Transcript (by Youtube)

17s [Music]
25s [Music]
69s [Music]
88s [Music]
96s [Music]
106s [Music]
124s n
125s [Music]
151s n
154s [Music]
190s [Music]
210s a
212s [Music]
225s [Music]
241s n
246s [Music]
256s [Music]
265s [Music]
273s [Music]
298s [Music]
313s [Music]
327s [Music]
339s [Music]
364s [Music]
380s [Music]
386s [Music]
410s [Music]
418s [Music]
432s [Music]
449s [Music]
462s [Music]
481s [Music]
489s [Music]
499s [Music]
513s n
514s [Music]
540s n
541s [Music]
547s [Music]
583s [Music]
594s you
595s [Music]
618s [Music]
629s e
633s [Music]
649s [Music]
658s [Music]
666s [Music]
691s [Music]
706s [Music]
720s [Music]
732s [Music]
757s [Music]
773s [Music]
779s [Music]
803s [Music]
811s [Music]
829s [Music]
856s [Music]
874s [Music]
882s [Music]
892s [Music]
902s n
903s [Music]
933s n
934s [Music]
939s [Music]
976s [Music]
1011s [Music]
1020s he
1026s [Music]
1042s [Music]
1051s [Music]
1059s [Music]
1083s [Music]
1099s [Music]
1113s [Music]
1117s for
1125s [Music]
1150s [Music]
1166s [Music]
1172s [Music]
1195s [Music]
1204s [Music]
1233s [Music]
1247s [Music]
1267s [Music]
1275s [Music]
1285s [Music]
1294s [Music]
1318s h
1326s [Music]
1369s [Music]
1378s last night night they sacrificed another
1384s Soul even the dead tremble before
1394s them the manifestations and ghostly
1398s Tales
1401s [Music]
1412s wolf-headed greeters of The
1430s Departed underworld rulers with dark
1435s wings of the Abyss
1455s the judges who decide over life and
1459s death
1470s hellish fiends their sides reaping
1473s Crimson
1481s [Music]
1496s paths beware
1499s for the Lords of Soul
1502s stir you ready for a show
1507s [Music]
1528s m
1532s [Music]
1543s [Music]
1576s yeah what
1579s [Music]
1596s man
1598s [Music]
1618s oh
1630s [Music]
1648s [Applause]
1650s [Music]
1653s w
1655s [Music]
1664s [Music]
1690s oh
1693s [Music]
1703s [Music]
1711s [Applause]
1716s [Music]
1717s [Applause]
1737s oh
1749s [Music]
1756s w
1758s [Music]
1781s [Music]
1796s w
1798s [Music]
1810s [Music]
1812s a
1815s [Music]
1828s a
1831s [Music]
1831s [Applause]
1841s [Music]
1888s [Music]
1893s [Music]
1898s get
1918s oh
1969s [Music]
1987s [Music]
1995s [Applause]
2004s [Music]
2008s light blade Knows No
2012s [Music]
2014s Mercy you are many you will die all the
2024s same tired of the leave it to
2035s me light blade knows no mercy
2041s you shouldn't have come here
2045s [Music]
2053s [Music]
2058s [Applause]
2076s all
2085s [Music]
2112s oh
2152s oh
2162s [Music]
2174s [Music]
2178s sh
2184s [Music]
2187s look o
2234s [Music]
2246s [Music]
2249s a
2255s [Applause]
2259s [Music]
2278s oh
2302s [Applause]
2304s [Music]
2305s [Applause]
2316s [Music]
2333s [Music]
2368s f
2374s [Music]
2397s [Music]
2401s [Applause]
2403s [Music]
2405s [Applause]
2409s [Music]
2417s [Music]
2433s what
2518s oh
2528s [Music]
2551s [Music]
2562s [Music]
2598s [Music]
2667s f
2688s [Music]
2741s last night they sacrificed another
2747s Soul even the dead tremble before them
2758s the manifestations and ghostly
2764s [Music]
2774s Tales wolf-headed greeters of The
2777s Departed
2794s Under World rulers with dark wings of
2799s the Abyss
2819s the judges who decide over life and
2832s death hellish fiends their sides reaping
2836s Crimson paths
2844s [Music]
2858s [Music]
2861s beware for the Lords of Soul
2865s stir you ready for a show
2870s [Music]
2906s [Music]
2940s what
2961s [Music]
2967s a
2970s [Music]
2977s [Music]
2993s [Music]
3012s [Music]
3028s what
3070s [Music]
3123s [Music]
3146s [Music]
3157s [Music]
3175s oh e
3193s [Music]
3237s oh
3283s [Music]
3345s [Music]
3347s oh
3350s [Music]
3357s a
3358s [Music]
3366s [Applause]
3376s [Music]
3391s [Music]
3400s [Applause]
3402s [Music]
3416s [Music]
3445s oh oh
3448s [Music]
3463s [Applause]
3469s [Applause]
3479s what
3496s [Music]
3516s h
3523s [Music]
3567s [Music]
3575s [Music]
3586s [Music]
3590s sh look
3596s [Music]
3626s a
3646s [Music]
3658s [Music]
3661s f
3667s [Applause]
3671s [Music]
3713s [Applause]
3716s [Music]
3717s [Applause]
3728s [Music]
3756s you
3786s [Music]
3813s [Applause]
3814s [Music]
3817s [Applause]
3821s [Music]
3828s last night they sacrificed another
3834s Soul even the Dead
3836s tremble before
3844s them the manifestations and ghostly
3851s [Music]
3860s Tales wolf-headed greeters of The
3864s Departed
3881s Under World rulers with dark wings of
3885s the Abyss
3905s the judges who decide over life and
3919s death hellish fiends their sides reaping
3923s Crimson paths
3931s [Music]
3945s [Music]
3948s beware for the Lords of Soul
3952s stir you ready for a show
3957s [Music]
3985s a
3993s [Music]
3997s yes
4000s [Music]
4025s H what
4046s a
4047s [Music]
4076s oh
4080s [Music]
4102s [Music]
4103s [Applause]
4112s [Music]
4125s b b
4134s [Music]
4148s [Music]
4155s [Applause]
4156s [Music]
4158s [Applause]
4158s [Music]
4171s [Music]
4180s [Applause]
4181s [Music]
4186s I
4190s [Music]
4210s what's going on ladies and gentlemen
4213s welcome back to your summer 2024 nbpl
4216s I'm your host cast this evening the room
4217s keep joining me is my boy Seb as we
4219s ready to lock in for our bi-weekly four
4223s solo FS it's going to be a really good
4226s day but speaking of it being a very good
4228s day we're going to throw things over to
4229s a quick VCR before we get things started
4231s so don't go
4234s anywhere oh I apologize no no no we're
4236s gonna talk about some twitch drops
4239s excuse me ladies and gentlemen don't
4241s forget to make sure you have your Twitch
4242s accounts link because we do have drops
4243s on today and you're not going to want to
4244s miss out on those really good biweekly
4248s uh finals twitch drops you got to make
4250s sure you're watching for at least an
4251s hour to get you those goodies right Seb
4254s yeah you definitely want to be locked in
4257s I know the twitch RS have been something
4258s that have been on everybody's mind and
4260s we're going to be super excited to have
4262s them you know that we're watching we got
4264s twitch pulled up on the second monitor
4266s just to be making sure that we're
4267s getting those twitch drops down cuz who
4269s doesn't love free stuff I've said it
4271s again and again I say it every single
4272s cast we love the free stuff coming in
4276s into our inventories it allows us to
4278s excel in the Net game and it gives you
4280s extra FPS and you heard it from me
4283s first oh my goodness if only it did give
4286s us extra FPS but today promises to be a
4289s really really good day here in the
4291s bi-weekly finals we've got a couple of
4293s people who haven't qualified yet this
4294s season to be here in the finals you know
4295s they are going to be hungry to rack up
4297s as many of those qualifying points for
4299s worlds as possible and we've got some
4302s changes towards the top end of the
4303s roster here you know we looked at the
4305s scoreboard but before we look at the
4307s scoreboard we are now going to take a
4309s look at a quick VCR so don't go anywhere
4321s [Music]
4322s gaming spider
4330s [Music]
4335s [Music]
4352s this season is probably my worst season
4354s performance-wise yes I'm still trying my
4357s [Music]
4374s best
4399s [Music]
4404s for for
4419s [Music]
4436s [Music]
4447s what a look back on this season's solos
4451s run and some of the craziest moments the
4453s players have brought out I know you and
4455s me were taking a look at that insane
4457s Justina play uh by Fun Plus Phoenix
4459s verse there in the realm of Yang
4461s absolutely crazy and there has been a
4464s lot of that this season uh we've seen it
4466s across the board players time and time
4468s again coming back from absolute nothing
4470s and coming out on top against the odds
4473s you know uh we had frost of us in a 2V1
4475s scenario it looked like frost was just
4477s going to go down earlier this year and
4479s he's able to come back and clutch out
4480s both of the eliminations in that
4482s instance uh I remember very vividly
4484s casting a moment as well where ug's Mike
4487s in the realm of Yang he's playing tul
4489s he's got like one HP he's burnt his
4491s ultimate his f is still on cool down the
4493s other player I do believe is playing
4495s Justina they still have their ult up
4497s they're sitting at like probably 20%
4500s armor full HP and you're just like oh
4502s man that's it for Mike Mike able to Juke
4504s it out he Dodges every single Dash by
4507s the Justina as soon as that whisp comes
4509s back up online he's able to Jump Around
4511s the Corner catches him off guard with
4513s the Wisp and just zeros to 100 them
4516s Against All Odds without taking a single
4518s hit of damage that entire time and
4520s that's that's been the name of game this
4522s season it's really been very different
4524s season in terms of solos you know
4526s typically it is the story of ug's Mike
4529s and wbg spider at the top of the hill
4532s every single time we look at it it's
4534s those two players coming into those
4536s bi-weekly finals and it's those two
4538s players going head-to-head to determine
4540s who comes out on top but this season it
4542s has been very very different we've had
4544s new names coming in and Topping the
4546s leaderboard we've had new players in
4548s general coming in and having absolutely
4551s crazy games and speaking of some of
4552s those crazy games we will take a quick
4554s look at the overall standings and the
4556s number of points these players have
4557s brought over uh from this week right now
4559s we've got jdg at the bottom here with
4561s 4.4 AIS from JL with 4.6 alliance's
4564s Frost with 4.6 ug's Mike again talking
4568s about how different the pileup is here
4571s Mike down in ninth place in the overall
4572s standings coming to a bi-weekly finals
4574s almost unheard of right Seb yeah it's
4576s definitely something that we aren't used
4578s to seeing having Mike so far on the
4581s bottom he's always top six and so having
4584s him here it's going to be a b bit of a
4585s rocky start but everybody has a chance
4588s to come away with the victory today all
4591s you got to do get that 28 points pass
4594s through the match point threshold and
4595s then you will be eligible if you get the
4598s MVP to Come Away with the win early if
4601s it doesn't happen like that ladies and
4603s gentlemen we will play all eight games
4605s and the person with the most points at
4606s the end of those games will be our
4609s champion for the bi-weekly 4 but if
4612s somebody who is going to get match point
4616s if they MVP we could have a day early we
4619s could have three games we could have
4622s three games this is what I'm calling it
4623s frost ofus is going to win in four games
4625s I'm calling it right here he's going to
4627s pop off one two and three and then he's
4630s going to be Match Point threshold and
4632s he's going to MVP game number four and
4634s that is what's going to happen ladies
4636s and gentlemen I this my predictions I
4638s know I'm a little bit biased we're
4640s rooting for frost ofus it's the first
4641s time we've seen him in a bi-weekly
4643s finals this season this by uh this split
4647s of the mvpl so you know it it's a little
4650s bit unfortunate that we haven't gotten
4651s to see him come out as much as possible
4654s in the previous bi-weeks but hopefully
4657s we'll get to see a lot coming out from
4658s him today as well drg's fun has been off
4661s to an absolute tear and you and I were
4662s talking about this earlier he has he's
4666s put the funny mic down and he's decided
4668s to go crazy you know this is something
4670s I've literally been talking about since
4671s world's two years ago right deg's Fong
4675s is is an extremely well-rounded really
4678s gifted player right but he he tends to
4680s grief himself as a player I I vividly
4683s remember you know watching the season
4685s start where he comes in and he's he's
4687s got a blue dagger in the back pocket and
4689s he leaves a bunch of gold weapons out
4691s just to try to prove a point every time
4693s we cut back to him he'll have like a
4695s gold long sword or something in the back
4697s pocket and he's dashing around with a
4699s white dagger for some reason right and
4701s forcing himself to play that way we also
4703s see him typically kind of drop on some
4705s of the quote unquote problem players uh
4710s where he is trying to kind of grief them
4712s out of the lobby if at all possible and
4715s because he's so focused on griefing
4717s other players games he's so focused on
4720s kind of being that funny man like you
4722s said where he's picking up the mic to to
4724s tell a joke uh that he just didn't
4726s perform very well in the last two weeks
4730s uh these couple of bi-weeks here for
4732s this last split that has all changed uh
4735s deg Fong very much has decided to put
4738s the funny mic down come out and say oh
4740s yeah by the way I'm a top player in this
4743s league don't forget it and he's just
4745s focusing on playing Fong's game instead
4748s of trying to grief other players and
4750s worry about what they're doing he's just
4751s doing what drg's Fong needs to do and
4754s because of that he is currently sitting
4756s at the top of the leaderboard coming
4758s into our bi-weekly final today so dearg
4761s Fong definitely a player to watch uh
4764s you'd be crazy
4765s not to put Wang leang from wolves in the
4767s running as well you know Wang leang
4770s during our very first season of nbpl
4772s back in the day going head-to-head with
4775s Legends like Mike uh an absolutely crazy
4779s good player you know came out on top uh
4782s most of those nvpl Seasons that very
4784s first season he just was King of the
4786s bi-weekly finals the man the myth the
4788s legend playing on teada with the
4790s nunchucks he has seen a very huge return
4793s to form this season as well uh We've
4795s also got to talk about Jean Yuan right
4797s Jean Yuan came in this season brand new
4800s player comes out of the gate and has
4802s like a huge 18-point game for like his
4806s first game of the season and this is a
4808s player that I look at and he's he's kind
4810s of an explosive player
4812s he's kind of player and I always enjoy
