Transcript (by Youtube)

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1291s [Music]
1297s [Music]
1324s [Music]
1339s [Music]
1362s h
1370s [Music]
1413s [Music]
1422s last night they sacrificed another
1428s Soul even the dead tremble before them
1439s the manifestations and ghostly
1445s [Music]
1454s Tales wolf-headed greeters of The
1458s Departed
1475s underworld rers with dark wings of the
1480s Abyss
1499s the judges who decide over life and
1513s death hellish beend their sides reaping
1517s Crimson paths
1525s [Music]
1539s [Music]
1542s beware for the Lords of Soul
1546s stir you ready for a show
1551s [Music]
1587s [Music]
1621s what
1642s [Music]
1648s oh
1651s [Music]
1658s [Music]
1674s [Music]
1693s [Music]
1738s ni
1765s [Music]
1767s [Applause]
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1809s oh
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1837s [Applause]
1857s oh
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1875s w
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1932s a
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1948s w
1950s [Music]
1950s [Applause]
1961s [Music]
2008s [Music]
2013s [Music]
2017s get
2088s [Music]
2115s [Applause]
2123s [Music]
2128s light blade Knows No
2133s Mercy few or many you will die all the
2144s same tired of the leave it to
2154s me light blade knows no mercy
2160s you shouldn't have come here
2163s [Music]
2173s [Music]
2177s [Applause]
2182s [Music]
2204s [Music]
2216s oh
2231s oh
2272s oh
2281s [Music]
2294s [Music]
2297s sh no look
2304s [Music]
2338s oh
2353s [Music]
2366s [Music]
2370s yes
2375s [Applause]
2378s [Music]
2398s oh
2421s [Applause]
2424s [Music]
2425s [Applause]
2435s [Music]
2487s oh
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2521s [Applause]
2522s [Music]
2525s [Applause]
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2593s w
2648s [Music]
2671s [Music]
2681s [Music]
2717s [Music]
2787s sh
2807s [Music]
2843s h
2861s last night they sacrificed another
2866s Soul even the dead tremble before them
2877s the manifestations and ghostly
2883s [Music]
2893s Tales wolf-headed greeters of The
2896s Departed
2914s underworld rulers with dark wings of the
2933s Abyss the judges who decide over life
2937s and
2947s death hellish fiends their sides reaping
2952s Crimson paths
2960s [Music]
2974s [Music]
2976s beware for the Lords of Soul
2981s stir be ready for a show
2986s [Music]
3022s [Music]
3056s what a
3076s [Music]
3087s oh
3092s [Music]
3109s [Music]
3128s [Music]
3218s [Music]
3280s [Music]
3283s oh
3285s [Music]
3297s a
3301s [Music]
3301s [Applause]
3312s [Music]
3327s [Music]
3335s [Applause]
3337s [Music]
3341s w
3343s [Music]
3352s [Music]
3381s [Music]
3386s oh
3390s [Music]
3399s [Applause]
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3405s [Applause]
3418s I
3436s [Music]
3451s h
3459s [Music]
3477s a
3502s [Music]
3511s [Music]
3522s [Music]
3526s no look
3532s [Music]
3538s oh
3581s [Music]
3594s [Music]
3596s a
3603s [Applause]
3606s [Music]
3649s [Applause]
3652s [Music]
3653s [Applause]
3660s [Music]
3680s [Music]
3721s [Music]
3744s [Music]
3749s [Applause]
3750s [Music]
3753s [Applause]
3756s [Music]
3763s last night they sacrificed another
3769s Soul even the dead tremble before them
3780s the manifestations and ghostly
3786s [Music]
3796s Tales wolf-headed greeters of The
3799s Departed
3817s underworld rulers with dark wings of the
3821s Abyss
3833s [Music]
3841s the judges who decide over life and
3854s death hellish fiends their sides reaping
3859s Crimson paths
3866s [Music]
3881s [Music]
3883s beware for the Lords of Soul
3888s stir you ready for a show
3893s [Music]
3928s [Music]
3962s what
3983s [Music]
3986s a
3988s [Music]
3999s [Music]
4015s [Music]
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4051s n
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4079s [Music]
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4118s [Music]
4136s ladies and gentlemen good evening good
4138s afternoon and good morning for un blo
4140s players my name is
4141s sario with C8 we got creatives here
4144s through and guys listen today is the day
4148s last ends me last chance qualifiers this
4151s is essentially Gamers United energy
4152s today guys we have a lot of PL uh
4154s platforms to be coming through here
4156s between twitch YouTube and I believe
4157s even Tik Tok to the extent we got to
4158s double check that one but we have to
4160s keep you guys in stated because today is
4162s the final day of the Season where
4164s whoever makes it past Point C8 they're
4167s going to be able to play into the finals
4168s for the season of summer seasons of 2024
4170s in rocket blade Point pro league yeah I
4173s mean and being the last split of the
4175s year I mean you definitely want to make
4177s it to the Grand finals um this time
4179s around for the summer split once again
4181s like s just mentioned this is the last
4183s chance qualifiers for these teams to try
4185s to make it uh we're here with trios you
4187s know I haven't casted trios in a long
4189s time for the pro league but you know I'm
4191s here to overcome the B I'm here excited
4193s with everybody here um especially with
4195s serve we are going to be watching these
4196s games being played out once again and
4198s you know there's a lot to talk about as
4199s well sario they are on that new patch
4201s but just before that we're going to talk
4202s about the twitch shops as always we
4204s always have those lives and right now
4206s for the last chance qualifiers you do
4208s have a chance to get that Champions
4209s bubble uh choice of the emote so make
4212s sure you guys stick around for the
4213s minute 20 and as always the daily drops
4215s there with the silk uh the Tay and the
4217s vation tri gift there for uh the skin
4220s trials that you guys are are always
4222s known to get here for the KN BL Point
4224s pro league you know you know we don't
4226s have not for that but everybody at home
4228s that is live right now the champion
4229s bubbles if you guys are interested in
4230s that but yeah sario I mean yeah I mean
4233s you know they're on the new patch right
4235s now the new patch hit um big changes in
4238s the patch right now um hottie being you
4240s know the the topic right now how's been
4242s changed uh but let's talk about the
4244s standings we have a lot to talk about
4246s but first thing we talk about is the
4247s standings right now uh take it away with
4249s the standings yeah of course we got to
4251s take a look at the scene about who we
4252s have here reposed points are taken from
4254s The Valleys of these teams throughout
4255s the course of their play Styles and
4257s getting those ranking points and now it
4258s is going to Showcase drg has to pack in
4260s the lead with the amount of proposed
4262s points they have making it seemed that
4264s in the grand total scheme of 18 teams
4266s they were seventh they were on that
4268s cutting block and they got cut but they
4270s still got a chance OG here in second
4272s 23.7 ASC with 20.8 killing it out here
4274s X1 18.9 killing it last week almost
4277s making it they made match point in three
4279s rounds but they weren't able to concur
4281s victory for that wbg has 17.5 and fth
4283s and fpx zq that's going to be 16.1 one
4286s and this is where we're going to have
4287s the value of points to be made for the
4289s players I mean look at this right we're
4291s looking at this patch though that just
4293s change up the potential you know flow of
4296s things for examples that we can you know
4298s go off and on and we might have a way of
4300s showcasing those to you on the screen
4302s later on we'll have to double check and
4303s see but for these teams last chance here
4306s for them to actually uh you know to
4309s congratulate them to make it to top 12
4310s finals and that's only to the case if
4312s the bottom six teams don't make it right
4314s most chances are going to lead that them
4316s going towards Mainland qualifiers not to
4318s exclude any of the other teams but
4320s that's a guarantee of where they need to
4321s make sure that when they play into the
4323s mainland qualifiers they' have to make
4325s it happen to make Jak cup and for the
4327s values of practice that comes out I mean
4330s listen you guys know about the patch
4331s that came through here in the 17th of
4332s set up October this patch came out where
4335s it just threw everything out in terms of
4338s what people usually expected especially
4341s for trios especially for trios when the
4342s season 14 dropped we had a whole bunch
4344s of changes between the spear Wells being
4346s placed out seeing white Tiger's prowess
4348s get gutted for a little bit for what
4350s it's worthwh valy was and then seeing
4352s the changes of Draco storm being added
4354s on right and that was the last patch but
4356s we have to look in terms of where that's
4358s going to stand in ter the map selections
4359s if they show up into those endgame
4361s circles pedora is going to be our first
4362s map running through here morning de so
4363s that's not going to be a firefly it's
4365s going to be three daytime Maps into
4367s three nighttime maps with with morning
4369s de pedor hollo Sunny Morris Al midday
4371s hollo dusk Morris is night pedor
4373s midnight that's our rotation for today
4375s and how the game is going to go and this
4377s is good a chance right the cc8 where
4379s these players and these teams
4380s specifically what their rotation is this
4383s is last chance qualifiers but on the new
4384s patch the testing grounds from here on
4386s is from a six round uh from a six round
4389s game set towards an eight game set when
4391s it comes down to Grand finals but they
4392s still got pre-finals to look towards
4394s when they go up against their peers uh
4396s this upcoming weekend yeah and then for
4398s the trailers right now we back on the
4400s Nostalgia for me especially because we
4402s got the you know the the the daytime
4404s games for the first three and then we go
4406s right into those heavy hitter matches
4408s there for the last three games of the
4409s day with the Firefly map spawns as we
4412s saw our schedule now taking a look at
4414s you know the players ready up post it up
4416s for the matches for today but yeah sario
4419s I mean yeah I mean let's go ahead and
4421s get right into it like we were going to
4422s mention right before this um the hottie
4424s right the hottie hotti keelin and the
4427s crew meina mix is it's since the Keeling
4430s got released that comp was just super
4433s strong I mean right before that we had
4435s the zy comp coming in and you know
4437s pretty much a lot of teams starting
4439s shifting away from the siphon and and
4441s and you know trying to prioritize the zy
4444s comp um with her being in the mix but as
4447s soon as kelan dropped the kelen uh the
4449s Ken H comp just came in uh they saw the
4452s potential and it it exceeded everybody's
4454s potential uh and how strong it was uh
4457s but now I mean with this patch
4460s alone I personally don't know if we're
4463s going to see it uh I know we were
4464s talking a little bit right before the
4466s show on your thoughts on the comp so I'm
4468s very curious to see how these teams are
4470s going to approach this big change now um
4474s what what do you what do you feel like
4475s do you do you still think we're going to
4476s have the Killing In the Mix I know you
4478s were saying you do think we're going to
4479s be having him with potentially a BDA
4482s yeah no so it's good thing you brought
4484s it up too so I was say in around two we
4486s might see in between two to three rounds
4487s I honestly might think seeing it between
4489s all six rounds at least once I think
4491s some teams might want to see its Valley
4493s still be brought up it's still a
4494s powerful comp because of this
4495s disengagement alone is essentially
4497s having another wuen on your team right
4498s looking at a wuen how he operates where
4500s he's giving the team a full Escape value
4502s same thing applies where it's still
4504s going to be 100% old nearly not really
4506s 100% old but the fact that you have that
4508s 15-second rage deficit time where you
4509s can't build rage back up that's where
4511s the Lev te gets gutted completely but
4513s one thing that happens is that this
4515s disengagement could be the most value in
4517s any team comp period and this comes out
4519s before rumy this definitely comes into
4521s Ry just because then you have to really
4523s be considerate about how you're going to
4524s be able to utilize your hot's uh you
4526s know usage rate of just being able to
4528s have ultimate for the second time it may
4530s not come as soon as it once was but
4531s you're going to be building up rage
4532s regardless by the course of time since
4534s that ryang change of time or extended
4536s out the players are going to be going
4538s ahead and still fighting out scrap offs
4540s are going to happen regardless it's just
4541s how soon can that ultimate come back
4543s just in the nick of time and that's
4544s usually the case that happens in Ran
4546s especially when these big bulky you know
4548s Berserker type comps s siip and zyphon
4550s when they come through and they all they
4551s ow off rip and then you see them have
4552s the ultimate again that's just because
4553s of teer pressure that comes out
4554s afterwards and for those comps to still
4556s be in the mix I still think kelen uh you
4559s know with the keelen with the hottie
4560s with the ziping that could still be a
4562s viable option but more importantly if
4564s we're going to see mixups we've seen
4567s hotti actually get swapped out for vda
4568s sometimes in certain scrims and how the
4571s players were able to operate with her
4572s before the thing is is that now that vda
4575s has this change even in this patch I
4576s know if you guys recognize it or not she
4578s has F1 usage where she was able to be
4581s gold Focus immune I don't think players
4582s are still going to be using F1 in trios
4584s but if they do it is going to be
4586s something where the person that's get
4587s caught in the bubble cannot be grappled
4589s in trios that's a that's a grief that
4590s happens people unintentionally grapple
4592s your Target on the bubble you don't even
4593s like bro what what did you do right but
4595s it's not their fault it's just quick you
4596s didn't think they get the bubble you
4597s know they didn't know they're going to
4599s Triple do tap Dodge in that direction
4601s you know coming out of there the
4602s anticipation you're big brain and all of
4603s a sudden you look at your you look at
4604s your team like dang man you got that
4606s sleep cut you look bald out there and
4608s then comes out things come out here for
4611s the players where if they decide to
4613s bring vola into the mix right that's
4614s another hero that can kind of off the
4616s syation of just working into hero points
4618s and just having those values of having a
4620s filler pick cuz you seen Matari being
4622s swapped out here for with a matar tanhai
4625s a zai a or with a fairy shed in the comp
4628s with a vda and the only problem that
4630s comes out of vda is her biggest counter
4632s which is tamy I feel tamy then comes
4634s into full swing when we get back into
4636s the uh back into scene her potential in
4638s trios he can singlehandedly grief her
4642s even with a B3 that we've seen more
4644s often the 12C duration UL but he
4646s controls that whole entire field of play
4648s where she can't throw a spear to save
4649s your teammate for their life but then
4651s again we have Draco storm to the Spells
4654s and that's another thing that can really
4656s set up what these teams really want to
4657s run in terms of their comp
4659s selection yeah I mean in every single
4661s time we getting these teams right now on
4663s the screen we're just seeing the zon
4664s being presented cuz I mean I like like I
4667s just mentioned before I mean right
4669s before the killing drop that was I I
4671s would say basically the main damage comp
4675s where these teams were pop off um
4677s obviously the siphon comp the the OG
4679s Tami uh teada always in the mix still um
4683s but that's you know that that's been in
4685s the in in in these comps for so long uh
4688s so I'm still going to be looking out to
4690s see uh how these teams are going going
4692s to work around this change now to the
4695s kein and hottie um yeah I mean we did
4698s Had A variation where they were playing
4701s uh some of the other regions were
4702s playing a Matari uh with that comp in um
4706s in plays uh I'm not sure if that's
4708s something we're going to be seeing today
4710s but man it's going to be very
4711s interesting to see how these teams
4713s approach this last chance qualifier and
4715s I mean it it it is such a you know so
4717s much so much pressure for these teams
4719s for this last chance qualifier to make
4720s it and now while this patch hits you
4723s know it could come you know it could
4725s help a lot of teams or it could you know
4727s destroy a lot of teams as well so we're
4729s going to have to wait and see uh the top
4731s six that are able to qualify to the
4734s Grand or we should say the pre-finals
4736s that are this this weekend um and right
4738s after that you know the pre-finals all
4740s these teams want to get as many points
4742s as they can to able to transfer those
4744s points on over to the Grand finals for
4746s the last split and then right after that
4748s we're going into our Mainland qualifiers
4750s for jup which is always excited I mean
4753s who is not excited for Jakob it's always
4755s a crazy year of nraa and you know what
4758s what do B do it here then you know here
4759s in Blade point the official
4762s site make sure you guys if you guys AR
4764s on YouTube I'm let y'all know right now
4766s swap on over to Twitch for those answer
4768s for Treasures if you want to have a
4769s chance to win a a special gift box here
4773s from the rocket blade Point as always
4775s wow everybody's locked in right now in
4777s the trios this is a whole different
4779s demon here sario I'm always used to the
4782s solos but right now in the TRS is a
4783s whole different ball game these players
4785s are locked in in a whole different
4787s dimension with you know especially from
4789s talents um you know I mean just the
4792s obvious of comps how they approach
4793s things everything so much different here
4796s for the trios opposed to the solos so
4798s you know for me I always love seeing
4800s these trios uh I'm excited to be able to
4802s cast this here with the last chance
4804s qualifiers cuz you know this is where
4805s the pressure is on for a lot of teams
4807s yeah and I think one thing we have to
4809s look at towards is the fact that if they
4811s even think about wanting to experiment
4813s like you said it could really kill it it
4815s could kill their flow if it doesn't work
4817s as they hope for because like you said
4818s barari being swapped in here for for a
4820s comp pick is one thing right we can even
4822s see Matari the zon kind of be picked
4825s part piece by piece where where we see Z
4828s also gets followed through with a Ken
4829s high of the nature sometimes even with
4831s the fairy Shen but for that value if
4834s they don't pop off with it they just use
4836s a single use and they only have one more
4837s until it's uh until it starts to cost
4839s points to choose that hero selection so
4842s usually the the coach has got that on
4843s standby you saw the notebooks you saw
4845s the graphs you saw the charts they pull
4846s out the P graph and you the perfect
4848s circle like wow how'd you do that you
4849s know or everything came uh choosing out
4852s for the first round selection X1 will
4853s take this and I think that's a team
4854s that's going to kill it out here for
4855s this week or for today at least to kind
4858s of work off what we saw in the last
4860s finals where they got match point and
4862s Three Points no like it's just crazy
4864s that we saw it again where three matches
4866s in Match Point earns out but I want to
4870s make sure you guys understand right we
4872s said this once we said this twice and we
4874s went a conversation about it the whole
4875s time the new patch is in play so whether
4878s or not there's going to be a chance for
4880s these guys to really switch out their
4882s comp picks it's going to be up to the
4884s case you're going to see the news skin
4885s we're going to see the new K skin that's
4886s a given know yeah we saw the the fits
4889s for the Halloween com coming through
4890s here for this patch and so if you guys
4892s you know want to see that in action on
4894s the pro league stage you're going to get
4895s that you're going to get that
4897s but I really want to see if there are
4900s going to be any Shenanigans I know that
4902s the multipliers changes for nunchucks
4904s has made some sort of changes for how
4905s the players want to kind of operate off
4907s of that I know for a fact that when it
4908s came down to the katana having faster
4910s frames for those blue focuses for the
4912s thunder strike move man let me tell you
4913s something I was I saw that night Day
4915s post patch I was like bro this thing is
4917s too quick and so players are using that
4919s in trios even more often just to try to
4921s confirm a single you know frame frames
4923s Advantage when it comes down to it
4925s compared to where it was before Kat has
4927s better value now for the teams just to
4929s hold it down in place and it's kind of
4931s the case scenario where you see these
4932s players use Hong sword definitely saw
4934s Hong sword usage but first thing that we
4936s saw change was that Hong sword's
4937s vertical got nerfed and then Katana
4938s vertical got buffed now we have the
4941s faster frame action to come out and for
4943s Katana to have that to be now instead
4946s can come out into the circulation the
4947s weapon selection Soul slash got that
4948s buff too so it's even better for catch
4951s people in a in a blender for the pul
4952s sword just follow up with or even with
4953s the spear rmbs to follow through but
4955s with the fist blades Nerf kind of going
4957s to be more about that react Parry
4958s timings that we've seen before we've
4959s seen how players are able to react to
4961s when those blue focuses are going to
4962s come out and now that the fist blades
4964s Shadow step which is called you know
4965s when you go when you guys uh look into
4967s the moves like what does you mean Shadow
4968s step you know wild sweep is when you
4969s dodge when you're holding the blue focus
4970s and you shift and you keep dodging back
4972s and forth when you're releasing that
4973s blue that's called that wild sweep move
4975s where you are able to see that the react
4978s fa time is going to be a lot more strict
4980s so players are going to try to drop down
4982s blue maybe who knows kin's love doing
4984s that we saw lyd do that more times than
4986s that can count but more times that more
4989s times that it comes out to be
4990s anticipated as the other thing now since
4992s we have omnidirectional parries the only
4994s thing that's going to give a guaranteed
4995s blue Focus hit is if they hit him right
4997s on top of the head right where they
4998s aren't able to catch that 360 Parry
5001s around them on that plane disc they have
5003s to make sure they can try to hit them
5004s with that strike off the forehead or you
5006s know worst case scenario they land on
5007s their forehead and they don't hit
5008s anything you know we've seen that happen
5009s once or twice so for the players seeing
5013s how their play Styles evolve this patch
5015s bringing out those new changes the play
5018s Styles opportunity to be struck again
5019s and strike gold when they can get a pop
5021s off game that's what they're looking for
5023s they're looking to try to get as much as
5024s they can earn in a short amount of time
5026s so that way they can just slow roll it
5027s forever on otherwise it's a slow roll to
5030s end game where we have seven eight teams
5031s left alive and they're contesting all
5033s for one spear well potentially into
5035s these games
5036s today a quick little Shout Out To The
5038s King The King yeah I remember the king
5041s the king you guys not aware the King
5042s used to play in solos he used to compete
5044s in solos uh over some time now I think
5047s over a year now he used to play in solos
5048s then he swapped on over to fully just
5050s playing in Trio so you know it's nice to
5052s see the man play once again the king uh
5055s always I always remember him cuz you
5057s know the name the king how how can you
5059s forget the name the king but yeah
5060s omnidirectional Perry that's another
5063s thing right there like s mentioned like
5065s in solos you know you you're kind of
5067s sometimes you're lucky you get a double
5069s pair you know from a third party action
5070s or whatever but right here in the trios
5072s you're you're bound to see that a lot
5074s more than you are in the solo so I'm
5076s very very excited to see some
5079s omnidirectional par potential of triple
5081s Perry off that off that crazy animation
5084s uh with the sound effects as well it's
5086s going to be it's going to be very
5087s interesting to see that in play today uh
5090s or being showcased today I should say
5092s but yeah I mean team's just winning this
5095s out man got me nervous over here
5097s thinking how you know how the coms are
5100s still I'm still thinking in my head
5101s how's how's it going to be played out
5102s you know are we still going to be able
5104s to see The Killing In the Mix yeah the
5107s killing as well with the change we I
5109s don't think we talked about more about
5110s the keing changes um oh yeah we just
5113s been you know pretty much focused more
5115s on the hotties uh the hottie there
5117s because I mean that was the whole play
5119s style with the hottie right you go in
5120s your team engages uh you drop down that
5122s Cube you cancel o you try to build that
5124s rage up
5125s and you know just keep it going off of
5127s that and then off of the second time you
5129s ought you pretty much just stay in there
5131s most of the time if you're hottie um and
5133s then you just try to Output more damage
5135s and then that's the second Cube up right
5137s but now you know with the change uh
5139s you're kind of just more of a Allin um
5142s engagement there with the hottie opposed
5144s to you having that full reset and being
5147s able to double F out with a with two
5150s cubes in play instead of one now that I
5152s you know I it's just going to be rough
5154s it's going to be rough and with the
5156s keing as well um me and S we talking
5159s about this off stream as well just being
5161s able to have that Nerf off those those
5164s single slashes off the ultimate it it
5167s that's where a lot of the damage came
5168s with the juggles um here we go our first
5170s round of picks we're are getting them
5172s live now here a siphon for jdg which is
5175s not a surprise this comp is always going
5177s to be I mean as of right now I would say
5179s it's always going to be in the mix as
5180s well as the zhon comp um two standard
5183s comps I mean know this is this is
5185s nothing new uh from from what I've uh
5188s anticipated for the first round
5190s selections but now this is where we're
5191s going to start getting a little bit more
5193s you know techy with it where these teams
5194s are going to want to you know see what
5196s they're going to choose here for the
5197s first round picks of game number one
5200s yeah and this is something I was talking
5201s about with you before bve Viper R Testa
5203s they're running that thing into second
5204s round frame one ASC is as well going to
5206s be rocking that through zph going to be
5208s brought out from ewg now there's going
5210s to be a plus one ban or in terms of a
5212s plus one hero Point usage because of
5213s that uh K ban but then you're going to
5215s see ziping swapped for wbg this is where
5217s I think they're going to be looking to
5218s swap out those two Heroes into other
5220s coms 521 last round selection with fpx
5222s with ug with te this is going to be a
5224s Viper wit and Tessa since there is no
5226s point bands on viper wit and Tessa we
5227s can see a monop pick pull here and
5228s that's going to be possibly the case 521
5231s opting in for the sand Sion two point
5232s ban because of that KY being picked out
5234s uh five times in the last two phases so
5237s that's going to be where 521 investing
5238s two points I I have a certain type of
5241s feeling about that you know because uh
5243s having to invested two points off rip
5245s can kind of throw off if you need to
5247s really work this out this is last chance
5249s qualifiers the time to experiment is
5252s it's it's fin night you can do so much
5254s with it but if you're going to be
5254s investing up those two hero points you
5256s can still rock into playing the her
5257s character another round as long as it's
5259s a one maybe even with onepoint band but
5261s after that you're going to have to
5261s really rotate your hero selections
5263s especially when you're rotating between
5264s first second and round uh phases later
5266s on and they have round two to have their
5268s first round selection to be made
5271s but still no kot Ying whatsoever we
5274s didn't see nothing we didn't crazy right
5276s so keing no hottie there's a zipping but
5280s she ain't in that comp right there's not
5281s that selected comp is not here for this
5283s first round we could see it night time
5285s right it could be more so where they use
5287s the the hottie for the rage aspect pick
5288s up Soul blooms pick up fireflies
5291s potential right because he doesn't build
5292s up rage at 15 seconds but like you said
5294s Helen's damage there for those one point
5295s of slashes we saw in solos when I saw V1
5297s I was like yeah I see a lot of players
5298s like say wow what are you using V1 you
5300s know because V1 is uh the crimin the
5302s creme for when it comes down to 1.0
5304s slashes it's still has that same
5305s multiplier from the baseline from V2
5306s before this patch now F2 for teada is
5311s something I want to see we seen him
5313s perform dramatically in teams yeah F2 uh
5318s but I'm seeing this is going to be going
5319s to be an F1 from JD g26 he's going to be
5321s rocking that one no strange things here
5323s I didn't take a look in the scene if
5325s whether or not we have anything else I
5326s think have3 V1 Viper is a definit staple
5329s now coming uh coming into the field of
5331s play we're not going to probably see
5332s that change up unless we see a change in
5334s in term of the play styles that might
5336s just dictate how the Vipers want to
5338s operate we've seen the Viper being
5340s switched up for skills all three for
5341s skills V3 F2 from te now this is an old
5345s this is an old I like the F2 V3 I love
5347s it I love seeing that and the reason for
5349s that is because it's a full lockdown no
5350s abilities be thrown out if no players
5352s are able to throw out abilities and that
5354s works out in your favor especially if it
5355s comes down from like raris if it comes
5357s down from uh from teas and even to the
5359s case scar of karumi if you can try to
5361s delete on karumi she can't get the
5362s healing Circle off she can get any sort
5363s of tether if she's into tether formation
5365s she has to use a grapple to get out of
5366s it that's the only option she has on the
5368s table which then locks her in animation
5370s to get staggered but our map rotation
5371s show out here a lot of players in AO
5373s Peak here but we see two players two
5375s teams inside of Imperium now over to the
5377s Mandate Courtyard or to the Imperial
5378s camp we got fpx we got three teams here
5380s as well as ewg spawning out but inside
5382s ofum wbg ASC going to be contesting this
5385s AO PE going to have drg ss1 and if I'm
5387s not mistaken that is O ooh I can't even
5389s see The Medallion behind that we're
5390s going to have to double that one but 521
5392s in the distance there jdg probably
5394s opting in for Arcadia try to drop that
5396s off the rip down remember guys there is
5398s no fireflies X1 and ug they're inside
5400s the skygaze Cove they're going to be try
5402s to get as much as that extra loot given
5404s from those from the lava conductor
5406s protection process of just getting those
5408s dials and activating because they're
5409s going to be to dial in 911 yeah what's
5411s my emergency yeah these guys are filthy
5413s bro cuz this is going to be game one
5415s last chance qualifiers coming through
5418s here right name is sario with creatives
5420s we're starting off here with a bang
5422s hopefully and if not it's going to be a
5423s quell in to the fights but it looks like
5425s this is going to be the opposite ends
5426s here CA yeah I mean look at this
5428s congestion of players and teams here I
5430s should say drg already trying to seeking
5434s to get some of this piece of this action
5436s do have te as well in the same area ss1
5440s I mean this is so many players te still
5442s trying to loot up currently ss1 as well
5445s might want to try to get aggressive onto
5447s one of these teams 521 in the back end
5449s as well might get contested here by ss1
5452s we do see Rosemary still trying to back
5454s on up I mean we do have the action now
5457s happening in the center of the map asz
5459s now the F invested there from the in the
5461s back and we do have Walker now is going
5463s to go ahead and catch the prow here got
5464s the 1.0 here and the TR big damage there
5467s on to the Viper there for ASE and now we
5470s do have the Viper the Tes ultimate
5471s called in as well J with a massive parry
5473s and he's going to pick up elimination
5474s there on to one the asc's members yeah I
5476s kind of clued in here with asc's
5478s performance and I think they're going to
5479s have a chance of making that top six
5480s Mark I'm going to knock on with before I
5482s say that because wbg losing out aot
5484s losing out the zipping all going to come
5485s down to offensive pressure they got
5487s themselves to go through hopefully to
5489s see that blue Focus come out Sleep
5490s Walker finds a hit Jan goes down here
5492s it's going to be a Sol pick up for S
5493s walk to go up against One V one against
5494s a test now there's going to be a chance
5495s for ultimate to negate that pressure
5496s from the Testa V1 coming out for that
5498s knock up the gold Focus are double
5500s dashed off here F2 avoided double tap it
5503s might be looking for a two point0
5504s release Here gets double tapped on here
5505s V2 doesn't capture that test Sleepwalker
5507s is going to go for the on direction to
5509s deny the clinks number two and looking
5510s at salker catching it out here one two
5512s looking for the three he gets it that's
5514s eliminations where the team has salty
5515s rest but they already Gucci but you're
5517s going to see ASC looking for that salty
5518s run back here CA wow he got the F3 there
5521s on to Walker he is going to get that big
5523s damage there onto the zah but the Z
5525s Ultimate still up here for just a couple
5526s more seconds with 46% back on that rage
5528s these ultimates coming back quickly
5530s though we got asc's Viper coming back
5532s back in hot with the Army follow up
5534s there onto Walker and Walker's going to
5535s fall off it is J now is going to go
5537s ahead and invest this Viper ultimate
5539s trying to look for a stun here onto one
5540s of wbgs member this time around he does
5542s manage to go through the window though
5544s and there's not going to be no value off
5546s of that Viper ultimate and now it looks
5548s like he's going to go ahead and continue
5549s the aggression onto Jing here he does
5551s manage to get the damage now all three
5552s party members showing up as well do have
5554s a PA happening in the back in now PA hit
5556s from there onto the matar and the
5558s matar is going to fall we do have a
5559s testment there on the back end there
5561s onto the remaining member of ASC trying
5564s to say up wbg is going to be wiped out
5566s here from ASC and that's a two piece I
5568s believe there for AC they are going to
5570s be starting off hot here for game number
5571s one five eliminations taking it around 7
5574s 18K gold this is going to be a good
5576s chance for them to find the gear before
5577s that Circle starts to collapse jdg
5579s taking into the fir cage though this is
5580s going to be way through they got the
5581s vulpin essence they're locked in they
5583s got a gold purple fan on TK right now
5586s and taken into Supply pools obviously
5588s they prioritize getting those Thunder
5589s coins opted in for the J at frame one
5592s and now they're going to be just going
5593s ahead rotating into possibly Imperium
5594s they're actually no spring Enclave
5596s they're going to moaz Terrace and
5597s they're going to be making sure that
5598s they're set up before ryang I mean one
5600s purple fan might be all you need ancient
5602s sake though has 521 te contesting this
5605s is going to be 14 from te having a
5606s purple armor purple grade sword but
5608s another purple armor has been picked up
5610s te is now stacked for the mitigation
5611s Factor Leo having that chance of just
5612s being able to use his combo breaker gets
5614s the team out here it's going to be a
5615s chance te14 making himself to go through
5618s and making sure he can kind of work off
5620s of just getting a grapple tagger because
5621s with this coming out here see I think
5623s it's going to be a good engagement if
5624s they can guarantee it because it's V3 F2
5626s remember from te squadmate from the
5628s Viper yeah we do have the W and Viper
5631s Tesla comp here for Te in the back end
5633s Tesa ultimate is already going to
5634s connect there onto a com we do see him
5637s with the tether now the for uh
5639s everybody's going to force out the teada
5641s here big parad from pampy he is going to
5643s have the F to stay safe there for the
5644s time being now the te ultimate is going
5646s to call in Viper ultimate here from te
5648s this is the V3 that s was happy to see
5651s here earlier we do see the aggression
5653s there onto pampy they do catch the
5654s dragon slayer but now Yin in the back in
5656s is going to be able to return some of
5657s this damage there on to te the TMI
5659s ultimate is going to be vested as well
5661s now a com is going to fall off of this
5662s they staying up for the time being we do
5664s have Yin dropping a little bit low here
5665s in the situation does manage to stay up
5667s for now but te now with tons of pressure
5670s and the Perry connects as well and
5671s that's going to be the elimination there
5672s on to Yen and te with a wipe out there
5675s on to 521 showing up why they should be
5679s able to qualify for the pre-finals this
5681s weekend now UG and jdg might be going at
5685s it right now another wuen Viper Tesla
5687s comp once again we have a bunch of them
5689s out here for our first game of the day J
5692s G wants no smoke trying to full Grapple
5695s out of this situation it looks like it's
5696s going to be a full Chase on here for o
5698s to try to get some damage or some
5700s eliminations on the board for themselves
5702s yeah we got five iper in tested teams
5703s today uh in terms of this round I should
5705s say you can see the assassination
5707s process coming through here comes out ug
5709s chasing through here playing around and
5711s seeing about whether it goes through
5713s hopefully to see whether or not we can
5715s you know see about whether it can work
5716s out honor Temple spawn out of ewg's
5719s position with drg now this is going to
5720s be interesting I think drg actually lost
5722s their first set of lives ain't no way we
5723s can see a common armor 98 man but listen
5725s he's a karumi he's got F2 to be or F3
5727s should be in the play they actually did
5729s lose their first of alive so ewg going
5730s to be rocking through here for some
5731s eliminations against drg if they're
5732s careful enough to go off here there's
5733s going to be a long sword there's going
5735s to be a great sword scare coming out
5736s here from from dong ching now of course
5738s they way going to come out looking to
5739s starty to hold the horizontal release
5741s maybe hoping to kind of work off into
5743s seeing about where that drop down blue
5744s could potentially come down there's a
5746s lot of hidey spots coming from Twilight
5748s pass for drop down Blues you know you
5749s can scare rush off of one of the rock
5750s faces and drop down with the vertical
5752s but the great sword is also BAS making
5754s an appearance whether or not drg are
5755s going to make it a conversion into a
5757s pull sword it's going to be up to the
5758s decisionmaking but we saw the great
5759s sword gets changed into this patch as
5760s well horizontal to kind of close Gap the
5763s the lock down for position and it's 1.0
5765s release is probably one of the more
5766s strongest multipliers in the game so for
5768s everyone to kind of work off of using
5770s that it's just going to be a pseudo
5771s spear you know with a stone form proc so
5774s if anything comes out a 1.0 release that
5776s can track better than what it once was
5778s something that the players have fully
5779s utilized and getting used to seeing how
5782s the potential of it in close quarters
5783s fights can come out especially with
5784s quick Stager weapons from their
5785s teammates like dual Howards dual blades
5787s those onews come out wbg though Stuck In
5790s The Zone Sleepwalker looking to try to
5791s get his team back up after those fights
5793s in Imperium it was kind of crazy seeing
5795s that and seeing how fast they salty rest
5798s just just because they wanted to respond
5799s to asc's assault rather vice versa I
5802s should say X1 though Moon Bane is going
5804s to be expiring here L trying to cast it
5805s figuring out a spot to kind of place
5807s that down we're going to see a floating
5808s platform being used out here towards
5809s Mercury River as te and ASC go out go
5811s down to a fight ASC this is going to be
5813s a miror match between both comps we do
5815s have test enchantment happen in the back
5817s AME but the teammates there to avoid any
5819s sorts of damage there ewg starting to
5821s move on in as well with the third party
5824s potential here between both of these
5826s teams but AC already five on the board
5829s currently right now looking to try to
5831s set up for the first one myang of this
5834s game we do have them rotating out but
5836s BBE full grappl on in they want some
5839s piece of this cake here they are going
5840s to try to get aggressive I believe we do
5842s have them trying to cut out some of
5844s ewg's member on the left hand side Rishi
5847s trying to lay down some pressure here on
5849s the bows trying to see if he can get
5851s some sorts of damage I've been on the
5853s Viper here for BBE going to go ahead and
5856s wait this out trying to look for the
5857s perfect opportunity for him to
5859s potentially use his ultimate but ewg as
5862s well just wants to see if he can try to
5864s back they can back on up try to post up
5866s for the first R Yang going to spawn up
5868s pretty pretty soon we do have them just
5870s waiting this out this is uh this is the
5872s difference right here from the solos we
5874s do have these teams playing for that end
5877s game cuz that's where the action happens
5878s here trios yeah you know it's it's tough
5881s because I know that there's only one
5882s team here that still has only two
5883s teammates left that still down but 34
5886s players still left alive now coming out
5888s into the spring Enclave jdg is still
5890s opting in around here we're going to
5891s have a lot of Ramy Ys can't wait to see
5893s the Jades you know how I go about that
5895s yep trying to see what we can see for
5898s the teams before then and then having
5900s the opportunity of how successful the
5901s Jade's game would be if that's main
5904s reason they win or just you know SK but
5906s wind blast comes out here trying to deny
5908s the xan Si looks like jdg going to be op
5909s here let's take a look and see about
5910s this going to be a Stam strike coming
5912s from Jing and the vul Ence that's all we
5914s got for in terms of the the builds for
5916s this most likely to see those attack CHS
5918s be stacked up for some mitigation and HP
5920s across the board but their opponents are
5922s going to be ss1 and now ss1 is a zon ss1
5925s going to be looking to try to go through
5926s here you going looking for the mid air
5928s F1 he finds it looking for the R&B it's
5929s going to be a chance for the fist Blade
5930s action for the clinks there it is and
5932s finding two to try to find a connection
5933s for the RBS he finds gen one here from
5935s ss1 uppercut not going to be confirmed
5937s here the F2 charge was a midair two
5938s eating up a lot of damage here making
5939s sure he can kind of cut around finds his
5941s semi to use that ultimate as a defensive
5943s measure to try to push into the Matari
5944s to invest for Dash to get out rather
5946s than stay in and now Rosemary the Z he's
5949s coming out for blood he's proing his
5950s ultimate to go crazy wow big PA there in
5952s the back end inside the TMI Al we do
5954s have the Z trying to respond as well J G
5956s trying to cut out the TMI ultimate the
5957s armb focus there connects there for two
5960s onto one of the players in the back and
5961s we do have the teada now trying to peel
5963s off all these uh oppositions right now
5966s we do have the damage still happening
5967s though jdg trying to stay up the raw
5969s uppercut connects but now the F1 called
5971s in here for the dec to the zire Rosemary
5973s now trying to respond here for their
5975s team as well we do have the take down
5977s now happening onto the karumi in the
5978s backside overh holding P connects there
5981s now big damage off the followup you know
5983s 2v one can't do much in the backside the
5985s karumi as well staying up two two now
5987s trying to stay up we do have the damage
5989s still happening there now it's going to
5991s be the mixup for these teams now it's
5992s going to be 3v one the F2 there from the
5995s zy for the clean up and that was
5996s beautiful there for S1 yes this one
5998s rotation was phenomenal coming out here
6000s from that Z Ultimate especially after
6001s the teada furons were expended or more
6003s importantly when the t Circle now P
6005s sword is going to be picked up here from
6008s this point gold
6009s Rarity yeah Scythe for the new P sword
6012s can go crazy that's going to be a chance
6014s here for the B for the weapon F I'm not
6015s mistaken that's another Stam strike
6017s coming out here I'm I'll trip check for
6018s you guys but more importantly it's the
6020s fact that this that this zyphon comp has
6022s so much Economy based aspect towards it
6024s in terms of damage for how cheap it can
6026s come out just from skills and ultimates
6028s alone jdg just you know saying bro look
6030s at those guys over there
6031s man going out here outside of the ryang
6034s they're going to be looking to try to
6035s find teams to fight outside of that
6037s range drg outside of their ryang With
6039s Victory looks going through that gold P
6041s sword on standby they'll be going ahead
6044s and having you know the time of their
6045s life they could find a team I mean
6047s Vermilion to come through and just go
6049s you know go off on that end is going to
6051s work through tremendously just to burn
6052s those first set of lives just hunting
6054s around six eliminations for X1 now this
6056s is going to be secondary uh kill spread
6058s for the team ss1 though finds out drg
6060s and now we're going to see the
6061s engagement between both these teams and
6062s it looks like it's going to be between
6064s both rang Victors yeah and I mean this
6067s is the best scenario I would say um if
6070s you have buff uh to not try to stay to
6073s you can stay up in these games we do
6074s have drg trying not to take a lot of
6077s Engagement they're going to back on up
6078s here ss1 the Full Throttle in trying to
6080s get some elimin more eliminations on the
6082s board I should say the that ultimate
6083s inest for Rosemary now donq is going to
6085s respond with a Z Ultimate as well we do
6087s him trying do see him trying to knock
6089s back Rosemary here from his teammates
6092s but now Z is going at it here 2 two
6094s drops very low in the back end Rosemary
6096s now getting clipped here off the Z
6098s Ultimate there from Don Q now we do have
6100s the Omni directionals Happening Here For
6102s drg Trying to go on top but does not
6105s manage to do so here with a little bit
6106s of a movement eror but it's okay they
6108s are still up and now 521 going at
6109s against S1 here for the third party five
6111s eliminations for 521 taking blue armors
6113s and going going crazy with the te F on
6115s activation two more left half this third
6116s one they can connect double blue Focus
6118s here you can see W 98 for forcing out
6120s the ultimate for that Kumi Del leanan
6122s goes down Soom picked up from the
6124s opposing side as jdg looks to try to
6126s sneak on in semy circle coming from
6127s akame and they're going to be looking
6128s towards using this cape as as a way of
6130s dis you know disengaging they get kxy
6132s out here that's seven eliminations Tesa
6133s enchant guaranteeing off of O second and
6136s Yin this is dangerous right now and you
6138s can see Jang is going to be going ahead
6139s and try to flank out see rather the
6140s reset for the bodies and Ry Ang teams
6143s are also here right they need to make
6144s sure they get rid of that de that's
6145s where ewg lies into the setad a sand or
6148s a zhon comp to really work in with com
6150s with blue armors blue weapons shaen goes
6153s down dong n gets caught into elimination
6155s with it and that's going to be where
6157s we're going to see the sobl yinks the
6159s the the snag Tech is going to be
6160s important in trios right now especially
6161s coming out from snagging those Soul
6163s blooms snagging eliminations just trying
6165s to catch as much as you can without the
6167s risk involved that's where the that's
6168s where the you know the shark bites the
6170s bait because if you can go ahead and you
6171s know get elimination the other team's
6173s going to feel something some certain
6174s type of way about it but we're going to
6175s see a Viper ultimate come out here and
6176s it looks like xx1 is going to be caught
6178s completely before the Ry depletion
6180s expires oh my God Viper ultimate into
6182s the test enchantment just to secure the
6184s elimination there there goes Vermilion
6186s Birds might as well and ug now with
6189s three on the board are going to have
6190s that clean up there for themselves
6192s staying inside this game currently ewg
6195s trying to go trying to full Focus jdg
6198s jdg trying to Grapple on out L is going
6201s to go ahead and buy a little bit of
6202s resource here resource is here for the
6204s chase down with 10 grapples remaining
6206s it's going to be a little bit of a hard
6207s task for him to completely full chase
6209s down depending on how far out jdg wants
6212s to back on up now do have our second
6214s real realm of Yang starting to form on
6217s in for our first game very curious uh
6220s very interesting uh te just going in for
6223s the Mystic Mike not sure if they went
6224s inside the realm or they just got The
6226s Spar well um ooh that was a oh ooh a
6228s little head shot right there from the
6230s bow from two said back up I know you
