up
11696s who's gonna be getting into yang right
11699s here
11704s Mike here
11706s all the overhaul
11714s new new kid on the Block
11718s Mike able to pop a healed trading heels
11722s is Mike an alert this kill looks like
11724s Mike's debating on Yang debating on the
11727s kill he doesn't know what he wants looks
11729s like he wants blood
11731s I think he's too far oh no wait he's
11733s grappling
11735s yeah he's thinking about going into yang
11747s who got the trigger finger
11750s again Mike has gotten this every time
11755s someone check his keyboard we got a
11757s double key binder
11761s oh my gosh
11765s the two ranked demons going at it
11770s he was then going going with The High
11772s Ground with the drop down Mike ends up
11774s burning his F3 oh he gets the lmb off
11777s the staff into the the unforbidden combo
11780s goes for the goombastom doesn't get it
11782s Mike
11783s slowing down the fight with a little bit
11785s of range gets two huge headshots turns
11788s it back around Jessica doesn't know
11789s what's happened not just one neutral
11791s twice did I where are we at
11794s lmb again gets goombast
11798s boxing fight
11801s a little bit of tickling on both sides
11803s do we heal do we tickle looks like Mike
11808s foreign
11846s challenging the throne we got top of the
11850s mountain
11853s s what is happening here
11859s swap the bag up spider sees his prey
11863s there's blood in the water
11864s oh no he lifted
11866s she's actually a rare drop from a spider
11868s with a forbidden combo
11872s almost becoming a victim of pts the fan
11875s gets the memo two two five is it it's
11879s tag can he get away
11885s ends up securing the soul both one
11888s charge Perry reset neutral
11892s fighter look goes for the heel fake ends
11895s up getting caught on this whole Dodge
11896s though getting pushed in the zone he's
11898s under a ton of pressure he's gonna have
11899s to go in the mech
11901s an can't get the snipe he has too much
11903s health looks like spiders gonna get a
11905s full reset here
11907s it was okay to probably take this to end
11909s game chilling I think folks he's he's
11912s slowly chasing it doesn't look like he's
11914s getting a bit he's not getting too ugly
11918s spider I think he may have canceled his
11919s old early then there's options to try
11921s and grapple away only five grapples
11923s though Long's in Hot Pursuit
11925s has ultimate available very very soon
11928s definitely if the advantageous situation
11933s yeah his favorite weapon
11935s true
11937s spiders it looks like it he does have
11940s the staff though staff
11943s movement
11944s extremely powerful
11946s even after the even after the nerve it's
11950s still brushed strong pressuring with the
11951s one charges
11953s it's clanked still losing it out in the
11956s health battle
11958s rare mistakes
11960s he gets the Parry
11965s misses an opportunity on his overhold
11968s there
11969s anything running in a lot of clanks I
11971s feel like spider a little bit flustered
11973s by Juan's pressure and he came from
11975s there and yet again he cracks the rare a
11978s rare crack like the goat himself spider
11980s gets Perry
11982s oh Fox keep defending the top of the
11985s mountain he is not a fan of spiders to
11989s himself now your natural environment
11991s spider at the top of this mountain it's
11993s too cold for you
11995s now Mike is the next Contender Mike
11998s coming in putting a lot of pressure on
11999s the phone phone with the Goomba stump
12002s Mike just getting oh
12005s getting taken down so unbelievably low
12007s manages to get his old down but doesn't
12009s opt to get inside of it since he's
12011s inside a building he wouldn't be able to
12013s get out again on the flame Bridge
12016s food
12018s defending the the top of the mountain
12023s that's the Rebrand this dagger demon
12027s into top defending the top of the
12029s mountain
12031s get out of here
12035s cannot ride this ride a little bit too
12037s big
12038s my boy is is running out of time as well
12042s Yang depletion's ticking away
12047s I'm definitely running off meta he's
12050s running a lot of pull sword a spear you
12054s can't you can't catch me using spear in
12056s any mode this weapon is hot garbage now
12059s that staff exists because this doesn't
12061s win in anything but as I say that he
12064s gets the yellow B he's going for the
12066s Forbidden combo though Pop's the old
12068s he's not having any of it it's Wang Lan
12070s going with the Frog strategy fakes the
12072s blue into punch put one for the toes one
12075s two three four punch in the face get out
12078s of here
12081s wait is that a gold Greatsword I see in
12084s this inventory it is let's go
12088s we're gonna see some
12090s some great swordka I love it
12095s doing really solid taking out spider and
12099s Mike in the same game looks like it's
12101s gonna be his game
12103s currently the kill leader as well
12107s doing extremely well for himself looking
12108s to try and get into Yang but doesn't
12110s manage to press e fast enough sadly
12114s only the true ooglers are emast the fire
12118s dogs are in minimum 800 CPM again
12124s dagger attackers
12126s got shop versus Wang Lange
12130s that I haven't been haven't been in Wang
12133s Lang yet the dagger ditto though looking
12135s to play it slow with some pistols old
12137s twos little twos in the parries very
12139s tricky
12140s what is this
12144s initiative
12150s we have Wang Ling busting out the great
12152s sword let's go
12155s I mean yeah dagger Taco while you're in
12159s Ultimate is just self-grief not being
12161s able to cancel your animations unless
12163s you happen to use a jump RMB is not what
12165s you want
12166s you want to be able to cancel those
12168s animations get those uh get those fake
12171s fake Blues off that sort of thing and
12174s grade sword if you manage to uh
12177s to get close enough to do what you want
12180s to do it's going to be such a huge huge
12183s output but yeah I mean here so one thing
12187s that I I wasn't really
12188s focused too much on this fight here at
12190s the very end although I was talking
12192s about the great sword is that in the
12194s taka versus taka matchup
12196s typically the person who's forced to use
12198s his ultimate first will always lose
12201s unless the person who who else second
12205s makes it like a considerable error if he
12208s has to make a big mistake for him to end
12210s up losing the fight since if taka if the
12213s taka who odds first it's probably
12215s because he was losing neutral lost some
12218s health and then as soon as he pops all
12220s is then forced to try and Salvage it
12222s with the with the increased fighting
12224s potential
12225s but if the if the opponent manages to
12228s escape or to buy just a little bit of
12231s time it ends up being just a
12235s a waiting game since you just wait out
12238s the enemy Target is all potentially
12239s chipping him down
12241s and then at the very end that is Duncan
12245s immediately afterwards you're chilling
12247s you just killed the guy yes it is
12255s even the the Chad energy
12258s the a tier character temmie himself
12261s coming out
12262s let's see if this this pick ends up
12265s working out looks like he's trying to
12266s space out try to get a little bit of
12269s Chip we're clanking over and over and no
12271s one wants to release a blue light into
12272s Dodge backwards over and over we keep
12274s doing it over and over we're gonna
12276s counter of nine are we going to ten
12278s eleven
12280s Army
12284s we got we pop out tomorrow though
12289s for a ride folks
12292s fun a little bit nervous ends up getting
12295s out of there what was that
12297s oh pull me in some sand I don't like it
12301s using a disengage trying to get this
12303s full heal off of going to the the group
12307s disappearing against the crowd
12309s as unlucky by Panda man he had a touch
12312s of death there just slightly because the
12315s terrain ends up getting greed they could
12317s have 100 to zero along right there
12321s no yeah he definitely could have once
12323s you put him into the wall or once
12326s um Fong put himself into the wall by
12327s using his F1
12329s um he could have literally gotten dagger
12331s Infinity there is a sort of dagger
12334s infinite with wisp reset as long as
12337s you're using V3 on some old you get your
12339s wisps back every time you walk through
12340s the wall and you can reset the person
12342s that you hit with a dagger lmb blue
12344s Focus every single time and they
12347s literally just can't get away it's
12348s important
12353s with the great sword altered swinging it
12356s around
12358s you complete disregard him and he gets
12361s the he gets the soul move and he counts
12363s as he's always like no all right see you
12365s let's go
12366s and get in there where are you going bro
12369s nah dude he got the soul Bloom he
12371s completed his objective he's out of
12373s there bro
12375s you get slid in there Vibe grab the soul
12378s Bloom didn't even get the kill should I
12381s got his kill
12386s is actually in 13th and everyone's so
12390s close right here it's still anyone's
12391s ball game to call for finals
12394s he's trying to make sure he's trying to
12396s put a cushion behind everyone look at
12398s everyone's scores it's just so close
12400s within five or six points of each other
12403s so many people at 100 points right now
12407s it's a super sweaty Lobby probably one
12409s of the sweaty zombies I've seen outside
12411s of Worlds oh no I think you're looking
12412s at the wrong number it's not 100 points
12414s it's the other number
12416s oh my bad
12420s Panda man back to the action
12424s no old getting mashed by Atari can he
12428s get away
12429s scale Rush looking for the building
12431s getting stuck on The Buttery Rock so
12433s we're going on the rooftop Shaw's
12435s covering it though there's no way out
12437s it's looking great
12441s yoinking kills he's always where he
12443s needs to be at the top of the mountain
12447s my dude is arriving on the top let's go
12452s the shot getting briefed by the poison
12454s Splash and the Damage oh my God the
12457s snipe
12458s those were the goombasta must get shot
12463s let's go digging deep into the room
12469s um trying to pull up rabbit out this
12471s shot get over here don't fight it
12476s gets those heels off
12478s he's doing all right he swapped back to
12480s the dagger trying to use the superior
12481s movement oh wow I felt that
12486s oh my God
12492s the paid actor Charles is
12494s deals off he's trying to move
12496s kiting through the Bane weaving
12500s flipping it getting over if he can get
12503s to the bushes he could be safe
12506s just going for the max range reset he's
12508s going to get a an armor party but he
12511s gets away
12514s I think Fong's gonna hear this heel
12516s right there
12517s he does get the healed off just in time
12519s though thankfully
12522s all fun still in Hot Pursuit though
12524s wants this point give me your soul blue
12527s talking the world becomes the target
12530s here we go we got the bushes there this
12533s is a never die spot infinite loot spot
12535s we got bushes everywhere
12541s it's another day in the office
12545s I'm just never dying here the entire
12547s Lobby is here as well all five players
12549s this is a Haven a Haven away from the
12552s ooga foreign
12566s I think Frank got shot by the other
12568s player I don't think Sean's moving I
12569s don't think he wants to move I don't
12570s know if he wants to stay still in that
12572s spot Duncan I don't know if I could
12574s resist
12575s especially if it was the Furrier chasing
12577s me yeah
12578s but very very just f1s I mean she yeah
12582s she might not be able to react
12583s immediately
12585s having like having just been shopping
12586s but still you know like everyone knows
12589s you don't have all if you don't have all
12591s this target
12593s yeah I mean it's over oh we get to see
12596s what they both have white armor into
12597s there
12600s white armor in here
12602s optimal
12604s yeah they both have white armor I might
12605s see this correctly
12609s the weapon Squad into the ore
12614s r b Katana that's where he got the gold
12617s green sword from
12619s you
12622s was it wait was it it was dual blades
12624s dual blades RMB into Crouch swap Katana
12627s lmb uppercut grapple cancel into RMB
12631s blue focus on Dual balloons
12634s that's just right now in the current
12636s solo meta you have to know weapon swap
12638s combos yes either do blade katana
12642s spear grade sword staff great sword
12645s uh I think something that
12648s can be used in the future though is
12650s definitely dagger dagger Katana if
12653s you're a Target that's something that
12654s Casper does in our region it's just
12657s really really smooth just because dagger
12658s is so good at getting its opener and
12661s right now the combo game if you can get
12663s your opener the advantage state in the
12665s rocket right now is just it's just so
12668s much damage right now they're trying to
12670s Nerf it more and more by reducing damage
