Transcript (by Youtube)

22s [Music]
25s Isen
29s byy
35s [Music]
54s [Music]
59s and
63s [Music]
73s [Music]
82s [Music]
89s the
93s [Music]
119s face
149s [Music]
155s [Music]
168s [Music]
211s [Music]
252s did you miss
255s me are you
257s ready let's
264s go patience
269s darling
311s [Music]
358s for
388s for
404s [Music]
417s [Music]
418s for
421s [Music]
475s [Music]
481s [Music]
499s [Music]
538s for
553s [Music]
578s [Music]
598s you
632s [Music]
651s [Music]
658s e
668s [Music]
690s [Music]
701s [Music]
713s [Music]
718s yeah
720s [Music]
749s [Music]
771s [Music]
777s [Music]
783s [Music]
789s [Music]
808s what
832s [Music]
844s [Music]
861s [Music]
868s oh
884s [Music]
895s [Music]
907s [Music]
917s Viper still hasn't popped the ultimate
919s JT says we don't need it no place to run
923s and
924s hide there's the
926s St jts eliminations and a r of yle up
931s all the members essentially here of Team
933s GD we're going to see the into the Kashi
937s Go very they need to kill
958s Kakashi
1033s two Gods Sun ring and moon Bane boring
1039s endlessly for
1041s control their power was channeled into
1044s an Earthly
1046s artifact the mask of IM
1050s mortality for the one who wears
1053s it the strength of the Gods is at their
1058s fingertips many warriors will compete
1061s for the mask but only the last one
1064s standing will earn the right to possess
1066s it do you have what it
1077s takes go
1094s [Music]
1107s the
1109s [Music]
1137s way
1167s way
1197s the
1227s mhm
1229s [Music]
1249s spee
1257s fore
1272s [Music]
1287s for
1296s [Music]
1317s for
1347s for
1367s [Music]
1377s for
1380s fore
1389s [Music]
1395s [Music]
1407s for
1437s fore
1467s foree
1474s [Music]
1497s fore
1527s for
1533s [Music]
1548s foree
1550s [Music]
1557s spee
1578s Rush going be able to come
1580s through is going to try to see if he can
1582s DG it
1583s away who is the better T player here
1586s we've heard spider before that t is
1589s typically not one of their better Heroes
1591s but in this particular moment he
1593s absolutely dumpsters Kai of the J cup
1598s which is the from Team
1600s wbg
1617s spider
1790s [Music]
1880s hello everybody and welcome to the nraa
1883s blade Point pro league and Duncan we
1885s have the absolute honor today to be
1888s bringing you all the action of the
1890s prefinal of the pro league summer season
1893s for trios and if you're wondering what
1895s exactly is a pre-finals well it's kind
1897s of like the finals but the PRI toed and
1900s everything that you're going to see here
1902s does still matter however because all of
1904s these teams are going to be playing six
1905s games and at the end of the day they're
1907s going to be taking the 50% of the
1910s overall points that they accumulate into
1912s next week's finals so there's going to
1915s be a lot of pressure on some of these
1917s teams to to really pop off and find
1919s themselves a little bit of a head start
1920s on everybody else yeah no absolutely and
1923s I'm very excited today to be to have the
1928s opportunity along with everybody else
1930s including everyone here we're all very
1933s excited to see what these teams have
1936s cooked up for us you know we've got an
1939s absolute Banger of the lobby
1944s today it's going to be amazing I'm so
1946s excited
1948s we saw a little bit spice
1950s recently we saw a little spice we saw a
1953s little Vala some splish splash some
1955s bubbles you know we saw a little Wen
1958s tooke monk at one
1960s point I'm not sure about that one but um
1964s hey we might see something a
1970s little we could potentially see a couple
1973s of of M effects but I mean we did only
1975s see the valder because JJ had run out no
1978s rather a in the last round qualifiers
1980s they run out of hero points if you don't
1982s know we have two rules in the N
1984s playpoint pro league for solos you can
1986s only double pick the same hero twice you
1988s have to play five other Heroes every
1990s single one of your matches and in trios
1992s we have the 12 Hero Point roll when you
1994s pick one hero it's free the first time
1997s but the more you pick them the more
1998s expensive they become and it means that
2000s we don't just see full lobbies every
2002s single match or Transformer or Sanson
2005s currently going and it does mean that if
2006s these players are putting priority on
2008s things like the teor or the monk later
2010s on in the day it gets a little bit too
2012s pricey Duncan and some of them have to
2015s swear of and go into the uh the off meta
2017s Fields if they want to still be able to
2019s run those and as a result we've got to
2021s got to see some pretty interesting
2023s compositions for cter speakers like not
2027s not too sure about that one coach with
2029s the the valer the Yan and the monk from
2032s a JH in the past as well playing a lot
2035s of different compositions JH un didn't
2038s manage to qualify it was Alliance who
2040s were able to take that last spot in the
2042s lcq by
2044s 0.4 however one team that didn't have to
2046s worry about going for the LC Qs to make
2048s it to where they are today is OG OG are
2051s currently number one in the overall
2052s standings they've also got the overall
2055s amount of kills picked up sitting at
2057s number one with 82 with an average of
2060s 3.42 for jinu and they've also been able
2063s to come in with the second spot in total
2066s damage that's that's a lot of hits
2069s that's a lot of melees that's a lot of
2070s cannon shots and that's also a lot of
2073s ballista oh absolutely and hey they
2076s deserve it you know they played insanely
2078s well throughout this split and they like
2081s how many how many how many wins did they
2083s get was it three two uh they got two on
2087s I thought I I swear to God I don't know
2089s I think that was just my a dream I had
2091s or something I remember something along
2093s those lines but two back to back you
2095s know first and second week yeah
2098s team oo team
2100s oooga you know they they do like to get
2103s ooly booly and I hope they bring out
2105s that exact same energy today as I'm sure
2108s they will you know as I'm sure they will
2111s the the finals the finals for the day
2115s and then uh is that next week we're
2117s going to be having the solo Grand finals
2120s along with the trios Grand finals
2123s nothing on the Thursday and Friday
2125s unfortunately we're going to have to
2126s wait just a little bit long just just
2130s just going to have to wait a couple more
2131s days and we're going to have o an
2135s absolute o an absolutely amazing day oh
2139s amazing amazing weekend 14th and 15 make
2143s sure to put that down in your calendar
2146s ladies and gentlemen because that the
2149s like that weekend is going to be
2151s extremely exciting it's going to be very
2154s very fun to watch and I cannot wait
2156s personally because it's also going to be
2159s one of the like it's going to be the one
2161s of the biggest things before worlds
2162s truly begins you know after that we've
2165s got qualifiers and all that all that
2167s good stuff so we're going to have to see
2169s but here we are the list of teams in the
2172s lobby today we have OG te J team GG wbg
2177s xcg fpx K JL ewg drg and Alliance
2183s Alliance having scraped in managed to
2186s just claw their way
2189s Ino that was a close one but now it was
2192s an incredibly close one like I think
2195s calling it close as an understatement it
2196s it came down to the very last game of
2199s the last chance qualifiers and it was
2201s between jdh and Alliance and Alliance
2203s actually went out first with JJ H's
2206s Godly actually being able to out survive
2208s the entire team but they'd already been
2210s able to pick up more kills then jjh and
2213s godly was denied the one kill the one
2216s kill that he needed he had him he was in
2218s the monk ultimate he had a player in his
2220s hand he found the slam but he was denied
2223s the kill another player came along and
2226s stole it away and as a result Alliance
2229s were able to make it into that last spot
2231s and it's actually really interesting
2233s because they they pulled Alliance aside
2234s for the interview afterwards and they
2236s admitted to being not very comfortable
2239s with how well they'd performed they they
2241s did confess that they needed to be able
2243s to improve and I think sort of
2245s acknowledging that is really really good
2248s for these teams because it's obvious
2250s right the teams that went for the lcq
2252s they struggled in the regular season I'm
2255s really hoping that they're going to be
2256s looking at some of the top teams and
2258s figuring out okay how do we try and
2261s emulate these play Styles the sort of
2263s weapon identity strategies the soldiers
2265s that these players are coming in with to
2267s be able to prioritize Macro for the last
2268s zones and also drop locations as well
2273s this has been a huge Hot Topic for every
2276s single game that we've had when J team
2279s has been in the lobby because we know we
2281s know exactly where J team is going to be
2282s landing if they can on Morris at St
2284s wings and when we head over to hit city
2286s of Tang and some of these teams because
2289s they know that J team go there they try
2291s and drop on J team and sometimes it
2293s works but sometimes it just sets them so
2296s far back at the very beginning that they
2297s don't really get to recover so I'm
2299s hoping I'm hoping that we're going to
2301s see the Mind Games come out on hot drops
2303s as well absolutely no and hey it's
2306s something that we don't always talk
2308s about we do bring it up every now and
2310s then but as you said drop locations
2314s hunting paths and loot pathing is so so
2318s important these are the kind of Concepts
2320s that you need to be focusing on when it
2322s comes to extremely high level Trio
2324s gameplay you know you have what is
2327s called macro you know macro being the
2330s big picture questions you know like
2333s where are we going to go on the map what
2336s what time are we we going to choose to
2337s rotate around the map going in specific
2341s directions going along specific paths as
2344s we as I just said you know that kind of
2347s thing is very very important in Trias
2349s obviously it's still definitely very
2351s important in solos as we've seen Wang
2354s leang is just oh Mr Astro brain you know
2357s he's just he's just got it all mapped
2360s out he's playing he's playing 3D 4D
2363s chess you know he's just like 10 steps
2366s ahead of you that's that's pretty much
2369s how all of these trio teams have to play
2371s all the time you know I'm not and I'm
2373s not trying to say that trios is
2375s necessarily the harder game mode
2377s although personally I think to actually
2379s succeed in trios it is definitely more
2382s difficult because you have to manage not
2384s only yourself but also your teammates
2387s you have to manage the fact that you
2389s have to manage their positioning you
2390s have to manage where you are in
2392s comparison to them you have to manage
2394s multiple people on the enemy team you
2396s know to the uninformed potentially when
2400s you watch trios it might just look like
2402s an absolute mess you know everyone's
2404s just
2405s going throwing Al out just like monk
2408s grab come here you know like it just
2410s like and blue focus is flying everywhere
2412s it might seem just like absolute chaos
2416s there's no order to it but in fact there
2417s is so so much to trios so much more that
2422s meets the eye and it's it's always
2425s really nice to delve a little bit deep
2427s and to actually talk about the the
2430s things that set apart these top tier
2433s these veteran teams from some of the
2435s newer teams or from from everybody else
2438s you know from the rest of the world you
2440s know these these guys they've sat in a
2443s room with the Whiteboard out with the
2446s projector you know the they they got the
2449s they've got the little pen to right on
2451s the screen you know they're just they're
2453s mapping things out they're going through
2454s vods they're talking about this and that
2457s and the other and they're always trying
2459s to find the optimal way of doing
2462s legitimately everything you know it's
2464s really really
2466s impressive and it's it just speaks to
2468s how much work these players actually put
2470s in you know these veteran teams they put
2472s in so so much work you know there
2475s obviously you got all the macro as I
2476s said all that big picture stuff you'll
2478s have all the micro you know that you
2480s micro being the smaller things you know
2482s the mechanics the like split-second
2486s decision making you know whether or not
2487s to to Parry to T to ger to whatever you
2490s know like these smaller things that
2492s still have a huge impact is also a huge
2495s factor in TRS you know you got to you
2497s can throw down let's say you're playing
2499s Yoto Viper wuen which I think we're
2501s probably going to see a couple of the
2503s teams may be running it in game one
2505s we're going to have to wait and see but
2507s you know your your teammate your viper
2509s is is under pressure you know you throw
2511s out your your Yoto F to try and cover
2513s for them and then you follow up around
2515s you know all the this stuff if you go
2517s into a rank you see those Yos using
2519s those deaths for themselves every
2524s time a little bit of a caller but no I I
2528s I am selfish sometimes sometimes
2531s sometimes I'll I'll I'll be you know the
2533s nice kind Yodo and fren AFE to be able
2537s to peel if I see one of my teams getting
2539s parried but no absolutely and like
2542s that's the kind of thing that I'm
2543s talking about you know there's so much
2544s to it you have to commun it's so
2546s interesting remember like was it last
2548s season we had com checks and I I think
2551s it was wbg it was either wbg or GG had a
2555s com check in one of the the last fights
2557s that they were taking and they were like
2559s talking about one person moving forward
2561s absorbing the hits uh making sure that
2564s they're able to intercept because they
2565s know that their third person needs to
2567s back off and get a little bit of a reset
2569s cuz that's like another thing right in
2571s triers if someone sees you go low you're
2573s immediately going to get jumped on by
2574s just everyone in that team so so having
2577s someone to be able to intercept and take
2578s that heat off sort of ice off the
2581s pressure as as Raven would say is yes
2584s absolutely huge especially inside realm
2587s of Ys because these teams whoever keeps
2590s the zip alive the longest let's be
2592s honest is like a 95 High % higher chance
2595s of being able to actually survive and
2597s win the r of Yang in fact we've even
2599s seen zip survive one V2s and still wi at
2603s the realm of Yang afterwards because the
2605s zip didn't go down
2607s so it's all about things like Target
2608s priority also like understanding your
2610s weapon you're going to see a lot of
2612s people pick up different weapons so that
2613s their team has a bounce both of the
2616s faster moving weapons but also of the
2618s heavier slower moving weapons a lot of
2620s the time in triers as well you're going
2621s to see one person just running around on
2623s the outside of fights of either spear
2625s looking to be able to Dragon Slayers
2626s into nesar or just charge the right
2628s click of the P sword and swing through
2630s absolutely everybody with that cleave
2632s because the other two teammates have
2633s been able to lock someone down into
2635s stagger so they're not able to just zip
2637s out and
2639s Parry yeah absolutely so so much work
2642s goes into this and all all the set plays
2645s as well you know one of your teammates
2646s goes down this happens you know you run
2649s you stall you parry you this you that
2653s you know all of it it's so so exciting
2656s and we're about to jump right into the
2658s mix of the jet we're about to see what
2662s have they cooked up for
2665s us the question is is it going to be
2668s what we expect or is someone going to
2669s come in and throw a curle cuz that could
2672s the second I hope that could potentially
2675s happen right cuz like we said there's a
2676s lot of work that goes into being able to
2678s like analyze and figure out what is the
2680s best in terms of not just the compu run
2682s but also the load out of that comp right
2685s we we've talked so much this season
2686s about Viper and how you can have the
2689s difference between the F2 and the
2693s e oh ug you Absolut
2696s mad Lads Tessa Yan Justina this is a
2701s composition that we've seen a couple of
2703s teams try and make work we've got te as
2706s well running vvv on the Tessa with a
2710s monk and a Yan that's going to be super
2714s interesting to see fpx also picking up
2716s this composition Duncan we have a new
2720s Transformers comp that these teams are
2722s going to be running and it is the F2 V1
2725s they're not going to be running the V
2726s three they're not going to be running
2728s the V2 they're going straight for the V1
2731s on the Tessa for the monk to be able to
2733s try and lock people down in as much
2734s stagger as possible so the monk is able
2736s to grab out all of those prone
2739s players I I personally think that
2743s although V2 is definitely really good
2745s you know it's definitely good for the
2747s survivability because of the lack of
2751s threat from the charm You Know The Enemy
2754s team knows they're not going to get
2755s crowd controlled for very long M it's
2758s almost as if it makes them not feel as
2762s though they need to go get back their
2764s song you know so I think V2 definitely
2767s has value because then it it sort of
2769s Mind Games players into not bothering to
2771s go get their soul back and then the test
2773s against abundance of healing and if they
2775s manage to all of a sudden out of nowhere
2777s come in and get in position to be able
2779s to follow up can be devastating but with
2782s V1 as you said is going to be a great
2784s great tool to uh combined with monk
2787s being able to secure those grabs
2789s potentially but also do a whole lot of
2791s other stuff but we'll talk more about it
2793s later as we're jumping right into the
2795s action and it's uh okay we're jumping
2798s right out it's already over klaa already
2801s taking down JL that's a GG off the rip
2804s unfortunate for JL but K they're bound
2806s to be very happy with themselves we've
2808s got some UGA Booga gamers in the cave
2811s over here oh my God and ug as I say UGA
2815s Booga they jump jumping in all of these
2818s players trying to contest these
2819s fireflies but ug they've come in
2822s absolutely stacked to the teeth two
2824s purple armors already and they're
2827s they're taking people out they're coming
2828s in for the cleanup very happy with
2830s themselves and here we are moving right
2832s on over to Sun Wings rest ysj managing
2836s to secure the one grab but unfortunately
2838s he doesn't manage to get the second grab
2840s it is what it is but it looks as though
2842s he's still going to be able to take that
2843s member of wbg down o kkx going down to
2849s the poison but it doesn't look like it's
2852s going to M oh no wait yep it's going to
2854s matter k a oh no no no no K and there
2858s comes the Parry the uh unwinable
2861s situation he kind of had to release this
2864s unfortunately and he gets punished by it
2866s very nicely done by K yeah that is a
2869s gorgeous thir party K just coming in
2871s managing to clean up J team's Monk and
2873s then move on to ewg's dong U
2877s very aggressive Lobby this is sort of
2878s what we expected this happened in solos
2881s with a lot of these players
2882s understanding that they need to put
2884s points up on the board and something
2885s that Tessa does allow is to be able to
2889s get your ultimate online incredibly
2890s quickly especially if you are able to
2892s land on those fireflies and with the
2893s whole thing of Tesla only needing 55% of
2896s her all charge to be able to throw out
2898s if you're able to find a stun especially
2900s if you're running those monks it doesn't
2902s really matter if you don't have the loot
2905s scaled up to be able to secure an insta
2907s kill off of one slam because the Tesla C
2910s can actually set you up to be able to
2911s find those double grabs a lot more
2913s easily which is this early on even with
2916s only something like blue weapons still
2917s going to be able to secure that double
2919s elimination as uh now a lot of these
2921s teams already picking up a lot of kills
2924s J team on four K on five we're probably
2928s not going to see any of this aggression
2930s slow down from those teams from the
2932s teams that had to recover however this
2935s is going to be a huge setback not only
2937s are they behind in terms of kills but
2939s because they've had to go to the soul
2941s alar incredibly early they've lost all
2942s of that loot and this is another tactic
2945s that these teams have done by being this
2948s aggressive and proactive they've
2950s essentially knocked out specific teams
2952s to be able to contest the Realms of Yang
2956s and that's huge especially for the first
2958s realm of Yang because you can
2960s immediately pick yourself up a legendary
2961s weapon but more importantly you've got
2964s vilon Birds mode so you can go just as
2966s aggressive as you're seeing all of these
2968s other teams do in the first
2972s Zone absolutely getting very aggressive
2975s Vermillion Birds might it is exactly
2977s what you want if you're looking to try
2979s and pick up as many kills as you can in
2981s that mid game as as we as you literally
2985s just outlined you don't die you know
2987s you're not going to die die you're not
2989s going to go down not going back to the
2991s lobby if you do go down as long as you
2993s get taken down within the limits of the
2996s buff itself obviously this you know it's
2998s not permanent but um hey if you're able
3002s to actually pick up those kills during
3004s that time window you're able to go in
3007s play more aggressive because of this
3008s safety net that you have for yourself
3010s you're going to be able to accelerate
3012s your lead quite substantially as you
3014s said the gold weapons is so good it's so
3016s important you can only get them in a few
3018s places in Immortal War which is the
3020s tournament game mode which is what we
3022s are playing but as uh as as I've been
3024s talking about this JL
3026s coming in absolutely demolishing drg
3030s getting huge silence into stun onto that
3034s wuen wuen I think it was wuen it looked
3037s like a wuen may have it was it was Viper
3040s V1 into Tess they they used the 5c stun
3044s to be able to set up their Tessa Al and
3046s then after the first Tess had run out
3048s they uh they immediately were set I'm
3050s getting all mixed up I'm getting all
3051s mixed up it was the tul who got blown up
3054s he got he got silenced into Al and then
3056s the he responded with tooco but a huge
3058s amount of damage coming out the zipping
3060s managing to save him but it doesn't look
3063s as though XU is going to get saved by
3066s his team
3068s klaa on a rampage right now on the north
3071s side of the map ewg forced to disengage
3075s they've lost their Viper oh no and it
3078s looks as though Yan may have been
3080s spotted out and he's going to get taken
3082s down very shortly he's sending out those
3085s blue that is the last ditch effort but
3088s it's not going to net him all that much
3091s he's also going to go down unfortunately
3094s leaving just one member on ewg it seems
3098s I'm pretty sure they didn't have reses I
3100s don't think but I I'm not too sure it's
3103s it's uh it's at this point I think we
3106s already saw ewg go down didn't we I'm
3108s not 100% sure we've seen a lot of teams
3111s go down yeah we've seen a lot of action
3113s already it's kind of hard to tell right
3116s yeah like K is already on seven kills
3119s that that's insane we could very easily
3121s see a 20 bomb being being dropped from K
3124s good to see de Viper is dead Okay K were
3127s one of those teams that a lot of people
3129s were having a lot of expectations
3131s especially after their first week of
3133s performance like I still remember Roy
3135s M's debut game in mvpl on the monk he
3138s was absolutely insane in that last Zone
3141s fight just finding double grab after
3142s Double grab after Double Grabbers fpx
3145s running this hybrid this Tessa it's
3147s going to be great for burst what it's
3150s not great for resistance this is the one
3152s thing I'm concerned about right if they
3154s go into a realm of Yang and they take a
3156s fight against a traditional Transformer
3158s composition or sand siphon and they're
3161s not able with the ultimate the first
3163s wave of ultimates to be able to pick up
3165s the kills necessary they're kind of a
3168s Sitting Duck right especially because
3171s the reason why we see Tesla run with the
3173s Viper is because with the Viper St on
3175s the Stagger off of the F connection you
3178s don't have the time to be able to tab
3180s Dodge the test or ultimate activation as
3183s opposed to when you just see a base
3185s tessla and you know that the ultimate is
3187s going to come out there's a reason why
3189s some people prioritize running the Fe
3190s free on the tessla because if it doesn't
3193s actually connect onto a player you get
3194s all of your ultimate charge back it's
3196s essentially an absolute fail safe
3199s guarantee you're going to be able to
3200s find an ultimate you're going to be able
3201s to find stun as opposed to either the V1
3203s or the V2 as we are going to see that
3206s stun come through JL with V1 Viper yet
3209s again trying to maneuver using it to
3212s peel off the aggression of potentially
3214s that tesser ultimate but here it is this
3216s is exactly what we talked about the
3218s enchantment sets up xaho to be able to
3221s grab the Vier who has absolutely no
3223s chance of tap dodging it because she's
3225s still Enchanted and now who's been able
3227s to find another player a is going to be
3229s using the F so he doesn't get Reverb
3231s grab this Xiao now does get teed to the
3233s teser ultimate can't actually interact
3235s with of the earn inside the
3236s transformation and that saved as but it
3240s might only have delayed the inevitable
3242s as xia who incredibly low needs his
3245s teammates to be able to compal for him
3246s but he's also taking corruption tick
3248s damage in the zone and he does go down
3250s jl's one thing seeing the monk away out
3253s of position from the rest of his team
3255s going to be chunking him down and that
3257s is not good for fpx this is a team that
3260s we looking to be able to secure the
3262s Realms of Yang but because they've had
3263s to commit into this fight they're not
3265s going to have ultimates nor even the
3267s timing to be able to try to fight into
3270s with there water inside that Yan
3271s transformation is going to be running
3273s out in a matter of just using The Spar
3274s stagger to continuously chunk down jl's
3277s one thing will be able to find the
3279s pickers XI sees his teammate go down
3282s decides okay time to reposition and
3285s here's the realm of Yang fight that fpx
3287s were not able to take xcg going head
3290s to-head with te you can just see txj
3293s jumping hopping making sure that he's
3295s put himself onto pillar so they're not
3296s able to chunk through his feet given
3298s that he's under 50% and this is what we
3301s were worried about this sustain is not
3303s there to be able to keep you confidently
3305s playing inside the monk ultimate xcg WEA
3309s the storm they've been able to just keep
3311s this pressure onto te L is going to be
3314s out of that usan as we see the zip V2
3317s kicking into safe KN HQ vvb with the
3319s long trying to just keep applying the
3320s pressure but he gets intercepted by lxh
3323s with that pul who's able to actually
3325s commit the full left click and chunks
3328s him down and we are going to see xcg
3331s walk away with the win my fears were
3334s founded Duncan they saw that there was
3336s absolutely no way that that monk would
3338s be able to stay healthy and they just
3341s continued to chunk him down until txj
3343s had absolutely no choice but even for
3345s the ultimate to just keep repositioning
3347s with that new Jump so he doesn't have
3350s any of the threat potential any of that
3351s double elimination potential that could
3354s keep xcg from being that
3356s aggressive yeah no I I don't I
3359s personally don't think that this kind of
3361s composition is going to be looking to go
3363s into real of
3365s Yang I I maybe fpx could do with their
3369s with their iteration you know however I
3371s think if you're running something like
3373s V1 Tessa right or if you're running
3375s Tessa in general I feel like she she
3378s does better as a as a like a Yang
3381s griefing kind of character you know like
3384s that's that's why she fits so well
3387s alongside Viper and wuen you know being
3391s able to lur on the outside find those
3394s Yang those Yang Gamers the teams that
3396s are looking to go in and try and like
3399s essentially stop them from going in
3402s griefing their Yang and potentially
3403s getting a couple kills out of it or
3405s burning cooldowns and then potentially
3406s following them in with an advantage that
3409s sort of thing I don't think that it's
3411s the best play but uh Hey cxz having
3415s having gotten themselves a vilon birds
3417s might are hard engaging onto J team here
3421s J team forced to use their Yan and
3424s karumi Al they do have the Mystic might
3426s so they are a little bit chunky a little
3429s bit Tonky and going to be hard to take
3432s down especially considering that they
3434s are on that Transformer team composition
3437s kkx taking a considerable amount of
3439s damage coming out of his yanal eating
3442s that Viper F3 the Yoto coming in trying
3445s to re-engage after disengaging the
3448s situation allowing them to get out
3451s allowing the uan AL to go down and time
3453s out but they're re-engaging and they
3455s take down the uan now the monk forced to
3459s use his ultimate as soon as he gets it
3461s up but Rosemary having used that that
3463s Yota while just doing so much but we've
3465s got another a third party coming in
3468s another Yoto Viper wuen team coming in
3473s for the snipe but thankfully thankfully
3475s for K they are running well they they
3479s they they AR going to be uh they AR
3481s going to be running back to the lobby
3483s they've got the vilon birds might and
3485s this is exactly what we were talking
3486s about before you know you're able to
3488s play hyper aggressive you're able to
3490s dump all of your cooldowns all of your
3492s resources into trying to take down a
3495s team getting a few kills for yourselves
3498s and then just accelerating your lead you
3499s know any any potential parries that you
3502s manage to pick up as well pick up some
3503s good weapons anything anything along
3506s those lines is always going to be so so
3508s good for accelerating your lead and uh
3511s no matter what team comp you're playing
3513s is always going to be helpful like Viper
3517s F3 for example her F3 the damage scales
3521s based off of the Rarity of your
3525s weapon oh oh no oh that oh no no he he
3529s sacrificed himself he he traded so YJ
3532s had actually gone down uh in the fight
3535s that happened with K and Alliance and J
3538s team had actually made it out but what
3540s they do is they double back to be able
3542s to trade for their win condition they
3544s might be able to buy the Kumi back but
3546s the monk is what they need in that final
3548s zone so because they've already picked
3550s up four kills they decid and this is
3552s what we were talking about right this is
3553s the team coordination this is the
3555s decision making which separates a lot of
3557s these teams whether it's going to pan
3559s out I don't know considering we just see
3561s ZK going down to the Zone just dies
3564s again I'm pretty sure YJ might be able
3567s to to revive him but either way J team
3569s are going to be playing stealth as GG
3572s are going to be playing aggressive and
3574s ruining Alliance oh no JT W goes down to
3578s the zone as well unlucky as GG they're
3582s juggling it surely right is is it the is
3585s it the res chain again are we going to
3587s see another res chain as GG decide not
3591s to try and follow oh oh no they're
3593s getting grieved G spotted where J team
3596s are playing and they've cut them off
3598s before they're able to recover off
3600s screen as we're still seeing GG now just
3603s playing bouncer on the edges of the Zone
3606s Alliance The Spar having to come in with
3608s the V2 on that Viper does manage to find
3610s the stun onto M but actually uses the
3612s charge left click on the dagger to be
3613s able to land onto lxm who was not low
3617s enough but was the only player that was
3619s close enough for them to potentially try
3621s and capitalize on and GG will be able to
3623s pick up that and you know try to turn
3625s their attention onto Alliance who had
3627s sacrificed both the Viper and the wuan
3630s to be able to secure two h's successful
3633s re-engagement as 10 F and 258 dark tide
3637s coins if he's able to find a rebirth
3639s charm in one of those Rift dealers he
3641s will be able to buy one of his players
3643s back the question is is he going to be
3646s noticed as xcg everyone was so busy
3650s fighting inside the zone and right on
3651s the I skits of it that uh no one was in
3654s a position to take of Yang and xcg might
3657s be able to walk away with that one for
3658s free unless k no K are running Attack on
3660s Titan there's no way they take this
3662s fight they're just looking to grief it
3663s surely yeah surely or potentially that
3667s oh
3670s oh are they are they thinking they can
3672s potentially get it for
3673s fre I think that's what they're trying
3675s to do they're trying to wait and see if
3677s they can snipe that um that second fight
3681s you know if you wait until the last
3683s second and you you see that no other
3686s team has gone in to fill up another slot
3688s and essentially because there are four
3691s four slots for teams in the realm of
3694s Yang on the second realm of Yang in
3696s Immortal War one of the uh one of the
3698s other key differences of immortal war in
3701s comparison to normal ranked mode or
3703s Herald's trial as it's called so there's
3707s that you can get another set of fight or
3710s another another fight in in the realm of
3713s Yang four teams total can go in whereas
3715s in ranked it's only two so just as with
3719s the first one in the first one usually
3721s it fills up pretty quickly in ranked no
3723s m in in Immortal war no matter what
3725s however the second one you're sometimes
3727s able to jump in and snipe away one of
3730s those spots for yourselves for free just
3732s get that win for free and uh Immortal
3735s War hey yangs give you quite a bit you
3739s know they give you they give you a gold
3742s weapon and a gold soul Jade it is pretty
3745s pretty strong it does so so much
3748s considering that you can't get gold
3750s weapons anywhere else except for caves
3754s or late game Morris blessings or if you
3757s are playing on Holo you can get them
3759s from the puzzle the puzzle Morris
3762s however of course since we're on Morris
3764s aisle you cannot get it on on this map
3768s um Cory on no it's not looking too good
3772s for our boy from D oh my that was that
3775s was a one shot but because of the
3778s zipping he it didn't look like he lost
3781s any
3782s heal oh my
3784s Lord did what they said I to do they
3787s they griefed J team on their drops and
3788s they actually griefed J team out of this
3790s Lobby earlier so do may be out but they
3793s do out live both te ewg and J team so
3796s the survival points will be better as
3798s Alliance may be following shortly after
3801s T HH was find Spar who had been bought
3804s back by his Yodo now in
3808s problems it's blue armor that's already
3811s gone she combo coming through from the
3814s St from K U as he's able to find the
3818s connection the F3 will be able to land
3821s so that he's trying now to use that
3822s movement with the dagger and keep
3824s himself from getting locked down into
3825s stagger but the reinforcements come back
3827s from K and they're able to just chunk
3830s him down on the outs of shipwreck k 12
3835s kills and crucially all of their players
3838s alive to be able to head into that final
3841s Zone and set up as the Zone claps as
3843s Viper ultimate into Yoda follow through
3846s that's
3847s ug one of our new compositions that
3850s these teams have engineered together Yan
3853s Tessa Justina I honestly prefer this to
3856s the the Tessa monk going back to I think
3859s we saw the Tess mon go into realm of
3861s Yang I think it's probably because of
3863s the fact that like gets counted by
3865s pillars being up right the second that
3868s those those hands get blocked by line of
3869s sight you're not able to find the
3871s players but tessal goes through the
3873s pillar so you can still find the stun
3876s you can still find the Stagger on the
3877s player behind them and especially if
3879s you're running the V1 with the
3880s enchantment they're going to walk
3882s towards the tether which means that
3884s they're going to walk away from the
3885s pillar and into where they're going to
3887s be gravable from the monk but like we
3889s saw it's it's a little bit tricky to be
3892s able to put together if your monk is
3894s having just constantly Go On The Run the
3896s second at the ultimate does indeed pop
3898s especially up against Sans siphon where
3900s Transformers traditionally have
3902s struggled in the realm of Yang even when
3904s you're running traditional Transformer
3905s composition when we say that we mean
3907s karumi Yan and Monk Is the setup for
3910s traditional Transformers which
3912s previously was one of the best
3914s compositions to take a r with Yang fight
3916s but now they're being chunked out by S
3919s siphon because even if you find a double
3920s grab the zip V2 is still able to make
3923s sure that it doesn't result in an
3925s elimination and a lot of these monks are
3926s actually having to prioritize single
3929s grabs now instead of the double grabs to
3932s be able to just take someone out of a
3934s fight so that the other two players can
3937s try and Chase and intercept and stag a
3939s lock without one of those for teammates
3941s being there to be able to Stager lock
3944s right back and as a result Transformers
3947s have not fallen off entirely the face of
3951s the meta but they've been dunked down a
3954s spot in terms of viability which is it's
3958s so strange to say because nraa has been
3960s out for two years now and Transformers
3963s has been at the top I think the longest
3966s ever meta that we've seen has been
3969s Transformers yeah no it's uh it's
3973s definitely I to be honest I think it's
3975s good obviously I think it's good I don't
3977s think that a composition that should
3979s stay at the very very top for just
3982s forever you know I I feel as though that
3984s that's it it just it becomes a little
3987s stale after a while but thankfully our
3990s boys
3992s our our boys over at nraa Dev team they
3996s are keeping it spicy for us and we thank
3999s them every day for that as it's uh it's
4002s not very nice to just get just just
4004s fight monks every single game every
4007s single fight and then also feel
4009s pressured into doing so yourself you
4011s know that's never being feeling
4013s pressured to play something
4015s because it's what needs to be played to
4017s win isn't that personally that's
4019s something that I've always always sted
4022s clear from I've no matter what you know
4024s hey I play taka and trios I play t i i i
4028s yeah you know I play taka universally
4030s you know with great s so like that's not
4033s my thing uh personally but hey you know