4816s watching these players play the game
4817s right SE because they come in and they
4820s really bring a performance out when they
4822s bring it unfortunately sometimes if they
4824s don't have good games uh they do end up
4827s towards the bottom of the pack but that
4828s is not the case today he is currently
4829s sitting in the top six here so it could
4832s realistically go to absolutely any one
4834s of these players Seb oh it is definitely
4837s anyone's game and a little bit of a
4839s Insight on that graphic that you guys
4840s saw before those are the total of points
4843s I believe that they have accumulated for
4845s the World Cup J Cup going on into the
4848s finals this how many points that they've
4849s qualified um or to going into the grand
4852s finals so uh the top teams are are going
4855s to be immediately qualified we will have
4857s a last chance qualifiers that I believe
4859s is going to be next week or the week
4861s after um and then we're going to be
4862s getting into a couple more of our sea
4865s qualifiers for worlds and then our CN
4867s Mainland qualifiers everything is going
4870s to be coming up ncka in the next couple
4872s of weeks so make sure you guys are ready
4875s there's a whole lot of action this isn't
4877s just the mvpl this is every single thing
4880s leading up to J Cup coming through and
4883s it's coming to a close the Nora season
4885s it's kind of sad you know this is our
4888s last
4889s bi-weekly I feel like usually we've had
4891s a lot longer Seasons this has felt like
4894s such a short season um and you know I'm
4897s excited to see how the the days are
4899s going I I'm very very excited to see how
4902s Fong is going to play in the finals I
4904s haven't seen like we've seen him play a
4907s lot better but you know adapting to the
4908s pressure of the finals this could be an
4910s interesting one here we did just get to
4912s see a look at who's going to be
4913s selecting Heroes first we're going to be
4915s getting into our hero Selections in a
4916s second it looks like Frost ofis and Shu
4918s Jang frost ofis on a kyin game one this
4920s could be interesting to see what he does
4922s here hasn't locked in a hero just yet
4925s but we will see him lock someone in in
4928s the next couple of seconds oh my
4929s goodness he's pulling a mic he's pulling
4932s a mic he's going zing on pedor I'm
4935s excited to see how this works out here
4937s he they do have eight games so not
4938s burning the kylin off game one pretty
4940s interesting Mike also going to be
4942s running the Z ping so we're going to see
4943s a few more of them AIS opting for the
4945s Liam so no kylin ban yet no Liam ban
4949s only ban is z ping and I find that
4951s absolutely hilarious here ladies and
4953s gentlemen it's the only ban that we've
4955s got going so far is zing now we do are
4958s going to see our kylin and Liam banned
4959s out arano and star picking the other
4962s side of Heroes so nobody else is going
4963s to be able to play them we don't get to
4965s see a three kyin three Liam game which
4967s is sometimes the trend that we've seen
4969s and uh looks like people are starting to
4971s move a little bit away from hottie
4972s hottie being knocked down to the fourth
4974s round selection here we're seeing a vda
4976s come out as well as a our hottie pick
4979s going there fifth round selection tt25
4981s going to be oping for the Matari
4983s alongside fpx
4985s verse Matari in my mind is still one of
4988s the uh most versatile heroes in the game
4991s I I love her play style especially with
4993s her rework just a Perfection is you want
4997s neutral you got it all you got to do is
4999s press one button it's as simple as one
5002s two three and here we go we see spider
5004s locking in that aast for the first round
5006s he does have the opportunity to play
5008s hottie but it looks like he is going to
5009s be going for the aast Mike on the hottie
5012s as well so we're going to be getting to
5014s see what fs and ultimates they're going
5015s to be locking in not 100% sure um if
5019s we're going to see too much variation uh
5021s we might see a little bit of differences
5023s when it comes to uh who's playing on the
5025s hotties we've seen in the past some
5027s people running that V1 just to have the
5029s opportunity of the cube but it just
5031s hasn't been as vital in solos usually
5033s we're going to see that burn ultimate
5035s coming through the2 from the especially
5038s with the number of Zips that are in this
5039s Lobby you you would be insane not to run
5042s the V2 sure enough or hotties are going
5043s to be running the V or well one of them
5046s actually Wang langang running the V1
5048s interesting choice considering uh the
5050s Zips in the lobby for players who are
5052s relatively new to the game and don't
5054s know that burn tick actually reduces the
5056s amount of healing you get while that
5058s burn tick is applied uh so very very
5061s strong for these hotties to come in and
5062s run that V2 cuz being able to apply that
5065s burn tick to ziping in those final
5067s circles is absolutely crucial if there's
5070s a ziping alive and you don't have a way
5072s to apply that burn tick to her in the
5075s final Circle she just wins the heal off
5077s and that means she is going to make it
5079s to the end there she's going to get that
5080s multiplier and it is super duper crucial
5084s now for these players to get that
5086s multiplier because there is only one
5087s multiplier it's not like it was in the
5089s previous Seasons where you know
5090s everybody got a multiplier based on you
5092s know where they finished now only one
5095s player gets it if you're zipping and you
5097s can go to that final Circle if you're
5098s able to eliminate those hotties before
5100s you get there and nobody is able to get
5103s like a flame breath or fire arrows or
5104s something like that you just win the
5106s heal off and there's nothing the lobby
5108s can realistically do about it as we take
5110s a look we are going to be here on pror
5112s for our game number one we're going to
5114s take a look at where the players are
5115s going to be coming in and Landing it
5117s looks like it is going to be a very
5120s south side setup here on the map except
5121s for wbg spider who's heading to the
5124s north side of the map M here and you can
5126s bet money he's heading this north side
5127s of the map cuz he wants to invest in
5130s getting that vulpine Essence that red
5132s jade so he has the advantage especially
5135s here in solos where real realm of yangs
5137s really really matter the most being able
5139s to go into that realm of Yang with that
5141s Lifeline having that vulpine Essence to
5143s cover for you in case something goes
5145s wrong in the realm of Yang is absolutely
5147s huge so our boy spider making sure he's
5151s going to be the one who gets it as
5152s everybody else lands Southside we're
5154s going to start things off here with 's
5156s Mike Mike off to a much rougher start
5158s this season we cut over to wolves
5160s wangang who's already off to a te just
5162s go ahead and rips right through te star
5164s we'll pick up our first elimination of
5166s the game here unfortunately RNG not
5168s quite on the size he's not been able to
5170s find himself a set of armor yet and ug's
5171s mic is waiting the wings so he's going
5173s to want to find some armor very quickly
5175s we cut over to Jail's AIS and JD G's
5178s chew Jang as up here with the blue fist
5181s blades very very strong early game
5183s weapon here until you started to get
5185s those Soul Jades these fist blades very
5187s capable uh of taking control of that
5189s neutral state for you and that's super
5192s important in these early fights here f
5194s plus Fenix verse going to come in there
5195s we go we're going to see him use the
5196s Dodge mechanic there into the Parry to
5198s immediately strip the armor from verse
5200s verse feeling forced to go ah and invest
5202s the F there will find the armor swap
5203s into a white AIS though staying right on
5206s him able to come in get some clean hits
5208s and strip half that white armor off of
5209s him we do see bow shot being invested on
5212s the side of verse to get some more tick
5214s there off of ais's armor AIS there using
5217s the fist blades here using those scale
5219s rushes that extra movement verse comes
5220s in but there's the F on the side of AIS
5222s a into an armor swap as well here but
5225s verse with an armor swap of his own AIS
5228s trying to keep the pressure up does not
5230s want to step away from this fight is
5232s able to get away from that comes back in
5234s huge damage there off of the Fist blades
5236s verse a little bit on the run as the
5237s third party shows up here he is the
5240s weaker Target so will become the target
5242s of everybody else here in the lobby it
5243s looks like he is however able to find
5245s yet another armor swap but very quickly
5247s has it Stripped Away by AIS who's
5249s keeping the pressure up AIS though needs
5251s to be careful if he overcommits here he
5254s can find that kill going to the
5255s potential third party waiting nearby
5258s that we've not seen for just a second
5260s here there's the grapple coming in out
5261s on verse from that third party jdg CH
5263s Jang taking pistol shots here at verse
5266s verse able to get most of a reset as AIS
5269s decides it's finally time to back away
5271s from this fight yeah wow the amount of
5274s armor swap that he was getting into that
5276s fight there about six or seven there
5277s just absolutely insane able to come
5280s through pick up so much armor as we're
5282s going to see now K T225 against XY from
5286s Team ASE going to be scaling around with
5289s the dagger purple armor for both of them
5290s staff in hand for XY X Y going to be
5293s getting hit by the overh hold here baits
5295s out the parry's able to go for a bit of
5296s a reset here but the one two coming in
5298s into the katana weapon swap oh my
5300s goodness coming through is KS T5 just
5302s going to use that F ability into that
5303s gold Focus to try and get out of there
5305s as fast as possible looking for an armor
5307s swap desperately finds himself a blue
5309s armor so he's going to be in a little
5311s bit of a better situation switches over
5312s to the hung sword to see if he can try
5314s and take space away grabbing that
5315s neutral away from ASE as XY going to go
5318s for a bit of a pot himself the overh
5319s hold is going to come through into the
5321s one two uppercut hits the one two again
5324s is going to be able to deal a lot of
5325s damage tries to get that F bubbles to
5327s come through to be able to deal a little
5329s bit more damage getting that hit confirm
5331s off isn't going to be able to come away
5332s with that Kay cg25 going to find himself
5334s another armor swap is going to be able
5335s to get pryo here grapple bump but the
5337s terrain is going to mess him up just a
5338s little bit isn't going to be able to get
5339s that confirmed Focus damage off but he
5341s gets the one two out of the scale rush
5343s into a cannon shot here as we are going
5344s to see him get juggled all the way
5346s around as grg spun is going to be coming
5347s in on the side F ability invested from
5349s both of these players here now tt25
5351s going to get caught out ultimate is
5353s going to be invested now into the
5354s grapple bump we are going to see it come
5356s through ultimate is going to get
5357s invested from XY pretty quickly here
5359s you're going to see oh my goodness the
5360s teleport into the focus attack is going
5363s to deal a lot of damage but as XY now
5365s forced all armor PR coming through here
5368s or priority coming through but oh my
5370s goodness drg's Fong double charge from
5372s single charge from the pull sword is
5374s able to come through deal so much damage
5376s here with the follow up into the R&B
5378s you're going to see now huge Parry
5379s coming through drg Funk going to be able
5381s to get a beautiful play off of that here
5383s he does have assassin's lunch in the
5384s back pocket the overhead slam is going
5386s to come through from the staff onto Funk
5388s fun getting very very low now and asc's
5390s XY in a bit of trouble as we do see the
5393s assassins L is going to come out
5395s ultimate going to be invested from Fong
5397s to be able to get out of there alive
5399s yeah Fong going to cancel that ultimate
5401s early wants to keep some of that rage
5403s charge here jeanan decides to back away
5404s from the fight bong decides it's not
5406s worth it he's going to have to commit
5408s too much here and he wants to maintain
5410s that rage as we are halfway through Zone
5412s one collapsing on zone two so we're
5413s going to start seeing those Realms of
5414s Yang get ready to come through here very
5417s shortly as we take a look at the
5418s leaderboard right now CH Jang with two
5420s eliminations under the belt wolves
5421s wangang with one is jeanan with Mike and
5425s Frost ofus with one a piece as well wbg
5427s spider here on the respawn not sure who
5430s was able to pick up the elimination here
5432s we're going to cut back there it is the
5434s vulpine essence and then te star shows
5436s up comes in onto spider we're going to
5439s see a huge Parry come out the vulpine
5441s essence popping Then star comes right
5443s back in and takes control of neutral
5445s spider what is going on here you've got
5448s the vulpine essence and you're still
5450s going to come out not on top of this
5452s fight star able to clean clean it up
5454s he's got the Mad read on it star with
5457s the early elimination there onto spider
5460s and you know how spider is he's very
5462s much a momentum based player this is
5464s going to slow him down pretty hard for
5467s this game Seb yeah and losing that
5469s vulpine Essence early is definitely
5471s something that he did not want to happen
5473s he wanted to at least have that for that
5474s first round Yang and the fact that he
5476s was being forced to take the respawn so