6231s want I know you trying to for Chase but
6233s you got to back up for a second now uh J
6236s G's Kumi is going to get going to get
6239s focused here by ewg and that's a lot of
6241s pressure Happening Now Lou is trying to
6243s stay up it's going to get parried as
6244s well the Kumi staying up Kumi timate
6245s invested cookie and louer are going to
6248s both get caught up there by the whis
6249s it's just a lot of damage here in this
6250s corner now that two called in goes back
6252s up to full health off the armor alone
6254s now the Z trying to stay up they are
6256s going to be able to get some damage on
6257s the board and J G is trying to back on
6259s up we do have them trying to still apply
6261s the pressure but it's just so much
6263s sustain here from the opposing comp and
6265s this might be bad for them and E ewg is
6267s going to fall off of this and J G
6268s staying up here in the scrap off yeah
6270s the successful pressure came through
6272s against Kiki but then all of a sudden
6273s once that one Parry occurred just from
6275s casting the F ability and then being
6277s able to use the Parry animation within
6279s first setup for the whis for me the
6281s second setup for the whis happened
6282s afterwards and now it's post Z Ultimate
6284s for the knock back to try to get back
6285s into the K Circle that was over though
6287s for ewg once that happened there was
6289s only coming back from that point and now
6291s we're going to see ddg both shotting X Y
6292s man we're really looking range game
6293s these guys out it's okay though cuz drg
6295s is right there they're looking at two
6296s second two wait wait wait hold on a
6297s second got wait got to wait get some
6299s space here for the shop 30k gold in the
6301s hands of X good perfect execution
6303s getting those crossbow BTS but you know
6305s I mean we're going to see the denial
6307s with that advanc he brain brought up
6308s this is going to be an advance is going
6310s to be burned for all the resources they
6311s can get man this is tough because X Y is
6313s get pressured out here drg look try to
6314s go for it and the fif PL to come out
6315s from X Y got to be careful f1's up V3 is
6318s V3 is up as well but we're almost a
6319s level three if we can find another
6320s weapon to the vicinity we're going to
6321s see that but this is going to be a spear
6323s well fight between three teams out in
6324s towards the sword wow there goes the Wen
6327s Port they're going to stay safe from
6328s this but no looks like the damage is
6330s going to happen here for the opping team
6331s Dre for weld there for one of these
6333s teammates we do have the second Wen Port
6335s here for Te they are going to be able to
6337s stay out of the situation ASC is going
6339s to stay in the SP well now we're going
6340s to have drg against X1 for our second
6343s ryang here and it looks like it is going
6345s to be siphon on this side and we do have
6348s a scon for the opping side yeah next W
6351s with Advan heal but another advance the
6353s other teammate so there's going to be a
6354s good chance of sustain staying out here
6355s if they can get out of this pressure
6356s because this Z going crazy B2 early
6359s investment from dongqing forcing out to
6360s kadas Ultimate for the first time the F2
6362s comes out from the Z making sure we can
6364s look for that t Circle connecting into
6365s the Zone but the F2 the Escape is going
6366s to be used by that Z from dongqing and
6368s as you can see X Y going for that reset
6370s trying to catch as much heals as
6371s possible goes for that white Health heal
6373s with that Advan heal is going to do some
6374s good work he can create that pressure
6375s kxy caught almost by the wh the F2 comes
6378s out just in time dongqin catches that
6379s snared and now it's going to be a Kumi
6381s ultimate used at the last possible
6382s second for the third one and hoping to
6385s look for the last one he finds that last
6386s knock back we're going to need a recast
6388s ASAP from this Cy ultimate cuz if not
6390s this is going to be tough for X1 to stay
6392s sustained as a z is going to go ahead
6394s the forming ultimate but how does that P
6395s on standby there're going to be a 2v3
6397s right now and X1 may be looking through
6399s it no it's going still going to be a 3v3
6400s and that Advan is still procing out here
6402s but we're still putting that pressure on
6404s yeah just so much damage now XO Y is
6406s going to eat up some of this damage as
6407s well the overh there off the Matari F no
6409s connection on that onto xxy but xxy is
6412s still going to fall the situation now
6413s drg with three up have the advantage in
6416s this ran y we do have Don getting full
6419s chased down since the Army focused there
6420s off the PO sword into the F2 as well not
6423s sure if that connected now the big per
6425s for lyd that's going to be the
6426s elimination there for that Squad we do
6429s have X1 now trying to respond off of
6431s this and this could be bad there for drg
6433s now CDI trying to stay up orb holding
6436s there goes the Matari backstab into the
6438s air lmbs into the f as well we do have
6441s just so much pressure there from drg and
6443s there are going to stay up even losing
6445s the Z there for just a moment now they
6447s are going to get that gold armor in hand
6450s with the weapon upgrade plus the buff as
6452s well very curious to see if uh these
6456s teams are going to be find out now with
6457s the Draco storm in the SP well for you
6459s know it's going to be it's going to be a
6460s big change but they are going to be
6461s taking this Draco storm for the second
6463s pick of uh Buffs so you know this this
6466s is to me this is new I mean this could
6469s be standard I mean you know but to me
6471s Draco storm seeing out it's always crazy
6473s to watch cuz there's just so much
6474s pressure from these squads uh so I'm
6477s excited to see the dra stor play right
6478s now yeah dude Draco St goes in
6480s absolutely embra and it's still going to
6481s be available for the teams potentially
6482s in those spells when it comes to the end
6484s game circles so that's another thing to
6485s update this patch right for everything
6488s coming out here though they're going to
6489s be able to pick up a ner Shaker as well
6490s as ping another gold weapon now they
6491s lost that full sword to X1 so X1 has
6493s another gold weapon in their inventory
6494s it's just really the potential with that
6495s Hong sword coming out now they also got
6497s a scatter shot so if they're going to
6498s stack up a Target lock fire Jade and
6499s they'll be able to see about using that
6501s or even just for stackers with
6503s guaranteed throws of range weapons now
6505s ASC they're working into the skygaze
6506s Cove they see jdg off to the vicinity
6508s the bells may have been struck already
6510s but ASC is still looking around here six
6512s eliminations and look to use this dagger
6514s for the Viper into this game now as Jong
6517s looking to you know cut around here try
6518s to find this
6519s out it's a bell no one's around no one's
6522s around there I'm like I'm like uh I'm
6524s like you know I'm like yeah you know B
6527s being b boom I'm walking here no one's
6528s going to be able to find out whether or
6529s not they're going to be finding those
6530s players cuz ASC just fully kited p jdg
6534s intentionally from jg's behalf though
6535s they saw the Draco storm got to hide out
6537s even though they don't have rtion they
6538s don't want to take the fight
6539s assassination can kind of go a little
6541s bit too much in terms of this dead
6543s especially when it comes to the end game
6543s Circle the Draco stor but now that it
6545s expired they were early on towards it
6547s they could have a chance of finding them
6548s in later but like the the attrition for
6550s end game is going to be the play 30
6552s players still alive only one team with
6553s the rum in completion that's going to be
6554s X1 and they're over here by the Imperium
6556s region north side and they're by the
6558s black swers gate so for X1 this is going
6560s to be a dangerous game they be playing
6561s they got a lot of money to be Happ so if
6563s they're going to be down in the zone if
6565s they the reaper terms are still
6566s available they're going to have to do it
6567s right now or they may not even get a
6569s chance later on EXC
6571s one just mentioned go ahead and spend
6574s some of these coins right now full
6576s they're so rich right now going go ahead
6578s and top out from all the Jades do have
6581s them wasting here from XO y do spot a
6584s team though ss1 are going to go ahead
6586s and full Focus this X1 first one's in
6589s with that y depletion timer with 2
6591s minutes and 50 to try to cleanse is
6593s trying to see and they get some sorts of
6596s eliminations here onto ss1 but they do
6598s have him full grappling out it looks
6599s like Rosemary is going to get caught up
6600s there in the back in now the scrap off
6602s starts here from both teams nice F there
6604s from the Matari to back up the teada for
6608s a little bit of time XO y now trying to
6610s find an opening here for his team we do
6612s have X1 now retreating trying to get a
6614s quick reset in here for the teada with 2
6615s minutes and 30 ss1 go go ahead and
6618s continue the distance and maintain it to
6620s try to see if they cannot get inside any
6623s source of aggression to make into this
6624s end game we do have them potentially
6626s running them into another team but X1
6629s now go ahead and just stop the
6631s aggression for the time being time being
6633s X1 2 minutes and 15 now the pressure is
6636s on looks like wbg is going to be the
6638s ones caught out that's full blue armor
6639s there for that other team yeah this is a
6642s zipping in comp for wbg for the zph and
6645s now we can see the deletion coming out
6647s these guys had a lot of time to reset
6648s they needed to reset after the first
6650s fights in Imperium and they only had a
6652s chance to do it for for so long but now
6653s XL y looking to try to use that teir and
6656s fully invested with that V3 at full
6658s Stacks at level three and he looks to
6660s ASA he just rubber bands back he look
6661s toward to scene about that z z likes tap
6663s Dodge Sleep Walker catches the V2
6665s stagger catches two to three but salker
6667s gets CP of the R&B free R&B playes there
6670s it is a nice reset F1 comes out but F1
6672s does not worry it can't do anything
6673s about the Z Ultimate that's one of the
6675s bigger fights out here lyd goes down
6677s goes down oh my goodness to turn around
6679s wbg could get a full swipe here a shi
6682s only Left Alive don't lose your life bro
6684s it's going to be one R&B we're going for
6685s that meteor going through nope we're
6687s going to go ahead for that block extreme
6688s whro comes out zdi sees that zipping
6691s sees the amount of sustain she could
6692s actually earn herself through here has
6693s that V1 to come out if it's going to be
6695s procing there's the R&B oh my God where
6696s is this one point oing huh and looking
6698s for the double R&B oh my goodness we're
6700s one two three huh and we're going to be
6701s R&B this is where the unexpected comes
6703s out here we're just going to throw the
6704s 1.0 huh and that's going to be where ASA
6706s goes through goes down CDI keeps the
6708s tame alive but guess what two like hey
6709s what's up homie and now it's going to be
6711s a chance to see whether or not see comes
6713s out but listen you got a soul blow on
6714s that standby this is not going to be a
6716s chance between the players 1 V3
6717s situation here
6718s C8 uh it's rough it's super rough you
6721s know it's super tough right now we do
6723s have the TMI trying to stay out but J oh
6725s my God triple parent from zdi on to all
6728s three members of JD g into the whis to
6731s Zing wait hold on zdi trying to stay up
6733s right now has to t o but it's just a
6735s little bit too late just needed a little
6737s more time there and if I would have seen
6739s a 1 V3 right now I would have probably
6741s lost it right there that crazy
6744s oh my God imagine you imagine he had sap
6746s Jade bro he would have just delay he
6748s stay up yeah wow that was insane there
6752s unfortunate enough not managed to uh to
6755s complete the 1 V3 but I mean that was a
6757s valant effort if I ever seen one myself
6758s that was insane there but Rosemary and
6761s cod are going to go ahead and pick up
6763s the spirit well not sure what's going to
6766s be coming out of this Spirit Well we
6768s will see in just a moment here they're
6769s going to wait this out you know this is
6770s a little Trio Strat here you can wait it
6772s out not too long though because they
6774s changed it I mean before they could have
6776s wait this out completely they're going
6777s to have to capture it pretty soon do
6779s have roseme with the go hung sword I
6781s mean full jaded out in their inventories
6784s right now looking to to take this first
6787s game one win for themselves now
6789s everybody is going to go ahead and start
6791s posting up on top of this rock drg I
6794s believe I saw d uh ASC as well around
6797s BBE just dropped down do have the
6799s contestant of the top side of this rock
6801s as well we do have Don Q is going to go
6803s ahead and just back on up ASC is going
6805s to bully them out drg is going to go
6806s ahead and rotate from this area BBE fpz
6809s Q is in the mix as well ss1 Rosemary
6811s already with the Z Ultimate online the
6813s Wen Port there to stay make sure they
6815s stay safe they're going to be able to
6816s reposition off that as well but I mean
6818s this is it right here this is this is
6820s where the trio shines we do have zone
6822s four completely spreading look at the
6823s contestant of teams here everybody
6825s posted up in this area of the map yeah
6827s taking into the sky Gat Co Cliff side is
6829s going to be the case so a lot of Jade
6831s selections coming out here I saw some C
6833s some Beth desense from both both those
6835s Jades in the hands of drg uh and then
6837s actually seeing tuna blistering Edge to
6839s kind of work off of that if they
6840s actually find a usage not earth shaker
6842s like I said debatable uh but Cloud we
6844s definitely going to be one of the more
6845s susceptible Jades to be used it's very
6847s strong it's range blue Focus you can C
6849s capture somebody in a Vortex and that
6851s comes out in more ways than one just
6853s getting dishing out extra damage now I
6855s like seeing this end game Circle and the
6857s moon man is going to grief out if
6858s someone decides to hang out here cuz you
6860s see fpx jdg ss1 521 BBE RG they're all
6863s right next to each other this is going
6864s to be where the the last final moments
6866s 21 players still left alive just trying
6868s to stay out here white t prob is going
6869s to be one buff in the hand not going to
6871s be any chance here standing up there
6872s that's an AAR burst that's this one
6873s Rosemary realized that he's back in the
6875s win white t is PR for another 50 seconds
6876s for this team he is going to hold down
6878s this building that's dangerous Moon ban
6879s strike right there flat fat mil see
6881s about trying to deny those range shots
6882s you see Soul sash coming out from Ro
6884s boom There's a Moon B strike coming out
6885s here looking to trying to keep the team
6887s team sustained here F1 is not up just
6888s yet a lot of rain shots SWS cannon shots
6891s there's the F1 coming up from the shield
6892s walls just for a couple of seconds here
6893s cuz you can see 5 21's at the shop try
6895s to go ahead for some investment for cost
6897s of supplies or even for any sort of
6898s Jades that can try to purchase out
6900s straight up and as you can see drg
6902s they're going to be trying to rotate out
6903s here if they can they got the most gold
6905s armors I think of any team in terms of
6907s the selection so for right now holding
6909s down this fort it's going to be a tough
6911s task especially when there's another
6912s another zph pair coming through and a
6914s cloud waver span like that could be a
6916s dangerous game for them to play into
6917s yeah this is both zoms going at it right
6919s now we do have Tes ultimate invested
6921s there from a third party ASC in the back
6922s in Rosemary trying to stay up trying to
6925s claim The Spirit Well we do have the
6926s enchantment connecting there but
6927s teammates there to avoid any sorts of
6930s the range damage but jdg in the back end
6931s there with a repeating crossbow is going
6933s to be able to get some sorts of damage
6934s there onto the matar we do see them
6936s still applying the pressure off the
6938s repeating crosso Don Q still in the mix
6940s full aggressive here onto all these
6942s teams trying to see if he can stay up
6945s The Spirit Well still up though in the
6947s back end we do have I believe Dr jdg in
6949s the back end still going at it 521
6951s showing up ss1 T ultimate invested
6953s everybody fighting for the spe right now
6955s Rosemary back in it as well we do have
6958s the whis connecting there onto Rosemary
6960s even with the matar up they are still be
6962s able to connect off that Tami with now
6964s another T Test ultimate invested there
6967s just so much enchantments there so much
6968s pressure from all these teams trying to
6970s stay up he grapples it into Aurora B on
6972s the top side doesn't manage to stay up
6975s trying to see he can knock him out here
6976s on top of the temple but Don Q now in
6978s the center of the spirit world trying to
6979s contest this here for his Squad yeah the
6981s one two3 is coming out from Don ch now
6982s he's going to be looking for the chances
6984s getting to that K Circle it's going to
6985s be expired here at 70 80% right now for
6987s that spear will try to claim this out
6988s it's going to be a mission because 521
6989s going to be go crazy looking at the kill
6990s leader border you know BB is at 11
6992s eliminations but we're going to see some
6993s spans here we got that spear well so
6994s that's going to be a whole reset drg
6996s having seven eliminations going to go
6997s for the chase down the F2 comes out here
6998s one two Zak goes down here might be a
7000s chance for Don look for that V2 spam
7002s he's going to look for it he's going to
7002s activate that ultimate on frame one
7004s advantage here and look to try to see
7005s about whether or not the targeting look
7006s for an ultimate cast to kind of go for
7007s the confirmation sansi gets caught and
7009s one hit left through the B2 there's a
7011s burn there's elimination there's white
7012s te is proud as you can see the hit going
7013s to be coming up the vicinity here and as
7015s you can see Sky Cove has a lot of crooks
7016s and nannies here nooks and crannies for
7018s everyone to kind of look around and try
7019s to scare us try to escape but once you
7020s get locked down from the team especially
7022s from aai that's where you're going to
7023s have to force abilities use ultimates
7025s and try to get out there before you get
7026s caught yeah but the pressure here from
7028s drg they have the white ters power they
7030s want to see they can pick up as many
7032s simulations as possible while this buff
7033s is up we do have junex here trying to
7035s back on up the Viper ultimate is going
7037s to be vested here from fpsq how many
7040s test or Viper stuns is he be to connect
7042s he believe he does connect on to several
7044s players in the backside but he's going
7045s to use it to retreat Don Q still in the
7047s mix though on the Z 68% here on his
7050s ultimate I feel like I just see him like
7052s four times in a row already he's about
7053s to get it right again with 80% they are
7055s going to be able to retreat off of this
7057s R bear still on the top side from jdg
7059s claiming the top side of the Zone zone
7062s six already about to fully close halfway
7064s through and now all these players
7066s getting active here in the in circle
7067s just so so much pressure here in this
7069s corner we do have another test ultimate
7071s invested there in the bottom side now
7073s az's Viper trying to stay up the Tam
7076s connects there onto the crew there from
7077s Big Barry there from jdg or drg now they
7080s going to retreat and now this going be
7082s they're going to go ahead and P up to
7083s the top side as well now the contestant
7085s on the top side is going to go ahead and
7086s regress here for all these teams a lot
7088s of a chance coming back and forth here
7090s as J looking to use that F ability to
7092s get that knock back Aurora burst on the
7094s backside B1 activated looking for that
7096s massive stun into there potential for
7099s that BB I been hit and he doesn't get
7101s enough damage here the Assassins l
7102s attempt comes out but guess what TK has
7104s assassin L as well and he's going for
7106s those te fear and blast an explosive 100
7108s seconds left on the clock here we're
7109s going to have a chance B goes down here
7111s a soul Blom pick up for tck is going to
7112s come out to play we're going to have
7114s around 16 players left alive on the
7116s field of play with rosemary here about
7117s to have ultimate back up there's going
7119s to be the ultimate cast for the
7119s knockback trying to secure an F2 oh into
7122s the corner all the knock back all the
7123s burn the cleans has come out from that
7125s Kumi ultimate as an insurance policy as
7126s Rosemary puts on that pressure one twos
7129s into the threes and making sure he can
7131s have the chance for that two and looking
7133s for the connections gold focuses doesn't
7135s matter donen's getting cleansed but one
7137s two's into that corner to the three
7138s again he's going to have another in
7139s snared in a second and that's going to
7141s be matarial to reset the F skill
7143s Rosemary Kit's around here and this is
7144s going to be a chance where he can try to
7145s utilize that Roy burst from Shang one
7147s and captures a knockback and that's
7148s going to be another player down and two
7151s two is down but the Sol one picks up
7152s Rosemary just going to continue this
7154s pressure man man Rosemary staying up in
7157s that situation is crazy the Kies just do
7160s wonders for these teams you see them
7162s with the to stay in there the backside
7164s now another R burst here he is going to
7166s be able to cancel it to stay up does not
7167s want to get third party there for 521 in
7168s the back and we do see the pressure now
7170s potentially going towards jg's way pampy
7172s now with the aggression there onto fat m
7175s in the bottom side we do have him
7176s dropping down gets the damage there off
7178s the fan it looks like two tick is going
7179s to fall off of this situation here for
7181s jdg another Viper ultimate investor here
7183s from June now he is going to be able to
7185s get the stun on to Rishi go ahead and
7186s drop down oh my God gets the damage
7188s there but not the full damage Rosemary
7190s does manage to pop the Z Ultimate now
7192s now lots of players on the bottom side
7194s trying to go K on up here to stay inside
7196s the Zone but the zone is just so small
7198s there look where it's ending right on
7199s the pillar nobody able to stay up in the
7201s in the middle of the Zone pampy trying
7203s to stay up he does fall BBE all
7205s eliminated and jdz Zing here being the
7208s last one standing and that was a crazy
7210s game one jdg with nine on the board I
7213s believe they are going to be taking the
7214s MVP as well with the multiplier but what
7216s an insane game here to start off the
7218s last hands qualifier yeah we got to see
7220s what happens I think there was a tide
7222s meaning that there was no multiplier
7223s game which 16 kill game that's crazy
7226s right and I mentioned this their strong
7228s comp being that Viper intested they
7229s popped off with it man they were slow
7231s rolling in terms of the builds to work
7233s it out when I saw him in that building I
7234s was like there ain't no way bro no way
7237s survive man the amount of Viper which
7239s testes that game makes it that much more
7242s enticing just trying to hide open the
7244s and beating past the enchant immunity is
7246s something that they had to work through
7248s of course that V1 Viper goes absolutely
7250s nuts we saw it coming out fpx where that
7253s Viper ultimate captured everyone in the
7255s zone no one was prepared for that one
7259s and drop down Blues like that with the
7260s irir addition sometimes works out
7262s sometimes doesn't especially when
7263s there's multiple targets if you can get
7264s to lineup you will get hit every single
7265s one of those but it's faster just to go
7267s for the rmbs if you have the other Jade
7268s but then again who knows for the
7271s majority of the usage here rest in peace
7273s F this man's invisible no he's over
7275s there you can see him Crouch
7276s over let's see bve pop off here for that
7279s one game no multiplier though so this
7281s means that they don't have that much
7282s chances of catching a Super C Le but
7284s then again catching an MVP good mental
7288s we love seeing those mental pushes
7289s especially coming out from the players
7291s into these first days or into this final
7293s rounds before they can try to qualify
7295s before finals now
7297s obviously key component here is that uh
7300s for these players right five Viper Testa
7303s team P spes have been selected they're
7305s going to have to really work into seeing
7306s about where she's going to end up going
7307s through or where they're going to end up
7308s that comps specifically into the second
7311s round but more importantly rounds 4
7312s through 6 if they even show it back up
7314s again in multif fashion form that we
7316s just saw but regardless we're going to
7318s have a CH going through here we're going
7319s to have a question for you guys in
7320s twitch chat I know you guys are out here
7321s and I know you guys are on YouTube chat
7323s I'm looking for you guys I I see you
7324s this man said watching from Germany
7326s shout out to uh you know shout out to
7327s Antonio not s Antonio but which team is
7330s the third to be eliminated in this game
7332s is it gonna wow what a question excuse
7334s me are you guys paying attention no
7336s YouTube chat you can go back into the
7337s VOD and check that out but you have the
7339s message and twitch chat for the rewards
7341s which team is the third to eliminated in
7343s this game a o g b X1 CT d none of the
7347s above you got to pay attention bro yeah
7350s that's what I was looking at the none of
7351s the above is crazy this
7355s is that is insane I'm not gonna lie that
7358s this is probably the hardest question
7360s I've ever I I was just watching it I
7362s don't even know there was just so much
7363s happening right there that there was no
7365s way that I know so I mean if you're a
7367s YouTube you have you have the Strat to
7369s be able to go back in the VOD you know
7370s quickly to try to find the answer answer
7372s for the Summers plate random gift I mean
7374s this was a this is a crazy start here
7377s for the answer for Treasures but
7379s hopefully they start getting a little
7380s bit uh easier throughout the night but
7382s hey once again which team was the third
7384s to be eliminated in this game a o ug bx1
7387s CTE or d none of the above that is that
7391s is insane I'm not going to lie but yeah
7393s I mean what a game one that was that was
7395s crazy let's just let's just talk about
7398s the game one right now I mean having
7399s that many W Viper tesas in an in circle
7401s like that that just makes everything so
7403s much harder if you're not having a Viper
7405s in your team dude I'm like I the crazy
7408s thing too is that it's like meditation
7410s after that man that type of mess of CC
7412s control yeah back and for like you got
7415s to understand right once you get caught
7416s into a Viper sun it's only a matter of
7417s time before someone else sees you it's
7419s only it's only a matter of time before
7421s if a sand siphon finds you and throws a
7422s whis in your th into your face and then
7424s all of a sudden you get crossbow down
7426s and uh that's just something that comes
7427s out you know a special shout out to the
7429s tmes out here for the whis specifically
7431s with zdi almost you know conjecturing
7433s into manifest manifesting protagonist
7436s energy there with that triple Parry
7438s hopefully we can see the replays coming
7439s out from that but we're probably not
7440s considering he died out but regardless
7443s by and Tessa is in the mix if you're not
7444s going to be able to safeguard yourself
7446s from k caught by a stun means that
7447s you're going to be caught to test en
7448s chant right afterwards and regardless of
7450s that you know we're going to have the
7451s scoreboards be looking through here like
7452s I said since we see on types uh actually
7454s no first place did go to jdg they did
7455s get the mulier 12 kill points though so
7458s they're going to have that 1.2 for the
7459s 10 kills they earn 16 in second place
7461s but BB took 18 points regardless as they
7464s were actually able to capture third
7466s place uh in second place 521 actually
7468s earned out that 13 kills with 2.5 for
7470s the placement points for hits 15.5 it's
7472s kind of crazy these two teams that I was
7475s kind of like you know man you know what
7476s if but 521 has doing some you know their
7479s games in the past haven't really been
7481s popping off but for today this first
7483s round we love to see this type of type
7485s of push drg who are top of the board
7487s regardless because of the proposed
7489s points have 11 points earn this game X1
7490s with 10.5 8.1 for SS
7492s a for ASC C was 6 5.5 for wbg and then o
7496s and the recipient of the other teams
7498s comes out Wen most kills most healing
7502s most likely MVP this is going to be a
7503s rare case instance I mean you always see
7505s the other players but see Port Gamers on
7508s sights bat mil going to take that mvp uh
7510s with the amount of healing though I need
7512s to see those Jades I need to see if I
7513s didn't get a chance to look at his Jades
7514s I didn't see if he had a group he
7515s Advance seal this would be the only
7516s things I could see if he scammed F1 like
7518s that as much Shield walls as he was able
7520s to come out with that would be a case
7522s and we'll see that standings though
7524s bottom six this is going to be the
7526s chopping block like I said if F21 did
7527s not have a crazy set of games coming out
7530s here but today was the way where they
7532s can catch through even with the proposed
7533s points of 10.1 they got 15.5 they're at
7535s Seventh Place gatekeeper right Bel with
7537s 25.6 in eighth place WG was 24.4 fpx
7541s 19.6 te was
7543s 17.1 and we're going to have to see how
7545s it's going to come out from the clutches
7546s as you with the other teams now ug 27.2
7550s in sixth place 3.5 points earned that
7552s game X1 had 10.5 earned that game with
7554s 28 points total 28.8 for ASC and JD G's
7557s takes in 31.1 third place overall BB and
7560s 31.8 second place overall 39 points for
7563s Di and like I said like I said these
7565s guys have the most points for the Propst
7567s so this 11-point game it's like you know
7570s it's one thing to another now it's
7571s really case scenario for them to keep uh
7574s keep that average point and keeping
7576s going we're going to go ahead though C
7578s highl brought you by from the robot born
7579s for gaming and this is where the fights
7581s really I was like question marking when
7583s I saw the salty run backs but sometimes
7585s that's necessary
7586s CA what we're not going to do is not say
7589s Gamers United right after that I'm I'm
7591s sorry sir you have to say that every
7593s single time Gamers
7595s United but yeah the salty run back there
7597s from wbg was insane jdg here picking
7600s eliminations onto ewg got the T ultimate
7603s there from jdg into the Z there from
7606s opping team and that was crazy because
7608s ewg was the one full aggressing jdg here
7611s in this situation and that just
7613s backfired them completely here in this
7615s situation yes they had to cleanse but
7616s still they had the upper hand there onto
7619s the Kumi but it was just not enough and
7620s ZD ZD High here man that was a that was
7623s a whis into the Parry there frame one
7625s beautiful showcase and rosemary going St
7628s it here in the End Circle as well
7629s getting the big damage here I believe I
7631s saw like seven SS of him alone in his
7633s last and final moments of the game we do
7635s have Zing here playing The High Ground
7636s here for J G make sure he can stay up
7639s gets the damage there on to one one of
7640s 52's members gets the elimination as
7642s well stays up even with poison Splash
7644s that was the last elimination of the
7647s game but like sario stated fat melt is
7649s going to be taking the MVP here for our
7652s first game of the last chance qualif
7654s here last chance qualifiers here for
7657s trios with 10,000 damage oh my God Seven
7660s elimination he wasn't even jaded out all
7664s he had was fire arrows on target lot bro
7667s yo F1 healing like that yo we got these
7670s bro how we get that this
7673s so listen listen I got a question for
7675s the devs I mean is picking up the buff a
7677s way for you to heal your whole team
7679s because for him for him to actually have
7681s this amount of healing for an F1 usage I
7683s mean that's going to be span out like
7684s like a lot that's going to be just down
7686s to the cool down down to the down to the
7687s Brass attack and the only Jade he had
7689s fire Target lock and he wasn't even
7690s using that he was using pistol as so he
7692s was even getting that Jade kitted up
7694s here for the Target lock side of it like
7696s that comes down towards you know Jade
7698s versus gameplay you know I mean that's
7700s that's the conversation Point has always
7701s been the case you know how many times
7702s can a war burst be scammed out but the
7705s other thing too is who you going to give
7706s it to and we talked about how that came
7708s down towards before you know where uh
7710s who's going to use the Jade to kind of
7712s lock down the other players considering
7714s you don't have that pressure coming off
7715s usually you see the support players
7716s taking out those power Powerhouse Jades
7719s uh Powerhouse Jades meaning like for the
7720s gold Jades where they can have control
7721s merciless Havoc aora burst things of
7723s that nature where the purple Jades like
7724s glistering Edge quick one point or
7726s release weapons given towards the
7727s players that are on the field of being
7728s those aggressors being the front liners
7730s like Z like Matari players that can then
7731s use utilize those P swords utilize the
7733s quick one twos especially from the spear
7736s just drop in there for a quick amount of
7737s damage and quick amount of pressure
7739s where then your teammate if you then
7741s decide to use ultimate like aai or
7742s Matari then that's where your you know
7744s your third your support line uh comes in
7746s and controls it down and usually that
7748s comes down towards the kumis in the
7750s comps or even the Zippy inks now coming
7753s out of a viper W andessa taking a Viper
7756s for instance is of just trying to stack
7757s as much DPS as she can kind of uh you
7759s know authorize in terms of using F3 that
7761s shotgun blast straight shot to the
7763s health bar early game onset spawns
7765s getting amount of damage that you can
7766s deal out in the short amount of time and
7769s the the off drop where there is maybe
7770s potentially no shields for your
7771s opponents then comes that full value for
7773s you to get the gold necessary to get the
7775s eliminations because once you get the
7775s first eliminations in a motor War you're
7777s going to get some extra gold dark D
7778s coins outright uh for the players to
7780s take that slow roll going through there
7782s if they feel the necessity to kind of
7783s work into getting as aggressive as
7785s possible that's because they can find
7786s that gear coming out here and usually
7788s they have that chance of being able to
7789s form into you know their round selection
7792s of processing the Bell rotations looking
7794s at the map you know once you drop into
7796s Imperium your only option selection is
7797s either to go north into Arcadia if you
7799s think the J is still going to work there
7800s through the two bells or if you're going
7802s to be going out west towards aoth Peak
7803s because you're going to have more Bells
7804s going off into the ancient Stockade as
7806s well uh noticing where the spawn they're
7808s going to lead it into but more
7810s importantly having that chance of
7812s finding the mentality of where your team
7813s is going to be standing out here I know
7814s that for a fact that when it came down
7816s to the romank fights it was very
7818s interesting scene but zeen won both
7820s times the times that we saw for the sand
7822s siphon and so for that that's just a
7824s straight economy versus you know being
7825s Ked out of your mind type situation yeah
7829s I mean we saw it every single every
7831s single town we see just how strong the Z
7833s can be especially with the burn ticks as
7835s well uh it's just so much that a karumi
7837s can do for you um after just still so
7840s much pressure from the zai um so yeah
7843s it's just crazy to watch how how strong
7845s uh and how much more valuable she is now
7847s that you know no Kean or uh comps are
7850s are in the mix so that that was crazy no
7852s killing hottie is that is insane to to
7855s just witness right now because of how
7856s much we've seen that c and being in the
7858s first round selection for a lot of these
7860s teams um but now once again with the
7863s patch and play I I I I still don't know
7866s if we're going to see this I'm not sure
7868s because I mean we might get lucky and
7871s see the vda like you've been speaking
7872s about I mean you you were telling me how
7874s how you would uh see that comp being
7876s worked out uh with the vaa in play but
7879s you know it it's it's just crazy to
7881s watch how you know there's so much W and
7882s Viper uh Wen Viper tesas now in the mix
7884s um for these games I mean it's just so
7886s so I believe it was like six teams uh
7889s that play that comp alone it was just so
7890s many uh and but like you mentioned the
7893s zy comps were winning out all the real
7895s Yang those are the the super aggressive
7897s uh comps for these teams as we just
7899s witnessed once again just being able to
7901s close out and win but the last one
7903s standing was the siphon comp there with
7905s the Tamo being the last one standing but
7907s still in the mix we still have you know
7909s couple more games left five more games
7911s being play played out um love to see
7913s that crazy third party 521 had with all
7915s those teams there picked up those
7917s eliminations dropped up to seven kills
7919s off of that alone and successfully
7920s escaping there that is the best case
7922s scenario if you're able to do that alone
7924s that is just that's just textbook right
7926s there being able to do that is just
7927s beautiful there from 521 being able to
7929s just Escape or get the eliminations
7930s escape and you know continue on to the
7932s end game to see uh potentially being
7934s able to get more eliminations on the
7935s board uh but BBE coming out hot here for
7938s our first game being our winners for our
7940s first game of the day uh securing lots
7942s of eliminations uh right before the end
7945s game securing more to be able to get
7947s that mvp home uh as we saw there but a
7949s crazy amount of healing there from the
7951s wood Chen was just insane uh s was going
7954s crazy he was like just Fone you was you
7956s was hoping for some Advanced group here
7958s or something huh dude I was looking for
7960s it I saw Advanced heals across the board
7961s from the tamies and uh into sand sions
7964s from different teams so I was thinking
7965s maybe they found a chance of picking
7966s that up and they had a group heal the
7968s whole time now they can really just pop
7970s off with the heals factor and usually
7971s that comes out with the micro looting
7973s that you see like where they just scroll
7974s wheel down straight to the Jad you know
7976s run away with it just because there's so
7977s much action I mean we saw the cliff size
7979s off of skygaze uh you know skygaze Cove
7981s where those Cliff sides can be dangerous
7983s especially if you're escaping from The
7984s Zone but more importantly if you're
7985s escaping from like comps like the zon
7986s where they can just F to you midair and
7988s then look for you to delete because F2
7989s mataran comes afterwards and then you're
7991s still CAU to this catapult action so
7993s being very quick with your looting
7994s that's usually the case scenario
7996s otherwise you're going to see players
7997s looking for those chances of just
7998s getting caught out and uh if you can
8000s sustain your team throughout all that
8001s pressure I mean that's where you're
8002s going to be able to you know be MVP
8004s hello like I'm waiting for the chances
8006s of seeing a like when I saw I don't I
8009s forgot the team you know Moxy can uh can
8011s let me know in chat but where there was
8013s a seven kill support versus an8 kill Z
8016s or for zipping for being seven kills I
8018s think or C where she had 43k healing and
8021s he had the Z with like 20 some DK damage
8023s and and working eight kills like bro d a
8025s 3 43k healing that's crazy numbers
8029s coming out here for support line uh
8031s support line in the game but more
8032s importantly especially when you have
8033s just one kill so for the MVP he's crazy
8036s for this match though what we're going
8039s to have a chance of seeing since we are
8041s now inside if I'm not mistaken Hollow
8044s Roth we're going to be in Sunny rotation
8046s mhm this is uh this is where things come
8048s out we saw five VI W testas five five
8051s five right and the thing that comes out
8053s is that now five teams you know I mean
8057s they can try to work around you know
8059s coming out here for a first round
8060s selection or even a second round
8061s selection but I'm still kind of curious
8062s in seeing if you know I know you're
8064s saying the king may not even show up
8065s here with the kylin uh Ken with theti
8067s with the ziping having a chance of that
8070s comp showing up most likely will
8071s definitely come down to the Brass Tex of
8072s the final circle of for final rounds
8074s maybe just because of where it led out
8076s you can even see the average of points
8078s from asc's highest was the KY you know
8081s the KY the the Zippy in so for
8083s everything coming out for that
8085s team seeing that team get gutted is like
8088s ah you know but then again if you take a
8089s look at the scene about ss1
8092s I think their top team comp is is sand
8094s siphon coming through here I'm going to
8096s go throw it in the air and hopefully get
8098s catches if not I'm going to get bonked
8099s in the head because everything that
8100s comes out from the key component comps
8102s is that if you know where your comp lies
8104s and if it's one of the ones that gets
8106s gutted then that's just where you guys
8107s have tool it's going to be zon I'm
8109s getting bunked in the head zyphon
8110s actually coming through for them for 5.2
8112s average but then again I still have a
8115s chance of seeing some shenanigan comps
8117s right valda still has an opportunity of
8118s showing up here I'm still going to go
8120s through I'm still going to have I'm
8121s going that in the year and hopefully the
8122s universe catches it because that's a
8124s comp that if vda does show up the
8126s anticipation of sand siphon not showing
8128s up is a huge gamble for you to try to
8131s take into your hero Point selections
8132s considering that other players may be
8133s just waiting for this time finally for
8135s hollow Ros and this is where zanon come
8137s out there's no there's no pedigree of of
8140s any changes from that so if you really
8142s think that that change is going to
8143s happen here you we take those risks we
8145s take
8146s those I'm thinking I'm thinking I
8150s mean how how long has it been since we'
8152s seen the Yodo comping play bro don't ask
8154s me that
8156s question
8158s i' I'm just throwing it out there
8160s because you know with the hero point
8162s system in
8164s play they might have to go back to the
8166s you know some back of the old ways you
8168s know I'm not sure you know you know
8171s three3 slashes coming out I mean listen
8172s the thing that comes out is if if a
8174s shenanigans Yodo comp shows in we saw
8177s ice pick but ice pick can't work out as
8178s it once was because of the Season
8179s changes if if Yodo shows up that that's
8181s just that's just uh you know we're
8184s throwing the RNG in the in in the
8185s blender but three sand siphon so far ASC
8188s I'm throwing my pen on the ground yep
8189s that's four sand siphons folks so called
8192s it if I see any vdas don't do it I know
8194s they they can see the point bands they
8196s know the point bands so they know
8197s there's going to be a onepoint b from in
8198s this selection here so they know that
8200s they can't choose a BAL into this
8201s scenario that's going to be where zons
8202s come out viperin test up from 521 te
8205s taking a zon that's going to be a
8207s three-point ban uh or onepoint ban
8209s across the board for two comps with Kian
8211s a double Point ban now jdg I mean this
8214s is going to be full Fu swipe for you
8217s know I mean if they want to one point
8219s ban themselves they could for a full
8221s team comp but this is going to be risky
8223s so they're going to go for the W and
8224s testas here easy peasy another five if
8227s it's another five pair drg is going to
8228s be the to slid fire yes it will so it's
8229s going to be another pair of
8232s five oh man five fight for test five now
8237s Missy Forest into the final Circle
8239s potential
8241s alter Tranquility final Circle potential
8244s CIA Tang final Circle that that's going
8246s to that's going to be fire I know that's
8248s going to be a point where if we end up
8249s into those areas where there's a lot of
8251s a lot of terrain where you have to space
8253s out find a nice cozy spot hop a uh h a
8257s cup of hot cocoa you know in a flame so
8260s your team doesn't get caught by rain
8261s shots then you're going you're doing
8262s good but we've seen teams take into
8264s those into those terrain manipulation
8266s fights where they just go ahead and just
8267s like drop down cuz they have so much
8269s High Ground like that's why I said the
8270s Missy Forest because if you see Vipers
8271s dropping from the sky what are you going
8273s to do I mean listen that's a that's a
8275s double-edge sword though because Viper
8276s goes into the sky guess what Matari can
8278s anticipate that they see that the only
8280s thing that's going to be more highrisk
8281s High reward is if a Viper gets really
8283s high to the sky ult and then Crouch bomb
8285s dashes in the face of
8287s anybody but if there's a teada and there
8289s is four sand sight if there's a teada
8291s with three an of Ultimate Fan blast can
8293s deny that whole entire amount of 5
8295s Seconds that you have by just down to
8296s one second of pressure that you're able
8298s to turn out crew off you better have
8300s that 90 Ms reaction time or something
8302s like that I swear bro like they going
8306s have some crazy reaction time being able
8307s to read a Viper just full on crouching
8310s midair with the Viper online but you
8314s know now we're locked and loaded here
8315s for game number two once again I mean
8318s this is going to be the standard for I
8319s believe up to game four uh just W Viper
8323s testas the side comp and then uh the
8325s siphon comp the staple comp yeah um but
8328s yeah what the what you looking at what
8330s you looking at I'm seeing his F2 v1s
8332s we're going back to
8334s it standard yeah well the thing is his
8337s F2 V1 was a standard yeah and look the
8339s F2 coming from ewg for that cada that's
8340s what I wanted to see if that was going
8341s to come out here but the F2 v1's coming
8344s back into play for the silen into the
8345s stun that's just the guarantee cada
8347s can't do anything man and that's that's
8349s the main reason once they saw that
8349s onepoint band they might have just opted
8351s in to use the F2 and that that that
8352s would be usage in response and this
8354s actually could potentially potentially
8356s this could grief out the entirety of the
8357s sand siphons if it comes down to the
8359s right coordination cuz you got to also
8361s remember right so tamy circles if tamy
8363s ults get this right he anticipates the
8365s Viper to show up in the face of teada if
8367s he ults within that F skill being casted
8370s out he can knock back that cool down and
8372s she can't use her silence and then guess
8374s what that type of synergy it only comes
8376s into dreams from console
8379s players shout to my console Gamers
8381s though shout out to my console gam shout
8383s out to my console Gamers no specifically
8384s the PlayStation tournaments coming out
8386s here also if you guys don't know into
8387s the na sphere martial arst solo going to
8389s be showing up here for this weekend
8390s we're going have some qualifier matches
8392s coming from Saturday and Sunday for you
8393s guys to take out and check out we're
8394s going to have that chances of actually
8395s for you guys to watch uh seeing how the
8397s One V one the trash shocking that
8398s happens you know that a taste of what's
8400s going to happen but regardless our
8402s response comes out here ASC fpx BBE
8406s spawning in here but gosh golly holy
8410s smokes okay Imperial Village is going to
8412s have 16 yo 16's going to be spawning in
8416s here they're going to be taking all the
8417s pressure the Beast pen into the tower
8420s into the Y and into the cave into the
8422s waterfall I'm I'm kind of hoping for the
8424s dangerous game to be played here for
8426s spam 123
8428s Blues I mean with that new Katana change
8432s yes sir that's going to connect but I
8435s mean like once again everything on land
8436s is different uh could be able to you
8438s know be reactional off that Katana
8440s change but now X1 one of the teams one
8443s one of the many teams Landing imp per
8445s Village but we do have FX CQ going out
8448s against BBE a little bit of smacks here
8450s everybody would know weapon in hand it's
8451s going to be straight Dukes out for all
8453s these for all these players in both of
8456s these teams oh there goes with the
8457s weapon oh my God big Parry there from
8459s June X there onto iin he is going to
8461s fall off for that now to the F finish
8463s there onto Roy shishi now fpx EQ staying
8466s up here for their off drop fights
8469s clearing out all three members of BBE
8471s which have won game number one now te
8474s chases down X1 x1's trying to get some
8476s loot back up zdi by himself finds a blue
8478s armor te now going to be rushing this
8479s one down we got F2 still no Gra on wash
8481s have blue Hong sword common pistol going
8484s for some P shots here and there and this
8486s is going to be where you know Chase down
8488s comes out Leo might be caught out from
8489s one ster to alone but the pistol shots
8490s come out here from was try to create
8492s that point of just like chipping away
8493s the HP cannon shots though bit of a