4037s you got to do what you got to do to win
4039s and if you're uh if you're in these kind
4041s of lobbies in this tournament in this
4043s setting you've got to do what you got to
4045s win um but even then you know playing
4047s monk is actually really fun you know
4050s it's really fun to play monk it's really
4051s fun to play uan as well Kari play karumi
4054s too cuz like you can use the umbrella to
4057s be able to like block the other monks
4059s grabs and especially remember like when
4061s we saw R yangs first spawn up karumi
4064s would leave their umbrella at the very
4066s center of the portal and then activate
4069s it to be able to bop people back to be
4071s able to isolate teams and teammates when
4075s they actually went into the Realms of
4076s Yang and then chunk the person who got
4078s left behind down and then go into the
4080s realm of Yang afterwards knowing that
4083s it's going to be a three versus
4085s two yeah no absolutely hey well no I I I
4090s love I love the variety now and it's
4092s it's ever changing at the moment it is
4095s uh it is always nice to see all of this
4097s Innovation o we got a quick replay over
4100s here te having just resed lyd his his
4106s Yuan but uh immediately immediately
4109s getting jumped by drg in the zone here
4112s not not the best situation to be in very
4115s unfortunate o wait is that F2 it is F2
4119s they are indeed running F2 instead of F1
4123s interesting I think you didn't really
4125s work out for them though no it didn't it
4127s didn't really work out all all that well
4129s but uh that's that's do gring both jtam
4131s and te by the way
4134s they knocked out both of them and it's
4136s sort of the same thing right they just
4138s they wait they Camp the soul alter they
4141s it's really smart what they do is they c
4143s one of the Soul Alters in zone because
4145s that's what teams and trios do they go
4147s to the soul Alters inside the zone so
4149s that they lessen a chance of being
4151s jumped onto when they revive cuz if you
4153s have to go to the soul alter if you
4154s don't have the million bird might you
4156s lose all of your gear and you become an
4157s absolute sitting Target as speaking
4159s about sitting Target alexam not quite
4161s sitting but definitely a Target chunk
4163s bable indeed got here by that t was been
4165s held into position o gorgeous use of the
4168s TF to be able to Gold Focus through the
4171s Tessa ultimate stun to be able to I
4173s frame out of that duration huge play
4176s coming through from GD to be able to
4177s avoid that as now we can see all three
4181s of their players still very much up and
4182s Alive no one really prone with the test
4185s ultimate being dodged for anyone to be
4187s jumped onto and they have been able to
4189s survive the interest of every single
4191s team in the area who saw that
4194s saw the connection onto GG and thought
4197s okay three kills on the table and all
4199s came out of the woodwork is Mor blessing
4201s is very much in between every other team
4205s currently ug trying to stealthily steal
4208s it away not a single ultimate and
4211s they're able to walk away with it
4214s absolutely insane they're not even
4215s running a box compeition that's
4218s legendary arm for SS on the Tessa easy
4221s peasy hey it's not looking too easy
4224s peasy for xcg over here n HQ has already
4228s been taken down unfortunately I think
4231s that potentially may have been the
4233s distraction for ug n HQ getting taken
4237s down the teams in the vicinity spotting
4239s out a kill to be had and sniping it away
4242s as fast as they can you know all of
4244s these teams they're vulturing they're
4246s waiting for that opportune moment to
4249s jump in and try and jump these players
4251s and get and just try and do as much as
4253s they can can try and get as many kills
4255s as they can in this end game without
4258s without committing too many resources ug
4261s here with that oh that tasty musket shot
4264s oh hey Tessa being able to throw out
4267s that ultimate on
4269s 55% still having already on 50% now you
4273s know he's going to have his ultimate up
4275s pretty pretty soon but uh hey it's not
4279s looking too good for xcg unfortunately
4282s they've only got four kills for
4283s themselves as well it's not looking too
4286s great but hey if this tul manages to
4289s survive long enough it could be a pretty
4292s decent point game for their first game
4294s of the day which which is always nice
4297s you know consistency getting a decent
4299s number of points in each game is always
4302s the goal obviously being able to pop off
4305s and get a a crazy number of kills a
4307s crazy number of points High placement
4309s all of that good stuff is obviously is
4311s obviously ideal but being able to to
4314s secure a decent number of points is is
4316s the objective I would say for the
4318s majority of the teams although as we are
4321s playing a Finals series it is uh it is
4326s it is uh much more important to be
4328s trying to get these pop off games as
4329s that's what's going to separate you from
4331s the rest of the lobby and allow you to
4333s take those High placements on the
4335s leaderboard throughout this series but
4337s uh it looks as though we're we're seeing
4339s a little bit more aggression as the Zone
4342s starts to close in all of these teams
4346s fighting around this
4348s multi-layered I I don't know wrecked
4351s wrecked ship ship wreck it's why they
4353s call it ship wreck you know there's a
4355s lot of ship wrecks but where's K gone
4358s cuz K were in that boat they are they're
4362s still in the boat so basically they they
4365s took cover like when everyone was
4366s fighting over the moris blessing through
4368s the actual like Village part of
4369s shipwreck they were still in this boat
4372s and it was actually really smart what
4373s they' done cuz they were they they've
4374s already picked up 12 kills right they
4375s don't need to play aggressive until the
4376s final Zone collapses they'd gone cannons
4379s and they were just pressuring the teams
4381s above and below them considering the
4383s cannon shot still goes through and
4386s damages the play you can use Cannon
4387s damage through both ceilings and
4389s floorboards and as a result no one was
4391s actually able to contest K until fpx
4394s sent in Xiao with the Cavalry Bloom and
4398s dropped through the Skylight to be able
4400s to land on and that did actually bait
4401s out the Viper ultimate but un un
4404s fortunately K were able to peel off all
4407s of that aggression because the Viper
4408s ultimate did come through and everyone
4409s had to evacuate ship there wbg just
4413s trying to hold themselves in this space
4415s for as long as possible everyone waiting
4418s out the transformation from Xiao on The
4421s High Ground The Mont grab's not going to
4422s be able to find anything coming in with
4424s the cannon now to be able to try and
4425s regen that rage as quickly as possible
4428s this is the first time I think that I've
4430s actually seen a final Zone claps in this
4432s specific location as wbg throwing at the
4434s mle Havoc to be able to land all of the
4436s damage onto the players in the boat but
4438s CXC in the corner has enough space to be
4440s able to dodge out of it J's XI gets
4444s caught out fpx able to just drop down
4446s and secure that kill as we've got fpx on
4449s The High Ground GG hiding on one layer
4452s of the ship K on the level below them
4454s and everyone else having now to contest
4457s on the L as we're going to see the nuke
4459s come through K dropping into the Viper
4462s ultimate cxe Landing such a stagger ug
4465s now activating that just ultim looking
4467s to freeze and put all of these players
4469s vulnerable to be jumped onto but it's GG
4471s who are walking away with the kills
4473s they've got the sustainability to be
4475s able to hold themselves on this location
4477s and chunk through everyone that gets
4479s caught out in the staggers as klaa have
4482s been able to put themselves back onto
4483s the boat after the Viper ultimate had
4485s run out and once again now just Hedgehog
4488s themselves up in the specific location
4491s so they're able to recover in peace oh G
4493s on the low ground about to be caught out
4495s by GG M coming that flame doing so much
4497s damage the dragon like as well and the
4500s merciless Havoc GG just trading stagger
4503s soid after stagger so to be able to lock
4506s these players down and without an F
4508s without a combo break golden Focus no
4511s one is able to escape it as fpx still
4515s waiting on The High Ground unfortunately
4517s for them this last zone is not really
4520s benefiting the most he falls down
4522s through theall
4524s K Ro comes in with that P will be able
4528s to find the kill poison Splash going to
4529s be activated from ug as GG using that
4533s flamer trying to land this damage onto
4535s klaa fpx now dropping on L who might
4537s have an ultimate to be able to
4539s regenerate that Health there is goes
4541s incredibly low has to use it now as the
4543s Zone collapses we're going to see Ro
4544s come with the Yodo ultimate finds the
4546s Sager onto jaho to stop the slam from
4548s coming down and the monk is gone now
4550s it's just going to be a
4552s sustainability in for GG and they're
4555s going to be able to walk away with last
4557s team standing off of the back of that
4559s they might have been able to walk away
4560s with an MVP but it's going to be close
4562s given the fact that Kay were already
4563s sitting on 12 kills before the Zone
4566s collapsed and now one of the last teams
4568s alive as
4570s well oh my Lord it I I talked about it
4575s before we uh before we uh we had the
4578s first game start up how there's always
4581s method in the madness you know it looks
4584s like chaos but there's a lot more to it
4587s but I'm not going to lie that was pretty
4590s chaotic down there in the bottom of that
4593s in the bottom of that little that little
4595s that little pathway through the through
4597s the through the rocks oh my Lord with
4600s both Cliffs on either side just a tiny
4603s tiny space with so so many players the
4606s wuen ports coming out teleporting them
4609s teleporting them up to the boat trying
4612s to find a little bit of safety once one
4614s of their members has gotten taken down
4616s or something along those lines it it
4618s went absolutely crazy that the teada
4621s dropping down with that flamebringer the
4624s tul the tul AL getting committed as well
4627s locking players down forcing them into
4629s really really tight spaces making it
4632s extremely difficult to move around
4633s having no stamina just absolute Carnage
4637s I uh I'm a little bit I I do definitely
4641s think that I can't remember exactly
4643s which team or which monk it was that
4646s dropped down at the very end the fpx he
4649s dropped down having had The High Ground
4653s beforehand because he wanted to get
4655s value from his ultimate obviously he
4656s wanted to drop down and potentially get
4658s some kills which is exactly what you
4660s want to do but in this kind of Zone in
4663s this kind of terrain situation it
4666s becomes so unbelievably difficult to
4668s actually get value out of mle so
4671s especially because Ro went for the YN
4673s that like Rosary Rosary went for the yo
4676s ultimate and Xiao got staggered by the
4679s blade outside of the safety of being
4682s outside of the corruption take damage
4684s and not only as a result was he not able
4686s to find the grab he took so much damage
4688s from that corruption tick and wasn't
4690s able to save the ultimate to be able to
4692s out stain everybody else around him it's
4695s so unfortunate where the Zone ended up
4697s for the monkey in that Lobby because if
4699s it had clap on to The High Ground he'
4701s have been he'd have been golden everyone
4703s would have to have moved into his
4704s position he would have been able to Al
4706s up on the cliffs and he would just pluck
4708s players as they try to move into safety
4712s with absolutely no terrain nothing to to
4714s block line of sight to stop him from
4716s just being able to grab them out of the
4718s sky as if they were moving at 0.2 mph
4722s but unfortunately for him where the
4724s fight actually ends up collapsing is on
4727s the low ground and he has to immediately
4729s ult up almost the second that he hits
4731s the low ground because he had tried to
4733s prioritize The High Ground position to
4735s keep himself safe from all of the
4736s shenanigans going down inside the ship
4740s and also on the low ground where we see
4741s Viper ultimates come through like you
4743s said Tammy ultimates come through CU
4745s he's like okay well at least if I have
4747s my ultimate i' I've got that full health
4749s replenish I'm going to be able to go for
4751s the monk ultimate I'm going to be able
4752s to have all the threat levels but the
4754s second that he drops down his health
4757s plummets pretty much the same distance
4760s that he literally had to drop and he
4762s immed has to go for the monk ultimate
4765s and K I don't think he does though
4766s that's the thing I think he I think he
4768s could have he was he was incredibly low
4771s his heal was a s was he yeah I don't
4774s think he was no you could barely see his
4778s heal when we were we were looking at it
4781s I'm I'm sure we'll see it in the replay
4782s but it was if I was looking at the right
4784s play it was like sub
4786s 25% hey well if I mean it's if if like
4790s you it's very likely that you're right
4792s you know it's it's a huge mess down
4795s there so it could have very easily come
4798s down to the wire and he needed to use
4799s his ultimate but I feel as though that
4803s if he'd had more health and if that
4806s wasn't actually a necessary alt to keep
4809s himself alive he should have waited you
4812s know being able to drop down almost at
4815s the last second get into the zone or
4817s getting get as close to the safe safe
4819s Zone as possible and then try and buy as
4822s much time go down to the very last bit
4825s of Health that's that he can have so
4828s that he's still able to use his ultimate
4831s at the very last second pre probably
4833s would have come out on top because that
4835s Yoto the moment the Yoto saw him come
4838s close and immediately Pops that all
4840s immediately pops it and just staggers
4843s him out of the Zone even though he got a
4845s grab he wasn't able to get the slam he
4847s wasn't able to get a second grab and he
4849s just gets absolutely cooked but hey the
4853s Cooks of this game the absolute oh the
4857s maestros the chefs the uh o the Sous
4861s chefs chopping people up how many Kill
4864s that's 11 18 18 total for K 18 kills in
4870s game one off the rip what an absolutely
4874s amazing performance from KLA they came
4877s in with absolute aggression right here
4880s they came in swinging in game one and
4885s occasionally that can just be one of the
4887s best things that you can do you know a
4889s lot of teams they of to go sometimes for
4891s a rather defensive approach in game one
4893s go for a slightly slower game so they
4895s have a little bit of time to ramp up
4897s potentially they have a little bit of
4898s time to uh get their footing feel out
4902s the lobby see what's going on you know
4904s and having a potentially having a game
4906s where they they they run Transformers
4909s they scale they take it a little bit
4910s slow they go for yangs you know that
4912s sort of thing a little bit more
4914s defensive is usually one of the uh one
4917s of the most popular strats but going
4919s full on aggressive if you can make it
4922s work if you can power through and Smash
4925s down the brick wall that is the
4927s Transformer team composition you know
4930s your your Yuan your karumi your tianhai
4933s with something aggressive like uh Viper
4937s tesso wuen you know it can be no wait
4940s Viper Yota wuen excuse me it can be so
4944s so so beneficial for you you know as we
4946s see right here they get they come away
4948s with 18 kills in game one that is going
4951s to be a huge huge boost to not only
4954s their points but to their mental as a
4957s team you know going into the rest of the
4959s games of today's series they're going to
4961s have this positive mentality that
4964s they've done well game one that they can
4966s keep it going they've got that
4967s confidence already in the back pocket
4970s all they need to do is not let it get to
4972s the heads not put take their foot off
4976s the gas unless it's absolutely
4979s necessary and they're going to be able
4981s to uh to come out with some crazy crazy
4984s games some very high point games
4986s mental mental chat very very important
4989s we don't want any emotional gaming no
4992s emotional gaming no poor Target
4995s selection no rage resing none of that
4998s none of that over here CH none of that
5001s we don't want that we want C at ooly
5004s booly with some spiciness with that
5007s Tessa no Tessa sorry we want to see some
5010s more Tessa as we saw with u with that
5013s was it justtina tessan what that y Justa
5016s Tess feels like a rain comp I love it
5019s but anyway more on that in just a moment
5021s you know what time it is ladies and
5024s gentlemen it is time to uh to throw your
5027s hat in the ring potentially get yourself
5030s some free Cosmetics some free good
5032s goodies if you have the answer to this
5035s question make sure that you put it into
5037s the chat which team got the most kills
5040s in game one and I just talked about it
5042s you should probably know this was it a
5044s fpx was it b o u was it c k or D wbg now
5052s make sure to get your answers into the
5054s chat and get yourself a chance at
5056s winning yourself some cheeky goodies to
5058s take into game on your on your own
5061s account you know get in there with your
5063s Bros hey look at this I got this for
5065s free big dog easy clap you know very
5068s very
5068s nice but um make sure to keep an eye on
5071s your Whispers make sure to keep an eye
5073s on your Whispers in chat in on Twitch so
5075s that if you do happen to be that lucky
5079s winner that gets chosen out of the
5081s masses that you do not miss out on your
5084s free gift because that would really that
5086s would be a feels bat you don't want to
5088s miss out on some free goodies that's
5091s always a real feels bat you know is just
5093s he like I could have had this if I just
5095s looked at my Whispers don't go AFK what
5098s are you doing it's finals why are you
5100s going AFK you sit
5102s there oh you should want to I want to
5106s I'm excited to see what we're going to
5107s be seeing in game two what do you think
5109s we're going to be seeing in game two
5110s Mony what do you think I mean we're
5113s going to holl off surely surely we're
5115s going to be seeing Sans we didn't get to
5117s see all that much of it that was
5119s something that was really interesting
5120s right we had a couple of teams uh run
5123s traditional Transformers we had a couple
5124s of teams trying run Transformers with
5126s Tessa a couple of attack and Titan
5128s compositions and only about four I think
5132s four S siphon compositions so either
5135s they're saving it for things like hollup
5137s especially you know that last game of
5139s Hol off game number five is going to be
5140s played on Star KN which means not only
5142s is it Hol off it's also Hol off with
5144s increased fireflies which I'm going to
5147s be looking forward to cuz that's going
5148s to be one aggressive lobby but it really
5151s does feel like this is probably going to
5152s be the time that we see everyone locked
5154s cater because of just how insanely
5156s strong it is both in the Overworld but
5159s also inside the Realms of Yang zip V2 is
5163s the Bane the absolute bane of every
5166s single team's existence because you can
5168s play perfectly you can play absolutely
5170s perfectly but now there is a caveat and
5173s your strategy is okay we have to bust
5175s out that zip V2 as quickly as possible
5178s so that we can actually pick up kills as
5181s opposed to you burn everything and then
5184s the zip V2 kicks in and you have nothing
5187s in the back pocket and you either get
5189s out sustained or because you're both
5190s running s siphon it times out we we have
5193s seen that in the past it has had a
5195s couple of timeouts on the r of Yang
5198s given the fact that if both teams are
5199s running that the same composition no one
5202s really wins so everybody both loses yeah
5205s it's it's a it's just like hey just die
5209s just let me win the zipping just like no
5213s no I've got my teammates nice topped up
5216s you ain't taken us down without a fight
5219s however I uh I do agree we're probably
5222s going to see a lot of sand siphon sand
5225s siphon of course being tamul to cada and
5228s zipping this composition has been seen
5231s time and time again on hollo not only
5235s because it's just one of the best
5236s fighting comps but also because tumult
5241s has a lot more value on H as there's a
5244s lot more Open Spaces with little terrain
5247s to hide behind little foliage and and
5250s the Shrubbery you know there's a lot
5253s more open space so if you get caught out
5254s in the
5255s open you need something High behind tool
5258s Al being a perfect solution to that kind
5261s of issue as well as the fact that you're
5263s able to lock down teams that are out in
5266s the open you you drop that talle down on
5268s top of another team they're stuck out in
5270s the open if they go outside they're
5272s probably going to run into another team
5273s or potentially your teammates luring on
5275s the outside Etc you know and it's uh
5279s it's been seen time and time again
5280s however as you said there may be quite a
5282s few teams who are saving it for their
5285s fifth game fifth game being obviously
5287s the fifth out of the sixth game right as
5289s you said night nighttime starry night
5292s there loads of aggression the fifth game
5294s of the day is usually that game where
5296s teams are just getting very very
5299s aggressive trying to get as many kills
5301s as they can and this kind this team
5304s composition is very very good at doing
5306s that so it is possible that we won't see
5308s a full Lobby of sand siphon as we've
5312s seen a few times in the past so uh we're
5316s going to have to wait and see I'm
5317s excited to see a little bit of variety
5320s you know I think we're still that comp
5322s was very exciting I think we're still
5324s going to see it even though there were
5326s less fireflies on the nighttime map of
5328s Hof for one specific reason verticality
5331s and final zones verticality and final
5333s zones is perfect for teas because what
5336s you can do is you either have the high
5337s ground or the low ground you sit with
5339s your ultimate the second that the Zone
5341s starts to collapse in you run around
5344s picking off players that are too close
5346s to the edge of the Zone by just scooping
5348s them up into the V3 and then you come to
5350s something like a long sword or a p sword
5352s or even a dagger we're seeing a huge
5354s increase in Dreadful whales and daggers
5357s being run by teers so you'll be able to
5360s just lock someone down now that it's
5362s moved into golden Focus if you're
5364s getting hit into a dreadful whale off of
5366s the back of that teada shove as well you
5368s have absolutely no way of being able to
5370s Parry it and the final hit on the
5372s Dreadful whale not only does it lock a
5375s player down and when it hits that gold
5377s It's unparryable the final hit on the
5379s Dreadful whale has such a huge knockback
5382s that a lot of the time it's a home run
5384s and the players just gets bounced into
5386s that corruption take damage and as a
5388s result teada really flourishes in horror
5391s final Circle
5393s as opposed to something like the monk
5395s who can struggle yes not so much now
5398s that they introduced the jump mechanic
5400s for the monk which is a huge Bo for
5403s Transformers to be able to parkour their
5406s way into position in those final zones
5407s especially on Hof cuz when this map
5409s first released we thought for sure if we
5411s do see a monk it's going to be aided and
5414s embedded by a fer because you know you
5416s had like the F3 you were able to drop
5419s the pillar the monk was able to climb
5420s into the Mex be able to like disengage
5422s and put himself on High Ground position
5424s when the final Zone collaps cuz I think
5426s it's something like a
5428s 46% chance of final zones in holl off
5432s actually not having any High Ground
5435s included that is a lot a lot of Park a
5439s lot of buttery rocks for teas to be able
5441s to take advantage of yes those buttery
5444s rocks those slip and slides that is the
5447s raka terrain at times it can be
5450s extremely difficult to navigate if you
5452s get stuck in a sliding animation when
5455s you're just stuck and sliding down you
5457s just can't do anything and as you said
5459s to Kay can take very a lot a lot from
5463s that he's able to just fully abuse the
5466s fact that someone's stuck in that and as
5468s well as he's able to protect himself and
5470s his teammates if one of his teammates is
5472s stuck on The Buttery rocks or he if he
5475s himself is also stuck one of the things
5477s that you can do with teor all as it is
5479s essentially entirely separate from your
5482s yourself you can use it out of any kind
5484s of CC as long as you're not silenced
5487s you're able to protect yourself so uh
5489s we're going to have to we're going to
5490s have to see I'm I'm very uh I'm very
5493s interested to see what they're going to
5494s be bringing out I reckon we'll probably
5497s see it a little bit more
5498s Tessa Tessa being a really really good
5501s third party character being able to just
5504s throw out those those ultimates with 55%
5507s able to secure a potential charm or
5511s force a team into using something
5513s without dedicating all that much
5515s yourself can be very very
5517s valuable I'm not too sure you know it's
5520s I would like to see a little bit of a
5523s little bit more Justina today I think
5525s Justina is being slightly slept on you
5528s know especially with V3 I think V3 is
5531s actually very very very strong you know
5535s obviously we talk about it and we've
5537s seen it a lot in ranked and we say oh
5539s ranked is just a there just nothing in
5541s comparison
5542s obviously I can I'm conscious of that
5544s but even then I truly believe that V3
5549s Justina has considerable value and it's
5552s possible that one of these teams may
5554s have uh may have cooked us something
5556s nice and spicy Something Special A Cold
5560s Dish you know A Cold Dish I don't think
5562s we'll see that Justina on this map
5563s though cuz justina's hard counter is
5565s tenu and if we expect to see more
5568s s i thing is I I'm not too sure if I I'm
5571s not sure if I agree necessarily
5573s obviously Tami is a good is a good match
5576s is a good match up into into V3 Justina
5579s however because V3 Justine is able to
5581s use her ultimate at 50% in a similar way
5584s that Tessa can she's able to do quite a
5588s lot he's able to section off space quite
5590s effectively and can that can be very
5593s very valuable it's in the same way that
5595s tul can also do that sort of thing
5596s although it doesn't block projectiles it
5598s still does a considerable amount but uh
5601s hey that's not
5603s sand no it is not not a single sand
5607s siphon in sight ladies and gentlemen we
5611s have a majority traditional Transformers
5615s Lobby 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine nine teams
5622s out of the 12 in this Lobby are running
5625s the traditional
5627s Transformers running a bit of a surprise
5630s yeah o are running F3 V2 on SS's Viper
5636s which is a little bit strange because
5638s you would think okay well the F2 silence
5640s is obviously going to be there to be
5642s able to uh or the F3 is going to be
5645s there to like try and counteract a zip
5647s because obviously like the heal cut Kumi
5649s can cleanse it though yes yes so it it
5653s it feels like a weird hybrid of like
5655s maybe we run into a zip so we're going
5657s to be able to have the F3 to counter it
5659s but since we're running the V2 if we run
5661s into a trans for is they're not going to
5663s be able to use the ultimates to be able
5664s to iame out of the Viper St so like
5666s covering all of the bases but because
5668s you run the V2 you only get a two second
5671s stagger rather than the 5c stagger on
5673s the Fe one so it's it's going to be
5675s interesting to see how they actually
5677s decide to engineer this Viper and
5678s whether or not that hybrid style is
5681s going to be able to work for them as we
5683s can have a look and see where exactly
5685s all of these teams are going to be
5686s running into imperial is going to be
5687s seeing a lot of action lovely as well to
5689s see a prioritization of yan ruins to be
5691s able B to get those Firefly cages as
5694s quickly as possible and build the
5696s ultimates where's wait
5699s J that's not where J team traditionally
5702s run I mean it's still near city of Tanks
5704s they're probably going to Lo up and try
5705s and run into it as quickly as possible
5708s no one hot dropping onto salvation
5710s Podium and already J team have been able
5712s to find a fight against G no surprises
5715s everyone's able to track down JT's
5716s location because they're anticipating JT
5719s to drop as close to City of Tang as they
5721s possibly can one thing finds himself the
5724s nunchucks as also over a pul just
5726s sitting with two SC rushers charged up
5729s to see whether or not they can find that
5731s engagement onto J te as they walk
5732s through the door frame decide to
5733s actually use it to disengage as the Kumi
5736s comes on through J team using it to be
5738s able to teleport zedk away so that he's
5741s able to relocate disengage and heal
5744s himself back up to fall as now it's j
5746s te's turn to charge up the scale rushia
5748s we have a steal meate going on both of
5750s these players looking for the perfect
5752s engagement and JT might have been able
5754s to find it KTX coming in with a huge
5756s power on that long sword as well and
5759s that's going to be now a two for two as
5762s gets hit by the charged lmb on the long
5764s SW as he's Crossing that corner now
5766s charging up the right click on the pul
5767s not to throw but to get himself in to
5769s try and push onto ZK but kkx comes in
5772s for the peel and now it's two versus one
5774s stone form from the P does get thrown
5777s through and does not get parried karumi
5780s ultimate has been B up by J team and you
5782s can just see there's the positions that
5784s we were talking about right one goes for
5786s the activation of the Stone from on the
5788s P the other tap Dodges through to be
5791s able to continue to put the pressure so
5793s even if that stone form comes out
5795s they're still going to be able to
5797s intercept it before it actually hits
5799s onto a
5800s player absolutely and we are heading
5802s over to one of the Viper teams one of
5805s the few Viper teams in the current Lobby
5809s we have GG versus drg over here msia in
5813s a bit of a bad spot but he's able to
5815s take down sansy looks to try and get the
5818s drop down jump Harry onto wooing unable
5821s to secure it unfortunately but he does
5823s get that Soul Bloom but it's not going
5826s to save him and he gets taken down but
5828s the rest of GG have turned up whooing
5832s hey get my revenge boys get the re get
5835s get the revenge for me big dog msia gets
5838s resed instantly picking up that Soul
5840s Blum getting back some of his ultimate
5842s and GG seem as though they come out the
5844s winners in this engagement but we're
5846s heading right on over to plume Castle
5849s we've got ug versus wbg ug having
5853s committed that woen Al to try and
5856s disengage Jing though on that uan in the
5860s transformed state with a gold weapon no
5863s less absolutely
5866s obliterating the king here ug the king
5869s unfortunately gets caught out and unable
5872s to do anything unfortunately it is what
5875s it is focus down the wo he's got no Port
5878s take him down boys wbg looking to be in
5881s a really really good spot here one of
5884s the things that we talk about very very
5886s often the scaling scaling for
5890s Transformers your Yuan Monk and karumi
5893s is so so important as those those
5898s weapons those armors the Rarity of those
5902s those two things scales your ultimate
5905s damage and health pool as well as the
5908s fact that obviously because you're
5910s scaling the health pool on your
5912s transform States as the Transformers
5914s your karumi is going to be able to get
5916s more value from her ultimate as there is
5919s a bigger Health pool to heal so the team
5922s essentially just it is so reliant on
5926s scaling and that's another reason why
5928s they go realm of Yang so often as it's
5930s the best one of the best ways to scale
5932s having that gold weapon so early on your
5935s uan is going to be invaluable going
5938s forward into this lobby but as you can
5940s see the the the game has started to slow
5943s down quite a considerable amount now
5946s that the initial the initial scraps of
5949s Spawn have taken place and uh and been
5953s decided the majority of teams are
5956s looking to just loot up I mean no one
5958s really wants to take a fight this close
5960s to R Yang sping exactly exactly because
5963s if you take a fight and you have to burn
5964s your ultimate that immediately bars you
5967s from entering R of Y especially if
5970s you're a Transformer especially if
5972s you're a Transformer because you do not
5973s want to get grabbed out before you can
5976s actually come in with the monk ultimate
5978s to be able to counter it because I mean
5980s before we saw things like Sam siphon the
5983s best counter or rather one of the best
5984s counters to a monk composition would be
5986s to be running monk yourself that that's
5988s sort of going back to the point that you
5989s raising that first match because there's
5991s a rock paper scissors interaction
5993s between all of these monk players where
5995s you're actually able to stagger out the
5998s enemy transformed monk ultimate it's
6001s really interesting to have a look at
6002s like how the monks interact with each
6004s other when they're inside their
6005s ultimates because essentially becomes an
6007s arms race or a grab race right when one
6010s monk is able to grab a player out it
6013s then becomes the second monk player the
6015s enemy monk player he stops looking for
6017s grabs on the other side's team and he
6019s instead looks to be able to stag cycle
6022s the other monk so that his teammate can
6025s Mash struggle and slip away when the
6029s Monk Is staggered and not actually able
6031s to complete the slam and it's really
6034s important inside realm of Yang it's also
6036s really important when we have things
6037s like final zones because what monks will
6039s do is they'll get up in each other's
6041s faces and they'll look to punt the other
6044s monk outside of the zone so that they
6048s have to burn all of their ultimate
6050s repositioning themselves into an area of
6053s safety absolutely and not only are you
6056s going to be doing damage to the monk by
6059s by staggering him and preventing him
6060s from doing the slam the fact that you
6063s cannot slam once you grab an enemy
6066s player as a transform monk if you don't
6069s get the slam and they do manage to
6071s struggle out then the monk takes a
6074s considerable amount of damage when they
6076s struggle out so not only are you able to
6079s do the damage by preventing him from
6081s slamming but also the fact that if you
6084s do succeed in preventing them from
6086s slamming they're not they're going to
6087s take another chunk of damage and then it
6090s becomes the job of the karumi to try and
6093s keep him alive forcing out the cooldowns
6095s from the enemy karumi and having your
6098s karumi Al up after being able to save it
6102s for just a bit longer is going to give
6104s you the advantage in the fight
6106s extremely as you said like the the monk
6109s ditto the the Monk versus monk in
6112s transformed state is very it does come
6115s down to a a rock paper scissors but
6117s there is even more depth there's an ever
6119s a slight bit more extra extra Spice in
6123s there you know there's this mechanic
6125s essentially where you can jump and sort
6128s of turn your camera or turn your turn
6131s your turn your character model as you
6134s jump in the monk form towards the other
6138s Monk and I don't mean the the ultimate
6140s big Le deep jump you know I mean just a
6143s normal hop
6145s essentially and then you jump onto the
6148s essentially the hip of the enemy
6150s monk to avoid the right click the close
6154s range grab from the enemy Monk and then
6156s it then allows you to go for your own
6160s attack where he can't actually catch you
6162s it's very the backpack trap yeah it's
6164s it's it's difficult to do and you don't
6167s see monks doing it in rank games you
6170s don't see monks doing it very often
6172s outside of these competitive
6174s environments but uh it's there's a lot
6177s there's a lot to it it's it just look to
6180s so a lot of people just looks like grab
6183s punch but uh there's a little bit more
6186s to it and it's always really interesting
6187s it's always really cool to just delve a
6189s little bit deeper into these into these
6191s matchups into these mechanics that that
6194s uh that aren't immediately apparent but
6197s we're speaking of we might get to see it
6200s now
6202s imately going head to of these monks
6205s like you said just trying to continue
6208s putting that pressure looking for scoop
6210s onto a player and txj will be able to
6212s find a grab onto two and HH who goes
6214s down in his hand Target Focus absolutely
6217s perfect from te as now you can see txj
6220s trying to stagger a line so he's not
6222s able to find that slam Lynn maybe able
6225s to find these Stomps but he is
6227s incredibly low now to tries to pressure
6230s txj who uses the last drag of his
6232s ultimate to be able to find that Stager
6235s onto Alliance txj going Ariel to be able
6238s to charge up the right click from the
6241s katana connecting onto Alliance as he
6243s hits into the ground and they will not
6246s expecting that no one was ready to Parry
6249s and this is TE an absolute master class
6252s in Transformer as txj finds the OPA to
6255s send lucky Ariel catching him as well
6257s the second that he lands in the Stagger
6259s animation with another charge up on the
6261s katana and
6263s te what a fight for that
6267s team beautifully done there in the realm
6269s of the Y but we're heading right on over
6272s to a bit more action some Viper action
6275s managing to get the stun onto this yuan
6278s in his ultimate trying to burn him down
6282s while still in the AL but he's managed
6284s to stay alive just a little bit longer
6287s using that that mountain go mountain
6290s goat movement as I like to call it you
6292s know this this General this absolute
6295s tank he's just hopping around like an
6297s absolute mountain goat climbing those
6299s trees climbing those mountains but sadly
6302s it's not going to be enough and he does
6304s get taken down by this team hey it is
6308s what it is but hey Viper they definitely
6312s did a very good job of the of taking
6314s them down here if you ever see a Yuan
6317s being the last person alive in his
6319s ultimate against a Viper team you know
6321s that either something went extremely
6323s wrong for the Transformers or something
6325s went extremely right for the Viper team
6328s but we're heading on over to UG and a
6331s whole bunch of other teams just
6332s scrapping it out in the zone right
6335s here poison Splash but it doesn't look
6337s like do that
6339s much drg grief J te out of an early
6342s elimination
6344s again yet again ladies and gentlemen oh