12672s on weapons I just I don't know if you
12674s can stop these players look at this lmb
12677s in the uppercut lnb r b this is almost
12680s their full health bar just deleted yep
12684s eat it
12685s yes
12687s yes yeah it's it's very painful of being
12690s on the receiving end of a staff or spear
12693s in the great sword weapon swap combo is
12696s is pain you feel you feel violated
12699s literally
12701s uh and it's not pleasant
12703s and if you don't if you don't know how
12705s to do it and the person that you're
12706s fighting against does then you're simply
12708s at a disadvantage
12709s but here we have a year on managing to
12711s get away the Matari managing to survive
12715s long enough is this
12718s you can't you can't catch anyone
12723s yeah especially with all these little
12725s walls as well being able to use scale
12727s rush to your advantage especially on
12729s dagger
12731s being able to zip around
12733s it's very very hard to catch people
12735s unless you make them to the Target of
12737s everybody around
12742s so much fun yeah
12746s it does look like oh wait a second
12748s switch Dazzle
12750s Aristotle I don't think I've ever seen
12751s that before Oh yeah this is something
12753s that Mado showed me a while ago actually
12755s doing dagger lmb blue focus into
12760s swap the cannon with switch Dazzle gives
12763s you a lot of hype
12765s interests you a lot of air time it's
12767s very useful okay fine
12770s doing new stuff already
12776s get off Misha oh my gosh again one shirt
12779s again give me those toes
12782s shot get off me no Perry
12786s Unbound
12791s look at this what is what is it called
12793s airstall Max gravel distance what
12797s the the movement Tech
12801s [Music]
12803s holding a white Cannon
12805s there's just I think the flame breathage
12808s is so big in this current matter oh I
12810s completely agreed I completely agree
12812s especially with Feria it allows you to
12814s actually do damage to her instead of the
12817s mech in these uh final zones in these
12820s heal off situations because if you don't
12822s have some way of actually hitting her
12825s health bar you don't get an assist or
12827s you don't it doesn't get registered as
12829s damage you've dealt to her
12831s in the final Zone but Shah here forced
12833s to pop his ultimate getting ganged up on
12835s taka the first Target to go looks like
12839s Shah yeah no no there was a glimmer of
12842s hope but it was quickly snuffed out
12845s immediately lit up by the the lobby with
12847s pistols
12849s such a great hitbox it's practically hit
12853s scan especially if you target people's
12855s feet it's like a guaranteed shot when
12857s someone's 1 HP if you have a pistol in
12858s your inventory you're gonna be able to
12860s join this kill year round though taking
12862s a huge bow shot there's some squirrel up
12864s here
12865s and no one see there's a sniper up there
12867s they're trying to survive throwing lbs
12871s with full disregard doesn't matter we're
12873s going out swinging we're dying it on our
12875s Shield we blink up oh it is he gets
12878s sniped by a bow shot
12880s what a nice shot yeah
12884s perfectly perfectly aimed and timed at
12888s the end of the animation
12890s very nicely done listening liang's
12892s popped this old early here it doesn't
12894s look like he took much damage so there
12895s wasn't really a need for him to do this
12897s other than I think he's just doing this
12900s to try and force the Furious to Old I
12903s think that's the only reason it's
12904s actually a really smart decision by Wang
12906s Liang
12907s he Force the Furious to alt earlier on
12909s then they immediately lose a lot of
12912s power in endgame
12914s this was actually my strategy back in
12916s the day when I did play Tarka it's
12918s pretty much useless for the heal-off
12919s situation so you might as well burn it
12921s try to grief players leading into it
12926s looking like it's paying off
12928s I agree but also disagree
12931s mainly because
12933s like if you use your alt too early you
12936s can instantly become the target however
12938s and and basically like if you save your
12941s all and you managed to keep it to the
12942s very end you can do some fire damage
12944s which is so so huge for final Zone it
12948s looks like he's gonna die though come on
12950s the triple grapples him out of Zone
12953s poison
12967s ous
12969s is poison Splash optimal
12972s wait a second
12977s smiling it's like yeah
12979s poison Splash boys
12981s it's
12983s a nice I think I think Fong is just
12985s happy he probably chuckled when that guy
12987s died to poison Splash he's like I I get
12988s the whip I'm gonna be chilling
12991s on top of the mountain though
12994s taking down both spider and Mike this
12997s game
12998s showing he's
13001s to help the court happen he's getting
13004s ugly
13005s this man
13007s everything's just going right for it for
13009s farm right now you can see it like on
13011s his face actually showing emotion
13013s everyone else like hard-pressed look at
13015s look just how stressed this player is
13017s everyone's just like hmm what could I
13019s have done better but Fong is just like
13021s did everything shows them Canon Tech
13023s playing breath wouldn't be off picking
13026s off kills
13028s yeah no I mean he's he's come to play
13031s now
13032s he's not hesitating he's doing he's
13034s playing his game
13036s he's
13038s he's I don't know I don't know what else
13040s to say he's just he's doing this thing
13045s also with his cool hair do man this
13048s looks like he's a big killing nice
13051s looking nice and fresh
13054s uh I mean
13057s I don't know man
13058s the dagger the dagger the just he's just
13061s showing you how strong it is as well
13063s alongside his macro decision making his
13067s micro he's
13069s he's doing everything right
13071s either he's on an extreme high from week
13074s one and it's just it's just boosting him
13078s up he's just feeling himself
13080s or he's just he's just put in that work
13082s he's done a lot of work to get to where
13085s he is to get to the level that he's at
13088s to match these people like spider and
13090s Mike coming into this tournament
13092s like dominating from day one it's it's
13095s an amazing it's amazing sight to see
13098s um
13100s surprised to be honest with you
13103s because I want to be this dominant I
13105s don't know what do you think Raven
13107s uh he's gonna be dominant because he's
13108s using the dominant weapon dagger just
13110s everyone has to bow down to the solo
13112s dagger stop fighting and it's just meta
13116s this winning neutral you saw it
13118s planking 11 times in a row with dagger
13120s if you want a light no lights it's blue
13123s or not we're not lighting ever light
13125s into whole dot over and over and over
13127s until someone cracks and throws the blue
13129s someone throws a red
13131s and as you saw you can just leave this
13134s free one charge rmbs take those toes out
13136s get those kills Shaw just got blown up
13139s by 3-1 charges with dagger it's one of
13141s the hardest that was that was pretty
13143s funny
13146s oh six kills 12 points that's a massive
13150s game gotta remember that there's only 14
13152s people in this Lobby
13154s 12 points almost 13 points in this lobby
13157s with only 14 players
13160s man and you're on finally having a
13162s really good game with 8.8 really really
13164s big game for pin and Wang Lang staying
13167s super consistent
13169s eight points Shaw one of the best
13171s fighters get an oogly in the arena
13174s finally
13175s um
13176s 4.3 Panda man always in there and yang
13179s as well choosing the number one ranked
13182s Player 3.6 tied with Mike Mike actually
13185s still having a huge game here but
13189s in Mike fashion probably overextending
13191s being a little bit to ooga booga full
13194s aggression he did he did very well to
13196s steal those Audi kills at the very
13197s beginning
13199s um I felt like he he got a bit too
13201s aggressive in mid game
13204s um right here that was the perfect
13207s little kills deal
13209s um
13209s oh yeah I don't know he's he's
13211s definitely he's definitely playing well
13213s like Mike is is doing well he's doing a
13216s lot better than he did last week he's
13217s playing more consistently he's getting
13219s the he got in the first game win second
13221s game just getting one point less than
13224s than spider with 11 points
13226s doing very well for himself uh it
13228s definitely looks like he's addressed the
13231s the issues that he had
13232s oh yeah that clutch Kill from France I
13235s just think
13236s Mike
13237s Mike just hasn't fully flushed out
13240s Hesperia yet
13241s out of all the characters he's played so
13243s far I remember last week he flubbed
13246s getting into his Alt
13248s and it's just it's just really weird
13250s when you try to like Goomba stop someone
13252s you're pressing V defensively
13254s a lot of times if you get staggered
13256s again you get stuck in this boot you
13258s don't really like me to dodge can't get
13260s the slam off it's kind of Jank unless
13263s you zero ban fario V3 a ton very true
13267s probably I don't think Mike generally
13269s plays Feria when he plays ranked he
13271s likes to play a lot of the more ugly
13273s characters
13274s but I would say uh
13276s areas definitely one of the strongest
13278s solo characters
13281s can't really go wrong look at that tiger
13285s damage 17
13287s 000 he's running flame breath switch
13288s Dazzle had dagger sap Abyssal aura
13295s it's it's it's strong it's strong it's
13298s the solo weapon I'm surprised we haven't
13301s seen as much nunchucks as we have
13302s because nunchucks I feel like is one of
13304s those even matchups or somewhat versus
13307s tiger
13308s but um I think the tag is Jades are
13312s actually quite frankly superior to the
13315s the nuncho Chase and since Jades are so
13317s important in the Mortal War
13319s um and can be get and can be attained
13321s very easily
13323s um in comparison to normal rank uh due
13326s to the uh the uh lucky soldier in the
13329s shop being I think it's less it costs
13332s less and it's guaranteed purple minimum
13335s meaning that you are always going to get
13336s a purple or a gold Jean so it's spending
13340s money on those Jades is super important
13342s to Mortal war and if you're looking for
13344s Jades of a specific weapon like Dragon
13346s it's not it's not that uncommon to get
13348s exactly what you're looking for
13351s so I mean nunchucks not being as strong
13354s as its main strength being uh dragon war
13359s um
13360s it's a
13361s it's a bit of a
13364s I mean it's a bit of a no-brainer you
13365s just play a dagger the movement the
13367s scale Rush
13368s it's so strong the tech chase the boy
13371s the the reeds
13373s I mean it seems like there's two lines
13375s out there that's evolving in this uh Pro
13378s League's meta it's either you play
13379s dagger and you want to win neutral a
13381s really really solid spacing good boy e
13383s or you want to fish for the lnb would
13386s spear into Greatsword or staff from the
13388s great sword and you're just hardcore
13390s holding waiting for that pair you're
13392s inevitably from dagger you don't really
13394s see that much Blues off uh staff and it
13397s was a rare mistake I actually saw a
13398s spider he gets a double charge r b and
13401s ends up committing to the lnb instead of
13403s the focus attack even though his
13404s opponent wasn't ready for it and doesn't
13407s get the max punish in it you see like it
13409s has a rare hesitation at a spider when
13411s you know you made a mistake in that
13413s Split Second you can't really hesitate
13415s at this level the second there's any
13418s type of hesitation from your opponent
13419s you're gonna get mashed and Fong's
13422s senses like blood in the water and he
13424s just keeps winning Blues in those
13426s Fighters back and ends up taking him
13428s down in a really clutch fast yeah he
13429s actually took down Mike as well so Fong
13432s didn't just like go around and pick off
13433s some of the weaker players he took down
13435s his competition I know stabilizing
13437s himself at the top of the mountain looks
13439s like he's gonna build his house up there
13440s at this point real estate investor up
13443s there he's the king
13445s I mean spider's trying to move in as a
13447s roommate but he's just not letting him
13448s every time he sees him he's just
13450s smacking him down
13451s spraying it with some pesticides doesn't
13453s like spiders just
13455s not giving spider any room to breathe it
13458s looks like spider actually is having a
13460s hard time uh working on his Mash getting
13462s into gang all the players looking to get
13464s in and it's just whoever gets that fast
13467s e Click speed they're just like sitting
13469s there mashing that e trying to get in
13473s what I just realized
13476s it's possible that these players are
13479s getting into yang
13480s are actually have rebound their interact
13483s button so e to scroll you think we got