8495s dangerous game there's going to be the
8496s signs coming out from was wash cannot do
8497s anything for the next 8 seconds find
8499s nice armor swap NOP going to be a chance
8500s for the broken armor CL comes out here
8501s was going look at the whole check here
8502s gets CAU by the 1 2 3 he going to be
8504s going for the blues look for a tap Dodge
8505s into the F2 knock back get no
8506s confirmation on knocking back that Viper
8508s that's going to be eliminations as a
8509s test enchant comes out and both hits
8512s yeah that's just rough for them there
8513s goes enchantment there onto Leo Leo's
8514s going to eat up all the damage one shot
8517s left and he is going to be taken out as
8518s well an X1 winning off there with off
8521s spawn drops as well are going to pick up
8523s three off of that team wipe now drg and
8525s ewg I believe drg did invest that Tesla
8528s ultimate already Lou there onto one of
8530s drg's M does not get the follow up but
8532s in the back end cookie there with the
8533s full sword is going to be able to pick
8534s up elimination onto the ERG as well now
8538s in a 2v3 situation oh there goes the
8541s Frost fite there and looks like L is
8543s going to fall off for this as well
8544s cookie now trying to stay up and it's a
8546s 2v2 I believe big there from oh my God
8550s big par there from exai he is going to
8552s be able to stay up now the one V2 Don Q
8555s trying to stay up this might be ba
8557s cookie here with them umbrella there on
8559s EX to the refreeze there off the
8561s butterflies and that was beautiful there
8563s from ewg yeah WG almost fought himself
8566s in a in a really bad predicament L just
8568s got his ultimate back got his ultimate
8569s up and got frozen right in the process
8571s and then turnaround just came through
8572s 521 though dissipating from this area
8574s needing to back off once iell was struck
8576s here we're going to see 521 pompy with
8577s that blue fist blades blue armor on him
8579s as well as for Yin T Courtyard having a
8581s chance here we're going to see a a bit
8583s of a tassel with that Moon Bane as uing
8585s Yu purple long or purple dual Blaze say
8587s blue armors across the whole team
8589s instead and having a nice chance of
8590s picking up the attack Jades along the
8592s Route so that's good we're going to see
8593s them be able to build that one out here
8594s X1 though o I don't even want to I don't
8596s want to look oh no oh no got caught into
8599s the mix of things and then test enchant
8601s and now the Silence from jdg Shing just
8602s to you know insult the injury you know
8604s what I'm saying oh my God that's super
8606s rough XO y with a massive Perry but it's
8608s just a matter of time here with three
8610s players on his Trail one stagger is all
8613s they need overh holds instead of one hit
8615s there for the elimination and jdg now
8619s with their wipe out for their off drops
8621s are going be able to stay up in this
8623s situation now players going to start
8626s respawning in different locations now
8629s two teams down right now drg and X1 oh
8632s X1 do manage to get a team white but drg
8635s only managed to pick up one ug now gold
8637s P sword here for SS already with a crazy
8642s weapon off drop and right now with
8644s everybody with blue armors potentially
8646s even common armor still he's going be
8647s able to shred through all these players
8650s here on the Matari to go ahead and try
8652s to shoot at the BT to try to get some
8653s information I believe there's nobody
8655s post it up right here so it's going to
8657s be a full Zone here for ug wow they get
8661s a long sword too bro crazy that team
8663s they're going to be stacked out of their
8664s minds coming into the first R Yang and
8667s jdg now taking fights test I can't wa I
8670s just realized J activated after the test
8672s enchant confirmed hit he can't do
8673s anything about that he can't do anything
8675s about it the time that it takes for
8676s Viper ultimate to come out after the
8678s test enchant procs on him there's no way
8680s for the there's no way for the sun to
8682s come out here if he had V3 different
8683s story but there's going to be the signs
8684s coming out the jump Perry potential no J
8686s is going to be hell TR oh we're going to
8687s be going for the Perry B between both
8689s sides Kiki gets caught to the enchant uh
8691s now he's going be probably Pro processed
8692s out here and a test H call the Amber
8694s Alert cuz someone's missing out from the
8695s team fight oh he's gone though Zing is
8698s out pampy does me to get one on the
8701s board y as well that's two players down
8703s there for
8704s jdg but 521 now going go ahead pick up
8708s the resources there from from those dead
8710s bodies ss1 going out against d wbg right
8713s we do see wbg trying to retreat but ss1
8717s already in the scene Walker on the te
8719s going to go ahead and call in the ab
8721s into the te ultimate as well with the
8723s big damage there onto Rosemary R&B focus
8725s and the last hit there from Jing there
8726s for elimination there for for wbg that's
8729s his one now it's one player down you
8730s know what's crazy about S Walker baited
8732s out the F1 in teada furin Old just to
8734s come out in the face of it that's a big
8737s that's a big dis like oh my goodness one
8739s two looking for the three that w p down
8742s mean there's nothing to keep him alive
8743s here much longer that sem ccle kind of
8744s created this death sence hold check of
8746s Destiny coming out here there it is
8747s Parry like that that's an immediate
8748s elimination wbg clapback G coming out
8751s here three eliminations coming through
8752s looking for number four though if we can
8754s try to capture out cuz gen one is going
8756s to be playing out the R&V game coming
8757s out from the fan but you know the P
8759s sword action comes out let alone for
8760s just chunking away that armor and health
8762s that was a beautiful T me ultimate there
8764s to lock down secure another elimination
8766s there they did get the rest but quickly
8768s Sleep Walker was there for the hit and
8770s now that's play down there for ss1 and
8774s wbg nice clean up there onto ss1 now ASC
8779s still trying to pick up more resource is
8781s trying to set up for the first round
8783s myang do have the teada with the purple
8786s fist blades all full blue armored out
8788s here for ASC though I'm going to go
8790s ahead and see if they can pick up more
8791s materials in this area it's just a
8793s little bit of a looting game here for a
8794s lot of these teams uh post or you know
8798s prior Roma yangang do have drgs viper
8801s still with common armor trying to see
8803s you can find a better upgrade to be able
8805s to have a better armor there it is
8808s little blue armor it's going to be a
8809s little SWA there from the wi never mind
8810s mind they want the blue armor on the
8812s Viper got me but FPS zq with purple
8816s armor the
8818s zaping and purple n as well in this skin
8820s right here I think they're all purple
8822s now yes they are everybody has purple
8824s Armor man this live skin I'm not going
8826s to lie this is my this is this is
8827s definitely my favorite skin right here
8829s right capital p e a k yeah
8833s yeah put put put it at the top uh tier
8835s list where's the tier list out there for
8836s the skids I know that I know that's
8838s going to be an indefinite list that's
8840s every yeah for sure uh FX still purple
8843s weapons purple armor it out ryang in a
8846s minute or so we can see a mve spotting
8847s in here onto the west side towards camel
8849s hump so I mean teams I don't know if
8852s team's going to be rotating down that
8853s way but that's literally the only ryang
8855s off the west side of the map only ryang
8857s to be spotted out the only other thing
8859s is going to be a draco storm Spirit Well
8861s that be aailable that's where BBE is
8863s near towards G Armory so for them to
8864s kind of work off here this is where drg
8866s like I said five by Tesa comps they
8868s ain't taking R fights unless they mad
8870s Lads for the they have or sand sions
8873s they can't take those R they have to
8874s work the outside and drg and 521 going
8876s to be looking to the path here we're
8877s going to see 521 actually cting around
8879s behind drg and now for wbg outside of
8881s the Salvation podum region going to the
8883s east
8883s side I mean purple armors across the
8886s board blue fans double blue fans purple
8887s fist place though for as J as we
8889s mentioned before just cutting through
8890s here trying to chase this one down
8891s they're actually right behind WG uh
8893s right you know tailing them down 18
8894s grapples left for J dong and having 4
8896s to7 ratio for the healing barriers to
8897s the armor powerder ratio now uh 30
8900s seconds 15s seconds before the Ry you
8902s know I'm always curious about the Jades
8904s I I kind of I kind of want to see what's
8905s going to be the Jad coming from the drop
8906s down because the thing is is that when
8907s it comes down towards you know special
8910s DJs come out that could like I said make
8911s a break rupture Gord for the Poke damage
8914s martial art will form hook for the
8915s control because then double fans that's
8917s the reason we see double fans you know
8918s coming out from the players there's
8920s going to be a mad L Dash effort to the r
8922s yangs and now it's going to be a chance
8923s wbg to get griefed oh ah man you know I
8926s would be upset I
8928s nah not the F2 just just to back him up
8934s and not be able to take round but fzq
8937s already posted up do start up high but
8940s this going be the mixup here for fpsq
8942s against ug do have I believe both zoms
8946s out here for both of these teams we do
8947s have junks here with a massive F2 get a
8950s little bit of damage oh no I heard AAR
8953s to the back in that's going to be a lot
8954s of damage here onto the Z he's trying to
8956s stay up in the situation to the one two
8957s there onto the king now Z still has he
8960s is going be able to pop it this time
8962s around now what's going to be the mix up
8963s here for John X he is be able to get
8964s some damage burn damage onto one of his
8966s players but the king there stopping any
8968s sorts of pressure there now a big damage
8970s to the backside both shots connecting
8971s there onto the Z trying to stay up now
8973s with one HP trying to use burn here to
8975s try to create some of his space DUS gets
8977s a little bit of burn tick here and still
8978s trying to stay up and trying to get some
8980s healing off to the zingo here yeah JX is
8982s going to have that Phantom set to work
8983s in his favor he doesn't get caught to
8984s the Target luck but of course for the
8985s grapple sagers that's one thing one two
8987s against jingu threes get typ Dodge going
8989s to be the F2 coming to H back line for
8991s Shia hu shiau is down though B2 comes
8993s out Roll come through we're going to see
8994s a horiz gets constant pair we lose those
8996s NES that's purple NES on the ground
8997s that's going to be purple NES not back
8998s in their hand and that's ug taking a
9000s victory gold P sword like I said they
9001s were stacked for the weapons even though
9003s they didn't have the armor they were
9004s stacked for the weapons and me see
9005s chances here for the hward to be picked
9006s up from jinu going to be another stamina
9008s strike to be built out a hong sword and
9009s most likely vermilion's coming out
9011s purple H's also aced into that purple
9013s Rarity of the weapon you know OG stacked
9015s out for team you know here and there so
9017s now it's going to be them outside the r
9018s Yang just going crazy into the tank
9020s Courtyard south of the city of Tang see
9021s drg outside with that r with not the r
9024s but with the Draco storm working through
9026s and chasing down CU you can see drg are
9028s just going to C around as ss1 is going
9029s to be in the zone yeah now the pressure
9031s here from drg going right into ss1 521
9035s is on the bottom side of this terrain as
9037s well but drg has her eyes onto the Lone
9040s Wolf there from ss1 now it's going to
9042s get caught up there by another player I
9044s believe now Rosemary in the back end is
9046s going to be get hit off some some damage
9048s do have the Tesla ultimate invested
9049s there from say one quick interactions
9051s there from the RG now the damage is
9053s going to go towards the Tesla's way now
9055s the Viper timate be called in as well
9058s going against drg but a wuan port there
9060s to make him stay into safety 521 right
9063s next to the bush there does get the
9065s Stagger off the Draco storm but full
9067s team committed still towards ss1 and
9069s they are going to be able to back on up
9070s but now the pressure still happening
9071s towards their way Oho wait 521 just hit
9074s it out and Kashi didn't mind any tension
9077s so they're they're they're seeing red
9080s who was like wait hold on he I mean he
9082s didn't go through with it like keep
9084s chasing I guess but listen drg chasing
9086s down ss1 Rosemary try to hide within the
9089s wall 78% nice chance here for the
9091s blistering R to release oh so form going
9093s to come out for another one C Dodge nice
9094s jump lb coming out for the saggers and
9096s there going be a stone for Ro again shot
9097s in the other direction looking for a
9098s chance for the Parry nicely done that's
9099s going to be the point or the Z going to
9101s kill out Roseberry goes down here drg
9103s going to find their third elimination
9103s I'm not sure fight's going to want to
9105s invade this as a third party but ss1 gen
9106s one is going to be left by his own by
9108s his own stad meanwhile towards towards J
9111s Armory WG OG ASC they're all fighting
9114s for each other oh my God three-way scrap
9116s out here three teams going at it ewg
9119s picking eliminations we do have lots of
9121s stagger happening in the terrain here
9122s asc's trying to stay up big par from fat
9124s M trying to respond here off the damage
9127s crew ultimate invested from both squads
9128s right now we got the T ultimate back in
9131s the king falls off of this ASC with
9133s three members still up being able to
9135s apply the pressure there onto BBE fat
9137s milk still in the mix do have the tether
9139s ewg now full chasing down Jen here he is
9143s be able to get some sorts of damage he's
9145s going to fall though gets caught up in
9146s the corner and as with another one
9148s another PA in the back in this time
9149s around towards fat milk and now the
9151s dragon slaying it onto fat mil but BBE
9154s rushy she trying to stay up gets the
9155s damage off the R&B there onto one of
9157s those players there goes the test
9158s ultimate for the second time into the
9160s silence No Escape is off of this into
9163s the 1.0 from the hro in the backside in
9165s the Dragon Slayer and BBE is going to
9167s fall off for this and jdg now with five
9169s on the board here for game number two
9171s taking out as the kill leaders ewg still
9173s leading up to the rolls they burn their
9174s Vermilion so now they're going to be
9175s rotating towards the next R yank
9177s potential de Tas is down X1 here and as
9179s you can see the vermillon is still
9180s active for another 30 seconds into The
9182s Ravines towards moon beam Gorge for Te
9184s was though one last grapple in a dream
9186s let's see what we do with it we a going
9188s to use it aren't we yeah yeah I mean
9189s listen he's going to use it there but
9191s he's going to have to really look to the
9192s resupply for scare rushing or towards
9193s his team might be even wanting to cancel
9195s here but the shops are going to be in
9197s locations very scarce in terms of area
9200s te hiding under the bush just to make
9201s sure they can just burn out reassess
9204s reevaluate reposition one minute on the
9207s clock though fpx losing out that R not a
9210s really good sight but they find ASC here
9211s this could be the potential for them to
9212s chase down purple armors versus Blues
9214s ultimate cats are fully ready to go for
9217s fpx and ASC are looking to be looking
9219s you know around 66% of the way there
9221s between all their
9222s ultimates yeah not fpx Q starting to
9224s show on up they're going to have to try
9226s to aggresses as fast as possible with 40
9228s seconds remaining on the Y depletion
9229s time ASC though wanting to start poing
9232s up for second ryang first one in Jun
9235s next now finding the pressure there onto
9237s the taada now I ultimate invested we do
9239s have The Zing F called in massive parad
9241s from junx there big damage as well J now
9244s is going to be caught up here in the
9245s backside there goes the burn on to three
9247s players a big jugle there and now that's
9249s going to be elimination first one down
9250s there for ASC and fzq making this happen
9254s now the clinch comes in there for the Z
9256s on the backside do have two down now for
9258s a last one remain and fzq doing W so
9263s quickly there are going to be able to
9265s Clans on now and they are going be able
9267s to post up for the next from Jame but
9268s now JD G called out the last member
9271s there on the backside and te now getting
9274s hit by a little bit of pressure there
9275s from JD G looks like the aggression is
9278s going to still happen inside the Zone
9279s here yeah every single time you going to
9281s see fights happening it's like the same
9282s reason there's liquor swur out every
9283s single Corner against see R&B they just
9285s want to kill each other if that's the
9286s case everyone shows up this man dropped
9288s down blue wait I'm wait 14 got the kill
9291s got the bow shot
9293s Destiny wait I need a replay production
9296s team where you at listen we got to see
9297s what's going to happen over there I need
9298s to see what's going to go through cuz
9299s these guys are doing work out here jinu
9301s going to be chasing down through towards
9303s the Pinnacle town now jdg is going to be
9304s looking to drop down blue maybe from
9305s jinu is going to go out here for the
9307s bait out of course T bait through with
9309s the jump lmb and that's exactly what
9311s wanted try to see if they want to
9312s anticipate for a fight is going straight
9314s East te is Right south of them these
9315s guys are not that far away from each
9317s other their neighbors on the Block right
9319s now and they're pulling up because
9320s everything comes out the Falcons perch
9321s if they want to fight out towards this
9323s area that's the case but we still got we
9325s still got spells we got Romy yangs we
9327s still got fights to be had our kill
9328s leader board right now has only fours
9330s and fives and six one six fpx but then
9332s ewg having the crown base of eight
9334s eliminations so far into this game what
9337s we're going to go through with you know
9339s we got around 30 26 players a reer charm
9341s has been purchased coming through Hugh
9342s so we're going to make that up to 27 but
9344s the r Yang ewg free free low free low go
9349s long sword on cookie you know we
9351s actually that was the person who had 43k
9352s healing it's going to be a burst Arrow
9354s built into this build and then as well
9356s uh I got to double check the scene about
9358s that one but we're going to have a nice
9359s sh L coming out fight FX drg coming
9361s through here as ewg drops in here with a
9362s tamy circle
9365s wait there goes the Viper Sun I'm going
9367s to mention it after but now D next is
9369s going to fall off of this he armb into
9371s interact that was so fast like that was
9373s so quick being able to do that does man
9375s to cleans the the Tesla ultimate but was
9378s not be able to stay up and now the last
9379s member of fpx is going to be taken down
9382s here from E
9384s ewg hey that that that was that was an
9388s insane run earlier there with that quick
9390s eliminations there uh but still now ewg
9393s with the Draco storm do have wbg with
9396s the Mystic m going to go ahead and buy
9398s up some of these resources exi here with
9401s 12K going to go ahead and just buy up
9404s more of these Jad see the dark dark
9406s coins just falling through now do have
9409s gold fan in hand here fre ewgs louer
9412s with the teada I mean this is what you
9414s love to see if you're a teada in trios
9416s being able to have that go online for
9418s yourself better to get that is wonders
9421s here for any teas we do have them now
9423s seen I believe jdg there in the back in
9426s it's just a little bit of a you know
9427s just visual no Kiki is going to go ahead
9429s and get Parry there oh my God massive
9431s Parry there with the dra storm going to
9433s be able to get the full stagger there on
9434s to Kiki nowhere to be able to go trying
9437s to stay up in this situation to the one
9439s two and exile with the last hit there
9440s for ewg and now ewg with nine or I
9444s believe 10 on the board here for game
9446s number two what is showcasing from them
9448s and this is exactly what they need to
9449s try to bump up here from this scoreboard
9451s currently in 10 yeah dude 10
9453s eliminations bringing out here I saw
9454s that yoink from te from earlier yeah put
9458s that pressure I was like man look at
9459s that that thing was clean now they got
9461s beef now it's going to be a chance for
9462s team ug right now with the Hong sword
9463s going to be gold Rarity for jingu still
9465s to his hand x1's going to be going
9466s toward the F Lake this going to be where
9468s ballista gaming could be Potential from
9469s ewg cookie I see on the bister tower got
9471s to be careful though because there it is
9472s going to be shot coming out from the BL
9473s SC you get caught by one burnt stick
9475s it's not going to be another a whole
9476s Bolt in the face of danger but Jin Yu I
9479s mean this man's you know he's chilling
9481s he's got support lines he's got you know
9482s you know afflac he's got the insurance
9484s policy for everything so whether or not
9486s he's investing correctly it's going to
9487s be his case for the shops later on we
9489s got no money well we got money but we
9491s don't got a lot so for them to get
9493s elimination they'll get they'll get a
9494s lot of money from each elimination to
9495s get her out here because now it's going
9497s to be up to case Draco stor for the next
9498s 45 seconds as well as with w with their
9500s mysic might they want to go ahead and
9501s Skype out here and try to go for the
9503s connections but regardless Zen with this
9506s type of build can go Long Way same it's
9509s on the same level as a fully Ked out
9510s team pretty much with gold with gold
9512s armors and such so for them to kind of
9514s work off here this is where we can see
9516s te are even better because they got
9518s purple armors across the board and
9519s they're going to be going ahead taking
9520s fights in the bical town against drg
9522s like man I'm just trying to do my my
9524s challenge here hold on let me just go
9525s ahead and interact I got I got dailies
9527s to complete
9530s do my daes all right we going to go
9532s ahead and back on up y got that drg we
9534s got what we came for we got our Dark
9535s Coin dark coins going to go ahead and
9537s just back on up drg though go go ahead
9540s and try to rotate on into the next zone
9543s wbg They are going to be able oh we got
9545s a little bit of Resurrection there from
9547s jdg they're going to get one player back
9549s here from their squad still losing out
9551s on the wuen though so going to have to
9554s wait and see how they can respond off of
9556s that but
9557s wbg oh my God full purple now this point
9560s I mean this is standard as well I mean
9561s two rmer yangs down going to go ahead
9563s and post up for the remainder of this
9566s game zone three starting to fully close
9569s now do have a quick little replay here
9571s earlier do have a big juggle oh my God
9573s gets clipped into the R&B as well while
9575s he lands now there goes the F1 here from
9578s the taka to the take down he's to get a
9580s little bit of damage there exido
9582s responds with R&B there on the back end
9583s sends out the 1.0 there from the fist
9585s blazes gets the damage there onto the T
9587s oh double par from XI big damage as well
9589s now the T ultimate going to be invested
9591s here for a and go ahead and try to find
9594s a f try to see get some damage in cookie
9597s does manage to create the space
9598s beautifully there to avoid any sorts of
9600s furins now no F releases yet here does
9602s get the damage off the R&B Focus there
9604s goes to furin now they opposing furin as
9606s well in the back end got a par from XI
9608s just reading every single blue the ASC
9609s throws at him being able to stay up the
9611s crew ultimate now invested here for ASC
9614s now the opposing F there into the one
9616s two get some siphon back off of this as
9618s well F1 called in can't release No Blues
9620s trying to stay up gets caught up in the
9622s corner to the one two there off the fan
9624s and now is going to get hit off
9626s the onews as well and that was a
9628s beautiful clean up wow what a Showcase
9630s in there for the second R in that we
9631s didn't watch and now this is what you
9633s love right here s we got the Jades on
9635s the screen yeah got twin shot coming up
9637s from Lee way cookie going to have that
9638s scatter shot with the burst Arrow we're
9639s going to see a thunder call from XI as
9641s well as a soothing Boon uh and then
9642s working into you know playing out with
9644s that it's going to just be able to save
9646s resources and you know just keep King
9648s around for everything going through that
9649s scattershot burst arrow is going to work
9651s out that's going to be a repair chest
9652s that's going to be repair chest rotation
9653s towards you know towards cookie because
9655s of that we're going to see though into
9656s this it going to be a if I'm not
9658s mistaken it's going to be a uh an
9660s overcomer coming out from dongqing very
9662s rare case instance of where we've seen
9663s that but we're going to see a focus
9665s slide a sap Jade a blistering edge of
9667s phantom seph Cox he's been stacked and
9669s we're going to see a group here from
9670s Musha 98 with a Sunwing shot so he's
9672s going to be rocking through there
9672s Rampage though for D Ching that's a nice
9674s selection here uh very nicely going
9676s through here Rampage gets the purple
9677s Focus for that second pair so we're
9679s going to see that coming out potentially
9681s now onto wbg you're going to see a Canan
9683s Fang a sap trade for Jing but towards
9686s ASA working into playing Barb bolts
9689s crazy stamina strike as well and that's
9691s going to be a Barb bolts in venom tip
9693s and if you guys know what happens when
9695s the semi circle Tam was happens there is
9697s nothing stopping thato from Coming Out
9699s ooh got ew contestant te here for the
9702s white tigers powers in The Spirit Well
9705s ewg is going to go ahead and repair some
9706s of his cannons we do have Leo responding
9709s as well with a cannon shots in the back
9710s end te wants to stay inside the pocket
9712s we do have the Tes ultimate from the
9714s back end no eyes in the back jdg here
9716s with a massive Tes CH to two players
9718s here from ewg there goes the enchantment
9720s as well into the silence there from the
9722s Viper another test ultimate invested in
9724s the back end now all these teams
9725s colliding here for the spw EDG is forced
9728s to back on up we do have the second set
9731s of test enchantment connecting oh my God
9733s what a wher from downtown who connected
9735s off of that wbg what a crazy snipe down
9738s off The Wiz and one player is going to
9740s fall here for ewg now the test the tomok
9743s ultimate investor for xai but that's one
9746s player down they're going to have to
9747s trde to see if they can hope to get the
9748s resurrection onto that player I'm have
9750s to notch my tie a little bit loose here
9752s getting very tight here going to see a
9753s gold arm picked up from te they're going
9755s to be going for that preemptive ultimate
9756s two-minute buff right as we know from
9758s the sh Shadow three and four we're going
9759s to have two- minute Buffs for the spear
9760s well so now te is going to have to
9761s really full send his W key6 Gear manual
9764s shift but they can't stall the moment
9766s that they stall it's going to be over
9766s they're going to be stuck in the middle
9767s of the side of the road cuz that's
9768s exactly what's going to happen for you
9769s they get CAU the V2 through the wall
9771s going be caught the connection there's
9772s the burns there's a chance of that come
9774s out here we're going to see The High
9774s Ground flank coming out from te
9776s Washington going ahead with the F2 knock
9777s back tries attempts not going to happen
9780s here ewg get that reset into the karumi
9782s circle now of course as te watch look to
9783s try to reposition he's trying to bait
9785s out fan coming out here from leeway he's
9786s going to go into the sky he's cing
9788s around here but we got a secondary old
9789s folks we know this is going to be the
9790s case for Te to want to try to rush this
9793s through if they need to invested it's
9794s just so much pressure being able to
9796s contest that SP well capture the you
9798s know you popped all and re getting a
9800s second o just a lot of pressure here
9802s towards ewg they are going to be able to
9804s pop the no O Zone nice repositioning
9805s there from ewg reading the second sets
9809s of ultimates here from te dropping down
9811s Jay there from the squad as well we do
9813s have ewg staying up there from the
9815s pressure they're are going to be able to
9817s go ahead and uh live out this last and
9819s final moments of this game zone four
9821s starting to fully close they're going to
9823s be pushed out inside the zone and te
9824s looks like they're waiting for them
9826s right now they know exactly they have no
9827s SS up and wash the first one in here for
9829s Te trying to see can hit off the F2 does
9832s manage to do so into the F into the army
9834s Focus there off the fan big jugles in
9836s the back end L Focus From the P sword
9838s and egg th is getting completely
9840s shredded there and disol and that was
9842s disgusting there from te was there
9844s applying the pressure there on to Exile
9846s they're going to be a to make up
9847s elimination there now the W ports out
9849s the opposing team but te what the
9851s pressure here for this last final
9853s moments of this game these guys ain't
9854s stopping man they got themselves going
9855s through move double DOD coming out from
9857s J to kind of go ahead and no ST because
9858s that Viper coming here now J on aiing of
9860s another Viper scush into the sky trying
9862s to create distance he's safe but his
9864s teammates may not be and looking for
9865s that W comes out from clutch from Kiki
9867s as that te's going to be backing off
9868s here but guess what it's going to be wbg
9869s now wbg going to slam down here for the
9870s pressure number number two comes out the
9873s t Circle comes through they're looking
9874s for the blue focuses for the verticals
9875s as gets a little bit of The High Ground
9876s position you see salker gets a kill
9878s against two that's going to be a so
9879s straight to Cadence Fan's pocket and now
9881s salker going to go ahead six
9883s eliminations for wbg J gets caught by
9885s the R&B from SS as that elimination
9886s comes out and nothing something to know
9887s about wbg Asa has Group K he can keep
9890s the team suain throughout these fights
9891s but kxy looking to try to opt in for
9893s this forbidden cage or for the firefight
9894s cage off to the top side of this Hilltop
9896s we're looking towards his Mystic might
9897s to see if they're going to be looking to
9898s that rotation cuz drg are going to be
9900s try to protect that and try to keep this
9901s High Ground to their
9902s own hey
9904s J see that I was waiting for wbg to show
9908s up to the screen so I was trying to see
9910s I was trying to see who the T was that
9911s Bo got the snipe Downs with the wh
9913s earlier that was disgusting that was
9916s that was just filthy there from the Tamo
9918s there from wbg te wash now back at it
9922s again Rec contesting te try to see if
9925s they can claim this second set of Spirit
9927s Well going to go ahead and post on up I
9929s mean full kid it out we have gold armor
9930s here for two players for Wasing 14
9933s merciless as well for one of the staffs
9936s wash is going to go ahead and just wait
9937s it out trying to see get some eyes here
9939s for their team do have some players
9942s getting eliminated cookie gets taken out
9943s there from one of 's member currently
9946s right now te with seven on the board wbg
9948s with six as well as UG jdg and drg with
9952s five X1 and 521 with four ewg get
9955s eliminated with 10 fpsq with six as well
9958s so it's a lot of eliminations still on
9960s the board for those teams but still
9962s right now trying to see if they can try
9965s to take a MVP right now te and wbg super
9968s close as well as UG and kills against
9971s one another but was and Co are going to
9974s be able to go ahead and uh and claim
9976s this Spirit Well wash already popping
9977s his ultimate once again we see him
9979s trying to get active off of this alone
9981s was trying to find an opening here with
9983s the Mystic might in play off the spirit
9985s well being able to not make sure they do
9987s not climb this terrain wash is using the
9990s side ultimate here Omni directions to
9992s make sure he can just make uh get no
9993s search of pressure towards his teammates
9995s but now the ultimate is be invested in
9996s the back end that's lots of burn damage
9998s there for was three players there from
10000s wbg and they be they're going to be
10001s forced to drop on down here from the
10003s terrain yeah V2 and snare comes out
10005s really strong for watch now no more
10006s ultimate looking towards and seeing
10007s whether or not the kiing for that spe
10008s wheell is going to work out for the
10009s clear of course watch has to kite
10011s himself up to the sky this is going to
10012s be spear well contention there it is
10014s proc for the Matari ultimate preemptive
10015s and there it is the clear out for the
10016s mus might F2 right to the wuen port huge
10019s into a midair for the V2 ultimate Brock
10021s and guess what Mario still active was
10023s might have just enough time for that
10024s Matari stealth no gets caught into the
10026s Sun and now he's be locked through here
10028s no one's going to prioritize against
10029s watch just yet you see for try to defend
10030s it and there's going to be a 521
10032s ultimate from Ying the drop down for
10033s this point a B2 coming out from the Z
10035s watch still has it active for another 10
10037s seconds one twos Omni directionals
10038s threes looks towards Y and no coming out
10041s here for the test enchant catches all
10042s three gets a little bit of healing but
10043s there's going to be the Zone kill
10044s there's going to be watch pick up the
10045s soul Bloom and we're going to be
10046s rotating out here for Te man we're at
10048s around nine eliminations te taken into
10050s the set actually eight eliminations but
10051s we're going to be looking for nine we're
10053s looking for 10 we're looking for 11 the
10054s king finds a massive bow shot against
10056s x1's lyd on the top side cuz that's a
10059s whole other fight that's happening on
10060s top of this Cliff side and now it's only
10062s going to be this area for all the
10063s players to kind of contest against one
10064s another WG stays up do have bur in the
10068s back in some pressure sure no hits
10070s though I believe little bit of burn burn
10072s TI damage down to Leo though K in the
10075s backside repositioning there with his
10076s Squad ug claiming the bottom right hand
10079s side of this in circle aame and the top
10082s side is going to get hit off of that
10083s from zdi on the Viper waso still in mix
10086s here with his Squad te going at it with
10089s the Mystic might once again they're to
10091s have eyes across the whole field right
10093s now being able to see every team's
10094s location they go the big damage into the
10097s F2 once again and Leo the last hit but
10100s wash there with the opener off the Z
10102s have two bombs being able to get the
10105s damage there and get a player focus and
10107s we do see him apply the pressure on to
10109s two players from wbg it's half two again
10111s the time around against Don Q and watch
10113s the going at right now and looks like
10115s he's not going to stop any time Z he's
10117s going crazy with the V2 the ins snared
10118s forcing Wen ports getting burn ticks
10121s Kiki goes down we're going to see watch
10123s going for another chance for gold focus
10124s is he just running around here like he's
10126s an anime character he's going crazy
10128s Sleepwalker has to working around here
10129s for those onews but you can see was is
10131s looking to protect his teammates from
10132s any range shots burn prop gets KN get
10134s Sleepwalker he gets the elimination just
10135s because and now he's look for the F2 to
10137s look for the comet he looks to try to
10138s regroup with his teammates as it comes
10140s down towards the cool Downs right at the
10141s last 80 Seconds for the match here watch
10143s looking to try to go for those fan rmbs
10144s if he needs to but those ice butterflies
10146s are going to grief 5 to one in the
10147s vicinity and that's exactly what happens
10149s crg finds the elimination OG just wants
10151s to keep on going here they're going to
10152s go back and forth one another here CA
10155s yeah trying to stay up right now 50% on
10157s that rage trying to Bild up some of his
10158s rage once again big par from the King on
10161s watch he's going up a lot of damage nice
10162s karumi ultimate repositioning there from
10164s te now in the corner two hits there into
10167s the Viper Sun wash trying to stay up
10169s gets clipped off side the zone now
10171s Kakashi is going to be a to be
10172s eliminated as well SS with the last hit
10175s now it's going to be te against ug there
10177s goes the Z Ultimate there from was once
10179s again grapple lmb into the F2 inside the
10181s Z Jing now it's going to be eliminated
10183s off of this he's not going to look at
10184s him he said you're dead I hit you with
10186s the F2 watch trying to find the second
10188s one does not to do so this time around
10190s but in the 3v one situation te with a
10193s massive Showcase in here for game number
10195s two and what a showcase there from was
10198s and I know was took the MVP I don't even
10200s have to look at the bull I don't have to
10201s look you know I'm going throw a dart at
10202s the B and I'm like I know it's going to
10204s be a bullseye dud that's just crazy
10205s coming out from T oh my God I was like I
10209s looked at everything and I was like yo
10211s yo so everything coming out from
10214s te that aggression man look it was
10217s worthwhile it came out it worked out yo
10220s the moment I saw was I was like don't
10221s worry guys I'll protect this Cliff side
10222s no one's going to be coming up here
10224s anytime soon you know like I'm the guy
10226s you he came through denying everybody
10229s using his V2 it felt like his ultimate
10231s lasted for a lifetime when he was the
10233s cliff side because what happened next is
10235s exactly what we saw we saw the spiral
10237s being tied for the buff that spiral uh
10239s range Dome comes out protects out the
10241s 14 protects out for his team just to vot
10244s for and stay there for as long as they
10246s need to and now for Te taking into this
10249s Victory as an MVP this is yo I mean
10252s they're currently in middle of the board
10253s too but like listen they're the BBE
10257s catching MVP for round one and te taking
10259s MVP for round two is is is good times
10261s good times to be had in this set you can
10263s see ly showing up here it's like you
10264s know don't worry homie we're living out
10266s here but for these guys for Te to come
10269s through and catching at least I think
10271s fifth place in the overall this means
10274s that we're actually going to have a
10275s chance between you know everybody
10277s contesting cuz solos was where we saw
10279s like three players trying to Contest out
10280s here for Last Chance qualifiers
10282s yesterday for day one for for last
10284s qualif days you know out right before I
10286s go straight to that point you got some
10287s questions about here let's see if
10288s there's an absolute baller question or
10289s if it's going to be easy for you guys
10291s take a look at the scene which team is
10292s leading the total scoreboard now now
10293s this is where you got to really pay
10294s attention if you YouTube chat like I
10296s said you guys got to message out on
10297s Twitch chat it's the only way you're
10298s gonna get the rewards you can look back
10299s in the VOD though you know I know you
10301s guys are out there you know some man
10302s says hi can you play like this uh
10304s because when you see the team that's
10305s leading out you're going to be very
10306s surprised but is it as ss1 B e o u cdrg
10311s or D jdg now I want to make sure you I
10313s want to make mention of this I you guys
10315s a hint you know this team had the most
10316s proposed points coming through here yep
10318s so for how many points they earn in the
10319s game one and the game two is more
10321s important then versus what's going to
10323s happen now but regardless enter in the
10325s twitch chat make sure you got your
10326s Whispers open want to make sure you guys
10329s have a chance out and just trying to get
10330s those rewards these are free this is
10331s free so for everything coming out we
10333s know that these guys are going to be
10334s popping off uh because I want to make
10336s that point about where it came down
10338s towards
10340s for Last Chance qualifiers this is like
10342s the hypest of hype you know last chance
10343s qualifiers is like who's really going to
10346s make it right who's really getting
10348s through and the fact that we're getting
10349s even Steven performances for teams to
10351s kind of work between each other like
10352s teams that You' usually dominate just
10354s like you know right then and there and
10355s then the other teams are just catching
10356s up the fact that that close close
10359s bracketed mean or the average of points
10361s is possibly going to be so you know so
10364s close with this new score system that it
10366s makes things that much more of
10369s predicament for those teams in the
10370s bottom board cuz de they one out for MVP
10372s they got 22 eliminations and they're
10373s going to be the first place from that
10374s game and a mass pointment I mean wash
10379s was with the f2s man wash being able to
10382s cash those f2s and te just quickly
10386s realizing yo we can get it we can get
10388s this kill we can get this kill instantly
10390s prioritizing and capitalizing off of
10392s those f2s that was was going off of and
10395s we saw the aggression from them here in
10397s this in circle and it played out per
10399s perfectly for them being able to catch
10400s both of those Spirit Wells there for the
10403s last remaining moments of game number
10405s two te with a massive showcasing I mean
10408s look at the damage there from was 31,000
10412s damage like I said I didn't even need to
10413s see this to know that he was going to be
10415s the MVP for this game I mean just a
10417s beautiful showcasing there from te's was
10421s I mean man that was just insane
10423s showcasing here from te all around being
10426s able to get that aggression on the board
10428s getting those eliminations controlling
10430s the battlefield of this game alone now
10434s our current standings here for everybody
10436s in the last chance qualifiers ss1 with
10439s zero points off of game number two 16.8
10441s ewg with 23.2 fpx zq was 6 uh 26.1 had a
10448s crazy turnaround there they only get to
10450s clinch two there uh and then getting
10452s quickly eliminated right after 521 with
10454s 31.1 ASE with 31.3 X1 on in seventh
10459s place wbg with 33.4 BBE with 33.8 jdg
10464s 37.1 te off of this game alone look how
10466s high he jump off of that 39.1 overall
10470s with a 22-point game here for game
10472s number two that was an insane run there
10474s from te ug with 40.7 and your answer for
10477s the answer for Treasure was drg with
10480s 47.5 which I feel like that question was
10483s a lot easier cuz they were on top
10484s beginning of the day yeah taking out to
10488s everything man
10489s yeah those foros points at 28 goes crazy
10491s for is going to be catching through here
10493s we're get some clips and high by Thunder
10494s robot one for gaming Gamers United
10497s you're going to have a chance for this
10498s crazy per I got you hes got junx with
10500s that crazy Perry against the BB I been
10502s and then going for the X for the kill
10503s confirmation there get R and an early
10505s game fights between zdi against was now
10507s this is where te fell in the beginning
10509s and it because of gear D and T you know
10511s being available 60% cost rage M then T
10514s got full wiped uh because zdi was just
10517s going you know going ahead having F2 for
10518s the s and everything but then you can
10520s see into these ryang fights ug nice
10521s Parry from as it comes after the turn
10523s around sansi looking for the B wait wait
10524s we're actually going to see the bow shot
10525s from te from the from the point of the
10527s snag against OG later on but regardless
10530s coming out from SS against junx see that
10531s F2 kill junx going ahead though outside
10533s the ryang here and look that connection
10535s with crazy oh my God here as it came out
10538s for those one tws into the threes and as
10541s fpx goes into the Ravine here we're
10542s going to see te going to be one of the
10543s foes they're going to be up against as
10544s Shan gets eliminated there but no we're
10545s going to miss out the b shot it's okay
10546s cuz we got this nasty cool guys look
10548s explosions as watch knows that Burn's
10550s going to kill he goes right to this team
10552s that's 14 eliminations they earn
10553s themselves out here that's te getting
10554s themselves the value of points that they
10556s really earned out this time around that
10558s was just beautiful there man from te to
10560s Slots of pressure and that's just
10562s straight disrespectful man you hit him
10564s with the F2 inside the zone and you're
10566s like all right whatever just shoots him
10567s away like a fly he's like you going to
10568s Die 3 2 1 thank you guess the board
10572s guess the kill on the board but te was
10575s with a crazy showcasing from this man
10577s himself 31
10579s th000 damage eight
10581s eliminations I mean he had a r he wasn't
10584s even running a great sword had
10586s Juggernaut thought for the extra damage
10588s and look at the damage off the Z
10590s Ultimate alone 14,000 damage 99.7k
10593s damage off skills and ultimate 5.4k with
10596s the fan I mean he was just on it there
10599s with the f2s as we saw he is going to be
10602s snagging up the MVP for game number two
10605s and what a beautiful showcasing here
10606s from te was wow I mean what can you say
10610s this is the pressure that you need this
10612s is the amount uh this is the crazy pop
10614s off games you're looking for for these
10616s last chance qualifiers and te being able
10618s to secure it here for game number two
10620s was a beautiful showcasing for
10622s themselves to be able to make it into
10623s that top six to make it into the
10625s pre-finals this weekend you know it's
10627s crazy too cuz that's his first MVP cting
10629s to get earned that's what I was looking
10630s at that was insane I was like I was like
10632s all right we we out here this is the
10633s time to make it through here and now te
10635s is going to be coming out with a nice
10636s you know set up the lead for their
10637s points now they're gonna be pretty much
10639s in top six right now yeah continuing
10641s that lead uh you know keeping that lead
10643s keeping those points we're going to go
10645s ahead though a lot of action the first
10647s two rounds we're going to go for a short
10648s break guys we're going to be back out
10649s here for round three and we're going to
10650s continue on make sure you get your
10651s drinks make sure you go to the bathroom
10652s get some rest we'll see you guys then
10657s [Music]
10670s he
10681s [Music]
10698s oh
10724s [Music]
10742s [Music]
10744s a
10746s [Music]
10758s a
10762s [Music]
10762s [Applause]
10773s [Music]
10787s [Music]
10798s welcome back everybody to the nraa blade
10800s Point pro league Last Chance qualifiers
10802s here for trios my name is creatives and
10805s I'm here the man himself saario we just
10807s saw two games being played out crazy pop
10810s off games here especially for Te saw a
10814s 22-point game for them for them alone
10817s here for our second game of the day we
10819s still have four games being played out
10821s but wow what a start here for the last
10823s chance qualifiers and a lot of the teams
10825s are feeling the pressure now the days
10827s here and this is the last time you're
10829s able to make it into the summer split
10832s for this year so this is a lot of
10834s pressure for a lot of these teams and
10836s love to see it there from te being able
10839s to showcase the pressure from themselves
10841s into this game number two and I feel
10843s like that's super important sario
10845s because you know the top six are already
10847s qualified um so you know those teams are
10850s usually the ones being able to control
10851s the tempo of these games and right now
10853s it comes down to who's be able to step
10855s up and be able to have that pressure as
10857s well as we see it for every mode uh not
10860s just trios I believe like I mean even in
10862s solos we already have our top six
10863s players already qualifiers it's well for
10865s the trios top six already qualified so I
10867s mean solos was yesterday but still like
10869s I believe this is the time where you
10871s know you don't have those Powerhouse
10872s teams that are always fully dominating
10875s in the server so this is the time for
10876s one of those other teams to step up and
10878s trying to make uh try to make the best
10879s out of it uh from them not being in the
10881s server yeah especially coming out from
10883s GG you know one of the teams that kind
10884s of work out into being out of today
10886s they're not playing today uh because
10887s they already qualified for the top six
10888s now it's up to these teams to kind of
10889s work into it as one of those type of
10891s residence type teams now uh forcing out
10894s into these fights though I know that we
10895s kind of work into seeing about Morris
10897s Isle being the next round it's midday so
10899s for these guys to kind of work into
10900s playing against each other in Morris
10901s Isle one thing I would say to note is
10905s now that we have two rounds down this
10906s means a lot more chances to see other
10908s comps that can arrive more we lead on
10911s the more it's possible I mean
10912s technically you can get away with
10913s running around three comps but one of
10915s the more key component comps that came
10916s out no point Nintendo for the hotti
10918s gamers is because of the K kylin or
10920s hottie the ziping uh coming out here in
10923s potentially between now until end and
10925s even though the gutted Keelan Nerf or
10927s rather the hottie Nerf got gutted for
10929s the V1 ke can still can be viable