6347s the wuen port coming out here wbg
6349s aggressing onto this team but but wuen
6351s Port coming in saving them wbg Jing
6354s still trying to look for some value from
6356s his Yan Al managing to get a slam is he
6359s going to be able to to to transfer that
6362s into some more kills oh he's so close
6364s he's so close he's one HP the UA shot
6367s movement he manages to get the slam but
6369s his Al
6370s expires he's coming out he's trying to
6372s this Viper trying to use those fancy the
6375s use the movement but he's unable to
6377s escape the clutches of wbg and he takes
6381s him down but he does have that Vermilion
6383s Bird's might to keep him in the lobby
6386s but here we are wbg Sleepwalker against
6390s te the monk ditto the karumi Al has been
6394s committed by T oh the little body block
6397s there did you see that SLE oh he get the
6400s double grab and the slam a huge double
6403s grab from
6404s wpg lyd getting taken down and he
6407s manages to get the soul Bloom
6409s immediately allev ating a lot of the
6412s pressure from the enemy team and they're
6414s getting beautiful and there it is wbg
6417s off of that double grab slip away as the
6420s third party from Alliance comes through
6423s and that is te's V million Birds M gone
6426s they are still going to be in the lobby
6427s however it looks like wbg were not able
6429s to disengage it safely as they wanted
6432s Jing is 9% away from having that
6435s ultimate continues to pressure onto a
6437s but he goes down JL able to peel the
6440s aggression throwing out the focus gets
6443s parried as well and here comes the
6446s fourth party Alliance now emboldened
6449s with the ultimate charges that they were
6450s able to get off of chunking through te
6453s with a monk ultimate now put themselves
6455s into a fight against JL one thing gets
6457s grabbed already below 50% so one single
6459s slam will kill him Lyn going to be
6461s dropping out of the ultimate to be able
6463s to pick up the soul Bloom sees another
6464s team in the distance and decides to
6467s disengage to live another day as he saw
6470s him just there grapple over one of the
6472s wbg players who was hidden in those
6476s bushes and might be able to slip away
6479s unnoticed as GG track Alliance down but
6482s Alliance pop the noal Zone know that
6484s there's going to be an ultimate deficit
6485s considering they just had to use their
6487s to be able to thir party into the fight
6489s that they just disengaged from making
6491s sure that GG are dis weighted deterred
6493s from taking the fight and instead turn
6495s their attention onto oh no it's the last
6497s player of wbg who thought they were
6500s saved
6501s oh no no no no unfortunate for him but
6506s we're going to be heading right on over
6507s to just east of plume Castle ewg e ewg
6513s scrapping it out desperately trying to
6516s find these kills trying to get these
6518s Soul blooms as the Yang depletion is
6521s ticking away 20 seconds left for dong Yu
6525s he's in his Al he's trying to find some
6527s slams he's trying to do all he can 15 14
6531s 13 he comes out of his old XU on ug is H
6535s very very low but he's in his ultimate
6537s still it doesn't look as though he's
6539s going to go down and it might be a GG
6543s for ewg and there it is oh so so
6549s heartbreaking honestly when you die to
6552s Yang depletion having desperately tried
6554s to find just anybody to fight since you
6558s left the realm of Yang it's such it's
6561s it's it's really really it's a lot of
6563s mental damage let's just say that you
6566s know it's pretty hard to uh just just
6569s like just take that on the chin the
6571s thing is they might have been able to
6572s find a kill but the Yodo ultimate
6574s knocked them all the away from the team
6576s not just out of the karumi ultimate but
6578s off the side of the cliff when they only
6580s had about 10 seconds left to be able to
6582s cleanse that young de and as a result
6585s they just weren't able to isolate a
6587s Target down so that one of them's able
6588s to get a soul blo and then disengage
6590s from the fight
6591s to Live Another Day te confident after
6595s that first R fight that they took slow
6597s handedly going to be taking themselves
6599s into the second one absolutely no care
6601s in the world K potentially going to go
6604s through this one JL also looking to try
6607s to intrude but NE one really wanting to
6610s cross and te get it for
6613s free it's looking pretty good for them
6616s te very happy with themselves seven
6619s kills drg on eight Alliance on five
6623s quite a few kills all around but the odd
6626s one out here is KLA sitting on a fat
6630s donut on a zero kill game so far off the
6635s back of an 18 kill game in game one it's
6640s uh I don't know potentially it's just uh
6642s it just is what it is bit unlucky or
6645s potentially they they deliberately opted
6647s to go for a slower approach in this
6649s second game I think prioritizing free
6652s players living like if you prioritize
6655s free of your players living to final Z
6656s cuz like Transformer is a late game come
6660s right exactly exactly Attack on Titan
6662s very much you you play Super aggressive
6664s early on you take full advantage of the
6667s rebirth charms that you have you also
6669s play full advantage on the fact that if
6670s you run into Transformer teams because
6672s they're so heavily dependent on the
6674s scaling for all of the reasons that
6675s we've previously listed even if they get
6677s their ultimates online you're still
6679s probably going to on top because like
6682s one Viper stun is more than enough early
6685s on in the game or even Yodo ultimate to
6687s be able to secure and lock down those
6688s kills where Transformer shines however
6692s is end game when it's just so chaotic
6695s and it's not a free versus free fight
6697s where you have like clean communication
6700s clean Target prioritization and also
6703s like everyone on the same page of where
6705s you're going to position and okay the
6707s monk ultimate has gone through we're
6709s going to hide here K to be able to block
6711s line of sight so we don't get grabbed
6713s that goes out the window the second you
6715s go into second to last fight and last
6718s fight and as a result when positioning
6721s and like coordination goes out the
6723s window players go into those monk hands
6725s because a lot of the time when one monk
6727s goes for the ultimate every monk goes
6730s for the ultimate it's a domino effect so
6732s prioritizing having all three of your
6734s players who are
6736s instrumental in guaranteeing that
6738s Transformers is where it needs to be
6740s Kumi to be able to sustain the monk so
6742s you can sit and play as aggressive as
6744s you want in the ultimate usan to be able
6746s to cover for the monk the second that
6748s your ultimate drops out and you have to
6750s go to the Regeneration phase of your
6752s Cannon all of those players need to be
6755s alive yeah yeah absolutely and it's uh
6759s it's it's fair enough you know K having
6761s done so well in game one they don't need
6763s to go crazy they just need consistency
6766s from here on out potentially looking to
6769s uh to secure a high high high kill game
6772s later on in the series with like
6774s deliberately so on a on a firefly map
6777s that kind of that kind of strategy wait
6780s that wait wait that was like it was like
6783s an optical illusion I thought the monk
6785s was in front of him but he actually been
6788s on top of his head what on Earth was
6791s that optical illusions in nraa monk
6794s gaming we love it having a quick replay
6798s here from the realm of Yang JL versus
6801s ewg this is where we see the downfall of
6803s ewg unfortunately sorry for spoilers but
6807s if you've been watching you should
6808s already know JL one Fang having come out
6811s of ultimate earlier than the other monk
6813s but it doesn't matter as he's able to
6815s stay alive long enough karumi Al pops
6817s and then gets a huge Parry onto this
6819s enemy karumi xia is one Health he just
6824s just gets taken down I'm not too sure
6826s why he didn't just left click or over to
6829s uh to to whoever or whatever he was
6832s Tethered to as uh the left click on the
6835s on the umbrella for karumi is a combo
6837s breaker it's not it's not soft combo
6839s breaker it is a hard combo break it's a
6841s gold focused combo breaker so I'm not
6843s too sure why he didn't opt to do exactly
6846s that maybe you don't want to break the
6848s teor of the person who was getting
6849s healed potentially potentially because
6852s if if you remember as well they had to
6854s use the Kumi ultimate earlier than JL
6857s like that was one of the huge things yes
6859s xcg were able to have the monk
6860s transformation last longer but it's
6862s because they actually committed the
6864s karumi ultimate to prioritize having the
6867s monk having that burst potential JL hold
6871s on to their Kumi ultimate they decide
6873s instead to cancel the monk ultimate
6875s understanding that xcg are going to be
6877s running out of Monk ultimate anyway and
6880s if they're able to burn the karumi
6882s ultimate and still hold on to their
6884s they're going to have better
6885s sustainability when it becomes melee
6888s versus melee and especially when you
6890s have things like the Dual halers where
6892s you get to bop around all over the shop
6894s coming in with things like they charge
6895s left click to be able to displace and
6897s take players out of fights for a good
6900s couple of seconds to make sure that
6902s there's just no coordination and it puts
6904s so much more pressure on that Kumi to
6906s have the te just running constantly and
6908s as a result like you said you saw the
6910s target focus it don't really go uh free
6914s versus the karumi instead they have one
6916s person continue applying the pressure on
6917s the karumi while the other continues
6919s applying pressure onto the player the
6921s Kum te 2 so she can't break the ter and
6924s extract herself from the
6927s situation yeah exactly Target selection
6930s one of the most important things in
6933s trios being able to figure out and
6935s analyze what the enemy team is playing
6938s what the tire the target priority needs
6940s to be to give you and your teammates the
6943s best chance at taking down that enemy
6944s team and in these these like extremely
6948s competitive lobbies it's not not easy
6950s because everybody knows who's the who's
6954s the optimal Target who's the priority
6956s Target they're going to be protecting
6958s that person with everything they have
6960s you know but hey it looks as though ug
6964s was not able to protect this Morris from
6968s gg gg managing to secure that gold armor
6971s onto their yoim very very nice for them
6974s Yoto being such an impactful character
6978s in those end games exactly what they're
6980s going to need just that extra little bit
6981s of armor can make all of the difference
6984s at times just a tiny sliver of Health
6987s can be the difference between winning
6990s and losing you know potentially not
6992s winning and losing but you know what I
6993s mean getting a couple extra
6995s point but I mean G are going to be super
6998s happy not only have they got legendary
6999s armor they've also got Dreadful whale
7001s and
7003s HEPA at their hands they were they were
7005s just flashing those J of Destiny Jades
7008s of Destiny Jades of
7010s more like if you get stuck in them as
7012s they were just immediately sort of
7014s showing their heckles to
7017s ug so that ug didn't decide to press it
7021s into that anti-al area as they do decide
7024s to pull back oh please please tell me
7026s that we get ballista from te
7029s D directly below salvation Podium so
7034s they don't get picked up on The High
7036s Ground by that ballista as GG have now
7038s moved up into plumed still chasing after
7041s ug who did have to invest jinu's F3 to
7043s be able to block the entrance so that
7046s the players are able to disengage that
7048s potential engagement coming through from
7050s ggs you can see them just being pelted
7053s by all of these teams in the area with
7055s those range projectiles as jinu able to
7058s find purple on the swap just racing
7061s around we might get a final Zone
7063s collapsing into plumed and that is going
7065s to be great for these Viper teams lots
7068s of High Ground lots of areas to be able
7069s to to hide yourself up on two charge the
7072s ultimate then drop down with the stun
7074s heading onto those players as quickly as
7075s possible all the while keeping you out
7078s of the engagement for as long as
7079s possible so you don't get shun down as
7081s the ultimate ticks on up the reason why
7084s in the attack on Titan a lot of the time
7086s Ser the Transformer where all the loot
7087s is funneled onto the Transformers Tack
7089s and Titan sees all of the loot or at
7091s least all of the armor being funneled
7093s onto the Viper to guarantee that she's
7095s able to survive the F duration charge up
7098s of that alt as it looks like we're being
7102s funneled towards the ballista The moris
7104s Bling definitely making this area
7107s incredibly tasty for teams to be able to
7110s control te LD taking a lot of damage but
7113s no one here as much as ug who again have
7115s to drop onto the low ground using that
7117s Yodo e in the fact that it blocks
7119s projectiles he'll be able to heal up
7121s behind it as we can see a Ballista shot
7123s from te just trying to push on to GG who
7127s double jump it the Wen wall making
7129s making sure that g are able to open up
7132s another Morris blessing
7135s uninterrupted two sets of legendary
7138s armor picked up for this team as te
7141s unfortunately not able to find the value
7143s of the ballista that they're looking for
7145s that might soon however change as a lot
7147s of these teams drg especially are soon
7150s going to have to reposition from the low
7152s gr onto the high if they want to be able
7156s to try and find these kills as we're
7158s going to have a little bit of a lull
7159s face I think until everyone is forced to
7161s reposition because no one wants to step
7163s in front of that
7164s ballista absolutely but uh it's not
7168s going to be easy ug as you said before
7171s as well all of these teams are just
7173s getting peppered by range projectiles
7176s and there we have it the ballist again
7178s oh he takes a bit of fire damage oh it's
7180s getting a bit spicy he's having to pull
7183s out the movement that dagger is doing a
7185s lot of work he's able to move move and
7189s and just maneuver around this small bit
7191s of terrain this small little this small
7194s little building to try and keep himself
7196s safe and keep him keep himself from
7198s getting completely focused down from
7200s getting absolutely demolished by the
7203s rest of the lobby as uh that is
7205s essentially the objective in these kind
7207s of zones you want to be the the team
7210s that's forcing enemy teams into bad
7213s situations you want to be forcing other
7214s teams into into situations where they
7217s just get lobbied by everybody else
7220s it's just you don't want to be that one
7223s team that gets lobbied but here we are
7225s the monk he's got to grab he sends the
7227s slam over into the Zone gets the reg and
7230s there it is huge kill oh going for
7233s another one oh cheeky he's sending them
7236s out he wants these grabs come here boy
7238s give me give me give me those grabs he
7241s wants them but uh surprisingly not all
7243s that many other monks decided to use
7245s their ultimate but here we are he jumps
7248s up to The High Ground this is my land
7251s now his teammate already been taken down
7254s he's looking to try and create some
7256s space he's trying to do all he can he
7258s sends out that one grab gets the slam
7260s but it doesn't look as though he's going
7261s to be able to get another one forc to
7264s dform here as he's taking a considerable
7267s amount of damage pretty low Health
7270s thankfully he's managed to go unnoticed
7272s for the moment and there we have it
7274s another couple monks popping their
7276s ultimates we got some uans as well
7279s everything just going crazy at this
7281s point they're scrapping they're punching
7283s each other getting relatively low the
7285s Kumi Al's coming out the Hops coming out
7288s trying to reposition trying to find a
7290s bit of a bit of time just stay alive all
7293s these all of these teams have just got
7294s to stay alive try and keep themselves
7298s from dying in this end zone as if you're
7301s able to do exactly that of course you're
7303s able to reset your entire Health pool by
7306s transforming but you need to keep your
7308s karumi alive those karumi those kumas
7312s they need to stay alive if karumi stays
7314s alive the team stays alive oh able to
7318s get XO back into the mix that's insane
7321s that's actually nuts finding a res as
7323s well in these kind of opportunities in
7325s these kind of situations is extremely
7327s difficult yeah he was he was on the uh
7330s the first level he wasn't on top level
7332s he was on the first just with that Kumi
7333s umbrella currently is is getting him
7336s back into the mix is absolutely huge for
7338s JL cuz they're still going to be able to
7340s have that vein of supporters GG trying
7343s to just keep applying pressure not
7345s allowing JL to hide themselves out of
7348s notice from all of these other teams to
7350s hold on to these resources as long as
7351s possible K in danger having to use that
7354s karumi ultimate as the zone is actually
7357s going to take a huge chunk of space away
7360s from it as you gets hit by a Tess V1 and
7364s is Enchanted away from it as T txj half
7368s Health on that t High transformation GG
7371s throwing in the Dreadful world to be
7372s able to peel the aggression from K and
7375s push them into the Zone the heor from
7377s lxm as well connecting onto Rosemary and
7380s he's got a phoenix blast attached to it
7382s too K taking so much damage from GG who
7385s are absolutely stacked in terms of the
7387s Soul Jades as GG's miss here just coming
7389s through with that flamer and funneling
7392s everyone into the soul Jades tagger into
7394s the Zone GG on absolute fire eight kills
7397s picked up from them safe on L does drg
7400s now drop in the Viper R SM looking to
7402s find the Stagger but it's actually M
7404s coming in with a huge F3 Yodo to be able
7407s to heal the Stagger forcing drg now that
7410s the Viper ultimate is gone to use the
7411s wit and teleport and put themselves out
7413s of hm's way as GG with the flam is still
7416s getting to torch the players on drg who
7419s are now forced to Grapple into the
7420s higher ground but that's already
7422s occupied by ug the Merc Havoc te vvv
7426s having to just grapple and keep
7427s themselves as AAL as possible no one
7429s want wanting to stay on the level below
7430s because of that flame of damage l in the
7433s amp finds the spare stagger connection
7435s doesn't manage to find the knock back
7437s onto the Zone however gets the karumi
7439s ter should be able to heal back up to
7442s full as ug's SS now coming the Viper
7444s ultimate is going to hit so many players
7447s this is going to be absolutely huge 5
7448s Seconds of stun on the V1 and now ug
7451s start to get to work going for all of
7453s the plays that was staggered M with the
7455s Yoda timate going to be able to teleport
7457s doesn't teleport time go down to the
7459s ition take damage is TE with the monk
7462s ultimate ref the henish the replenish
7465s the HP and going to that look for the
7467s grabs OG jinu with the yo Ultimate
7469s Putting himself a as long as possible to
7471s not get grabbed out with the ultimate
7472s being canceled early and he's going to
7474s be able to find the Stag KN back onto
7475s the monk below him finds the health
7477s Bloom as well will be able to out
7480s sustain but not out sustain te te in the
7484s absolute last second able to stay
7488s standing but who's going to take MVP
7491s it's going to be te Transformer team
7493s comes out on top oh my Lord and it is to
7498s be expected I'm not going to lie
7500s Transformers they do so much work in
7504s those end games just absolutely powering
7507s through sending those grabs sending
7509s those slams and those kumas trying to
7512s keep those big boys alive having to
7515s having to Bob and weave through all of
7518s the those projectiles all of those long
7521s SS all of that damage trying to stay
7523s alive desperately lacking stamina as
7526s well as you know it is indeed trios
7529s ladies and gentlemen and trios you have
7532s to take a little bit less stamina
7535s unfortunately I don't like it myself
7538s it's a bit hard to
7540s move I'm very used to having my Stam on
7543s my taka and that's why I still take Stam
7545s on taka and
7547s Tre I no player you're not taking
7552s luck just like if you want to be a team
7554s player on T you need to get maximum
7557s damage maximum DPS and maximum value out
7561s of your ultimate and if you don't have
7563s stamina you cannot do that but hey these
7566s players they've they've been playing
7568s with no ST for years you know hey I I
7572s it's definitely doable though thing is
7574s with taka obviously is a very different
7575s situation you need the stamina stamina
7578s on TKA equals more DPS but for these
7581s teams for Transformers for Yoto Viper
7585s wuen all of these all of these
7587s characters all these team compositions
7588s they're able to take less Stam and go
7590s for that rage because the upside of
7592s going for Rage or discount or luck or
7596s coins whatever it may be is always going
7598s to be more beneficial the majority of
7600s the time when it comes to these
7602s situations these kind of lobbies this
7604s this game mode you know is so much more
7607s impactful rage for your ultimates being
7610s up more often more of the time those
7612s monks being able to get their SS like
7614s boom boom boom four SS in an end game
7617s you know they just back to back pick up
7619s one maybe two Soul blooms if you can but
7622s getting that rage per second the rage
7624s per damage potentially it's going to do
7626s so much for you and you're going to be
7627s able to just get so many reps in in
7631s those end games along with coins as well
7633s coins is something that we haven't
7635s talked about too much throughout the
7638s throughout what at least at least my
7639s time of casting on nvpl it's something
7641s that was kept a little bit of hush hush
7644s for a while it's something that been
7645s used in China for a very long time but
7648s only a few people outside of China knew
7652s about it coins being coins per second
7655s where you can essentially use this glyph
7659s setup so that your team can effectively
7663s never die you know you're you're playing
7665s coins so not only can you look to gamble
7668s soier Jades or potentially weapons in
7671s the shop as you're able to get weapons
7673s in the in the dark tide coin shop on uh
7676s on aortal war you're able to scale up
7679s but hey look at this
7681s 23.6 points for Te in game number two GG
7686s not all that far behind 17.6
7690s Unfortunately they uh they weren't able
7692s to get that higher placement I think
7694s they came third based off of the fact
7696s that they got two ranking points third
7698s place
7699s wasn't enough to get them a little bit
7701s more they would have probably gotten a
7702s few more points if they' managed to
7704s secure second place but hey 17.6 points
7708s that is very solid very solid
7710s performance indeed ug coming in third
7712s with 15.1 drg 13.5 JL 10.6 but
7717s te coming away with the MVP for this
7721s game for this Lobby oh my Lord look at
7723s that damage from the karumi
7726s 26,000 oh wait oh they oh I didn't know
7729s I didn't notice that's healing oh that's
7732s huge I didn't notice that they changed
7734s the the the startat that karumi gets
7737s that their tracks is healing on those
7738s cars I like that when did they it's so
7740s good it's so good I I love the stats I
7743s love the fact that we get the St track
7744s and Ral gang so you get to to see who's
7747s doing the most damage which is insane
7749s this fight here this was perfect look at
7752s he's like oh find the double grab it's
7754s just before txj is going to be able to
7757s stagger him and stop him from being able
7759s to find the slam as well absolutely huge
7761s coming through from him unfortunately
7763s wbg did get third parted by fire lines
7766s and JL first by Alliance and then
7769s unfortunately JL turning into them as
7772s well L getting a revive onto txj with
7777s the karumi helping out two to be able to
7780s bring the monk player back up so they
7783s can still have all of this insane amount
7785s of control you can see GG's M here
7787s unfortunately having to use that Yoda
7789s ultimate does go down to corruption take
7791s damage as a result before he's able to
7793s teleport txj is able to find one grab
7795s onto ug's SS not a double grab but just
7798s immedately going for the slam to bop him
7800s into the Zone again that's going back to
7802s sort of like decisions that these monks
7804s make it is so situational on how you
7808s actually decide to use those grabs and
7810s whether it's more beneficial to go for
7812s single grabs or just go and hold for the
7815s double grab and especially in those last
7817s zones you're looking to just hold the
7819s players as close to that corruption TI
7822s damage as you possibly can which is why
7824s a lot of the time the monk players
7825s prioritize a side angle that they can
7828s make sure that they are the closest to
7831s the edge of that zone so they simply
7832s need to just turn that camera ever so
7834s slightly slam them down get them out of
7836s Zone and then they can immediately look
7838s to go for the next one I'm a little bit
7841s sad that it's not lyd coming of the MVP
7843s and the reason for that is because he
7844s was the one on ballista so we don't get
7846s the ballista damage the te were to do
7849s but it's txj who's going to be picking
7852s up his SI MVP te back to that macro
7856s decision making one of the teams that
7857s for the regular season was heralded for
7860s being one of the best at playing those
7862s final Zone fights and they are back to
7865s show that they are still just as smart
7867s as they were in regular oh my Lord look
7870s at the damage skills and ultimates 8.3
7874s Canon
7876s 11.4 but dual halbert's 2 .5 you know
7879s there's not all that much be it's pretty
7881s much entirely alt F and Canon you know
7887s you got your flame breath you got your
7888s rupture Gale hey we haven't talked about
7890s Cannon and Flame breath yet today we
7892s haven't talked about it yet surprisingly
7894s enough as we talk about it all the time
7897s as Canon with with flame breath rupture
7901s Gale all of this good stuff you're able
7903s to Output so much damage in these kind
7907s of end zones as it de evolves into just
7909s a mess of range weapon projectiles it's
7912s not it's not M as you saw 2.5k from Mele
7916s damage only 2.5 that's essentially
7919s nothing that's that's in comparison to
7922s the the rest of it he had 28,000 damage
7926s total that's yeah I I think he only he
7929s only did damage with the hits in R of
7931s Yang yeah it's less than 10% of his
7933s total damage was from a melee weapon the
7936s majority was from Cannon flame breath
7939s rupture Gale and his ultimate that's
7940s just insane it shows how much value you
7943s can truly get I mean rupture flame
7945s rupture Gale and Flame breath is
7947s probably the best combination of Cannon
7949s Jades to have as the splash damage
7952s applies the fire the fire tick or to
7955s enemy players so you're able to just
7957s shoot this cannon shot and you're could
7960s to hit like a million people as long as
7962s it's relatively close it's so so good
7965s and so much fun to use I love it oh yeah
7968s 100 it was it was getting a lot of value
7970s too considering we had three different
7972s levels of elevation in that last fight
7975s we've already talked about Cannon being
7977s able to still do damage through things
7979s like the floorboards and ceilings so
7981s especially if you have things like
7981s rupture Gale and Flames breath no one
7984s needs it doing damage is also with the
7985s fire tick burning through resources and
7988s when we got to some of those last fights
7990s that was not a whole lot of resource
7992s floding around the fight which is why
7994s when you saw players go down everyone
7996s would Scurry to the bodies and just rip
7999s them absolutely every single bit of
8001s resource that was available on that body
8003s would be gone within seconds where was
8005s the double click to be able to instantly
8007s scoop up the soul bloom or whether it
8008s was just ransacking all the supplies of
8011s Vitalia because you're constantly
8012s burning out to that flam spr fire tick
8015s damage but we can have a look and see
8017s which teams are on fire and which teams
8020s were a little bit burnt out on our
8021s standings GG currently leading the pack
8025s 35.5 points a very good good day for GG
8030s indeed te recovering a little bit after
8033s that first game popping off in game
8035s number two very much not out of it yet
8038s either yeah and
8040s sadly rather unfortunately KLA was not
8044s able to maintain that momentum that they
8047s that they had in game one going into
8050s game two they got 2.1 points total that
8053s is not it's not it's it's a bit of a
8056s contrast from game one but they they the
8058s ug ooly booly Gamers they potentially
8061s they just love their fireflies in their
8063s aggressive compositions you know it is
8065s what it is we have to wait and see but
8067s for now yet again we have answer for
8071s Treasures if you want to get yourself a
8074s chance of winning yourself a sumers
8076s split random gift get yourself some
8078s tasty Cosmetics make sure to get your
8081s answers down for this question in the
8084s chat which team chose Tessa in game
8087s number two now this is actually not as
8090s not not all that not all that easy to
8093s answer you're going to have to think
8094s about this one yeah or you can probably
8096s go back and check the V you got to get
8099s it in pretty quickly so uh hey well
8102s which team chose teser in game two was
8104s it a t e was it b d r g was it c o u or
8111s D Alliance Al L make sure to get your
8115s answers into the chat if you know it to
8117s get your a chance at winning yourself
8120s this Summers split random gift and make
8122s sure to keep an eye on your Whispers on
8125s Twitch so that if you are the lucky
8127s winner chosen out of everybody who
8130s answers that you don't miss out on your
8133s rewards for getting for getting chosen
8135s for being the lucky the lucky the lucky
8138s boy the lucky gamer the lucky one who
8141s managed to get that answer in at the
8143s exact right time but uh hey we're going
8146s to have to we're going to have to think
8148s think about this what is going to be
8150s coming out for game number three we've
8152s had a lot of Transformers but uh Hey a
8155s little bit more on that in a moment
8157s we're going to be going to a quick break
8159s a quick video and we'll be back for game
8162s number three very shortly don't go
8167s [Music]
8177s any
8178s [Music]
8207s what
8212s [Music]
8245s [Music]
8256s [Music]
8267s oh
8268s [Music]
8275s [Music]
8292s [Music]
8304s [Music]
8320s and we are back ladies and gentlemen
8322s that wasn't too long was only a couple
8324s minutes we are back and we are going to
8326s be going into game number three very
8328s shortly and we are heading back to
8331s Morris Island now I do imagine we're
8334s probably going to see a few Transformer
8336s teams still although game one and game
8340s two we've had well I mean game two
8343s obviously nine teams out of the 12 chose
8346s to go for the traditional Transformer
8348s pick game one it wasn't as much but
8351s there's still quite there still a few so
8353s I'm wondering if we're going to
8355s see well not all that much of it going
8358s on to morile but morile has always been
8361s that map where traditional Transformers
8364s has has done well has drive has just
8367s done has succeeded considerably because
8370s it just it's defensive you there's so
8373s much more Terrain in comparison to Holo
8376s you're able to to find these these areas
8379s where monk doesn't just get immediately
8381s shredded from 360 Degrees you know
8385s you're able to to do this sort of thing
8387s but uh we'll see I think we'll probably
8389s still see some
8391s but as as The Meta has evolved as these
8395s sort of these composition picks has
8398s evolved on different days different
8401s different times of day on different maps
8402s and all that sort of stuff we've seen
8405s quite a bit of sand siphon move over
8407s from hollo over to Morris Isle so I
8411s think we'll probably see a decent amount
8414s of sand Sion I'm not too I'm not 100%
8417s sure if it's going to be a firefly map
8418s do you know if there's going to be
8419s Firefly this game uh let me pull up the
8423s day cycle it is game number fre we are
8427s going I believe Dawn so no Fire Dawn so
8430s no fire it is dusk the map afterwards it
8434s is dusk on game four star night on game
8437s five and midday on game six so
8440s potentially we see teas on game four and
8443s game five but that does open up for
8446s other compositions on both game three
8449s and game
8450s six that's that's the thing that I'm
8452s thinking about because are we going to
8454s seea like traditional Transformers
8456s picked a considerable amount in this
8458s game because it's daytime daytime Morris
8460s being even more so the the game to pick
8464s traditional Transformers than than a
8466s nighttime Morris aisle so we're going to
8469s have to wait and see but I do Envision
8472s seeing quite a few I I'd be surprised if
8475s we saw a a majority
8478s non a non- majority Transformer game it
8481s would be rather aggressive but however I
8485s do enjoy aggressive gaming as you know
8489s as we all know aggressive gaming is
8492s typically more fun you know there's more
8495s action and who doesn't like that
8497s obviously we enjoy the uh the slow this
8501s the the the calculated the the macro
8505s decision making all of that stuff it's
8506s always a joy to watch and en joy to talk
8508s about and analyze however well we all
8512s love it when it gets ooly
8514s booly so uh we'll have to see again I'm
8517s going to say it I want to see Justina I
8520s want to see it I genuinely think it's
8522s really good obviously you want to see
8524s Justina V3 though yeah right jusa V3
8527s jusa V3 because I I it's just it's so
8530s good you take rage you just never not
8534s have Al it's ridiculous I played against
8537s it but surely they're going to save it
8539s for for the dusk
8541s map but there's no that's the thing
8543s there's no need for the dusk map because
8545s there's no need for the fireflies
8547s because of how the because you're able
8550s to have to use it at
8552s 50% and you're you're going to be taking
8555s some Rage or even a considerable amount
8558s of rage and you don't need the fireflies
8561s to have that uptime that you would
8563s typically need to have for other
8566s characters you know it's something that
8567s can be used so early that because of the
8572s fact that you can you don't really need
8575s the Firefly so it excels quite well on
8578s these nonf Firefly days what the thing
8581s what would you run with it cuz this is
8583s the problem right we're seeing teams try
8585s and run Justina with Yan and that means
8588s that you're eating into your hero points
8590s available for Monk and you could say
8593s okay for traditional Transformers you
8594s could take out the usan and SL in a
8596s teada the way that we've seen some teams
8598s try and supplement the problem then is
8601s that you're eating into your sand siphon
8603s up time because the deor is like the
8606s most pivotal thing about that
8608s composition it's really funny cuz like
8610s he's not really included in the name of
8612s it s siphon is is very representative of
8616s both the tery and the zip but the teor
8619s is your driving force behind being able
8621s to not only isolate targets to be able
8624s to just chunk them down incredibly
8625s quickly but you can also like you
8627s pointed out earlier peel because of the
8630s nature of those shoves and how you can
8631s use them and also being able to just set
8634s up stagger after stagger after stagger
8636s to be able to just isolate out a lot of
8638s the pressure from the to from the other
8640s side if you do run into your mirror
8642s match up so what would you really be
8644s able to run the Justina with that
8647s doesn't shoot yourself into the foot
8649s when it comes to overall longevity of
8651s hero Point compositions and I think
8654s that's that's the struggle that these
8656s teams are going through
8658s I personally would love to see Justina
8659s Matari Tassa because you can still run
8662s your traditional Attack on Titan you're
8664s still going to be able to to have Tesa
8666s points if you want to run her instead of
8667s the Yodo and Matari isn't using any
8670s other
8671s composition
8674s wow wow okay well there's no monks not a
8679s single
8680s monk that
8682s is they they they heard me like you like
8686s it ugly or right big dog we got you this
8690s Lobby is about to be so aggressive
8693s because all of these compositions when
8695s we were talking about these are
8696s compositions that find more value in
8698s early game mid game or late game The
8701s Glorious thing about Sanson is that it
8703s finds value throughout the entirety and
8707s the same can be said for the attack and
8708s Titan composition when it's not running
8710s into monk saturated lobbies so it really
8713s is going to be interesting to see
8715s whether or not these vipers are going to
8716s be correcting calling to bring the
8720s F3 rather than the
8724s F2 I'm
8726s uh definitely surprised it's it's
8730s possible that some of these teams are
8732s like okay other teams are going to run
8734s Transformers let's try and counter them
8736s with this right but then every team in
8739s the lobby thought that so then you just
8740s get a full Lobby of s Titan they now do
8745s not see what compositions ever an else
8747s is running in with it was one of the
8749s changes that was made when we headed
8751s into season 2 of mvpl they used to be
8754s able to see the compositions they were
8755s up against now they're just having to
8758s like you said try and anticipate what
8760s they're running into and it's led up to
8763s some Legendary Moments where we've seen
8765s teams be like we're going to cter
8766s Transformers not a single Transformer in
8769s the
8770s lobby well okay then that's a GG we
8775s might have to adjust
8778s but uh we're heading on
8781s over to
8783s ug oh no okay no we're not going over to
8787s OG doesn't look like much action is
8789s taking place over there but it is indeed
8792s taking place over here just to the north
8796s of Shadow Jade mine we have
8799s drg taking down a team o xcg as well
8803s looking to be in a very very dicey
8806s situation but but it looks as though
8808s he's going to be able to get out as drg
8811s is forced to turn around sansy caught in
8814s a 1 V2 1v3 situation needs the
8817s assistance of his teammates but it
8820s doesn't look like it's going to be
8822s enough and two members already taken
8825s down the final Member One HP and oh my
8829s God he too gets taken down the moon Bane
8831s was committed DS it was dgs that's why
8835s they were out of position when FP came
8837s in because they had one of their players
8840s hang back because when you hit Z for the
8842s moon activation you can get interrupted
8845s from casting it if you get hit it stops
8848s the cast so you have to have one player
8849s play further away from the fight to be
8852s able to saf land it and fpx they see it
8855s coming through but they see that the
