Transcript (by Youtube)

3s foreign
6s [Music]
18s [Music]
42s [Music]
48s foreign
49s [Music]
85s foreign
95s [Music]
131s before
141s [Music]
153s [Music]
163s foreign
163s [Music]
200s [Music]
214s [Music]
226s [Music]
235s thank you
236s [Music]
249s [Music]
272s foreign
277s [Music]
297s [Music]
302s foreign
311s [Music]
329s [Music]
336s [Music]
345s face
347s [Music]
362s [Music]
381s another
383s [Music]
384s hard way
386s s
389s [Music]
394s again
398s [Music]
404s [Music]
414s [Music]
423s [Music]
425s the sky is Frozen by apathy
430s desolation
434s fear and catastrophy
436s [Music]
439s but I won't hunting
441s hunting Playboy
444s is
447s [Music]
451s devices
455s [Music]
491s myself
493s again
494s [Music]
525s foreign
545s ER is going to try to see if he can
546s juggle it away
548s who is the better Tarka player here
551s we've heard spider talk about it before
553s that Tarka is typically not one of their
555s better Heroes but in this particular
557s moment he absolutely dumpsters Kai Bell
561s it's off the Jay cup which is the from
564s Team
565s wbg spider
577s thank you
595s foreign
626s [Music]
639s [Music]
653s thank you
669s thank you
709s [Music]
729s [Music]
730s thank you
735s [Music]
741s foreign
746s [Music]
754s [Music]
764s [Music]
782s [Music]
786s thank you
794s [Music]
828s foreign
833s [Music]
849s [Music]
858s [Music]
868s foreign
871s [Music]
883s [Music]
900s foreign
913s [Music]
924s [Music]
937s [Music]
960s thank you
980s thank you
984s [Music]
997s did you miss me
1000s are you ready
1003s let's go
1009s patience darling
1056s [Music]
1061s thank you
1092s foreign
1106s [Music]
1123s foreign
1131s [Music]
1141s [Music]
1148s [Music]
1162s [Music]
1170s [Music]
1183s [Music]
1197s foreign
1210s [Music]
1217s [Music]
1241s [Music]
1244s foreign
1253s [Music]
1271s foreign
1275s [Music]
1291s [Music]
1311s [Music]
1323s [Music]
1343s [Music]
1357s thank you
1376s [Music]
1395s [Music]
1399s foreign
1417s [Music]
1426s foreign
1429s [Music]
1443s [Music]
1480s thank you
1482s [Music]
1502s foreign
1509s [Music]
1537s thank you
1554s [Music]
1566s foreign
1568s [Music]
1577s foreign
1579s [Music]
1598s [Music]
1618s [Music]
1621s thank you
1626s [Music]
1632s [Music]
1646s [Music]
1650s thank you
1670s [Music]
1676s [Music]
1721s foreign
1772s [Music]
1805s [Music]
1806s foreign
1807s [Music]
1815s [Music]
1822s [Music]
1836s [Music]
1855s [Music]
1867s foreign
1881s foreign
1932s it was married
1942s foreign
1944s [Music]
1955s and I am joined by savario is that how I
1958s say it like yeah
1959s no man first try is the first time the
1962s charm you got it through
1964s awesome well first of all welcome to the
1966s show it's nice to have you here
1968s um kicking back off into trios for our
1971s third week of action on us our first day
1973s of trios on week three I took last week
1976s off and watched solo so I was in part
1977s involved in that so I'm excited to come
1979s back and see how these trio teams are
1981s going to be faring uh so very I know
1983s you've been doing a little bit of a kind
1985s of research and watching and getting
1986s your kind of head around everything I'm
1988s curious for your like takeaways right
1990s now on the state of trios and any teams
1993s that maybe you've got your eyes on
1994s you know one scene that I've actually
1996s looked over to is seeing how you know
1998s oeg kind of dominated last week with the
2001s finals for bi-weeklies
2002s um going through been playing naraka for
2004s a while now uh getting some you know
2006s some eternities to go ahead and host
2008s throughout you know my time here playing
2010s the game and getting knowledge about it
2012s I'm really excited to see if they're
2014s going to be able to outbeat you know the
2016s legendary status that j-team has
2017s harbored right over the course of these
2019s types type two you know attorneys and
2021s getting themselves a championship by
2024s Championship it's kind of you know I'm
2025s hoping to see that across my fingers
2027s I mean it's always a funny story because
2029s I it's one of those things where
2031s everyone always talks about JT and you
2034s know rightfully so but at the same time
2036s I feel like the reasons we spend a lot
2038s of time talking about JD is actually
2039s having a disappointment they are because
2041s they're a team who have won both of the
2044s uh
2045s won both of the world championships
2048s and Oh Yes actually before we go any
2051s further I will go on to Jesse in a
2052s second we're at Gamescom by the way guys
2054s um 25th of August over in Hall 6A 0-50
2059s uh make sure you come over it's free to
2061s play I mean it's free to play at home
2062s anyway we can come over and uh say hello
2065s to everyone at Gamescom unfortunately I
2067s won't be there a little closer to my uh
2068s to my 30th so I'm not gonna be around
2070s but make sure you do stop by and uh see
2073s us over at the naraka there's some
2075s goodies apparently up for grabs uh I
2077s also I believe this oh there's a
2079s sculpture we have as well gonna be there
2081s so you can uh strike yourself a victory
2082s pose for that one but um yeah do make
2084s sure you come over and grab yourself
2085s some goodies ah they're really cute
2090s and everyone loves the wolf's Kings bang
2093s you know that's that's Greatsword is
2095s legendary and status and putting it
2097s through it's always going to be
2099s something good to see in life-size form
2100s maybe a little bit extra you know but
2103s hey I always like to see those guys uh
2105s you know everyone posting on social
2106s media to see about getting those photos
2108s in front of the statue maybe even
2109s wielding it we'll have to see how that
2111s one goes especially with cosplayers
2112s being at Gamescom
2116s anyway these are the groups right now I
2118s actually can't remember what groups we
2120s had you did tell me earlier but I've
2122s completely forgotten yeah group a b c uh
2125s are the three groups we're dividing up
2126s two groups we have toe to toes today and
2128s then another two groups we go and toe to
2129s toe on Sunday when we have our uh final
2133s game of uh day last final day of games
2135s for the week uh today is group A and B
2138s so we got like to KLA fpx actually a
2142s really stacked today
2143s um there's a few things I want to go
2145s into and talk about I'm gonna quickly go
2147s back to the JT important but we wouldn't
2148s talking about j-team have just been very
2151s disappointing domestically they've never
2152s taken a domestic title they've always
2155s kind of just limped their way through uh
2157s and then found their footing actually at
2160s the Grand finals itself um for the world
2162s championship but Jacob is the only place
2165s we see Jay team actually show up so
2168s domestically it's all about you know the
2170s likes of the fbx's the Tes uh I feel
2174s terrely while they had a very
2176s disappointing interlast split due to
2178s them not being able to play in the
2179s finals uh due to various different rules
2181s and things that had happened behind the
2183s scenes I won't go into in depth in that
2184s but
2185s they look like the Rookie of the split
2187s team didn't have the great showing have
2189s had to change their entire roster out
2190s came back in basically is another rookie
2192s team again and actually have shown us
2194s some real signs of life that they're
2196s still here to play this is still very
2198s serious organization so I will
2200s constantly sing the Praises of KLA they
2202s are the team that I've put my eye on as
2203s like you're kind of underdogs of the
2205s splits uh but there's so many good teams
2208s playing today uh so many good story
2210s lines to kind of follow it's gonna be a
2211s really really good day I'm excited to
2214s see you know how the likes of um fbx are
2216s gonna show up because they they were
2219s pretty good they were pretty good at the
2220s beginning yeah I did I would say you
2223s know in just a rubber band back on top
2225s you know KLA you know last week their
2227s standings overall out of all 18 teams
2229s was second right and they had that 99.6
2232s game into their final by by weekly
2235s Cheerios round and I was like wait a
2237s second
2238s is this what we're gonna expect this is
2240s this what we're gonna see for the finals
2241s and although they didn't get into you
2243s know into the position of out beating
2245s oug there it's gonna be a good stand
2247s around seeing what they have up in hand
2248s I mean we're going to be starting off in
2250s Dusk and Morris Isle so getting a better
2251s understanding of how aggressive they
2253s want to try to push this out try to put
2255s themselves uh you know stagger out all
2257s enemies across the board and you know
2259s making sure they can take out you know
2261s the competitors in one shot to another
2263s I feel um
2265s it's weird because because for the last
2267s week of of uh the rotation of the map we
2269s actually saw a lot of players a lot of
2271s teams opting into like traditional
2273s welcome so the first map on holler off
2275s which kind of made no sense to me due to
2278s it was a nighttime match there were
2279s fireflies which is typically on a
2282s firefly map you see or cicada cons you
2284s see your acos comps and stuff like that
2286s show up you know your your Yoto comps as
2288s well the ones that are very very uh very
2291s aggressive and want to pick up this
2292s fireflies and go for early kills uh same
2294s thing on dusk so I I hope not to see
2298s them pick up loads a month uh tavaria
2300s you're gonna learn I absolutely despise
2302s monkey comps I think I think they're
2304s very boring to watch I think they're
2305s very stool heavy
2307s um I just I don't I'm not a big fan I'm
2309s not a big fan at all of them I much
2311s prefer these Yoto comms these cicada
2314s comms
2315s um these acours comes today costs
2317s definitely showing up way less in The
2318s Meta in trios than uh then we maybe
2321s would have liked them for expected
2323s initially uh but xcg are playing today
2326s and they're a team who are very very
2328s creative actually with their cons they
2330s had a uh
2331s it had a zycon up their sleeve on the
2334s first week and nobody else pulled that
2336s zycon power until they played it and won
2338s with it and they look really scary it
2340s was very similar to a uh to a Decatur or
2342s an acos comp if I remember correctly you
2345s had your kind of um
2346s as you know it was it was zai Matari and
2350s I can't for the life of me remember who
2352s the third was it might have just been
2353s Tammy yeah if I remember right but it
2356s was a really really interesting Comfort
2358s they were pulling out so that's
2360s something to keep your eye on is ACG
2361s might have some tricks up their sleeve I
2364s feel zai is criminally underused right
2366s now in trios I think you can build
2368s really interesting comps around there
2369s that aren't too expensive on your hero
2371s points which is a major thing that these
2373s players need to be careful about is
2374s overspending on the hero points and then
2376s not having conflict and play later on in
2378s the day yeah and one thing is like
2380s pulling this Lakota out of their sleeve
2382s you know using the ultimates using
2383s skills that no one would really want to
2385s uh you know realize until it's too late
2388s I think one aspect I realized more
2390s recently is seeing how much uh how much
2393s v3's eye is never going to be used but
2396s its potential could be immense
2398s especially when the coming weeks come
2400s into play when we get tested with the F2
2401s ability to be able to group enemies
2402s together and also with the amount of CC
2404s control that she can bring in part with
2406s her the splash damage that V3 can do
2408s combines a multiplier that can be
2411s unprecedented if the team comp is built
2413s right around her and killing out a game
2415s with a high kill count high kill points
2417s and ranking points if they really set
2419s themselves against them you know on the
2422s odds that you know they use something
2423s that's never been seen before
2425s I mean this is um
2427s this kind of gets back to a discussion
2429s that me and uh roon were having about uh
2431s Tessa
2432s and when she comes out
2434s because she feels like the first
2436s supportive hero we've had in a while
2438s zipping was kind of greedy as a as like
2441s a carry support
2444s um but like we obviously got like the
2445s likes of kurumi and Tammy and Matari who
2447s I think are more supportive Heroes but
2449s we haven't had like a new supporter pair
2451s for a while and Tessa
2453s really seems to fill that role out I
2455s think she's gonna do wonderful things to
2456s Trio trios I think we're gonna start to
2458s see her enable way more comments we
2460s talked about the likes of like a Justina
2462s cop mixed with uh with Tessa and you
2465s kind of share the load of crowd control
2467s and damage between those two and then
2468s you have like a third as as your kind of
2471s another supportive hero potentially like
2472s a Russian for safety so it I feel Tess
2476s is going to enable a lot of new and
2477s interesting comps and I'm excited to see
2480s what she's gonna bring I don't know what
2481s week she's coming into mbpl though off
2483s the top of my head I think they said I
2486s think they said the week happened the
2487s next so after we give you the third
2489s Wi-Fi weekly yeah that makes amount of
2491s sense yeah so keep your eyes out for
2493s that one this might be the final
2494s bi-weekly where we have a we don't have
2496s tests are changing things up I'm curious
2499s what's going to look like because I feel
2500s like she's going to be very good into
2502s the likes of the monk comps but as you
2504s can see xdg actually are coming off as
2506s one of their team Comics was that one I
2507s talked about the Matari the Tammy and
2508s the zai it's a really interesting con
2510s they pulled it out people realize that
2513s compound legs and tried to play it
2514s afterwards but they're the only teams
2516s that have really had success on Zai so
2518s far so very interesting to see ACG is it
2521s Comfort they're capable of playing but
2523s we are getting ready to go into game
2524s number one of the day let's see what the
2525s hero select is going to look like it's
2527s gonna be more style dust so plenty of
2529s fireflies I'm expecting plenty of
2530s aggression please don't give me a bunch
2533s of monks and it's what I really don't
2535s want to be seeing at this point sure for
2536s Midday that can be your monk game but I
2539s want to see some aggressive stuff coming
2540s in in this game one and so we're gonna
2542s look at the hero select and see what is
2544s going to be getting picked God damn it I
2547s knew it I knew it Pacific Rim Time boys
2549s we're in there
2561s do you have KLA and oeg pulling out the
2564s Yoto uh gone I did it's a very
2567s traditional classic counter to the
2570s Transformer comp is getting that is
2572s getting that Yoto out there and just
2574s being able to kind of wail on them but I
2576s feel those two yottos the moment they
2578s open a final Circle if they make it to a
2580s final Circle are gonna have every hand
2582s in the lobby flying at him they're gonna
2584s dominate the forces there I mean look at
2585s all that pressure that her Splash has
2587s come out most likely gonna see the V3
2588s usage there right just because of those
2590s extra you know the little sprinkler on
2592s top cherry on top type damage and the
2594s pushback that allows for it but going to
2596s the map we're gonna have to take a look
2597s into seeing how well these spawns are
2600s going it looks like uh servants ground
2601s is gonna have two teams there and while
2603s we're gonna see some action in the south
2605s side of the map it looks like Aventa is
2607s only going to have one team and an FM
2609s ephemerals having for the Firefly Hive 2
2612s teams actually right East of events high
2614s so I think we're gonna see a startup
2618s immediately into fighting between three
2621s teams total considering how they how
2623s much they are closed gapping between one
2624s another
2625s yeah very spread out though very very
2627s spread out start not clustered at all
2629s really a couple of teams will be in
2631s somewhat close proximity to one another
2633s but I think we're gonna be in for a
2635s pretty tight final Circle where there's
2637s gonna be a lot of teams I mean that's
2638s very typical of a monk game
2640s is you they kind of all want to make the
2642s end game and just look to farm kills
2644s there
2645s so maybe we're just getting out the way
2646s now maybe that's the game plan but we
2649s are getting ready to go into the game
2651s I'm also very happy that we finally
2653s changed my head shot and I don't have
2654s long hair anymore
2657s you don't know how much that's been
2659s wanting me up I've just needed to get
2660s those new headshots on it's been on me I
2662s just haven't sent them over anyway oug
2665s have found themselves wolves nice and
2666s early here we're gonna see K actually
2668s transform into that Terracotta Warrior
2670s just to try and put some pressure on the
2672s to oug Captain under SS he's now pinned
2674s pretty heavily here getting slammed down
2676s that's gonna Force the Viper ultimate
2677s out to try and buy better spaces SS
2679s actually keeping the chase up see we got
2682s himself Stonewall core and they are
2683s going to be going low but SS actually
2684s does get himself popped backers again we
2687s are seeing oug actually getting turned
2689s on too heavily here by Wolves the Kings
2691s going down and this is just easy
2693s pickings here for wolves not a single
2695s person fell and they just turned that
2697s fight absolutely flawlessly onto OG
2700s xinyu not gonna be long for this world
2702s does get a nice little Bop back on to
2704s one of the Wolves players but down they
2706s go a 3-0 start for wolves wow that was
2710s action I mean look at that right like it
2712s was a flip around once they realized
2713s they can get the Viper uh you know the
2715s Viper to get the the ultimate charge
2717s right it didn't matter once they saw the
2719s way Sean ultimate active they were
2720s trying to shut down the team as fast as
2721s possible the V3 with the General's call
2723s and getting Almighty command to get that
2725s ability out not fast enough and
2727s especially whenever the timing was for
2729s the silence it was still wasn't enough
2731s to try to control that team not even
2733s with the Viper silence to come out
2734s afterwards to try to stop healing that
2736s crew may or may have been instilling but
2738s floating over the Shipwreck we're gonna
2740s have to see what's going on in the
2741s Forgotten village with ewg could have
2742s themselves over the fight against KLA it
2744s looks like kla's gonna be over the head
2745s but the spirit Shields and using those
2747s swords to try to get themselves some
2748s sort of gravel free initiation but it
2750s doesn't even matter ewg's gonna go right
2751s through with Iran playing standing high
2753s this time around trying to see about
2754s using the V1 ultimate as you can see so
2756s no killing no restore just straight
2757s damage that's how it usually goes there
2759s comes the F3 from the auto now there
2760s comes out the Viper old with a massive
2762s and I say massive push against splitting
2765s out his teammates Don Yu goes down for
2767s ewg looks like
2768s they want to go ahead and try to get
2769s himself away from me Iran's gonna go
2771s ahead and activate ultimate the
2772s safekeeping within with the new jumps I
2774s can and can't even get across they even
2776s do it can't even activate any abilities
2777s no ways he's gonna be able to slam down
2779s just because of the silence I went
2780s through when the Witch and also get them
2782s out with the Tai Chi teleport the Iran
2784s goes down with the musket shot doesn't
2786s seem to be a good chance because Kayla
2787s is gonna go with the full sword go for
2788s the RnB swing it has still his F ability
2790s up available going 35 for the old school
2792s he's not even gonna need anything else
2793s except for the soul bloom in case any
2794s other times that they don't want to go
2796s back into this fight but yeah you've got
2797s to go ahead and try to use this movement
2799s get as many scale rushes off this end
2800s gets a Cod out and with KLA gonna go
2802s ahead and get RV with a stagger but it
2804s doesn't seem that nothing's gonna stop
2805s the F3 Yodo and with it another four or
2808s three kills for KLA to go ahead and
2810s having three kill lead
2812s I you had to remind me that they gave
2814s monk a new ability why did they give him
2816s this jump that was like his key his key
2819s weakness was his immobility and they're
2820s like I'll just give him some ability
2822s just so he's a little bit a little bit
2824s faster I'm not hearing it I'm not
2825s hearing any excuses uh we are seeing Jay
2828s team here though getting run down for JL
2830s that counter was absolutely beautiful
2832s the Parry on to uh kkx is gonna have to
2836s force him to go for that transform
2837s himself and he's only got a great weapon
2840s so his damage is going to be low and
2841s already they've lost there among the
2843s kurumi awful from the distance just
2845s trying to get away and kkx doing his
2847s best just to escape here from the likes
2849s of JL but I feel like this mate will be
2852s in vayner's a transformation is not
2853s gonna last him too long he's doing a
2855s good job putting some distance between
2856s him and as but as with that pole sword
2858s just using the movement really really
2860s effectively to keep up to his uh
2863s all the pursuit here is uh here comes
2866s the d-transformation and now it's on kkx
2868s to really get those ankle breakings
2870s going as uh looks like he actually may
2872s have moved away as drg has shown up and
2875s pickaxe has run from one problem into
2877s the jaws of another
2879s one versus three not really gonna be
2882s able to hold on to this you do see Jay
2883s team have had to buy himself a rebirth
2885s charm odds are they're gonna need to use
2886s another one here because this is not the
2889s start they needed and unfortunately for
2891s J team a really really rough start to
2893s this first game of the day
2896s losing all of their revives early having
2898s to get a rebirth charm early as well and
2900s one of their players heavily separated
2902s being run down by drgs we cut it with te
2905s right now got himself in a fight with
2907s that old team their old organization
2909s here fbx good look and see who can kind
2912s of take the win two can take the upper
2914s hand here for the moment as Yahoo be not
2916s back here by oid he's gonna lose that
2917s transformation on the Eurasian here it's
2919s fpx now looking to see if they can find
2921s this opening onto the te boys nyd lost a
2925s lot of HP needs to buy some space with
2926s that staff gets a beautiful Parry off
2928s instantly bought back himself though
2930s he's running a little bit low on HP as
2932s Yahoo gets himself caught up in the air
2934s and lyd finally does go down Zhang Ting
2936s with the vertical strikes here
2938s on the horizontal site sorry on the long
2941s sword get a whole bunch of damage off
2943s there's vvv taking that shot there my
2945s charge click on the long sword is uh
2947s jong-ching it's just gonna be in healing
2949s coming in from onto his uh underwater
2953s fbx been able to find himself their
2956s opening in here versus te txj it's gonna
2959s go for the transformation and this fight
2961s probably done so at this point as
2963s they're looking to get away I say that
2964s as water gets himself grabbed they are
2966s going to be looking for the slam onto
2967s him we'll be able to connect it they
2969s haven't got the pickup though
2970s unfortunately so fbxr gonna still have
2972s that mad Advantage I say that and the
2975s grub comes in from txj absolutely
2978s beautiful there's now the repeating
2980s crossbow shots coming into txj xiaohu
2983s finds himself grabbed as well txj is
2986s doing some serious work here for the
2988s side of te it looks like they are going
2991s to look to try and break away but fbx
2992s they're not done right now as Yahoo gets
2995s a whole bunch of damage down onto dxj
2996s he's low HP the counter coming in on the
2998s backside and te have just turned this
3000s fight onto fpx on its head so fast as
3004s txj does go down water finds himself
3006s some return by a vvv canal gonna get
3008s chased onto by water
3010s being able to strip away half of that
3011s armor and this fight has been so
3013s extended so long
3015s and neither team has got a firm grip
3017s hold on it yet as looks like now te
3020s being turned on to by vvv
3024s it does actually take one person down
3026s with him really nice little turnaround
3027s but does go down in fbx they win that
3030s fight ultimately
3031s yeah no pun intended you know water
3032s really was you know was holding it down
3034s by the creek and having that uh time to
3036s go ahead and get right back to the fight
3038s right there was huge but going over to
3039s the creek over it near Northeast of or
3042s Northwest or something else dwelling
3043s we're gonna have to see how sdg is gonna
3044s go up against a Viper ultimate from klas
3046s celt Squad it looks like that is not
3049s even going to be nothing for
3050s conversation because it looks like
3051s Rosemary is going to be the one to try
3052s to kill it and finish off xcg's lxh
3054s going down for their first life not
3057s gonna be going through because they know
3059s it was six kills it looks like these
3060s guys are going to be putting themselves
3062s at the head of the curve right before
3063s the runway is about to spawn through and
3065s with it Morris but with this movement
3067s trying to be used out you can spawn any
3069s teams nearby it looks like uh
3071s no one's going to be actually nearby
3073s except over to the west side of servants
3074s grounds with fpx after cleaning up with
3076s te by looking at te looking over into
3078s the Northwest they're gonna try to see
3080s about getting some last minute glue over
3081s here and while looking at the North side
3083s it was a drg and valid I'm going to be
3085s wanting to go ahead and set themselves
3086s for an engagement whether or not they
3087s want to wait for the rummy Yang running
3088s around 30 seconds this might be a chance
3090s for the see this engagement coming off
3091s right here and while Noble slash is or
3094s while one of the sashes is available in
3096s the west side or I should say caves
3097s after the recent name change it looks
3098s like it's going to be a bit of a
3100s skirmish between all teams on Northwest
3102s I'm curious to see whether or not we're
3104s going to see kala dominate this Roman
3106s Yang going into servants grounds and
3107s then seeing if they can go up against
3109s the reciprocating ends of bowdo or even
3111s to see wolves who we can see down in the
3113s South End called oeg it's passing by the
3116s TripIt Junction and getting themselves a
3118s position that's needed looking at how
3119s these fours are four kills so far for
3121s fpx they're gonna be wanting to see just
3123s going straight to the Northwest I mean
3124s look te is going to be the northwest
3125s region as well so they can close out to
3127s it we'll have to see how that one goes
3128s down but look at over the rummyang it
3130s was like ewg versus
3132s uh JL with Fang gonna be playing out of
3135s the 10 uh with the 10 high ultimate on
3137s preemptive who got it first because yeah
3138s Ron's gonna be activating the whole
3140s roommate from parasol is in active duty
3142s one grab off this end it doesn't look
3143s like it's gonna be a much time for as to
3145s get out of that and with it he's
3147s spamming e as fast as he can he's gonna
3148s go ahead and get out of there and when
3149s Faye gonna be jumping right in leaving
3150s the action got the got the propellers on
3153s his back you know and putting himself
3154s away further Beyond his teammates it
3156s looks like bang is gonna go ahead see
3158s the Sacred Circle it's gonna try to
3159s damage out Iran before the health is
3161s gonna heal out but looks like he's down
3163s off the count looks like James gonna go
3165s for another grab he gonna slam down
3166s immediately gets another kill I'm a dong
3168s you bang gonna deform right right timing
3170s as you run it looks like this is going
3172s to be a three-piece depletion
3186s that Rama Yang was an avatar they
3190s absolutely butchered them there it was
3193s brutal do you get their hands onto the
3195s uh about it also got their hands onto it
3197s for Millions birds mate James imagine we
3199s got remora's blessing for free by the
3200s way so they kind of got away with murder
3202s on that one and I've been able to kind
3204s of regroup and re-gear after losing two
3207s players at the beginning and having to
3208s use a lot of their Dark Side coins to
3210s get those recoveries off finding himself
3212s a kill onto SS just using the uh the
3214s power they're able to get themselves off
3217s the back of the um the Mist it might and
3219s just the kind of gear and that obviously
3221s the damage reduction you do get in turn
3222s so bowder and Jr won their Roma Yang I
3226s didn't see who battle went Toe to Toe
3228s with though so I know KLA were
3230s gatekeeping one of the entrances so I'm
3233s curious to see whether or not that was
3234s KLA he went in or not
3236s that'd be very costly to them though if
3238s they did end out losing that and then
3240s have to now be running around with that
3241s depletion on to see if they can uh find
3244s that revive off cutting over to te
3248s e is that grabbing himself a little bit
3249s they had a very extended fight with uh
3251s FX at the beginning of this game so a
3253s little bit under geared and right now JL
3256s are the people who are nearest to them
3258s I think JL have actually seen the melody
3261s is gonna play bait as txj comes in with
3263s the uppercut JL now gonna charge in
3266s scary thing here 40 years they're going
3268s into a team but have that Vermillion
3270s Birds might end the gear they just got
3272s themselves off the back of that uh Rama
3274s Yang one thing with a golden weapon
3276s gives him those empowered grabs as lyd
3279s pretty much guaranteed to go down here a
3281s couple more shots when the team should
3282s just be able to finish him up lyd able
3285s to just about survive enough to get that
3286s transformation off in time so they
3287s weren't able to find the slam just to
3289s txjb such a nuisance as another grab
3292s coming in here from one thing looking
3295s for the second will get the slam down
3296s though onto vvv able to strip a lot of
3298s health and armor off there looking for
3300s the regrap unable to connect it does
3302s come in with one last slam before
3303s d-transforming and bowder coming in as a
3306s third party is getting heated here so
3308s many teams in the area you've got UG
3310s bowder and JL and te all in one tight
3315s spot and it looks like bowder are just
3317s gonna keep the pressure up here ever
3319s they're also a little bit low themselves
3321s so both of these teams will have action
3322s the poison splashes of action the poison
3325s splashes hit like eight people and in
3328s comes SS with a look down onto
3330s absolutely everybody able to finish up
3332s one oug gonna be playing mop up now at
3335s this point only 20 seconds left on
3337s valder's for million birds mate so they
3339s need to find these kills and they need
3341s to get out before they find themselves
3343s in danger Melman immediately getting
3345s himself caught out the birds mites on
3347s and it procs in the last second for him
3350s an absolute cluster of a fight and I
3354s don't know who won it a lot of people
3356s went down I am looking at oug seeing you
3359s using their using the last second
3361s slashes to get that kill and with no
3363s chance of being able to soloons
3364s unfortunate I know hon looking over here
3366s this fight is still going on and look at
3367s this meteor coming out for him to get
3369s the kill off of yes to Don you from ewg
3371s it was like I'm gonna be wanting to get
3372s himself away from this fight even with
3373s the uh with the healing is getting
3374s through the vibro all comes out again 5S
3377s getting it previously from aerial Viper
3379s oil is getting another one off the rip
3381s and lift every speed one five seconds
3382s looks like he's gonna be able to go
3384s ahead and do much I mean the game's
3385s gonna have the court out immediately for
3386s them to safeguard them getting the
3387s spirit Shield getting himself armored up
3389s might be going right back into the fight
3391s I don't know they want to be aggressive
3392s as possible that's what we're looking
3393s for Kayla is going to still be in first
3395s though with six kills so far fbx is
3397s still tied with drg and JL as well as a
3399s te for four kills and if with everything
3401s comes into play I mean bowdo was in that
3403s whole fight the whole time and you know
3404s and getting themselves you know in the
3406s middle of all that Shenanigans we're
3408s still seconds into the clock until
3409s before the next Roman game spawns in so
3411s they're probably gonna go ahead have a
3412s tassel come right back out and then look
3413s at how they still need to get ewg's
3416s teammate dong you back up it's gonna be
3418s a bit of a second or a bit of a wild
3420s wild card moment whether or not they
3421s want to go for Morris blessing and try
3422s to risk the biscuit out of that end try
3425s to go ahead and set themselves up maybe
3427s there's no more Reaper charms to be
3428s available for purchase maybe that's why
3430s that's 12K is sitting pretty in their
3431s pocket J team's gonna be going ahead
3432s though looking at the gear super Farmers
3434s Super Bowl armors for the teammates but
3436s looking into the zone
3438s little poke from year on gonna go ahead
3440s and try to walk away from te's Team OJ
3442s team's gonna be engaging over there and
3443s might be able to get Vision on those
3444s little sound cues from the distance but
3446s Iran's gonna go right into the Zone
3447s picking up as much gear as possible txj
3449s with the frontal Katana in gear and
3451s plane uh Tian high with great armor
3452s doesn't seem that anything happen except
3454s for possibly an armor swap from earlier
3455s and there you go get a blue armor right
3456s there bro and all this end you know
3458s gonna go ahead go ahead and sing that
3459s romying in 30 seconds fpx is waiting it
3461s out while JL is reaching out from the
3464s the cave over near Isla crater and
3466s looking at wolves over into the west
3467s side of celestra waiting out that realm
3470s oug and drg over near this Mystic might
3473s Morris blessed or not missing my Draco
3475s store Morris blessing it might be
3477s contesting it with KLA and maybe even
3479s possibly te and could be an initiating
3481s fourth party with J team coming right in
3483s there in the last seconds but let's take
3485s a look at the Roman Yang coming up in
3486s the next couple of seconds here
3488s yeah it's gonna spawn up fbx have got
3490s their eyes on it one thing I've noticed
3492s about fpx is a as an organization
3495s because they've done this across both
3497s their teams they're very good at
3498s securing gear I mean everybody in the
3500s team has purple armor right now their
3502s weapon States really good as well and if
3503s they can win this round with Yang
3505s they're gonna get themselves another
3506s golden weapon as well so they're just a
3508s team who are very consistently good at
3510s securing themselves those bonuses and
3512s those uh that kind of gear is uh
3514s careless are trying to secure themselves
3517s the Morris blessing there's not really
3519s too much drg can do about this the
3521s wimbles have come up so we'll be able to
3522s grab themselves the goodies inside it's
3525s a draco storm so not the most ideal one
3528s for them to get but it's it's better
3530s than nothing it's some gear it's some
3531s it's a buff so they will take that and
3534s it does look like nobody has contested
3536s fbx in the realm of Yang so they got a
3538s freebie gonna get themselves that missed
3541s it might get themselves whatever golden
3542s weapons inside and yeah nobody nobody
3544s decided they wanted to go toe-to-toe of
3546s fbx and this is something we you see
3548s especially at the beginning of the day a
3550s lot of our trio teams will just forego
3552s the second Roma Yang so they don't throw
3555s that game they don't throw out the lead
3556s they've got fbx feeling very confident
3558s to go into it so they are able to pick
3560s themselves up a freebie but a lot of
3562s teams will avoid jumping into that realm
3564s of Yang and then potentially throwing a
3566s placement in the game off the back of it
3568s for
3570s for some gear
3572s yeah yeah I'm just trying to go ahead
3574s like I already saw you know it's getting
3575s high from going through in common armor
3577s right Kenny and themselves trying to
3579s find the gear most most necessary is
3581s getting the control of the Morris
3583s blessing when you do need it and you
3584s know as we see earlier you know fbx
3586s isn't going to be doing much except
3587s using utilizing this missing my worries
3589s you can see Kayla's Draco storm minutes
3591s on the clock only two minutes for Draco
3593s storm to be able to utilize and that's
3595s if you want to go into a fight but
3596s looking over here it looks like HL hlj's
3599s Han had to forcefully use old maybe he
3601s wanted to get a kill off of kla's Team
3603s looking for the ten high hop playing the
3605s goombastom over this end is looking for
3608s kla's kla's teammates to try to go
3610s program I mean this Viper we've seen
3611s this going through riferson is you know
3614s potent but it looks like it's gonna be a
3615s V2 ultimate it gets grab though not
3617s gonna be a good chance it looks like
3618s this is going to be the end of cxd and
3620s over this end this grabs in this Draco
3621s storm is estimating Han's HP bar he's
3624s gonna have to dip out of here those
3625s little seconds on the clock is gonna do
3626s a lot of damage here Khan's gonna be
3628s caught out here with RVs into the dragon
3629s like height is going to come out here
3630s from Han to want to escape and cuckoo
3632s activating the wage on Ultimate in the
3634s background they can't try to back off
3636s here used to take your circle for the
3637s heels for the V1 ultimate as kurumi you
3639s is looking to try to go ahead and
3641s reposition for a heel but no look at the
3643s commercials the Sanchez Sky Pillar
3644s should say is being used here you can
3646s see how this is going to be wanting to
3647s have hlg back and wanted to try to get
3650s that Wu Chen out of the game and the V1
3652s teleport could be up for them to utilize
3653s but we are not too sure whether or not
3654s it's going to want to free to negotiate
3656s this point they're going through
3657s considering that Honda doesn't even have
3658s ultimate yet it's gonna be a couple of
3659s seconds for the Han's under 500 HP under
3661s 250 HP Viper Sun's gonna be coming out
3663s here completely putting the five second
3664s stun under the place if cuckoo's not
3666s careful and there goes Han going through
3667s cxe getting that point on his end for
3671s the kill klas only have a plus one
3672s opportunity but hlg is gonna go into the
3674s north inside over Southwest of the noble
3676s cave and all of those Artisans Grove is
3678s still going to be most likely nowhere to
3681s be seen for any other team teams to show
3683s up Kayla is going to get these loading
3684s off the body with only four grapples
3686s though looking at supplies two Vitality
3688s seven armor powders I'm not too sure if
3689s txd wants to do anything except buy
3690s supplies at this point considering that
3692s you and rosemary are full throttling
3693s towards the new cave still being a
3696s threshold of hiding it out in the
3698s building
3699s there it looks like ggbong's gonna be on
3701s the head right in this out gonna have
3703s the drinks Audrey uh I'm saying Dragon
3705s like Mike gonna be coming into work here
3706s bbong has more to the final spot because
3708s they're going to go down as well as
3710s we're looking at how drd is going to be
3712s dominating this point it doesn't look
3713s like there's gonna be any other chance
3714s for sansi to get out of this with that
3716s merciless Habit to get the full Focus
3717s looks like Sanji is gonna look overhead
3719s I should say KLA is dipping out of the
3721s Ravine over the noble cave brg oh my
3724s word putting it out
3726s I just tell me you're in a month game
3728s without telling me you're in a monk game
3730s we have one player out that's it
3734s only a single player has been eliminated
3736s from this game and we've got 11 minutes
3738s left
3739s this is
3740s very typical monk where it's it's
3743s incredibly chill it's incredibly slow
3745s paced because everybody wants to play
3747s for end game I'm gonna be interested to
3749s see how uh KLA and Ouija handle
3751s themselves on the uh on the Yoto in
3754s these in these final circles if they can
3756s play safe right up until the last
3758s possible moment and then get the big
3760s Yoto Waltz off so this game is just a
3763s guaranteed win at that point you're
3765s gonna absolutely destroy everyone's
3767s health bar he comes into contact with
3769s you the problem is
3772s there's so many monks and depending on
3774s the circle and where the circle fully
3776s closes or that kind of the area the last
3778s couple of circles you might find
3780s yourself in such an open position but
3781s it's just going to be impossible to
3782s dodge every monk grab coming your way
3785s and the last thing you want to be doing
3787s is getting forced at all early as the
3789s Yoto and then not having it for that key
3791s moment right at the end you don't want
3792s to be losing your viper because you want
3794s the Viper to lock everyone down so you
3796s can get those free slashes on
3798s it's gonna be very interesting to see
3799s how those two are going to be able to
3801s run it now KLA they've got seven kills
3803s they are ruling this game right now
3804s they've had a really good showing on it
3806s so far doing a bit of shopping and
3808s getting them Soldier set up for
3809s themselves
3811s we've seen so many people
3814s put so much priority on uh their Cannon
3817s sold trades I can't remember the name is
3819s it dragons rule the one which gives um
3822s the debuff the healing debuff
3825s um
3827s that's the one flame breath yeah we see
3829s a lot of people put a lot of priority on
3831s flame breath in trios just for those
3833s that anti-hill basically especially in a
3835s comp like in a game like this where
3837s there's just kurumi's on the majority of
3839s the teams flame breath is gonna be super
3842s high value te nope they have found
3844s themselves a victim
3846s and there's not really too much for uh
3848s hlg's cuckoo is going to be able to do
3850s as they go down nine minutes left and I
3854s expect this game just really slow down
3855s for the next kind of four to five
3857s minutes just while the players get
3858s themselves situated and set up expect
3860s the buccaneer face to kick off soon
3862s where the Cannons and muskets come out
3865s yeah 100 I mean looking at the score
3867s right we can see only one team has been
3869s eliminated it's gonna be a huge Skirmish
3870s over here by the north of council
3871s Courtyard especially that ballista
3873s Insight I'm not too sure who's gonna go
3874s ahead and try to make a decision of
3875s going on top of that but look at how you
3877s know scoreboard right now Kayla in first
3879s place with seven kills as well as drg is
3880s tied with third with te with five kills
3883s each it looks like there's gonna be a
3884s chance to see of whether or not any of
3886s the instigators who's gonna pop out for
3887s us to activate all second type situation
3889s there it is right can come out here with
3891s the spirit Shield wall coming through
3892s for the E10 from pla Rosemary it's gonna
3895s have that legendary armor grab perfect
3897s timing for that Shield wall to go into
3898s place and now it's gone for them to go
3900s ahead and get all the free loot that
3901s they can get from there wolves gonna
3902s pick up the purple armor looks like uh
3904s looks like 14's gonna go ahead and
3905s backing off there and try to use as much
3907s movement as possible Rosemary though
3908s kla's team these guys have the gods here
3912s gear we're like we're talking about gold
3913s weapons from the runway they have a cxe
3915s play another V2 game and looking at the
3916s armor swap trying to get themselves
3917s Rosemary that extra armor just in case
3920s if the grab does indeed come out from a
3922s Timmy but like you said right if we can
3923s see Rosemary use that you know use that
3925s uh
3931s respect and a battle situation but
3933s looking at oug gonna go down five SS is
3935s going to go down here while Jimmy is
3936s still gonna have one ultimate left to
3938s try to save and Grace the moment King
3940s getting the rez is gonna go ahead and
3942s get the save as that's activating all
3944s immediately SS gonna have this five
3945s second son if they can go ahead and get
3946s it through but no dash is way too far
3948s from that point SS only have the common
3950s armor Swap and we can see the king
3951s trying to get away from the situation
3952s over by the cleansing pool the king
3954s putting himself in the spirit Shield
3956s wall mode to get himself recycled to go
3957s for a free grapple he's not gonna go
3958s anything where else but without vertical
3960s spear staff I should say and the F3 Yoda
3962s to come for the save it looks like she
3964s knew's gonna try it through but oh with
3966s the burst arrows you get the kill and it
3969s looks like drg is gonna want to try to
3971s get out of here as soon as possible jl's
3973s backline is too oppressive as it is but
3976s this merciles Havoc is going to say
3977s otherwise with yushing scene that Miss
3979s uh with the dragon like might that drg
3980s does have in play with the merciless
3982s Havoc we're gonna have to we're going to
3984s be careful of how that one gets caught
3985s out with a cc chain as well as with
3987s everything in store for this fight I
3989s feel really bad for the king there he
3991s just didn't get to move he was just
3992s grapple locked for the moment he hit the
3994s ground and he stood under that tree and
3996s he died under that tree it was real
3998s rough jail coming in with a third party