10932s depending on how the team wants to kind
10933s of rotate him into which hero selections
10935s do they want to go through like I
10936s mentioned you know filling for the B for
10938s the get something optional that they can
10940s work off of regardless still chances
10943s here for Ren picks out here I know T
10945s High might be something to sneaky sneaky
10946s itself in but also towards Z with a you
10949s know with the tin high or even towards
10951s having AOL of various Shen you know just
10954s out of pocket picks still available for
10956s the players to kind of work off into
10957s using but we still have a chance of
10959s seeing about whether or not that can
10960s happen the potential right now for X1
10963s seven they're right beneath they're
10965s right at the gatekeeper right below the
10966s gatekeeper spot for sixth place
10969s this is uh this is you know we got four
10970s rounds to make up for these but for the
10972s points to be earned now until then is
10973s going to be more more crucial than
10975s anything that they kind of hoped for
10977s before so hoping to kind of see if X1
10979s can have a pop off game I'm kind of I'm
10981s kind of curious to see that's the case
10982s like I said you know everyone success
10983s I'm not looking for anyone's downall for
10985s everything coming out here because
10986s coming out for the top six it's staying
10989s up there that's the real Mission when it
10990s comes down to the
10992s CE yeah but I mean you know there's
10994s still four more games so you know these
10997s teams um a crazy pop off game like te
10999s just had can drastically shoot up in the
11002s rankings um but yeah we're going to go
11005s ahead and take a look at te think going
11007s be able to continue the pressure or or
11009s continue uh that momentum I should say
11012s from game number two currently in third
11015s off of that game alone wash with a crazy
11018s Z showcasing um and te being able to
11021s respond off of the value that wash was
11025s providing for them which is a overall
11027s beautiful showcase ing there from te and
11029s now we have our first round selections
11033s here for U GT Fox one and fpx now this
11036s is where like Sero stated hopefully we
11039s start seeing some variations um we've
11041s seen the three staple comps being played
11044s out the Rin VI pessa the zon and the
11048s siphon um comps already played out so
11051s this is where you know going to start
11052s taking up a little bit more uh some of
11054s these points for these teams so going be
11057s very curious to see what what we uh what
11059s we're going to see for game three I know
11061s definely for game four we might see some
11063s different so Still Holding Out for that
11065s but now going go ahead and wait this out
11068s to see our first round of picks from
11070s these teams going into Morris aisle and
11072s then game number four straight into our
11074s Firefly map so you know straight action
11077s all across the board for the rest of the
11079s night still four games being played out
11081s currently here game number three players
11084s are going to be waiting this out wow I
11087s mean
11089s that was a crazy crazy whisp there from
11092s Jing from wbg I'm not going to lie that
11094s was we didn't really speak about that
11096s but that was just an insane whisk there
11098s being able to isolate a player like that
11101s and connecting off the whis I mean you
11103s just saw just range pressure from
11106s everybody everybody sees a whis and they
11107s know exactly they have the whole
11109s everybody has the same excitement to try
11111s to pick up that elimination but being
11112s able to connect off of that tamy whis
11114s was just beautiful there from wbg yeah
11116s and that's where you see those bus uh
11118s the balls coming through here with a
11119s Sunwing shot just to just cat as much
11122s projectile velocity speed as possible
11124s just to hit that Target uh and you know
11126s the and I made mention about that b
11128s bolts Venom tip to be available moment
11130s that that the moment that came through
11131s that happened well listen the semi wh
11133s happens and everyone can take
11134s prioritization off of that person locked
11136s that wh so that's why uh that Ty of CC
11138s control just precedes everything else in
11140s the game when it comes down to holding
11141s someone down I mean it's short while but
11143s it definitely does the work when it gets
11144s caught and for for this case for this
11148s chance I mean for the tamies especially
11152s only way a t can counter temis is like
11154s just being able to go through with an
11155s ultimate cast and kind of deny but the
11156s wind pressure comes out that's where
11158s Viper W and tessla can really work
11160s through if a Viper or a Tesla gets
11162s caught Shield walls come up for the you
11164s know from the from the Moen to work out
11166s and that works out that's a burn skill
11168s though which then gives precedence for
11170s teams who want to engage potentially but
11172s they got to watch out because that's
11173s where Tessa throws the ultimate that's
11174s where the Viper trying to counteract
11175s seeing about whether or not the team
11176s wants to disengage then use her in the
11178s case instance or even chase down for
11181s them just to make sure they can sols be
11183s picked up to try to get back into the
11185s swinging things of burning back Tessa
11187s you rage back up or even for the factor
11190s that if a Viper does invest the ultimate
11192s that it comes out to you know to no
11193s stead of issues but I'm yapping I need
11197s to make sure you guys are locked in uh
11199s for everything kind of going through
11200s here round three is going to commence we
11202s have four rounds left for these players
11203s Last Chance qualifiers you can see the
11205s you you can see the players just like
11207s locking through here just because when
11209s it comes down towards today the only
11211s other chance they got is Chinese
11212s Mainland qualifier that's it that's all
11215s that's going to be coming through here
11216s if they don't have enough points to earn
11217s out for Jak cup themselves so for this
11219s case I'm kind of you know like I said
11222s there's no experiments going to happen
11223s until pre finals pre-final is going to
11225s happen this weekend if you guys you know
11226s looking in the chat it's going to be
11227s Sunday for trios and solos it's going to
11229s be tomorrow pre-finals is where players
11231s can try to quote unquote experiment a
11234s little bit seeing what kind of character
11235s picks come through for right now though
11237s we're not going to experiments we're
11238s going to see the woundings on the table
11239s but we're not going to experiment we're
11241s not going to use we're not going to use
11242s a you know you know going with multi
11244s multifaceted touch panel on the side
11247s because things come out here for these
11249s players but they're just going to get
11250s useful and I think BBE has a good chance
11251s of making it to J cup or you know making
11253s it into J Cup this year to I think
11256s BBE C team working through against all
11259s the odds of other of the you know
11261s expectations and again having the the
11263s the potential for practice and just
11266s unoptimal optimal working through
11268s something that some players may not
11269s really see working in their favor and
11272s catching each and every single one of
11274s those points and just slowly but surely
11276s catching them to the stad and then boom
11277s all of a sudden they're top 12 team but
11279s hold on wait a second was that slows in
11281s the back end yeah slows is y yep yep I
11284s told you I told you I was telling CA I
11287s was like yo you know slows you know SLS
11289s is one thing but I know this man is
11290s coaching so for him to work into the
11292s trios is is exactly his heart and soul
11294s that's where the team really succeeds
11296s that's why I'm saying BB this thing on
11298s lockdown just because they have this on
11300s lockdown he said solo computer by day
11304s Trio coach By Night BBE slows but yeah
11310s um um a little bit of theory here you
11313s know just a little bit of theory you
11314s know um we did have the crazy nurse from
11316s uh you know the hotti keelin uh but SRA
11319s you know SAR is going to be releasing
11321s pretty soon you know mhm test service
11323s today bro test service today correct
11325s test service today we're going to see
11327s the full show casing of Cyra so my
11330s theory is you know she's going to have
11333s some type of crazy comp and you know we
11336s might be able to get into that patch for
11339s the uh for the mainland qualifier so
11341s we're going to see or or you know we're
11343s going to see a little bit of what we're
11345s going to see for Jacob um potentially
11348s you know I I don't know I'm just the
11349s crafting here you know bro you know she
11351s has a stun when her kit it looked like
11353s that I was like yo that better not be a
11355s skill if that's a skill the setup like a
11358s skill if that's a skill the setup to
11361s avoid that better be easy peasy cuz that
11362s Wayan walked right through there I'm
11364s like no there's no way full Stager full
11366s stun I'm like y Wayan's got nothing on
11368s this I mean listen V2 Wayan gives you
11370s the immunity to St but even then they're
11372s trying to bring Wayan back because of
11373s her that'd be nuts yeah because I mean
11376s the the usan was used to avoid the Viper
11379s Suns correct exactly exactly yeah and
11381s then all the valda makes their
11382s appearance too that VA coil immunity
11384s comes out too from
11385s that you know that's something everybody
11388s else has to think about you know how's
11389s CRA going to do what what is she going
11390s to provide but luckily for us we are
11393s going to be able to see her today in the
11394s test serers when you know uh a lot of
11396s talks about Syra um especially how she's
11399s going to be uh you know how her kit
11400s looks like and we did get a little bit
11402s of a teaser um we don't know if that's
11405s her F or if that's her old to me
11407s personally it looks like just an ability
11408s her f um to have a sun like that but
11412s then again we don't know we're going to
11413s find all that out pretty soon and then
11415s she is going to be released I believe
11417s next week right she comes out she comes
11419s out next Wednesday for well she might
11421s show up next she might show up next
11423s Wednesday if the patch comes through on
11425s the Wednesdays you've been they've been
11426s you know Teeter tottering between
11427s different days but we'll see when the
11429s day gets announced our PI selections are
11431s coming through here folks first round
11432s selection has fpx has ug has t on the
11436s sand siphon I'm looking at 521 and
11438s seeing what the Goon remember that
11439s two-point band I was talking about
11440s earlier yeah now it's really there it is
11441s and that's going to be a chance for them
11442s to pick out Zen now now this is their
11444s second time picking out karumi so the
11446s next time to pick her out that's a
11447s three-point ban just because they use it
11449s for the third time the next time they uh
11451s bring her out and this is between
11452s between now until the end for rounds 4
11454s through six but for round three we're
11455s going to see for second round phase
11457s going to see a a zon with a zipping from
11460s jdg SS one and X1 and drg are still
11462s opting in to choose out what they
11464s decided to work off dang siphon coming
11466s out from ss1 Burn three points just like
11467s that like water working into Viper wessa
11470s and another zipping in into X1 playing
11473s zon now this is another zip in the
11475s beginning the mix I saw zip in round one
11477s but he here crazy and BBE ewg wbg last
11481s round selection here another zipping in
11483s coming out BB is going to opt in here
11484s for the double Point band coming out
11485s between the Matari and to the uh to the
11488s Z going to see vessa from wbg ewg opting
11492s in that you know that funky com talking
11494s earlier this is that funky comp I was
11495s talking about earlier there going to be
11496s a fair Shan a tanai and a and a vda
11498s coming in the mix another rer wesa
11500s coming out here and that comp that that
11503s that the tan High farious Shen all I'm
11505s going to say is Hi Hi how are you yeah
11508s my name is
11510s Tula you know like I'm going push you
11512s away to the side cuz that that alone
11514s stops that from from existing if it
11517s comes down if you can see the T High
11519s launching through the walls and wind
11521s walls and knocking back targets bro
11522s that's best case scenario yeah I'm
11524s calling all the shots says siai I'm
11525s jumping here twice I got two jump packs
11527s I can drop through here that also gives
11529s an opportunity for Fairy shens to take
11530s the beacon because he had to remember
11531s Fair Shen could just look for the
11533s knockbacks as well it's just that her
11534s Canon shots may not be so lined up but
11537s then that's where all the grounding dity
11538s comes out she's making sure she can lock
11540s down if she's using multi-hit weapons
11542s like dual blades and dual HDs Tina can
11544s get grabbed if she's going to go for 1.8
11546s swings for The Bu for p SW or spear
11548s that's where she's going to slap out
11549s here she's going to go for the slap
11550s party but of course a build coming out
11553s for the F1 teas all across the board v3s
11555s v3s and a V1 for ogs they're opting for
11557s the 16 seconds rather than 12C duration
11559s but like I said the the fact that we're
11562s seeing more V3 just comes out just
11563s because how much pressure can you throw
11564s out another 10 another 10 me to come
11567s through ewg walking rocking through here
11569s for their builds it's going to be a V2
11571s F2 for the VA that's what I was really
11572s hoping to see if it's an F1 or V2 or F2
11574s and it's going to be that case Viper
11576s oping in here for the full row F3 v1s
11579s nothing going to be changing out here
11580s between the others but looking at the
11581s builds here for the players on the last
11583s row selection here nothing changing out
11586s nothing too crazy still V3 for the temis
11588s uh for the F1 for the teada for wash and
11590s then seeing the bells to be the same
11591s throughout the siphons
11593s now uh zipping being brought up just
11595s means that current rage is going to have
11597s to be sloted in for other comps I mean
11598s that's the that's where she's a three
11600s round picker she's definitely the more
11602s the more optimal Point hero selection
11604s pick you know Champion to work out here
11606s but if ewg first time running this comp
11609s brings it out if I if it if it if it
11612s comes out to what I hope for it to work
11614s out we might see a switch up in the Echo
11616s chamber I mean my thing
11618s is start off with they're the Lone Wolf
11621s comp right this is the only team not
11623s wear not using a another comp that is
11626s being played out in the field build um
11628s and let's just say they're make it to
11630s the end game um you have a monk up you
11632s know there there's Monk and a lot of
11634s these teams do not want to deal with
11635s this monk in this endgame Circle so uh I
11638s feel like they might get focused out if
11640s they are able to make it to the endgame
11642s Circle um and that's just rough right
11645s cuz same thing happened in solos as well
11647s where Vos was being played out uh but it
11649s was just like one or two and a a lot of
11652s players weren't respecting it especially
11654s like Al lone wolf character and I
11656s believe it might happen as well here U
11658s unless it has a crazy value you know
11660s just like a crazy 20 plus game uh kill
11664s game pop off game just like that where a
11666s lot of these teams are like you
11667s mentioned are going to start wanting to
11669s play uh this comp alone and try to see
11671s the success off of It kind of how like
11673s how the zycom started happening uh for
11676s the league uh but still we're going to
11678s have to wait and see how they do wbg off
11681s drop seeing what they can find we do
11684s have AIA on the ballista Tower making
11687s sure teammates can go ahead and get some
11689s of these resources blue armor OG in the
11692s back end ewg and ss1 might be the first
11695s team to be going at it here for game
11696s number three yeah Al Miss cotage had
11698s like four teams spawning in here ss1 ewg
11700s and I think FX maybe hopefully so we
11701s have dou check to see about that one
11702s here's going to be a chance here for no
11703s par as leeway loses out here now I can
11705s see the the potential here there's the
11706s F2 for the S against Rosemary not going
11708s to have any chances of backing off here
11709s for the wh we're going to see the R&B
11710s spam coming out here guess what F1 comes
11711s out we going to be able to pick up our
11712s fan here as leway is going to be looking
11713s try to R&B spam if gets the teas now
11715s looking towards the other targets who
11716s are trying to evade here Le way finds a
11718s up so we're going to get some r back
11719s there V trying to invade here with that
11721s zon comp just going straight in going
11723s straight ham and the F2 shots they don't
11725s miss here as XI goes through but cookie
11727s is down for as high yeah but ewg vda is
11730s about to get this ultimate online pretty
11731s soon BBE is going to go ahead and back
11733s oning up do have another team made to
11735s back in SS one's going to be taken out
11736s by te do have a three-way scrap off now
11740s wh not con get to back in Rosemary now
11741s is going to go ahead and invest this to
11743s Ultimate potentially get into the
11744s resurrection here but Leo quickly taking
11746s out 2 two there they to be able to get
11747s the elimination Leo now going to get
11750s caught off the two pick off Rosemary but
11751s Rishi coming in hot there for the
11753s elimination that's a third party for the
11755s third party there and what a show
11757s showcasing here for BBE she's like I'mma
11759s call you right back you know and knock
11761s right through there this is here from T
11763s watch nicely done oh my goodness double
11765s triple wait did he just get a triple
11766s kill no he got a double kill he got a
11767s double kill looking towards that he's
11768s going to be finding themselves five
11769s eliminations off rip that's a lot of
11770s gold that's a lot of money right right
11772s now at 24 to 25k in terms of dark Ty
11774s coins so you can go for purchase for
11775s movements they can but they probably
11776s sold that right now cuz OG Z wiy jdg
11778s taking fight over here maybe looking for
11779s a clink number one looking for the F for
11780s the sck jdg to trying to look for the
11782s backround here but C by that sem circle
11783s now there's the first movement as I
11784s mentioned R&B the Army oh my God jum and
11786s B that's jingy going down here that's a
11788s soul pick up T go straight through here
11790s he hears a te here and Harry denies it
11793s but of course that mve is going to be
11794s coming through going to knock it back
11796s he's going for the arm he's got ultimate
11797s he can lock this down if he wants to
11799s invest it but he's going to probably
11800s hold out for F2 there it is there's
11802s another Parry coming out from SSS is
11803s going to have that fear in to come out
11805s that Kumi tether is going to be cing
11806s crazy if she can find it
11810s looking from to get right now because is
11813s goinging here as as he can yo he weaved
11816s that he's still going now he has a
11818s Terrain in his favor no gets counter
11820s grapple there in the back end and now
11822s the full jugle here for J G on to SS
11825s nearly being able to cite out the
11827s situation here for his Squad but JD G
11830s here with the moon bang play play
11833s catching up these eliminations here
11835s they're are going to be able to get that
11837s good amount of money off of this alone
11839s as well so JD G now with two on the
11842s board off of this alone we had te with
11844s five already to start off game number
11846s three drg now going at against ug the
11849s King on the Kumi trying to back on up
11851s off this situation but drg full
11854s committing here into this Lone Wolf the
11855s Kane's going to be head off the staggers
11857s in the backside Don is going to show up
11858s with the RB finisher there for drg and
11861s ug now is going to take a trip back to
11863s the resurrection Ultra for themselves
11865s yeah four eliminations for drg right now
11867s now they got themselves a good amount of
11869s gold right now looking to past 20K now
11871s fpx into celestra two blue armors one
11874s purple for junx and you know taking look
11875s into the Ravine see if there's any sort
11877s of trolls that can kind of muster into
11878s servants grounds or even to Sun dwelling
11879s now for FX right now with one
11882s elimination Target selection right now
11884s qualification they got 27.1 in the
11886s overall right now 36 is the gatekeeper
11888s for X1 at sixth place cuz they got the
11890s three eliminations so for right now Slow
11892s Rolling into ryang could potentially
11894s work but the zons are popping off from
11897s uh from taking them to the fights from
11900s uh from the taking out taking out the
11901s zons from BBE and X1 so for right into
11904s that moment if they decide to take Romy
11906s a and they fight a zhon that is he some
11909s somewhat you know lucrative in their
11911s gear then things get a little bit
11913s dangerous for them you know cuz if they
11914s don't deal enough damage guess what V1
11916s Matari Al stands the zip potentially
11918s comes out because there's no burns on
11919s Sand siphon so that's going to be the
11920s point where the healing comes out to
11921s pull value to the investment jdg though
11924s finds ss1 F2 to the sky as Rosemary
11926s Burns at the f might be a chase down but
11927s this might be a quick eliminations
11929s unless we can see a turn around here
11929s from
11935s teada because one thing I can do is here
11938s uh from what we're going to be going
11939s through here but of course as jdg comes
11941s out here it could be a chance cuz Thea
11943s goes ahead and Pops over here CA yeah I
11945s mean that was beautiful showcasing off
11947s the F2 re the t f there off the F2 from
11951s the Z to avoid it into the onew finisher
11953s now JD G applying the pressure on to ss1
11956s to the final hit there off the Z
11957s Ultimate gets the elimination onto that
11960s player and now jdg not letting go of the
11963s gas pedal now with five on the board drg
11966s catch out fat milk here from BBE there
11968s goes to test enchantment as well
11969s connects off of it into the one two from
11971s the spear fat mil is going to be
11973s eliminated off of this as well and drg
11975s with six this time around and it looks
11978s like drg and jdg trying to fight for the
11980s most amount of eliminations but te is a
11982s contestant as well but ASC against 521
11985s right now it's just so much pressure
11986s here from ASC against 521 yeah and
11989s they're over here towards his area
11990s course F2 comes out the up knock back
11992s comes out clutch Jon looks for that V1
11994s usage but we V one W Port the heck out
11997s because that mataro came out and now V1
11999s going be looking to try to go ahead for
12000s the investment for Chase I'm not too
12001s sure because look as much as the F2 gets
12003s invested there for aame you can see it
12004s he still has his opponents here to just
12006s go ahead and kite out T enchant will be
12008s up at any point in time right now so for
12009s 521 working out to the investment this
12011s Chase just look to loot up instead
12014s looking to re reset going through here
12016s but of course you know taking the
12018s chances here we're gonna have to see the
12020s purple weapons we brought out glass
12021s cannons ASC they have a purple Katana
12023s purple P sword the purple Katana is one
12026s thing too because if they hold down the
12027s horizontal and they hold check the heck
12028s out and the P swur comes out from the
12030s backline that's that's at least 1,200
12031s damage coming through that's all your
12032s armor done GG's and so for everything
12035s coming out ASC Jung in the front line is
12037s the more important thing of uh oh
12039s because the thing is once he gets hop by
12040s that headshot stagger everything can go
12042s downhill from here and he's in shambles
12044s too he has one grapple to his name and
12046s two or four mini pods off the powders as
12048s well pampy though Ed up a lot of damage
12050s at the back and we have the W investing
12052s the F there trying to keep his
12053s teammates alive and this situation but
12056s 521 with the upper hand now kame going
12059s to completely shredded there off the 1.0
12060s from the katana though a big per there
12062s from asc's Viper big damage and 521 now
12066s are going to fall off of this it doesn't
12067s even matter if John dong does not have
12070s any resources he's just going to go
12071s ahead and just eliminate you and pick up
12073s your resources off your body yeah kind
12076s of crazy the turn around came through
12077s there I mean we saw his chances coming
12079s through here he's like I've waited years
12080s for this you I'm taking the I'm taking
12082s the bait coming back from this point on
12084s and so for everything coming out from
12086s that aggression work in his favor just
12088s came out full clutch ewg still loing up
12091s they lost their first set of lives I
12092s guess I guess against with XI and cookie
12094s going down remember we' seen that
12095s earlier for this off drop spawn in
12097s alchemist' cottage but double purple
12099s armor purple fist blades I mean they got
12101s the emeros down lot for the loot I need
12104s those uh we're going to have to see
12106s those probably talking about the Battle
12107s pass taking that the you know talk about
12110s the skin I I really want to see the M
12111s boxing gloves so I'm going be 100% I'm
12113s still boxing glov yeah yeah yeah for
12115s sure that's yeah that was like I'm
12119s pretty sure a lot of people talked about
12120s you know boxing gloves you know
12121s especially with the aqual skin right
12123s like being able to have some boxing
12125s gloves and playing Aqua if you have that
12127s gold skin uh you know just beautiful sh
12130s showcasing but now first ran Yang here
12132s for game number three teams are posted
12133s up te already in the realm gate we do
12137s have jdg might be giving up a little bit
12139s of a a little bit of love pokes there on
12141s to te ewg starting to move on in ASE as
12144s well post it up for The Spirit Well
12147s white tiger SP might be contested there
12148s from wbg we do see them grappling on in
12151s and looks like they're are going to be
12152s full committing against wbg on the right
12155s hand side of the map but ewg is going to
12157s go ahead and take this Romo yangang with
12159s this VA the comp here we're going to see
12160s the showcasing here that s has been
12163s waiting for for the Vada to be played on
12164s these shields games yeah going to be a V
12167s grip coming out here from L and as well
12169s as seeing about the rupture gillow from
12170s cookie so that's going to be good rage
12171s regeneration coming out cookie going to
12172s the sky bait out it's got the grapple
12174s sag nice bow shot coming in from jdg
12176s looking for the RB baiting out here for
12178s F2 stagger coming out here from that fa
12180s Shen no that silence no armor and now1
12183s but cookie goes for the timate cast we
12185s see the M coming out here we're going to
12185s see the F2 potential burn from TK as the
12188s R&B is coming through from the spear now
12190s cookie look towards TI top of the
12191s pillars double jumps attempts in try to
12193s create space he is at half Health my
12195s friend and now the F2 stagger comes out
12197s from Fairy Shen is not going to be
12198s enough Xing is absolutely decimating the
12200s HP coming from cookie and the B2 ey
12203s there is nothing thatana can do the
12205s fairy shank can only do so much here V2
12206s comes out from the vda now this could be
12208s a clutch or kick moment because that F1
12210s comes out from that ziping just at the
12211s nick of time forus to get his sustain
12213s right back to The Fray yeah now J G with
12216s the advantage here the Vault ultimate is
12218s about to go down any second now but the
12220s fairy there from xai to try to lay off
12223s some of the pressure there from the
12226s balda does man to stay up F2 invested SI
12229s still up here for the ultimate and there
12231s goes the armb focus there from the VA
12233s trying to stay up in this situation the
12234s one two big Peri from the ball the overh
12237s this time around the F2 there on to
12238s Exile heed up a lot of damage off of
12240s this situation to the clink finisher
12242s there for J G and now one player
12245s remaining and we do see we do see the uh
12250s you know the the weakness of that comp
12252s just having no sustain with no healer
12254s there as we see there the mug is getting
12256s full focus and being able to have a big
12259s Target like that it's just free range
12261s shots as we saw jdg capitalizing off of
12264s that alone yeah they're going pick up a
12265s San Fang from the Jade selection in that
12267s shop so it's going to be with the one
12268s two threes we're going to see that fight
12270s aggression post ryang Victor te taking
12273s oh jump lb oh my God the F2 from the
12275s Matari though comes out here for the
12276s jump oh my God we're doing it again and
12278s now going be chance for the R&B but that
12279s f1's up now you can't throw Blues now we
12281s got to really carry this out here for
12282s the Canon shots we're going to see two
12283s look the blue Focus but listen folks you
12285s can see the F1 K it's going to be a
12286s second timer or 8 to 10 second timer for
12288s the count out here cuz TK he's going to
12290s have to use F2 to escape because Amari
12291s Pro for them so that's going to be a
12292s reset from that V1 but as TK get with
12295s that armor regen how he's going to
12296s re-engage here is going to be up to him
12297s because now that we're going see tea
12298s here for still having ultimate maybe
12300s have an F1 back up again just in the
12302s nick of time you can see jdg looking to
12304s try to count out for space but Kiki he's
12305s in the face of danger right now yeah te
12307s already arrested that karumi ultimate
12308s but JD G now is going to go ahead and
12310s call in the Z Plus the timm there for
12313s from the opposing team te big Parry
12315s there off the Z timate he's going to get
12316s that back as well and was is going to
12318s eat up a lot of damage has the to fur in
12320s there to avoid some of this pressure but
12322s now watch oh my God he dashes through
12324s the fur in there and Kiki in the back
12326s you with the following hit there on to
12328s was big stuns there off the B2 big
12331s damage 14 East the fallowing hit there
12333s off the one two three to the last hit
12335s there on to Leo and jdg staying up what
12339s a oh my God what a tap to avoid the fing
12342s yeah I'm like I'm like Rizza you know
12343s like all right that was kind of humorous
12345s uh kind of I tap Dodge me that shot that
12348s was disgusting that was nasty taking
12350s away the fur in potential push and
12351s that's 11 elimination jdg uh they were
12354s what fourth so far now they're up to
12355s second right now so they're clearing out
12357s the the field of play for the top six
12360s but X1 six eliminations you see BBE
12363s losing out two of their three for the
12364s potential for the teammates ug spawning
12366s Into the Heart of sh shipbreaking expans
12368s and they lost their R they got around
12370s you know I'm doing the math right now
12372s 160 seconds left on the clock for them
12373s to kind of work out here ewg going to
12375s spawn here's a respones to spawn now
12377s like I said ewg again they lost against
12380s zeen now they're up against the sandon
12382s up against the Tami and there's a lot of
12384s terrain grief here this T High to work
12386s against yeah this going to be rough here
12388s for the monk to try to see he can find
12390s some grass but in the zone cookie
12392s applying tons of pressure onto the Tami
12394s we do have the king now trying to
12396s respond as well against ewg now the Z
12399s Ultimate invested there I believe in the
12400s backside we do have zenu now trying to
12403s back on up and that wasn't his it was
12404s just a splash I saw blue I thought it
12406s was but now Z all the Z are wearing are
12408s using the red accessory so now zenu
12411s going to go ahead and invest this semi
12412s ultimate cookie get stuck in the wall
12414s now we have some sorts of pressure there
12416s from jdg on to drg on the other side of
12418s the map these these teams are still
12420s fighting it in the zone ewg in the back
12423s but SS now applying the pressure on to
12424s cookie trying to stay up the armb armb
12426s mix here from the Hurst cookie trying to
12428s stay up uses the F but no knock back off
12431s of that does manage to get the bloom I
12432s believe does cleanse and now the monk
12434s old is going to come on high and now ewg
12436s trying to respond off of this pressure
12437s here from ug so you got to keep in mind
12439s that fair Shen's going to be able to use
12440s a Canon shot to knock back but also
12442s cookie kelee grab grab opponents through
12444s the walls as T VOD so if he can right
12448s that's if he can see them but we're
12449s double catapulting away we're disabling
12451s the ultimate we're going probably for
12452s manual heal here weakness escalation is
12454s kicking in right now so they're going to
12455s have to just kite through the through
12456s the Zone nine grapples down to eight
12458s cookie now going to be going straight
12459s through the council Courtyard hoping to
12460s see about some salvation they got one
12462s Soul For Cookie right now but for ewg
12465s still working out for Fairy should get
12466s back into the game Don is going to be
12467s ahead of the curve right now for this
12469s fight though if they end up going
12470s through SS is tagging right behind and
12472s this could potential for a third party
12474s easy peasy but they got 50 seconds
12476s whereas you see ewg they got 35 seconds
12478s for their one player and that's going to
12479s be that fairy Shen hopefully see whether
12481s or not exi can get out of this one and
12483s it's going to be bad here for ewg I mean
12485s they're potentially in a sandwich here
12487s from UG and drg and now the pressure is
12490s going to have to happen pretty soon here
12491s for ewg unless they're going to go ahead
12493s and just play out the waiting game to
12495s potentially Buy back their teammate as
12498s we see them starting to kind out out
12499s from the situation they do read the
12502s third parties post it up but 's SS catch
12506s out XI in the backside into the F2
12509s silence there from the faia but it's not
12511s even enough SS is going to be able to
12513s cleanse off of this alone as well and ug
12516s with two players up here are going to be
12518s able to stay up and cookie is going to
12520s go ahead and get the Resurrection on to
12522s XY and that is exactly what they did
12524s they bought up the rebirth charm for
12526s himself as well as June X is going to be
12529s coming back online here for fpx EQ and
12532s Sans c as well so three players up now
12534s for fpx or two players I should say for
12537s fpx now second ran Yang starting to form
12540s on in we're going to have to wait and
12541s see ewg triot to go back in uh it's
12544s crazy though no healer on the mug it's
12546s just so much pressure onto the mon once
12548s he starts forming on up especially in
12549s the ROM Yang where you have the pillars
12551s to stay uh safe behind it's just super
12553s rough trying to stay up and get some
12555s sorts of value uh when no healer on the
12557s monk yeah no healer you see that's why
12559s they use V2 for this the T High just to
12562s try to get heals off back yeah but not
12564s enough when you have the amount of
12566s pressure that we saw we're going to see
12567s J T getting griefed out here te being
12569s the men of societies and you can see he
12571s gets in hey hold on F for ultimate y
12573s that's worth that's worth that's huge
12575s worth especially coming out here but
12576s actually T actually burn his ultimate so
12578s it's going to be the case scenario we're
12579s going to see a chance for the the for
12581s Cal brought from Leo we're going to see
12583s a scatter shot coming out but we're
12584s going to see a swift Edge from TK as
12586s well well as a evic descent Jing out
12587s level five Dreadful whale wait a second
12591s these guys are stacked out of their mind
12592s right now for jdg this is huge for the
12594s damage Spike but we're going to see if
12595s he's going to get parried losing out his
12597s weapon B Focus comes out T watch look
12598s that armor F1 comes out this is
12600s connection dread for whale comes through
12601s we're going to be backing off here
12602s remember T has no ultimate so now going
12604s to be chance the F the F2 the nice
12606s dragon slay c14 getting the lead well
12608s the blender throw it in the Ninja cuz
12610s we're making a
12613s smoothie that's some beautiful
12614s showcasing there from JD G now he's wash
12617s e up a lot of damage there and jdg now
12620s with two cleanups out of the three Leo
12622s the last one standing lmb R&B M off the
12625s D blades over hose doesn't let lose but
12627s back in there it's going to be Zing
12629s there with the staff just straight two
12631s picking one two slap it the back in as
12632s well from Leo try to stay up do have him
12635s be eliminated pretty soon Sans is going
12637s to fall there from Don Q fsq going at it
12640s inside the Zone against drg now drg's
12643s Viper trying to see he can find
12645s something might be able to go go ahead
12646s and grapp on up and drop down with the
12648s Viper ultimate coming online pretty soon
12650s now he going to stay inside the pocket
12651s there goes the Viper online if he needs
12652s it Kum ultimate invested there inside
12654s the Zone there goes the Viper ultimate
12655s now invested he's going to be able to
12657s get the damage inside the KY Circle I
12660s think he stays safe off the Tami Al
12662s though and now the port there for drg
12664s with the resurrection and Sans is going
12665s to fall not sure what got the kill there
12668s but they are going to get elimination on
12669s to sansy and now with three players up
12672s for drg a potential third party for X1
12674s and they do cut out catch out one of the
12676s members here from drg I believe yeah
12678s going to be n 10 eliminations for X1
12679s right now look for the F2 boom smack and
12681s there's going to be jump to RB there
12682s going be off that's going to be the case
12685s point of Splash comes out that's 11
12686s eliminations for X1 uh taking into
12688s placement they're still in fifth place
12689s overall we lost PVE we lost ASU now it's
12691s up to between wbg up fpx and ew just to
12694s catch up on points now of course XL x1's
12696s XL y takes his chances here we saw that
12699s fpx was still in terms of the Zone but
12700s whether or not they're going to be
12701s counting around here Jade selection
12702s going to be bcent scatter shot going to
12704s be a tempest kick no one's going to use
12705s that but it's okay going to see a
12706s thunder call going to see a chance for
12708s the bar bolts for X1 lyd now for X zdi
12710s looking towards a chance of using a
12713s thunder call coming through no salt
12714s smolder taking a blistering Edge sap
12716s Jade focus sline zdi is the certified
12718s heavy sword wielder in this this team
12720s comp right now so he's going to be able
12721s to get that one off here s dies to the
12723s Zone cornered off here besides the crane
12725s and now you're going to see the chance
12726s whether not EP get this res because if's
12729s right there they can find and that's
12731s going to be an easy peasy elimination
12733s spree yaho oh I'm getting eliminated
12736s there X1 though sees it quickly F22 open
12740s doesn't get the damage there onto Jun
12742s next now the F1 caught in there for
12744s teada in the backside xoy investing the
12747s Z Ultimate into the recall there off the
12748s F2 onni directionals onto the Tami overh
12750s holds the B2 gets the damage burn taks
12752s down to sansy just freshly coming out of
12755s the out of the zone now eating up a lot
12757s of damage into the one 12 three there
12759s from XL Y and now X1 not letting go of
12762s the gas pedal with 12 on the board
12764s trying to make it 13 and there it is is
12766s the 13th one there from X1 and FPS zq is
12769s going to be wiped out here for game
12770s number three now we're going to switch
12772s over jdg taking in the fights in the
12773s Perry off the cliff side tck looking to
12774s get caught by the fan R&B and looks to
12776s reposition with the F2 catches way with
12778s the vitari connections man look listen I
12780s I love to see comp selections but ewg
12782s just got themselves caught out in a roll
12784s of pain between s sions between
12786s everything coming out from zons and now
12787s it's up to Tuesday to try to go for R&B
12789s spam and that's all you need to do
12790s against T High especially with a Target
12792s on the side of a cliff side jdg taking
12794s out 17 elimin this game 55.1 second
12798s place overall and now they're going be
12799s ambushed by te who are the teams right
12801s prior who also have Ro so it's up to
12803s them to earn these kill eliminations I'm
12804s not sure what the timer is on te right
12806s now but it's on them to kind of go work
12808s out for the against his pressure because
12809s it is on their backs yeah we see the dra
12811s star getting some sorts of damage there
12812s onto XI does manage to get out of the
12815s situation because te showed up to the
12817s party and jdg still trying to full Focus
12820s XY I see the grapple stun there in the
12822s back and so XY might be eliminated
12825s pretty soon but no there with the bow
12827s shot is going to clean up there for JD G
12829s te now going to go ahead and Count Their
12831s Blessings going to go ahead and back on
12833s up no cleanse I believe for any of these
12836s players so they still have to see if
12838s they can try to cleanse out the J
12839s depletion timer and now we have X1
12841s against drg dong Q in the 1 V3 the F2
12845s opener for all Desir one stagger is all
12848s they need jump B and bees into the R&B
12850s but the last hit there from zdi are
12853s going to be able to clean up onto Don QT
12855s now
12856s full rotating on out we do have them
12859s waiting this out for two minutes uh I
12862s mean we saw fpq being able to cleans
12864s with 40 last game so uh now there goes
12867s the aggression here from te is going to
12868s go against X1 so now 15 kills on the
12871s board for X1 te with eight what's going
12874s to be the turnout for either of these
12876s teams I don't know F2 comes out from
12878s both Z and then the F1 from T now it's
12879s going to be secondary for that as L
12881s looks for a connection here R&B spam
12882s come out for the focus slide oh it might
12884s be a fearing to come out but we still
12885s have a chance for them hard to goes
12886s straight into his te Leo with that c
12888s member coming through here goes for a
12889s chance for the karumi circle now te
12892s watch repositions the t Circle is clean
12894s but look at this sustain coming out from
12896s Zeon nothing's going to leave them out
12897s unless they can get caught into double
12899s whis triple whis and now te was losing
12901s out a lot of his armor not in that Kumi
12902s Circle passively looks to F1 in midair
12905s back Dodges so he avoids getting caught
12906s by grapple Stager Leo trying to connect
12907s against zi looking for the horizontal
12909s Leo catches the lmb catches for one twos
12912s looking for zdi still for the R&B's hold
12913s check come out test en chant
12914s assassinations from eliminations on the
12917s spread as it's come out on butter toast
12919s wbg looking to slap this one up here
12922s that's the name of the game third party
12924s central Walker with the Viper ultimate
12926s now called in oh weaves though rolls out
12928s as well but zdi gets eliminated there
12930s from Jen what a beautiful third party
12932s there from wbg and te is going to fall
12935s off of this X1 believe is still up off
12938s of the situation but te are going to end
12942s their run here for game number three jdg
12944s is going to go ahead and pick up the the
12945s Draco storm from The Spirit Well Zing
12948s already has the online he going to use
12950s both s there to create some space to see
12952s if they can find the Challenger or the
12954s team they have bount is going to be drg
12957s jdg want some of the smoke they are
12960s going to be able to catch up to one of
12961s these players I believe they might be
12962s playing inside the ballista Tower yeah
12964s WX on the bottom side he is going to be
12966s able to to kite this out he has the
12967s terrain for for it as well but jdg with
12970s the Draco storm hoping to try to see if
12972s they can find one stagger into
12973s elimination here onto this player yeah
12975s and it's a two above for the Draco storm
12977s right now between Shadows 3 and four so
12978s after this point we're going to see a
12979s chance JG Jing looking to try to go
12981s ahead and try to invest as much usage of
12982s that time as possible looks towards his
12984s village sees that woin is going to be
12986s porting out he sees a beacon of light
12987s like it's Gondor he's going to be
12988s backing away towards into the sidelines
12990s now wbg are here we have nine players
12992s alive up to 10 now uh so now it's going
12994s to be the case for jdg to kind of Ambush
12996s this full scale team wbg we seen the
12999s zyphon coming through here against a
13000s Viper W Tessa the Tessa comes out Lua 98
13003s one hit last into the W stad and hoping
13005s to get caught by last hit elimination
13007s ASA punished for using his ultimate as
13009s you can see W 98 gets C the elimination
13011s but Shing he's going for the aggression
13013s he's go against Sleep Walker that's a
13014s Matari versus Tessa so or versus Viper
13017s so it's really going to be Matari really
13019s taking into the set F2 charged up here
13021s Jin Universal slash releases it connects
13023s it and then ballista coming in from the
13024s back line I think from Jing himself oh
13027s yeah big ballista Tower hits there on
13029s the back side they goes to Dreadful well
13031s but now last and final hit connects
13033s there jdg pick up another one on the
13035s board and that's 20 there for jdg 21 I
13038s should say wbg still in the mix this is
13041s a fast game now I mean zone four
13043s spreading and only three teams remain
13045s here for game number three they are
13047s going to be called out Jing inside the
13049s Zone Kiki with the Dreadful well fcon in
13051s there for the Tessa it goes to proc off
13052s the storm form him no damage off of
13054s there though the one two doesn't let
13056s loose trying to avoid all this pressure
13058s here from jdg but the Matari F to get
13060s the knock back into the onew and now jdg
13063s with 22 on the board and one team
13066s remaining here it's going to be jdg
13068s against X1 last two two teams up and it
13072s looks like we're going to get the
13072s aggression from one of these teams
13074s pretty pretty soon we do have the SS
13076s online for everybody on the board and
13078s now what's going to be the showcasing
13080s x1's XL Y is going to go ahead and start
13082s off high trying to see can find an
13084s opener here for his Squad the F2 caught
13086s in here from the from the Z but Theos Z
13089s there would have quickly have two big
13090s par there from jz's Z into the D for in
13093s the back end it's so much pressure
13095s Universal s back in now the random Bay
13097s might grief one of these teams yeah and
13098s we got to see about whether not these
13099s eyes going to be contesting one another
13101s or towards helping out their teammates
13102s cuz us is getting some shots out here
13104s Universal slash dragon like might
13105s somewhere in the field of play here so
13106s whether not we're going see some control
13107s coming out afterwards these ultimate
13108s casts going to come through TK looking
13110s for that V2 stagger not going to come
13111s out here with that Moon b v diagram oh
13113s my God zdi is going to have to roll into
13115s the building because there was so much
13116s move Blast coming through here Universal
13117s slash connects it going to be jdg
13119s picking up the eliminations like water
13120s dud we're at 25 dude and we're looking
13122s at 24 actually just say with the moon
13123s ban blast this is going to be
13124s elimination spread that's 25 baby that's
13126s a multiplier between every single team
13129s so fast this round went by so I mean it
13132s was weird because you know you expect
13133s this to end game no no no there was no
13135s end game a fight we had to W Shrine and
13138s we were ending up there with the moon B
13139s blast so now comes out jdg cleaning up
13141s shot
13142s zon taking out this round under the rug
13146s pulling it from every other team
13147s combined and this is going to just keep
13150s them as one of the top teams we saw this
13151s from AIS from from yesterday for solo he
13153s took three MVPs right three MV he's and
13156s then all of a sudden you know he's but
13158s uh he kept the lead oh sudden you you
13161s went bald yeah yeah that's when I went
13163s bald uh so everything comes out here I
13166s took the sacrifice uh everything came
13167s out here for the plays where if a team
13170s just has first place lock down you know
13172s we just chill out trios you know things
13174s can sweep you know come through here
13176s from teams catching through but we will
13178s have three other rounds left three
13179s rounds left Round catch up is a little
13183s bit more of a detrimental we're at the
13184s halfway point and so for coming out of
13187s this you know coming out of this range
13189s for the mean a lot of the middle six
13191s teams or middle three to four teams
13193s between you know between fourth place
13195s down to eighth place like they died
13197s early on like they died pretty quick so
13199s for them to kind of work into catching
13201s up it's not going to be the case between
13203s third between second just to try to be
13206s as uh be as proactive as I
13208s can and for right now I mean jdg just
13211s took this down in the water I mean look
13212s listen we don't take any points from
13214s these games from last G's qualifiers but
13215s if they did they be bopping off pre
13217s finals where we're going to see those
13218s points be taken as proposed into Grand
13220s finals when we have for that in two
13222s weeks time but regardless I'm the guy on
13224s the I'm the guy on the computer I'm the
13226s guy on the I'm the laptop right there
13227s you saw that uh we're gonna have a
13228s chance of seeing you guys coming through
13230s into the question actually no wait
13231s because we might
13232s have I'm pre- anticipating I'm