8857s team is separated and they just isolate
8860s the targets down hitting in with the
8862s Stagger lock before having one of their
8864s players come with the TR right click on
8865s the pzle but as we say that J team
8867s taking a fight here against ewg zip V2
8871s going to be invested from dongu as ZK
8873s with that pord now looking to be able to
8876s activate the moral Defiance kicking in
8878s incredibly early but ZK is the one on
8880s the back foot currently gets hit into
8882s the stone form commits onto it and he's
8885s going to get parried ewg anticipating
8888s him actually throwing that out and now
8891s we're able to chunk him he's going to be
8893s saved by the zip F1 however now comes in
8896s with a stagger on the ultimate but he's
8898s also up against ewg who for out their
8900s ultimate as well and as a result we're
8902s going to see a full reset come through
8904s from these teams repeating crossbow out
8906s from ewg side mincing for the gr armor
8909s that ZK has available as he closes up
8911s the distance hits on with the charge lmb
8913s on the long shot Tami ultimate now going
8916s to be invested from it looks like ewg
8919s side of ZK hit into with the teor
8922s ultimate absolutely Smit against the
8925s wall of the Tami and now is going to be
8928s a potential for ewg to be able to chunk
8930s down these players of JT especially
8932s since kkx saw an opportunity tried to
8935s come in with the dragon SL to be able to
8936s move into the NZ to lock these players
8938s down and get parried before he's able to
8941s go for the gold and J team are going to
8944s lose the fight have to go back to the
8946s Sol alter ewg winning it out while that
8949s third player is still revivable going to
8951s be able to hold on to their
8953s rebirths absolutely the pole sword chase
8956s down
8957s from that zipping was just doing so much
8961s it was very very hard to actually do
8964s anything in the face of that the Parry
8966s coming through doing so much damage it
8968s can be devastating heavy sword parry's
8972s single hit you take all of that damage
8974s in one go it is a lot but here we are
8977s moving on over te ooh iperal coming out
8983s Alliance 28 HH already down Alliance in
8987s a bit of a dire situation one member
8989s still alive te txj just sprinting around
8994s the place with this Dragon like oh he
8996s jumps in the sacrificial lamb he comes
8999s in to protect his teammates does a
9002s decent amount of damage but it's not
9003s going to be enough unfortunately and ug
9006s are going to take down te ug stacking up
9010s the kills six kills already looking
9014s pretty solid coming in at the time very
9017s nicely done oh no what what happened
9020s Lost Dragon
9021s l oh now have it wait Did they they had
9025s Dragon like that's what T was using to
9027s be a come it's possible he doesn't lose
9029s it you know when you die you don't
9032s always lose all of your jads so it's
9035s possible that he kept it it is possible
9038s that he kept it but we're going to have
9039s to wait and see obviously it is uh when
9042s you do go down when you do go down for
9044s the first time and you still have your
9046s red available your soul form available
9049s when you die you keep a couple of your
9052s soul jads so that when you go in res
9056s you're not completely un you're not
9059s completely IL equipped you keep a little
9060s something something from your previous
9063s life thankfully and occasionally you
9065s keep your best Jades you know you keep
9067s your gold Jades but occasionally you
9069s keep the the the blue range resist Jade
9072s that you didn't want in the first place
9073s and it's a real feels bad but uh hey
9076s we're going to have to wait and see as
9078s uh we have to wait and see if K cxz is
9081s going to be able to make it out alive
9083s here fpx hot on his heels cxz does not
9088s have Al available and his teammates are
9091s nowhere to be found Kau is already dead
9095s he's dead dead He's Back In The
9098s Spectator watching his teammates trying
9100s to clutch it up Peak is still alive but
9103s he must be pretty far away as we cannot
9106s see him on the mini map it doesn't look
9109s as though water is going to let going to
9111s let this this lonely tul this lonely
9114s Sandy man get away
9116s but bit of he had 12 grapples yeah he
9121s had 12 grapples it wasn't like the the
9123s tamy was down to like four which is the
9125s the worst feels bad I I think probably
9128s what ended up happening was that K had
9130s like dropped all of their grapples for
9132s the tamy to be able to pick up and then
9135s bait FP a away from his Zip's location
9138s because zip has the means of being able
9140s to sustain herself so though right not
9143s so much if you're being chunk down in a
9145s one versus three but if you're just
9146s traversing the map with things like the
9149s F1 meaning that you don't need to slow
9151s down and rely on CR B to be able to keep
9154s your movement as saying that fpx the
9157s blinders are on
9159s CX is still being hunted by
9164s Yahoo and oh I think you had to to stop
9167s by the shop to pick up a couple more
9169s grapples as FPS these guys just give up
9172s please leave me alone he did indeed he
9175s he he bought grapples from the shop jaho
9178s is down to a sum total of zero if if cxt
9181s can lead fbx into taking a fight against
9184s drg he's home free and he is actually
9188s able to to slip towards money spot fpx
9192s not near a bell either so they're not
9195s going to be able to try and figure out
9196s where exactly he's run off to drg have
9200s spotted fpx and are now going to be
9202s trailing this team to decide if they
9204s want to try and take this engagement and
9206s that might have been the ticket that cxe
9209s needed to be able to slip away into the
9212s night absolutely he's done an extremely
9215s good job of shattering the ankles of fpx
9220s here and fbx now looks as though they're
9223s in a bit of a a bit of a
9225s scuffle with with drg it looks as though
9228s there was a bit of a bit of a trade
9230s there a little bit of a a range weapon
9232s trade potentially and they uh but it
9235s doesn't look like they're going to
9236s commit the Realms of Yang are starting
9238s to spawn and these teams are looking to
9241s get their priorities straight they're
9243s looking to either go into the real of
9245s Yang or potentially look to grief a team
9248s who wants to go in themselves as you see
9251s ug they headed right on
9253s over to the realm of Yang but suddenly
9257s decided to dip they decided to uh to
9260s head north instead as they uh they
9263s didn't see anybody they probably rang
9264s the bell and saw nobody was in the
9266s vicinity and they thought hey well we
9268s don't really want to go in maybe we look
9270s for a for a team lurking on the outside
9272s lurking at the edge of the Zone maybe a
9274s maybe a team with with minus one or two
9277s players we can get a few kills maybe go
9279s for the box or something along those
9281s lines but hey exactly what xcg is
9283s looking to do here they're looking to go
9285s and secure this moris bless Bing for
9287s themselves secure themselves that buff
9289s as well in Morris oh in um in the Morris
9292s blessings in Immortal War you can also
9295s not only get the weapon and the armor
9297s you can also get the buff that in normal
9300s ranked mode in Herald's trial you can
9303s typically only get from the Realms of
9306s Yang so definitely another huge huge
9309s difference you get to choose it the game
9310s modes no you do not thing it's feels bad
9314s when you're like oh maybe we get the
9316s million mate and you roll up in his
9317s Draco storm you're like oh damn it I
9320s mean Draco storm isn't too bad if there
9322s are a lot of teams close by it can
9324s definitely be really really good however
9326s because it's so short now it doesn't
9329s last anywhere near as long it's it's
9331s much more difficult to get value from it
9334s used to be really really strong it used
9336s to be absolutely remember when it used
9337s to be ridiculously good I remember I
9341s remember back in my day Dr storm used to
9344s be the love that everyone hoped for or
9346s is a ewg going to be picking themselves
9348s up above F they were uncontested in
9351s Realms of young dun no one went through
9355s and they're able to pick up a free verm
9357s and K not only have they been able to
9360s regroup their Tami and their zip they've
9362s also been able to buy back you given the
9366s fact that everyone's attention was
9368s occupied with potentially positioning up
9370s for Realms of Yang for moris blessings
9373s or trying to avoid those entirely that k
9376s took full advantage regrouped into
9379s cestra farmed the place and were able to
9382s pick up enough money especially given
9384s the fact that he was able to run through
9385s Artisans without being spotted out by
9387s both fpx and the team that had
9389s potentially come through to be able to
9390s third party I think he was able to to
9393s load up all of that area for free and
9394s make off with all of the coins there ewg
9397s with that vilon birds might now having
9399s the confidence take a fight against J
9400s team J immediately losing however that
9402s blue armor having to get the zip F1 he's
9405s isolated away from the rest of of his
9406s team s absolutely packing holding on to
9409s the red flash being able to use the
9411s activation of the ultimate trying to get
9412s a lock onto one of these players of J
9414s team both tamy ultimates invested one
9416s over the other so no one's able to find
9418s a foot hold at the moment as comes in
9421s with the Cavalry balloom but drg yet
9424s again showing up to put a nail in the
9428s plans of JT ballista damage connecting
9430s the second of the T ultimates drop out
9433s forcing both of these teams further away
9435s the 100 me radius from the ballista not
9438s connecting and sending both of these
9439s teams forcing them to take a fight in
9441s the zone as drg now regrouping away from
9443s the ballista coming into the third party
9445s ewg still having a minute left on the
9447s Vilan Birds KN deciding to stay and take
9450s this fight if they go down they're going
9451s to be able to regroup together better
9454s die with a million bird Point still
9455s active and try and disengage lose the
9458s buff and get hunted down without it as
9461s drg third party incredibly successful J
9465s team going to be lacking the zip but
9469s otherwise using dog's entrance to be
9471s able to reposition and book it they are
9476s gone absolutely they do not want that
9479s smoke ballista being in play you do not
9482s want to be stuck with the Zone closing
9485s in and a Ballista oh my God as I say it
9489s drg oh no no no ping and sansy taking
9494s the full force of that ballista damage
9497s doing so so much and ug taking full
9501s advantage of the situation using that
9504s Viper and forcing the wuen to teleport
9508s them out but they're heading right into
9509s the zone sansy is very very very low and
9513s looks as though ug may have caught onto
9516s their position they're lurking they're
9518s waiting they're trying to cut them off
9520s at the edge of the Zone they're trying
9521s to cut them off on their reentry but it
9525s looks as though drg are going to be able
9527s to head over deeper into the Zone
9530s they're heading deeper in to try and
9532s come out at a different location and
9534s prevent the uh the the the flank the the
9537s denial the denial of the entry back into
9540s the safe Zone because they don't have
9543s falia like they they don't have a lot of
9545s falia they've only got two on S
9548s currently he's just dropping the the
9552s health or health to be able to to get
9555s that health when he picks it up again
9558s ASG in the zone rolling for so in the
9561s place that they don't think people are
9562s going to be able to to come by
9566s for about to go right past them oh my
9569s two ships in the night did y actually
9571s see Cori or was he hidden by the
9578s scenery oh ohug though they they've
9580s still been hunting they've still been
9582s playing they know that drg are going to
9584s be Force out out of this Zone eventually
9585s and Jin has gotten wind as as has seen
9590s as well these players of D coming with
9592s the meter dump on those nchu looking to
9594s lock down Cori so they're able to find
9596s this kill before his team can come
9599s through and save him and drg might just
9601s have to cut their losses and move away
9603s but I mean the Zone Hunters may be about
9606s to be the Zone hunted as xcg have been
9610s hanging around and are now going to see
9612s ug trying to come through the meter dump
9614s catching onto n HQ too far away for them
9616s to be able to try and Parry it as SS
9619s just using that to be able to buy
9620s themselves safe passage outside of the
9622s zone and back into the streets of cestro
9625s away from that corruption take damage
9627s and with the fight moving over to cestro
9628s we likely going to see both of these
9630s teams just waiting to see whether or not
9633s they can find a clean engagement
9635s considering that CRA makes it so easy
9637s for those ankle breaks and those chases
9640s to lose line of sight is 9 HQ does have
9643s the ultimate xtg if they want to try and
9645s take this fight they absolutely are
9647s equipped to do
9648s so absolutely and yeah as I wanted to
9651s talk a little bit more that nice little
9653s bit of tech that not all that many
9656s players know about or really really are
9659s conscious of is that when you have
9661s health Jades it obviously increases your
9664s health pool by a flat or by by a certain
9667s amount by a percentage obviously wait
9669s hold on hold on we'll talk more about it
9670s in just just a second it's about to get
9673s ugly te jumping in with this Viper V2
9677s unfortunately not able to get a huge
9679s stun but oh my God the chum no wait no
9682s is it no it's not the chum it's the V2
9684s the V2 no it is what I the it was it I
9688s thought it was blue it looked it looked
9690s pink I was so confused but hey it looks
9692s as though te are going to be coming out
9694s on top they've chunked down wbg wbg in
9698s shambles right now sleeper all on his
9701s own a lonely Sandman he's not going to
9703s be able to do all that much and CG and
9706s now jumping in lxh committing that Viper
9710s ultimate unfortunately unable to secure
9712s a stun but they're going to be able to
9714s follow up they're going into a team
9716s who's used some of their cool downs and
9719s there it is the port comes out for Te
9721s and xcg are going to be able to secure
9723s this box for themselves get that purple
9725s armor onto X Nan
9728s potentially get the full team on the
9730s purple armor drg lurking in the wings
9734s looking to uh to Asser some aggression
9737s potentially try and try and pretend as
9740s though they're a full team jump in maybe
9743s get that rebirth CH yeah I I think
9745s that's what they were hoping for
9746s considering their Wan's gone but because
9749s the W's gone they they can't take the
9751s fight they don't have the the get out of
9753s jail tool card with the w and teleport
9755s and they also can't really hold
9757s themselves in a position to be able to
9758s go for the range off because they're
9760s missing the W and they're missing the
9761s walls to be able to block the the damage
9763s coming through from the other team's
9764s poke and as as a result they're just
9766s going to have to sit around the area and
9768s hope that they're able to jump on that
9769s box and pick up the re Trum before
9771s someone is able to roll on up and take
9773s it at least you know that it's not going
9775s to be the teams that were just fighting
9777s around the area considering you can only
9778s pick up a rebu charm from those boxes if
9781s one of your teammates is dead so you
9784s can't grief someone by buying a rebu
9787s charm when all three of your players are
9788s still alive that that would be broken
9791s that would be that would be a bit that
9793s would be ridiculous wouldn't it just
9794s deny you just know that one team is
9797s going to run money glyphs and go all the
9800s way around the rift dealers and buy all
9802s of the rebirth
9804s chops absolutely it' be the perfect
9806s Strat hey we've got a bunch of money
9808s let's prevent everyone from buying
9810s rebirths
9812s easy that would be uh that would be very
9815s very impactful on the on the meta there
9819s uh they were get yeah they just used a
9822s re of charm so D's uh which one is going
9824s to be back nice very nice very very nice
9828s and also they uh they probably saw the
9830s fact that uh they they'd gotten Draco
9833s stor out the box and they weren't they
9835s weren't really up for uh for contesting
9837s a draco Storm Team there that would not
9840s have been uh not have been the optimal
9842s play Let's just say that but uh J team
9845s and K trading a few blows here and there
9849s not looking to commit it seems though
9851s they know that there's uh there's the
9853s potential for these buff teams to come
9855s out of the woodwork and just appear with
9858s Draco storm or something crazy you know
9860s you do not want to be caught in that
9862s kind of situation but uh as uh as there
9866s weren't many teams going into the realm
9868s of Yang I'm pretty sure it was only one
9869s wasn't it it was only one that went
9871s uncontested so there's no Yang depletion
9874s teams Yang depletion being a huge
9877s Factor uh in at this point in the game
9880s because if there are multiple teams with
9882s Yang depletion it means that those teams
9884s are going to be obviously hunting for
9886s soul blums meaning they're going to have
9887s to try and force fights that more often
9892s than not they wouldn't have wanted to
9894s take in the first place if they didn't
9895s have to you so a lot of teams are
9898s lurking waiting to see if there's a Yang
9901s depletion team getting a bit aggressive
9903s maybe come in for a third party come in
9905s at the right time find themselves that
9908s opportunity and uh and get and get some
9911s kills and get essentially third party a
9913s fight that was forced you know there's
9914s been many many a time where a Yang
9917s depletion team has been forced to engage
9920s on a team and then both of them just end
9922s up going down like and it's just it's so
9925s unbelievably grief and you do not want
9926s to be the team that gets forced in they
9929s forced engagement on by a Yang depletion
9932s team as it's uh as the desperation is
9936s coming through from that team there it's
9938s very it's very difficult to kite is very
9941s obviously there is there's the potential
9942s to make to to make plays based on off of
9945s the fact that they are desperate for
9947s these Soul blims the timer ticking down
9949s they're going to be making more
9950s aggressive plays and if you're conscious
9952s of that you're going to be able to
9954s punish mistakes but it can still be very
9957s difficult it can still be very very
9959s difficult because obviously these teams
9960s are conscious of that fact but here we
9962s are moving on over to a replay GG versus
9965s xcg Xiao Nan one HP gets taken down by
9968s the bow shot from 330 oh huge Parry from
9971s KN HQ but the F3 coming in there just
9974s taking him down
9976s GG wiping that team very nicely done how
9980s many kills is that they're pretty
9982s stacked on those Soul Jades I canot I
9985s can't the soul Jade's blocking the
9987s number of kills but uh GG is looking to
9990s be in a pretty pretty solid spot I would
9993s not be surprised if uh if they've got
9996s some pretty spicy Jades as well yeah
9998s they've got six kills total six kills at
10001s this point in the game is a very solid
10003s solid performance considering there are
10004s 33 three people 33 players still left on
10009s the map that's insane that's actually
10012s ridiculous the this is about to be
10014s absolute chaos Conner cuz you have to
10018s remember as well we have so many tessers
10020s we have so many tessers on the field
10022s currently and the the thing with like
10024s the tesser ultimate is you you just get
10026s so paranoid when every single one of
10029s these teams are just pushed together
10032s especially when you look at how the
10034s terrain is panning out there is not a
10036s lot of areas to be able to hide from
10038s things like fer ultimates you can't even
10040s really hide from the teser ultimate for
10042s something like a wall cuz it does going
10043s through as
10045s ewg potentially going to be getting
10047s pressured fpx having to apply pressure
10049s onto xcg that down however they don't
10053s have the tamy to be able to peel instead
10054s it's all going to be up to sustain from
10056s water and Cavalry BL from John quing
10059s who's able to connect onto niq is able
10061s to find the F connection as well onto
10064s the potential third party that that came
10065s out from te immediately sending them
10067s packing there xcg just down to the wo
10070s Chan doesn't have the ultimate looks
10073s like he had to invest it I don't think
10075s he was either able to carry out the
10077s bodies or able to jump onto them in time
10079s to be able to find the revive is TE see
10082s exactly where that wuen disengaged into
10085s and track him down he did get stuck in a
10087s whis but Leo immediately moving into
10089s position to be able to use the wall from
10091s that Wen to be able to save his player
10094s so they don't get absolutely melted by
10096s all of the range damage coming through
10098s his fpx looking to try to regroup on the
10101s inside of this building one of them just
10103s using the wall Tech wall hang Tech we
10105s were able to get that third person POV
10108s and use the camera angles to be able to
10110s figure out what exactly and who exactly
10113s is a range you whether or not anyone's
10114s on top of the building as well as moris
10117s blessing has it been opened yet doesn't
10119s look like anyone is trying to step
10122s forward and take it ewg with a Tami
10125s might roll up and use the ultimate to be
10127s able to secure that one but immediately
10129s you can see the second at anyone crosses
10131s into the open space so many of these
10134s teams just turn around and try to take a
10136s GG not a t composition trying to see if
10141s they can invest something like the wuan
10143s walls of the Yodo fre to be able to pick
10145s that up but this time around there's a
10147s little bit too much heat on the moris
10149s blasting position and they decide to
10151s call it off back away so they can hold
10153s on to their ultimates and don't get
10155s forced into desperately using those to
10157s be able to peel the aggression from
10159s every single other person's POV since
10161s the second you see your team lose those
10162s alts that's when the hunt begins and
10165s it's open season for anyone who
10167s overcommits too
10168s early absolutely as I said last game you
10172s do not want to be the team that's
10173s getting lobbied you don't want to be
10176s using the resources that are just so so
10179s valuable to you the the resources that
10181s are going to keep you alive the ultimate
10183s cooldowns and a looks like Don King is
10187s unfortunately going to be taken down by
10189s cxz with that Cannon ug's Inu as well
10193s taking down one Fang it is starting to
10196s get a little bit ooly ohug the king also
10200s getting taken down by the musket shot
10202s all of these tuls are using those wisps
10206s so unbelievably well as you saw on the
10208s Morris they get the res got it no way
10211s he's he was getting focused he was
10214s getting focused he lands the F3 to be
10217s able to knock everyone off the cliff to
10218s be able to find revive and
10220s they're but they get hit by the test all
10224s how no they do lose the wuan unfortunate
10226s that was so grief what on Earth was that
10230s the king just T that he probably would
10232s have gone down if he stayed where he was
10235s but to then teleport oh with your team
10238s just about to get Charmed it's possible
10240s he was trying to time it so that he I
10243s think he wants to ey frame the charm
10245s yeah but oh my Lord not if you it's a
10248s highrisk play if you accidentally all
10251s just a little bit too early or a little
10252s bit too late and you get
10255s Charmed it's oh God he just T he just
10258s teleported his team into the middle of
10261s the open with multiple teams all around
10265s them and they just get absolutely melted
10267s If he if he just stayed there they
10269s probably would have lost the wuen again
10272s but the other two probably would have
10273s been fine definitely an an unfortunate
10277s situation for OG here it happens you
10280s know it happens the king it is what it
10283s is if it works out he' looked like a god
10286s it would have it would have been nuts it
10288s would have been nuts if he worked out
10289s but sometimes it just doesn't it is what
10291s it is but fpx water he's getting put
10294s under a considerable amount of pressure
10296s forced to use the ultimate the ultimate
10298s is now popped the mul Defiance knockback
10301s giving him a little bit of time to scale
10303s Rush up into the air but it's not going
10305s to be enough as yau with that Cavalry
10307s Bloom the dual blades just doing so so
10310s much damage he eats a chunky bit of
10313s damage as well from that F3 Viper
10315s jumping in to see if she could find a
10318s kill find a find an opening for herself
10321s but unfortunately not able to do so the
10323s talal comes out for the peel and ug
10326s there it is the final member SS who'd
10329s been left on his own gets taken down
10331s unfortunately just a lone Viper very
10334s hard to really do anything in this kind
10335s of environment very difficult to do
10337s anything in this kind of zone so many
10339s people we've got 17 players still left
10341s alive oh and it's about to be 16 there
10344s it is lxm getting taken down as well GG
10348s losing a member oh and the final member
10350s as well that was the last one GG now
10353s eliminated along with ug drg one member
10356s left alive along with JL two solos going
10359s to have to try their very best to stay
10362s alive is going to be difficult J and
10365s dongu trying to make something happen
10367s yon already been taken down the AL being
10369s committed k
10371s k also getting taken down extremely low
10374s he does not have his ultimate available
10375s the the tul having to use his for the
10379s peel to try and keep him alive he does
10381s only have 50% to go so he's going to be
10383s able to get that up before too long txj
10387s getting Charmed here but it doesn't look
10389s as though it's going to matter being
10392s able to secure this spot this little
10394s little bit of real estate has been so so
10397s good for Te they're being able to
10398s control this space stay hidden being
10401s able to jump in and out of this area be
10404s a little bit aggressive come back if
10406s they need to very nicely done being able
10408s to secure a bit of terrain bit of bit of
10410s bit of real estate for yourself in this
10413s kind of zone is the number one objective
10416s try and apply as much pressure as you
10418s can to the other teams and the speaking
10419s of pressure KL Au with that gold pulle
10423s jumping in and chunking Lu down and then
10426s the tamul Wisp comes in and he
10428s absolutely melts the entire Lobby
10431s immediately turns around and lucky not
10435s so lucky my boy gets taken down vvv as
10438s well it looks as though he may be
10439s punished for engaging with that Viper
10442s ultimate he too gets taken down the gold
10445s psort doing so much damage txj trying to
10447s peel with that Tessa ultimate U just
10450s sending out those slams he's going to
10452s get Charmed but it's not going to matter
10453s txj still alive no armor to speak of
10457s considering that he's on V3 as well he's
10459s not going to have his ultimate up
10461s anytime soon sansy gets caught by the
10464s whis but somehow stays L and as I say it
10468s Lynn he drops right into the blender
10471s that is the Cavalry Bloom sansy getting
10473s taken down now zedk is on a rampage he's
10476s got the Cavalry Bloom he jumps into the
10478s zone to get that Soul Bloom his ultimate
10480s active he's sending those with fur and
10482s blast he's trying to do as much as he
10484s can and Lynn as well doing exactly the
10486s same thing but he sends his out first
10489s immediately gets diffed you don't want
10491s to be the first one to send the to the
10493s demon blade as you can immediately get
10495s sent back right onto oh my Lord and the
10499s the slam coming out from ZK the F1 just
10503s managing to prevent himself from taking
10504s a ridiculous amount of damage there from
10507s the drop down blue Focus thankfully he's
10509s able to stay alive immediately
10510s disengaging and you again has that
10513s ultimate up he's going to have to heal
10514s up a little bit first though before he
10516s can use it before he can make enough get
10519s enough value out of it wuen Port coming
10521s out just to try and if frame some of
10523s this damage that's coming through te two
10525s members it seems still alive trying to
10527s do their best stay on top of this
10529s building ZK he's doing so much he's got
10531s his ultimate again the gold P swords
10533s coming through Peak being pushed into
10534s the Zone still alive getting a huge
10536s Barry into the heavy sword tab knocking
10538s ZK into the Zone the tul AL preventing
10541s him from immediately getting back in but
10542s he's still in it he's still alive live
10545s ysj taking down another member txj again
10548s taking down te Leo in the last bit and
10552s somehow the zipping makes it out alive
10556s still chugging away and there it is what
10560s Absolute Garage I think te take MVP
10563s though and this is actually something
10565s that I want to talk about because te
10568s they played so smart like you said they
10570s do get punished when they try and engage
10573s with the Viper ultimate on to a cxe they
10576s do lose
10578s vvv but and this is where it becomes
10581s incredibly smart incredibly just 5,000
10584s IQ forhead play coming through from te
10589s they have dragonik they have Beni on
10592s their Tessa and what txj does is he
10595s finds the one building that is still
10599s available inside that zone and he puts
10602s himself on the rooftop and he can
10604s continues to charge up dragonik and in
10606s the meantime like all of these fights
10608s are going on below him no one wants to
10610s pressure onto the Tessa who's just 247
10612s throwing Dragon Lake into Beni the
10615s second that txj gets pressured he
10618s actually gets caught out he drops off of
10620s the roof to try and do a little bit of
10622s damage with the dragon L into benic
10624s looking to secure a kill gets caught on
10627s the wrong end of a 10y old smoke thrown
10629s up into the wall in the the float
10631s animation and he's on the low ground
10634s he's in the Su level of the house on the
10636s ground floor and that's where Leo comes
10639s in because he uses the Wen TP not to I
10642s him the damage but to actually carry txj
10646s outside of the tmy ultimate put him back
10649s onto the rooftop so he's still able to
10652s survive and because he still have
10654s control of that roof area because they
10656s still got the test room play with the
10658s dragon l in the Beni there's still
10660s enough of a threat that when the Zone
10662s actually collapses they've still got two
10664s play players to be able to continue
10666s aggressing and living with the 10 kills
10669s that they had already picked up and from
10672s there all they need to do is be either
10675s the third last team standing or the
10677s second last team standing to be able to
10679s secure that mvp I guarantee you you'll
10682s see it on the replays when we're looking
10684s at all of the teams when we're looking
10685s at like Kaya and J Team all going at it
10688s you can just look on the roof of that
10690s building and you will see a Tessa just
10693s zipping around continuously with dragon
10696s like charged up because te played it
10700s perfectly oh my Lord
10703s I I was going a million miles an hour
10707s that was insane my heart rate went they
10709s just full on spiked I just had to
10712s [Music]
10714s just ug funny like everyone else is just
10719s like firing all cylinders and te just
10721s like okay well chill we've got the
10723s soldier you guys can fight it out around
10725s us we're just going to wait and pick Our
10728s Moment and again that's the macro we
10730s keep saying it it's so important in
10732s trios picking your moment the macro wins
10736s you the games the macro means that you
10738s put yourself in the best possible
10739s position to even if you don't be the
10741s last team standing still walk away with
10743s the
10744s MVP absolutely macro very very important
10748s big brain plays a no make or break the
10751s the lobes for you and holy moly I it was
10756s absolutely insane to watch holy I I
10760s don't I how many kills for Te 12 kills
10765s for Te
10767s 19.3 points and they come out with that
10771s second place finish J team with the
10773s first place finish getting that
10775s multiplier and those juicy ranking
10777s points but unfortunately they did not
10780s have they didn't even have half the
10782s kills that te had te on 12 ewg on 13
10786s getting themselves 16.6 Unfortunately
10789s they weren't able to get all that high
10791s of a placement only only one ranking
10794s Point not as big of a multiplier but
10796s still 16.6 absolutely amazing game from
10799s them J team as we said KLA coming back
10803s from their 2.6 game in their third game
10806s now getting a 10.6 solid performance a
10809s consistent game that's what we like to
10811s see But Here We Are Holy MO holy Jesus
10817s what what an end game it was 33 players
10820s and it just devolved into madness Let
10823s There Be Carnage
10826s 25,000 damage we did say that when we
10829s saw 33 players and you have like Viper
10832s compositions and Tesla compositions and
10834s Sans siphon there is no downtime because
10837s everyone is just trying to pressure out
10839s everyone else around them to overcommit
10841s and you saw what happened fpx had to
10843s over over commit they went a little bit
10846s too low and the teada had to immediately
10848s throw in the ultimate to be able to fuel
10849s the aggression for them as we can have a
10851s look at some of these replays this was
10853s such a good fight from fpx just taking
10855s full advantage of what should have been
10857s a win condition for drg the fact that
10859s they were able to get the hands onto
10861s that Bane bre and drop it on the map
10863s should have been able to lock that fight
10865s down and stop any potential third
10866s parties but fpx taking the fight and
10868s finishing it before the ban ref actually
10871s activates able to come out on top of we
10874s can have a look at ug now chunking
10876s through JL so much damage with SS just
10879s continuing to Chip and stagger in with
10882s that long sword charged lmb and R&B is
10885s ug's SS getting some really good hits
10887s with the nun meter dump coming through
10889s his ding with the Cavalry Bloom looking
10892s to just find these daggers scooping away
10894s these players of xcg so they're not able
10896s to regroup and chunk them down you can
10898s have a look at kkx on that Viper just
10901s playing aial for as long as possible to
10903s be able to outlive everybody for as long
10907s as they possibly can just continue to
10908s throw in the zip F1 to be able to help
10911s his players out on the low ground so
10912s they're able to out sustain everybody
10914s but like you said they may have been the
10917s last team standing but they didn't have
10919s the kills to be able to make that kill
10921s multiplier truly count and that's where
10924s mcro comes in the second that you're
10926s able to establish you have as many kills
10928s as necessary it moves away from we're
10931s playing for aggression to we're playing
10933s for Survivor ability and that's why te
10936s walk away with the
10937s win absolutely and hey look at this an
10941s MVP with 12,000
10945s damage you love to see the thing
10948s is is the wuen wuen MVP Leo coming in
10954s with his first MVP of the split he's
10957s bound to be happy about that one six
10959s kills five assists a considerable amount
10961s of healing as well he managed to get
10963s that advant Advanced he Advanced heal
10966s and group heal keeping his teammates
10969s topped up not only with that but also
10971s with his F3 able to top up the shield of
10974s his teammates very nicely done hey wuen
10977s is not an easy character to play in
10980s trios at a very high level you are
10983s legitimately you have a Target on your
10986s back you are the focus when whenever you
10990s whenever you fight a team everybody on
10992s the enemy team is going to be gunning
10995s for you bro it is so hard to actually
10998s stay alive sometimes and when you see it
11001s when you see a wuen truly do well truly
11004s pop off get an get himself an MVP you
11007s you know that's a banger of a
11009s performance very well very well played
11011s from to very nicely done from te in
11013s general managing to secure themselves
11016s that cheeky bit of real estate you know
11018s that optimal positioning being able to
11020s jump in and out being able to protect
11023s themselves having their backs to the
11025s Zone having to look left and right not
11027s forwards they have the building
11029s thankfully there wasn't a uh a team in
11031s front of them that was able to just like
11033s use cannons or use Splash damage weapons
11036s to force them out of that position
11039s thankfully they were able to uh avoid
11041s that because that would have been the
11043s only thing that really made it difficult
11045s for them in that situation so they were
11047s definitely fortunate to some extent but
11049s having the presence of mind to secure
11051s themselves that position in the first
11053s place is always always going to be the
11056s focus of what we talk about because
11058s that's what counts you know being able
11059s to consistently do this sort of thing
11061s consistantly position yourself in a in a
11064s in a beneficial spot you know te is one
11067s of those teams that's just been doing
11069s consistently well unfortunately they
11072s weren't able to have the best first game
11074s of the day but they've come back with a
11076s vengeance game two
11078s 23.6 and game three
11081s 19.3 taking them up to second place only
11086s 0.4 points behind gg gg although they
11090s had a solid game 9.3 definitely a solid
11093s performance from them they're only they
11097s they they're still sitting at the top of
11098s the leaderboard but only 4.4 points
11100s ahead so they're going to have to uh
11103s keep that momentum keep that consistency
11106s hopefully te isn't going to have a
11107s repeat of their first game of the day
11110s hopefully they're going to be able to
11111s maintain this momentum to into the rest
11114s of the games but uh Hey speaking of the
11118s rest of the games we're going onto a
11120s moris aisle with
11123s fireflies and as you know I love myself
11126s a cheeky Firefly hey you don't know
11129s where the fireflies are chat ladies and
11131s gentlemen you need to go and figure it
11133s out there is a map out there and there's
11136s I could maybe put a link in chat in a
11138s moment but we are going to be heading
11139s over to a short interview with one of
11141s these players so don't go anywhere where
11144s you'll enjoy the interview and we'll be
11145s back for game four before
11150s long hi everyone thiser and welcome to
11153s post game interview and now I'm standing
11155s here with txj and like him say hello to
11157s our audience
11166s hello to be honest you just told me
11169s because in the game three you are still