3999s though we're able to pick that kill up
4001s and deny it as a let's go see what
4004s goodies they can grab and now we
4006s actually have hlg fully out so we've
4008s lost one team uh and a total of four
4011s players
4013s in in 20 25 minutes roughly we've lost
4016s four players which is I've I've never
4019s seen the game this this slow in Tempo in
4022s that sense and it's not like nobody's
4024s done anything I mean xcg the only team
4026s but haven't got a Kill
4028s so there's a chance this is 100 scorer
4030s for everybody in the lobby everyone
4032s could get points here
4034s so it's not been an overly slow game
4037s it's just been a very controlled game
4038s like someone will go down and then their
4040s team will get them up later no one fully
4042s commits for like a squad wipe or a whole
4043s bunch of kills I think the only teams
4045s that have really done that are drg and
4046s KLA and I think drg have been mostly
4049s just grabbing third party like Wanderers
4051s who've been picked up and kind of
4053s wandered into them like when uh
4055s J team did at the beginning of the game
4058s yeah like and like Jay team did in the
4060s beginning you know it's kind of it's
4062s kind of rough to see how this is going
4063s to end up with those Rises like you saw
4064s that how you mentioned earlier how the
4066s king and looking at Xiao you looking to
4067s get a kill of the oug's SS it's like you
4069s know you see the moments of being able
4071s to try to go ahead and have the time you
4072s know using all these movement using
4073s their skills to your utmost usage
4075s especially when it comes to the CC
4076s immunity but then once that one vertical
4077s comes out once that one stagger comes
4079s into play We're not gonna have anything
4080s else except pain uh especially you can
4082s see here but you know one good addition
4084s I love to see in this game is that
4085s Valiant Bounty quest to come into play
4087s you can see it right there uh a lot of
4088s play players in the na region like to
4090s call it you know they like to call it
4091s the ghetto Mystic might uh you know 15
4093s Pence Mystic might anything of that
4094s nature you know try to go for a low
4095s value but with a huge value of that 15
4098s every 15 seconds being able to see your
4100s enemies in the vicinity which is good
4101s Vision right you need to have you have
4103s to know where your position is for your
4105s enemy and especially when there's walls
4107s and rocks Hills everything in the nature
4109s for the environment for the terrain to
4110s get that position of knowing what to do
4112s even in this final Circle but as you can
4115s say 11 teams or I should say 10 teams
4117s left on the board with OG going down as
4119s a second team overall we're gonna have
4121s to see how this might end up over the
4123s last couple of minutes five minutes is
4125s gonna go by being a blink of an eye
4126s drg's team is looking healthy as is
4128s looking at the zoo type fight with the
4130s dragon war coming out from JL Spain you
4131s can go ahead and have that ultimate they
4132s activate the F2 Perryville just in case
4134s of any sort of projectiles might be
4136s causing uh cause for harm why is Jay
4137s though from J team's gonna go ahead and
4138s try to push through straight through the
4140s needle in the haystack and with cxa
4141s activating oh that's way Sean and
4142s looking at how t-lyd and T E's BBV might
4145s be looking for the back line and try to
4147s stagger some person wolves had an
4149s ultimate in the background as well as
4150s with the ewtz around it looks like rules
4152s 14 is going to be wanted to go ahead and
4153s get into The High Ground here for the
4154s quick grabs it looks like all these
4155s bodies all these Transformers are going
4158s to be putting themselves in the spot the
4160s vadra is way too big of a hitbox to try
4162s to describe any other enemies in the
4163s vicinity but these trees are not helping
4165s whatsoever and you know hopefully once
4167s we see these hero planes get used for
4168s all of these 10 high plays in the
4170s beginning you know we'll see more
4171s rounded combat forms you know instead of
4173s having this big bubble of putting
4176s themselves out there and having a sponge
4178s shield for them but deforming from Wu
4180s Shang it looks like the RJ is now going
4181s to be in Full Throttle for being focused
4183s here you can see it immediately with
4184s those cannon shots once they saw the
4186s light flash you need it's time to go
4187s ahead and put that pressure on and
4189s reveal themselves staying though on top
4191s of the tent over this end you can see
4192s how many grabs now you're coming out
4193s from the stairs you can see what lyd's
4196s way shine is low enough Health to go
4198s ahead and get tapped out but looks like
4200s it's gonna be at the end of BBV Noah
4202s unless he can survive with one HP it
4203s looks like a little bit of a quick heal
4204s and a quick idea of using that parasol
4207s to get the quick points for Lids to
4209s survive for te's teammates and all these
4211s grabs are going through you just gets a
4212s kill off of shang's uh drg Shang in the
4214s office and bangs will go ahead and
4216s deform and heal up as fast as you can
4217s into this final Circle man oh my
4219s goodness one thing to note as well is
4221s KLA have just stayed hidden they did
4223s just grab themselves a couple of kills
4225s because people are right wait running
4226s into them but they are waiting until the
4228s last possible moment to Spring their
4230s trap they are playing this as relaxed
4232s and as chill as possible all of these
4234s monk comps very trigger happy with their
4236s Transformations they've got the cannon
4237s to build up the rage so it's not a
4239s really hard thing for them to get back
4241s and they're just grabbing whatever kills
4242s they can get that's going to be about as
4244s malman grabbing onto txj there from the
4246s side of te so te now being down two
4249s players they've only got the kurumi
4250s who's up right now everyone else is down
4253s to both their Transformers are down
4254s gonna make this real hard for them we do
4257s see drg getting themselves knocked out
4259s the lobby in comes KLA though with a
4261s whole wiper whole look down to everyone
4263s it's xcg lose my HQ that's gonna be the
4267s grab onto the Viper though here coming
4268s in as they do get the blink at the
4270s safety not gonna let their Viper go down
4272s they've built that rage back up they've
4274s got two more minutes to do so as wolves
4276s also find themselves in the grab here of
4279s giran as we're able to get away able to
4281s buy themselves some space but this
4282s circle is an absolute just Massive
4286s Action 22 people inside such a tight
4290s Zone just waiting for that one
4292s opportunity Rosemary throws down the
4294s Yoto ultimate it's gonna try and
4295s reposition in and try and take some
4297s kills but founder of the ones grabbing
4299s kills used to kills one hit for the side
4301s of the KLA but it is just a complete
4304s scroll will of people getting taken out
4306s care they now need to build that rage up
4308s get that yo to Ultimate back as quick as
4309s possible one minute 40 till the Zone has
4312s fully closed in J team looking for the
4314s grabs in the distance you can also see
4316s what Rosemary has been grabbed here by
4319s fbx is able to break out of the grab
4321s though so not be getting slammed down we
4323s see te getting knocked out of the lobby
4325s as well down to 14 players eight teams
4329s all grabbed out here that's gonna be a
4331s player taken down here from the side of
4333s ysjj Team able to get himself on the
4336s board Rosemary secures himself another
4337s kill for care later they got 13 kills
4339s already and they're getting more I think
4341s that's just put them up into the 14
4343s Marcus Rosemary he's throwing the
4345s ultimate down on the Yoto once again and
4347s just absolutely butchers everyone 16
4350s kills over to the side of KLA and
4352s they're not done they haven't got the
4354s race to go for more Yota ultimates but
4355s they are just going to mop up even more
4357s kills 16 kills make that 17 they are
4361s absolutely destroying this Lobby
4364s Rosemary's keeping the pressure up onto
4366s everybody who steps out in front of him
4368s using that pole sword so effectively
4370s switches after the Gold pull sword as
4372s well unfortunately hasn't got a weapon
4374s repair kit available or the opportunity
4376s to use it it's gonna have to rely on
4377s cannon fire if he wants as he's just
4379s dodging Iran for the moment they're
4381s gonna get the wushan ultimate just to
4383s reposition up to the top of the tree as
4385s KLA now coming in with a flamer gonna
4387s burn away at your hands Hellfire
4389s Rosemary has been grabbed has been
4391s slammed but Iran's being cooked and this
4393s is even more kills Rosemary secures that
4395s one the poison splash does a fair amount
4398s as Rosemary throws the ultimate down
4399s here and that was an absolute Master
4402s glass coming in from the side of KLA
4404s it's kkx he's gonna buy some space but I
4408s don't think we're done yet the flame is
4410s coming in the dot is gonna burn him out
4412s and he is the last man standing but
4413s that's kla's game one
4415s oh man oh man that last couple of
4418s minutes into the Zone just put
4419s everything into the placement for kla's
4421s Rosemary to get those lashes back to
4424s back getting the Ultimate Backup again
4425s when they at least realized that it was
4427s already too late and looking at how that
4429s ticker was going up for each kill going
4431s on racking up and getting Kayla that you
4433s know all those kills in this point it's
4435s gonna be a high kill game for them but
4437s nonetheless
4439s ala
4441s heading out for the first round for
4442s trios today for the by weekly two we're
4444s gonna have to see how this this is a
4446s this is an itching fight you know we're
4447s gonna have to see how these guys go into
4448s place for the next round because looking
4449s at how they want to try to put
4451s themselves in there
4452s who went through
4453s last fight with this in the trios you
4455s know we saw how oug you know was
4457s dominating in the finals and getting
4459s themselves you know first place overall
4460s but looking at how KLA is scoring up I
4463s mean like I said the last bi-weekly
4464s match that we had for the for the third
4466s round KLA had that 99 point game 99.6 in
4470s fact for that match so they got
4471s themselves second overall for the
4473s placing standings for the finals so this
4475s is a good this is this done a show if
4476s Kayla is going to want to make
4477s themselves known for the matches that
4479s they just put forth for this point it is
4481s now going to be in the mindset of every
4482s other team that is going to be placing
4484s from groups A to B to C who is going to
4487s be the top player whether it's the
4488s underdog or the surprise surprise
4491s and what did I say at the beginning of
4494s the day man I said KLA all the teams to
4496s watch these guys they've changed out
4498s their roster they changed out their
4499s theme but they look so so good they look
4502s absolutely amazing
4504s um and they've proven to us even though
4507s it's an entirely different uh team and
4509s an entirely different layout for them
4512s they're still just an incredibly capable
4515s team and they've got one rookie split
4517s one rookie team to another rookie team
4519s and looking really really good I think
4521s the most impressive thing is yeah they
4523s picked the Yoto into the uh the monk
4525s which is an old school counter but
4527s people stopped picking it because a lot
4530s of monks started to get the timing on
4531s when to grab the Yoto because you're
4533s you're invulnerable to getting grabbed
4534s through that first flash but once you've
4536s thrown that first flash out it's very
4537s easy to kind of pluck the Yoda out of
4540s the sky and people used to have the
4541s mindset was you could use the F to
4543s reposition mid sky so you wouldn't get
4545s grabbed by the monks but the monks were
4547s just very good at holding their grabs
4548s until that Dash came out or playing that
4550s basing game and eventually Yota could
4552s have fell out of favor partly because
4554s she got a just an absolute you know
4557s truckload of nerfed over over those that
4560s season but also people did get the
4562s timing on it but Rosemary just put an
4564s absolute master class on he just stayed
4566s out of the grabs of all of those monks
4567s and it was absolutely slashing through
4569s that Lobby five and up rage and getting
4571s old twice in a very short period of time
4573s as well really really clear um killer
4576s stuff and that that koala bear pipe
4579s train is still very much pulling away
4581s for me I am really all aboard now I I am
4584s I am ready to see because like one thing
4586s I was looking forward right is like
4587s those type of ground units they are you
4589s know glass cannons you know Transformers
4591s like you said right Transformers cop is
4593s usually just to make sure you can sturdy
4594s be a tank you know you know bulk up
4596s going to play but yodo's biggest thing
4598s is that you know once she goes into all
4600s and once that first flash comes out you
4601s know it's all up for grabs no pun
4603s intended uh we're putting in the place
4604s allowing for Yoda to have that type of
4606s control and having that exact final
4608s Circle to get them that opportunity for
4610s those for those lashes come out with no
4612s threat of being you know controlled and
4614s playing and out to their replacement
4615s look at this 29.1 for KLA 19 kills for
4620s the first round of 26.6 uh killed a
4622s counter overall with a ranking of 2.5
4624s ewg in the second place with 8.8 kills
4626s so
4629s it's gonna be
4631s happy they were one short right they
4633s were one shot of a funny bomber let's
4634s just opened the day that would have that
4636s would have been such a nice one for them
4637s to open on but look at this everybody
4639s scored in this game xcg didn't get a
4641s kill but they didn't survived long
4642s enough to get a ranking point it was a
4645s really really solid game across the
4646s board I mean ninth scored six points
4649s which isn't terrible to be completely
4650s fair so there was a lot of points being
4653s shared out in this uh first day of this
4655s second bi-weekly I think everybody had
4657s that first week where they had to shake
4659s the rust off but they've all kind of
4660s woken up and come to now and
4663s it just feels like these teams these
4665s players are have found their stride and
4667s KLA kicking off in style in game number
4671s one I
4672s this was an exciting game and it was the
4674s most boring comps which are the
4676s Transformer cons
4677s think what it's gonna be like when we
4679s get later on in the day and we don't
4680s have just we don't have as many
4681s Transformer Cops playing it
4684s you've joined to the right time to Mario
4686s it's gonna be it's gonna be an absolute
4689s bang a day I promise you I feel like
4691s once we run out of the hero or once the
4693s hero points get reached out we're
4694s definitely gonna have to see a ticket or
4696s the pole sword with V3 right because you
4698s know that's gonna be probably like the
4699s last option you know on the table when
4701s it comes to no usage
4702s but most importantly you know looking at
4704s the kills over here I mean we can see
4705s Rosemary with Nine Kills it's almost 27k
4707s damage and staying alive throughout the
4709s majority of that match you know with
4710s everything going in place Rosemary is
4712s gonna be the one going through and look
4713s at this replay over the roaming looks
4714s like day out of London this is the first
4715s one by the way guys Dale won bang
4718s getting that can hike grab and going
4720s ahead and pressuring out your run we saw
4721s how heavy this was gonna be pushing for
4723s the double kill quickly off the rib look
4725s at that double grab from there's Yao Liu
4726s going going down with no pressure I mean
4728s Fang's gonna go ahead and grab again get
4730s donkey out of the game and now you're
4731s wrong is like Hey where's my team bro so
4733s now that is gonna switch over to this
4734s big cluster that we had going on about
4737s it with wolves with ewg everyone was
4739s showing up to the party everyone got the
4740s invite it was an exclusive event it was
4742s an open-ended event look at the Double
4744s grab from meow mound to go ahead and get
4746s the kill out here exe I'm gonna go ahead
4748s and grab me out this from this point
4750s into the tractor Junction and getting
4751s himself with the ultimate just in a
4753s couple of seconds with the Heart Stopper
4754s think is all he needs right getting all
4755s that sounds utilizing that Jade
4756s especially against a rosemary
4758s middle of the front into the final
4760s seconds as we can see here is still
4762s gonna be the one to the name of top of
4765s the King of the Hill with the amount of
4767s pressure that they put on Rosemary is
4769s definitely gonna be something I'm
4770s expecting to see if they have something
4772s uh
4777s I know uh heads are fair to you that's
4780s all sorry to kick it actually on the uh
4782s on the Eurasian they did a really good
4783s job of just buying time they had that
4785s transformation and yeah obviously they
4788s weren't going to win off this play but
4789s just getting that extra little bit of
4790s placement points taken out first
4793s um definitely will help them somewhat
4794s down the line so really nice stuff
4796s coming in but with no surprises on who
4799s NBC is here after that game and
4802s absolutely killer performance from
4804s rosemary thunderstorm earthquake and
4807s dragon roar dagasat Warrior pace and
4809s focus slide as their soldiers in 26k
4812s damage coming in their second MVP of the
4814s mbpl as well really nice stuff coming in
4817s from these guys uh the F3 and the V3 as
4819s well not overly surprising on that front
4822s and did a lot of work with that pole
4824s sold 17K damage with the pole sword huge
4828s and you know it's crazy no pulse war
4830s dates here you know you might you might
4831s have thought you saw Warrior pacing oh
4833s overload no no no the way that Rosemary
4835s was using it was that one was the 1.0
4837s shunts that the RMB a vertical Focus
4839s brought out and that those headshots
4841s that that pole sword did is the reason
4843s that right 17K damage was being played
4845s in place I mean we could see the pole
4846s sword being end up like an insane amount
4849s of a weapon that can just be shown in
4851s case with these MVPs using that weapon
4853s and rosemary just went ahead and showed
4854s it I mean and I added you know benefit
4857s of that little bit of a you know getting
4858s staggered a little bit for that stone
4859s form to activate and shifting out to get
4861s all that movement all that pressure that
4864s puts it onto the enemy is no longer in
4866s play they are now at a loss because of
4868s that close got distance that they had to
4869s put through
4870s well for you guys at home if you want to
4872s answer a question you can do so this is
4875s going to be your answer for Treasures
4876s which team is leading the scoreboard
4878s after game one this shouldn't be a hard
4880s one we're opening on a nice and easy one
4882s for you is it AOG bkla c t e or d f p x
4886s uh make sure that you uh do put your
4890s um your answer in the twitch chat and
4892s check your whisper box because that's
4893s where you'll be notified if you do win
4895s yourself some Treasures uh for you guys
4897s who are maybe watching haven't got uh
4898s naraka it is now free to play it was
4900s originally a paid game but they made the
4903s very good decision to go free to play uh
4905s so even if you haven't played before you
4907s can have a Go download the game and get
4908s your treasures and you might you never
4910s know you might get yourself a nice skin
4911s you might you might find yourself
4912s someone you want to play it's a bang
4914s again it is a real bang again but yeah
4917s that shouldn't be a hard question to
4918s answer we literally have just come out
4920s of that game it's only one game so you
4923s should know whoever won that game is
4925s currently leading the scoreboard on this
4926s bi-weekly uh I would like to see more of
4928s them though
4929s um I don't like xcg were a little
4931s underwhelming though like I kind of
4933s picked them up as this team we have
4934s these really creative picks and had this
4936s amazing performance they had one win on
4939s uh the first weeks day four
4942s um where that was where they pulled out
4943s the side for the first time
4945s that was their only win so maybe these
4948s more creative and interesting cops suit
4949s them I feel like there's so many teams
4952s who all try to force the same comp as
4953s everyone else and it's really bizarre in
4956s my opinion because
4958s the way I look at it is are you gonna
4960s out monk the best monk in the lobby
4962s probably not so then why are you playing
4964s the same compass then you should
4965s probably find something that answers
4966s probably play something that can counter
4967s it I think that's exactly what k a did I
4969s think they realized that they're not
4971s actually the best monk team in in the uh
4973s in the lobby and they know game one is
4975s gonna be the most monk heavy Lobby so
4977s they had an answer for it and that
4979s creativity bought them a 19 kill uh game
4983s where they took the win so I think this
4985s is either a a mindset that I'd like to
4988s see more and more players adopt and
4989s start picking up like new and
4991s interesting picks into lobbies where
4993s they're not gonna win because they're
4994s not going to be the best of that
4995s particular comp also interesting note
4998s the players don't know what the other
5000s players are playing it's all blind they
5002s will find out once they get into the
5003s game nobody knows what each other's
5005s playing it's all done blind so
5007s this and nobody probably saw KLA pulling
5009s the Yoto out until it was too late
5011s yeah yeah those type of changes that
5013s happened I believe they started this
5014s bi-weekly even but like Ryder started
5016s bi-weekly one that change is a big
5018s mindset change where you can't switch
5020s out your character last second right you
5021s got to make sure you lock in who you are
5022s gonna play and if you see someone in the
5025s lobby in pregame Lobby you're like I no
5027s no no because you can't go ahead and
5029s fight that right that's the counter pick
5030s that they read behind every single wall
5032s that that was placed up in front of them
5034s so they made that decision knowing that
5036s there might be an opportunity for them
5037s to know whether or not they're going to
5039s succeed into that point but looking at
5041s this chance we're gonna have to see how
5043s these guys want to succumb themselves
5045s into reading out their opponents from
5047s the first picks for the first round and
5049s to seeing where the decision lies for
5050s the second third and so on and so forth
5052s but look into the second round we're
5053s gonna move into Hollow rotten to starry
5055s night having those matchups is gonna be
5057s a change up considering that we just
5058s went off with dusk in Morris aisle
5060s Starry night's gonna have that screen
5061s you know if everyone is familiar with
5062s how hollow Rush stands the point you
5064s know the when the facts that the Gusty
5066s wind allows which is increased grapple
5067s distance as well as with the ice storms
5069s in the northwest region it's going to be
5071s or in the north region in general I
5072s should say it's going to be a good point
5074s to see whether or not our players might
5075s be wanting to put them through you know
5077s for the most part but Jayla is going to
5080s be wanting to get themselves apart I'm
5081s pretty sure we're gonna have to see how
5083s JL puts right now you know it's going to
5085s be a perfect situation if they can read
5087s out their plays and getting Above All
5089s Else The Raid bosses which was our KLA
5091s from the first round and obviously lug
5093s got in six I believe from the first
5094s round is gonna be one to switch up how
5096s they're going through we saw how Mamon
5099s was able to use utilize that 10 high
5100s grabs to transport for the first round
5102s so we'll see if we can go through in the
5103s second round and getting themselves out
5104s there but team bouda is going to want to
5107s probably switch it through
5109s for the most part and we could see some
5111s uh some action coming out from xcg if we
5114s see the zai come out it's gonna be uh
5116s it's gonna be hype
5119s it's crazy because over in Solo zai and
5123s um oh God I forgotten acos uh they they
5127s definitely
5129s found their uh they definitely found
5132s their place in the solos matter trios it
5134s still feels like it's fairly open-ending
5135s and we really predicted acos more than
5138s zai but we predicted it's actually gonna
5140s have a really good spot in the in the
5141s trios matter and I feel like they're
5144s like a b maybe like a low 80 effect at
5148s the moment like there's something that
5149s people will rely on to like you're way
5151s more likely to see an acos than you are
5154s a Tarka for example
5157s um in trios anyway
5159s but it it he didn't really find the
5162s space we expected and we thought it'd be
5164s good into the monk because he's
5165s flaggers he's got the ways to kind of
5166s deal and control the Monk and waste time
5169s at the Monk's rage uh ultimately that
5171s hasn't been the case and um
5174s we'll have to see what the players are
5175s going to be uh when the players are
5177s gonna be pulling him out if they will at
5178s all and I feel like on star map this is
5180s the one where you get the uh the meteor
5182s shower as well yes which is free rage
5185s free rage so again expect to see I feel
5188s this can be a very Decay to heavy Lobby
5190s coming into this one expect the zp Decay
5192s to the comps and the variations on what
5195s Takeda runs because we do see the Atari
5196s versions we see as we saw on screen
5198s they're a Tammy version there is a
5199s Eurasian version there's also a Decatur
5202s comp where you run double Transformer as
5204s well which I'm really not a big fan of
5206s because you're burning a lot of hero
5207s points basically on the same on one comp
5210s which could be two different comps yeah
5213s yeah if a cicada is used utilizing a
5215s double Transformer comp it's more it's
5218s more about the use of urine coming out
5219s from V3 I can most likely understand why
5222s just because of that stagger and that
5223s read potential for recycling your
5225s opponents not be able to do anything
5226s getting animation lock if they don't
5227s have enough ability to save them under a
5228s combo breaker is definitely a sort of
5232s you know most likely under utilization
5233s right just just because there is a
5235s better Synergy that comes out of Play
5236s From You Know by just adding cicada you
5239s can always swap it out for Viper you can
5240s try to go ahead and have someone here
5242s for support you know with you know
5243s through me as is right but going into
5246s game three we're gonna have to see our
5247s game two I should say we're gonna have
5248s to see how this game wins uh game starts
5250s in Hollow Rock I'm really excited to see
5252s if we're gonna see a V1 a V3 AKO so if
5255s B3 ocos comes out with the Viper team
5257s comp I would be you know honestly like
5259s okay these guys are really wanted to
5260s burn it out but going into place let's
5263s take a look to seeing how these teams
5264s are going to want to form out their
5266s comms
5268s just a moment
5270s well let's see what they're going to be
5272s looking to pick up here and I predicted
5274s it cicada comes around the board various
5277s different versions of them everyone
5278s running zipping not unexpected on that
5280s front zipping very very good in in a
5285s alongside the decada
5287s um also just taking a quick look at the
5289s cicada uh skill order as well most
5293s people taking the F1 but I can't see an
5296s F3 coming in from sansi
5299s um and most people do favor the F1 yeah
5302s I think sansi is the only one taking F3
5305s interesting okay uh I'd like to get your
5308s thoughts on this because you're a little
5309s bit more intelligent when it comes to
5311s those kind of stuff on that yeah I mean
5313s for the most part F3 is usage is only
5315s good for theoretically one thing into
5317s into a uh into a trios mindset and
5319s that's just happened that gold Focus
5320s obviously when it comes down to using
5322s cicada if you're going to use F3 in like
5325s an example for solos that would be one
5327s shines because then you can activate
5328s Fiona to get furious desolation off once
5330s the heat reached Airborne status in the
5332s hits to put you in a position if you're
5334s gonna play it in the trio setting you're
5336s kind of losing the grab opportunity of
5338s holding down a position of not using the
5340s F1 for the whole time duration that you
5341s are pressuring somebody down and if the
5343s taste if the case come out from them
5345s throw a blue Focus but looking at the
5347s spawns here we're gonna see a puzzle
5349s some puzzle action some if they can get
5350s a gold weapon perfect if they can get
5352s extreme armor uh you know ggs right but
5354s the most part we're gonna have to see
5355s how wolves is gonna write fight out xgg
5357s out here and looking in the Northwest
5359s you can see how over North or east of
5362s the city of Tang JT's gonna be spawning
5363s out by them points and also looking into
5366s scene about how we might be able see
5368s some Barrack fights coming out here
5369s ladies and gentlemen we could see a
5370s Ballista dominating getting a double hit
5372s versus 1200 damage with all the
5374s scorching Burns I'm I'm excited I'm a
5376s little bit I'm a little bit wary to see
5378s if it actually comes out though I'm
5379s going back to the puzzle I hate to break
5382s it to you but I am turbo cursed uh we
5386s have never had uh the red armor show up
5389s at all in any of our games uh and on top
5392s of that I've only ever seen it once in
5393s one of my home games I've genuinely
5396s never say it and the one time we saw it
5398s uh roon immediately got it and then died
5401s so I I I've actually never really got to
5403s properly experience the uh the fun of
5406s red armor maybe this would be the one
5408s but I'm pretty sure I am just Giga curse
5410s so don't expect that one we are watching
5412s KLA starting up their loot as they did
5415s win that previous game just quick cut
5417s over to drg who uh found himself hlg
5420s there's a couple of boost shots are
5422s being exchanged between either side here
5424s coming in with the dual swords onto
5425s Sandy Fancy Remember the only Decatur
5427s running that F3 is just gonna absolutely
5430s butcher through the health bar of Kuku
5432s he's trying to get himself up the stairs
5434s towards the chase onto the RG the armor
5436s swap comes in beautiful Parry though and
5438s an easy dunk here from cuckoo able to
5440s secure that kill gets himself with that
5442s purple armor a bit of a refreshing
5443s sansi's health bar is obliterated here
5446s by hlg lovely little pickup by these
5449s guys and they made that look really easy
5451s three kills immediately yeah drg's Fury
5454s and coming up from fancy there was not
5455s enough to try to stop the pressure that
5456s hlj you saw that mid-air F1 being used
5459s to get all that CC community and keep
5460s them in the position hold but over to
5462s the usual ruins dongchang's gonna go
5463s ahead and get an lnb Focus From the long
5465s story and Fang is gonna go ahead and get
5466s caught out with the list there it looks
5467s like there's gonna be a chance for Don
5467s King to go and back up try to get this
5469s rage up for just a couple more seconds
5470s before you come back in fps though is
5472s gonna go in The High Ground about it and
5474s the left Alleyway over into the Eastern
5475s rooms is gonna see a chance of getting a
5477s shot off of a jljas is going to be
5479s wanting to put himself in a position of
5480s going north of this point and regrouping
5482s look at all those people
5486s putting the fury through the mid
5487s Alleyway of the US second floor as is
5489s going to try to loot up as fast as he
5490s can while regrouping into the Southeast
5492s region I'm not too sure what fbx has in
5494s mind without it especially with the
5496s secret room going into place but over
5497s the Mets top region we're gonna see a
5498s Perry coming out here completely
5500s decimating he's gonna go ahead and get
5502s the lmbs and R B into the right click
5504s kill off of the Iran ewg losing those
5506s teammates with only one Surefire way of
5509s getting back to the game which is either
5510s a going to the Southeast region or
5512s southwest region I should say to the
5513s Fortress or B to just find a new place
5515s and a new home to call itself you know
5517s jlas gonna in the corner region off of
5520s ice Shard Lake it looks like about it
5521s now is going to be going ahead and no
5523s Health in fact with as going down here
5525s with only one little HP but the B2 is
5526s the Ping ultimate coming out here with
5527s the lmb focus now goes down to Fang is
5529s gonna get that killed but Lee this is
5531s still gonna have just enough time to
5532s check out themselves the healing that's
5534s necessary lion can't even do anything
5535s against it the fpx is putting the
5537s pressure with dong ching to go ahead and
5538s using that dagger here we can see it
5539s with the F1 canceled out with the V3
5542s coming through Duncan's gonna go ahead
5543s and put that pressure as though down for
5545s JL it looks like there's not gonna be
5546s any other issues here the clamp shop
5548s bang also goes down to the ice Shard
5549s lake with fpx picking up those two kills
5552s might be getting their third might be
5553s getting the fifth we could see this
5554s coming out to a complete destination
5555s looks like this Moonbeam charm is gonna
5556s say otherwise fauda having the
5558s investment brought out here with that
5560s stagger for the soul break I'm coming
5562s out lion goes down bowdo goes into
5564s position of okay should we stay out here
5565s should we go for the range it needs to
5567s be known because hlj is in the back line
5570s trying to get those rain shots and drg
5572s is looking to stop them from being able
5574s to do anything further and there's that
5575s nature that's my coming out here it
5576s looks like there might be a chance for
5577s oud to come through and to the point the
5579s F1 to stop any sort of push to the temio
5581s coming through dong Ching's gonna put
5583s himself in the position activating old
5584s and dong ching is going to have all that
5585s pressure to stop and he sort of pushes
5586s for his teammates in case water or if
5588s Xiao healer goes down to the point but
5590s look at that Soul break coming out here
5591s not gonna be enough not fast enough you
5592s know Shane would have Perry coming over
5594s against seeing you and now it looks like
5596s the king is gonna be caught out here if
5598s one of the members of fbx getting the
5601s ice frozen status on oug 5S is
5603s impeccable with no sense of the word
5605s pulse word horizontal comes out for ougs
5607s SS is going to come out forward it but
5609s everyone comes out here behind the back
5611s line that Focus slide is a detriment to
5613s society fbx is bows down for two
5615s teammates yeah I feel it's gonna be the
5617s only one left and that is it for the
5619s cleanup from oug getting back scene you
5621s for the next engagement
5624s well you know I'm just gonna see oh EG
5626s grab himself to pick up here it's
5627s actually about her oh sniffing around as
5630s well to see this is not gonna go overly
5631s well for Malvern unfortunately he loses
5633s his arm absolutely instantly lovely
5636s little Bop back there with a Clank on
5638s the name but I actually do bring lion
5639s forward as well against the knock back
5641s onto the two now all of a sudden hlg
5643s coming in at that third party this fight
5645s is getting real heated real messy real
5647s fast battle Malvern Goes Down lion TT as
5650s well also losing his life lovely little
5652s uppercut coming in from cuckoo Sandstorm
5654s comes down just to buy a bit of space
5656s and put that Arena up for the moment
5657s slowing and chasing a little bit more
5659s cuckoo getting through zinyu's health
5661s bar catches him with the uppercut does
5663s get bought back though as a bit of space
5665s has been bought the king low HP but
5668s they're still trapped in the arena and
5669s there's nowhere you can go especially
5671s when the Decatur ultimate is pinned you
5673s and you're inside that Sandstorm
5675s absolutely beautiful jump in there and a
5678s lovely little tidy up on that fight to
5680s do see klar kill leaders from the
5682s previous game not the kill leaders this
5684s time it's actually over to FDX who have
5686s five kills KLA a much quieter game
5689s number two they've done a lot of work
5690s already number 31.1 points put together
5693s they just need to play good for the rest
5695s of the day they don't need to play
5696s Amazing Just good and get a third kill
5698s for free I think they'll take that yeah
5700s they will and looking at this though
5702s like you know it's crazy hlg is gonna
5704s have the seven kill lead over this point
5705s we have Romy Eng in around two minutes
5707s time frame so we're gonna see how who
5709s and what is going to want to go into
5710s place but looking at J team is going to
5711s be synergizing over to the I believe
5713s this is going to be the south region of
5716s the
5718s Southeast region of the puzzle so way
5720s down south west of Tang for a point of
5722s reference for you guys in terms of
5723s interlocking that position on the map
5724s but J teams is looking pretty nifty with
5726s their gear I mean looking at how they
5727s have the purple they have themselves
5729s level two V3 cicada ultimate so that's
5730s four slashes that's four chances to be
5732s able to control teammates whether it's
5733s the pings or not it's disappearing and
5735s cicada it's like oil and water once this
5738s opinion once as a ping is in the
5740s movement set if it's okay can lock her
5742s down with the ultimate as like we saw in
5743s the ice Shard Lake fights is no telling
5746s of how fast they can they can get that
5747s kill but wolves is going to be ranging
5749s out against ewt over here you can try to
5750s get some poke damage over here while
5751s Willis only has around you know nil uh
5754s no kills they still have a chance with
5756s that purple pull sort of the damage
5757s necessary will tell me having the
5759s opportunity of closed gapping but it's
5760s going to be a cost per cost ratio right
5762s we're gonna have to see ultimates be
5763s used for ultimates to try to stop any
5764s sort of point for in the pressure that
5766s is met upon you know even if uh zwill
5769s needs to put himself in a position of
5771s being in the back line to keep those
5772s heels to the F1 and even with the V2
5775s it's seemingly so that these Frontline
5777s gamers are going to want to make sure
5779s they can keep themselves live and oug
5780s has level two ultimate as well for V3
5782s but there it is more expressing enemies
5784s are Romanian respawning in 90 seconds in
5786s a bit or that was Morris blessing good
5788s to have to double check that out of the
5790s colors on the map but KLA is going to be
5791s put in the the position over by drg they
5794s see them by The Forbidden seal they
5795s can't right they don't want to fight
5796s that they can't at the moment they
5797s activate oh forbidden seal 60 seconds no
5800s old zone so they have to pull them out
5803s from that point and making sure they can
5805s get themselves a better position for a
5806s fight whether that's for the vouchen
5807s port to get them out or for the Viper
5809s old to engage themselves in
5813s we're waiting for these uh Roma yangs to
5815s spawn up will be fairly soon you can see
5816s the ter position to go get one uh JT
5820s moving
5821s in that Westward Direction like you said
5823s they do normally drop at the city at
5825s Tang they're normally the only team that
5826s actually drop there as well so the
5828s expectation is that was their game plans
5830s just loot up city of Tang and then just
5832s move through the map in a Westward
5834s Direction seeing where the circle takes
5836s them fbx they have their choice they can
5838s go for that Mora's blessing or they can
5840s go for that Roma Yang hlg also in the
5844s area there's a world where they both
5846s decide to go for the same one or they
5848s could just go separately and uh find
5850s each other
5851s get in the bus for free without having
5853s to go for any contest of any sort for it
5855s other than you know the runway young
5857s fight that will inevitably break out
5859s that's like J team are in the area
5861s though for this realm of Yang and T also
5864s will see if Viva team actually is
5865s desperate to get into it or if they're
5867s going to try and do that that bait Style
5870s well here comes the Roman yam portal
5872s opens up
5873s and let's say J team not overly
5875s interested in jumping in immediately I
5878s think they've seen te and they're a
5880s little bit scared to go for it that
5881s Circle uh is still there I thought it
5883s closed up immediately it looks like te
5885s also been a little bit hesitant to jump
5888s in KLA waiting for somebody to come and
5891s kill someone come and fight them I mean
5892s if they get a free realm of Yang on the
5895s first one
5895s that is that's real troubleville for
5898s everyone else J team aren't gonna come
5900s in get to the teeth like you mentioned
5902s earlier purple weapons purple armor
5904s ready to throw down ready to go and to
5906s cater over Yang's bigger explosive real
5909s quick so two seconds until that float
5910s closes up into the skies they go J team
5913s are gonna go for the transformation here
5915s see if they can find those grabs and
5917s looking to get that opening onto them
5919s it's on to Jayden to buy the space out
5921s CX uh zxz has already found themselves
5923s perhaps lost a lot of HP you as well
5925s also going a little bit low they need to
5926s buy some space but another grab comes in
5928s looking for that double grab the Wu Shen
5930s holds out to make sure that they can get
5932s away they are gonna see the Ender
5933s transformation now and now KLA they need
5936s to find that opportunity to strike
5937s forwards they aren't going to jump in
5939s but another slam comes down the zipping
5940s it's not the healing
5942s let's double grab it's disgusting JT
5945s making it look so easy and down goes you
5949s that was filthy that was a blink of an
5952s eye moment man Jay team just got the
5954s grabs back to back on CX and there is
5955s nothing they could do about it V3 hitter
5957s restagger up to the grab to get another
5959s grab with that double grab ended it all
5961s other Rumble Yang we're gonna have to
5962s see xcg going ahead and have that
5964s legendary longstone from the puzzle
5965s don't look ahead and get into Longs are
5966s beginning to kill off of BBV might be
5968s getting another kill but looks like the
5969s B2 uh the pink ultimate is gonna save
5970s them for just a couple of seconds for Te
5972s but Leo getting RV saggered that's an r
5974s b for focus into the lmb that's it looks
5976s like a Perry coming out from lxh is
5978s gonna get the kill to jump l b off of
5979s lxj and that's gonna be it for te's
5981s Roman fight for the first round here so
5984s for this to be known they still have
5985s four and a half fans to go back into the
5987s round and getting Soul balloons from a
5988s fight they have been engaged but look at
5989s these dual halvers man if they can go
5990s ahead against the Dual halberts get that
5992s purple stats and on top of that
5993s Vermillion Birds might xcg
5997s holding the weight pulling it through
5999s they can carry the tank damage and still
6001s pull out the Escape Route if they need
6003s to or just go full throttle
6004s the words of Dunkin Donuts oogly boogly
6006s is
6008s today is gonna go ahead and put himself
6010s in some near The Thorn and roller We're
6011s not gonna see this going into three uh
6012s into a spot here we're gonna see these
6014s kill changes gonna come through if KLA
6016s wants to see about uh for going through
6018s and you know getting the kills needed I
6020s mean they're good they're sitting pretty
6021s so far but overall standing is gonna mix
6023s up once the final rounds go into place
6026s jail only has one teammate left though
6027s that's dangerous
6030s yeah it's a it's a little bit scary for
6032s them unfortunately
6034s it's uh just having a quick look at the
6036s uh overall standings right now fbx five
6039s kills in definitely starting to reel it
6041s in OG also with those five kills a
6044s needed one for them as a KLA right now
6046s they've got that Roman young depletion
6047s on them they need to find a team to take
6050s out they need to get those uh those
6052s points if they have a bad game here all
6054s of that hard work they did in that first
6055s game has kind of somewhat been squashed
6058s and you basically choke that down to
6059s like basically been worth two games is
6062s the best way to look at it is like
6063s they've played two games in one and then
6065s had a bad game so it kind of evens
6067s itself out when you've got fbx you know
6070s 14 points behind five kills in if KLA
6072s get knocked self knocked out early
6074s they're gonna get overtaken fairly
6076s quickly in the standings fbx are being
6078s chased here
6080s by uh by another team are just not
6082s actually even remotely interested in
6085s playing with them don't want to take
6086s that fight they are just gonna step away
6088s and uh buy some space for themselves
6090s get some uh get some items under about
6092s is there tea
6093s they're gonna get a revive off two and a
6095s half minutes before they're out of this
6097s game they're stopping to do some
6099s shopping to make sure they can get as
6101s good a gear isn't as good as setup as
6102s they can
6105s but they do not have long they do not
6107s have long to find themselves a kill and
6109s a team to fight and it's the same thing
6111s for KLA they're also in a in a
6113s struggleville right now
