Transcript (by Youtube)

6s [Music]
10s gather around one in all through a
12s Wonder like none
15s [Music]
17s other
22s [Music]
23s huh we have an
26s audience behold my mystical talents down
31s for a millennia watch closely
42s now criminal spotted
49s ahead
52s [Music]
54s me apologies that's all for today may we
57s meet again
60s [Laughter]
63s [Music]
72s [Music]
77s [Music]
81s cat this will be a
87s breeze case closed
91s maybe we could just talk this
106s over ooh
114s look give it up Miss take a breather
117s would you
140s you're not paid enough for this just
141s call it a day
145s [Music]
154s not you ever heard of work life
157s balance see you
169s [Music]
180s he
182s [Music]
197s [Music]
240s d
246s [Music]
290s [Music]
296s came
300s don't wait come here
318s [Music]
332s [Music]
339s [Music]