11171s not very satisfied with your score so I
11174s would like to know
11191s [Music]
11199s why so to be honest I think it's in a
11202s Pity because in the game game three we
11204s have we have chance that can get the
11207s higher score because in the finyl zone
11210s we have a chance that can kill another
11212s king which they have the too but because
11215s when he is very unhealthy do he get live
11219s and uh he used his timate and then just
11221s killed us killed one of us in our team
11224s so we don't have very much High killing
11227s score now in the game three we still
11229s think we can get higher score okay so
11232s let's move on to next part and so for
11237s Treasure so you guys can see the
11239s question on the screen and if you know
11241s the answer just type them in the chat
11243s box after our player count 3 2 1 we will
11247s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
11249s be whisper so let's see today's question
11253s which hero did te txj choose in the game
11262s three
11264s a b c
11292s d
11296s so I just asked him how he's feeling
11298s because he used this hero and get very
11300s high score in the game three and he just
11303s told me because this hero he think is
11305s very strong now in the trolls game and
11307s just a little bit lower than the Tada is
11311s because this hero is dra strong now in
11313s the Troll game and can have very high
11315s clean score that's why we can always see
11317s this this hero in the TR game and do you
11320s guys know the answer and I think a
11322s player is appear and let's start
11329s counting 3 2 1 screenshot okay so it's
11333s time for us to find out the correct
11340s answer yes the correct answer is D Tasha
11345s okay so back to the mattress today
11347s because today we at the prefinal and I
11349s would like to know your ambition today
11351s in the score and how you comment on your
11353s biggest
11379s opponent okay so to be honest I think
11382s the higher points we we can get in the
11384s hire we really want and for the biggest
11386s opponent for us I think is the team GG
11390s although they don't have the MVP now in
11393s the today's matches but they still is
11396s like leading the scoreboard now so it's
11398s our biggest opponent to
11408s us okay cheer up to te and thank you for
11411s today's interview and we will take a
11412s break and be right back
11425s later two Gods Sun ring and moon Bane
11431s boring endlessly for
11434s control their power was channeled into
11437s an Earthly
11439s artifact the mask of
11442s immortality for the one who wears
11445s it the strength of the Gods is at their
11451s fingertips many warriors will compete
11453s for the mask but only the last one
11456s standing will earn the right to possess
11459s it do you have what it
11472s takes
11474s go St me I'm the way
11478s up all the way
11487s [Music]
11502s up
11512s [Music]
11520s the
11522s way the
11527s way the
11530s way the way the
11562s B
11564s go all the way
11566s up all the way
11568s up the way
11588s [Music]
11592s up
11615s MH welcome back everybody to the nraa
11618s blade Point pro league we're halfway
11621s we're halfway through the day of of the
11623s pre-finals for trios in the summer
11625s season Duncan we've had some UPS we've
11628s had some downs but you know what we're
11629s about get into a very very aggressive
11632s Lobby where the action is sure to keep
11635s on rolling all the way through the game
11637s cuz if you've been following in chat we
11639s just linked you guys a link to the
11641s interactive map so now you have
11643s absolutely no excuses to be like The
11645s Moxy but Duncan where are fireflies now
11648s you know and all of these teams when you
11650s see where they're dropping you're going
11652s to be going H yes the macro the macro is
11655s coming into Play Fireflies are going to
11658s be contested and all of these teams if
11661s they get the wrong call if both like if
11663s two teams drop them with one lot of
11665s fireflies is it's going to be an
11667s absolute blood buff because one team is
11669s going to get those fireflies first and
11671s that other team is just going to have to
11673s watch on without ultimates in a fight
11675s that they are drastically underpowered
11677s to take absolutely it's uh it's always
11681s exciting to watch and it's always very
11683s interesting to see what where where
11686s teams op to spawn obviously you have the
11689s the more popular Firefly spawns you go
11691s you've got a few just to the south of
11693s Sunwing a lot of teams op to go for
11696s those ones there's a few to the south
11699s east of uh of celestra as well you've
11702s got I think how is it three spawns for
11705s for fireflies just to the southeast in
11708s that little clump of buildings and then
11710s even further just a little bit further
11712s down you have one two 3 four five I
11717s think five fireflies there so a lot of
11720s alt charge to be had but then then there
11722s are a few obscure Firefly locations you
11726s know places that although it's known
11729s it's not always considered to be a
11732s worthwhile drop spot as uh it's not
11736s always the the plan from that position
11739s isn't always mapped out however there
11743s are a few that go almost just they just
11746s don't get used all that all that much
11748s but there are certain teams
11750s that like imp uh Implement that that was
11754s the word Implement those spawns into
11757s their strategy and they do something
11759s called a timing attack timing attacks is
11762s kind of
11762s self-explanatory but essentially what
11764s you do is you land somewhere very
11766s specific you get your fireflies or you
11768s get your loot or whatever it might be
11770s and then you path in a specific
11772s Direction at a very specific timing it's
11776s a very tight timing you have to be very
11778s quick on the loot you have to know
11780s exactly what troves what what stashes
11783s you're going for off the rip the moment
11786s you spawn in that you've got a you got a
11788s map set out in your mind you got to PA
11790s you got to go right here you got to go
11792s there you got to get the Firefly and
11794s then boom you're gone you're going
11795s You're Going immediately over to where
11799s you imagine the team is going to be
11800s fighting you you figure out where these
11803s teams are dropping if there's two teams
11805s on one or two squares relatively close
11808s and then you've got a firefly an obscure
11810s Firefly just off to the side you can you
11813s can potentially take you can potentially
11815s send one player over there put him on a
11818s separate drop at the last second get him
11821s to get the firefly come in give him some
11824s loot that you've already picked up and
11826s then go in and try in third party with
11829s alt advantage that sort of thing like
11831s these kind of strategy
11833s all come out when it comes to fireflies
11836s because fireflies is just that extra
11838s variable to be considered on these maps
11841s and it's always really interesting to
11842s see obviously it can just get a bit ooly
11846s booly just everything going crazy you
11848s know two teams spawning on one square
11850s there's there's two fireflies to fight
11853s over you know the ones next to just
11854s north or technically still inside
11857s shipwreck just at the North bit you got
11859s two there the one next to the the two
11861s next to the tree you know you got two
11863s teams spawning there you're all
11865s scrambling for loot you get the fire FL
11867s I'll get the loot go bro go they're
11869s running you I have no weapon what do I
11871s do you know it's just gets really crazy
11874s but it's it's at the same time there's a
11876s lot of there's a lot of thought that
11877s goes into it as well you know you there
11880s are set positions where you spawn within
11884s specific squares so obviously sometimes
11887s you might get a rarer spawn right where
11890s you spawn on a square and you you then
11892s spawn like in the corner where like the
11894s maximum range where you could have
11896s spawned and you just like what am I
11898s doing here it's just but then the the
11900s more common ones I feel like I've
11902s spawned in a specific spot on a specific
11905s square a a 100 times in comparison to
11909s other spots within that square so those
11912s set spawns you know exactly where you
11914s got to go and if you spawn in this spot
11917s you go for the Firefly if you spawn in
11919s that spot you're going for the weapons
11921s you know all of this stuff and all of
11923s this is preemptively mapped out
11927s strategized and drilled you drill this
11930s you literally go into custom games
11934s custom custom games where you spawn on
11937s the map on a specific Square multiple
11940s times and figure out which paths are the
11944s fastest so that you can get the
11945s advantage over your opponents as quickly
11948s as possible but uh hey we're going to
11950s have to wait and see
11953s what do you think we're going to be
11954s bringing out because I feel like a
11956s couple of my predictions have just gone
11957s just been flipped on their head they've
11959s just they've heard me say them and I
11961s just like nah bro they've done the
11962s opposite I I think if we see Justa if if
11966s we see Justina like you said the V3 does
11969s alleviate a lot of pressure for for
11971s fireflies but if they want to run the V1
11974s then potentially we're going to see
11975s Justina something else that we're likely
11978s to see as well as a lot of these teams
11979s like you said going for those timing
11981s attacks I can't remember what team it
11983s was but I remember there was one team
11985s that was able to really successfully
11988s land uh just Northeast of Jade Pond pick
11993s up the fireflies outside of the stash
11995s take a fight against the team and then
11998s start to maneuver themselves to the
12000s fireflies north of that area as another
12003s team was looking to come in for the
12005s third party and it became an absolute
12007s just mess of those two teams trying to
12011s come in for a thir party but Al pick up
12012s fireflies at the same time so if the
12015s area of that map is is available
12018s definitely keep an eye on that specific
12020s location cuz that is a pretty popular
12022s loot path and it's really out in the
12025s open as well so a lot of different
12027s compositions can find Value both the
12029s teada zip and Tami can find Value in the
12032s open space but you can also find a lot
12034s of value for the Transformer cuz there's
12035s not a lot of areas of terrain to be able
12037s to par line of sights the monk still
12039s able to find a lot of really nasty grabs
12042s but soon I'm not going to have to go on
12044s spals about what I'm going to fiz is
12046s going to come through soon in a matter
12048s of moments we're going to get to see
12049s what exactly these players have decided
12051s to field into is it going to be sand
12054s siphon is it going to be attacking Titan
12056s are we going to be seeing the test with
12057s the Monk and Yan now there are more
12059s fireflies so you're getting more
12061s staggers to set up your monk ultimates
12064s we'll get to see in a matter of moments
12068s it's it's Sans sofen it's a lot of sand
12070s sofen g is going to be opting
12072s for the monk given that they've already
12074s run a lot of Attack on Titan and also
12077s sand siphon they're going to be playing
12078s that traditional Transformer we've got
12080s JT who are going to be running the
12082s attack on Titan variation with the Tessa
12085s F going to be running the traditional
12086s Attack on Titan everybody else everybody
12090s else going for the sand siphon so that
12092s these teas these Zips these tamies can
12094s have their ultimates online for much
12096s time as possible and find full value as
12100s a result indeed we've got J team opting
12104s to go for that F2 on the Viper alongside
12108s the Tessa definitely I think is
12110s definitely the play you commit the Tessa
12112s alt and you then try and silence that
12115s player or you silence first and use that
12118s confirmation to go into the Tessa Al so
12120s that you get you get the Stagger from
12122s the F2 potentially into the into the
12124s Tessa confirmation and then because
12127s they're silen they can't do anything
12129s unless their teammates go unsilent and
12132s they're un and they're able to use their
12134s ultimates to effectively peel it's going
12137s to be very difficult to actually protect
12140s that person and obviously the target
12142s priority is going to be going crazy here
12145s getting that silence onto the optimal
12148s Target is always going to net you so
12151s much value if you're going into a
12152s Transformer team there's only one in
12154s this lobby but if you're going into that
12156s team for example you're going to want to
12158s silence that
12160s uan or potentially you can look to
12162s silence the monk so this is a a sort of
12165s like opposite strategy you look to
12167s silence the Monk and then instead of
12169s going for the Tessa alt you go for the
12172s Viper alt forcing the uan to use his
12176s ultimate and then you look for a sort of
12179s semi disengage a sort of soft reset and
12182s then you try obviously to try and kill
12184s the monk but it depends it's it depends
12187s on how committable the fight itself
12189s actually is but speaking of committed
12191s fight J team already losing a member kkx
12195s getting taken down unfortunately ZK he
12198s tried to find that triple charge from
12201s the great sword but he just goes right
12204s into the F1 from
12206s XU just catching him right out of it WWE
12211s RKO out of nowhere slams his face into
12214s the dirt and he gets taken down fbx
12218s though they're coming in hot they're
12220s coming in for this timing attack EX
12222s exactly what we talked about they have
12224s the bare minimum loot but they've
12226s managed to pick up a firefly for
12228s themselves onto this Yoto and they're
12230s looking to try and collapse onto this
12232s team however Don King already taken down
12236s here water having used his ultimate
12238s Unfortunately they haven't been able to
12241s effectively get this timing attack get a
12243s successful result here and it looks as
12246s though it's gone horribly wrong fpx
12249s although they came in at a pretty good
12251s spot because they'd had to pick up the
12253s bare minimum loot to be able to hit this
12257s timing they weren't able to come out
12259s Victorious unfortunately as the zipping
12262s had ultimate available I think the teada
12264s also had it as well it's just an
12266s unfortunate situation especially for the
12269s king over here the King has been bursted
12273s down ug running that sand siphon they're
12276s getting diffed by the traditional
12279s Transformer team lxm manag maning to get
12282s his ultimate managing to get that uan
12284s alter up and it looks as though it's a
12287s GG for GG they're managing to take down
12292s ug coming in with the ultimate and it's
12296s just over GG a very good start for them
12299s three kills on the board starting that
12301s ball rolling getting that snowball going
12304s down that snowy hill and they're going
12307s to be able to get these kills and get
12309s get a little bit of money potentially
12310s pick up a moon Bane a blue Moon Bane is
12312s all that you can buy in Immortal War
12315s another key difference from the from the
12317s usual ranked game mode that we all play
12320s so uh potentially that or potentially
12322s they're going to be rolling for those
12324s Jades in the shop the Jade the Jade
12327s gambling in the in the shop in a malal
12329s war is also slightly different as it is
12332s guaranteed to give you epic Rarity or
12335s higher meaning there's no there's you're
12337s aren't going to be getting any any blue
12339s range resist Jades you are chilling you
12341s you might get some purple ones but that
12343s means you're getting range Soul Jades
12345s and range Soul Jades are always a huge
12349s priority in trios in in competitive
12352s environments so it's a win-win you know
12354s it's a
12355s winwin i they need the they 100% need
12359s the solders they're the only Transformer
12361s team in this Lobby so not only is that
12364s going to paint a significant Target on
12367s their back considering we see Cosmetics
12369s we see name plates so that you know we
12371s can keep track of of Who's Who teams
12373s don't they only see default skins and
12375s they also don't see names so they have
12377s no idea when they take a fight against a
12380s team whether or not if that team is able
12382s to slip away and lose line of sight if
12386s they run into another team who's running
12387s the exact same competition they have no
12389s clue on whether it's the team that they
12391s previously fought and had previously
12393s invested ultimates the only problem with
12396s that is if you are the lone Transformer
12398s team in a Lobby it becomes very easy to
12401s be able to try you down but going back
12403s to why they're going to need Soul jads
12405s it's because everybody else is running
12408s counters direct counters to the
12409s composition you've got the traditional
12411s counter composition that J te were able
12413s to engineer to be able to take the first
12417s Jacob uh back when it first started to
12419s be able to counter Transformers and now
12422s you have the the much more modern sand
12424s siphon variation to be able to just out
12426s sustain all of the burst potential of
12429s the ultimates up for the Transformer
12430s team and as a result the way that you're
12433s able to navigate around those
12435s compositions used to be going to R of
12437s Yang Attack on Titan is not a
12439s composition that does well in Realms of
12441s Yang considering you don't really get to
12443s to take full advantage of the rubber
12444s band nature of the wuan forcing fights
12447s forcing ultimates using the ultimate
12448s disengaging rubber banding back in and
12450s then coming in when you've been able to
12452s to take away a lot of Firepower for
12454s these Transformer teams but if you run
12456s into Sans siphon they're still going to
12457s take a r with Yang fight so you need
12459s those solders to be able to just burst
12461s that ZIP down as quickly as possible as
12463s Jing trying to burst down K with that
12466s pulse on anator Ultimate going through
12468s at the same time one fur and sheld
12470s catching onto these players of K from
12472s the other side pushing them back as Peak
12474s and PP are taking a one versus one ZIP
12477s versus zip PP unfortunately not going to
12480s get the gentleman's duel as K does come
12483s through with you and the last of those
12485s furing shelves transitioning into the
12487s charged lmb on the hits to be able to
12489s just push everyone from WBT aiel so
12491s these other players from K can mobilize
12494s and trade off of the Stagger animation
12497s the second that wbg has sent down to the
12500s ground they intercepted by K who just
12502s keep them locked down playing absolutely
12505s perfectly around the Stagger animations
12507s and timings of all these different
12508s weapons as wg's Jing does commit the
12512s stone form finds one massive swing onto
12515s wg's Jing and turns the fight around
12517s hasn't been able to pick up the soul
12519s Bloom however as the teammate is able to
12522s bully him away from it so he's not able
12523s to find the full reset but definitely
12525s makes it a lot more winnable there te
12527s going to be taking the next kill di szi
12530s going down incredibly low ban breath on
12532s the board yet again for drg Te not fpx
12535s this time around deciding to try and
12537s surf through it and pick up these
12540s players that blue moon SP unfortunately
12542s not doing a whole lot to be able to keep
12545s te from their prize and they're able to
12547s find the picks vvv just using that tap
12550s Dodge after a Focus right cancel
12553s animation rather to be able to
12555s horizontal tap Dodge away from the Moon
12556s span activation before it's able to hit
12559s onto the Tator and they're able to find
12561s the kills find the revive and find a win
12564s that's so unfortunate D yet again pick
12566s up an early Moon span drop it in the
12568s exact same location Duncan and still
12570s don't walk away with the win yeah that
12572s is going to be a feels bad it's uh they
12577s got to work on on the moon Bane gaming I
12580s think they need to figure out out a
12582s better better timing or better better
12584s positioning to do it in as it seems as
12587s though it's going
12589s wrong pretty often they need to try and
12591s figure it out they need to try and go
12593s back to the drawing board and uh and
12596s think about what exactly is going wrong
12598s potentially they're just giving it to
12599s the wrong player potentially the the
12602s player that needs to be doing it is like
12606s is in the front line right now
12607s potentially that that's the case that
12609s they're putting they're sending like a
12610s strong fighter or a strong a strong
12612s Dueler back to go and cast the moon Bane
12615s and because of that they're essentially
12618s just the the front line the two that are
12621s forced to try and buy as much time as
12623s they can end up getting taken down in
12624s the 2v3 it's it I mean then again all of
12628s these players are insanely good all of
12631s them are insane Jewelers so it's hard to
12633s really do that sort of thing it comes
12635s down to the role of the character so
12637s like you don't really want your wuen to
12639s be going in and frontlining so your W is
12642s probably going to be the one who goes
12643s and cast the moon Bane but uh because of
12647s that you know you also as an enemy team
12650s coming into a fight you see a wuen
12652s missing you think okay so if we force a
12655s fight onto these two players who are in
12657s front of us we're either going to get
12659s moon baned or we're probably going to we
12661s can commit and force the wuen to use the
12663s teleport to get out so it's yeah I don't
12666s know it's you could potentially go for
12668s the go for the bluff send the wuen front
12671s line send like the Viper or the Yoto to
12674s the back to use that Moon Bane and
12677s they're going to think oh wait where's
12678s this other player what's he doing is he
12680s what's what's happening it might just be
12682s a little bit of confusion might be
12683s enough to uh to get them that Moon Bane
12686s secure and uh and actually get value
12689s from it but it looks as though we're
12690s heading right on in to the realm of Yang
12693s XU got taken down extremely low here and
12697s uh his his zipping was forced to use the
12700s ultimate opting to keep keep his
12702s ultimate under under his belt keeping it
12705s in the back pocket for now but he was
12707s forced to use it after after that
12709s initial engagement jiau getting taken
12711s down extremely low the zipping Al is
12713s practically gone at this point he is
12715s getting healing but I'm not too sure
12717s about that mortal Defiance proc is going
12720s back and forth at this point K though
12722s definitely in a pretty good spot oh and
12724s as I say that he gets hit with this huge
12727s Parry taking a considerable amount of
12729s damage but thankfully he's able to get a
12731s a decent amount of peel the F1 coming in
12734s the for the the grab coming in as well
12737s getting that healing oh my Lord a Perry
12739s coming two pares back to back dongu the
12742s Parry gets grief but it doesn't matter
12744s he's outnumbered Yan now on his own a
12748s lonely tamul he's going to have to try
12749s and make something happen another Parry
12752s my guy KL Au he's popping off he's
12756s sending out the red and he's getting
12759s rewarded it doesn't look as though GG
12761s 330 is having a similar experience
12764s though he's been taken down no ultimate
12766s available it looks as though he'd used
12768s it early on in the fight they're
12769s relative they were relatively even for
12771s just a moment but it looks as though now
12774s it's just stuck to a 2v one situation
12776s misia he he's just unable to do anything
12780s in the face of this toada dual blades
12783s Cavalry Bloom it is simply too much
12786s pressure to deal with as a karumi with
12789s no support it is unfortunately going to
12792s be an L for them however definitely a
12796s strong a strong position to be in for
12800s for JL
12803s sorry uh but uh Hey jl's Pro probably
12806s feeling pretty happy about this one
12808s having that um that Vermillion Birds
12811s might at this point in the game full
12813s purple armor Cavalry Bloom on your Tada
12816s they hunting they gave the longer to the
12819s zip because of the cavalry
12822s that's interesting because normally we
12823s we see um the long sword on the teada to
12826s be able to play off of the Stagger but
12829s like with the charge horizontal or
12831s vertical you're still able to find extra
12834s damage once the shove has been able to
12835s stagger a player that it connects onto
12837s but with Cavalry Bloom this blades are
12840s still able to close up the distance and
12842s just keep chunking through playes and
12843s it's unfortunately Cavalry Bloom that GG
12845s run a foul off we were talking about the
12847s fact that Transformers struggles against
12849s sand Sion because you have your burst
12852s which is your ultimate and then you have
12854s to cycle back into your ultimate that's
12856s when you find kills but sand siphon
12858s denies so much danger in that burst
12861s window you need the soul Jades to be
12864s able to proc that V2 as quickly as
12865s possible and that suain was just not
12867s baited out early enough for GG to be
12868s able to find the win as K's you has that
12871s legendary P sword hasn't been able to
12873s throw it out just yet as Y is just
12875s constantly keeping him in stone form
12878s with the faster charge up on those dual
12880s blades SC CX is able to come in with
12882s dragon slayers andas to be able to peel
12884s WG zan with the hoods coming in with
12888s that benic as well just keeping everyone
12890s stunned up we're going to see a teser
12892s ultimate come through as J team decide
12893s to come in for the third party Viper V1
12897s connecting on to K 5 Seconds of stun cxe
12899s immediately going to be shredded within
12902s moments having to use that vilon birds
12904s might you now having to turn on to J
12906s team so that he goes down with his team
12909s rather than getting separated and
12911s potentially losing that buff before it's
12914s able to save himself has to turn on to J
12918s team who are just going to chunk through
12919s him very very quickly and I turn their
12921s attention onto
12923s ewg K he takes so much damage does
12927s manage to cycle back into that V1
12929s however the Wen wind was also coming
12932s through from ZK to be able to refresh
12933s the shielding so the Viper able to
12935s survive But Here Comes GG the team
12937s that's still holding on to their
12938s ultimates the team that need the kills
12940s to be able to come through for the Yang
12943s depletion to be cleansed assassins lunch
12945s from F doing so much damage so much work
12947s to be able to lock these players down J
12949s team Wen teleport out but ewg do not
12952s have the luxury and now have to try and
12954s survive the third party F holding on to
12956s his ultimate in case they get third
12958s parted does get stuck in the west is he
12961s going to be able to get into his karumi
12962s ultimate sits into it will be able to
12965s still holding on to the transformation
12967s as well Alliance now coming in for the
12969s fourth party have not been able to bait
12971s this monk into using that ultimate early
12974s and as a result I have to be incredibly
12976s careful that they do not overstay their
12977s welcome as for just continuing to apply
12980s pressure with the cannon shots Kill from
12983s ewg is taken the line marked in the sand
12986s a line see that F on that mon did not
12989s commit the ultimate and does not decide
12991s to chase after this team GG cleanse the
12994s Yang depletion successful Ford party and
12997s are able to disengage but it looks like
12999s one of the players actually is not able
13001s to pick up a bloom m is not able to
13004s cleanse it however they are pretty close
13007s to a rebirth alter in Sun wings so they
13010s might be able to buy him back if he does
13013s go down yeah I I imagine that that's why
13016s they immediately disengaged all of them
13018s having around 5,000 dark tide coins
13021s they're probably going to be able to
13023s dump all of that invest it into the
13025s rebirth charm from the shop as long as
13027s it's still available they're going to be
13029s able to let the roomy go down to that
13032s Yang depletion and then immediately res
13035s her back up in preparation for this end
13038s game it looks as though
13040s fpx oh no a dire situation for Xiao gets
13046s taken down SS got stunned by the sign
13049s but it doesn't
13051s matter but yes unfortunately a fpx not
13055s looking too hot right here oh my
13059s Lord no no no no no water you sneaky boy
13067s my you still have him spotted him he's
13070s so close to him someone's going to throw
13072s a grapple surely someone's going to
13074s throw a
13076s grapple oh
13079s no don't
13082s say can he do it is he gonna get away
13085s with
13087s this quiet quiet chat
13092s sh he's still going he's still alive te
13097s is clueless what are they doing always
13100s check this
13105s swear water is sweating he must
13109s be sweating buckets if vvv throws out
13113s that horizontal into tap Dodge and now K
13116s are here there's a fight there's
13118s literally a fight oh The Great
13123s Escape no wa he knew he knew the my was
13127s reveal they got Mystic he has to run oh
13130s no oh the grapple Miss he may have
13133s bought himself a little bit of time here
13135s water you need to Grapple big dog get
13137s out of there he's running over to te
13140s trying to push yeah he's trying to push
13142s K into te here he's trying to be one
13145s with the
13147s herd I'm one of you take me with you
13150s please
13151s water desperately trying to do all he
13153s can he's forced to use the ultimate now
13155s he's going to use those teleports try
13157s and get himself into celestra try and
13161s make it into this this this uh this
13164s group of buildings as we all know it is
13167s very difficult to catch people in
13168s celestra as there's just so much terrain
13172s so many buildings oh narrowly avoiding
13174s the sign there water you have some big
13178s konus my boy holy holy moly he had to
13182s take the risk and sadly it was not
13185s enough and he gets taken down Mr sneaky
13189s sneaky unfortunately he does get found
13193s out the Mystic might team coming in he
13196s would have gotten away with it Duncan he
13198s would have gotten away with it if it
13200s wasn't for those meddling Mystic
13203s mights that's that's you know what
13205s probably ran through K's Minds as well
13207s cuz like they saw fpx around that box
13210s they know the team has been there cuz
13211s they can see all the soldes so when
13213s someone just pops out of that purple
13216s Bush and makes a break for the Horizon
13218s they proba thinking what the heck you
13220s see
13221s [Laughter]
13223s what I think as soon as they saw it was
13226s a Yoto and that the other team had had
13228s had a monk or something they were like
13229s surely they're not on the same team
13231s surely they're not because he did he
13233s tried he he tried not only to run fpx
13237s into uh K he tried to blend into the
13241s team in the hopes that they thought that
13244s they were reinforcements and backed up
13248s gg gg they don't have the ability to
13250s back off remember they've got
13252s Transformer they've lost the monk the
13254s ean's going to go down as
13258s well I think they've still got the
13261s karumi but maybe I'm not sure the sword
13265s hasn't dropped out of the body so so one
13267s of GG is still
13268s alive yeah but oh that is rough that was
13273s not looking too good unfortunately the
13275s monk just gets caught in that tul Wisp
13279s and as you may or may not know if you
13281s get hit by tulk's F ability by his F
13284s skill and you're stuck in the in the
13287s Sandy turbine you can't use your combo
13291s break abilities it prevents you from
13293s using anything and you just have to wait
13295s until you're un stunned or until they
13298s knock you out of it un
13301s like CC like okay I'll take one hit and
13305s as long as they're not able to to extend
13308s that one hit into just like an
13309s uppercut where we we saw the valder V2
13312s meta with with good old F3 where you got
13314s hit in one bubble and they'd come in
13316s that staff UPA and then they'd hot swap
13318s over to the pole sword that was that was
13321s always fun but no with with with tamy
13323s you get stuck in that whisp and you have
13324s to hope that your team are going to be
13327s able to peel that aggression and if
13329s you've got something like a Wen it's a
13330s lot easier to be able to peel and that
13333s is why you saw GG have to go through the
13335s Yan ultimate before the mon could had
13338s used his because they're trying to to
13341s not only have the Yan's bigger hit box
13343s in the ultimate form to cover their monk
13346s but also with the space tagger
13348s potentially peel any hits that could
13350s have connected onto 330 so that they
13352s would Outlast the whisp duration and
13354s then he'd be able to go for the mon form
13356s but unfortunately that does not happen
13359s GG they might be able to recover but
13362s it's pretty late it was always going to
13364s be a hard ask for them given that they
13366s lost the first real of Yang and then
13369s they lost one of their players they lost
13372s misia um to Yang depletion as the second
13376s real of Yang was spawning so they were
13378s still in the recovery state which meant
13379s that they weren't able to win a single R
13381s of Yang and use that to be able to scale
13383s up all of their loot for the Transformer
13386s team to be able to just hold on for the
13388s final zone so was it was always going to
13391s be an uphill Mountain for them to be
13393s able to recover from but I mean that
13395s mountain has now gone from like a
13397s regular Hill to Everest if they want to
13400s be able to recover with only a caran
13402s play yeah it's uh it's it's an
13407s unfortunate situation for them losing
13409s that first real of Yang as you said is
13410s just it just slows them down so much in
13413s a Lobby that they need to be able to get
13415s that bull rolling early on as they are
13418s the only Transformer team in this lobby
13422s with all of these sand siphons the the
13425s the handful of vipers as well they need
13428s to have that strong defense to be able
13431s to survive in a Lobby like this so it it
13434s is what it is Unfortunately they weren't
13436s able to make it work and it could mean
13439s now that te is going to be able to
13442s surpass them in the in the total
13445s leaderboard as we saw before this game
13448s te was only 0 point 4 Points behind GG
13454s and it looks as though they're going to
13455s be very comfortable in passing them they
13458s already have eight kills to their name
13462s gold armor on the deada purple on both
13465s of the other players they have oh they
13468s have all the Jades they could want they
13470s are in a perfect position as well they
13473s have the ballista pressure they're going
13475s to be able to take a nice little stroll
13478s into the safe Zone as soon as they start
13481s as soon as they start needing to move in
13483s about 18 seconds they are set to go into
13488s this end game swinging and take it home
13491s for them get themselves a fat MVP and
13495s maintaining this kind of momentum is
13498s exactly what you want at this point in
13500s the day fourth game of the day you know
13503s that as soon as it hits the fifth game
13506s that all of the teams that are sitting
13508s around fifth sixth seventh eight even
13511s potentially lower depending on how much
13513s of a point deficit there is are going to
13516s be scrambling and trying their hardest
13519s to get as many kills and as many points
13521s as they can in game five considering
13523s that it's going to be a starry night
13525s holl off Match is going to be a lot of
13528s fights a lot of uptime on ultimates Etc
13531s it's going to be difficult to uh it's
13534s going to be difficult to actually find
13536s these kind of kills or find get a game
13539s with a lot of kills kills but still get
13541s to end game you know being able to get a
13544s bunch of kills early yeah that's
13545s definitely doable to some extent but
13548s trans transitioning that into the end
13550s game with all of these kills without
13553s getting caught in a in a bad situation
13555s without getting third party during the
13557s mid game is going to be difficult
13559s especially considering there going to be
13561s Yang depletion teams in the next game I
13564s would say I'd be very surprised if they
13566s if if teams weren't going Yang like we
13568s saw a couple times today already like
13570s last game and the game before so many
13573s teams just opted to not go Yang up at
13575s all not at all so we're going to have to
13578s wait and see but this is this is the
13581s Prime game to get a huge performance to
13584s get an absolute Banger of a match he's
13586s got the merciless as well Dreadful
13591s deating got Dreadful V's got
13595s mercilus this is a team that has so much
13599s for rat level no one really wants to try
13603s and contest this team currently wbg
13606s might decide to make a play for it and
13608s vvv immediately sees these players
13610s potentially pressuring on to te throws
13613s out every single soldier that they have
13615s to just show like hey look don't mess
13617s with us we've got Dreadful we've got
13619s mercilus we have so many means of being
13622s able to just take space without having
13623s to commit ultimates as Alliance decide
13626s that they actually want to try and
13628s pressure they're coming with the cannon
13629s shots they haven't hard committed to
13630s this fight you can see the Venom tip
13633s trying to proc on vvv from that
13635s repeating crossbow he's able to make it
13638s away downside the cliff before it's able
13641s to chunk him down into that poison tick
13644s has still takes so much damage xtg also
13648s throwing out their own merciless Havoc
13651s as te decides okay we don't really have
13654s the uh card that we were hoping to be
13656s able to use as an advantage we're going
13659s to decide to just back on off and hold
13661s on to our resources hold on to our
13662s ultimates and you can hold on to yours
13664s oh you have a everyone's got
13667s merciless everyone's got merciless what
13669s is going on everyone prioritizing having
13672s things like merciless and I mean
13673s merciless is MVP for a reason because it
13675s has so much range and because of the
13677s range that it has there's not a lot of
13679s opportunities for players to be able to
13681s Parry it unlike something like a Cav
13684s where you do have to get close same for
13686s the Dragon Lake M if you want to be able
13688s to connect onto players it is very much
13690s Parable distance it's wg's Jing with
13693s that Phoenix blast wbg have a mus Havoc
13696s too what going on I was I was seeing it
13701s as an exaggeration but every single time
13703s we cut over to a different team's POV
13705s that throwing out the merciless
13707s understanding you're not close enough to
13709s be able to Parry it we're carving out of
13711s space we're securing a position without
13713s throwing in our ultimate and again that
13715s coms down to just this war of attrition
13718s that all of these players are just
13720s pushed into at the moment as a liance
13722s pushed into a really tough spot Lynn