6115s haven't seen them being able to find any
6116s engages in
6118s we might just be losing two teams to run
6120s against the pollution in a snap of our
6121s fingers it's just so quick here
6124s I can't see anybody near to you right
6126s now J team just got knocked through
6130s oh there we go
6132s lost their birds mate I mean they used
6134s um the bait they used the zone
6136s to get the reset Kelly actually do now
6139s see xcg they finally found a team that
6141s they can fight a fighter team that they
6142s can jump onto there is a bird's Mite
6144s onto uh xcg but immediately you slicing
6147s into that action goes for the over the
6149s shoulder they have got the Viper to lock
6151s down and you trying to find the damage
6153s that stagger is gonna bop them back I
6154s actually knocked them out of the Viper
6156s there so there's three flashes left on
6158s his ultimate before he runs out of that
6160s one but he is being isolated in less
6162s alone trying to get the groups up
6164s absolute phenomenal burst coming out
6166s from you immediately getting into a bit
6168s of danger does fire some damage lxa goes
6171s down the Ping out from the side of KLA
6174s Rosemary mud has just been trolled he
6176s was thrown into the corruption
6178s they need to get the soul Bloom Essence
6179s off I don't know if they stripped it off
6181s they got it off you so using the clear
6183s they are actually able to get a
6184s reposition and move away from this one
6185s that HQ is now pinned against the wall
6187s his health bar is just being absolutely
6190s evaporated that's two people cleansed
6192s Kelly are back in the driver's seat
6194s Rosemary absolutely eating forward to
6197s try and find themselves some kills we
6199s come over to te as well who've been able
6201s to take out oug who were having a good
6203s game they had five kills but now they
6206s only have one player and te are getting
6208s rid of that depletion they do not want
6210s to be going down to that one able to
6212s dodge away on the whiff but was chasing
6214s them down but SS jumping into the Zone
6218s trying to be a nuisance for Te but T are
6221s being a bigger nuisance for him he has
6223s three people absolutely smacking them
6226s about inside the Zone The Tick damage
6228s just of raw damage coming in from te and
6230s they are cleansed they are clear and
6232s they are out of the woods for now yeah
6234s for now we're gonna have to see how this
6236s goes in the place near the puzzle I I
6237s think I saw another team coming out
6239s there but to go off of previous into the
6240s snow Forest fight before this Roman
6242s comes into play
6244s it's it's underestimating at kla's push
6247s out there Rosemary's literally almost
6249s got Reef out there by spawning back into
6251s the Zone with B1 teleport for the wuchen
6253s and although that one Vitality came
6255s through they pick up their final kill
6256s they got themselves back into the game
6257s and getting that you know yank the
6258s police to get rid getting rid of it was
6260s a key point there with a minute into
6262s that fight you saw how much pressure
6263s that that put in three three to one
6265s ratios essentially when you have to go
6267s up against the odds but wolves seeing
6269s how they are into the west side are
6271s gonna be trying to run into this roaming
6272s but this temmie always gonna stop any
6273s sort of push over here it looks like
6274s this is going to be caught out here for
6275s the Morris blessing to make sure that if
6277s it is a Mystic Knight which it most
6278s likely is they can get their ultimate
6280s right back up it looks like say he's
6281s gonna see all this damage being done to
6282s yeah Ron Ron's backing up he doesn't
6284s want to do anything about this and there
6286s it is Draco might instead so they burned
6288s the temmie ultra try to get the drink of
6290s mine to get as much pressure on any
6291s teams that are trying to show up here as
6293s fast as they can two minutes though is a
6295s blink of an eye if they you know they
6297s really want to you know go through it
6298s they would have chased one of those
6299s enemies but instead it looks like
6301s they're gonna go straight into the zone
6302s to see if any enemies are in the roaming
6304s come out of there and be in Full
6306s Throttle mode now I am curious to see if
6308s considering that we are going to have to
6309s wonder about how the realmi Yang gonna
6311s go through drg is getting the Bounty off
6313s of on the Wolves teammate so wolves is
6315s now in Hunt mode status whether or not
6317s they're gonna play predator or they're
6318s gonna be the hunted it's either or the
6320s situation J team though
6322s we saw it before j-team had themselves
6324s in the position of uh you know down to
6326s the zone to get that refresh and you see
6327s this level three V3 taked ultimate it
6329s looks like CK is is gonna be the threat
6332s upon all else and actually having you
6335s know having himself using his uh his
6337s chances of you know having activated old
6339s beforehand is one thing but like there's
6341s no one to fight him next to them in the
6343s meantime though hlg's Han is gonna have
6345s his list with only one grapple supplies
6347s not so great Han needs to put himself in
6349s a better position and maybe even
6351s Distributing the supplies that his
6352s teammates might even have but it doesn't
6353s under I'm not too sure if Cuckoos could
6355s be wanting or being able to go ahead and
6357s get that out considering if Tammy needs
6358s to do anything just old bro can't be
6360s chased through your ultimate unless they
6362s really want to get that kill by
6363s activating their own ultimate to cast it
6364s through so that way that no energy Zone
6366s uh can create you a better chance of
6368s getting the kill but looking at the
6369s least exactly looks like dating over the
6371s puzzle and looking at the similar
6372s something out here it looks like this is
6373s gonna be a chance for y'all if he can
6375s but looks like this belt is not going to
6377s stop anything before the Vodka will come
6380s out here it's like why AJ's gonna have
6381s that gold weapon and picking up the grab
6383s might be getting for a double grab he's
6384s not careful enough there it is almost
6385s forever oh lovely it's okay I don't know
6389s man so Transformers just go ahead and
6390s become a tank because that 50 millimeter
6392s round that is the double slam is enough
6393s to cause a dense through the whole
6395s two-story building and it looks like day
6397s team ysja it's gonna pick that up for
6399s free four kills so far for JT in here
6401s Buccaneers
6411s that was absolutely beautiful as well
6413s really clutch because I thought it was
6414s getting a little heated over in the
6416s corners we aren't going to see Jay team
6417s look to finish up Ko geez cuckoo there's
6420s nowhere for them to go hlg first team
6422s out of the lobby unfortunately no second
6424s team because they usually went out
6425s before
6429s actually didn't get a full Squad right
6431s berlius they had to buy a rebirth jump
6433s and get a uh a pick up onto their Wu
6435s Shen the the sad thing about that is
6437s they would have lost a fair amount of
6439s loot off that they would have been able
6440s to grab some of the gear but not all of
6442s the Soul Jades not all of the uh the
6444s armor you can't take the armor with you
6445s so they now have to kind of re-suit up
6449s their their wushen maybe it's not the
6451s worst case scenario you'd rather keep
6453s armor keep weapons keep all the stats
6455s onto your uh onto your viper in your
6456s Takeda the attitude that really need it
6459s but even so they are desperately gonna
6461s need looking to try and grab some better
6463s armor over to the side of their Wu Chen
6466s who right now is a blueberry
6468s um since that term I've learned recently
6470s makes them easy to pick just out low
6472s Health uh versus the likes of cases okay
6474s Z and uh and you use actually rocking
6478s golden uh is that Albert's
6480s thing a good look yes that's the golden
6482s halibutes they've got so they are very
6485s very scary
6486s with that set up Decatur with golden
6488s halbards it's over yeah that's pretty
6490s yeah pretty Joker for them once they get
6493s that horizontal coming in through the
6494s halberds and then into the vertical it's
6495s just free damage at that point
6496s especially if they I mean if the
6498s ultimate comes out beforehand there's no
6500s way of stopping that unless you have a
6502s comma breaker like like a bell a tan
6504s High brings to the fourth
6506s obviously we haven't seen any sort of
6507s fairy Shin come through here so the F1
6509s is gonna be the only other way of
6510s breaking them out but even then the V3
6511s Takeda pushes are way too concurrent you
6514s have to time it out exactly put but like
6516s I say uh these are World players these
6518s guys know how to go through and play in
6520s the tournaments some new teams that come
6522s into plays I believe we have what two
6524s new teams to come into place for these
6525s bi-weekly so far so you know coming into
6528s these tourneys and wanting to put
6529s themselves in the position of you know
6531s getting like okay yeah I'm not gonna
6532s follow that comp because they see how
6533s much pressure that cicada can bring into
6535s that point but Zu dying to the Zone most
6538s likely because there was no way of
6540s bringing back into the Forefront we
6541s could we saw him playing send me in the
6542s back line into the Zone but he was
6544s almost getting pushed out by you and
6545s that whole team in Cindy but going ahead
6548s fpx is having blue armor glass Cannon
6550s pretty much for uh cicada he has no way
6552s of getting uh you know the 750 armor or
6554s 750 health for the Armory is one thing
6556s to another but it can go in the blink of
6557s an eye especially with this whole sort
6558s of hand under the hands of Rosemary you
6560s might see that uh you know if that comes
6562s out but uh more importantly
6564s looking at these scores you can see
6566s themselves going through J team and te
6567s have six kills each so these guys are
6569s tied for first looking at this ultimate
6570s coming out here it looks like this could
6571s be a chance for lxh we're gonna go for
6572s V1 stun but can't reach any Targets in
6574s this arm armor being at an all-time low
6576s is gonna give whoever kills them whether
6578s it's Wolves or if any other team comes
6580s into play look at that Perry coming out
6581s here it looks like this LX oh kind of
6583s town though can't gonna come through but
6585s not getting the kill still was gonna
6586s pick up that gold long sword for free it
6587s looks like KLA is looking for it and
6589s they do grab it in fact wolves is gonna
6591s be having added lots of damage to have
6592s to say it looks like this battle rounds
6594s is gonna stop 14 from being able to do
6595s anything but just get over back and
6597s forth it looks like AKA gold in hand you
6600s know wolves 14. he's pushing himself
6602s away from this point looks like the seal
6603s is going to come out here with 12
6604s grapple's in mind they had The High
6607s Ground or King of the Hill situation
6608s because c14 putting himself into uh
6610s attemil preemptive but cxd having the V2
6613s ultimate here right getting that two
6615s seconds done silencing any air any
6617s enemies in the area it's just a Surefire
6619s way for any of your teammates to go
6621s ahead and secure you know free damage
6622s from that point no wooch Imports no no
6625s transformation iframes anything of that
6627s nature right just putting themselves in
6629s the position of securing somebody to go
6631s down and there it is bow to gonna have
6632s to activate his ultimate for the
6633s Forbidden seal if you guys don't know
6635s temmy can activate his ultimate for it
6638s right before the foreign
6659s they committed so much there they didn't
6662s even get the uh they didn't get the
6664s Maura's blessing that is really rough
6666s for them on that front
6667s not the not the end of the world because
6669s there was a blood ripper in there so not
6671s the most ideal weapon uh there was
6673s golden armor obviously that's what
6675s you're really after uh the blood Ripper
6677s is a little bit sad to be completely
6679s honest very smart use of the tamiot
6681s though I've never really had that uh
6683s being able to see that I actually get
6684s used in a game so it's cool to see you
6686s know you put the sandstorm down turn off
6687s the alts and then your Sandstorm stays
6690s up nobody's gonna be able to jump in and
6691s mess with that uh T just being a a pain
6694s in the bum off in the distance with the
6696s uh with the ballista in case anybody
6698s comes into line of sight see if they can
6700s line those shots up there's an FDX
6702s member there oh
6704s oh my what that was not okay here's a
6707s family at home you can't do that
6710s man Lily said is that a hand no man txj
6714s just shot that shot
6715s hold on
6718s your damage
6721s it's huge man like I mentioned earlier
6722s remember what it said in the beginning
6723s of the match 1200 damage just like that
6725s once that comes out in the reciprocal
6727s end of that explosion on top of the
6729s implosion it's just like ouch
6731s so I I always have like a uh a timer and
6734s like a way to kind of Judge the pacing
6736s of a game
6737s so the way I look at it is when you get
6740s to seven minutes left on the lobby
6741s and there's 26 to 28 players I think
6746s that's a normal moving Lobby a lot a lot
6748s like on Tempo we look to be on Tempo
6751s with this Lobby because we have 26
6753s players seven minutes on the dot now
6755s gloves referring hands for fbx I don't
6757s know if anybody picked that up we will
6759s find out
6760s um they dropped it they didn't even want
6762s it no they do get it
6766s there's one of those things where
6767s actually this has been a way uh a way
6769s more chill Lobby
6771s then maybe I expected but a lot more
6773s hard Fast Pace than our previous Lobby
6776s yeah and you know what's crazy and the
6779s little spice of that is that we're in
6780s the Ravine area and Ravines in the final
6783s minutes is such a you know if you're at
6785s the bottom of the Ravine and the enemies
6786s are on top it's either you're gonna be
6787s the one holding down the force to get
6789s right back on top of the grapple strike
6790s or we're gonna have to see something
6792s going through for it uh you know of
6794s importance to you know utilize ultimates
6795s to get out of there scot-free but
6798s not there's two things right there's two
6801s things that are gonna be good down in
6802s this little Ravine one is Overcomer the
6805s other one is a blood Ripper I promise
6807s you they're gonna be able to control the
6808s bottom floor and it's gonna be mowing
6810s the lawn down there it's gonna be a real
6811s problem the biggest problem right now is
6813s the Ravine is in shooting range of the
6816s ballista we're CEO they have six kills
6820s I'm gonna put my cards on a table if
6822s once that tell me all runs down
6825s we're gonna see a plus four and that's
6827s listed just to go off but KLA gold
6830s halberds has himself the XD to activate
6833s the V2 ultimate causing as a storm it
6835s looks like can't do anything about it
6837s he's gonna get stunned out here can you
6838s look back no he's gonna go ahead and get
6840s out of this
6841s Zone it looks like there's a little bit
6842s of a rock crevice swallow it's not going
6844s to give him a chance to set for for it
6846s pops so damage can be dealt out I hear
6848s the Bliss in the back line there it is
6850s one more other shot it looks like that
6852s is gonna stop any sort of push SPX is
6854s gonna have a reset here as fast as they
6855s can because it looks like that he's
6857s gonna break oh he's tracking Rosemary
6859s doesn't get shot it looks like it's
6860s gonna be a chance for all other enemies
6862s to realize this Bliss is a problem shake
6864s hands shoot it down txj gets off of it
6867s immediately having his whiffs to utilize
6868s himself for range damage to keep himself
6870s safe but looks like BBV he's losing his
6871s ultimate armor Pierce in the back line
6872s you can see that the gang team's trying
6874s to get out fpx is also trying to just
6875s get out of the Zone immediately you see
6876s the shadow corruption damage especially
6877s after that one pass when it's out of
6879s corruption puts into place whether or
6881s not we see an overcomer into a cabin
6882s into a blood Ripper I'm hoping to see
6884s some Dash coming here because it looks
6885s like fbx has only two armor powders and
6887s two vitalities left in his pocket he
6890s needs to find stuff off of these bodies
6892s or in fact in from his teammates because
6894s otherwise he's not gonna be able to
6895s survive for long and with this Morris
6896s lesson giving out the ysj for that gold
6898s armor all that health for the vodra of
6899s ultimate is a point switching over to a
6902s staff we're using the crafting Hammer
6903s ysj is Gonna Get The High Ground
6904s finishing off what was once starting off
6906s as a marine fight into their domain yeah
6910s I'm gonna be quite happy with that one
6911s is now cfbx getting jumped on to Xiao
6914s who just doesn't get to play the game
6915s he's just absolutely annihilated and
6918s that's it for X actually now down two
6920s players only one remains and the
6923s opportunity to pick him up it's very
6924s very low complete cluster here right on
6927s the bottom of the Ravine right on the
6929s edge of the Zone help us blinking across
6931s the board here did you see vvv get
6933s himself up onto that High Ground
6935s we're gonna take down whoever he can
6937s does find himself caught out by the list
6939s but he's able to break away from the
6940s moment as wolves being shot down on that
6943s gorillo ground from the cannon fire it's
6945s vvv he doesn't want to reveal himself
6947s doesn't really want anything to do with
6948s that and Jason quite happily holding
6950s this High Ground three minutes left on
6952s this Lobby 17 players seven teams left
6956s in the lobby as well
6958s it's about to get real tight and
6960s it's one of those games where Jay team
6962s they want to be on this High ground but
6964s playing monk in this position is going
6966s to be rough because there's so much
6967s verticality there's so many places
6968s people to avoid the Monk and this is why
6970s monk isn't particularly favored or
6972s hollerock there's so many final circles
6974s like this where the monks just really
6975s can't Excel and having high ground is
6977s going to be good for them but people are
6979s just gonna be able to jump into spots
6980s like this where BBV is in a void Ever
6982s Getting grabbed by the Monk
6985s yeah monk play here from j-team is going
6987s to be a it's going to be a little bit a
6989s safety net if they need to because
6991s looking at how it is right all the rain
6993s damage can come towards the monkey
6994s nothing protect them not even the F no
6996s no 10 on the team the only thing they
6997s have to kill him
6998s only two it looks like J team ysjs let
7001s me get that merciles have a kill off of
7002s bang over here from Team JL KLA is going
7005s to be in the middle of the section
7006s between the tree and the rock and a hard
7007s place right everything in between that
7008s makes it tough Rosemary though I believe
7011s is gonna go down here looks like te Leo
7013s is going to be the one getting the kill
7014s here we could see that prize ball coming
7015s out from the West Side you see here
7016s looks like he's gonna have to actually a
7018s to V3 with full charges enabled and
7020s getting the Canon shots for free and
7022s trying to take that controls the flame
7023s breath if it's in hand we're gonna have
7024s to see how this goes for soundsy Santi
7026s has to switch over to this point getting
7028s control regrouping and there it is
7029s coming out here wishing is gonna go
7031s ahead and have that activated with the
7032s RG and there it is the Wolves gonna be
7034s pushed back and using their ultimate in
7035s reciprocating and cool 14. it's stuck in
7038s the zone
7040s is taking yeah way too much damage what
7042s happened the heels up there's a buster
7044s boy but look at that
7057s out of the bring and putting him in the
7060s zone that's still ultimate in his pocket
7062s for the worst case scenario to reset his
7065s HP we could see this point it looks like
7067s 10 kills for day team while te has 12
7070s kills on end so these guys are going to
7071s be cutting it out K goes down over to
7073s the Wolves end of the zone and it looks
7075s like there's gonna be another versus
7076s Havoc back to pack you can see the Zone
7078s control and wise day is instilling but
7080s the timel's ultimate is gonna cause ysay
7082s to force to get out of there DK are
7085s gonna get their teammate into a full
7087s positioning setup right here that was a
7090s really bad position there for ysj to go
7091s for the transform will transform because
7093s he just gets chunked out by the zone is
7095s able to grab himself one is gonna get
7098s the slam down no it's gonna get canceled
7099s we do see fbx getting knocked out for Te
7101s looking to try and hold on for the
7103s moment ysj he's about to lose that
7105s transmission he's about to lose his life
7107s as G team their opportunities have just
7117s a chance I'm not even sure if KLU is
7120s gonna be okay yeah he's gonna be able to
7121s ride this whole text for one thing but
7122s Leo might be not be able to see this
7124s point through
7125s he's gonna get the ball back oh
7128s come on one versus free can he do it
7131s still got a couple more charges on his
7133s ultimate two more to go health bars are
7135s a little bit too healthy for him though
7137s he's gonna jump at the Leo still has
7138s that rip through he's gonna try and get
7140s back into the Zone but he's being ping
7141s he has no charges left on the r i don't
7143s think he's gonna lift this one down he
7145s goes
7152s insanity
7155s wondering what's going to go through on
7156s this end because I'm not even sure what
7157s the score is going to be met up into
7158s this black point with extra kills
7160s but
7162s looking at the winners they're like I'm
7163s just gonna check I'm just gonna clean my
7164s hands you know that's a little bit dirty
7165s we're gonna go ahead and clean up right
7167s there with the uh the points Point
7168s through te comes out on top looks like I
7170s think I might be able to go ahead and
7171s get these points on the play
7173s I'm curious
7177s this is Jacob
7186s but
7187s going overhead
7190s we can see how the A team's ysj was
7193s using using the old like hip had
7195s mentioned bad positioning once that
7197s opportunity came for all enemies to come
7199s into point
7201s the range damage just came in to delete
7202s the 10 high ultimate advisory couldn't
7204s sustain anything past that point we saw
7205s the iframes with the cannon shots being
7207s done and cicada wasn't able to do
7208s anything less but just melts the vodka
7211s from that point on I'm not too sure
7213s what's going to go down for that point
7214s for a moment but looking at these teams
7219s for these points it's going to be a big
7222s change for what's coming down
7225s well uh that's a huge win there for Te I
7229s I needed blend as well obviously
7231s coming in after a huge game for KLA play
7234s catch up on the second game it's gonna
7235s do them some real wonders but J team as
7237s well I mean you praised them at the
7239s beginning of the day so it was really
7241s really nice to you know see I I've been
7244s very critical to J team and the thing is
7246s when it comes to like when it comes to
7247s those guys it really comes down to
7250s I'll see it when I believe it because
7253s this was a good game but I need more
7254s than one good game from Jay team because
7256s I've seen some amazing one-off games
7258s from JDM across the across like the
7260s entire time mbpl has been a thing but
7263s I've never seen like a good season or a
7264s good week by them so I want to see some
7267s more from JD before I'm gonna say yeah
7269s they're back baby because that was a
7271s great game but
7273s they're a team but just are criminal off
7275s not being not being consistent almost
7278s but I will say one thing that is
7280s consistent in this particular grouping
7282s with uh groups uh A and B is the fact
7285s that we actually have everyone scoring
7287s every game there hasn't been a single
7289s team who's on a donut yet because
7291s everyone's getting kills or placement
7293s points at least one point has been
7295s getting picked up by everybody so it's
7297s interesting to see but we've had a we've
7299s had very very uh back and forth games
7302s but
7303s really really high scoring across the
7305s board like at least people are getting
7306s points and I that's what I like to see I
7308s see very a lot of aggression and it was
7310s an interesting game because
7312s weirdly
7313s there was a lot of kills but like a lot
7316s of people still left in that game I
7317s expected that again to be really way
7319s faster than it was and it ended up not
7321s being that at all
7323s yeah I mean we saw how the whole Ravine
7325s fight kind of came down to the final
7327s minutes there uh obviously that locked
7329s down into that little small hole in the
7330s wall that fpx had stuck themselves into
7332s was not a great chance for even them to
7334s be coming out I mean we saw how much
7336s opportunity was mad gold armor you know
7338s the weapons the blood rippers the cab
7340s Bloom those necessary weapons and J's
7342s come out but it didn't matter at the end
7344s all other teams realized at the the
7347s point of being is to knock them out
7349s especially once they see the armor check
7350s and wanting to get them out of the game
7351s and low supplies is something that not
7354s any team can realize unless they're the
7355s ones stealing out the damage but or
7357s keeping board we can see te coming out
7359s here on top of this second round it's
7361s gonna have themselves 25 points with 15
7362s kills well day teams in second for this
7364s round with 10 kills it's a 14.5 total
7367s points with ranking kill points
7368s initiated while KLA in third with seven
7370s kills at this point with 12.3 points
7372s keeping themselves healthy considering
7375s that we saw them at a low point with the
7376s Romanian depletion coming back into the
7378s final second since this final minutes
7379s into this round was good to see them
7382s hold their position and not have a way
7383s of a game
7387s oh I'm back
7388s I'm back okay disconnected let's have a
7390s look at the
7393s uh the overall standings yeah
7394s everybody's scoreboards ewg getting 0.5
7396s off the back of that one uh
7403s MVP off that one a 15 put a kill game
7406s coming in from T is so so big from them
7410s so
7411s honestly a great day across the board so
7414s far and we're only two games in we've
7416s still got four games left to go
7420s into another back-to-back session as
7423s well so we can see our MVPs right now
7426s yeah look at this man I'm I'm telling
7428s you when the when the F1 is used just
7431s being able to use like just being able
7433s to have a control and all points for
7434s Takeda here and in seven kills as kill
7436s leader for the team
7438s even though Leo was the one just keeping
7441s sustained you can see being the lowest
7442s damage that's all you need keep him
7443s alive bro V2 having that Arc knockback
7445s ability 500 health gain upon losing HP
7448s until of the most damaging ability which
7450s is like a whole Square vertical uh on
7451s top of the 27 mitigation this is why
7453s zaping is such a big pick right because
7455s putting ourselves into that point is
7456s like okay I can keep my teams alive keep
7459s them alive for a long time like that
7460s sick area in the beginning that we can
7462s see here T getting over the end for BBV
7464s and getting the double kill right here
7465s euron going down into the Romanian for
7467s the first Romanian jys ysj getting those
7469s drafts and getting cxe five times it
7471s felt like when the grabs came into play
7472s and then there it is the triple crap
7473s through here for the double grab killing
7476s out ala from the first rubber Yang which
7478s is a huge point for today team to come
7479s out in the beginning and even over here
7481s with those grabs and getting rid of hlj
7483s with a single stroke of uh double pounce
7486s and killing off YouTube on afterwards
7488s using that media are getting that
7490s candidate Force throttle mode getting
7492s the killer followed his lion TT and
7493s getting a kill off the donkey's King as
7495s well considering the third party scene
7496s against aren't here but the most
7497s highlight is that final seconds in the
7499s point was that merciles habit getting
7501s all three enemies into the sky and
7503s keeping the Goldberg
7507s putting themselves against you you
7509s getting F1 right in the face losing that
7511s gold long sword and trying to get the
7512s secondary weapon in the slot was not
7514s enough and not fast enough for how far
7515s to eat went ahead and got themselves
7518s and winning the second game provide
7521s weekly two
7525s no more
7526s here we go MVP let's have a look at who
7528s it is going to be off the back of our
7530s own it's our Terry coming in from that
7532s game absolutely huge stuff coming in
7534s from the side of the XJ second MVP 28k
7538s damage as well Universe slash
7540s desperation tuner Overlord photo slides
7542s and jabbing coming in did funnily enough
7546s no surprises on the damage on the
7547s ballista there
7551s I I called it catches Chris right
7553s beginning of my man I hope I see
7554s ballista for 1200 damage he probably did
7556s that like seven to eight times just
7558s making sure I'm going ahead and keeping
7559s everyone controlled on both the ballista
7561s you know on the final Circle
7563s I'm I'm flabbergasted but you know more
7566s importantly playing attempting keeping
7568s himself controlled and keeping himself
7569s safe is most important especially when
7571s it comes down to it I'm more concerned
7573s to seeing when we go back into Morris
7575s isle at night time whether or not he's
7577s gonna be able to go ahead and control
7578s that through but I'm gonna go ahead and
7581s keep this known we have to see how the
7584s hero points anymore when we saw the
7586s Transformers in the first round of
7587s Morris aisle we're not going to see the
7588s Transformers into the second round just
7590s because you know just because of the
7592s control but I'm gonna have to see about
7595s what's gonna happen through here uh more
7597s importantly whether or not we're gonna
7598s see you know Transformers back up again
7600s right if they want to try to run a new
7602s new comp and surprisingly like how fcg
7604s brought that Zion won that one game and
7606s putting it through I'm scared to see if
7607s they're going to want to go ahead and
7608s keep the controls for that point but
7610s more importantly guys just keep in mind
7612s this is still now going into the third
7615s round we're gonna have to see how these
7616s guys are wanting to set themselves you
7618s know for those zero points to be enabled
7620s more importantly though
7622s I'm curious to see of uh you know
7624s whether or not we're gonna see v3si you
7626s know I'm that that's just you know my
7628s pick my my judgment I'm hoping to see if
7629s that comes into play
7631s but I don't know maybe here Frank can I
7633s probably give me some uh insight and
7635s seeing it that well hopefully my
7636s internet's better but we are going to
7638s take a quick break I'm going to restart
7639s my route break and we'll be back in a
7642s moment so see in a second
7647s foreign
7649s [Music]
7689s [Music]
7705s thank you
7708s [Music]
7714s [Music]
7719s foreign
7725s [Music]
7738s [Music]
7761s foreign
7765s [Music]
7793s foreign
7795s [Music]
7819s [Music]
7835s laughs
7838s did you miss me
7841s are you ready
7843s let's go
7847s [Music]
7850s patience darling
7868s foreign
7878s [Music]
7891s [Music]
7897s [Music]
7916s thank you
7921s [Music]
7929s [Music]
7940s [Music]
7951s foreign
7954s [Music]
7965s [Music]
7975s [Music]
7989s [Music]
7999s thank you
8006s [Music]
8019s hello everybody and welcome back to the
8021s MVP I hopefully internet issues are
8023s sorted and we'll be getting ready to go
8024s into game number three we're going back
8027s to more as I also this one we've got two
8029s more
8034s foreign
8036s we got two games going down uh forming
8039s this point we saw CE dominated the last
8041s round and coming into the last second
8042s especially after that fateful F1 Mythic
8044s takedown coming through I'm
8046s understanding that if F1 cicada came
8048s through in the end there we're gonna
8049s have to see how Kayla wraps it up I mean
8050s we saw a first round Kaylee Rosemary
8052s coming out as MVP from that round for
8054s first round using that you know Yoda he
8056s may get himself to use his ultimate
8057s slashes and putting himself in the
8058s position where he's able to dominate all
8060s those Transformers in the vicinity in
8061s that shadow realm and first round was
8063s such a you know it was a doppelganger
8064s Road match right we saw only two teams
8066s down but in like the last seven minutes
8068s and at that point everybody was
8070s utilizing their ultimates he had to get
8072s right backed up and just solidly split
8073s time with the builds that they have in
8075s place for talent glyphs of course if it
8077s comes down to it right we gotta
8078s understand one thing when it comes to
8079s the raid damage and pick up the soul
8081s Bloom if you guys are may or may not
8082s know right the Mortal War tree or
8084s Immortal war in general right it's
8085s double the region for both Health that
8086s you come back with as well as the
8088s ultimate rage that comes over the ticks
8089s of time ten percent always gonna be the
8091s initial but then over the course of time
8092s instead of 10 instead of like five
8093s percent it goes up to 30 for each one
8095s yeah yeah if you're really fast enough
8098s to pick up the solo from an enemy
8099s whether it's for your own even if you're
8100s full health even if you're full rage you
8102s take it from them they have no way of
8104s going back to the fight and putting
8105s themselves in an aggressive position
8106s that they once had in one place in one
8108s position in which case you have now the
8110s domineering forest and that is one thing
8112s that comes out of the play once you use
8113s those arranged weapons like the Cannons
8115s as you can see look at that fist pump
8116s right there you can see all the chances
8117s are gonna be met up for these guys who
8118s want to go ahead and put themselves at a
8121s at a point of beating out all the odds
8124s this is like the cameraman's favorite
8125s game they're just like they love fist
8128s bump in the uh just bump in the players
8130s there's a tdt right now obviously Once
8133s Upon a Time this was the fbx lobby this
8135s is the f
8137s changed they moved to D last at the
8139s beginning of the Season uh at the
8140s beginning of the year
8142s yeah there we go that was hard I was way
8144s more round about what it was uh fpx to
8147s rejoined the lead and there were talks
8149s about a bit talked about you know
8152s is it gonna be the fbx gonna be as good
8155s now that they've lost that original cup
8160s I also looks like FXR looking really
8162s good te are also looking really good I
8164s mean no surprises to be fair T did win
8170s struggling for the last two uh mbpls
8174s actually found themselves that um that
8176s win in this
8178s third season finally got himself a win
8180s under their belt they're gonna be very
8181s happy off the back of that one uh but
8183s fbx now looking to try and take
8187s the running like I really got my eyes on
8189s KLA I I say every
8191s I feel like we were robbed of the KLA
8195s um
8198s I'm not behind the scenes xcg are a team
8200s who actually won our second
8204s um yeah they once
8209s really seen them be on form since then
8211s so I want to see these guys shot
8215s okay uh a team but are flexible they
8217s they won uh with that zyke
8222s I want to see what this team are made of
8224s they we know they're good but they
8226s haven't been at
8228s standard for a while yeah I mean the
8230s thing is is right like I'm I'm willing
8232s to see if xcg has it to you to be known
8233s I mean playing zai there's a bit of like
8235s it play in his eyes like playing with
8237s fireworks right it's in if numerous
8239s amounts of times that it goes and
8240s explodes it just goes ahead and shows
8242s that she has the burning potential to go
8244s ahead and just delete anybody and that
8245s negative healing that comes out is a
8247s point to see and whether or not they're
8249s gonna go through and like you said all
8250s right te is going to be putting
8251s themselves into the Mark I mean bringing
8252s out the second round getting themselves
8253s now into the upper echelon to the point
8254s Bridge regiment we're gonna have to see
8256s how these guys go into play especially
8257s considering not they're going right back
8258s into more style we're gonna go right
8260s back into seeing about the highly
8261s aggressive highly aggressive plays that
8262s comes out for the ultimate rage gain
8264s seeing how these team comps my shape up
8265s for it you know and with it they can see
8267s the pick rate's gonna come out here in
8269s just a couple of seconds and knowing
8270s remember as you guys may or may and I
8272s know no one can see the heroes inside
8274s the teammates and there it is
8275s transformer for bowdo but it looks like
8280s the faded yodos after that first pick
8283s and put in that place
8285s it's interesting seeing the teams
8288s really put so much emphasis on the on
8289s these yotos I will also note at this
8292s point J team are not gonna be able to
8294s play Eurasian and
8296s because they played the same comp
8299s three games in a row except last time
8301s they played decada instead of uh instead
8303s of the uh oh God
8306s a roomy there we go had a complete brain
8308s fart uh so
8313s yeah the room is gonna be putting a
8315s position and putting herself in the
8316s position of just stealing out those you
8317s know those guys but if you put a kurumi
8319s in the compass my Transformer not only
8321s are you gonna be wanting to shake it up
8322s uh you're gonna be wanting to put
8323s yourself in a you know at the eyes of
8325s everybody around you but I'm not too
8327s sure if anyone's going to be willing to
8328s do that Transformers are just way too
8329s strong especially with the way that it
8330s goes in the place and having that
8331s control but if you throw yourselves into
8333s a counter-pick position and knowing how
8335s that first round went I'm surprised not
8337s more people went ahead into the yodo's
8339s maybe they didn't want to set themselves
8340s up for it maybe they just want to make
8341s sure and consuming all those fear points
8342s for those notes to be known for it to
8344s come out through but look at these
8346s spawns Shadow Jade is not going to be
8347s touched out here but we're going to see
8348s some some Sigma mine spawns out here
8350s from xcg over at this point and then
8352s we're not going to be seeing whether or
8353s not uh xcg might be going straight into
8355s it as the gold zone is noted but more
8358s importantly rauda
8360s is going to be heading it out again it's
8363s fpx over in Eventide Tempo these guys
8365s are spawning in hot right on that point
8367s and this is going to be a big fight
8369s whether it gets gonna transition over to
8370s Pagoda or if the ephemerose and for that
8373s that's the Firefly cave Jay team and
8374s wolves though nearby vicinity for the
8376s northwest region of event side to go
8378s straight into the sun Wings rest getting
8381s themselves the whole loot into that
8382s Central Soul altered Zone if they can go
8384s ahead and muster it out we could see
8386s some action by the forbid for the
8387s graveyard but round three Begins for
8389s these guys and I'm assuming that we're
8390s gonna have to see everything going
8391s through in the meantime though I will
8393s make sure and go and take a look over
8394s here and see oug the king and then we'll
8396s go ahead and have a purple long sword
8397s from the rep and putting himself in a
8398s position over into celestra going to the
8399s chase opportunity but there it is into
8401s the points north of shipwreck you're
8403s gonna see a chance for Wu Shane to go
8404s ahead and go into the control of the
8405s purple armor going for the dagger place
8406s we could see his chance for fame to get
8408s a Parry off and then with it the Bell
8409s didn't stop every single push of damage
8411s wishing it to go for turn forward for
8412s Perry does not connect it and there's
8414s the horizontal come out thing goes down
8415s for JL but jlcu is gonna be caught out
8417s here and looks like the controls knowing
8418s that the range damage is coming out
8419s takes up the second elimination and
8421s wishing 98 has to be confusing windows
8423s on here it's gonna go ahead and get
8424s those two skills and over the website
8426s Temple remember how I said and fpx are
8428s going up together it looks like it's
8429s gonna be a 1v2 right here and it doesn't
8431s even matter because that vertical swing
8432s come out and bowdo goes down okay I'm
8434s out here on top of these kills so for
8436s the most part we're gonna have to see
8437s how this goes to play dung Ching gonna
8439s have those blue however because I'm
8440s gonna play forbidden seals to come out
8441s here for the northwest region of the
8442s council before we are going to see
8443s Iranian with the oug the king himself
8445s purple spear to go into place actually
8447s no this is uh gonna be put in position
8449s for that vertical to come out here for
8450s the after he's too late for that he made
8452s there's no way to save the king unless
8453s he has ultimate because they're not
8454s gonna matter if we're being seal is
8456s active they can't can't do anything
8456s about it Spirit Shield why couldn't go
8458s into place and look at that common
8459s Armor's Gonna Save you around just for a
8460s couple of extra seconds trying to
8461s actually outside of the pivot until
8462s Zumba will he get out of there no song
8464s You goes down for ewg still chasing out
8466s your run euron can't do anything but the
8467s next one's might it's coming out
8468s completely putting all the positions the
8470s King has ultimate ready still on the
8472s side but he doesn't need to waste it
8473s your bronzer to go down ewd comes out
8475s for their first lives they go ahead at
8476s the KLA arrives at the party the king
8478s now has time to actually open
8480s sir he does not go inside the Forbidden
8482s skill Zone it's gonna be a Greek and a
8483s half
8485s I'm gonna go ahead and see the
8486s opportunity for these skills coming out
8487s against ousc new and with it seeing you
8489s doesn't even have ultimate yet so 5 SS
8491s is going to come out here
8493s it's gonna kill us you make it make sure
8494s to keep the control kind of put
8495s themselves Rosemary though we're gonna
8497s heal out in the back final CZ XZ is
8499s gonna go ahead and have that creamy
8500s circle on standby in case he's going to
8502s push but U is going to be using the
8503s crossbow the king is still in Ultimate
8504s Form 30 seconds goes by like a blink of
8506s an eye the king leaps over the wall over
8507s to the celestial region this is actually
8509s Celestial not over Northwest of Castle
8510s Courtyard my steak Rosemary gonna have
8512s them to throw a purple nunizo put it in
8513s position am I having the opportunity of
8515s going for a meter dumb as much as a
8517s mining meter can come out here one two
8518s three coming out here SS has enough time
8520s to accuracy you want to get the heals
8521s all this cluster is coming to the
8522s fighting you can't even actually
8523s ultimate to go into the point looks as
8525s he he was moving all the HP and that's
8527s it CXC gets a kill officing you so you
8529s can't do anything and it looks like it
8531s looks like the way from right back into
8532s the into this building and that's the
8534s end of outhan for the first life it
8537s looks like this is gonna be an ultimate
8538s for the ages ewg coming in with an
8540s ultimate the V1 stun KLA Rosemary Goes
8543s to the iframe eye Transformer ultimate
8544s to stop any sort of stun to come out
8546s here but it looks like there's not gonna
8546s be a chance precise hiding it out here
8548s in the box right isn't formed West
8549s Lester it's gonna be a big fight he is
8551s waiting in the sidelines for a third
8552s party chance Rosemary that was gonna go
8554s ahead and put themselves away for a bit
8556s of reset of the amount of time it was a
8558s purple 90s this is gonna be a good
8559s damage Spike but Iran is looking for the
8561s chase as well for ewg this is to be a
8562s big Point only one elimination for ewt
8564s so far so ewt is gonna have to put
8566s themselves in the position of going into
8567s service grounds whether or not they want
8568s to decide to because that te team is in
8570s the back line waiting for them to come
8571s out for this point servants ground is
8573s going to be a big shot for these guys
8574s whether or not used they can find a
8575s better armor before the engagement in
8576s Stills looks like this is gonna be the
8577s chase chase Factor coming to place looks
8579s like ewg's Toronto rushing right into it
8581s while you lose value is going to go
8583s ahead and be the first one in there find
8585s a fire because on you though have
8587s himself in this Ultimate Place in case
8588s things are Sourpuss Iran I can mean the
8591s Yoda ultimate one slash down misses two
8593s slashes down hits cxd CXC is gonna be
8595s caught out right here with the Last
8596s Splash and that's going to be yeah he
8597s goes down but te is following suit with
8599s the B2 ultimate remember like I said B2
8601s ultimate two seconds done but all
8602s silenced throughout the whole duration
8604s with litigation distance out of it cxdo
8606s goes down for the point you might be
8607s having a chance for Te to Showcase their
8609s skills by Gondor
8611s the Lord of the Rings reference guys
8612s I'll stop Rosemary though gonna see CXC
8614s down and they have enough gold to pick
8615s him back up for the reaper time but it's
8616s gonna be a costly deficit for them
8618s considering they can't pick up Jades
8619s they can't pick up purple weapons they
8621s already have purple weapons mind you but