5478s late into this first circle is going to
5481s give him a more difficult chance to
5483s scale up into this game he won't be able
5485s to take first Yang he might not even be
5486s able to take second Yang given his
5488s situation it's going to be very
5490s difficult for him to make a play off of
5492s this and he could have just thrown away
5494s his game one pretty quickly here he does
5496s have a chance to bring it back you know
5498s it's never over for these players it
5499s looks like he's already pretty decently
5501s scaled and it looks like he is going to
5502s try and make a play for the realm of
5504s Yang as te star just full aggression we
5506s saw him get eliminated right off the rip
5509s and now he's just making it the point of
5511s his day he does not want to ruin this
5515s wolves wangang just going to be taking
5517s to the sky here burning his ultimate as
5519s much as possible he's got 23 seconds
5521s left to kite out he burned his all a
5522s little bit early just to be able to
5524s secure himself that spot takes himself
5526s very very high in the air we do see
5527s Frost ofis in the surrounding area as
5529s well Mike looks like he's got himself a
5531s Yang portal all to himself with 10
5533s seconds left on the timer he's going to
5534s be able to go in there completely for
5536s free and uncontested oh the Swift cut
5539s I'm so interested to see the Swift cut
5540s come through into the solo games we
5542s haven't seen too much play of it coming
5544s through so it's it's going to be a fun
5546s one to see that happen here as Mike
5547s holding on the outside it looks like
5549s we're going to see as's XY versus fun
5551s plus Phoenix's vers vda versus a Matari
5556s now with the vda rework is going to be
5558s very interesting yeah John you Airborne
5561s here again that vder rework really going
5562s to come in play and that's why we're
5564s starting to see her come through here in
5566s the solos verse here down below is able
5568s to get that first Dash up a little bit
5569s of extra damage there the actual really
5571s good use of the F here by Jean Yuan to
5574s get away from the excess follow-up
5575s damage there by verse you don't see a
5577s lot of that coming in from Bal players
5580s Jan Juan with a massive Parry as well
5581s with the follow up they know verse has
5583s no place to go they're able to get in
5585s verse able to just get away from that
5588s poke there from that very quick scale
5589s Rush Janan looking for another way back
5591s in the Parry comes back in from ver max
5594s range Parry at that but now Jean yuan in
5597s a huge position there with the katana
5600s into the weapon swap there and cleans up
5602s that fight never even has to use their
5604s ultimate Seb that was absolutely dirty
5608s oh my goodness the weapon swap over from
5610s pryo into the staff over getting that
5613s followup damage from the focus attack as
5615s well just doing such a good job of
5617s completely controlling the realm of Yang
5619s here now we're seeing a kylin fight as
5621s Chu Jang now on the weaker side going to
5623s Al second here so he does have the upper
5625s hand with the ultimates it's going to
5626s who's hit their kylin slashes first
5627s looks like chujang is going to get sent
5629s for a second there aano not taking very
5632s much damage they're both still on their
5634s blue kyl slash each of them just biting
5637s their time trying to throw this out as
5639s slow as possible we are going to see
5640s gang getting hit now immortality has
5642s been frocked as we are going to see
5644s arono trying to make something happen
5646s Chang now one kylin slash left in the
5648s back pocket ultimate is going to go down
5649s both of them without alts but Chang very
5652s very very low in HP going to get parried
5654s out here and then arano takes it easy
5656s textbook play for him here as we're
5658s going to flip over outside the r Yang
5659s here te star back into the game is going
5662s to miss the follow-up damage from the
5663s Alti here
5665s no ultimate available but we do see XY
5667s still has that alt online both of them
5670s are going to be taking this fight looks
5671s like Star does get caught out here not
5673s going to go for the follow-up damage XY
5675s just going to go for a bit of a reset
5676s here as te star backing off as well no
5679s ultimates for either of them
5682s no full resets coming from both of these
5685s players and it looks like they are just
5686s going to back it off here XY does have
5688s Vermilion so he could be interested into
5690s taking this fight a little bit further
5692s it looks like that's exactly what he's
5693s going to do as he's starting the chase
5694s onto star here star trying to come in
5696s with the scale Rush overh Hold going to
5697s come through into the one F ability
5699s invested from Star going to come through
5700s with the chase on the spear able to get
5702s the one two off but the Dodge is going
5703s to come through into the scale Rush away
5705s it looks like Star does not want any
5706s part of this smoke he sees the staff or
5709s the spear and it's just so much damage
5711s getting outputed from that gold spear
5713s yeah absolutely Jean Yuan plays this
5715s really smart here he actually lets star
5716s basically take the reset here while he
5718s waits for that ultimate to cook down he
5719s knows vda is going to be in a very
5721s vulnerable state trying to take that
5723s fight into star if he's got that
5725s ultimate up regardless of whether he's
5726s got his ult online or not so he waits
5728s for that and just wants to play it out
5730s in the neutral game here star however
5731s though absolutely just turns it onto
5734s Jean Yan Jean Yan though luckily like
5736s you said with that Vermillion Birds
5738s might will live to fight another day
5739s he's not going to end up losing any loot
5741s there unfortunately he does hand another
5743s elimination over to te star he's cut
5746s back over to jg's chuang trading blows
5748s here with fun plus Phoenix's verse yet
5750s again Chu Jang here with that Yang
5752s depletion three minutes to find a soul
5754s Bloom to get the cleanse here verse
5756s taking a lot of damage as chujang
5759s follows up with those jumping lmbs on
5761s that Katana it can be a little deceptive
5763s just how quickly those Hits come out and
5765s how well they do actually track jjang
5767s trying to go for it again but going to
5768s get griefed out by terrain verse going
5770s to find yet another armor swap which has
5772s been the M for verse this entire game
5776s feels like every time we cut to him he's
5777s finding yet another armor to swap into
5779s looking to break away here's wbg spider
5781s shows up for the third party spider
5783s actually going to go ahead and come in
5785s and take that Bounty scroll it's
5786s actually going to lock on to chuang
5789s verse coming through with a quick
5791s teleport another one onto chujang Chang
5793s going to send him flying here chuang
5794s trying to turn that attention onto verse
5797s we do see those cannon shots coming in
5798s some of the attention onto verse but now
5800s chujang really low forced to burn the
5802s ultimate here just to get that
5803s immortality as the rest of this Lobby
5805s turns on to verse they see juu Jang pop
5807s it they see that immortality come
5809s through and they said nope we'll just go
5811s ahead and turn on to vers verse here
5812s with the white armor in a really bad
5814s position Chuan going to come in after
5816s getting most of a reset heal and he
5818s needs to commit to this he needs to find
5820s that Soul Bloom even if he's not the one
5821s who gets the elimination there we go
5823s he's going to come in can he be the one
5825s who gets the soul Bloom doesn't look
5827s like he will chujang misses out on his
5829s opportunity to get back in the game no
5831s ultimate no armor half HP and the entire
5834s Lobby is here to hunt him down don't
5836s forget wbg spider also with the bounty
5839s on him no place to go no place to hide
5841s and it's ug's Mike who cleans up the
5843s elimination Mike picking up a beautiful
5845s kill with the pistol shot it does look
5846s like the entire Lobby has decided to
5849s converge on this one location where
5851s everybody just going for some crazy
5853s plays here and it looks like tt25 ready
5855s to take some eliminations off onto Wang
5857s leang it looks like very very low in HP
5859s that burn damage from the blistering
5861s Edge coming through just dealing so much
5864s damage right now as we're seeing doesn't
5866s have any reset going off yet it looks
5867s like he was able to get a couple pots
5869s off but he did have to burn that
5871s ultimate for that cube is going to be
5872s set up but it's in a position where if
5874s he does take the cube some of these
5876s players are going to be able to follow
5877s up on it it is on the roof so if he
5879s takes the cube he better watch out now
5881s the real of Yang is going to be spawning
5883s he's only got 52 seconds to cure his
5885s Yang depletion before he will be
5887s completely eliminated from this game
5889s verse was also trying to make something
5890s happen with his Yang depletion but was
5893s able to get the kill wasn't able to come
5897s away with the elimination or Chang sorry
5900s was not able to get the soul Bloom he
5901s did get eliminated goes out with three
5903s eliminations so not too bad on the board
5905s but going out in 11th is not the exact
5908s spot that he wants to be in is all of
5909s these players still converging onto this
5911s location it looks like te star does have
5913s the Yang pass and now wangang needs to
5916s get himself a kill he's only got 18
5917s seconds left and it looks like
5920s no no chance for him now he's going to
5923s just try and kite this out and head out
5925s 10 seconds if anybody gets a bit of
5927s damage off this could be a kill for them
5929s and it looks like a little bit of damage
5930s was given but I don't think it is Enough
5933s To Come Away with with this elimination
5935s as uh oh star actually is going to be
5937s able to come away with the kill wow T
5940s star going up to the top that is
5942s absolutely insane as we head into our
5945s second set of round Yang it's going to
5946s be 's Mike versus ASC Jean Yan can Johan
5949s Yan come out on top of the odds yet
5951s again and win two yangs back to back
5953s here on the VA to pick we see rain shots
5957s trading blows here The Clash from the
5959s scale Rush there jeanan trying to find a
5961s clean end the fight will find of that
5964s neutral there the F going to be invested
5966s on the side of Mike here and Janan
5968s unfortunately does miss the Dragon Rush
5970s but Mike thankfully not coming in with
5972s the Parry the nunchuks doing a really
5974s good job of closing the Gap here on to
5976s Jean Yuan able to avoid those bubbles as
5977s well the uppercut coming in from the
5979s spear though the pillar griefing him
5981s just a little bit Mike still with
5983s ultimate though this is what happens
5985s when zipping comes into these Realms of
5987s Yang though the bubble back online
5989s doesn't even need to pop Al Jean Yuan
5991s getting caught out here by the nunchuck
5992s is actually able to avoid the tech Chase
5994s followup on the wake up with the
5996s followup coming in some huge damage here
5998s unfortunately does get griefed out
6000s misses the grapple into the bubble
6002s though now the ult going to come through
6003s Mike in danger of getting caught out if
6005s he can get the dragons Rush no he goes
6007s for the overh hold on the RMB so much
6011s damage from a legendary spear if you can
6012s land that Jean Yuan Wast no time sending
6015s ug's mik back out with a Yang depletion
6018s you got to give Mike his props though he
6020s hit the onew into the uppercut and then
6022s instead of following it up he jumped
6025s over the bubbles with the craziest
6027s parkour I think I've ever seen I got to
6030s give him props for that cuz that was
6031s such a beautiful play coming through and
6034s then he drops the 211 isn't able to come
6037s away with the focus attack and that's
6038s where he falters the whole fight gets
6040s flipped around as soon as that Focus
6041s attack doesn't connect you can tell his
6043s mental is a little bit off he's
6044s frustrated that it doesn't hit and he
6047s ends up going down beautiful catch from
6049s the spear as well for Te star to be able
6052s to uh or y sorry to be able to come
6055s through pick up that spot and Come Away
6057s with a beautiful elimination and now
6059s we've got ewg zono and ug's Mike on the
6062s Y completion they've got 4 minutes and
6065s 25 seconds about they did extend that
6067s timer in one of these recent patches so
6069s they do have a lot of time to be able to
6071s make up their ground right now they are
6073s going to be trying to go for these kills
6074s though as we are going to see ewg zorano
6076s already on to spider no buff in hand for
6079s spider but he is a very great at kiting
6081s does have that combo breaker alt online
6083s is going to be able to hit him with the
6085s F2 here huge Parry going to come out Oro
6087s taking so much damage now kylin F going
6089s to be invested to be able to block that
6091s Parry damage we are going to see spider
6093s coming through into the one two
6094s switching over to the long sword here as
6096s that he's able to get a little bit of an
6098s overh hold going into prio but orano
6100s able to escape from that fight pretty
6102s quickly spider doesn't need to take this
6104s he doesn't need to come away with this
6105s elimination but orano desperately
6107s looking for it as we are going to see on
6108s the other side te star fighting against
6111s ug's Mike star just ready for this fight
6113s is going to be able to get that overh
6114s hold into the gold Focus here and this
6116s is anybody's kill and it looks like XY
6118s almost able to follow it up with the
6119s immortal Defiance proc from the ultimate
6122s is going to come through and now Mike in
6124s a very tough spot te star going to be
6126s able to come away with the elimination