13724s going to go down to the repeating
13726s crossbow coming through from klaa CXC
13729s mer have it from wbg connecting onto
13731s these players of K trying to push them
13734s inside the Zone flamer coming through
13735s from The High Ground as well as you can
13738s see K having to use the deor ultimate
13741s and that P sword to be able to just
13743s pressure away all of the teams so that K
13747s aren't forced into the edge of the Zone
13748s but wbg is hanging back Phoenix and
13751s mercus continue to apply this stress
13754s onto K to push them outside of the Zone
13757s they were able to actually take
13758s advantage of it catching at ug's SS's
13760s you just puts onto that tree still in a
13763s corner still not taking that corruption
13764s tick damage but having the ability to be
13767s able to scar engage with this P has to
13769s be careful however that te don't use it
13771s as an opportunity to apply even more
13774s damage with the flamer coming through
13775s from vvv they've got onto alliances 28
13777s HH the one to light confirm in to jump
13781s horizontal from that staff just not
13783s allowing to HH any ability to be able to
13786s break free of that combo when the golden
13789s F focus is on cool down and vvv is going
13792s to be able to claim that kill relatively
13795s easily as wbg still on the low ground
13797s still trying to avoid an outwards
13801s engagement from te Sleep Walk is still
13804s throwing in the Merc Havoc so that no
13806s one's able to find an engagement with a
13808s scale Rush onto these players as that
13810s zone pretty soon is going to force them
13812s to reposition ug try to just play for
13816s survival for as long as possible they're
13818s down to two players currently but still
13821s have that zip sustainability te actually
13823s having to use that tmy ultimate looking
13825s to try and catch onto these players
13827s keeping them just cordoned up into The
13828s High Ground so they have to just burn
13830s through so many resources so they can
13832s come in for the third party and out
13834s sustain and out damage everybody still
13836s around just the way that we saw them in
13838s the fight prev this it's Jail's as
13841s taking so much damage trying to charge
13843s up that razor Swift on the spin not
13845s going to be able to find the entrance
13847s that he's looking for as wbg now the
13849s ones being pressured to cater ultimate
13851s traded Sleep Walker sending it out so JL
13853s unable to shove them into the corruption
13855s tick damage and chunk the players down
13857s even through the shielding as as is just
13859s punted into the corruption tick using
13862s the scare rush and horizontal movement
13865s off of that tree to be able to carry
13866s himself back into the safeties te cover
13868s out a safe spot they're the final boss
13870s Duncan they're very much waiting to make
13872s that move absolutely and it is starting
13876s to devolve into a bit of a Sandy mess
13879s right here huge Parry from n HQ there
13883s sending that zipping packing into the
13885s Zone PP really low HP here he does have
13889s that gold post he's going to be able to
13890s stay on the move and play the defensive
13894s defensive stance with that stone form
13896s he's managed to get up the tree but it
13898s doesn't look as though though he's going
13900s to get uncontested he gets knocked out
13902s of the tree and gets taken down on those
13906s buttery rocks unfortunately unable to do
13909s anything about it as he'd already been
13911s forced to commit his ultimate and had
13913s already used that mortal Defiance proc
13916s knockback unable to stay alive
13918s unfortunately but xcg coming in for a
13921s quick dunk onto k a peak with that with
13926s that pole sword very oh my Lord I was
13929s about to say xcg looking like in a
13931s really really good spot here and they
13933s immediately just get blown up te coming
13937s in out of nowhere as well I just I
13940s hadn't even seen where they were they
13942s must have been in the sky in the trees
13944s they dropped down and they're absolutely
13947s tearing this Lobby apart it's over
13950s already four people left alive and one
13953s Fang's not going to be able to do a
13956s single thing about it the cooker the the
13960s flamebringer spicing him up oh quick
13962s stir fry baby right in the zone o Toss 2
13966s seconds easy cooked easy 30 second meals
13970s with Duncan you like to see it I me I
13973s call them the final boss for the reason
13976s like once once te decide to make their
13979s move you know like in the really hard
13980s boss fights you have like the orchestral
13982s choir just just kicking in in the
13984s background that's that's te's soundtrack
13988s in these finals Z fights they they very
13991s much do just play to everyone else
13995s around them's Tempo like they're so
13998s smart at just picking that moment they
14000s understand like some of these teams are
14002s starting to make some ground what
14003s happens te instantly the second that
14006s they see one team has another team on
14007s the ropes jump in commit in with the
14011s Merc Havoc commit in with the staff just
14012s locking those players down to be able to
14015s just push them and continue to push them
14018s into the corruption away from being able
14020s to coordinate and synergize with each
14022s other and te they have the luxury of
14024s understanding a lot of the teams still
14027s around them are going to be missing
14029s players te by coming in picking that
14032s moment still have all three of their
14034s players alive and crucially still have
14036s all of their ultimates on cool down so
14038s if they take that fight and one of them
14040s gets a little bit too low they have
14042s everything at their disposal to be able
14043s to peel all of the aggression and turn
14046s the fight and continue to make sure that
14048s it remains in their favor absolutely and
14052s those tamul ults were so nicely placed
14055s popping them down just so that the the
14059s the edge of the ultimate cuts off a
14061s section of the Zone making it very
14063s difficult obviously there was multiple
14065s tuls in that end game so the tuls were
14068s kind of chilling and it wasn't a
14070s surprise that the last player standing
14072s was also a Sandy boy if I'm not mistaken
14076s so he was able to maneuver around in
14078s that zone it was wasn't stuck outside in
14081s the purple that's not where you want to
14084s be so very nicely done by the tomog to
14087s be able to section off that end zone
14090s create space for themselves and prevent
14092s the enemy teams from being able to do
14093s anything about it obviously when you
14095s have a tooke on your team if he uses his
14099s ultimate he gives you a sort of immunity
14102s or invulnerability to the Stagger when
14105s walking through the tamul wall however
14107s it doesn't last forever doesn't last
14111s it's it's not going to it's not going to
14113s stay forever so there's a obviously a
14116s certain time window where you're all
14117s right to just move around no matter what
14119s however it's it it once it runs out
14122s you're stuck in that Sandy mess and it
14125s can be very difficult especially with a
14127s teada who's got the F1 on and then he
14129s all of a sudden he just pops his his
14131s ultimate with the pul on it's just like
14134s what do you do it can be so so difficult
14137s especially if you've just been
14138s committing all all of your cooldowns to
14140s try and take down these these players
14142s that are in front of you and then all of
14144s a sudden a team just comes in out of
14146s nowhere and Snipes you in the back
14149s finding that perfect opportunity finding
14151s the perfect timing to come in and take
14154s those kills and take the take the
14156s placement away from you very very nicely
14158s done te with an
14161s absolute oh they're feasting on the
14163s lobby right now absolute Feast
14168s 30.6 G game score in game number four 19
14173s kills first place xcg not all that far
14177s behind 15 kills however they weren't
14180s able to secure that second or third
14184s place placement and unable to get that
14186s kill multiplier so they they're not able
14189s to contest really they're about 10
14191s points behind 9.6 points behind te
14195s unfortunately but still solid
14197s performance from xcg JL coming in with a
14200s 15.1 very nice Nine Kills K with 10 12
14205s points ewg
14207s 11.1 GG before this game they were sat
14211s at top the
14212s leaderboard by only point4 points but
14215s still they were s at top the leaderboard
14217s but now having only managed to secure
14220s themselves five kills in this game and
14222s not that good of a placement multiplier
14225s only coming away with six points is
14228s going to be bit of a Scramble for them
14231s going into the next couple of games
14232s you've got we've got two more games left
14234s to play if we've been it feels like
14237s we've had so much nraa and yet we still
14240s have so much more and I'm so happy it's
14243s always nice but oh my Lord this has been
14245s so amazing how many games we have left
14248s we've still we're only halfway through
14250s what let's go you
14253s know so uh it's gonna be it's gonna be
14255s exciting game five is always a very
14258s aggressive game in my experience at
14260s least as if you're getting aggressive in
14263s the final game it's obviously going to
14265s be more difficult because those teams
14267s that are sitting the top the leaderboard
14269s are going to be trying to play
14270s defensively like they don't want to try
14273s and uh and get too aggressive as they're
14276s going to be risking quite a lot they
14278s don't want to get overtaken by those
14279s teams that are just below them on the
14282s leaderboard however hey they could get
14285s ooly booly and just go hard all the way
14288s to the very end and uh if I know te I
14292s have a feeling that that might be the
14294s that might that might be the plan you
14297s know just keep going as they've been
14299s popping off today their first game not
14303s so good but hey every game since has
14306s been an absolute Banger I think this may
14308s be three MVP games in a row
14311s no I think it might be I'm pretty sure
14315s last game they were MVP they did win
14317s last game well and they the game before
14319s that they had 26 point something points
14322s I'm pretty sure that also was the
14324s highest point G or the highest point um
14327s team for that game so three MVPs backto
14331s back off of their first game being a
14334s onepoint Something game shows the the
14338s the like the solid mental the The
14341s Experience there to not to not get
14344s irritated not get tilted no emotional
14347s gaming chat you don't want to get up
14349s said about the first game obviously it's
14351s very difficult to maintain that
14353s mentality but these veterans that's what
14355s sets them apart you're going to you're
14358s going to see these teams that have been
14360s playing playing in mvpl playing in this
14363s environment for so so long now
14366s consistently being able to come back
14368s from games that just like that are very
14371s hard very hard to swallow you know like
14374s games that would occasionally break
14376s other teams you know certain teams if if
14379s you have a really bad game and it's just
14381s extremely unfortunate really unlucky or
14383s you make too many mistakes where you
14385s shouldn't have and you know you
14386s shouldn't it's extremely irritating it
14388s can be sometimes extremely hard to come
14390s back from that but te they have no such
14394s issue and they're coming in hard my boy
14397s vvv with his fifth
14399s MVP hitting
14402s 18,000 damage Nine Kills to his name
14406s maximum attack he's got the armor Pier
14409s the slow shot I wonder how stacked that
14412s Alchemy Soul jid was I want to I kind of
14415s want to know I want to see how many
14417s stacks he had on that CU if it was maxed
14418s out he was turbo stack turbo geared
14423s because then he doesn't need to any more
14425s melee resist if you fully stack an
14428s Alchemy Soul Jade it goes all the way up
14431s to level 60 that means you have to eat
14433s 60 fruits so I mean that's a lot of
14436s fruit it's a bit more than five a day
14438s but it's uh hey it's if you do manage to
14440s get it you have 24% melee resist from
14444s One Soul Jade so everything else in your
14447s inventory can be whatever you want but
14449s hey oh something that you guys might be
14452s wanting to get in your inventory a
14455s cheeky sumers split random gift you know
14458s the drill ladies and gentlemen if you
14460s know the answer to this question make
14463s sure to get it into the chat how many
14466s kills did te get in game number four was
14470s it a 19 B 18 C 17 or d 16 kills make
14479s sure to get your answers into the chat
14482s and also to keep an eye on the chat and
14485s your Whispers so that if you do happen
14487s to be the lucky winner the one chosen
14491s amongst the entire chat that you do not
14494s miss out on those on those rewards you
14497s know it's feels bad if you miss out out
14498s on something that you win don't be that
14500s guy do not be that guy be the guy that
14504s gets something for free because he's
14505s enjoying the mbpl and he knows the
14507s answer you know he he or she you know
14510s hey be that also make sure it's linked
14514s like make sure that your account is
14515s linked true make sure it's linked we'
14518s got I me you may not get like your
14521s answer you may not get your drop from
14522s the answer but you do get your drops
14524s from tuning in and because it's a
14526s different month that means that I
14528s believe we've got the mvpl L Champion uh
14531s gifts they've reset so you actually if
14534s you've been watching and you get that
14536s drop you get the champion bubbles to be
14539s able to use in game which are absolutely
14542s adorable they are animated uh and they
14544s are player specific so we have like wbg
14547s spider dancing we've got GG's misu with
14550s a love hearts we've also got like alexm
14553s and LD I I think one of the GG players
14556s is actually like them behind jail bars
14559s for some reason as as that bubble spray
14563s which is is definitely something that
14566s the Gigi picked to to have themselves
14568s immortalized in but who knows maybe
14570s that's just Gigi complaining about being
14572s stuck in zip jail for season two of mvpl
14576s last year but GG still doing good te
14580s however Head and Shoulders Above the
14583s Rest in terms of the standings like you
14585s said a little bit of a hiccup in game
14586s number one but ever since game number
14589s two they have been off to the races this
14592s is a team that are locked in this is a
14594s team that when they head into the finals
14596s next week they want to make sure that
14598s their lead is going to be significant
14601s because since they've put together so
14602s many points in so many different games
14605s yes the score is going to be halfed at
14607s the end of the day but everyone else is
14609s two and because they've been getting
14611s backto back MVPs pretty soon even with
14615s that score being half there's still
14616s going to be something like two game scor
14618s ahead of everybody else heading into
14621s next week's finals which is insane and
14623s for Te huge because this is a team that
14626s have been plagued by inconsistency if
14629s they are able to come in with a cushion
14631s of two bad games into the finals they're
14634s going to be super confident they're
14636s going to be super comfortable on that
14638s stage absolutely having that cushion in
14640s the back pocket is definitely going to
14642s be a a nice little relaxing uh Hey one
14646s bad game no problem bro no problem easy
14650s clamp but at the same time you don't
14654s want to let it get to your head you know
14656s oh we can fail a game it's okay you
14659s don't don't worry but that kind of
14661s mentality is not the kind of thing that
14663s you want you obviously you don't want to
14665s be going like just absolutely crazy
14668s every game and just run out of steam by
14670s the end of the series but at the same
14673s time you you need to maintain the
14676s mentality of I we need to we need we
14678s need to be doing well we need to be
14679s playing to the best of our abilities we
14681s need to be focused play the fundamentals
14684s communicate trust each other play to our
14686s objectives etc etc you don't want to be
14688s going into game just like hey well let's
14691s let's see how it goes you know uh we've
14693s got we've got a bunch of points we're
14695s all right don't worry you know but hey I
14698s doubt that that's going to be their
14699s mentality you know hey you said you said
14702s it they've been a team that have been
14703s played with they've been they've been
14705s cursed they just not been able to
14707s perform
14708s all that consistently in the past in
14711s certain points it can be that they took
14714s like one by weekly I think GG took one
14717s te took one U took two yeah yeah it's
14721s it's like with if a team has been
14724s through all of this their mental must be
14727s Ironclad you know they they're ready to
14730s go and they're showing up today you know
14733s they're they're now 25 points ahead of
14737s GG oh my Lord KLA sitting in third
14742s behind GG has only s points between them
14746s but 25 points ahead in first place holy
14752s moly that that's the
14754s cushion there might not just be two game
14756s scores ahead of everyone by the end of
14758s the day Duncan they might be three like
14761s this is this is something that te like
14763s honestly like we said they are a very
14766s smart team when it comes to positioning
14768s for final zones and I am so so happy
14771s that they're still keeping that like
14773s smart five head play in how to control
14775s those final zones but they've also
14778s adapted and cleaned up their early to
14780s mid game like the fact that we're seeing
14782s them now prioritize things like the
14784s ballista control not just when there's a
14786s moris bling up for grabs around that
14787s ballista with the 100 meter range but
14789s also when they know that a lot of the
14791s teams uh towards the outskirts of the
14793s Zone when it forces them to reposition
14796s they're going to be coming under a lot
14797s of pressure from that b and potentially
14799s having to burn a lot of ultimates and
14802s it's something that te do on purpose
14804s because when they're coming into like
14806s those reposition zones before we head
14808s into like the second to to last Zone
14810s claps they've still picked themselves up
14812s about 10 kills so they're not holding on
14814s to the ballista to necessarily find
14816s kills but to force other teams into
14820s spots where everyone else is going to
14823s try and jump on those teams and they may
14826s not find full Squad wipes because
14828s position fights people get lost a lot of
14830s players are able to use all of the chaos
14831s to be able to slip away but what that
14833s does is it fins the numbers and te they
14836s hold all of the cards they hold on to
14838s the positions they hold on to their
14839s resources they hold on to all three of
14841s their players and they hold on to their
14843s ultimates so when they do decide to take
14845s those fights when the final Zone
14847s collapses a lot of the time all they
14849s have to do is clean
14851s up yeah and that's that's exactly your
14854s objective you you don't need to be the
14856s aggressors you don't need need to be
14858s those people that team going into
14861s position one if you're going to be able
14864s to come in and get the get the kills at
14866s the end you don't need to it makes it
14869s like obviously it's been it's been
14871s talked about in many different ways some
14872s people have talked about it as a low
14874s effort kill but obviously it it sort of
14878s takes away credit from the players
14880s because realistically finding the
14882s finding those like Optimal and those
14884s perfect opportunities and timings to hit
14887s to to go in and third party it makes
14890s it's it's not easy you know the number
14893s of times that how let me ask you this CH
14896s the number of times that you've gone in
14898s to a fight as a third party and then
14901s ended up just getting just getting
14903s sandwich just getting too too aggressive
14907s Going In Too Deep or one member gets
14909s peeled off by one team and then your
14913s your team just starts falling apart you
14915s know it's not always easy especially
14917s when when the full Lobby is a bunch of
14921s absolute Gamers absolute oers they're
14924s all ready for it at every single moment
14928s so to actually find these opportunities
14931s is very difficult it's not it's not easy
14934s it's not easy at all so I think Raven
14937s puts it the best work smarter not
14940s necessarily like putting yourself into
14942s those
14943s situations and just you're guaranteeing
14945s you're doing everything that you can to
14947s guarantee that you benefit the most
14950s while risking the least is probably the
14952s way that I would put it and it it really
14954s does just go to show how good macro can
14957s put you in these positions well not
14959s necessarily it wins you the entire match
14962s but it puts you at the best possible
14964s position of walking away with a win in
14966s the
14967s match absolutely and that's exactly what
14970s you want but looky here we we did call
14974s this to be fair we called it all the a
14977s bunch of teams were waiting to use their
14979s sand siphon their juggernauts their tul
14983s toada zipping compositions their hero
14986s points for this fifth game for the
14989s nighttime Firefly Holo game no surprises
14994s we called this pretty early on we do
14996s still have a couple of Transformer teams
14999s we actually have three in total and then
15001s we have a single Viper Yoto wuen team
15006s did you did you say of spark was running
15009s uh F2 or F3 I didn't I didn't happen to
15012s see it no I okay we we'll get that
15015s answered when uh when we cut to the P
15017s cuz that's the only Viper in the lobby
15020s and there's a lot of zip I I really hope
15023s that it's the
15024s F3 see it's the the so there's obviously
15029s the value that you can get from the F3
15031s if you get it onto any of those any of
15033s the team members hopefully the zipping
15036s right to cut off the the ultimate
15038s completely however having that silence
15042s is also invaluable if you're able to
15044s silence the zipping before she uses the
15046s ultimate you're essentially mitigating
15047s it entirely but also not only that if
15051s you're able to silence the tumul or the
15053s teer as well like if you get this if you
15056s get the stun onto the toada and then you
15058s use the silence immediately once the
15061s stun comes through you're then able to
15064s actually burst him down potentially as
15066s long and he's not able to the AL
15068s activation to knock you back and and
15070s peel that aggression away but we might
15072s get our answer relatively quickly cuz
15074s thei are actually the first team
15076s involved in a fight it's two8 HH on that
15079s Yodo who has just being Chun down by JL
15082s and Alliance had retreated over to the
15084s ballista Tower in the hopes that ja
15086s would not follow them if ballista is in
15088s control lint going to be sitting on top
15091s of that one but unfortunately it means
15093s that the WAN is not in position to be
15095s able to try and Carry Out the body of
15098s twoh so he may actually burn out as it
15102s looks like klaa have shown up for the
15103s third party the ballister is moving on
15106s the tower so if you have your mini map
15107s you are going to see the icon and you
15109s know that there is a player which is why
15111s we've actually got K's Peak going to the
15113s base of the tower to potentially bully
15116s the wuan off of it before K move into
15119s position so they don't start the fight
15122s with a Ballista shot directly to the
15124s Dome and that's exactly what's happened
15125s Lyn's been forced off of the ler and K
15129s jump him on the base K pick up The Kill
15132s now have to deal with a different team
15134s it's not Alliance who are coming through
15136s to peel for Lyn it is in fact JL who are
15140s now going to be trying to chunk down you
15143s ban breath dropped from JL the other two
15146s players that ansers where their location
15148s has been since they're not here to be
15150s able to help out in the one versus one
15152s and K sees that b breath getting dropped
15155s decides to reposition so they don't get
15157s caught right in the center of it
15160s thankfully they are able to do exactly
15163s that I was wondering why this was just a
15165s one V one am I watching
15168s solos I I I wasn't too sure but then as
15171s soon as the moon B came down I
15172s immediately realized that that's that's
15174s exactly what they were going to do but
15175s unfortunately they're not able to get
15177s all that much value however
15180s JL they are hunting down Alliance the
15184s wuen is one HP and he's finally taking
15188s down now it's a bit of a scrap the Yoto
15191s Al the teada AL the tumul AL all coming
15194s out ooh was that a that was a was that a
15196s jump par or by tripping I I I'm not too
15200s sure I think I may be tripping but we
15202s also have yet another team coming in
15204s here
15205s klaa oh taking down spark rain spark
15209s rain unable to use his ultimate
15211s unfortunately goes down without having
15214s used it JL picking up a kill pretty
15217s happy about it looking to disengage now
15219s not having their ultimates available but
15221s they're running right over to where a
15225s firefly does spawn oo as dangerously
15230s close to being discovered sat in a bush
15234s somehow managing to go unnoticed
15237s unfortunately though it looks as though
15239s 28 HH may have been spotted out by yes
15243s indeed K
15246s cxz catches him out of the corner of his
15248s eye oh my Lord and he catches both of
15252s those blue Focus releases as well
15254s sending him off sending him into
15258s spectator mode go go respawn somewhere
15261s else bro you ain't getting you ain't
15262s getting your teammate up what you doing
15264s here I think he's still in the lobby at
15267s least cuz you remember like at the start
15269s to HH did go down but it looked like
15272s Alliance um by sacrificing the Wen were
15275s able to backtrack to the Yoda's position
15278s and find the revive so he he is able to
15282s to leave his
15284s body uh it's it's unfortunate for
15287s Alliance to be out of those rebuff
15288s charms as quickly as they are CU they're
15290s the only team running the Yoda
15292s composition a composition which Finds
15294s Its footing finds the majority of its
15296s kills early on and Alliance have found
15300s zero kills J team have found do however
15303s no surprises that they've been able to
15305s put themselves into steady of tank no
15307s surprises DG of the team that decide to
15309s be in the area as drg again dropping
15312s this B are they going to be able to find
15314s Value J team C it might be able to
15317s reposition for ZK is not able to escape
15319s that one just using the charge right
15320s click on the PO sword to be able to have
15322s a little bit of a faster Sprint as dog
15324s sansy with the Yan is going to track him
15327s down to kada trying to come through and
15328s peel that stagger away so that Yan's not
15331s able to lock these players down as we
15334s are going to see a Kumi ultimate come
15337s through Wan even committing the
15339s Transformer as well using that jump
15341s putting himself on top of the roof
15343s trying to find these grabs s like you
15345s said did get stunned by the sign on the
15349s door frame Wan looking to try and find
15351s these grabs on the players of J teams
15353s that falling incredibly low with the
15354s stone form just tap Dodges through the
15356s players of drg to be able to go for the
15358s charge right click bu up put himself
15360s onto the Second Story and potentially
15361s find a reset as wuan is going to be
15363s dropping out of this monk for ZK coming
15365s into the purple P looking to chunk that
15368s monk down as quickly as possible kkx
15370s already down however ZK gets parried and
15373s drg with the Stagger animation from the
15376s horizontal follow through punishment
15378s able to come in the charge right click
15380s pul of their own to be able to chunk him
15382s down this is falling apart rapidly for J
15385s team as a third party comes on through
15387s fpx water going to be throwing in that
15389s zip ultimate to be able to survive T
15392s ultimate separating the players of drg
15394s but Xiao just taking so much damage
15396s sians still with this husan ultimate
15399s ignoring the T entirely to keep applying
15403s the pressure onto fpx and the T ultimate
15405s is find very little value corki is down
15409s however no sustainability on the side of
15411s drg but W just charging up the right
15413s click looks to connect onto Yahoo but
15415s he's far enough away that he sees the
15417s full connection and comes in with that
15419s power and woa now tackles back into the
15421s ultimate no karumi to keep him teed up
15425s however might be able to find the grabs
15426s as it is looking like they're going to
15428s be able to use that ultimate and also
15430s the intrusion of another team ug to be
15434s able to slip away from the fight this OG
15439s now start to try and figure out where
15440s exactly all of those players that were
15442s involved in city of Tanks melee have ran
15445s off too as slipping over to the rooftops
15448s swapping over to the musket ringing the
15449s bell might be able to catch the location
15452s but they have to think is it going to be
15453s worth chasing down these players of drg
15456s because if you do that you're going to
15457s be out of position to challenge the
15458s Realms of Yang and it looks like they
15460s actually decided to go for the kills
15463s instead definitely definitely still
15466s enough time just about the Realms of
15468s Yang only just started spawning
15470s thankfully for them and they're able to
15472s close out that kill onto drg drg though
15476s nicely done they managed to take down J
15478s team for the most part they do get some
15480s value out of their Moon Bane so not a
15483s repeat of
15485s the of the couple times they didn't
15487s manage to do it earlier on but o
15489s Alliance dropping in here finding ug oh
15493s managing to get the stun as well but
15496s SS he got the push he pushed the Viper
15499s back the zipping Al and the tul AL all
15502s coming down to try and peel for him but
15504s he's going to be taken down but spark
15507s rain is going to be traded out UG and
15510s the liance in a 2v2 situation now Lynn
15512s he does have that Wen poured down it
15514s seems as they're going to do exactly
15516s that going to get out of Dodge they're
15519s not looking to fight in the zone just
15521s yet as they know they're at a bit of a
15523s disadvantage enemy team having that
15526s zipping she's going to have her ultimate
15528s back up most likely by the end of the
15531s Skirmish as well as being able to heal
15534s himself and his teammates from with that
15537s F1 ability so uh not the best fight to
15540s be taking maybe they could have pushed
15543s it a little bit more but uh bit oh no no
15547s no he got hit by three meteor comets
15551s that is
15552s unfortunate and he had to go for the
15556s transformation oh God SLE what is
15559s happening right
15560s now I mean they are in the middle of the
15563s meteor storm if they use their ultimates
15565s and they they hit those purple bubles
15567s they will get red
15569s back but it's it's still a karumi
15572s ultimate invested with very little
15574s pressure on their monkeys heading into
15576s theame Morris blessing the Morris
15578s blessing was right underneath the monk
15579s it was a bit hard to see but I noticed
15581s it just at the end there they were was
15584s still full health the Kumi ultimate
15587s being invested like when your monk is
15589s full health if you get pressured
15590s especially since use the ultimate not to
15593s find kills but to just body block so you
15595s can open up that Mars blessing
15598s uninterrupted that may pay against them
15601s as it does look like GG will be able to
15604s find the first kill o gorgeous play
15606s coming for from f using the zip F1 and
15609s the extra tap Dodge that you get to be
15611s able to just slide through the players
15613s of Ja so the zip is able to recover and
15616s with the sustainability they're still
15618s able to win out the fight oh what a play
15622s from fre to guarantee that he
15625s lives very nicely done there and they
15627s managed to secure themselves that gold
15631s pole sword I reckon that probably went
15633s into Mia's pocket the toada of the team
15637s he's saving that for later but oh team
15641s GSS that was a little bit
15644s uh he could have potentially gotten
15647s absolutely bursted there if the enemy
15649s team had better range weapons but zedk
15652s sadly only with that white pistol unable
15655s to do all that much damage SS saved from
15658s a potentially horrendous situation there
15662s but thankfully they are not they are no
15665s longer in danger it's all good but here
15668s we are K after having come out with
15670s their realm of Yang win they have a gold
15673s spear on that teada definitely a really
15678s good weapon to have on your teada not
15680s only because of the fact that you can
15682s use that ultimate that V3 push to
15685s confirm a dragon slayer into that nez's
15688s might gold spinny move but uh also you
15692s can secure those those double charge
15695s vertical blue focuses from the spear the
15698s single hit absolute Bonk that just does
15701s a ridiculous amount of damage especially
15704s when it's gold spear if you secure that
15707s it can be devastating one of the things
15709s that just doesn't really get noticed by
15711s a lot of a lot of players when they when
15713s they first start playing the game is
15715s that single hit attacks are so so
15718s powerful because you're not able to
15721s avoid some of the damage with a combo
15723s breaker if if it's a multi hit then
15725s you're able to avoid the majority of it
15727s but if it's single hit then even if you
15729s try and combo break out of it you're
15731s still going to take that damage because
15732s it comes through
15734s instantaneously but uh it looks as
15737s though ewg Yan and dongu are going to be
15741s taken down by GG Here and Now on the
15745s hunt for the final member XU he's got no
15749s ultimate he's got blue armor missing a
15752s chunk it's not looking too good he is
15755s heading on over to the Firefly place
15757s fors there are a couple over over in
15759s this direction theoretically if you're
15762s going to be one V3 as a certain
15765s character toada is a pretty solid bet
15767s Tada can potentially turn a fight in in
15771s a in a disadvantage situation if he does
15774s have his ultimate up especially if the
15776s enemy team doesn't oh he got grapp canel
15778s before he was able to find them he's is
15781s a firefly to your left bro he's not able
15784s to get there unfortunately got grapple
15787s cancelled and then thrown over the
15789s shoulder by MSU with his F so he's not
15792s able to to pick up the fireflies and use
15794s the old activation to knock G back and
15797s potentially like you said win that one
15800s versus three that's that's so
15802s unfortunate also it's it's so nice to
15804s see spare being kept instead of the team
15807s just immediately seeing a spare and just
15809s looking it over to the closest chop to
15811s be able to use the crafting Hammer turn
15813s it into a staff the way that you would
15814s see it in solos cuz like you said in the
15816s of a can do some real damage especially
15818s because it takes away a lot of the
15820s threat from from Dragon Slayers Dragon
15822s Slayers is one of the easiest moves to
15824s be able to Parry I think the the only
15826s like easier move is stone form off of
15830s great sword like back step back
15833s backwards tap Dodge Parry that's that's
15835s how you deal with stone form and a great
15837s sword and it's it's pretty similar to
15839s how you deal with that dragon say is
15841s just jump par as jl's as is going to be
15844s able to have the to Ultimate to try and
15845s just sustain for the pressure that te
15847s are landing on him zip V2 going to be
15849s proing immediately from his team as well
15853s looking to try and keep himself alive
15855s that staff not even using the full
15857s connection just trying to use the lunge
15859s afterwards to be able to carry himself
15861s back to the rest of his team to be able
15862s to use the to ultimat Pure the
15864s aggression coming for his
15867s back someone hits the
15870s I
15873s oh that's so unfortunate
15877s very much for on St KN and too much
15881s damage too much pressure considering
15882s they had to burn so much as well the
15884s toor ultimate and the zip V2 to be able
15887s to deal with the first burst of pressure
15889s coming out from te they just didn't have
15891s the means of being able to sustain the
15893s third party yes indeed it's it's
15896s definitely an unfortunate situation he
15899s the toada would have probably died
15900s regardless as well considering that I
15902s think he got hit by fire arrows so is
15905s it's it's just a bad situation bad
15907s terrain as well it's uh it's it's just
15911s it is what it is TE though coming out
15915s pretty happy from that situation though
15917s although they didn't manage to secure a
15918s bunch of kills they're only sitting on
15920s one I think they did manage to get a
15923s considerable amount of money so they're
15925s going to they're probably going to head
15927s on over to the shop spend all that money
15930s on some Jades potentially some weapon
15933s upgrades get all the slots and then
15937s just look to scale it to the end game I
15938s think at this point in the game there
15940s going to be the objective once Realms of
15943s Yang go down once it's all done and
15945s dusted it probably going to see a big a
15949s big lull we're probably going to see a
15951s bit of a slow down considering that I'm
15954s not sure if all that many people are
15955s going to be opting to go for the real
15957s with Yang something we really we didn't
15959s really talk about too much although we
15961s mentioned the fact that real the
15962s secondary realm of Yang wasn't getting
15964s wasn't getting um aggressed onto wasn't
15967s getting
15969s contested just outright we didn't really
15971s talk about why one of the main reasons
15974s why the majority of teams opt to not go
15977s for the secondary Yang is because at
15979s that point in the game there are far
15981s fewer players far fewer fights going on
15984s and G attack on do so but hey yeah GG
15988s versus ug they're looking to get ugly
15990s booly they want to take the risk they're
15992s both pretty stacked and we've got a
15995s realm of Yang fight o SS getting parried
15999s here gets taking a big chunk of damage
16002s ooh tamul Al getting stuck there almost
16007s I'm not sure if that was a wisp or what
16009s it was but ugss he manages to get the
16012s hard stoper the hard stopper coming in
16014s and hitting that hitting 330 but
16016s fortunately his teammates able to come
16018s in come in and peel with that tea
16021s ultimate King getting hit by the dragon
16023s raw here it's not looking too good and
16025s it's a GG for GG they take down oh ug
16030s team UGA Booga they're unable to do
16034s anything about this situation they tried
16036s desperately to get value out of the hard
16038s stopper kick but the zipping had been
16041s able to maintain her Al cool down for so
16044s so long in that fight able to keep it
16047s available for so long that it just ended