8622s they can't you know figure out whether
8624s or not their their Arsenal is gonna be
8626s built up enough three minutes until
8627s Romeo spawns into place we're gonna have
8628s to see how Rosemary wants to play this
8629s out as well as kala as a whole now for
8633s you guys at home just make sure you guys
8634s are you know aware this is the third
8636s round to go into place for the trios
8638s this is bi-weekly two for you guys and
8639s making sure you guys know exactly where
8641s we are and where we stand last week we
8643s had ourselves a bi-weekly one finals and
8645s going into place as well as making sure
8646s you guys know how the bi-weekly ones
8648s went into this in the spot for oug being
8650s the first one to lead out with nine
8651s ranking points acquitted to them for
8652s that point but we haven't seen much of
8655s oug this time around I mean I'm hoping
8656s expecting to see them putting themselves
8658s into their rounds to get themselves
8659s known uh but for the most part we're
8661s gonna have to see how that one goes and
8662s also if you guys don't know we're gonna
8663s have to go ahead and uh see whether or
8666s not we can see uh a 99 Point kill game
8668s I'm hoping I'm telling you I xcg they're
8671s going to be going ahead and playing the
8672s Transformer comp you know if you can't
8674s beat them join them but as soon as that
8675s Xian is going to go ahead and having to
8677s perform with the purple pistol on hand
8678s standby in case things get better in
8680s position it looks like they're gonna go
8681s right near the baron pits over in the
8683s Southeast region of Shadow Jade mine you
8684s could see each other I'm gonna go ahead
8686s and try to close Gap two minutes until
8687s Rome Yang and it looks like this gold
8689s armor that FBI or the equip equipment
8691s level that fpx has is under the Jade
8693s itself remembering Immortal War you
8694s cannot pick up purple uh legendary
8696s weapons and armor off the ground they
8698s can only be obtained through Morris
8699s blessings uh either through the uh
8701s through the Roman Yang in the beginning
8703s te though over by the Isla Creator are
8705s gonna get a deletion off of kla's
8707s Rosemary that was unexpected across the
8709s board with the F1
8712s innovator
8714s looks like I'm back hello yeah apologies
8718s apologies unfortunately sometimes
8720s technical issues do occur but I'm hoping
8723s everything is fixed so I'm not gonna
8725s jinx it uh how are we doing give me a
8727s quick stock of what was going on while I
8728s was frantically running around changing
8730s cables and stuff well we did see just
8732s jkla go down for a bit of a second the
8734s bowder team uh you know they went up
8736s against fbx over into the region of
8738s Eventide and it doesn't seem that
8739s they're going to be standing there for
8740s much longer after about it after we've
8742s killed them out completely so
8744s interesting okay for the first for their
8746s first lives let me pray that they don't
8747s have any other rebirth cards uh we're
8748s getting Rome Yang I'm really curious to
8750s see how this goes through because a lot
8752s of teams are tied for three kills you
8753s can see it right there four teams in
8754s fact are all tied for the points so with
8757s the be known forbidden seals have been
8759s griefing uh over by this Leicester
8761s region big time with CE coming in for
8763s the third party it's interesting seeing
8765s bowder actually have a an okay showing
8767s as well because battery team who I've
8770s I've been very I've been very heated on
8772s I will I will straight up slam balder I
8775s think they've just been straight up bad
8776s for a while Moxie was a big fan about
8778s her she was a real advocate for them and
8781s she had good reason too but that that
8783s was like where she stood on them I I
8785s didn't agree entirely so I would like to
8788s see myself being proved wrong I'm quite
8790s happy to put my uh you know my money
8792s where my mouth is not my money where my
8794s mouth is I'm grabbing to eat my own
8795s words
8796s and uh I look like a fool to be wrong
8799s but I'm also quite happily pull these
8800s teams out so we'll have to see if maybe
8803s this is busier maybe this is the season
8805s because bowdo were okay and see in the
8807s first ever mbpl season one
8809s ever since then just been trash bro
8811s they've just been so trash like they've
8814s been real real disappointing to watch uh
8816s and it's interesting because
8817s normally I have like a couple of teams
8820s or I'll pick on and are well on for
8822s being bad but honestly today's A and B
8825s Lobby is very stacked there aren't many
8828s teams I'm
8829s I'm down on it I feel like dlg they're
8832s the New Kids on the Block but also
8834s they're performing very very well so I
8836s can't really slam on them klg yeah maybe
8839s they've been a little bit more
8840s disappointing as a team but at the same
8842s time they are still new they're a new
8844s roster they're new players you know I I
8847s can't really wear on them they're on the
8849s second what the third week now on the
8851s second bi-weekly so of course they're
8853s not going to be performing quite as well
8856s um
8856s but yeah I I feel like klg hlg sorry if
8860s they get they get a pass for now
8862s I will go for them later if they
8864s continue to be a little underwhelming
8866s but then you you let it explode all of
8868s the other teams genuinely performing
8870s really really well across the board so
8872s it's it's cool to see is uh drg one of
8875s the teams I just talked about are going
8876s to be going Toe to Toe with Jay team
8878s while on the other side effects the sexy
8880s G are going to be here to toe so a whole
8881s bunch of teams will be uh scrapping it
8884s out here in this uh in this realm of
8886s Yang as transformation comes out from
8888s wujin 98 he's going to be looking for
8890s that grab ysj does go in for the
8892s transformation himself and instantly ysj
8895s gets himself the grab honor 2-1 gets the
8898s slam down and wujin's just losing so
8900s much help with DK in the background but
8901s he's immediately gonna get taken out
8903s before he can even go for the D
8905s transform another man that falls as well
8907s as Jay team just making quick work here
8911s of drg looking for the re-grab for the
8914s double slam down only gonna get the one
8916s is actually he's able to wiggle his way
8917s out from this grab and the transform
8919s does finally Time Out J team gonna get
8922s the Eurasian information out as well but
8923s we do see the same thing coming out from
8925s drg who are looking just to put as much
8927s damage down as possible onto these
8929s members slam coming in Slam coming in
8931s again
8932s drg they're doing a good job of holding
8935s on considering they lost their monks so
8936s early in the fight but their health bars
8939s are just too low to keep this going too
8941s low to keep this pressure off and fancy
8942s looking for that last slam down but he's
8945s losing the transformation here and with
8947s this health bar and his team stay in the
8949s way it is it's gonna be hard to go for
8951s anything here lovely little slash there
8952s with the pole saw but Sandy he's too low
8955s he's not gonna live and that's gonna be
8957s JT winning this one you know I was very
8959s worried that sansi were at the end area
8961s I thought Sandy was going to throw those
8962s Blues back to back and I'm like if he
8963s loses that pulse for that blistering
8964s Edge just gets knocked out unless he
8966s gets a blue blue weapon on standby for
8968s it to get swapped out if anything but
8969s Jay team for a million Birds might over
8971s into the region that may be showing case
8973s drg is going to be POS possibly spawning
8976s near here we're gonna have to see
8977s because remember this is a fight for the
8978s for the ages and getting that solo all
8979s uh soul bluepness back for that Ying
8981s depletion to get rid of but ug gonna be
8984s going against looks like it's gonna be a
8986s chance for OG and wolves to meet up
8987s again but I think it's only one wolves
8989s members as well it's gonna be the only
8990s one left here and it looks like OG the
8992s king as we saw earlier over in Celestial
8994s region was doing big work especially
8996s when it came down to keeping his team
8997s alive and using the ultimate as a
8998s safeguard passage for his team to get
9001s rest is gonna go ahead and knock it out
9004s of the park for his wheel as well is
9005s having the time of his life zero
9007s grapples get rush for a building nothing
9009s could be better until the blue Focus
9011s comes out in which case
9012s because wheel's gonna go down wolves is
9014s going to meet it out for the end of this
9016s round and with it eliminated for this
9018s third round completely giving oug the
9020s elimination for number four into this
9022s the round but big fight after this end
9024s looks like this is going to be a
9025s Southeast region of event side remember
9026s how uh we can see fpx coming right back
9028s into their home domain the JL bang is an
9031s awesome performer it looks like there's
9032s gonna be a chance to see fbx get that
9034s quick kill off of as if they were fast
9035s enough it looks like this is not gonna
9036s be a double grab situation it's been
9038s fast enough but look at that double he
9039s smashed it looks like Fang's gonna go
9041s ahead and losing all his 18 popping over
9043s the damage that this area this feeling
9045s Circle Sacred Circle feeling for the
9047s kurumi is gonna keep paying just a
9048s couple of seconds alive but having cool
9050s armor there was a nice surprise there
9052s because now that keeps paying a little
9053s bit uh altercated for this fight a yes
9056s activating waste on Ultimate having the
9057s V3 waste Sean to give them this uh the
9059s necessary damage mitigation when needed
9061s AES is gonna go ahead and try to get
9062s this waste on the water out of the park
9064s but there it is cold r b is gonna be
9066s canceled out here as ISC and Bank
9068s loading Health as is for having the hpjs
9070s that's necessary to keep themselves
9071s alive
9092s as a whole goes down four round three
9097s and there we go cutting over now to JT
9099s and they've got himself a Viper oh I'm
9101s looking down that's his te who've got
9103s the viper out on and they just butcher J
9106s team one player left but he's gonna go
9110s down regardless
9111s wait they're not gonna grieve him are
9114s they
9116s Daisy no way they're griefing him
9121s this is so smart they're trying to wait
9122s out his Vermillion birds mate
9126s look they're trying not to take him out
9128s okay goes down to the poison Splash that
9130s was so smart IDE they obviously had a
9133s rough time on when that was gonna time
9135s out and they were like we could just
9137s take out one of these players uh two
9139s players and then leave one and take him
9140s out once the birthmarks worn off really
9143s really intelligent play coming in
9145s unfortunately there was uh there were
9147s mushrooms are out there the poison
9148s splash does go off and uh save the day
9151s for Jaden but that could have been real
9153s scary real quick yeah it's using the
9156s Transformer there that would have been a
9157s detriment the remainder of the like of
9159s before the second round the Yang and
9161s putting themselves that one poison
9162s stream literally they're one poisonous
9164s room was enough to keep them in position
9166s good enough klau though he's gonna go
9168s Full Throttle though I'm gonna have
9170s himself having the ABS to be one way
9172s shine so mostly just trying to lock down
9175s someone for the kill but Goku is saying
9177s otherwise Z3 having that mitigation
9179s still locking down opponents is mainly a
9181s difference between one to the other U
9183s goes down for against hlg's Han
9185s this is going to be a point to know that
9187s they only have that was their first that
9189s was their second kill actually they need
9190s to get the elimination completely
9191s because they only have one elimination
9193s so far chasing our Gigi Bond into the
9195s north northern side over east of
9198s Eventide Temple Jolly Leo having uh
9200s having the time with ewgs though they're
9202s going to see the cxz having uh you know
9204s only Rosemary alive used down
9207s Rosemary is moving you know moving it's
9210s it's kind of crazy though there's
9212s Rosemary uh was essential we're gonna
9215s we're gonna instill it The Godfather for
9216s putting Yodo into the mark for every for
9219s three teams to pull out Yoda yeah but
9221s now is gonna switch it up and seeing let
9222s me see how my team high is gonna be
9223s rolling out because remember it is a
9225s powerful tool especially in these in the
9227s meta currently they put these guys know
9228s but
9230s oh double Perry from rosemary as a final
9233s hurray that was that was that was gonna
9235s be in a very impressive play but oog is
9237s gonna get the kill off his end Rosemary
9239s down zxc has the you know shop at their
9241s disposal over in the Moonlight Courtyard
9243s but uh they're gonna have to see about
9245s this Romanian because this is going to
9247s be a team fight between probably Jason
9248s with Nine Kills tied with fpx so we're
9250s probably gonna see something going down
9251s here but hlg spook who's not gonna see a
9253s chance they're fighting another Zone
9254s having the ultimate for the yorozime now
9257s that the Oyo Himes open is down it is
9259s Full Throttle for hlgs again High to
9261s come out here Han wanting to smoke he's
9264s gonna fight it out in the zone and using
9266s those brows but yeah wrong gets grabbed
9268s okay can you get a double grab can we
9269s get the insta kill doesn't even matter
9271s wuchan pour out Han has no HP to his
9273s name has to deform immediately can't
9275s even do it because of the jump mechanic
9276s that is unfortunate if Han goes down
9278s here for a quick second nope teammates
9279s here to stay today oh Han just about in
9282s the Nick and Sonic gets the ball off
9284s gets the teveron just about survives hlg
9288s one kill in able to hold for the moment
9291s but ewg are looking to just harass in
9293s through the window cannon fire doesn't
9295s quite make the mark there from Han as he
9297s hits the windowsill and now the Cannons
9298s are actually coming in from all sides
9300s hands actually getting
9301s kind of splashed on to his gallery
9304s it's just gonna rejoin into the Zone was
9306s doing a little bit of aerial scouting to
9309s see if he could see who was about and if
9310s anybody was going to be coming in
9311s potential for a third party but ewg
9314s honestly not overly set up right now
9316s blue weapons blue armor blueberries as
9320s uh I believe it was creatives who calls
9321s that when you've got the blueberries it
9323s means you're very easy to uh to pick off
9325s I think Rosemary's Karen is still being
9328s capped but they're making sure they're
9331s not going to pick him up that or a
9332s rebirth charm was bought Rosemary was
9334s revived and then taken out again which
9336s is really tragic if that's the case
9337s we're having a quick replay of uh an
9340s earlier fight here between uh J teams
9342s and drg lovely little double slam coming
9345s in into the re-grab as well Wireless J
9348s has been very clean on the monk today
9350s and I mean Jay team with a team that
9351s established the traditional monk club
9354s that was their comp that was their baby
9355s and they're showing us why that comp was
9357s made by them yeah the the Pioneer isn't
9360s setting up that camp right but you know
9362s one thing to the next right they've been
9364s having the consistency that's what we
9366s want to see right putting themselves to
9368s put themselves at a higher like they're
9369s at the threshold of being able to be
9371s recognized as a world-class team in
9373s which case you know which they've won
9374s and been notarized for but consistency
9377s between all the mbpl type of tournaments
9379s that we can come into place whether or
9381s not is j-club summer splits a spring
9382s split everything that comes into play
9383s they need to keep themselves you know
9385s healthy for those type of moments I mean
9387s putting themselves out there right still
9389s set over overseas quality and they have
9392s a skill set but we need to see the
9393s quality that comes out but ciao gonna
9396s put themselves almost missing the period
9397s looks like he's not gonna have a time to
9399s have his ultimate because he doesn't
9400s have ultimate he has 40 chance to go 40
9402s left rage and look at Perry coming out
9403s oh Alex H though is down though and I
9406s has no ultimate in to save their lives
9408s lsh getting oh my goodness a Perry
9409s coming out Xiao is not going to live
9411s here for any longer and with it about
9413s gonna clean up shop against xcg for this
9415s third round meow gonna go ahead and just
9417s wait it out
9419s beautiful stuff coming in lovely little
9422s Council there as well we did see KLA go
9424s out
9425s um
9426s not ideal considering that te have
9428s either a chair for two games in a row
9430s and uh
9431s both JT and fbx also having an amazing
9433s game here Nine Kills a piece
9436s the question is though rkla gonna be
9438s able to bounce back we're halfway
9440s through the day after this game
9441s and that one loss is okay you can have a
9444s bad game that especially when you had
9446s the start they had but they need to then
9448s keep that form across the rest of the
9450s day and game two wasn't amazing for KLA
9453s it wasn't awful but it wasn't amazing
9455s for them so we need to see you know them
9457s really show off as uh another little
9459s replay this is fbx versus xcg inside the
9462s realm of gang FTX also on a nine kill
9465s tear so having a really really stellar
9468s game
9469s finding that lovely grab on the Knight
9470s HQ actually the double grab into the
9473s double slime as well really really big
9475s stuff and then tidy up coming in this is
9477s the very typical wave that you do play
9479s this traditional monk comp soon as your
9481s monkey transforms you get the uh into
9483s transform into the Terracotta Warrior
9484s and
9485s it's just a real pain really hard to
9487s deal with especially when you get a
9488s double slam before going out
9490s taking them all down as we do see uh fbx
9493s now on your screen Nine Kills under
9495s their belt golden Jewel swords in the
9497s pocket as Yahoo as well got the uh got
9500s the blue Cannon but Canon almost a must
9503s for the monk just to be able to build up
9504s the um
9505s build up that rage so you can get that
9507s transformation as much as often as
9510s possible
9512s yeah you know fpx7 that Cannon going out
9514s into the aerial you know skywalking and
9515s trying to see about Tes and demise is
9517s going to see them when you're pushing
9518s out there I mean gol Katana in hand is
9520s going to be a big a big burst if they
9522s can capture someone through I'm pretty
9523s sure water's been running V3 as a way
9525s shine there's only been one case
9526s instance would that be one way shot that
9527s we saw earlier but fbx is you know
9530s pushed into this round Nine Kills they
9532s they're about to reach level digits with
9533s their Caleb against the E they want to
9535s push that in but I'm pretty sure they
9536s want to play it smart they don't know
9537s how uh how far NJ team is in terms of
9539s their push but they also are pretty
9540s stacked as is uh winning at the you know
9543s Friday and out the side of the Roman
9544s Yang and you know have never a million
9546s bursts might and almost getting camped
9547s out for ysja they time themselves
9549s perfectly to come back into this round
9551s into the second uh second ladder of this
9553s half we're gonna see how te wants to get
9554s out of Eventide though because fpx is
9556s waiting for them out it looks like this
9557s Viper is going to be running the V2 vvv
9559s V2 two Second Son Viper will keep them
9562s control volume Bounty though is coming
9564s out from ewg Iran's gonna be rushing up
9566s to the north side up to this point he's
9567s gonna be wanting to set themselves
9568s possibly even for a quick kill but I'm
9570s not even too sure what's gonna happen
9571s here dong used out by himself if they
9573s are going to see a blue armor they're
9574s going to engage immediately if they see
9576s the butt BBV eyes on the peel is uh just
9579s looking to go straight North and it's
9581s not going to see anything except for
9582s wolves over by this position I'm not
9584s even sure if BBV is going to do anything
9586s else except initiate with an ultimate if
9588s vvv wants to put themselves in there he
9590s could Leo has the insurance policy of
9592s porting them out txj is enough to give
9594s themselves you can see the poor being
9595s placed right here because now they're
9596s getting engaged to the fight but fbx is
9597s going to rushing from behind you saw how
9598s they were hiding it out into the
9600s instillment but now ewg is in the
9602s backline fbx the Xiao Kia is gonna go
9604s right back into the point with both the
9605s time it's going to be rushing back into
9606s the teammate look at that burst Arrow
9608s gonna come out here if it looks like fbx
9609s is going to see an opportunity of
9610s getting a kill here blue armor that's
9611s free real estate bro Chow Hill is going
9613s to switch over to the cold and Katana to
9615s go right into the rooftop it might be
9616s just looking at this Ravine or this clip
9618s side to pee keeping them alive just for
9620s using the resources you know expending
9623s the resources putting themselves at a
9625s point where they can't heal any longer
9626s and then they have their permission to
9628s die
9632s ewg just looking to see if they can um
9635s that's on that low ground you can hear
9637s the sounds of a Morris blessing spawning
9639s up
9640s and there's gonna be fbxus you have the
9642s inside oh no sorry that is the kurumi
9645s Teva umbrella I got I actually saw the
9647s little Beamer light and I was like oh
9648s there's the Morris blessing on the edge
9649s of the Zone nope it's the umbrella
9651s getting baited oh wait no it is there
9653s I'm a complete fool there is aura's
9656s blessing there that was real confusing
9658s that was real confusing for me but we
9660s figured it out
9662s uh FPS I said this at the beginning of
9665s the day
9665s they're a team are very consistent at
9667s picking up
9669s um
9669s picking up the things like the Morris
9671s blessings and just getting themselves as
9673s good loots as possible that is like
9674s their major skill set is doing that
9676s wanting to get their hands onto this
9678s Morris blessing I don't think anybody
9680s started to uh open it actually it looks
9682s like maybe they have yeah they already
9684s have okay there's weapons on the floor
9685s so
9686s golden nunchucks golden armor I'm
9689s assuming they're going to want to try
9690s and get that golden armor over to uh
9692s xiaohu at some point
9695s stanchion Sky Pillar too so we could see
9698s that control the with the silence to
9700s come out there
9701s um
9704s absolutely
9706s AWG gonna get the scraps of the uh the
9708s Maura's blessing unfortunately
9711s that's uh it's gonna be them on that one
9713s uh
9716s definitely having a better kind of
9718s latest point of the day they had a
9720s really rough start getting taken out
9722s nice and early game number two they got
9724s a bunch more kills but then got taken
9725s out early game number three they got
9727s five kills they had last time but
9729s they're also in the game way later and
9731s we're at that seven minute Mark I like
9733s to talk about and you can see that this
9735s game is moving at a much faster Pace
9736s than before we are approaching the seven
9738s minute Mark to 21 players left in it so
9742s definitely accelerated beyond that time
9743s of 25 28 Mark where I think it's a
9746s typical normal game there's a j team
9748s again absolutely railed my cannons here
9752s why yes Jay just lost so much health for
9755s that is able to uh step away but
9758s cannons we really are in the buccaneer
9760s phase we really are in the count of meta
9762s but these these weapons are just so
9765s powerful as a ysj is that enough for
9767s Cannon switches out to those Halfords
9768s and just gives water a little massage
9770s with them
9771s it's gonna get some damage five back
9773s gone towards and suddenly his health bar
9775s is starting to evaporate away oh my word
9778s what what happened he just lost all of
9780s his health there's so much cannon fire
9783s coming in on him he's able to heal back
9784s up but that was nasty
9787s you know it's one awesome aspect in that
9789s one patch where they actually allowed
9790s projectiles to Clank with each other in
9792s midair that was impeccable when we see
9795s all these cameras coming out water
9796s almost literally getting dehydrated so
9799s no pun intended we're gonna have to see
9800s how that one ends out because all the
9802s supplies being used there is going to be
9803s a point for where these six minutes is
9805s crucial getting the kills getting the
9807s body getting the loot immediately as you
9808s can but j-team still locked into Nine
9810s Kills fpx as well first second place but
9813s we need to see how te wants to handle
9815s this through I mean te right we see them
9816s one second round can they win this out
9818s with a quick three kill uh with a quick
9820s double-digit game again happen this
9822s Viper is still on stand by txj having
9824s that on on the the instillment as
9826s playing Yodo as well so for it to be
9828s known there's Morris blessing
9830s crucial but very very misaligned
9833s considering that there is poison shrooms
9835s all around the side and if you're not
9837s careful that's 750 HP gone from your
9840s health bar and Flame breath is the
9841s common standard here in the mvpl scene
9844s so you're gonna have to want to make
9845s sure you keep yourselves healthy and
9846s sorted out before it could burn three is
9849s going to give AWG just a couple of
9851s seconds could they get themselves oh wow
9853s they keep them alive can you get the box
9854s can you get the armor
9856s he can't even do it because the F1 we
9858s saw the F1 from earlier from teams no
9862s way important to give them the
9864s opportunity of picking up the gold armor
9866s and dipping out of Dodge oh my goodness
9868s I I don't think they got their teammate
9870s up but I don't think they got the camera
9872s no they didn't
9874s that gave it a heavy cost here for ewg
9876s they lost their Yoto that their primary
9878s carry for the comp
9880s they got golden armor onto their Viper
9882s but that's also you can set up the Yoto
9884s absolutely tragic for ewg over
9887s committing over saying they're welcome
9889s for some kind of Declaration loot
9892s and that has cost them heavily off the
9893s back of that one so now that will be
9895s them on my back foot here is oug just
9897s looking to finish up Don you as well
9899s they made that look so crisp so easy
9901s cutting them through immediately
9904s repeating crossbow shots were coming in
9906s onto oeg but it looks like they are
9908s going to be a okay four minutes left on
9910s the lobby 19 players left in this Lobby
9913s dropping up around here lots of trees
9915s lots of terrain to work with it's gonna
9917s be interesting to see how the monk teams
9919s uh are able to handle this to be honest
9921s it's another Lobby where
9924s I don't think this circle particularly
9926s suits the monks there's a lot of
9928s Versatility a lot of places you can hide
9930s away from those monkey grabs as you can
9931s see here the king trying to find those
9934s grabs but out of line of sight isn't it
9936s whole there's a whole angle he just
9938s can't seem to attack Mountain though
9940s he's got himself in definitely a better
9942s position is able to find that grab he's
9944s able to find the Slime of the kill for
9946s his team
9947s is taking some damage though for this
9949s those uh shots coming in onto him as
9952s Melman about to lose that transformation
9954s we'll try and look for one last grab is
9956s gonna lose it and have to reposition
9958s away and heal versus hlg they've now
9961s seen this is their opportunity to jump
9962s in throw that transformation themself
9964s and we'll be looking for the grab lion
9966s tttos for the transformation but there's
9968s one grab from hand he's got it gets the
9971s slam down onto little as well little now
9973s trying to get away can he find the
9975s regrap that's the real question boys and
9977s splashes are going off in the distance
9978s there's a whole bunch of teams are in
9980s the area and lovely little grab no real
9982s follow-up from his team to secure a kill
9984s unfortunately fbx in the meanwhile are
9987s going low on one side and dong ching
9989s this time getting slammed down
9990s immediately finished up hlg
9994s but the final moments of that
9996s transformation make it work income's a
9998s big old stun here from BBV they want to
10000s rule the top in this High Ground here
10002s fbxr gonna transform the perfect
10004s opportunity not to get locked down and
10006s uhu coming in see if he can find himself
10009s a grab I don't think he's gonna be able
10011s to say dong Jing unfortunately no one's
10013s gonna be able to pick him up in time
10016s as he does get one grab on the hlg gets
10020s the slam down can't find the follow-up
10022s though the re-grab hasn't come in and
10023s hands healing up for the moment and fbx
10026s actually starting to really burnt out
10027s here xiaohu low HP and he's finished up
10030s as well so two fbx members down they've
10033s only got their uh valuation for the
10036s moment is with DC txj throwing down the
10038s Yoto ultimate gets quite a lot of damage
10040s off of those slashes cookies low HP he's
10043s gonna jump in forwards and there's the
10045s kill
10046s TX J secures it absolutely beautiful
10049s from te here
10053s jf1 gamer as Yodo I'll be making you
10056s proud Justin because this is gonna be
10057s the push right here the Kings will get
10059s pushed out here I wanted to make this
10060s analogy this is the floor is lava in
10062s sunrooms right now all these poison
10064s strips around everyone
10070s having ultimate could get this sick
10073s somebody gets grabbed double grab killed
10078s teaching ysj is a menace for that one
10080s and having his death ability still up in
10082s just cases in here but it looks like
10084s this is
10087s healing up
10089s players against the world oug might be
10092s giving J team a little bit of a hard
10093s time here with the Raytown it's not even
10095s gonna be enough because look at this jtm
10096s ZK has themselves the ultimate they can
10098s save themselves in case things get uh
10099s pushed out of the ring between all of
10102s these poison trims so it looks like
10103s there's gonna be only nine players left
10104s into the final minute with only this
10106s point to be known there is a kill off of
10108s oug the king face teams KK is going to
10110s come out on top there and look at J
10111s team's YSA has only two hands of HP if
10113s it burned if a shroom anything stops
10116s them it's not gonna stop the ultimate JS
10118s J teams ysja has Roger right up again
10120s and look at this move in the Xiao use
10122s gonna have to want to need so he can
10123s still he needs to High Ground as fast as
10125s long as possible 30 seconds
10127s especially here seeing you going down
10130s yes he does Genie goes down to the Zone
10132s even transforming with just a couple of
10133s milliseconds ran ysja is still on top
10136s six to enemies on the sixth players left
10138s on this point of ss trying to get that
10139s res can't even get anything left if he
10143s gets his res and he gets that heal
10144s that's it the way Shawn is going to be
10146s ultimate useless but DK has ultimate
10148s still this RnB this is going to give
10150s cuckoo a run two players left ewgu is
10153s the only one on their team so this is
10155s the top three teams on this point and it
10156s looks like there's gonna be a chance for
10157s Jolly you to keep himself propelled with
10159s a little branches this might be a chance
10161s for a genius
10162s out but Jin Yu is getting melted from
10165s the zone as well as our range damage
10167s getting into the F3 it's not fast enough
10169s and wait David
10171s might be coming out here oh down
10175s [Music]
10177s there it is that was so hype what an
10180s ending all right
10182s JT might be a little bit back
10184s finally showing up after
10187s honestly a very a series of three very
10192s disappointing domestic um appearances
10194s we're starting to see the consistency
10197s we're starting to see the world
10198s championship team show up once again
10202s what a huge win for them a
10206s 22-23k uh kill game coming in from
10209s j-team
10211s playing really really well they need to
10213s show us consistency throughout the rest
10216s of the day and the rest of the season
10217s but for the first time in a while I've
10219s seen more than one good J Team game in a
10222s day which is something you don't
10224s typically see until you're at the J Cup
10226s itself normally
10228s these guys
10230s they don't they play one good game every
10233s now and then and that's enough for them
10235s to keep themselves in the running for
10236s the for the world championship this time
10238s starting to shove starting to throw
10241s punches starting stand Toe to Toe to the
10243s top teams in the lobby kle kicked out
10246s very early in this Lobby fbx and te
10249s having absolutely monster performances
10251s as well both trying to prove each other
10254s of who is the better of the two and Jay
10257s team said nah it's us and absolutely
10260s Stomp the hell out of that Lobby huge
10262s stuff coming in from them my concern
10265s now I need to be realistic
10268s I don't think they can play many more
10270s monkey games they may have one last uh
10274s monkey game in them but they have played
10276s monk three games now which means the
10278s cost of running monkeys starting to get
10280s a little bit too high they've run kurumi
10281s twice I think they've won uhm three
10284s times as well so they are burning
10285s through hero points and they've still
10286s got three games left today so they need
10290s to show us but they're capable of
10291s playing this well on the decade of comps
10293s on the acos comps on the Yoto comps on
10295s things that aren't going to be these
10297s transformation comps because they are
10298s burning points way too quick stick to
10300s just monk now I mean we saw how the
10302s changeup and scales from the usual Norm
10304s right we saw how F3 I believe in round
10306s two we saw F3 Takeda being used outside
10309s of the norm from F1 and trios but this
10312s should showcase right tees lxj came out
10314s with the F1 Yoda to come out for those
10316s kill Steals and coming through with a
10317s reset on the F to come back although
10319s they get they did get double grab these
10321s are nice changes to see right out of the
10323s normally F3 because F3 has so much
10325s utilization but you're casting out so
10327s much for using a character where it's
10329s using a skill to negate any damage for
10331s 3.5 seconds to now throwing out all your
10334s cards on the table once you rush right
10335s in and getting the gold Focus knock up I
10338s am gonna see how this goes into play
10340s though for Morris Ohio we're going to
10341s midday next for round four and like you
10343s said hero points are at all time you
10344s know usage they can run the Transformer
10346s comps as they once would want to if even
10348s if they have to expand using characters
10350s outside of the norm there's not gonna be
10352s much to go into synergizing well like
10353s you said V3 to like cicada the
10355s Transformers is was one thing but like
10357s when you use all your Transformers now
10358s all you got to do is be a ground force
10360s unit
10361s absolutely well let's have a look look
10363s at a little look at the scoreboard
10364s that's where I can speak uh see exactly
10367s how many points worth scoring there for
10368s J team 23 kills coming in
10371s 34.7 points it's insane that t will also
10375s in double digits considering how many
10376s kills Jay team got there 14 points over
10379s to t e f b x got nine kills but did
10382s place a little bit higher they've got a
10384s little bit more of a multiplier put them
10385s up to 12.3 oug with seven kills getting
10389s 11. uh one and our first donut of the
10393s day goes over to wolves unfortunately
10396s uh a little bit sad to see them get to
10399s get that zero pointer something you'll
10400s learn here is we're all big wolves fans
10403s even though they never do that well
10405s um I know I I I have to be I have to be
10408s because they're actually a British
10409s organization they're an English football
10410s team the Wolverhampton wolves so I have
10413s to I have to like them as I represent
10415s they'll represent we got them at the
10417s lunch the only European uh
10418s representation here at this uh in this
10421s tournament so
10423s for those guys and both of those teams
10425s are tragically bad unfortunately uh we
10427s will see the uh scorecards oh my word
10432s I don't think I've ever seen that much
10433s damage
10435s combined in in an MBL game and then no a
10438s single player 41k
10440s on ysj you know it's funny it's the most
10443s I've seen it's like 38 in an mppl game
10446s anyway I think uh I think the king back
10448s in the bi-weekly won finals actually is
10451s the opposite reciprocating and for
10452s healing as a ping with 41k healing and
10455s that was like oh that was that was The
10459s Meta where everyone went to holler off
10461s and went yes holler off means Z thing
10462s and then would do nothing except but
10465s exchange damage nobody would die and
10467s then they'd all just die to the Zone
10469s here I hated that matter I hated that
10471s matter so much oh you just you're you're
10473s a woke up memory in me which I thought
10475s I'd buried
10478s I prefer this high damage that was huge
10481s I mean the combined damage is actually
10482s really really big what we got we're
10484s three five
10486s eight nine nine nine nineteen thousand
10490s damage
10491s it's roughly I'm looking for a yohim
10493s with 50 uh 50k damage but we might see
10495s that as a pipe in a while why a shade
10497s though as you can see here the replay
10498s they get that double grab kill against
10500s the RG sanzi and also trying to get to
10503s re-grab just because of that little bit
10504s of inch of terrain it gets changing
10505s costs them out with the evv so look at
10508s this movement with the aerial lmv not V2
10511s Viper old getting a secure stun no
10513s transforming nothing to your name you're
10515s gone triple stun in one shot in the LSD
10519s look at this beautiful txj comes out
10521s here right off the cusp in the last two
10523s minutes of the match in the round three
10524s and looking like they're gonna be coming
10525s out here with one chance one opportunity
10528s one F1 to kill secure off of fuku 2
10530s right there and now ysj coming out
10532s having to hold that ultimate is gonna go
10534s for a grab it might be able to try to
10535s see the least M4 out as an issue but no
10537s it's gonna go straight into te Leo it's
10540s gonna go straight into and Zing you and
10542s knocking both of them out in the double
10543s smack and with another ultimate from DVD
10545s and getting grabbed as a result with
10547s another double grab
10551s I
10552s I actually really want to see more
10554s people pick up yo to F1 I think it's
10556s like really slept on I think the dash is
10558s really valuable people are obviously
10560s very set on on the uh I think it's the
10562s F3 I actually can't remember I used the
10564s maintenance I should know this uh the
10567s one where you obviously the one that
10568s everybody runs right the safety one but
10571s since the safety net got like heavily
10572s nerfed and kind of removed I would like
10575s to see more and more people kind of lean
10577s into that F1 that that is is valuable
10579s it's a really powerful tool for sparring
10582s and dueling as uh we are going to be
10585s looking at the card uh unfortunately it
10586s didn't load it was our monk no surprises
10589s ysj or YSR my brain is not working it's
10592s not functioning apparently when my
10594s internet shut down my brain did as well
10595s and
10597s but you know 41k damage coming out from
10599s that monk does get the MVP no real
10602s surprises that they did uh and we got
10604s another game of Maura style coming up uh
10606s we have a slightly extended break now
10608s and then we go into like the two
10609s back-to-back games and I've talked a lot
10611s about this
10613s um there it is coming in let's have a
10614s look storm repair roll rock together or
10616s poison Splash rainbow Falcon yeah I mean
10618s the repair roll and the flame breath
10620s they're the big ones right like the
10621s Cannons just keeping the cannon fire up
10623s constantly that might explain why that
10626s 21k damage came out from the cannon
10628s absolutely enormous
10630s um I'm curious though for your thoughts
10632s on this one
10633s um it's a very eight
10635s what are your thoughts on like the games
10637s being so close back to back with that
10639s game one you have Morris Island for
10641s whole Rock instantly and then game four
10643s and five it's more Asylum The Hollow
10644s Rock back to back instantly I heard the
10646s theory but you know it it does change
10648s things up quite a lot for the players
10649s they don't get as much time to kind of
10651s relax relax and rest after the games so
10653s I'm curious what you would think your
10655s thoughts are on it and like you know
10657s playing games at the back of the kind of
10658s longevity of it in a way
10660s I mean going through it right if we're
10661s looking at the holler at the Morrisons
10663s and seeing how the players decisions
10666s kind of go into place you kind of gotta
10668s you gotta realize now that we don't have
10670s now that the players Don't Have Eyes On
10672s Deck when seeing how the counter picked
10674s somebody in the last couple of seconds
10675s to put themselves ahead of the curve now
10677s they have to make sure and putting
10679s themselves wondering if that map
10681s rotation will change to spice it up
10683s right looking at how we went to Yoda in
10685s the first round into more silence the
10687s third round three Yoda show up but the
10689s team that initiated that Yodo didn't
10691s even run it and in which case we can see
10693s how we're going right back into Morris
10695s Isle in Sunny time so now there's no
10697s more ultimate Gage just from fireflies
10699s as often as we would once once like
10701s ephemerose is now gonna be the firefight
10702s save how support yard has the firefight
10704s cave down there as well for you guys to
10706s be able to utilize and it's just like
10708s back to back you know between holleroth
10710s and Morris Isle but now going double
10712s down on Morris Isles this is going to
10713s put some players into utilize some
10715s Heroes they may or may not had
10716s anticipated to use ahead of time
10718s yeah I'm curious what the uh the
10720s heritage is gonna look like going into
10722s game number uh four just because like I
10725s said J team they've had some good games
10726s but they have burnt a lot of resources
10729s to get those good games in
10731s I said it at the beginning of game two
10733s when they when they've hit that cicada
10734s comp because you go to cada with Monk
10736s and uh Eurasian or Monk and Tammy
10738s depending I think they went you Asian
10740s off the Top If I recall
10743s um
10744s the problem with that is like
10745s while I you saw the power of that comp
10747s in the mores in the um
10750s in the realm of Yang where they
10752s absolutely slammed Carolina yeah Kelly
10755s just couldn't even play because they got
10756s grabbed they got they got cicaded they
10758s got slammed they got taken out it was
10759s one of the fastest uh rummy hangs I've
10762s ever seen the problem
10764s with it is you're picking three very
10767s valuable characters
10769s and putting them all in together and
10771s basically burning hero points on them in
10773s that run because every time you pick a a
10775s hero their hero points double in usage
10778s so it costs more and more to pick the
10779s heroes more and more so the more they
10781s pick monks the less they can actually
10782s play monkey into the day anyway we
10785s actually have an interview standing by
10786s so we're gonna pass it over to that and
10787s we're back with game number four so
10789s we'll see in a moment
10792s hi everyone this is Diego and welcome to
10794s post game interview and today we invite
10797s vvv to our interview room and let him
10799s say hello to our audience
10808s so first I have a question because you
10811s just told me that you guys think in the
10813s first bi-weekly final you also think you
10816s don't have in the good status and I
10818s would like to know the reason and how
10820s you guys adjust and so for today you
10823s have really good performers today
10845s foreign
10856s I think after we get the championship
10859s after the spring split I think maybe we
10862s respond too long time and after that
10865s like we relax too much so that's why we
10868s don't have good status in the first Bike
10870s Week final but we adjust quickly because
10873s now like every day we train a lot and a
10876s lot so today we have very good
10878s performance
10885s [Music]
10891s so you guys can see a question on the
10894s screen and if you know the answer just
10896s type them in the chat box after our
10898s player counting three two one we will
10901s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
10903s be whispered so let's see today's
10905s question is
10906s how many kills did te get in game three
10910s okay
10930s [Music]
10934s so I
10938s so I'd go in the game too and I would
10940s like to know to know he thinks that the
10942s txj get the MVP because the ballista and
10947s he told me that he thinks he have to get
10949s the police therapy he have to get the
10951s MVP because he really have a good
10953s position at the middle time of the game
10956s that's why he can get MVP
10959s okay I think our player is prepared and
10961s let's start counting now Manchester
10963s United
10966s three two one screenshot okay the lucky
10970s guy will be whispered so please pay
10972s attention it's time to find out the
10974s correct answer that is
10979s she yes the correct answer is a 11.