13487s some scroll wheel screamers it's
13489s possible because
13491s to be able to consistently get into Yang
13493s when you're all on equal ping
13495s it's kind of a 50 50. so if you've got
13499s it bound to scroll wheel you're much
13501s more likely to get in there so it's
13502s possible that that's what they're doing
13503s a sneaky bit attack
13509s I mean you'd be sacrificing the weapon
13511s swap on scroll wheel
13513s um
13514s so that's one thing but I mean at least
13517s for me I don't use weapons uh I don't
13518s weapons I don't really like it I've
13521s never liked it but I'm a bit weird so
13524s um
13524s I don't know if it's possible we'll
13527s somebody have to ask Mike we're gonna
13529s have to ask him you're Min maxing the
13531s met the menu going into Yang just so
13533s they can get the scroll wheel I just
13534s feel like they got gaming fingers
13536s they're just smashing that e to get in
13538s explosively also dude
13541s it's all about the keyboard they could
13543s swap it just before they go in just
13546s quickly go into the settings change the
13548s change the interact button Swap this is
13550s too ugly
13557s oh my goodness just getting mashed by
13559s Ellen B's
13561s and lighted to death as you're stuck in
13563s your menu that'd be an absolute
13564s nightmare there's no way that would that
13566s would be hard you'd have to do it a
13568s little bit in advance to make sure that
13570s you can do it
13572s a little bit in advance maybe just
13573s you're sitting in a bush you see the
13575s Yang coming up and you're just like okay
13577s it'll be clicking swap it and then you
13579s then you're good you swap it back in the
13582s 15 seconds leading up to the start of
13583s the fight and yank so I don't know it's
13586s possible
13588s the keyboard
13591s yeah if you have a wooden keyboard that
13593s actuation on going up bro you just
13596s smashing e maybe a double finger
13598s technique
13600s yeah I don't know maybe
13602s um but yeah here we are going into game
13605s five
13607s so back to hallroth
13610s I'm trying to remember I can't remember
13611s which which map is the night map I'm
13615s wondering if it's this one it might be
13616s the night map already happened it was
13618s hollerrath but we had two aren't there
13620s three there's three there's three uh
13623s Firefly Maps mine has the highest
13625s concentration I don't believe both
13627s Hollow rods are fireflies I feel like
13628s the last game is a firefight this might
13630s be another date I'm not too sure but
13632s we'll have to see though I mean it
13634s definitely does affect the character
13636s choices quite a lot so I guess we're
13638s gonna have to see what people are gonna
13640s be bringing out
13642s um 8.3 average kills
13646s for kills
13649s trying to rack up I would expect to see
13651s some zipping coming out here but
13654s I'm thinking back I I think we've seen a
13656s lot of zipping so far
13658s I think Zippy's been used up almost I
13660s don't think they're gonna be many
13661s players who have another zipping game at
13663s the disposal
13667s I think we're gonna have to see let's
13668s see we've got a few seconds until we get
13671s to have a sneak peek at what they're
13673s gonna be playing
13674s um
13675s but I don't know farrier could
13677s potentially be a substitute oh
13680s yeah no exactly Panther man's the only
13682s person who's hovering sipping here and
13685s it looks like the rest of the players
13686s are going for
13688s cada I think is that is that majority's
13692s that's maturity
13694s that's majority barrier I think I don't
13697s think there's another character that's
13698s been picked three times except cicada so
13701s Takeda and Faria are the two in the
13703s majority
13709s two zippings actually
13712s two three mataris damn okay so three
13715s Ataris three farriers
13718s wait are they swapping I swear they're
13719s swapping
13722s actually I started counting and then
13724s they changed and now I'm now almost
13726s screwed up it's actually a decent
13729s balance for everything it's an
13730s interesting pick from spider to go yodo
13733s in this current meta I feel like you
13735s don't really get a heel off because of
13737s all the the fairy is running around you
13739s can get Goomba stomped out zippings can
13742s Shield up and grapple kick you out and
13744s then there's cicadas everywhere hmm an
13747s interesting pick by spider to go Yodo
13750s here
13751s must know something that I don't
13754s I feel like if you get the heel off
13756s though you're definitely gonna Thrive
13758s but the thing is if you're the only Yoto
13761s in the lobby then you're gonna get
13762s focused really hard that's true and
13764s yodo's F3 Nerf even though you can kind
13768s of get the two heels in it you can you
13770s noticeably feel the difference when you
13772s have the pressure of the whole Lobby
13773s coming down on you
13776s really doesn't allow you to reset
13781s more of like a neutral break if you use
13782s it that way the slashes are fairly easy
13785s to dodge
13786s you can guarantee the last lash that's a
13789s three piece at the end if you just
13791s instant slash but
13792s it's not really the highest value all in
13794s this current meta so I'm surprised how
13796s he makes it work he must know something
13798s I know though in Wong over here in
13800s yushon Ruins with 225
13804s as well
13806s oh yeah see the the list was a little
13808s bit different look at this these weirdos
13810s Landing in the north
13813s who lands up here
13815s I don't think I've ever picked a square
13817s up here besides the here at you you Sean
13819s Square we got fog in two two five
13820s fighting
13822s fighting for the Firefly
13825s looks like they're in the zone as well
13827s they're taking damage
13829s Zone one really doesn't do that much
13831s damage so it's
13832s interesting
13834s they're going back here
13836s in this ISO dude he ends up getting a
13838s purple weapon though
13840s we got Matari versus Justina
13843s pretty even matches
13846s he's actually playing F2 double double
13849s blink Long's playing F1 interesting but
13853s it looks like he's gonna have to get out
13854s of here though he risks a lot doing this
13856s so he tries to go for the gravel cancel
13857s doesn't get it it's under a ton of
13859s pressure planks dagger clink you can
13861s always delay the inevitable and fun
13864s defends the top of the mountain get out
13866s of here
13869s his drawing spot
13871s Dubai in Plume Castle
13876s end up being able to put pick up shoes
13878s and cleaning it up
13880s that's purple armor we can get oh we got
13882s the goat himself spider one charge Perry
13884s flank
13886s plank again
13888s we're gonna hold Dodge out reset he's he
13890s zones out he sees that Shaw's looking in
13892s the background
13893s these weirdos in the top
13897s Landing in the snow air in this news
13899s [Music]
13902s they actually just revamped this whole
13905s area in this patch Mike oh yeah the
13907s patch that came out today
13909s everyone has dagger back here
13913s Mike has to be careful though he doesn't
13915s have all he's gonna slow it down
13918s biter we're gonna get
13921s in calm wait Panda man got comboed by
13924s spider what Yodo F3
13928s getting the value and he has all tabs
13930s the neutral power
13934s is insanely good
13937s to buy it here forcing to cater to pop
13940s his ultimate
13941s the whole thing in hunting him off the
13944s roof is okay see you later bro device
13948s no I'm not having any of that but now
13950s he's definitely gonna have to run
13953s um as Wang Liang just instantly cancels
13955s his all when he gets knocked all the way
13957s down keeping 75 whereas valda using up
13960s her entire old charge uh just for that
13964s oh we got Fong versus spider the top two
13967s Envy PL solo players
13970s we had Clank spiders gonna Soul break
13972s away resetting neutral on wants to smoke
13976s though wait a minute by Sean's lurking
13977s in the background the purple armor
13980s looking for the well-timed third party
13982s along the sides better of it actually
13984s he's gonna force the issue with spider
13986s trying to get spider Focus
13989s spider not backing down he's going for
13992s it
13993s doll ends up choosing Fong they're both
13997s looking to team up on Justina ice
13999s weasels trying to run away
14002s doesn't want the smoke
14005s going inside the building
14008s moving through the window
14011s double hole
14013s ouch hold
14015s I'm with The Buttery rocks
14018s Matari having the advantage here
14021s being able to just skip the whole ordeal
14024s again follow them yeah
14027s it's perfect yeah he's playing very well
14031s around his f cooldown as well taking F1
14034s on Justina can be very good if you're
14037s able to uh maintain spacing manage the
14040s cooldown well since it's a pretty long
14042s one
14043s um and get those heels off whenever you
14045s need a micro with a huge Parry
14050s old here
14052s g225 not gonna let it get away that
14055s easily though
14057s Mike's being forced to pop the old
14060s two of the backstabs now used
14063s Mike looking to try and get a reset
14067s potentially going to be able to come
14068s back and fight but yeah
14072s victim of the PTS
14075s Mike just gets a hard reset and two to
14078s five it was right in front of him I'm
14080s still resetting
14081s who is this
14083s why you deal with that guy all right
14086s thanks thanks
14090s all right bro cheers thank you okay let
14092s me let me take over again we're good tag
14095s back in what is
14097s this
14101s he's so retargeting selection no vibe
14105s checking
14107s two just comes in the first person
14116s one two three I'm a fan
14120s oh
14122s wait a second Oh I thought the I thought
14124s the ice butterflies were actually gonna
14126s freeze the the ferry event
14129s off of the old activation from Taco but
14132s it doesn't look like it did
14136s okay I'm gonna be able to get the reset
14138s here into the building he's definitely
14140s coming out but Fong
14142s getting put into the Montage Ellen Beach
14144s savings on the Rock paid actor
14147s Daniel once wants to take down this
14150s Decatur I believe right as long as on
14152s Takeda no no thanks I'll Justina
14158s this this area
14160s I still don't know if that's V1 or V2
14163s though I cannot tell like I don't play
14165s this I don't play the ice weasel I have
14167s no clue the amount of trees in this area
14170s is just amazing if you have any
14173s character that has a white outfit it's
14176s just impossible to track people here
14180s no everyone just actually well then
14182s again though it's uh since it's
14184s tournament the the Skins are turned off
14186s for everybody is it just seeing his
14187s default skin white yeah but her trousers
14190s are black I think
14193s so half of her is it camouflaged I
14196s suppose
14198s Yodo versus Takeda I haven't seen this
14202s matches in Forever Wang Lang opens up
14204s with the one two three sends it goes for
14206s the travel cases
14208s just half charge like he calls out the
14210s grapple cancer he said you ain't about
14212s that Mike life for sending one two
14214s threes
14215s like what is this instant oh perfect
14220s it's over
14222s there's no way way like survive this now
14225s it's over damn
14229s this is the perfect example of why goto
14232s can be decent indicator as long as you
14234s don't
14235s do too badly an initial neutral you're
14238s kind of chilly because you have every
14240s break you have it as a as a combo break
14243s or as a Tempo tool and then as soon as
14247s decadence holds as long as you're not
14248s already in a combo you can just
14250s immediately hold the negate a lot of the
14253s value
14255s seven seconds
14257s do you think doing a good job of uh
14259s healing around this pillar
14262s forcing um 14 seconds and I'll choose
14265s needs yeah it still has a little can you
14267s reverse barrier within this time he
14270s needs to pop up what is he doing
14272s accepting fate always gets pooper
14274s scooper doesn't get it though it's over
14276s it's over ah yes
14279s Opie
14281s number one creeper
14284s long now chasing Shaw gets the grapple
14287s cancel still has Ulta
14293s he was right in front of him now nowhere
14295s near it wasn't spider versus Mike this
14298s is a matchup
14300s we've all been waiting for he's going at
14303s it
14304s New School versus old school
14309s I do feel like Tonka does have the
14311s advantage in this in this matchup
14314s although spider having the weapon
14316s Advantage is pretty huge oh Mike with
14318s the the weapon swap up Doom oh okay give
14322s it a spider Taste of his own medicine
14324s drinking spider
14327s not only you can play meta
14329s Mike showing
14331s showing true form right here
14334s definitely playing a lot better than he
14336s played last week
14337s yeah which is lovely to see
14340s I think another although we talked about
14341s this Tempo being slightly off week one I
14345s think also another thing to consider is
14347s that he's been playing rank for a very