16050s up being a bit of a an uphill battle it
16053s was rather difficult to really do
16055s anything that's why you saw uh you saw
16058s ug's toada trying to focus down that
16062s zipping with the hard stoer kick to try
16064s and take her down without her being able
16066s to use the ultimate but unfortunately
16068s not able to do so and it's it's a GG for
16073s GG oh I was gonna like praise your
16076s restraint on the pun when you used I
16078s think it was like game two I was like
16080s how long are you sitting on on using it
16081s but you've used it three times now so
16083s it's a good it's a good one I like it it
16085s is good it is a again I'll give you that
16088s I'll give you that GG very much making
16091s the S Sion composition work Alliance
16094s running the attack and Titan had decided
16095s to try and prioritize the moris blessing
16098s but unfortunately got counted not just
16100s by other team showing up to contest but
16102s also by the fact that it spawned in the
16104s middle of a meteor shower so they had to
16106s reach and teleport out immediately we've
16109s we've now had two two video showers
16112s spawning up where moris bling spawn up
16115s that's that's crazy that's like the most
16117s impactful meteor showers I've seen on
16119s holl off for for the entirety of
16122s competitive nraa and also for all of the
16124s Hof games that I've played on Star I 2
16126s whenever I've played and like meteor
16128s showers have always bned around like
16129s east of Plum Castle when nothing is
16132s happening so we we've always just been
16135s like oh hey you you want to go surf into
16137s the metor shower and see who can avoid
16139s getting hit for as long as
16141s possible which goes brilliantly until a
16144s team shows up and they were waiting
16145s along the outskirts of it and they come
16147s in with detonating rounds and you get
16149s stunned with the detonating rounds as a
16151s miror shower lands on your head which is
16153s totally not a play that I have both
16155s Fallen prey to and then used in my own
16158s games I am very very
16161s nice I take advantage of the weather
16164s environments on Hol off I
16166s swear yes indeed but uh as you saw just
16170s now if you notice that te was just sat
16174s there sat in a in a cheeky Corner next
16178s to the Rock trying to stay as
16180s inconspicuous as possible at this time
16181s in the game because not only do they
16183s have blue armors but they are all very
16187s conscious of the fact that there is a
16189s team out there that lost realm of Yang
16192s so there's a team that's looking to get
16194s extremely aggressive so that they can
16197s cleanse their Yang depletion and uh you
16200s don't want to be that team that gets
16201s focused down by the by the desperation
16204s by the desperate ug you don't want to be
16207s the team in their sights at this point
16209s in the game so they got blue armors and
16212s this definitely the smart decision
16214s considering as well that they're already
16216s so far in the lead 25 points sitting at
16219s the top of the leaderboard before game
16222s five before game five it's just insane
16224s actually insane to me Alliance the only
16228s Attack on Titan team comp in this Lobby
16232s they've had a bit of a rough go of it
16234s they've only managed to get one kill so
16236s so far they're not all that looted oh
16239s spark rain somehow managing to make it
16242s out of that situation oh and as I say
16244s that he gets my bad
16248s Sor they don't have the Witch and
16250s teleport over they have to use it when
16252s they first took the fight against OG
16255s just on the a good of plumed as T has
16258s off for the thir party and that might
16259s actually work against them as the zip V2
16262s does kick in saving them from the full
16265s met dump coming through from ug but Leo
16267s has been separated and is just continued
16270s to be propelled away from his team J
16272s team also showing up for the third party
16274s xcg now also drawn out trying to see if
16278s they can come in with some kill Steals
16280s and they are actually able to kkx does
16283s indeed go down to the musket shot coming
16284s through from NQ OG using the zip F1 to
16289s be able to get one of their players to
16290s disengage dropping away from the fight
16293s as quickly as they can putting
16295s themselves towards the edges off that
16296s zone in the hopes that no one tries to
16298s follow after as SS is the last player
16301s surviving for his team he's going to go
16303s all the way to the back end of that zone
16305s to reposition and hope that cers are not
16308s going to track his possession is jtm get
16311s caught out
16312s zedk very lucky that there wasn't a
16315s follow he actually did that he said I
16318s just saw his camera he went
16320s o like I live life on the edge i surf in
16324s Bane's breath oh absolute chair energy
16328s got to love it but uh Unfortunately they
16330s haven't managed to find a kill for
16332s themselves so far this game they weren't
16334s able to come in and get any kills from
16336s that that Skirmish just now te as well
16341s able to make it out alive in that
16343s situation they were put under so much
16345s pressure by ug the zipping Al popping it
16348s was it was looking pretty dire for a
16351s second there but thankfully they were
16352s able to make it alive Alliance though on
16355s the the other hand it's not it's not
16358s looking good the wuen and the and the
16360s Yoto were still alive but wuen
16362s unfortunately does get found out
16365s although the Yoto being the one left
16367s alive is definitely the most important
16370s one I would say if you're looking to
16371s have a member of your team stay alive
16373s until the end game if you're playing
16375s this composition the Yoto is definitely
16378s the one the the one for it to be as
16381s you're able to do a considerable amount
16383s of damage and heal yourself in the end
16386s game and as not only that but your F3 is
16390s also extremely useful for sectioning off
16393s little bits of space so that you can
16394s peel for yourself if you need to is that
16397s a double dragon raar from wbg oh my Lord
16401s p and Jing both have Dragon Roll they
16406s can just juggle it one of them does
16408s Dragon Roll runs out of charge the other
16411s one does dragon raar and then the other
16413s one has time to charge it back up again
16415s what on Earth you've heard of the circle
16418s of life let us introduce you to the
16420s Circle of Death yes that is that is
16423s going to be something that a lot of
16425s these players are going to have to watch
16426s out for especially because like you're
16427s not expecting it if you see one Dragon R
16429s for team you're like okay cool one's got
16431s Dragon R and then you're going to think
16433s that it's on cool down and that is just
16434s ticking back into that charge and then
16436s the second one comes you're like oh okay
16438s oh nice cool that's that's that's
16440s something that we didn't really expect
16442s and then instantly you're going to have
16443s to to come and like the zip VT to be
16444s able to feel
16446s please let these players be funnel into
16448s Cactus fields and let us have the
16450s buccaneer phas with the cacti knockback
16455s please I have been waiting I have been
16458s waiting to see this an mvpl Duncan I
16462s mean it's definitely something that
16463s would be fun to watch but at the same
16465s time I would be IID just be feeling the
16468s pain of all of the players just getting
16470s creeped by the cat just just Target lock
16472s just just com in with slow shot or
16473s Target lock and then hit the cactus
16476s right next to them and watch the
16479s fireworks yeah they just can cannot move
16483s but uh hey look at GG sitting at 14
16487s kills now they've considerably closed
16491s the gap between themselves and te te had
16494s been sitting 25 points ahead and now
16497s it's been reduced down to what 11 11
16501s points that's a that's a considerable
16504s jump and if they manage to maintain this
16506s momentum as the game goes forward if
16509s they're able to stay alive they're able
16511s to transition right into the those top
16513s placements they may actually be able to
16516s even out the scoring especially if te
16519s doesn't manage to secure themselves any
16521s kills if they managed to go out earlier
16523s on but uh speaking of going out earlier
16526s on Alliance 28 HH my boy unfortunately
16531s he's unable to stay hidden as the quite
16535s frankly just isn't all that much space
16537s there isn't all that much terrain to
16539s hide behind he could maybe find a couple
16542s spots but all of it is going to be going
16545s to be immediately contested by all of
16547s the stack teams all of the full full
16549s teams it's it's a very tall order it's
16551s very difficult to do all of these I
16555s Stone pillars these rock formations are
16557s all occupied by these teams wbg trying
16560s to maintain this one for now but are now
16562s being forced to move as the Zone has
16565s started trundling its way forwards
16568s starting to close in closer and closer
16572s wbg trying to move forwards with their
16575s dragon Roars trying to roar their way
16578s through the Zone through the cacti is
16581s definitely not easy this is
16585s uh almost GED himself with the Dreadful
16587s whale it almost hit the cactus I
16592s saw I don't know about that one as yeah
16595s the the reason with cacti being in play
16598s like you said all of these teams who
16600s have things like the dragons Ro mles
16602s Havoc they're all putting themselves
16603s onto the top of those PLS so they don't
16605s have to worry about it they're able to
16608s take down PP wbg Sleep Walker trying to
16611s use this monk ultimate to be able to
16613s just buy himself as much survivability
16616s as possible if he drops out of it early
16619s he might be able to find a revive onto
16620s his players but unfortunately if he Doss
16622s drop out of it early he's going to be a
16623s sitting Target as GG have Iden that is a
16626s monid a karumi that is no healing super
16629s just going areel with the grapple trying
16631s to disengage himself cleanly from the
16633s situation to cycle back into the
16634s ultimate and I sustain everybody so that
16637s wbg free kills can count for something
16639s as xan takes so much damage he's being
16642s hounded by the P coming through from J
16644s te ZK will be able to regroup with the
16647s rest of his team into the karumi
16648s ultimate however lxh going to be able to
16651s save him as he now goes for the cannon
16653s shots the Kumi so he can close up the
16655s find all of the damage necessary to be
16658s able to rebuild this ultimate charge as
16661s it really is going to be an absolute
16662s race for these monks to be able to BU
16664s back into the ultimate as Kay's U trying
16666s to come in with the spear that te doing
16668s so much damage onto xcg as you can see
16671s his teammate trying to come through and
16673s pick up the Stagger exchange the relay
16676s of the Soul with that Dragon like my as
16679s you is able to find the Mythic grab onto
16681s one player over the shoulder he goes
16682s into the Zone one monk is able to back
16685s into the ultimate it's actually going to
16686s be dog's wuin who's going to be able to
16689s use it finds a grab on K's Peak holding
16691s in position for S to be able to swap
16693s onto the feing crossbow and just chunk
16694s him down so that the slam is able to
16696s kill him andan is able to snipe out 9 HQ
16699s that grab came from absolute nowhere Wan
16702s getting the heal from the karumi
16703s ultimate will be able to hold himself on
16705s the transform to T trying to bully him
16707s into dropping it early considering they
16709s do not have a lot of cover to be able to
16711s block especially with vbv getting picked
16713s up by a zepha whisp and and they're not
16716s able to save him vvv goes down GG three
16720s players still alive termy ultimate drop
16722s cting off all of the space so they can
16725s really just sit back in this safe pocket
16727s and allow everybody else to burn out of
16730s abilities lose teammates to the monks as
16734s xcg xan finds a double grab txa going
16738s down instantaneously off of the back of
16740s that damage xan now out of the ultimate
16743s gets caught in the with wall
16745s will be able to recover and get back to
16748s the rest of his team as GG on the side
16750s just using the dragons R we talked about
16752s it you have to expect two to come
16754s through bodying through J and bodying
16757s through ysj GG this is their game to
16760s take 19 kills they're right to pick up
16763s 20 bomb for this team and there are
16766s still six other players in the lobby for
16769s GG to take there it is DG sansi going
16771s down 20 bomb secured for GG now it's
16774s just a matter of how many more they're
16776s able to clean up Mia charging up the
16779s dragon slers Landing in onto DG's cor
16782s key free through of the musket shot
16784s taking full advantage of the stuck
16787s player as GG it's it's clean up the game
16790s is done Duncan GG MVP they just have to
16795s deal with one player from ug one player
16797s from J team SS just putting himself into
16800s the tree in the hopes that GG turn on to
16802s J team first and he's able to out
16804s survive m with three shvs left on this
16807s teada charging up the Dragon Slayers
16809s looking to just land onto these players
16811s there's absolutely nothing they can do
16814s it's a Victory lap for GG and off of
16817s that game they might have been able to
16820s overtake T indeed they did indeed by
16824s actually a substantial margin not not
16827s not crazy but more than five points
16832s that's mad they were 25 points points
16835s behind which means that because we saw
16838s the leaderboard on the left hand side of
16840s the screen at the end there that they
16842s had overtaken them by around five points
16846s or more that means that they secured
16850s minimum 30o game yeah holy moly what a
16855s performance from GG pulling it out of
16858s the bag te unfortunately not able to do
16863s anything this game it seemed they
16865s they played very passively I think they
16867s just had they must have had a pretty
16869s rough early game that just threw a
16872s spanner in the works and they weren't
16874s able to get the ball rolling they
16876s weren't able to pick up the tempo and
16879s match their performances in the previous
16881s games Unfortunately they just come away
16883s in this game with only two points or
16885s something along those lines yeah I think
16887s they two kills total at
16890s all it's really unfortunate for for Te
16894s but G G like played absolutely amazingly
16897s I I lost track like I saw him get the 20
16899s bomb and I was like okay there were six
16901s players left in the lobby potentially
16904s I'm not sure if they picked up every
16905s single one of those six players so they
16908s might have come in with 25 kills or more
16911s potentially 26 I can't remember if it
16913s was six players left in the lobby after
16915s the 20 bomb or before the 20 bomb either
16917s way GG get every single one of them so
16921s that might be the most kills that we've
16924s seen one team pick up in a trios game in
16927s not just the entire season but
16928s potentially the entire history of mvpl
16931s that's insane that is rather crazy I
16935s think I can't remember which team it was
16939s but wasn't it something mental like 27
16943s kills I think but I think that was when
16946s we had 16 teams still in the lobby no no
16949s I'm sure it was the
16951s split split was it it was either jtm fpx
16954s or t
16955s I can't remember which one yeah I can't
16958s remember either but it may not be a
16960s record breaker because I think they hit
16963s 20 kills yeah it was like 27 I think is
16966s the toal yeah if if they get 26 they're
16969s one behind the record yeah which that's
16973s still
16974s insane you you said it I mean 26 kills
16979s that is that is absolutely insane the
16982s fact that so obviously six kills in the
16987s past was obviously it was it wasn't like
16991s crazy crazy because there were far more
16994s there were far more teams well four more
16996s teams in fact the maximum number of
16998s teams in the lobby was 16 and now it's
17000s been reduced to 12 reducing the the
17003s total Lobby size by by 12 which is I I
17007s mean like there's a far there's far less
17010s kills to be had but
17012s 25 39 points ladies and gentlemen
17019s 39 and crucially they need
17024s 3.2 yep yep cuz like everything went
17027s right for GG they had the pop off game
17028s that they needed and te had
17032s unfortunately the the bad game the poor
17035s game that GG needed to be able to take
17037s off two win conditions to be able to
17039s overtake T standings I mean it can still
17041s change in the the final game we still
17044s have one more the books but GG what a
17048s confidence boost
17050s 34,000 damage from misu oh my God
17056s 34,000 with 12 kills what an absolute
17062s machine
17064s whoa is that surely that's up there with
17068s like the highest ever damage on a single
17071s player in MVP I mean we're talking about
17074s there was but that's J team I think
17077s might hold the record there was a game
17079s that J team had where ZK does uh
17082s something like
17083s 35,000
17086s damage but that was 36 wasn't it or no
17089s 34 34 there has been one team it was
17093s either J team te FX OU where three of
17098s their players two of them did 34,000
17100s damage and one of them did 27,000 damage
17103s it was nearly 90 ,000 damage from one
17106s team in one
17108s match yeah now that that is that is
17111s actually insane to be able to do that in
17114s this kind of Lobby is is truly amazing
17117s extreme look at this look at the
17120s communication look at that because you
17122s know you know that m is making the call
17125s I have them staggered I have them
17127s staggered I'm going to be able to come
17129s in with the teor ultimate into Dragon
17132s Slayers and he holds them into position
17135s for free to line up the head with a mus
17137s insane I I tell you g are the best team
17142s at ranged weapons both in season one and
17145s season two the stuff that they could do
17147s with muskets and Bows it it blew your
17150s mind and it also blew the heads off of
17153s every single team that they ran into
17155s absolutely they do not skip their aim
17158s training they've they're going through
17161s Kovac and aim Labs every day you know
17165s but oh my Lord look at him look at him
17167s 15,000 with the cannon this is the the
17170s teada with the cannon the rupture Gale
17174s orb flame breath hey we see it yet again
17177s the other time where Cannon was the
17179s highest damage on somebody stats they
17181s had rupture Gale flame breath hey hey I
17185s wonder why this is why we talk about
17188s Cannon and Flame breath ladies and
17189s gentlemen he what an amazing performance
17192s and as well not too far behind the spear
17196s as well I think was only about a
17197s thousand damage behind 15K to 14K you
17201s know
17202s that's what an amazing performance from
17204s GG to come back from a 25o deficit
17207s having just been overtaken in like in a
17210s spontaneous way is is is insane I we've
17216s been talking about it all day but the
17217s mentality to have had a bad game or to
17220s have had been like to have had I can't
17225s speak to to have been overtaken in such
17228s a way it can be difficult to to come
17230s back from that sort of thing and they
17232s managed to do it but te oh no they had
17235s an absolute it was an absolute oh kage
17239s what a shame what a game that's not the
17243s game you want to be having on your game
17244s five of the day obviously I talked about
17247s playing defensively and trying not to
17249s get just trying not to get caught in a
17251s bad situation but you have to still get
17254s some kills you can't you can't just hope
17257s that the the two teams below you aren't
17259s going to get any kills you have to be
17262s proactive in the way that you're playing
17264s and play in like and maintaining this
17266s pressure otherwise it just doesn't
17267s happen and here it is although they're
17270s only they're not that far behind I mean
17273s this is what 11 points 11 points is not
17277s unattainable they have one more game to
17279s make it happen and it's definitely
17282s definitely possible k though I'm not
17285s going to lie it would be a miracle for
17289s them to make it to the top unfortunately
17291s I mean if they 39 point game and GG and
17295s te come in with a zero it's possible
17298s yeah yeah yeah that's I
17303s Miracle not impossible no it's not
17306s impossible there Miracles can
17309s happen don't let your dreams be memes
17313s it's p for yeah exactly POS yes exactly
17317s possibly exactly I really hope some
17320s people get that reference as uh we do
17323s have one game left but crucially it's
17326s not going to be on fireflies so it's
17328s going to be interesting to see like what
17330s compositions these teams have safe cuz
17331s not only is it on regular uh fireflies
17335s so there are still fireflies on the map
17336s in places like secret tunnel but there's
17338s not going to be as many because the
17339s secret tunnel fireflies do scale uh
17342s depending on what time of day it is are
17344s more of them around if it is either a
17346s nighttime map or a dust Time map but
17347s there are still potential Firefly spawns
17350s so whether or not we're going to see
17352s those teams directly drop for those
17353s fireflies considering there's going to
17355s be a lot more teams if they do want to
17358s go for those fireflies in the same areas
17360s and also how hero points are going to
17362s come into a play because we have seen in
17364s the past teams will prioritize having a
17366s teor or a monk and they will just jigs
17369s or puzzle swap out some of those non
17372s corner pieces to be able to still run
17374s the more important aspects of these
17376s compositions but you know what's just as
17378s important as watching mvpl is answering
17380s a question so you can get your hands on
17383s some lovely loot at home all you have to
17385s do is answer the question which is the
17387s easiest one of the day considering we
17389s literally just saw the scoreboard what
17391s team is leading the total standings
17393s currently is it a is it B klaa is it C
17397s GG or is it
17399s djl if you get this one wrong I have no
17402s excuses for you except maybe you just
17404s open the stream and you're wondering
17406s what exactly is going
17408s on exactly no make sure to get your
17411s answers into the chat and also keep an
17414s eye on your Twitch Whispers And The
17416s mentions in the chat so that if you do
17418s happen to be the winner the lucky winner
17420s chosen out of everybody that you don't
17423s miss out on your
17425s prizes but oh my Lord going into game
17428s six it is it's going to be a nailbiter
17432s GG and te are going to be going head-to
17436s head they're going to be going crazy
17439s going to get ooly booly and there's no
17441s fireflies to be had either but uh hey
17444s we're going to have to wait and see
17446s we're going to be going to a quick short
17448s break to a video and uh we'll be right
17451s back for the final game of the day don't
17453s go
17457s [Music]
17463s anywhere
17465s [Music]
17502s [Music]
17511s [Music]
17536s [Music]
17565s [Music]
17577s [Music]
17589s [Music]
17612s D do do do
17616s welcome back ladies and gentlemen for
17618s the final game of the day
17622s and it's exciting it's uh it's not it's
17626s not like a huge number of teams in
17628s contention for top one right now it is
17631s two maybe three you know a te and GG
17637s would have to get zero kills and lowish
17640s placement for K to have a chance coming
17643s out on top and they would have to go
17646s absolutely insane to do it but
17652s uh let's be honest come it's probably
17654s not going to happen but uh hey we got to
17657s leave that chance open for the the
17659s possibilities that as you said before
17662s the break but uh te and GG they're going
17665s to be going head-to-head it's going to
17667s be a bit of a nailbiter if te managed to
17671s get five to 10 kills relatively early
17676s it's then completely even almost because
17680s they're 11 points behind GG and if they
17683s manage to get 5 to 10 kills then that
17684s means that that's 5 to 10 kills that
17686s aren't available for GG so we're going
17690s to have to we're going to have to keep a
17692s close eye on te and GG here to uh to
17698s make sure that we we manag to catch all
17700s the action all the all the focus
17704s fundamental ugliness the optimal gaming
17707s the the communication the spicy steam
17711s comp
17713s [Music]
17714s perhaps I think some teams some teams
17717s might be running in with Cur balls
17718s either way for gg& no matter which team
17721s walks away on top of the leaderboard at
17724s the end of the day it is one heck of a
17726s cushion for both of these teams coming
17729s into next week's playoffs like the the
17731s actual finals finals it's insane the
17735s fact that we saw te do so well earlier
17738s and we thought there's no way a team has
17742s any chance of being able to catch them
17744s and then GG just come in with such a pop
17747s off game on that Hol off and on not only
17750s able to catch up but so pass like you
17753s said it is going to be a nailbiter for
17756s this last game both of these teams going
17759s to be playing it is a question that how
17761s do they play cuz the last time we saw T
17764s thinking they had such a huge difference
17766s and gap between themselves and all the
17768s other teams they played a lot more
17770s passively they played a lot more safely
17772s and as a result they just didn't have
17774s the scaling to be able to survive into
17776s that final Zone as opposed to GG who
17779s just play incredibly aggressive and off
17782s of that early momentum do not let
17784s up yeah no absolutely we're going to
17788s have to see though I I'm interested as
17791s to what these teams are going to be
17792s pulling out
17794s because of course it's the final game of
17796s the day which means that the teams that
17799s are at the top obviously they're going
17801s to try and play a composition that's
17804s going to give them the best chance of
17806s taking home the win right however the
17810s teams on the lower half below I mean
17813s essentially below top four are most
17816s likely going to be looking to
17818s potentially try something out experiment
17822s potentially is they have the opportunity
17824s right now they're going to be going up
17826s against these top tier teams who are
17829s looking to try their very best play
17832s their meta their metac comps play what
17834s they have that they've they've labbed
17837s they've practiced for so long and and
17841s they're going to be able to test
17843s potentially an experimental composition
17846s into this team into these two teams so
17849s we're going to have to
17850s see if uh if if if if they bring out
17854s something spicy you know this this just
17856s feels like your your coach Duncan's pep
17859s talk for either talker and TR or
17862s Justina you really want to talk it into
17865s existence you really want to talk it
17867s into existence we'll have to see we'll
17869s get to find out in a matter of moments
17872s my eye is immediately going to be on
17873s what GG and te decides to come in with
17877s because the sakes for those two are
17879s incredibly high at the moment what here
17883s points do all of these teams have it is
17885s the last game of the day a lot of these
17888s teams still actually having a fair few
17891s points to be able to yeah they do not
17893s have to Frankenstein to together some
17896s mishmash of metas it is going to be full
17899s matter across the board for everybody
17902s where is GG G running s siphon te s
17907s siphon as well no surprises that both of
17911s these teams going to be for what is
17914s consistently offering you the most value
17917s for every single up time every single
17920s aspect of this game as opposed to trying
17922s to chance it all on early burst with the
17925s attack on Titan and then coming of a
17927s really strong final Zone with Viper St
17929s into Yodo finisher or going for the very
17932s burst potential of the monk ultimate and
17934s potentially not winning the fight in
17936s your burst cycle and going down to the
17939s better sustainability of the S siphon
17941s composition indeed and uh interestingly
17944s enough te is actually running V2 on to
17949s Mulk something that we've seen a few
17952s times here and I think it may have
17953s actually been te who first started using
17957s it now the majority of the time when you
17961s see tamul and trios you're going to see
17963s him using the third variation of his
17965s ultimate V3 which when you pass through
17970s the sand wall as to mulch it then gives
17973s you you those three spinning sand
17976s wisps that and then you're allowed to
17979s throw them out and you can pass through
17982s the sand wall many times and send out
17985s these wisps as much as you can and
17988s potentially look for crowd control
17990s potentially look to lock down enemy
17992s players or peel for your teammates
17994s whatever it may be however
17998s V2 does not give you this capability if
18001s you walk through the wall it's not going
18002s to give you any wisps but what it does
18005s do for you is it gives you increased
18009s stamina regeneration throughout the
18012s duration of the ultimate so and this I'm
18016s pretty sure is only for tul however
18018s essentially the value in this is that it
18021s gives you an edge in the tul versus tul
18024s mirror matchup which to be honest I
18027s think is actually very big brain being
18029s able to win that tul versus tul matchup
18032s is always going to give you you a pretty
18034s substantial Advantage so definitely very
18037s big brain it's only really value it's
18040s only really valuable against other tuls
18043s if you're looking to run it into
18044s different team compositions it's not
18046s going to be as valuable as V3 would be
18049s however when you know that the lobby is
18051s going to be predominantly occupied by
18053s other tamul team compositions it's a
18056s pretty safe bet to run V2 and look to
18059s try and diff the enemy tomor but hey
18062s we're heading right into the action into
18065s celestra oh my Lord and JL is going off
18069s xcg is on the back foot
18073s a n HQ has already been taken down xan
18077s and lxh already in really bad spot alexh
18082s oh he narrowly manages to avoid the
18084s damage here JLA s managing to spin that
18089s P sword around and taking them down xcg
18092s getting white
18093s thankfully they do have their reses as
18095s it's still ridiculously early on into
18097s the game but JL coming away with already
18101s six kills to their name oh my they had a
18106s brilliant fight up in slash Bridge as
18109s well as heading over to Sun wings no
18111s surprises it's j team's haunting
18113s territory K's U no armor at the moment
18117s having now to deal with the pressure
18118s coming through from the right click
18120s potentially on the pul from this teada
18122s as he go go for the grab instead tesser
18125s ultimate from the third party ewg
18127s throwing that one in as J team will be
18130s able to try and separate themselves away
18131s but kkx does get enchanted up and
18134s unfortunately will be chunked down ban
18137s ref being dropped it's not on ewg side
18140s could potentially be J team no it's
18142s going to be drg as it does look like
18144s we're going to have another of the test
18146s ultimates allowing dongu to be able to
18148s commit into throwing out the Abyssal or
18150s on the dagger knowing that he's not
18152s going to get parried off screen by the
18155s way GG did take a fight against fpx and
18157s did lose so one of their rebirths is
18159s going to be taken away from I believe it
18161s was mis here that's toada as drg oh no
18165s not again please tell me okay there we
18167s go zip V2 kicking in Saving sansy K cxe
18171s not getting to chase that teada for fear
18174s of going into the Bain bre AOE J team
18176s also getting caught out and locked into
18179s that ground because of the B ref being
18181s in play and drg able to again off of the
18185s back of a Ban's breath secure up that
18187s first fight coming of a nice clean third
18189s party and
18190s potentially still try and apply the
18193s pressure onto a new team that's moved
18195s into the area GG who were looking to
18197s reposition away from ewg m is still on
18200s Gray armor having to revisit that Soul
18203s alter early on I do believe both the
18205s Tami and the zip however for GG still
18208s hold on to their rebirth
18211s trumps absolutely and GG they're not in
18215s a very good spot as you said they've
18216s already been taken down once they've
18218s used their souls they need to play safe
18223s but they still need to be looking for
18226s kills where they can find them if they
18228s there's all good playing safe and trying
18231s to get to end game however as we saw
18233s with te last game they tried to do
18236s exactly that or potentially that they
18238s were forced into doing that but they
18240s only managed to secure two kills and 3.6
18245s points or something by the end of it so
18248s they need to still look to get some
18251s kills where they can so that they can
18252s cement their lead and oh my Lord wbg
18256s Jing
18259s obliterating this team drg getting
18261s chunked down so much but it looks as
18264s though it's not going to be over just
18266s yet Sleep Walker getting a huge Parry
18268s onto sansy but sansy replying in kind
18271s getting a Parry of his own the to cers
18273s the the tumul is all coming out the
18276s zipping trying to keep them alive and a
18278s huge drop down from ewg this might be in
18281s oh my God and huge play here Alliance
18284s having come in as a third party with
18286s their Moon Bane trying to secure some
18289s kills here but ew BG no ewg I I keep
18293s getting confused ewg third party the
18297s third party is with a beautiful Viper
18299s drop down into the stun and secure a
18302s couple kills onto Alliance oh my Lord
18306s what a play No One respects
18309s the no one respects the bin currently
18312s it's it's absolutely insane I I wonder
18314s whether it's like an offshoot of of the
18317s fact of zip V2 kicking in but I mean it
18319s doesn't explain that for ewg considering
18321s they don't have a zip to be able to
18323s survive but I guess they want to take
18325s advantage of the surprise factor with
18326s the Viper ultimate in Alliance not
18328s expecting they they thought they
18329s cordoned off the area sufficiently with
18331s the ban breath that no one would come
18333s with a third party and unfortunately
18335s that works against them as still in
18337s their own B breath they might be able to
18341s reposition ewg actually forced uran to
18343s use that wuan teleport to be able to get
18346s away from the B and also find the revive
18348s onto his two Fallen teammates Alliance
18351s not even going to be able to recover cuz
18353s GG come in for the third party DG also
18356s still in the area semi ultimate being
18359s dropped free for go incredibly low gets
18361s caught in the whis gets caught in the
18364s wall zip V2 having to be used but burnt
18367s out immediately and sansy wanting to try
18369s and take the ZIP down before you're able
18371s to cycle back into the F1 kill secured
18374s this is falling apart for GG te granted
18378s have not been able to pick up any kills
18380s currently but crucially they've got
18383s players still alive you can have a look
18385s there fre free0 went down don't believe
18389s he had a rebirth charm available for him
18392s so so they're going to have to buy him
18394s back as Alliance using the fact that drg
18397s had come in and took that fight against
18399s GG to be able to recover
18401s themselves that is not a good situation
18404s to be in for GG right here losing two
18410s members that is that is not good not
18413s good at all although did I I may have
18417s just I may I'm not too sure when they
18419s you know in the top left on the leader
18421s actually well well I'll ask you in a
18423s moment we're getting into a bit of an
18424s ugly fight fpx versus
18427s ug Don King going on a mad one just
18431s getting extremely aggressive here alting
18435s proactively alting tamul Al coming down
18437s as well both of them it seems Don King
18440s trying to make something happen with
18441s these purple halberts the tech Chase on
18444s this weapon is so unbelievably strong
18446s Don King now in a 1 V one 1 V2 situation
18449s P sword coming in from the back forcing
18452s out the M Defiance Brock from the from
18455s the teada the zipping ooh chunking him
18458s down extremely low but thankfully Don
18460s King zipping has the ultimate available
18463s he does have the moral Defiance so if he
18464s does take fatal damage he's not going to
18467s be taken down just yet but it looks as
18470s though he's going to take this soft
18472s reset he's not opting to take such a
18475s massive risk a huge scale rush though
18478s jinu oh my Lord that was beautiful xinu
18483s with an amazing graysa scale Rush
18486s chunking him down fpx is falling apart
18488s at the seams now oh U turning this fight
18492s it didn't seem all that good for them
18495s although it was relatively even it
18496s wasn't looking too hot as they did have
18498s the initial old disadvantage but they've
18501s been taken down a huge play from
18505s ug beautifully play they have their
18507s ultimates back up now as well they're
18509s going to be able to go into the realm of
18511s Yang I'd imagine if they choose to do so
18514s if they're able to actually get there in
18516s time but
18517s te they get anly T kind of want to get
18522s challenged here right because it secures
18525s them a fight without having to worry
18527s about being third partied and it looks
18529s like they might be able to walk away
18531s with that R Yang for free and that's
18532s great for scaling but it means that they
18535s don't get an opportunity for a kill oh
18538s oh they are getting challenged okay JL
18540s decides to walk them through and take on
18541s te as te do have the better loot in
18545s terms of armor they've got the only
18547s purple armor currently in play and we're
18549s going to see the grapples come through
18551s assault smolder for Te but they're not
18554s able to land it onto anyone from JL just
18557s yet bvv dropping down trying to just
18560s keep bullying the on the other side so
18562s he's just forced to use that stone form
18564s for as long as possible and maybe bait
18566s out that zip V2 is still holding on to
18569s theator Ultimate vvv loses 50% of his
18573s armor but forces out as into using the
18575s ultimate first zip V2 kicking in
18578s immediately to be able to save him as
18580s that is going to be sustainability on
18582s the side of te but they lose vvv and now
18585s as is the only teor still up which means
18588s his sh are going to be landing onto T
18590s but he drops the focus onto Leo without
18593s playing off of the Stagger from the shop
18595s and gets parried uses the shop to be
18597s able to recover and picks the pel back
18599s up as a result and it's still a numbers
18603s against te as just coming through with
18605s the lights to chunk down these players
18608s of te when there's nothing they can do
18609s Leo going Focus catches on to as but
18613s doesn't manage to secure the kill
18614s because the zip V2 from one thing kicks
18616s in he's immediately throwing the f one
18618s as well to be able to recover and now
18620s it's a two versus one Leo trying to mind
18623s game with the staff goes for the power
18625s he doesn't manage to find it as JL tab