10984s okay and we know that you guys already
10987s is the second by weekly final uh sorry
10990s not final it's the second bi-weekly and
10994s I would like to know because your team
10995s is like always change the position like
10998s attack a position and the support
11000s position and now I have to know why yeah
11015s foreign
11018s [Music]
11023s because I think are good at all the
11026s characters in The naraka that's why we
11029s can change the attack and support
11031s position because I'm good at all the
11034s heroes and characters in America okay
11037s this is always internally
11053s foreignty and we will take a break and
11056s be right back later
11075s thank you
11078s [Music]
11089s [Music]
11097s [Music]
11101s thank you
11102s [Music]
11113s [Music]
11121s [Music]
11132s [Music]
11148s [Music]
11172s [Music]
11174s foreign
11190s [Music]
11203s [Music]
11221s [Music]
11242s thank you
11251s foreign
11254s [Music]
11275s [Music]
11297s [Music]
11302s foreign
11314s [Music]
11318s foreign
11323s [Music]
11362s thank you
11372s [Music]
11387s hello everybody and welcome back to the
11390s mvpl we're getting ready to go into game
11391s four and five actually of the days we're
11394s dropping up Maurice Isle for this fourth
11395s game first uh yeah so let's have a quick
11398s look and run down of what we've had
11400s happen today so KLA started off in
11402s insane form a 20 a 19 kill game coming
11405s in from them and at huge tokens of the
11407s day then CE strike back in that second
11410s game and then J team just say hold my
11412s beer and score a 23 kills in that last
11416s game and T though got 11 kills as well
11419s so also having a really really good game
11421s and KLA all of the work they did at the
11423s beginning of the day is starting to run
11425s away from them now
11426s this is so I think they have a little
11428s bit of problems unfortunately uh make
11430s sure for you guys who are going to
11432s Gamescom but you do join us it's almost
11434s 23rd and 25th over in Hall hey sorry six
11437s a zero five zero zero five zero I swear
11440s to speak honestly my brain is just
11442s slowly melting away today apparently
11444s it's getting hot again uh yeah you can
11446s grab yourselves in the racket it needs
11447s to talk about easy at the beginning of
11448s the day they are very adorable I really
11450s like all of them and I fear someone can
11452s send some to me hey naraka guys do a
11454s listing on the other side send me some
11456s of this stuff
11457s next day delivery
11459s I want it I want the little Justina
11461s that's cute uh but yeah no um
11465s it's it's
11468s done really well to get themselves to
11470s the position they were at the beginning
11471s of the day and it has just been kind of
11472s lackluster ever since like game two was
11474s all right game three was pretty bad and
11479s they got some work to do now because all
11481s of that's all that they've achieved has
11483s basically been undone by jtm and T just
11486s having two absolutely Killer games
11488s coming in for games two and three yeah
11491s it's been like a reciprocation between
11492s these guys right like we expected to see
11494s one to the other by the first round
11496s expectations after that killer game the
11498s KLA had especially with the uh with
11499s setting up the tone for how round three
11501s went with the picks and then all of a
11503s sudden it kind of went like into a
11504s position where it just went from mid to
11506s like okay this is kind of like a weird
11508s streak because now J team is showing up
11510s you know we thought it was going to be
11511s undermining throughout this attorney in
11513s the beginning and then somehow in the
11514s third game boom they just came out like
11516s guns are blazing they wanted to see how
11519s well they could put them how far they
11520s can get it with using the monk uh game
11522s show though so they're gonna have to
11524s want to see how those last three games
11525s are gonna shape up for no more transform
11528s numerous so like no more Transformers in
11530s one situation type they gotta have to
11532s try to change that comp up putting
11535s themselves you know we could see some
11536s you know under we just could see some
11538s you know nonchalant comps to come out
11540s here and you know throw the the whole
11542s balance off of the ends you know and
11545s throw at the tectonic plates into a
11547s mix-up but putting these guys you know
11549s in a position of where they are now it's
11551s safe to say that j-team could possibly
11553s keep this position across my fingers
11555s knocking on wood
11558s yeah I I
11561s I've got my concerns I've I've followed
11564s Jason long enough as a team and an org
11566s to know but inconsistency can be a real
11568s problem for them domestically
11570s um I also do know J team's major
11573s strength is monk is playing those
11575s Transformer comps this playing the
11576s concert play into that
11578s and
11579s I think they have at best one game out a
11582s month unless they do like a vow to comp
11585s with monk like valdemonc and then like
11587s some other hero because the first time
11589s you pick a hero it costs you no points
11591s and then I can't remember the exact math
11593s on it I did get sent it a while ago but
11594s it's like two points from there then
11596s it's four points then it's eight points
11597s like it keeps going up it's like it's
11599s more and more to basically pick a hero
11602s um
11603s so what you have to do if you want to
11605s keep playing monk Beyond this point is
11607s you have to play Heroes for the first
11608s time the likes of like valdas and things
11610s that you haven't played Heroes you cost
11612s you zero points to run so then you can
11614s put the monk into them but then the
11615s question is like I know that monk works
11618s because that's something we have had a
11619s couple of times where you get the title
11621s wave the monk them out and
11622s especially with the new version of Elder
11624s ever since the rework it is a little bit
11626s more playable than it used to be
11628s um
11629s the question though is what can you play
11631s with it because you can't really play
11632s like eight plus month
11634s is like it's not a garbage it just
11638s doesn't work right it's wishy-washy
11640s right because if you decide to go let's
11642s say the office has to go to V2 right
11644s then he has to put them in the pound
11645s State and they have to recognize how far
11646s the enemies when they launch if they run
11648s V1 they only have that one opportunity
11649s of controlling those opponents or even
11651s having themselves using F2 uh to F3 to
11654s hold them into position down but after
11655s that one F3 Nerf after that point where
11657s it was like you know unstaggerable it's
11659s gonna be a big position here's the
11661s players here is the cops
11664s they've done it they've only gone and
11666s done it it was game it was actually this
11670s game it was game four where they pulled
11672s the Zai out on week one day four where
11674s they did this so
11676s they feel comfortable to work it out
11678s again in day four in game four we
11679s actually do also see
11681s um two acre Scopes coming in as well a
11684s rise in the yotohime which I'm very
11686s happy with as a uh as a Yoto player and
11689s they go to enthusiasts nice to see but
11691s she's uh kind of returning to the meta a
11693s little bit uh F3 here for JL I didn't
11696s see if anyone was running the F1 but
11698s I really value pf1 on Yoto ever since
11702s they're free kind of got nerfed into the
11703s floor where you can basically get a pot
11705s off if you don't get interrupted that's
11708s it I um I'm an advocate for F1 it's very
11711s good especially in a Lobby like this
11713s which is not gonna go for late these
11715s teams are gonna want to go for a more
11717s aggressive early fight Style
11720s something I will say but doesn't suit
11722s j-team j-team are going to be locking in
11725s this yo so comp themselves but they are
11726s a team who are typically struggle when
11729s the lobby moves fast they look great
11731s when they'll be slower and more relaxed
11733s but when everyone's being hyper
11734s aggressive and farming kills Jay team
11737s that seems to be where they look weakest
11739s we'll see whether or not they have kind
11741s of worked on that and changed things up
11743s as uh it does look like they are going
11745s to be dropping down at some wings rest
11746s with KLA so KLA definitely looking to
11749s make a recovery after that previous game
11752s I expect to see some action here at some
11754s wings rest immediately between these two
11756s teams and whoever wins this is gonna
11758s have a major advantage for the later
11761s stages there's already the two teams
11762s have found each other Rosemary coming to
11764s slide in and have that Redemption Arc
11766s here for their team The Poisoned rooms
11768s are going to be a real nuisance to fight
11769s around as well as already ZK has lost a
11772s fair amount of HP but Rosemary also
11773s losing a lot of return gonna get taken
11775s down by J team and now cxd also losing
11778s all of their health nothing they can do
11780s here gets the turnaround but the counter
11782s comes in from ZK two members full easy
11785s as you like
11787s man J team Lily showed up and said hello
11789s went to the school pick up some gear
11791s walked back with three kills and that's
11793s gonna be the first section of this game
11795s that was even the first minute and we
11796s can see battle getting a kill off the GG
11797s bond in the kill for you but fpx is over
11798s by the sigma mine joku gonna be playing
11800s the Tian high this time around and water
11803s playing the way shop for the Transformer
11804s comp these guys have dong Shing I
11806s believe on F3 Duty though so there is no
11808s heals coming out from F1 I remember
11810s seeing a team with the F3 for that extra
11812s defense for 97 uh 90 for four seconds
11815s for this patch using though it's gonna
11817s see a chance for drg because maybe
11819s losing a teammate but sansi is playing
11821s out the lockers they're getting that
11822s three pounds of 60 mitigation for eight
11824s seconds there it's gonna be a big time
11825s boosting though goes down wolves 14
11827s might be going for a vertical here but
11829s the horizontal yeah big pushing interest
11831s in this house might and there it is
11833s dragon slayer coming out sansi's down
11835s and another Perry from 14 to come
11837s through with another Dragon Slayer and
11840s coming through with the RnB until the
11841s jump lnb saying RC goes down there too
11844s into the sigma mine we're running it
11846s back fpx can to see how as is doing and
11848s as is not happy about it because now he
11850s has only one chance and opportunity
11851s getting out of here and that's his
11852s teammates but dong ching is nowhere to
11854s be found because he's dead so once they
11856s finish up here they can get the rez the
11857s fbx is gonna be in a deficit of a Healer
11859s and most likely not be able to
11860s compensate for that point but looks like
11862s Shia is going to lose almost every
11864s single bit of his HP and getting RMB
11865s right here with a three-man focus from
11867s Team JL the cas coming back into the res
11870s position for the win
11872s absolutely enormous there coming in
11875s really really Explosive Start about a
11877s six kills in immediately
11881s really really strong performance for
11883s these guys is uh JT I'm getting that
11885s that Squad wife as well nice and early
11886s means they get all the sun Wings rest
11888s salute up uncontested and also got some
11891s early kills that is
11892s The Best of Both Worlds they then get a
11895s bounty on KLA just to rub salt in the
11897s room so they're gonna be tracking and
11898s hunting KLA down now oh that is really
11901s tragic for the koala bears expect them
11904s to be in some serious dangers we do see
11906s uh wolves versus drg I think he's gonna
11909s be able to come out on top here is
11911s already drg have lost one balls 14's
11914s gonna get the pressure off onto Santi
11915s Sans he's just being stagger locked out
11916s the Wu Shen ultimate means they're gonna
11918s be able to Blink away to safety find
11920s that resurrection and they need to get
11922s out of here before wolves get onto them
11923s but
11926s means that they could crumble if jumped
11929s onto again
11930s looks like they are just gonna try and
11932s get away they do have that a class ready
11934s from Santa he is ready to pop the
11935s ultimate and Chase there's a wolves they
11937s are Relentless hunting them
11940s they've got the scent and the pack is on
11942s drg just trying to scramble away and
11945s hope the Wolves either give up or run
11947s out of grapples which at this rate
11949s actually may be happening here because K
11951s has four grapples left we are gonna cut
11953s over back to Shadow Jay mine so we're ug
11955s himself in a fight here actually got
11958s himself a kill OMG
11960s winners of the last bi-weekly final not
11963s having the most standout performance
11965s here unfortunately
11968s um in this in this week let's see if
11970s they've got a little bit more in the
11972s tank coming into the last half of the
11973s day
11974s it's gonna be a good push here in the
11976s shadow days and that poured out is in
11977s central for JL team to get that reset
11979s that's necessary but also most
11980s importantly wasting a costing old for
11982s all and using to get old outside of the
11984s to just make sure it runs out no more
11987s fearing detonations no more no more
11988s problems uh but for it to be known oug
11991s having to put themselves in a position
11992s like they were once last week with the
11994s finals and leading on First with a
11996s pretty hefty score heavy uh you know
11998s upon D it's gonna be a you know a
12001s wishy-washy position to see how they
12003s want to go inside the mines here because
12004s looking at how these mines are you're
12006s gonna pick up a till off of a thing here
12007s with the r b release for that full sword
12008s as you can see the F1 is still active
12009s for SS to go ahead and be at a point of
12012s you know pressure without even the end
12014s of me realizing if it's too late to
12015s throw a blue Focus but AES is still
12017s running it through using the schedules
12018s using the graph as we can get the blue
12019s Focus RSC r b with a 2.0 release there
12022s the bow shot with the Perry coming out
12023s here for SS to get a kill AF goes down
12025s JL still having to fight dingu is still
12028s in a position against Zu Zhu is going to
12030s be one position by uh themselves it's
12032s gonna be a million matter of time though
12034s before the remain of Luigi's teammates
12035s are going to kind of collapse upon the
12037s GE only has one Spirit Shield left but
12039s it looks like bowdo has a right to the
12040s scene looking for the ship for Xbox or
12042s to the shadow could say in which case
12043s and if anything comes out here about us
12045s gonna come here and cleaning up shots
12046s you go down for the finale maybe about
12049s it might have something out there with
12050s this V1 ultimate that comes consider
12052s using it to try to stop anyone from
12053s being able to get I hear yorohimeo
12055s coming out here Mao is gonna stop this
12057s position if he gets his stun this
12059s movement is not going to do anything
12060s cicada V3 activated is gonna be a heap
12064s of trouble if they get caught with the
12065s movement there it is oh no
12067s they zip out
12069s oh so last week we had a moment where
12073s two people went down for a Moon Bay it
12076s was so funny it literally won the game
12078s for another player it was so funny but
12081s all these funny things like that I love
12082s Moon Blaze Moon blame Moon Bane we uh
12086s really change the tempo in the way a
12088s fight's broken out is that J team
12090s actually losing ZK he got himself pinned
12092s against the wall there the wuchen alt
12094s out though does mean that they can take
12096s the Karen with him get the revive off
12097s them now JDM it's them on the Run uh it
12100s does look like they weren't able to find
12103s um KLA
12104s uh with that Bounty although KLA are
12107s down a player they've lost their karumi
12108s which is really really rough for them
12111s nice they're sustained that is their
12112s survivability out so
12114s see if they can find uh enough enough
12116s dark type points together to get a
12118s rebirth charm up and uh revive they're
12120s roomy because otherwise
12123s I feel like game four might also be a
12125s bit of rough game for the likes of KLA
12128s unfortunately we'll have to see as uh
12131s the rest of the teams are just currently
12132s uh getting themselves situated and set
12134s up wherever they can really
12137s there's a rules 14. just having a sniff
12140s around here around the shipwrecks
12143s losing the kurumi he's like losing the
12145s firing pin you know you can't have the
12147s initiation with the ten Hai and the way
12149s shown without some sort of you know
12151s gunpowder in between and without it you
12153s know it's only a matter of time before
12155s you get uh iframe dots and everything
12156s everywhere between to throw out your
12158s ultimates when they're casted upon the
12160s so for KLA they need to put themselves
12163s their third overall from now but we need
12164s to see how this goes through they buy
12166s the reaper time they're gonna get their
12167s kermi back it's just a matter of times
12169s before they need to get their gear up
12170s and check rubbing is going to be up in
12172s around 60 seconds or so KLA is going to
12174s be Central uh Central's out into the
12176s servants grounds and getting that res
12177s while xcg is in the vicinity remember
12179s they have that zycon we're gonna have to
12181s see how that one goes through because
12182s it's gonna be a big pressure pull for
12183s the beginning of a res especially with
12185s the low gear that's going to be in still
12186s while drg and JL are in nearby sunvales
12189s dwelling and whilst you're going to have
12191s the approach between KLA and te this
12193s could be initiation for them to see
12195s about using that wheel I'm hoping to see
12196s if anything's gonna come down here but
12197s like it's midday there is no flaming
12199s cages so make sure you guys keep that in
12201s check there's not gonna be any sort of
12202s shenanigans for this someone's gonna get
12203s for five seconds and get deleted
12205s immediate upon entry but looking at how
12208s the Shipwreck fight has now shifted out
12210s oug is the only ones left out here while
12212s bowdo is the NorthEast Southwest of
12215s say the Breezy of the Moon the courtyard
12217s ways down south I should say but more
12220s importantly
12221s this Romy Yang it's crucial but I'm
12225s pretty sure we're gonna see fpx come out
12226s here and try to instill the Poke the
12228s bear uh which is which are the wolves
12231s with all purple honorable two purple
12232s armor and one blue which is exactly what
12235s they have in store for them as water is
12238s the one with blue armor which is you
12239s know a lot of a lot of hot takes when it
12241s comes down to who should get the armor
12243s priority especially the Transformer
12244s should be getting it but when you have a
12246s lone Health Target
12248s it's gonna be uh it's gonna be a
12250s position whether or not you want to see
12251s the focus to be dealt on the Transformer
12253s or for the Healer wolves just ran away
12256s from fbx and then we're fixed has chased
12259s them into the Zone transformation's
12261s coming out this Runway Yang's gonna
12262s break out between wolves and fbxit
12264s already 14 plus a fair amount of hpk
12266s gets himself slammed wolves 14 carplay
12269s interrupt in time and K losing so much
12271s HP immediately they should be able to
12274s keep him topped up and keep him alive at
12275s the moment there's a zebie buying some
12277s space for 14 his health fight is going
12279s low the kurumi healing is coming in as
12281s he's looking for the grab but wolves
12283s have not achieved much with their
12285s transformation where fbx have been able
12287s to find two grabs two slams finally
12289s wolves find their one but the Stagger
12291s comes in and that's gonna stop entirely
12293s any of that action water comes in for
12295s the transformation himself here to try
12296s and see if he can get some damage down
12298s and turn the tides to this fight which
12300s is starting so roughly for walls FDX
12302s just completely dominating it for the
12304s moment looking for those Slants wolves
12305s is actually losing a fair amount of HP
12307s here is that
12308s can't actually get too close Okay doing
12310s a good job of being an interruption here
12312s but in comes the slam is gonna connect
12314s but again another slam comes in the
12316s groomy ultimate has gone on from FDX
12318s though so they can keep their side alive
12320s for just a little bit longer holding all
12322s of the Transformations again timeout
12324s 14's been got himself caught out by the
12326s spear the rush is just too much for him
12328s water now getting jumped on to 14 using
12331s that spear very effectively here nobody
12333s is in under any any serious threat going
12336s down yeah I say that as water is blitzed
12339s away Yahoo now trying to get away from
12342s KK trying to find that uppercut very low
12344s HP and there it is wolves find the win
12348s that was an impeccable timing for wolves
12350s to come out here on top and literally
12352s succeeded in swiping out the other team
12354s from that realm and you know with it all
12356s that effort that was a long realm fight
12358s because you can see uh with hlg winning
12361s out of free roam instead on the other
12363s end so they're gonna be able to have
12365s that buff for free where his CE was
12367s outside of the uh is going to be putting
12368s himself
12370s Lewis thank you they've done it they're
12374s running it back fpx is gonna activate
12375s all in responsible sports team to
12377s activate his ultimate first the gold
12378s weapon there's the jump into the leap
12379s into the fight but xiaohia is only 50 HP
12382s but over the garage try to knock back
12383s the opponents 14's trying to save his
12385s teammate from being able to get secure
12386s desolation oh it looks like there's
12387s gonna be a chance verticals from the
12389s spear big damage by getting grabbed it's
12392s gonna be happening
12394s oh 14's able to get another grab for
12397s xiaohu actually isn't able to get the
12400s slam down another grab from 14. he is
12402s redeeming himself for that Mora's
12405s blessing performance an absolutely
12406s Landing every grab fbx and some serious
12409s danger case gonna go for the
12411s transformation wolves are happy to take
12413s this fight they got Vermillion Birds
12414s might and if they can knock fbx out
12416s they're even happier than that they take
12417s out one of the Front Runners in the
12419s lobby right now is fbx they've burnt so
12423s much and so far haven't been able to
12425s really get too much in response Walter
12426s loses his transformation as well as K
12429s slamming onto the members of fbx another
12432s slam comes into health bars are just
12434s blinking Don Ching if he goes down
12437s there's no way to even pick him up he's
12438s just down and he's done that is gonna be
12440s the end of him fbx losing members left
12443s right and Center wolves absolutely
12446s Stellar performance yeah who trying to
12447s find himself the counter but he's gonna
12449s get jumped onto the Parry comes down
12451s he's gonna be able to pick up his great
12453s sword and xiaohu I'm not gonna belong to
12455s this world unfortunately as he's cut
12457s down water as well will be quick to
12459s follow wolves making very very quick
12462s work of fbx getting three kills on them
12465s twice in a row for six kills wolves they
12468s got 10 kills they're in this game yeah
12471s I was about to mention wolves is they
12474s got the zenkai Boost after the first
12475s three rounds are now coming back into
12477s this fight they're gonna be coming with
12479s a double digit the first double digit so
12481s far into this point in the rounds and
12483s it's I think it's just the fastest that
12484s we've seen a double-digit killing uh you
12486s know kill leader team this soon into the
12488s rounds so for this to be the day one
12490s hype for the for wolves this time around
12492s this could be the underdogs you know
12494s reign of coming back in for around five
12496s and six afterwards and even
12498s there I say it might be having the kills
12500s of the lifetime for this round but going
12502s over Lake yellow leaf looks like the exj
12504s is having themselves a bit of a tassel
12506s with uh with Team JL having no ultimate
12509s may have just used it may have popped it
12510s uh to try to control it through there's
12512s no value considering that this team is
12514s now in full push mode it looks like this
12515s is gonna be a chance for witch had to
12516s get the port out for JL jale's gonna
12518s have that Talent resetting but in the
12519s meantime txj is gonna want to go ahead
12522s and just you know farm this out healing
12523s you know is impeccable of course but as
12525s has blue armor they are at a gear
12527s deficit into the mid game right now and
12528s let's say over in sudden someone's rest
12530s you can see xcg go down for the count
12531s come completely knocking out lxh but it
12534s looks like uh lxh is not the only one
12536s left see xcg has I think one teammate
12539s left yes the Matari coming out here from
12542s xianyan having the V3 for the heel for
12545s the um for the it's called Smite but
12547s it's gonna be for the heels for 12
12549s seconds for 50 lifestyle and getting my
12551s HQ here is not gonna happen they see it
12553s happening a mile away crossbow volts
12555s from the top of the tree line with Shing
12558s gonna F3 preemptively from the obscara
12560s it's gonna come down he's gonna Glide
12563s and then to the grapple strike look at
12564s this guy dude he's the solo gamer
12565s because he's gonna be coming with the
12566s jump lnb here because it looks like that
12568s is gonna be the end for xgg fourth round
12570s I'm so sad but oh I was like I didn't
12573s really get to get any legs this game
12576s you'll completely run over knocked out
12578s early really really rough Roma Yang's
12580s spawning up again it doesn't feel like
12582s it was that long ago they just went
12583s through again as a dragon storm is going
12586s to be what's in the Mora's blessing
12587s teams don't know that but they will be
12589s finding out relatively soon as jails
12591s there
12591s trying to get these last couple of shots
12593s off here with the ultimate is gonna try
12596s and take this fight versus T if fbx get
12598s uh if t e also get knocked out as well
12600s as fpx this is so big for some of these
12603s teams who have had a
12604s been struggling as these two have been
12606s on the forerun but remember te they now
12608s know the fpx out they know this is their
12610s opportunity to strike him really get
12612s ahead and then striking on to as losing
12615s so much HP there bowder eventually come
12618s in off the back of their insanely good
12621s start as well look at the finish up du
12623s doing some work with the uh
12625s with the dual blades here from malum
12628s Kelly also sliding in Rosemary to see if
12631s they can try and get something to happen
12632s down goes you Melvin able to find that
12635s one and Kelly's third party doesn't
12637s quite work they did get the rebirth jump
12639s off they have been able to pick up their
12641s karooni since we last talked about them
12643s uh still I need a players left in this
12646s Lobby that
12647s um Romy Anglo will be spawning up any
12649s soon now and he's second now and
12651s everyone's after this Morris blessing
12653s that's what the attention really is
12657s making sure they get their ultimately
12659s you is getting caught out here and it's
12660s something to know about KLA right now I
12662s only have one kill so far into this lot
12664s but we can see this change in a matter
12665s of seconds with how it can come down to
12667s it but they're running the Transformer
12668s team for the second time around and with
12670s it they're gonna have that comp going to
12671s be uh you know holding it down with the
12673s ramayan going to wolves here you can see
12675s it coming out there on the screen about
12676s it though and Mao and just everyone in
12678s about it is going to have themselves you
12680s know a time of their lives with uh with
12683s not having to worry about having to burn
12684s ultimates in that whole fight previously
12686s so it is going to be a good chance for
12687s them to see any of up and coming
12689s fighters to come out of this realm and
12691s you can see wolves coming right outside
12692s of it as I called it and then we now the
12695s southeast side of event side Temple 14
12697s he's gonna use that Canada against
12698s meditation has a gold Spear and his
12699s teammate with the cold halberts say
12703s being the Menace
12705s if he can catch the woman down with a
12707s horizontal with the Dual halberds and
12709s for 14 to release an r b it's like
12713s that's all their health bar now they
12715s have to forcibly use ultimate at that
12716s point if they catch them through that
12717s but
12718s oug is waiting out into the hilltop over
12720s north of sunvalley's dwelling they're
12722s going to see these chances still bowed
12724s up Nine Kills second place so far they
12726s have themselves yeah pretty nipples
12729s they got missed they might they know
12731s they're there
12732s this is a very scary wolves as well
12735s two golden weapons all loaded up with
12737s good armor
12738s cannon fire coming in to try and finish
12740s up this kill wolves 10 kills in finally
12743s having that recovery that they've been
12745s trying to have this whole time as one
12746s thing repeatedly to get shot up is going
12749s low is going down oug able to get their
12752s fourth kill at the game and secure that
12753s one onto SS as well
12756s Yeah Bang went down with one pill swoop
12758s there having the V2 ultimate was not
12760s fast enough especially for the Viper
12761s ultimate but
12762s more importantly Draco storm is enabled
12764s one in a minute and 20 seconds until it
12767s runs out but oug is just gonna be
12768s pushing themselves away from it ewgw's
12771s gonna be having themselves you know
12772s teaming up with a blue armor this late
12774s into the game blue armor it's gonna be a
12776s mitigation tactic but they're gonna have
12778s to run it through dong Yu doesn't have
12779s ultimate unless he's already pre-ported
12781s on the map in which case if he doesn't
12783s he needs to farm it up as soon as
12785s possible wishing though
12788s as well as drg as a whole blue armor but
12791s purple weapons so the damaged glass
12792s Cannon Mode is enable J teams over in
12794s the event side Temple
12795s they also have blue armor so these guys
12797s are really looking for you know three
12799s gear in this moment because with 12
12801s minutes on the clock 27 players alive
12804s getting uh rid of the low Health targets
12806s is going to be essential here but it's
12809s also more important to know whether or
12810s not they're gonna have to bring their
12811s olds first or they can push through
12813s without even even needing to do so
12816s oh there you get some purple armor
12817s that's at least one member of Jason
12819s getting that as a KLA also themselves
12822s rocking uh mostly purple armor but one
12824s player still that blueberry it'll be
12827s that easier person to pick
12829s it's actually their weekend which is
12831s typical to be fair the Russian normally
12834s sits at the back of the fight and just
12836s alts when he needs to so you don't need
12838s as much armor they're not going to be
12839s the one engaging as much uh obviously
12842s would like to grab that one as we do see
12844s the uh Jay team pick up the Valiant
12846s challenge let's see if uh well it's
12849s gonna work out for them is that a little
12851s bit more looting a little bit more just
12852s gear grabbing here for some of these
12853s teams Kelly only a single kill they had
12856s a rough start to this game getting
12858s instantly taken out by j-teamer um
12861s some wings rest but now with just a
12864s single kill moving into that point where
12867s it's starting to get later and later we
12868s need to see them out to try and pick up
12870s some kills now they are playing among
12871s traditional monk comp as well so they do
12874s come into their own in the end game
12876s but everyone's playing at a very
12878s accelerated fashion in this game I mean
12880s wolves are also playing a traditional
12882s monk company they have 10 kills so yeah
12883s it's a very fast moving game
12886s yeah it's gonna accelerate and even then
12888s it's gonna be an exponential growth for
12890s these teams when it comes down to these
12892s points you know whether or not they're
12894s going to be wanting to go ahead and wait
12896s this out for the next Morris blessing uh
12898s it's gonna be a a doozy when it comes
12901s down to how far each uh the the higher
12904s Echelon tier teams with their gear
12905s versus those ones that have nothing uh
12908s to the name except a purple weapon and
12909s then some change but supplies are
12911s looking good though for jtm ZK here as
12913s you can see with the 19 grapples I mean
12915s this is good supply of management with
12916s using this guy Rush instead of having to
12917s expand all these grapples it's just a
12918s good you know this is this is how you
12920s should really you know utilize it you
12921s shouldn't be grappling every single time
12922s that you can whether you have them
12924s available or not just try to save them
12926s as long as you can unless it's a big
12927s scaling but what was 14. look at these
12929s Jades man like three gold Shades two
12931s gold Jades and then three it's a
12932s reciprocate for wolves zwl probably have
12935s themselves with the meteor as you can
12936s see probably possibly with a jade over
12938s there and also with 14 to have a special
12940s TJ it could be Scotty Force could be
12942s desperation most likely not but it could
12944s also be a repair rule right and we're
12946s prepared role in a meta right now with
12947s the Cannons and the muskets and arranged
12949s weapons is aiding essential type of Jade
12950s to go ahead and utilize the force at
12952s this point but in reciprocating end
12954s about it you can see the J's are going
12956s to be looking like gray jays in the
12957s hands of Mao but sometimes that's not
12959s that's probably that's all you need and
12961s putting themselves that's you know it's
12963s either still the player or the gear the
12964s player but most importantly it's all
12966s about the positioning these guys have
12967s themselves the V1 ultimate for uh for
12969s the Viper they can really shut some
12973s people down if they can find the
12974s opportunity to be met for a third party
12976s opportunity but looking over here you
12977s can see a chance on the bedside Temple
12979s reaching down to the Zone closure drg
12980s and and the KLA going over each other
12982s could this be Kayla's then we're having
12984s at the moment in silence because it
12985s looks like KLA is going to rush right
12986s into it and wanted to get these guys
12988s immediately knocked through drg is going
12990s to be wanting to be A-Okay by just
12992s pushing himself with four kills though
12993s these guys have a pretty hefty Spot
12994s while you know KLA Is Still rocking the
12996s one kill into this late of the game when
12998s third place overall so far but we're
13000s gonna have to see how this goes through
13000s j18 kkx Perry but looking for a
13003s reposition to try to throw him off the
13005s side of the building and and picking up
13006s the weapon on the reciprocating point
13008s the akx can go ahead and get that pistol
13010s out might be seeing a root a Cliffside
13012s fight with using that pistol and trying
13014s to go closer and closer Beyond ysj
13016s though playing not playing skin high
13018s because they ran it out they're gonna
13019s have to play The Witch engage the team
13020s above the fortune if necessary it looks
13022s like there's gonna be a chance for CK to
13023s activate the auto email Rosemary sees
13025s you you is running out of there and so
13027s is Rosemary in response akx is going to
13030s reset here for free these guys see a
13031s moon band and they want to play it safe
13033s by uh just going counter clockwise of it
13035s over into something else dwelling reach
13037s but you having to bring that ultimate
13038s having the V3 ultimately
13041s it's gonna be a little bit of a position
13043s for a rest dancing himself
13045s he'll keep himself alive for just a
13048s couple of minutes longer eight minutes
13048s until the end of the round we still have
13050s 27 players alive yeah it's it's I said
13054s on on Tempo game we're about to hit that
13056s 28 uh 26 is you it's finished up by K
13060s hlg that's their first kill of the game
13062s only 15 points for these guys
13065s really not even the greatest performance
13067s they're not having an xcg bad kind of
13069s day who have got eight points finally
13071s picked that legendary zygon by builds up
13073s so much and then uh
13075s pull it out uh I believe it is JL
13079s who are the ones or is it jdg who do it
13082s there's one of our J one of our teams
13084s that begins with jave it's not JD uh
13086s they have a really fun comp which I hope
13089s you get to see uh it's Justina oh
13092s they've run Justina they run uh it's
13096s just in a carry so I think it's like
13097s Justina Viper
13099s and Matari I think I can't remember who
13102s the third is in it
13104s but it's a really nasty cop and they
13106s pull it off so well when they play it
13108s really really good anyway uh Rosemary is
13111s about to join some of their other
13113s teammates and uh go down here there's
13115s not really too much but uh KLA can
13117s really do about that both of them
13119s down and out of the count and KLA just
13122s gonna have to settle on this being a
13123s rough game because there's their final
13124s player down out just after the seven
13127s minute Mark we have 24 players so
13129s actually moving at a fairly reasonably
13131s fast pace which if you looked at the
13133s kill scores you'd have a good
13135s understanding but yeah that is the case
13136s because Jason have eight kills wolves
13138s have a ten battle to have nine it is a
13141s very explosive game
13142s yeah big big underdogs coming in here no
13144s pun intended for the wolves getting
13147s themselves that double digit and still
13148s keeping 10 though it's now gonna be
13150s probably like you said the time is
13152s ticking and once we reach these final
13153s minutes it's going to be an explosive
13154s type of rounds for these guys and
13157s looking for those poke damages as we can
13158s see about it is doing it right now they
13160s have themselves at eight kills right now
13162s no Nine Kills so they're about to
13163s reachable digital there's a Ballista t e
13166s the Menace as we saw into our into the
13169s hollow rock Round into round two Melissa
13172s was a like the most damage for the MVP
13174s and I mean like listen like if you're
13175s gonna be saying anything about the
13176s ballista it's one thing to say that oh
13178s it's not a big deal and then it's
13180s another to take 1200 damage so anyways
13182s guys it's it's really up to the supply
13184s management you can see he has five
13186s repair chests he is willing to hold his
13188s ground over into the sense of where Bata
13190s is is seeing everyone is focusing on
13192s that region you saw that swarm damage
13194s coming out there from someone but
13195s c-e-txj has golden armor is rushing to
13197s this teammates because it looks like lyd
13199s is getting focused out here he's got
13200s that blistering Edge he's gonna have to
13201s hunker down while everyone's hiding in
13203s the building brg is holding it through
13205s Bliss is now in use again this time is
13207s not under behind the te lyd is gonna
13208s heal up this blue armor as fast as he
13210s can be easy having the purple one to
13212s keep themselves alive as a ground unit
13213s as the kurumi but more importantly txj
13216s has that has that has that monk health
13218s and with it only blue weapons we can see
13220s oug though rushing up to the top of the
13221s scene The Spirit Well uh spirit walls
13223s come out here for that team's Spirit
13225s Shield this could be a chance thanks for
13226s stop any sort of push for any of the
13228s enemies to kind of try to Grapple up
13229s here because that wind wall is a big
13231s push to try to try to delete it as soon
13234s as you can but listen to news for ewg
13236s looks like these guys are going to be
13237s having this whole Tower to themselves
13239s it's like an author State Building you
13240s know I gotta have a whole bunch of
13241s teammates you know in different
13242s different sections to try to figure out
13244s who's going to stay out on top in ewg
13247s their team has dragon war for Xiao Liu
13249s oh and I can and I'll wait and the
13254s deletion happened oh there it is this
13256s ballista is doing so much work 14.