6128s star got killed right off the bat not
6131s even 20 seconds into the game and he is
6133s deciding to tell everybody that's not
6135s him this is not how the game is going to
6137s be played I'm going to show you guys
6138s that that was just a slight mistake able
6141s to get himself enough rage back to have
6142s two slash left on his Liam ultimate if
6146s he needs five kills on the board for him
6147s so far we've got a couple of big players
6149s left in this game Mike already fully
6152s eliminated though spider still in the
6153s game no kills on the board fong in the
6155s game as well with no kills on the board
6156s arano now spotting Frost ofus out this
6158s could be an interesting fight here it's
6160s going to give Frost the opportunity to
6162s uh aggress onto aano but spider waiting
6164s in the wings as well could be a bit of a
6166s problem it looks like he is going to go
6168s for the aat Over The Zing giving that
6170s the zp has so much sustain it would be a
6172s lot harder to out as Frost looks to be
6175s safe for now from the fightings and 2
6178s minutes and 31 seconds left on that Yang
6179s depletion it's going to be very
6180s difficult for him to come through with
6181s this F invested from orano we going to
6183s see the overh hold come through F2
6185s coming out almost gets the pryo off but
6186s orano going to flip that back around
6187s into a jumping lmv from spider going to
6189s just go for a pot it looks like spider
6191s is going to end up just grappling away
6193s here does not want the beef right now he
6195s has no elimination so going out right
6197s now will not be a huge benefit to him
6199s given that he does have a huge prepose
6201s Point score it's not a huge deficit to
6204s be super down in the first game but uh
6207s the mental of spider is surely going to
6209s take a hit if he's going to go out this
6211s early yeah absolutely the spider very
6214s much a momentum based player he needs to
6216s have a good game one for him to have a
6219s good day occasionally he he is able to
6221s bounce back from his own mental and
6223s still have good days afterwards but
6225s those days are few and far between time
6227s we'll tell if today is going to be one
6228s of those days or not arano keeping that
6230s pressure up and spider kind of trying to
6232s play keep away here these players know
6234s exactly that some of these players are
6235s going to have that Yang depletion and
6237s with the way arano is so aggressively
6241s pressuring to this fight spider surely
6243s has to have an inkling that this player
6245s has got that Yang depletion so he's
6248s doing the smart thing here he's just
6249s trying to wake them out he does not want
6251s to force a fight here in this stage of
6253s the game where it's very easy to fall
6255s victim to the third party orano here
6257s already burn the ultimate as well not
6259s able to catch up to spider spider just
6261s breaking fully away here so fast after R
6264s trying to play catchup unfortunately
6265s that ult going to burn out very quickly
6267s here does not see spider sitting in the
6270s bush spider just happy here
6272s unfortunately somebody else does its
6273s Frost ofis Frost going to catch a little
6275s bit of Chip damage there but not a lot
6277s narano now taking those longrange pistol
6279s shots trying to head into the Zone I
6281s think aano has decided that he wants to
6283s try to go out on his own merits here but
6286s if any of these players Chase it could
6288s be very difficult for him to get away
6290s without giving an elimination to
6291s somebody else spider though will find
6293s the the full reset here unfortunately he
6295s did have to burn his aa's ultimate there
6297s it's going to leave him fairly
6298s vulnerable orano here just holding the
6299s tuna in the zone waiting to go out there
6302s it is as we take a look back at the
6304s replay te star versus ewg's arano inside
6307s the realm of Yang and arano just giving
6310s him the business here off of these dual
6312s blads the ultimate going to be invested
6314s here by aano star just able look at this
6317s just able to dash in between the dashes
6319s there get some eye frames up takes a
6321s couple of hits here but star really just
6324s waiting out this ultimate playing really
6326s smart here as he is on the Liam there we
6329s go the old going to be coming in
6330s invested on his side he gets aano inside
6332s of it he knows if orano steps away there
6334s he can just pop back into it sure enough
6336s he does with the follow of the re Arial
6338s Jugo into the re ultimate again and he
6340s just tko's him right then and there
6344s absolutely beautiful kill coming out as
6347s we are going to be taking a look now te
6348s star going to be trying to go to contest
6351s and it looks like frost was just trying
6352s to jump into the mix as well seeing if
6354s he can get some pot shots off with his
6356s Cannon it looks like purple whole sword
6358s in hand for frostos as well can be able
6360s to give some big damage up just hopping
6362s right on the outskirts of the circle
6364s trying to deal some damage as that it's
6366s right next to fun we are going to see XY
6368s does have only a gray hung sword but
6370s with this ultimate going to be able to
6373s pop that as well switches back over to
6375s the golden staff that he had in the back
6377s pocket just and a spear that he's got as
6381s well is going to be able to catch two
6382s players in into that spear ultimate as
6385s we are going to see him scaling up to
6387s the side of the mountain using that
6389s Aurora burst to hold the Zone even if it
6391s was only a gry hung swword super great
6393s play now he's out of his ultimate still
6395s has it online though as he was able to
6397s pick up that buff the white Tiger's
6398s prowess is going to be super crucial to
6401s xy's Performance here now if he's able
6403s to come away with any sort of
6405s elimination it could trigger an entire
6407s series of Thanos snaps as we like to
6410s call it that we've seen in the trios
6411s games and he's going to have a Advantage
6413s with 2 minutes and 19 seconds on this
6415s he's going to be hungry for eliminations
6416s the 80% Bane is going to be dropping
6418s onto the playing field now too as we are
6420s going to be seeing these players going
6421s to start to try and play on the
6423s outskirts of this Bane as it is covering
6425s almost 80% of the map is why we call it
6428s the 80% Bane XY now trying to send as
6431s into the Bane here as uh taking a lot of
6435s damage all of these players relentlessly
6437s trying to come through and see if they
6438s can come away with a bit of an
6439s elimination and frost comes away with
6441s the kill the cannon shot into the damage
6443s is XY able to pick himself up the soul
6445s Bloom bringing it back around he's got a
6447s gold armor swap in the back pocket
6448s almost gets hit by the Bane there as uh
6450s it looks like he's doing a great job of
6452s dodging around but Frost now was in 11th
6455s place and now is up to sixth position
6457s here looking very very nice I know we're
6460s you know keeping an extra eye on him and
6462s we take a look into the back pocket of
6464s what xy's got in his inventory he's got
6466s gold halberds gold staff gold spear I'd
6469s love to see a con generic Swap come out
6471s you know it could be a possibility you
6472s know we might get to see it very
6474s unlikely and he's also got that mortal
6475s Defiance that's going to be something
6476s that's going to be very very difficult
6478s to deal with in those final circles that
6480s heal off could be detrimental especially
6482s with the fact that vda ultimate is
6484s giving you so much extra HP this heal
6487s off could be very detrimental to a
6489s player like froster who's playing on a a
6492s hero that gives you a lot of heals he's
6494s using every single opportunity to pick
6496s up extra heals with XY here as looks
6499s like spider going to be heading into the
6500s zone taking a bit of damage trying to
6502s scale away X just hungry for the chase
6504s here ultimate online now for spider is
6506s going to try and go for an uppercut the
6507s jumping lmb is going to come through
6509s back around and now Frost V sending in
6511s some pot shots with the cannon again
6513s he's got meteor in his hand as well this
6515s is going to be an interesting one if
6516s he's able to hit these meteor shots onto
6518s spider getting that third party
6519s elimination putting him up to three
6521s kills could be super huge for him his XY
6523s is going to come in with a huge one two
6524s coming around as K c225 as well sending
6526s some shots in rosis just sending a lot
6528s of damage in with that Cannon going to
6530s try and bring something around spider
6532s trying to flip the attention on Frost
6533s but now he's taking so much damage
6535s getting the slash over gets the tiger
6537s pounce onto tt25 is going to be able to
6538s get a bit of siphon off of that here
6540s does know where Frost ofis is is going
6542s to be able to get him into priority here
6544s jumping him into the circle and no this
6545s is not the place for frost ofis wants to
6547s be he's going to back out here now
6549s ultimate invested and it looks like tt25
6551s is going to get the pick onto spider but
6552s now Frost is in a lot of trouble whole
6554s Lobby is going to be focusing onto him
6555s now everybody trying to get a piece of
6558s the player that's low is going to have
6559s to scale out and around is not in a very
6562s good position here yeah this is exactly
6564s where you don't want to be as the
6566s zipping player right now forced to burn
6568s your ultimate here before zone 6
6570s collapses onto Zone 7 and the rest of
6572s the lobby realizes an opportunity to
6574s remove the worst possible character to
6577s have to go to End Circle and have that
6579s heal off with they know Frost ofus is
6581s vulnerable here knows that 's not going
6583s to be coming back online but the
6584s pressure abates for some reason and
6586s frost ofus will be able to get a reset
6588s here everybody turns their attention
6589s away everybody just starts to look to
6591s hold their own forner here and that
6593s Frost ofus continue to punish this Lobby
6596s absolutely insane turn of events there
6598s for frost ofis you would think the lobby
6601s would have aggressed much much harder on
6603s that knowing that he burned the ultimate
6605s knowing that he burned that F wasn't
6607s going to be up for another 13 seconds
6609s here this Lobby very easily could have
6612s found the pick and elimination onto
6614s Frost ofus there if they continued to
6615s keep the pressure up now they're going
6617s to have to worry about going to end
6618s Circle and having to fight a zipping in
6621s that heal off space so it's going to be
6623s a very very interesting game five
6625s players left remaining te star ASC xan
6628s Yuan drg's Fong K's T225 and alliance's
6632s frost ofis all looking to trade blows
6634s here in the final moments of game number
6636s one as we take a look at what's in the
6637s back pocket of drg's Fong here and it
6640s looks like Fong struggling to scale up
6642s this game which is why he's currently
6644s sitting with zero eliminations he's
6646s going to have to make something happen
6647s here in these final moments if he wants
6649s to walk out on top of this Lobby Frost
6651s is trying to avoid that legendary Soul
6654s Jade there from Jean Juan Janan
6656s unfortunately only with a white Hong
6658s sword to be able to use it but that
6660s silence still a huge threat in these
6662s final moments T225 trying to get that
6664s blistering edge off in the direction of
6666s Alliance of frost his te star gets him
6668s that heal cut out unfortunately doesn't
6670s catch too much damage but Frost of is
6671s now going to go extremely low again
6673s forced to burn the bubble here but Frost
6674s of is still with the old in the back
6675s pocket in a very strong position some
6677s bow shots coming out onto star but Frost
6679s of is walking into the silence here this
6681s is the opportunity the overhead from the
6685s staff will clean up Frost ofis the
6688s silence keeping him from doing anything
6691s about the followup there the blistering
6692s Edge coming out from T25 on to te star
6694s star now needs to make a play here that
6697s ultimate not online up to 89% he needs
6700s to keep the game alive till he can get
6702s the ultimate going and he needs to get
6704s it fast cuz once this circle starts to
6706s close it's going to be very small he's
6707s trying to get a pot off but he's going
6709s to be pushed away by drg's Fong that Cav
6711s Bloom being a real threat here for Star
6714s forced to end the pot just moments
6716s before it goes off now the dash coming
6718s in Star going to take some more damage
6719s here the ult online but he drops down
6721s into the silence there star trying to
6723s come in there we go with the staff will
6725s go in will pop the ultimate here now
6727s trying to keep his game alive but he
6729s falls down into it yet again going to
6732s take a ton of damage forced to burn the
6734s ultimate just to keep the game alive
6735s here Fong trying to come in with the Cav
6737s Bloom shove these players into the Zone
6739s we're going to see huge damage coming in
6741s from the blistering Edge on mul player
6743s Jean Yuan going to use that ultimate
6745s there get that 2K HP goes for the
6747s overhead there off of that spear
6749s unfortunately misses both players goes
6752s for another water Spar not going to find
6754s it blistering Edge coming through yet
6755s again T225 goes so low but it's star who
6758s picks up the elimination jeanan gets
6761s thrown away he's going to come out on
6763s top just because of the Vault to heal
6764s off but the question is does he have
6766s enough points yes he does it looks like
6768s he's going to be walking away our MVP
6770s for game number one oh my going be T
6774s star let's go goodness T star was able
6777s to come away with a few more
