Transcript (by Youtube)

12s [Music]
30s ready
33s [Music]
46s [Music]
59s G
61s [Music]
64s care know
89s again
95s [Music]
108s [Music]
119s pain
127s [Music]
149s I
155s [Music]
177s [Music]
179s heart don't care if
209s I
228s [Music]
239s for
241s [Music]
269s for
283s [Music]
299s what
325s did you miss
328s me are you ready
331s let's
337s go patience
358s darling
369s [Music]
384s [Music]
477s [Music]
490s [Music]
548s [Music]
554s [Music]
571s [Music]
599s let
626s [Music]
651s [Music]
688s she
705s [Music]
724s [Music]
741s [Music]
763s [Music]
774s [Music]
778s you
786s [Music]
821s [Music]
977s spee spee
988s speee
1017s fore
1047s for
1065s welcome everybody to the nraa blade
1068s Point J cup 2023 CN qualifiers mindness
1072s creatives and today we have a special
1076s guest in the building the man himself
1079s Master demo is with us today and we
1081s going to have six games being played out
1084s once again for the mainland qualifiers
1086s in order to go to the J Cup World
1088s Championship at the end of the year and
1090s wow it's going to be an exciting time we
1092s did have our first set of six games
1094s being played out two nights ago uh we
1096s have our top six don't forget only top
1098s six will qualify for the J cup in the
1101s end of the year but
1103s Dio it's our first time talking it's
1106s it's going to be a it's going to be a
1107s very fun time I'm excited to have you
1109s here demo talk to me how do you how do
1111s you feel right now how you feeling yo
1113s dude I feel great I just got back
1115s overall and dude I'm really excited to
1117s cast with you I've always seen you cast
1118s and like I'm really excited man uh yeah
1120s Senor brackets uh bro Aqua going crazy
1123s man I'm excited to see what he's up to
1125s in like top three G Shaw you know can't
1128s wait to see man yeah I mean it's it is
1131s going to be an exciting time once again
1133s this is the last games pretty much
1136s before world so this is a big deal for a
1138s lot of these players you do want to be
1141s qualifi or you do want to qualify for
1143s the World Championship in the end of the
1144s year and a lot of these players who been
1146s playing in the pro league are dropping
1148s down on that bottom six uh in the
1150s leaderboard right now they have not been
1151s on the top six uh we're going to take a
1153s quick look at the leaderboards in just a
1155s second but everybody in the board is
1158s trying to fight for this last chance
1160s because you do want to have this in your
1162s belt being able to compete against
1164s everybody around the world JB qualifi or
1166s jaob is right around the corner uh the
1169s jup qualifiers is today for solos we
1171s have the jup qualifiers for trios
1173s tomorrow but needless to say today once
1176s again we have six games being played out
1179s I'm looking at this map number one here
1180s demo and I want to talk about this a
1182s little bit it is a Morris a night time
1184s coming in from M from that map number
1186s one uh we typically see the Aquas and
1188s the teas being played out uh when it's
1190s night time because due to those
1192s fireflies um do you think that's still
1194s going to happen today uh for for the
1196s games
1197s today uh well for AOS it's yeah it might
1200s be a possibility since fireflies you
1203s want to go crazy get your old pretty
1204s fast you want to go for the fast kills
1206s early kills and yeah that's what I
1208s Firefly is for but yeah uh honestly it
1211s is we're looking at China here they
1213s could we could still see some odd picks
1215s we'll
1219s see this is our lineup for today's games
1223s game number seven don't forget it's not
1224s number one because they did play out six
1226s games two nights ago Mor night time is
1229s going to be spawning for map number
1230s seven map number eight is going to be a
1231s sunny time hollo I'm expecting a zaping
1234s uh zaping game for that game for map
1237s number three we do have a moris all Dawn
1239s so we might come back to probably some Z
1241s games on there um but this very
1244s interesting to see now that tamok is
1246s being played out a lot in the metal
1248s right now for these games and I am a
1250s tmok lover demo I don't know about
1252s yourself but I'm very excited to see the
1254s tmog being played out here for the
1256s qualifying rounds what is your take on
1258s tmog
1260s I think toot is a really decent
1262s character after the you know Buffs he's
1264s been much better like yourf is much more
1266s usable but looking at the leaderboards
1269s uh see we got Wolves at the bottom of
1271s the line right now he got 13 points ewg
1275s AR know I've heard he's just a newcomer
1277s but I think he's like trying his his
1279s best to like get up boards te srail gun
1282s 13 points on the board B mzr did he just
1284s change name actually do you know this
1286s person see actually I'm not sure where
1290s I was told he I'm not 100% sure uh I was
1293s told he changed his name but I'm not
1295s 100% sure I think he has been in the
1297s league
1299s though so top of the top drg akumas 32.4
1304s x outstanding performance there from
1305s Akuma from day number one staying on top
1309s coming into these games OG's Pand man
1311s with 28.9 coming in second place for
1313s third place we got GG Shaw 28.5 K T225
1317s 20.4 J to se 20.4 fpsq is genen
1321s 18.8 there for the man himself Jen but
1325s once again guys don't forget at home we
1326s do not have spider in the lobby we do
1328s not have Mike in the lobby and we do not
1330s have Juan Leong in the lobby three of
1333s those all three of those players have
1335s already qualified for the J cup and now
1339s it's it's up for grabs who's going to be
1341s able to take that six spot those top six
1343s for today don't forget everybody this is
1345s the last chance for these Mainland
1348s players to be able to qualify for the J
1350s cup it is a big deal once again these
1353s players have been pretty much playing
1355s for this moment a lot of these players
1357s do want to make it to that J cup qualifi
1359s or J Cup Championship at the end of the
1361s year I know a lot of the players from
1362s all out from all out of the regions are
1365s super excited to go to the mainland and
1367s be able to compete and I mean it's going
1369s to be at land and every single player is
1371s going to be at the same ping everybody's
1374s going to be on the same setups
1375s everybody's be in the same atmosphere
1377s and it's going to be a very fun time and
1379s it's a very exciting time for nraa blade
1381s Point demo uh I know you have the
1384s experience let's talk about this you you
1386s do have the experience playing on this
1388s big stage you want to talk talk about us
1389s a little bit of how it feels playing um
1392s in the big stage uh like the pro
1395s league uh well see that's true a few
1398s months ago yeah I did compete in the NV
1399s PLC and and it's really rough and as a
1402s newcomer confidence is really key
1404s there's a lot of things you won't know
1406s you're going to be in a new environment
1407s adapting will be key but these players
1410s man they're they're crazy the moment you
1412s step in in the in the spotlight with
1414s these guys they have like everything
1417s they all they know everything man it's
1419s it's crazy yeah uh that is one thing I
1423s did I do notice a lot uh with a lot of
1425s players coming into the pro league it's
1427s that that uh the adapt the adaption of
1430s how fast can they adapt to these players
1432s because um like you mentioned these
1434s players are really really good obviously
1436s these players are pro players
1439s um so there's it's a whole different
1441s game uh coming in from just pugging in
1443s the in the game at home and you sitting
1445s here at land against these players who
1448s pretty much have had this experience uh
1450s for a lot longer than well obviously a
1452s lot longer than a new player coming on
1454s in um it is a lot to be uh to be
1456s considered uh uh a lot of people don't
1458s understand I mean playing the land and
1460s stuff like this does have the Jitters
1462s does have the land Jitters and that is
1464s something I always think about
1465s especially for the J Cup this year uh
1468s I'm very interesting to see uh which
1470s which teams and which players for the
1472s solos are are going to be able to
1474s overcome that those Jitters because it
1476s is a whole different uh environment for
1479s all these players coming on in who are
1481s not used to this land environment these
1482s proleague players have the league they
1484s have they play pretty much every week
1487s when there is a season for the summer
1489s split for the spring split and that
1491s really adds up and that gives you that
1493s confidence and that gives you that
1494s experience and I think it's a very big
1496s deal that a lot of people don't think of
1498s of um but yeah for sure I do see the
1500s adaption being a problem for a lot of
1502s players and like you said these players
1504s have that experience and it it gets it
1507s gets very very rough but oh man I know
1510s it was it was a blast I know when you
1512s over there being able to play against
1514s all these players I mean we've been
1515s watching these players since day one of
1517s the pro league and I I know for sure for
1519s you it was it was something surreal if I
1521s can
1522s imagine let's see it's huge question for
1525s you man yes sir who's your guy who's
1527s your guy
1528s who's my go guy for this who's your
1530s goats man who's your goats for today or
1532s just in general just for today who do
1534s you think is going to be the goat for
1536s just a guest just a guess just a guess
1540s um I'mma hold it down because I'm a firm
1543s believer that believer that T225 is very
1547s strong players and he has what it takes
1549s to win pro league uh pro league finals
1552s and championships but he just gets super
1555s unlucky I'm going to hold it down for
1556s T225 all the way towards the end of the
1559s year I'm going hold it down for T225 um
1561s I think he's a very very strong player
1563s um he is he struggles a little bit uh in
1567s between his games he does get picked out
1569s sometimes very early and it hurts him a
1571s lot and being able to catch that
1573s momentum U that he gets is kind of rough
1577s for him but game ones and twos are
1580s usually very very good gains for him um
1584s sometimes he falls early depending on
1585s the environment you know naraka has so
1587s many aspects to it um from the
1590s environment to the hero picks it comes
1592s all down to all those micro adjustments
1594s with a lot of things on the on the board
1596s for a lot of these players but I'm going
1598s hold it down for T225 for sure yeah T25
1601s is a crazy player and honestly I fought
1604s him a lot in the China server he has
1606s that play out where he has the absolute
1607s confidence of the 1 V one he's one of
1609s the best players in my opinion
1611s mechanically in 1 V one he has the reads
1613s he has the aim he has like mostly
1615s everything man but I understand what uh
1617s what you say like sometimes you know we
1620s we we players as well as Pro players we
1622s do sometimes like forget that we're
1624s overheating and like maybe that's the
1625s cause the reasons why like you see some
1628s early early fights getting caused right
1630s it's understandable sometimes you feel
1632s yourself way too much and you just
1634s explode but T225 is an explosive player
1636s and I I believe in him man I think he
1638s can explode on these games I think I
1641s mean obviously Akuma right now drg's
1643s Akuma in first place moving into this
1645s game number seven man Akuma is a player
1649s you really want to keep your eyes on
1651s when you're in the server Akuma I always
1654s talk about his third parties his third
1656s parties are always perfectly timed for
1659s some reason and he gets out for free
1662s Akuma always with those plays I mean day
1665s number one for the mainland qualifiers
1667s we saw we saw him come on in with a
1669s toote wh a player that was getting
1671s lunched off of the followup staff R&B he
1674s just whis the player in the air whoa
1677s look at that
1678s on the board right now it's expected
1681s it's expected it's expected I I I did
1683s forget that the fairies are being yeah
1684s being played out do you want to go I
1686s mean there's pretty much not much much
1688s more to be going over here with this
1690s lobby but every player in the server
1692s will be playing Faria and it looks like
1695s everybody is on that F1 B3 and it is I
1700s mean
1701s faia she kind of after she came out she
1704s was obviously very strong uh she was
1706s starting to get pushed up a little bit
1708s out of the meta for these pro league
1710s players uh but a couple couple weeks ago
1714s uh she has been back into the meta
1716s staple that means she is just an overall
1718s very good character especially in Yang
1721s if you guys ever get in Yang with a
1722s Faria you know it's pretty much a stall
1725s out or you're you're being you're being
1727s eliminated by that old uh the V3 it's a
1730s super strong tool I have um with the
1732s knockback the F1 being being able to get
1735s out once you get caught being able to
1736s use it under attack but we do have our
1739s drops for game number seven a lot of
1742s these players are going to be landing on
1744s the left hand side of Celestia we do
1746s have one player landing on top one uh we
1749s got two players Landing right below
1750s Sunwing and I think we have a player or
1753s two Kai Bal might be is up there as well
1755s landing near Temple but it looks like
1758s there are these congested zones that a
1760s lot of these players will be dropping at
1762s but it looks like the main attraction
1764s will be on the left hand side of
1765s Celestia we see T225 as well post set up
1768s for that third party four players on the
1770s bottom hand side of T225 as well so it's
1773s going to be very interesting to see game
1776s number seven is on the way but yeah you
1779s asked me who's my goat who is your goat
1781s for today demo I won't lie with you man
1785s Akuma has been going crazy Akuma okay
1788s bro he's been entitled I mean he's said
1791s himself before he's one of the best
1793s movement players in the game and the
1795s fact that you're able to have this type
1797s of movement and in this in this top of
1799s the level yo arono just low HP right now
1802s he's getting hounded down five your
1806s Goatman there it is tt25 on the chase
1809s against arano it's the first time I be
1811s able to cast arano so we have to wait
1813s and see how he responds to T225 T225
1817s looks like he is going to continue to
1819s get aggressive onto orano orano trying
1820s to back up trying to use everything he
1822s can to try to not get picked out here by
1824s T225 he runs back into the money Zone
1827s he's going to clink off the blue from
1828s that common hirs blue staff in hand for
1830s T225 has not been able to catch that
1832s prow yet to try to pick up the
1834s elimination AR with very nice smooth
1836s movement right now with those dual H
1838s Birds we do know that lmb charge off the
1840s Dual H how birds give you that extra
1841s movement when you run out of that Stam
1843s he is going to be forced to pop that F
1845s arano still on the Run looks like Sr gun
1848s as well in the back end might be might
1850s hear any of this coming in RB proud
1852s there for T225 he's going to cancel 2
1854s three nice SC there from orano he is
1856s going to be able to get a little armor
1858s swap he does get a blue armor swap he
1860s does lose two two blocks of it as well
1861s with one and a half T225 still being
1864s very aggressive right now has not been
1866s able to catch Oro orano now this is a
1868s very notorious zone for a lot of these
1870s players we do know that they do like
1872s using this building for movement Pace
1874s drops very low fpx Jen trying to pick up
1877s the elimination with the ball hel be
1878s release ex with the soul break as well
1880s and the dagger is going to pick up the
1881s Elation there for action and pace is
1883s going to fall what a series an advance
1885s shrug gun now in the mix action still
1888s now getting hunted down releases that
1889s lmb release from the dagger is going to
1891s pick up the damage srl gun is going to
1893s back up for the time being gets a common
1894s armor swap it looks like fpq is J now in
1896s the mix 1 2 three connects there for
1899s that's going to be a lot of damage and
1900s now ex might be a big trouble overhaul
1902s do pick up the damage there onto he is
1904s going to try to get an elimination here
1906s but s now applying the pressure on to
1907s extion CR be RB off the dagger be3
1910s beacons for both players that's going to
1911s be a lot of damage from surun now ex
1914s does have the F to avoid the damage
1915s coming on in chin now trying to get
1917s aggressive once again swun does not man
1919s to get that the elimination there the CL
1921s comes in the after from swun to ex and
1923s ex is going to fall now Jen with the RP
1925s release clicks off of it in the follow
1927s up R&B he does not get inside the mech
1929s and J there what a two piece what a
1931s beautiful showing there that's a one
1933s piece I do apologize to one piece and
1934s that is going to jump him up there to
1936s the sixth place for the game number
1938s seven that's huge for J Man like
1941s cleaning up those kills getting that one
1943s kill getting all those food in that like
1945s cha bro that's going to be a good early
1947s game for now we see sha here heading to
1949s AKA AKA looking for fights here I think
1952s these players are just looking for third
1953s parties you do not want to get this
1956s early game fights and getting third
1958s party knowing that there's a lot of
1959s players on suring areas B mzr caught in
1963s the bad position with one HP here gets a
1965s focus tack
1967s out drops the ult does he get the reset
1969s here he is stuck in the house C that's
1971s not good he's going to get spamed here
1974s this is super unfortunate people are
1975s just going to wait for his ult to come
1977s out and knowing these players really
1979s smart players they're just going to wait
1980s this out man mzr has to do something he
1983s has to get out he has to get a reset
1985s gets hit by the double charge I think he
1987s dies here gets thired by Chang huge tail
1991s Rush seals the GU from Shaw now Shaw is
1993s in the losing side here and CH Zang
1996s seems like he's going to clean this up
1998s man sh get to reset though with an ult
2002s gets a huge first shot there he has to
2005s take a huge e here he is try to equalize
2008s choosing is broken armor but sha doesn't
2011s have that ult the moment he comes out of
2012s this Mech he will get third parted by
2015s Aro ewg looking from the back of the
2018s tree there it's not good for sh he has
2021s to take reset maybe like force to fight
2023s force and ult here but he is full HP and
2026s it is fair see it's and we were talking
2029s about earlier first few matches you want
2031s to get these uh late game late game
2034s points because people will be playing
2036s for that late game first few games and
2038s is one of the best late game characters
2040s and the best characters to survive with
2042s that ult and with that insane f for
2045s reset yes yeah sha gets to live here see
2048s it's I mean reset nobody wants to commit
2050s nobody wants to waste resources but
2052s Chang back on the H again see
2054s it I see Shaw always Praises I always
2058s praise Shaw's mechanical skills he is
2060s insane uh when he comes down to the
2062s mechanical skills in Ira GG Shaw now
2064s trying to get active catches the El from
2066s the nun that's going to be
2068s shot back the toaw he man to go the as
2073s with the third looks like is going to be
2076s forced to try to back up he drops very
2077s low pistol shot still flying on in there
2079s from Morano GG Shaw back to full health
2081s as well B now out for GG Shaw and look
2083s at the damage to play there from the
2085s ranges Ching might be in big trouble
2087s this is his last jetpack there from the
2089s Faria now the chase is on for Ganon
2092s chazen now is going to use the notorious
2094s building once again already kiing
2095s towards that building to continue his
2097s movement here for game number seven GG
2099s sha though on the hunt does not managed
2102s to catch up so far Ronald very close up
2104s there to chazen it's going to be two
2106s warriors on chaz's back trying to tie
2108s all the way into celesa this is the best
2110s bet that he has to try to lose him in
2112s these buildings in celesa we all know
2114s that these players love moving on into
2116s Celestia as well scarb Clips him off of
2118s that he is going to be able to get more
2120s distance between both of these players
2121s but looks like we have another player
2123s showing up to the mix it be F fpx zq gen
2126s in the back end as well want to start a
2128s fight there with aono but we got action
2130s against wolves as is Kai B that's going
2132s to be massive spam there from the hows
2133s and released as well and action is going
2136s to pick up the elimination on to Kai Bal
2138s and Kai Bal with a slow start once again
2140s here for game number seven loses his uh
2143s loses his his life there but does still
2146s has a resurrection action once again
2149s still looking try to get active we got
2151s T225 and Panda man in the back end we do
2153s have our first Roman Yang already
2156s forming up and a lot of these players
2157s already posted up posted up in that
2159s bottom left hand side rayang looks like
2162s we're going to have to wait and see who
2163s has the fastest spam for this realm
2166s Akuma on the safe side on the top side
2168s and Akuma is playing this playing this
2170s very very perfectly here he already is
2172s in first place he wants to play for the
2174s end game like demo just stated he can
2176s pick up those eliminations at the end
2178s especially in the Faria game it's all in
2181s my opinion R not really RNG but it it's
2184s it's very tough especially when a Lobby
2186s full of 12 Fair is uh it's just all
2189s after all after all it's just you got to
2191s make sure you keep that all uh and not
2193s be not being forced to pop it that's
2195s going to be a big from action there from
2196s s gun he's going to pick up a lot of
2197s damage as well lmb release catches there
2200s cancels it into the lmb uppercut to the
2202s standard grapple one the that's going to
2204s be a lot of damage Shug gets caught off
2206s the Jump L andb he does manage to get
2207s inside the F mag but action still
2208s applying the pressure Koop stop out to
2210s action action now still trying to get
2212s active laying down with some pistol
2213s shots Shug very weak throws down the v
2215s through Beacon now jumps on in and now
2217s the battle of the fa looks like the jet
2219s is going to be called in there for S gun
2222s and S gun still eating up a lot of
2224s damage the BR is ticking and there it is
2226s the damage comes into play and action
2228s winning the first R of game number
2231s seven that was she the way Zin played
2234s that the way he just you know wasted all
2237s his resources first that was insane
2239s neutral by Zin now he gets a huge real
2242s here gets all the loot gets gold and
2244s stuff gets all the all the Buffs now
2246s he's going to hunt bro
2247s let's see who he finds here he's going
2249s to hit the Bell here he's going to check
2251s around who's who's around Pand man's
2253s quite near might see Pand man
2256s here he wants to buy some some loots
2260s will he see pandam man surely spots Pand
2263s man here no they don't yeah they don't
2267s want to fight each other you know why
2268s see it because they both have the red
2270s buff they want to eliminate people who
2272s doesn't have the buff get a player like
2275s you know wh all the players out early
2276s game yeah
2277s for sure
2279s um trying to pick up those elimination I
2281s mean you know that especially you fight
2282s near a soul alter uh like how it was in
2285s that situation he could just run it back
2288s if you burst your o your ult there and
2291s uh you get a ram back by somebody with
2293s with buff I mean it's it's very tough uh
2296s especially in the situation like you
2297s stated they both both of those players
2299s do have the buff uh we typically do see
2301s them not wanting to fight the other
2303s players with Buff when it comes down to
2304s vermil birds might Mystic might uh but
2307s yeah uh for sure that is a that is a
2308s smart play they're not engaging he did
2310s see the aura there so he did not want to
2311s engage the scrap off there for the
2313s Vermilion Birds might player uh swug gun
2317s today with one elimination already
2319s starting very good for game number seven
2321s FX DQ's gen with two but action the
2324s runner upper for game number seven three
2326s eliminations on under his belt it's
2328s going to be a massive game here if he
2329s can keep up the pace that he's been
2331s playing so far but yeah I was thinking I
2334s was thinking about what you were saying
2335s about the fairs in end game and I mean
2338s if you guys are not aware nraa did get
2341s some major changes with the Jade set up
2344s in this last patch and some players uh
2346s some Heroes as well got uh got buffed as
2349s well and a and a hero that I'm very
2352s keeping my eye on it's going to be Yodo
2353s moving on into the to the jcup because
2356s Yodo now gets a buff uh when there's a
2359s lot of players around here so I mean
2360s these ingame circles and endg games
2362s ingame games like the pro league where
2364s there's 8 to 10 people alive that's
2367s going to be a big par from T225 on to
2368s shrug gun now with another massive Parry
2371s T225 he going to S shrug gun flying now
2374s lb PR for St gun click comes in v3's
2376s called in for both players there going
2377s to be released that for T225 that's
2379s going to be a purple nun chicks in hand
2380s for T225 he jumps to fifth place
2383s currently here for game number seven it
2384s was beautifully played out from T225 two
2387s backto back pares showing up that he has
2389s those reaction pares and we see here
2392s today yeah it's very very massive for
2393s him he's smiling and that's what we need
2395s there from T225 having that confidence
2397s having that having fun cuz that's all
2399s pretty much all it comes down to having
2401s fun being able to frag out but look at
2404s the M look at the insanity happening
2406s right here in Celestia demo they're
2408s having a fist here jdq Zen caught in a
2411s bad position forc to use Z does he get
2414s hounded here though it is oh he gets hit
2416s by huge Focus off by pandan AK goes in
2418s for the third party pan gets broken
2422s armor here but he he surely gets a
2423s restart it it is cestra people can't
2425s hand on people if you play correctly he
2427s was in a good spot to third party now
2429s he's he's safe he's being chilling now
2432s but yeah Zen on this round bro having
2434s three kills and 22 points this is going
2436s to be a massive game for him man he can
2438s easily get at least 10 points here and
2440s he can easily get get on those top three
2442s he's been playing surreal this match but
2445s AKA though on the other hand he doesn't
2446s have to go for crazy plays here right
2449s and we see here in the replay Pan versus
2451s 2225 gets a huge blue Focus attack on
2454s 225 does he get a comeback here though
2457s both use
2459s old pman uses F though has to his old
2462s get it to all both just like wasting
2465s resources here T5 looking bad here
2467s though with a low HP low
2469s Mac get it twice three times is that GG
2474s get
2475s DX no way he wins this yeah that's
2478s unfortunate he just gets uh a bit uh D
2481s there with a
2482s neutral pandaman though how how has been
2485s pandaman B yet what do you think of
2487s panda man bro Panda man pandaan had a he
2491s had an insane week in pro league he went
2494s into the finals being that first place
2496s seed um I think it was cuz a lot of
2499s players were playing Tara as well um for
2502s the for that week so you know Panda man
2505s the man himself that's Tara himself been
2508s playing tar for so long he's been
2509s sticking with that hero even through the
2511s Nerfs and Buffs I mean Pand man's always
2514s stick by that hero but look at Insanity
2516s right now GG getting clipped off there
2518s Akuma on The Chase and this is what I'm
2519s talking about Akuma coming in at the
2521s right time it looks like we got four
2522s players chasing GG Shaw that's going to
2524s be a lot of damage that's going to be
2526s after elimination no no it's going to be
2527s Akuma with a final Nuna kit there onto
2530s GG Shaw and GG Shaw is going to fall
2532s he's going to go ahead and play around
2533s the the trobe to try to pick up anything
2536s that he can any resources from this body
2539s Akuma did his job picked up one
2541s elimination with that blue dagger in
2543s hand the staple weapon there for Akuma
2545s always see him run the dagger he has not
2548s changed that up I probably don't the
2550s only thing that I think would change him
2552s is the fan once the fan comes out the
2553s pro league he's definitely might I mean
2556s most most for sure he's probably gonna
2559s play The Fan because it plays out just
2560s like dagger um so that's probably like
2562s the only weapon that would change uh
2564s from Akuma there we did see him try to
2566s go for the I think it was halbert's
2568s Katana swap uh for day one so he is
2572s testing Waters with other weapons but
2574s Akuma notoriously known there for the
2576s dagger
2577s 100% he has been playing a dagger since
2580s the earliest of seasons and he honestly
2582s man it's not it's not like tough to say
2585s that he might be the best dagger player
2587s cuz the amount of experience he has from
2590s that dagger playing since the early
2591s Seasons he's been he's been grinding
2594s that weapon man and it's one of the best
2596s weapons or the best weapon arguably in
2598s game but what do you think of dagger I
2601s think it's very strong I think it's very
2602s very strong I think the only weapon that
2605s just tops it just a little bit is it's
2608s the staff um the staff is really good
2611s but dagger I mean they're both up there
2614s there it's like if it's any difference
2616s it's like by like two 3% it's not of a
2618s big difference both of those weapons I
2620s mean we see it every day in the pro
2622s league uh these players playing out both
2624s of those weapons the staff being able to
2626s swap there from uh to a great sword a p
2629s sword or even the the SSB which is the
2632s the tech where you go up with the
2634s uppercut and go straight into the R&B
2635s release off off of the uppercut we saw a
2638s time that a lot of these pro league
2640s players were playing that when I saw
2642s that I had to go in and lab in it took
2643s me I'm not going to lie that was
2645s probably the the hardest combo I had to
2647s learned to do because it's a specific
2649s way that you have to do it and it's all
2651s it's all ping Reliant for that combo but
2655s uh just the postur great swop having
2656s that for the staff I mean it's it's just
2658s so much damage coming in from that but
2660s the dagger the mixups the the mind games
2662s that you can do with a dagger is just
2664s it's just insane especially like you
2665s mentioned a has all those mind games in
2669s Play when it comes to the dagger and I
2670s do believe he is the best dagger player
2672s in the pro league U just with like once
2675s again like you mentioned the experience
2677s that he has with that weapon and uh just
2679s the mixups once again I mean you can
2681s fake out uh the blues into a Crouch and
2684s bees I mean it's just so much that you
2685s can do with a dagger if you guys really
2687s pay attention uh the dagger is very very
2690s in depth weapon that it takes a lot of
2692s skill to get used to and being able to
2695s to confuse your player your opponent to
2697s try to get that elimination is it's a
2700s very it's it's a very trais trisic thing
2704s to to understand but the dagger yeah the
2708s dagger is just it's just overall a
2710s really good weapon like you said the
2712s movement on it is just insane those fast
2714s scale rushes uh we we see a lot of these
2717s players run the dagger in the back
2718s pocket just for that movement as well
2720s you see panaman there it is panaman with
2722s a blue dagger in the back pocket just in
2725s case he needs to get out at out of any
2727s situation he has that weapon to be able
2729s to to create space and be mobile with
2732s the T225 is getting aggressed on I
2735s believe there by exen Akuma in the back
2737s end as well Akuma see him there waiting
2740s a little bit he might start moving up
2742s little by little got the bounties and
2744s plays as well
2747s ex see ex he just got a free blue buff
2751s and a free react basically just now
2753s everybody was so scared of entering
2756s inside the realm because everybody just
2757s wants to play for late game but Zen
2759s having that confidence this game and we
2761s were talking about conference from T225
2764s this is one of one of the biggest keys
2766s from these games unlocking or getting
2768s that confidence in these games will make
2770s you play much more better having that
2773s confidence obviously and Zen just
2776s like having so much loot right now man
2778s he got two RS worth of Loot and he's
2781s looking super super good for this game
2783s if he manages to reach late game with
2785s all this he probably has like the golden
2786s trades some golden weapons if he manages
2788s to Le play game he could possibly just
2790s play it perfectly and gets a huge oh no
2795s dread
2796s whale what do you Dreadful whale
2800s Dreadful I think Dreadful is
2803s the yeah I'll probably give it to the
2806s the best Jade in the game uh
2809s Dreadful I
2811s mean it depends it depends Dreadful is
2814s very strong uh
2817s um Dreadful is very strong being able to
2820s stay mobile when you cancel the Dreadful
2822s uh and being able to catch a lot of
2824s opponents there with the hits as well I
2825s mean Dreadful it's just very strong I
2827s don't know about I don't know if I'll
2829s put it the best yet in the game but it's
2830s up there for sure um super annoying jads
2833s very very annoying we all done with this
2835s J the moment you get hit by even like
2837s one inch bro you just get caught by that
2840s like like insane it's so much damage
2843s it's so much damage so much damage and
2845s like it it takes so long for you to get
2847s out of that combo like I mean not combo
2849s but like that hits that continues hits
2851s man and like possibly while getting hit
2854s people can shoot you and trios and Duos
2856s man it's like a bust man and if you get
2858s stuck in that like that place it's just
2861s like a Death Wish bro but people are
2863s just equalizing right now man like you
2864s see how these guys play they all know
2867s that you know taking fights in this
2869s almost game scenario is it's just a bust
2872s they all want to play for late game all
2873s they all just want to see what happens
2875s they all just waiting for for someone to
2876s make a mistake and yeah things are
2878s really slow right now and this top of
2881s Elo top level gamep play people just
2883s know whoever starts the fight just get a
2887s 100% we I mean even right now the
2889s blessing just spawn whoever jumps in the
2891s middle I mean we see shot already flying
2893s in from from the back end it's going to
2895s be but no it's going to be P from the
2898s back how do see the man end a man with a
2901s massive pistol shot there to pick up the
2902s elimination on to action he's going to
2904s fall now the bless is up and there it is
2906s all these R shots F on in J laying down
2909s some hits there onto T25 as well with
2912s the B mzr trying to pick up some
2914s resources there from the blessing Akuma
2916s looks like mzr is going to pick up the
2918s gold armor Akuma now going to call out
2921s that Dreadful well just to try to create
2923s some space is going to try to pop a
2924s Italia hit there from Moran with the
2926s gold pole sword like kakuma now going to
2929s be forced to try to disengage for the
2931s time being a lot of these a lot of these
2932s players are on the edge of the Zone it's
2935s going to be a massive
2936s that was a massive hit there from can we
2938s can we have a small moment of condolence
2941s what just happened on Z there man he had
2944s everything he won he had two real of BS
2948s just to get eliminated just like that
2950s dude everybody just marking him
2953s everybody just knowing having that game
2954s sense guys you guys ever see that in wck
2957s you'll never see that in W having that
2959s perfect Perfect combo with everyone in
2962s the everyone knowing he having him
2964s caught in a bad position getting broken
2967s armor immediately having everyone just
2969s shoot him down that's crazy man that's
2971s super
2973s unfortunate in the in the pro league is
2976s it's crazy it's insane I the more you
2978s see you never get I could never get used
2980s to the the amount of like like high
2983s level gameplay these people offer us is
2985s crazy man yeah so much to learn man it
2989s is and that's the thing that's the
2991s beauty about nraa I mean there's always
2993s something you have to learn I I remember
2995s uh um when when I first started playing
2998s I mean every single day there was a new
3000s tech coming out you know like like I'll
3003s say I'll say new
3004s but you know the mainland has always
3007s been the top um just figuring stuff out
3011s for the game um it did take uh I speak
3014s for the North American region it it did
3016s take a little longer for us to um to
3019s figure stuff out a lot of the
3021s information uh we had to translate and
3023s stuff like that it was very hard to get
3025s information for the game now it's a it's
3027s a lot more easier to figure stuff out
3029s than it was before but I mean the
3031s mainland's always been you know the
3033s runner uppers uh knowing everything
3035s playing the game properly I mean we see
3037s it like uh like demo stated the the
3039s target selection in pro league is it's
3042s always Immaculate it's always clean
3044s they're always going for that lowest
3046s player they're always Vibe checking they
3048s always know who's the one getting
3050s aggressed on I mean right there it was
3051s just super unfortunate oh man super
3054s unfortunate there for action
3056s do have
3058s Aran still alive top seven Aran with
3063s zero eliminations currently mzr as well
3065s still alive Kai Bal still managed to
3068s stay up Panda man with three
3069s eliminations as well haven't really
3071s talked much about panda man I feel like
3072s I'm disrespecting the boy three
3074s eliminations just very massive going to
3076s this end game uh but how do you feel
3079s about the games where there's a it's a
3081s full faia do do you agree with it's more
3084s like I don't I want I don't want to call
3086s it RNG because there is strategy to it
3089s uh but it's a tossup for sure in my
3092s opinion what do you think about the full
3093s Faria in circles well in my opinion uh
3096s first and foremost I think RNG can argu
3100s be arguably be still your own skill
3103s because in these matches I do understand
3105s that RNG could be a huge Factor but
3107s these RNG factors can always be
3109s manipulated by these players to make it
3111s so that you have better RNG if that
3114s makes any sense but these players
3116s playing fa I do understand late game
3118s becomes a huge Festa where like
3120s everybody just spams the same old but I
3122s guess in those late games the people who
3125s could see that small the smallest
3127s advantage that you could ever take will
3129s most likely win those games and the the
3131s people with the best or better
3133s positioning made on those situations the
3135s people with higher HP the people who
3137s could position themselves in a way that
3139s they don't get hit as as much or like
3141s they don't get bested as much in those
3144s small circles have the best
3146s opportunities to take those games but
3148s although I do understand that you could
3149s just get randomly hit by anywhere but at
3152s at the same time in the end those RNG
3154s factors can be manipulated in the end
3158s and that's what that's what I would like
3159s to believe that's what I what I believe
3161s personally I I agree I agree because it
3164s it all comes down to positioning as well
3167s uh there's a lot of factors uh your
3169s weapon setup as well uh it's just those
3172s micro micro adjustments that you do in
3175s those final moments all that all that
3177s matters 100% um but like you mentioned
3180s the the old just being spammed the same
3182s old being spammed especially with a big
3185s Mech like this it's it's going to be
3187s rough to to to give a call that who
3189s might take this you know right now um
3191s right now that's true I guess one more
3194s thing is like uh it all starts in early
3196s game your early game and mid game
3197s matters a lot if you notice most people
3200s who win end game are people usually who
3202s has the golden armors or the best Jes in
3204s the game because if few cementing these
3206s early games getting those yangs will
3209s increase your chances of winning the
3211s game those early games will be your it's
3214s going to be your your end game man your
3217s early
3219s games like you see these players Aqua
3221s having having that insane Jade panan
3224s having that insane
3226s Jade these players will be looking for
3229s those uh huge opportunities end game but
3232s once that that closes you have all those
3234s you have all that space it those insane
3237s legendaries and once you hit get
3239s somebody off guard get somebody out of
3240s position that's all it takes one armor
3243s broke you're done you get hard focused
3246s by the entire Lobby seeing the top level
3248s gameplay of these players right
3251s it's wow I mean I see Jen and I'm
3255s staring at Jen right now because he has
3256s a gold p swur and he has blistering Edge
3258s and we know that that blistering Edge
3260s hurts especially when you charge it up
3263s uh in these last and final moments I
3265s mean he get sneak one in plus the burn
3266s tick I mean it's going to be a very nice
3268s weapon to have going into this end game
3271s it looks like the Zoomies are about to
3273s start coming in pretty Z soon called the
3275s Zoomies when everybody starts trying to
3277s get active once the circle starts
3278s getting smaller and smaller got Kai B
3281s already getting aggressed on he does
3283s lose one block of armor T225 does get
3286s the vibe check does see he is a little
3287s bit weaker Rano eats up a b shot there
3290s from T225 that was beautiful play there
3291s from T225 R drops very low we see him
3293s try to go up he does manage to get right
3295s below mzr looks like he is going to
3297s manage to scare Rush AR uh who was that
3300s that was someone in the back end down
3301s the cliff mzr from the cliff arono now
3304s trying to respond storm form gets clip
3307s off another bow shot there trying to
3309s Blues he's going to get clip off the
3310s dagger there from T225 Canon shot's
3312s flying on in AR now might be a big
3314s trouble he's going to continue to stay
3316s mobile here does manage to create some
3317s space does find a little safe but no
3319s it's going to be 2225 with a massive nut
3321s meter burn he is going to take out Rano
3323s we got auma this is what we're talking
3325s aboutum with that Dreadful well he's
3326s claiming all this bottom half side of
3328s the in circle right now he does have
3330s pretty much all of territory from the
3332s bottom hand side claiming it with that
3333s Dreadful well K Bal force on the right
3335s hand side two players forc on top of the
3337s Rocks there T25 still up Beacon he
3340s misses though Dreadful well K now with
3342s the F back to back from Akuma that's
3344s going to be a lot of damage clicks off
3345s of that SP back once again does not get
3348s the P of damage F called in Akuma now
3350s claiming a lot of the area of this in
3351s circle being a big nuisance to a lot of
3353s these players T225 now dro dring out
3355s that V3 Beacon F called in as well
3357s pandan playing The High Ground drops
3359s down that V3 Beacon got Chen already
3360s forming on up kyal as well kyal is going
3363s to about to deform pretty soon Jin as
3365s well in the all these coming into to
3367s play Okuma now in the me mzr the
3369s backside he does fall he does it's going
3372s to pick up elimination I believe but no
3374s still up we got Panda man in the Z mzr
3377s it's just a battle of the max TI to fall
3379s now some ballista shots Akuma though
3381s still responding 25 very weak MCR might
3384s fall he does and like Jen as well and
3387s it's going to be Akuma with the last he
3389s does pick it up there b and Akuma with a
3392s massive game number seven and he is
3394s going to stay on top here for game
3395s number seven and what a showing to start
3397s off the day CA did you see that man did
3400s you see what AKA just did the way he
3403s positioned himself the way he just used
3406s his legendary Jade for the dagger one
3408s mistake kyall cost his entire ultimate
3411s wasted his entire resources got him to
3413s low HP and if if you guys look closely
3416s if you guys watch closely how AKA placed
3418s himself into that center of the Zone
3420s over and over getting that High Ground
3422s watching the center of his Zone Min
3424s maxing the damage he took from The Zone
3427s was what was what won him the game that
3429s was insane Akuma having that precise
3433s movement precise positioning that was
3436s wait no no no no no no it was not Akuma
3438s it's j wait it's
3441s Jin with the win wait wait
3445s wait J have the most points
3448s man how many point oh we we going to
3451s have to we going to see in the replay we
3452s got to see the leader boards cuz that
3455s was a lot of that was a lot going on
3457s there in those last five moments of game
3458s number SE seven uh Panda man oh Panda
3462s man is not
3463s happy wait hold on Pand P going I feel
3468s like P has his villain Arc right now he
3470s is not happy about that game number
3472s seven we thought Akuma won he was the
3474s last standing he he did have three
3476s eliminations no I believe he had one
3477s elimination moving into that final
3479s moments of game number seven so we're
3481s going to have to wait and see how the
3482s overall standings look but
3486s wow I
3488s mean I mean see I would say in
3491s technicality he did win he in
3493s technicality he still has the most
3495s points he played superbly but Jin we
3497s can't take away from this man he got the
3499s most points um and I won't even lie I
3501s didn't even know what was going on but
3503s we'll probably see what he did there how
3506s many points he got he got he probably
3507s got enough kill points to over take
3510s whoever got the top two situation which
3512s is Panda man and
3514s uh and uh Akuma Akuma yeah I mean that
3520s was just it it was just an insane I mean
3522s insane game seven I mean it's expected
3524s with all everybody everybody in that
3526s server playing Faria uh I mean it's not
3529s new to us we we've seen these games
3531s being played out we see how hectic those
3533s Mech ad ditos are those last final
3536s moments especially when the Zone when
3537s you're in that me and you don't get any
3539s siphon back from that Old so you're
3541s always losing that HP the white HP uh
3544s standing inside the Zone uh you
3546s mentioned that Akuma perfectly time uh
3548s perfectly positioned himself every
3550s single time in the middle of the circle
3552s making sure he does not get pushed out
3554s make sure he does not get any of those
3556s ticks earlier than he he should and we
3559s see it there he was the last one
3560s standing uh but it looks like Jen took
3563s game number seven we're going to have to
3564s once again wait and see how the overall
3567s kills went but I mean it was just hectic
3569s there were so many things happening
3571s those in those last and final moments uh
3573s we do see a lot of the the action being
3575s played out already for game number seven
3577s uh I'm excited to see how holl Rado is
3579s going to go I mean we do have a
3580s sunnytime holl ro going in for game
3582s number eight uh what is your what is
3584s your Heroes prediction for for a
3585s sunnytime hollow Ro I'm predicting maybe
3587s a z pin
3589s game uh could be could be zipping game
3592s still the second game people are still a
3593s bit slowed down and we'll probably see
3596s more action third game but Jen got four
3599s kills man but look the same points as
3602s Akuma 5.