13260s he's not gonna die he's actually gone
13262s for the transformation yeah
13264s yeah I don't know that's a scary place
13265s to Transformers among like a Ballista
13268s can still headshot you for most your
13270s health and then at which point the monk
13271s transformation is gonna be kind of
13273s pointless
13275s it was a bit of a panic ultimate though
13277s uh by 14 because he did lose so much HP
13281s so uh maybe maybe just a little bit too
13284s over eager we'll have to see but right
13286s now txj has gone in for the
13287s transformation and te have taken the
13290s high ground there's no way this circle
13292s is closing on the tower right it looks
13294s like our final circle is on the ballista
13296s Tower
13297s I don't think I've ever seen the
13299s ballistic Tower have final circles so
13300s that's gonna be really interesting how
13302s the guys play that obviously most the
13304s teams are probably just gonna go inside
13305s the tower and just avoid going anywhere
13308s near where the ballista is uh as one
13310s team can probably just dominate from The
13312s Higher Ground as the wolves are gonna
13313s finish up J team but the Wu Chen
13316s ultimate will come out and bail them out
13317s from any real danger they are just gonna
13319s step away for now as a kkx looking to
13322s get his health back before looking to
13324s step into any other
13326s any other little bit of action is ewg
13328s now have taken charge and taking control
13331s of the top of that Tower they're the
13333s ones in charge
13334s and uh
13336s T are trying their best to get to the
13339s top of the shower and take it back to
13340s bell comes in the boot up jalloway's
13342s losing a lot of HP there's gonna be a
13344s massive yo towards but what a counter if
13346s it came in what a Parry ewg though with
13349s the Yoto ultimate were able to buy
13351s themselves the top of that Tower back as
13353s wolves being stunned K is looking easy
13357s pickings here as wolves lose their monk
13360s the battle that is not the pick they're
13362s needed
13364s yeah and the Wolves only have one
13365s teammate left and that's to kurumi so if
13367s this wheel is going to be wanting to
13368s keep themselves into the game they need
13369s to keep say back up and get that old
13371s spam they're also not even ready so they
13372s have to just get that heal Amelia from
13374s that reach but they don't even have
13375s equal they have F3 so it's really about
13377s keeping getting say back up and then all
13381s of a sudden say scare rushing
13382s immediately to the top of the building
13383s on top of the skyscraper of a final
13385s Circle because that Tower in itself the
13387s blissa tower is enough reason to be very
13389s afraid of how fast you can
13392s floor and as we can see it say goes down
13394s again possibly going to be getting
13396s eliminated it's seemingly so that fauda
13399s is getting that 11 kill game and there's
13401s the elimination for wolves with this
13403s Tower the ballista Tower ewg is holding
13405s the ground I was kind of scared for the
13406s Viper to get shallow you to lose that
13408s nunchucks because the moment that
13409s someone sees a dragon war is to pick up
13411s those nunchucks and get it out of their
13412s hands they can't utilize that Jade they
13414s don't have any other on hand that is a
13416s big competition but Tower is now going
13417s to be outside of the Zone we're gonna
13419s close into the final two minutes looks
13420s like there's gonna be a big spy person
13421s out here with the V2 but nope douching
13422s lost an opportunity for it with the team
13424s in the sky having the necessary range
13426s and there it is oh my goodness a five or
13430s eight players son coming out here for
13432s Xiao Liu to get off prop Crawford set up
13435s for his team but only one is Left Alive
13437s and with it this is gonna be a final
13439s play for ysj it looks like ysj is gonna
13441s go for the 90 kill Jason CK is gonna go
13443s ahead and get that ultimate coming
13445s through drg goes down for whooshing and
13447s Shang it looks like gay team is really
13449s showing case with double digit kills now
13451s with 11 kills and another Viper also
13452s coming here looks like there's a chance
13454s for the Cowboys will come out here
13455s there's a sun right there in the zone
13456s aqos can't do anything about it and
13459s there it goes bow to go down hld is
13462s enough as is but this tablet is
13464s controlling all these opponents into the
13465s final circle with the ZK have any F3
13467s getting the silver with only like two
13468s seconds till the ultimate is Friday up
13470s again DK activates it again and this is
13472s the time for the deletion of ug if he's
13475s passing the barriers of potato ultimate
13476s but seeing you is going to be right
13478s there with the tummy oh if it comes out
13479s here but it's supposed to be picked up
13480s ZK comes through get the Perry off of
13483s that special UT can't read it but the
13484s AUD the king come to the kill with the
13487s Polish Awards the top nine are Left
13488s Alive
13489s that was a nasty little counter there at
13491s the bottom but everybody being moving so
13494s much verticality te though ruling the
13497s higher ground with this golden
13498s flamebringer just burning anybody who
13501s jumps into range J teams kkx picks up a
13503s lot of damage dirty looking to catch him
13505s on a kill they're not fun into the zone
13508s txj is able to finish that one up nice
13510s and simple as now they're gonna rule the
13512s low ground they haven't got the
13513s transformation up available so
13514s immediately OG just pounds
13517s txj is gonna transform no he goes down
13521s before the opportunity is given over to
13523s him so so rough J teams still have a
13527s player though they still got their Viper
13528s they've still got the stun can they make
13530s it work in comes J team no it's Han he's
13534s the one to do it he's the one to find
13536s the lock he's the one to find it Jason
13538s Goes Down the flavor from hand did you
13541s gonna finish it up as oug close that
13543s game out I think that was a j-team win
13546s but ug may just have done it as well
13555s there was enough to just instill so much
13557s adrenaline to these players you saw that
13559s the Viper old son from the sky came down
13561s oug is coming with a pull sword is the
13563s king himself coming through and saving
13564s out the team but like I say
13566s listen oug coming through here if Jay
13569s team didn't come out in the winter we're
13571s gonna see right now and see who was the
13572s one who came out on top and it is oug
13574s coming through for the fourth round
13576s my goodness
13578s these guys are pushing the throttle
13580s right now and look
13582s rock on bro he's gonna go ahead and see
13585s how his team is rushing it through
13587s they're gaming
13589s is trying to figure out that they didn't
13591s they didn't coordinate their hand signs
13593s unfortunately I have no idea what
13595s they're doing
13597s finally found himself a win a needed win
13600s as well
13602s they pulled himself back into this one
13605s after having a pretty rough couple of
13606s early games but Jay team honestly
13609s haven't looked bad really at all today
13611s I've had like one game where it was a
13613s little mess but like
13615s they were on fire this game they were on
13617s fire last game of the game before that
13620s KLA definitely starting to struggle and
13623s uh fbx getting knocked out early by
13627s um about wolves actually
13629s losing the runway Yang and then the
13631s salty run back just not working just
13633s really really bad stuff for them and uh
13636s yeah fbx they're gonna be they're gonna
13639s be really annoyed with the end of that
13640s game but uh well I say the end that was
13642s only the start of that game uh but we
13644s still have two more games so obviously
13645s this one goes very quickly back we're
13646s basically playing back to back into
13648s holler off so very little time to
13650s recover so for oeg and J team they could
13652s just carry that momentum forward going
13654s into the next game they've had their
13656s boat just had a really good game jtm had
13657s two really good games now and they're
13660s gonna be sitting very comfortable they
13661s get a little break where they can go to
13663s the toilet and quickly discuss what
13664s they're going to do in this next game
13665s but
13666s I'm curious what hero Flex is gonna look
13668s like I'm really sad that ACG didn't get
13672s to do anything because I was like on
13673s because I promise you it's so good when
13675s that gets going it's so filthy but uh
13678s Unfortunately they just got picked up
13681s early and I think it was drg he knocked
13682s them out
13683s um he found them and just absolutely
13685s obliterated them the LG genuinely a team
13688s who um I would like to give a bit of a
13690s shout out to because they have been
13692s there was the newer team on the in the
13694s league they are the rookies but they are
13696s showing they're really showing up it's
13698s like a solid team and kind of doing
13700s similar to what KRA did last but
13703s yeah it's showing promise I mean this is
13704s their first time around and we man you
13707s know that these are new kids around the
13708s block that are gonna be able to come out
13709s here and showcase how they can place
13711s themselves into the finals position
13712s winning it now getting those ranking
13714s points and maybe even just winning out
13715s the turning it over in the top three I
13717s mean it's a long shot it can happen
13719s though because you got to understand
13721s when you get to the skill set of a
13722s player versus how the mindset goes it's
13724s one to one ratio when it comes down to
13726s who's gonna come out on top and even if
13729s you have the right skill sets right
13730s positioning everything in mind whether
13731s it's Canon Soul Jades or if it's going
13733s to be able to have your armor at the end
13734s of the day it's going to be based on the
13737s skill of the players I mean I was really
13738s hoping to see xgg do their dominance
13740s with that zyconf with the Matari you
13742s know with everything in mind but getting
13744s caught out in the wrong position is an
13745s opportunity that comes way too often and
13747s sometimes it just determines whether or
13749s not they may or may not be able to come
13751s out through that well let's have a
13753s little look at the scoreboard after that
13754s game 14 kills for oug
13757s secure number 23.6 uh absolutely huge
13761s while Jay team got himself 13 to 18.9
13763s battle with 12. wolves with 10. we had
13766s four teams on double digits and still
13769s everybody in the lobby costs at least
13770s one point that was a
13772s a really really interesting game
13775s these these teams are they're throwing
13778s hands it's very back and forth we
13780s normally typically have one or two teams
13782s you just get donuts like throughout the
13784s day there's normally one team per game
13786s who gets a donut
13787s crazy to see the
13790s everybody's scoring and especially when
13792s you know
13794s all the way down to seven is still a six
13797s pointer from drg so
13800s pretty serious points getting put up
13802s across the board and I'm sure the group
13804s c teams right now watching this going oh
13807s no everyone's scoring this is scary when
13810s when there's at least a few people who
13812s aren't scoring it gives you wiggle room
13814s but when everybody's scoring it means
13816s your group C games are gonna have to go
13817s off in real style and having a quick
13820s look at the uh at the team there's Decay
13821s to the Tammy the Z ping coming in not
13824s the highest damage we've seen but they
13826s were just they were third party Kings
13828s oeg they weren't setting up those fights
13831s they were just sending them
13833s yeah Jing Yu is the one that survived
13835s the longest and to the very end which
13837s was crucial moments and right at the
13838s cusp of it all like I say right like you
13841s just coming out here is swinging it out
13843s and making sure they get himself as a
13844s tummy to keep himself Aloft uh you know
13846s lofty with his F wisp mode to put
13848s himself out here and more importantly
13850s you can see he's using F1 for the
13851s quickest throw out and that is something
13853s that some people may or may not run just
13854s because the followers has that momentum
13856s of being able to just secure that
13858s position but it's the beginning of the
13859s round we saw how far 14 went with the
13862s spear and how much damage was thrown out
13864s here to knock out drg look at this one
13866s swing to another into another Netflix
13868s night for the first Nationals might hear
13870s into that dragon slayer we're gonna see
13871s Santa go down but also into a parry and
13874s also putting out Shang RC from this
13877s point on eliminating them for their
13879s first lives
13881s but final seconds CK with the yodel Oak
13885s putting himself out there and having all
13887s the time to build the rage in less than
13889s 30 seconds getting his ultimate back up
13890s ZK was able to come through here but
13892s this secondary click right here for JT
13894s more than an immense point and getting
13896s those extra last minute kills from from
13898s the 12th day game from here to the 13th
13901s right then and there
13904s yeah really nice stuff coming in from
13906s these guys
13907s te
13910s e this is their game because FBS got
13912s knocked out very early and those two
13913s teams have been tight in the standings
13915s and T they didn't disappoint they made
13918s it with a hand I thought it was gonna be
13920s J team but this by the sun was
13922s absolutely enormous right as the Zone
13925s fully collapsed everybody gets done and
13927s wasn't really able to get too much more
13929s from it got the flavor off and then like
13931s two kills but then zinyu was able to
13933s avoid him and follow that up with a
13936s victory there for ougs we will see our
13938s MVP from game number four no surprises
13942s it's gonna be the Decatur here for the
13944s side of oeg not particularly the highest
13946s damage though remember there was a very
13948s low damage game 19 000 damage coming out
13951s of the universe slash razor Swift the
13953s Overcomers didn't see a pulse order on
13955s them uh Phoenix blast tuna and air
13957s Edition
13957s and it's crazy right because they had a
13959s Pokemon 17. I didn't say that yeah yeah
13962s yeah I was you know I know and honestly
13965s though speaking like when you see a
13966s cicada go into ultimate form you're not
13967s gonna be able to recognize what they're
13969s gonna use you just see so many little
13970s splash effects of you know the truth and
13972s everything that when it comes down to it
13974s when he does 80k when 80 of his damage
13977s was from a singular weapon it's just
13978s like oh we didn't see it didn't see it
13980s coming through but this just goes to
13981s show right he had himself in a position
13983s where even even in the midst of all
13985s battle that's how you throw off your
13986s opponents not knowing what you have for
13988s your weapon slots for your enemies to
13989s anticipate whether or not that your blue
13991s book is earlier or later whole checking
13992s it is because their teammates are
13994s probably doing the work with their own
13995s weapons in hand right we could see Timmy
13997s using the dual blades and getting the
13998s stage Chase on we saw a Viper using the
13999s nunchucks in dragon war and it kind of
14001s becomes like what's behind the cloak in
14003s the dagger what's going to be coming
14004s through behind the closed doors and
14006s that's 800 damage to the face
14008s yeah no absolutely uh
14011s my my fright yeah exactly my brain's a
14013s little fried uh because I totally just I
14016s don't know how I missed the fact they
14017s had the whole sword uh but yeah it's
14020s it's interesting to see how back and
14022s forth everything has been I'm not overly
14024s surprised by it because we did have so
14027s many people who did that
14029s uh but for you guys
14031s um I don't know what I'm saying I just
14032s brain is completely fumbled for you guys
14034s though you can make sure that you answer
14036s this for Treasures how many scores did a
14038s ug get I assume that's gonna be how much
14040s did oeg score in game number four uh and
14044s more easier to understand the situation
14047s A 23.6 B 18.9 C 15.4 or D 11.5 make sure
14054s you let put your answer ABC or D into
14056s twitch chat check your whisper box and
14059s if you are whispered you will be
14061s receiving some lovely gifts here for
14063s naraka some uh Treasure Chest I believe
14065s so make sure you do get your hands on
14067s that one
14069s yeah you guys gonna make sure and keep
14071s in stream you know if you haven't seen
14072s if you haven't linked your Twitch
14073s account or if anything if you're
14074s watching from Kik or YouTube make sure
14076s you guys know that there are rewards for
14077s you guys to be able to watch it through
14078s and getting those drops and make sure
14081s you have your uh make sure you have
14082s those Whispers open because you want to
14083s make sure you get those rewards when the
14084s time comes when your scores come through
14086s oh yeah I got my chest and you end up
14087s not having you get in your chest so uh
14089s don't grief yourself guys make sure you
14091s have you know plentiful plentiful
14094s experience with that and if you have
14095s then just let the other guys and you
14097s guys in the Stream know that we always
14098s have these rewards on standby for you
14100s guys to be able to receive especially
14102s for participating in the Stream for
14103s everyone watching I want to appreciate
14104s you guys again for being yeah here for
14106s that I mean there's there's twitch drops
14109s as well so it's not the only Avenue if
14111s you have your account linked to Twitch
14113s uh you get dropped by just by tuning in
14116s and watching the game so make sure you
14118s do also have those those synced up if
14119s you haven't done that already uh but for
14121s those who haven't got it remember games
14123s free to play now so uh it's easy just
14126s download it download it link it get your
14128s rewards uh again number five we're now
14130s going to be moving on to holler off I
14132s need to check what time of day it is I
14134s keep closing the tab you sent me with
14136s that one it's gonna be dusk holler off
14139s dusk
14141s All Season actually interestingly which
14144s is weird because we went all of season
14146s uh the spring split we never saw holler
14149s off night it literally never came up
14150s because there's a draw show at the end
14152s of the bi-week please where we do the
14153s map rotation and horror off starry night
14155s just never showed up uh interesting now
14158s it's horror off Dave it doesn't sharpen
14160s to be fair I prefer Dusk and starry
14163s night because the weather effects are
14164s really nice you obviously get the
14166s snowstorm in the uh in the northern part
14168s and that's that blizzard is a real pain
14171s actually because if you get um
14173s if you got a final Circle in the
14175s blizzard suddenly old economy becomes
14177s very hard to manage because your old is
14179s getting sapped away unless you can go
14181s find yourself a heat buff
14183s um so you know it's you need to make
14185s sure that you can you can do that or
14187s you're gonna struggle and speak in a
14189s struggle KLA right now not having the
14192s greatest showing they had an amazing
14194s amazing start today I really picked them
14196s up but they found their opening and just
14200s looking really sorry just looking a
14202s little bit rough they didn't find their
14203s opening they've ever since struggled
14205s okay
14208s um need to make a recovery
14210s coming into this next game yeah I mean
14213s like the beginning push was immense but
14215s it's kind of like receded over the
14217s course of time right now we're gonna
14218s have to see how they want to try to say
14219s shape up their comp putting ourselves
14221s into Hollow Roth is not an easy task for
14223s them to try to try to you know position
14225s themselves especially with the liqueur
14226s points being as limited as they are
14227s putting themselves into that spot is
14230s going to go ahead and be a detriment if
14233s they keep that downward slope we need to
14235s see how KLA wants to put out but like
14236s last round came through wolves with 10
14238s kill game but really surprising us out
14240s and putting it out there 10 kills is you
14243s know double digits very early on
14244s especially after that roaming win and
14246s having that salty red has gone down gone
14248s down it was really easy to see how
14250s wolves was able to come out on top so
14252s far into the fourth round but te having
14255s that chance of being able to you know
14256s making sure that they had that you know
14259s that pressure on into the final Circle
14260s wasn't going to be you know pointing
14262s through especially all those Viper holes
14263s coming out man dangerous game to play
14265s against yeah absolutely I'm gonna be
14267s very interested by Hero selects I really
14269s am uh
14271s it's it's the one thing I always find
14273s super interesting is you move like later
14275s into the uh
14277s into the day is you start to see um
14280s more and more uh hero points getting
14283s used up and burnt up so therefore
14286s the hair is like gets a little bit more
14287s interesting a little bit more different
14288s and it looks like we are getting ready
14290s to go into that hero select for getting
14291s number five let's see what horror offers
14294s got let's see what these guys have got
14295s in the tank
14297s for this fifth game of the day
14300s holler off
14302s I am very interested by what the players
14304s have been pulling out I think we're
14306s gonna see a furious shin
14308s I would be very surprised I would be
14312s very surprised
14314s I I was really excited by her when she
14316s first got announced and then I hated
14318s what she became because she just became
14320s a support for monk that part yeah
14322s dropping the V3 Beacon down and then
14324s being able to jump right into it
14325s dangerous game at that at that stage in
14327s the season oh that is a that is a very
14330s Decatur Lobby wow
14333s that is a very indicated look this is
14334s very reminiscent of um
14337s actually I believe it was very
14338s reminiscent of
14340s the Jacob every holler off game was
14343s Decatur Tarka or zipping Lobby like for
14346s for trios it was really bizarre
14349s a lot of people put a lot of emphasis on
14351s it and I guess you know you're on dusks
14352s there's gonna be the opportunity to
14353s build up that rage having a quick look
14355s most people running F1 I don't know if I
14359s saw anybody running F3 I believe Santi
14361s was the one who ran a free note yeah
14363s every last time
14365s so be curious to see if he does that
14366s again this time around but
14369s they already played this cup more than
14370s maybe some of the others 45 of the
14372s chance this is their pick rate so
14374s just having a look at the lobby spawn J
14377s team KLA are griefing themselves man you
14379s know Jay team drop at City attack
14381s without fail JT and drop here KLA have
14385s gone in they just lost the drop to J
14387s team they know that J team drop here
14389s this is a salty run back if ever I've
14391s seen one xcg may if they're quick enough
14394s be able to do this puzzle uh uncontested
14397s and there's a whole bunch of teams
14399s dropping down at Imperial Village in the
14400s north oh man
14402s this is gonna be a chance to see whether
14403s or not Wolf's getting a high kill game
14405s against bowdo and possibly even getting
14407s uh getting a little bit scared for um
14409s for everyone else to be showing up there
14411s whether or not they're gonna be able to
14412s get the gear the Beast pen has so many
14414s gold trolls available for them to be
14415s able to try to contest for so we're
14416s gonna have to see how the beginning
14417s rounds go into place this is going to be
14419s the start of round number five we're
14420s going to hollow Roth as you guys may
14421s know right now starting it off JG Bond
14423s I'm Gonna Be by The Fortress of capiani
14425s oug those gonna be the ones spawning out
14427s here with te gonna be reaching out the
14429s cusp of these fights and look at that
14430s cuckoo having the best possible moments
14433s of RNG getting blue armor and a weapon
14434s off the rip you'd love to see it and it
14436s looks like fpx uh is gonna be seeing a
14437s chance of seeing a.s and dominating off
14439s dong ching and look at the F1 from the
14441s Save bouncing but those extra five
14443s seconds of healing as well as mitigation
14444s for uh 30 seconds and it looks like this
14446s might be a chance production to go ahead
14447s of the army releasing this looks like
14448s the water might be getting a jump lnb
14451s going on 1v2 gods here man I'm sorry
14455s he's too clean with a soft man he's
14457s actually gonna go for the full Squad
14459s wife as well fbx getting absolutely
14462s bonked here by that stuff AF is slowly
14466s getting himself caught out they are
14467s going to try and blink up into the air
14468s to break away
14470s but there's no way you can run there's
14472s gonna have to be one hell of a play by
14474s Zhao who he's actually taking out one
14475s he's put the sandstorm down there's no
14478s way is he gonna pull off the 1v3
14480s absolutely not JL put him to bed and
14484s they are done with it not gonna be
14485s happening at all now cutting over to drg
14489s you've got himself in a little exchange
14490s here versus ewg fancy gonna jump into
14493s the pit just to try and see if he can
14495s break what I decide and break away has
14497s got the Bane's breath working for them
14499s though so the longer they keep them here
14500s this is about to get real heated real
14502s scary very far to ewg they're trying to
14504s pull this fight away from the Bane's
14505s breath but they're not going to be able
14507s to do anything there two members go down
14509s the last player is still in the pit
14511s looking to get that chance to look off
14513s with the katana but Bop back and slowly
14515s but surely that how far is whittled away
14517s drg using the power of that Bane's
14521s breath to afford them some strength and
14522s some survivability purple pole sword
14525s purple armor to sansi and it's very
14528s typical very typical of holler off to be
14529s very gen generous with Lou and Gare you
14532s seem to always get the best gear
14534s possible the best gear available from
14536s this location as SS does spot out Leo
14539s here te trying to see if they can maybe
14541s get away from oeg who did just win that
14543s game number four looks like he should be
14546s able to break away for now but vvv
14547s actually comes back in SS pops the
14549s ultimate is gonna try and keep the chase
14551s up on is able to get some damage off but
14554s those are horizontal strikes are pretty
14555s hitting too much there we go makes the
14557s connection onto vvv he gets himself
14559s juggled up there's still one last chance
14560s here for SS on his ultimate wants to
14562s find a good line of sight a good
14564s opportunity to throw that one down does
14565s connect it and te are Blended here by
14570s oug pinned against the wall and run down
14574s oug coming out here with a three-piece
14576s gamer mode and getting that tied up with
14578s three other team with a KLA
14580s I mean like this is the first time you
14583s know the Bedtime region is probably
14584s going to be the I'm gonna suspect that
14586s my top is going to be their domain of
14588s expertise because alexh now having a
14590s gold weapon from that puzzle getting it
14591s immediately from the start of the ground
14592s he's not gonna go ahead and having a
14594s fight of a lifetime JL gonna have to see
14596s the port out coming out from xcg's Xiao
14598s gonna make sure that they can get
14600s themselves ready up at lsh doesn't have
14602s ultimate yet so this is gonna be a
14603s chance for as to actually have to burn
14605s through those ultimates of cicada but
14606s still having timing on standby for CU
14608s with the purple armor it's seemingly
14610s that they made the right choice there
14611s lxh still hasn't had lost that goal that
14614s that gold they lose that gold staff it's
14616s going to be a big shift in power
14617s considering that hlg is now in the back
14619s line looking for a chance of probably
14620s third party in this JL team is wanting
14623s to see what is the situation here xdg is
14625s just gonna hide it out in the bush
14627s making making sure they can go through
14628s cuckoo doesn't have level two ultimate
14630s they're trying to find as many weapons
14631s they can fit in their pocket and there
14632s it is level 2v3 for Takeda cuckoo is now
14635s ready to rumble and the hlg is now gonna
14636s be running it through Straight towards
14637s uh Team JL over to the snowy forest and
14640s with it possibly in the vicinity of this
14643s Melissa range but we will have to see
14645s how that one goes through cuckoo taking
14646s but two both shots in the face look at
14647s how to spend time healing out this blue
14650s armor from Whole sword and Hanford
14651s cuckoo so now cuckoo's gonna go right
14653s into it gu is gonna be left behind could
14655s it begin to Grapple son it could go for
14656s a head for the r b release and this
14657s could be a chance for seeing going
14658s through the F1 to preemptively they
14659s don't even realize that it's too late
14660s for them if they throw a blue Focus but
14662s it looks like jlaf is gonna go ahead and
14663s get hot out here he can see the F1
14665s because who is not gonna be reading out
14667s against the opponent activating old
14669s secondary to this coming old it's gonna
14670s be a temporary Dale to come out on top
14672s or rather to the Lost in the mines
14673s cuckoo's gonna have here for the
14674s vertical right here with the l b focus
14676s with the blue Focus you gotta be careful
14677s bro if this isn't gonna be it delicious
14679s cop there goes
14687s coming from the back line bang is losing
14690s all his HP and there is Han going
14691s through bang gone on gone xcg 9 is the
14696s demise of everyone in the vicinity and
14699s they can't do anything about it and it
14700s looks like SCP is gonna come through out
14702s on top with getting these kill off of X
14704s that's hlg
14706s the world
14707s huge pickup there for xcg and a bounce
14710s back as well because game one oh well
14712s game one to four bad real bad for xcg uh
14716s finally getting themselves two kills
14718s this is I think the most kills they've
14719s had in the game today uh and this is
14722s crazy because they're a team who
14723s genuinely very capable of Performing I
14725s mean they are they won the spring the
14728s second split of the season last year
14730s which is the equivalent of this summer
14731s split
14732s um although it was in September it was
14735s super on fire as a bank breath is coming
14737s down and ewg want nothing to do with
14740s that they just blink out using the
14741s routine teleport away to safety rules
14744s though
14745s they're keeping that momentum that they
14747s had from that from that last game and
14749s they are looking to bounce back as a
14751s so far zero kills for them but feeling
14753s aggressive and wanting to chase wolves
14756s are gonna try and put the pressure up
14757s here onto ewg spawn them out on the low
14760s ground I think they saw the men to the
14762s bush they are gonna see them come out of
14763s the Bush at the very least the freezes
14765s are actually coming in there from that
14766s Justina able to get some of that
14768s lockdown done for the moment is a wolves
14772s seeing if they can get the damage off of
14773s that pole sword damn storms down your
14775s hands losing a fair amount of HP here
14777s the count comes in from Iran absolutely
14779s huge 14. it's slam is ruined there is no
14784s opportunity
14786s because now Iran itself is also getting
14788s run down looking to get the uh the sun
14791s off here not gonna get a brake line of
14793s sight of wolves
14794s paying a pretty heavy price there I
14796s don't know why I thought those are just
14797s either I just I kind of just forgot that
14799s was there's no just either I was I was
14801s like
14802s this friend but those butterflies are
14805s trust me if you don't see them it's too
14808s late because it's a bad point if you're
14810s if an enemy team capitalizes on the
14811s position that you're moving towards the
14813s direction of one the radius of that
14814s circle is immense for you not to be able
14816s to read it out it's going to be a missed
14819s opportunity for you to be able to have
14820s ultimate prior to it whether you're
14822s playing cicada or if you're having an
14823s ultimate such as timing to go ahead and
14825s throw yourself in there but looking at
14826s KLA
14827s gold status on the V3 this is gonna be a
14831s big chance for them to have that extra
14833s stacker time that's necessary a bounty
14835s from ballot is going to be placed but uh
14837s KLA is just looting up in the zone they
14839s are looking pretty snazzy in terms of
14840s the gear right now with the purple sword
14841s at hand with purple armors as well with
14843s rosemary Rock and the blue armor just
14845s because of you know safety cap and it's
14846s a ping right so you can be able to screw
14848s around daily about it I'm not gonna be
14850s toe to tell right here in the east side
14851s region with the rummy ain't gonna be
14852s spawning out here in 50 seconds or so
14854s and with Wolves still out into the
14856s Gastly missed over into the west side of
14858s the map in the snowy Forest wolves is
14860s looking for a chance probably looking
14861s for the gear out here scraps anything
14864s while te MJ team and xgg are rushing it
14867s to the Northwest side of the map and
14869s trying to get themselves to the rumble
14871s Yang as well as the Morris blessing but
14872s ewg might be saying something otherwise
14874s in the meantime though drg over into the
14878s Imperial Village is gonna see the chance
14880s of looting out before you can see
14881s wishing living out from the tree region
14882s which has a lot of good gear if their
14884s gold throws a Miss across that whole
14886s region but you still fighting it now
14888s poke damage between both opponents is
14890s going to be coming out here and the
14891s Roman Yang should start very soon
14892s goodness
14897s you know something something that you
14899s has a stanchion Sky Pillar
14902s but I don't know it could be me
14905s no stop again
14907s no no unfortunately not um they are
14910s going to try and get themselves into
14911s this realm of Yang though and they'll be
14912s going up versus FTX here in this one
14915s let's see if uh FX can dance the dance
14918s Rosemary uh on the zipping has got just
14922s the blue armor but it's a z-ping so
14926s they're hard to pick the Z pink is you
14928s he's gonna get the grapple on for the
14930s moment we are going to see immediately
14931s trying to jump in onto xiaohu over the
14933s shoulder he goes get that one off lovely
14935s there with the F now we do see you
14937s getting a bit of damage from London
14938s Sandstorm comes down returns Sandstorm
14940s as well I think in response there was
14942s thrown out as immediately okay it's just
14945s a complete cluster of action people
14947s being stagger logged knocked back you
14949s uses his second to last charge of his
14951s ultimate there to get some damage off
14953s it's gonna get it thrown back out as he
14954s is used on himself is Yahoo going low HP
14957s he's just being jungled in the air
14959s unable to move KLA Steiner really
14962s struggle here you trying to see if he
14964s can find a kill onto xiaohuz is able to
14966s survive out for as much as possible and
14967s this is getting really hairy here
14969s absolutely brutal from Don Ching he just
14972s is so hard to handle they did find the
14974s opportunity to turn around you does get
14976s some healing in the zipping paying off
14978s some dividends right now with water
14979s getting jumped onto by you this lifts as
14982s with his head and they just open up
14984s absolutely finalized but this is even
14987s more damage fbx are unstoppable
14991s fex is a menace with the amount of push
14994s that they had they had that dual halberd
14997s Jade for the dragonlike might they had
14998s Dreadful whale they were just eating up
15001s in this rummy Yang and this is not gonna
15003s be the end I think fpx might be coming
15004s out of this Ramen all all you know
15006s snazzy and stuff because actually GE
15008s looking at the reciprocating end is
15009s getting a loss for xlx lxh's armor so
15012s with it the wutan shields are used but
15014s will shanyan regret it to this point
15015s it's gonna see that te is gonna be
15017s pushing this further Beyond and see how
15018s cxj uses the wind wall uh to see the
15020s wind wall Shields be used it's gonna
15022s back off go back to the most blessing
15023s going through it now back into imperial
15025s Village there's a drg gonna go for this
15027s point into the corner of the fence line
15028s and you're gonna have to see how bowdo
15029s wants to go through and there it is
15030s sansi Goes Down lion picks up the slow
15031s blooms now about a uh above a thousand
15034s HP and mushen goes down as well drg
15036s losing their lives lion has a gold great
15038s source so at this stage we can see line
15039s just gonna deal 1200 damage in one Fell
15042s Swoop but looking over to this Ravine
15044s again we're back here jl's gonna have
15045s that chance of seeing as gonna go into
15046s the position of uh of being able to see
15048s how that chase is going to go through
15049s they have a Mystic might go into good
15051s position all right I said music my
15053s draco's starting to be enabled for these
15054s guys to go into a place they can have 30
15057s seconds on the clock to be full
15058s aggression mode but if they don't put it
15060s any more time soon BBV will have the
15061s chance of renegotiating how the fight
15064s goes once they realize that aura is
15066s removed te is still running they can't
15068s heal there is no time to put in an armor
15070s powder or healing barrier in play F1 six
15073s grapples as is running out of supplies
15075s very soon this is now going to be a
15077s chance of an opportunity Force you eat
15078s to get a reset done if they want to keep
15080s pushing or they see the order disappear
15081s and Rush right back into the fight
15087s get a rebirth off there and pick up one
15089s of their players but the problem with
15090s that is they're gonna be coming back
15092s into the game in this state with great
15095s armor great weapons
15098s so now Jay team needs to put some uh
15099s some equipment together
15102s for their teammate and right now they're
15104s sitting on a donut so Jay team
15107s definitely a much calmer game number
15109s five than we just saw out of their last
15111s couple of games is that tea
15114s just playing on a bit of a back off and
15117s honestly there's been questions about
15119s them versus fpx fvx have been struggling
15122s and kind of losing out early yes they
15124s just just went up a million birthday and
15126s the uh
15128s so you've been very consistent at least
15130s making it into the end game where fbx
15132s has definitely struggled to make it to
15133s end games though as if he can keep that
15135s up and if fbx can maybe find that
15137s recovery
15138s going into these later stages of the get
15141s of the day as uh AF let's get himself a
15143s lovely little counter there on the vvv
15145s you know just as I'm saying to you good
15146s at making it to the end game they may
15148s find himself getting ejected from this
15150s game txj is done they're gonna finish
15153s him up nice and quick down he goes the
15155s rest of the team actually came in to
15156s save the day
15158s JL just gonna heal up vvv
15162s ing juggled around loses all of his
15163s armor Leo going low vbv gets caught out
15166s by the grackle uses his last charge of
15168s his ultimate as goes down oh the charge
15171s click from the katana absolutely hugees
15173s bang can't even seem to find an opening
15175s an opportunity does get some damage off
15177s of those dual swords but
15179s this fight is starting to get a little
15180s bit hairy T finding their turnaround Leo
15183s going very low the counter comes in onto
15185s vvv into the Rush from the spear
15187s absolutely Flawless turnaround from Zio
15190s Leo desperately trying to get away but
15192s JL just gonna turn their attention
15194s towards him but vvv find their opening
15196s find their opportunity no way did Tiki
15200s turn this one around the diggers juggled
15202s around Z is on low HP and down he goes
15205s no way did that happen oh my goodness
15209s you know what's crazy because of this
15210s because I'm looking at JL I'm like okay
15212s these guys have it in the bag I saw a
15214s thing dip out from the the Decatur from
15216s vvv because they really I feel like Fang
15218s realized that at this point he knew that
15220s the enemy was going to use his F ability
15221s how he captured in and he went back to
15223s his teammate but the fact that vvv and
15225s Leo literally cultivated themselves the
15227s position of getting that kill and
15229s putting themselves into that into their
15231s quarter it felt like it was a nun uh no
15234s case twin scenario until that flip
15236s around and the blue focus is coming out
15238s here to make her make her make her die
15239s situation so
15241s hats off we're gonna see the comeback if
15244s the tummy has to come back because
15245s whether or not they want to keep the
15246s game alive they need to get those prices
15247s on standpoint fpx will never hand
15249s getting paired out here it looks like a
15250s big fight coming out here from the
15251s northwest or the alternate Tranquility
15253s but it looks like there's gonna be a
15254s donkey's way to losing those gold weapon
15256s is not idealistic for this Mystic might
15257s or the track like might as I say
15259s otherwise because o u d s s is down
15262s pistol shot to finish off the job it
15263s looks like cxz from KLA died from the
15265s realm of Yankees so that is a big
15267s unfortunate case for Kelly KLA
15269s especially it's late into the into the
15271s rounds today and Xing Yu is gonna get
15272s looted up here while fpx is dominating
15274s yeah with Nine Kills so far we're gonna
15276s have to take a look at those kill
15277s leaders and see how it goes ug though
15279s the king himself five kills for oug so
15283s far into the position with 26 players
15284s Romanian coming into play right now this
15286s is gonna be a 26 player game so far but
15288s it looks like dongchin doesn't have
15289s ultimate right he needs to be safe and
15291s how he wants to try to go through if
15292s they want to go into the Roman I don't
15294s think they even need to want to risk it
15295s they can go to a random Morris lesson
15297s that might have a dry straight clothes
15298s storm might have a Mystic might they
15300s have to be safe about how they want to
15301s hurt however considering with no
15303s ultimate however powder
15306s I'm calling it free Runway
15309s yeah she's just gonna get a freebie
15312s impressive day today to be honest
15315s definitely making some level of a
15316s recovery wolves getting a free uh Morris
15319s blessing nobody's gonna contest him
15320s while the sand storms up grab what they
15322s want uh