13234s premeditating this one out here because
13237s listen I ewg try to work into
13240s experimental comp I said that could only
13241s work out so long uh in terms of you know
13245s you can only work into using
13246s experimental comps when you're in
13249s somewhere where you're not at death's St
13251s in terms of being cut out that's a
13253s that's a nice way of putting it because
13254s things come out where if you really
13256s believe the comp is going to really work
13257s out within the scrims within the value
13259s of you know your between their matches
13261s outside of plane in scrims to now it's
13263s this mbpl is a stage where you can see
13264s the value coming in from the more core
13266s comps coming out zyphon Sans siphon but
13268s especially zyphon uh with that zipping
13271s but more importantly seeing the zyphon
13272s with a zipping being brought through
13274s instead of seeing zipping brought in for
13276s the kin hotti comp right that's that
13278s swap up you know we're not seeing kumis
13279s being swapped in here for the Zer we're
13281s going back to ziping uh not to be on
13283s reserve for the kidi we're looking at to
13285s be on standby for the zyphon so with
13288s that giving karumi more precedence
13290s towards using S typen potentially three
13292s times in the in the matches of six
13293s rounds just to be someone to now be you
13296s know being reserved for those choice
13298s picks because before we saw ziping in
13300s the zon in stage one JL when they
13302s brought it out and then slowly surely
13304s went down towards using karumi because
13306s the Clans over bur against other zens
13308s really came to precedence but maybe
13310s teams want to use that aggressiveness be
13312s as mobile as possible we're going to see
13313s how that's going to end up jdg taking a
13315s massive game 32.8 points good go g
13317s you're going to see 24 kills that game
13319s with that 28.8 total kill multiplier
13321s points applied with a four ranking
13322s points X1 taking 18.5 in second place
13324s can see drg taking 11.5 in third 9.5 for
13327s Te wbg with six points in fifth OG 4.5
13330s and look at the spread right here 4.5
13331s for as fpx for four 3.5 for BBE 521
13334s takes two as well as ewg and only one
13336s point earned for ss1 uh not having a
13338s great time today ss1 was actually the
13339s ss1 was actually one of the first teams
13341s knocked out and they're in 12th Place
13342s currently uh so former J team potential
13346s for being restructured
13347s out it's tough it's tough out here for
13349s you boys I'll be that I'll be 100%
13351s honest that's back to back World winners
13353s too yeah which is crazy right yeah it's
13357s crazy you know look at that damage
13359s though damage I mean so all right so
13362s this is what I want to talk about so you
13364s know um you said it was JL right I I do
13366s remember it was just a team coming out
13368s of nowhere that brought out this comp to
13370s being played played out you said it was
13371s JL right yep so I mean prior to that Z
13375s was in the game for a long time and
13377s there was you know there was no comp
13379s with z um and then this comp just being
13382s showcased from JL was just a big game
13385s changer um as we saw I don't remember uh
13388s BBE took our MVP for our first game did
13391s they play Zeon for game number one uh
13394s Zeon for game number no wiper Wen T okay
13396s they played okay they played W and Viper
13398s Tessa uh but games two and three um it's
13401s just been straight Z you know yeah yeah
13403s so the zy comp I mean it's just so much
13405s pressure and we saw the big numbers
13406s there from the Z players a wash uh for
13409s Te earlier and I mean now I mean what
13412s was that 39,000 damage um on the board
13416s for the second Z I mean that's just so
13417s much pressure and damage and is for me
13421s personally I would have thought she
13423s would have gotten Changed by now but she
13424s got a buff uh she got
13427s a which is you know to me you know I
13429s don't know but you know uh yeah that
13432s which is insane I mean we see the big
13434s big openers off the f2s that radiation
13437s got a uh got a wider AOE off the f2s but
13440s I mean the overall stand let's take a
13442s quick look at them jdg with 69.9 32.8
13445s points off game number three drg with 59
13447s X1 with 51.5 te with 48.6 ug with 45.2
13451s wbg with 39.4 and this is our top six
13455s currently qualified players for last
13456s China qualifiers but got a quick little
13459s replay here from Thunder Robots saaro
13463s gamers United you know listen I was
13465s looking at the r Ravine fight Happ here
13466s you see the F2 Matari this shock micro
13469s selection play com through there gets
13471s top of the F1 but then again you can see
13473s the F2 comes out completely knock him
13474s back towards and reposition towards
13476s going go forus to back dragon slayer fin
13478s might and then comes up actually doesn't
13480s matter he looks job I'm committing every
13482s single one of these bles bro even if the
13483s Omni directional Parry not not coming
13485s through here from tea it it just doesn't
13487s come out that way R&B hold check doesn't
13488s catch it getp
13490s eror you can tell of frustration but
13494s look and then we're switching this out
13497s here dxing this the end game Circle
13499s fight it's crazy we were from before R
13501s number one to now post to the end game
13503s Circle JG fight so this is going to be
13505s the moon though went crazy here for
13507s positioning yeah oh my God he weaves
13510s around the Moon B there with the matf
13512s and now continue apply some pressure in
13514s the back side spins it back to boy the
13517s paror from the opposing Matari now overh
13520s holds guess does get CLI off the move
13522s this time around but the last hit
13523s connect to the back in there for the
13525s opposing team and jdg now with the last
13528s and final hit off the universal slash
13530s there from the matui and that's the
13531s clean up for themselves with a crazy pop
13534s off game three and the zai not a
13537s surprise with the MVP for jdg 39,000
13542s damage I believe from the top of my head
13544s I mean it's just a crazy amount of
13546s pressure that the Z oh my God 16
13549s eliminations here for
13551s jdg how do I say how do I say my man's
13555s name I don't know I see Moxy calling two
13557s I'm trying to I'm like you know what I'm
13558s roll with it because maybe this the t is
13560s pronounced with the S so we're going to
13561s say I want to say
13563s tutty I like every single day I'm likey
13566s oh yeah TTY yeah shout the TTY C you
13569s know Tedy C Roosevelt all sty all right
13571s listen Ro okay
13575s but that spear damage goes crazy uh
13577s taking out the gold Spear and then
13578s having an early on set juggernaut with
13580s that nine elimination before them that's
13582s when we saw the J and over towards
13584s straight towards into the shadow jadee
13585s mine we saw how much that came through
13587s here for uh for Tedy and hopefully to
13590s kind of work out and just keeping that
13592s momentum you know I mean listen you when
13595s you got when you got the damage that you
13596s have when you playing Z playing Z you
13598s have that gold uh scaling that's just
13600s straight DPS for your chain side that's
13602s why we saw 9800 coming out there skills
13604s and ultimates I know you know it
13606s includes ultimates but mainly from the
13607s skill theu just goes ballistic when you
13610s get those resets every so often for the
13611s ultimate cast coming through here for
13613s the aspect of having having matar to
13617s reset you as well uh for everything kind
13619s of going out here though we have to work
13620s out and the scene about these teams
13621s working against jdg success because jdg
13623s working out zon into the full stead te
13626s working out zon to the full stead and
13628s now we have three other rounds you know
13631s see is like difficult though if they
13634s want to risk two-point ban that would be
13636s the case scario but we'll have to see if
13637s that ends up going through do you feel
13639s like it would have been better if uh
13641s that b the comp would have came out
13643s later throughout the night like where
13645s you might see you know not ke kein maybe
13649s yeah I was actually expecting it to show
13650s later on because kin would would have
13652s been the main person to kind of
13654s counteract with Vol once that Kean Nerf
13656s happened he kind of had this issue about
13658s having to work against you know you have
13660s to work against whether or not you're
13661s going to be using her with other key
13663s component CL uh you know characters so
13665s ewg working at tenan high and the Faria
13667s those are definitely out of pocket picks
13669s like that just comes out from you know
13670s from playing in scrims and seeing how it
13672s works into the pro league Set uh for
13674s them to actually work that through
13675s though big Target on their back by
13677s having tanim being one of the only few
13678s ones like you mentioned once you get
13679s caught into being the only person in the
13680s lobby that's being said character they
13682s will lock you down and knowing that your
13683s combo breaker is going to be down then
13684s they can go ahead and reinitiate because
13686s T High sits still when he's using his
13687s combo breaker he's not mobile like Tammy
13689s he's not going to be mobile or he's not
13690s going to have a invulnerability oh he
13692s does have invulnerability status but
13693s he's not like tessla where she can just
13694s reposition cast his point midair uh to
13696s have fox fire in case you gets staggered
13698s he gets completely locked down from
13701s after he cast the ability and then
13703s afterwards you proc Sal you just range
13705s him down you just range him down you
13707s throw single one point0 release weapons
13709s you dodge you bop and weave and then
13711s that's nothing that can be done like
13712s that's where zy was working with tanai
13713s at one point in time because you see Z
13715s go through with just locking down with
13717s the V2 and then he can go for grabs or
13718s he can go for melee grabs anyway Which
13719s Way but we're going to have an interview
13720s guys coming through here in just a
13721s second we're going to have the questions
13722s within the said interview so don't lock
13724s back make sure you are in the twitch
13725s chat and answer those questions
13729s correctly ladies and gentlemen welcome
13731s to the post game interview this a jger
13733s and now I'm standing here with and let
13735s me say hello to our
13738s audience
13745s hello we would like to say good job jdg
13748s and I would like to know for the latest
13750s game so how's your like motivation that
13753s you can have really high points in the
13756s game three
13781s [Music]
13785s okay to be honest so for us our hero
13787s combination for this turn is like in the
13789s game three we use our strongest hero
13792s combination now in the game and for the
13795s like you know the past game like game
13797s one game two we are using the hero
13799s combination that we are not really
13801s familiar with that because it's the
13803s beginning and we would like to have a
13805s like have a rest and just let us like
13808s get in back back in track and have a
13811s good status in the matches okay let's
13814s move on to next part answer for
13818s Treasure okay so you guys can see the
13820s question and the question for this turn
13822s is how many kills did jdg get in game
13833s three okay before the answer so I would
13836s like to know it seems like the charm is
13838s belong to you and you know 3v3 um
13842s fighting with X1 I would like to know is
13844s your plan or what
13868s [Music]
13895s okay okay so in my opinion before the
13897s charm we when the time we saw the charm
13901s we just think about that we were like
13903s fighting and let them to the position
13905s where the charm is and that's our
13908s strategy and at last we can see that we
13912s have all the damage on our opponent and
13915s we don't get any damage from the
13926s charm okay I think I'll please prepare
13929s and let's start
13931s counting uh three two one screenshot
13935s okay let's find out the correct
13943s answer
13944s okay yeah the correct answer is D and we
13947s would like to say again is
13952s congratulations okay so we know that
13954s today we have like the new match patch
13957s and I would like to know for your hero
13958s comination how you think about this
13960s match patch
13973s [Music]
13984s [Music]
13988s okay so in my opinion it's like um to be
13991s honest like for the match path on The
13994s Killing sh her combination they are like
13996s not useful anymore and for us we don't
13999s have any effect and for me the TR scheme
14002s we still have some 3v3 fighting is more
14004s important now um than the hero
14014s combination okay okay okay let's looking
14017s forward to the rest of the game and
14018s let's have let's take a break and be
14020s right back later
14023s [Music]
14034s sh
14044s [Music]
14092s what
14094s [Music]
14106s [Music]
14115s [Applause]
14119s [Music]
14162s [Applause]
14164s [Music]
14165s [Applause]
14176s [Music]
14193s [Music]
14204s I
14238s n
14256s [Music]
14284s gentlemen we're live here we're in
14286s Shanghai you see that you saw that view
14288s what a majestic just going through here
14289s we're going to have a chance of here
14290s looking at the city over there and the
14291s over overview and it's going to be the
14292s evening time over there but forever else
14295s uh afternoon morning how are you doing
14297s my name is s alongside with creatives
14299s we're actually here for rounds 4 through
14301s six now for the last chance qualifiers
14303s for summer uh summer season 2024 for the
14306s MVP we saw some Gamers out here two zhon
14309s MVPs one
14311s wessa and interview coming in from Jing
14314s mentioning how kylin kelen isn't doing
14316s as hot you know as you see in the future
14318s and we have the next three rounds to
14320s kind of consider that considering we see
14321s the players might be sneaking her in or
14323s sneaking that comp in otherwise still
14326s kind of a an upset moment if that comp
14328s is out that means there's only three
14329s solidified comps to kind of work through
14331s and then the testing rounds comes out
14333s between all the other players it's hard
14334s to see if they can work through ewg
14335s tried to do it did it pop off no but
14338s regardless there's still three rounds
14339s for these teams to kind of work into
14340s seeing if they want to work in having
14343s their hero points selected to be used
14344s all the way or they can just start
14346s experimenting now if they're solidified
14348s for the top six
14349s regardless yeah I mean cuz of me
14353s thinking about it I think what really
14355s made that comp strong was just just
14357s stottie you know being able to reset uh
14360s so many times off of that o alone and
14362s just taking that big big Nerf to him
14365s just pretty much shuts that down
14367s completely um in my eyes so you know we
14370s don't have the top six teams in here um
14373s so maybe they're cooking something up
14374s for the pre-finals uh like sario
14376s mentioned earlier throughout the night
14378s uh that is probably potentially the best
14380s time to test things out before the grand
14382s finals uh yes you do want to take over
14384s as many points as you can but you're
14386s safe and you're going to be making it
14387s over to the Grand finals at the end of
14389s the day um a post from today where you
14391s know the pressure is on you have to try
14393s to make it to the top six to make it to
14394s the pre-finals this weekend so you know
14397s there's more on the line I would say now
14399s uh just to qualify uh but needless to
14401s say still for the pre finals you want to
14403s showcase um the best that you can to be
14406s able to take over those points but now
14408s lock and loaded for game number four
14411s just want to quickly say hey y had she
14414s had that chain on her that that thing
14416s was glistening she dripped
14419s out the dress sparkly the chain on sight
14423s everything coming through here fashion n
14425s we're out here for these gam Jing though
14428s Jing was like yo I need I need some of
14429s that I need some of that KT I mentioned
14432s that earlier you know my man oh yeah we
14434s saw JL JL had that uh had that yesterday
14436s or had that on their day for you know by
14439s weekly four finals having one of their
14440s players have that on cuz you know not
14443s only is their mental capacity for the
14445s dexterity there's also physical
14446s dexterity with you know having to just
14447s be quick wited and see how big that
14449s mouse pad is they got to swipe all the
14451s way across you see how like you know the
14453s Looting pattern comes out here they
14454s going be quick wittedness you see the
14455s camera movement coming back and forth
14456s here if you saw the first person one
14457s view of the trios player you see in the
14459s clips and highlights that's how you know
14460s like these guys are just but also comes
14463s down to the scrim hours you know I
14464s always make mention of this it's very
14465s important to keep you guys going into
14466s the knowhow these guys practice on their
14468s off days consistently and I mean that
14470s like in the realest sense when I say off
14473s days I mean every day every s day that
14475s they're not playing they are practicing
14478s whether or not it's up against their own
14479s teams teams that the their own nature
14481s the own tier of you know playing in the
14483s pro league or if it's other teams to
14484s kind of be involved between lower tiers
14486s otherwise they're still practicing and
14487s they take all those hours into the main
14488s hours just trying to cultivate trying to
14490s you know you know figure out what's
14492s going to be their best case scenario of
14493s working through value of how they can
14497s work off maybe they you know switch role
14499s selections between the weeks that they
14501s play and then the other few a few weeks
14503s that they don't play that they're like
14504s in the pro league they're just trying to
14505s see about what team or what player can
14507s work best with which character for
14509s instances you know cuz you have those
14510s key core you know players playing said
14513s characters like example off the top of
14514s my head you know Sleepwalker playing
14516s Justina you know and you see him playing
14517s Justina you're like oh yeah it's time
14519s but then other cases that's just because
14521s it's a sleeper pick because he would
14523s usually run that then and then you know
14525s if he needs to bring it back out that's
14527s that that's their key player to playing
14528s at that comp if Justina ever makes her
14530s appearance back to the swing of things
14532s in trios which would be a very danger
14535s time but you know what listen after the
14538s deletion of the king
14540s potential things are in the air for
14542s different characters to be you know
14543s rounded out here for selection
14545s processes yeah I mean and also am it was
14548s mentioned that the Justina is the next
14550s one getting a full rework so oh yeah you
14552s know yeah uh like I know they're cooking
14556s something you know something has to be
14558s cooking uh cuz I mean once again that
14561s killing comp was just it was just super
14563s strong
14565s um and now like s Gan like never came
14569s back like like he was just never beat
14571s yeah yeah got the an snap mink I'm R I'm
14575s Rose Dawson and I I got the I got the
14577s crystal of the sea and I'm dropping on
14579s the o you know like droing through there
14581s no one's going to be able to see it ever
14583s coming back ever into the line ever
14585s again unless you know then for the
14587s balance patches but we have to see yeah
14590s so you know like I said I feel like
14593s we're going to see
14595s our our meta should be uh should be set
14598s for Jacob uh for Main Line qualifier I
14601s believe unless something changes I think
14602s there's always one big patch right
14604s before Jacob and that's the one that
14606s gets played out so you know we we still
14608s got we still got a little bit of uh time
14610s left to to to see how the meta is going
14613s to be but I mean now just the trios uh
14616s meta completely being shifted to I would
14620s say how it was before killing got
14622s released cuz this is pretty much the
14623s standard of what we used to see a lot
14625s which was the Wen Viper tesas uh the
14628s Sans siphon and the U you know the newer
14631s one out of the out of the three will be
14633s the zyon one that came out of nowhere uh
14636s once again like I mentioned uh in how s
14639s was saying JL brought it out first and
14640s it was just straight success from them
14642s and everybody fighting off of it and now
14645s just being a staple here for trios but
14647s now our our first on selections X1 ss1
14650s drg and jdg for game number four we're
14653s going to be taking a trip back back to
14654s Hollow Rock but this time around it's
14655s going to be dust so we are going to be
14657s having those Firefly maps for our first
14661s game of or our first time for the night
14664s I should say here in holl Roth Now
14667s what's going to be the selections here
14668s for these teams I mean nothing new here
14670s for the holl Roth map for the first
14672s round you know the SL siphon being
14674s brought out for the first four teams
14676s four round SL siphons second round bro
14679s most likely going to be zons if it's
14680s available for these guys to go off of
14682s two point or threep Point conversions
14683s okay there a enta for ewg but siphon for
14688s BBE we locked down five siphons so that
14691s means that the next round selection
14692s can't even think about playing that
14694s unless they want to burn through their
14695s points like water uh for wbg they're
14697s going to be swinging out here for the uh
14698s for the zon themselves te still has
14701s eight points OG still has nine fpx still
14704s has nine siphon coming out for the
14705s ziping we test for Te fpx in 521 going
14709s see a zon from fpx in
14711s 521 Viper so a little bit more even
14715s stead we still have five sand siphons
14718s but at least there's more of a balance
14719s coming through here for that chance now
14722s obviously oh it comes down to skill I
14724s mean listen surprise surprise you saw B
14726s we saw F2 or F1 no F2 Viper showing up
14729s here for one round and then the next is
14731s came back to f3s I mean like I said it
14733s just CES down to whether or not they can
14735s get locked down for the selection
14737s process however you know that only
14741s attributes to activation of skills if
14743s you are a hyperactive carry like Z she
14745s doesn't care about silences besides F2
14747s procs because she has her ultimate and
14749s her chain sides and she can throw them
14751s out and she doesn't really it's the same
14752s thing with the case scenario of solos
14754s right hyperactive characters like AOS
14755s can just go ahead hippity hoppity around
14757s he doesn't care about silen whoever
14758s comes down towards it yeah he won't be
14759s able to pounce for 8 seconds but he's
14762s not doing enough pressure by just going
14763s for those double HPP hiby Hops and then
14765s going for like a ribbit ribbit going for
14766s those pounces you really see the
14769s characters or you really see the hero
14771s skills being used in different M fashion
14773s that's why F3 has such prevalence now
14776s just because of just nuke damage Just sh
14778s shoot him down your HP where gone yeah
14781s your bus ticket has been punched in
14785s dog yeah and it also notifies you know
14787s that chase game uh cuz you know when
14789s someone's weak uh they're they're
14793s continue they're going to start doing uh
14795s trying to kite out the situation and you
14797s know having the F3 on the Viper just
14799s secures that elimination a lot faster if
14801s they do manage to get a grapple stun off
14803s of that alone so you know it's just it's
14805s just that that that big shotgun like you
14806s mentioned being able to have it on the
14808s Viper but now our showcasing here for
14811s our ult and abilities um nothing too
14814s crazy both teas for the first top side
14817s running the F1 standard there for the no
14819s blue release uh everything else looks
14822s pretty much standard for everybody else
14824s the F3 on the Viper there for
14826s ewg um back to that with the B1 for the
14829s stun f1's on the teada once again for
14832s the second pick of this game and now our
14836s last selection we do have a F2 for Te
14840s with the V3 again yeah yeah they're
14842s bringing it back from their Holo game
14845s yeah so hoping to see if it's just
14848s because of the terrain and just going
14849s for mobile silence and mobile tell me
14852s control I mean that's the whole that's
14853s the whole schlick coming out for that
14854s comp selection with the skill for vipers
14855s and that Viper skill selection changes
14858s the whole way the comp rules because you
14860s got to look at it from this way there's
14861s not a lot of damage com start from F2
14862s you can mitigate F you can actually have
14864s two to kind of mitigate through Blues to
14865s catch Perry within just like how kmes
14867s are able to do that with their F skills
14868s or even with their ultimates so it
14869s really comes down to the play style of
14870s the play and that comes down towards how
14872s they're going to go through sponso
14873s Fortress Cavani OG wbg we're seeing
14875s salvation dropped in for fpx this is
14877s Firefly region so Fortress Cavani has
14878s like three fireflies pick up from the
14880s South Side ASC dropping into Tequila's
14882s gate we're going to see into the Falcons
14883s perch maybe for those chances of going
14885s north side towards Ignus Mound who knows
14887s because ewg are rocking that spot for
14889s the two fireflies jdg in ss1 near to the
14892s Quarry line maybe towards Imperial
14893s villages try to get those fireflies from
14894s the Southeastern end uh hoping to see if
14896s that these two teams scpe off off the
14898s rip because Beast pen your gold Trove
14901s area or Not Gold tro but High area is
14903s going to allow for them to just work
14904s into crisscrossing apples saucing and uh
14906s you know having Hopscotch match Le left
14908s and right and then into the Yon ruins
14910s 521 drg they're they're scorching in
14912s here into the Yan ruins BBE are hot in
14915s the spot and they're going to be going
14917s straight toward the room you know that
14918s is having forone you know sorry for
14920s the language folks it just comes out
14921s here what we're going to enter to game
14922s four for this game we're going to enter
14925s into HTH and this is going to be an off
14927s fight between ug though zenu trying to
14930s see he can find an armor quickly are
14932s going to be able to find one now blue
14934s armor wbg on the bottom side but X1 and
14936s fzq going at it slaps coming out there
14937s for the teas and zdi oh my God sansy
14940s drops one shot in the backside but yahu
14942s is going to be able to pick up
14943s elimination onto one of x1's member now
14946s lyd trying to stay alive but fpx zq with
14950s the eliminations there all to X1 that
14954s was crazy off drop that's a diabolical
14957s kill spread coming through SL but that
14960s means we might have ultimat for the soul
14961s BL Santi goes down though that's going
14962s to be a huge upset now it look blue
14964s armor blue weapons across everything ASC
14967s literally got the God here you knowa and
14970s now they're going into salvation J
14972s looking to try use that Katana we're
14973s going to see this BL be utilized here
14974s for F2 knock back here the f1's invested
14977s from the TMI now we're going to see the
14978s armor pick up from JX gets caught almost
14979s by the fist plates with the R&B into the
14981s Z Ultimate holds it F2 comes right back
14983s into it V2 and snared comes out doesn't
14985s get it but that a moon drop coming in
14987s here D cuz I got that first set of
14988s elimination dang how fast did he go for
14989s the chop the moon charm that was quick
14992s that was quick because they got those
14994s eliminations off drop and one of them
14996s went towards the middle of puzzle to
14998s just buy that Moon Bane to is off the
14999s pressure we see the opping team now
15001s backing on up but wbg going at it
15003s against ug grapple l& B to the followups
15006s there onto SS F CAU in there for the
15008s Matari SS now just little isolated fight
15010s between Walker and SS one one piece down
15013s for big PA but a nice F2 F2 there to
15016s avoid the followup and now ASC showing
15019s up to the party applying the pressure on
15020s to ug forbid SE can we get much higher
15022s out here we're going to be looking for
15023s the dash rmbs and there's going to be a
15024s chance that s pick up for Shen looking
15026s to try to go for the the sooner or later
15027s loot spawn trying to get that going
15029s through uh for this though like I said
15031s Fortress Cavani drop spawn here o shingu
15034s hiding in the background this is where
15035s Fortress Cavani just goes to the full
15037s prevalence cuz those fireflies for
15038s everyone to kind of spawn in here and it
15039s does help that it does have gold loot
15041s spawns in terms of higher TR frequency
15043s but sansi taking bled shots here from uh
15045s exi oh my goodness since this is fx's
15048s Moon Bane ewg have to be very careful
15050s with XI being on the end of the Moon
15052s Bane Circle he's going to be going ahead
15053s and chasing down fpx junx with a gold
15056s howbert from the Salvation Podium puzzle
15058s being completed so for right now up to
15061s the case they know this they know he's
15063s got the gold weapon they are hunting him
15064s down like it's bad boys too and they're
15066s going over to Reggie oh that right there
15069s just did not go towards his favor he
15071s missed the grapple and now either G
15074s catches up but junx being able to kite
15076s out the situation trying to save this
15078s weapon but ewg still full chasing down
15081s ugi's SS in the back end very weak there
15083s goes to counter grapple there on to junx
15085s the test ultimate is going to invest it
15087s and it's going to connect there on to
15088s Jun X going to have time to kite out
15090s this tether for a little bit what's
15092s going to be the first player up both
15094s players in here into the F3 into the
15097s last hits with a free gold how burst
15100s there for ewg and XI is going to be
15103s picking that up here on the Viper yeah
15105s FX is going to find a res off of sansi
15107s junx you know being down there SII gets
15109s res this is good because marari still
15111s keeps the chase going through crossbow
15112s bolt to deny it cookie areb the
15114s instigator of Peace coming out here
15116s we're going to see the F1 being thrown
15117s ahead for to try to get Santi a little
15119s bit of sustain here but look at that R&B
15120s going to release out here there's going
15121s to be kick from the fist blades and look
15122s at the charge R&B if you can but there's
15123s going to be F1 investment the R&B blue
15124s Focus doesn't come out here from xia hu
15126s but we looking for the the consideration
15127s of staggers that's the case jump B to
15130s the jump B be's and then a tested en
15131s chant to deny all that pressure that we
15133s just had as fpx might be locked down
15134s here for the count yeah now there goes
15137s enchantment nice SP Zing ultimate does
15139s manage to pop it but now cookie showing
15141s up to the party jahu is going to eat up
15143s all this damage elim to the uppercuts
15145s into the R&B focus in the back end the
15146s terrain did not give him the followup
15147s R&B Focus there but it does not even
15149s matter the full stagger there from ewg
15152s onto the last member of that team they
15155s are going to pick up elimination there
15156s drg against BBE inside this tamok
15160s ultimate Don Q applying tons of pressure
15163s BB is going to fall for this I believe
15165s there goes the dragon slayer onto Roy
15167s shishi into the the to furing for the
15170s last hit now jdg going out against X1
15173s with tons of pressure big par from Kiki
15175s XO Y is going to eat up some of that
15176s damage but now trying to stay up we do
15178s have o online here for XO and we got a
15181s cloud wer Somewhere In the Mix of things
15182s it's going to be a chance here to see it
15183s from x1's lyd X1 lyd taking into
15187s consideration the ultimate to be cast as
15188s well as JD G's Kiki for both kumis and
15190s now all the ultimates are down 521
15192s though perfect ambo opportunity here
15193s we're looking at a t Dodge from that T
15195s CH very good but there's a Parry
15197s there's elimination there's a spread
15199s that's going to be one elimination for 5
15200s to1 and they still have a chance of
15201s looking down south and trying to go
15202s towards the city of Tong and just going
15203s ahead and chasing that team but they see
15205s the supplies potentially just to reset
15207s here we got 12 grapples to 46 ratio for
15209s the healing barries armor powder so for
15210s right now pompy looking pretty snazzed
15212s we still have a chance here to kind of
15214s work into the Northwestern barracks if
15216s we want to go up to the wall and just L
15218s look out towards the loot and trenches
15220s as well if they just came from that
15221s direction then you know no worries we're
15223s going sou near towards the camel hump
15225s all the way out west we're going to see
15227s wbg slipping past this area just trying
15229s to see about some Loop now obviously in
15231s this area if we still have the boomerang
15232s cliff in the top right uh top left of
15234s the map with the Northwest that's where
15235s we can potentially see some stragglers
15237s going out to respawn and try to get some
15238s loot back because that's exactly wbgs in
15240s straggler position a out Jing went down
15242s for the first set of alive Sleepwalker
15244s still staying alive here without losing
15245s out any sort of the reaper charms our
15247s kill spread has six eliminations for drg
15249s who are first with that sand siphon our
15251s seconds have a lot of tied three kill
15253s scores between FX ss1 taking out between
15256s X1 as well as the BBE still chances to
15260s be had we still got ring around 3
15262s minutes or so before the teams really
15263s start to lock in in terms of their
15264s positioning or they take fights outside
15266s yeah we do see uh Sleepwalker on that
15268s new Z skin um I think it's the first one
15271s we see um and I just mentioned it
15273s because I think there should be some
15274s more cuz in that
15276s trailer I mean that trailer that trailer
15279s bro I know the trailer was fire right
15281s but we saw you know couple skins or
15284s whatever but what I was more excited for
15287s was the new grapple you know like it
15289s grapples are rare oh you know grapples
15292s are rare look at listen I look at that
15294s grapple I don't think it's going to be a
15295s skin for anybody people were like hey
15296s who's that skin for like that's a
15297s grapple I'm like listen if that skin
15299s ever shows up in nraa s I'm literally
15301s putting my hands up here like on Martin
15303s scy we're going to have a chance to hear
15304s our XL y take it now I'm dead we're
15306s going to see fight one popular looking
15308s for that V1 St coming out here in the
15309s zone test enchant everything all the CC
15311s control that you would never really hope
15313s to see cwy ultimate we like to see that
15315s but that's going to keep team alive into
15317s Zone which gives fuen force ultimate
15319s proc which again you know reverses the
15321s pressure now X1 can take this chance
15324s unfortunately X Y only has one more
15325s grapple after this hopes and dreams can
15326s only lead you on so far and we're not
15328s going to be able to cross this Plateau
15329s unless we scare Rush as like like a
15331s maniac solos player like we're OG
15334s mik hey but that's beautiful there from
15336s Max like amazing karumi ultimate there
15339s uh 521 investing two ultimates at the
15342s Viper o plus say Tes en Chatman in the
15344s back end I mean just with no value there
15346s off of one old uh invested from the
15348s opposing team I mean that's a w i mean
15351s you're forced to back on up uh and you
15354s know just wait for the for the next set
15355s of ss to come on in and we have our
15357s first ran y starting to form up pretty
15359s soon as well so they might be posted up
15361s for that uh as well so that was the
15363s retreat uh mindset for them I believe
15366s but ss1 as well going to go ahead and
15369s start posting up for the real Yang as
15371s well we do see them near a gat already
15373s drg as well might be contesting ss1
15377s pretty shortly here we do have one
15379s purple armor here for ss1 on the teada
15382s with the purple fist blades as well as
15384s the purple Rarity on the ultimate
15385s Rosemary the only one out of the bunch
15387s with one purple jade here for SS oneing
15392s boom yeah still has still to stack it up
15395s you're going to see see hex Harmon spe
15397s from kxy going to see a juggernaut see a
15400s Canan Fang for dongqing as well as an
15402s Alchemy and then we're going to see a
15403s swift Edge Ru on a double Swift Edge
15406s kind of strange but we're not going to
15407s give that to our teammate cuz we need we
15409s need to hoard all those Jades for the
15411s attack bonus and now it's going to be
15412s swap out here for the weapons you can
15413s see it coming back and forth here for
15414s drg as for ASC we don't know yet what
15416s they have we got six seconds maybe they
15417s hopefully see this before we start off
15418s it's going to be a going to be a tuna
15420s off of Jong dong going to see a assault
15423s smolder I believe for AA win so we
15425s should see that coming out here very
15426s soon to the engagement between these two
15428s teams yeah we do have kxy in the back
15430s and trying to get a little bit of
15433s distance here we do have now the scrap
15435s off in reim mering in the middle of this
15437s ryang beautiful whis there for oh my God
15440s for drg we do have him getting Tak down
15443s as well there now the POS in to with the
15445s taked down down Q releasing to one two
15447s three doesn't get the damage cuz of the
15449s stone form into the Crouch lmb off the
15451s puler now first to Ultimate investa he's
15453s going to respond with to Ultimate of his
15456s of his own we do have the T ultimate
15458s invested in the back and kwy ultimate
15459s invested but D dong is going to get H
15461s off the Perry into the fern as well but
15463s but Don Q has the upper hand now and now
15464s kxy in the back in is going to get
15466s paired here as well we got three F we
15468s get paed every single we throw in all
15469s these Blues Jong be losing all his
15471s weapons in his inventory at that point
15472s in time because now we're going to see
15473s drg going for a clean sweep in less than
15474s like 3 seconds I didn't have enough time
15476s to kind of dictate what happened there
15477s but now we're going to switch over to
15478s the other ryang OG versus ss1 Jan one
15480s losing out a lot of pressure but that
15482s from that Ki doing work here to keep him
15483s alive for couple seconds longer going
15484s for the fist BL going for the wild sweep
15486s and looks like the OG's SS get to Perry
15487s we're just throwing Blues left and right
15489s here today because this round has been
15490s carried on Perry and ug taking in the
15493s siphon against sand siphon W you know
15495s working it out getting Victory gold
15498s staff taken into the Jade selection the
15500s velocity Untold taking a purple dagger
15502s and most likely taking that ailan bird
15503s Smite so for the Jade election right now
15504s we're going to see a chance between
15505s these guys I just going ahead and going
15507s crazy yeah that was clean clean up there
15509s from ug drg as well looks like BBE is
15513s going to they are going to win the r
15515s when Yang and wbg off to go for The
15517s Spirit Well off the draal storm lots of
15519s DRL storms in the spirit Wells U
15521s throughout the whole night I believe
15523s each first round has been a uh a SP a
15526s draco storm I think we had one uh or
15528s game one had a Mystic might for that but
15531s I mean this is a lot of Draco storms off
15533s these Spirit Wheels now with the change
15535s but drg with nine eliminations on the
15537s board ewg with five we have a couple
15540s teams with three that will be ss1 um fpq
15544s BBE ASC X1 all with three kills on the
15548s board OG and wbg with four kills for
15552s themselves El now y policeing time here
15555s for ASC and ss1 trying to see where ASC
15559s can resurrect potentially find a fight
15562s on the outskirts now get third party but
15564s drg off the ryang snagging up the Gohan
15567s sword here for Don Q they are going to
15569s be able to have that skelet off of that
15571s te ultimate now we have BBE getting
15574s active um against uh X1 now Rishi with
15579s the Z Ultimate opener here against X1 do
15582s have Kum ultimate invested there from
15584s fat milk in the back game but BBE
15586s getting applied tons of pressure here
15588s the F2 Tak down there for for Rishi does
15591s get the damage off the V2 as well trying
15593s to stay up seeing he can stay up against
15596s X1 and looks like X1 might be might be
15599s getting taken out off of BBE here big
15601s Perry on the backside and XL Y is going
15603s to fall as well and BBE staying up here
15606s against
15607s X1 yeah next one doesn't have R pleas
15610s yet they are going to lose out two of
15611s their three so now it's going to be up
15613s to attempting to stay alive for BB
15614s though crazy I thought the investment
15616s coming out here for the tele for the F2
15618s uh before or the ultimate before the F2
15620s was something but you know what I'm okay
15622s with it because then he uses F2 to
15623s mitigate through the fear and blast that
15624s potentially would have staggered him
15625s away from that point allowing for him to
15627s counter pressurize and now it's going to
15628s be a can a chance for ASC Pinnacle Town
15631s 2 minutes Under the Clock hoping to kind
15634s of find eliminations we got R depletion
15635s if you guys don't know what that is if
15636s new loser Romy you got that time limit
15638s on the left side I know we got some new
15639s players in chat coming from through here
15640s if you guys don't know rtion gets you
15642s guys locked down for a a set timer if
15643s you do not find a soul B to rid R you
15646s will die automatically that is the case
15648s scenario that means these teams are
15649s under pressure you would see the
15650s pressure coming out from teams or
15651s players that you go up against if you
15653s see them really fast tracking their
15654s ultimates and like rank mode and such so
15657s coming out here Jen one make sure he can
15659s c for out 521 and they want to take this
15660s fight this is an assassination com
15662s coming from myesa that Zen one is going
15664s up against he procs that for midair he
15665s want to commit this one yeah he's going
15666s shra up hot here with t ultimate as well
15668s going go ahead and invest The Firm but
15670s in the back in Rosemary is going to get
15672s par there from at 521 Tessa but that's a
15675s nice Army Focus there for Jen he is
15677s going to get enchanted as well in the
15678s back side we still have the F being
15680s called in a com now is going to give him
15682s a little bit of damage there onto the
15683s one two from the fist blaz pampy trying
15684s to stay up he going to get hit off the
15686s lmb focus from the backside there from a
15687s long sword pampy though he going to get
15689s the damage there onto Jen with the R&B
15691s Focus but now the champion is going to
15693s connect now and it looks like two
15695s players going to be St here for ss1 and
15697s this could be bad for them into the N
15698s meter bur 521 with the cleanup I believe
15701s against ss1 now two two last one
15704s standing but what a nice showcasing here
15706s for 521 staying up against ss1 They al
15710s get knock in that team out SS one just
15711s kind of have a good day here today we're
15712s going to see them going down here from
15714s round four sleepwalking though wbg up
15716s against ASC taking the corners off of
15717s the stead of the Ravine and the burns
15718s and the cleanse this is what comes out
15720s from fmy Circle catching himself
15722s that teleport gets out of the danger
15724s whether or not he's going to have enough
15725s heal off one burn is always going to be
15726s need Jong getes that F1 for that point
15728s R&B gets hell check look like
15730s Sleepwalker going to Lo up the body R&B
15731s look for the jump Parry look for Omni
15732s dire please and now be a chance for the
15734s r to knock back there's a Parry coming
15736s out from M can't get any connection off
15737s of that jump from SE Walker F2 confirm
15740s not going to come through we see the tap
15741s dodg but that's going to be a kill
15742s confirmed wbg taking seven eliminations
15745s and literally deleting ASC from the
15746s lobby here for round four BBE on the
15749s cusp right now though they're in seventh
15750s place and they're really closing through
15751s but wbg are The Gatekeepers for them and
15754s wbg like I said and I said this once
15756s before Zeon can have this gear and
15759s pretend like it's gold gear like they
15760s can really work this out in terms when
15762s they reach gold gear it's like Dragon St
15764s you know the gold the god status come
15765s out here as a threat in the lobby so an
15767s Avengers level threat we'll have to see
15769s if that ever happens because we got R
15771s number two showing up here BB royi gold
15773s NES in the mix V2 kind of see I kind of
15777s lowkey want to see what the JT got going
15778s through yeah we're going to see Advance
15779s com from we're going to see a tempest
15781s kick though from ra with the soothing
15782s Bon and taking the Thunder call but
15783s we're going to see a cloud re from fatk
15785s we saw this earlier and also a thunder
15787s call coming out from Ian as an option
15789s selection so you know Jade's coming
15791s through and uh the only thing really
15793s coming out here is the connection for
15794s fat milks is cloud weer into potential
15796s for the meter dump that's all I'm going
15798s to say but Spirit Well coming out here
15799s conecting over to Pinnacle Town we're
15800s going to have wbg versus ewg ewg EXA
15805s trying to find an opening here for
15806s himself going to go ahead just claim The
15809s Spirit Well on the backside big damage
15811s we do have wbgs Walker pretty much uh
15815s getting rid of all that purple armor
15816s there by ewg and XY now go ahead and
15820s play The High Ground but Walker a lmb
15822s tries to catch F2 doesn't manage to do
15823s so comes in off the focuses there from
15826s both of those players and both of these
15827s teams are going to be contesting this
15829s Spirit Well EDG cooking now applying the
15832s pressure on to Walker timate investor
15833s here from Walker and he is going to be
15835s able to get some sorts of damage but now
15837s the Viper from XY oh my God the mat to
15841s avoid the Viper ultimate there was
15842s beautifully showcase there from ewg they
15844s can stay in the pocket but Walker still
15846s has the Z Ultimate online it looks like
15848s he's going to get some burn tick damage
15850s there on to wbg but the retreatment
15852s there for wuen Port I believe it's going
15854s to happen and X1 with the third party
15855s are going to be able to claim that
15857s Spirit well and now we're going to have
15858s drg against BBE in the second R here for
15860s game number four together coming out
15862s from Don chin getting caught by the hits
15864s and the rubber bands from the fans and
15865s now it's going to be F2 from Matari as
15867s the heal off comes out Don Chen have
15869s enough chances here Dash his RB goes
15870s towards royi uran's at two count still
15873s have two left we're at level three we're
15876s catching all these Blues but royi
15878s mitigates it through colding gold Focus
15879s now going to be a chance for the Fe and
15881s againa 98 looks for the P sword F2 from
15883s Ro the back off here and now we're going
15884s to have the F1 mid air D takes a little
15885s bit of damage as Ro ultimate comes out
15887s here we're going to see kakoy go down
15888s for theg 23 right now RB spam look for
15890s the we're baiting out we're jumping me
15891s we see the F2 but remember the F3 from
15893s the karumi they actually got nerfed here
15895s as well in this new season with that 70%
15896s damage Nerf so she still takes a lot of
15898s damage coming out as dong ching drops
15900s with the doop down blue F2 Matari hold
15902s Che opposite direction we just pulled a
15904s sneaky on you dongqing did not
15906s anticipate that and it's going to be a
15907s 1v2 but listen when you have a Matari
15909s still on standby and you have a Kumi
15911s this man went seph off mode just
15913s out good by
15917s ER oh my God baby EO hey BB coming in
15921s hot they need this they are currently in
15923s seven so or they were in seven so I mean
15926s give getting these pop offs here in this
15927s R Yang is going to give them closer to
15929s be able to make it to that top six we're
15930s going to have to wait and see where they
15932s stand now off of winning this ryang but
15935s do have I been on the gold poster this
15937s time around from this ryang dropping out
15939s more of these um weapons for their
15941s teammates we do see two gold armors here
15943s for BBE now currently still in seventh
15946s with one kill over wbg only 1.1 Point
15950s difference between both of these teams
15952s to make to this top six assist just game
15954s number four we still have two more games
15956s after this BBE taking the Mystic Mike
15958s off that ryang ug with the Draco storm
15960s X1 with the white tigers prowers we do
15963s have drg and 521 with the anding timer
15966s ug buying up some more resources two
15968s gold weapons here for ug one gold armor
15970s on zenu from are on the Z I should say
15975s har stoer no I don't think
15977s so oh yeah yeah it is it is har stoer
15980s here for you draer storm can get active
15982s I mean look at the J I mean you got that
15984s I I mean blistering Edge on OG's SS with
15986s a rupture Gill or we got an OCT slash
15987s play for the King G to have a chance for
15989s picking up a uh going to pick pick up a
15991s fire arrows Target lock as well as
15993s having rup Gill on the bottom row that's
15995s crazy these guys are absolutely
15996s realistic for the range the range Jades
15998s bro I'm looking at that from from a
16000s perspective and range really comes down
16002s to uh Into the oppositions Now
16004s 521 Rome depletion you got 3 minutes and
16007s 45 seconds or so or you know just waking
16009s sure or waking up wake up and having to
16011s find the players around here the J you
16013s know I actually wanted to mention BBE
16014s actually opt in for Mystic might be the
16015s last team to exit the ryang so they have
16017s the most duration time right now taking