3604s wait what wait so I mean Akuma did win
3609s but Jinn won at the same time if that
3611s makes any sense they both won basically
3615s so Chen had four eliminations Akuma had
3618s two that gets nullified by Akuma taking
3621s first place with three ranking points
3624s and Jen getting out a little bit earlier
3626s he only received one ranking point there
3629s gain number seven but still both players
3632s with 5.8 for game number seven Panda man
3635s in third place with 5.4 not bad for
3638s panda man but he was not happy we saw
3641s his face and it's all business for panda
3643s man T225 in fourth place as well with
3647s the overall standings X here with a
3649s massive par on to kyal CR andb R&B
3652s followup looks like kyal just sits there
3655s oh no Kai B he probably thought he was
3657s eliminated T225 with two backto back
3659s pairs on to sell gun to be massive
3661s damage and be prop for and calls in the
3663s F charges up the V3 charges up the R&B
3666s Focus as well that's going to be enough
3668s damage this is what we were talking
3670s about look at all the range shots flying
3671s on this is oh my God that's just un
3675s that's just sad bro I'm not even going
3677s to lie that's painful Aqua
3681s here the positioner the way he position
3684s himself we were talking about this he
3686s nullified most of the Dome damage by
3688s staying in the middle although in the
3690s end here I won't lie yeah that was I
3693s don't even know what was that going on
3695s man it wasn't even P it was wolves and
3698s ala then there but
3703s yeah wow I see what Akuma did there now
3706s Akuma went up high exactly everybody
3709s else used their their jetpacks earlier
3712s uh but no it's going to be fpx ch's jet
3716s being our MVP of game number seven four
3719s eliminations 7.2k damage got 2.9k damage
3723s off skills and ultimates he did 1.4k off
3725s the musket 1.4k off the dual blades as
3727s well he was running razor Swift storm
3729s stri Sky Force blister and Edge Calvary
3732s Bloom and Phantom step Phantom
3735s step I think Phantom step is probably
3737s the most strongest Jade in the game I
3739s don't I don't know there there's so many
3741s Jays are good in One V one I would have
3744s to almost agree with I wouldn't say 100%
3747s but almost 100% to be honest it's just a
3750s menace for 1 V one honestly at this
3753s point honestly I just agree with you one
3754s V one fighting Phantom step not being
3757s able to hit your light attacks every
3759s single thing you put down your opponent
3761s and it just being a purple jade it's
3764s actually crazy it's a crazy Jade man and
3766s if you think about it the top level
3768s gameplay the moment you make one mistake
3771s one one miss is all it takes for you to
3773s get punished and that time stuff just
3775s like gives you everything man answer for
3778s Treasure C it let's take this one all
3781s righty answer for Treasure we got the
3784s question for well the first question for
3786s today who got the most kills in game
3788s number seven we did just see our
3790s leaderboards we have to wait and see who
3793s is the winner but the uh the answers
3795s will be a drg Akuma B FZ Q's gen C te
3801s sell gun or D J team's xtion with
3805s player had the most kills for game
3807s number seven make sure you guys type in
3809s the answers correctly in the chat for uh
3813s to be able to win a special treasure um
3816s one of the admins in the chat will be
3818s picking a winner so once again who got
3820s the most kills in game number seven a
3822s drg's Akuma B fpz Q's gen C te surun d
3827s uh J team's
3829s action wow game number demo we just
3833s started in game number seven was hot
3835s there in those in in those last and
3837s final moments of game number seven uh we
3839s still got five more games being played
3841s out we have a lot more action here for
3844s the night still have five more games
3846s once again for the main land qualifier J
3849s for the J Cup oh man I'm so excited demo
3852s I'm so excited for for the J cup I mean
3855s last year it was just it was insane to
3857s watch last year uh you did compete in uh
3861s last year's J cup as well um how was it
3864s like how was it like I know it was not
3866s land um but I mean I know it's it's it
3869s was an experience as well being able to
3871s play against everybody around the world
3873s plus the mainland as well oh it was
3875s crazy bro thanks for asking that I can
3877s actually share some of my experiences
3879s playing World Championships last year it
3882s was crazy man uh the difference we felt
3886s I'm not only saying I because I'm sure
3888s we all felt the difference when we
3890s fought Chinese Spain players they are in
3892s a different league and they have always
3894s been on the lead because of how many you
3897s know how much players they have and it's
3899s crazy man they have a lot of insane
3901s players as well but we can't take take
3904s out from our region we've been improving
3907s as well na EU and c and honestly I'm
3910s looking forward to see what we have and
3913s everybody's improved not only the
3914s Chinese man players so I'm looking
3917s forward to see I may not be able to be
3921s there myself but I'm wishing everybody
3924s good luck and I I believe Man na EU we
3928s we have what it takes and all the all
3930s the other
3931s regions yeah um I like that you mention
3934s every other region as well um I've seen
3938s a drastic improvement from a lot of
3940s players uh from from all the other
3943s regions uh we do have some players going
3945s back from last year and they fought
3948s against some uh they fought against the
3950s players but I mean if they're improving
3952s obviously the the the opp the opponent
3954s on as well are are improving as well so
3958s it it's going to be very interesting
3959s it's very interesting it's very exciting
3961s times I mean I think J cup is is is very
3964s amazing especially to watch I mean I
3967s could already tell that just being able
3969s to play in a scene like this is it's
3972s very stressful um there's a lot on the
3975s line for a lot of players but here we
3977s are with the mainline qualifiers once
3979s again game number seven just concluded
3980s we're going to take a look at our
3981s overall standings currently for game
3984s number seven and Counting jdh shing with
3988s 21.4 Balz mzr with
3991s 17.6 hlg's Pace with 16.6 wolves is is
3995s Kai Bal with 15.2 te shun on the bottom
3998s side J team's extion with 22.4 fpq genen
4002s with 24.6 K T225 with 25.8 GG Shaw with
4006s 29 ug's Pand man with 34.3 and drg zaka
4011s with
4013s 38.2 at the top six right now Akuma with
4017s 38 the bottom with
4019s 22 the points are starting to get more
4023s larger and larger uh but looking at our
4025s top four I mean T225 if he can get a pop
4029s off game and stay consistent 5.4 off a
4031s game is really good there for T225 I
4033s mean you cannot count anybody out the
4036s name of the game is staying consistent
4038s and being able to uh manage to have
4040s those pop off games I mean we've seen it
4042s time and time again uh these players
4044s stay consistence and with a massive one
4046s game to two game pop off game they just
4048s shoot up so high in the leaderboard and
4051s we see it every single time a lot of
4053s these players especially someone like
4055s spider and Mike they stay consistent
4058s they manag to pick points up every
4060s single game they had those massive 10 to
4063s 15 point games and that just shoots them
4065s up every single time and that's how they
4068s manag to stay on top but Jen our winner
4071s for game number seven looking locked in
4074s right right now I am predicting this a
4077s ping map here for uh for game number
4078s eight demo but we're going to have to
4080s wait and see that's true
4084s man I can't wait to see J brother he's
4087s been uh popping off honestly he's been
4090s uh quite gotten uh he's gotten better uh
4093s from the past years and personally I've
4095s been fighting him a lot uh a few months
4099s uh prior when I was practicing recently
4101s moving uh to fbx uh he's been been
4104s showing a lot of promise and one of the
4107s plays I also expect a lot actually for
4110s this uh jup he's been particularly
4114s owning me as well honestly I just want
4115s to put that out he's a crazy
4118s player he's a crazy player about uh
4121s you're still playing in
4123s the uh Mainland server yeah uh yeah I
4127s still play in the mainland server but
4128s recently when I got back I'm just
4129s playing on my own regions but I'm
4130s planning to go back you know can't be
4133s stagnating have to to go back to
4134s practice can't let a little loss you
4136s know get back to me so we got to get
4139s that back yeah
4142s 100% wow game number eight loading on in
4146s these server or these players are in the
4148s server now we're going to have to wait
4150s and see how the hero picks look for game
4153s number eight but our countdown is in
4155s play in just a matter of moments we'll
4158s be able to get that information from
4160s everybody everybody looking locked in
4162s right now action
4165s shout out to ex CU that's how I play I'm
4167s not going to lie to
4168s y'all that's how I play I'm locked yo
4172s you were right see you were 100% right
4175s you know man you know what you're saying
4177s man allions wait Aur am i
4181s s wait wait wait AK no way he goes
4184s through me no no
4187s shots
4190s auma bringing into Kum I mean he was at
4193s first place but I mean it's kind of a
4195s Tropic it's a it's a big Tropic in my
4197s opinion there's no way he risks playing
4200s groy here right there's no way if he
4203s does though he I dude he's going to be
4207s number one gig shots I'm going to say
4209s this myself as well if he plays Kumi
4212s right here and there I will personally
4214s actually it's all just call him the
4216s number one gig CH nobody can deny that
4218s but what do you think c will he actually
4220s pick Kur me my guy man I feel like Akuma
4224s I mean he has that side of him I mean
4226s we've seen him and time and time again
4227s he goes in picks up elimination play
4230s high before right uh I think so yeah and
4232s he's just every time he comes in he
4234s picks elimination he just laughs and
4237s laughs so I mean this this could be an
4239s Akuma thing I'm not goingon to lie to
4240s you wait wait is he actually there's no
4245s shot if he actually does I'm going to
4247s worship Him in game I'm not going to lie
4251s wait that is insane I know a lot of
4254s people are happy right now we do have
4256s these jobs for game number eight a lot
4258s of these players are landing near imper
4260s um imperian village on the top right
4263s hand side of the map I did I think I did
4265s Scout like two to three players that
4267s plume Castle uh we do have another
4270s player landing near the trenches um
4273s everybody's locked and loaded for game
4275s number eight man we were so caught up
4277s about the the karumi I I couldn't even
4279s get an overview of everybody's job up
4282s same 100%
4284s uh but yeah we do have a lot of
4286s congestion on the right hand side near
4287s Grizzly rise and fret pulls and Akuma is
4291s ki yo I'm actually I'm worshiping him in
4295s game I'm not even gonna lie that is
4296s crazy wow this is this is the very first
4299s time see it that we've seen the me this
4302s is my first time yes for sure this is my
4304s first time as well that is crazy man you
4309s wits I want to see him cook wait I want
4312s to see him let him cook is he going to
4314s shoot oh
4317s what
4319s what
4322s to and he picks up elimination off to GG
4324s Shaw and the 200 IQ play from Akuma not
4329s jumping into that ballista he waits it
4331s out hides behind it and now look at him
4334s with the smile of death takes out GG
4337s Shaw there and what all right see I I
4341s won't lie to you he's my goat at this
4344s current moment in this game he is my
4347s goat he is the goat he is the goat
4352s and oh my God okay
4356s Pando finding past here getting huge
4359s Focus attacks Pace gets a huge armor
4362s swap though equalizes neutral fight how
4365s has to use f here
4367s reset I'm sorry man I'm still so
4369s appalled from that KY play bro oh
4376s very low gets caught here bad
4378s positioning 2v one maybe possibly
4382s equalizes trying to get a huge prry
4385s pandom face should be dead here no
4388s zipping in see it the
4391s ping the sustain on Z ping is just
4394s incredible do have their eyes on to Pace
4398s Paces very weak does manage to get out
4401s for the time being but exen is going to
4403s manage to contining his TR there onto
4405s Pace pandan still trying to look to pick
4406s up elimination we're going to have to
4407s wait and see which two which one of
4409s these players picks up elimination El
4410s released don't believe that conect there
4412s Pace still very weak trying to make a
4414s run for it does have these Huts here to
4416s stay mobile doing a really beautiful job
4418s make sure he can stay up still on that
4420s common armor does man to get the grapple
4422s out does get grappled Now by Action Now
4425s pace is going to continue to create some
4427s space pandan looks like he cut Chase for
4428s the time being is going to take a reset
4430s for himself there it is armb arm from
4432s the hirs actually now try goes for the
4434s jump Parry it's going to be the standard
4435s long sword goes for the P but no he
4437s misses it have the F there to nullify
4439s the damage coming on in he going to fake
4440s it with the crow cancel beautiful
4441s players there from Pace but it's going
4442s to be Kai coming in hot there with ar
4444s release and actually spins back another
4445s one k Bal this time around and K is very
4447s weak lmb release connects there Pan Man
4449s BR elimination on toas that's going to
4451s be a nice elimination there from pandaan
4453s picking one up quickly here on toas and
4455s Kaio drops very low action as well picks
4458s up the elimination now the stra strap
4459s off reemerges this time around for
4461s panaman and exit big RB release there
4462s for panaman on to ex oh now call in for
4464s ex now Pand man still trying to create
4467s some trying to pick up the elimination
4469s here as well let not get the prow so far
4471s exan to go for the counter grapple does
4473s not manage to get it no PR yet for
4474s anybody LM PR from Pand man to the
4476s grapple 1.0 from the h there it is no he
4478s doesn't gets the R&B RB spam there from
4480s the h Birds Pand man still applying the
4482s pressure the health is pretty even right
4484s now Pand man still has Alto he's going
4486s to throw down that F does not bite from
4488s going for to pop his ultimate as soon as
4489s he get up there it is Big per now to
4491s play for Action 1.0 for the katana Pand
4494s man still trying to stay up is going to
4496s get that help back extion I believe his
4497s o is out now but looks like he is going
4499s to have to try to retreat for the time
4502s being we got another player showing up
4503s mzr in the back end pan eats up the
4505s damage from the h that's going to be
4506s purple how hand for Action El be proud
4507s that from that's going to take the
4508s elimination here that's B damage to the
4510s fall up as well and extion there take it
4512s out Panda man and Panda man is not happy
4514s about that one and extion wow what a
4517s composure there from action he pops that
4519s ultimate earlier still manages to pick
4521s up the elimination on to Panda man that
4522s was beautiful player there from action
4524s demo that was crazy Zin play that
4527s immaculately but the way these fights
4529s are these zip inion fights take so long
4532s the way they have to do these they have
4534s to fish for those huge combos the only
4537s ways to kill ziping Yin is to get those
4539s huge burst because the moment you give
4541s them some reading time the moment they
4543s pop that ult man they just they just
4545s press hit F and run away and they are
4547s unkillable but the way Zen played that
4550s once again was crazy he just had the
4552s best punishers the huge reads and he he
4554s got a huge burst from the end versus p
4556s man that was GG but Akuma here bro let's
4559s talk about this again man Akuma dude
4562s playing kery in opinion Lobby the only
4566s kery man and the first time you've ever
4568s seen kery at least for us this match
4571s it's crazy man it's insane I want to see
4574s him win I want to see I want to see him
4576s cook that fried rice in game a trail gun
4579s here and sha having a huge fight here
4582s equalizing each other almost broken arm
4584s but he has the lead BR gets a huge Focus
4587s attack there equalizing uses F
4591s reset TR gets a huge reset first here
4594s but I think they won't procee each other
4598s unless okay Aro switches to Aro here
4600s fighting off Zone versus Aqua our crew
4603s Meed I don't think he dies here man he
4606s knows what he's doing he's playing
4607s outside the Zone using that f for
4610s movement prepping that f dude he's he's
4614s playing in such an odd way that's
4616s actually so entertaining to watch he's
4619s playing off the Zone here he doesn't
4621s want to play on the in the zone knowing
4623s that he's the only kery with an F that
4626s cannot save you from any
4627s attacks that is an interesting play
4629s style see what do you have what what do
4631s you have to say for that look at his
4632s play style he's just outs the zone I'm
4634s uh I'm curious to see if he's running
4637s any uh storm damage
4640s Jades cuz if he's going to play I mean
4642s he off drop went into his Zone picked up
4645s the elimination on to GG Shaw there with
4646s the ballista he's playing in zone once
4648s again near plume
4649s Castle he might have some cooked I mean
4652s he knows something we don't obviously I
4654s mean he's cooking something bro that's
4657s 100% he definitely is but the question
4660s is here is he gonna finish cooking
4663s that's a question that's a big question
4666s if he does finish cooking he is I'm not
4668s going to lie this guy's going to make
4669s history if he wins if he cooks this
4672s match with a C with me his name is going
4675s to be there bro but we'll see man we'll
4678s have to see about that
4681s is oh imagine if he got
4684s that I would have L to see that
4687s bro I'm looking ey wait we have a ey I
4691s didn't even notice on Kai
4694s yeah who do you think is going to win
4697s this Z should have upper ground here Z
4701s mainly being a fighting character having
4702s that huge ult as priority neutral
4706s priority unless rail gun just has a huge
4710s neutral comeback
4712s here Kai should win this with ease the
4716s amount of pressure you just give with
4718s your ultimate as as his character BR
4722s forces his ult here he can't do anything
4725s here man the way you just you get
4727s punished by this character a fighting
4729s character versus a reset character there
4731s not much you can do you have to wait for
4733s old to get to peel it off he does get a
4736s huge Focus attack there he's cutting it
4739s out wait he's cutting out yes wait he's
4741s cutting out perfectly and this is the
4743s best wait he gets caught off midair but
4746s that heal from the V1 from rail gun
4750s dude equalizes though equal battle
4753s anybody can take this I'm actually
4755s jinxing K super hard he gets hit by a
4758s double charge there's no shot really no
4763s that was crazy see it you see
4765s it wow hey he was K uh strog was King
4769s that oh very nice there um man I don't
4773s know I don't I don't know what it is
4775s about Kai he's not I don't know if he's
4777s not feeling himself right now like bro I
4780s thought he got that in the bag but oh
4782s that was unfortunate man I think it's
4785s just that day for him but let's not take
4788s away from real good man he play that
4790s yeah amazing the way he kinded through
4792s the towers
4793s because knowing that you're a reset
4795s character not being able to fight
4797s fighting characters like zy one V one
4800s face off you have to use your your
4803s environment to your advantage you have
4805s to look for those spots those places
4807s where you can kite them where you can't
4809s get easily comboed to avoid that huge
4811s burst and that's that's the way he
4813s played it man that was crazy that was a
4815s GG that was very play a very beautiful
4818s play there from shun Kai B now with four
4820s minutes and a half to try to pick up a
4821s soul Loom now shrug gun back at it with
4823s mzr it's going to be both players I
4826s believe with the buff they do not care
4828s lmb PR from SW gun gold hirs in hand for
4830s SW gun mzr with gold staff in hand now
4833s the aggression looks like shrug is the
4835s aggressor here here trying to bring the
4837s fight to himself look like he's going to
4838s be hit off that jump R&B look like big
4841s lmb release there from SW gun with those
4843s gold H Birds going to pick up a lot of
4844s damage plus the B shot as well that was
4846s beautiful play there from swell gun got
4847s mzr now going to get the big PA there he
4850s lands on top of his head he get punish
4851s for it f called in as well for SW gun to
4853s the overh Big R release look at the
4855s damage coming to play there for the h
4856s birs he misses the last hit off the
4858s staff he cancels it the third part is
4860s coming on in AO as well this is a party
4862s K now elimination no be Shug pick
4865s elimination on mtrr shrug drops very low
4868s K does pick up the soul Bloom though
4870s strun now in the back foot needs to be
4872s real careful Tres to prepare for it he
4873s does have that F nullify the damage R&B
4875s RB there RB RB spam back inside this
4878s game armb Army once again off the H he
4880s going to over CL com in off the focus
4882s back two times as well Aro now with the
4885s less heal does man get a blue armor swap
4886s but no the look at the heal coming back
4888s to play there for K Bal that's big
4890s damage coming into play El release
4891s catches him there to the area lmb does
4894s pick up more damage K bow with massive
4896s hits still applying the pressure GG Shaw
4899s now moving on in looks like Kai Bal is
4901s going to slow down now he was
4902s overheating he did not he was not able
4904s to pick up the elimination there in the
4906s last final moments but he still applied
4908s the pressure and he's safe and he is
4910s going to stay inside his game number
4912s eight
4915s wow
4918s AR R blue long sword in hand currently
4921s with one elimination CH Zen yeah Akuma
4924s Akuma has something cooking he's playing
4926s around this zong like demo stated and
4928s this is the third time we see him and
4930s he's back inside the Zone he's look The
4934s Tick is not that much I think he's
4935s running that that the storm J uh Jade uh
4939s not Jade sorry the storm glyphs uh for
4942s him to take less damage I mean he's
4944s playing around his Zone a lot I mean he
4945s is playing Kum as well 100% see the way
4948s he's playing right now even as K me man
4952s in this mid game even having more points
4955s than other people is actually just
4957s phenomenal bro if it dude this is just
4960s some type of gameplay you you don't
4963s expect see who does this who does this
4966s see it and I'm thinking about I've never
4968s seen anybody do this man it's crazy I'm
4970s thinking about end game as well I mean
4972s in game the circle's very small he has
4975s that he can place that all right in the
4978s center I mean he's going to be taking
4980s health I don't know what all he's
4982s running but it's going to be very
4983s interesting mzr catches the prow oh my
4985s God hit the B shot there to proc do a
4987s ping looks like orano in the back foot
4990s catches lb prow to the grapple he going
4992s to go and roll does not catch the focus
4994s going to go ahead and overh hold oh
4996s called in there for mzr still trying to
4998s create some space p once's again for
4999s Morano to the grapple 1.0 off to Katana
5002s does gonna chunk out all that purple arm
5004s but no Rano there with a massive lmb
5005s release there onto Rano mzr now trying
5007s to apply the pressure armit clanks does
5009s not get anything so far big pair from
5011s mzr to Rano that's be big damage can
5014s great Swap and that's big damage as well
5016s mzr with a beautiful
5018s swap but he does lose he does um
5022s resurrect might have a bloom somewhere
5026s hidden yes he does he does yeah he's
5029s prepared man these players just know
5032s they're tracking all their kills
5034s tracking all the booms being prepared
5035s for that L and those Thal just
5038s proves how much of a high level gameplay
5041s for sick but Aro here ewg Aro uh
5044s newcomer coming from ewg uh although
5047s he's not performing the best he he is a
5049s newcomer he he wants to have that
5051s confidence he wants to gain that
5052s confidence from these games and that's
5054s what he's doing right now he's burning
5056s the ropes
5057s and maybe the next time he'll probably
5060s 100% come back better
5064s it's it's crazy to think about though
5065s this is this is the last Mainland games
5068s we get to see until jaob you know this
5070s is this is the last the last uh last
5074s games of the year for for the mainland
5076s exclusively uh what we have coming up
5078s after is just um it's going to be uh
5081s jaob was going to be around with all the
5084s players around the world and obviously
5085s the mainland players right now that
5087s qualified today with the three qualified
5089s already uh but yeah man it's been a it's
5092s been a an amazing year seeing all these
5094s players compete every single time I mean
5097s just the game to play and how
5099s competitive nraa is is always very
5101s beautiful to watch I'm always a big fan
5103s of competitive he took it he got got it
5107s man does he will versus aai F this is
5111s crazy Akuma gets uppercutted he has to
5114s use ult here to equalize he's actually
5117s winning the usual fight versus
5119s Kai wait wait wait wait that's my
5124s reaction wait that's my reaction from
5126s auma wait did Ur me just win
5131s aai in this tournament that's my
5134s reaction I'm not even lying if you guys
5135s just saw Akuma that's my reaction no I
5137s am actually so glad that I was here
5140s today this cast man this is actually
5145s some bro I don't even know what to say
5148s bro take it away what what do you think
5150s man what was that what was yo I'm going
5154s to need a replay on that I'm going to
5157s need a replay I I I noticed after I was
5160s watching I saw the O come in and no shot
5164s where was the kai he had old there was
5167s no old pop there from Kai Bal he
5169s probably disrespected the karumi not
5171s gonna lie I mean he probably was
5173s confused he went around me he was
5175s probably like
5177s karumi what's that that's going down
5180s history man that oh I don't even know
5183s what to say bro that was a GG AKA being
5187s your goat I don't think anybody can deny
5190s after that Romo versus hisai he is the
5193s goat for this game for the for today at
5196s the least that is some goed gaml bro wow
5203s AK man that is RO play D I mean look at
5207s him bro he has blue buff people look at
5210s him and he's like bro what's this KY
5212s doing doing in my Lobby man winning a r
5214s of they are so confused High B though he
5218s wants the he wants revenge he doesn't
5220s want to be that guy marked in history as
5223s the L he wants that comeback bro he's
5226s going for him hard knowing that he is a
5228s zai he should win as long as he plays
5230s properly but AKA being playing really
5233s smart here knowing that if he commits to
5234s this fight he has a big possibility of
5236s getting third party and he doesn't want
5238s that he doesn't have any pressure here
5240s he won the Yang he doesn't have to take
5241s any fights he's playing it so perfectly
5244s man but Kaio here has all the pressure
5248s he has to get a kill he has to survive
5249s he wants to survive he has to H down
5251s somebody here but this Lobby being a zip
5254s and Yin Lobby bro it's it's almost
5256s impossible to to H people down here what
5260s do you think see h i i just rewatched
5263s that I just rewatched it right now and
5268s wow oh my God that was insane from Akuma
5271s two eliminations currently for the
5273s runner upper for these games 40.2
5276s overall total points there for Akuma Kai
5278s Bal with on the back foot a minute 50
5281s and counting against mzr this time
5282s around it's going to be gold staff he's
5284s finding big PA from Kai B's going to
5285s pick up the staff as well it's going to
5286s be a lot of damage Kai is going to go
5288s ahead and swap on over to the gold staff
5289s this time around mzr with blue P sword
5292s going to go ahead and pop the ultimate
5293s he's trying to pick up this elimination
5294s as fast as he can mzr now it's going to
5296s be forced to that ultimate as well he
5297s gets s flying down the Hut with that R&B
5300s he does pick up the soul BL so he is
5301s safe he does man to scatter now we got
5304s two players on pistol shots connecting
5305s from backside there going to be a lot of
5307s damage trying to cut this area but no
5310s big play there from Pace coming in for
5311s the backside and he's going to be taken
5313s out and Kai Bal is out of game number
5314s eight now the scrap off reemerges for
5316s all these players Pace drops very low
5318s was it worth it it is going to be taken
5320s out by swun as well big RB releases back
5322s to back there from swun Big damage off
5324s the Co halers in hand for swun swun now
5328s has his eyes onto orano orano loses side
5331s on him for a little bit he is going to
5332s take that reset in we got pistol shot
5334s still flying on in I believe from T225
5336s this time around we got chising as well
5338s in the mix Chen all these players are
5341s all in this area right now top nine
5343s still up Shugo with three eliminations
5346s Akuma with two once again extion with
5348s two and aono with one gold staff staff
5352s is my favorite weapon so I love seeing
5355s the gold staff or the staff being played
5356s out uh the staff is very strong weapon
5360s overall I mean try to cross up the staff
5362s can get punished from it you got to be
5363s very very careful how you play against
5365s the staff uh and then once again you can
5367s swap off of it uh it's just big damage
5370s output when uh when you catch the pry
5372s they did change where you can't uppercut
5375s off the R&B anymore so I think that's or
5379s lmb sorry is L&B yeah it's lmb or R&B no
5383s it's R&B R&B it's a it's a really strong
5386s weapon the way you the way you have uh
5390s your focus Stacks with staff the
5392s vertical range is just insane the
5395s vertical range the lmb range is a pretty
5398s great weapon overall but yeah if Akuma
5402s manages to get the MVP with this game C8
5405s with KY no doubt I will tell you right
5408s now he's going to get a
5411s raise he will get a raise that's for
5415s sure man like oh my God he's on the lead
5419s right now with aery two points in he's
5421s playing it immaculate
5423s but let's see how he cooks sh getting
5425s caught in a bad position here oh he gets
5428s that's just unlucky this is where people
5430s just look for mistakes whoever gets
5432s caught in a bad
5434s position get the bite of the D that's a
5436s huge Focus attack he gets armor swap
5439s though he does use the here I don't
5442s think he dies here Zen gets a reset
5445s here everybody just gets reset nobody
5447s wants to commit AKA having those Jades
5450s with nun trucks man he he I'm dude I
5454s want to see him get the MVP bro I really
5457s want to see this man get that mvp I'm so
5460s sorry I just can't focus anyone right
5463s now because seeing how AA is playing
5465s this with a Kumi and winning that
5467s g that's just the thing is you everybody
5471s at home needs to think about I mean Zing
5473s U just an overall very strong hero um
5475s you're able to cancel that ultimate
5477s being able to save that that save that
5479s rage to be able to pop it once again
5480s once you get that he back that you need
5483s and karumi doesn't have that um that
5486s luxury for to just cancel it and get
5489s that rage back but I mean up ping I mean
5491s on paper obviously she's she's the
5494s better pick so if Akuma this is why demo
5497s is is is it's praising Akuma right now
5499s because if Akuma wins this right here
5501s this is never before seen we've never
5503s seen akumi being played out in pro
5505s league uh so him being able to make
5507s something work out of this here um it's
5511s going to be very interesting and I
5512s personally don't know much about Ki I
5514s think he's running B3 uh so I don't
5516s really oh my God he gets hit by a b shot
5518s he's going to be taken out inside the
5519s Zone looks like he is going to grapp it
5521s on into the right hand side um but yes
5524s me personally I don't know much about
5525s Kumi I don't touch her uh it's not a
5527s hero I enjoy U but Akuma JS very low has
5531s the umbrella is going to take some of
5533s the he back he's getting hit by every
5535s angle and all zings are turning on to
5536s the karumi he's going to be forced to
5538s pop that ultimate still getting hit by
5540s both shots and everything overs shot
5542s trying toay in Gold frame does man to
5544s stay up for the time being and there it
5546s is he is going to be taken out by and he
5548s laughs it off and he knows that he was
5550s not at the right place at the right time
5552s and that's just super unfortunate for
5554s him see it's I still I we still have to
5558s give him that respect he played this
5560s well with
5561s aumi but it is it is it is the China it
5564s is the China Mainland people here are
5567s super smart the moment they see you're a
5570s character that can't escape something
5572s like kery has no F has no B to really
5576s just stay alive that longer as longer as
5579s zip and Yin he gets he just gets picked
5581s up but massive respect from this guy man
5584s being able to win a y versus a zai as a
5589s Ki and Lasting this long outlasting like
5593s at least three players four players in
5595s game and getting okay points honestly
5598s for a kwy game that was well played to
5600s AA that was a GG
5603s that was actually just GG imagine he won
5606s though I'm telling you man he would have
5608s gone in history I'm not
5612s got like bro but like you know that's in
5615s another timeline that's GG though yeah
5618s if he would have won I mean we we saw it
5621s there when he got taken out I mean if
5623s you're an OP pick everybody else is
5625s playing is the pain you're pretty much
5626s trying to you're pretty much G to get
5628s focused as we saw there Akuma he was
5631s getting hit by every direction cannon
5633s shots bow shots pistol shots musket
5635s shots whatever everybody had in their
5637s inventory action on the Zone drops very
5639s low T25 Zone camping here against extion
5642s ation now in big trou going to be forced
5643s to pop this ultimate repeating crossbow
5645s hits there from T225 and extion now need
5647s to be real careful he is going to be
5649s getting some of the help back still
5651s looks like arono now is going to join
5652s the party action trying to create some
5654s space another bull shot from T225 that
5656s was a beautiful shot there from T225 and
5659s now exen now getting caught out this
5660s time around once again by chazen and now
5663s T225 I saw Dragon SW who picked it up
5666s someone picked it up from akuma's body
5668s might be a Shug gun with the dragon SW
5672s now with the nunchucks exen does manage
5675s to stay alive for the time being these
5676s players are being forced inside one
5679s congested area now Zone number five
5681s fully spread it out now zone six spread
5685s in a minute and en counting T225 already
5688s posted up in front got another player
5690s right next to action ation looks like he
5692s is going to take a full reset orano does
5694s not apply the pressure there onto action
5696s to Zen purple P sword in the back
5698s backside orano replay from earlier this
5701s was yo this was yo see look at this oh
5706s that's actually just pain from
5708s choing oh oh real real fight C8 this is
5714s the realm Akuma jumps that Kai Bal
5717s castes the L&B prow but Akuma nullifies
5719s that with the ultimate jumps lmb lb PR
5722s lmb on the ground R&B on the ground
5724s tries to get a final hit but the Fallen
5726s R&B there once that ult came
5729s out he he just had a complete read on
5733s Kaio he just dominated that neutral K
5737s could answer back AKA just like showing
5740s his neutral problem aside from being one
5743s of the best or arguably could be the
5745s best M player in the game Shing is like
5748s one V one mechanics bro what a cur to me
5751s that that's crazy
5754s GG so Akuma with 40.9 currently right
5758s now moving on in I believe he had
5761s uh he had
5763s 28 somewhere around there 30 no like 35
5768s I don't remember how many points he had
5770s he had a he had a decent lead uh moving
5772s on into game number eight so he decided
5776s that he could troll today a little bit
5778s is I don't want to say troll but I mean
5781s you know
5783s this is the confidence bro yeah the
5785s confidence we were talking about he has
5787s the leeway to just like played cool
5790s played fun and just like do a crey game
5793s like that knowing that he can just like
5795s come back any time qualif as well true
5798s Zang here though getting caught in a
5799s really bad position getting hit by
5801s multiple shots
5803s here get try to get away here it's kind
5806s of going crazy here really small space
5808s people are getting forced to use their
5810s alss here TR saying get a reset though
5812s nobody could track him cuz it was really
5815s chaotic gets a good reset here people
5819s just opting for Cannon TR and this is
5821s where we see Canon shine right where
5823s first few seasons we all thought it was
5825s pretty bad a pretty bad weapon but now
5827s that we see more tournaments uh Canon
5830s proves to be a menace in these games
5832s right here what do you think of Canon