14348s long time
14350s and it means that like
14353s ranked is I mean he probably has played
14356s a mortal War but
14358s um in general it's just a completely
14360s different game so not only run it down
14363s again he's playing on a down simulator
14365s when he's playing I'm right
14367s correct me if I'm wrong but they're
14369s playing online right now
14372s I believe so
14374s right now well I know Mike are you sure
14377s it's funny thing because if it's funny
14379s though Mike has victoriously low low
14382s ping when you got low ping you got ping
14384s privilege when it comes to Perry's a lot
14386s of weapons blue attacks it's always
14388s become on reaction variable that's why
14392s it's it's amazing that Mike gets away
14394s with so many one two threes
14395s your face sending it I think it's just
14398s the the huge mind game just the big
14401s brain mind game
14402s no makes up makes sense yeah exactly the
14406s thing now Foster pop is Ultimate not
14408s opting to instantly die
14411s it is V1 okay
14415s run
14417s oh yeah become his first kill of the
14420s game
14421s am I bothering to take the heel nothing
14423s to try and chase him down as fast as
14426s possible Fang
14429s both on around the same HP but Fang
14431s having that F1 at his disposal gives him
14435s that little top up he needs every so
14437s often
14438s now he swapped the temple over the chase
14440s on chat on chat
14442s shout on the defensive Spanish
14444s especially since he has the blue armor
14446s if both players reset then Fang comes
14449s out on top because he has more Health to
14451s heal
14452s that's true don't you don't want to give
14454s the Health Advantage back to your
14455s opponent when they have uh better armor
14458s because they end up just having the
14459s advantage but but fine I was pretty much
14461s happy to take the reset get alt back up
14464s be on the safer side uh smart decision
14468s on both of them remember we're playing
14470s to qualify we're not really playing play
14473s first I I believe there is a award
14476s though for doing well in these
14477s tournaments and you can't carry some of
14478s the points into finals percent of your
14480s points we have spider using that F3
14484s threat of the staff
14487s offensively as well wait a minute Matari
14490s comes out of nowhere
14491s um get off of me I'm gonna go into all
14494s get this heal off your end let me out of
14496s here wisely pop sold a little bit early
14499s doesn't want to get put into that one HP
14501s situation
14503s looking to get out of here
14505s a little bit too hot
14509s look how many people are chilling here
14511s stalling out transitioning in the mid
14513s game there is a Yang about the pop-up
14516s I got my predictions that Mike is
14518s getting into this one Mike
14520s when it comes to pressing e he is on
14523s Tarka too
14525s but like I said like you always like
14527s flipping it when there are fairies in
14529s your lobby I don't even go into Yang in
14532s ranked anymore when I see Ferris my
14533s Lobby it's just full troll it is very
14536s very annoying
14538s um one thing though I think the spider
14540s might try and do is use his F3 on top of
14543s the portal and prevent other people from
14546s getting inside
14548s and then either choosing to go in
14550s himself or just trying to grief the
14552s person who's trying to run through his
14554s spinning blades
14556s yeah look a lot of people are just not
14558s risking it
14560s not interested
14564s wait did Mike get in
14566s the mic's on the outside here wait no I
14568s couldn't I I missed him
14571s oh Mike take him down year round here as
14574s well ends up dying too boys
14580s doing massive damage with meteor
14588s number one and two
14590s let's go Justina versus Kyoto who do you
14594s think comes out on top here
14598s I'm gonna go with Justina
14601s but the the spiders is such a good
14603s fighter he catches him when they
14605s overhold here into the army but we got
14607s F1
14608s I'm sure this has been a long time since
14610s bikers seen something like this but oh
14612s he's gonna catch some times
14617s perfectly
14623s is he gonna get value off his alt though
14625s one heal off double triple tap Dodge
14628s still gets the slash off he's gonna get
14630s no when he gets caught in the air
14633s oh Spiker come down on top still with
14637s yodu making it work
14640s thing looking looking very happy about
14642s that even though he lost he had he
14644s enjoyed that fight
14646s I think this man is literally just
14649s having fun at this point he is enjoying
14651s himself he is feeling the games he's not
14654s too stressed and this is exactly how you
14656s want to be in this kind of environment
14657s if you're too stressed you're worrying
14660s too much you're gonna make more mistakes
14661s you're anxious it's it's not what you
14664s want to be doing oh and the snipe from
14667s Dubai
14671s super low catching the uh the Dodge away
14675s perfectly with a long sword but then
14678s Dubai company
14680s and Dubai actually he's playing valda
14683s and he's managed to yank himself a few
14685s kills he's actually I think four kills
14688s I'm not mistaken yeah really good game
14690s that's a real that's a that's a feels
14693s good man right now
14695s Andy's F3 as well
14697s he's just playing full Grief Mode cannot
14700s catch me
14701s ends up getting one track by child
14704s though
14705s he's a one charge Perry next time
14708s he's trying to get out of there as soon
14710s as possible he's saying he was looking
14712s at my top wait is it zipping
14715s because zipping is coming in trying to
14717s yank The Kill
14719s ings are really good spider here on
14722s thing yet again
14724s combo taking that extremely low spider
14728s immediately UPS the heel
14730s matching the heels in the F1 Fang
14733s popping his Ultimate Spider sending out
14736s the f one not the F the the F3
14741s foreign
14744s low HP
14746s doesn't want a repeat oh with the joke
14749s cancel
14751s fighter just uses the the alt as a as a
14753s neutral reset but Fong has two and a
14756s half minutes doesn't really need to
14757s speed this up he can take his time here
14761s ends up giving a full reset to spider
14765s going for the overnight punished by the
14768s one charge though
14771s on testing out the waters
14774s things trying to scout outs by using
14776s tension
14777s see the thing is spider knows that it's
14780s fun he knows exactly who he's fighting
14783s and he knows that Fong is highly likely
14786s to have not found a salt room to eat to
14789s get rid of his young depletion so he's
14791s just buying time he's just chilling he's
14793s he's taking all the resets
14795s he's not getting too aggressive
14799s it looks like he's changed his tune now
14801s though he's back on the offensive and
14803s there it is gold nunchucks doing the
14805s damage spider just Tech chasing him
14809s constantly reading him very very well
14811s catching the tap doors on the back
14814s and it's a spider he's back to play he
14817s he's he's he's annoyed he's like bro you
14821s caught me slipping last game I'm coming
14823s back and I'm gonna kill you with Yoda
14827s trying to climb the mountain again but
14829s fog has a pretty hefty lead right now he
14832s did make a couple mistakes right there
14833s trying to just do the typical dagger
14836s light into dagger Dodge backwards and
14840s Fighters just timing on the half charge
14842s lmb uh is called him out of state stayed
14846s consistent kept using the L B charge was
14848s like all right you're gonna send blues
14850s at me that's fine
14851s we're just not going to give you the the
14853s opener of Lights like you're eventually
14855s going to get caught by one of my lmbs
14857s and I'm gonna take it to you
14860s the dying Justina zone is probably
14863s bigger than denying Yoda salt
14865s especially out in the open just because
14867s Yodo gets most of her value by her F3
14870s it's just such a great uh neutral tool
14874s where it breaks you off stagger and
14876s you're able to use it to fight back
14878s where if you just your opponent touches
14880s it ever you just get Clank it's a little
14882s focused attack it's just
14883s and any building fight Yodo just has a
14887s massive advantage on top of the fact
14889s that
14890s spider has gold nunchucks work he has a
14893s full double meter holding lnb over and
14895s over
14896s basically can at least take one Focus
14899s attack to the face basically no
14902s consequence got a flat ground fight this
14904s is one of the power things about Yodo is
14906s you're able to go and grab tests out of
14909s it using your F3 back back in last and
14913s you know Yoda was
14915s hey yo did you see that
14921s close range grapple jump cancel bow shot
14924s headshot re-stand lmv uppercut combo
14927s what
14930s that was an execution
14933s spiders aim is this super nuts if you
14936s actually oh it was beautiful you don't
14939s really get to see the POV of some of
14941s these players aim all the time from
14944s these casting points but if you ever get
14945s a chance to watch the povs of these
14948s players you can really see uh night and
14951s day the top four or five players their
14953s aim is way better than everyone else and
14955s spider is definitely in a league of his
14957s own
14959s there's a lot of bow headshot resets
14961s that you can hit basically an lnb
14964s stagger when you get bow headshotted
14965s speaking of which Shaw getting put into
14967s the nunchuck Loop that Huang fly
14969s invented
14970s I feel like a full ride I feel like
14974s Sprite is just throwing everybody off
14978s for the one
14981s yeah
14982s in the water
14984s the weapon swap Katana dual blades
14987s or we just clanked off on the F3
14991s catches him on the hold though with
14993s grapple
14994s uh oh
14997s goes for the very early ultimate
15001s but this is one thing this is one thing
15003s in the in the Wilder versus young to
15006s match up
15007s if valder olds first then Yoto can
15010s always reaction old and and armor
15013s through the wave preventing yourself
15015s from getting staggered so if you're ever
15017s playing valda into Yoto you always have
15019s to try and make sure that you are second
15021s and try and use the wave on them
15024s look at this perfect Zone played by
15027s spider
15028s he's just keeping him out of the zone
15030s and it's always suffocating
15033s oh my God what a perfect use of the F3
15036s from Kyoto oh my let's fight it out the
15041s tricks
15043s over there look at him this is already
15045s counting his money like this is in the
15047s bag does that work again just get in the
15050s bag get out of there Wang Lang looking
15053s stressed he's like man I didn't make
15054s anything this time
15056s deep breaths
15059s and Performing bad at all it's just yeah
15062s you gotta you gotta stay composed
15065s in these final games of the day
15066s especially considering this is fifth
15069s game
15069s they've played a lot of Morocco already
15071s and playing at a very high level for
15074s this long black to back can be very
15076s taxing on you if you don't
15078s you need to have a good breakfast before
15081s this let's just say that
15082s maybe a banana after game three you know
15086s slow release
15088s otherwise you're gonna run out of energy
15089s you're gonna get sloppy you're gonna get
15092s more irritated on mistakes which
15094s inherently lead to more mistakes
15097s I don't know well it looks like spider's
15100s been eating his Wheaties because he
15101s looks like he's wearing them all
15105s his diet whoever is nutritionist uh we
15108s gotta call him we gotta get some of that
15110s over here
15112s how beautiful his hair is soft
15120s definitely their top three player top
15122s three hair
15127s what a great representative of what
15129s beautiful naraka looks like playing the
15131s like normally when you play a character
15133s that no one else is playing in the lobby
15134s it's really easy to pick you off he
15137s makes an off Beta character just look
15139s like it's a meta pick I'm sure that
15140s everyone's gonna be considering
15141s especially Wang Lang because he was
15143s definitely known for his Yodo uh maybe
15146s you're actually a decent pick on on
15148s Hollow and that's why I was like I could
15150s see why spider would pick this just and
15152s uh you you kind of beat up takeda's back
15156s in the day Takeda was kind of looked at
15157s as trash because Yodo can alt on his
15159s forehead and like what does he do now as
15161s cicadas got better and their Touch of
15162s death got better I think what you're
15164s seeing right now is that because Takeda
15166s doesn't have his free neutral break off
15168s F3 they nerfed it before you could F3
15170s and you just get the uppercut into
15171s Narnia with the with spear into the gray
15174s sword and it was just dumb on top on top
15177s of his already kid of touch of death it
15179s was just free neutral now that decades
15182s actually have to win neutral you're
15184s seeing that only the best neutral