6778s eliminations star was able to steal away
6781s that one kill near the very end on DEC
6784s T225 basically sealing the fate of the
6787s lobby at that point as he was also able
6789s to pick up that kill onto Frost ofus I
6790s believe he had ended the game with six
6792s or seven eliminations very very
6794s beautiful game coming out from Star to
6796s show exactly what kind of business these
6798s players mean and yet so unfortunate
6800s froster is getting caught into the
6803s had Aurora burst from as's XY into the
6807s followup from te star coming around with
6811s the golden staff I was really he had the
6813s staff and spear in his inventory I was
6815s really hoping we were going to get to
6816s see that con generic swap but he doesn't
6818s even need it he comes through with a
6820s beautiful win he was doing such a great
6823s job the heal that he was able to get
6824s from his ultimate hitting three players
6826s was able to give him back all of his HP
6828s and a little bit of shield and he did
6829s have that advanced heal giving him back
6831s a lot of heal near the end there he's
6834s able to get a pot off and give him back
6835s so much more health and armor than any
6838s regular pot would especially at that
6840s point in the game when everybody is
6841s getting dangerously low and it's more
6843s and more difficult to heal that advanced
6845s heal is just so
6847s rewarding wow what a game te star just
6850s absolutely perfect performance yeah this
6852s is a this is a really hard final Circle
6854s to come into right like we we talked
6856s about Frost of his going low they had a
6858s really good opportunity to remove him
6860s early on they let him stick around
6862s though and you have two characters you
6863s really don't want to see this end game
6865s and of course that's zipping and you
6867s don't want to see the VA to make it
6868s either cuz again you press one button
6870s you instantly gain 2K HP you those
6873s Spears absolute nightmare being locked
6875s up in the zone uh but we're going to
6878s have a quick question for you before we
6880s break down the rest of that final Zone
6881s yet again um and answer for Treasure
6884s here who won game number one today I
6886s mean this is a freebie is it a te star B
6889s deg Fong c wbg spider or D Alliance
6892s Frost ofis make sure you go ahead and
6894s get your answers locked in so you don't
6896s miss out on a chance to get you a
6898s summers split random gift box there's
6900s not going to be a lot of those left
6902s before the season is over so make sure
6904s you're trying your hand so you can go
6906s ahead and get yourself one but uh back
6908s to the breakdown there for the final
6909s Circle you really just don't want to see
6911s the zip uh or that vaa make it there to
6913s the End Circle we see exactly why that
6916s happens right uh we see the vda be able
6918s to make it in they're going to get that
6920s multiplier onto their kills and stuff te
6921s star just happened to have enough
6924s eliminations he absolutely popped off in
6926s this previous game uh that's why he's
6928s going to be walking away our MVP but
6930s those heal off very very hard again when
6932s vdi just able to press that button and
6934s get 2K HP it's absolutely crazy and
6937s we're going to take a look here at the
6938s scoreboard yeah star with eight
6939s eliminations here wow I didn't see the
6942s eight eliminations I thought he was
6943s sitting around five or six absolutely
6946s insane game for him going to be walking
6947s away with a game score of
6949s 9.5 asc's Jean or Jan Yuan here with a
6954s 6.6 ug's Mike a 3.5 JD G's chujang and
6958s frost going to be rounding out the top
6960s five as well as drg's Fong uh with three
6963s points a piece that 9.5 going to shoot
6966s ton star all the way to the top of the
6967s leaderboard as he sets up for a really
6970s strong day I know this is not the game
6972s Fong really wanted to have here uh Fong
6975s does make it into the end there is able
6976s to get some points together for himself
6979s uh when we finally cut back to fong in
6980s that final Circle he's on like purple
6982s armor one purple weapon and he's got one
6985s good Soul Jade realistically which is
6987s that Cavalry Bloom but really tough
6990s final Circle for him to make use of that
6993s Cav Bloom and find a lot of value out of
6995s it Seb yeah he definitely wasn't going
6999s uh as hard as he he wishes he could uh
7001s it looks like his his scale in his early
7003s and mid game wasn't enough to keep up
7005s with the uh the early games that were
7007s coming out from a lot of these players
7008s but as we just saw it really doesn't
7011s matter in the early game if it it
7013s doesn't all come down to the early game
7015s there was so much coming through te star
7018s was the first player eliminated we saw
7020s him get eliminated by Wolves Wang leang
7023s so
7024s quickly in that game it was insane how
7028s we were like oh T star is already dead
7030s wow sent to the soul alter comes back
7032s and wins the game and this is a story of
7034s determination and exactly what you need
7037s to do as we are going to be seeing XY
7040s now second in the standings as we do get
7042s to see how these players AR to be
7044s stacking up with their preos points
7046s which shows that you know even though
7047s spider didn't have the greatest game
7048s number one he's still in that top six
7051s because of how he's performed in the
7052s past yeah absolutely as we take a look
7055s back here at some of our replays brought
7057s to you by Thunderbolt we do see that
7058s moment you talked about earlier where
7060s star very quickly getting eliminated
7062s there by wangang but boy does he ever
7065s bounce back as we cut over to choang
7066s here with one of the early kills johanan
7068s here absolutely huge kill here onto T225
7071s he comes in he lands the spear gets the
7073s overhead and again Johan Yuan here
7075s having a really strong game this is one
7076s of the players we talked about uh
7078s earlier today very very strong player
7081s he's a player he comes in he has very
7083s explosive games I expect to continue to
7085s see a good performance out of him today
7086s star here today though on the Liam pick
7089s here an absolute Menace here orano just
7092s does not get to play the game here once
7094s that ultimate comes out he just tko's
7097s him so quickly as we cut over to Star
7099s yet again cleaning up another
7100s elimination here waiting in the wings
7102s Frost ofis just gets thrown to the
7104s Wolves here T225 also going to go down
7107s there and then johnan gets sent flying
7110s here star does go down but he's able to
7112s pick up a lot of the eliminations there
7115s in the end which is why he comes out on
7117s top here for our game number one as we
7121s get ready to take a look at our MVP
7123s stats here for Te star 20,000 damage
7127s eight eliminations 16,200 damage coming
7130s out from the melee weapons most of it
7132s from the dual blades with the Cav blo
7134s rupture Gale Ripple step and advanced
7136s heel yeah that advanced heel being one
7139s of the crucial parts of his gameplay
7141s there allowing him to heal so much more
7143s HP than he normally would have been able
7145s to and I feel like that is one of the
7146s deciding factors in how he was able to
7148s continue and finish into that game eight
7150s kills was able to pick up so many
7152s eliminations in that final Circle
7153s picking up all the best third party
7155s kills and that was just a textbook play
7157s and from anybody coming out that's the
7159s game that you want to have especially on
7161s your first game you're not not even
7162s first round pick you're not using the
7164s most meta Heroes like I mean you're
7166s playing leam a very meta hero but you're
7169s not using like the most uh coveted
7171s Heroes that work really well in the End
7173s Circle you're not playing a hero with
7174s extra healing you're able to come
7176s through and do all of that with the leam
7179s picking up eight kills so smart to be
7182s able to play like that and I'm just
7183s blown away by the performance today we
7186s still have seven games potentially to be
7188s played here so we we we've got a lot of
7190s nraa action coming to you folks
7193s at home we are going to be jumping into
7195s game number two pretty quickly here but
7196s wow after your first game now I like to
7199s do my predictions so what are we
7201s thinking i' I've already given mine know
7203s be frost ofus had a great start look
7206s Frost ofus did have a a good game here
7208s his final Circle very just unfortunate
7210s the way things shaped out uh wbg Spider
7214s getting caught out in that position
7216s being able to land the grab in the
7218s position he did to throw uh Frost ofis
7220s into the circle forcing the ult out of
7222s him there I honestly thought that
7223s spelled disaster for him but he was able
7225s to somehow turn attention away from him
7227s even though he's zipping there in the
7229s final circle with no ult no F online for
7232s the next 30 seconds he's half HP I don't
7235s see how you live from that position
7236s Frost of is somehow able to do it
7238s whether he flies under the radar whether
7240s he's able to annoy the players enough to
7243s get them to go ah it's a zipping I'll
7245s deal with it later I can't be bothered
7247s right now uh but does a really really
7249s excellent job he makes the most of a
7251s really bad situation for himself there
7253s uh in terms of
7254s predictions Seb you know I don't want to
7256s give my predictions here we we we are
7258s the kings of Caster curse you and me
7261s it's the last thing I want to do is put
7263s that curse on the head of any of these
7265s players uh I'm just excited to see some
7268s really really good nraa coming out this
7270s was a phenomenal game you know I've got
7272s to give big credits to te star for this
7274s game uh throughout the CM season Liam
7277s has kind of just been like the go-to
7279s solo pick he's like been the musthave
7282s pick at the start of every round uh and
7285s I kind of criticized a lot of players
7286s for that because of how much value was
7289s being found in players like kylin hottie
7293s and Tami this season we didn't see a lot
7295s of Liam MVPs the game I just saw from te
7299s star on Liam if I had seen games like
7301s that all season I wouldn't have given
7304s anybody hell about playing Liam and that
7307s being their priority pick as we take a
7309s look here by the way Frost of has taking
7310s notes about how that game went for him
7312s that's a serious player right there for
7314s you that's a man who's looking to make
7316s sure he goes in and has a really good
7319s by-weekly so oh yeah hopefully the not
7321s taken pays off for him here Frost of is
7323s locking in looking to make it happen but
7325s again big props to te star probably my
7328s favorite game that I've seen a Liam MVP
7330s come out of not that there's been a lot
7332s of them but making it look like you know
7335s Liam deserved all that praise he was
7337s getting and being the first pick coming
7339s through uh unfortunately for spider here
7341s this is not a strong game for Spider you
7343s can see him here trying to get locked
7346s back in spider again being one of those
7348s players that you know he's vastly
7350s improved when it comes to his mental
7352s state and being able to bounce back but
7354s he is still very much a mental player
7357s when he has a bad game one he still
7359s struggles making it happen he does have
7361s days where he's better about it I'm
7363s hoping today is going to be one of those
7365s days cuz I would love to see spider come
7367s out and perform like he usually
7370s does yeah no he's he's definitely uh
7374s he's definitely a different player than
7376s we've seen lots of the time like in the
7378s first couple of seasons of mvpl we saw
7380s him he'd pop off pop off pop off and
7382s there was no stopping him he was an
7383s Unstoppable force and then Mike came in
7386s disrupted disrupted everything that he
7388s was working for and just sort of he fell
7392s into this like slump where he hasn't
7395s been performing as well and it really
7398s does come down to lots of his mental so
7400s I I I'm really hoping that he's going to
7402s be able to keep it up um and you know
7404s he's a player that always shines really
7406s really bright when he does perform well
7408s so you know you can definitely don't
7410s count him out at this point he is still
7413s in very good contention for playing for
7416s that mvp today and U he's going to give
7419s it his all ewg Zano as well a player who
7422s isn't very much talked about on the na
7425s side but is a extremely skilled player
7428s who's been able to do so
7430s much with arono has been my Talk of the
7434s Town this season believe it or not I
7436s actually uh post his performance during
7438s the koi cup uh during the midseason uh
7442s coming into this season he's actually my
7444s pick for most improved player this
7446s season he has done a phenomenal job this
7448s is a player who for the longest time was
7451s at the very bottom of the leaderboard
7453s every single time we cut to him wasn't
7455s qualifying for by weekly finals and then
7457s he came into the season and woke up he
7460s is almost always in top contention of
7463s every single Lobby he plays in I am so
7466s proud of ewg's Zano this season Seb yeah
7470s I am very proud of him as well lots of
7471s the time we saw arano down on the bottom
7474s of these scoreboards and it was very
7475s unfortunate to see and uh you know
7478s throughout time we've seen the
7479s progression of ronto like from remember
7482s bottom of the scoreboard every single
7484s time not making the bi-weekly finals now
7485s they're able to come through and come up
7487s with a lot of extra wins taking a look
7490s at our score our for our hero selection
7492s we've got three Liams or three kyin and
7495s it looks like we might have three Liams
7497s given if XY decides to go for that pick
7499s but we're going to see the hottie coming