5834s man for this I think Canon is an insane
5837s weapon especially you have a jade for
5839s the cannon I mean you can just apply a
5841s lot of pressure especially in moments
5842s like this um we saw a srun and uh was
5845s the there was another player right below
5847s suun just laying out some cannon shots
5849s and anybody who starts a scrap off and
5852s just gets very low the Cannons just just
5854s do so much damage with the splash damage
5856s and a burn tick I think cannons is a
5858s really really nice weapon to have
5860s especially in these moments where these
5861s games always go to end game like this um
5865s in other regions where it typically
5866s doesn't have insane uh end games like
5869s right what we have in here in the pro
5870s league currently right now with eight a
5871s lot like this it's kind of it's kind of
5874s me um but no in a situation like this
5877s where everybody's up and trying to play
5879s The High Ground like this and
5881s everybody's in the mix we got a Rano
5883s already popping that ultimate JS very
5885s low Panda man gets grappled outside the
5886s Zone fpq Jen Pops that ultimate action
5888s as well everybody trying to play The
5890s High Ground here looks like Shen is
5891s going to charge up a scar Rush right
5892s below the ballista Tower there does not
5894s get any any capitalizations off that
5896s action though still there's the Cannons
5898s from SW gun picking up a lot of damage
5900s do pick elimination there it is and T225
5902s as well pick elimination on to extion it
5904s looks like it's going to be sh gun with
5907s the dub game number eight and that's
5909s what we're talking about right there the
5911s cannon there coming in and taking that
5913s white Health especially in the zone like
5915s uh like we just saw I mean it's just so
5917s much value that you get from that weapon
5919s as we saw just
5920s now yeah I see it 100% as we were
5923s talking about the Canon being a minut
5925s having those drains is burn your your HP
5928s out and even being in the zone just
5930s being a huge huge damage dealer from
5934s that zone getting all those AOE damage
5936s getting all those spit damage being able
5938s to land you those skills sh shun play
5941s that perfectly with a cannon but let's
5945s see how many kills he gets here uh he
5947s did win right he should be the MVP uh
5950s srun yes Sr gun is going to be our MVP
5953s of game number
5955s eight wow what a game number eight what
5959s a wait to start off the second game of
5961s the day we had a karumi being played out
5964s by Akuma something that I personally
5966s never seen um I was looking at chat and
5970s they were saying that he's played monk
5972s before I think you mentioned it as well
5975s yep that he played monk before uh but a
5977s Kumi being played out especially for
5979s something massive like this uh for the
5981s jaup qualifier uh it's very interesting
5984s to see the confidence of Akuma look like
5986s he has every every space that he needs
5990s right now that spider Mike in a w Leong
5993s are in the lobby right now because once
5995s spider and Mike are in the lobby we
5997s usually see them controlling the flow of
6000s the games uh you know we they're
6002s notorious to to they're notoriously
6004s known to be those strong players and
6006s those players that get very aggressive
6009s and try to get people Lobby and try to
6011s get those eliminations and they have
6013s those perfect third time third parties
6014s as well but right now Kuma is Flowing
6016s with it and he is vibing and that's
6018s really good mentality to have right now
6020s especially for the J qualifiers uh just
6022s being able to be happy and have your
6025s have your mojo up and and knowing that
6027s you have that confidence is very
6029s strong dude uh Akuma I would like to say
6032s that he's probably one of the most
6035s unique player with the most unique
6037s mindsets I've ever seen uh play this
6039s game the way he just thinks of what he
6042s does the way he chooses his fcks in
6044s these situations you I honestly can't
6047s tell whether he's just really confident
6049s and he just wants to prove prove
6051s everyone something or he just has
6053s something in mind that he just wants to
6055s cook but we can see that he can cook he
6058s can cook but uh it's aead and Miss but
6062s we can't take away he did
6065s something you know in a good way
6067s unspeakable that nobody else does and
6069s it's pretty interesting to see players
6071s cultivate new things in the game it's
6073s really interesting man like it's it's my
6075s very first time seeing that type of play
6077s in this level of gameplay it it's crazy
6080s dude yeah and what other player to do it
6083s in Akuma I mean once again Akuma is is
6086s known to only run dagger um I've seen
6089s Tommy time again Akuma having a purple
6091s Rarity weapon and he drops it for for a
6094s common dagger if there's one on the
6095s floor if if if it's a dagger he would
6098s definitely choose that over whatever
6100s Rarity that is higher and we see it time
6102s and time again that he is that
6104s off that off player I don't want to say
6107s off player uh he's that player that's
6109s different that's what I mean he's he's a
6111s lot more different uh and we saw right
6113s here just playing the karumi he has his
6114s Vibes up but the overall standing for
6116s game number eight te shrug in first
6118s place with eight game score five kills
6120s for game number eight J team's extion
6122s with three eliminations 4.6 ug's Panda
6124s man with two eliminations 4.1 Pand man
6127s staying in that top three area very
6129s strong plays there from PanAm man and
6130s T225 as well staying in that top four
6132s with 4.1 matching the points there from
6134s pan man so he is going to stay on on
6137s that top six spot for the overall
6139s standings FPS eq's gen with 2.8 drg Zuma
6143s off of the karumi game only two
6145s eliminations gets 2.7 game score off of
6147s this but there's still four more games
6149s being played out he still has a lot of
6152s time and he is very confident as we saw
6155s but yeah Deo talk to us about these
6157s these fights from from game number eight
6160s dude I mean you know the fights we saw
6162s from the Yang with the Keri honestly the
6165s biggest highlight from this game versus
6167s Z versus kyal and the way uh let's all
6169s take away from J these replays versus
6172s Pand man he played really well in his
6173s One V ones yeah TR gun being the winner
6177s of the game being MVP playing how he
6181s should have played that perfectly end
6182s game with the Cannon as we were talking
6184s about it he played magnificently and the
6186s way he won his Yang cementing cementing
6188s his Yang's early game dude I feel really
6191s bad for Kaio being the Caster curs I am
6194s I've been doing it too much and I am not
6196s learning my lesson that's a my bad right
6199s there and dude I need to learn from you
6201s I need to learn from you guys no no no
6203s no listen listen listen listen I've cast
6205s a curs a bunch of times uh while casting
6210s but yeah it's it's a feels bad CU you
6212s know you're just like man I shouldn't
6214s have said anything but it still happens
6217s uh we do have our MVP for game number
6219s eight and it's going to be te sell gun
6223s winning that mvp taking that mvp for
6225s himself he did get 14,000 damage five
6228s eliminations for game number eight he
6230s had 6.3 K damage off the Dual H Birds he
6232s had 2.8k damage off the cannon 2.4k off
6235s the bow was running rolling slash uh
6238s scatter shot Katana sap dual ring
6240s gecko's foot and a redition for his J
6244s setup wow it's it's very interesting to
6248s to see like how everything's going to be
6250s now with with the Jay changes and how uh
6253s how everybody's going to what
6255s everybody's going to run I mean a lot of
6256s the Jays did get changed uh we did see
6258s some of the JS get merged we did get a
6261s new set some new sets of Jad as well
6263s that have two charges some of the strong
6264s jads as well uh did get only two charges
6267s it's a lot going on right now in the
6269s game we also got a new weapon the fan
6271s being played out as well now live in the
6273s Rocka blade Point what is your thoughts
6275s on the fan demo have you played with it
6276s so far what do you think about it uh
6279s yeah fan is proving to be a really
6281s strong uh yeah type of dagger uh weapon
6285s right it's basically an upgrade of
6286s dagger and recently when I play with it
6289s it has a lot of uh utilities that's
6292s proving much better than dagger having a
6295s ranged Focus attack having a 5050 a
6299s clash mechanic into a focus attack and
6301s being able to hold that gives you a lot
6303s of mutual priority and I think it's safe
6306s to say that it could be and arguably be
6309s the upcoming best weapon for this season
6312s I fought it uh I fought it and I do not
6316s like that weapon that weapon is very
6318s good uh well we'll talk more about it
6320s after this question we do have a
6321s question for everybody at home answer
6323s for Treasure who was the leading who was
6325s leading the standings in game number
6326s eight is going to be k a T225 BJ team's
6329s action C te shrug gun or D OU's Panda
6334s man once again guy who was leading the
6336s standings in game number eight a K's
6339s T225 B J team's action C te shrug gun or
6343s D ug's Panda man back to the to the F
6347s the fan I would have loved to say it was
6350s Al bro I I I would have hope they put AA
6353s and I would be gladly wrong answering
6355s that
6355s [Laughter]
6361s question true um but yeah the fan the
6365s fan uh yeah speaking about the fan right
6368s uh being uh better alternative actually
6371s let's just talk about the points first
6373s here ewg know standing at the bottom
6376s here having two points in game eight uh
6379s bu k having also two points in game in
6383s game eight uh having a bit of a rough
6385s time this game this today uh but you
6389s know it it happens to the best of us uh
6391s let's move on to top six top six Zen
6393s being our top six right now and 4.6
6396s points in game M fbx Jin 2.8 points and
6399s game GG Shaw 0.5 points
6402s K5 4.1 points alongside with Pand man
6405s and Akuma dude still leading with
6408s 40.9 points overall total standing
6411s even playing kumy in game number two man
6415s but I'm looking at this top six right
6417s now I mean biggest Point difference is
6419s going to be a 13
6421s 13.9 on the board I mean like I stated
6423s earlier one pop off game with a 10-point
6426s game I mean it can shoot you up on the
6428s leaderboards you got to stay consistent
6429s the the points are not that much higher
6431s up there and we saw panan closing up
6434s that Gap there for that first place spot
6436s I'm not aware if taking first or
6438s anything gives you anything extra more
6441s cash I'm not not 100% sure on that but
6444s you want to stay in the top six you want
6445s to qualify for the J cup in the end of
6447s the year and the top six is already U
6450s looking really nice right now we pretty
6451s much seeing uh a lot of the everybody of
6454s familiar faces that we see in the pro
6456s league in that top six area uh we do
6458s have arano on the bottom hand side from
6460s the newer newer guys in the in the game
6463s right now or in the server right now uh
6465s mzr um once again mzr I think he has
6468s played before he's he might be under
6471s another name not I'm not 100% sure on
6473s that but uh we do see him on the bottom
6475s hand side of the top 12 as well um but
6478s yeah I mean game number eight concluded
6481s saw the zaping games being played out we
6483s go into a d time moris out for game
6485s number three coming right up um but yeah
6488s demo back to the fan I want I really
6490s want to talk about the fan because the
6491s fan is going to be played out in in jcup
6494s uh Championship World Championship um
6496s and I I I strongly strongly agree that
6499s it's it's going to be the metal weapon
6501s uh with how it is um I don't know if you
6503s guys are aware uh but I think it changed
6505s from the test server uh from the test
6507s server when we first got it um you were
6509s able to L&B uppercut off the The Fan
6511s which to me that was just insane uh
6513s being able to do that uh now it did get
6515s change I think that change was very
6517s needed uh having an lmb uppot and a
6519s weapon like the dagger uh to me which is
6521s a little bit too over tweaked uh
6523s thankfully they did tweak that uh for my
6525s opinion obviously guys this is my
6527s opinion uh from the weapon but overall I
6529s think the weapon is very very very
6531s strong um having that mix up with the
6532s soul break win uh it it really throws
6535s your opponents uh off the lube um but
6539s yeah like you mentioned having that that
6541s the throw charge attack from a weapon
6542s like that is very
6545s strong we see it it's basically if you
6548s think about it it's basically a mini
6551s dual blades legendary D yeah it's it's
6555s like you get an insane uh decent range
6557s for Focus attack being range at the same
6560s time just gives you so much more
6562s opportunities and so much better neutral
6564s so it's a crazy weapon man and I can't
6567s wait to see people use this weapon and
6569s honestly I can't wait to see how Akuma
6573s utilizes this weapon because uh speaking
6575s of Akuma he is the dagger man and mo
6579s most likely he will be switching up to
6581s this weapon and trying to master it
6583s being the upcoming best weapon for this
6586s season 100% once again guys we do have
6589s four more games is being played out we
6591s are going to go go back to a quick break
6593s once we return we will be coming back to
6595s game number nine of the J Cup qualifiers
6597s for the
6601s [Music]
6619s mainland
6620s [Music]
6646s [Music]
6655s [Music]
6680s [Music]
6710s [Music]
6721s [Music]
6758s welcome back everybody to the 2023 NCA
6761s blade Point pro league J cup Mainland
6764s qualifiers my name is creatives and
6766s today we have the special guest Master
6768s demo with us today we just saw two games
6770s games being played out here for the
6771s mainland qualifier solos we have four
6774s more games being played out a game
6775s number uh nine will be played out moris
6777s all Dawn time um but yeah what an
6780s incredible set of games we got so far
6782s for game number seven we got a full faia
6784s game we saw the insanity in the last and
6786s final moments of game number seven
6788s moving into game number eight we had an
6789s off pick there for drg zaka bringing in
6792s that karumi for the first time which was
6794s surprising for for a lot of us I
6797s definitely for me and demo uh we
6798s definitely saw that as a surprise it was
6800s a Vibe he had the crazy elimination off
6802s drop hiding behind the ballista there it
6805s was insane there from Akuma but so far
6808s Deo how do you how do you feel about
6809s these games going so far do you what is
6813s something you want to see do what do you
6815s what do you expect from these coming up
6816s games uh well for me these games that
6820s were upcoming games that we're about to
6821s see is the games that I would love to
6823s see because these are uh these uh third
6826s fourth games are this is where we start
6828s to see the fighting characters and if
6830s you know me I'm all about the fighting
6832s characters I've always been a fan of
6834s being of fighting and like having that
6836s uh Power to just like you know fight
6839s over and over and I'd love to see some
6840s Aquos some Z or what they have to offer
6844s us man what do you think C actually for
6846s this game three can you guess it third
6848s in a row what characters do you think
6850s they're mostly going to use this third
6851s game man Oris I
6853s [Music]
6857s don
6859s probably
6862s maybe Z game I'm looking at a Z game
6867s because I'm looking at the following
6868s games and game number 10 is going to be
6870s more as all D I'm expecting a a AOS uh
6873s AOS uh tamok game for Game number 10 and
6876s for game 11 I'm expecting a a full teada
6879s game at Hollow Roth um this one's kind
6882s of throwing me off right now the dawn
6883s time I'm trying to think of the hero
6885s picks I'm looking at a Z game maybe
6888s probably ah do we ever see vdas
6892s nowadays last time I was on here I we
6895s only saw a handful of valdas um but I
6899s don't know we're going to have to wait
6900s and see it's going to be I'm very
6901s interested to see how this one this
6902s one's throwing me off card the first two
6904s I could you know I could predict a
6906s little bit but this game number three
6908s we're G have to wait and see
6910s Akuma oh wait I had a question for you I
6912s had a question for you yo got you did
6915s you did mention uh you did mention you
6916s love those aggressive characters uh
6918s who's who do you feel like is your
6919s strong hero are you a are you a teada
6921s enjoyer you're an aqua enjoyer who who
6923s are you rolling with right
6925s now personally uh I just go with whoever
6929s has uh the best potential in in in the
6932s meta in the season last time I played
6934s recently a few weeks ago it it was AOS
6936s AOS is proving to be really good for
6940s neutral and uh really good for like just
6942s uh getting away and having that balance
6944s between fighting and
6946s resetting but we'll have to see uh since
6949s we've had the new patchers this season
6951s we would have to see but to man yeah
6954s that is totally that was totally unable
6957s I was expecting either some Z or Aquos
6959s but T man that's to see I was going to
6962s say the Tamo but I thought they were
6964s going to try to counter pick for the
6966s aquaus cuz we seen that uh but now the
6969s lobbies are being formed up with every
6970s single player playing the same hero uh
6972s as we clearly saw from game number one
6974s in two I mean the majority of the
6975s players are playing the same hero so
6977s they have that memo they know uh but
6979s yeah I was totally off from game number
6980s three um wait should have done my
6983s homework yeah yes we see it yes go ahead
6986s let them know look at the man let him
6988s you see it I see it you see it wait guys
6990s look at the man himself once again being
6994s that unique player that unique player
6998s that chooses that unique character for
7000s these situations game number three man
7003s you
7004s Sean this tul what is the plan here why
7008s do you see it I have a question for why
7010s do you think he's oping for you Sean
7013s here let's try to peer deep inside his
7016s try to understand what's going on why do
7018s you think aquam is going for Yan versus
7020s T I think what could be the cases here I
7023s think he's um he's having fun to start
7026s off with I think he's having a very fun
7028s time 100% yeah he is uh he's just you
7032s know playing out he pretty much knows he
7034s secured his uh his ticket already to the
7037s J Cup in my opinion um but I think usan
7040s does does well inside that tle so it
7043s makes sense he has been running that F1
7044s V1 with the usan we have a lot of
7047s players does he actually nullify that uh
7051s osal with his does he actually not get
7054s stuck ah he goes through that I'm
7057s actually unsure I not you don't usually
7059s see this often you don't see you Sean's
7061s out like that at all we're about to find
7063s out we're about to find out definitely
7065s about to find out he wants the cook he
7068s wants the cook and we'll we'll see him C
7070s once again and I think that's very
7072s important I mean he's having fun he's
7075s spawns right next to
7077s T225 so have to wait and see how he does
7080s for these games Akuma already getting
7083s active against T225 it's like he is
7086s going to get
7088s the lmb prow off the staff wait he has
7091s old already we have fireflies this map
7094s he has a fireflies yep oh wait so I have
7098s yeah I didn't have I didn't have the WEA
7100s on that's going to be a massive Bu from
7102s the spear for
7103s T225 I pulled up the wrong map weather
7106s we have fireflies that's why it makes
7108s sense they do have fireflies for game
7110s number three or nine technically etion
7113s against chazen I love tomok demo I don't
7116s know how you feel about tmok but I think
7117s tmok has a very high skill ceiling and I
7120s think he's a very strong hero and I'm
7123s very happy that he's being played out no
7125s 100% man I agree with you to has a very
7127s high skill skill stealing the only
7129s whatever reason why I don't play him
7131s often because he wasn't really in the
7132s meta and the way how it's played usually
7134s and high The Meta you know meta slaver
7137s is the play but seeing kulch being
7140s buffed and being played in these
7142s games it's really interesting man i'
7145s love to see more of the tul players and
7146s you just learned so much from these
7148s players playing tul Zen and TR Zen
7151s though having a neutal battle just
7153s equalize just taping each other feeling
7155s each other out but Zin slowly shifting
7157s away from choosing his HP gets huge
7160s Parry man but Chang still having that F
7164s trying to get reive here gets a grapple
7167s on the cliff he wants to get a heal here
7169s if he gets a PO here but he gets
7171s canceled out by a line attack he's still
7173s using neutral here he has to somehow get
7175s neutral back here he somehow needs to
7177s equalize here gets a
7179s clash gets an lmb connection another lmb
7182s connection into one two into a one two
7185s equalized it both armor broken gets a
7188s huge jumping
7192s lmb misses the F man this is super
7196s sweaty this is super close right now man
7198s Trang still breathing still gets an
7201s armor SW is that an armor swap gets an
7202s armor swap it's a reset man they both
7205s have their ults
7207s here another Equalization having just
7210s unusual fight
7215s here get a one
7218s two huge
7220s grapple into
7222s kick Zen in the losing situation here he
7226s has has to do something about this man
7229s this is bad he knows this is a really
7231s bad they both have SS one wrong mistake
7235s from Z here but this place having so
7237s much armor swaps keeping both players
7240s alive over and over having unlimited
7243s resets
7244s man and seeing tulture uh as you were
7248s talking about C ult F being buffed in a
7252s way that oh
7258s wait Z here
7260s it action get shift Parry there from
7264s ching ching now on the hunt extion needs
7267s to be real careful once again he does
7269s have that ultimate online if he needs it
7271s still trying to scare rush around
7272s chazzing applying the pressure onto
7275s action the final RB R&B spam there from
7277s the nunchuck is going to pick the
7278s elimination there for to Zen now we have
7280s T225 against hg's Pace hg's pace is
7283s going to eat up a lot of damage there it
7285s is this why I like to see the extensions
7286s off the Wiis that's going to be big
7287s damage here off the followup R&B it's
7289s going to extend it as well lmb R&B
7292s that's enough damage and T225 is going
7294s to be eliminated from pace and that's
7296s beautifully play it out wh there from
7297s Pace I love to see that I want to see
7300s more of that with the toot because you
7301s can extend a lot of things with tooke lb
7304s uppercut here onto arono from shun sh
7306s applying the pressure r&p as what
7308s connects there G big damage now the tulo
7312s is going to be forced to pop his
7313s ultimate shrug gun he going to continue
7314s his Chase here he does not manage to get
7316s the final hit fq Jin in the mix as well
7319s near celesa Temple like shun doeses hear
7322s him and spots him he is going to
7324s continue his Chase here onto orano
7326s doeses hear him right below is going to
7328s manage catch him with the whis that's
7330s going to be a massive whis but F called
7331s in there from Morano is going to nullify
7332s that damage from coming into play does
7334s not get the finally hits shugga now once
7337s again on the
7338s hunt it's going to try to see if he can
7341s pick up this elimination looks like it's
7342s still One V one strugging against orano
7345s shugg with purple staff in hand ARA with
7348s blue dual blades does not manage to
7350s catch up to him Pace In the Zone against
7352s MCR once again R&B R&B from the
7355s extension does not get the final damage
7357s Pace still now trying to apply the
7359s pressure for mzr with big hits there
7361s from the pistol does not get the last
7363s hit off the pistol the wh does not
7364s connect Pace now is going to be forced
7365s to pop to F he cannot get range now Pace
7367s still trying to find an opening MZ R
7369s does manage to pop one powder in Pace as
7373s well does pick up one Vitalia looks like
7375s the scrap up reemerges both players
7377s nearly around the same Health mzr with
7379s armor P without going overh armor
7382s release catches F called in there from
7384s mzr going to go ahead and release it
7385s back to back and P is going to pick up
7387s another elimination on the board and
7388s that's going to be his second one of
7389s game number
7391s nine see it's talking about UL earlier
7395s seeing the buff and ul's F making him so
7398s viable because of his left man having
7400s that uh making his F being more viable
7403s in escaping and having that free
7405s movement midair and having that f as
7408s neutral advantage and being being able
7411s to just hit people with that F and if
7414s you get hit by that f it deals huge
7416s damage man they can just convert into a
7418s combo or like a huge Focus attack and
7421s aside from that they get a free free
7423s ticket to just you know get away from
7424s everything 100% And as well being a gold
7428s frame now I think that uh that really
7430s put to up there um being a gold frame
7433s now being able to get uppercut it off
7435s that F and like you mentioned being able
7437s to to move what you call that F I think
7439s it's it's a very good change for tamok
7441s um 100% I think is uh not sure if it's
7444s going to be touched cuz it's really good
7447s it's really good it's really good it's
7449s really good and um once again I mean you
7451s can extend a lot of hits with that wisp
7454s as well I mean you can cancel arm
7455s release into whisp catch pry uh you can
7458s extend LM uppercuts like there's so much
7460s mixups that you can do with tamok f and
7464s it's a lot of counterplay as well uh it
7466s just comes down to who's the best tmoke
7468s and who knows how the other tmok is
7470s going to play especially in a Lobby like
7472s this where it's tmok be tmok most of the
7474s time we do have one off pick which is
7475s going to be Akuma on on Yan we haven't
7478s really seen him so far so he's playing a
7480s lot more slower Pace against T225 in the
7482s first round manga gain number n look
7484s like Pace on the purple staff once again
7486s catches the clink off of T225 T225 with
7488s common armor releases that lmb release
7490s from the nunchuck Pace with a nice F
7492s into the jump lmb no that's going to be
7493s a big pair from Pace F called in from
7495s T225 going to hold blue to notify that
7497s whiz does not get anything off of it
7499s Pace still trying to get active big LM
7501s released that from T25 the health is
7502s even now pace is going to go ahead and
7504s invest the ultimate look like T225 as
7506s well gets cut off the Jump and B from
7508s the pillar Pace now with the uppercut
7510s jump and B to the follow up and there it
7511s is extension to the RB relas and that's
7514s big damage and P tooke is looking insane
7516s right now I'm liking what I'm seeing
7517s from P tooke right now he's picking out
7519s those extensions as we saw right there
7521s off the uppercut he's getting that extra
7523s damage and we see how strong the f is
7525s there from tomog and his beautiful play
7526s there from Pace exactly what you were
7529s saying see the extensions you were
7530s talking about man the moment you get hit
7533s by those those fs and the way they
7535s convert these combos those huge bursts
7537s of damage it's just crazy man you just
7539s get deleted the way that fight happened
7542s and it was crazy man but looking at Aro
7546s here
7547s uh it's being chilling outside Zone uh
7550s looking for people switching off to T25
7553s I think everyone in this uh particular
7556s time are just looking for loot just
7559s chilling but what I was just saying that
7561s we see here sha and Pace having a fight
7563s here we use your old sha having used her
7566s ult here sha most likely going to get
7568s eliminated here having a third party
7569s which're is aqua as
7572s usual let's see if he gets a shot here
7576s though to dear life Pace gets hit huge
7581s man burns out his ultimate sha being one
7583s HP who gets this pace dies sha gets a
7587s huge comeback and even gets the blue man
7590s but Aqua here being a menace being that
7593s third party you mentioning earlier that
7595s Aqua being on the right time on the
7598s right places all the time he's proving
7600s to be that guy the goat for this Lobby
7603s having that game sense yeah being able
7606s to just third party perfectly bro he he
7609s knows what he's up to this game
7613s man yeah I mean Akuma every time I see
7616s him play he's uh he's fishing for those
7618s third parties every single time and
7620s we've seen it time and time again that
7622s it's played out very very well for him
7624s in a lot of these instant it it's kept
7627s them in that top five area when
7629s everybody's in a server for the pro
7630s league um not sure what he needs to do
7633s to to Really jump up and and and get out
7637s of that c cuz we usually see him in that
7639s top five top four area Akuma uh being in
7641s that top hand side of the of the of the
7644s overall leader boards but it's not one
7646s you know it's not first place it's not
7648s winning him championships like how it is
7650s for spider and Mike and W young as well
7653s he did win a pro league uh final uh this
7656s year U so it's it's just something that
7658s he has to probably work on I don't I
7661s don't really I don't really want to say
7662s much because I I don't know him I don't
7663s know what what's his plan is I don't I
7665s don't know what he's uh what what he's
7667s trying to work with uh but but yeah we
7669s do see him favor those daggers every
7671s single time um for his comfort pick on
7674s the weapon and um it it's once again
7677s it's kept him in that top five but you
7679s know he does have that potential to to
7681s be that first place and be able to get
7683s oh my God big juggle there from Moran
7684s onto action like action now is going to
7686s go ahead and catch the pr L&B lmb from
7688s the staff for Action is going to try to
7690s create some space Orono is going to get
7691s clip off this grapple AR release
7693s followup there from action this going to
7694s be beautiful plays there CH for the jump
7696s Perry now he has the F to stop that
7697s damage coming into play he going to over
7698s hold the whisp he is not going to get
7700s caught off that now the health is pretty
7702s even here looks like both of the players
7703s do not have that ultimate online big LM
7705s released it from ex R's going to eat up
7707s all that damage or's going to go ahead
7708s and swap on over to the blue Katana is
7710s going to catch the RB arm spam from the
7712s door blade is going to overh hold and
7713s release the armb release and extion is
7715s going to fall and aono now with two
7717s eliminations in game number nine big
7720s plays here with no oh big neutral game
7723s here for Ron make sure he picks up the
7724s elimination onto exen exen holding on to
7728s that six Place spot B with 27 overall
7730s total points chazzing with 22.9 right
7732s under him pretty much everybody is able
7735s to overthrow extra right now he only has
7737s a couple points in the lead from being
7740s knocked down to that bottom uh bottom
7742s six got Kai ba once again have not seen
7746s much of Kai B for game number nine so
7748s far Kai B has been going through it been
7751s going through
7752s it he's been having that day man he is
7755s having that day but seeing ewg Aran
7758s played that magnificently last fight
7761s these people still have ch knowing that
7763s he's a newcomer he still have has a huge
7765s chance of getting that top six in this
7767s Lobby points are so close between top
7770s six through top 12 so honestly if they
7773s just have one big game I think anybody
7776s can take it for top six here at least
7778s for top
7779s six I think that would be a a very
7782s massive for ewg if if the newcomer just
7784s comes and qualifies for for the world
7786s championship like this uh from his first
7788s set of two uh two days that would that
7791s would be like a huge debut from him like
7793s knowing that he just started and that
7795s would be a huge uh way to prove himself
7797s coming up this J cup yeah I strongly
7801s agree that I mean like you like you
7803s mentioned earlier it's not it's not easy
7804s playing in these games and uh being able
7806s to get that top six especially right now
7808s where there's a lot on the line uh to be
7810s able to play at the end of the year it's
7812s very it's it's coming very quickly
7814s around the corner uh a lot of these
7816s players are waiting for the second ryang
7817s to spawn on up and
7819s everybody's taking it especially in the
7820s game full of T everybody's ready for the
7822s action Akuma looking like he wants to
7823s take it as well let man to go in and
7825s here it is Akuma versus ewg Orono Who
7828s you gonna give this scrap off to who do
7829s you think is gonna win this realan Yang
7831s here Dio yo I'd love to say and you know
7834s who I would say I'd love to see Aqua win
7837s this man let's see Aro versus Aqua new
7840s upcomer versus our unique player Aqua
7843s showing us Yan and the real of Yang
7846s playing that high grounds just getting
7848s some few shots with a bow here just
7850s spamming the grapple AKO gets caught
7852s here huge shots from both both sides man
7855s they're not even trying to play neutral
7857s they're just shooting each
7859s other both are in equal state right
7862s now gets a huge Focus attack but aqu
7866s with the F here equalize but Aro still
7870s has a bit of usual priority never mind
7873s gets hit by huge F AKA is forced to use
7876s his ult here now seeing this fight go
7879s AKA is at a disadvantage he has to get a
7881s hit here he has to get a confirmation
7883s here I don't know having that ult and
7886s just needing to just play around these
7888s four uh huge uh hes
7893s here Aro is looking really good here
7896s this is the problem with Yan here
7898s knowing that you can just like outplay
7900s Yan by height and just grappling above
7903s you because Yan has a really poor way of
7906s attacking have utility of attacking
7909s midair units huge Parry from Aro that's
7912s a GG man yeah I I would have loved to
7914s see youan win that but the way Aro play
7917s that was was was perfect he played
7918s really well he won his neutral fight
7921s forced AA to use his old getting hit by
7923s the F he just had to play around the
7925s four four Ps man and the way his neutral
7928s played out there was you know one in the
7931s that's that was very well played out
7933s there for Morano make sure he stalls out
7935s that Yan ultimate he waited for that Yan
7937s to deform instantly po that to Tim there
7940s to lock on lock in and confirm that
7942s elimination for himself in the second
7944s ryang uh we did see another player fall
7947s I believe it was uh mzr mzr chazen fell
7950s uh
7951s to uh who uh who picked the elimination
7955s Pace Pace Pace has five Pace has I just
7959s noticed as well yeah Pace has five kills
7962s super close overtakings and just
7965s honestly four points and he's he's he's
7967s back he's he can could tap top six here
7969s and Zin being out of the lobby man I
7972s could see arono and uh he's getting huge
7975s huge games here a huge game here if they
7977s played correctly here's a replay of pace
7980s versus wolves kyal once
7982s again kba hasn't been taking it well
7986s today Pace huge fa man it's off his game
7991s today but PA and the others just playing
7993s really well man oh that was a GG by
7997s piss face what a massive game nine so
8001s far go halber in hand on the tmoke been
8005s playing out stand outstanding currently
8008s with five eliminations hlg's Pace can
8012s make it to that top three plus that
8013s multiplier pick up a couple eliminations
8016s as well I mean last uh last solo
8019s qualifier day two nights two days ago we
8021s did see the massive endgame for tmok I
8024s mean it was like an anime we saw all the
8027s tamok playing up high they were just in
8029s the air it was insane just sand any sand
8033s everywhere right after when those oats
8034s come into play and I'm very excited to
8037s see this endgame Circle once again to me
8039s personally tamoka is my favorite hero um
8042s shout out to my boy hero he uh he's the
8044s he's the tul master he's taught me
8046s everything I know about tul um he is
8050s very very educated on this hero he's
8051s been playing it since beta uh always
8054s love this hero so big shout out to my
8056s boy he he showed me a lot of the mixups
8058s and that's that's what I was saying a
8059s lot of those whips extension are they're
8062s massive you you can do so much off of
8064s that and how demo stated as well the
8066s burst damage off of that is just insane
8068s and you picking up those eliminations
8070s and and that's what you need in these
8071s games to try to pick up that elimination
8073s as fast as possible once that f is on
8075s cool down you have to burst you have to
8078s try to pick up the eliminations as fast
8079s as possible because or not you're going
8080s to have someone like Akuma moving on in
8082s just going to pick up your kill now
8083s you're weak and you're caught up in a
8084s third party times two and it's just all
8087s bad so I hear like W has that ability
8089s just like teada and alos as well
8091s notoriously teada is pretty much more