15186s players are taking advantage of what
15188s Takeda has to offer you're not seeing
15190s just anyone pick up the these Touch of
15192s death characters appears like Tarka and
15194s cicada and doing having a ton of success
15195s now we're seeing a lot more defensive
15197s naraka coming up with very unzipping and
15200s it's just because the game has slowed
15202s down not everyone's neutral is at the
15204s top like six players in this game
15207s spider oh yeah absolutely I completely
15210s agree
15212s 18.6 oh I think that's the highest
15216s points for the day the other was like
15217s around 12.8 ish yeah
15221s with Yodo no less
15223s I think it I think he just
15225s because when you when you're playing
15226s against when you're playing in a
15228s tournament and you see a character that
15229s you just don't expect to see
15231s it's kind of a it's it's a mental hit
15235s you know like it's like what what is he
15237s doing what what and then all of a sudden
15240s you're in your own head and you're and
15242s you're making mistakes and if he's
15244s playing well he's on point he's gonna
15246s read you like a book and he's gonna put
15248s you in the blender and it's over
15253s as you saw there in like the duel
15256s hey our Yoda F3 is just so oppressive
15260s back in the Bloodsport days when the
15262s mode was flail and there were a ton of
15263s tournaments dagger Yoda was just always
15266s played it's just if you're if your
15268s opponent ever commits to fighting you
15269s while you have your F3 down you're
15271s asking to get griefed because I saw
15273s Dubai try try to like maintain pressure
15276s on a spider and that neutral and he came
15279s in with a blue clanked it and then got
15281s focused back for it now like you're on
15283s the back foot Zone's bleeding out on you
15285s and spider literally immediately
15287s switched spots with them and held him in
15289s his own every single time do I try to
15291s get out you gotta grapple cancel and
15293s just held in zones it's just like just
15296s super super clean play from spider just
15298s hyper optimal at this point it makes
15301s sense why he he is the champ right now
15302s he won worlds
15304s like he's he's showing it right now just
15306s the level of consistency in his decision
15308s making you just
15310s he's gonna beat you in neutral but he
15311s he's also going to do everything else
15313s that it takes to beat you like doing
15314s this nunchuck Loop right here
15317s he parries when he needs to he uses his
15319s abilities perfectly right here
15322s doesn't go for any any crazy combos just
15324s zones him out here
15327s perfect
15330s bread and butter fundamentals that's all
15332s it really takes a lot at the end of the
15333s day I feel like he's just surgical man
15336s it's really impressive really naraco
15339s being played right now I'm so happy that
15341s we got the cast today and have all these
15343s the best solo players all in one lobby
15346s right now it's really really exciting to
15348s see especially at the three-month
15350s drought after worlds having no
15351s competitive Miracle to watch
15354s it's such a pleasure to watch all this I
15356s I completely agree I love watching this
15358s sort of thing watching the the the
15361s perfect play the Flawless the Flawless
15364s execution the reads the Mind Games
15368s the macro it's just it's just beautiful
15370s I really really enjoy it I'm very happy
15373s to be here as I'm sure you are tourism
15375s it's it's lovely I mean spider I've
15379s watched quite a lot of spy then
15381s and I realized after a while
15384s that spider just he doesn't make
15386s mistakes it's it's extremely unlikely
15389s that you'll ever see spider make an
15391s obvious mistake it's possible for him to
15393s misread something and that's completely
15395s normal in neutral you're not always
15398s going to be perfectly right on every
15399s read but to see him make an actual
15402s mistakes even his even his movement
15405s moving around the map I feel like I'd
15406s never see him get stuck on anything the
15409s man is just a machine and quite
15411s literally he's he's
15414s is the embodiment of top 10 where I
15417s could play right now
15418s and it's great to see but Fong stop at
15422s the mountain though and yeah oats live
15424s on top of the mountain that's where
15425s they're both at right now they're duking
15426s it out
15429s yeah anyway
15431s um I think we are going to be taking a
15433s quick break here before game six and uh
15436s I look forward to seeing what we see at
15438s the very end I think everyone's gonna
15439s get ugly so uh I'll see you then this
15442s game Firefly game we're excited
15453s there is no point to this Viper
15458s you've spent too long fighting Immortals
15461s and have forgotten much I am no immortal
15466s s
15472s [Music]
15477s but it is time to accept your fake sweet
15481s daughter
15482s you're not my mother you're a monster oh
15486s ungrateful
15490s is an honor for I allowed to serve me in
15493s death as in life
15497s [Music]
15499s Viper
15501s who is this Justina group Winter's Grace
15514s [Music]
15521s [Music]
15527s not bad for a princess let's finish this
15533s laughs
15548s [Music]
15562s foreign
15567s I am Raven plz and I got my co-host Mr
15570s Duncan with a lot of naraka has been
15572s played today in the standings are
15575s showing it
15576s at the bottom we got year round at 10.5
15579s having a little bit better of a day at
15581s 8.5 he's definitely turned his games
15583s around uh versus his other day we only
15585s got two points Olay uh did really good
15589s day one I remember he ran pulse alert a
15591s lot of off meta stuff with mulch
15594s definitely stepping up his game
15596s um
15598s 225 Wang Lange all neck to neck everyone
15603s from like 14th to eighth all neck to
15605s neck then points tie about not being not
15607s playing today though neither is Jin but
15610s everyone else having a solid day
15613s uh but Wang Lang having a monster day at
15616s 30 points oh my goodness it's just it's
15619s a man of consistency right now 29.6
15624s good Zhang
15626s um Frank one on the leaderboard
15628s everyone's been excited to see how he
15630s did an NBL nbpl doing really really well
15633s now interesting enough oog Panda man
15636s normally he was always in the mid but
15638s he's having a really great season right
15640s now he's most likely going to qualified
15642s he's most likely going to qualify for
15645s finals at this point saying you having a
15647s great day 19 points
15649s but now we're going into the top of the
15652s mountain the true ooga boogers
15655s long at 79 still holding his lead at 79
15660s points with spider nipping at his heels
15662s though before we switch screens it was
15663s at 73 points and Mike still right there
15666s way more composed I'm sure if he had a
15668s better
15669s debut in nbpl he had he's taken the pass
15672s but taking first place but it looks like
15675s I think Mike if he gets one more day
15678s he's gonna be at the top now remember
15680s we're we're in qualifying rounds so
15683s any surprises for you Duncan
15686s after today
15688s the greatness the the beautiful naraka
15691s we've seen so far
15693s to be honest I think the only thing that
15695s I'm surprised about overall is
15699s not seeing any F3 barrier because I mean
15703s I don't know I'm just of the opinion
15704s that it's very strong and I think it's I
15707s think it's really good but maybe not on
15710s very low ping with everybody having very
15712s low ping it's possible it's not as good
15713s and not having the combo break can be
15715s impactful
15717s um
15718s Justina not being seen as much but today
15720s we've definitely seen a little bit more
15722s of her so who knows maybe we'll see some
15725s more people coming in with Justina next
15726s week but uh apart from that I don't
15729s think there have been too many surprises
15730s the The Heavy Hitters spider Mike and
15735s um fun have all been performing very
15737s well as expected
15739s um
15741s really I I did think the first week that
15743s we saw a little bit more taka than I
15745s expected
15746s because quite frankly after the Nerf he
15749s is just not as good he doesn't have the
15752s uh the car the combat potential that he
15755s had before
15756s the nerve to his ultimate duration is
15758s also a huge Factor the fact that he
15760s can't punch people on the ground
15762s so I don't know I think we'll see less
15765s taka as the uh as the series goes on
15769s um
15771s no I think I think that's pretty much it
15773s anything from you
15775s uh I think the true talkers are always
15777s going to be targeted it doesn't surprise
15779s me that Panda man is having a ton of
15780s success with it he was running Taco when
15782s it was off and he was running tiger when
15784s it was meta now he's still running Tarka
15786s uh I always think that Target was always
15788s gonna have a place in solos just because
15790s he's just one of the iso fights Masters
15793s I mean it kind of shows the community be
15796s screaming for his Touch of death to be
15798s Nerf but tarko's almost like a staple of
15800s naraka because him him ulting being on
15804s the animation cancel he's kind of like
15806s just the hype man of solos when you see
15808s Huang Lane going crazy with a great
15810s sword it's just really hype to see him
15811s going crazy
15813s he just needed to be retuned though just
15816s is there are too many frogs running
15817s around doing jumping rmbs and it was it
15820s was a plague now
15823s you're right it's just definitely too
15825s easy even though a lot of people say
15827s that dagger is no skill compared to the
15829s other things
15830s um right now you're mainly seeing
15833s as it's turning out spear grade sword
15836s staff great sword versus dagger you saw
15839s a little bit of nunchuck though spider's
15842s still showing like how strong his
15844s neutral is and he ran gold nunchucks the
15847s entire time he made yodo's alt look like
15849s you can hit your target no matter what
15851s it didn't look like just a free alt you
15853s can just tap down John reaction and
15855s tying back to what you brought up about
15856s F3 Feria uh in trios you definitely see
15859s it a ton but the thing about F3 fairy
15862s out that and I play her in trios right
15864s now is you only get the F3 if your
15867s opponent commits into you if not and
15869s since all these players are low ping and
15871s all have reactions like cats they're
15874s gonna Dodge the shot so unless you're
15876s griefing for it with it like you don't
15879s have a tumult to follow up with you like
15881s intriguous like it's mainly you and the
15884s level of someone's commitment onto you
15886s the second heat they see you dodge back
15887s eh you're just gonna back off they're
15890s just gonna they're already playing a
15892s very heavy light into tap Dodge away
15894s game to scout what you're doing not
15896s people not many people are hard
15897s committing if you do get the F3 I see
15899s what you're saying if you get the F3 you
15901s do get a nice juicy uppercut combo it's
15904s very like spacing based like you gotta
15907s cross up your opponent the setup player
15908s is kind of messy maybe when we see the
15911s new character uh alcoves in this you'll
15915s see is f used because I find like
15918s Pharaoh's F3 is kind of a worse version
15920s it is and now that his the character
15922s went live uh it's a really good neutral
15925s break
15926s before it went live uh the F on echoes
15930s it's mainly something uh was like a
15932s light into a mix-up and now it just
15934s interrupts Blues yeah very exciting
15937s actually I'm looking forward to trying
15939s some more trying small Echoes I'm not
15940s sure a normal thing it's gonna be fun
15943s I hope that nbpl puts acros into it
15946s eventually I know that nbpl generally
15948s takes a very conservative line about
15950s patches just so for the competitive
15952s Integrity for the players putting a full
15955s new character when you prep the whole
15957s season uh it's kind of a shock to the
15959s system and these guys put a ton of work
15961s in it working with their coaches
15963s figuring out their early game mid game
15964s end game strategies it's a lot of work
15967s so uh it's still really exciting to me
15970s uh to see how the top players have used
15973s vario
15974s and I think my favorite part of all this
15978s is definitely Matari I'm uh I started
15981s out as a Tarka enjoyer but we've moved
15983s on to being part of the Matari model
15985s right absolutely now that you mentioned
15987s it I I completely forgot about Matari I
15989s didn't see a
15990s I I I I completely forgot no yeah I I
15994s didn't see her doing all that well but
15996s with the playstyle that Mike managed to
15998s pull on
15999s it seems a lot stronger you know I mean
16002s being able to stay at the distance
16005s playing bread and butter maraca
16009s being super slippery having the ability
16012s to close out kills and to come in and
16015s third party very successfully with your