7500s up from XY here so we're going to have
7502s two Liams three kylin one hottie and
7506s Then star going to be opting to play for
7508s that hottie arano on the Matari and like
7511s I said Matari has just been my favorite
7512s hero right now playing it and watching
7515s and plays that people are able to make
7517s Mike going for an off metah hero again
7519s zing in the first game Tess on the
7521s second it's a very interesting play here
7523s I feel like Mike's going for the long
7524s game Mike doesn't want to burn out all
7527s of his hero picks early he wants to take
7530s these first couple of games and just
7531s slowly heat up and now we're taking a
7533s look at this last round selection here
7535s looks like frost ofis is going to be one
7537s of our last players to pick shuang
7540s opting for the aop and it looks like
7542s frost is going to be going on to the
7544s Tami hopefully we'll see we've seen the
7546s TMI plays come out we saw um uh verse
7549s with an a beautiful Tami play on day one
7553s or week one day one of bi-weekly 4 had
7556s some beautiful tamies into like a triple
7558s Carousel it was just absolutely
7561s beautiful so you know we can see some
7562s crazy stuff coming up from frost right
7564s now as uh lots of these players they're
7567s going to start locking in we're headed
7569s over to hollo I believe and we are going
7571s to be jumping we are on hollo we're
7574s going to be jumping right into this
7575s taking a look at our forecast of where
7577s these players are going to be dropping
7579s as we see that they're locked in we're
7581s going to get to see which abilities they
7582s are going to be using for their Heroes
7583s and it's going to be pretty standard
7585s across the board F1 v3s for our Tami
7587s which Frost is going to be playing Mike
7589s F1 V1 for the Tessa F1 V2 for our kins
7593s F2 V2 for our hotties no v1s coming
7596s through wangang was trying to make that
7597s work wasn't able to looks like chuang is
7600s going to be opting to play on that F2 of
7603s the aost it looks like F1 has been sort
7606s of slowly rotated out of the play as uh
7609s it hasn't been very very much utilized
7612s in the F2 just being a little bit
7614s stronger in some more situational
7616s aspects and then F2 V2 of course for the
7619s matar's aono and AIS going to be running
7623s those Heroes absolutely insane as we're
7625s going to be running into this BNG on the
7629s Liam I'm excited to see him play cuz
7631s usually his MVPs come off of the
7632s obsolete Heroes I'm excited to see if
7634s he's going to play that Justina F2 or F1
7637s again where he doesn't use the combo
7639s breaker F and he he ended up MVP with it
7642s a couple times
7643s so yeah it's going to be very
7645s interesting as we are heading on over to
7648s hollow Roth here looks like a lot of
7650s players going to be dropping looking to
7651s contest Podium right off of the rip here
7654s at K uh wangang jdg chuang as well
7658s couple of players just to the north of
7660s plume Castle here you can bet there's
7662s going to be a lot of fights breaking out
7663s in Plume Castle Post those initial
7665s fights players start to head on in and
7667s on our Eastern side of the map we're
7669s going to see a large group of players as
7672s well looking to loot up those gold zones
7676s before they head in and start to take
7679s those fights towards plumed Castle uh
7682s game number two here promising to be a
7685s really intense game these guys came in
7688s in that first game and they left nothing
7690s on the table I expect the exact same
7692s thing here in game number two as we cut
7694s over to te star our MVP from game number
7698s one uh already looting up here looking
7700s to go ahead and take an early fight into
7702s here Jean Yuan with no armor massive
7704s Parry coming in from Star waits for it
7706s goes for the overh there into the huge
7710s overhead off of the P sword lots of
7712s damage coming out he literally needs one
7713s more tick of damage here to catch on to
7715s Jean Yuan before jeanan can find some
7717s armor but zanan actually gets the
7719s dragons rush into the nees goes for the
7721s uppercut combo here but he drops it star
7724s walks back into the neutral though and
7726s Johan Yuan comes out on top what a turn
7729s of events as we cut over to jl's AIS
7731s into w BG spider spider on the back foot
7733s but with a huge par turns things around
7735s he just needs to find it in here with
7737s the nunchucks going for the bow shots
7739s the TP coming in though from AIS as he
7741s cleans up an early elimination on to
7743s spider and we've got two kills on the
7745s board already Star first person
7747s eliminated again you know I'm not saying
7750s we're seeing a trend here but this was
7752s how he got set up for MVP last game so
7755s jumping into game number two he could
7757s have a similar strategy there it was
7758s very very close battle there he was
7760s extremely close cl to being able to come
7762s away with something we going to see
7763s Frost is able to get the overh onto Mike
7765s there taking a little bit of his Blue
7766s Shield away gets the one off baits out
7768s the F here as fun plus Fenix verse is
7770s going to knock out that secondary uh
7772s stun from the f is Mike going to try and
7775s scale away here he does have a dagger so
7776s the scale rushes are going to come in
7777s handy but Frost ofis as well on the
7779s dagger going to try and see if he's
7780s going to be able to flank onto the side
7782s Mike able to get an armor swap trying to
7783s go for the overh hold here first doing a
7785s great job of dodging out of that as Mike
7788s just trying to hold space here going to
7790s go for that charge R&B with the dagger
7793s taking a little bit of some pot shots
7795s here from the musket it looks like he's
7796s gone down almost fully out of that gray
7799s Shield is going to be able to bring that
7800s back though one pot is going to fully
7801s heal his shield as he only has the gray
7803s one on right now tar able to come away
7806s again already back into the fights ewg
7808s Zano now taking so much damage going to
7810s be forced to scale out of here and star
7812s just Ultra aggro right off the rip is
7815s absolutely crazy catches the uppercut oh
7817s my goodness goes into an armor swap but
7818s it's not a full armor gets the overhead
7820s slam but doesn't connect on the followup
7822s and then the jumping lmb star already
7825s has a kill on the board the momentum is
7827s crazy from him he takes his life to a
7830s soul alter and ends up coming away with
7832s the elimination here as we are going to
7834s see the overhead lmbb coming through
7836s from frost ofus now has both of these
7837s players extremely low is going to try
7839s and focus his energy onto ug's Mike
7841s right now into this area we are going to
7843s see the scal getting messed up a little
7844s bit now Mike on the back end trying to
7846s see if he can kite out of this is going
7848s to be able to get away pretty quickly
7850s here it gets the overhead slam on to
7852s verse as all three of these players
7854s fighting it out Rus has the most HP
7857s right now with the armor and the weapon
7861s Advantage for into most of these fights
7863s as Mike trying to make something happen
7864s onto verse verse now in the back end
7866s trying to see if he can get the
7867s elimination as now the kylin ultimate is
7869s going to be invested here and this could
7871s be terrible for Mike as Mike is trying
7872s to back out of this as fast as possible
7874s getting the scale rushes away here but
7876s now he's out into the open and there we
7877s go fun plus fenix's verse is going to
7879s pick up the elimination and now turns
7880s all of his attention over on to frost
7882s ofis is going to be able to avoid most
7883s of these slashes immortality proc is
7885s going to come out and now Frost ofis is
7886s in a lot of trouble if he's able to
7887s dodge out one more here as we do see the
7889s kylin as the ultimate is going to get
7891s invested now from frost ofis huge Parry
7894s going to come out though Frost could be
7895s in a lot of trouble it does have that F
7897s available is going to go for a bit of a
7898s reset here quickly as Frost is trying to
7900s go for bur trying to go for that one two
7903s here into that Focus attack ultimate is
7905s going to be down trying to hold blue
7906s through here we going to see the Clank
7907s coming out from both of these players
7909s trying to get that last little bit of
7910s damage in now Frost of is is on the back
7912s end of this fight and the jump lmbs are
7913s going to take him out verse able to turn
7916s that into two eliminations the kylin
7918s ultimate just so incredibly strong and
7920s now we're flipping over to jdg chujang
7923s fighting against k25 gold fist blades in
7926s hand going to send that ultimate out and
7928s both of these ultimates going to be
7929s invested at the same time tt25 going to
7930s try and see if he can get a kyl slash
7932s off into the followup jdg Jang one HP in
7934s a dream right now going to try and run
7936s away gets an armor swap out does only
7938s have one little bit of white Health left
7940s at k ct25 misses one of these kylin
7942s slashes he could be in a lot of trouble
7944s though as the pryo grabs from the
7946s ultimates he can still use those basic
7948s tiger pounces as the ultimate is going
7950s to end up going down both of these
7951s players are going to take a reset yeah
7954s Chu Jang making the smart decision there
7956s to back away crazy fights already coming
7959s into the game as we have about seven
7962s eliminations on the board already K's
7964s T25 wants to keep the pressure up here
7967s though chuang though with those
7968s legendary fist blades in a really strong
7971s position if can take control of neutral
7972s but T225 not having any of it the uphill
7976s battle here with the staff actually
7978s doing so much damage to CH Jang Chang no
7980s F no ultimate available and tt25 here
7983s could be in a really strong position to
7985s go ahead and gear up early those
7987s legendary fish plates going to go a long
7989s way here on kyin as he is able to clean
7992s up Chu Jang here will scale into those
7994s legendary fish plates chujang able to
7996s get to the podium able to secure that
7998s legendary weapon but all he does in
8001s really succeeds in doing is feeding it
8003s to K's T225 as he finds his second
8005s elimination this game and that means
8007s that ultimate going forward going to be
8009s doing so much more damage Seb yeah gold
8013s kylen Al is not something I want to be
8015s on the other side of that is going to be
8016s a very very difficult play to try and
8019s make happen there as U ke star on the
8022s other side one elimination on the board
8023s so far looks like he is going to try and
8024s go for this R yangang blue armor blue
8026s weapons so he's not fully scaled right
8029s now but a win in the realm of Yang on
8031s hot could be the exact thing he needs to
8033s continue his gameplay to a higher level
8035s where you're going to see now fun plus
8036s fenix's verse getting himself on to that
8039s Yang portal as tt25 and wolves Wang
8042s leang are going to be fighting it out
8043s here tt25 taking a lot of damage the
8045s cannon shot going to come out from Wang
8046s leang is able to deal a decent amount of
8048s damage onto that as uh gg25 in a lot of
8051s trouble now he's uh no Shield available
8054s right now for him is going to just go
8056s for a quick pot a reset as wangyang as
8059s well going to hit himself a bit of a
8061s reset into this as he's going to try and
8063s go for that overh he hits the max
8064s distance Focus as um Kay c25 is well
8067s going to be able to hit himself with
8068s Focus attack as now the ultimate going
8070s to get invested with 17 seconds left he
8072s is just going to need to kite this out
8073s for another few seconds and now langang
8076s going to end up getting caught out by
8079s all of these players here forced to back
8080s off getting hit oh my goodness this
8082s could be it for him here he is going to
8084s be able to get out of the dangerous
8086s flowers as wolves wangyang taking
8088s himself incredibly low almost getting
8091s fully eliminated into this game but we
8094s come back around as chujang going to try
8096s and contest this fight with K T225 going
8098s to wait for that R of Yang to to fill up
8101s before entering here getting himself a
8103s little bit of a break before this Yang
8106s decides to pop off looks like he's just
8108s not fully ready to enter yet as uh looks
8110s like spider going to be on the other
8112s side blue armor blue weapons kylin is
8114s not going to be as effective so uh Chu
8117s Jang entering right now could be the
8118s play for him but it looks like XY is
8120s going to be fighting against hottie
8122s versus kylin kylin usually winning in
8124s this lineup as we are going to see
8125s chuang versus verse on the other side of
8128s the realm of Yang yeah I see jeanan here
8131s coming in versus wbg spider we see both
8134s of them go Airborne that pistol shot
8135s going to do just a little bit of Chip
8136s damage here jeanan still trying to stick
8138s to his guns with the melee weapon
8140s looking for a clean intro to this fight
8142s wbg spider taking some range damage
8144s there off of Jean's pistol as well those
8146s figh are trying to go for the reset will
8148s come around the corner there with a very
8149s clean lmb there off the dagger trying to
8152s find it yet again will find another one
8154s off the back of the F decides he's going
8155s to go ahead and invest the ultimate here
8157s but he's about to be taken for a ride
8158s here by zanan as he gets him stuck to
8160s the wall here able to find the reg
8162s grapple we see the immortality Pro
8164s keeping him alive here but he gets put
8166s back in the poison Splash to add insult
8168s to injury and oh my goodness wbg spider
8172s able to activate the ultimate but not
8174s use it oh my goodness the disrespect
8178s into the wall into the triple carousel