8093s known to have those crazy tlds with
8095s furin uh we usually see the toada games
8098s a lot of those big first damage games
8100s being played out from those toos uh just
8102s because of how the hero is uh but tamoka
8105s has that ability as well where you can
8107s get a lot of damage that's big damage
8108s from T225 and once again the day I found
8111s out about T225 I I went to his Doan and
8115s I I was watching his play and he was
8117s just having these crazy musket shots
8119s like he would go one two Crouch musket
8121s shot back to back he would not miss so
8124s every time I see T225 he's hitting those
8126s Bo those bow musket shots pistol shots
8127s whatever he has in his inventory uh
8130s mostly all the time his his range weapon
8132s usage is very incredible from T225 and
8135s once again I think T225 is a very strong
8137s player it's just super unfortunate he he
8140s can't catch his fitting when it when it
8141s matters the most for those finals and
8143s not being able to take a chip home for
8145s himself but T225 definitely is a very
8148s high caliber player in my opinion and
8150s I'm pretty sure he he has what it takes
8152s to be the best of the best it's it's
8154s just a matter of time for the boy 100%
8157s see it but looking at PACE here man
8160s having five kills in this late game mid
8162s game he just has to stay alive and in
8165s this one game he could easily just
8166s overtake Zim and we might possibly see
8170s hlg paced uh hitting that top six this
8174s game but yeah this uh late Game Zone
8177s we're just going to see people just wait
8178s for the for the boxes to come out just
8181s chill out uh see what goes through make
8184s see what uh people make mistakes or
8187s not yeah everybody's just uh just
8191s watching each other just observing each
8193s other's
8194s movements and we see Pace getting caught
8197s in bad position here outside inside of
8199s the B here man not looking good for him
8202s man he just has to stay alive this is
8203s his big game I think he got forced to
8205s use his Z
8206s there uh not being able to see though
8210s what's going on around they on a huge
8212s Chase and pce here and this is a really
8213s bad position man being caught in this
8215s open place for you can't really go
8217s anywhere just getting grappled and CH by
8219s every player he manages to find a tree
8221s though and a wall that he could use but
8223s he gets hit by a huge P sword Focus
8227s attack man AR don't know being nasty
8230s being the sniper he is with that P
8232s sword that's a huge huge shield for him
8236s about this earlier my man yeah that's
8239s not a that's not a multiply I believe
8241s here for hlg's Pace I don't think he's
8244s going to get a massive multi
8245s multiplication there from those
8246s eliminations so that's super unfortunate
8249s for him I mean he had to stay up that
8250s top three would have put him in a very
8252s very nice spot for himself he had he had
8254s a lot of kills moving on into this end
8256s game here but super fortunate orano
8258s though hey orano now it's that's going
8261s to be four for the boy orano orano
8263s showing up still in 11th place uh we're
8265s going to have to wait and see how he
8266s moves up after that elimination I think
8268s the scoring was up but if he can stay up
8270s and pick up one or two more eliminations
8272s in an in circle that's going to give him
8273s a lot of points and him having a massive
8275s 10 to 12 point uh 10 to point 10 to 12
8279s point game will definitely put him in
8281s that top six overcoming x with 27 points
8284s so I mean it's still up for grass for
8285s everybody especially for arano uh like I
8287s mentioned earlier you just gotta gotta
8290s pick up those those points throughout
8291s the the day and make sure you get those
8293s pop off games and Aron's very set up for
8295s that right
8296s now 100% see and uh seeing Aro eliminate
8300s his uh fellow Contender this is a this
8304s this is a huge game for him uh knowing
8307s that his uh his other competitor was
8310s paced having uh 23.6 points just a few
8313s points around him he could easily
8315s overtake pace and get his top six
8318s getting that chance over Pac in but he
8320s just has to play as safely he has four
8323s kills right now he has to stay alive he
8326s cannot be getting uh getting CAU caught
8328s in these bad positions just like what
8330s happened to pace and uh we'll see how he
8332s plays it where is he right now he's he's
8335s behind other players just waiting for TR
8337s to see actually he's on The High Ground
8339s here that this is actually huge
8341s positioning fromc having this High
8343s Ground being able to see all the players
8345s below you and knowing that nobody else
8347s is around you close to you this is huge
8349s position from him he could
8351s possibly pick this game for himself if
8353s he keeps playing the way he is right now
8356s but speaking about uh Akuma earlier my
8359s man uh we were talking about his a
8362s unique play style what do you think
8364s about akuma's unique play style is it
8366s something that uh you like to see more
8370s for other players or do you think this
8372s is just like a unique trade
8373s from from other
8375s players obviously everything I I I say
8378s is my opinion um I think Akuma uh being
8381s an only dagger player um I think that
8384s that hurts him um in my opinion I feel
8387s like he has the the potential to to be
8389s good with all those other weapons I mean
8391s we seen seen the the championship
8394s players play every single weapon they're
8397s very skilled at every single weapon um
8400s Akuma just mastering that dagger I
8402s think I think it hurts him um I think it
8405s hurts him a lot being able to just look
8407s right now he's with Comm and Dagger
8408s right now just throw around abysal Ora
8410s Abyssal Ora now is going to be changed
8412s as well I think I believe Abyssal Aurora
8414s only has two charges now so I don't know
8417s if that's going to impact his gamepl or
8419s how he feels comfortable and stuff like
8420s that some of the Jays did get worked
8421s around but I think him just being a a
8424s strictly only dagger player does hurt
8426s him um it's cool you know it's cool
8430s being the being that uh the outcast you
8434s would like to say being able being that
8435s different player but I I personally
8438s think it hurts him being the only dagger
8440s player obviously right now he he feels
8441s fully confident that that he's going to
8444s qualify with 42.5 so he's not really
8446s stressing about it he does have
8448s two more game three more games to be
8450s played out after this one so I mean it's
8452s still a lot of time that he needs he is
8453s in his end game here for for game number
8455s nine a top eight right now currently for
8457s game number nine so I think that's just
8459s something that that hurts him uh in my
8462s opinion I think he should be able to to
8464s play every single weapon especially if
8465s it's a gold Rarity I mean we did see a
8467s gold staff in his hand uh he has right
8469s now the gold dagger I'm going have to
8470s wait and see if he swaps on over today
8471s once the once everybody's more congested
8473s you know that's true bro I actually
8476s agree to you in a certain extent because
8478s of how the way he plays with dagger he's
8480s actually just using white dagger over
8481s his gold weapons and uh some sometimes
8484s you might not think that's the best uh
8485s thing to do but I would like to believe
8488s AKA has a very unique way of thinking
8491s and mindset the way he just plays and
8493s the way he's on top of the leader right
8495s now just it does prove he has something
8498s cooking he does know what he wants to do
8500s and he has a plan and I think that's
8502s what matters most right now for him as a
8504s player but I do agree with you I think
8506s that's one of the things that's separate
8508s him between maybe like spider Mike has
8510s been continuously been on the top or at
8513s least spider being on the top for a long
8515s while but I want to see him cook man I I
8518s think he's showing more promise at least
8520s for this year and uh the way he's been
8522s playing is like there their B Ora make
8526s sure he can uh stay safe for the time
8528s being but yeah I've been I've been
8530s thinking about uh I mean I've just been
8532s thinking about Jacob I mean last year we
8534s didn't have no Mike Mike was not in the
8536s mix of that's true Jacob and like you
8539s know now this year Mike I mean he's won
8542s um I believe I know I know for sure he
8545s won two um probably ran oh probably won
8548s three as well but it's just it's just so
8550s much going on so much info cannot
8554s remember he got he has more than three
8555s he definitely has two or more than two
8557s sorry he definitely has two um and he's
8560s proven to be a very strong player and
8562s has made spider sweat a lot of times and
8566s this time around Mike is in the mix for
8568s J Cup this year and last year a player
8571s that threw a lot of people off guard was
8573s try hard try hard coming from the North
8575s American region um even spider uh gave
8578s respects to try hard um in an interview
8580s that I watched uh from spider and now we
8583s have you know another player getting add
8585s in with that top caliber player which is
8587s going to be Mike so it's going to be
8588s very interesting to see but we do have
8589s our last our game number nine in game
8591s infolding right now one tomok ultimate
8593s invested Akuma with Dragons might Jade
8595s there for the how birds on the bottom
8596s hand left side of the map GG Shaw
8599s claiming the top left pillar shrug on in
8601s the middle Hut claiming the top hand
8603s side T225 gets clipped off a I believe
8605s it was a scare Rush there he gets CPP
8606s off the RB release was the RB release
8608s there from shun T2 five drops very low
8610s he's going to be forced to pop that
8611s tooke ultimate shun now still claiming
8613s that top hand side he's safe he just has
8615s to stay bu T225 is going to manage to
8617s pop a reset in for himself FX Q's gen is
8620s going to claim the bottom left hand side
8621s area of the Hut as well Kuma drops one
8623s block of armor goes right back in it's
8625s going to get par there from K that's a m
8629s hits now might be forced here does have
8632s that ultimate if he needs it he's
8633s getting called up trapped in the balls
8635s move and all the ult being played out
8637s Akuma does manage to form on up and all
8639s the sand is in the face for all these
8641s players Akuma trying to stay up trying
8643s to counter theot he does get one hit in
8645s but do not pick of elimination get hits
8646s again and aum's very low he's going to
8648s be taken out it's a with another one
8650s that's mive St with a big arm releas who
8653s that was hit it loaded the back side I
8655s saw it that's a big hit as well f gen
8658s let pick up another elimination no it
8659s was GG Shaw to SW T225 GG Shaw and T225
8663s is still in the mix one 12 off the
8665s katana against Jen 1.0 there from the
8667s katana from Jen T225 and both players
8669s stay up but no what an end game there
8671s and what an outstanding game number nine
8673s and we saw it there these players did
8675s not play up high it was just San o
8677s against San o against San o and the Lone
8680s Wolf Yan gets the backside of it that's
8682s super unfortunate for Akuma and it's
8684s going to be ewg
8686s zorano with the Dove and MVP of game
8689s number nine and that's going to shoot
8691s him up up high in the leaderboards here
8693s demo for sure dude that was a crazy
8697s messy end game and you were you were
8698s talking to me about this earlier that
8701s like it it became an anime fight 100% my
8703s guy it was so animated that I couldn't
8706s even see anything I don't even lie but I
8709s don't know hitting that mvp that dub man
8713s we were talking about this earlier as
8714s well being able to put down pacee and
8717s having Zin down on this Lobby is going
8720s to give him a huge chance to stay up on
8723s that tap top six or being the top six in
8726s this game but we'll have to see how many
8728s points he accumulated this game it's
8730s it's it's crazy man the way these
8733s players aside from the huge deficit from
8735s earlier from the points having like the
8738s Calm Mind to just come back and still
8740s have the confidence to keep playing and
8742s like come back just like that like AR
8744s don't know it's it's going to be an
8745s interesting game for today that was a
8749s massive game there from ewg zono now
8752s he's feeling confident this is
8754s definitely what this player needed right
8755s now especially moving on into the three
8757s last games of the day just a big massive
8760s showing here from ewg Orono I have to
8763s wait and see how it responds for the
8765s following games but wgan with a massive
8768s game nine have to wait and see how the
8770s overall standings look but yeah the toot
8772s games are always fun to watch I mean we
8774s saw there the in inle there was a little
8777s it's a little scuffy there with the with
8778s the Hut in the middle we saw the Yan
8780s getting clipped by two tul SS there
8782s getting caught up in the wall could not
8783s even move Akuma super unfortunate for
8785s him he passs the ultimate still drops
8787s slow um but yeah those final moments
8789s especially in the pro league like this I
8791s mean you see how hectic those are demo
8794s and uh you experienced them yourself as
8796s well um how is it I want to ask you like
8799s how's the Vibes over there like are
8801s people are are people getting hype like
8803s what's happening after uh during these
8805s games and and after the games are people
8807s screaming like what's the what's the
8809s Vibes looking like in in the big stage
8812s well actually when I last played there
8814s uh it was pretty serious but you'll see
8816s you see some uh players from time to
8818s time give off a smile or you know give
8820s up like a good vibe I would say when I
8823s went to nvpl I had the most uh I guess
8827s uh most fun in the camera I would say at
8830s that time but uh yeah people have been
8832s uh players have been uh been more uh
8835s comfy I guess with their vibe been
8837s showing off more I think it's better to
8839s see a d okay that's understandable very
8842s understandable especially um when all
8845s these players are used to you know used
8846s to the land uh setting as well uh they
8848s get used to it they know it's like
8850s another day in the office for them so
8852s you know a lot of things probably don't
8854s get that super hype unless it's like a
8856s final you know or something like that so
8859s yeah there it is ewg Zano seven points
8863s so oh man I don't think that jumps him
8866s jumps him up to sixth place but he's
8868s definitely seven I believe uh we're
8870s going to have to wait and see DG Shaw in
8871s second place with 6.7 overall score four
8873s eliminations hlg's Pace though gets
8876s tight taken out in oh gets taken out in
8878s top nine did get those five eliminations
8880s gets the six game score overall so
8882s that's going to be a lot of points for
8884s hlg's pay SC to do five once again in
8886s fourth plays I mean he's gotten four
8888s plays back to back to back two
8889s eliminations 4.8 OG's panman drops to
8891s fifth this time with two eliminations
8893s 4.1 to e rug gun winning last game now
8896s in six place with one elimination
8899s 2.2
8901s man Kai Bal is going through it Kai Bal
8904s is going through it we have not seen him
8907s catch this fitting so far it's just
8909s something off about him he's not really
8911s feeling it Akuma nth Place spot for this
8914s game number nine Hogg's Pace against
8916s T225 quick replay from game number nine
8918s T225 getting caught up with extension
8920s from the whis to the followup extension
8922s lmb R&B on the ground let pick up the
8924s elimination off to T25 hg's pace throws
8927s on the whis does not capitalized off of
8928s mzr with a massive lmb P jump lmb there
8931s off of the staff hg's Pace overh catches
8934s the Lune into the followup R&B going to
8936s go ahead and extend once again lmb R&B F
8939s called in for mzr misses the whis pace
8942s drops very low in the zone still
8944s applying the pressure called in for mzr
8946s overh holds his R&B release F called in
8949s for mzr once again he going to weave
8951s that into the R&B followup as well arano
8953s this time around against exen running
8955s the dual blade or I a h one of the two
8958s katano SWA or drops very low stool
8961s blades RB armb spam oh this was a
8963s massive kill big RB release overh there
8966s for Rono this was the one of the yangs
8968s as well against Akuma Army prow he's
8970s going to oh this is when he cuted out
8971s the Yan ultimate beautiful nice
8973s pair there from Morano takes out Akuma
8975s beautifully DS here this was the last
8976s and final moments of game number N9 tt25
8978s the last final moments catches one lmb
8980s catches the last and final hand on to DG
8982s Shaw and pq's genen with the soul slash
8984s do not managed to get any extra hits
8986s onto to5 after the armor hit there at
8989s the end and both players are going to
8991s stay up but no it's going to be ewg zono
8993s on the tamok winning this game number
8997s nine tooke screen and play here love the
9001s whis action there from the CGI very
9004s beautiful plays out and wow there it is
9007s Dea dude AR don't know getting five
9010s kills with 11k damage man like getting
9013s that mvp for this game having aren
9015s assassin SL K this this J to fill out
9018s the M resist HP whatnot uh yeah getting
9022s is is this his first
9024s MVP um I think they're going off of uh I
9028s believe they're going off of today and
9030s and two nights ago um I don't think it's
9032s over raw in the it might be though I
9034s mean he's it does say just MVP one time
9037s yeah to be fair though having this first
9041s MVP and his you know just as a newcomer
9044s it's going to give him a lot of
9045s confidence that does just now and being
9048s able to close the the gap between top
9050s six is going to be huge for him this
9052s could be a huge debut from
9056s ewg he could be he could be getting Jake
9059s up here he could be proving himself
9060s worthy here it could be one of the
9062s things he could you know just go on and
9064s pop off man it's crazy wow this is super
9069s massive here for the North American
9070s region if you guys not aware the 2012
9072s the rocket blade Point Astro cup is
9074s gonna have solos and trios coming in
9077s November 4th I believe it's going to be
9079s $15,000 in price B it's going to be
9081s $5,000 for solos $10,000 for trios it's
9084s going to be three weeks of competition
9087s first place of solos and first place of
9089s trios will win a trip to go watch the
9092s world championship J cup worlds baby
9096s coming in hot at the end of the year so
9098s you guys are interested this is for the
9100s North American region the Astro cup is
9103s coming in very early I saw the Tweet
9105s today the signups are live so you guys
9107s are interested in that make sure you
9109s guys go on over to the NCA blade Point
9111s official Twitter um or X whatever you
9114s guys want to refer to nowadays um to be
9117s able to compete to this massive Astro
9119s cup I mean I think this is insane here
9120s being able to uh have a chance to win uh
9122s a trip to go watch the world
9124s championship I think I think that's
9126s amazing uh being able to see all the pro
9128s players everybody from the region from
9130s every region I think that's gonna be a
9131s very fun time Deo that's huge man I'd
9134s love to see more tournaments coming in
9135s from the Rocka and uh yeah uh seeing the
9138s the leaderboard right now wolves Kow
9140s still U seen at the bottom here with
9143s just 0.5 points he is having a bad day
9145s everybody gets a bad day MZ here gets
9148s two points jdg with one point ewg Aro
9152s with seven points in game number nine
9155s and proving to be like just insane for
9157s this game getting that mvp paced coming
9160s uh second with six points also playing
9163s out of his mind but just a bit too uh
9165s unlucky and then game there moving on to
9167s top six here we have J team Zen with
9170s zero points on game nine which is quite
9172s unfortunate fpx Jin with two points klaa
9176s T225 C8 goat 4.8 points for game nine GG
9180s Shaw with 6.7 points not bad with Shaw
9183s not bad for Shaw actually uh despite
9186s having a low a low points for game seven
9188s and eight uh getting a okay points here
9190s for game number nine OG Panama with 4.1
9193s points and drg Akuma actually uh he he
9198s didn't uh play play quite too well for
9200s this uh yon game yeah didn't get much
9203s points here I mean he's just having fun
9206s I mean we see it there he played a Yan
9208s versus the tmok we saw him uh played the
9211s karumi at in holler Rod so I mean it's
9214s uh he just vibing right now but we'll be
9217s right back we do have an interview with
9219s one of the with one of the players we'll
9220s be right back for game number
9223s 10 hi everyone this a jger and welcome
9226s to post game interview and now I'm
9228s standing here with SH and let him say
9230s hello to our audience
9236s hello so first because today is the
9239s qualifier and I would like to know are
9242s you worry about like now till now your
9245s total
9255s points
9263s [Music]
9265s okay to be honest now I'm not too
9268s worried about like I can qualify for the
9271s Jacob but now I'm a little bit nervous
9274s right now cuz like the next matches is
9276s for the echos matches okay let's move on
9279s to next part answer for
9285s treasure
9290s so you guys can see the question on the
9292s screen and if you know the answer just
9294s type them in the chat box after our
9296s player counting three 2 1 we will take a
9299s screenshot and the lucky guy will be
9302s whisper so let's see today's question
9305s what is J team sh's total points
9315s now
9331s okay so I just asked him because from
9334s the Grand Final to now what he think
9337s maybe he can adjust now in the qualifier
9339s and he told me that he sometime think he
9341s has some error in and mistakes in the
9344s matches that's why so to be honest he
9347s have like two MVP in the matches to now
9350s but sometimes like just like the latest
9353s game and he will like die quickly that's
9356s why he is worried about this okay I
9359s think all players prepar and let's start
9361s counting
9366s now three two one screenshot okay lucky
9371s guy will be whispered so please pay
9373s attention and let's find out the correct
9375s answer
9380s D yes the correct answer is D
9383s 27 okay we know like last year also is a
9387s qualifier like shin here told me
9390s something he want to say to like other
9392s opponents and also say something to pan
9395s so I would like to know now anything you
9397s want to say to
9405s yourself
9420s okay so this turn I truly want to enter
9424s to the J cup okay and we would like to
9427s say cheer
9433s up good luck to and thank you for
9435s today's interview
9438s thank you and we will take a break and
9439s be right back
9451s later two Gods Sun ring and moon Bane
9457s boring endlessly for
9460s control their power was channeled into
9463s an Earthly
9464s artifact the mask of
9468s immortality for the one who wears it the
9472s strength of the Gods is at their
9477s fingertips many warriors will compete
9479s for the mask but only the last one
9482s standing will earn the right to possess
9485s it do you have what it
9495s takes
9501s go the
9504s way all the way
9506s up I'm all the way
9509s up I'm all the way
9512s [Music]
9525s up
9528s [Music]
9538s [Music]
9551s way
9553s way I'm all the way up
9584s up say
9595s the
9597s way the
9600s way the
9615s way
9645s mhm
9668s [Music]
9704s what
9733s welcome back everybody to the 2023
9736s rocket blade Point World Championship J
9738s Cup qualifiers for the mainland my name
9740s is creatives and today we're back with
9742s demo and we had just seen three games
9744s being played out we have three more
9746s games uh to be played out as well uh we
9749s saw massive games um being played out by
9751s from everybody Akuma coming in with the
9753s the different off picks of being the off
9756s pick here for for for a lot of these
9758s games bringing out the Yan bringing out
9760s the karumi uh just having fun uh having
9762s some fun there with the games that he's
9764s playing um massive game GES um from uh
9767s from Akuma staying on that first place
9769s first place spot for himself um but yeah
9772s we still have a tons more more games to
9774s be played out three more games still on
9776s the board but yeah Deo talk to me how do
9778s you feel about these games being played
9779s out so far with three games already out
9781s the way got three more how do you feel
9783s so far about these games uh it's it's
9786s Prov been uh really interesting for me
9788s because the way you see these players uh
9791s coming back from the bottom from top six
9794s players like Aron know Pace you you
9796s can't let your God down but uh we can
9799s see though akuma's been uh been getting
9801s a bit like uh you know in the fun Vibes
9804s but I think he's just really confident
9805s that he's probably going to stick in top
9807s six I don't think he cares as much to be
9809s honest that he's rank one I think he's
9811s just uh uh using this time to like uh
9816s test things out and the way he's been
9818s doing it man it's been honestly been
9820s really interesting he's not scared of
9822s falling off and he's just confident he's
9824s just using this time to get more
9826s practice so it's uh it's pretty crazy
9828s man I'm looking forward to what he has
9830s to offer for next game honestly I've
9832s been looking out for Akuma a lot today
9835s because of how the way he plays and the
9837s way he picks the characters so I I want
9839s to see what uh he chooses for the next
9841s uh next game but C what do you think
9844s will be the characters for this game we
9846s had a tul game for this game three uh
9849s game four is it finally going to be the
9851s Aros and Z what do you think my man I
9853s mean I I was aware last map was not
9855s fireflies and from what I had it it was
9858s fireflies uh I don't know if it's going
9860s to change uh going back to what I have
9863s it it's going to be a a a dawn so
9866s fireflies should be in play so if they
9868s are I am expecting the aqual being
9870s played out for a lot of players for sure
9873s um especially with those Firefly spawn
9875s coming in hot but if not we're probably
9877s going to see it for uh probably going to
9879s see it for game six uh for game five or
9882s or game 11 I should say we'll probably
9884s have the teas back back at Hollow rooth
9886s uh but right now I'm pretty much
9888s expecting a uh in AOS game if the
9891s fireflies are out we're going to have to
9892s wait and see uh these players are
9894s starting to Lad back in uh big games
9897s from ewg Orono last game game number
9899s nine um making sure he picks up that dub
9902s he picks up those points on the boards
9904s for himself now he's getting closer and
9906s closer for that top six spot all these
9908s players moving on in T225 action GG Shaw
9914s all in that top six a Uma have to wait
9917s and see how they play it out game number
9918s 10 about to be on its way again so if it
9921s is fireflies I am predicting that ao's
9923s game being played out now uh Kai B been
9927s struggling all day that's not fine his
9930s fitting I mean it's been a couple weeks
9932s since I seen Kai Bal not really had that
9935s that momentum that that that he needs
9938s and to try to strive in these games and
9940s uh we see it here that he's he he's not
9942s getting locked in it's not nothing's
9944s working out for him he's getting picked
9945s off pretty early he's not picking up
9947s eliminations he's not putting up those
9948s points on the board and it's very very
9951s heartbreaking seeing him just not be
9953s able to find anything uh for these games
9955s here fq is genen currently in fifth
9958s place spot been up there been playing
9960s well been playing been putting up points
9963s on the board make sure he can secure his
9964s spot there he is not safe right now we
9966s have aono um moving on in pretty pretty
9970s fast I believe there's another player as
9971s well pretty close to that top six he
9975s orano winning that game number nine big
9978s games here from ewg Orono and currently
9981s in Ninth Place spot as we see it here on
9983s the board but he has what it takes he
9986s had a massive game there against the
9988s tmog and this is where it really matters
9990s I mean we're in a halfway mark we're
9992s moving on to game number 10 and it's uh
9995s that momentum has to continue forward
9997s and there's no there can't be a lot of
9999s mistakes going on into the last and
10001s final three games of the night chazzing
10002s in 10 Place spot I mean we seen chazzing
10004s in the pro league all year long and he's
10008s very very tough spot right now not
10009s probably not be able to make it to the
10011s to the jcup world championship but um
10013s still three games being played out you
10015s have to wait and see how these players
10018s um deal with the with the their
10021s obstacles in front of them right now
10023s that are not in that top six but game
10025s number 10 loading on in for these
10028s players in the server Panda man with
10030s that serious face on we see him he has
10033s not cracked one smile today and that's a
10035s very scary Panda man Akuma now looks
10037s like he might not pick an off pick if he
10040s does it might be his last on the Monk
10042s and it is there it is yep and all the
10044s auses on the board it's Tiger game man
10047s yeah honestly I think we both expected
10049s this it's it's going to be the tiger gam
10051s the Z games these the last few games
10053s will be the games where you just want to
10056s put all in your fighting capabilities
10058s just pop off man this is a Time To Shine
10061s the players down below top six for
10064s players like AR who still has a trans
10067s paced they they want these games to be
10070s the games for for the pop offs man the
10073s these are the perfect games actually
10074s Aquos games Z games this is it man but
10077s we are
10078s seeing bro do I have to mention it once
10081s again man I think everybody sees it at
10083s this point everybody's eyes on akma bro
10087s this man is
10089s playing tan High there is no way there
10093s is no counter play how counter play
10096s tiger versus tanhai what's the what's
10099s the mindset here I am actually so
10102s curious what is on aa's mind but mzr B
10106s here playing tulous well which isn't a
10109s bad it's actually an okay counter for
10112s aqua but man C8 Akuma Chan High what's
10116s your thoughts man I am confused I'm
10118s honestly confused right now I think he's
10120s playing for fun I'm not lying to you
10123s 100% just playing for fun uh he is
10124s running that Perry Bell uh so you know
10127s he is going to have some fun with that
10128s uh k225 spawning right below that uh the
10131s tower near Sunwing um here posted up on
10134s the top left hand side I believe we do
10136s have a couple players on our top side of
10138s the map one player near Temple uh couple
10141s other players above Celestia as I can
10143s see um near the left hand side as well
10146s we have a couple congested players there
10148s posted up ready to load up for this game
10150s number 10 but yeah Akuma is uh
10152s definitely just chilling vibing picking
10155s whatever he wants to pick right now um
10158s obviously there's no counterplay with
10159s tanh high in solos against a full Lobby
10162s of aqua's but um yeah I mean he's he's
10165s just chilling one thing I did wanted to
10167s mention it was uh Kai ba bringing in
10169s that V3 Aqua earlier in the pro league
10172s um he shifted off of that now and it did
10175s work for a lot of his uh his fights
10177s especially for that first week that he
10178s did it it caught a lot of the players
10180s off guard uh but now we see that a lot
10182s of these players adjusted to it and he's
10184s not playing it anymore and it's very
10186s interesting to see because we never saw
10187s B3 Aqua being played out anywhere and
10190s Kaiba playing it out and making it work
10192s very well when he first did it was a
10195s very surprising sight to see but uh now
10197s that everybody adjusted to that V3 and
10199s they know the valley comes from off of
10200s that B2 very interesting but look at
10202s this Kai already scrapping off against
10204s Panda man Pand man is going to eat up a
10206s lot of damage Kai now going to get cut
10208s off the lmb uppercut here from pan man
10209s he's going to be called off the F Kai
10211s now responding both healths are very low
10214s no it's Pand man very much more lower
10217s than kai B going to go ahead and get
10219s clip off the R&B release F called in for
10220s pandan R&B follow up as well Kai ba
10222s now's going to clink off the blue Kaio
10224s still not being able to find the opening
10226s P looks like he did manage to get a
10227s common armor swap for himself and
10229s kaiba's going to releas the Army release
10230s from the nunchucks back to back as well
10232s it's going to be big damage to follow up
10233s R&B R&B from Kai Bal winning his fight
10235s off drop and that's a massive game this
10237s is the momentum Kai Bal needed currently
10239s here in game number 10 with one
10240s elimination the first elimination of
10241s game number 10 beautiful plays there
10243s from Kai Bal now Akuma against GG Shaw
10246s massive scrap off here there another
10248s third part is going to be HG Pace HG
10249s spce is going to go ahead and off to
10251s pick Akuma off the bunch here Akuma on
10253s the dagger signature weapon with that
10254s movement coming into play there for
10255s Akuma beautiful plays here you're going
10256s to have to catch him going have to C
10258s you're going to have to try to catch the
10259s monk Big M pistol shot there from the
10261s grapple back to back as well he clip off
10262s the a R&B there from pace and now Pace
10265s was going to apply a lot of the pressure
10266s onto the tan High here Okuma still drops
10270s almost very low there off that purple
10272s armor still trying to stay up Hogg's pay
10274s still on the hunt Gan in the back with
10276s full purple armor Akuma as well with the
10277s purple armor he is going to manage to
10279s pop one powder in Hogg's Pace wants this
10281s elimination is doing everything he can
10283s using all the resources he can try to
10285s pick his elimination that's big R&B is
10287s there coming into play 1 2 three SL for
10288s Pace that's big damage he's going to SP
10290s back that be release and he does not
10292s Parry any of them and Pace taking out
10293s Akuma Akuma now is going to go take a
10296s trip to the soul alter now we have S gun
10298s against
10300s mzr dude seeing that fight AKA I think
10303s for this rounde alone I think he's
10305s having way too much fun I think he's
10307s going to deserve what he's going to get
10308s for this round a uh playing can versus
10311s AOS is a bit too much I would say and he
10314s has to play really safe if he wants to
10316s get any points with these players with
10318s AOS but seeing rail gun here getting
10322s forced to use the ult here uses the v1s
10325s get the confirmation here but Chang has
10327s all counter Al here real going to really
10329s bad situation he's losing the neutral
10330s here he has to jump out has to get a
10333s reset here but still getting traced here
10336s misses
10337s everything he gets caught a bit here he
10340s gets a grapple out he's still alive
10343s trying to get that rooft trying to get
10345s away trying to go to those houses get
10347s those stair rhes he needs an armor he
10350s gets an armor up here now we can try to
10352s make a play here try to get back neutral
10354s but he gets hit by that grapple he gets
10357s kicked out of the air and that's really
10358s bad for him this might be it for him man
10361s and gets too much pressure from Chen but
10365s no it's fine it was too much that
10368s mistake from him the SK rush I think he
10370s he didn't manage to get that SK R to uh
10373s too fast could cost him the his life
10376s there but kyal here fighting couldn't
10378s quite much here having an engagement
10381s here though do have S having both resets
10385s here still can't see who he's fighting
10388s though K versus 2225 here K this is
10391s Kai's game he has to get this kill he
10394s has the first kill momentum here he gets
10397s the read off the Parry gets hit by the P
10400s but gets another read back this is it
10403s it's an equalized but T5 does have the P
10406s sword he gets one hit here and kaiba's
10408s dead he doesn't have neutal prior but
10411s he's getting shot K's getting scared
10413s he's trying to run away but he's want he
10415s gets a huge scale Rush man but he's one
10418s shot away
10420s man5 those pistol shots proving he's
10423s proving himself to be that player that
10425s FPS player in the game mzr though
10428s fighting Jin here fors his ow mzr can he
10432s pull this comeb back he does get the
10435s counter ult messes up Jin's ult he gets
10438s a huge conversion here from the ult yeah
10440s he he can
10442s rest huge huge
10445s extension oh my God that's CA that the
10450s the things you were mentioning earlier
10451s the huge extensions man there it is he
10454s does mat man to get the LM uh he did lmb
10457s Acca went in uppercut to the R&B whis
10461s get his get you get a free Focus off of
10463s that whis he gets the damage off of this
10464s gets the pr once again mid Dodges to the
10466s lmb just with a finished follow up there
10468s for mzr beautiful plays out we see the
10469s tomog countering the AOS here for this
10472s matchup and that was just an insane
10473s showing there from mzr just beautiful
10475s plays there that's why tmok is good