16017s backstab is uh isn't valuable really in
16021s the in tournament setting if you're not
16023s able to third party and secure kills
16026s then you're missing out on a lot and if
16028s there's a character that can help you do
16030s that
16031s surely they should be strong so to be
16032s honest I'm surprised I hadn't really
16034s thought about her beforehand
16036s um I think we might see a bit more of
16037s her now
16039s um
16040s after having seen Mike do so well
16043s we'll see we'll see I'm I'm excited to
16045s see if uh if we see some more tomok
16049s perhaps
16051s um and as you said when aircos gets
16053s brought to uh nbpl I'm excited to see
16056s what happens with that although I do see
16058s it I don't see it coming to mbpl for at
16061s least a little while
16063s um but we'll see how he matches up
16065s against these other characters
16074s I want to see what these with these uh
16078s Pro players cook up with him I I just
16081s think there there's something there
16082s because I remember when valder was
16084s released everyone thought Waldo was kind
16086s of trash you could you can blue Focus
16088s slide through her Bubbles and then they
16091s change the blue focus on the bubble all
16092s it takes is slight tweaks for a
16094s character to become meta or for
16096s something to be discovered because
16097s during the Tarka meta like r b and the
16100s punch existed forever and it wasn't
16102s really discovered uh until way later
16105s until Yang became a thing and dueling
16108s was prioritizing everyone gravitated the
16110s strongest dueling characters beforehand
16114s it's very much like herd play where you
16116s fight in groups was more of what the pro
16118s scene did there were safety of numbers
16120s and how you played the third party
16122s situation would defined you as a player
16125s I know that's what I revolved a lot of
16127s my gameplay around
16129s um there's a lot of rotational stuff a
16131s lot of macro tricks you can do and if
16133s someone does all the heavy lifting and
16134s you get the last hit you still get the
16136s point
16138s and we're seeing right now last day it
16141s looks like it's gonna be Morris isle at
16144s night so you're seeing
16146s the Tarka Takeda game going down we're
16149s oh we got some Wu Chan from T225
16160s um due to the fact that whoever alts
16163s first will typically lose that matchup
16165s uh
16167s however into Takeda is a much harder
16169s matchup so the three the four decades
16171s four five five sorry five decades are
16173s gonna be uh definitely a considerable
16176s threat for this Wu Chan
16178s um these witch and picks especially if
16180s they're running V2
16182s um unless they manage to get that Tod
16184s get them into the combo reset
16186s immediately with the with the V2 into
16189s execute combo it's gonna be hard for
16191s them to really accomplish much
16194s um it looks like the the double pick on
16198s the top thong spider Mike they all
16201s double pick Takeda and that that's kind
16203s of what I I predicted
16205s as far as the best dueling character
16207s right now if you're looking for a lot of
16209s kills it's definitely together
16211s he just he can reset his all he can save
16214s his ghosts his ghost heal so he plays
16216s heel off really well and his only
16218s weakness before was he would get lobbied
16220s by zippings
16221s and if you're playing him on in a Lobby
16224s where everyone's cicada it's just
16227s straight ugly you disappear into the the
16230s group of decades no one knows who you
16232s are exactly all the disadvantages of
16235s being in Kansas doesn't exist I'm really
16237s one of my favorite matchups to watch is
16239s cicada Dittos and Tarka Dittos
16243s there's such high risk reward to
16245s everything that they do
16248s yeah absolutely
16250s um I mean it makes sense that they're
16253s going for these uh these dueling
16255s characters for double pick due to the
16257s fact that there's they know for a fact
16259s that it's gonna be
16261s um there's gonna be two uh Firefly maps
16263s with no weapon yeah he altered with no
16266s weapon and then picked up another
16267s Firefly to give him 100 and then I think
16271s grapple grapple lmd with fists to try
16274s and get over to him
16276s were you like trying to get out of here
16278s I don't think he's getting out of this
16279s one wait oh perfect perfect hold us on
16282s the punt on the f-trap
16289s oh this is the new Frogger jumping r b
16293s with nunchucks
16295s he's exposing it chat close your eyes
16298s don't do this please
16300s wait he's running V2 as well oh my
16305s this man is ugly
16308s we're at Sunway now Fong and uran
16311s as dual Blaze does he hasn't reached his
16314s his final form he's looking for his
16316s favorite weapon running away doesn't
16319s want to take this fight
16323s the one on retreat
16326s just to pop that off oh no no he got a
16330s little bit overzealous there I think as
16331s soon as Jeron pops us all he needs to
16333s pop this out himself you're in there
16335s with a great kill
16337s Baron Panda man and Shen Yuan
16342s looking to exchange a little bit a
16344s little bit of nooch I think in this in
16347s this specific matchup
16349s uh V2 and Fireball versus F1 and V1
16354s it's Panda man's fight there's no
16356s there's no shot
16359s oh wait that uh shiny wine comes out on
16362s top here already doesn't matter we got
16363s we got the ghosts coming through
16367s it tries to wait for the pistol shot but
16370s misses but yeah
16374s and there you have it the instant Alt
16376s from spider exactly what you want to be
16377s looking for when a part that holds
16381s he gets the sliding uppercut oh no this
16384s has been done to me this is horrible
16386s this is rough
16390s wait we're going for a ride
16392s hey hey hey what's happening he
16396s interrupted finally
16397s Spiderman Spider
16401s he plays a conservative he he hand a man
16405s was was watching him he didn't want to
16407s pull his ghost and whiff and just get
16409s stuck in the alt so he actually takes a
16411s little bit additional damage to
16412s guarantee getting out
16414s also another big factor here is that a
16416s lot of people don't really consider is
16418s that when you're getting infinited by
16419s Taco although after the first few
16421s uppercuts they're not gonna be that low
16423s on stamina if you wait a little bit
16425s longer
16426s you know that if you've waited a bit
16429s longer then they're not going to have
16430s enough stem meaning that they are
16432s unlikely to be able to punch you
16434s um
16435s once you break out of it
16438s allowing you to potentially get a a free
16440s blade off from tequila
16446s Dubai bread and butter gets the infinite
16448s into blue Focus
16450s the scale Rush having a tough tournament
16453s Elation is always on the wrong character
16455s on the wrong map he's Yodo into just a
16459s million tarkas and cicadas that's just
16462s I mean it's a Decatur it's not too bad
16464s but taka is definitely not a good
16466s matchup to buy getting scale rushed to
16469s death sadly
16470s choosing just picking up the kill
16472s exactly what he wanted what he wants to
16474s do on the other here
16477s genuine looking to play it safe for a
16480s little while white armor
16482s he's just catching some hands from
16485s I'm sure he's just showing him the hands
16489s oh double oh perfect Dodge on that
16492s Woodside
16493s and some ghosting him look he's landed
16495s again and disengage but you're never
16497s disengaging the goat he's coming here
16499s he's climbing the mountain
16502s chasing Fong
16505s I don't know if Fong is gonna be able to
16507s hold his lead after this it looks like
16509s spider is firing in all cylinders he's
16512s rolling through the lobby he's coming
16514s out to play today
16516s looks like he's gonna get haunted
16519s everyone knows he's Fireball talking now
16522s Fireball talker into Takeda
16525s is not fun I like before before they
16530s Nerf the stamina on punch it was
16533s okay but it wasn't great but now that
16537s they've nerfed the stamon punch it
16539s becomes like somewhat of an unwinnable
16542s fight as long as you as long as the
16544s Decatur doesn't make a considerable
16546s mistake
16547s is the fight in all if you don't have
16550s the f as an option selection
16553s when you try and punch the Decatur it
16556s becomes so difficult
16558s all two to five getting grieved in the
16560s zone but this is where Fireball
16562s does super well you get the burger
16564s Defiance two to five is just not having
16567s a great tournament week or tournament
16570s day gets grabbed out of his lunch or not
16573s nunchuck sorry dagger lmb there he's
16576s just out of rhythm right now he's always
16578s getting third party every time he's like
16580s he's winning his fights but this the
16583s third party is just so ferocious he's
16586s not getting his ISO fights that he wants
16588s normally 225 is just like a force to be
16591s reckoned with with fights oh but this
16594s this Firefly at Dubai picks up my boy I
16598s rarely pick up that Firefly out there I
16600s pick it up all the time
16604s is so useful it's out in the middle of
16607s nowhere and a lot of people forget it
16609s even exists
16610s yes
16612s Dubai a fellow connoisseur of the
16615s Firefly respect Firefly abusers Chad
16618s abuses
16621s it's game knowledge
16622s [Laughter]
16626s you guys can play dagger I could pick up
16628s fireflies
16631s yeah I mean I I believe in optimal play
16633s Duncan use that no I know you do I know
16637s I'm interested to see how this wu-tran
16639s is gonna do in this Lobby it looks like
16640s he's
16642s can you tell if that's V2 or V3
16645s I have a feeling it might be V3
16648s no one would ever run V3
16651s don't you think
16654s I mean experimenting
16657s and I personally don't think V3 is all
16659s that good but I don't play wuchen Oh you
16662s mean you mean
16665s oh you're talking about the other Wu
16667s Chen
16668s what
16669s it's cicada versus
16672s Takeda no I know that's what that's what
16676s now we got now we got Wu Chen screen we
16678s weren't on Wu Chen screen how can we see
16680s us off we're not on the screen no you
16682s can see the icon next to his health bar
16695s taken down
16698s to Zhang showing that uh
16702s rank one nbpl is different than rank one
16704s ladder you know
16706s well I'm pulling it out that lovely
16708s little Parry got his dagger he's in his
16710s comfort zone
16712s waiting as long as possible to take the
16714s bus that is something that actually is
16716s very good in fact like Min maxing wise
16718s if you wait until the very last second
16722s having those extra maybe 10 5 seconds on
16726s your bus can make the difference
16728s mid maxing
16731s looted
16734s Daniel did it I've noticed that some
16736s players actually crouching loot just to
16738s lower their headphones
16739s this is really optimal am I missing a
16742s little bit of a min max not Crouch
16744s looting
16747s fighter trying to run away it doesn't
16749s really do all that much
16752s I feel like spider probably maybe hides
16754s the head a little bit but other than
16756s that oh chunky spider with the blue
16759s scale Rush on his great sword
16763s spider lovely for Apple canceling the
16766s RMB
16767s that's the one thing I'd say that
16769s definitely uh
16771s have an advantage over over dagger is
16774s that when you're chasing this what
16776s spider is doing
16778s is exactly what I do it's what's
16781s something I would do in season one
16783s looking for these scale rushes delaying
16786s spiders
16788s and it's over Shen Yuan takes down the
16791s goat let's go shred John the fireball
16794s combo there that was very nicely done
16797s you said Fireball wasn't gonna work out
16799s for him my man screwing I mean
16801s realistically I feel like I feel like
16804s Takeda was a little bit I feel like
16806s spider wait sorry I'm
16809s like my brain is getting distracted by
16811s this fight now hey cicada not having
16814s ultimate in that fight is a bit risky
16816s even if you're very close if the
16818s ultimate from Target comes out and he
16820s gets the Tod on you before you get your
16822s alt off to to stop yourself getting
16825s combo to death
16827s you you it's a bit it's a bit
16831s greedy almost you know there is a bit of
16834s musical chairs happening right now at
16835s the money spot my my came out of nowhere
16839s interrupting looking for the great
16840s timing attack with third party now he's
16842s looking like he's the target
16845s trying to break some ankles going
16846s through this building
16849s I always see this hole and I always
16851s forget you can go out of it oh my God he
16853s swerves they completely lose him for a
16855s second he's gonna go into this little
16857s alt up as well no he didn't have it
16858s before
16859s I feel like this is risky going in here
16861s he's getting blocked oh exit Mike can't
16865s get out and he gets stuck in the corner
16867s no 225 with the triple bomb dozens the
16872s flower Swang length put in the blender