8181s that is just an insane play ladies and
8183s gentlemen being able to pull that off
8184s the spacing has to be perfect your
8187s button presses have to be perfect your
8189s directional inputs have to be perfect
8190s this is something that is very very
8192s difficult to deal with and lots of these
8194s players have a lot of difficulty trying
8195s to pull this off and for him to be able
8198s to do that against spider while the
8199s ultimate's proed the one pryo that he
8201s was able to hit just costing spider the
8204s game there in this realm of yangs we are
8206s going to flip over fist Blades versus
8208s fist blades blue armor versus blue armor
8210s this a pretty evenly spread match up
8211s right now hottie versus Matari both of
8214s them just charging in each other's faces
8215s trying to go for a scale Rush play right
8217s now as star scale rushing onto the other
8219s side AIS trying to make something happen
8221s with these fist blades both of them
8222s going for the charge here and the pryo
8224s is going to come out with the F ability
8225s invested from Star on the back end and
8227s this is the mirror match up if if AIS is
8231s able to make Star burn his ultimate then
8233s he's able to do something very well as
8235s we do see the paring coming through into
8236s the jump lb into the jump lb jl's AIS
8240s with two jump lmvs off the Parry able to
8243s come through and pick up an absolutely
8245s insane kill stacking him up with some
8247s purple armor some gold Weaponry some
8249s good Soul Jades and that Vermilion bird
8251s might
8252s buff yeah absolutely crazy plays there
8255s from AIS very very clean with the fist
8257s blades as well into the jump double
8259s jumping lmb follow up once he finds
8261s control here as we cut over to ewg's
8264s arano here trading blows with wbg spider
8267s spider off to a tear here as aano
8269s already has all of his armor ripped away
8270s spider with the clanks keeping him from
8272s being able to gain any distance here off
8274s of these grapples going to force aano to
8276s burn the Ultimate N very soon if he even
8278s gets the opportunity to no spider just
8280s says no he's able to find the pickup and
8283s before he ever touches the ground spider
8285s will eliminate him and spider finds his
8287s first elimination here in the game
8289s absolutely huge for him as he's able to
8291s cleanse that Yang depletion as well wbg
8294s spider will live to fight another day as
8296s we cut over to te star in a very similar
8299s situation or winner from last game now
8301s unfortunately does not come out on top
8303s inside that real Yang has 3 minutes 22
8306s seconds to find himself a soul Bloom to
8308s cleanse this Yang depletion jg's CH Yang
8311s around the corner here in a very similar
8314s situation 2 minutes and 6 seconds
8317s decides it's time to go ahead and start
8319s chasing onto this kill here with te star
8322s star opens the fite with a massive Parry
8324s with the follow up immediately strips
8326s the armor away from JD's jujang jujang
8328s now knowing they're on the back foot
8330s here goes for the staff the going to be
8331s invested on the side of te star to break
8333s away from it doesn't want to let him get
8335s any value as now woles Wang Yang shows
8337s up to the fight as well for the third
8339s party chuang just continuing to take
8341s chip damage left right and Center here
8343s star letting wangang do a little bit of
8345s the work here for him before he shows up
8346s another Parry onto Chu Jang and these
8349s parries costing Chu Jang so much in this
8352s fight Chu Jang forced to burn that ao's
8354s ultimate here 1 minute and 26 seconds
8356s left remaining before the Yang depletion
8358s does him in he's able to get one Shield
8360s pot off here star waiting around the
8362s corner he's going to miss the tiger leap
8363s onto star starting to burn the F again
8366s to make sure he doesn't get glassed onto
8368s here Chang so low as all three of these
8371s players look to put an end to jg's
8373s chuang Star keeping the pressure up is
8375s going to get caught out in the whisp
8376s from behind there we believe it was
8378s Frost of as he was able to land that
8379s whisp on him from Tami star forced to
8382s pressure back into this fight here with
8384s the ultimate cuz he also only has 2
8386s minutes left remaining before Yang
8388s depletion does him in he's playing p
8391s patiently here waiting for the rest of
8393s the lobby to do a little bit of work
8394s here for him because he knows how
8395s vulnerable he is now chuang also knows
8398s he's in a vulnerable state and wants to
8399s come in and get a piece of that he's
8400s immediately stripping the armor off of
8402s him our boy goes so low the whis comes
8404s in he's not quite able to connect to it
8406s frost misses the opportunity chojang
8408s trying to use the space here the scale
8410s rushing to break away 29 seconds left
8413s remaining te star in a very similar
8415s situation with a minute and 30 seconds
8418s just needs to outlive chuang here and
8420s get his hands on that Soul Bloom to keep
8422s his game alive star with the armor swap
8424s there holding on to the white right now
8426s not in a very strong position Chu Jang
8428s heads out into the zone and this is a
8430s nightmare for Te star who needs to
8432s collect that Soul Bloom but he's going
8433s to have to do it while he's out in the
8435s zone with all of these players giving
8436s Chase jujang going to go down any second
8439s here to the Yang depletion star needs to
8441s get on him jujang does go down star
8444s doesn't get the elimination doesn't get
8445s the soul Bloom either the Sandburg going
8447s to be popped the F invested here there's
8449s no place for Star to go the zone T going
8451s to do him in wolves Wang land cleans up
8453s the elimination but Frost ofis shows up
8455s oh my goodness the ultimate will
8457s actually send Frost ofus flying
8458s backwards here as the Fight Continues
8460s inside the zone rosis taking to the Zone
8463s able to steal the soul Bloom away wasn't
8465s 100% sure if that was one of the players
8467s that was on Yang depletion so he's able
8469s to take it away from Wang leang there
8470s preventing the heal getting that wisp on
8472s the Wang leang as well was a super huge
8474s play but wanging still had that ultimate
8476s to be able to save him here and it looks
8477s like he might actually go out to zone
8478s right now very very low in HP needs to
8481s get himself in is going to be able to
8483s with one HP in a dream but fun oh my
8485s goodness fun goes out to Zone oh my
8489s goodness what is going on ladies and
8491s gentlemen drg's Fong is going to get
8493s eliminated by the storm everybody
8495s getting extremely greedy into that fight
8497s and they didn't realize how far away
8499s they were from safety as it looks like
8501s Fong very disappointed in himself for
8503s that game the uh performance in the
8505s bi-weekly not reflecting too well on his
8508s performance in the finals right now as
8509s wbg Spider facing off against K's tt25
8513s in the realm of Yang here fist Blades
8515s versus fist blades those gold ones
8517s dealing so much damage spider bringing
8519s it back around the F ability going to
8520s get invested ultimate invested from K
8523s tt25 we're going to see spider with the
8525s ultimate back as well here as we're
8526s going to see spider getting caught out
8527s by the first one immortality proed and
8529s this is what we see spider not able to
8531s get any utility out of his ultimate
8533s because of the fact that these players
8534s are just dealing so much damage to them
8536s immortality still available for K ct25
8538s we are going to see that happen
8539s immortality coming out now as he does
8541s miss the first two slashes doesn't miss
8543s hits the third as we do see one HP and a
8545s dream for both of these players as we go
8547s and G d25 is able to come away with the
8549s victory wbg spider just having an
8552s absolute terrible turn of events in
8553s these realm of Yanks here as all of
8555s these players unable to make anything
8557s happen against spider unable to make
8561s anything happen against all of these
8562s players as tt25 is going to be
8564s victorious with this third kill
8565s legendary fist blades legendary armor
8568s Legendary Weapons legendary Jades and
8571s the buff coming through absolutely
8573s beautiful performance in spider hungry
8575s for a kill he's got five minutes left
8577s yeah you know absolutely the worst
8579s possible player spider could have went
8580s into into that R of Yang was K's T225
8584s the difference in power there between
8585s the blue fist blades he had at the time
8587s versus those legendary fist blades just
8589s means he's at such a massive
8591s disadvantage especially once they go ult
8593s for ult because T225 is just going to
8595s get so much extra damage out of that
8597s ultimate it's going to make it very hard
8599s for spider not to see his immortality
8601s proed first which is exactly what we see
8604s uh and then once that happens T225 is in
8606s a very very comfortable position just to
8608s win that fight and win that fight he
8610s does in the end there and now the scale
8614s on T25 with a legendary set of armor
8616s legendary fist blades he is set up for
8618s Success heading to the end game here
8620s with three eliminations fun Plus Phoenix
8622s is verse though five eliminations on the
8625s board verse has been putting in absolute
8627s work here verse with a legendary weapon
8629s in his back pocket as well
8631s and legendary Hong swword going to be
8633s setting him up for Success especially if
8635s he's got the Jades to back it up there
8637s uh he's going to be in a really good
8639s position as we had into the late game
8641s wolves wangang here inside plume Castle
8643s asan Yuan alliance's Frost ofis all
8647s hanging out nearby want to make sure
8649s that they can hold on uh to plumed
8652s Castle for as long as possible get that
8654s movement going uh until the Zone
8656s swallows it completely up wbg spider 3
8659s minutes and 38 seconds is looking for a
8661s fight to break out for him to be able to
8663s jump into for him to be able to find a
8665s good clean third party onto but he can't
8667s wait too long he's got 3 minutes and 28
8670s seconds decides he's going to turn his
8671s attention onto wolves wangang musket
8673s shots come in from Left Right and Center
8675s wangang going to do a ton of damage on
8677s the spider as well spider gets a little
8678s bit of a reset but the damage continues
8681s to truck in onto spider it's Wang leang
8683s though who goes really low spider going
8685s to use the opportunity to come top side
8687s look for the clean elimination here on
8688s Wang langang doesn't quite catch it he's
8690s got to chase this elimination here into
8692s the zone and find it very quickly there
8695s it is he's going to be able to get the
8696s elimination can he get the soul Bloom he
8698s does spider will live to see another day
8700s but now he's got to contest with T225
8702s yet again and T225 coming in on that
8705s ultimate going to be doing a ton of
8706s damage the ult going to end here for wbg
8709s spider T225 with the reg grapple onto
8711s spider spider gets the elimination
8713s spider gets the soul Bloom but I don't
8715s think he's going to live to see another
8717s day the Zone tick as he touches the edge
8719s of the circle still catches his pinky
8722s toe and wbg Spider goes down and T225
8725s picks up his fourth elimination of the
8727s game wow T225 doing a great job of just
8730s grapple cancelling spider for him and
8732s then he misses that scale rush in the
8734s Panic he hits himself onto the wall of
8735s the terrain griefing him just a little
8737s bit I mean more than a little bit there
8739s and uh Kaya picking up his fourth
8742s elimination of the game verse and T225
8745s they're on four and five eliminations a
8746s piece everybody else XY on three right
8749s now who has passed over
8751s te star for that first place we are
8753s going to take a look at a little bit of
8754s a replay in this realm of Yang Chu Jang
8757s versus verse we're seeing the scale Rush
8758s coming out the clink going to happen
8760s from the jump lmb but verse able to pick
8761s up that 1 2 three doesn't get the blue
8763s Focus damage you're going to see the F
8764s coming out from both of these players to
8766s counter each other out as the ultimate
8768s going to come through the jumping R&B
8771s coming through as well the jump or the
8773s uh Crouch lmbb uh my mistake as we do
8776s get to see the little kick coming
8777s through from those fist blades and the
8779s Damage followup coming through from
8780s verse on that purple kylin all just so
8783s much damage as we do see verse doing a
8786s little bit of shopping for himself
8787s doesn't have too much money so he's
8788s going to be just picking up after what
8790s everybody else has dropped down I
8791s believe that's a nunchuk gold Jade there
8793s not 100% sure you can't quote me on that
8795s because my Chinese is not the greatest
8798s especially my rating but um we're going
8800s to safely assume that's the dragon war
8801s Jade from the nunchuks and uh ug's mic
8805s up on the top side here we do see The
8808s Spirit Well is going to be spawning
8809s pretty soon as uh Mystic might will be
8812s the buff so these players aren't going
8813s to be contesting it as much as if it was
8815s a white tigers prowess but that gold
8818s armor super coveted the gold Jades could
8821s be very very useful for some of these
8822s players only on purple armor and having
8824s that armor swap in the back pocket for
8826s players that are already on gold armor
8827s is something that these players
8829s definitely covet as uh we're now taking
8831s to the skies with jl's AIS looks like
8834s he's going to be hopping on the ballista
8835s Tower here could be getting some cheeky
8837s little damage shots in as it looks like
8839s ooh he in the crosshairs right now hits
8842s him once doesn't get the second hit off