10477s right there once you're doing those
10478s extension just like that you guys did
10480s not know that whis does manage to give
10481s you that free Focus off plus the prow
10483s like mzr just did there that was a
10485s beautiful showing there for mzr wow I
10488s mean there not much more to say I mean
10490s that was just well played from mzr um
10494s beautiful again got to admit that was
10496s sexy man the way you convert that to M
10499s like dude he is truly High School
10501s ceiling you can't just pull that off
10502s easily the moment you get them off guard
10504s with those ults with those conversions
10506s you still have to pull off those
10507s mechanics and that's why I can see 100%
10510s this this this character is really
10511s interesting man I would love to play him
10513s more man honestly bro he's such a good
10515s character he's such a fun character look
10517s he's a fun character to watch is pretty
10519s pretty interesting man it's really good
10521s I mean we saw mzr there quickly swap on
10524s over to the katana he wanted to get that
10526s free Focus off it was a common Katana
10528s too he did swap on over to it and then
10530s it picked him up the elimination there
10531s that was beautiful played out first R
10533s spawning on in here for game number 10
10534s hg's Pace J Team Action P it up on the
10536s left hand side got ewg zono pq's Jen on
10539s the bottom right hand side wolves is is
10540s Kai and jdg chazen on the top right hand
10543s side realm ready to try to spam on into
10545s the gate to try to make sure they get
10547s this realm try to get the buff trying to
10548s get the armor upgrade try to get the
10550s weapon upgrade gold weapon good skelet
10554s there from that gold weapon especially
10556s on the AOS K does not get in not manag
10559s to go on in got bow out against J team
10561s ewg versus jdg be J J team's action
10564s against B mzr ewg's arano against chazen
10568s on the other half J team's Action Now
10570s purple long sword and ham with purple
10572s staff action is going to go ahead and
10573s off to go help high he going to get hit
10575s by a bow shot tries to respond with a
10577s musket shot does not connect mzr still
10579s in air as well actually now is going to
10581s go ahead and maintain neutral game
10583s trying to find opening for himself with
10584s the long sword he's going to get clip
10586s off the grab oh my God massive B shot
10587s there from mzr that was a head shot and
10589s action now in a back foot might be a big
10591s trouble tries to go for the P big R&B PR
10594s for MDR oh my God what a weave off the F
10596s there beautiful play there for MDR and
10597s this is where he's going to counter up
10598s he does manag to get the all out and ex
10599s now as well caught up in the middle of
10601s the sandstorm needs to be real careful
10603s mzr still on the top hand inside trying
10605s to pick up this elimination out action
10606s it does get the problem the V2 gets
10608s called in there getes the wit once again
10610s to the follow of RB release and that's
10612s beautiful play there for mzr and ex is
10614s going to fall the first R my yang
10616s unfortunate for him Sr gun here against
10618s Pace big for Pace big damage well D lmb
10621s are RB does not connect swun now with
10622s lmb CR lb lmb there from the nun as well
10625s K now moving on into the party SW gun
10626s going to try to over for p just lets a
10628s RI there at 1.0 he's going to pick the
10630s elimination off to swun Pace now against
10632s Kai Bal K Bal trying to get a piece of
10633s this action does not manag to get uh he
10635s does manage to get a lot of damage onto
10637s Pace Pace now on the Run needs to be
10639s real careful here Kai B trying to find
10641s an opening F caught in for Pace now ah
10645s he's very weak super unfortunate K does
10647s he have the chase game on the soul Bloom
10649s he got a soul Bloom there he had it
10650s hidden does manage to get a soul Bloom
10652s out there and now Kai is going to stop
10654s the chase for the time being and pace is
10656s going to save he's going to be saved for
10657s the time being as
10660s well that was a crazy fight man like
10662s watching mzr from that real fight I'm
10664s sorry I have to go back at this that was
10666s crazy dude he played that he played that
10668s so well versus Zen but coming up here in
10670s this fight Zen versus sha it's huge par
10674s but get a confirmation but he was too
10676s scared he didn't he didn't want to
10678s commit expected the V there coming out
10681s he playing their neutral here waiting
10683s for someone to make a mistake sha is
10684s going super aggressive wasting his ult
10687s charge Zin has pryo here he's going to
10690s push
10691s here both misses the V here gets an F
10695s here he's trying to reset climbing up
10696s the tree misses the focus
10700s charge both feeling each other here
10702s getting an lmb uppercut confirmation
10704s into a huge combo doesn't deal much
10706s damage
10708s though gets a huge Focus attack Zin
10712s looking like he's going to lose his
10714s fight shot coming back with's neutral
10718s here Dodges the F though Zen has to get
10721s a huge combo here sh misses the grapple
10725s Z's going to get a huge pot here it's
10727s all it takes for it to switch around and
10732s Zin feeling each other again playing a
10735s bit safe get a huge F into into a shot
10739s switches sh around that easily Zen is
10741s now on the lead get another pop Sha's
10744s going to lose this man he's going to be
10745s chasing sha here he wants his kill Zen
10748s it's his time to get
10750s back not really get back but stay on his
10752s top six slowly whing away sha here just
10756s shooting him around playing it perfect
10758s here he doesn't have to hard commit wait
10759s for him to make a mistake and that's the
10761s mistake he had to wait there that full
10763s on patience on zin's play style there
10765s see what that was that was really good
10767s that's what he needed that's what he
10768s needs for this game and now he just has
10770s to stay alive uh keep it up be more
10773s consistent last few games and he can
10776s manage to stay up this top six but we
10778s can't take away from pace and arono they
10781s can still pop off and mzr really close
10784s from top six to top 11 really close man
10787s just like a few points ahead bro like
10789s Zen has to keep that consistency up if
10792s he wants to keep that top six
10794s here action really needed that like you
10797s mentioned I mean he's in six play spot
10799s 28.6 but hg's pace is right on his trail
10803s with three eliminations they're right
10804s under him is chazzing with three
10805s eliminations as well extion is not safe
10807s right now he needs to try to pick up
10808s these eliminations needs to try to pick
10809s up these uh these points early game but
10812s I mean right now we're moving on into
10813s the mid game already zone two starting
10815s to spread already mid game is pretty
10816s much coming around the corner but it's a
10818s very aggressive game with all these
10820s auses out so these games typically go
10822s out pretty faster than usual with all
10824s these players trying to get more active
10826s and trying to pick up those eliminations
10828s already getting big active oh my God big
10830s hits there in the corner get the staff
10831s for arono against Akuma has that parel
10834s does not manage to get anything off of
10836s it has the dread for well I feel like he
10837s always has the Dreadful well he does
10839s have it once again oh my God the
10840s movement coming in here from Akuma is
10842s going to break his ankles Orono and
10843s chazzing now might be the one scrapping
10845s off now but looks like Akuma is still in
10846s the zone they do not spot him they do
10848s know there's a tan high in the zone
10849s somewhere chazen still in the mix as
10851s well chazen eighth place currently here
10853s with 26.7 three eliminations as well as
10855s mzr look at the look at the seven
10857s through nine right now they're just off
10859s by one point each right now trying to
10860s overthrow exan and ex only with one
10863s elimination actually needs to be real
10864s careful right now he's not near Celestia
10866s so he is safe for the time being but he
10869s need to be real careful that a lot of
10870s these players are starting to creep on
10872s up the six play Spot oh my God M PA from
10874s to chazzing to the soul break follow up
10875s as well picks up the purple dagger as
10877s well chazzing now trying to respond we
10878s got another hit to the back it's going
10879s to be Akuma moving on in as well with
10881s the tan high chazzing now is going to be
10883s taken out by the Y depletion super
10885s unfortunate for him and he's going to
10887s fall there to an eighth place spot in
10889s that top nine it's not going to get a
10891s lot of that multiplier or any multiplier
10893s to say the least but still three
10895s eliminations not that bad did put some
10896s points up on the board for Ching ran as
10899s well is out of this game aano and Akuma
10902s still up I mean I can't believe Akuma
10903s still up on the tan High that's insane
10905s dude interesting interestingly see it
10908s he's still alive man he's still out he's
10910s still doing better than some of these
10912s players using this type of character
10914s that is still something man he is still
10917s cooking bro I don't understand but holy
10920s man it's happening he's not opting for
10923s the real of BS though he knows he can he
10925s just have to R here but wolves C versus
10928s 2225 speaking of wol K man he has to win
10931s this Yang bro he has to win he hasn't
10933s been playing his best but if he wants to
10936s pop off this is a Time rough competitor
10939s fighting with 225
10942s here gets caught with a onew doesn't
10945s commit he's fighting dagger though this
10947s is going to be a bit hard but it is half
10949s they're both really good weapons for out
10951s two5 old
10953s first what theut battle there really
10956s close battle he gets bitten though but
10958s he do five gets a short combo there
10961s equalizes looks for any mistakes here
10964s here 225 does have the neutral Advantage
10968s here oh misses the lmb there but gets
10972s hit LM huge combo there
10982s Kow who's the F T225 trying to overh Kai
10986s B now gets caught out by lmb P from T225
10988s and that's going to be enough damage no
10989s he's still up but the following RB there
10991s CL out almost nearly had the elimination
10994s there did the SSB got the focus off off
10997s the uppercut ah not sure if he had
10999s another V2 um probably was on I think he
11001s had two he had C two already out he
11002s could have extended that he had another
11004s V2 super unfortunate there for Kai Bal
11006s four minutes and a half now for Kai Bal
11009s to try to pick up a soul Bloom for
11011s himself super unfortunate for the man
11014s Kai Bal now probably has a soul blo
11016s hidden somewhere look like he is going
11017s to go ahead inside the Zone he probably
11019s does have one hidden so going to have to
11021s wait and see where he picks this up
11023s there it is he does get that Soul Bloom
11024s he is safe and still back inside this
11026s game number 10 Kai
11029s ba super unfortunate for him does lose
11032s that round is still Sav once again B out
11035s and K's both having that Mystic might
11038s buff have to wait and see how how
11040s aggressive they get off of this I mean
11042s um Akuma U Akuma usually I mean it's
11045s it's pretty standard that we see
11046s Vermillion Birds M being played out uh
11048s being picked up for first round um Akuma
11051s has the tendency to pick up the might I
11054s I've seen him time and time again where
11056s he picks up Mystic might for first real
11058s if he wins and he gets very aggressive
11060s off of his uh off of it he he looks for
11062s the players and he looks for those third
11064s parties and he lets them fight it out
11066s and he has that that constant UAV online
11068s for himself with that Mystic might and
11070s and it's a different Strat that we' seen
11072s and once again Akuma with different
11076s um different um movements different
11079s different things that he's doing like
11081s full dagger uh right now he's just
11083s having fun so you know ideally those
11086s these hero picks that he's been picking
11087s is not something that you usually see
11089s from him you know this is the last uh
11091s last tournament for the mainland until
11094s jaob uh so it's uh you know he's having
11096s fun with it we're going to take a quick
11098s replay here big R&B PR there from mzr he
11100s going to go ahead and Pop That to Mo
11101s ultimate V2 does connect but no the wall
11103s stops the damage from coming on in he's
11105s going to go ahead and pop one one powder
11107s in for himself Pace still up on the aqua
11109s ultimate that's Advance here for mzr
11111s gold long sword trying to find a whisk
11113s does not matter to get it that the
11114s second time misses the third big hits
11116s there from Pace into the V2 followup as
11119s well that's big damage jump L andb aial
11120s R&B does get the damage as well mzr now
11122s in the back foot does weave that jump
11124s L&B there from that ao's ultimate mzr
11126s now trying to kite it kind it out for
11128s the time being look like he is going to
11130s play around this does mid Dodge play
11132s there from mzr castes the jump L andb to
11134s the B shot oh my God extension as well
11136s it's uppercut jump l b oh my God second
11140s this wall two Pi time three gets the
11142s jump l b and the aiel be oh my God MCR
11146s very disgusting play there with the
11148s reand off the bat oh my God that was
11151s filthy mzr yo see that was a true combo
11154s whenever you get a head shot off the
11156s ground that was a true combo that's that
11158s true but hitting those head shot
11161s consistently in a streak
11164s that bro he was in the zone bro m is in
11168s the zone now he needs to cook now he
11170s needs to get this win and he can
11172s possibly be on the same league as arono
11174s in Pace and having that huge pop off
11176s game and possibly coming back being able
11179s to be in the top six this game dude it's
11181s really crazy man you see all these
11184s players taking turns popping off man
11186s arono we see ewg arono hlg pace and now
11190s we see mzr man this is this is some some
11194s really interesting games
11198s man I'm sorry I had to take a second
11201s because the league is not the pro league
11204s is not very known to have these extended
11206s Combos and and going for stuff like that
11208s I mean the pro league is is a lot more
11210s composed the pro league is is is burst
11213s damage the the pro league is you know
11215s you're trying to take out everybody as
11216s fast as possible with with whatever you
11218s can and a lot of the extensions are are
11220s not very known to be playing out in the
11222s pro league especially with everybody
11223s around and the third parties and this
11225s and that we do see a couple extensions
11227s with teas and stuff like that but I mean
11229s both reand and and in that caliber we
11232s don't really see it in the pro league
11234s and MCR now coming on in and that's very
11237s nice Tech we do see them going for for B
11240s head shot times three they do get the B
11242s shot and it confirms you a second bow
11243s shot but having the restent off the long
11245s sword like that that was very play very
11247s beautifully played out for mzr and i'
11249s love to see it I mean like I said the
11251s little flashy stuff is not very known in
11253s the pro league and I mean it works out
11255s in the round we saw that for mzr he just
11257s constant backto back B shot right re
11259s stands off the long sword and it played
11261s out very very well there for MZ ZR that
11264s was that was very filthy I I'd love to
11266s see that for mzr that was very very
11268s beautiful play it out now in ninth place
11270s with four eliminations 26.5 points I
11272s mean he could stay up top eight still
11274s remain jump L from ex against Jen he's
11276s going to weave the F Jen now trying to
11277s respond with the dagger he's going to go
11278s ahead and try to kite this out but no he
11280s going to be exan still applying the
11282s pressure currently in sixth place with
11283s one elimination 28.6 overall T the score
11285s nobody's safe so far the bottom set 7
11288s through n are very close as well 7
11289s through 10 that's very very close so
11291s exit needs to try to pick up these
11292s eliminations random Bane does spawn on
11294s in he going to elimination the Bane does
11296s connect I believe from Jen so he is
11298s going to get the elimination or was the
11300s pistol or the musket shot one or two I
11301s cannot see because of the Moon ban being
11303s all purple but extion now with the tuna
11307s go ahead and regain some of that Health
11308s too the tuna very strong Jane if you
11310s guys are in full health already you guys
11312s can pop the tuna and they can regenerate
11314s your uh regenerate your health for a
11317s standard period of time as well so tuna
11318s is a very nice J to have beautifully
11321s played out there from AC picks up a
11322s second one on the the board tt25 and it
11325s makes three elimination as well we I
11326s feel like we haven't been we haven't
11327s been talking about tt25 here
11329s demo T25 bro he is in that top three man
11332s he doesn't have to worry about like
11334s going crazy popping off he just has to
11336s play consistently and he does have three
11338s kills this game he's playing it really
11340s well but sorry I I I have to take this
11343s off man arono mzr and pace and Z all
11347s competing for that top six look at the
11349s points man this is going to
11352s be one of the either a disaster for one
11355s of these players or their comebacks man
11358s this their comeback of the century man
11360s either Zin takes this and gets
11362s consistent with his top six or he gets
11364s overtaken by Pac mzr and I don't know
11367s bro chuang is out it's the battle
11370s between these four man and honestly I'm
11372s bro I'm I'm seeing it man this is going
11374s to be some unseeable future man who do
11378s you think is GNA win man who who do you
11379s think is GNA stay on top on top six you
11381s think Zen's gonna stay on top six or P
11384s Aro are going to overtake him man I'm G
11386s give it a mzr oh oh for this game after
11389s that play yeah over this game at
11392s least for this game for this game I'm go
11395s to mzr because that tamok ultimate can
11397s stop a lot of that income in aqua ultim
11399s in the last five moments of the game but
11401s uh it just depends if he doesn't get
11403s called out he's the only tamok in the
11404s server you know he's the only one up so
11407s he you know with a Lobby full of auses
11409s he could get he could get Lobby he could
11411s Lobby 100% but the way he played that
11414s Yang he's in the zone man he's in his
11416s Zone if he plays it perfectly
11418s positioning wise if he can just avoid
11421s getting lobbied getting getting caught
11424s in that attention he could still
11426s possibly have that game that he wants
11428s for himself yes but the only thing that
11431s could probably throw him off was is auma
11433s on the tan high if he makes it as well
11436s speaking of tan High see this guy is
11440s still alive for some reason he is is
11443s still alive and there are seven people
11445s left in the lobby with such a small
11448s circle what is he doing we have to see
11450s what this man is doing where is he at
11452s right now in the map oh my
11454s God but yeah in this like game of the uh
11458s of the time of people are just playing
11460s Super safe as then just like hiding on
11461s the roof here you don't want to commit
11463s you don't want to fight here in such a
11465s small circle where everything can go
11467s wrong one wrong mistake one armor broke
11470s one small
11472s slight HP Advantage can cost you the
11474s game and these are the last few games
11476s that we have to look on for cuz these
11478s are the pop off games here we have Ching
11480s Ando having the Replay for the Yang huge
11483s tap huge as well for isang is old AR
11489s don't know with confidence here he
11490s doesn't even have to use
11492s ult but he might get forced to use ult
11495s here he doesn't even use ult man oh tap
11499s Dodges everything this guy is on the
11501s Zone man he wants to get the he wants to
11504s be in that top six man I you can see it
11507s bro he's in the zone it's all or nothing
11510s man it's all dude the way he played his
11512s NE there bro those tap Dodges were
11515s disgusting when you got to see it did
11516s you see those tap Dodges did you see the
11518s confidence he didn't even care he lost
11520s his neutral he got caught but what did
11522s he do he just tap dodged he went for the
11524s reads he didn't even use he just used it
11526s at the last second bro that was that was
11528s crazy I always love watching the pro
11530s league I mean the Dodges are so smooth
11534s everybody on land everybody's able to
11535s Mid Dodge properly everybody's able to
11538s tap Dodge anything coming their way like
11540s that and we saw there from Morano uh
11542s staying up in the real saving that o and
11545s just popped in when he really needs it
11546s and he won the ditto there and it was
11548s beautiful plays there from Ron beautiful
11549s showing there as well Kai B now with one
11552s elimination needa he's not totally out
11555s if he can have one pop off game I mean
11557s he still has two more games after this
11558s one he could potentially make it as well
11560s but extion still the back foot 29.7
11562s score over W still inside this game
11564s number 10 hlg's Pace with three
11566s eliminations 27.4 mzr baz mzr with four
11570s eliminations 26.5 is playing tamok the
11574s tmoke does have a a nice upper hand in
11577s the in circle but the auses are out and
11579s there's a lot of them still in and
11581s akuma's still up once again Akuma on the
11583s tan High needs to be real careful cuz he
11586s could counter a lot of these players in
11587s Indian Circle he he does not get lobbied
11589s this might be bad I mean he look you see
11590s him up here with Dre as well weapon of
11592s choice once again the dagger for Akuma
11594s has the Jade of his of his liking as
11596s well the Dreadful well oh man we're
11599s gonna have to wait and see how this
11600s unfolds I yo dude on paper he gets Focus
11604s AKA is blessed though man the amount of
11607s times I see him with this stade is
11609s insane it's like he he just just gets
11613s recognized by the game itself that he is
11615s that dagger player he's that dagger gold
11618s player and he always has that Jade and
11621s that Jade is a menicon end zones like
11623s you see how if you get caught in these
11626s small endzones one tick is all it takes
11629s for you to get caught and if you get hit
11630s by that full combo you're immediately
11632s getting focused after after getting that
11634s you know devastating damage but AKA
11637s playing really well here he just has to
11639s take his spot here he just has to spam
11640s this trade Everybody's scared to par
11642s they don't want to risk it because one
11644s wrong move and you're out and seeing
11647s dude mzr Aro once again and xgen and
11650s paste these four guys are on the zone
11653s and there but there can only be one guy
11655s in top six my guy and that's what we'll
11657s have to see after this game 100% it Pace
11661s see him there with that blue spear but
11663s he has Heart Stopper so if he does
11665s connect onto a player a player is going
11666s to get silenced and they're not going to
11668s be able to get out of that they're going
11669s to eat up all the damage from the hard
11670s stop we see Akuma already forming on in
11672s here in the in circle looks like we're
11673s watching some trios here there's going
11674s to wait and see if Akuma has any of
11676s those hands does not manag to catch any
11678s grab so far and this could be bad for
11679s Akuma he does manage to get a grab on
11680s kyal kyal does man to get a grab grab
11683s here he's going to get no he does not
11685s get regrab but Kai Bal losing two blocks
11688s of that purple armor needs to be real
11690s careful not to get grabbed again trying
11691s to tap DOD inside the rock there to make
11693s sure he stays up and now these players
11694s are going to start moving on into Akuma
11696s you see T225 already posted up right
11697s behind the tan High he's going to go
11699s ahead and leap inside the Zone do create
11701s some space massive RB released there
11703s from T225 to Akuma is going to go ahead
11705s and call in the par B does not get any
11707s pairs off of it the follow up is going
11708s to be T225 with elimination now T225 he
11711s going to manage to get the resources off
11712s the body there from Akuma look like Kai
11714s B still up as well even though M he did
11716s manage to get grabbed dread for well now
11718s here for T225 going to go ahead and stop
11719s on over to the cannon going to go ahead
11721s and drop the dread for well once again
11723s in this spot of moments Kai trying to
11725s stay up F call in going to send T25
11727s inside the Zone off of the F T25 now is
11729s going to go ahead and try to pop a reset
11731s in does have the safe spot against Exon
11733s there with a Canon on top Akuma now I
11735s mean not Akuma arano now trying to apply
11737s the pressure on to Kai B Kai B is going
11738s to get the V2 there onto Rono is going
11740s to force out that ultimate Kai B now
11741s needs to be real careful dropping very
11743s very low trying to LEAP around trying to
11745s stay up B2 does not connect there onto
11747s action extion still up Canon shot do not
11749s connect who's going to pick up the
11750s elimination here it's going to be the
11751s last cck from action it's going to be
11753s action with elimination going to overh L
11755s release connects there I believe on2 to
11757s five now action the only one inside the
11759s Zone T25 domination on to arano T25 now
11762s back in the mix action now for to the
11763s ultimate Le connects there into the V2
11765s therefore action on to D5 he going to go
11767s a send him find down to the Canon shot
11769s as well big damage he just stood there
11771s but the V2 does not connect off the lead
11772s the leap there from
11774s and and action with the DB and he needed
11778s that here game number 10 beautiful
11779s showing there from action and he is
11781s going to secure those points and he is
11782s going to secure the placement as well
11784s that's beautiful games there from action
11786s that's that's what he needed man out of
11788s those four people in the zone but I
11791s can't take away
11794s wait wait what I think he had more
11798s eliminations yeah he had more
11800s eliminations probably by two kills oh oh
11804s um yeah had three he had three moved
11807s into that in circle a had two actually
11809s picked up one tt25 picked up two I
11813s believe so man GG play T25 but we can't
11817s take away from zen zen really needed
11819s that and being able to outlast and beat
11822s every other competitor that he had to
11824s fight below top six that was a welld
11827s deserved round for me he played
11829s magnificently at the end and that's
11831s what's going to keep him in top six yeah
11833s he could have a slight breather here and
11835s he just has to play a bit more
11836s consistently doesn't have to go too
11838s crazy that was his pop off game and he
11840s can just keep his top six
11843s here I strongly agree with that 100%
11846s this is definitely what exen
11848s needed now like you mentioned can take a
11851s breather he got his game 10 out the way
11854s two more games are being played out he
11855s just needs to stay consistent make sure
11857s he does not get picked up early because
11860s 7 through 12 spot are very close still
11863s we're going to have to wait and see how
11864s our overall standings look but it's
11866s still a very close game there for that
11869s last and final spot xtion really really
11870s needed that T225 is going to be our
11872s winner for game number 10 but
11876s wow your goat man T5 he's he's coming
11880s off man he is he is not that top one
11882s currently but he is in that top three he
11885s is getting those dubs he's playing
11886s consistently and that's what he needs to
11888s do he they don't need to win they just
11890s have to get the top six and once they
11892s hit that jaob that's where they just put
11895s all their strength in yeah 100% you just
11897s need a qualify make sure you're going to
11899s play in the end of the year and then
11901s right after you qualify today I mean
11902s you're going straight right back into
11903s the lab tomorrow you got to get the work
11905s in you got to put the uh the work in
11907s make sure you to try to pick up the
11908s trophy there at at the world
11909s championship um I know a lot of players
11911s from all around the region have been
11913s grinding and grinding and now with these
11915s players uh not being able to not going
11916s to be in the pro league for a couple
11918s weeks uh into World Championship the J
11920s cup um these players going to have to
11922s lock in in the servers and you know plug
11924s in those hours for for Immortal war and
11926s in rank mode whenever Immortal war is
11928s down for them so I mean it's going to be
11930s very interesting to see how our our last
11932s six or our last six qualified players
11934s are going to be for today but I mean man
11938s it's just it's just an insane time to
11940s watch I mean mzr man mzr once again I
11944s mean
11945s those dude MZ made a huge play that y
11948s that was that was insane man but was it
11951s the triple head shot double head shot
11952s into a combo and like the finish the
11955s finisher on the end that it was crazy
11957s man he was in the zone but unfortunately
11959s I guess you somebody had to take it only
11961s one guy could take it it was either Aro
11964s and the Zen at the last End Zone and Zen
11967s just proving himself to be that guy at
11969s the
11970s end well we see the leaderboards here
11972s see it there it is the differen is there
11976s from T225 and extion is going to be two
11978s eliminations giving T225 a 10.4 game
11981s score here for this game number 10 J
11983s team's Action Four eliminations 8.6 gets
11986s that second place spot uh first place
11988s spot but he only gets one extra point
11990s from that against T25 that got second so
11992s that's going to give him that second
11993s place spot hlg's Pace with four
11995s eliminations 5.8 overall game score get
11997s did get taken out a little bit earlier I
11999s believe around the top five top uh top
12001s four area for Pace Bas mzr still very
12005s massive very good game for him did get
12007s 4.9 game score for that game four
12009s eliminations with a outstanding showing
12011s there in that round with the B restance
12014s they're from the long sword ewg arano
12016s two eliminations 4.1 JD
12018s gazing J Shing three eliminations 3.8
12022s man super unfortunate for him what was
12023s this Kai Bal now with one elimination
12025s 2.8 overcore Bo I think it's just it's
12028s just too late now for Kai B I mean yeah
12031s K needs like men's had a rough day to be
12035s honest and everybody gets bad this and I
12038s think it's just that day for him it is
12040s unfortunate here we see like gold Kow
12043s and p man getting a 1 V one off
12045s early having used their ults
12048s here Kow did win this he got he got the
12051s momentum he needed
12052s but now we see Jen versus mzr here with
12056s mzr is huge extension here that that was
12060s a crazy extension man this huge damage
12063s extension man that was crazy into
12066s another combo like that's literally a
12068s Zer to death that was literally just
12071s yeah oh ca it's your it's your favorite
12075s part
12076s man look at this that's disgusting man
12080s like the mechanics that you have to put
12083s in to make that work in a
12087s tournament play with the pressure that
12089s you have to deal with dude that is crazy
12093s man not easy for sure a last scrap off
12096s of the day or of the game action against
12098s T225 action there with the jump PR from
12100s the ao's ultimate that's matter to get
12102s be the last one standing but it's not
12104s the winner for game number 10 and our
12106s winner for game number 10 is going to be
12109s no other than k a T225 being our MVP as
12113s well on the AOS now have to wait to see
12116s how his stats look overall but I mean
12117s massive games here 12,000 damage here
12120s from from tt25 here
12122s Dio yo T225 with six kills and 12,000
12126s damage man yes R fall red full whale he
12129s has a complete dagger set man he was an
12132s end game for sure and he played really
12134s well he got MVP two times for today no
12137s was it today or is just like
12140s overall I think this is from he probably
12142s got one
12144s um two days ago uh he has not won a game
12147s so U this is his first one overall but
12150s yeah uh let's uh give it to T25 man been
12153s playing Super consistently he hasn't
12155s been that flashy guy that I think most
12157s of us know he used to be like a really
12160s flashy guy from my experience he's a
12162s really aggressive player he likes to
12163s make those plays but I think he's we're
12166s seeing a change here he's playing much
12167s more consistently he doesn't he doesn't
12169s have to be in those top ones he doesn't
12171s have to get those insane kills but when
12173s it matters like this game he gets those
12176s pop off games and he gets those
12177s consistent kills from the past few games
12179s that he accumulates throughout the game
12181s and it shows off it's proving that he is
12185s he is learning he's getting better and
12187s he's your goat man he's the goat he is
12189s one of the goats he's one of the goats
12191s um
12193s like I said he he still he still has
12195s some things to learn um it's not like
12198s that you know top top caliber player
12201s like how I would put like micro spider
12203s um there was this joke I would do when I
12205s would watch uh a spider um stream like
12209s he would fight Mike so I'll be like you
12211s know spider's the best player in the
12212s game he would die to Mike I'm like nope
12213s Mike's best player in the game and then
12214s Mike will fight him again and he'll die
12215s to spider I'm like no SPID play the game
12217s I mean those two players are you know
12219s solidified as one of the best players to
12221s ever touch the game with just just how
12222s many championships they have I mean um
12224s we did we did see last year that spider
12227s was the only one in the league and Mike
12228s now coming this year um in the league
12230s and he's been applying the pressure a
12231s lot onto spider uh but ask the question
12234s uh ask the answer for the treasure for
12236s the people at home here Deo answer for
12238s Treasure guys uh question for today for
12240s this game how many points did K T225
12243s score in game 10 guys is it a 4.9 B 10.4
12248s or C 5.6 or D 8.5 make sure you guys uh
12253s put your answer in
12255s chat yeah I have to wait and see this
12258s the questions usually get harder and
12259s harder so guys going to have to start
12262s paying attention uh a lot more still
12265s have two more games being played out for
12267s the day uh but yeah this is usually how
12268s it goes the game start uh the answers
12270s start getting a little bit more harder
12271s and harder start getting a little bit
12273s more um in depth so uh if you guys do
12275s want a chance to win those uh those
12277s Treasures make sure you guys are paying
12278s attention at home to make sure you guys
12280s answer the question correctly to be
12282s to have a chance to win um the treasure
12284s the chat so uh congratulations to
12287s whoever wins that go ahead and take a
12288s quick look at our overall standings and
12289s this is what important right here we got
12291s seven plays Pace hg's Pace with 29.4 ewg
12294s zon with 27 jdg chising with 26.7 baz
12298s mzr with 26.5 te shrugg with 24.5 WV KB
12302s with 20.5 so hlg's Pace 29.4 ewg's Orono
12306s 27 not that far off pretty close there
12310s to hlg's page J G chazin fell off a
12312s little bit earlier this time around in
12314s game number 10 but still in ninth place
12316s with 26.7 not that far off from Seventh
12319s Place but what's important is to see how
12321s much sixth place have so it's 29.4 for
12324s seven place now moving on in to sixth
12327s place it's going to be FBS eq's gen with
12329s 29.9 look it's super close it's up for
12333s grabs to make sure to see who gets able
12335s to go to Worlds or Jak CBS at the end of
12338s the year but now taking the top of the
12340s top we saw the bottom side of what's
12342s happening now the top of the top k225
12344s now taking the lead with 45.1 Akuma has
12347s been playing those off picks been
12348s chilling been vibing he knows he's got
12350s in the bag he knows he's vibing he
12351s doesn't have to really stress about it
12353s now he's going to go ahead and play two
12354s games with his actual characters 44.7
12356s there for Akuma ug's Pan Man Standing in
12358s that top three and playing very
12359s consistent got zero points for game
12361s number 10 super unfortunate therefore
12362s Panda man with 42.5 GG Shaw with 36.2 J
12365s teams x with 35.6 FPC Q's gen with 29.9
12369s once again that is a very close uh Point
12372s difference there from sixth to sth
12373s through eth and Ninth it's not that much
12375s of a difference there demo 100% man but
12379s seeing Q5 on top of the leaderboards
12381s he's playing seriously man he wants to
12383s be on the top he wants to get all the
12385s practice he can but at the same time we
12387s can't say of course we have to say the
12388s same for aqua although he's playing in
12390s such a unique way uh it's pretty
12392s interesting to see these two players uh