16018s Vision to the to the field of play from
16020s a Roman gang win inad of Draco storm uh
16023s I think that also comes down to the
16024s visual aspect where a team may not be
16026s able to see the fact of which buff you
16028s have or rather to see a draco some or
16029s around you they'll V you all cost msic
16031s might they can't they can't hide from
16033s you you have all positions to hunt them
16035s down drg spawning in the Fortress kaban
16037s though still looking to kind of go
16038s through towards metop region actually
16040s curious and see about this end game
16041s Circle I'm actually curious about seeing
16042s where the next Circle leads down towards
16044s metop is completely cut off J Armory is
16045s a potential for where we might end up
16047s into the end game or even to the rav
16049s just aspects alone there's a lot of
16051s Corners to be cut out here fping you see
16053s them in the temple just holding these
16055s Corners like you're playing uh you know
16056s stealth game you can see Tomb Raider
16057s skin coming out from sansi shout out to
16059s that tomb Ra Skin shout out to loss and
16060s we're going to have these guys just
16061s hiding out here as it's going to so try
16062s to potentially look for an ambush
16064s because you got to remember 521 drg both
16066s depletion teams they are looking for
16068s blood and they smell it it's like we're
16069s watching shark
16070s [Laughter]
16073s shark oh no baby though start to move on
16077s in uh looks like they're going to uh
16078s stop the pressure for now but drg has
16081s the Clans with 2 minutes and 40 521 on
16083s the other side might be the two teams
16085s aggressing each other wbg is in a mix
16088s though so they might have the third
16089s party uh the third party uh potential
16093s here for drg to try to see they can
16095s cleanse against either 521 or wbg we do
16098s have wbg not trying to full commit
16100s because 521 has a y polition time with 2
16103s minutes and 5 Seconds in counting here
16104s for pampy and Co try to cleanse so they
16108s are going to have to start W ke pretty
16110s pretty soon but zone three already
16112s spreading they do have eyes on the drg
16114s and the backside not want to get
16116s sandwiched they do have the cleans but
16118s you do not want to get sandwich here and
16119s just picking up a Sol blo and get
16121s eliminated that's not what they want to
16123s do but now do have drg 10 on the board
16126s currently in second place with 69.5
16128s points good showcasing so far here drg
16132s still might get a little bit of pressure
16134s on to wbg wbg currently with 7 46.9
16138s overall in sixth place if they do get
16140s eliminated this is what BBE needs for
16143s them to try to potentially overcover
16145s them and you know Take the Lead against
16147s them to be able to make into that top
16149s six but now drg is going to probably
16151s wait this out around the 50c mark to try
16154s to get active 521 as well might get
16157s might be getting active pretty soon
16159s against fsq yes it is and his blue
16161s armors is all across the board there for
16162s FPS zq and two purples here for 521 yeah
16165s I got to remember that those rain shots
16167s fire cck the whole sh bang fpx going get
16169s caught by double test en champ so we got
16171s to wait and that timer goes out here B2
16173s comes out from this from the Z and you
16176s know she's getting denied they have two
16177s from Atari comes out clutch s could to
16179s be going through but we got to remember
16180s she used the ultimate now pampy might
16182s have a guaranteed stun if the timing was
16184s good not going to be good it's going to
16185s be a way for them to digress and come
16186s right back into this and this is going
16187s to be a chance between all of the teams
16188s in Northwest WB showing up to the mix
16190s you can see the V1 for the ban Port can
16192s come out but vbe is on the sby for that
16193s spear well so they're going to be
16194s looking not to lock down also want to
16196s remind you for OG coming through here if
16197s they ever show up they do have the they
16199s do have OCT slash but they also have
16200s Calon so that's going to be a dangerous
16202s predicament if they show up into the mix
16203s here D Ching though gets his elimination
16205s with Bo 98 against 521 Y and look
16207s towards to to fur we're going to look
16208s towards and seeing whether Dong Chin can
16210s get that solo it's going to be left
16211s behind for when of the teammates perhaps
16213s for him to look to re-engage because now
16215s these teams are running a
16216s counterclockwise rotation on the Zone
16218s because once we enter into this clip
16220s side they're going to be ready to go
16221s ahead loot up and you know set up shot
16223s but that Sparro being claimed out for
16224s the Bic for BBE gives them a full value
16227s just go for the mitigation aspect
16228s donging finds elimination against pampy
16230s the RG taken around what seems to be 13
16232s eliminations a huge dragon war donging
16234s gets Kumi Circle oh my goodness the
16235s delation comes out the F2 comes out I
16237s gets elimination from that F2 Matari and
16239s we're just looking at BBE like this is
16240s going to be their potential second pop
16242s off game wow nice clean up there from
16244s BBE drg now has one player remaining kxy
16247s here for drg with the tether onto one of
16250s his teammates WX is to come up from this
16252s DQ now is going to get resurrected here
16254s from both of these players no X1 showing
16256s up to the party there goes the Tes
16257s ultimate in the back in is going to be
16259s catching a three player enchantment I
16261s believe in the backside do have kxi
16263s still trying to get the resurrection off
16264s to Don Q Don Q is going to be able to go
16266s up but a Canon shots flying on in from
16268s the backside T ultimate investor from
16270s one of these teams as well X1
16272s ewg a BBE all in the mix right now
16276s everybody applying the pressure on the
16277s edge of the zone now they're going to be
16279s forced to start moving on in BBE still
16281s has Mystic might buff online though so
16283s they do have the advantage in that
16285s department but ew gxi do might to back
16288s on up here with their squad BBE trying
16291s to get some damage out the ballista
16292s Tower we do have Ian here trying to lay
16294s down some pressure does not manage to
16295s get elimination off of it but does get
16297s some burn T I believe in the back side
16298s we have ug laying down some Cannon
16300s pressure there on to ewg and XI trying
16303s to use the copy Bloom here to cut up any
16305s of these range shots potentially being
16307s able to avoid some of this but now look
16308s at the splash damage there in the back
16310s end cookie drops very low XI as well
16312s zenu just being a big nuisance here
16314s against ewg and looks like they are
16316s going to be able to uh get them blow off
16319s of the health department but they are
16321s going to be able to back on up we do
16323s have ug starting to rotate on in and BBE
16325s as well in a back and this could be
16327s potentially another fall for another
16329s squading you scaling out here making
16331s sure you can kind of create distance
16331s Aila G is going to be the height line
16333s for fpx as they're taking the tower
16335s towards themselves and next one's going
16336s to be all overide the shop just trying
16337s to defend the position but the moon Bane
16339s drops right on a kila's gate this gives
16341s FX no value in terms of where they were
16343s position so they have to go east and
16344s that's where OGE is sitting still
16346s sitting pretty and sitting nice here at
16347s eight eliminations we're still looking
16349s towards them whether or not they're
16350s going to be able to capture somebody
16351s here they going to be a chance of
16351s getting upgrades advanc heal still on
16353s the play for jingu and seeing about a
16355s chance of picking up a dad round pickup
16357s for the king so that's going to be
16358s something that comes out for them if
16360s they can try to you know just locked
16362s down towards you know range shots but of
16364s course I mean they can get a connection
16366s for staggers that's all they needed BBE
16368s built out of the mind right now having
16369s imals having an iin having a dragon war
16372s on B iin as well looking at the cloud
16374s fat milk still but that stor TR pick up
16376s for the first ryang for royi so that's
16378s going to be where we're see in selection
16379s fire arrow Target lock for fat milk but
16381s we also have a chance of seeing that St
16383s Bo being utilized for RO she that's for
16384s supplies if you get that leveled up
16386s which it is currently that's a 40%
16387s chance of not consuming any of your
16389s consumables grapples armor powders
16391s healing berries r hair chest stff that
16393s ends up into the end game to be so
16394s crucial when you're trying to look to
16396s the chances surviving ewg though till
16398s taking towards in of the center area
16400s we're going to see them picking up that
16401s caom and hex Harmony for XI the uh
16404s martial art will form hook for L way as
16406s well as having a calom or Bic descent I
16408s should say so that's going to be his
16410s precedence for the Jade but the spear
16411s will drops in here White Tag is prowess
16413s all the teams want to contest this
16414s because this comes out to full value
16415s especially and especially if you're
16417s going to be R into Sans siphon or Zon I
16419s mean this positioning as well as f very
16423s it's a very highrisk hard reward type of
16424s thing because everybody is looking
16426s towards the SP well we do have tooke
16429s ultimate investor there from X1 I
16430s believe in the backside ug zenu does
16433s manage to drop a little bit low here in
16435s the health department but X1 looks like
16437s they are going be able to claim the
16438s spirit while they're off the tooke
16439s ultimate a little bit of a little bit of
16441s a old school box comp kind of thing you
16444s know back then being able to climb the
16445s boxes off of popping that Tamo ultimate
16448s using it here for the spirit Wells X1
16451s now our able to get that old back which
16453s is the beauty of it now I mean before it
16456s was just a box you was not getting that
16458s old back but now you know
16461s different yeah full investment before in
16463s the past when we had Mor blessings
16465s instead of spirit Wells it was lit
16467s invested for the the loot now you can
16469s get Loot and you get your ultimate bag
16471s it's a prelo listen it comes out to full
16473s value but for these guys in terms of
16475s this area north of the killa gate this
16477s is absolutely I like this area I'm I'm
16479s sipping my water just hoping to see
16480s what's going to happen next because
16482s everything comes out towards these
16483s players just to see about whether or not
16484s Vin wiper Tesa comes out to play nine
16486s eliminations for ewg and looking towards
16489s investing and seeing about 30 party
16490s potentials for assassinating BBE royi
16492s you're going to see those dragon war
16493s shots coming out to try to deny shots of
16495s range of ug you can see the range F1
16497s from the ziping to throw it in their
16499s team's Direction just to make sure that
16500s team is settled in for sustain wbg
16501s holding their Corner listen they got new
16503s skin that's a new skin buff they get 10
16505s elimination this game I'm calling it
16507s listen we're going to have a chance of
16508s looking past the two players or two
16510s teams point one difference BBE and wbg
16515s between gatekeeper and just being
16517s knocked out and then we still have two
16519s rounds to play so it really comes down
16520s towards these next two rounds we're
16521s going to see potentially the pressure to
16523s start off here because the kettle is
16525s cooking we're making boiled water and
16527s the tea is about to be ready and this is
16528s rough here for ewg I mean being the only
16531s W and Viper Tesla comp in the field with
16533s so many Matari up I mean it's going to
16536s be rough to try to find an opener there
16538s off the Viper Viper Sun for this in
16540s circle so this just something they have
16542s to work around we do see one of drg's
16544s members going to fall here to X1 and
16547s they are going to pick up another one on
16548s the board currently with four our runner
16550s uppers drg we taking out with 13 but BBE
16553s now with 10 doing a really good job
16556s staying up in this end game but wbg as
16558s well with eight making sure they can
16560s lock them out they are getting close in
16562s the point Department only 0.1 difference
16564s between both of those teams so I mean
16566s the top six uh the fight for that six
16568s spot is going to be coming to a very
16570s very close situation between both of the
16572s teams for now we do have everybody
16574s starting to wait wait out the zone six
16577s already completely fully spreading
16578s pretty soon wbg and ewg on the top side
16582s of the terrain we do have BBE playing
16584s near the staircase as well we have Canon
16586s shot flying on in here towards ewg the
16589s wamp already up here for cookie as well
16591s so F thrown down there to avoid some of
16594s the pressure here off the range but
16596s looks like no pressure is going to be
16597s happening towards wbgs way it's a
16599s straight wbg TR knock out e WG here we
16603s do have some sorts of damage happening
16604s towards cookie in the backside ug
16606s playing it perfectly as well waiting is
16608s out and the backside Tes Champion is
16609s going to connect on to two players but
16612s no damage and they do have the dragon J
16614s there for the do blades to nullify some
16616s of those damages from the range shots
16618s and oh my God ewg just not having any
16622s time to breathe there from wbg applying
16624s so much range pressure onto him and now
16626s BBE being able to roam around the bottom
16628s side for the
16630s free yeah this is going to be a roar bur
16632s is it going to be spear horizontals
16633s being thrown out here there going to be
16634s a lot of rain shots we got 70 seconds on
16636s the clock right now BB Ro she looking
16637s for the Canon against X1 of course we
16639s know X1 zdi still has that chance of
16641s poing that tuna you can see in the
16642s background in the corner Mer having from
16644s fat milk with a common staff he doesn't
16647s care he do care he need to throw those
16649s the the ultimate focus if anything comes
16650s out for gold focus and just catch
16652s somebody off of that end pressure's on
16654s here for the next minute or so folks are
16655s going to have a chance between the 18
16657s players still left alive fbx is looking
16659s to try to go ahead and try to see about
16660s the the you know hoarding down the
16662s ground level of this but once that Viper
16663s comes out here everyone spreads out
16664s everyone hides out butar ultim are
16666s invested and they're cornered off into
16667s that area XI looking try to go ahead and
16669s get some prioritization but that Phoenix
16670s flash really denies him that pressure
16671s Dro down with the blue Focus he's not
16672s going be able to do anything with that 5
16673s Second St now going to be coming out
16675s here going to be a chance for the as it
16676s comes out to the investment X Y Corner
16679s XI this could be X's position because
16680s they are playing with a key com to this
16682s final Zone wow they go to damage XO y
16685s being able to get some sorts of help
16686s back there from the Matari ultimate or
16687s the Kumi ultimate now he's going to go
16689s ahead and call in the F but no big
16690s juggles here in the backside going to
16692s eat up a lot of damage try to sustain it
16693s is not enough BBE there with the F2
16696s elimination there that's a big damage
16698s there off the Z Now Rishi with the Z
16700s Ultimate back on line he's going to e a
16702s lot of damage off the zone and SS being
16705s the last one standing but BBE securing
16707s that top six knocking out a player that
16710s a team that was in fifth place spot and
16712s OU being the one taking the MVP here for
16716s game number four and what a change of
16719s pace from game number three with no in
16721s game now with game number four
16723s completely changing the pace here for
16725s these games we're are going to have
16727s another stack in circles but oh you
16729s beans the last one standing here for
16732s this game securing the MVP getting those
16735s eliminations plus points with the
16737s multiplier on the board it's going to
16739s set him up here for success for them to
16741s be able to make it into the pre-finals
16743s this weekend dude I'm telling you man
16746s the middle the middle four crazy crazy
16750s te got eliminated early on today match
16752s with zero eliminations that's like oh
16754s for the catch up they're at 48.6 right
16755s now in terms of their positions but with
16758s wbg W with BBE and especially with ug
16760s taking out this MVP now it's like it's
16762s close it's close for the next two rounds
16764s we got morile to look to night time we
16766s got Fedor to look to event time for the
16768s for the players to really work into
16770s these matches and I'm going tell you end
16773s game circle like that I'm glad I'm happy
16775s cuz last game yeah it was it was just a
16777s domination from theg straight up nothing
16778s was going to set them up for for failure
16780s when that point came on when that jug
16781s level five came through for you know for
16783s the Z but things came came out here
16786s every team comp that was selected was
16788s here Viper wessa Sanson siphon and
16792s having these chance of these comps just
16794s being the core three comps we back
16796s before the before kelan even came out
16798s you know we're back into the team com to
16800s be made into the selection so we're
16801s going to have that to be the core
16802s foundation for our selections just like
16804s the core foundation for the questions
16806s we's see uh what's the question
16807s production I need to see what the
16808s question is if it's crazy which two
16810s teams have viper in this oh my God what
16812s a question what a question I like this
16814s question yeah this is for you you two
16816s peeps to look back into the vbe but you
16817s got a message in twitch chat the
16818s question is which two teams have viper D
16820s in this game a ASC and ss1 B ewg and te
16824s c o and ASC or dx1 and 521 yo we got
16828s some pop off questions
16832s today little hit I mean I did mention
16835s that I was going to be rough for them in
16836s that End Circle uh to try to get a stun
16838s with so many Matari on in the field
16840s still for the End Circle so I mean if
16842s you were paying attention towards the
16844s end of the game you you can you know you
16846s can knock out three of the other options
16849s just alone knowing that team you know so
16852s um that's to me you know you know it's
16856s uh there starting to get a little harder
16858s now though for sure I mean the first one
16860s was crazy I'm not going lie the first
16863s question of the day was insane none of
16865s the above that is that is a crazy answer
16868s yeah none of the above like you got nine
16870s potential teams you know
16872s yeah pick uh pick or choose
16876s uh yeah that was crazy like we're
16879s playing jigsaw puzzles right you know
16880s like let the games begin uh for
16882s everything coming out we got the chances
16884s of seeing that iname Circle I know
16885s people were kind of like contemplating
16887s what's happening you know like people
16888s looking left and right like it's like Mr
16889s Krabs of like what happened in end game
16891s Circle listen the amount of times that
16893s happened for end game circles in the
16895s past where it came down to a team
16896s dominating came through but the moment
16897s that a team kind of works uh teams that
16899s are working off of others success that's
16902s where it really comes down to top-notch
16904s gameplay just seeing how well you can
16905s kind of snag off of The Kills of your
16907s competitors no ug did that phenomenally
16909s they hadn't the gear that you were kind
16911s of hoping for but they got the gear
16912s necessary to work off 17.2 points are
16914s not here 11 elimination 13.2 for the
16916s kill Point multiplier and taking out
16917s four ranking points wbg with a 17 kill
16920s 17 points overall 14 points for drg in
16923s third BBE taking 13.5 nicely done did
16925s 10.5 for ewg fpx 8.5 6 for X1 52 for 4.5
16930s 3.5 for both as ss1 jdg with two te with
16933s zero for this round and a lot of players
16937s are hoping te makes it to Jacob in terms
16939s of also making it back into J cup
16941s especially getting completely separated
16944s right like I mean separated te's main
16948s core foundation of the players all went
16951s to other teams right you know from last
16953s year so this is where it comes down
16955s towards te with their current team round
16958s Uh current selection of player players
16960s to be selected just to make it through
16962s and rep the name ug though five
16964s eliminations with 20K damage for the
16965s four SS and being probably the MVP for
16969s this round so we're going to see MVP and
16970s then having three eliminations for the
16972s king king going crazy out here jingu
16973s having three eliminations as well uh
16975s forcing out for it and into this comp of
16978s having the zons and just knocking
16979s through the zones just going to be
16980s coming out for through the wall V2s or
16982s just holding down a corner and holding
16984s out we saw that from BBE as well he saw
16985s them hauling at you H at your girl type
16988s moments of just holding the corner and
16990s using their gold Chas Advantage but te G
16993s kept spot ss1 though we got to talk
16995s about it 21.3 last place ewg 35.7 111
16998s 521 37.6 in 10th fpx 38.6 in nth so get
17002s a chance to get look at the eighth six
17004s with the bve though Gatekeepers 50.8
17007s that's the margin right now for them to
17009s get past Pawn 56.4 for wbg 57.5 for X1
17013s OG was 62.4 and then 71.9 for jdg 73 for
17017s drg in first place so still having these
17020s chances
17021s for the catchup but for the top two
17025s teams two game like I'm not going to lie
17028s in two games there's still potential for
17031s them to get knocked out worst case near
17032s Still Still cases of BBG next one doing
17035s pop off and then the other team below
17037s catching up to 7 some kills or 7 some
17038s points but it's very very very very very
17041s very very very low chance now of course
17042s Chan always have them we love to play
17044s those you know RNG though the loot box
17046s but we have to be very careful about
17047s those chances if it comes down to
17048s predictions because we're going to go
17049s through some clips and highlights for
17051s guys to kind of look through here
17053s brought to you by Thunder robot born for
17054s gaming Gamers United and this is the
17056s first yank fight that we're
17058s [Music]
17059s witness the two three like he's weak
17063s does get the damage there we do have Z
17065s applying so much pressure here onto the
17067s siphon with a crazy double tap Dodge
17069s Parry there onto the Tami into the
17071s followup hits there in the backside
17073s still applying lots of pressure into the
17074s V2 burn there the KY F called in there
17077s onto the T gets the clink off of this Al
17080s get the off the following hit2 does not
17084s get damage the back side but they do
17085s manage get elimination to one of those
17087s players then you back up for for Qui
17089s reset but it was not even needed there
17091s for himself and now goes up high on the
17094s Z once again zenu a little nice spot
17097s here to take a full reset in here in the
17098s last and final moments of game number
17100s four goes in and tops off all that back
17103s there with the Advan as we see the king
17105s king in the back end with the sing is
17108s going to fall we do see another Z on the
17110s back side with the invested and he's
17112s just playing the safe zone right here
17114s does manage to find an opening here for
17116s him to pop this Z Ultimate as well get
17118s so much damage here onto one of the
17120s players in the back end and the F2 overh
17122s holds gets the damage that elimination
17124s goes towards his way as well because
17125s he's inside the Zone gets another one in
17127s the clean up and ug with a beautiful
17130s showcasing here winning out game number
17132s four what a great game here for U and
17137s the Matari U's SS with 20,000 damage 5
17141s minations on the board is going to be
17143s able to take that mvp for themselves
17146s have a good amount of JS rupture G two
17148s Blister in the edge and St standard
17150s damage reduction plus attack Jades uh I
17152s mean look at the damage off the cannon I
17154s mean I was calling that I mean it it's
17156s just so much so much damage they're off
17158s the range pressure from the cannon alone
17160s uh more damage with the range than the
17161s actual pord yep now it comes down
17163s towards you know the range Gamers I I
17166s like seeing the Canon sometimes
17168s considering that we have opportunities
17170s once we saw R Gil get that's combined
17172s with uh with burn like rupture G orb and
17175s the flame breath that's what it was
17177s usually called before the past having
17179s those two combined into one makes it
17181s very dangerous you know always I always
17183s contemplated about twin shot being
17184s combined like just to be that you know
17185s naysayer but when you have both of those
17188s Jades spe combined that's where things
17189s get very dangerous for other teams cuz
17192s causing burn against the HP threshold
17193s gives you just passive TI damage but
17195s also that Cannon can shoot through walls
17197s that's why you see people throwing blue
17198s focuses at walls folks if you're
17200s wondering you know this man have a
17201s little bit of trouble is he
17204s uh no I'm not going to make the
17205s reference listen I can't I can't I was
17207s about to say something so foul so out of
17210s pocket we ain't doing we're
17213s okay listen we have but when you see
17217s people throw blue focuses at walls it's
17219s just to make sure they can negate any
17220s sort of rain shots as comes through so
17222s that way they you know make sure that
17223s they don't get caught in by hits of
17225s cannons or even sort of if anything
17228s comes up from the other side actually
17230s it's very interesting to note that
17231s sometimes when you see players that copy
17233s test enchant you know they don't go
17234s manic mode like a ant when you step on
17236s an anill you know they're going run in
17237s circles uh you actually saw it coming up
17239s from ug they stayed very poised very
17242s still sitting in one spot so that way
17244s they don't get caught out by being
17246s noticed otherwise the other teams that
17247s saw the test enchant tether they can
17250s notice where that tether goes through
17253s and then they can figure out how far
17254s that person is going just by the speed
17256s of which that tether is moving left and
17257s back and forth you know they can figure
17258s out oh they're right behind that corner
17259s in the wall but then again if you take a
17261s look at the scene about where it comes
17263s out test enchant can get denied by the
17265s HP loss so if they take a little bit of
17267s Chip damage here and there for that HP
17268s threshold then that gives the permission
17270s for them to leave test enchant and they
17272s can use soft combo breaker skills or
17273s something of the nature like if you're
17275s going to be able to proc ult if you're
17276s able to use Z Ultimate or F skill just
17278s to go ahead and beond offensive pressure
17280s and actually forcing out that pressure
17281s that comes out for them but regardless
17284s round five begins we're slowly creeping
17286s into seeing about whether these hero
17288s points are going to be expended for the
17290s worthwhile value like I said three cops
17291s can be utilized because you're running
17293s the phase selections if you guys don't
17294s know between the 12 teams they're split
17296s off between three phases 444 and then
17299s they rotate between first phase second
17301s phase third phase and then they rotate
17303s that again for the second from a B to C
17304s to B to C to you know a yada yada and
17307s then you come back into full swing a
17308s full reset on round four as well so for
17311s them to kind of work into three comps
17312s that can be the solidified action the
17313s only thing that can throw them off is a
17316s team that Ops him to use a third round
17318s phase selection type comp like the fight
17320s wessa or even to phase two the zeen and
17323s they go ahead and pick those out in the
17325s first phase that can throw off the
17326s gesture of you know if the phase two
17328s teams then try to do the same thing
17329s which then throws phase three off in
17330s their whole complete set of not wanting
17332s to invest their points otherwise how to
17334s counteract that you see the point bands
17335s when you're in that point F uh Point
17337s band phase you then look to opt in for
17340s other characters other characters that
17341s can be slotted in whether or not that's
17343s going to work out in your favor really
17345s comes down to how well you believe your
17346s team is going to be succeeding off that
17347s end unless you're JL and you're like
17348s yeah this is a new C metac comp we just
17350s you know we in Sun glasses when we walk
17351s into the building now because you know
17353s they show up with the comp that comes
17354s out that completely dominates to the
17355s scene just like how we saw with J team
17357s in the past when they able to bring out
17358s the the Transformers comp and just
17360s seeing how these comp kind of work out
17362s and seeing how long that they stay the
17363s longevity for it and this comp has
17365s stayed the longevity with the zon comp
17366s completely we saw canonball for a little
17367s bit of a while then all of a sudden you
17369s know we kind of like see the kind of DnD
17371s out because then season 12 occurred the
17373s whole changes of the whole Jade glyph
17374s system occurred where we're not having
17376s the massive rage damage of 40% we're not
17378s down to like 20 you know or 36 if and
17380s that's only if you get kill when you get
17381s that 18 plus off the glyph board and
17383s that's something else that comes out you
17385s know we don't talk about it because we
17386s don't see it at least we don't see it as
17388s often as we would hope for but the
17389s glyphboard system comes into play here
17391s very tremendously it's off drop spawns
17393s making sure you can get quest line to
17394s get a purple Jer Gater when you're going
17395s for those type of comps of the Economy
17397s based types like the zyphon where you
17399s can get immediate gold or immediate
17401s purple jade of Greater Rarity to gold
17403s and then using that to propel your team
17404s or rather you're taking the chances of
17406s going into a discount setup for where
17408s you can just go ahead and buy out items
17410s of the nature whether it's range uh
17412s weapons in the mor War which you can buy
17414s if you guys don't remember if you guys
17415s don't realize it in a Mor War it's a
17416s whole different system from any other
17418s mode where you're able to kind of get
17419s these purchases off stop but like I said
17422s this is for the new players for you guys
17423s if you guys don't know how it works uh
17425s you know just giving you guys good just
17427s you know just position of saying what is
17429s happening where what when where why like
17430s I'm the spy kits antagonist in the first
17433s movie I'm only going to say one thing
17435s man I'm I'm the thumb people
17443s no that's crazy he's part of the Army is
17445s crazy
17447s that that's insane that is insane uh I'm
17450s only going to say one thing you ain't
17452s hearing from
17454s me um I take sorry was insane that's all
17458s I'm GNA say about um anyways back to
17462s game number five uh we're back and
17464s loaded you hear from me ss1 12 place
17467s right now in a hard predicament right
17469s here for ss1 and lots of ground to cover
17472s but I mean with only two game remaining
17475s and not having the greatest night of
17479s their lives right now super rough uh to
17482s try to bounce back from the situation um
17485s you know just played out the last two
17486s games we do have two more Firefly Maps
17489s here for our last two games of the day
17490s so you know we did have an in endgame
17492s Circle there for game number four for
17494s game number four hopefully get one for
17496s game number five um game number six
17498s that's where you know at that point a
17500s lot of teams just full of w key in uh
17502s especially towards the bottom side of
17504s the pyramid but X1 currently in fourth
17507s right now good turnout right here just
17509s trying to close out the day strong to
17511s make sure they make into that top six
17512s and this is one of the teams that SEO
17514s had in his uh you know Green lit
17517s checklist for the for the pre-finals so
17520s um you know currently in Forth but BBE
17522s now securing that six Place spot as well
17525s as wbg and fifth knocking out another
17527s team out of the top six so BBE wbg are
17532s going to be able to try to stay inside
17534s this top six um to be able to make it to
17537s the pre-finals this weekend so we're
17538s going to have to wait and see how they
17539s bounce back here BBE with a nice
17542s showcasing for game number four now you
17545s know it's going to be the mix up drg
17547s still in first place chilling vibing
17550s nothing too crazy just making sure they
17552s can make it to the pre-finals as well
17554s coming in uh the starting off the night
17556s being in first place with the uh overall
17558s points they brought on over to the last
17560s chance qualifiers just been playing out
17562s consistent here for themselves to be
17564s able to make it to the pre-final as well
17568s but yeah I
17569s mean what you think about what I said
17575s earlier the
17578s fifth H I'm turning off my lights in my
17582s room you
17583s see I got I'm shuttering in the in the
17587s darkness listen not but more importantly
17590s listen
17591s if any Nerfs come out here against any
17594s of these characters in these comps you
17597s know like you said if Z ever gets a Nerf
17600s right it just comes out to cool down
17602s cool down and scaling cool down and
17604s scaling comes out burn tick or something
17606s because the explosion damage it's not
17608s it's not explosion it's the range
17610s F2 was increased for range after season
17613s 14 dropped so that gave her full set
17617s capabilities just still be still being
17619s in the game right still being use like
17622s huge
17623s transition kit reworks that could happen
17627s did not happen for her she just got an
17628s enhancement towards their Sal set so
17629s that's going to be what we're entering
17630s in entering into you know enter into
17632s Enter the Dragon this is going to be
17633s where the bases of the PowerHouse of Z
17636s never never leave you know she ain't
17638s leaving the house she you know she's
17641s like oh no no I'm just hanging out this
17642s is my couch nice couch there like like a
17645s Dave Chael we're going to have to look
17646s into the the combo pick here we're going
17648s to see Roy Shi Ian and fat milk opting
17650s in here we're going to lose three points
17651s because of Kumi to be chosen here for
17653s the third time zon picking out here from
17654s ASC ewg taking the siphon and then
17658s wbg I mean listen we got nine points go
17661s crazy go go go go brazy go fif frezy
17665s okay s is going to be coming out here
17666s that's going to be the third that's
17667s going to be the third s Sion that means
17668s we're going to see a three-point ban or
17670s a onepoint ban for both all the deas the
17672s temis and the kumis now for 521 for fpx
17676s we're going to see OG opting in for that
17678s zipping Ying for the zph as well as te
17681s for zon as well as
17683s 521 which means that fpx have the option
17685s to VI and Tessa or play Zeon as well I'm
17689s curious to see they got the points for
17690s it they went for it they went for a
17692s three-point ban as well as or actually a
17694s four-point ban into using that chance so
17698s this is going to be where the last row
17700s selection comes out there it is s this
17702s one wants to bring in the comp they're
17703s going to bring in the comp that we saw
17705s earier from
17706s ewg hoping to see it work in their said
17708s man I don't play for I don't play for
17710s anyone downfall I hope for the success n
17712s way listen de listen listen listen
17715s listen how did I speak into existence
17718s how did I say Cannibal and I'm like yeah
17720s yeah that combo there around a little
17721s bit but uh you know let me my real quick
17724s and uh cause some you know Nicholas Cage
17727s The Knowing type
17729s moments you know I don't know why I
17731s mentioned the Yodo earlier
17733s like oh wait hold on what delicious
17737s absolutely scous I'm like Gordon ramsy
17739s I'm cooking in the kitchen this
17742s wait that was that what was that that
17744s was Z Monk and balda yeah yeah yeah yeah
17748s yeah yeah we saw that before we've seen
17750s that one before uh it's actually some
17752s you know some success someone now coming
17755s out of the gates not extreme success
17758s like I'm talking like six points but it
17760s still
17761s points we still has value still has a
17765s chance potentially listen if we're could
17767s to see a zy bring brought out for the
17769s burn that's going to be like
17771s the easy easy a answer is that
17774s zurns vus throws soak status it causes
17777s the burn to implode that's it right and
17779s then you know TM High goes for grabs and
17780s that's you know the basis of it that's
17782s like the EAS answer coming off then now
17784s if you want to get really technical with
17785s it we'll have to see I I won't explain
17787s it now we're going to watch it we're
17788s going to witness it firsthand and see
17790s how it goes through here for X1 but
17792s round selection picks hero selections
17794s can we see an F1 from the B from 22 oh
17796s F2 V2 well GG's but we're going to see a
17798s Parry Bell from rosemary so he's going
17799s to catch any sort of Blues and he's
17800s going to throw back in the face with the
17801s paries F2 from The Zing for that for the
17803s Viper so that's the selection process of
17805s change up in the skills going to see the
17807s Yoto with the F2 here for drg with the
17808s V3 Wayan uh F3 as well but wait a second
17811s we're not in V3 F3 V3 and F3 is no
17813s longer we combine the skills it's okay
17815s that means we're on
17816s F2 so that comes out towards drg F1
17819s coming out from Walker as well as it
17821s coming out from F2 from ewg for the
17823s teada and then for X1 F2 V2 for the vaa
17826s F1 combo breaker for x1's lyds uh taken
17829s into the tan High and X Y play not the Z
17832s standard skill selections here and it's
17834s going to be a good day it's going to be
17835s a good game it's going to be more night
17838s you know we're about to go crazy uh two
17840s t High though makes it a little bit
17841s three Transformers more importantly four
17843s Transformers you know what make it five
17844s five Transformers on the field of play
17846s for everyone to kind of look around and
17847s seen about it and a yohime though to
17848s work out to the canonball comp is
17850s absolutely yodoe
17853s ludicrous hey a lot of people love Z huh
17857s that's that's surprising to me that's a
17859s c of statement bro
17861s I I mean I'm just reading the chat you
17862s know like hey Z got she got her wall you
17866s know like don't touch her you know I
17869s mean me personally I I feel like she
17873s should have been got the Nerf Hammer you
17874s know personally person uh but you know
17878s it's not about me um it's about these
17881s games right now game number five locked
17882s and loaded we do have couple of these
17883s team contesting the Firefly spawn next
17886s to Temple near the cave here in the
17888s bottom side of or the top right hand
17890s side of the map we do have fpx and I
17893s believe H I can't see the name right
17895s behind them but we do have another set
17897s of teams potentially for the third party
17899s action there on the top right hand side
17901s of the map wbg jdg going at it top left
17905s hand side of the map as well we do have
17908s fpx trying to get active looking like
17911s they are going to try to go for the
17913s fireflies on this outskirt but ewg
17915s quickly re aggressing him here June X
17917s does manage to pop the F2
17920s distance gets a massive R PA there onto
17923s XI does get the damage but no in the
17925s back end the team showing up and junx
17927s trying to stay up with another Parry
17929s this time around against ewg cada and he
17931s is be able to stay up for time being oh
17932s my God this man's on three pares he's
17934s throwing the R&S he's going with the F2
17936s right here to kill confirm right yeah
17937s you better cookie goes down and maybe
17939s looking for a Parry here from XI looks
17940s to rotate around here going to be a s
17942s going for the ultimate cast we know XI
17943s has that one here in just a second the t
17944s furing comes out horiz releases coming
17946s back and forth here June X looking for
17947s the F2 to reposition get T 1 2xi goes
17950s down for the three and doesn't get it
17952s he's getting it though for those Omni
17953s directionals it's working out 1 2 3 is
17955s coming out s gets saved V2 and snare
17957s comes through and it gets double tack
17959s DOD from away wow what a move and the
17961s one us but we got to remember in the
17962s early game SK don't have four slashes he
17964s only got three at level one V3 so now
17967s it's up to the case gets cop the V2 and
17968s that's going to be jump confirmation
17969s that's sh comes back up here that's
17970s three eliminations for FX straight up
17972s off the rip I mean three pairs there
17974s from June X to turn that fight around
17976s which is beautiful as well Ro Perry to
17978s start off as well which just clean there
17980s from junx making sure he can keep his
17983s team on the upper ledge and now do have
17986s ASC going at against X1 ASC trying to
17989s find an opener here the F2 in here for Z
17993s into the Z ultimate master paror in the
17995s back end does manage to get some sorts
17996s of damage now the V2 called in for the
17998s POS and Z as well for X1 in the back end
18000s we do have a tons of pressure happening
18002s into the ball the wave as we see in the
18003s back in big jug was one 2 three oh my
18005s God try to stay alive has the F2 up does
18008s get the damage out to XO y but X getting
18010s caught up in a corner is going to be
18012s eliminated and there with the last
18013s hit now the monk crap here is going to
18015s be a reset off of this no lands on the
18017s top of the ledge does not manage to get
18018s the regrab there on to Z wi but lyd is
18021s going to be forced to try to back on up
18022s they do lose XL y but X1 still alive
18025s here for game number five X1 doing some
18027s workout here making sure he can get
18028s those grabs he goes for it he attempts
18030s it gets cop to the Perry you're
18031s going to see it in the back line for the
18032s F2 from xwi to kind of work through here
18034s of course got to make sure got to watch
18035s out language cuz you know lyd he's
18037s looking to try to slap here for the
18038s stone form shunt comes out here CR comes
18040s out no clink horizonal gets caught to
18042s the Parry that's what happens coming
18043s through here Jung dang goes down this is
18045s going to be the turnar around that we
18045s kind of Hope did not see because we saw
18047s how well that kind of worked out
18049s unfortunately though we're going to see
18050s X1 go down with that comp listen the
18052s theal and his eye worked out for the
18054s first set but you know it's kind of the
18055s premature you know pressure that came
18057s out the tenen high grabs they could have
18059s been connection off of but of course we
18061s have to be very very careful off of this
18062s end for when it comes down to those blue
18064s focuses and just trying to capture the
18065s kill eliminations as soon as possible I
18066s been though firey cave get to King gets
18069s a nice wh throw in the V3 that's just
18070s where the B3 really comes out here but
18071s we're looking at Roi see whether or he's
18072s going to get res here
18074s pass oh no capitalization there against
18077s the king and now the King has the health
18078s advantage against iin since the lmb
18081s focus or R&B Focus catches the pr though
18083s lmb jump lb doesn't manage to catch it
18085s though and the back in Z you now with
18086s the Z Ultimate here for ug BBE now
18088s trying to apply the pressure onto the Z
18090s they know the Z is a big threat they do
18092s manage to knock out a lot of HP there
18093s from zenu has the F2 right back up
18096s doesn't man to connect off of that alone
18097s but now I been still trying to look for
18099s the aing the in the back end zenu eating
18101s up a lot of damage to the backside still
18103s alive though Rishi now is going to be
18106s peeled off but the Army Focus there for
18107s IIT on to the king and now as going to
18109s eat up a lot of damage oh my God not how
18112s we getting away with a tempest kick in
18113s this met come on bro Tempest kick
18116s getting away with that J i't seen like
18118s one two three four I'm like bro it's in
18120s place blue Focus you you know you can
18121s anticipate it but once you get into
18123s purple Focus I mean that's one thing to
18124s the next but four times dang that's
18127s that's crazy Ben goes ahead though gets
18129s some reset
18131s animation it's like I'm saying this I'm
18133s saying this wholeheartedly if we see a
18135s buff it's going to be like jabing 2.0 I
18137s guarantee it I guarantee it for it to
18140s come out and I Ben's going to be looking
18141s to get the resets yo maybe doing some
18145s work out here four eliminations before
18146s te which is at still zero eliminations
18148s fpx at the moonight courtyard purple
18150s armor purple weapon for Z she looking
18151s pretty snaz out here six eliminations
18153s with a team in the overall grand scheme
18155s of things te though over towards what I
18156s believe is towards I crater yeah I
18159s crater come out here as te is going to
18160s be spawning through and looting up they
18162s lost te14 they lost Washington first li
18164s now we're waiting on to Leo because he
18165s is the Last Hope but gold purple Kat I
18167s should say being picked up here for was
18168s so it's pretty good for the damage
18169s coming
18171s out yeah I mean think about it right now
18174s te right uh out of the other two teams
18176s wbg and BBE uh they are the only ones
18179s running the zy comp which we've seen so
18181s much success from the zy comp throughout
18184s the whole night but right now currently
18186s with zero BB with four starting off the
18188s game by very hot so they do have some
18190s ground to cover uh currently but they do
18193s have the potential to do so with the
18194s comp they're playing alone so if they
18196s have to do it it has to be now for crazy
18199s pop off game that te needs to be able to
18201s make it back into that top six getting
18203s knocked out of game four there for by
18205s wbg and BBE they do have that in their
18210s uh under their sleeves right now to be
18212s able to make it out here from game six
18214s into that top six but X1 playing up here
18216s in Celestia trying to get some more
18218s resources here while getting eliminated
18220s it early game or off drop still with
18222s this VA the monk Z comp this is the
18225s first time I see this so it's going to
18226s be very interesting to see how this comp
18228s does um it might be looking to try to
18231s take realm do they take realm with this
18232s with this type of comp here they need to
18234s get some better they need better weapon
18236s honestly because every single one of
18237s those between Z and tanhai they both
18239s need purple Rarity weapons to kind of
18241s pop off but now it really comes down
18244s towards if they want to take the
18245s aggression we see people enter with
18246s common what common armor sometimes czy
18250s might be a chance if it comes out but
18251s that's because they're playing zipping
18252s so common armor for zipping means she
18254s could sustain out with B1 and F1 and for
18255s the duration of it 521 though double Pur
18258s armor one per weapon for for the how
18260s birds for pampy now we have to see
18262s whether or not they're going to be
18263s caught going in there 4K of course no
18265s one's at servant grounds right now we're
18267s in slow roll stagnation period Rosemary
18269s gold purple fist blades Tut two actually
18271s placing out those all the spears cuz
18273s there's fireflies in this during this
18274s Forest line y'all you guys don't
18276s recognize that TS between daily Meadow
18278s and the ey crater on the map
18281s so you know they want to invest the the
18282s ultimate C they can double Tempest
18284s there's another tempas kick in the field
18285s to play man listen tempas kick if it
18287s comes out to work out crazy it worked
18290s out we saw BBE work it out okay we're
18292s drop Downing though okay we're drop down
18294s though are we getting framing or I
18296s framing through it because it's a fair
18298s Shen so this is going to be another
18299s reason why Fair Shen might show up here
18301s regardless J might C themselves in the
18303s back spot remember when Fair first came
18305s out she was so heavly in the meta but
18307s Zing now is going to eat up a lot of
18308s damage R&B jump L there from 22 to last
18310s hits W Port does manage to stay up Zing
18313s now one HP in the dream b sha Lage there
18317s for the back in on to 2 two does not
18319s manage to find it Zing is going to be
18320s able to find one armor pot does manage
18323s to create the space once again using the
18325s terrain as his Advantage here with these
18327s tall trees tble to get some movement out
18329s 2 two back in the mix though this time
18330s around get the of all the ultimate
18332s invested here for tutu do manag to find
18334s one wave onto one of jg's members the
18337s Testa believe in the back send does
18338s manage to create the space so no
18340s capitalization off of that the second
18341s wave misses here for 2 two Kiki in the
18343s back in applying some sorts of pressure
18345s onto the baller over gets the ball the
18347s wave onto Zing big damage backto back
18350s blues there for SS one onto that player
18352s now the Tesa reowing back up R&B focuses
18354s there from the fan into the test
18356s enchantment there from TDY and he is
18359s going to be able to get the big par on
18360s to Rosemary as well into the enchantment
18362s it wasn't even needed Rosemary is going
18363s to fall off it is 22 now going to eat up
18365s a lot of damage F2 called in over
18367s holding now in a 1 V3 situation can't do
18369s much no silence doesn't even connect
18372s there but I believe in just a little bit
18373s of time the clean up is going to come
18375s into play here for J G no tutu manages