18628s do to cancel Ito another one almost gets
18631s the gold Focus but he's intercepted by
18633s the
18634s charbert the Z2 kicking in 16 seconds
18637s left Leo just trying now to grief J the
18640s Kill by using the lunch on the staff to
18642s keep himself alive for as long as
18644s possible but he goes down what a play
18646s from JL what an lmb from the hit to be
18649s able to save themselves from getting
18650s swapped into the gold Focus that was
18653s amazing that was so so well played from
18656s both of them oh my God te though my God
18661s zipping in the One V to if the if if JL
18665s didn't have advanced group heel they
18668s lose legitimately that was the only CH
18671s that was the only deciding factor
18673s although you could say that if they
18675s didn't have the advanced group heal he
18678s wouldn't have gone away to heal so that
18680s the teada could take that one V one
18682s fight momentarily but still that was so
18686s unbelievably well played from te Leo it
18689s was Leo I think it was oh my Lord
18693s that was beautifully done playing around
18695s the jabbing jabbing if you don't know
18697s chat jabbing for the staff is so
18701s unbelievably strong you saw it right
18703s there the amount of the amount that you
18705s can hold it staff and spear being one of
18708s those weapons that you can hold for so
18711s so long as well as the fact that jabbing
18715s it has such long range and so much burst
18718s damage as it's a single hit blue Focus
18720s attack does so much it just so it gives
18725s you such a huge Advantage with the
18727s normal horizontal blue focus on staff it
18730s definitely is still very strong it can
18732s be relatively difficult to Parry when
18734s you're in that 1 V one situation however
18737s in team
18739s modes if you if one of your teammates
18741s gets hit by the horizontal blue on staff
18744s if you're relatively close to them you
18747s can just jump Parry you can jump in
18751s their General Direction and parry and
18753s you'll get vacuumed over to the star
18756s blue focus and be able to peel for your
18758s teammate effectively but a te having
18762s come out of the loss from the realm of
18765s Yang they're looking to get aggressive
18767s they found their target J team over here
18771s to the south of sun a huge Parry coming
18773s out from vvv ysj getting taken down
18776s really low the zipping Al has been proed
18778s he's so unbelievably low if they manage
18780s to secure this kill they get one of
18782s those Yang depletions cleansed and there
18784s it is he takes him down and it's not
18787s looking too good for J team bvv
18790s aggressing onto the enemy teada catches
18792s him forces him into the Parry gets that
18795s combo but he's unable to get the
18796s confirmation due to the terrain
18798s unfortunately he turns around the dragon
18800s slayer but he's in a 1v3 and it's over
18803s and te managed to cleanse the Yang
18807s depletion and secure themselves a few
18809s more kills keeping the dream
18812s alive they can do it they believe and GG
18817s is nowhere to be seen for the moment
18821s that's that's huge fatigue not only is
18823s that a huge confidence booster because
18826s they're able to cleanse the Yang de like
18827s JT were looking to grief a team that
18829s came out of the Soul alter and because
18831s of it the fight was so far removed that
18833s t do not have to worry about throwing
18834s all of those ultimates in and getting
18835s for party speaking about that however K
18838s throwing everything in 's SS trying to
18842s tap Dodge but Rosemary holds the Yoto
18845s slash to be able to wait for him to use
18848s that Dodge before intercepting where
18850s he's ran off too doesn't find a kill
18853s however in K decide the fight has gone
18854s on long enough the third party has shown
18856s up from ewg they commit the Witch and
18858s teleport and decide to prioritize
18860s survivability is OG not going to be able
18863s to have any of that jinu goes down an
18866s alliance now coming in for a fourth
18868s party Spar CR getting hit by the Tess
18870s rman in fact I think every member of
18872s Alliance is currently hit by that tesser
18875s ultimate there it is the enchantment
18877s coming through the V1 Spar cran getting
18879s hit by the lmb charge from that long
18881s sword but thankfully his wuen is able to
18883s teleport him out before it becomes a
18885s kill confirmation and it doesn't look
18888s like anyone other than jinu is going to
18890s be going permanently down in that fight
18893s it's moving on over we've still got
18894s aggressive teams in the lobby wbg and JL
18896s going Head to Head tamy Ultimate being
18899s dropped wbg J coming in with the follow
18902s up on the long sword still waiting to
18904s see whether not he can land these
18905s connections of the shelves onto the
18907s players of JL for body from GG however
18911s they're trying to get themselves onto
18913s the board wbd PP goes down but it's to
18916s JL and lxm can I try and take the one V
18919s one against Jen catching with the charge
18921s R&B on those D halberts Jen going to
18924s cancel out with the Crouch tap Dodge
18927s away from alexm so he doesn't have to
18929s worry about that Focus strike getting
18931s parried instead uses it to be able to
18933s create more distance between themselves
18935s and the other player to be able to still
18937s keep threatening first the jump coming
18940s through from Jing as alexm tries to come
18942s on he himself and unfortunately that's B
18946s the time for GG's reinforcements to come
18947s out making it a one versus two and GG
18951s will be able to win out in the end that
18954s is the third kill that this team have
18957s been able to pick up GG starting to come
18960s alive and bolded by the storm that
18963s they'd been able to pick up from Amor
18965s bling put themselves onto the leader
18967s board and start to create a little bit
18969s more distance between themselves and
18971s te that's exactly what they needed and
18974s they managed to do exactly that managing
18977s to get that Draco storm
18980s was ex main objective secure the Box
18985s you're playing to Mulk definitely
18988s definitely your one of your main
18989s objectives if you're not able to go into
18991s the realm of yang or if you're not
18992s looking to take that risk going for that
18995s Morris blessing you can all but secure
18997s it just by using your tul ultimate
19000s especially if you're able to find one
19002s which is going uncontested or relatively
19006s uncontested being able to take Draco
19008s storm and then immediately find a team
19010s to third party as well the Stars aligned
19013s and they managed to get get three kills
19015s on the board and you said exactly that
19017s they've managed to maintain that lead
19020s above te te still though one kill ahead
19024s of GG if they manage to keep the ball
19026s ball rolling it's uh it's a possibility
19029s but look at JL JL on 13 kills and drg on
19036s 11 oh my Lord the these two these two
19040s teams I was talking about hey you could
19042s maybe look to experiment you know play
19044s something spicy see how it goes nah
19048s these teams they're looking to come in
19050s hard they're looking to potentially deny
19053s the first place finish from one of these
19055s teams or they're just looking to go down
19058s fighting cuz hey if you're if you're
19061s going into the final G oh
19063s my
19065s this oh my Lord so slow shot armor
19069s Pierce n HQ takes was a six 700 damage
19073s yeah his life flashed before his eyes
19076s that is a waro combo he is incredibly
19079s lucky that that was not a high
19082s to
19084s mus that that would have been GG that
19087s would have been GG for him in a couple
19090s of shots that was insane if if you want
19093s to see the uh the power scaling of the
19095s musket look no further than exactly that
19098s like arm if it really is if you're not
19100s expecting it absolutely devastating as
19103s GG do have a swarm that it looks like
19105s they were able to pick up from one of
19107s those moris blessings as well probably
19109s the one that gave him Draco storm as fre
19112s 3 out more aggressive in their
19115s positioning as The Zing if you do take a
19117s little bit more pressure you can survive
19119s to be able to have your two players
19121s slide into position to be able to take
19123s that heat off you as you look to be able
19125s to reposition with that V2 not having
19128s any range necessary unlike the KY
19130s ultimate when you're essentially just
19132s locked into having to sit inside the
19134s ultimate Circle which is the whole
19136s reason why we see karumi now getting to
19137s recast the ultimate once in this
19139s duration so she's still able to help her
19142s team and has a little bit more to be
19144s able to compete against the whole impact
19147s of that zip ultimate is DG they picked
19151s themselves up the Valiant challeng of
19152s scroll so not only is that position
19154s going to be shown to everybody on the
19155s map they're also getting essentially
19158s ministic M to be able to see all of the
19161s players around them and get a better
19162s read on the terrain a better read on
19164s whether or not it's safe to take the
19165s engagements or if you're going to get
19167s third party there moris bling spins up
19169s on the map a lot of these teams with
19171s with the sand siphon having those tamies
19174s are we going to see te get to use the V3
19179s to be able to play Havoc with every
19183s other tamy in this Lobby like you said
19186s I'm not surprised it's te going up
19187s against the grain in terms of that meta
19189s they're the ones that run Yodo F1
19191s they've had one game where they run zip
19193s F V3 which I was talking to Raven about
19197s it he didn't believe me I had to go back
19199s into the stream and screenshot it
19202s to him in a DM before he actually
19205s believed that someone has run Zing V3 in
19208s an mvpl lobby but it happened and it was
19212s te and they didn't do all that bad with
19214s it I they came forth they came forth in
19217s that
19217s Lobby they didn't do all that bad it's
19221s I'm not going to lie though V3 in
19223s comparison to
19224s V2 is it's it doesn't really hold the
19227s candle realistically however it it
19230s definitely has value as they managed to
19232s demonstrate very well they but the
19235s problem is is that V2 will always be
19238s better as you don't have to be within a
19241s certain range of your teammates to keep
19243s them alive
19244s V2 you can be anywhere you could
19247s literally be across the map yeah like
19250s your team can be in real of Yang and
19251s your Zing can be outside of it and the
19254s V2 still kicks in and apply to the
19256s people who are in that
19258s portal exactly it looks as though JL are
19261s going to be able to secure this moris
19263s blessing for themselves committing that
19265s to Mulk
19267s ultimate definitely a worth wild
19270s investment for them I would say as long
19272s as they're able to avoid this this
19275s immediate aggression from Alliance
19277s Alliance trying to find o they managed
19280s to get the stun following it up with the
19283s Yoto Al but the problem is zipping Al is
19285s going to keep him alive and he does have
19287s his ultimate activated so realistically
19290s it's just not feasible to burst him down
19293s in that situation unless you're willing
19295s to just stay in the fight there with
19297s they might have griefed J because now
19300s the zip ultimate is removed GG is seeing
19303s an opportunity y but I'm not sure if
19307s they're going to be able to do anything
19309s with it they may try and stay relatively
19312s close to them but if they look if they
19315s engage if they truly commit anything
19317s then they will then become the the
19320s targets of the rest of the lobby
19322s drg they see they see this team having
19325s just ran away they see JL running across
19328s the map in the open space trying to heal
19330s up as they move but even they aren't
19333s looking to engage but it looks as though
19335s KLA is not about that life they're
19338s looking to get ugly and they're going
19341s hard cxz committing that Viper ultimate
19343s along with rosemary also committing the
19345s Yoto Al but it doesn't look like it's
19348s going all that well K cxz has has been
19351s taken down forcing his woen to use that
19355s teleport to get him out of danger but it
19357s doesn't look as though they've managed
19359s to teleport far enough away for them to
19361s be able to to secure this rest just yet
19364s they may be able to do
19365s it it does look like they might be able
19368s to no I don't think they will no it's
19371s not it's not possible there's definitely
19373s a member of K still alive but he's
19375s nowhere to be seen it was too much too
19378s many teams luring and here he is you the
19381s only wuen who tried to save his
19383s aggressive teammates
19385s unfortunately he's going to go down the
19388s GG another kill going over to GG
19391s equalizing the number of kills between
19393s them and te but as I say that te they're
19397s in a scrap of their own and they've
19398s taken down a member of JL and yet
19401s another one now
19403s no yes they're going up to six kills now
19406s closing the Gap it's getting closer
19409s ladies if they get an MVP if they get an
19412s MVP they break a record in mvpl they
19414s will be the only team in mvpl that win
19417s four MVPs in one day and they're
19421s definitely starting to climb up that
19422s Duncan this is a team that comes alive
19425s in final fights their positioning for
19428s Final End zones is always absolutely
19432s exemplary and they've made sure that all
19434s three of their players are able to
19435s survive yes one of them's got blue armor
19437s but if you're able with this Tammy to be
19439s able to secure aorus blessing with that
19441s legendary upgrade you are going to be
19443s sitting incredibly pretty as GG going to
19446s be looking to try and do the exact same
19448s thing xcg ewg now all just posturing up
19452s around this moris blessing looks like it
19454s has been opened up however I believe ewg
19456s were able to get away with both the
19458s legendary armor for dong Yu and also
19459s that legendary swarm for xia as they put
19463s themselves on top of the rooftop just
19465s coming in with so much external pressure
19468s from that swarm to be able to land a far
19470s onto these teams who have very little
19471s that they can do about it when you're
19474s running that tamy instead of the W and
19476s the only way you can really block all of
19477s that poke pressure is by going for the
19480s tmy ultimate and you do not want to have
19482s to use that too early as a Alliance
19484s still alive on the attack on Titan
19486s composition charging up the scill rush
19488s have to be very careful how they play
19490s these positions do have three of the
19492s players alive do have a couple of trees
19494s in the air as well to be able to squirel
19495s themselves on two to wait and use that
19498s Viper ultimate when everyone is going to
19500s be the inconvenienced by it is TE trying
19504s to find the team that they're going to
19506s be able to lock down move into position
19509s they were able to find themselves
19511s a is able to find legendary armor off
19514s screen every single time we look at te
19516s and C back to them inside these end
19519s games it just seems like they've been
19521s able to make magic happen Duncan it's
19523s absolutely insane how they're able to
19526s turn around the loot scaling that they
19529s had they were so far behind every
19531s everybody else in the lobby but now with
19534s seven kills the possibility of them
19537s walking away with a fourth MVP in one
19539s day is very much on the the cards as
19543s Alliance taking pressure having to again
19544s scroll themselves up the horizontal
19546s movement to climb up the tree as quickly
19548s as they possibly can ewg trying to
19551s pressure onto xtg who are a little bit
19552s too close to the edges of that zone in
19555s fact NQ feeling pressed using the dragon
19558s like might on those hirs as ewg Avid
19562s it into a whisp however andou is forced
19566s to use the Viper ultimate and
19567s immediately it just teleports away the
19570s team who were looking to get stunned up
19573s by it DG also caught by the Viper
19574s ultimate but too far for ewg to be able
19576s to find Value from and te now looking to
19579s try to put that pressure onto xcg
19581s knowing that they're going to be behind
19583s in terms of those ultimates vvv burning
19585s out from the other side
19590s theg in the West in the zone corruption
19593s and vbb is being pushed freshed away
19595s from being able to pick him up M coming
19597s with the Dragon s into off of the back
19599s of the Tor ultimate and Alliance KN
19601s making that move spark with the Viper
19603s ultimate looking to come in with the
19605s V2 to and HH with the yo ultimate and te
19609s are going to be eliminated from the
19611s lobby no four MVP going to be picked up
19613s for this team 14 players left alive
19616s Alliance they griefed te and that might
19619s be all they're able to pick up Spar
19621s crane goes down and it's going to be drg
19624s picking up a 14th
19626s kill oh no that is so unbelievably oh
19632s it's that's heartbreaking that truly is
19635s TE trying to get aggressive they had it
19639s they were doing so so well they found
19642s the kill but oh the tul the tul just
19647s getting caught by that wisp getting
19650s caught in the Zone the armor Pierce
19653s coming through the Zone damage the
19655s zipping Al just wasn't enough
19657s considering that as soon as you step
19659s into the purple at this point in the
19662s game that anti-heal debuff is going to
19665s stack to maximum instantaneously it's
19669s instant in the earlier zones before zone
19672s four it takes a little bit of time but
19675s as soon as you get past Zone 4 it
19677s becomes
19678s instantaneous oh my Lord what
19681s ewg just immediately teleporting into a
19685s hard stoer kick
19688s what oh my God Mia coming in as well
19692s he's losing a bunch of armor but he's
19693s chilling he's still vibing 330 taking
19696s down extremely low MSA now popping the
19699s ultimate toada V3 with that Phoenix
19702s blast on that purple long sword he's
19704s going to be able to do a lot of damage
19706s here drg sansy trying to do exactly the
19708s same but he has a huge Health deficit a
19711s with the fact that he's his ultimate's
19712s been up for way longer than msia he
19715s sends him into the Zone msia sending out
19718s those Blues he does run out of his
19720s ultimate now though he pops that F1 he's
19722s trying to get into the mix he's trying
19724s to get into that combat he's trying to
19726s get hit by one of those blue focuses so
19728s he can slam one of these players so his
19731s teammates can follow up and look to try
19733s and secure that kill but it's not
19735s looking like he's going to be able to do
19736s it just yet he's accumulating a
19738s considerable amount of ultimate charge
19740s though at the moment his zipping does
19742s get taken down 330 he's down for the
19746s count lxm and misia two versus the world
19749s they've already won but they still want
19751s to go out on a banger drg though they
19755s want this win for themselves the more
19757s points you get in this tournament the
19760s more you can carry forwards and GG get
19763s eliminated drg sitting thre man strong
19768s it's an unbreakable wall WG is caught
19772s between a rock and a hard place n HQ
19776s dropping down Skyhigh in a 1v3 situation
19779s is not looking too good for him but he
19782s might actually be able to take it home
19783s Santi but no the flamebringer the tul
19787s Wisp the antiheal and sansy able to turn
19792s around with that Phoenix blast and there
19795s it is ladies and gentlemen
19798s drg with the final MVP of the day what
19803s an amazing last game oh my Lord hey hey
19809s hell yeah
19810s [Music]
19812s big
19814s yeah hey hey DG hell
19818s big it's so interesting to see that
19821s match up between dog and GG in terms of
19824s the long sword cuz like you said Gigi do
19826s have the benefit in terms of having the
19829s uh longest sustain on the cator ultimate
19832s however sansy only has Phoenix uh he
19836s does not have HEPA drg has HEPA to be
19840s able to follow up so they have so much
19843s more displacement guaranteed gold Focus
19846s it's why when we see um msia being the
19848s last person standing for GG he just
19850s tries to keep himself as aerial as
19852s possible so he's not going to get locked
19854s down by HEPA and hopes that di are going
19856s to turn their attention onto someone
19857s who's an easier Target to be able to
19859s transition the Phoenix into hea from and
19861s that's what they continue to do just
19863s Phoenix thrown out into HEPA displacing
19866s people locking them into corruption six
19868s damage with the other two teammates
19870s immediately following it up with the
19871s tech Chas onto whoever gets stuck and
19873s then following it through with either
19875s just a tamy whsp or just cycling right
19877s back into that Phoenix bur but my
19880s goodness what what an insane insane day
19883s of nrao we've had drg showing that yeah
19887s they are not going to just sit posibly
19889s by and let GG and te Tak another MVP
19892s they are here to show what they're going
19894s to be taking all of that confidence all
19896s of the aggression the mechanical priz
19898s and coordination that's really good for
19901s them this is a team that had you know
19903s that opportunity they've had some really
19904s good fights in the past a couple of
19906s questionable moments today like we saw
19908s them with the ban breath which normally
19910s is an immediate Advantage normally just
19912s clinches you those fight wins but
19914s unfortunately something was just not
19916s going so well for the team in terms of
19918s that positioning but that last game all
19920s of the team were just perfectly on the
19922s same wavelength you just seamlessly
19925s flowing through translating Phoenix into
19928s have to lock Dan into just full kills to
19930s be able to control that final Zone and I
19932s think it's great for drg CU if you want
19935s to go out on the last game you want to
19937s be to it to be a good one so that you
19939s can say to yourselves well at least we
19941s still had that momentum at least we were
19943s able to turn the day around and show
19945s what we're made
19947s of absolutely having that mental Ed Edge
19950s is always going to give you more more
19954s and more if you can't win you better get
19957s as much as you can out of the game
19959s especially considering that you're
19960s taking points forwards I'm not mistaken
19963s but drg oh my Lord 22 kills
19968s 34.8
19971s points we've had some games today dcan
19974s we we've had we've had some games
19976s haven't we is that now threee is that
19978s threee games that we've seen go over a
19981s 30 point score for teams yes yes I think
19985s so I mean we we we did say that teams
19988s were going to be aggressive and playing
19990s to their best because even though it's
19992s technically not the grand finals what
19995s you do today goes towards the points
19998s that you have for Grand finals so it is
20000s instrumental for these teams to have a
20003s pop off day play to their best not phone
20005s it in so that they can start ahead of
20008s the pack and have that little bit of
20010s leeway so if something goes wrong on the
20012s day of grand finals you're still going
20014s to be in a position to be able to
20017s recover no absolutely it's uh oh I'm I'm
20022s I'm just like the adrenaline throughout
20026s the entire Series has now left me oh
20032s Lord the this last game as well the the
20036s the butting of heads between GG and te
20040s both teams trying their best to get as
20043s many kills as they can but to not take
20046s unnecessary risks you know at the end of
20048s the game there te needed to try and find
20052s a couple more kills that's the only
20054s reason why they got so aggressive at the
20057s very end and they were doing well they
20059s got they got that kill on that player
20062s they found the opportunity to to punish
20065s the fact that they didn't have any
20066s ultimates left over they just fended off
20068s a team and they find that opportunity
20070s but unfortunately GG was thinking
20073s exactly the same and they just were they
20075s they were the second team in and they
20077s managed to get that tul wisp onto onto
20081s te's Tami and it's just it's it's over
20084s at that point unfortunately the armor
20086s pierce the Wisp the storm damage the the
20090s anti-healing the zipping heal just not
20093s being enough to save him he was
20095s literally inches away from the edge of
20097s the zone as well and if he man to
20099s survive he
20101s they potentially could have kept it
20103s alive kept the dream alive but
20105s unfortunately it is what it is it
20107s happens oh my L yes look at this there's
20109s the Wen telep the WEN TV into the the
20114s hard stoer drag the the dragoner as a
20118s disclaimer as a disclaimer because this
20120s season has seen a a fair number of
20123s unfortunate witch and teleports you have
20125s to remember that when you're setting up
20128s a Wen teleport and it's in the midst of
20131s all of this chaos not only do you have
20134s to be able to click your ultimate
20136s activation you also have to go for the
20139s second click of choosing where you want
20141s that teleport to be so if you're taking
20144s a lot of pressure and you're just
20146s thinking we need to get out of Dodge
20149s you're going to throw out that wuin
20150s teleport and unfortunately you don't
20153s really get a whole lot of say on where
20155s that second click sends you into and a
20159s lot of those woan are going to be
20160s thinking can I get my Ultimate Off
20163s rather than am I going to be putting my
20165s team into a position which is going to
20167s make it worse off because I mean it it
20171s really is like you said we chance have a
20173s Target painted on that back we'll talk
20174s about that later we're not going to take
20176s away from the fact that it is going to
20177s be sansy walking away with an MVP
20180s there's the setup that we were talking
20181s about Phoenix uh Blast coming through as
20184s well as hepto detect Sky Force as well
20187s so that when you're able to kill someone
20189s your armor is immediately replenished
20191s which is a huge Boom for sustainability
20194s especially in those last games in fact I
20197s would be very unsurprised if we actually
20199s had comms from drg to let sansy get the
20203s last hits onto some of these players so
20205s he's able to replenish that
20208s sustainability on the last hit to
20210s activate and proc that Sky Force
20213s absolutely that kind of thing that that
20215s Min maxing is exactly what separates all
20218s these teams from the rest of the world
20220s you know they they're finding those tiny
20223s tiny things that just make that much of
20225s a difference to give yourself an
20227s advantage over everyone else you know in
20230s these in these kind of lobbies where all
20232s of these teams are so unbelievably
20235s stacked with Incredible players any
20239s advantage can mean the difference and
20241s that being able to do that sort of thing
20244s it's it's what sets you apart but hey
20247s unfortunately fpx Alliance wbg J team
20252s not having the best of days it is what
20255s it is but GG te DG KL a
20261s JL o like literally the entire top six
20264s all played insanely well even though ug
20268s is sitting on 50 points the number of
20270s times that we saw ug doing insanely well
20274s and playing extremely extremely well
20277s it's you can't say that they didn't
20279s perform it incredible I mean GG came 1.6
20282s points away from being from breaking a
20286s record for the most amount of points
20287s picked up in one day true true which is
20291s insane and heartbreaking on another
20292s level so you know you could say that GG
20294s Grove T out of the record breaking but
20297s te also put G in a position where they
20300s had to go incredibly aggressive to
20302s punish on to te and as a result they got
20304s picked apart by teams that came after
20306s them so you know what the universe is
20308s balanced as all things things should be
20311s but speaking about advantages Duncan
20314s speaking about Min maxing all of those
20316s teams on the top end of that leaderboard
20318s they're going to be feeling incredibly
20319s happy and I am concerned for the teams
20321s in the bottom half because some of those
20323s teams have been slated as
20326s inconsistant and that is going to play
20328s against them but speaking of our teams
20330s we have our lovely host on the stage
20332s with one of our players so we'll be
20334s right back after
20338s this hi everyone this is and welcome to
20340s post game interview and now I'm standing
20343s here with Miss Ka and like him say hello
20344s to our audience hello
20352s Miss okay so we saw that in the latest
20355s game and you are using the Takata and a
20358s lot of like audience comment Takata is
20360s now is the strongest hero in the Troll
20363s game so I would like to know how's your
20368s feeling
20388s okay so in my opinion I think this hero
20391s is really strong now in the matches but
20394s however maybe in the ranking it's not so
20396s strong in the ranking but in the match
20398s is a really strong like a teaser Zero
20400s Hero in the matches okay let's move on
20402s to next part answer for
20408s Treasure okay so you guys can see the
20410s question on screen and if you know the
20412s answer just type them in the chat box
20415s after our player County 3 2 1 we will
20419s take a screenshot and the lucky guy will
20421s be whisper so let's see today's question
20424s what is the GG team's total
20428s points
20444s okay so I just ask him how he's feeling
20446s about their performance today and he
20449s just told me he just just so so is not
20452s the best performance for them okay so I
20455s think our players is prepared and let's
20456s start
20458s counting
20463s three two one screenshot okay so let's
20466s find out the correct
20474s answer yes the correct answer is D okay
20478s congratulation because now you guys are
20480s leading the
20487s scoreboard so I have a question is
20489s because you guys today is like getting
20492s the almost 100 points now in the matches
20496s so I would like to know what your
20498s ambition in the Grand Final and how's
20501s you feeling why you still not very
20503s satisfied with your performance
20518s now
20533s so the part I think I'm not as set ofi
20536s be S satisfied is because today like in
20539s the six matches seems like for the two
20543s matches we are not performance very good
20545s and I think because because we have the
20548s MVP in the game five that give us a lot
20551s of points in the matches today and for
20553s the future we still need think we have
20555s to work hard in every matches that's the
20559s way to the success and it's the only way
20561s for us to success
20574s okay okay so I just ask him if they have
20577s the confidence in the Grand Final and
20579s Miss K just told me yes they have the
20582s confidence okay thank you for today's
20584s interview and thank you Miss Ka today
20586s like came to the postgame interview and
20589s we will get back to our
20594s casts wow I I think if there's one way
20596s to establish confidence going into the
20598s finals it's it's definitely putting up
20601s 98.5 points in one day I was so confused
20605s an interview I was like wait GG like
20608s really that they're so humble they're
20609s like okay well yeah we might have been
20611s top of the leaderboard we might have
20612s been able to put all of those points
20614s together but there were still a couple
20615s of games where we could have cleaned up
20618s and you know that they're going to be
20619s working on those games they're going to
20620s go away today happy that they were able
20623s to do so well in game number five but
20625s trying to figure out why they were able
20627s to do so well in game number five and
20630s that that's where all of the V watching
20632s all of the projectors and the the
20634s Whiteboard pens and the fury crafting
20637s that comes into full swing and they have
20639s a lot of time to be able as well to work
20642s out how they're able to take that
20644s success and carry it into all of the
20645s rest of their game so watch out for GG
20648s they they're yet to take away an mvpl
20650s title they're yet to even be able to
20651s take away a world title but you can see
20654s they have done some serious work if you
20657s compare where they were starting off at
20659s the very beginning of this season they
20661s had a couple of problems they were
20662s struggling to be able to find their
20663s footing they were struggling to be able
20665s to build up that Synergy look at where
20667s they are now Duncan they are one of the
20668s strongest if not the strongest team in
20671s the region
20672s currently no absolutely they are playing
20675s insanely well they the that kind of
20678s attitude that that MSA expressed in that
20681s interview just goes to show the kind of
20684s attitude that you need to have to be
20686s successful in this kind of environment
20688s you need to not let you need to figure
20692s out why things go well you need to
20694s figure out why things go poorly and you
20696s always have to stay humble because it
20699s it's obviously like it some people might
20701s meme it they say like oh this guy's this
20705s guy's humble when he just did he just he
20708s just put up a 98 Point day you know like
20711s this guy's trolling right but at the end
20713s of the day you have to be humble because
20717s if you're not
20718s humble then it kind of just creates this
20721s mentality whether or not you want to
20723s have it or you think you have it that
20726s you feel as though you don't have more
20728s to learn and there's always more to
20731s learn so much so so much there's always
20735s more to improve there's always more to
20736s fine tune and practice Etc there's
20741s attaining Perfection is a lifelong
20744s journey and it's something that you will
20746s never achieve most likely it's not
20749s something that's possible Perfection is
20751s not
20752s possible it's some people like to to the
20755s extent that people have talked about
20757s perfection or some something being
20760s perfect because of its imperfections
20763s like Perfection itself is unattainable
20766s and to be humble and to be constantly
20768s trying to improve yourself and to see
20771s where you can do better is what makes
20776s teams perform so well you know they when
20779s they they don't just watch their own
20781s gameplay they watch other people's game
20783s they see what other people are doing
20785s well and see if they can improve
20787s themselves everything and this is
20789s something that isn't just about Nora
20792s chat this is like this is something that
20794s you will see throughout your entire life
20797s no matter what you do this is something
20799s that realistically I recommend that
20801s everyone carries forward because it's
20805s always going to make you feel better
20808s when you do succeed and then always
20811s looking forwards never sit in one place
20814s never be happy with one goal always keep
20818s setting self goals because that's how
20820s you grow and uh hey I'm getting a bit
20823s off track here but uh Hey holy moly GG
20828s for GG
20830s baby and that's a I had to call it at
20834s the end I had to say it
20836s again um but yes that is that is it
20840s sadly that is going to be it for today
20843s we're looking currently at what next
20845s week is going to look like we have night
20850s Sun Well Firefly no Firefly no firefly
20853s firefly firefly no Firefly I think this
20855s is exactly the same the same it's it's
20857s the same same yeah it's the same as
20859s we've had today and yesterday for the
20861s solo and Trio finals going to be having
20863s the same format next weekend three and
20866s three split I think three and three is
20867s obviously nice I prefer four and two
20870s Firefly sided obviously you know
20873s me but uh three and three is obviously
20876s good because it it it gives all team te
20879s an opportunity to play to their
20880s strengths certain teams perform better
20883s on Firefly certain teams perform better
20885s on daytime Maps it's a lot of teams play
20888s around this aspect of the game and it
20891s adds a lot more depth to it but uh we're
20894s going to have to wait a decent amount of
20896s time sadly there's going to be no nraa
20899s pro league on Thursday or Friday we're
20902s going to have to wait until Saturday
20904s Sunday to get that that juicy nraa Pro
20908s fixed we though it's 100% worth it cuz
20911s Duncan there's there's there's no more
20913s pre-finals there's just the grand finals
20916s with a capital G and a capital f and oh
20919s solo is going to be so interesting
20921s spider is currently leading the pack but
20924s Mike is very much hot on his heels and
20927s you have to remember spider came into
20928s mvpl last year walked away with the
20931s title that season then went to Worlds
20933s won the worlds title Mike came back to
20936s mvpl season one of 202 fre walks away
20941s with the win and both spider and Mike
20944s it's just constantly being a seaa of
20947s power between these two all season long
20950s and what I absolutely adore about it is
20953s that like there's not like a lot of
20956s compet competitive nature behind them
20958s like they're not really beaming each
20959s other or or not getting along I think my
20962s favorite moment of the entire season for
20965s mvpl was when we saw the L not the lcq
20969s the preal from solos yesterday and
20972s spider and Mike are sat next to each
20974s other on stage and after every single
20976s game they're just smiling at each other
20978s and laughing and playing around because
20981s they both know each other's play style
20983s inside and out so that when spider goost
20985s replay Mike Grieves him and vice versa
20989s and every single time after every single
20990s match they're like oh you you were that
20993s cha you were that Z ping you interrupted
20996s me you got me killed or like I was to
20999s win that one versus one and I can't
21001s believe you decided to actually confirm
21003s into that uppercut which it meant that I
21005s was able to just take full advantage of
21006s the window and come in with my gold
21008s Focus combo breaker to be able to break
21010s you into a combo extension with a
21011s grapple into a deor ultimate activation
21014s into a fur and shelf which is something
21015s that spider did yesterday if if you
21017s don't know what I'm talking spider had
21019s the best best toor Ultimate combo string
21022s I have seen in a very very long time and
21025s that and more is what you have to look
21027s forward to when we head into Grand f fin
21029s next week because if you think they
21030s played well yesterday you know you know
21033s they're saving so much so much to be
21036s able to come in with that careful
21037s surprise strategy in Grand finals but
21040s like Duncan said sadly there's no n on
21043s Thursday there's no n on Friday you have
21045s to wait till Saturday but I guarantee
21046s you it'll be worth the wait and that I
21049s believe Duncan is that time done so I
21051s have been Moxy it is indeed I've been
21053s joined by the wonderful I'm I'm it's
21056s taken me all season and I'm still
21057s getting the direction
21059s I've been joined by the wonderful Duncan
21061s Donuts it's been an absolute pleasure to
21064s get to bring you nraa blade Point Pro
21066s leue and we'll be signing off until next
21068s week see you chat take
21087s care
21117s your
21147s for
21177s fore
21207s down