12395s play in the different mindsets in
12397s different play
12399s Styles yeah um
12403s mzr massive showing last game big big
12406s scrap off very nice kill but it's not
12409s about just one kill we're in the main we
12412s in the big leagues here it's about how
12414s many kills what position you can make
12416s with those kills you know being able to
12418s have those extensions and those TS is a
12421s part of the game this is why I love nraa
12423s because nraa has so many aspects has so
12426s many um so many aspects of the game that
12429s you have to master got to master you're
12431s fighting got to master you Mo try to cut
12434s you off here I got I got I just got like
12436s a random question there's an interesting
12438s question for you man okay who do you
12440s think Aqua is gonna play for this next
12443s game that's the big question do you
12446s think he's actually gonna up for an
12448s actual good pick for this uh game or do
12452s you think he's still going to play for
12454s fun he didn't lose his top one he did he
12457s is falling off but does he need to play
12461s ser l or is he even already playing
12464s seriously that's the question nobody can
12466s say but the man's pretty confident right
12468s now I think he brings out the teada I
12471s think he does I think he does bring out
12473s the teada now he had his his uh he had
12476s his fun he had his fun um you got to
12478s make sure you stay in you know you got
12479s to make sure anything can happen you
12481s know you never know um he is staying
12483s alive but he's not putting up those
12484s points he's getting like two point
12485s something points per game off these last
12487s two games so uh uh if I'm him
12492s yeah I have my fun I gotta play my yeah
12495s I gotta play I gotta pick a a real hero
12497s this time around especially for these
12498s last and two final games because you
12499s can't get really too comfortable and
12501s last thing you want to do is get mad at
12502s yourself oh no a Viper wait I mean not
12506s not the worst pick it it's something it
12509s can work but uh versus these characters
12511s we have some taras we have some takas we
12514s have a bit of zi and Yin too and a Faria
12517s it's pretty interesting uh interesting
12519s this uh this game uh it's more versatile
12521s I would say more variety for this game I
12523s don't really know how it's going to work
12525s honestly but I would like to say that
12527s the
12528s tus should have more advantage in this
12531s game yeah because of their fighting
12533s prowess I don't think I honestly don't
12536s think it's going to be a long game
12538s looking at the characters we have a
12541s Viper we have a I mean honestly we still
12544s have more recet characters do we 1 two 3
12547s four we have six reset
12549s characters and we have like five half
12552s and
12552s half honestly it's like a 50/50 either
12556s the fighting characters take over here
12558s or we see people play a bit slower but
12560s it's hard to see that seeing this uh
12563s seeing a lot more fighting characters in
12564s this game but what do you think see um
12567s you think reset characters will most
12569s likely have more leway end game or do
12572s you think a fighting character will just
12573s sweep everything I think
12577s um I don't I don't see there's not
12579s there's not a lot of those there's not I
12581s think I think there was like four or
12582s five aggressive characters from the from
12584s the one teada to to the Tas so it's not
12587s that much so it's a 50/50 so the game
12589s goes all the way to an end game and it's
12590s a lot more slower Pace then the zings
12593s are going to overtake it with the FAS I
12595s believe but um ah it's tough to see it's
12598s tough to say say we do have fireflies on
12600s the map so it could go through the
12602s aggressive characters those taras and
12604s those aases I'd like to believe too
12607s because of the the fact these characters
12609s in this Firefly map have the Advantage
12612s if you drop on those fireflies you have
12614s the early game advantage of being able
12617s to roam around and find those early game
12619s kills but if you're a recent character
12621s you have You' have to play much safer
12623s and if you get caught in that bad
12624s positioning versus a fighting character
12625s you are in a disadvantage but we'll have
12627s to see it maybe some people are cooking
12630s K with a Tak the only Tak is it the only
12633s Tak in the game the only Tak in the game
12635s see wow we'll see if he has you know
12639s final breathing responses this is final
12642s few games and I won't lie man he's been
12645s having a rough day and he has to make a
12647s miracle if he want to get if he want to
12648s gets the top six man he has to do
12650s something about
12652s it I'm not going to lie to you that
12654s that's probably the fastest three kills
12655s I've ever seen in any game fpx J picks
12658s up one H Pace as well and mzr picks up
12662s one that is probably the fastest three
12663s kills that I saw seen ever that could be
12666s a sign man it could be the fighting
12668s characters taking over seeing those
12670s three kills pop off that fast as you
12672s said could be one of the fastest in
12675s these games it could be that game people
12678s want to pop off if the last few games
12680s these players below top six close to top
12683s six they need to either keep that or
12686s they need to either pop off and get the
12688s top six and we're looking at PACE arono
12690s Chang mzr these players still have it
12694s close the difference between top six is
12697s is pretty minimal 4.3 points and we have
12700s paac just barely a few points there man
12704s versus Jin we see here panan versus kyal
12707s though Kaio gets hit by huge F Perry man
12711s that's unfortunate he's not feeling that
12713s that's just unlucky pandaan just just
12716s having a complete read there
12718s man beautiful showing there from paname
12721s you see here now T25 versus Jay Zen gets
12724s a huge F again this a short combo gets
12728s another Focus attack wi to neutal here
12732s in forces to five b and as we as we were
12735s talking about C fighting characters have
12738s the insane card have the insane
12739s Advantage here fighting ziping Yin
12742s versus Tara it's rough you can't win
12744s that fight you have Tara you can delay
12747s their healing you have insane Mutual
12750s priority these fighting characters will
12752s dominate the early games and that's what
12755s we're seeing right now now we just have
12757s to see if these reset characters if
12760s these uh players players playing the
12761s research
12762s characters can survive to late game and
12766s you know get their worth because
12767s research characters mostly just want to
12769s get their Ro from playing off late game
12771s and getting those rank points and
12772s getting those third parties off but it
12774s seems like we have here yet like a lot
12777s of
12779s aggression very active right now
12781s currently for game number 11 guys at
12783s home got to keep an eye out on that sth
12785s through 12 spot to try to oh overcome um
12788s currently right now FB gq's gen now last
12791s spot for the qualifiers chazen there um
12795s get e up the damage off the RB release
12796s in the back end loing a tow for chazen
12799s on the nunchucks going to try to find an
12801s opening the Faria GG sha believe already
12803s Meed up the backend is going to be
12805s forced to try to go on top of this
12807s building Chaz Zing still trying to get
12809s active it's not fine any more pressure
12811s but GG saw very low Shug guns in the mix
12813s as well um GG Shaw Zing missing one
12818s believe I'm missing one we'll see him
12819s pretty soon GG Shaw now DX the chase is
12823s on going to try to Kut this out trying
12825s to apply the pressure onto Chen the far
12827s right now is getting focused here by
12828s shrug he's going to get clip off the R&B
12830s release has the F to avoid the damage
12831s coming on to play looks like shun now
12835s getting aggress on once again bit the
12836s shots to The Backs side mzr there with
12838s the ballista shot in the back end needs
12840s to be real careful here picks up a
12841s second hand to SW gun now Chaz Zing get
12843s the elimination and he is mzr does not
12845s get it and he is not happy about that
12847s one the burn could have got the
12848s elimination chazzing now with a quick
12850s free elimination there for one hit from
12852s the nunchucks onto that player and MGR
12855s now still on this ballista Tower with
12856s the T still did not pick one up and he
12860s really needed that he really needed that
12861s elimination there ah super unfortunate
12864s for him it's going to be chazzing now
12866s and they Place once again this is not
12868s the players that you want to give these
12869s kills to especially if they're all on
12871s the bottom hand side right now for the
12873s contestant for the six play Spot TG Shaw
12876s blue staff in hand blue armor as well
12878s mzr purple H Birds the blue armor t 25
12881s on the back on the bottom side there
12882s with purple armor blue staff in hand I
12884s have to wait and see how he responds
12886s here for game number 11 46.1 for tt25
12889s once again fq gen 30.9 Seventh Place
12892s 30.4 very close Pace very close
12895s contestant there to to qualify to Zen I
12899s mean it's not unexpected to see our top
12903s six right now I mean they're all been in
12905s the league um you know uh for a very
12909s long time Pace uh I believe pace is a
12911s lot a little bit more newer he has been
12914s approving a lot and Pace has had his
12916s showing I remember couple weeks ago
12919s maybe around a month or two he he showed
12922s he showed us his potential and his
12923s mechanics uh with the with the katana he
12925s was Heaven stepping in the pr League
12927s game um which is he got hit by a
12929s Ballista Tower by mzr Kai B now trying
12931s to back up for the time being it's going
12932s to be safe for the time being now he's
12933s going to be posted up for the first R
12935s game of 11 but yeah Pace once again a
12937s player I do I want to talk about a
12938s little bit Pace did did show our uh did
12941s show his potential mechanics and you
12943s know Heaven stepping in pro league and
12945s having those flashy Combos and getting
12947s those kills off drop like that I mean
12949s Pace has those mechanics he has what it
12951s takes as well and he just just need to
12952s get the Reps in and you seen him improve
12955s um little by little and right now he's
12957s not in a very bad spot to try to try to
12959s make it to a world championship for the
12961s 2023 season um at the end of the year
12964s but pace is been improving a lot and
12966s pace is been playing very well I'm very
12969s very excited to see how Pace does does
12971s and um if he does not qualify knock on
12974s wood in the upcurrent pro league if he
12976s does manage to get another shot at it I
12978s think pace is has been improved very
12981s well yeah speaking of pace these
12983s newcomers man P Aro honestly they just
12987s need time people who just come up the
12989s league it's a it's a tough challenge at
12992s the start you have to G as I said I keep
12994s saying this the confidence and the
12996s environment you have to adapt to you
12998s don't know where you're going in you
13000s don't know how the players are you don't
13001s know how it is and the way you should
13005s adapt is you know it depends on the
13007s player the way these guys play pace and
13009s arrow they're feeling themselves really
13012s really worthy of like competing here Kai
13015s gets hit by wait he's
13019s dead just like that he gets hit by an
13022s lmb into a conversion of a fireball into
13026s a focus attack into pistol shots and
13029s just like that man
13031s he's gone from the
13033s lobby and I won't even lie to you I was
13036s so focused into that combo I don't even
13038s know who did it who is were you paying
13041s attention it's mzr was it
13044s mzr flashy combos dude he's that guy
13048s right now in in these games that are
13051s giving us the iy
13054s bro but enough about that let's talk
13056s about T25 AR know in the of T25 gets
13059s forced out of his ult
13061s really it's an interesting fight it is a
13063s Faria versus a Tara they can't really do
13067s anything to each other aside from
13069s shoots but looking at how the fight is
13071s going Aro is losing the fight he's
13074s losing to the bow shots but honestly
13076s it's a bit a bit expected you can do
13078s elbow to arono while he's on the mech
13080s and he does still get damage and you
13082s have the insane Mobility from T's ult so
13085s you should be losing this fight as a far
13088s now all it takes is one par to turn it
13090s around just like that
13094s man just like that man one huge per from
13099s Maro does he take oh
13102s my oh my wait wait
13106s wait wait he got the RB off oh dude that
13112s was that was crazy man that was a buz
13115s hold on I'm going to need a replay on
13116s that he got the R&B y but it did not
13118s kill bro anybody could have got got him
13121s that that
13122s was yeah that was just GG man oh my God
13126s I was full on that Taro was going to win
13129s that fight versus that far but that
13131s Parry made it so far got those full
13134s string of events and gets the huge
13137s comeback man that was wow holy wow I'm
13142s not going to lie I'm not going to lie
13144s though you know I'm a fan of those
13147s flashy TDS you know um pretty much you
13150s know I I learned all the conversions
13153s that I could um that I'm aware of uh
13156s just all the flashy stuff and
13159s MCR probably my favorite player in the
13161s league now not gonna lie he just because
13163s of that just that flashiness you know he
13167s he's I can 100% argue with you man
13170s because the way dude the things he's
13173s been showing the I can he's been giving
13175s us man everybody wants to see that
13177s triple head shot into combo into
13180s Fireball into conversion into conversion
13183s from ult from Tara all these characters
13186s man he's been showing his PR he's been
13188s showing his experience of like combos
13192s it's crazy but looking here and Zen and
13195s Jin Zen just cleans off Jin just like
13197s that that was just way too fast Jen is
13199s feeling himself here I think that
13201s momentum he needed from that last game
13204s is giving him the leeway to just have so
13207s much confidence on these One V ones and
13210s he deserves it man he's he's I think
13213s more so he's already confirmed his top
13215s six here the way he's playing right now
13217s it's uh it's pretty
13221s deserving I'm looking at the replay back
13224s oh man nah that's crazy we we'll get it
13227s once again uh inside that first round
13230s but right now Panda man trying to get
13231s active against exen going have to wait
13233s and see how he does here there's four
13235s players here Pace as well GG Shaw Canon
13237s shots flying on in Orono as well in the
13239s mix big cannon shots p man with gold
13241s pord in hand Akuma with gold Hal birds
13244s as well we have three gold weapons right
13246s now or with gold staff as well ex with
13248s purple staff in hand so I mean a lot of
13250s these players are skilled right now the
13251s only one that doesn't have purple armor
13252s currently is going to be Akuma another
13254s player in the backside there but arono
13256s now getting hit or applying a lot of
13257s hits also getting hit a
13260s lot trying to find an opening does not
13262s get any jump on BS extion now trying to
13264s create some space pandan as well getting
13266s active against arano get the lmb but he
13269s jumped so he does not get the full
13270s punish off F called in from Morano has
13272s that o if he needs it drops very low he
13274s does not be able to pop it he has ailion
13275s Birds M that's why he did not pop po
13277s comes in off the nunchucks Pand man now
13278s is going to try to retreat for the time
13280s being does manage to get a little reset
13281s in extion still in the middle side got a
13284s lot of players here at plume Castle
13286s being a very aggressive right now
13287s currently in game number 11 our last our
13290s second to last and final game of the day
13293s but extion going to go ahead and take a
13294s full reset all these players are going
13296s to go ahead and reset and come right
13297s back in grapple into cannon shots
13299s standard Movement we see see a grapple
13301s check into a range shot does confirm you
13303s some of those hits most of the time with
13306s that grapple spam X the still now just
13309s roaming around Kuma on the Viper F3
13311s Viper by the way be it's going to be
13313s running that F3 um on the Viper I think
13316s he's V1 as well um but yeah uh last qual
13320s uh two nights ago for the first uh
13322s qualifying round we going to take a
13324s quick look at the replay we'll talk
13325s about that in a second Panda man against
13326s Shug gun uh Panda man right now he's
13329s going to get clip off that oh no he
13330s procs off of that oh my God what a proc
13332s there from the scare rush for panda man
13333s beautiful plays out we the V3 he going
13335s to go ahead and Pop That T ultimate Nows
13337s that that knows that swun might want to
13339s take the beacon here go ahead and make
13341s him Force inside that Beacon pan man is
13343s going to go ahead and pop a powder in
13345s not manag to get the full powder in he
13346s going to go ahead and try to get another
13347s one in does manage to get it this time
13349s around now laying out some pistol shot
13351s some range shots trying to apply the
13352s pressure onto the fa Shug gun now needs
13353s to be real careful he's going to clip
13354s him off the first missile to the second
13356s one does not connect though pandaman
13357s still trying to get very active against
13359s the faras drops very very low that's
13361s manag to pop another powder in he going
13363s to go ahead and weave that first second
13364s missile this time around it's not it
13366s looks like it goes to distance here SW
13368s gun and Pand man both go for a reset lb
13370s proud here for shrugg does not get the
13371s SSB drops it Panda man and shuggle both
13375s jump PA L be release F called in there
13376s for the pH for pan and that's enough
13379s damage and Pand man winning his real
13381s Yang there beautiful plays there from
13382s Pand man wow what a showing there from
13386s Panda man and I lost my trade of thought
13388s what I was talking about before but
13390s second rang srun this against a srun
13396s going to go ahead and top it over to
13397s staff St P combo weapon swap here for S
13401s on the gold staff trying to find P L&B
13403s R&B on the ground cuz he jump does get
13405s the hits in Jump lmb L&B release V3
13406s Beacon now called in for orano strug now
13408s trying to back up for the time being has
13409s that o he needs it as well oron doing a
13411s very good job staying patient Tres to go
13413s ahead for the jump per does not manag to
13414s connect he fakes it but B3 called in lmb
13416s R&B Crouch lmb big damage there from s
13419s gun let BL stab not a lot of damage musk
13422s shot does connect the forano S needs to
13424s be real careful playing around his
13425s Beacon going to get clip off of this be
13426s prob but no that after forano and St gun
13429s falls again what a series an event for S
13433s super unfortunate for him he's been
13435s getting played out he's been getting
13436s called out lots of times today and it's
13439s not been going on his favor and we see
13440s here in the second round my he is going
13442s to lose it as well and he does not get
13444s that momentto that he needs moving on to
13445s this game 11 yeah unfortunately see even
13449s after getting that MV P he couldn't
13451s convert into a huge momentum but now we
13453s see players like I don't know for this
13456s match winning his real of yangs he might
13459s possibly get into that top six he has 29
13462s he is super close between P and J right
13465s now it could be anybody's fight but
13468s Jin's out of the lobby right now it's
13470s versus Pon Aro but we see here rail gun
13473s versus
13474s T225 ra gun having his depletion here he
13478s has to make something work here but he
13479s gets caught
13480s people know he's weak he's desperate for
13482s that kill but he's low HP he doesn't
13485s have pressure he doesn't have neutral
13486s priority he gets forc out to use his old
13489s here now he just gets shot and this is
13491s quite an unfortunate teer because we're
13493s just going to see someone get shot the
13495s entire game until he dies cuz everybody
13499s knows everybody smells the blood man
13502s real gun has to make a miracle here
13505s somehow needs to get into good terrain
13508s somehow needs to get inside somewhere to
13510s get that reset but unfortunately I think
13513s it's looking slim here but if he can
13516s manage to get inside here might be
13518s possible he survived but he he got stuck
13521s oh it's unforunate Aran gets a kill wait
13527s 30.8 points versus 31 this is super
13531s close C8 31 points and 30.8 CH and AR
13535s has to they're fighting for it man this
13537s is the fight for the lives yeah oh
13540s whoever whoever outlasts each other in
13542s this game gets the top six but we can't
13545s we can't take away from CH Zen though CH
13547s Zen and MZ are still really close as
13549s well just a few points few three points
13552s as well if mzr in Chang can just also
13555s maybe get a few kills and and maybe win
13558s the is this the last yang this the last
13560s yeah the final Yang has been gone but if
13562s they can manage to get a few more kills
13563s this end game or maybe even survive the
13565s top they can still get that top six as
13567s well so we can't count them out but
13569s we'll have to see
13571s everybody's on edge right now the last
13573s few games people are putting their all
13575s man while watching this replay here
13578s Akuma versus 225 225 having that
13580s legendary Jade and AKA having that
13583s legendary golden weapon gets hit by huge
13587s Focus attack there that was unfortunate
13588s miss that three he's looking like he's
13591s going to lose here unless he gets he
13594s gets his ult out but unfortunately do
13595s five gets his before he could
13598s get oh was it was wait he's playing1 I
13602s thought it was playing3 B1 wait that was
13605s crazy mhm B1 he just he just outplayed
13609s so well playing with V1 it was really uh
13612s how do you say you can't foresee that
13614s you actually usually people play
13618s v33 that was really unfortunate that was
13621s even I didn't know he was running V3 at
13623s the moment when I saw him s gets done
13625s that was well played to Akuma yeah but
13627s man talking about AKA against C the way
13629s he plays
13630s like he's the only Viper again in the
13632s love he was he's been only the only
13634s character in the past few games that's
13635s been the odd one out yeah correct and
13638s the way he's making things work like
13640s this like I mean at least for this game
13642s using Viper and it's actually proving to
13644s be a menace man seeing that fight in the
13646s Yang people didn't expect him having B1
13650s giving him the knowledge and neutal
13652s Advantage just because he had more
13653s knowledge over your opponent cuz you
13655s know what does tker run you either only
13657s just run V I mean it's the same thing
13658s right you run V1 or you just fire B and
13660s it's pretty expected but for Viper you
13663s don't play against Viper too often and
13665s having that I guess surprise you know
13668s Advantage caught him off guard and damn
13671s he just he just died because of you that
13673s was GG uh two days ago as well R brought
13676s up a Viper for one of the games uh as
13679s well um and it's like you mentioned it's
13681s something we don't see um Viper um world
13685s qualifier player light hyper nova my Bo
13688s he loves Viper and light is a player
13692s that if he thinks this player this hero
13695s is good he will make it work um and he
13698s is a big fan of Viper and he's very
13700s excited to see aono play Viper um two
13703s night two days ago and now that Akuma is
13705s running it I mean like you said in that
13706s realm he played it very well on that V1
13709s um make sure he can stop those those
13712s taras from trying to hide behind that
13714s pillar I mean you saw him perfectly T
13716s tap dos there as soon as that o proc was
13717s about to connect uh but now the
13720s situation might be that you're the odd
13721s one in and everybody else is running
13724s pretty much a a a similar character to
13726s another player in the server and Akuma
13728s being the only Viper right now in the
13730s server for holl Roth game number 11 is
13733s might be a little hard task I mean
13734s you've seen him off these off picks he's
13736s playing very very passive uh moving into
13739s these end circles we don't really see
13741s him that much we see him here time and
13743s time again in the early he might he he
13745s takes the realm uh we saw him in the Yan
13747s game he's taking a realm I mean even in
13749s the karumi games he took the real there
13750s and won the real so he's taking those
13752s engagements in those isolated locations
13754s but he's not really showing cuz he knows
13756s how it is once there's an a pick like
13758s that he knows that it could be a big
13760s problem and he's playing it very
13761s perfectly and Akuma is showing up that
13763s even even though he's he's vibing he
13765s he's still picking up coins on the board
13768s see it exactly man like here's the thing
13770s right you knowing that you're an auto on
13772s out is going to make things harder for
13774s you but despite knowing that he doesn't
13776s abide with the rules he doesn't abide
13778s choosing the same character to make it
13780s easier for himself but what he does is
13782s he formulates another way of play style
13785s to make it so that he works out he plays
13788s much more safer outside real of yangang
13791s but when he gets those real of yangs
13793s like Kumi Viper he shows us things that
13797s we don't normally see and honestly in my
13799s opinion that's really interesting seeing
13803s players cultivate a certain unique play
13806s style or mindset different different
13809s from all the other players is it's super
13811s satisfying it makes you think there's a
13813s lot of ways you can play there's a lot
13815s of things you can do it's just up to
13817s your own imagination as a player and
13819s that's what I'm seeing from Akuma my guy
13822s the way he plays is showing that man and
13824s it's crazy and I'm learning a lot from
13826s it I'm not going to lie that Viper and
13828s yang look looked really good it looked
13831s nasty right yeah like you're like and
13833s you're like it's a viper versus tar and
13835s what are the chances you in as a Viper
13837s but he's playing V1 that's the surprise
13840s a surprised I we didn't expect I didn't
13843s expect and most likely what that tker
13846s didn't expect as well which cost him to
13848s fight and it's crazy man it's
13851s crazy again the Viper showing up playing
13855s well against
13856s Tarka I don't know I am I going to see
13859s the teas being brought out for Game 12
13861s is that what I'm seeing and
13864s the I'm all glad to see it like the way
13867s I see AKA playing I don't even think
13869s he's play something that we'd expect
13871s yeah I don't think so either but at the
13873s at the same at the same time the moment
13876s we stop expecting him to do something he
13878s might actually do it at the last moment
13881s and that's what I'm scared of like look
13884s at us now we're starting to think that
13885s he's probably to choose like a different
13887s character again but what if he finally
13889s does something else but we'll have to
13891s see about it that's I guess that's like
13893s the best entertainment we get from
13895s washing this player but looking from the
13898s uh looking from the map right now
13900s everybody's just we're in that Z we're
13902s in that time where people are just play
13904s safe looking for mistakes 25 with a
13907s golden armor and that that's pretty good
13910s for like he does have a white pistol
13912s it's not nothing insane but probably
13915s didn't get anything far from this weapon
13917s from early game everybody just feeling
13919s things out Pace just hiding in the edge
13921s there he does not want to go crazy he
13924s just has to stay alive being in the top
13927s six I just realized Jen is out
13930s top six is paced and he just has to play
13932s the save and he just he just really has
13935s to get this game but we can't count Aro
13938s out Aro Chang mzr still alive man these
13941s players Aro has three kills he has three
13944s kills right now aside from past he is
13948s the second main Contender for this game
13950s and if he makes it alive here if he gets
13952s a here alive he could be a big man 25
13956s getting caught in a bad position
13957s everybody knows nobody
13960s knows he gets off for free oh accessor
13964s so that that was a really dangerous spot
13966s for T5 and possibly for ARO ARO was
13969s getting shot there if he was armor
13970s broken there at that moment I think he
13972s gets collapsed there but fortunately I
13974s don't think people were in a moood or in
13976s a vibe to like just collap stairs and
13979s they they all know they they want to
13980s play safe I think people are more
13982s reserved this game cuz they know it's
13984s the last few
13986s games people are just opting for shot
13989s shot is down below they're getting shot
13991s people are just shooting man nobody
13993s wants to commit 225 is getting hit every
13997s now and then pandaman getting his ult
14001s wasted right now he's getting shots
14003s didn't see what happened there how he
14005s Wast his old but it's looking fine
14007s people are not committing as I said
14009s earlier everyone just observing man they
14012s don't want to commit It's the final few
14015s game s it but man see it one huge
14018s question for you yep who do you think's
14020s going to take top one at the end will it
14023s be Aqua T225 or maybe somehow Panda or
14026s in what do you think man who's going to
14028s take this although it doesn't matter I'd
14030s like to see who's going to come out on
14031s top what do you think man
14035s um so this going to be this is going to
14037s be a two-part answer right I'm going to
14039s say I'm going to say um GG
14043s Shaw GG that's okay I'd like to hear why
14046s GG that's interesting I I'll tell you
14048s I'll tell you I'll tell you the uh the
14051s second part after the game okay okay
14054s okay G Shaw I'mma go with GG Shaw uh for
14058s game number 11 uh but we'll we'll see if
14061s my uh in my head if it if it plays out
14064s how uh I expected so we'll wait but I
14068s mean yeah probably GG I'm G say GG Shaw
14071s just now just now and then I'll explain
14073s after JD G CH Zing L on a lot of
14076s pressure Tonto I mean right now players
14079s like GG Shaw are getting very active
14081s right now they have zero eliminations we
14083s saw him earlier laying down some rain
14084s shots to the opposition T225 as well
14087s with two elimination shot apply the
14088s pressure on Toto arano arano loses one
14091s block of that purple armor and some of
14092s that white Health as well still getting
14094s called up there by tt25 Akuma playing it
14097s very safe no eyes on Akuma right now no
14099s one looking at the Viper tt25 who's on
14103s in or eating up some Cannon shot some
14105s action should be real careful here is
14107s going to manage to pop one in he is
14109s going to be safe for the time being as
14110s well so looks like this going to be a
14111s full reset here for r as well as AC is
14114s going to get some pressure on there and
14115s the backside by T225 tt25 is getting
14118s very active right now G's Pace now
14119s trying to overh that P sword trying to
14121s see if he can find something for himself
14122s GG shot with gold P sword in the back
14124s and Akuma in the middle side now panaman
14125s on the top right hand side with that
14127s poster gold poster mzr with the purple
14129s hirs in hand purple armors all around
14132s the only player who does not have
14133s anything better than a purple armor it's
14134s MCR everybody else has purple or gold
14137s Rarity armor or Ral still very weak F1
14141s called out L releases he gets clip off
14143s of that as well V3 Beacon called in he
14145s is going to be forced to qu his ultimate
14146s does man to get in just in time but now
14148s orano might be in a big trouble the V1
14150s called in from Akuma in a big stun he's
14152s looking for aano here he going to man to
14154s get the stun off and Pand man is safe
14156s he's laying out a lot of hits to piig
14158s Fireball from mzr as well and a Ron is
14160s going to fall by mzr and that's super un
14163s fortunate m mzr is going to pick up the
14165s elimination on to Rono and Orono needed
14167s to stay up it's still tough to n he gets
14170s called out k25 with that TCO online for
14174s himself Akuma oh Akuma Akuma akuma's
14178s getting free Ro to do whatever he wants
14181s the off one in the server right now on
14182s the Viper big stuns there on toono super
14185s unfortunate Pace now drops very low EX
14188s on the top hand side Pace trying to go
14189s up high he going to go ahead and Pop
14190s That Z ping timate as well big scrap BS
14192s on the B hand side Akuma with a big RB
14194s release on to Panda man he's going to
14195s pick the elimination as well that's two
14197s on the board for Akuma still getting
14198s very mzr very healthy G for that V3 now
14202s mzr and ex scrapping it off GG Shaw
14205s going up high I think it's Akuma all the
14206s way on top he's playing the top side
14208s here with this pH ultimate chazzing as
14210s well no it's face chazzing mzr GG Shaw
14213s extion all still up I think Akuma die
14215s hg's Pace still up with fairly a lot of
14218s Health MCR head up leave oh I think he
14220s got a blo just in time stays up fire
14222s block connects shot elimination
14224s mzr as well but no he's so up M picks up
14227s another one exit and just say was
14229s standing but I do not believe he got
14230s picked up all those eliminations
14232s reaction winning game number 11 what a
14235s showing from there and wow I was totally
14237s wrong I said GG Shaw wait C8 he got to
14241s explain your that was
14244s insane I think it was really close
14246s though I think it was really close it
14247s had to be very close you almost I mean
14249s you basically got that sh played out of
14251s his mind there you were seeing something
14254s there man I I see it I'm not going to
14256s lie I said I said GG sha because I was
14259s trying not to cast The Curse my boy Rano
14262s but because he was on the fa thing is we
14265s had a Viper in the server and who it is
14267s Akuma Akuma gets to do whatever he wants
14269s every single game and he came out and
14272s just stunned him and then it's going to
14273s be panan does not get stunn apply a lot
14275s of pressure to him to fortunate I
14277s thought it was going to be a Ronald
14278s because a Ronald really needed that
14280s multiply he dies at top nine he doesn't
14283s get that he had three eliminations
14285s that's super unfortunate it was man that
14288s was arold was time to show up man but
14291s unfortunately he got caught off there
14292s midair he was the only guy opting for
14295s that midair please tell grappling around
14297s but he got grappled back into like shots
14299s and it pushed him away it was really
14301s unfortunate to see but we got shil right
14304s is sorry this is uh mzr mzr who won our
14308s fifth game for
14310s today but yeah we'll play to mzr he was
14313s playing what character was he playing he
14315s was playing Tara he did the
14318s fireball yeah
14320s mzr hey mzr you're you got the you got
14324s the tods you got the flashy plays you're
14326s winning these games I mean we have to
14328s wait and see what his overall score is
14330s for this game he did get that chunky
14331s multiplayer he might be top six I'm
14334s excited to see man I want to see his I
14335s want to see his points that was a huge
14337s game for him that's what we want wanted
14339s to see from Trang arono mzr past the
14343s only dude I think the only person
14345s missing right now is CH he's the only
14347s guy hav seen pop that much and he really
14350s needs that for this last game but so far
14353s yeah for today's game for for now's game
14356s it's mzr uh we'll see how much points
14358s he's have accumulated it's it's probably
14360s really close though like I saw the top
14362s six From Below it's really close it's
14365s pretty interesting it's going to be a
14366s really sweaty top six battle yeah people
14369s above top I would say above top four are
14372s kind of chilling but below that below
14374s top six is really rough it's like bro
14376s it's a battlefield there a Fight for
14377s Your Life there the points are like
14380s super close man yeah but like here's a
14383s here's a question for sorry like just
14386s want to know who do you think will be
14388s top six
14390s though that's like a crazy I think it's
14392s between I mean it's between arold P true
14395s Zang and mzr and it's really hard to
14396s know right but who just you can you can
14398s answer by your guts who do you think is
14400s going to be top six I'mma go with Pace
14401s just cuz he has that experience um right
14404s now go with Pace um speaking of those
14406s eliminations he is uh getting those
14409s points on the board he has to have a
14410s massive game six I mean I've seen him
14412s have a massive game six before um so it
14416s all but like you said it all comes down
14418s to the last and final moments just super
14420s close for that six Place spot I mean
14421s it's going to be a very close battle and
14423s I'm looking at the overall standings
14424s from the beginning chazzing was fifth