18378s to create a little bit of space grapple
18379s lmbs there from the fan but now no Stam
18383s left is going to eat up the damage there
18385s in the back end and he is going to fall
18386s as well and JD G staying up with through
18389s on the board here game I want to see I
18392s want to see all the succeed bro
18394s nothing's going to happen nothing's
18395s going to happen it's rough out here man
18396s even assassination comp can't you know
18398s doesn't have any issues against this
18399s we're going to see a chance to
18400s looks like a sky punch for Leo maybe I
18403s don't have the triple check to see if
18404s he's going to be able to utilize that
18405s vertical uppercut regardless for the
18407s fist blades charges up R&B fan look
18409s towards it has that yo pick here this
18410s going to be the F2 looking to charge up
18412s here the F2 sign is clean though from
18413s that fairy Shen D is going to connect
18415s this off to this point where Watch
18417s Ultimate wait a second hold on a second
18418s we got to wait for that second V2 or for
18420s the second F2 from the Z then we can yo
18422s ultimate because you guys remember yo
18424s can D stealth the Target on the field of
18426s play when she hits him with her ultimate
18427s now obviously she's not using it early
18429s cuz it's spacing you all the players can
18431s they can escape all the pressure coming
18432s out now kakaki locks us down one slash
18436s hits second slash looking for it hits it
18439s nope going to miss it but we're going to
18440s go for the third slash and that's a
18441s knock back from the fair sh to confirm
18442s that third slash that's it that's going
18444s to be a chance F2 is back up boys and
18446s we're looking for the downward spiral of
18447s the R&B's as the as raven like to say
18449s the brandor as it comes out for the
18451s downward R&B but we're going to take a
18452s look for the kakoy F2 recast as Leo gets
18455s a chance for the Parry not going to
18456s happen the F2 recast hasn't happened
18457s just yet but it's going to be too late
18458s it has expired like that milk in the
18460s Shelf make sure you guys check it out in
18461s the refrigerator cuz it looks like nice
18464s clean up coming out here no lact all 2%
18468s might be a chance to be in a bad
18469s situation check the pance cuz it's going
18471s to be coming down here for Yoda he as
18472s she succeeds oh Parry number one and
18474s going for the rmbs and then Canon shot
18476s to finish off cool gu explosions can we
18478s get a 180 here from no but he's going to
18479s F2 and pre this and that's the
18481s elimination Factor right there folks hey
18483s yo back in the
18485s mix she's back in the mix AC fpx going
18488s at it right now we got a crew ultimate
18489s AR for both teams now junx and go ahead
18491s and bestest the Z toate getting caught
18493s out by Theos Z eating up a lot of damage
18495s trying to sustain out the Z does manage
18498s to stay up there with a little bit of
18500s armor but one burn tick F2 can be the
18502s elimination here onto Dune X but do have
18505s ASC now being able to weave the F there
18507s gets the damage out the follow up back
18509s to back as well now he is going to be
18511s able to get the burn tick onto Jun X
18512s he's going to fall off that that's all
18514s that was needed but he is going to fall
18515s as well so now that's one for one for
18517s both of these teams we do have fpx going
18521s to go ahead and take the re Resurrection
18522s on to June X I believe that's two down
18524s for ASC yep yes it is BS as well
18528s so fpx with the advantage sansy now back
18530s up but ASC now getting caught up here by
18533s the third party JD G caught up by the
18535s test Cham as well this is going to be
18537s the elimination here for jdg with a nice
18539s little simple clean up against a you
18541s know I thought he was going to he he
18542s scar rush into the same corner twice and
18544s I was like man he thought it was an
18545s opening not an opening dog it's going to
18547s be over AWG leeway though sacked out of
18550s their mind really bur for the next two
18551s minutes gold fan teada combination's
18554s impeccable right now it's all about a
18555s catch up though you can see Don trying
18556s to look for the kite around he's going
18557s to be have a chance if he can nope goes
18559s down for millon bird SM for the first
18561s proc here going to see the F2 from the
18562s Yodo he to kind of kite away and keep
18564s that pressure alive F2 still available
18566s for that recast there it is knocks back
18568s Lee wake has F2 remember we' seen this
18570s before and that's the jump lmb the F2
18572s comes out from that way on the push out
18574s and peel out but can we get a Parry hold
18576s check nope but we're going to see a
18577s chance for the Vermilion get burned out
18579s here and we better do it now cuz that's
18580s going to be where the team's going to
18581s regroup kxi going to be the last one
18583s going through don't throw BL do just
18584s going to go ahead and get eliminated
18585s here regroup the team and we're going to
18586s see that team gets Ambush because e
18587s looking for hunting for food and for
18589s leather cuz they need to stay warm yeah
18591s I mean they have that YY Poli timer on
18593s their back with four on the board this
18594s is the perfect opportunity he since the
18596s three Char is going to get parried off
18597s of that going to lose pul sword now Roy
18599s shishi going to go ahead and invest to
18601s Ultimate we do have the crey ultimate
18603s investor there from fat MEC as well but
18605s now ewg sustaining all this they just
18608s have to live this both ultimate Rishi
18611s getting pulled out out of the Zone
18612s catches the dragon slayer but opposing F
18614s there to avoid that with the shot back
18616s and Rishi now can go ahead and find out
18619s some sorts of damage in the back end but
18621s te now showing up to the party apply
18623s tons of pressure on to both of these
18624s team Rishi does manage to stay up for
18626s the time being in the back end but wash
18628s looking for it once again had a crazy
18631s game two I believe still on desar this
18634s time around he's going to go ahead and
18635s just cut out his um his chase down onto
18637s Rishi they might have another thir party
18640s potential there in the back in by X1 Z
18642s Ultimate called in there for XO Y and
18644s looks like they are going to wait this
18645s out drg might be moving on in and BBE do
18648s lose to karumi but they do manage to
18650s cleanse out two out of the three players
18652s but wbg does not anti still has two y
18657s polition timers for
18659s themselves now hey man my man hunting we
18662s got 70 seconds left on the clock right
18663s now Draco storm is in play for the next
18665s minute and a half so we're not going to
18666s survive as long as that Draco storm is
18668s still up as long as it comes out if we
18670s can find the soul x no proing out for
18672s jdg is Viper looks for the stun gets a
18675s double hit triple hit this might be good
18677s here for those rmbs with the fist
18678s placeat but can't do anything about it
18680s Sleepwalker still has time with that
18681s teada fine to create pressure last grap
18683s on the board F number three is going to
18685s be we're going to have two more F left
18687s to go here Sleepwalker look to try to
18688s charge out here with the R&B gets
18690s another F gets par it's anticipated it
18692s was fully anticipated and that's going
18694s to be Sleepwalker coming here watching
18695s out for that drop down Blue from pampy
18696s pamp going to be looking to make sure
18698s this is going to be their own set we
18699s have 50 seconds seconds left on the
18700s Draco storm 40 seconds left on that R
18702s completion a lot of teams here at the at
18704s The Artisan's Grove just trying to co
18705s through left and right 5 to1 losing two
18707s their teammates and now Atari is going
18708s to be chased down here for as long as
18710s eternity eternity Le is out yeah and
18713s Walker is going to be the only one
18714s cleansing here for
18715s wbg the KY and Tami still have that
18719s Yandle timer uh te as well no cleanse
18723s off of them as well but wbg is going to
18725s be able to stay up for this game and
18727s that's what they need I mean only one on
18729s the Bo BBE with four but the difference
18732s is they have two players up little bit
18733s of Resurrection here on to pamp here for
18735s 521 they are going to be able to
18737s resurrect them now Jing is going to fall
18739s off of the situation two seconds for him
18741s just go ahead and fall down as well as a
18744s super unfortunate for now but Walker
18747s might be buying out um not sure if he
18749s can buy out both he is going to be
18750s buying out one of his teammates he is
18751s going to H his a rebirth charm as we see
18753s it on the screen X1 post it up for the
18755s next real myang as well at FPS zq X1 J
18760s setups here I mean stack is here for zdi
18763s on the VA the it's rough here so the
18766s success on the VA is is just not
18769s existing right now listen listen if we
18770s cast a cur it it's going to happen right
18772s now cuz X One enters real me Yang they
18774s do have a c Bloom they do have an irir
18777s addition okay so Jade's right now you
18780s know kind of good you know zap Jade only
18781s on Le way in a and a switch down on next
18784s side you know switch did get buffed a
18786s little bit did yes but whether not be
18788s using it you know option selection is
18790s going to be in the rooftop we're going
18791s to see the drop down blue for the
18792s horizontal though leeway look to try to
18793s Vertical out we know the ca is not going
18794s to have really much of an issue for the
18795s tan High unless some sort of lock down
18797s happens here for the teamat look at that
18798s leap tries to get a corner off in that
18799s position there's reason number one why T
18802s high and vda don't really work well here
18803s but we see XI actually CAU for the knock
18805s back into the Zone grab is free second
18807s we're going to have enough chance lock
18809s lock down this arm directionals there's
18810s the V2 yep there I was hoping for but SK
18813s of f is going to be coming out here for
18814s the double dodge R and that wave rule is
18817s not going to work out against lyd and
18819s Ain going to have a fun time after
18820s deforms oh he needs the peel there off
18823s the whis does get the damage though
18824s towards the teada in the back and lyd
18827s now the monk oh is done here for X1 we
18830s do have GDI trying to respond here with
18832s a Calvary blo back to back Calvary bl's
18833s at back in on to ewg that's a lot of
18835s damage there now big PA there from L on
18837s to lyd he's going to eat up all this
18839s damage in the back end still alive
18840s though trying to sustain all this
18842s pressure we do have ewg's to with the
18844s taked down to the last hit there from
18846s xai and Now cal balloon once again
18849s PA ewg and that's going to be the clean
18850s up there on to X1 and once again we did
18854s have a resand off the B way but it's
18856s just
18857s rough sustain yeah tamy Circle and the
18860s wave roll Talent glyph for can you
18862s imagine having to go up against an
18864s innate build that you can't even
18866s counteract it's all up to the players
18869s that's going to be the case junx though
18870s looks for the Omni directionals here
18871s Sleep Walk looking for the dash nice
18873s Parry actually hit confirms maybe I
18875s don't know I don't know it look like he
18876s didn't take any damage off that per
18877s we're going to have to double check and
18878s see this we're going to see a wh throw
18879s off next is going to hurt a lot and this
18881s is going to be Draco storm healing
18881s working out if he's a Wheeler of it
18883s which he is he's going to get some heal
18884s back armor 20 per armor tick 40 per
18886s white Health if he loses out on the HP
18888s threshold and now it's going to be a
18889s chance here there going to be a huge
18891s upset if everything comes down Asia may
18893s be having an opportunity here to get
18895s hide out here but now it's up to the
18897s stun asot goes through and now it is
18900s pressure on high wow nice little
18903s elimination there from jdg they're going
18904s to take out two members of wbg and only
18907s oh that's all three and only with two on
18909s the board this gives the potential here
18910s for Te to close out that distance BBE
18912s still up with two players there for
18915s themselves fpsq junx is going to be able
18917s to try to kite this out just dropped low
18920s on the armor Department Rishi is going
18922s to fall now it's going to be BBE getting
18923s caught up here this could be best case
18926s scenario for wbg and te as well we are
18930s going to have to wait and see how they
18931s respond off of this game still alive
18933s here with three players up with two
18935s eliminations but Jun next down getting
18936s caught up by JD G's lots of pressure F2
18939s is on out trying to create the space in
18940s the back end another player showing up
18942s there for fpsq sansy now Auto the damage
18945s there from J G nug meter into the last
18947s hit there from the fan from Kiki is
18949s going to be able to clean up there onto
18951s sansy and Zing now on the chase down
18953s against Jun X and could be very rough
18956s trying to kite this out but he does have
18957s the terrain here off the trees to be
18958s able to do so yeah he got a lot of spots
18960s to kind of kite around here Draco storm
18962s is not going to make that any easier
18963s going to see 22 elimination 22 players
18965s still left alive into the game junx is
18966s still going to have the gold armor so
18967s he's still going to have enough sustain
18968s the F2 to be invested as an escape
18970s tactic I'm okay with that Draco storm
18971s though expired and now it's going to be
18973s chance for them to kind of look towards
18975s just trying to lock down the Z the test
18976s en chance good you got 2 seconds in the
18978s sky falling down X1 lyd find fat milk
18980s though this is huge so BL number one
18982s picked up here for ly so that's going to
18983s be the tan to stay in the game so need
18985s two more Soul B to this dead we're going
18986s to see a second elimination I believe so
18988s coming through here try to chase down
18989s jdg now remember lyd has a combo breaker
18991s for the F1 but uh has to be used at the
18994s right time just like that having the
18997s ultimate used right when that right when
18999s the anticipated silence to come out and
19000s he finds a grab bro Zing don't you dare
19003s do this are we really doing this okay
19005s listen listen you know it's funny Viper
19006s could have gotten grab but she was
19008s waiting for it that's why L even attempt
19010s to grab because he know he's going to
19011s tap out every single one of those and
19012s now it's going to be a chance for L to
19013s double grab he does not get it the wuen
19016s another counter add it to the list add
19018s it to the list this is why TI High has a
19019s lot of issues on the board folks because
19021s also wuen can Port you out what we're
19024s adding that to the list I mean it's
19026s always been on the list you just it just
19028s happens yeah but I mean that distance
19031s was insane he was like I don't know like
19034s 25 M away he still gets ported out now
19039s still having a YY pleas and timer onto
19041s the other two Rainer players here for X1
19044s they are going to be facing out jdg with
19046s the overh hold the Tesla ready off the
19049s F2 no all online here big par there for
19052s lyd jump lmb put extra damage R&B R&B
19055s big damage here for lyd with the funnel
19056s R&B follow up there into the be from the
19059s ball the wave big damage now X1 clean up
19062s two and they're be able to stay inside
19064s his game and X1 with a nice showcasing
19067s there being able to cleanse it the back
19069s in 521 are going to be going at it
19072s against zing and that's going to be the
19073s last one there for that Squad and jdg is
19076s going to get wiped out now pampy is
19079s going to be eliminated off the situation
19081s as well and ewg want some sort of the
19084s pie they're are going to be able to get
19085s one on the board from cookie onto pampy
19087s with the te ultim on L here for L8 and
19090s they are going to be able to get the
19091s damage plus some sorts of elimination
19093s towards aame I believe in just a moment
19095s we do have the fur in Ultimate call in
19097s and this is just bad 2 I'm going say it
19100s cuz you don't going through I was like
19102s my when I per jump lmb came through I
19104s was going to go straight send it dude X1
19108s still in the game they got all their
19109s souls for that R we're still we're still
19112s holding out here that all came down to
19113s Close Quarters position fighting cuz it
19115s really you know what's risky about it
19117s was that that Tesla was in the middle of
19118s all the teammate so she found a tested
19120s enchant opportunity to last into that
19122s fight with the rage if she had it she
19124s you know that's that's in the back of
19125s the head of all x1's position and that
19127s sometimes throws out you know people
19129s look at in retrospect like wow why did
19130s they take that fight it was t a big big
19133s expense for big risk you know what I'm
19134s saying you know you know 72 month you
19137s know APR we have a chance for these guys
19140s though that's 72 it's crazy 14 players
19144s left alive Yin on death store cutting
19146s through sun Wings here kind of dangerous
19148s game here zpp being F1 still available
19150s oh oh drg is looking to cut around here
19152s they get him yeah oh no wow we were
19155s trying to F2 shot yo if that F2 shot TR
19157s that's crazy oh poison no he didn't get
19160s hit he's yeah that's what I said man I
19162s was think the back of my throat I was
19163s like I'm not going to pause really
19167s hope y going to be looking for the RB
19170s throw out the F2 Yodo he this is where
19171s Yodo he really succeeds you know Kappa
19173s but listen she's going to go ahead and
19175s get the ex she's going to knock back
19176s that's going to be eliminations we got a
19178s pretty hefty
19180s this is a dangerous spir this is a
19182s dangerous game because there's so many
19183s shs around towards the
19186s skull you could like shoot him out and
19188s wait it out but I mean still like you
19190s know it it's just this area man
19194s Sunwing always being the downfall of a
19197s lot of players with the
19199s mushrooms personally my least favorite
19202s location of Morris aisle I I don't like
19205s it man but ewg going at it oh Master P
19208s from Ma
19209s now we got ewg trying to find another
19211s opener this time around against X1 T
19213s ultimate invest in the back end XI is
19216s going to be able to stay up we do have
19218s lyd monking up as well gets the first
19220s grab there onto the taada he's going to
19223s go ahead and just off to take the slam
19224s down into the follow up R&B does not
19226s manage to get the regrab the fern can be
19228s invested there from ewg do manage to be
19232s able to get some gooa stop but no there
19233s goes to B the way once again zdi finding
19237s it into took the cover blue follow up
19238s it's to the regrab as well and l l
19242s getting a lot of damage the t f called
19244s in in the backend zdi now be able to
19247s take a quick little reset in got calls
19249s in the F there now wh going be to mix up
19251s for himself gets lots of pressure throw
19253s his way with no draw back is be able to
19255s get eliminated as well an X1 now with a
19258s nice showcasing here as well as the VA
19260s to clean up and now the last one
19262s standing and X1 with nine on the board
19264s and potentially 10 yes 10 on the board
19266s for themselves all right listen listen
19268s listen listen I'll say this I'll say
19269s I'll say this listen I'll say this
19270s caboom gold dual
19272s blades yo hot take that alone is setting
19275s up the team for Success especi
19277s especially coming out here where you can
19279s keep the Flop State going and then a
19280s regrab could be occurred but even then a
19282s dash and could do the same thing just
19283s holding them in
19284s place but still I'm I'm I'm kind of
19288s happy to see this going through now of
19290s course we got our only competitor though
19291s is a team that has only one player is
19293s still left alive and that's a kwy from
19295s ewg 15 eliminations which would then put
19297s X1 at kill leader position but but we
19300s still got a yo he of all the of all the
19303s you know of all the heroes a Yoda hee
19306s that's tough that's stuff especially
19308s coming out for for what she can do
19310s against Transformers especially tanhai
19311s but regardless still have a chance here
19313s for the zons to look the kite in here te
19315s watch that goong so we're going for
19316s those cannon shots the rift line here
19318s and making sure they can look for it
19319s finds doning elimination here against
19322s pompy and now it's a case for this Moon
19323s B to grief out the Zone because the
19325s entry is going to be it's going to be
19327s death if you enter into the wrong side
19332s I'm so sorry you saw that
19334s too listen listen I said pause right I I
19337s predetermined that I put it in writing I
19338s put it in legal statement okay it's done
19340s terms of conditions TNC oh W hey he back
19344s ated with the F2 bombs does manage to
19345s get some sorts of damage onto lyd there
19347s goes the monk up though got to be
19348s careful he's been hot all game five
19351s finding these grabs here for X1 and you
19353s see the ball the ultimate already called
19355s in there for zdi to try to make sure you
19358s can get catch to restand off of it alone
19360s but looks like this time around does not
19363s manage to find anything the line of side
19365s was cut off by both of these teams in
19366s the back and we do have te inside this
19368s Hut trying to K out this monk o and
19371s there goes the deform there from the
19372s monk lyd trying to take a quick little
19374s resetting for himself to top off that
19375s gold armor can shot flying on in we do
19378s have a cloud Weaver in the back in for
19380s X1 Z I believe wash though no ultimate
19383s online no ultimate for any of te members
19387s uh does man to have some sort damage
19389s thrown his way ZD with a calary blue
19391s over and over again just applying the
19392s pressure off of that LD and there it is
19394s the calary blue finisher there for zdi
19395s now xlo with another one the board and
19397s looks like they're not going to stop
19398s anytime soon yeah big chance here that Z
19401s going to be used preemptively and that's
19402s going to be that pressure that's
19403s continuously come out from next one this
19406s you know fairy Shan's going to
19407s continuously put those cannon shots to
19408s the P shots nice Parry though from X Y
19410s doesn't get the confirmation hit D the
19411s Pell shots coming back and forth again
19412s there going to be F2 from the way trying
19414s to push those someone back dong ching
19415s getting CAU by the one twoos and the
19416s threes and the kakoy you got to remember
19418s kxy is not the fairy of shen by the way
19420s he just inside the mech now lyd has his
19423s cornered off here it's going to be where
19424s woa 98 has that Wayan act to go through
19426s the ultimate who got that spirit will uh
19429s I'm going to be very very upset but it
19431s looks like it is not X1 it is drg and
19433s this is where it comes down to yoim if
19435s they can catch this lock down against
19437s him oh my goodness gracious defenses
19439s that's unfortunate that's yoim folks
19441s lesson learn listen the RG wendo 98
19444s looking toward the white t PR we're
19445s going to see it hit against Leo Leo goes
19448s down he's going to cause that
19448s reverberation and we're going to have a
19450s chance for the white tigers to slowly
19452s but surely chip away at the HP of every
19454s single one of these targets V2 Vol spear
19456s pretty good prob be a kill off of this
19458s if he can oh the V2 but the fa Shen is
19461s ready to go to save the day and now
19463s comes down the w n just hotlining for
19466s this for a real quick amount of pressure
19468s and the barious Shen versus it's funny
19471s these two comp to the last two coms
19473s alive but we only got all Left Alive for
19474s X1 so whether or not he lives out here
19476s we're about to see oh my God it's going
19478s to be rough to C in try to cut it out
19480s since the focus gets hit off the baral
19482s AL there into the one two into the last
19485s shot there from the Yodo old just to
19487s make sure he does not be able to stand
19490s back up if it was needed but wow drg
19493s playing a lot more patient than end game
19495s uh X1 was full throttled in uh find a
19498s lot of success there uh with the the
19501s monk V theom to be able to secure those
19504s grabs there for l i mean
19509s well I mean yeah I mean game number five
19511s is where I expected to you know probably
19513s find some success off of that we did
19515s have another Bal the comp in play for
19517s this game as well and then you know DRZ
19519s was running the Yodo with the Yan so a
19522s little bit more versatility and not the
19524s standard wessa uh San forers and and
19528s siphons that are always in the field so
19530s you know fix success there for X1 if I
19532s do say so myself um you know that that's
19535s a beautiful
19536s showcasing yeah you got to also remember
19538s High added to the list is that like the
19540s like the fact that Tesla weren't there
19542s to kind of contest it is also a big part
19544s of that Tesla can look at the knockbacks
19547s for the V1 so for everything that that
19551s comes out of that also deny slam Downs
19553s that could also deny just his position
19555s to be knocked back and top of the
19557s pillars or any sort of High Ground
19559s position so that really comes down
19561s towards where tan he really have issues
19563s but listen the success that we saw for
19564s the vdas yeah I'm for it I'm for it and
19568s now that we see the fairy Shen kind of
19570s working out there I don't know the
19571s team's going to be wanting if they run
19572s out the hero points they're going to be
19573s running those one back in here but we're
19575s going to have a question brought out for
19576s you twitch Chatters you guys are
19578s chatting away in their chat so I'm kind
19579s of appreciating that which player wow
19581s which player used wo in this game I hope
19583s you guys are that's crazy a jdg Kiki be
19587s ewg leway gon to see X1 lyd for C and
19590s we're gonna see d521 AME for D listen
19593s YouTube chat I know you guys are out
19595s there I know you guys are uh messaging
19596s out this man said uh you know
19599s man Paul said hi is this is this worth
19602s playing the game 2024 I would say
19603s absolutely i' say taking the chances
19604s here of seeing a new character dropping
19606s here next week definitely going to see a
19607s good swing of things of just seeing you
19609s you know everyone kind of used to the
19610s new character and seeing how it goes but
19611s for you guys in YouTube chat you got to
19612s go to Twitch chat to answer this
19614s correctly spam Tech from zingers might
19616s give him the dub who knows this time
19617s around this man won too many times uh
19619s but we're going to have a chance of
19620s getting that question to be answered and
19622s for you guys out into into the sphere of
19624s what the scores are going to look
19626s looking about we're going to get that
19627s shortly as well
19629s because you know we're about to enter
19631s into sixth round or round six I should
19633s say and we're going to have a chance of
19635s working into seeing who is qualified who
19637s is right at the cusp you know right at
19640s the middle bar and drg takes out the MVP
19643s for this round for the 22 kills or 22
19644s points taking out first place and Tak
19646s out the multiplier themselves ewg 16.5
19649s in second 14.5 4x1 in third FX 10.5 10
19654s points for jdg BB with six points 5.5
19656s for 521 te with five four for ASC wbg
19658s with 2.5 1.5 for OG and that's this one
19660s with the one point man I'm sorry yes
19662s this one listen uh like I said former JT
19666s kind of restructured out but it really
19669s comes down towards them making it
19671s through you know hopefully not to get a
19673s huge hit on the mental right in solos
19675s that that that thing can happen you know
19676s for trios that's three players that's
19678s three in one that's a combo meal you
19680s ain't going to be able to see anything
19681s past that point but they do have
19683s Mainland qualifier to make it through
19685s but like I stated the middle three teams
19687s is kind of rare to see just it's like
19688s this comp
19690s bro the fact that we saw the fact that
19692s we see this comp still like it's to arve
19694s it's like you know dread from it run
19696s from it you know it all comes back to me
19697s this is this is where we're back Canon
19699s Paul having a temporary I say temporary
19702s success okay I say temporary success
19705s because the new character is
19707s crazy you know we have to wait until see
19711s what what happens tonight or in the next
19713s hour cuz it's up I it's uh okay listen
19717s guys continue watching the games cuz
19719s we're going to have to look into the
19720s scene about what the characters going
19721s look like okay but regardless bottom six
19723s happen here S one here 23.3 and 12th
19726s 11th place has 521 at 43.1 43.3 for ASC
19729s fpx at 49.1 and n9th place ewg 52.2
19734s 53.6 in seventh place te bro I'm telling
19738s you look 49.1 52.2 53.6 56.8 58.9 that's
19744s how close we are bve is the gatekeeper
19747s they are the GateKeeper ERS wbg is right
19749s above them at 58.9 63.9 for UG and x one
19752s takes 72 points 81.9 for jdg and drg
19754s just taking the crown here for the pre
19756s you know for Last Chance qualifiers at
19758s least to the to the full extent they are
19759s solidified they've had great games
19762s they've had phenomenal games and this
19763s game was actually the best game so far
19765s with 22 points
19767s so unfortunately they don't take any
19769s points into pre-finals but pre-finals
19770s we'll see how they act it's really WB
19772s gbv and you know see not they're going
19774s to get are pass that that's the main
19776s that's the main predicament that we're
19777s going to see right now and for that
19779s that's going to be leading us into the
19780s clips and highlights cuz you know I know
19781s you guys are going to be wanting to see
19782s what the heck happened last round well
19783s I'm glad you asked we're going to go
19784s through those right now brought you by
19786s th the robot board for gaming Gamers
19787s United K fight K fight everyone wants to
19790s throw out hands like it's an FTC
19792s tournament oh see what you did there
19795s 51 getting eliminated there kxy there is
19798s going to get par there by pampy pampy
19800s some source of damage with another Parry
19802s in the back in this time around against
19803s Don Q overh holding the scare Rush get
19805s some damage into the final hit there for
19807s elimination I
19810s with the Tempest kick Jade here on the
19812s fist blad get the last and final hit
19814s there off the RB Focus SS going to eat
19816s up the damage off the Tempest kick nice
19817s cross there from kxy on to Leo some big
19820s damage there Canon shot flying on in
19822s there're on to 14 into the F2 doesn't
19825s connect but still the teammates were
19826s there for the clean up
19828s ewg with the Tak down into the wing Gust
19830s in the back game c from X1 PI paror from
19834s cada for the finisher now Zing here in
19837s the backside investing this Viper
19838s ultimate here to try to find Value does
19840s manage to find so they're on to aile and
19843s wbg falls off of that and this was the
19846s last scrap off here for drg with the
19848s Yodo Yan K taking out the monk vust out
19853s here in the field WX here on the usan
19857s gets the damage going the back in with
19858s the last hit there and zdi Falls but drg
19862s Faria is going to be able to get the MVP
19865s here for our fifth game and I'm I mean I
19870s think top three is safe but I don't even
19871s think ug is sa right now I didn't want
19874s to say name I didn't want to say I
19875s didn't want to say their name oh oh I'm
19877s a say inating time baby I'm say OG is is
19882s is pretty
19883s close they they can get knocked out they
19885s get fully owed out doned and then all of
19888s a sudden eight points from Seventh Place
19890s and that comes out really it can happen
19892s from T correct tuna yeah that's all I
19895s got to say Don going to have a chance
19896s here for cuz I don't want the OG to go
19898s ahead and you know he's like
19900s saral
19901s wait see a private email I'm like what's
19903s going on
19904s here those the main concern we're going
19907s to have a chance of per Shen MVP this is
19909s a long time uh like right it's been it's
19914s been a hot minute Fair shanon hatching
19917s in hatching into an MVP it works out it
19919s works out it works it works out for me
19921s because you know seeing a fair shend
19923s into the mix and you know seeing goodbye
19925s F2 you know she had F2 uh the old F2 I
19927s should say now it's going to be the
19929s cannon shot that comes out from the
19930s musket where she can get a silence and
19932s his range gold Focus they also buffed
19933s that but no one's using oh they did
19936s moment right it's the enhance field the
19937s field explosion that happens another
19939s extension of the range just like how
19940s they did forai where she had her
19942s expansion of the range of the F skill
19944s for Crazy by the way Crazy by the way
19947s but regardless Fair Shen
19950s potential yeah Echo chamber this is the
19953s I heard I said this before if you guys
19954s don't know what I mean by Echo chamber
19955s it's just like success from one side to
19958s see if it resounds like like an echo
19961s chamber if it allows for the other teams
19964s to see it we're going to see if the EO
19966s happens if we like bats in the cave
19967s because we're taking a break we're
19970s taking a little bit of drops out here
19971s for a second and then we're going
19972s dropping right back in for the final
19974s round
19976s [Applause]
19978s [Music]
19992s [Music]
20018s oh
20019s oh
20021s [Music]
20031s [Music]
20039s [Applause]
20044s [Music]
20045s [Applause]
20059s I
20077s [Music]
20092s h
20100s [Music]
20108s oh
20143s [Music]
20152s welcome back everybody to the ncka blade
20154s Point pro league Last Chance qualifier
20156s here for the trios my name is creatives
20158s I'm here with
20162s cavario yeah yeah
20165s yeah I don't know if we can uh
20168s talk about this man I'm drink I'mma
20170s drink my water bottle shakily I'm
20174s I'm yeah it's insane just just know it's
20177s insane all right just know it's insane
20179s um I I've been I've been I've been
20181s throwing it out there after game four
20183s I've insane a little bit
20185s so uh just you know go ahead if you guys
20188s have test server go try it out that's
20189s all I'm going to say um it it's insane
20191s but yeah Saria five games out the way
20193s game six uh top three pretty much
20195s solidified their ticket already to the
20196s uh to the to the Grand finals or
20198s pre-finals I should say this weekend um
20200s here for the trios um still bottom three
20202s I believe still in contestant here can't
20204s be overthrown by one of the other other
20206s four teams I should say because uh
20208s Seventh Place super close um ug not very
20212s safe right now can't potentially could
20214s get overtaken they got a 1.5 off of game
20216s number five so they need to bounce back
20218s off of that to stay into that top six
20220s threshold to be able to make it to the
20221s pre-final so you know those are the
20223s teams we're going to be looking at wbg
20225s BBE
20226s ug uh I'm missing one te yep te so uh
20232s yeah this is going to be a very
20233s interesting game to see uh and this is
20236s where Champions is made you know you got
20237s to stay up got to show up here for our
20238s last and final games and it's going to
20240s be rough because a lot of teams I would
20242s say that are in the bottom side of the
20243s pyramid are going to be full w k just
20245s knowing that they don't have a uh you
20247s know they don't have a chance to make it
20249s so this is pretty much standard stuff
20251s that we see lots of times for for every
20253s mode so we're going to have to wait and
20254s see how it pans out for those teams
20255s still trying to compete for the top six
20257s yeah it comes down to also what they
20258s have remaining to round six correct yeah
20261s you like I said Echo chamber I I
20263s mentioned this before right hand that's
20266s crazy uh but more importantly seeing
20268s about uh seeing about the echo chamber
20270s of the hero selections that we saw
20272s previous in round five if the players
20274s see like if they're at the bottom like
20275s let's see if it works out now is the
20277s time right if anything comes out they
20279s don't have hero points in the value of
20281s it but
20283s uh I I got I'm looking at chat man Lynx
20287s what are you talking about bro
20290s have a chance regardless we're having a
20293s chance of see about the pop offs this
20294s round potentially for everyone kind of
20297s working into this round ASC I want this
20300s team to I want this team to succeed I
20302s want every team to succeed but I want
20303s ASC to kind of work off remember they
20305s they participated out they're previous
20307s towards playing out as xmf if I'm not
20310s mistaken so having a
20314s huge huge potential here for them to
20317s come like like the the the the catchup
20319s is is going to have to be absolutely
20321s astronomical I'm talking 22 kill game
20323s 1.4 multiplier four ranking points we're
20325s taking those we're taking those we're
20326s taking those like that's that's
20329s potential if a single team comp can work
20330s out heck this might be the chance we see
20332s K Ying showing up here but regardless
20335s fpx rocking out
20337s here I'm you know I'm still kind of uh
20340s I'm still kind of I'm so kind of
20343s tarnished by you know the topic I hand
20344s check the check the test server guys
20346s we're going to take a look and see about
20348s that later on because it's uh it's going
20350s to be a nice experience seeing about
20351s what's going to happen between now until
20352s then because up until now we still have
20354s our players still working with this
20356s current comp selection of the post you
20358s know October 17th patch so for
20360s everything coming coming out you know we
20362s only saw like one Draco storm what two
20363s Draco storms the end game Circle between
20365s Shadows 3 and four like I think we only
20366s seen like a hand a handful like not even
20368s not even two handfuls just like one less
20370s than
20371s that I know I I know you're looking at
20374s what you're looking at right I just saw
20375s it too I saw it on the back of my I
20377s looked my career field Vision I'm like
20379s I'm like Justin Timberlake 2020 Vision
20382s crazy it's crazy bro it's crazy but yeah
20385s all right we got locked in lock in lock
20387s in lock in game number six right I'm
20388s locked I'm locked now game number six
20389s we're locked and loaded ug te argu
20392s having that first round pick is going to
20394s you know work in their favor here for
20395s the last and final games once again
20396s contestant for that top six we're going
20398s have to wait and see what they lock in
20400s with how many points they have 52 have
20401s seven points they can play whoever they
20403s want right now I mean they're sitting
20404s comfortably and they're going to be
20405s playing that siphon or S siphon comp for
20408s the game ug locking it in as well using
20411s up their three last points for that um
20412s fpx zq with the w Viper Tessa te trying
20417s to see what they're going to lock in for
20418s the last and final game the sand siphon
20420s once again um this is going to be
20423s probably um more uh beneficial for them
20428s on the S siphon uh we're going to have
20430s to wait and see what the second round
20432s picks I mean nothing too new on the zhon
20434s cops being called down here for the last
20436s or for the second half of picks for
20439s three out of the four teams X1 still has
20442s seven points on the board so we're going
20445s to have to win and see what they
20446s choose wow I mean perfect yeah it's you
20451s know pretty staple here um and then this
20453s is where we have a little bit of mixups
20454s um either wit and Viper Tessa uh they
20457s still have points uh PBE there it is wi
20460s and Viper Tessa as well as ASE oh no ASE
20463s on the Z comp and we do have it for ewg
20466s though and wbg our last ones picked here
20469s for our game six to be able to see what
20473s they pick what is it which invite Pressa
20476s not a surprise but yeah I
20479s mean very very interesting now my head
20483s guys um I think we can say it because
20486s it's in the test server right like we
20487s can we can say something First
20489s Impressions no First Impressions not
20492s okay you can do First Impressions
20493s because you gota remember things happen
20496s remember yes
20498s yes I mean all right all right we can't
20501s say we can't say much right cuz I'm not
20503s sure uh but I I do off of what I've seen
20506s so far I I do believe like you know this
20508s whole um you know siphon and uh s San
20513s formers or sand siphon I should say uh
20516s being played out might get changed very
20519s very soon uh especially in the live
20521s server of the game next week uh which is
20524s what I've seen so far but yeah uh locked
20526s in here for game six who do you think is
20529s going to make it here are you do you
20531s think um you think anything going get
20534s knocked out yeah
20538s um it's only one team that's going to
20540s get knocked out from the from the middle
20541s four uh te is bottom of it and then OG
20544s the top of it it's between BBE making it
20547s through or not I think I think BBE
20550s potentially and they're working into a
20551s Viper W Tes a cop now they did that in
20554s their first that was their first MVP
20556s like the first match was m for it so
20558s they're working through that fpx though
20561s V3 F3 for the Viper I'm okay with that
20563s I'm okay with that I'm okay with that
20565s full aggression like we've seen both
20566s before that's an actual full W key K by
20568s the way or selection so that's what
20571s that's what they're going to be working
20572s into but I'm curious and seeing how
20573s that's going to end up going in their
20574s favor or if it's going to be running
20576s down the midst I'm seeing no tea
20578s Shenanigans just so far yet so seeing
20580s out to the hero selections here for the
20581s skills seems like this is going to go
20583s accelerated we're pushing into third
20585s gear here we're pushing into seeing of
20587s we not our boys are going to be making
20588s it to finals for pre-finals should say
20591s into Grand finals in a week's
20595s time because I'll say this
20597s wholeheartedly we're going to see
20599s pre-finals this weekend we're off for a
20600s week and then we're back and we're going
20602s to see what's going to happen after that
20604s because that's exactly what we're kind
20605s of preparing for and I know the players
20607s are going to be playing out the CN scrim
20609s or like for for Grand finals we're still
20610s going to be on this patch and then after
20612s that Mainland qualifiers going to be in
20614s the newest patch so that's where we're
20615s going to see the new gameplay of the new
20617s players and new hero and then everything
20618s in between for the balance patches but
20620s regardless spawns Purity chamber not
20622s going to be the case going to be
20623s actually that is where BB is spawning in
20625s and then we're going to see jdg and fpx
20626s droing into the Arcadia region asc's all
20628s the way towards inter ter to the
20629s northwest of that so that's near to the
20630s fairies Pavilion I am going to see an as
20633s off peak spawn for wbg and te opting in
20635s for the same directional looking for
20638s those fireflies remember this is Firefly
20639s rotation that's where we're at we're
20641s packing out the the damage out here for
20643s ultimates and on the bottom right side
20645s you see four teams I see four teams I
20647s see te I see OU X1 ewg and ss1 521
20651s chilling out of detention form they're
20653s going to be by themselves ordering out
20655s toward Imperium region but ladies and
20656s gentlemen round six my name is Saro long
20658s time creatives last chance qualifiers
20660s trios final round middle four to make it
20663s out of here alive because whether or not
20665s they can it's up to their skill level
20667s and up to their approach in reaching go
20669s fxq against jdg slap off there onto zing
20672s zing is going to fall for this alone we
20674s do have a lot of damage happening
20676s towards J G's way now do have two
20678s members down there for jdg and they are
20681s going to be cleaned up I believe here
20682s from fsq Kiki trying to stay alive the
20684s test ultimate is going to be called in
20686s he getting caught off of that now to the
20688s last one twos here so ping invested just
20692s rough into the R&B bunk there from the
20693s spear for a clean up here for fzq with
20695s the resurrection as well and what a
20697s start up here for FX zq and hold on wait
20700s a second they can contest as well yeah
20702s they can yeah they can listen they can
20705s take a chance of actually getting all
20706s the key the coins right now just working
20708s through it otherwise it could probably
20710s even hold the coins until post roming
20713s Yang if they really want to risk it
20714s inventory space is going to be consumed
20715s because of that so it really comes down
20716s towards fpx looking towards making that
20718s happen for the time being now of course
20721s we look at urion like I said BBE
20723s chilling out here 5 21's going to be on
20724s the approach here very soon but drg is
20726s actually on this uh the dead then
20728s finding a purple armor for a Viper still
20731s looting up here looking towards us he's
20732s just midair pairing he's just like
20733s listen I'm going to fight you if I need
20735s to you know if he com out towards us
20736s look at ibin playing this out stealthily
20738s looking to try to Ambush that actually
20740s don't look at this look at this look at
20741s the call out you saw this man he's like
20742s go go and now there going to be a chance
20744s here for the aggression see the R&B hold
20745s out it maybe hold checking it doesn't
20747s get caught for blue focus on his side
20748s but he does get caught by that blue
20749s focus on Don Ching side and now BBE
20751s needs to really be careful about this
20752s dead because if they look for try to
20753s investment for an ultimate it's not
20755s going to work out there's a lot of
20755s terrain infatuation here there goes to
20758s Tes ultimate as well in the back end but
20760s a matara ultimate to avoid the Viper
20762s stun still getting caught up there by
20763s the test enchantment WX now trying to
20766s show up they're going goes the F there
20768s from the Viper with a big damage in the
20770s back in now we got the Z Ultimate
20772s invested there from drg now she's going
20774s to be a full juggle jump and Beast with
20776s extra damage and iin is going to fall
20778s here for BBE and this is not the start
20780s that BBE wanted here for their last and
20782s final game they are going to lose two
20784s members the W is still alive now we have
20786s ASC against te on the other half of the
20788s map ASC J down looking to charge out the
20790s R&B as the fist plates come out the
20792s great swords get released and that's
20793s going to be a full to of rubber band
20794s through here look at that scar coming
20795s out for a double Parry nice one looking
20797s for the midair Z Ultimate for the V2 the
20800s guaranteed 14's demise but that's Kumi
20802s tether it works out Leo are not going to
20805s be able to go down here without a fight
20806s Parry like that though into the moon
20807s Bane send him to Sparta because he's
20809s getting kicked down here and that's a
20811s straight spread from ASC to get three
20813s eliminations just like
20815s that there it is another clean up there
20818s this time around for ASC trying to stay
20820s up for the
20822s 6.3 uh potential yeah uh need a very
20825s very strong game U starting off here
20828s though for game number six
20830s fzq off the resurrection trying to find
20833s an opening here for himself or I'm sorry
20835s not off the resurrection just trying to
20837s find more eliminations on the board for
20838s themselves three currently for this game
20840s alone junx on the Viper this time around
20845s they do manage to see or get some sort
20847s of visibility onto ASC and ASC trying to
20851s kite out this they are going to get
20853s engaged here by fpx zq there goes the
20855s massive F3 there from you next big
20858s juggles here from ASC has ultimate
20860s investment here in the back end now the
20862s big damage here from the halers in the
20863s back end it's going to be lots of
20864s pressure now Viper ultimate is going to
20866s be called in enchantment connects to the
20867s backside but now FX trying to respond
20869s off the pressure here yeah it's terrible
20871s for this fper pressure to happen
20872s matarial comes out the L P used in
20874s conjunction now Jong looking to try to
20876s go ahead for a heal into the background
20878s maybe he's going to be looking to height
20879s this out here vul Essence is in the play
20881s scatter shot still built out by no bow
20882s we're look at J next to try to go for a
20884s scare he connects that blue Focus the Z
20885s comes in the backline the F2 comes to
20886s comet in and that's going to be the V2
20888s guarantee psych going to be F1 coming
20890s out here nicely done coming out from fbx
20892s maybe looking for a chance drop down
20894s blue avoids Matari F2 Jun X looks to go
20896s for Dragon Slayer this Moon Bane is fpx
20899s and this is going to guarantee a denial
20900s of this area for the enemy team oh all
20902s these Moon BS but not on the players who
20904s would have thought the RNG was going to
20905s throw them out just like that however
20907s junx gets one Moon M oh my goodness as Z
20909s literally dies out here jungang has a
20911s thous he goes towards Jun X as a moon
20913s Bane and the turn around comes out FX
20915s looking for it has V3 he can get the
20917s mitigation necessary to survive here he
20919s finds it he rnbs it and that moonman
20921s goes ahead and Strikes Back and this is
20923s going to be where episode 5 happens and
20925s it's going to be a chance of whether or
20926s not dun next can survive here for a
20927s couple of seconds longer the moon B
20928s working out in the favor we like to see
20929s it but wind blast into the R&B the vul
20931s Ence that's a nice surprise isn't it and
20933s that's a moon ban that comes out again
20935s for the Slash and that's going to be
20936s where xia drops right back in for that
20938s salty R to make sure this team does not
20940s go down without a fight wait hold on