15324s yeah I can take a couple of shots for it
15325s but they are gonna be able to leave
15326s there is Draco storm over to the side of
15329s wolves
15331s see what they can do with that one
15332s there's a are currently in the I think
15335s this is a sandstorm yep in the sandstorm
15338s not a ghastly missed this one has the
15340s has the hands on the ground oh the hands
15344s they're nasty yeah
15346s silence for what eight seconds dude it's
15348s Viper everywhere Viper is a F2 vipers
15351s all over the place and they're just
15352s hands and sprouting from the ground and
15354s the visibility aspect is there as well
15356s you can't see anything you're just gonna
15358s have to hear it out
15360s um but I do believe lion had activated
15362s outside the Romanian so he's trying to
15364s utilize it as fast as much as he can
15365s just try to literally become a beacon of
15367s light for wolves to see and most likely
15369s not wanting to push it even though they
15370s have Draco storm they have that
15371s offensive pressure they can utilize
15373s between this time and now before the end
15375s of the buff duration because this it
15376s might it's gonna give them the option to
15378s be able to see everything that's
15378s happening through with only a minute
15380s though uh left though on the Draco storm
15382s wolves we'll just go straight into bloom
15383s Castle see what's left you know tarnish
15386s themselves uh you know the position I've
15387s seen you know not getting caught out
15389s there and that's necessary because they
15391s just disappear from a team to go through
15394s and steal all the gear from uh I think
15395s Xiao Liu interesting with the note as
15398s well was JT moon now eliminated they've
15401s been knocked out so I didn't see he
15403s knocked them out but the the icon came
15405s up they were kicked out so J team
15407s unfortunately losing out pretty early in
15410s this game after two really good games I
15413s guess they have a little bit of comfort
15414s in the sense that they can go okay not
15417s ideal but losing on a donut that is
15421s absolutely
15423s that's cheese opportunity to pounce
15425s forwards overall in the standings and
15427s Kelly to catch up Kelly are on five
15429s kills so I thought it'd been a quiet
15431s game from Kelly but actually they
15433s they're currently leading the charge on
15435s kills and I'll come back as you know
15437s they're not fbx is they've got nine
15439s um
15440s however Scala definitely looking a
15442s little bit better as the king is getting
15444s jumped onto by bowder I think
15447s he I jumped onto it's a little bit yeah
15451s he's not he's just been bullied he can't
15452s move
15453s around
15455s kick them while he's down boys yeah
15456s that's all about it did oh kick your
15459s body's up he was Airborne half the time
15460s he was in the Flop stage yeah
15464s getting talked through they just they
15466s just write those jungle practice on them
15469s that was rough airplane jump rope
15474s xcg
15476s we're still live in this game and that's
15478s a good thing B1 Viper you can see it
15479s with the V1
15481s um wu-chan teleport
15483s on standby in case things get a little
15484s bit hairy lxh though is running the
15487s spear here now initiation wise you would
15490s probably think why doesn't Knight have
15492s that because he is Decatur with the B3
15494s and can control someone and get a free
15496s headshot for the vertical if lxh is fast
15499s enough with the fight for sun if
15500s anything comes down to play play for
15502s night for lxh to close Gap onto somebody
15504s it is a more consistent Factor
15506s considering that the area of effect that
15508s Viper does instill for everyone in the
15511s point of like recognizing it's her can't
15513s do anything against the learning to
15514s cater towards him because once lxh runs
15517s it through they have their ultimate as a
15518s safe card in case things go sour because
15520s they know there's probably not even a
15521s Transformer going to be stopping
15523s anything in their midst and nothing's
15524s gonna grab them Nothing's Gonna cause
15526s anything for concern uh we could see
15528s about a
15529s combating that with the tummy oil but at
15532s the end of the day it's just going to be
15533s a chance opportunity whether or not
15534s these guys are one are going to go toe
15536s to tell 24 players left on the board 11
15537s minutes on the clock Chongqing has that
15540s gold full sword on standby just swinging
15541s it around with all the energy in the
15543s world fbx is in the lead for kills with
15545s Nine Kills uh this is a switch up that
15547s we can see whether or not KLA can come
15549s back with five kills so far it's high
15551s for third uh with uh with Jay I should
15553s know just tied for a second sitting JL
15554s is eliminated with five kills KLA still
15557s has that passing point of being able to
15559s come back through for this tourney today
15566s 24 players so we're still are way off my
15569s seven minute Mark and we are moving
15572s quick this is a very very fast-paced
15573s Lobby no real surprises holler off
15576s typically gives good gear quite early so
15577s people are very willing to fight earlier
15579s but also a lot of Decatur funds a lot of
15582s action pack comes there's not so many
15583s monks actually there's zero monks in
15585s this Lobby so
15586s these are the kind of games where you
15587s can actually end early potentially I
15589s think there's a little bit too many
15591s people at the moment I think if we were
15593s down for like 19 then I'd say yeah we
15596s could probably end early this game but
15598s still moving at a very very fast tempo
15600s and uh we'll probably move into a phase
15602s now where things slowed down somewhat
15604s and the players will um
15607s who kind of play that buck in their face
15609s try and burn the resources try and use
15611s up whatever tools the enemy teams have
15613s to them and then also for some grab
15616s yourself a shop and spend some of those
15617s dark Cyclones you put together get as
15619s good a soul Jade setup going into the
15621s end game as you possibly can I mean we
15623s talked about it but like the the flame
15625s breath the uh the repair roll like that
15628s duo of Soul Jades for for the Canon is
15632s just absolutely brutal I know apparel's
15633s not canon exclusive but it is
15636s it is the best in slot for Canon users
15639s it's so bonkers you just be quick with
15642s the repair you're just rolling on the
15643s ground in less than like 0.5 seconds of
15645s just getting that repair done and
15647s shooting then the pressure is the most
15649s important aspect especially with the
15650s Rucker Gaylord in hand as well if it's
15651s as an option yes those two common like
15654s the combination of that enough is to
15655s push everyone away from a certain area
15657s and if you have enough repair six repair
15659s chests for vvv you can see it right
15660s there they're gonna be repairing this
15662s and what are they gonna do go right back
15664s into it the Canon the Canon meta is here
15666s and it's always been here and it
15667s probably will stay here unless things
15668s happen and then changes but looking at
15670s how fruitful it is in the advantage for
15672s these teams it's just it's just going to
15674s be a way for you to you know see whether
15676s or not it's going to be a you know a
15678s Spanish Galleon or it's going to go
15679s ahead and have a man of war right and
15682s the man of war is essentially can't
15683s essentially be through Takeda with Canon
15685s if they decide to go that route we saw
15686s it earlier where it happened where V3
15688s was utilized to just get the restagger
15690s shoot two free cannon shots reapply
15692s flame breath batches ranged resistance
15693s if you don't have it it's over right xcg
15695s though if you see these Spirit walls
15697s getting the gold oh another Blood refill
15700s what the hell yeah
15702s I think we've had more blood rippers
15703s today than we did all last season
15705s I saw one run Ripper I'm
15709s oh oh here we go hlg Han might be the
15713s Menace to Society he could go for the
15716s shot mid-air but not if he hit that one
15718s in the million shot it would be a
15719s detriment to that Society but there it
15721s is his bowdo lion jumping dumbbell and
15723s B's doesn't connect it again has to
15725s repair the chest because we're not ammo
15726s that have been the freestyle in the
15728s world but they're gonna re-adjust all
15731s the six shots that blister can hold
15732s after each repair chest which repairs
15734s three bolts for you guys if you are
15735s unaware of how the ballista is managed
15737s lion TT though is going to reset that
15739s heal from that those hits that he took
15741s while Mao
15743s it's gonna be the distance KLA though
15744s we're gonna see Rosemary Kayla Kelly you
15746s uh is running into the Ravine trying to
15748s see about uh repositioning themselves
15750s this is a
15751s it's gonna be a little bit of a spot if
15753s KLA can get out of this Ravine
15755s immediately this is going to be a better
15756s case than staying in there for a little
15757s bit while long because tea is the South
15759s or North Region wolves is in the
15761s southwest region fpx is in the East it's
15764s a compass right now and they're at the
15765s very center of it where everyone can
15766s come through Hondo still on the Ballista
15769s being a menace he's gonna go ahead and
15770s shoot those shots at wolves the wolf is
15772s going to take all that damage that they
15773s can get if the head connects and knocks
15774s them to the Zone it's gonna be you know
15776s damage on damage so with that being said
15778s blue armor though glass Cannon build for
15781s the hlg they have to be very very uh
15782s wary about picking up armors from dead
15784s bodies that they can be sooner than
15785s anything from any third-party points
15787s that might suggest uh a chance to just
15790s you know chilling out
15794s for once it's not to you who control the
15796s ballista it's then being controlled by
15798s the ballistas hlg I don't want to hold
15801s that one ewg gonna get themselves into
15804s the Zone we're past that seven minute
15805s Mark 24 players left in the lobby so
15808s honestly on the cusp of what's a rate of
15810s relatively normal Tempo game so
15812s I'd say it's pretty calm right now his
15814s hand is just trying to find those
15816s ballista shots
15817s it's just gonna reposition away from
15819s that ballista and this is what happens
15821s when there's a blister in these final
15823s circles everybody finds a place to hide
15826s and also guarantee you all the people
15828s who would have played monk this game are
15830s very happy they didn't play monkeys oh
15832s my word you ran not like that man
15836s that is rough he's actually going really
15838s low really really low negative HP
15843s I can't believe you survived that me too
15845s I thought The Scorch was gonna end his
15847s his whole point right there but
15849s One HBO
15852s you know what's crazy about this though
15853s look at those shots are connecting so
15855s 600 damage man it's it's crazy how han
15858s has been on the ballista for so long and
15859s it's been allowed for so long let's just
15860s put it this this way right no one wants
15862s to try to go and contest to it right
15863s because if they if anyone from this side
15865s of the map fbx t e xcg wants to rush to
15868s the ballista to try to stop it if they
15869s can't get the grapples done Han is still
15871s on it and if they rush to it wolves can
15873s then reciprocate my end and coming to it
15875s but now the only Point into stopping
15877s them is to get a range shock off of Hans
15879s stop him from being able to be you know
15880s a Ballista holder and Rush this blue
15883s team down because if they know how much
15884s HP they have it's only amount of time
15886s before they Popple in which case the
15888s other team can drop in so it's kind of a
15890s Mexican standoff situation where we have
15892s here no one can really do anything
15893s except do the range cameras that's
15894s necessary with one person having a
15896s shotgun and everyone else having those
15898s uh those pistols
15901s absolutely well five minutes left
15905s are at that point where everybody is
15907s just going to chill and wait this out
15912s te right now four kills KLA five fex9
15915s not really much has moved since we last
15917s looked at the scoreboard
15920s and it is just at that point where the
15922s problem is is because there's a Ballista
15924s nobody wants to step out everybody's
15927s just found themselves a place where they
15929s can be safe away from the ballista and
15931s they will wait for the circle to move
15933s them either towards the ballistics they
15934s just have to or move everyone away from
15937s that ballista and that ballistic just
15938s won't be a threat at all so that's kind
15940s of the state of the game right now I
15942s expect until this circle probably the
15944s next one is one will really start to see
15946s the teams come alive because you say
15948s this is a hlg getting themselves
15950s absolutely obliterated wolves actually
15952s able to take one of those kills away
15953s with the cannon away on the long run as
15956s uh actually do you see wolves jumping in
15957s there to walk out safety I was just
15961s gonna leave that one alone it's 14 gets
15963s himself caught in the west loses a lot
15964s of HP zipping will come in for healing
15966s we see a sandstorm actually break out
15968s over on another side of the bright as it
15970s is just gonna be ewg and bowed again
15972s about it able to take themselves two
15974s kills actually and Iran have gone down
15978s now to Baldo about her putting
15980s themselves more and more kills together
15982s up to the six marks now as ewg are
15986s knocked out by you get themselves their
15988s sick kill of the games the KLA now look
15991s into trying to collapse and grab himself
15993s a higher spot overall in the standings
15998s right now
16000s 10 kills for them right now that's a lot
16003s of damage onto all of wolves
16007s vvv
16009s activating all in responses taking all
16011s that damage done it's gonna get the kill
16012s off of his opponable vvv uh is gonna
16015s want to be careful here because this
16016s whole backline situation could be a Miss
16018s we're gonna see these cicadas the pulse
16019s words coming out from the back line very
16021s soon and while wolves going down here oh
16023s my goodness it might be a chance for
16024s that V2 to come in right and clutch but
16026s it looks like it was gonna act right
16027s there to get an ultimate succession but
16028s look at that Perry coming out for 14. to
16031s get the dragon like might honestly be
16032s pushing himself away on top of the tent
16034s getting control this area is massive it
16036s looks like bbb's gonna have that long
16037s sort of in Phoenix blast to deal with
16038s every single bit of damage and look up
16040s ev's ultimate man it's about to come up
16041s right up again as if nothing ever
16043s happens vvv playing with the Canon get
16044s some rage then on this fbx team in the
16047s corner John Hugh throws his list down so
16048s go ahead and switch it up to the pistol
16050s and try to go for the quick hook pistol
16051s start range damage you can get in The
16052s High Ground try to see who is hiding on
16054s the tree this ain't no Treehouse fbx is
16056s gonna knock him out he's gonna knock it
16057s and burn the house down with BBV having
16059s themselves on the point in the edge of
16062s the cusp of the zone and having the
16063s cicada open up a wheelbase
16065s oh my goodness
16069s Sky Force came out right there for that
16072s savior great Saving Grace essentially
16074s and getting a thousand HP back into it
16077s for the last second before he almost got
16079s disconnected from Zumba water
16081s is gonna see Han as an opportunity of
16084s getting it through a HEPA detached the
16086s combo breaker of the century in terms of
16088s just setting you up for for my demise
16091s and setting you up for blight and there
16092s is nothing else left if kl8 can come out
16095s on top this is gonna be a miracle shots
16096s and there is a Mercer's Havoc this is
16098s the second commercial Topic in Hollow
16099s Rock map so you're gonna be the chance
16100s of seeing how this one goes in through
16101s there's a Perry though it looks like oh
16103s that was huge and for the B2 to
16105s come out here Rosemary's gonna come
16107s right into the Heart Stopper gonna get
16108s that silence We're Not Gonna clink it
16109s into a connection hit Rosemary he's
16111s right again guess the razor Swift and he
16113s used and actually oh it's gonna push it
16115s back
16116s quick smash to the head klau is gonna go
16120s ahead and be the Menace that he's meant
16122s to be it might be getting the quick kiss
16127s oh yeah there it is it's gonna be it hlg
16129s can't do anything hanser have to
16131s activate this but will it be fast enough
16133s for him to get an armor swap anything
16134s for himself Dragon like my hand Bahamas
16137s by himself oh no oh my word
16141s he's down that was brutal though by him
16145s absolutely killer game coming in
16149s KLA there were criticisms raised and
16152s they bounced back in game number five a
16154s very needed win for them there as well
16157s one last game they're the only team to
16159s win two games today I'm assuming they
16162s won today they did this game they should
16163s just get like a crazy amount of kills
16165s and a first place so
16167s needed one and needed needed win there
16170s for KLA and
16172s coming into our game number six this is
16175s now actually I believe should be enough
16176s for them to have overtaken J team in the
16178s overall standings
16181s so
16182s again
16183s very needed Rosemary is really impressed
16186s me I think you's played really well as
16188s well but roast me is being a player
16189s who's genuinely really impressed me
16191s they've
16192s kind of a player that we didn't know of
16194s until this season and
16196s they are just playing like the stage
16199s never was a problem to them always felt
16202s comfortable on it and we had talks about
16204s this uh when we went from remote to
16207s Studio because in the first season the
16208s first half of the season was uh was
16210s remote and then we went into the studio
16212s for the slatter half and we talked about
16214s how you know going onto stage when there
16217s is a crowd in this studio
16219s and when you go into Stage you have the
16221s lights you have all of your opponents
16223s your teammates everyone around you
16225s it's very nerve-wracking but it does
16229s look like Kelly keep pulling in these
16230s rookies who don't seem to be phased by
16233s it they're able to shake off the the
16235s stage nerves so to speak and
16238s Rosemary genuinely really impressive
16241s really really impressive player I'm
16242s excited to see more from from them
16244s honestly I I super super impressed by
16246s them you as well really really good game
16249s and a needed win there for KLA going
16251s into that final game and if they can get
16253s a win in this final game they've given
16254s themselves a massive leg up going into
16256s their final day of regular games before
16259s we get onto the by weekly final yeah
16261s starting the season around you know
16263s bi-weekly one had KLA dominating it
16265s through for the to the qualifier rounds
16267s into their finals and then now this time
16269s around we're starting in the in the
16270s bi-weekly too and the practice they put
16272s in into place I wanna see KLA come
16275s through because this catch-up game that
16277s they did especially after those last two
16279s games that we saw before this one was
16282s kind of like oh man what's gonna happen
16283s next what's their chance what's the
16285s opportunity coming back through this
16286s game defined what they could possibly
16288s come through with the hero points
16290s throwing out all those uh all those
16292s games away to now reaching into the
16294s final round and with it we're gonna have
16296s to see how many points they actually
16298s gain this time if they see if they pass
16300s through and if 15 points to 25 points I
16303s think they might have gotten through day
16304s team actually happened 0.5 so not just
16306s full of a donut yet but I think they
16309s might just be on the cusp of first and
16311s second
16313s yep absolutely I mean look a lot 15
16315s kills 25
16317s huge huge one but another thing to note
16319s is even the J steamer at the bottom no
16322s one scored zero points I mean it's half
16324s a point but it's still something it's
16326s still progress you know half a step
16328s forward is still half a step forward
16330s right yeah slowly making some level of
16332s progress here coming in from the side of
16334s J team and nice to see nice to see that
16338s today I I think we've had one donut
16340s total so we are on a diet today everyone
16343s everyone getting those uh points in
16345s getting their steps in
16347s a very needed win here for them and
16350s honestly a good game for fbx because
16351s they kind of got bullied out some of
16353s these games as well earlier so really
16355s big again though a low damage game I
16358s mean honestly can't they got those five
16360s kills early and then just sat on their
16362s hands until the final Circle and then
16364s just third party and fifth party even
16366s safe party all of the other teams in the
16368s circle
16369s and it makes sense and that's pretty
16371s much why I mean that translates exactly
16372s why to KLA having such low damage
16375s considering you see this and we had like
16377s a 41
16379s 000 Point uh 41 000 uh damage game
16383s coming out earlier from I believe that
16385s was te who pulled that off yeah number
16388s two oh it was JD it was one of the two
16390s yeah those are high that was a high
16392s damage game but look into his replay
16393s jlax we saw this in the beginning we
16394s were like there's no way right and then
16396s all of a sudden water gets depleted AES
16398s gets that kill out here no puns intended
16400s it looks like KLA you though into the
16402s first Rumble game we're gonna have to
16403s see how this one goes through this
16403s remember how Don King got that you had
16405s the jacket like Mike he lost his chance
16407s but then he picks it right back up
16408s because the S1 is not gonna pick up a
16410s weapon if you're Slaughter full and with
16411s the U goes onto the position of getting
16412s Mr Mike or Dragon like might do this
16414s again the dodging activating the F1 in
16416s midair which is in which case something
16419s that many players may not anticipate
16420s because look Rosemary gets hot donkey
16422s backs up gets a Miss against another
16425s might into play Rosemary Goes Down And
16427s then this right here this Double Dragon
16429s like fight that's it period
16434s but this
16436s is
16437s vvv
16439s almost losing against JL
16441s with I'm a cuss with that long tour
16443s being King parting out catching out bang
16445s was enough to get DVD just one chance
16448s for Te to come back and for this point
16449s and with it having to activate oh get
16452s any skills up here more than enough
16454s because at this point KLA rushing into
16455s this final moment was one to keep their
16458s own for those full Sports swings kaleau
16460s sneaks up a kill and speaks up another
16462s one with ending out Han who did have
16464s dragon like might pick up from the
16465s bodies and be able to use it and
16467s spinning around you know spin the win
16469s but in the end of the day you
16476s you might be right on that one I
16479s hesitate I
16480s again brain Pride brain Pride the game's
16482s good let's see here it is there's a
16484s cater coming in oh MVP is gonna be you
16487s yeah absolutely an assault prize full uh
16490s Curative bolts Alchemy Juggernaut and
16492s slow shot so none of those like just
16495s auto win Cannon ones but he wasn't
16497s really doing much damage with the cannon
16499s it was all about uh well first of all
16500s musket is his range option but 10K from
16503s that bowl sword and then the rest just
16504s kind of coming from his skills and
16506s abilities really big stuff coming in
16508s from you and KLA another win under their
16511s belt a second one of the day only team
16513s to win today twice or more than once
16515s anyway
16516s see if they can do it a third time and
16518s get that back-to-back win to close out
16519s the day and kind of make up for some of
16521s the mistakes they made because game one
16523s was very very good games two three to
16526s four
16527s pretty bad pretty disappointing stuff
16529s coming in from them so we'll see whether
16531s or not they can bounce back as we jump
16533s onto Morris Isle for our final game of
16535s the day
16536s um
16537s but yeah I I feel like fbx they also
16539s made a recovery there they needed to
16540s make because they had been getting
16542s bullied out of the last couple of games
16544s Jay team that was a bad game for them
16546s but still a team that have impressed me
16548s today so far we'll see if game game six
16551s is their recovery or if they kind of
16553s just go full J theme and go ah it's kind
16554s of throw and just completely completely
16557s ruined the day and all of the work
16558s they've done today uh but yeah I I feel
16561s like honestly there's a lot of teams
16563s scoring there's only a few teams only a
16565s few teams who are actually standing out
16567s to me like the lights are KLA the likes
16569s of tea the likes of J team oeg as well
16571s but I mean not really overly surprised
16574s by that one but for you guys at home if
16577s you want to grab yourself some goodies
16578s who is the MVP for game number five it
16581s did just show up is it KLA uh cxd is it
16584s Kelly Rosemary is it Kelly you or KLA
16586s Pete I'll give you a clue Peak hasn't
16588s played today
16590s um Caleb one of the only teams who
16592s actively use their multi-man roster and
16595s are rotating people around it's
16596s interesting to see that they've decided
16598s not to use Peak at all today because
16599s peaky is a good player Peak is a big big
16602s Loki cracked he's real good
16605s yeah I mean pika's uh is you know he'll
16607s be he'll be shattered in possibly and
16609s we'll see you possibly in the next
16610s couple of days when the next two days
16612s come through could see her in the bike
16614s once bi-weekly three comes through it's
16616s unsure of how they want to try to place
16617s it in if it's a situation based on right
16619s obviously when we come into the next
16621s bi-weekly season we're gonna have to see
16623s how Tesla involves everybody through
16625s especially with the balance patches
16626s shape ups could happen here and there
16628s but looking at the scores you can see
16629s Jay team's going to be reaching out here
16631s in the in the Reigns of the king of the
16632s hills position with 79.9 79.5 points and
16636s KLA in second 71.8 so they're going to
16639s be at a 7.7 uh deficit in terms of
16641s trying to catch up into the first Pace
16643s position but te is at a 64.9 te has
16647s still enough chances of getting a high
16649s kill game and putting themselves with a
16650s 20 bomb if it happens te will be
16653s recognized as being the biggest catch-up
16655s through there oud and fourth though is
16657s what 47.6 while fpx in fifth 46.4 about
16661s a in six of 42.8 so these teams in all
16664s tied into those positions
16666s they can get themselves a position of
16668s you know knowing how Morris I'll be the
16670s next map in in dusk you know with the
16672s overcasting position it's whether or not
16674s they want to you know go forward and put
16676s them in you know Full Throttle modes
16678s spawn in celestra hit the water wheel
16680s everything in the midst of all that
16682s yeah absolutely
16683s absolutely we have another
16685s wall
16689s that we didn't get to see it properly in
16691s the end where one of the teams actually
16695s um
16696s they all of the teams ended in that in
16698s that final Circle
16700s um and not so the final Circle was in
16703s the pit where the water wheel was and
16704s there was one person standing up on the
16706s pit above the water wheel and we're like
16708s hit the water wheel hit the water wheel
16709s wipe everybody out and win the game for
16711s your team and then they just jumped in
16712s and joined into the into the fight on
16714s the floor which is real sad actually in
16716s a way because I was um I was really
16718s hoping we get to see uh someone use that
16720s water well maybe maybe we'll be blessed
16722s maybe we will get that water wheel
16723s ending but we've uh we've so wanted but
16726s obviously that is our final game we
16728s still got that to go uh I'm excited to
16731s see I'm excited to see what these guys
16733s uh what these guys are gonna be pulling
16734s out going into this final game of the
16736s day
16737s um we all got a photo quick break now
16739s and then we're back back with that last
16741s game so we'll see you in a minute
16775s [Music]
16788s thank you
16812s for the opportunity to get that perfect
16813s Cannon shot off here he goes gonna start
16815s to knock ttd5 back into the Zone sharp
16818s kills himself to kill gets himself
16820s another one Joe is absolutely
16822s obliteration in the lobby using the
16825s Pharaoh beautifully here
16827s everybody down
16835s most of the flame is very Tempo very
16838s staggered right now spider and Mike
16840s exchanging bows there but spider
16841s actually comes out on the worst end of
16843s it if he loses his armor caught in the
16844s knock-up down by Mike Mike got him in
16846s the air and he is just gonna run him
16848s through beautiful play
16857s know what's gonna happen he's gonna pop
16859s that ultimate any second now there it is
16861s trying to keep everybody up they're
16863s gonna have to drop into the low ground
16864s they're gonna have to drop into the
16865s belly of the beat Wang Liang Bob back of
16868s the spider spider cannot move there's
16870s the dragon's rush let's fight a pit
16872s against the wall he still has more
16874s charges
16877s two he finds the bi-weekly finals it's
16881s all on Wagner
16911s foreign
16922s of the day it's it's flown by absolute
16925s chaos uh getting ready for that final
16927s game dropping on Morrisville One Last
16930s Time see if KLA have enough uh enough
16932s energy left in reserve to take over this
16935s last game I'm interested to see what J
16936s team are gonna pull out as well
16938s I didn't actually track what hero points
16940s they had going into that last game so
16942s I'm gonna be very interested to see what
16943s they've got coming into this game
16945s um because obviously a lot of things
16947s would have been burning for a lot of
16948s those hero points now and this is where
16950s you get into that territory where
16951s they've been saving up for this game
16953s this is the one where they've made sure
16955s that they've got points left over for so
16956s they can make that like Miracle game six
16958s happen
16959s the question is is what is that going to
16961s look like who's gonna find the win here
16963s and honestly there's one team I do want
16966s to actually give a soft shout out to
16969s it's one of our new teams and oh God uh
16972s I've had a brain fart on their name now
16974s uh
16977s where are you
16979s it's not that team it's hey I can't
16981s remember their name now when they come
16982s up
16983s hlg hlg yeah that's it hey charging hey
16987s children I can't remember which one
16988s either way sorry guys I can't remember
16990s your full name uh shout out to them
16992s they're genuinely been like I I said at
16994s the beginning earlier today I was like
16996s uh they've not really impressed me all
16998s that much they've been a little
16999s underwhelming
17000s they've definitely been better I
17003s wouldn't say they're at the top of the
17004s game they're not like the best players
17005s in the lobby but they're starting to
17007s show signs of Life they're not just
17008s rolling over they're not doing what
17010s battle used to do battle would just do
17013s nothing and then loose and that was like
17015s that was all Bowden
17020s definitely a team who really struggled
17022s to adapt to the changes in the matter
17024s like the Roma Yang really shook things
17026s up for them because the game became way
17028s more aggressive I don't know if you
17029s remember do you remember like last
17030s year's naraka where it was like dropping
17034s find kills then as soon as rebirth wear
17037s off everybody just clings the roof of a
17040s building in the middle of nowhere yeah
17042s and then just wait till final Circle and
17045s then go for cannons that was like old
17047s Maraca like now because of Roma Yang
17049s people don't get the opportunity to do
17051s that because missed it might is also a
17053s buff it's it back then first of all
17055s wasn't a buff and then when it came out
17056s it was really bad uh and now that it has
17059s damage reduction on it you can't you
17061s can't just sit you'll get scouted out by
17063s something with Mystic might you'll get
17064s scouted out by people with contracts
17065s because people are looking for kills
17066s people are looking to fight and get
17068s points put together the game is way more
17070s aggressive and I think valda really
17072s struggled with that it looks like
17073s they're looking a lot better on that
17075s front hlg though they are slowly but
17079s surely starting to show me Signs of Life
17082s yeah it's gonna see it's gonna see a
17084s good change of pace I mean like from
17085s from starting out initially to now you
17087s know growing out especially after the
17089s first Finals uh they made it to finals
17092s right they made it to finals by weekly
17094s one they got themselves in there but
17095s look at the team comps here we're gonna
17096s have to take a look over how about it is
17097s gonna change it up they're gonna have
17098s the F2 with Viper of course but now
17100s they're gonna go to the wuchen into the
17102s yotokime with only one Transformer team
17104s from the Wolves here I believe
17106s mistaken so they have that obviously
17107s while J team's gonna be running that
17109s same comp as bowdo and with the oug he's
17112s gonna be running it reciprocating and
17114s these guys are gonna want to make these
17115s count though because knowing that this
17117s is going to be Dawn or uh for dust or
17120s for Don we're gonna have to have to see
17122s what their initiation tactics are going
17124s to look like whether they want to see
17126s about it in the beginning middle or the
17127s end of the game by Saving themselves
17129s their own skin with as many Viper holes
17132s that we're gonna see though it's gonna
17133s be unsure of whether or not anyone can
17135s come out on top whoever pops it first is
17137s the winner especially eight Sons
17140s crazy how
17142s um most the lobby has like five six
17143s points left over and then fbx has just
17145s went all the zero they like they they
17148s calculated out their points uh pick this
17151s this time around so well uh wolves
17153s though aren't going to be dropping on uh
17156s the sun wins for us the reason I bring
17157s them up is because they're the only team
17158s playing monk now
17161s traditional monk actually has a very
17162s high win rate in the Roman gang
17165s traditional monk when it is the only
17168s version of itself or the only monk comp
17170s in the lobby and she has a very low win
17173s rate when it is the only one because
17175s nobody wants to deal with mankind game
17176s so I actually expect to see wolves
17179s hunted down it is this game and taken
17181s out of the lobby as soon as they're at
17182s the lobby there is uh there's so much
17185s space there's so much uh survivability
17187s uh sorry yes I mean it's safer for all
17190s the other teams because you're not just
17191s gonna get random monk Brad
17193s yeah and then the monk grabs itself is
17195s this like it's a it's a double-edged
17197s sword when it comes down to it we're
17198s gonna have to see how much it's gonna
17200s start off because now with the final
17201s game for the bi-weekly twos Trio's
17202s matches it was let's see how it goes
17204s through starting it off zest Winery uh
17207s is gonna be a first position spot for
17209s KLA to go ahead and decision of decide
17211s upon going through te though we're gonna
17213s go ahead and be in the first fight in
17214s the console Courtyard cave and they're
17215s not gonna take a look into it but now
17217s looks like BBV is going to be where
17218s those dual blades are gonna play it hard
17220s and strong with it with the r b with a
17222s scale which released no clink yet but
17224s that Whiff's gonna cause a bit of a
17226s deterrence for the corner VV taking the
17228s vertical to the face meow is going to be
17229s with one with the blue spear Rarity is
17230s going to be doing a little bit of damage
17231s especially in the early game but Hanzo
17232s go ahead and see the chances of going
17234s ahead and getting the kill off of Leo
17235s Bond's gonna go ahead and put himself
17237s into position using those dual blades
17238s including the pressure but F1 comes down
17243s it's coming out fireflies are enabled
17245s for view to get that ultimate
17246s immediately but with it Leo going down
17248s cxj is the only one left and with txj
17251s it's stuck in the cave it's only a
17252s matter of time before you ever see that
17253s change out in the meantime I'm gonna go
17255s ahead and see how Mao is not gonna have
17256s both him but is having that blue spirit
17258s so there's my table for a drink dragon
17260s slayer hit who knows verticals are at
17262s the name of the game and horizontal
17263s comes out instead and there it is
17265s clicking the meat out and there's the
17266s yellow oh it's gonna be that's the sit
17268s to the points needed now and bow to Toe
17272s to Toe with lion and Lee these guys are
17275s really dominating I hear and that is the
17277s Ping is a bit of a touch up in terms of
17280s how they need to put themselves back in
17281s Leo's gonna go ahead and get the blue
17283s from the body fauda is still in only one
17285s position left lying down it's gonna be
17287s used to F3 as a right as the human
17290s there's the Viper stun can it connect
17291s can I get a two-man stump pulleys and
17294s there it is but it looks like that scare
17296s Rush is gonna give him the chance of
17297s pushing it out now gonna go try and go
17299s ahead and hold the blue Focus has the F2
17301s gonna go for a silencer does not connect
17302s with anyone a BBV he's gonna have no
17303s chance to be able to do anything but
17304s until his ultimate is ready if they go
17307s down to come out here and there it is oh
17310s no no chance for bow to to go ahead and
17314s make amends with that team that was
17316s filthy that was absolutely filthy coming
17319s in from the Medusa okay okay uh KKK
17322s sorry get himself the uppercut there on
17324s to fpx there and all of a sudden T and
17327s fbx losing their their lives early it's
17329s gonna be really costly Fallen uh J team
17332s just gonna be able to finish this one up
17333s and put the dunk in five kills onto J
17336s team already a very very aggressive
17337s start they are not happy with Kerry's
17340s performance after that last game they
17342s are doing everything in their power to
17343s deny them any opportunity of holding
17346s that burst at the end of the day sansi
17348s able to just about survive for the
17350s moment as KLA are trying to put those
17352s points on the board you comes in with
17354s the counter they've got the Bane's
17355s breath they've got the advantage this is
17357s their Battlefield and a drg are being
17360s toasted they are being Cried by the
17363s Bane's brush KLA securing themselves
17366s these free kills nice and easy they fire
17369s back in response the j-team's five kill
17372s start
17373s KLA just knocked the dust off of the old
17376s kicker slapper they went ahead and used
17378s that Moon main charm like nothing was
17379s ever done through before in these rounds
17382s and KLA just went boom boom boom took it
17384s all three killed and they have three
17386s kills just like that and with it their
17389s only opponents is time and J team they
17392s need to make sure an outlasting J team
17393s because they have five kills as well so
17395s they need to go ahead they have five
17396s kills two above what they have currently
17398s so they need to go ahead and wreck it
17399s through but that play right there
17400s beautifully executed we can see that
17402s happen more so and especially with the
17404s cicada doing the work as is wolves so in
17406s the sun Wings rest is gonna go ahead
17408s actually not something's rest this is
17409s over by the West Side into the region uh
17411s Northwest of shadow of shipwreck expanse
17414s apologies WG though that I had this
17417s point actually this is subtle me I'm
17418s messing up my ewg's gonna be in suddenly
17420s with the purple full sword with ajao Liu
17422s and with it blue armor on hand so it's
17424s expected in the beginning especially
17426s when these guys are looking at looting
17428s out the central growth for that Soul
17430s altar but while what was this pushing
17433s out to the
17434s seemingly is the only one ultimate so
17436s far 25 percentile points left for you so
17438s that wouldn't be anything much of an
17440s issue if they don't get caught out first
17443s but ewg they're gonna be purposely
17446s moving across this region
17448s they're going to be seen and going ahead
17449s Jay teams having two purple armors as
17452s early into the round is looking pretty
17454s nice and Nifty and playing this compost
17456s would be one uh with a V1 Viper ning
17458s ultimate is gonna be a big Setter upper
17460s especially when it comes down to it but
17462s also with the staff movement right you
17463s gotta close got to the opponent use your
17464s F2 skill get that silence and initiate
17466s it to that point but going to the replay
17467s we're gonna run it back KLA man look at
17471s this Parry right Perry number one and
17473s connects to it right and you think okay
17475s there's no chance Harry number two klau
17477s is like okay I've had enough he's gonna
17480s rush in with the pulse war against that
17481s third Perry into the pull sword gets a
17484s fourth period to the pull sword and
17486s activating the ultimate to push every
17488s single of the opponents into that point
17490s sansi goes down for the moon Bane you
17492s still pushing on has two other charges
17493s of screw in and with it rmbs to the r b
17496s release doesn't connect to that sphere
17498s and is enough to cause concern for that
17500s team so klau that's off to you
17504s I'm starting to think these puns are
17506s intended right
17508s might be your catchphrase there's no pun
17510s intended I'm not sure bro
17512s yeah you ain't fooling me anymore
17515s somehow we're down to 24 minutes so
17517s we've actually already you know the
17519s first six minutes of the game goes by
17521s very very exposed to start another
17524s Moonbeam charm has actually been used
17526s here there's some ewg who are aggressing
17529s on to the likes of wolves and this is
17532s what I said would happen with Wolves
17534s where they are playing this this
17535s traditional monk comp which is very
17537s scary
17538s for a lot these teams to be fighting up
17540s verses so they'll do everything in their
17542s power to deny it as a Fool's 14. the
17545s lack of a Mobility means he takes both
17547s shots and pain-free shots that's a lot
17549s of HP loss than ewg they're just gonna
17551s push their advantage onto wolves 14.