14426s place moving on in I think he's around
14428s ninth to 10th right now so he drops from
14431s that top six and drops very low it's
14434s super unfortunate for J he's not had a
14436s very good time so far in these games and
14438s and he was really good spot moving on
14440s into this day but right now he's fallen
14443s and now the overall scores I mean look
14444s at the points right there oh my God Mass
14446s G fromr mzr is top six I believe right
14448s now yeah B mzr coming up here with five
14453s kills overall seven game score jdg
14456s actually not doing that bad he didn't
14458s win but he didn't do bad he played cons
14462s got 4.4 points third will be GG Shaw
14465s four really close uh fights between
14467s these three on top right now JT's in
14470s with 4.1 he's balling he was in a
14472s dangerous spot in top six but now he's
14474s balling he's he's more consistent now I
14476s think he yeah he can breathe he's he's
14479s definitely in that top top six and ewg
14482s Aro the top five 3.8 points he could
14485s have gotten this game for himself but
14486s unfortunately he had a few misplays and
14489s that was really unfortunate we do the
14491s five top six here with 3.4 points he
14494s doesn't have to wear as much he's he's
14496s in the top three hlg Pace 3 .4 one of
14499s our competitors for our top six drg Aqua
14503s 2.7 OG pan 2.7 ra gun with 1 Point fpx J
14507s with one point and wolves K I mean Man's
14510s having her Earth day but yeah man it's
14512s really interesting to see what comes out
14515s at the end because I won't lie to you
14517s the amount of points that how close the
14519s points are in top six is going to be a
14521s real guessing game for the last
14524s game very close going to take a quick
14526s look at the fights here for game number
14528s 11 Panda man with a quick kill there
14530s earlier game tt25 against action
14532s people's elbow into the arm be released
14534s from the staff jump lb confirmation hit
14536s L be release as well theing callusing
14537s that F CH crash the P but T25 responds
14539s with a t ultimate catches the punch lmb
14542s lmb off the staff jump lmb does not
14544s connect uh switching all over to the
14545s spear oh my God to the uppercut into the
14547s Fallen uppercut there for the
14548s elimination that was beautiful players
14549s there mzr with a massive El release
14552s there from the hir to the fireball
14553s extension Army release bck damage we
14555s that a pistol shot bing bing bang pick
14558s shot there for mzr beautiful plays here
14560s Fireball there onto I believe that was
14562s aano yep arano gets hit off the follow
14564s up there from the elm release toaz Z
14565s playing up high here staying up safe
14568s here on the zaping does manage to go
14570s ahead and pretty much does not get
14571s aggress on by anybody tries to get acor
14573s tries to pick up a soul Bloom armb arm
14574s follow up there does get a little bit of
14576s damage in and it's going to be bow as
14578s mzr with the dub and the MVP of game
14582s number 11 look at these stats here
14584s demo yo B the mzr getting five kills to
14588s thir 18K damage uh yeah he played uh
14592s pretty well as a fireball tker at that
14594s end game uh getting those huge Fireballs
14597s in those zones getting those damage uh
14599s he played it pretty well man even versus
14602s as aaria end game that was rough that
14604s that Farah could those faras or you know
14607s could have taken those fights but like
14609s he played exceptionally well at the end
14611s game surviving and getting the most
14613s minimal damage out of out the zone and
14615s getting so much uh Mutual Advantage for
14617s from his Fireball and yeah that was
14619s insane and I I I I have to bring it back
14622s I have to bring back how he just made
14624s that insane play versus Kyo and honestly
14627s I feel so bad for Kaio right now I think
14629s he's been on the spotlight from other
14631s people's views right now and it's been a
14633s rough day from him people have been just
14635s like uh you know like mzr showing their
14638s PR and it's it's crazy man yeah still
14642s have one more game like Deo stated a
14645s little earlier that that bottom uh 7
14647s through 12 right there super close to
14650s try to get that sixth place spot we saw
14652s Ronald get taken out in that Ninth Place
14654s spot he had three eliminations going
14655s into that game number 11 he only gets a
14657s five um game score or not game score
14660s rank uh rank point for that game just
14663s getting taken out at n9th place I mean
14665s super close we take a quick look at the
14666s overall standing's Pace let's from the
14668s bottom El was kyal 20.5 te strun 25.5
14672s ewg zonto 30.8 here we go fq Zen 30.9
14677s 5.1 jdg shazin 31.1 that's point2 got
14681s Hog's Pace with 32.8 I mean he has
14684s pretty much a little bit more of a
14685s higher lead in shazen but I mean that's
14687s that's just like a two points close it's
14689s really close yeah it's it's it's 1.7
14692s technically but it's like man it's super
14696s close all around the board right now
14697s seven through seven through I believe
14700s 10th here we go the top of the top it's
14701s going to be mzr she in that six Place
14704s spot right now with
14705s 33.5 has around five more points from
14707s that seven Place spot he needs to stay
14709s up he cannot be taken out J team's
14711s action 39.7 securing his fifth place
14713s spot there GG Shaw 40.3 ug's panda panda
14717s man 45.2 drg's Akuma 47.4 K T225 48.5 so
14724s I'm looking at this board right now if
14725s I'm top three I can play aggressive all
14728s game six I can try to go and pick off
14730s whoever I want I can play aggro my last
14732s game of the day um maybe even top four
14735s GG Shaw I mean can't get overthrown um
14738s you cannot get overthrown by the Seventh
14739s Place spot so you're free but if you're
14743s mzr and potentially even action um
14747s depending if one of the players get a
14748s massive popup game you really got to be
14750s careful those those bottom two from the
14752s top six the fifth through six I mean you
14754s got to make sure you stay up you cannot
14755s be taken out early I mean you have the
14757s the Chasers right below you and they're
14759s trying to take you out and they're going
14760s to try to do whatever they takes for
14761s them to knock you out out of that top
14763s six so I mean it's going to come down to
14765s the Wi demo I mean it's very exciting to
14766s watch right now this is is going to be a
14769s huge pressure put on mzr knowing that
14772s he's in top six he can breathe but then
14775s the last game is what matters most the
14777s pressure of being in that top six and
14779s knowing that one one mistake if you die
14781s if you get taken out one wrong mistake
14784s you you get taken over by either Aro
14788s past or
14789s Chang but here we go uh we'll see
14792s whether these guys either pop off or
14795s drop off I mean you know it's only way
14798s to put
14798s yeah that is a perfect way to put it
14801s it's it's it's really interesting man I
14804s I really can't it can't can't see who's
14807s going to win man who's going to get top
14809s six but yeah we're going to be doing
14810s answer for Treasure see it go answer for
14814s treasure the question is which player
14815s chose Viper ning in game number 11 we
14818s said about this we saw the round talking
14820s about this player all day guys he's been
14822s he's been playing off picks all day this
14824s is not that hard guys this is a drg
14826s Akuma B ewg
14828s C ug's pandan or D te surrell gun for
14833s the answers make sure you guys pick the
14835s right answer in order to be in order for
14836s a chance to win a free treasure you will
14839s be be you will be chosen in the chat by
14841s one of the admin there to make sure um
14843s make sure you guys are on tip top shape
14845s um yeah I mean wow what a set of five
14848s games so far we have one more being
14849s played out 11 games in total for two
14852s days and we seen a lot of upsets uh we
14854s seen players been just falling and
14856s falling like Kai Bal and I've been able
14857s to find his fitting in any of these
14859s games just I mean he he doesn't even
14861s look like he's he trying to work
14864s something out I don't know what it is
14865s he's not in his he's not in his Mojo or
14867s or what it is but super unfortunate for
14869s Kai B and then we've had other players
14871s showing up and really been giving us an
14874s eye now making sure we we're looking at
14876s them like mzr and uh and aono as well uh
14879s but do we are going to go to a quick
14881s break once we come back we'll be back
14883s with our last and final game of the
14885s nakaka blade Point Championship Mainland
14887s qualifiers for
14891s [Music]
14897s [Music]
14904s [Music]
14917s 2023
14920s [Music]
14926s [Music]
14944s [Music]
14947s what
14956s [Music]
14977s St
14988s [Music]
15001s did you miss
15003s me are you
15006s ready let's go
15013s patience
15036s darling
15060s [Music]
15084s [Music]
15096s [Music]
15109s [Music]
15144s [Music]
15152s [Music]
15166s [Music]
15174s [Music]
15182s welcome back everybody to the 2023 nraa
15185s blade Point J Cup qualifier for the man
15187s main land and we just saw five games
15190s being played out here for the mainland
15192s and it's been an outstanding short from
15194s a lot of players and me and demo have
15196s been talking during the break and I mean
15199s we just have so much things on our mind
15200s right now it's been insane just seeing
15202s these games being played out but just a
15204s quick Overlook of what has been
15206s happening the bottom 7 through 12 I
15208s believe 7 through 10 to be more exact
15210s are very close to overcome six place
15213s though he be able to take that last spot
15214s to qualify the last place spot in the
15216s top six is not safe which is going to be
15218s mzr he did jump to that top six he is in
15222s he's he is in enemy territory he is not
15224s safe at all he needs to have a really
15226s good game six right now Game 12
15228s technically uh from the two days but I
15230s mean me and Deo been talking about this
15232s like what's the play here what is he
15234s going to play uh what's the hero is he
15236s going to play more passive he's going to
15237s play aggressive we did not have that
15239s full teada game being played out I'm
15241s still asking about the teada but here
15242s are the overall standings Deo let the
15244s people at home know where the total
15246s points are right now look at these
15247s points yo starting from hlg Pace man
15250s 32.8 points and jdg choosing 31.1 points
15254s he's slowly coming back up there and fbx
15257s Jin with 30.9 points ewg Aro with 30.8
15261s points one of the players that we could
15262s have seen popping off but unfortunately
15265s you know things happen but like moving
15267s on to the top six leaderboards we see
15270s Bal mzr man you you said this earlier
15273s that you could see him in the top six
15275s and here he is at a top six and only
15277s question is whether he can stay in the
15280s top six or will he drop off and that's
15282s going to be the huge pressure that he
15284s has to take being in this top six coming
15286s in with this last game for today but B
15290s mzr with 33.5 points J team Zen with 39.
15293s s points playing magnificently
15295s consistent Zin dude he's deserving of
15297s that sha with fourth place and the rest
15300s you know to do five Aqua top three Panda
15303s man you know they're chilling I think
15305s below top five is where the problem
15308s starts man and you can see K man he's
15311s devastated bro but we all have bad games
15314s it's it's really understandable and I I
15317s can feel this pain and it's rough all we
15321s can do is like take some time to break
15323s and bro I feel so bad for Kabal but you
15327s know this is it's going to make him
15328s stronger these losses we take is is the
15332s is the reasons why we get stronger we
15334s have to take this in but yeah um man
15338s yeah that that's unfortunate man
15339s honestly I want to talk about more I
15341s think he deserves a bit of a light TI
15344s he's been playing well although not
15346s today you know I think he's having a bad
15349s day I mean everybody wants to hit the
15350s top six man everybody wants to hit that
15353s top six he was formerly a World's player
15356s last year and being not being able to
15359s play this year hurts a lot and I I can
15361s feel that same pain from him but yeah
15364s let's move on to you know Aron know like
15367s AR
15368s up up and come newcomer and he's been
15370s playing out of his G uh out of his mind
15372s past few game C8 and uh just just a bit
15375s more polish and consistency and I
15378s honestly think he can take over top six
15379s men but we'll have to see for the six
15382s game same with chuen speaking of these
15385s uh top six contenders Chu Zen arono
15389s past mzr these four players are the
15392s players we're looking at for tosic right
15394s now chuang um he's doing quite okay okay
15398s not in that tops but he's doing quite
15399s okay everybody's in the same position
15402s like just few points away from each
15404s other and like anybody can take it from
15407s this top six and this last game will
15410s really be that that sweaty game c like I
15414s can't wait to see man like we we we were
15416s talking about it off off stream bro like
15419s who's going to take it it's going to be
15420s mzr bro is's going to do this do that
15422s who's this going to beat I mean there's
15424s only one way to know guys we are about
15427s to lock a lock in for game number 12 our
15430s last and final game of the day and man
15434s overlooking of those of those of the
15437s over overall standing sorry MC's La uh
15441s pop off game was last game that was his
15444s best game of the day he had seven points
15446s for that game all his other games he
15449s weren't doing so hot so right now the
15451s pressure is super on for mzr and
15453s obviously everybody who's trying to
15455s knock him out as well but I mean
15457s just had a really good game last game
15460s wow and look at that W Kai B yeah that
15462s really saddens me it's very heartbroken
15464s broken there uh breaking to see that um
15467s very devastated at this I mean he's been
15469s in the pro league for such a long time
15471s and I'll be able to uh qualify for for
15473s the jaob it must feel bad for I mean
15476s needs to try to do his best as he can to
15478s finish up strong I mean it's very tough
15479s being at the bottom side of the
15480s leaderboard right now but I mean all
15482s eyes are going to be on wow okay we have
15487s a little bit of a mix here demo look at
15489s this B mzr bringing up that Viper what
15492s this Kai B on the Z jdg chazzing on the
15494s Z as well fpx eq's J on the teada GG
15497s Shaw on the Matari first motari that we
15499s see in quite a long time I believe J
15500s te's action on the Tessa the first Tessa
15503s we see from the past two days I believe
15505s do not quote me on that L's pan on the
15507s wuen wait hold on wuin W has been taking
15510s out the meta for a very long time last
15511s time we saw W was at Worlds last year
15513s when he was being played out by a lot of
15515s players drg Zuma bringing out the Viper
15516s time too that is going to be his second
15518s pick there on the Viper going into game
15520s number 12 ewg zono and hg's pace and to
15523s Eun all bringing out that's aada for
15525s game number 12 and it's going to be K
15527s T225 matching no ggw swapping on over to
15530s a Tessa so it's going to be a lone W
15532s Batar for T225 GG sh is going to join
15534s action on the Tessa and then we got two
15536s sides being brought out and a lone wolf
15538s Wen for panda man I mean what a lineup
15540s here Dio yo see it no longer we see AA
15544s being the odd one out yeah R has taken
15548s the range of joining him in his quad for
15550s being the unique players in this game
15553s for at least for this game MGR opting
15555s for the Viper man we were talking about
15557s this he was I mean he was from from our
15560s point of view he was either going tet or
15561s recess character but he was he goes
15563s Viper pretty interesting the way he
15565s showed us his
15567s mechanical uh combos like the way he
15569s pulled it off we were expecting taka
15571s just because taka is that combo Master
15574s but Viper that's interesting man well
15576s you think we'll see from his
15578s Viper um maybe F1 or what's what's the
15582s silence one is it F1 or F2 like silence
15585s is F1 I don't know if he's running F1
15587s I'll see in a second if he is running
15588s the F1 he can extend with the F1 exactly
15591s so I have to wait and see if he plays
15593s out the F1 uh I know akuma's on the
15596s F3 question is here do they both play V1
15599s that's going to be the interesting
15601s question does MZ play V1 or V3 I was
15604s actually so locked in to like I was so
15606s locked in looking at the other picks I
15607s didn't very notice but no okay so mzr is
15610s running F2 that is that's the silence
15613s that's the silence sorry that's the
15614s silence F2 and then he's running
15617s B3 and now over to B3 as well yeah he's
15621s definitely going for the those combo
15623s cers but yeah we see here 25 and Aro
15626s straight up just getting those huge
15629s fights out early game AR get a huge
15631s armor swap there that was super lucky I
15632s think he got that from the chest gives
15634s him that gives him a good Reon reset T5
15638s wants to chase here AR know doesn't want
15640s to turn around and fight back he tries
15642s to get a heal he misses the heal gets
15644s interupted gets a huge Focus
15647s attack two to five playing Matari he's
15651s going to be hard to chase here I don't
15652s think he should be chasing for
15654s this kill but he's opting for a heal
15657s they're both resetting it's a reset he
15659s doesn't know to5 opted for the bush hide
15662s there knowing that Chen is probably in a
15664s third party they both play pretty safe
15666s here
15668s fpx J fighting pce here man gets a huge
15671s P Pace with a huge PR there gets a huge
15674s Tor us into a combo is his death he gets
15677s a roll out it wasn't true get a huge lmb
15680s focus with a dagger equalizes with
15683s another lmb a huge huge lmb combo I mean
15688s just a Shar combo gets the kill and
15690s that's massive showing there that's a
15692s massive showing Hogg's pays now over
15694s thron MCR there it is one elimination on
15697s board for pays that's massive right
15698s there Dio That's it man that's what we
15701s wanted to see from these players
15702s fighting for top six uh getting that
15705s early momentum kills like what Pac
15707s showed us he has to get more he they
15710s have to get this momentum early game and
15711s that's how they cement themselves
15713s throughout the game those early game
15716s kills will get you the loot you need the
15718s kills you need to formulate the points
15719s accumulate the points rather for that
15722s for those end games but it's going to be
15724s rough man look up these points Pac MZ
15726s are CH Zang and Jin and aro's points are
15731s so close man just basically three points
15733s away from each other
15735s man have arano against T225 once again
15739s orano common armor we got a third party
15740s chazen moving on in chazen trying to
15743s find an opening here Rano on the teada
15745s currently orano with 30.8 looks like T25
15747s is going to get jugle here by J two RBS
15749s and the followup RB that's big damage
15751s there from chazin on to T2 to5 now T2
15753s to5 needs to be real careful on the
15755s Matari can't K this out run trying to
15757s pick his elimination and if he can pick
15758s it up froming back in on to ronto and
15760s he's going to nullify that he does not
15762s even care about him he wants to take out
15763s T225 T225 does manage to get a common
15765s armor swop and he's out of here look we
15767s had a little percentage on the screen
15769s earlier top three had 100% chance those
15772s three players already qualified I
15773s believe fourth and fifth had 99% B here
15775s from shug to Pace RB two P he's going to
15777s weave that F but no he's going to get
15778s called out by Pace F this time around
15779s shrug now getting called out F3 called
15781s in for shrug gun to the jump L B has
15783s moral Defiance though he's up RB
15784s released onto shrug gun he's going to
15786s weave that no gets CLI up the RB
15787s released and the purple lock putting up
15789s a lot of damage Pace try to stay up and
15791s this might be bad for Pace he needs to
15792s the elimination he falls at s gun here
15795s pick the elimination 11 plays for S gun
15798s he can make a run seven to eight kill
15800s elimination is possible we seen it seen
15802s it happen here but the is strun the Cali
15804s play to be able to do it we're going
15805s have to win and see T225 against chazen
15807s time once again armb released here for
15809s the HS now ultimate calling in here for
15810s the zazan back stab for T225 on to tazan
15814s taz's going to go ahead and respond with
15815s that V2 going put up a lot of damage
15817s there on to T225 T25 going to try to
15819s kite this out right now he needs to be
15820s real careful on the Matari looks like
15823s that o is going to run out pretty soon
15825s soon zero eliminations for T225 does man
15828s to get out and create some space chazen
15829s still has that Z Ultimate online Ronald
15831s now moving on in to the party orano
15834s currently in 10th Place R&B released off
15836s Rono onto Jay V2 no he's going to notify
15838s that F he's going to pick up elimination
15840s no t22 still alive chazen does not let
15842s him pick it up and the B shot there from
15843s chazen and he needed that and this is
15845s the scrap off we needed chazzing now on
15847s eighth place with two eliminations 33.1
15849s now orano not happy about that he needs
15851s to try to pick up this elimination
15853s chazzing with no ultimate online he's
15854s trying to kite this SP out he has two
15857s more charges here off the ghost or Rono
15860s going to go ahead and scare was this out
15861s Tain does not get able to get it he does
15863s manage to get the a grapple into the
15864s followup R release from the fur has one
15866s more nope he cancel 25% save uppercut to
15868s the standard R release F called in there
15870s for orano oh no for tazin sorry tazin
15873s still cutting his out orano trying to
15875s get as aggressive as he can but no he
15877s cannot catch him right now Chaz doing a
15879s really good job being a nuisance ronto
15881s is struggling RP released from the hoers
15883s there onto ronto Chaz oh my God he's
15885s leaving out the house it's just a matter
15887s of time that we see who manages to take
15888s it triy to pop one but does not manage
15890s to do so jump on the beach try to Clan
15891s does not manage to do so F call from
15892s orano now oh my God fall Chaz too to the
15897s fall up RB misses though he rolls fall
15899s to the r and CH takes out run here he
15902s drops he tops go to top six for this
15905s game
15907s dude that was crazy now we see jyn
15909s eliminating mzr wait is that
15913s elimination uh Soul yeah soul he yes he
15917s soul but oh my see these fights that
15920s we're seeing right now look at the
15922s points between the top six man they're
15924s all fighting for their lives right now
15926s this is the end of their their lines man
15929s this is where they have to show as I
15931s said earlier either they show up or drop
15933s off man and we're seeing it man it's a
15936s fight for the lives but we see her past
15939s uh having white armor here opting for
15941s loots but he has a visitor here on top
15944s of the
15945s roof who is this this is zen zen wants
15948s to get some kills here gets a collapse
15951s at PACE Pace uses a St here gets a huge
15955s shot equalizing the neutral here misses
15958s the lmb focus gets upper cuted into
15960s Focus attack I think that's going to be
15962s it for p Comm man there's no more soul
15965s is he eliminated he died oh Pace gets
15969s elim that's unfortunate man but the that
15972s leads us to poor players man that's
15976s heartbreaking from Pace that should that
15978s that that that must be heartbreaking man
15981s but it leaves us to chuang Jin mzr and
15983s ARO ARO looking like he's he he's the
15987s one who has to catch up this game much
15989s more than the others but
15991s chuang out of nowhere top six men but
15995s it's still not over yet yet man nine
15997s people left Yang's coming up let's see
16000s who wins the Yang
16002s probably if you see chuang and these
16004s other
16005s players off for Yang we get J team K and
16009s W and
16011s T none of the top six went for the the
16015s young SE yeah this is bottom two right
16018s here 11 hit 12 place currently s in 11
16022s wolv is Kai B in 12 F caught in here for
16024s Shun against Kai B Kai B now going to
16026s eat up the damage off the Jump RB from
16027s the dagger dagger sh gun now trying to
16029s kite this out he does manage to Mid
16031s Dodge that F now ultimate called in here
16032s for w is k b called in for Shun go ahead
16036s and get clipped out the V2 here from the
16037s Z going to go ahead and mid Dodge or
16039s Dodge that beautiful time there from
16040s shrug gun against that lmb there from
16042s the old misses the third F or second
16044s fing Kai B still has the old on live
16047s kicks one gets two but no shun with the
16049s fing follow up Crouch all B from the
16051s dagger to take out W is Kai Bal
16055s strun that was super fast tril just he
16059s he's he wants it man how many points
16061s does he have right now does he have the
16063s chance to overtake top six could this be
16065s his game where is he the leader birs
16068s right now but we're going to see it he
16069s needs eight points he needs eight I mean
16072s it's not far too fetch it is oh wait
16074s wait wait he picked up hold on hold on
16076s hold on on no he picked up three
16077s eliminations that's 29 he has three
16078s kills oh he's close oh wait he no I can
16082s see it he still has a chance if he
16084s manages to pull off a few kills in last
16087s end game he could possibly get top six
16090s here if he but he needs to eliminate
16093s Shang Jim zmen if these guys stay alive
16097s top six and just you know stays
16098s consistent I don't think he can overtake
16101s the points if they stay alive he has to
16104s get like what eight kills 10 kills uh
16108s plus the dub yeah but ra gun here
16110s commits with 22 to five he wants his
16112s kills he doesn't care who has the buff
16113s who doesn't have the buff he wants to
16115s get still kills he wants to get the high
16117s kill game he forces out
16120s 25's equalizing though 25 gets huge for
16125s and that's a huge kill for real good man
16129s and that's 30 points on the board Just
16131s Four Points left man hold on wait a
16134s second Four Points left man hold on wait
16136s a second everybody pause got a hard
16138s pause on check right now swug on four
16140s eliminations 30.4 currently in 11th
16143s place this game is going by fast I don't
16145s think this game's going to game right
16146s now here demo because if you look at the
16148s board theuma and Pan Man are both out
16150s right now they have already spot to the
16151s J Cup qualifiers on J Cup World
16153s Championship so they're out the Heavy
16155s Hitters are starting to fall one by one
16157s tt25 just fell to shun right now four
16160s eliminations on the board for Shun fq is
16162s Jen with three eliminations they got a
16164s fight pretty soon here if s can run into
16166s Jen or to Zing right now and take him
16168s out that's going to be massive s now
16169s with a big pair on to Kai and Kai has
16170s not been having a good day all day so
16172s this might be another potential
16173s elimination here for swug gun against he
16175s can turn it around this fight here will
16177s really upset Shug gun here so Kai Bal
16179s now and Shugo both taking a full reset
16181s and Pistol shots now flying on in from
16182s shun Go Launcher on here for Shug jump L
16184s be there for the clink F called in here
16186s for Shug jump lb follow up off the F3
16188s Kai is going to be forced to pop this
16189s ultimate and shun now going to go create
16192s some space trying to make sure he does
16193s not get super close with that o online
16195s scare does not connect but he does man
16197s to get the RB two pick there F called in
16198s there from Kai Bal now he has the
16199s opening that he needs jump lmb or
16201s grapple lmb's off it is gets the F
16203s caught in as well he going to respond
16204s with a one two three off the ultimate
16207s the2 connector for Kai SW gun now apply
16210s a lot of getting hit by a lot of
16211s pressure from Kai RB RB oh my god swun
16214s with another one that's five on the
16216s board for SW SW gun te SW gun now five
16220s eliminations takes out wolves's Kai
16222s jumps to that 10 Place spot now mzr
16225s against T225 big pair from T225 onto mzr
16228s mzr going to be forc to pop his ultimate
16229s and that's the problem right there oh no
16231s super unfortunate for mzr and that's
16233s what I was looking at demo that's
16234s something I wanted to mention pressure
16236s if you look at this fep executes gen
16238s hg's Pace although he got eliminated but
16241s te shun and ewg Orono all played heavy
16245s hitter characters and now you had um you
16248s had mzr on the Viper which is kind of a
16252s you know like ah man what's going on
16254s because everybody knows the assignment
16256s you got to frag
16258s out I see I think yeah the pressure got
16261s to him he might have made the maybe the
16263s bad decision of not choosing the right
16265s characters but maybe he had a vision
16267s that only he could see but unfortunately
16270s yeah it did go down through the hole
16272s unfortunately but we do see ra gun
16275s man raun getting those five kills with
16278s 31 points he's on top of his his game
16281s right now man oh wait wait not like this
16286s see not like this wait see not like this
16289s not like this you don't want to die like
16292s this no not for not with how close it is
16295s not like like this please but AR don't
16297s know strives to stay alive here he does
16300s have for he has three charges he can
16301s stay alive he has three ways to get
16304s himself out
16305s of Po fights here he can just stay out
16308s the Zone he is playing pretty well here
16310s he gets out he get a reset here that was
16313s really close to it see if he died there
16316s because of a sign I promise you Aron
16320s know would forever hate CH his entire
16322s life he would never go to celesa ever
16323s again I would never go celesa if happen
16326s to me but I but like you know he's fine
16330s we're good we're good but looking at his
16333s score right now uh C8 uh rail gun with
16336s five kills sorry talking about rail gun
16338s man this man has has the entire game
16342s around himself man if he could pull this
16345s comeback from this one game alone that's
16347s going to be something man te bro we have
16351s to look look for him man yeah true Zang
16353s here also really strong competitor he's
16356s played consist consistently throughout
16357s the games he hasn't really won got an
16360s MVP but he's played consistently enough
16361s to still even manage to reach top six
16364s here but we have to see what these
16366s players have have to offer he's going
16369s for it he's it's his game he has to keep
16372s he has to keep the momentum see it te
16375s versus Aro this is going to be a fight
16377s for top six guys that battle to the
16382s death yeah we starting off with a midair
16384s battle here just shooting off feeling
16386s other who gets the shots here who
16388s doesn't AR gets the first shot here real
16391s good misses the old he forces the up
16394s that might be a huge problem here now
16396s Aro can just kite this out and have huge
16399s Advantage here he does have the pillars
16401s here to outplay and time is scking for
16404s real good man this is not looking good
16406s C8 no oh this is not looking good for
16409s rail gun but it's not over yet one wrong
16413s move for Arlo he gets knocked up here he
16415s can possibly get to but so far he's been
16418s playing it
16420s magnificent AR gets hit by huge Focus
16423s attack oh Aro has two more charges he
16427s just uses his ult not looking good for
16429s rail gun here he has to cut this out
16432s will he manage to cut this out he does
16433s have the pillars to out play here but as
16436s as I said one wrong mistake with taka he
16439s still wins it wait not over yet AR gets
16442s save oh he manages to Win It man CA that
16446s was crazy GG man he's doing it he's
16451s doing it man he's doing it right
16455s now okay history is coming up
16459s man
16461s wait Shug with six eliminations right
16464s now shazin drops to seven F executes Jen
16467s in six now with four eliminations shun
16471s has to find other J saying right now he
16474s needs to run in to one of these two two
16475s players he does not want to run into GG
16477s or TD5 he can he can and if he can pick
16481s him up you know that's a good that's
16483s good he gets another one that's seven
16484s but shugan right now his competition is
16486s Jen and chazen 35.8 for Jen 34.9 for
16490s chazan Shug with 32.6 top seven I mean
16493s it's very aggressive aggro right now
16495s from all these players around this is
16497s not going to go to end game so being
16498s able to get that multiplier in the dub
16500s right now it's very very strong for for
16502s srga and he needs to see if he can pick
16504s up all these eliminations still try to
16506s run into one of these players are are
16507s over that are in his way right now Rd
16510s trying to get active or Ronald has that
16512s y depletion timer on his back 3 minutes
16514s and 20 shun just has to wait this out we
16516s have another player in the back in it's
16517s going to be Jen this going to be close
16518s one shun needs to be real careful not to
16520s be the one to get third party or Lobby
16522s out of these two here shun now going go
16525s ahead and try to kite this out looks
16526s like orano is going to go ahead and eat
16528s up some damage there from shun gold
16529s dagger in hand from shun that's going to
16531s hurt right now bq's gen looks like he's
16533s going to choose shrug gun shun going go
16535s ahead and hide behind Bush This Jen
16536s going to go ahead and lie some pistol
16537s shots onto Ronald do not connect so far
16539s Ronald still trying to find an opening
16542s against sh gun he needs to find a soul
16543s Bloom he has to try to stay inside of
16545s this game with zero eliminations
16547s currently 31.3 11 11th Place there for
16551s Rono fpq gen backs up shrug gun as
16555s well ah arano in a really bad situation
16558s right now he has to try to see if he can
16559s find one of these eliminations and Shug
16561s needs to make sure he does not get
16563s lobbied uh in the back end there from
16565s from because that will be very
16566s devastating getting taken taken out top
16568s six um if they do potentially take out
16571s orano currently in top seven right now
16574s uh of the lobby game number 12 EP exq
16576s gen looks like he might be running into
16578s AR pretty soon this might be good for
16580s swug gun o this might be good for SW gun
16583s really good for SW gun they need to get
16585s Jin out if they get Jin out they have so
16588s much Le to come back to top six here gun
16592s is on the on fire right now with six
16594s kills Aro collapse to JY this is really
16596s bad for JY JY has to stay alive here but
16599s Aro has to force this fight out he has
16604s thetion let's see if he can manage to
16606s take out Jin here trying to chase him
16608s out but Jin doesn't want anything here
16610s he just wants to stay alive he knows the
16612s third part is here ra gun ra gun wants
16614s those kills he wants to take take
16617s advantage of this Spight this third
16618s party and if he gets these kills that's
16621s going to be cementing him to the top six
16622s but it's not going to be easy people are
16625s playing sa if they don't want to get
16626s collaps to they don't want
16629s to get by ewg I don't know but he has to
16632s force things out man he has to force
16635s things out he's forcing it he's
16637s desperate he has to do it he has to get
16639s something out he has a minute on the
16641s clock and if he doesn't get anything
16643s here it's
16644s over and it's looking like he won't see
16647s it oh man this is bad for or strun look
16652s everybody starting to move on in shun
16653s needs to be real careful here he's going
16654s to go ahead and V SP but the third part
16656s is coming on in he going to PO that with
16659s a mus shot now swun might be in big
16661s trouble he does manage to get the soul
16662s Bloom he is out of their save 66% there
16665s from that ultimate is ticking right now
16666s 75 I believe is going to come up from
16668s that Soul Bloom 7780 he's pretty safe 82
16671s yeah he's getting a lot of rage back 82%
16673s there it is for that ultimate for slug
16675s gun he's safe he needs to be really
16677s careful not to get third partied and not
16678s be caught up in a middle I mean that
16680s could have been really bad tt25 puts up
16681s one one on the board another one on the
16683s board that's going to be three
16684s eliminations for tt25 to Zen in seventh
16686s place has to play he's been playing a
16688s lot more passive as well um epq is Gen I
16691s mean he's been very close to surun they
16692s were trying to eliminate Rano Rano Falls
16695s in 11th place six elimination for Shun
16698s these players can check they can check
16700s who's the kill leader right now they
16702s know uh everybody who's right below on
16704s that bottom uh 7 through 12 I mean they
16706s know that s gun's in the mix so I mean
16708s they got to be real careful T225 against
16710s Jen massive lunch there from Jen Matari
16713s Tim called in from the Matari T225 is