20942s he's doing it now the Resurrection comes
20944s back now the matar toest called in as
20946s well in the back in there from ASC but
20948s to the one two the bane just doing
20951s wonders there I have never seen the Bane
20953s stack like that that was just crazy how
20956s much is stacked there for them and it
20958s played out perfectly for themselves 521
20960s going at against ss1 butar F there on to
20963s akame eating up a lot of damage Walker
20965s and C trying to back on up from this
20967s third party doy Rosemary eating up a lot
20969s of damage as well oh my God catches
20971s three players there from the lunch
20972s follow up now pamp is going to go ahead
20974s and vest this C ultimate in the back in
20976s Rosemary trying to stay alive as well to
20978s the one two's uppercuts off of this a
20980s lmb one on the ground holds the last one
20983s does not manage to get the damage down
20984s the back still looking for pampy though
20986s out of the bunch 521 is going to be able
20988s to kite this out for the time being we
20990s do have the F sh there to avoid them a
20992s little bit of distance we do have the V2
20994s called in in the backside wbg and this
20996s is what I was saying sario so much
20997s pressure for everybody everybody's just
20999s W keying in literally coming out here
21001s going crazy going Breezy and that's Del
21003s for Rosemary now it's going be the F3
21005s coming out gen one goes ahead get
21007s elimination and we're switching up to
21008s the camera view to te we're actually
21010s watching these live fights happen just
21012s because since these teams are so close
21015s towards each other we're just having to
21016s watch every single one between it's
21017s going to be te was the wind Blast coming
21019s out here hoping to kind of wonder wonder
21021s whether not he's going to copy the RBS
21022s there's going to be the dash there going
21023s to be a charge up here nope scare
21024s rushing out here we're cutting out and
21025s this is going to be where te might be
21026s get eliminated completely this is
21028s actually the full wipe te goes down
21032s completely not getting catch up we're
21035s not going to see them for this summer
21037s fin but that's going to still be the
21038s case if fpx can earn out it's up to
21041s between them to catch out between BBE
21043s and wbg up to
21044s ug now it's up to these teams to work
21046s out heck it's even up to ewg to work
21048s this one out here but we're going have
21049s to see cuz OG is going up against what
21050s seems to be
21051s wbg I'm going give it a ASC I'm not
21054s going to
21056s lie I'mma give it a ASC look I know I
21059s know I'm reaching I know I'm reaching
21061s don't get me wrong I know I'm reaching
21063s but hear me out if the cards play out
21066s right
21067s they could have they could have a chance
21069s right now you know a chunky
21072s multiplier hey potential but we're going
21073s to have to wait and see OG still in the
21075s mix though we have our first ran Yar on
21076s the formon in now um you know ASC get in
21080s there you you got to get in there they
21081s have the zy comp they can uh everybody
21083s else above you pretty much is on that
21085s Wen viesa not sure they going to be
21087s taking his romang so you know this could
21089s be the possibility for them to have that
21091s opener that they need unfortunate enough
21092s for Te they get eliminated there with
21094s zero on the board that is going to be
21096s the run here for the summer split being
21099s called out here for game number six with
21100s no kills on the board ASC though now
21103s might get aggress on here by fpsq
21106s they're able to get some sorts of
21107s eliminations they could just add up more
21109s to their run here for game number six
21111s but we're going to have to wait and see
21112s how that goes jdg in the back end going
21115s to go ahead and kite out the situation
21117s trying to post up for the romang we do
21119s have ASC jdg and FPS zq going go ahead
21123s and bite up some of these resources blue
21125s armor is here for FPS zq
21128s he just shows up he's like look I'm I'm
21129s friendly I'm just trying to buy up some
21131s some grapples and I just you know I'm
21133s just going to get out of here listen
21135s listen man I just I just need I just
21136s need a gallon of gas I need some toilet
21138s paper all right got you you know we're
21140s on Mayday Duty man I feel that it's like
21142s it's like the hurricane over good man
21143s all right listen having a chance between
21145s FX though between ASC between Ry yangs
21147s between Buffs that's a Miss MCM might so
21149s ewg wants to contest that they're going
21151s to be holding that for fourth down
21153s haven't looked at any Jades things so
21154s far I mean we haven't looked at team's
21155s Jades in terms of the overview can't
21157s wait hopeing to see this before we enter
21159s into the ryang fight hopefully hopefully
21160s hopefully hey hey hey hey press uh we're
21163s going to see going to be just one day
21164s it's going to be S stri that's all right
21165s there going to be a chance out J look
21166s for one 2 three but he's going to be
21167s looking to use that fan obviously
21168s because it's purple R have to matar get
21170s dodged kxy hold horizontal and uh this
21173s is going to be a really big case of
21174s which side going first I'm going to be
21176s 100%
21177s honest all right here we go M pair
21179s opener here from AC big damage as well
21182s Wing us in a quick elimination there out
21183s to kxy hold they can do it F2 called in
21186s no damage to be2 call in now the opping
21188s side is going to call in the ultimate as
21189s well gets the damage on to them oh my
21190s God caught up in the corners the pink
21191s ultimate called in early there from ASC
21193s but the burn still doing wonders there
21195s in the back end j trying to stay up get
21198s some sorts of damage to the backside but
21199s desire there to avoid that Don Q doing
21201s wonders here for drg trying to stay up
21205s and this team has been in the lead all
21207s day long to the F2 does not connect off
21209s of that now on the backside dony with
21211s another burn there onto the opposing Z
21213s does man to get the elimination on to
21214s him and now in a 1 V3 big per there w X
21217s is going to fall for this as well and
21218s ASC now another three piece on the board
21221s for themselves trying to shoot up in the
21223s rankings and they have the buff off of
21226s this they are going to get active off of
21227s this now we have 52 to one against ss1
21230s on the other R Yang yeah he going to be
21232s picking up a group he from that Jade box
21233s now we're going to see 521 looking to
21234s try to work out in terms of seeing about
21236s these spam spams cuz uh Rosemary is
21239s spamming all these gold Focus CU he can
21241s the B2 comes out here though for the
21242s burn gets his F1 as it came out towards
21244s the reach of the rmbs now he get Tempest
21247s KCK he gets slapped damn the disrespect
21249s absolutely disrespectful but necessary
21251s ESP against teas now going be the scare
21253s Rush coming out here for the J lmb maybe
21255s for Rosemary to go for the R&B's and
21256s that's the extension that's the
21257s elimination that'ss one finding a
21259s victory in the Romey a nice you know
21261s nice CH nice you know we get some points
21264s out here going to see a gold halers
21265s getting earned out we're going to see a
21268s uh Sal Hey listen I'm trying to remember
21271s this coming through here but it actually
21272s comes out to Rosemary with the hellur
21273s where he's stacking out this gen one
21275s still not having the purple armor just
21276s yet but that's
21277s but this comp leads out between them
21280s though between
21281s ss1 and X1 ASC ewg were the ones who
21285s took that Mystic might from the Arcadia
21286s region so whether or not they're
21287s actually going to reach through and find
21288s out they're going to have to find out
21290s tremendously just like BB B you know
21292s they're trying to try to place
21294s out and I'm okay with that I'm okay with
21297s that I'm okay with hiding in the bush I
21298s know we have zero kill eliminations but
21300s we we really need these teams to get
21303s eliminated if they want like for them
21305s right in their eyes they need to make
21306s sure they get nine teams or they counted
21309s out or there's enough players for nine
21310s teams to be there so they can just okay
21312s now we can just chill out and rock
21313s around but fights are going to be
21314s happening wbg versus ug wbg I believe
21318s has the upper hand right now ug eating
21319s up a lot of damage here by wbg the Kings
21322s e up the damage out the R&B focus in the
21324s back end as well he's going to fall wbg
21326s now trying to clean this up jumping be
21328s big damage now SS eating up a lot of
21330s damage in the backside Walker tries to
21333s Parry PES a little bit too early into
21334s the R&B jump L and B now zenu is going
21336s to fall off this as well has to uh to F
21339s calls it in but was not enough and they
21342s are going to fall off of this situation
21344s and ug is out
21347s wbg does eliminate them closing out that
21351s top four and BBE though with zero on the
21354s board and I mean they a play it safe and
21358s uh you know from from uh a lot of the
21361s last chance qualif not even last chance
21362s qualifiers even even you can even go off
21364s of the bi-weekly finals right because
21367s uh it's it's around the same uh same
21369s amount of pressure um sometimes it works
21372s out don't get me wrong playing it safe
21373s works out um uh it's more of a 50/50 a
21377s lot of times you know um you either have
21379s the cards in your favor where a lot of
21380s the teams that you need to be eliminated
21382s get taken out or you fall and you come
21384s out not stacked and you get eliminated
21386s and you're kind of just stuck there
21388s waiting to see if anybody catches up
21389s from you as we see but ss1 still
21392s showcasing here now this is eight kills
21395s on the board for game number six popping
21397s off that making nine now big damage here
21399s from rosemary put up a lot of pressure
21401s on to X1 but I mean X1 even if they fall
21404s here doesn't really even matter they
21406s already solidifi their ticket for the
21408s pre-finals this weekend J G though comes
21410s on in here for the kill onto drg that's
21414s a lot of damage there from rosemary ss1
21416s still applying tons of pressure trying
21418s to stay alive and it looks like there
21420s are going to be running out of the Z
21421s Ultimate and now another team showing up
21423s it's going to be 521 showing up to the
21424s mix and they have that y plation timer
21426s that they need have to cleanse now yeah
21428s and then for us is one they have until
21429s 1640 on the clock to make sure they can
21430s burn their real their vermillian bird I
21433s should say so it's really up to them to
21434s burn it now this these teams are
21435s invading this that's going to make where
21437s X1 go down Rosary goes down number one
21440s we got 8 seconds 7 Seconds we got to we
21442s got to die out now before that point
21443s comes out so we can just start resing
21444s but SS one they're all in Soul form
21446s they're all going to go ahead and going
21447s to make sure they can spawn somewhere
21449s safe they burn their Vermilion at just
21450s the right time B3 F3 we saw that from
21452s junx this is going to be where he's
21453s going to be ambushing against fat milk
21455s like I said for BB right you stacked out
21457s you can maybe hide out but now it's
21459s going to be a 50-50 shot down against
21460s him BB I gets caught through here
21462s there's going to be a chance between Jun
21463s next try to k run this building you see
21465s it in the background how much pressure
21467s is going against BB in the open field
21468s combat and now you're going to see the
21469s double gold weapons in the hands of Jang
21470s dong as as is going to be stacked up out
21472s of the mind with nine eliminations just
21473s trying to go does man to stay up ASC
21475s still in the mix right now n on the
21478s board second in the board here for
21480s eliminations s this one with 10 X1 as
21482s well with 10 uh taking a resurrection
21485s there off the Vermillion burns my fxq
21488s though with 55.6 still not in that top
21491s six uh only one online for them is going
21493s to be that Wen all for the squad now
21496s Rosemary re aggressing
21498s ASC uh this time around they are going
21500s to be getting some sorts of damage onto
21502s them Z Ultimate 20% so they're not going
21505s to have that damage there from that Z
21508s they do have the Tessa or The Zing and
21510s Matari ultimate online trying to build
21512s some of his rage and the back in now
21513s Rosemary is going to eat up the damage
21514s off L be Focus there goes the first Z
21516s Ultimate does not have the old to
21517s counter it though so needs to try to
21518s stay alive X1 zdi comes on hot here with
21521s the F though has the F2 to stay safe and
21523s now the pressure might be happening
21524s towards x1's way we do have ASC being
21527s able to kite this out Matari ultimate
21529s was invested there to try to create the
21531s space we do have one player full
21533s focusing is going to be June X there
21534s trying to see he can find the damage
21536s onto the Z but he's doing a really good
21538s job cing this out but it looks like both
21541s of these squads are going looking over
21543s towards asc's way so this could bad for
21547s them but they do manage to kite the Z
21548s and I believe the Z might be coming
21550s online pretty soon as well Dr comes out
21551s going to be caught into the corner
21553s maybe looking forut get the corner Tes
21556s chant is avoided though gets out
21557s of here Scot three potential R&B spam
21560s listen DX going be looking to try to go
21561s ahead and kite around through here with
21562s these F3 maybe hopefully they go for the
21563s Canon Skywalk but then again any
21565s pursuers get caught by the F3 blast it's
21567s going to be a wild field day the F2 is
21569s not up for Jang D though so he's going
21570s to be rushing down towards a wuen look
21572s kite up to the sky looks at airos and
21574s just backs off completely look B2 comes
21575s out from X y That's why we back off here
21577s Parry like that huge beautiful but now
21580s that the knock back happens the Wen Port
21581s is free now for xyy having invested s
21583s doesn't have much value looking to try
21584s to go ahead and Chase down J as it's
21585s getting come through here from xdi from
21587s zdi from X1 and looking for the
21588s elimination they can get it the Mystic
21590s we get it we still got through it here I
21591s was looking at the M the find aspect
21593s from F1 to come through and clutch out
21595s but XO y finds the last confirmation and
21597s he's still creating that pressure
21598s towards Crimson cave that's where BBG
21600s are going to be retreating towards his
21602s Corner yeah with his with his Z Ultimate
21604s going offline and just off to just back
21606s on up jdg against ss1 right now in the
21609s second R Yang uh looks like the dam is
21612s going to go towards the Tesa or the Z
21615s way Rosemary once again trying to stay
21617s alive has to go how one player Falls
21618s there two two and now the second one
21620s Falls as well big pair there for Zen but
21622s it's not going to be enough because Z
21624s was online there for tuty and he is
21625s going to be able to stay up and JD G now
21628s securing the second rang they are going
21630s to get this buff as well plus the golden
21632s n gold armor on themselves for this r
21636s they're going to come in hot with what
21638s they got I mean the J the other thing
21640s they got a cannon and a ruptor gill in
21641s the same box that's the crazy part and
21644s and and and get this get this get this
21647s get this they got a repair roll for free
21650s there too so you have that all three of
21652s those
21652s combin crazy that's insane that's going
21655s to be theane out for the end game going
21656s three for those uh for those shots and
21657s it's going to work out but 521 you know
21660s this is tough te ultimate comes out X1 X
21663s Y might be looking a little bit more shy
21664s but like I said X x1's Gucci yeah
21666s they're at 11 eliminations this match
21668s Just J bro they're just you know 521
21672s might need these eliminations more than
21673s they can you know come out here to
21674s survive for but hey we can't ask for
21675s everything in this world R&B comes out
21677s from pamp looking try to go for the CL
21678s ke finds a double Parry o saw a 360
21680s Parry in the background as he came out
21681s with the display it's very nicely done
21682s and R&B's come out here he has one last
21684s fear and make his count the dragon comes
21685s through and there's be from atar to
21687s knock back after from the Zai maybe
21689s looking to try to see about an arm or
21690s we're looking for those om directionals
21691s as we mentioned before and the
21692s connection oh good oh my
21696s one but he gets still
21698s extended I can't bro I can't this
21701s couldn't stand the ground and there two
21704s Fe by the time he did it was over X1
21706s find their 12 elimination as a play a
21708s video game it's just stagger after
21710s stagger and into the V2 Yin Falls as
21714s well and that's going to be 52's run I
21716s believe two players fall off of that I
21718s they're still in I think one player
21720s still up but ss1 when y policeing time
21722s onun their backs they're going to be uh
21724s trying to pressure ASC and this is ASC
21726s needs if they able to clean up ss1 here
21729s in this situation but it's going to be
21730s full W key here for ss1 eating up
21732s a lot of damage here off the go halber
21734s it goes to double Ms there off the
21735s helpers now in the back end two two with
21737s the master pair into the F2 there for
21738s the bur damage to the backside we do
21740s have another team showing up ewg just
21742s could be bad for one of these teams in
21744s the back end Rosemary is going to eat up
21745s a lot of damage ASC though turning this
21747s fight around they pick up another one on
21748s the board and now ASC with 11 kills here
21751s for game number six trying to say a lot
21753s but the third party coming in hot here
21755s from ewg on to ASC and looks like the Z
21758s is going to fall in the situation the
21760s pills there still alive double tap on
21762s but the focus slide down there oh my God
21765s down the staircase there for ewg and one
21768s of AC's members going to fall and now
21770s the Matari trying to stay alive as well
21773s and this this could be bad for them they
21775s could have done it but ewg coming in out
21777s here at the perfect timing the Matari
21779s trying to stay alive big paror from XI
21782s into the Tes of ultimate there to secure
21783s the elimination and we have the zine
21786s just going to go ahead and kite this out
21788s cut noise wait his out but yeah he is
21790s going to stay up um oh no that's all
21792s down for ASC I Jinx some I mean that was
21795s close though that was a that was a
21796s really good run for
21798s them yeah 11 eliminations this game was
21800s nothing to be shy of in terms of through
21803s but since eliminated on it's up to a01
21805s difference between fpx and ewg Now fpx
21808s does not have a Wu X1 ZD I get caught
21810s out here ewg all they need is one
21811s elimination to kind of beat out it's
21813s crazy1 difference between them and BBE
21815s so the moment they get kill it's over
21816s for BP man it's over and uh you know
21819s maybe if they catch a little bit more
21820s eliminations ug goes down too if fpx
21821s catches up because it only comes down
21823s towards a placement multiply or
21825s placement point of five and a kill for
21828s fpx as well to pass and over overtake BB
21833s so we kind of griefed we kind of kind of
21836s griefed the boy that's what I was saying
21838s right like playing it safe uh I mean
21840s look zero on the board you don't try to
21843s extend that that lead that you have uh
21846s from the bottom six or seven we should
21849s say um and it just doesn't work out for
21852s them right I mean like you said even FX
21854s GQ can knock him out uh can even knock
21856s out ug so potentially ewg and fxq can
21859s make it to the top six and UG and BBE
21861s cannot yeah and it all comes down
21864s towards a Viper which and has
21865s assassinating the zons if they comp
21867s combat against one another now X1 has
21868s the benefit of Kumi in his end game
21870s Circle so the heal off is definitely
21872s going to work in their favor against
21873s other zons it's just really towards
21874s mitigating against the the aspect of
21877s having to fight up against the CC
21879s control now Fenix plasp from Le away
21881s finding that repairo finding focus light
21883s finding a switch Dazzle having you know
21885s chances for the bar bolts uh but we're
21887s going to see XI with the explosive armor
21888s picking up himself a desperation and
21890s having Juggernaut Overlord now for
21892s cookie having armor Pierce having slow
21896s shot Sunwing shot I saw 330 pop off with
21899s that with that slow shot you know with
21901s everything in mind and if he can proc
21904s that Jugger now that' be crazy but I
21905s don't think we're going to see that
21906s Tempest kick for sansi though having a
21908s sap Jade as well and a thunder call so
21910s he's the only one that has the specialy
21911s Jade selections here for them looking to
21913s see whether or not he can go for those
21914s pot shots if he decides to go through it
21916s regardless though this is you know this
21918s is going to be a jade game if it comes
21920s down towards it I mean listen if a if a
21921s stun happens that armor Pierce will
21924s suffice just by itself if it's done were
21927s to happen for 5 seconds jab here for
21929s KiKi the backside XO y with a master
21932s Parry opener there for X1 though the
21935s backside xide is going to spawn with the
21936s F3 here with the Viper and yeah I mean
21939s fgq literally needs one kill I believe
21941s big juggles there from ewg now they are
21944s going to confirm their top six now BBE
21946s falls off of this they're out of the
21949s summer split and they are going to be
21951s taken down there to that Seventh Place
21952s spot now it's up to fpx zq to try to see
21956s if they can make it as well but it's
21957s going to be a contestant between fxq and
21959s ewg we do have ewg getting active right
21962s now against X1 jdg in the back end as
21965s well trying to stay up we do see them
21967s alive in the backside I think one player
21969s Falls though exai on the Vipers be able
21973s to weave that now Viper ultimate call in
21975s big Perry happening there from Kiki now
21977s Tes ultimate weave again there exi is
21979s going to be able to stay up as well it
21981s goes to F3 oh my God the universal slash
21983s there from wbg into the wamp Port there
21985s to stay alive cookie gets Enchanted but
21987s no value off of that and looks like wbg
21990s might be claiming the spirit well but
21991s fpsq wants to contest this now now V1
21993s for the Viper Sun's going to be set up
21995s for shop here and well now junx gets out
21997s just in time has V3 remember that kind
21999s of really working out that point
22001s threshold making sure they got a pass
22002s 64.9 if they want to make sure they come
22004s through here to make sure they can get
22005s those value of points but of course
22006s Sleepwalker kites around here V1 Wen
22008s Port comes out almost C out that almost
22011s gone and now it's going to be a back off
22013s situation fbx look try to swap out the
22014s armor if I'm not mistaken from one of
22016s the bodies he's healing it up passively
22017s but the spear wall Shield wall is now
22019s down this is going to be a gold set of
22021s year some kind of contest it so you're
22022s going to see ewg the XI dropping down
22024s here with the nice swap of the arm
22026s the HTS like we're watching solos but
22029s we're not we're watching trios we're
22030s looking for this nice out three for the
22031s conversion now Das R&B but the full
22033s comes out no stone form prox is not safe
22035s from the Fano comes out the F3 from that
22037s knock back might enforce a chance of
22039s risking for the biscuit we get caught by
22041s the R&B XY looks for the scare Rush he
22043s confirms it jump R&B might come out here
22044s for skywalks the F2 avoided XI still
22046s gets caught by X y- lmb and that's going
22048s to be the P Sword action com through but
22050s another assassination team comp showing
22052s up to the mix up and that W Port might
22054s be necessary for fpx but it might be too
22056s late since he got eliminated in the
22057s process I love that from ewg just
22060s letting go of the spirit well and
22061s confirming more eliminations there to
22064s continue to take that lead on against
22066s fpq I mean they obviously don't know how
22068s close it is but I love them not trying
22070s to get in or not trying to get
22072s eliminated or griefed off of that spirit
22074s Spirit World spirit will capture uh and
22077s just often to stay up they do lose one
22079s member but I mean one kill for one kill
22081s is still better than no kills but now
22084s fpsq is getting called out here this
22086s time around by ewg as well into the
22089s musket shot as well and that's a
22090s two-piece right there not staying for
22092s the spirit well and they're confirming
22094s their top six so we have our six teams
22098s that are going to be making it here to
22100s the pre-finals drg jdg X1 wbg UG and
22107s ewg and like I said that was a beautiful
22110s player there from ewg just making sure
22112s they don't get eliminated off that
22113s Spirit
22114s wellers SL there to confirm that kill V1
22117s W port in the moon Bane cancels the
22120s ultimate nicely done from Steve Walker
22121s to actually confirm more chaste
22123s potential ewg Le goes down here didn't
22124s gets top of the Moon B blast this still
22126s going to be a chance for the top four
22127s but there's only one player left and he
22128s do a moon B and that's going to be it
22129s folks that's going to be wbg catching
22131s themselves an MVP taking the multiplier
22133s and with that five of the G's X1
22135s included that's going to be six teams
22137s confirmed for our finals I know we're
22139s going to see some upsets I know we're
22140s going to see some faces and I'm sorry
22141s for the Peaks to go through there we
22143s still got chances for them to climb out
22145s here right we still have to look towards
22147s and see them about the you know Mainland
22148s but for right now this is our top six
22151s top six pre finals
22154s confirmed and we're ending out here for
22157s the round six for trios to show up into
22160s pre-finals on Sunday I should say while
22161s the slash qualifiers comes to an
22164s it yeah I mean that was beautiful that
22168s was beautiful for them I mean make sh
22170s like okay it's fine like we'll give up
22171s the spirit we might die to it but we're
22173s are going to be taking out some bodies
22174s with us too on the way we're just going
22176s to go ahead and take that top six too so
22178s and I'll catch you guys on Sunday well
22181s we'll be there so watch I mean you know
22185s hey that's the GG's in the chat I mean
22187s that was super close though ASC was
22188s super close to be able to bring it back
22190s as well I thought they were going to do
22192s it I thought they were actually going to
22193s do it uh it would have been insane if we
22195s saw that run um but still beautiful
22198s showcasing so far tons of action uh like
22202s I expected crazy crazy W keys for our
22205s last and final games um every single
22207s time um for the pro league but hey there
22211s it is hey top six making it already big
22214s games today we saw some crazy plays I
22216s mean Z on top almost I mean almost Z on
22219s top always uh I mean what can we say
22223s that that comp is crazy um he's looking
22226s at you guys that way because it's not
22227s going to be like that for too long yeah
22229s yeah I don't want to think about
22231s it I don't want to think about it but we
22234s had to you know we have to keep this in
22236s mind right we're going into this into
22238s these you know top six teams to be
22239s selected we're going to look at the
22240s standings overall as well yep uh forcing
22242s out to see if we could potentially I
22244s mean you know when we come into the
22246s mainland qualifiers in the next after
22249s once we hit the finals at the Grand
22250s finals I'm curious in seeing what the
22252s changes are going to be coming through
22253s here but what we saw today is
22254s potentially a
22256s precedence for pre-finals but then once
22258s we hit Grand finals eight round
22260s selection for trios that's that's a
22262s whole different ball game a whole
22263s different selection ball game just
22265s because the rounds don't have any hero
22266s points available so you cannot just oh
22268s yeah I got a one point B you know hey
22270s I'm going to have to see about whether
22271s or not they're going to see some fairy
22272s shens in the mix and all this just like
22273s how we saw to round five or even to
22275s seeing about the combination of comps of
22277s Cannonball maybe potentially making it I
22280s say I say comeback but I'd rather say a
22283s potential a show showcase hottie kelen
22287s not even here they even they ain't even
22291s here bro they even show up they didn't
22294s have any crazy even with the you know
22297s with the vicinity of points to be earned
22298s out he just got they just got gutted you
22301s know it's like brute you know we're
22302s looking at the stab wounds coming up
22304s from the from 13 sides and you know
22306s there's 13 Reasons Why all right listen
22307s I'll stop we have a chance whoa whoa
22310s whoa we have a chance here for the
22312s potential for future comps to be made
22314s out new characters to kind of work into
22316s making their standpoints or even
22318s characters getting either buff getting
22319s changed getting reworked like we saw
22321s like we talked about with Justina she is
22323s anticipated to be reworked they don't
22325s know what not going to be in this season
22326s but they're still kind of working out to
22328s K St to see if it's going to end up
22329s being one of the debuts for the next
22331s season that's just potential for what's
22333s going to happen after J cup though
22334s because this season runs to J cup so
22336s we're going to see the chances if
22337s whether or not she makes an appearance
22339s of a whole new set of skills combination
22343s of skills like combining V1 or V2 or
22344s maybe even just removing V3 all together
22346s or making it something more unique I've
22349s always said V3 were to have range like
22351s if it was to deny range shots with the
22353s field ofice that would be
22356s baller I say the baller with a capital B
22359s Because if anything comes out from
22360s justtina and she has that immediate rage
22362s regen off of two seconds off a casting
22363s that and then having opportunity of rain
22365s shot damage and being safe it would be
22367s pretty cool to see that happening
22369s because like like I said it's an ice
22370s wall any projectiles go through it
22372s shouldn't it freeze the projectiles
22373s going through it I talked to this about
22374s Moxy about this a couple months ago I
22375s was like listen why why isn't V3 just SE
22377s like that but points 20.8 for wbg X1
22382s with a
22382s 16.5 ASC 12 points as well as jdg S one
22386s takes 11 points 10.5 for ewg fpx taking
22388s 7.5 6.5 for drg 5 to 5.5 1 point for
22392s ogbb with a point5 and zero for
22395s Te and uh coming out of this point right
22399s obviously this is where we're going to
22400s get standings coming through here in
22401s just a second for the middle six or
22402s bottom six to the top
22403s six for the remainder of the teams to
22406s make it through I'm kind of working out
22408s to seeing of you
22411s know
22413s listen if round into pre- finals leads
22417s us to have the top six make it here up
22420s against the you know the top six you
22422s know grandio teams and if they surpass
22425s the grandio teams what's that to say you
22427s know what's that to say ewg out here in
22430s the back you know in the back room just
22431s chilling out I like hey man you know we
22433s made it through we're chilling Thum up
22435s yeah peace sign peace sign all up day
22439s another day day but yeah standings
22442s overall here for the last chance
22443s qualifiers USS W with 33. three out of
22446s the loop 521 40 uh 48.6 out of the loop
22449s te with 53.6 ASC 55.3 fpq with 56.6 BBE
22455s with 57.3 and now the six teams making
22458s it to the pre-finals this weekend ewg
22461s 62.7 ug 64.9 wbg 79.7 X1 with 88.5 jdg
22468s 93.9 drg with
22472s 101.5 but yeah I mean top four wbg
22476s bouncing back there with a crazy game
22478s six 20.8 I mean they were like you know
22480s there wasn't even safe uh but just you
22483s know stamping it solidifying it right
22485s there saying you know let's make it and
22487s we did 79.7 there for wbg ewg with a
22490s crazy run as well uh close uh taking out
22494s BBE uh notifying fpq to going in as well
22499s so now got a quick little Replay for our
22502s last and final game of the day powered
22504s by Thunder robot Gamers United like
22507s final time here for today and this is
22508s going to be where we some those first
22509s eliminations given out towards FTX get
22511s JG as two knocked out here te taking the
22514s full swing here J look at this man
22515s triple Parry coming through here I
22516s thought it was a double Parry this man
22518s got a triple Parry he went for the full
22519s aggression with the ultimate the knock
22520s back man a pinball machine going crazy
22523s there it is going look for the gold
22524s Focus strikes looks for a Perry again
22527s knocks into the moon ban full sand out
22528s here and that's going to be 14 going
22529s down for the absolute matar to confirm
22531s it out and then into the replays coming
22533s out from as joh fting a per against coxy
22535s purple weapon on the ground looking for
22536s the pick up looking for the wind blast
22537s it comes out in the Z Ultimate later on
22539s confirm the kill for that ran Victory as
22541s carries are coming out left and right
22544s and this was the full congrad fight
22546s north of the you know Imperium Temple
22548s for everything in the Hall of Eternity
22550s this is where everyone came through and
22551s jangan still kept it going even into
22553s Arcadia up against Rosemary Omni
22555s directionals Omni attacks com through
22556s here xia win caught out slide into the
22558s lmbs gets still eliminated here and
22560s Sleep Walker keeps going through just
22562s goes for the for the proc here for the
22563s RBS catches the away of course having a
22566s chance I'm not sure what was going to be
22568s coming out here to be said but listen S
22571s Walker comes out here two fist in the
22573s air my man said wooo we got
22578s it not the
22580s l oh man there it is our last MVP of the
22585s day Jen from wbg his first MVP 11,000
22590s damage on the Tesla six eliminations
22592s 5.9k damage on the fan 4.7k on the staff
22595s 500 on the B uh had jabbing Star Fall
22598s points and splash sa uh two Stander
22600s attack James for himself on the Tesla
22602s beautiful showcasing here from wbg Jing
22606s and you know man I was just thinking
22608s about you know um how it was before
22611s right Ken hottie um in the
22613s BX um they were always like you know
22618s pretty much contesting all the uh all
22620s the zoms right so the zoms were just
22623s always being taken out
22625s uh off of the the keying ultimates alone
22628s we do have a question for everybody at
22629s home though we'll talk about it in just
22630s a second question for everybody at home
22632s last answer for Treasure guys make sure
22634s you guys are locked in our last question
22636s of the day how many scores did team wbg
22639s get in game six
22641s 10.5 uh B 12 C 16.5 D 20.8 and I mean we
22646s just looked over the standings right
22649s severia yeah we did yeah we did and I
22651s hope you guys are paying attention like
22652s I said YouTube chat you guys can't go in
22654s there you got to go into the chat here
22656s and uh you know people are people are
22658s saying even in YouTube chat it's crazy
22660s right even in YouTube chat it seems like
22661s the new hero will be releasing soon man
22664s let me tell you something you guys go on
22665s to Twitch chat you'll see it right now
22667s answer it correctly we'll get you guys
22669s twitch Whispers she's crazy but but she
22672s is crazy uh we will have to worry about
22675s that later in the meantime yeah I hope
22678s you guys had a good time going through
22679s here you know we have a chance of
22681s actually going through this question you
22682s no interview for today but you know
22683s let's go into retrospect as as
22685s as uh as it came down towards with
22688s creators
22690s right retrospect on the keelin
22692s retrospect on theti and having play you
22696s know coming out like and I I can sit
22698s back you know with this you know my
22699s hands you know you know going through
22701s like a old man in the rocking chair just
22702s like I remember the day back in my day
22705s back in my day I had a chance of losing
22708s a one through three they they never
22711s expected
22712s it no but yeah I mean what I was trying
22714s to say before uh the question was like
22716s you know so the Keelan comp was always
22718s you know came on top against the side
22720s comp I mean prior to the Keelan uh comp
22722s being in the game um the Z comp was I
22724s mean as we saw today um and how it was
22727s before which is always on top uh so the
22729s Keen cop pretty much shut that down a
22732s lot of the times being able to create
22733s the space with a keyin the full staggers
22735s over and over again and now with it out
22737s of the game it's crazy to see it just
22739s back like it just never left with and a
22741s little bit better with how Z is now with
22743s having that range on the F2 uh to get
22746s that uh Splash damage off the F2 burn it
22748s it's just you know it we just I feel
22751s like we just hit the reset button you
22752s know like you just went up hit the reset
22754s button and and like act like it never
22756s happened you know because I mean off of
22757s today we didn't even see Kean being
22760s played out once um but like you were
22763s mentioning you know we we might have the
22765s potential to see uh CB played out in the
22767s grand finals possibly uh with the eight
22769s games in Play which is you know a lot
22771s different um did get a little bit of
22773s taste of the Vaas uh in mix as well some
22776s success as well so that could also be
22778s another way but you know like you
22780s mentioned as well we do have um
22783s Cannonball that can come back so you
22785s know there's I feel like there's
22786s different comps that you know might
22788s showcase uh might be showcased instead
22790s of of ke G bringing back in the in the
22793s mix um you know for those eight games
22796s yeah and one of the biggest things
22797s coming out from the Cannonball right is
22799s the fact that it's funny we've seen the
22801s evolving sense of the meta where the new
22802s comps show up new character or rather
22804s characters to buffed out of their or
22806s changed out of their minds that created
22807s this hu new approach yeah and then once
22810s they get reverted old characters that
22812s had a stable kit that had a little bit a
22815s little tweak just like how we saw his
22817s eye right still has that pressure but
22818s then it expands upon that and then even
22821s then we can switch back over to
22822s Cannonball an immunity comp that comes
22824s out having the having the Wayan having
22826s the having the fairy Shen to work into
22828s place where fairy Shan got the rework
22830s where if you I didn't I'll be 100%
22833s transparent I did not know that fairy sh
22835s had a delay purification effect when she
22836s went to Canon mode I'll be 110% honest
22839s then they made it immediate so that
22841s means that then she can she can uh she
22843s can cleanse the burn that affects her
22844s from Z and that's on the Canon cool down
22846s timer that comes through on top of that
22849s having the way Shan to kind of mitigate
22851s through for having stuns to be worried
22853s about is another Factor but the fact
22854s that fairy Shen Beacon can also if frame
22856s through the St of Viper is something
22857s that is a key component that comes out
22859s just like how hot he was able to utilize
22861s his teleporter whenever she anyone is in
22862s the team of silence doesn't matter they
22864s can take the torter it's just the amount
22867s of Rage that kind of comes out here and
22868s H can only do so much when he's having
22870s himself and when he's at 40% rage bar ra
22874s out is crazy yeah I mean listen like 56
22877s 56 percentage points on a rage bar to be
22879s kept on going through was you know and
22881s then being able to build
22883s outrage that's where I was like I was
22885s like you know hottie versus you know
22886s hottie versus wuen was my first argument
22888s when it came down to back in March and
22890s then all of a sudden it came down to
22891s where you know it just you know hotti
22893s just became that St when it came to ke
22895s just because the disengagement for a
22897s character that's a Berserker type or
22899s upon losing that point can fully
22901s disengage without the cost of an issue
22903s and then he could drop down with a slash
22905s too so he can be really offensive with
22907s it I was kind of hoping to see if it was
22908s going to be a chance for him to swap out
22909s for wuen in the in the vi W test a comp
22912s pick but it happened better for him with
22914s Zing but taking out that point right
22917s fairen is something that might be
22919s showing up if there's more vipers to be
22920s Mak to assassination scene that type of
22923s momentum of just making sure the V1 does
22925s not have pressure that has has been
22927s going through it's a rotation it's a
22928s cycle it's like a loop you know we're in
22930s this we're seeing this back and forth
22931s and waya might be having his chances
22933s with a stun imity now it's a 4 second
22934s 5sec I think it's in terms of having
22936s that immunity guard for the V2 for Wayan
22938s so when you're looking at Wayan having
22940s his approach to be made the reason it
22942s wasn't really utilized as much is
22943s because there was so much more other
22944s opportunity for offensive forces of
22946s nature like Z to be actually burn out
22948s way on HP bar like water like it just
22950s goes down but maybe the potential in the
22953s future Le gets buffed and he's immune to
22956s burn or something like that you know
22958s things get a little bit more dicey as it
22959s comes out or maybe there's a character
22960s that flies around and starts healing you
22962s and starts negating that pressure so
22963s that way you listen listen
22967s yo I'm caught listen if that
22971s happens I'm I'm I'm hitting the
22973s suspenders down my on my
22976s Shir yeah
22978s that's I wasn't trying to say it again
22980s but you know yeah now like I'm kind of
22983s curious what they're going to be cooking
22984s with that cuz uh that looks insane yeah
22987s it does it looks insane but yeah uh
22989s we're going to have to wait and see uh
22991s know you you even mentioned the Justina
22993s getting a chang as well I feel like
22994s Justina is like I look at her like a
22996s like a Tara in the sense of how you
22998s balance her because um she's already
23000s super strong um for solos aspect right
23004s um she did she did get knocked out of
23006s the meta for the trios a lot um she was
23009s in heavily in The Meta back in the day
23011s but you know I look at her in that way
23013s kind of like a TKA where you you have to
23015s be careful how you balance her uh
23017s because just one change can completely
23019s make her super super aggressive and
23022s strong uh that could you know
23024s potentially break her so that's why you
23027s know even they mentioned that they're
23028s trying to be cautious of how they're
23029s balancing her um cuz you know it could
23032s be it could be a big big problem if if
23035s they don't work her rework her correctly
23038s uh but I still you know I mean Justina I
23039s know Justina has a lot of lot of
23042s favorites a lot of people love Justina
23044s so I would love to see her uh back in in
23046s another Trio comp um you know we're just
23049s going to have to wait and see how that
23050s happens but I don't think like you said
23052s I don't think we're going to be able to
23053s see it before Jacob because it you know
23056s the rework uh Jacob goes throughout
23059s season 14 so hopefully you know we we we
23062s get some information on that later down
23063s the line but still I mean wow it's crazy
23066s last chance qualifier done here for the
23068s trios yes it was solo so you know all
23070s that's left is just pre-finals into
23072s Grand finals for the summer split and
23074s then after that Mainland qualifiers into
23076s jup I mean everything is coming to a
23078s close pretty pretty soon I remember like
23080s biweekly one I was talking about yo we
23082s have we have bi-weekly one through four
23085s and then no like it's it's all happening
23087s now we're going to take a quick look at
23088s our standings our last time looking at
23091s the standings here for today's
23093s matches I mean is there a team that
23095s surprised you that didn't make it out of
23097s the bunch of very you that are more
23099s tapped in with the trio
23101s seems do I have any am I surprised by
23103s any of these guys making it through
23105s uh are you surprised that a team didn't
23107s make it through I mean I I I I put te
23111s down uh in terms of it just because they
23114s I because I had them like the thing is
23116s that they lost their core they cost
23117s their core player set right they lost
23118s all three they they restructured after
23122s after right lose and like even in this
23124s after spring ly went to X1 so it really
23127s really got swatched over for the
23129s rotation of that team for the roster but
23132s anything can happen if they have the
23133s right uh the right resources of you know
23136s understanding where it comes out for
23137s both the coaches to get the gamers on
23139s standby and setting up but our top our
23142s top 12 JL wolves GG Alliance k b drg jdg
23149s ewg UG wbg and X1 these are our top 12
23152s teams to make it through for finals for
23154s pre-finals first and then into Grand
23155s finals in the following two weeks that
23158s happens out towards this area coming
23159s going through he said what's up and I'm
23160s like yo what up and everything comes out
23162s here for for what we have in ter other
23164s the games because what happens next is
23168s you
23170s know you know I
23172s mean if anything happens you know coming
23175s out from the mainland qualifiers we'll
23176s see it happen there but I'm really I'm
23178s really curious in seeing about a te can
23180s get a restructured set um standpoint
23182s before that time into the mainland
23184s qualifiers otherwise yeah solos is going
23187s to show up here
23190s T225 everyone's looking out for that boy
23192s to catch through he got his by-weekly
23193s four win so he's able to kind of catch
23194s sure that that type of you know moment
23196s go through and making sure he can kind
23198s of capture that energy so that way he
23199s can finally win a season please can we
23202s just get some prayers in chat for the
23204s boys threee files is going to happen
23206s tomorrow this is where the proposed
23207s points has to be earned pedor midnight
23209s is always going to be the first round
23209s selection our first round for the map
23211s selection for the heroes or for the
23213s solos players and then Hollow Sunny
23214s midday that's the second round that's
23215s the third round Bor Ming do we're going
23217s back into daytime for Bor into that
23219s daytime but then we go into hos Dusk and
23222s then at night and that's for six round
23223s rotation little bit little bit little
23227s bit different little bit was you know
23228s energy coming through here we're going
23229s to have a chance for the players to kind
23231s of work into seeing what's going to
23232s happen next season because you got to
23233s also remember um I think in J cup as
23235s well maybe even the main Mainland
23237s qualifiers they they'll change the map
23239s rotation potentially uh they do that
23241s sometimes yeah so if we see that M
23243s rotation get changed out that switches
23246s things out especially if the phase
23248s rotations you since the phase rotations
23250s are in place and if you switch the map
23253s rotation we're back to the drawing board
23255s about who's going to be be first round
23257s first round selection if we see Viper
23258s contesta first round selection model
23260s pick that's just because you know it
23261s comes out but at the same time they are
23263s not the guys that's or like in terms of
23265s the face of what your opponent might
23266s think you're going to be coming out here
23268s uh in showcasing considering they know
23269s your phase count or they know what phase
23271s you might be in or you know
23272s understanding what your play style is
23274s that's just what it comes down to finals
23275s for
23276s solos Mike's been having a really weird
23278s season but then all of a sudden now he's
23280s you know he's still locked in for it and
23282s after that you know it's up to between
23284s them it's been K T225 up between spider
23288s up in between up and
23291s star star you know coming through here
23293s trying to be cool Under Pressure but it
23295s really comes down towards those guys
23297s kind of work off unfortunately we didn't
23298s see Exon qualify for finals for this
23301s season which just kind of feel feels
23303s bad yeah bro yeah breaking news uh so
23308s what for everything coming down here
23310s it's like having the staple picks that
23312s have been having a weird season but like
23314s Mike says and it's going to be it's
23315s going to be etched in stone chisel in
23318s rock just like the greek temple that CRA
23319s comes out of it is either sword or
23324s skills you know for skills for the
23325s characters yeah that's where the
23327s situation were at folks and that's where
23328s we're going to end off on we're going to
23329s have a chance between you guys to be
23331s witness tomorrow I think if I'm not
23333s mistaken Moxy and Duncan are casting
23334s pre-finals for tomorrow for solo so give
23337s him some good warm welcomes have a good
23338s rest of your day stay safe my name is
23340s sario alongside creatives we're going to
23342s see you guys later on take it easy and
23344s be
23346s [Music]
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23393s [Music]
23403s oh right
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23418s [Music]
23428s need
23429s [Music]
23441s w
23447s [Music]
23454s [Applause]
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23468s sh
23474s [Music]
23494s play
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23563s he
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