16874s gets taken down who's the boys
16878s oh my God two two five finally having a
16881s Breakout game
16883s but Dubai looking for the third party
16887s do you want a piece of this man he got
16889s he gots blood on his hands you only want
16891s to catch these hands Dubai look at that
16893s Soul Bloom regeneration as well he's
16895s almost got his ultimate back up after
16897s having used a blade
16899s Dubai or two device feeling himself
16902s right now he's gonna release this
16903s watches nope he doesn't actually but
16907s Dubai actually goes goes with a Reit to
16909s Perry about like a release release champ
16912s moment does Dubai run where I think he
16915s runs the celestra Firefly does he go for
16919s it
16921s wait a second ghost in the jumping lmb
16927s interesting option
16929s why is he running
16931s we have one more ghost
16935s s two two five trying to keep up the
16937s pressure always willing to take this
16939s fight in neutral I feel like who do you
16941s think wins the neutral to Kato or taco
16943s no Walt
16948s because I feel like
16950s Decatur wins that the the threat of F3
16953s is just
16955s even against you holding Blues so much
16957s yeah
16961s oh there we go exactly what we were just
16964s talking about
16966s and then because we play against Takeda
16969s you kind of have to like mind game
16970s yourself I don't want to play Blue and
16972s you end up not being that balanced So
16973s What by the time he burns it you're in
16976s like this weird area it's kind of like
16978s when you're fighting vipers that they're
16980s so used to putting you into their
16982s gambits they're just more experience but
16984s Fong with that being said he ends up
16986s getting a big Parry on Dubai what is
16988s this rolling through people he's gonna
16990s end his day on top not letting spider
16993s pass him what is Dubai thinking
16996s like actually what is he thinking I
16998s don't get it sometimes the third party
17000s just doesn't go your way you just you
17002s see it no no no no no no no
17004s Dubai was fighting the other Decatur
17008s phone comes in
17010s hits the blue Focus from long sword
17013s chunky damage opts to go for the Decatur
17015s over the Tarka
17017s alts
17018s and then
17020s executes that Decatur and then Dubai
17023s with only 35 on his ultimate things okay
17025s I've got half of my blue armor healed up
17028s in my full health but no old I'm gonna
17031s run at this Takeda who's just popped
17033s this old
17034s what
17036s I feel like this is just a bit
17038s I don't know and they feel like it's
17040s just ambitious disrespectful almost
17042s especially considering you just saw this
17045s man's name pop up in the kill feed you
17046s know exactly who you're going up again
17051s BPL thank all sir pop we got an
17055s interesting
17056s valda versus Takeda mashup not very
17059s common right now in solos
17060s is goes for the alt immediately slow
17063s down some of the tempo get some of this
17065s heat up cool off funk foreign
17070s get off of me yo chill bro
17073s trying to Outlast the the ghost Fong
17075s doesn't want to chill out right now
17078s looking to get oogly
17081s F3 breakout managed to dodge the the
17084s touch of death
17088s um still has a decent amount of Health
17089s though from the ghost eats up eats a
17091s double charge though
17093s if all that can bring this back oh but
17095s he gets clipped in mid-air and cleaned
17097s up
17098s kicked off the top of the mountain fox
17101s saying up there go home get back to rank
17106s this is where the pros are
17108s long just showing how dominant he is man
17111s you just can't stop him
17114s exactly let's run it back bro you gotta
17116s take it rank style the saltiest of run
17118s back find him
17121s and take him down even when he has the
17124s buff
17126s I find it so hard to fight people when
17128s they have the buff this 20 reduction is
17130s actually absurd wait he's doing it he's
17133s doing the paku oh no way he's not doing
17136s it is he wait a minute I thought he was
17139s gonna put down weapons wait he's doing
17141s the 50 desperation he's doing the
17144s desperation room
17146s I don't think
17148s he actually did it
17151s he actually did it I haven't seen this
17154s in Pro play ever
17156s intentional
17158s desperation so for those who don't know
17161s a huge attack well but at the cost of
17165s being uh half of your white house
17167s and uh paku always does this in EU and
17171s you can you can get some crazy bow
17174s headshot numbers when you go have your
17176s desperation proc and Max attack
17184s dude when you're at the top you can soak
17186s him and then apply burn damage and
17188s instantly pop all the damage I feel like
17190s that's a bit risky
17192s and when you're at the top you just take
17194s risks like oh that's what he also did
17197s you notice that he didn't just go to 50
17199s he went even if he went a little bit
17202s below 50 even 30 I would say or 40
17205s because he knows that if he pops old and
17208s hits somebody with a blade he's going to
17210s heal
17212s meaning that he's compensating for the
17214s heel he will receive
17216s from using his old blade very very smart
17220s here the the calculations and the Min
17223s maxing that this man is doing is just
17226s turbo big brain
17229s my man is this Min maxing everything
17230s that's what puts him at the top of the
17232s mountain Duncan song I completely agree
17235s maybe the the trick to success you just
17237s gotta but he's encountered the valder
17239s with flame breath or his plan is
17248s oh it's so much damn oh he sends him one
17250s two three oh one two three enjoyer
17252s assassins lunge enjoyer dodges zavalda
17256s dumps off a stamp no stamina
17259s ball doesn't know what to do
17261s he Bluff fakes the spear toys and he
17264s ends up getting it optimal
17267s I don't think I've ever seen you on here
17273s choosing here now on the back foot no
17276s armor and half of his health gone
17280s doesn't look like he's gonna come out on
17282s top in this situation
17284s that was a minute 20 to find a soul
17287s Bloom if not the Yang depletion will
17290s will take him out of here the target
17293s lock from the talker here
17295s opting to go for the Decatur instead
17300s no actually no I'll tell you what it is
17303s I think he because he knows exactly who
17305s won Yang he knows that Feng won Yang and
17308s he knows that since there's only three
17310s players alive right now that the valda
17313s must be the person who has gang
17315s depletion and there's no way he could
17316s have gotten a stalled room so he's just
17318s sort of allowing the valda to scramble
17322s and try and let her do the work for him
17324s basically
17326s it looks pretty ugly right now uh
17329s sandron is just I feel like we're seeing
17332s some pts some good old-fashioned pts
17334s he's just hitting whoever's near him
17336s look he gets away again
17339s for a reset
17342s Fong it has to be malding after just
17345s this this poor Target selection no
17348s target lock checking people's HP bars
17351s he just taps
17359s Taps you wouldn't want to pick up this
17361s hill you saw this guy oh my goodness the
17364s grief though
17368s oh my God
17372s the biggest of brains holy
17376s this man he is Astro brain right now
17382s Shen Yuan coming out on top in game six
17386s not having it around too crazy for this
17390s series but
17392s showing you the the big brain the the
17395s intellect the the calculations
17398s with the V2 fireballs
17403s excuse me wrong Duncan he heard it he
17405s was like you don't have to work hard you
17407s just gotta work smart with this Fireball
17409s [Music]
17411s look at that he's even pointing him his
17412s head a big brain look at my brain
17417s that's five head plays coming from
17422s so even though you haven't you start off
17423s the date kind of slow you still can end
17426s it strong
17427s at that last game where everyone's
17429s mentals is in shambles
17431s time it's a time to thrive
17434s especially on a a nighttime day the last
17438s game of the day with fireflies
17440s everywhere everyone's looking to run it
17443s down even in pro league trying to get a
17446s little bit more kills
17447s [Music]
17449s all the players it was such such
17452s beautiful play of naraka today though I
17455s was I'm super happy that I got to see
17456s all the best players show us what the
17459s meta is shaping out to be
17461s with
17465s it looks like though that uh Takeda is
17469s just still at the top man like
17473s even with with tarkas running around the
17476s fact that the Takeda is all heals it's
17478s just it plays so well in in just
17481s isolation fights and herd fights running
17484s away he's able to shove you out of
17487s buildings get heals off reset it keep 50
17490s of his charge even after using one ghost
17494s um I just I just see more to the double
17497s Decatur just is the meta right now
17499s yeah I think so too
17501s um just being able to pop ultimate not
17504s having to even use a blade even just at
17507s the beginning of a fight as long as the
17509s person that you're fighting isn't
17512s completely full HP as long as you're
17514s doing okay in neutral and have done all
17516s writing one or two trades you can simply
17519s alt and then have 30 seconds of insane
17522s pressure
17523s and then after it if you haven't
17526s actually used the blade you've only got
17528s 25 percent to make up and that doesn't
17530s take very long at all in comparison to
17533s other characters like
17535s um target for example taka if he alts
17539s within the first five seconds of him
17541s being in all he loses 10 from 60 so he's
17545s on 50 after five seconds of being an ALT
17548s 10 seconds he's down to 40 15 30. so
17553s it's a like a big big difference
17556s um and that's why Takeda in the current
17558s matter is just it's just showing up as
17560s being one of the strongest characters
17561s uh and it makes sense why people are why
17564s these players are double picking him in
17566s these series
17567s on
17569s Tark or having a 10.4 game and he
17572s brought it back from shambles having a
17575s shambles name and Fong still at the top
17577s of the mountain keeping spider at day
17579s holding his spot spider's gonna just got
17582s to keep climbing in day four what all
17586s these players in the top eight securing
17588s their position making it the finals Q
17590s Zang though also really really great
17592s game at 9.4 Wang Lang being consistent
17595s anything above two or three points is
17598s still kind of huge like you're you're
17600s still averaging a really really good
17602s game because six times four 24 points
17605s you're definitely still doing good
17608s or yeah and Wang uh Dubai
17612s definitely making his mistake
17615s overextending getting cooked
17618s uh one of the surprising things I guess
17620s as for me is seeing two through five he
17623s was so dominant during worlds and I'm
17625s surprised he just hasn't uh done as well
17628s it feels like he had the same problem as
17630s like a little bit of tempo issues
17633s where he's a little bit over committing
17635s and not analyzing his fight selection uh
17638s ends up just getting mauled in the
17639s Buckle from Blind Side over and over
17644s um
17648s do you see what you see what happened
17650s there the the Yoto altered and the valda
17653s just
17654s Panic altered I think didn't didn't know
17657s about the matchup why yotho just like
17660s completely almost threw the wave there's
17662s nothing that Valerie can really do about
17664s it as long as valda if all the alts
17667s immediately when when she sees the uh
17670s the year at the wall it just gets
17671s completely ignored and then the spear is
17673s like whatever
17675s um
17676s so you always have to be
17678s delaying your old as soon as possible
17680s which he could have done in that moment
17681s as well
17682s yeah it's it's human to make mistakes
17685s we're all human
17687s um
17689s but it's about how like how strong we
17692s are mentally
17693s to be able to make the mistakes and
17695s learn from them that's one of the
17696s biggest things in America is that every
17698s fight is an experience that you should
17700s always learn from
17702s um
17703s and even though these players some of
17705s the players that aren't doing so well at
17707s the beginning of the series
17709s they have the opportunity to try and
17711s learn from their mistakes and then come
17712s back stronger just like genuine genuine
17715s not doing insanely well in the first in
17717s the First games
17718s coming back in the final game showing up
17721s with that huge win for himself biggest
17723s brain ever
17726s well yeah
17728s and it was he just picked his battles he
17730s didn't do an insane amount of damage but
17732s four kills first place is what you want
17734s consistency and it's all about
17736s qualification at the moment
17739s so yeah I don't know I'm excited to see
17741s what happens in the fall in the next day
17743s uh in two days
17745s the next solos in different groups
17747s bottom 15.