16715s going to go ahead and go ahead and
16716s respond with the F and ultimate Jen 123
16718s connects there off the fur and Jen now
16719s is going to go ahead and not catch the
16721s line it's going to be 225 with a massive
16722s backstab T to read the fur it's not
16724s catching massive backside this time
16725s around for T2 to5 and FP fpx zq gen
16728s still trying to find opening catches the
16730s F but the distance was not there one two
16733s bur does not connect in T225 lmb release
16736s onto T225 is going to fall gold nchu
16738s okay this might be good X applying the
16740s pressure on to T25 GG Shaw as well GG
16743s Shaw in fourth place EX and fifth fourth
16747s and fifth place aggressing first place
16749s right now tt25 already secured his spots
16752s to to Worlds he's chilling he's vibing
16754s he's just playing to play right now it's
16756s well as GG Shaw and J team's action
16759s these players are vibing right now they
16760s are already in Worlds um fbq jend though
16763s I mean very close to Zing as well I mean
16765s it's a onepoint difference from D we've
16767s been talking a lot about shun uh he is a
16770s little bit lower on the side from um
16772s overall from fxq J and J G shazin but I
16775s mean the six eliminations and being able
16777s to stay up and get that multiplier can
16779s really affect a lot of this but I mean
16781s they also have four to three
16782s eliminations and there already top six
16784s so stun needs to he needs to try to pick
16787s up these eliminations now he needs to
16788s see if he can find anything right now he
16790s needs to try to pick up as many as he
16792s can to try start knocking out these six
16794s through seventh players right now tt25
16795s getting C out GG Shaw now with big
16797s damage onto tt25 tt25 on Matari is going
16800s to be forced to pop this ultimate blinks
16801s three times and that's all out for him
16803s right now starting to regen more of his
16806s blinks one is up now tt25 does manage to
16808s create some space have a lot of players
16810s being aggressive GG Shaw as well already
16812s in the mix T25 scare is on up I believe
16814s onto extion extion now has the uh has
16817s the line of sight for tt25 is that
16819s dragon war it is dragon war for tt25 go
16822s ahead and stay safe on top of this uh
16824s Arc here from the mid Zone tt25 still
16828s trying to claim the Cliff's side here
16830s against GG Shaw big PA from GG Shaw
16832s releasing gets punished for it does not
16834s get the damage though tries to pick up
16836s his nunchucks once again does not manage
16837s to do so he's going to go ahead and swap
16838s on over to the PO sword he's going to go
16840s ahead and try to kite this out and it's
16841s going to be very tough to try to catch
16843s up to him on the Matari but tt25 now
16846s getting clipped up by hits everywhere
16847s who's going to pick up the elimination
16848s here and Shun shun's in the mix he came
16851s in hot with the fur but T25 still
16853s staying up he does not fall grapple
16855s spans from all around SW taking a reset
16857s right now he needs to try to pick his
16858s elimination is going to be GG Shaw
16860s picking up his second one of the game
16861s number 12 swug drops very low he just
16864s goes right on in with that F does not
16867s managed to do anything with it just very
16869s low extion feeling it now extion is
16871s filling in viob and GG saww as well
16873s fourth through fifth getting very active
16875s against everybody in the lobby epq is
16878s Jen securing his spot so far thus far
16881s against chazen a shun I mean he needs
16885s two two plus the dub I mean it's going
16888s to be a high task I don't even know if
16889s that even solidifies him the the the the
16892s ticket to Worlds because I mean J team's
16894s action and fpsq genen have once again or
16897s fpsq genen and uh jdg shazin have four
16900s and three eliminations I mean they still
16901s have been getting kills this game so
16903s we're just GNA have to wait and see how
16905s the last and final moments paning out
16906s but it's coming pretty close here
16908s Dio dude I I'm just clenching
16911s maning rail gun has to like take over
16914s the world right now he has to fight Jin
16917s here he has to fight Trang here
16920s and we need to see how how he what's
16923s what's his plan but uh people here on
16926s the end game it's probably going to be a
16928s bit slower cuz uh there's just a few
16930s players left people are desperate to
16932s fight here are probably probably
16935s probably going to be the ones uh trying
16937s to force the fights here I'm assuming uh
16939s St
16941s gun is looking for fights here but
16945s uh it's kind of hard to see it people
16948s are just uh playing it safe
16953s here oh man just a matter of time here D
16956s I mean I can hear my heartbeat right now
16959s just straight silence a lot of these
16961s players are not even making too much
16963s action they're
16964s just huge question you think sh can get
16969s it
16971s bro oh man I don't want to cast a curse
16973s him I don't want to cast a curse him but
16975s I mean he's getting aggressed on right
16976s now I don't think
16977s so I think it's oh no this is this is
16981s the problem you make one mistake of
16983s getting shot out of the open man and
16985s everybody just starts shooting you and
16987s unfortunately it's rail gun gets hit by
16991s there it is he is
16992s out is actually so unfortunate oh my God
16997s okay that is out the b run is out look
17000s at 6 through seven Right Now demo it's
17002s going to be a battle to see who picks up
17005s this eliminations between them two
17007s there's only two other bodies that can
17009s be picked out for eliminations there
17011s three on the board all around I mean
17013s it's going to it's going to come down
17015s very close it's four on four right now
17017s this was this was so unexpected huge
17019s shot from chz CH is coming back insanely
17023s mad this last game he's good he's
17026s showing off the last game man that's it
17028s GG the wait GG it was on
17033s what that is GG we have our six players
17037s qualified from the mainland in first
17040s place well we should say fourth T225
17043s Okuma Panda man let's go back K c225
17046s drg's Akuma ug's Panama GG's Shaw and J
17050s te's action and JD G's Chaz all qualifi
17054s for World Championships J
17056s cup I won't lie man see I never out of
17060s the four of them I did
17062s not he came up when the time needed to
17067s and this was his game the only game he
17069s had to pop out and this is it man he
17073s gets another one Zen gets another
17074s another kill one versus one versus Shaw
17077s having his ult out fighting a
17079s Tessa it's caught by a wait R&B combo
17085s that's wait wait did you see
17088s that see what I didn't see it he did R&B
17091s R&B Crouch lmb into the uppercut that
17093s was
17094s insane wait's alive wait wait there's no
17099s wait wait
17101s sh I'm sorry I'm actually confused I
17103s thought he was dead
17105s if Chang is able to land like one Focus
17108s attack here GG but he's literally one
17111s shot there's no way he wins this right
17113s one Clank wait did I just C shot or
17117s what wait there is no shot that's cannot
17122s believe Chang wins this but correct me
17125s if I'm wrong okay that's GG I was a SC
17129s cursing shot but
17132s man that that was like would have
17135s thought C8 I did not expect chuang to
17138s pop off like that at the end and take
17140s top six just like that that was
17143s crazy wow here a second though guys look
17145s look look he knows he's happy bro he
17148s knows yeah he qualified for Jacob oh my
17152s God he's reled I feel you
17155s man bro he's bro he can just do whatever
17158s now he can just chill man he's
17160s done GG jdg CH Zang guys well played
17165s jdg shazen our winner and MVP of game
17170s number 12 moving on in these first set
17173s of games today he was in fifth place he
17176s dropped very low on the overall
17178s standings I believe somewhere around
17180s 10th to to 11th but look at him now
17183s composed that experience from being able
17186s to play in these games time and time
17188s again and it's just show up that how you
17191s being a veteran is really really good I
17193s mean he secur his spot there for the J
17196s cup and wow te run though what a what a
17201s outstanding performance what a what a
17203s show there from from from Sr gun super
17206s unfortunate does get taken out saw Chaz
17208s Zay there with a Mas Mass B shot there
17211s onto Jen he does take him out Jen is not
17214s happy look him he is not happy that's
17216s heartbreaking these players were just so
17218s close to to the tip of their tongue man
17221s you can feel their pain you can see
17222s their pain just it was just one St close
17225s man one up close
17227s Jen being that guy just slightly behind
17231s ching and I'm not going to lie to you
17233s bro I can feel the same pain what Jen is
17236s feeling right now and that's
17238s devastating
17239s wow what a set of six final games for
17245s today it was a super close game there
17248s for game number six with everybody super
17251s close trying to take that last spot we
17254s did not not mention Chaz we were not
17256s looking at him that man came from
17259s downtown dude man just like came out of
17261s nowhere man like you know John Cena get
17263s what I mean that was crazy that was
17267s crazy oh my God what a showing I mean
17269s once again shun starting off hot um uh
17275s mzr mzr played the safer route played
17278s the Viper did not play out well for him
17280s everybody else in that bottom 7 through
17282s 12 we're playing those heavy hitter cars
17284s that were trying to pick up those
17285s eliminations I mean we saw Z come on top
17288s there for JZ zah a very strong pick
17290s especially there with that ultimate we
17291s saw being played out very perfectly well
17294s there from chazen does get his last spot
17297s there does manage to creep in through
17299s the door he does manage to get it
17300s through he will be competing at the end
17302s of the year at the world championship
17304s Jak Cup oh my God that was insane it was
17308s super close there for the last and final
17310s spot wow I mean so many things could
17312s have gotten so many other ways we saw
17314s T225 just in the mix just being a
17316s nuisance there with his Dragon making
17318s sure he could just he was just getting
17320s active all across the board but wow what
17322s a set of six games has been we've seen a
17324s lot today we've seen old heads being
17327s fall down we' seen new heads coming and
17329s rising and you know making sure they
17331s make a statement with them knowing that
17332s they take they know they have what it
17334s takes to be able to be on top but super
17336s unfortunate enough no none of the newer
17338s players were able to qualify for that uh
17340s World Championship at the end of the
17341s year but still we had an outstanding
17343s show and we saw a lot of mechanically
17346s gifted players um in the in the pro
17348s league now for the CN qualifier so I
17350s mean it's just been an insane time
17352s watching all this and wow demo it's it's
17354s been insane that was crazy man like I
17357s think nobody could have expected that
17359s outcome at the end and like Chen just
17361s taking his taking his like Throne man of
17363s top six like getting that top six
17365s getting into the top six proving
17367s everyone I mean proving to himself that
17371s you know he's in it to win it man he's
17373s back on track just like that
17375s nobody expected that it was crazy man
17377s the way he just eliminated Jin that was
17380s just I no words man that right there is
17384s super super heartbreaking there for Jen
17386s I mean the last player you want to die
17387s to there is is Chaz exactly it was
17391s heartbreaking to see but you know it's
17393s the fight of the death it is what it is
17397s wow wow wow our last overall scoring
17401s here for the day it's going to be J DG
17405s shazan with six eliminations 10.4 game
17408s score teun with six eliminations
17412s 8.2 super close gets taken out super
17415s unfortunate there for super rail gun GG
17417s Shaw with three eliminations 7.2 F pq's
17421s gen heartbreaking heartbreaking getting
17424s taken out there by chazan but chazen
17426s there with six eliminations and being
17427s top two there gives him a lot more
17429s points there against Jen now Jen's going
17431s to be there with 6.7 overall game score
17433s k tt2 five just vibing Ching that first
17435s place spot was just playing the game
17436s just to play the game three eliminations
17438s 4.6 J team's exra one elimination 2.8
17441s at's Pace as well heartbreaking
17443s heartbreaking just for a lot of these
17445s players right now hg's Pace with super
17447s glow gets taken out did not get any of
17448s those pop off frags in the beginning to
17450s Mid game um so he is going to be
17452s dropping out to seventh place for the
17453s overall points for this game drg Yuma
17456s died early doesn't even care secure his
17458s spot 100% um right there to to to
17461s qualify for J cup so I mean he's vibing
17464s chilling ewg arano a player that really
17466s pretty much he he proved a lot for
17469s himself today I believe I think he
17471s played outstanding uh just super
17472s unfortunate that this uh he had to come
17474s back here for the qualifiers is just so
17476s much in stake and not enough practice
17478s for him like that so super unfortunate
17480s another player about as mzr as well uh
17483s mzr uh very very flashy player I mean I
17486s love watching
17487s mzr the way he showed us the eye candy
17490s man it was crazy to mulch into
17493s extensions Fireball into Tara and his
17496s triple head shot into confirmations for
17500s just combos crazy
17502s man wow this is insane this is the quick
17507s replay double tap dos back here for
17508s Action catches the El PR to the aeral
17510s grapple Army releaseed there onto pace
17512s and this is where Pace Falls very
17513s heartbreaking there for Pace he does
17515s lose to action shrug gun getting active
17516s against Kai Bal shrug gun here on the
17518s teada Kaio on the Z Kaio oh man Kow we
17522s saw him going into this game number he
17524s was or game number 12 sorry he was a
17526s very he was already very heartbroken he
17527s know he is not happy about his
17529s performance and uh stuff like that
17531s really really gets to you in these games
17532s and we saw there super unfortunate for
17534s Kai Chaz taking out SW gun there Chaz
17536s with another bow shot picks one up in
17537s the second connects here on the ground I
17540s just real he took out both tril gun and
17544s G and yep that was massive that was yeah
17548s that was both massive and unfortunate to
17551s those players but that was GG
17555s that is insane GG Shaw is the last
17558s standing but it's going to be jdg chazan
17561s yeah yeah yeah he's happy he yeah he did
17565s qualify for Jakob that's all he really
17567s needed and that is fair very good for
17570s him he's been playing in the pro league
17572s for quite some time and starting at
17574s Fifth and dropping very very low like he
17576s did I know he is relieved right now this
17578s is going to be his second MVP you you
17580s can have this one Deo you can have the
17581s last MVP of the season
17584s yo but yeah CH Zang man dropping off
17587s with six kills with 13,000 damage and
17590s who would have expected once again I
17592s just have to keep saying nobody ever
17594s expected Chen to come out on top this
17596s last few games he was playing it very
17598s well very consistently past few games
17600s but he never really showed off like huge
17603s like amazing like MVP MVPs past few
17606s games but here here he goes just like
17608s that he just sweeps it away he just he
17611s just I just can't take away how he just
17614s he literally just took out the life from
17617s you know Jen and it was really
17620s unfortunate but you know true saying
17622s your man your MVP coming out on top
17625s proving himself that he is and he will
17629s be in that top six for J C wow what a
17634s showing so far what a set of games I
17635s mean it's been insane once again hope
17637s everybody at home has enjoyed it as much
17639s as I personally did uh de I hope you
17642s enjoyed the games as well I mean it's
17644s just it it was just insane games all
17646s across the board once again I mean we
17648s saw all these players fighting for the
17650s lives to try to stay up there in that
17652s top six to try to qualify for the J cup
17654s and now we have pretty much all the
17656s players already qualified from all the
17659s regions now off of this game for solos
17661s only only solos tomorrow will be the
17663s trio qualifiers um for the world
17665s championship J cup um so that will be
17668s tomorrow at the same time for trios but
17670s for the solo side every single region
17673s has been qualified already I believe
17675s it's three for na two for EU two for C
17678s and two for as and then D9 for the
17681s mainland that we just got just now once
17684s again wbg spider A's Mike um Wong as
17688s well already qualified uh before these
17691s uh before today um they qualify off the
17693s proleague finals uh two weeks ago so
17696s they already qualifi their spots for the
17698s world championship J cup now our last
17700s and final six players that are going to
17702s be able to compete against all the
17704s players around the world already now
17706s have punched in their ticket to land um
17709s and in Shanghai as well as shingu right
17711s after uh for the finals if they do uh if
17714s they are able to to make it to the Grand
17717s finals for the J cup I mean it's just
17719s it's been an insane year and it's and
17721s it's super sad to see that this is uh
17724s pretty much this the last um Mainland
17726s game that we have until uh the the jcup
17729s um but yeah we still have one massive
17731s tournament it's the biggest Tournament
17733s of the year where all the players come
17735s into one once again is a massive showing
17738s from everybody everybody's going to go
17740s to land this time around this is the
17742s first time demo that everybody's going
17743s to be over there 100% man and uh having
17747s the opportunity to get into land meeting
17749s all those players it's going to be a
17750s great experience for everyone and you
17752s know I wish everyone good luck for all
17753s the players competing and honestly see
17756s it so you know we all can't wait to see
17758s Jacob for this year for n 2023 World
17762s Championships yeah I mean I'm super
17765s excited um I want to see you know uh I
17769s want to see like a uh an underdog coming
17772s you know I want to see somebody from
17773s another region just come in hot and just
17775s dominate you know I would love to see
17777s that um 100% man yeah I would love to
17780s see somebody somebody from another
17781s region just coming in hot uh for both
17783s solos and trios as well um to make a
17786s staple that a players around the world
17788s love this game as much as they do and
17790s everybody loves the game a lot and
17792s everybody puts in the hours and
17794s everybody puts into practice and they
17796s want to be the best of the best and
17798s we're going to have to wait and see I
17799s mean it's coming in at the end of
17800s November but it's pretty close we we're
17803s about to finish October but these are
17805s the overall standings emo you can let
17807s them know all the top 12 or or the last
17810s 12 for today's games 100% coming out
17813s with top seven here fpx gen coming
17817s closely with 37.6 points unfortunately
17820s we got take it out by Chang but still
17822s well played for Jen he played really
17824s well and let's get through the top six
17827s here chuang jdg chuang hitting top six
17831s here eliminating both shil gun Jin mzr
17836s and paste and coming out on top and
17839s truly you know making himself truly
17841s deserving for top six JD chuen here's
17844s your top six guys
17846s K uh 2225 I almost said fun do you
17849s remember fun that's auma actually yeah
17852s that was auma that's my yeah but yeah
17855s those are top six guys uh Akuma Panda uh
17860s sorry I forgot the rest uh we got aw's
17863s Mike xg's ju Leon wbg spider K's T225
17868s drg's Akuma GG Shaw there it is you got
17871s it p man and Zen and Chang yep that's
17875s your just that is our nine qualified
17879s players for the Jake tub for the
17882s mainland here these are the strongest
17885s players in the mainland joining all the
17888s players around the world to compete for
17890s the biggest Tournament of the year the J
17893s cup 2023 and it's super close and I hope
17896s everybody sticks around and watches all
17897s those games especially those games it's
17899s going to be a very fun time um wow I
17902s mean it's a it's a very exciting time
17904s right now for the rocket blade point and
17905s it's been a wild ride once again I it's
17907s sad man this is the last Mainland qual
17909s Mainland games that that I get to see um
17912s in in in cast it's always been a
17914s pleasure being here with everybody at
17915s home as well uh big shout out to
17917s everybody watching all the players uh
17919s everybody who uh takes part in in in the
17921s production and all that comes here for
17924s for the rocket blade point you guys do
17926s an astounding job and you guys are
17927s amazing and for me it's is a pleasure
17930s for sure I I really do enjoy uh
17932s competitive nraa I've always been a
17933s competitive uh gamer um enjoyer uh but
17938s not the game how the game ncka is but
17940s yeah that's besides the point we're
17941s going to be right back we have a quick
17943s interview with one of the
17945s players hi everyone this is jger and
17948s welcome to postgame interview and now
17950s I'm standing here with T225 and let him
17952s say hello to our audience
17960s hello so first I would like to know so
17963s how you feeling because today is our
17965s qualifier and I would like to say
17967s congratulation because now you are like
17969s standing you are leading the scoreboard
17972s now and I saw that all although you have
17974s enough points like qualifier for the
17977s Jacob but you're still seriously today
17980s and I would like to know
18002s why
18009s okay so to be honest I think as a eort
18013s player we have to work hard for like
18016s each matches on the stage and whatever
18019s I'm like qualifier to the Jacob or not
18021s and I also want my fans to see that I'm
18024s cool now in the
18032s stage
18034s so you guys can see the question on the
18035s screen and if you know the answer just
18038s type them in the chat box after our
18040s player count 3 2 1 we will take a
18043s screenshot and the lucky guy will be
18046s whispered so let's see today's question
18049s which hero did K T225 choose in The Game
18054s 12
18062s okay
18086s okay so I just asked him like this hero
18088s he used in the game 12 why he choose
18091s this hero because we are like real like
18093s saw this hero in the solo game and he
18096s just told me because he think in the
18099s training mode like they all use the Tesa
18102s and also it can have a good effect so he
18105s want to have a try but um however like
18108s today we have too much taada in the
18111s matches that's why you don't think have
18113s very good effect today okay I think our
18116s players prepare and let's start
18122s counting
18125s three two one
18128s screenshot okay let's find out the
18130s correct
18134s answer answer C yes the correct answer
18138s is C
18140s Matari okay so back to the matches and
18143s we are going to have the J cup we not
18145s only face to the players from the MBP
18149s but also have the other regions so
18151s anything you want to say to them not
18169s okay so the player all from the other
18172s regions just pay attention to me me T225
18176s I will kill you all
18182s okay
18188s okay cheer up and thank you for today's
18189s interview and we will get back to our
18196s cters yo hey T to5 talking that talk
18201s he's making he making sure that you guys
18203s know that he's not playing games for
18206s everybody going try hard NOA Frost Vis
18210s um
18211s Roman uh I'm missing another EU player
18214s sorry um wooie woy for solos uh I'm not
18219s really connected with a CA I don't know
18221s if you can help me with that I don't
18221s know if you know but nonetheless man
18224s that confidence I want to hear that's
18227s what we want to hear man the way he said
18230s that would come bro I want to see what
18232s happens to this St C that was really
18233s exciting to hear from
18235s T25 uh I think uh yeah see it's uh it
18239s was a pleasure honestly uh casting with
18241s you today and it was great
18243s was it was insane man
18246s honestly all the things I saw today from
18249s these games I can't put it into one
18251s sentence it's just too long but
18253s everything they offered us they Akuma
18257s chuang St gun you know a lot more other
18261s players in the game today really showed
18263s us a lot of different mindsets a lot of
18265s different ways to play the game and you
18268s know I can't take off from M mzr bro
18271s sryc like I the way he just showed us
18274s the I candy for today's games it was
18276s crazy those combos those conversions was
18280s was insane man I would have loved to see
18283s a teada being played out there for for
18285s him for game six we saw the conversions
18288s he had with the fireball saw the reand
18290s with the bow I mean you know he has the
18292s mechanics and I mean not to say really
18294s much about about tea but friend I mean
18296s you can extend off everything extend off
18298s dual blades you can extend off hridge
18299s you can extend off staff you can extend
18301s off Katana I mean there's so many EXT
18303s ions that you can do off off of teada um
18306s that I'm pretty sure mzr had that in his
18308s back pocket I mean his game plan didn't
18311s unfortunate enough did not work out for
18312s him um here for game number 12 but
18315s needless to say he had an outstanding
18316s performance for sure he did have our
18319s eyes on him for a lot of the times with
18320s his flashy flashy play style that he has
18324s um but yeah big congratulations to the
18327s final six joining the top three WG
18330s spider a XC young in the world
18334s championship J cup at the end of the
18336s year ct225 there talking a little bit of
18339s that talk he's ready for whoever um but
18342s yeah man it's a it's an exciting time
18344s for sure for n rocket BL Point once
18345s again uh it's been a pleasure uh talking
18348s to you demo I mean we had I personally
18350s had a lot of fun um but yeah it's been
18353s uh it's been great man I had good fun
18356s dude I just want to say I had great fun
18358s casting with you you're you're a Vibe
18359s man everyone else watching I hope you
18361s all enjoyed our casting man I do
18363s apologize for uh my mistakes for casting
18367s I'm I'm really new to this but it's it's
18369s amazing it's uh I think it's amazing
18371s that we were able to enjoy this as
18372s casters and watching these gameplay and
18374s being able to cast it it's really an
18376s enjoying uh experience 100% yes really
18379s is uh always grateful for it I mean
18383s started off just casting North America
18385s and I mean it's I'm I'm watching the
18387s best of the best play at my house you
18390s know it's it's insane just uh watching
18392s the pro league play every single time I
18393s love the pro league once again just
18395s everything about pro league is just
18396s optimal everything's just so much
18399s smoother everything all the all the the
18401s strats all all the movements from
18402s everybody everything going on in the
18404s field for the pro league is just insane
18406s to watch and everybody that's watching I
18408s hope you guys can I mean I personally
18410s always go back and watch uh the games
18412s because you can you don't always pick up
18414s everything watching the first time I
18415s mean you can always go back and pick up
18417s some stuff and there's always things
18419s evolving inside this game the rocket
18421s play point and you know going into the J
18423s cup I mean a lot of things going to
18424s change new weapon Jay changes uh
18427s potentially even uh it's a new season so
18430s I don't know when we're going to get the
18431s new hero but there we've had teas for
18433s the new hero as well so I mean it's just
18434s a matter of time and that's the that's
18436s the thing about the rocket it's always
18438s evolving and it's a great to seeing and
18440s not everybody can adjust and not
18442s everybody can do it but I mean there is
18443s a Sol solidified uh amount of people
18446s that that can do it and then we'll be
18447s seeing them do it in November at the end
18449s of November and the start of December as
18451s well 100% see
18453s it wow it's been insane it's been insane
18457s Deo I
18458s mean it's been crazy man it's been a
18461s long day and that's our top six for
18463s today uh Akuma Panda
18467s T225
18469s chuang and uh Zen and sorry who am I
18472s missing last guy is
18474s uh uh you say Chang uh T225
18478s Akuma
18480s uh GG Shaw
18483s and Panda man top six for today that was
18486s Yu's honestly still the same players
18489s from Mostly the same players since last
18491s year's worlds uh GL to still see them
18494s and you know I think we missing Kai B
18497s right oh yeah unfortunately for kyal
18500s yeah for today M took his spot I believe
18503s basically yeah just yeah pretty much
18506s yeah um but yeah it's been an insane
18509s Year watching the Prue league with the
18511s spring split summer split and now the
18513s mainland qualifiers for Jacob once again
18516s I keep saying jacob jacob Jacob I I feel
18518s like I'm a broken record but
18541s that's
18560s o
18562s Pand
18564s drg
18566s Akuma k a t r
18571s r
18596s ging
18599s gaming wbg SP
18603s rer
18604s a
18631s Mich
18645s [Music]
18661s fore
18666s qualifier uh in the beginning at the
18668s beginning at the end of November and
18669s then going into the grand finals in the
18671s beginning of December I I just I just
18673s noticed I said the beginning at the end
18675s of November that makes no sense but all
18677s good yeah it's just it's just insane I
18680s cannot wait Deo I mean wow it's insane
18683s seriously it's insane I I can't wait uh
18686s this year's roads definitely uh the
18688s skill ceiling has gotten way way more
18690s higher this second year here we're going
18692s to see something good man this is the
18695s strongest everyone's ever been and
18698s that's something to look forward
18700s to I'm trying to like I'm trying to
18702s think of last year you played so this is
18705s perfect um I don't remember anybody
18707s weapon swapping from Spirit of great
18709s sword or anything like that right I
18710s don't think that was a thing that wasn't
18712s like the meta has changed so much now
18715s everything's a swap everything is Big
18717s Dam everything is like yeah exactly like
18719s all the bursts last year was honestly
18721s pretty straightforward you get close to
18723s a guy and the straight forward just you
18725s know use your weapon and just like read
18726s each other but now it's been more uh I
18730s guess it's it's changed people opt for
18732s more combos more optimal combos more
18734s swaps it's been The Meta for combos I
18739s guess and one player I do want to
18741s mention is Frost ofis uh Frost ofis did
18744s win the as challenge last year was not
18746s able to go to Worlds off of that he had
18748s to move now he goes to na um the year
18751s after qualifies for worlds this year uh
18754s so now I mean I'm very interested to see
18757s Frost of is play in the mainst I mean
18758s he's a very high caliber player I've
18760s seen him play multiple times over and
18762s over of over the course of the year uh
18764s with all the scrims and all the uh in in
18767s Morris cup that we had in North America
18769s so I mean it's it's very interesting to
18771s see how he does uh now with try hard I
18774s mean going back once again try hard once
18775s again like a stated earlier he he's had
18778s that uh he's had that recognition from
18779s spider um try hard getting forth and
18781s overall all the finals there for last
18783s year's World Championship I mean that
18784s was a massive accomplishment for a
18786s player like him where coming out the
18787s North American region is very hard to do
18790s uh with just the differences of
18792s practices how the mainland has compared
18794s to every other region so uh try hard uh
18796s showing that up for himself that he is a
18798s very strong player and a very high
18799s caliber player um very massive for him
18802s uh now liyer NOA going back at it once
18805s again from last year as well he uh comes
18807s in uh going back for the two-piece as
18809s well so I know light has been really
18811s really grinding the game and he has uh
18813s new stuff under his sleeve so it's very
18815s interesting to see how he's going to do
18816s this time around this year at world
18817s championship and um yeah I mean it's
18820s going to be it's going to be in a very
18821s exciting time I speak for the North
18823s American region because that's that's
18824s basically what I've been doing all year
18827s round but do have the trios for tomorrow
18831s our Trio qualifiers for the world
18834s championship J cup we'll start off
18836s tomorrow at the same time that it
18838s started sa for solos but tomorrow's say
18840s trios we start off with Mor's night H ra
18842s Sunny more Dawn more dust H stere night
18845s more all the midday for last final game
18846s and it's going to be an exciting time I
18848s know TRS once again TRS me and demo
18850s we're talking about trios a little off
18852s stream and I mean trios is just it's a
18854s whole different ball game it is
18858s 100% yeah so I mean tomorrow that will
18860s be the finals for well tomorrow will be
18863s the final for the qualifiers uh for the
18864s mainland for trios and uh yeah I mean
18867s it's been an exciting time uh once again
18870s I can't express it as much uh how how
18872s much uh I appreciate just being a being
18874s able to to watch all the games from from
18877s everything even when I'm not casting I I
18879s love watching all the all the servers
18880s and and seeing how everybody's evolved
18883s because I've been doing it for around
18884s two years now seeing how everybody
18886s started to how it is uh now it's just a
18888s major Improvement all around all the
18890s regions and it's a very nice thing to
18892s see but uh quickly we're going to go
18893s over the 2023 the rocket blade Point
18895s Astro C what's again this is for the
18896s North American region solos and trios
18899s the combined price pool is going to be
18900s $155,000 $5,00 for solos 10,000 for
18903s trios it's going to be three weeks of
18905s competition starts November 4th signups
18907s are live now first place for solos and
18910s first place for trios would win a trip
18912s to go watch the world
18914s championship in the mainland I mean I
18916s mean this is insane I mean what else can
18919s you ask for here
18920s demo I wish we had that and
18923s see but that was crazy asual C $15,000
18927s it's
18929s insane wow that is an insane National
18932s cup a major major major tournament for
18934s the North American region so going to be
18936s very excited to watch uh watch this
18940s tournament um I believe all the world
18942s players are are able to play I'm I'm not
18944s sure but uh just going off the the three
18946s weeks uh it will be able to play in it
18949s before they leave to to the mainland so
18951s uh you know it's full of full of
18953s competition uh full of action as always
18956s uh it's always a good time watching the
18958s rocket blade Point competitive um but
18960s yeah it's been an insane time demo if
18961s you have anything to say um I know I
18963s just been yapping around yo dude all
18966s good man I just want to thank you man
18967s for being such a you know support for
18969s casting and uh I really enjoy the
18971s casting with you see and everyone else
18973s watching I hope you all enjoyed you know
18975s the show the game tonight it was crazy
18977s and you know I'd like to just share
18979s appreciation for everyone you know the
18981s nraa community nraa fans everyone who's
18985s working with us it's been a pleasure
18987s honestly and it's just been good vibes
18989s ever since and I said for this year's
18993s 2023 worlds Jacob I can't wait to see
18997s what all the players has to offer and
18999s honestly I have some expectations for
19001s our regions as well and I'd like them to
19004s to show us what they
19006s got that is perfectly well said well
19010s everybody at home it's been a pleasure
19011s as always my na is creatives my name is
19014s creatives I don't know why I said but my
19016s name is creatives today we have the
19018s pleasure to be with Master demo here
19020s it's been a pleasure demo it's been a
19021s fun time watching these games with you
19023s and getting to know you a a little bit
19025s more because this was our first time
19026s talking it's been a very fun time
19028s watching these game with you really
19030s appreciate everybody at home watching
19032s Everybody once again thank you so much
19034s everybody this is going to be it's going
19035s to be the last one now we have the big
19037s tournament catch everybody or not me but
19040s everybody be able to see all the games
19041s tomorrow for trios qualif or Trio final
19044s qualifiers and the finals for the J cup
19047s or the J Cup start will be at the end of
19048s November everybody have a good night my
19050s name is creativ this this is demo it's
19052s been insane time good demo see you
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19080s guys
19110s don't
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19140s TR
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