17553s he's going to de-transform early to try
17555s and get away okay he's gonna buy in some
17556s space by transforming into the Eurasian
17558s but everybody just wants Wolves at the
17561s lobby ewtm really pushing really going
17563s for it onto 14. he's gonna be low hpk
17566s he's gonna get himself fought back as
17567s well and he's just eliminated down he
17570s goes Iran will be next up on the menu as
17573s he's gonna get chased off 14 can't even
17575s get remotely closed jalu a will get the
17577s counter will get the bottle the
17580s finalizing touch as I said it if you're
17582s the only team to pick a monk team you're
17584s gonna get bullied out and that's a donut
17586s for wolves
17588s all right I was really looking forward
17590s to seeing how they would get implemented
17591s but taking them out immediately is a
17595s underfoot moment but we'll have to see
17597s how it ends up later through because
17598s considering that this V1 teleport for
17600s wuchen for fbx is gonna get them out of
17602s there from The Zone closing end we still
17604s have a Romanian to show up here in the
17606s meantime xcg is locked in well nice they
17609s necessarily locked in but there's
17610s they're in the zone taking this damage
17611s and just you know having to catch up
17612s over time which is going to be
17613s unfortunate when they reach their
17615s opponents who are fully healed up ready
17617s to rumble and there it is water has
17618s itself for the V2 ultimate though for
17620s the Viper ning so this is more of a
17622s chance I've been at them being able to
17624s not have an Escape Route for their
17626s enemies looks like scg is gonna go ahead
17627s and have that chance of being able to
17628s use bow shots of bow shot reaching each
17631s one to the air of their own and there it
17632s is close Gap into the point xcg can be
17634s putting the thunder on because fex water
17636s is gonna get the silence off of the Wu
17637s Chan but candida he's gonna have to go
17639s ahead and get the Perry off but no look
17640s at all these new focuses there is a
17641s vertical coming out here from water to
17643s get the kill off of lsh but it looks
17645s like Don King is down south you is need
17647s to go ahead and have that ultimate
17648s product out here immediately if this is
17649s not gonna be happening they're going to
17651s be losing out this fight in the in the
17652s zone and with it water's gonna have no
17654s lives left and there it is 1v2 is it
17656s gonna be a chance no way never reach it
17658s can't get the Perry doesn't read it in
17659s Time
17661s Force out so that way there's no chance
17663s for grapples no chance or skills nothing
17665s for him to stop hit the pony gets his
17666s son no we're going ridiculation for the
17669s cicada comes out with a reciprocal
17670s answer to Perry and then there it is so
17672s break the r b it comes out on top for
17674s xcg I can't believe XG turned that
17678s around that started with them losing
17679s that fight by the way and they pulled it
17681s back absolutely brutal coming out at fbx
17685s eliminated from the lobby two teams out
17688s very quickly a very aggressive game KLA
17691s they're gonna take on JL inside the
17694s ramayang
17695s jail have been a very numb team unless
17698s you see him in the runway I swear
17699s sometimes in ramayan these guys look way
17701s better than the actor than the scoreline
17703s lets them appear they are very very good
17706s in an isolated 1v1 pla let's see if
17709s they've got what it takes to the double
17710s whisper landing on to uh KLA immediately
17712s Rosemary just losing so much HP AF
17716s launches Into The Fray this is what I'm
17717s talking about how do you handle these
17720s guys they are shredding KLA apart one by
17724s one they fall down Rosemary has already
17726s lost his life you now have to try and
17728s make the miracle turn around for his
17730s team here it's gonna get onto Fang gets
17732s that clang off there for just a second
17734s as keeping the pressure up on to you who
17737s grapples up into the sky to break away
17739s just trying to get some distance bought
17741s between him as KLA down that member
17744s doing everything in their power to win
17747s this fight but it's on you to 1v3 no way
17750s that's gonna happen what did I tell you
17752s JL are so good in the rower yang
17756s JL is like that you know free promotion
17758s you know this is the product and they
17760s show how strong that product is inside
17762s the Roman Yang each and every time and
17763s it seems to be this is going to be a way
17765s for them to succeed if they get the
17766s armor and then the armor but not just
17768s the armor the weapon the gold weapon and
17770s rum Rings that's available in Immortal
17772s War that's gonna put them away for good
17775s as one of the more damaging opponents in
17777s the matchup so with that being said hlgs
17780s loses out the cuckoo Gigi Bond and Han
17782s are the ones left they got themselves
17783s just barely enough gold to pick a Reaper
17786s tournament they have sale if they have a
17788s discount but it doesn't seem that they
17790s do in which case they're gonna have to
17792s find a little bit of extra cash to pick
17793s up the teammate for the reaper charm if
17794s it's available in the meantime though J
17796s team's gonna be in the south of the
17797s Ravine over in Celestia are going to use
17798s that Skywalker the crossbow in the
17799s meantime we're gonna see how the gear
17800s setups only a third left until the
17802s ultimate is ready for KK to get that
17804s ultimate for this point and as I say
17807s there is a return purchase so for it to
17809s be going through jail that's a bounty on
17811s bowdo we do have this Vermillion burst
17812s mine for another two minutes under jl's
17814s team but te has that Mystic might buff
17815s for another minute or another minute and
17817s a half so they're gonna have to try to
17818s get some sort of Vision on these players
17819s rummy Yang depletion under KLA though is
17822s going to be a point they can see the
17823s fight they say hey there's a fight
17824s happening right here dogs and they're
17825s gonna try to go ahead for the spawn
17827s point or rather they can wait for the
17828s team to come out of the realm uh into
17830s the soul altar just kind of rush back to
17831s their enemies could it be in the
17833s meantime JL is gonna go put a Chase off
17835s the Bata looks like Mal's gonna have
17836s that up to the stock staggering them
17838s back and with it bow to goes down Fang
17840s gets the kill and over here you can see
17843s how it is going to play out in the near
17844s Council Courtyard over by the graveyard
17846s as well oud's gonna have the ultimate
17848s ultimate status the poured out onto the
17850s top of this on and into the into this
17852s Bowman Archer spot it looks like ewg is
17854s going to be rushing out and seeing okay
17855s well that's it we can't do anything else
17857s left but they might be able to hear
17858s these heels coming into this point
17860s jellyu is going to go right into the K
17862s but let's probably hear something on top
17864s it'll loot up here
17866s they have blue armor into this point of
17868s the game this is gonna be uh interesting
17870s play because they have ultimate four at
17871s the Jolly you that's all you need end up
17873s over full sword I think we're gonna see
17875s some deletion happen very soon yeah
17877s that's pretty scary pretty scary indeed
17880s uh KLA two minutes left by the way on
17882s their Remy and depletion they were a
17884s little hesitant to pull the trigger
17885s immediately uh and this is now gonna
17888s cost them because they need to find
17889s these kills they need to find them quick
17891s okay first of all need to find a team to
17892s take out and then they're gonna win that
17894s fight in two minutes and just under two
17897s minutes so do you find JL
17900s probably not the most ideal people but
17902s they've been very hesitant to pull that
17903s trigger and take those fights meanwhile
17905s a complete cluster down here as SS is
17909s gonna get himself absolutely ripped
17911s through absolutely huge there from Jolly
17914s Ray is chasing onto the king the king is
17916s gonna have his crown removed he's being
17919s usurped he's been taken down as uh
17922s jealous able to secure the kill and oud
17925s knocked out of this game j-team have
17928s joined up into the area they're just
17929s going to do a little bit of light
17930s looting and seeing what they can get not
17933s really interested in joining into the
17934s fight
17942s with only 200 hp and rosemary going down
17945s it seems that JL is going to be coming
17946s out here like you mentioned it's not
17947s gonna be a good fight for them in the
17949s case when they try to engage into it but
17950s it's under their own guys to go through
17951s it because they need to get that Soul
17952s immediately there it is so Apple coming
17954s out from jlas gonna get the kill off of
17955s the Whisk it's a little bit of tick
17957s damage that's all you need and with it
17958s they're gonna get the soul Bloom get
17959s themselves right back into the point
17960s which alas it's gonna be their second
17963s kill so far with their team it's going
17964s to be around nine so they can pick up
17965s the 10th kill for the double digits but
17966s CE vvv going for the bow shots having
17968s that staff on hand having himself nine
17969s grapples to get himself into the fight
17970s if necessary but the Forbidden seal is
17972s going to stop any sort of push no
17973s ultimate's gonna be available for them
17975s uh at least until the Forbidden Seal
17977s closes back into collapsing into its own
17978s oh it's 40 seconds on Kelly
17980s oh no they can't do this
17984s okay they've already they've lost their
17986s Z pink they've lost their cicada
17988s there's the Whisk through the window as
17990s well and
17991s wujin 98
17993s is just gonna let the finish up onto you
17995s a really tragic end
17998s to the day here for KLA as uh he does
18001s get the bot back but he finally goes
18003s down that is going to be the end of him
18004s really really tragic end to the day
18006s there for the side of KLA they had an
18009s amazing recovery in game number five and
18011s then back to form of
18013s being a little hit or miss a bit too
18015s coin Tossy unfortunately from KLA
18017s recently
18019s yeah Romy Yang is like is a big factor
18021s to that too cutting you putting yourself
18023s and cutting the cookie cutter right you
18024s got to see how your team's gonna shape
18026s up into the Roman with the pump and
18027s knowing that beforehand is that's why
18029s you see those temmie cicadas wait
18031s look at the mat
18034s everybody is in the same place wait a
18036s second there is nobody not here
18040s ewg is like hey guys
18043s Goku
18044s oh okay ewg the only ones I didn't even
18048s see them everybody is in the same
18050s location
18052s 18 players yeah that that's that's scary
18055s especially with this ballista is now in
18057s possession for gay team they have this
18059s on standby but the no repair chest
18061s there's only six blister shots left and
18062s that's it we're only in for the second
18064s time around to the spawn here the RG
18066s Santi is hearing ballistic shots at home
18068s what's going on back there oh my
18069s goodness the Shang almost lost his life
18071s had to force ultimate to save his own
18073s skin but will the ballista connect if he
18075s gets out of the field of view I'm not
18077s sure this Romy ain't might be their own
18078s Saving Grace but it's gonna be a dumb
18079s way disorder to go in there because hey
18081s they have no ultimate for this pink but
18082s it doesn't even matter Sandy goes in
18084s he's looking for the sauce he's looking
18086s to try to go ahead and fight it out
18087s because no other team has entered one
18088s just yet he's gonna go ahead and try to
18090s see about if the awgs will go in there
18091s and ewg is looking for the pressure on
18093s him they might think it's close but they
18094s they aren't going to want to enter it
18096s anyways in which case we could see a
18097s free Rumble yet
18098s oh JL do you go in oh no JL who have
18102s proven to be very good in Israel my
18104s hands are going in where on the other
18105s side
18106s drg like you said they've used their
18109s zipping up that's that's not back up I
18111s don't think that's even remotely near
18112s being back up it's about half the way
18114s there
18116s so that is really really rough for them
18118s now they got to do their best to hold on
18119s without the zipping having that
18121s sustainability having that survivability
18123s but as immediately loses a lot of HP the
18125s Samsung breaks out just complete Carnage
18128s in the corner of the the arena hey yes
18131s no armor just trying to buy some some
18134s distance between him and the members
18136s against on the other side from the RG
18138s but that's a huge ultimate there from
18140s sansi hitting all three members of JL
18143s with that stagger from the Decatur uh uh
18146s it's Nancy does get himself bought back
18148s losing a lot of HP immediately losing
18150s finding a nice little turnaround
18152s actually to get some damage out of Zeus
18153s is trying to heal up Cannon five coming
18155s in and he's going low all it's gonna
18157s take is one last connection with that
18159s pole sword from sansi able to get it has
18162s got a death up and available if he's
18164s gonna go for it he's gonna try and get
18165s some damage off and JL lovely little Bop
18169s back but unfortunately for them they are
18171s on the back foot this time around with
18173s Feng going down and there's the Tidy Up
18176s that is going to be drg winning this
18178s Runway yeah you can see the Synergy that
18180s sansi was using he was using his pull
18182s sword slash great sword in the usage for
18184s the uh for the horizontal attack into
18186s the vertical safe keeping and minding
18188s his own business when he realized that
18190s his opponents are going to read it and
18191s that's who you saw that Perry the Phil
18192s Perry because then he shifted dodged I
18194s mean and left clicked again so that
18197s throws off their opponent the whole guys
18198s and the teammate just comes in for a
18199s neutral and sanzi just came out there
18201s putting JL in their plate I mean Jail's
18204s gonna come back out of here and he's
18205s gonna be like okay we're gonna we're
18206s gonna run it back but if that does
18208s happen they have to keep in mind that JL
18210s is also the only team with double digit
18212s kills so far into this round and even
18214s though they're over in eighth place
18215s overall so far we're gonna have to see
18217s how they want to try to saxophone to the
18218s top three if they go ahead and get like
18219s a double bound a 20 kill game but it's
18221s gonna be a hard push era for them to get
18223s that Romanian depletion out I mean
18226s even for jail right now if they
18229s I mean they have to get to get three
18230s more kills regardless of staying in this
18233s game so if they get those three more
18235s kills they can sit on 13 kills and just
18237s go for placement like the multiplier but
18240s the placement points is gonna be enough
18241s for them to jump up the standings a
18244s little bit higher remember you just need
18245s to be in the top 12 to make it to the
18248s bi-weekly finals so if they can get
18250s themselves to sixth or fifth off the end
18252s of this game
18253s that's a good that's a good place to be
18255s going into your last day of of the
18258s regular uh bi-weekly before the uh for
18261s the finals you see what I see I see what
18263s you see that old school the back the
18266s back impression they heard you bro
18268s they're like you thought we were wrong
18272s so part of the reason why this is
18274s happening is if you have a look in the
18275s top left there's 18 players left there's
18278s seven teams left we're not even at 10
18280s minutes yet this is we're basically 12
18282s minutes left in the game
18284s it's like I said when there is
18288s seven minutes on the clock and 25 to 28
18291s players that is a regular Pace game we
18293s have 19 players left at 11 minutes 30
18296s left in the game and we are guaranteed
18299s to lose three more players because of
18301s the Roman Yang depletion on JL so either
18303s they go down or they take out three
18305s other people so that is a guarantee
18308s which means we are gonna see a lot of
18311s people go away uh leave this game and
18313s yes jail have revived so that it would
18315s just put us back down for that 19 Mark
18317s but
18318s and this game's moving so quickly that
18321s is now large Open Spaces where there's
18324s not really going to be anybody to run
18325s into so while you're seeing teams kind
18327s of find trees to clamber up and hide
18329s away is first of all they know that
18330s there's going to be a Roma Yang team
18332s running around trying to find those
18333s kills
18334s uh on the other hand they're just
18336s they're happy to like not accidentally
18338s get caught out and just wait out and see
18340s where the circle takes them yeah and
18342s even then right it's like funny because
18343s DWG picks up a Mystic mic from the
18345s Morris blessing and then also activates
18347s that Valiant bunny Quest but as long as
18348s the teams don't want to try to push out
18350s there it's more of a definite further
18352s just get that buck just because at this
18353s point the more busting Buffs and all the
18355s weapons are included important to get
18357s yes uh however unless they find a fight
18360s of their own making you know which right
18362s now you can see it ewg and more tired
18364s they're gonna be able to engage at this
18365s point at the detach coming out here for
18367s a as to though I'll go ahead and release
18368s but he's now left alone into this fight
18370s and I'm sure you'd save it but he is
18372s with it ASO has ultimate but there it is
18375s now the science is knocked out there a
18377s yes trying to throw as me at the detach
18378s as he can locks into the cuckoo knows
18380s that cuckoo does no ultimate in this
18381s point this is gonna be the end of cuckoo
18382s if that vertical comes out completely
18384s but the wu-chan port gives one last
18386s chance and with it hlg is gonna dip out
18389s here but we gotta be sure hlg is right
18391s next to ewg and looking at how this is
18393s gonna be a chance GT to come out here
18396s and engage upon a third party do you
18398s loses all his AC
18399s res and that is not going to be
18400s activated for his EU if he's not fast
18402s enough oh no all their progress into
18405s this section they need to keep
18406s themselves healthy for this next fight
18408s because the thing doesn't have his uh
18409s has that ultimate to run out very soon
18411s it's gonna be the end for one of the two
18412s teammates
18414s though being the Menace that he is it's
18417s gonna re-push all these teams to use all
18420s their witch headed ports man it's crazy
18422s he's the one person that's putting every
18424s single team in the point into the
18425s Forbidden seal though it's gonna be a
18427s deficit and there it is 20 seconds it's
18430s gonna be JT's point to try to see about
18432s how they end out of scg and there it is
18433s one kill down daylight that's gonna have
18435s to pick up a solo who's gonna pick it up
18436s coming through kkx is gonna see you
18438s through daily uh it's not going to be
18441s able to move out here for anyone yeah in
18443s jail at that point the Rama young debug
18445s will finish them up because Jay team got
18447s that like last little tap on them
18448s they're the ones that get the kill
18450s credit on those extra one so Jay team
18452s just quite happily jump up to 10 kills
18453s at this point and JL they got one player
18456s left and he may have actually been able
18458s to pick up a um a soul Bloom because he
18461s should be gone by now so yeah he's
18463s obviously picked up that Soul Bloom and
18464s has been able to keep himself in this
18466s for a little bit longer as yeah he is up
18468s on The High Ground what is he doing he's
18471s he's going aggressive
18472s he's just repositioning I think but man
18475s that is a
18476s that's a bit heartbreaking for jail
18477s because they absolutely destroyed KLA
18481s earlier and then this time around not
18483s really able to achieve too much here and
18485s Jay team able to come in and just pick
18487s up the rest of their team as xcg are
18489s evicted
18490s and will not be playing in for the rest
18492s of today they are dunzo knocked out and
18495s there is only six teams left up it is
18498s gonna be absolute Carnage here
18501s just trying to get some damage down with
18503s the cannon let's see if he can land onto
18506s any of these ewg players
18509s that's crazy it's like JL had that
18511s position now they needed like two extra
18512s kills but they only had one down there
18514s they force hlg to use the ultimate for
18517s the Witch and port to get out they also
18519s forced the other team to come that came
18520s through on top of their end with some
18521s drg and in which case uh every single
18524s opponent decide to come through on that
18525s point but uh Carnage is is definitely
18529s gonna happen ewg is Charlie you is going
18530s to have himself with that gold pull
18531s sword on hand he's gonna do the damage
18533s ewg uh don you is gonna have every
18537s single bit of you know sustain for the
18538s team if he wants to push in throw in F1
18540s get the damage mitigation for five
18541s seconds and extra some deals in case
18543s things get a little bit you know
18544s poignant uh to go ahead through Han
18546s taking some damage out of here from this
18547s point has the only ultimate on the team
18549s with the V2 ultimate ready so cuckoo and
18551s GG Bond won't have any sort of ways of
18552s pushing enemies out or saving uh Saving
18554s Grace
18559s now mate I'm in your head
18563s it's like I'm watching a Christopher
18564s Nolan movie we're out of the stock vvv
18566s is gonna have himself on top of the
18568s rooftop we see vvv doing some
18569s Shenanigans love you know in the Browns
18571s pass with te he has himself that Spear
18573s and look at that te's position right
18575s before it kills so far there's 13 other
18578s players besides team te
18580s e uh they could overtake a day team that
18583s go ahead and do some but j-team is is a
18585s remarkable Sports in nature right now to
18587s this round and putting themselves and
18589s knowing how KLA almost had a chance lost
18591s their lives early on won't have a chance
18593s of making that up but uh it's all
18595s depending if Jay team's the next team to
18597s get eliminated right so they have to
18598s make sure and being safe on their own
18599s guard kkx have ultimate for another 35
18601s percentile points just give me a couple
18603s of seconds when a fight initiates for
18604s him to go head through they have stacked
18606s Jade sets for the weapons that they're
18608s going to be concurrently using you can
18610s see cast using that meteor or not meteor
18611s going to be using the Canon uh full
18614s throttling it in which case when he has
18616s no worry about having to uh you know to
18618s worry about this rock face being the
18620s only protection aspect for his team but
18623s uh this is going to be an interesting
18625s case
18626s wind wall could be used here immediately
18629s but that signifies that that skill is
18631s down all enemies can essentially just
18632s rain hell upon the and in which case
18634s they're gonna have to take the free
18635s damage and have to you know use these
18637s resources before this next Circle
18639s collapses for number five
18641s I'm lucky to be G Soul Jades as well
18644s like one of their players has five Soul
18646s uh legendary Soldier three on the Iran
18649s three on tongue too like
18651s they are rocking they got more gold
18653s soldiers than they do purple which is
18655s crazy they are so geared up right now
18657s they are gonna cut over though to a
18659s wuchen port out because nobody wants to
18662s be getting caught right now five minutes
18663s left in the lobby and Han is sniped out
18666s of the tree with a repeating crossbow
18668s actually it was a normal bow that ended
18671s the final shot the repeating crossbow
18672s Stripped Away that health bar for that
18675s shot to do the final blow
18677s disgusting and maybe I'll get picked up
18679s here by cuckoo but
18681s I think kiku's too scared to try and
18683s stand around and wait to pick up his
18685s teammate and he's just gonna have to
18686s accept that he is going to be down his
18688s Viper for the rest of this game
18690s because he's playing the separation and
18692s getting into the trees but the grapple
18694s locks are coming in and cuckoo is
18696s getting hard especially when you're
18697s counted when you're flaming when you're
18699s cooked and you're done
18701s as two members picked up from the side
18702s of hlg Han and cuckoo down only one
18706s remains
18707s index class is going to do work here for
18709s Zhao and getting that deletion cool guys
18712s don't look at explosions Gigi Bond can't
18714s do anything about cuckoo here though he
18716s can't get the res he sees too many
18717s teammates he's gonna just have to CC
18718s control himself on the roof on the tree
18720s so make sure he doesn't get grapple
18721s stunned outside of it and get ranged out
18723s tell me with anything because we saw
18726s what happened to han han got literally
18727s caught out there in the middle of the
18728s tree set and got caught with the range
18730s damage because it's insane couldn't do
18731s anything about it animation lock there
18732s folks if you know if you don't know it's
18734s one of the few skills there that is
18735s essentially when you can't connect
18736s theoretically it's uh it's essentially a
18739s silence and a stun right because you're
18740s not gonna be able to do anything you're
18741s kind of caught in that animation to be
18743s uh you know dealt with of how the enemy
18745s wants to throw it out now knowing how
18748s the zone is about to end into an
18750s obliteration Zone under four minutes is
18752s left we still have 13 players alive Jay
18754s team ZK is now rushing to the tree to
18756s try to stop GG bomb from being able to
18757s live any longer he's that his life
18759s license is retire is expired uh but GG
18762s bond is holding on to it as if it is
18764s still active duty and with the GG Bond's
18765s gonna go ahead and have no F ability no
18767s oh uh ultimate to get himself out there
18770s they'll probably use it right here there
18771s it is Spirit Shield balls is going to be
18773s coming out here but would you find throw
18774s it low enough to protect himself on the
18775s tree who knows it's all about placement
18777s folks hlg is not gonna be able to do
18779s anything but try to set himself for heel
18781s dong he's gonna be using a Canon you can
18782s see drg J team nte is going to be
18784s fighting it out in the house over there
18785s in the north west side and this is going
18787s to be a push and a half to see who's
18789s gonna activate oh first there it is take
18790s it kiddos coming from ewg Xiao you gonna
18793s go ahead and use the penis by deleting
18794s GG bomb from the match but with three
18795s other slashes with the level three
18797s ultimate for V3 it's gonna be a chance
18798s for Jolly you gonna go ahead and try to
18799s find another Target there it is he finds
18801s the Yodo he knows after he's gonna come
18802s out he does not want to expend any sort
18804s of clings and take an unnecessary damage
18807s and there it is you can jump into the
18809s air get the flame Burger coming out here
18810s oh no hooks and with it the port comes
18813s out here balloons the port is in the
18815s trees line and with it kkx could get cut
18818s out here with one hit left on the board
18819s with no chance of being able to survive
18821s his brain damage connection as much as
18822s it is right now surviving he won
18825s Ultimate could he get a five man stun
18827s could he come here with a double jump of
18828s Destiny but doesn't get any value out of
18831s it he's able to get inside the building
18833s though he may get a pot off and actually
18836s heal back up the pool J team got away
18838s with that they somehow survived one of
18841s the roughest situations they could have
18842s been placed in and on the other side ewg
18844s the ones who started it and now actually
18847s gonna get turned on to Don Ching almost
18849s goes down to the Zone button jalloway
18851s here with the golden Lund sword just
18853s absolutely ripping through hellfires of
18856s the de members boxed into the Zone we'll
18858s take a little bit of Zone tick damage
18859s still has two charges left on his
18861s ultimate available as well there goes
18863s one there goes the second they're both
18865s now down is just gonna step back and
18867s heal up as we do see I think J team did
18870s lose their woo Chan yeah they lost their
18872s wuchen in the middle of that but he's
18874s done his job he's kept the Viper alive
18876s he kept the uh Yoto alive I say that and
18878s actually it's only ZK so ZK is gonna
18881s have to somehow hold on but he has no
18882s ultimate up for him he needs to build up
18884s that rage he wants to get into the top
18886s of the trees and just shoot some shots
18888s down onto the low ground and build that
18890s rage up seeking maybe get that big
18891s ultimate out he's just playing
18894s survivability but drg stood in a line
18897s and just guns scored him down at the
18900s tree repeating crossbows no way for him
18904s to play nowhere for him to go and drg
18907s they've got himself quite comfortably
18908s behind this uh wall where they can sit
18911s up and make sure their weapons are all
18913s repaired repair roll there for fancy as
18916s well on the gut Cannon so
18918s he's going to be relatively uncontested
18920s eight players left three teams left
18922s meaning one of those teams is not at
18924s full strength one this seems is only
18926s rocking a couple of people and that is
18927s TE VV V and txj up on that High Ground
18932s fancy picking up some armor uh repair
18935s kits dropping them for his team as well
18937s making sure that they're all as healthy
18938s as possible in the cannon through the
18940s wall is the game finder just taking
18943s trading shots but the wall is closer to
18945s the edge here for drg so they're the
18947s ones losing a lot of HP and ewg will
18949s wait for a good opportunity to jump in
18951s Sandy launches forward throws down his
18953s ultimate Sandstorm comes out as well the
18955s flamer has been thrown out as well here
18956s from uh as he's just trying to get some
18959s of the extra damage off into the zones
18961s they go jalloway is losing a lot of
18963s damage to the tech though is Don Shing
18965s as well pops himself for healing trying
18967s to keep himself up remember the healing
18968s is reduced inside that zone the health
18969s bars are blinking across the board
18971s headset attached secured the kill drg
18974s picking up kills Left Right centers vpv
18976s launches in t e come in and mop up the
18980s last couple of kills and take the last
18982s man standing I don't know if they had
18985s enough points to win off the back of
18986s that but a huge ending for them
18991s in the budget they saw the fence line
18993s they saw that these guys were just
18994s handing back each other they they said
18995s you know what we will but we'll do it
18997s tomorrow on standpoint and they were on
18998s top of the tree waiting for the right
19000s timing you guys were expending the
19001s resources left and right dropping repair
19003s chests here and there and with it there
19005s was enough time for them where they had
19006s to cross the Wall they knew ewgs style
19008s was gonna have to use that ultimate
19009s immediately once they realized
19011s uh that you know that they were
19013s reciprocating Takeda was going to
19014s activate it and so they waited they
19015s waited and they timed it impeccably and
19018s with it with the render coming out here
19019s it seems to be that ewg came out with
19021s the most points for this round and
19023s possibly just putting themselves in a
19024s better position than most points but
19026s we'll see if he is gonna be able to come
19027s out and surpass anything past uh JC
19029s positions 10 kills it's about last
19032s position they had enough time to keep
19033s themselves scored up healthy clean to
19036s the end of the trios today for my weekly
19038s number two I'm pretty sure from j-team
19041s they're still going to beat the in first
19043s at the end of today I think the sad
19044s thing is care Leia gonna slip quite a
19046s lot off the back of this it was not a
19047s great performance from them across the
19049s board they uh definitely struggled in
19052s today's matches
19054s um but ultimately it is going to be over
19056s to the side of uh JQ he should be ending
19060s the first uh the first day of the second
19064s bi-weekly final uh not by week finals by
19066s weekly regular
19068s on in a first position there is still
19070s you know more teams to play but I think
19072s when you look at the fact that Bobby had
19074s fpx J team te a lot of the people people
19077s had their eyes on a lot of the teams of
19079s people had their eyes on played today an
19081s fbx and te
19083s AR fbx was disappointing because they
19085s were going out very early which is
19087s almost
19088s like quintessential uh fpx like big
19092s numbers quick games that's that's kind
19094s of how they play uh te with the other
19097s team that a lot of people have their
19098s eyes on they were kind of a nothing team
19100s today I think like they they were
19101s placing well but they weren't doing a
19103s lot leading up to the placements they
19104s were getting something kills in those
19105s final circles and having okay showings
19107s but like not the tea we expect and I
19110s feel like if any other team had played
19111s like te today but like they played
19113s really consistently they were really
19115s good but the expectation for Te is so
19117s much higher and we have like a really
19118s high bar for them so for them to not hit
19120s that Mark is is a little bit
19122s disappointing unfortunately so yeah I I
19126s um I'm going to be a little bit more
19127s critical than tea even maybe I should be
19129s because they did have a good day but I
19131s do feel like the expectation for them is
19132s very very high I mean they are currently
19134s the uh the domestic uh title holders uh
19137s they're a team who everybody had been
19139s back when they were on fbx they've been
19140s big enough as the best team in the mbpl
19143s and they never made that work and they
19145s felt like to hear what they made it work
19146s and today I feel like they were they
19149s were kind of falling back into some of
19151s their old habits which is something we
19153s really don't want to see from them yeah
19155s and you know understanding how the te
19157s and fpx kind of goes into the line you
19159s know Tes like having that position of
19161s knowing who people knowing who they are
19163s how they play and everything to see them
19165s kind of go into a position where it's
19166s the inconsistency for the results uh
19169s especially with the play aspect is
19171s something to behold we have to see how
19172s trios day is number two and three kind
19174s of goes into place for finals as well
19175s and seeing how they stack up again and
19177s of course seeing how they really shape
19179s it up uh with this change up but with
19182s the scores being met out here I'm really
19184s curious to see how we can probably see
19186s oug come through because remember they
19187s won last trios finals and this time
19189s around they I don't even know if they're
19190s in the top six it has to be it has to be
19193s shown like if it's a moment of uh Solace
19195s to see if they're just trying to see
19196s about how they can shape it up for the
19197s next day-to-day play and catching up
19199s from the top 12 otherwise performance
19202s wise it's gonna be a big shake up from
19204s what we could have seen coming a mile
19206s away no absolutely yeah yeah I I do
19209s expect to see things getting shaken out
19211s I'm trying to figure out like who hasn't
19212s played yet then so wbg and Gigi
19216s definitely haven't played uh jjh haven't
19218s played I think it was jjh to have the
19220s the cool uh
19222s just the inner comp that I was talking
19224s about in there so that that when they
19227s play expect some really fun stuff and
19229s they'll be playing on Sunday I don't
19230s know which team they'll be playing
19232s versus on Sunday
19234s um I'll have an idea later because we'll
19236s be showing you Saturday's schedule which
19238s will in turn also be pretty much the
19241s same as what we'll be seeing on um on
19243s Sunday between these teams but yeah no
19245s it's um
19247s it's it's uh
19250s just kind of racking my brain of like
19251s people to watch out for on Group C I
19254s felt like wbg could be that team but
19256s also wvg are kind of like
19259s yeah
19260s kind of like sometimes really good but
19262s most of the time really bad a lot of
19264s people will picking them up to me and
19265s getting them very I was getting very
19266s excited by uh wbg this season because
19269s obviously there were high expectations
19271s from previous Seasons but they never
19272s really hit those marks they never really
19274s I mean they haven't shown up since
19276s season one I'll be there I'll be the guy
19278s to say it like wbg had just been
19280s straight up like we bad gaming like the
19283s whole time nothing
19284s not good since season one man not at all
19287s uh so I feel like Group C is actually
19291s like free Farm like you go in there and
19293s you just Farm points because I don't
19295s really feel like there's many teams that
19297s are like
19298s gonna do much this was the big group a b
19301s was like the big group today where we
19303s had you know
19306s certified trio teams yeah sure and the
19309s crazy thing is is like nobody paid the
19312s price for it like this was like one of
19313s the most crack Hobbies we had and
19315s everybody was scoring today like even at
19318s the bottom end of the day even wolves
19319s were putting points together I know they
19320s ended today on a donut the final game
19322s but they did put some points together
19324s they got 10 points or 10 kill game in in
19326s game five so they really put some
19328s numbers together but here you go ewg
19330s walking up 12 points uh 12 kills and
19333s 19.3 points in about t you get 9 16.6
19336s jetting with those 10 kills did
19338s translate that into 14.5 and JL with 11
19342s points get 14.2
19344s we had so many games where multiple
19346s people were in double digits and kills
19348s like that was
19349s that was such a good day we honestly we
19351s were blessed today we got some really
19352s Banger games
19353s yeah it was impeccable especially after
19355s the first round we saw that Banger of a
19357s final circle with how te had a push
19359s through and then even to the second
19361s round yeah probably not to eat with a
19363s KLA and then to the second round seeing
19364s how T came out on top of the hollow Rock
19366s and after the switcheroo that came into
19367s that play I I'm I'm I'm really glad to
19370s see how this uh how this came through
19371s today because usually sometimes whether
19373s or not Group C is going to make a mark
19374s into the markings when the if they do
19376s play on Sunday I'm curious to see what
19379s happens uh if any of those teams are
19381s going to put the pressure that was done
19382s here early on like KLA coming through
19385s here and seeing this quadruple Perry
19387s into the Moon Bay charm was just like a
19389s kiss moment for quality control for mvpl
19392s stage and then seeing how far and how
19395s fast it kind of did it in succession and
19396s putting themselves way above the rg's
19399s Priceline of living it was a uh it's a
19402s good hype setup you know and seeing how
19405s they argue right
19407s isn't right yeah yeah both of these uh
19410s blg KLA uh
19413s been around for one season now but the
19415s players are new
19417s um
19417s but yeah it's a sad thing to see the you
19420s know the side of KLA you know they were
19422s just a bit too coin toss today to really
19424s kind of show that thing because I
19426s thought their major strength was they
19427s were consistently good typically I mean
19429s this
19430s this 1v1 from Knight HQ was just
19432s absolutely superb
19435s and I thought he'd I thought he told her
19437s because he got himself behind the tree
19439s and he goes oh he's gonna Dash and water
19440s dashes the other way
19442s catching in the prediction the Sun comes
19444s in but it doesn't matter nice Q takes
19446s the win picks up his team and the final
19447s Circle as well vvv just stays Airborne
19450s as long as possible autograph is though
19452s so has to eventually jump down into The
19454s Fray and no ultimate charge stuff as
19457s well as makes us even harder until there
19459s and at that point he gets that ultimate
19461s up and it's so hard to do these fights
19463s when someone's throwing a goddamn flamer
19465s at your face like just standing you're
19467s like dealing with someone else and
19468s someone that is bird passing of a flavor
19470s it's just like cool man I'm really glad
19472s you're interacting with us here two
19474s thumbs up moment right there yeah that's
19476s a that's a real sad man now as that is
19478s but here's our MVP for our final game of
19480s the day coming in the first MVP of uh
19484s this season actually 24 000 damage
19487s coming in from him Sky Force Phoenix
19488s plus Dragon Light might flame breath
19491s brought to Gaylord and storm side I like
19493s how we've moved the two purple Soul
19495s Jades up to prove how broken these two
19496s soldiers are flame bro from Roger yellow
19499s are actually so strong right now I like
19502s not legendary strong but like they are
19506s s-tier purple soldiers
19508s yeah it's like you got to think about it
19511s right if you have a weapon that needs to
19514s go from A to B whether it's melee weapon
19516s or range cannon with rupture Gaylord
19518s flamebrief literally supersede that and
19520s warps warp speed travels to the next
19522s opponent and dealing the damage
19524s especially if you look at the maps like
19526s uh like Hollow Rock if you look at The
19527s Flume Castle you see so many like
19529s dividends between what's above you and
19531s what's below you and what's behind the
19533s wall that if you just shoot at that wall
19534s with the rupture game or if you're
19536s connecting it you get flame breath that
19537s is a free application for firebird
19539s knowing that you can suspect that they
19541s aren't going to heal as fast as they
19542s might think or rather that they know
19544s they won't be able to so they're gonna
19545s try to run in which you you catch them
19546s with your team to get that singled out
19548s file enemy this is the end that's the
19551s end of that one life and they can
19552s continue picking them off one by one
19554s yeah absolutely absolutely kill a day
19557s real killer day I'm I'm very excited for
19559s triath Australia's on Sunday obviously
19561s solos as well but I've I've very much
19563s become an advocate for trios uh if you
19566s work to me or had heard me talk about
19570s a while back
19572s around the time of Worlds I was saying
19574s that I thought solos was in a better
19576s State because I felt like the five hero
19578s rule was really big for solos it made it
19580s way more exciting a lot going on but the
19583s meta has just shifted into such an
19585s exciting place in trios now where it's
19588s so aggressive it's so fast-paced and
19590s that's what I like I don't like the
19592s snooze face clinging to a building in
19594s the mid game like phase of truths we had
19596s I love this oh god I've got Roma young
19599s depletion I need to go get some kills or
19601s I'm in danger uh that's that's what I'm
19604s really enjoying about the uh about the
19606s the trios meta at the moment so I'm
19608s excited to see more of it
19610s um it's gonna be it's gonna be a really
19612s really good game on Sunday I do worry
19615s that we do have that farming thing I was
19617s talking about where like some teams are
19619s just kind of easy easy kills but I'm not
19622s gonna get ahead of myself yet there is a
19623s world where that's not the case there is
19624s a world where these are these players
19628s um may have a way to answer back I don't
19629s think Gigi look inherently bad I just
19631s think they've been a little off kilter
19632s for a while so maybe this is their time
19635s to recover dependency they're playing
19636s verses as well but I mean
19639s honestly props to like the hlg to be
19642s able to keep up with this Lobby because
19644s you've got some of the best teams in the
19646s mbpl all playing on the same side this
19649s is like bi-weekly final level of like
19651s teams playing and
19654s HLA G we're able to keep up and in some
19656s cases actually really put up a good show
19658s versus teams that were you know teams
19661s that just were vastly better so to be
19663s able to store in these games is very
19665s impressive anyway we're gonna pass it
19666s over for our interview after that game
19668s so we're back in a moment
19671s hello everyone this is Diego and welcome
19673s to post game interview and now I'm
19676s standing here with Kakashi and say hello
19678s to our audience
19687s and welcome so first because after you
19691s drawing into the J team we saw that like
19694s you change the character you play in the
19697s naraka so I would like to know why no
19699s shows
19707s foreign
19723s so because when I joined into the J team
19727s I saw that ZK and me both of us are
19731s playing the same characters in naraka
19733s and both of us should try together and I
19736s think he is good at using like kurumi
19739s and some support position and so that's
19743s why I changed my characters in the game
19746s and now I'm playing the tamush and you
19749s assign these characters okay let's move
19752s on to the next part answer for Treasure
19754s holidays
19760s so you guys can see a question on the
19763s screen and if you know the answer just
19765s type them in the chat box after our
19767s player counting three two one we will
19771s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
19773s be whispered okay so let's see today's
19776s question
19777s which team is leading the scoreboard
19779s today
19796s [Music]
19808s okay so I just asked him because after
19811s he joined during the day team is like a
19814s long time now and I I would like to know
19816s how he think comment on himself and his
19820s team and he just told me that he think
19822s they are corporate and better and better
19825s now but it's not the best status right
19827s now so they will still work harder in
19830s the future okay I think our player is
19832s prepared and let's start counting now um
19838s three two one screenshot okay the lucky
19842s guy will be whisper so please pay
19844s attention and it's time for us to find
19846s out the correct answer
19853s yes the correct the correct answer is
19863s spread you also match your old teammate
19866s on the stage and I would like to know
19868s how you comment on their status and
19871s anything you want to say to them
19898s so he would like to say to the K from
19902s the team wolves that because we just
19905s have the first bi-weekly and till now he
19908s thinks that they don't have the best
19911s status and corporate very well in the
19914s wolves and he thinks like they are the
19916s same like Kakashi and K they are the
19918s same they are only one person one player
19921s just entered to the team and we would
19923s like to cooperate with these two
19926s teammates so just like
19929s um want good luck to him and like him we
19932s are corporate well in the future with
19934s his things okay you can't see the truth
19938s is different
19947s good luck and cheer up to Kakashi and
19950s thank you for today's interview we will
19952s get back to our casters
19956s I love the uh I love the cheer up cheer
19959s up it's all right you'll be all right uh
19961s screenshot
19964s lovely to hear from them there uh great
19966s day uh
19968s thank you for joining us it's been great
19970s having you with us today so I hope you
19972s had fun how's it been
19974s it's been great uh casting for mvpl for
19978s the first time is definitely a surging
19980s moment uh you know for me uh going ahead
19982s and casting other events up until this
19984s point has been like a setup for this
19986s types of plays and now uh I'm glad to
19989s see you and going for the future I'm I'm
19991s hyped yeah
19993s speaking of the future tomorrow we have
19995s solos coming up we're gonna be having
19996s groups B and C taking on each other two
19999s exactly the same map layout and time
20001s schedule for the maps uh as we had today
20004s and it will be the same on Sunday uh but
20006s I'm very excited for solos solos is uh
20009s solos was super fun the other day
20010s honestly solo pirately finals it was
20012s spider and Mike just completely serial
20015s like trolling each other and taking
20017s themselves out the lobby so right now
20019s one because they literally spent half
20021s their games getting knocked out with
20023s like two kills and then and then that
20024s was it because they just they literally
20025s grouped each other out of the game so
20027s they've got some work to do they've got
20029s to do some recovery because the pair of
20031s them
20032s they kind of they literally like they
20034s picked up the boat he finally we can win
20035s this and I went no I don't want the
20037s other person to win it and just threw it
20039s out they didn't want anything to do with
20040s it but yeah that's tomorrow make sure
20042s you join the same time tomorrow you're
20044s making Spider-Man it's like they Clash
20046s together and winklings like sneaking up
20047s and then like gets the kill he's like
20049s all right cool
20050s walks away I I don't know man I don't
20052s know that was it was it was funny to
20055s watch it was actually funny to watch
20056s because they've just they just trolled
20058s each other so hard uh but yeah that is
20060s of tomorrow's game starting at the same
20062s time as normal that's solos and then on
20064s Sunday we'll be back I believe B and C
20067s again uh will be playing versus each
20069s other like an idiot I can't be bothered
20071s to let up what groups what what team's
20073s in so just jump on Sunday and see who's
20075s playing it it's gonna be a banger either
20077s way uh like I said concerns about wpg
20080s concerned about GG and stuff like that
20082s we'll see whether or not they can go to
20084s head to toe because at the moment C
20086s could be a little bit of a free Farm uh
20089s a bit of a free farm group where like
20091s you can just put points together playing
20093s versus them and not really give too much
20094s up and fire him up the ladder as much as
20096s possible we'll have to find out though
20098s uh obviously on Sunday that's where
20100s we'll get our I'll look in onto that one
20102s I don't know who we've got with us on
20103s Sunday who we got but there we are there
20105s we are uh we have Moxie and rune
20109s I don't know if you if you played on any
20112s EU or any servers you might have run
20114s into those two they're goon squatting
20116s around the pair of them on solo on Duos
20119s at the moment being a real menace to the
20121s Maraca Community uh but they'll be
20123s joining you not menacing your games but
20125s bringing uh commentary over to the uh to
20128s those those uh trios games on Sunday
20131s I I am very excited to see it I'm very
20134s excited to see it I I feel like honestly
20136s fpx has some work to do to really
20139s reprove their their worth because
20141s they've been a little bit lacklusting
20144s today but I feel like everybody else was
20146s on fire anyway thank you very much for
20148s joining us here for the mvpl we'll be
20150s back tomorrow with those solo games so
20151s make sure you join us then until then
20153s good night good morning good afternoon
20154s wherever you are we'll see you tomorrow
20163s nonsense
20187s foreign
20242s [Music]
20252s foreign
20296s foreign
20329s foreign