17750s we've got beer didn't play today at two
17754s points still can turn it around
17756s he still has another day to pop off get
17758s into the top 14.
17760s um the cutoff is looking around 35
17762s points he's gonna have to have a massive
17765s game
17766s get up there
17767s hi bow on the edge in all on the edge
17771s they're still gonna have to have another
17773s good day it looks like each each group
17776s is going to be able to play at least
17777s three games I know they're gonna have a
17779s reposage coming up as well
17782s um but the middle of the pack just neck
17785s to neck 37 to 51.
17789s there's not much in it and with that
17791s last game Shenron just jumps up into
17794s qualifying just 26 points at endpoint
17799s game man
17800s if she goes to show if you just keep
17801s your head at it uh anyone can bring it
17804s back
17805s panaman still holding his uh 53 points
17809s 20 points for the day still super super
17812s good using the rank one player coming up
17815s having a great day 23 points saying you
17818s super solid 22.7 having a great day he
17822s was always around the fights just never
17824s really doing
17825s uh everything
17828s but just the numbers don't lie he's
17831s showing up he's showing really really
17832s good numbers at the end of the day but
17834s at the top
17835s the matchups I really wanted the month
17837s later
17838s Wong and Mike they're all neck to neck
17842s just go and at it getting oogly and but
17845s just the dagger demon himself Flexin
17848s showing us new tech just willing to go
17851s out into the Zone using desperation
17852s using switch status with a stall is he
17856s really that's just really good on him to
17859s really take on the season and just say
17861s that he's gonna be top of the mountain
17863s and he's gonna literally try everything
17865s to give him any small amount of edge
17868s huh
17871s well I don't know and we're just showing
17874s him take a brief moment to see the
17876s interview of the winner
17881s hey guys this is Jager and welcome to
17883s post game interview and now I'm standing
17886s here with Panama and let me say hello to
17888s our audience
17892s [Music]
17900s so first we would like to say because
17902s team oud we know the king is the solo
17905s game player and you like now you're like
17908s carry forward for the team and I would
17911s like to know that the king said anything
17913s to you or tell you a woman cannot do you
17916s draw soon
17928s foreign
17930s foreign
17986s okay so we'll see a question on the
17990s screen and if you know the answer just
17992s type them in the chat box after our
17995s player counting three two one we will
17997s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
17999s be whispered okay so we like today's
18003s question is who is qualified to the
18006s first B weekly file no Solo solo final
18010s okay so
18012s much Casper
18026s um
18033s holder
18035s [Music]
18038s foreign
18066s okay so we'll like to like give the find
18071s out the correct answer so the correct
18073s answer is
18074s okay so we are going to have the B
18077s weekly final very soon I would like to
18080s know panaman do you have any flag you
18083s want to give to us now um
18093s foreign
18143s he's always a Class Act
18147s well I personally chose D for Casper
18150s overly Casper somehow found his way to
18153s nvpl and course
18155s genuine popping off that last game On
18157s Target just 10.4 game with Jessica's to
18160s show you that Tarka still has a lot of
18162s horsepower especially on Fire firefly
18164s games uh find the right spots and you
18167s make the right gamble Stark we can still
18169s give you that that huge boost that you
18171s need and 10.4 points is a huge amount of
18174s points and is super killer Lobby like
18177s getting one or two kills in this Lobby
18179s there are a ton of these Bros they're
18182s all top-notch players they all play
18183s Beautiful naraka a lot of them only
18186s getting like three or four kills Mike
18188s some of the best players getting only
18189s three or four kills in the game so
18192s I think the defining difference at the
18194s end of the day what I saw today
18195s was how teams are how players are
18198s pushing the meta even further Min maxing
18201s making sure that they have dual swap
18202s combos making sure that they're using
18204s terrain to their advantage like uh all
18207s their all the new kiting paths that
18208s people are finding now
18210s um especially at the the money spot
18212s that's where I'm seeing a ton of new
18213s kiting fast that I haven't seen before
18215s fighter showed me a ton of new things
18217s today and so did uh
18220s Mr King of the mountain himself long
18223s there's so much new stuff I saw today
18227s no he's he's he's pulling out all the
18229s stocks he's showing all the tech all the
18231s fancies all the fancy footwork I um I'm
18235s definitely excited to see more more solo
18239s play this it's I feel like it's it's
18241s only been getting better
18243s as the as the games have been going on
18245s the play has been accelerating more and
18248s more the uh as you said all the uh the
18251s new kiting parts and all that the the
18253s hunting Parts as well I feel like are
18255s definitely coming into
18257s um coming into play Mike showing up with
18260s his with his big Atari game doing
18262s extremely well uh finding all those
18265s perfect third party timings and being
18268s able to get all those points with very
18270s very low effort uh and showing them
18272s Atari can be very strong uh with her
18275s kill confirmed potential so
18278s I'm I'm very interested to see what
18280s we've seen what we see in the finals are
18282s we gonna see some crazy stuff come out
18285s uh
18286s we've seen some tomorrow do we see more
18289s tomorrow do we see more Justina Matari
18291s full games of Matari perhaps I don't
18294s know we're gonna have to see
18295s I uh
18297s I don't I don't I don't know what's
18298s coming next genuinely it's so out of the
18300s box I am excited I am I'm very happy to
18303s see all the Min maxing though men maxing
18305s very important especially at this level
18307s just having that tiny little bit extra
18311s um five seconds extra on your on your
18313s yankov a little bit of extra resource
18316s management management by dropping your
18318s health change when healing from coming
18319s out the zone or something along those
18320s lines all of it makes the difference
18322s little by little
18324s um yeah I'm I think moving moving
18327s forward I think I'm one of the defining
18328s files it's definitely will be fair here
18330s there was a huge difference between the
18332s players who use the Goomba Stomp and
18334s just like knowing the exact situations
18336s when to peel when to move on
18339s um when to disengage and also getting
18342s the most value when you go turn form
18344s like a ton of players would go on a Yang
18346s as Faria
18348s but they would mainly trade out and end
18350s up just griefing their game and dying
18352s and it's not very easy to find a kill
18354s once you once you die out of Yang so
18356s being able to effectively go into Yang
18359s asparia and using the the alt to stomp
18363s into a focus attack or to deny pressure
18365s using F1 correctly and winning your
18368s neutral engagement on top of the fact of
18370s going into your Mech there's definitely
18372s a difference on players who under stood
18375s how to find the air stomp you stun lock
18377s you deny the heel versus some players
18380s who just picked up area because she's
18382s kind of meta getting stuck on pillars
18383s not doing the max amount of effective
18385s damage
18387s I think uh as we go on further and
18389s further
18390s uh I'm excited to see how how Mike and
18394s spider show how fairly can be a fight it
18396s looks like Fong is just way
18400s long it's just way ahead of everyone
18402s else when it comes to playing some of
18403s these new situations uh as The Meta
18406s ships from this brush down meta that we
18407s had before in the past to a more slow
18410s and calculated form where you really
18412s really have to pick your spots
18414s um play the macro game half good heels
18416s going into end game uh I think the
18418s bigger brain plays are gonna play out
18420s this season more so than the straight
18422s mechanically driven game that we had in
18424s the past
18426s absolutely
18427s um but yeah as you just saw we are going
18429s to be having the trios games tomorrow
18432s um very exciting I uh I'm definitely
18435s gonna be watching that myself
18438s um Trio's being a specialty Raven do you
18440s think you're gonna see anything
18441s different coming out tomorrow
18443s is it gonna be more of the same
18446s right now Feria has pretty much taken
18448s hold of trios monk games everyone's
18450s running four monks out of their six
18452s games I think the one adjustment I'd
18454s like to see is is there a counter demo
18457s is there some weird calm that no one's
18458s ever thought of really that could
18460s somehow beat the monk meta or is it just
18462s mirrors to the end of time uh maybe
18466s something with Talco maybe
18469s Yoda doesn't feel like she has a home
18472s with with Viper the attack on Titan is
18475s just failing now you think you can't
18477s really kill Transformers anymore
18479s um right now some box cops were having a
18483s ton of success to mulch to Takeda just
18485s playing on the outside letting the monks
18487s go in uh
18488s but I think what you're going to see
18490s moving forward is teams are actually
18492s gonna start briefing teams from going in
18494s the Yang it's just just optimal if you
18496s can chop off someone's leg as they go in
18498s and then go in and fight a 2v3
18501s can't hate on it it's not just a rank
18503s brief thing that someone Moonbeams you
18505s when you're trying to go in a Yang ends
18507s up being Pros are doing it too now
18509s feels really strong
18511s I'm excited to see it tomorrow I
18514s definitely will be up trying to watch
18516s The povs Learning prepping for uh our
18519s own region scrims and Trias indeed I'm
18522s gonna be I'm excited for that I'm
18524s definitely gonna be it'll be trying
18526s trying uh trying a bit
18529s trying to be more optimal this year I
18531s think is wherever you put it
18534s um oh but yeah I'm very excited
18538s but yeah I uh I don't know in in terms
18541s of solos I I think we're gonna be seeing
18544s a lot of uh new things but I think
18547s that's gonna be them all from us for
18549s today thank you all so much for watching
18551s thank you Raven
18553s um for casting with me we've all done
18556s like we've all had a great time today I
18558s think solo players have done extremely
18560s well
18562s um is there anything else you'd like to
18563s add
18564s uh thank you Duncan has anyone told you
18566s you're doing a great job today
18568s thank you guys for coming out watching
18570s enjoying this beautiful naraco play I'd
18573s love to see you guys later if I don't
18574s see you guys later I hope you guys all
18576s have a nice life signing out Raven and
18579s Duncan have a good night everyone take
18581s care everyone
18594s [Music]
18609s this is
18610s [Music]
18615s [Music]
18624s [Music]
18634s [Music]
18647s [Music]
18665s what's up
18671s [Music]
18677s [Music]
18726s thank you
18743s [Music]
18750s [Music]
18759s I'm the Phoenix in my head all the scars
18764s beneath my armor I will wear them like
18769s in order they remind me to be stronger
18773s like the Phoenix in my head and they can
18779s try to bring me down
18783s push me to the edge but it won't work
18789s oh no
18792s they can try to bring it down
18801s [Music]
18803s I Rise a thousand times
18805s [Music]
18809s oh rise a thousand times
18817s [Music]
18820s see my blood is in the shade of
18824s burning Scarlet Sunrise the end is my
18829s beginning
18830s I will rise a thousand times
18834s [Music]
18843s [Music]