8845s but that burn damage going to be so much
8846s as XY going to be forced to use that F
8848s to get out of there now they're in full
8850s range of the ballista I believe as they
8852s are going to take to the skies is the
8853s Tessa ultimate going to come out Mike is
8856s going to be trying to give as much Chase
8857s as possible but the Tessa Al going to be
8860s able to deal a lot of damage off from a
8862s musket shot from the back end as the
8864s jumping lmb is into the scale Rush going
8865s to be coming through scale Rush does not
8867s connect for Mike F ability invested one
8869s more time XY on one HP right now Mike
8871s trying to send some B shots through is
8873s going to just try and weave and Dodge
8874s and this is a perfect area as we do see
8876s the gecko foot coming into play as well
8878s getting him up onto the top of this
8879s pillar a lot faster able to drop down
8881s now giving himself the opportunity for a
8883s very big reset right now as jl's a
8886s jumping in onto the back end as well
8887s trying to see if he can pick up this
8888s elimination hiding himself on the very
8890s edge of the circle he's able to break
8892s the ankles of both of these players and
8894s keep himself in this game yeah
8896s absolutely huge for Janan here you know
8899s very bad position for him to be that
8900s ballista shot setting him up for failure
8902s but he makes the smart decision that
8904s rock he actually ends up immediately
8905s Ting towards and getting to is the exact
8908s 100 m Mark there uh for the ballista
8911s which means once you're on the other
8912s side of it the ballista just can't hit
8913s you uh for those of you at home don't
8916s know the ballista has exactly a 100 met
8918s range and the shots post that just
8921s disappear as we're talking about that K
8922s 225 just comes around the corner there
8924s and cleans up ug's Mike who finds
8926s himself a little too close for comfort
8929s there tt2 finding his fifth elimination
8931s of the game going to tie himself up here
8934s with the likes of verse as we are down
8936s to our last five players left remaining
8938s alive as zone four collapses onto zone
8940s five we're to see that last late game
8942s Bain's breath getting ready to come
8943s through here quite shortly so many of
8945s these players not looking to overcommit
8947s onto these fights xan Yuan here in a
8951s decent position he's 90% of the way to
8953s all a lot of these players think he's
8954s still vulnerable that he doesn't have
8956s that ult he's going to have it back
8957s online very shortly so he just needs to
8959s break ankles here for a couple of
8961s seconds until that Bane gets ready to
8963s come through and his 's back online and
8965s sure enough there it is the 's going to
8966s be back online the Bane going to be
8967s coming through now as well Jean Yan
8970s wants to sit right here in the building
8972s where the Bane's right there on the edge
8973s but he's got a good position to reset
8976s here one plus Fenix verse trying to come
8978s in and evict him from the building but
8980s jeanan just continuing to use the scale
8982s rush to keep things moving as well as
8984s the threat of the Banes breath there on
8986s the edge T225 still wants to come in and
8988s trade blows with him there tt25 playing
8991s this very very smart as he slips away
8994s here with those legendary fist blades
8996s holding on for dear life jeanan though
8999s still the target of the lobby as he
9001s continues to break away he's looking to
9003s make something happen going to be forced
9004s into burning that ultimate that he
9006s finally got back online here after what
9009s happened earlier gets the ult online
9011s he's not going to be able to get the
9012s heals up though he's going to
9013s immediately be D this is a nightmare
9015s scenario for jeanan and jil's AIS it's
9018s going to be a Dreamland for him as he
9020s cleans up the elimination but now he's
9021s going to go low and this dream might
9023s very quickly turn into a nightmare
9025s funless Phoenix's verse kills Frost
9026s ofous off screen AIS goes so low T225
9030s coming over to set up for the
9031s elimination as still holding on the old
9033s will find the full reset three players
9035s left alive T225 just wants to create as
9037s much pressure onto AIS as possible verse
9040s T225 six and five eliminations a piece
9043s here who's going to take it home Seb
9046s things are getting absolutely spicy here
9049s in our game number two you knew it was
9051s over the second T225 and verse just
9054s looked at each other and said we're both
9055s kylin let's just take out everybody
9058s that's not a kylin this is a kylin
9060s preferred species Lobby right now as uh
9063s all of these players going on to the
9065s non-kin players we saw them take out the
9067s hottie first that's who they wanted to
9069s go out as they wanted XY down and out of
9071s the lobby they wanted that kylin gone
9073s AIS was able to pick up the elimination
9075s but they were happy the kylin was gone
9076s or the hottie was gone nonetheless and
9078s now both of these kylin players are
9080s going to try and take out the Matari and
9082s as soon as all of the non- kyin heroes
9085s are out of the game they will be able to
9086s face off in a legendary 1V one battle is
9089s a you know it'd be kind of poetic to see
9092s if if tt25 gets the kill on AIS then we
9095s have a 6V six kills and six kills in a 1
9098s V one to see who's going to come away
9099s MVP and right now we're seeing AIS just
9105s absolutely doing a beautiful job of
9107s trying to kite here but it's very
9108s difficult for him going to try and see
9109s if he can get a little bit of siphon
9111s damage off from that F charge he's going
9113s to try and go again misses it as well
9115s we're going to see the teleport coming
9117s through tries to go for the Parry looks
9118s like tt25 accidentally hitting fun plus
9120s fenix's verse is going to let verse go
9122s for a bit of a reset while he keeps the
9123s chase up on to AIS and they just want
9126s this player out as fast as possible
9127s going to keep trying to kite around he
9129s does need to focus the attention and get
9130s one of these players lower and it looks
9132s like verse is going to be a limit the
9134s one to come away with the elimination so
9136s it really is whoever gets the kill here
9139s and it looks like k tt25 is going to get
9141s hit with a huge Parry the sap damage
9143s going to be immense and the heal going
9145s to come through in another sap and wow
9147s verse with two beautiful pares to finish
9149s the game off with eight eliminations and
9151s a first place finish very very crazy for
9155s the points coming through absolutely
9157s huge for verse what a game you know we
9160s started that game we basically didn't
9162s talk about verse all of a sudden we get
9164s into that mid game heading into late
9166s game verse comes out of the Ral Yang
9168s he's like cool I have five eliminations
9170s now basically just flew under the radar
9172s Force the entire game and then showed up
9174s and showed out here as he finds another
9177s three eliminations and
9179s T25 who made this Lobby look like
9182s rookies the entire day here all of a
9185s sudden just gets done dirty ver finds
9187s not one Parry but two extremely clean
9190s pares on him and makes it look easy in
9193s the 1 V one that we see come up between
9195s T225 and verse there I expected that
9198s fight to go a lot longer SE I I expected
9201s the kyin ultimates to get showing out in
9202s some sort of way but we didn't even get
9204s to see any of that it was all down to
9207s the plays with the weapons and that sap
9209s damage coming through from the staff was
9213s just so huge gold staff in hand two
9215s paries and you're done absolute Insanity
9219s coming through and verse picking up his
9221s first MVP of the day as this was only
9224s game two so he's going to be able to
9225s come away with that elimination in the
9228s end eight kills in the first place
9230s finished so it's going to be just a
9231s little bit more than uh we saw in the
9234s game number one te star was able to get
9236s eight eliminations but ended up
9237s finishing in second or third so uh
9240s doesn't get the multiplier so it's going
9241s to be a lot of points and uh you know
9243s unfortunately Frost is going out with
9244s zero kills in fourth place uh not the
9247s greatest thing we wanted to see he had a
9248s very very rough off offs spawn fight as
9251s we saw he was almost able to take out
9253s Mike and then very quickly ended up
9255s getting eliminated due to that kylin
9257s ultimate coming through from the other
9258s players and wow what a game TJ do5 had a
9261s very strong performance as well was able
9263s to play that early game very well
9264s spacing was great mid game was amazing
9267s and the end game there just a little bit
9269s of a faltering getting parried twice is
9271s that you know it's like oh surely he
9273s doesn't expect me to throw that blue
9275s again after I get parried and you know
9277s he throws the blue again the sap damage
9279s comes through and it's it's it's an
9280s unfortunate thing to see but you know it
9283s happens people are going to shake it off
9285s and get back into the game we are going
9286s to have a little question for you guys
9288s ladies and gentlemen because we want to
9291s know your guys's thinking of which
9293s player used hottie in game number two
9295s was it a ug's mic B wolves wangang was
9298s it C fun plus Phoenix's verse or was it
9300s D asc's XY and if you were watching that
9303s last fight where the kyin were sharking
9305s onto that hottie really fast you saw
9310s exactly who was playing on the hottie so
9313s put your answers in chat you will be
9314s entered to win a summers split random
9316s gift and you know like I said everybody
9319s loves free stuff we're going to take a
9320s look now at the scoreboard this is the
9322s individual scoreboard for game number
9323s two so verse with eight kills 9.6 kill
9326s points three ranking points putting him
9327s at a total game score of 12.6 K c225 not
9331s going to be able to get the multiplier
9332s not getting that extra ranking Point
9333s going to get himself a seven game score
9335s AIS going to be in third with a 4.5 XY
9338s going to be in fourth with a four spider
9341s and wanglang uh Spider at 2.5 wangang
9344s and frost ofit at 1.5 star and Mike at
9347s one Fong at 0.5 with a crushing defeat
9351s into the uh storm that was uh you know
9355s very very unfortunate to see that happen
9356s to him there as uh we are going to be
9358s seeing now Frost ofus coming through
9361s with a 9.1 he's at Ninth Place on the
9364s leaderboard right now he's going to need
9365s he's got a lot of room to make up for
9368s but uh you know he's going to be able to
9369s pull it off I I believe in him I don't
9371s think anybody has passed that uh Point
9374s threshold yet we still have eight more
9375s points I believe or nine more points to
9378s get over that threshold for of these
9380s players right now verse is the closest
9382s there at 19.2 XY with 15.9 and at tt25
9386s at 15.7 spider dropped all the way down
9389s he had the highest standing below Fong
9393s he had the second highest standing of
9394s proposed points and is now only at a
9396s 10.7 3.5 points total for the day for
9399s him very unfortunate to see spider going
9402s out like that and Fong as well having a
9404s very very not the greatest performance
9406s that we have seen but we are going to
9407s take a look at some highlights from
9408s Thunder robot as we take a look here as
9411s jeanan that early this was huge right he
9414s actually drops this as well and te star
9417s still fumbles it and walks back in the
9419s neutral you can see the look in his fi
9420s there he is not happy about that turn of
9423s events as all as we cut over to fun plus
9425s fenix's verse here with that early old
9427s just ripping through Mike and then
9429s turning it immediately onto Frost ofis
9432s here Frost using that old there right
9434s afterwards and unfortunately just not
9436s able to capitalize on it and then John
9438s youan here keeping wbg spider from ever
9441s proing that ultimate again after he gets
9444s it off here he just keeps in juggled
9445s there you talked about the spacing there
9447s that is such a hard piece of tech to
9450s maintain there your spacing has got to
9452s be absolutely perfect this is where
9453s spider is able to come in get the
9455s elimination onto Wang Lang unfortunately
9456s spider very quickly goes out after that
9458s he never makes it back in uh from The
9461s Zone he's literally a pinky toe left in
9463s the zone as the Zone tick and claims him
9465s there and then in the end here verse
9466s just a huge Parry on to T225 the after
9470s the follow up on it as well T25 comes
9472s back in goes to throw the blue again
9473s gets repared and verse says I'm not
9476s having any of it since T225 back walks
9479s away has a huge game and you look at
9481s that T25 by the way congratulating him
9483s having a good time and this is a
9485s sportsmanship we love as we take a look
9486s it's going to be a kylin MVP here for
9488s game number two no surprises to see here
9492s that it is going to be FN plus Phoenix's
9495s versus sixth MVP of the Season 20,000
9498s damage eight eliminations and th000 of
9500s that damage coming in from the staff C
9502s Bloom Advan heel jabbing and that sap
9506s Soul Jade we talked about so much in the
9508s very end there I mean it really put in a
9511s lot of work for him there those double
9512s pares just make that fight end so quick
9516s you know you think of two kyin there
9518s both of them with gold weapons both of
9520s them with ultimates online there's
9522s nobody else left it's a wide open range
9524s you expect that fight to go on for a hot
9528s minute for there to be some re sets for
9530s there to be some trades back and forth
9532s but verse just finds those double parri
9534s and ends it before it even starts Seb
9537s yeah it was it was pretty crazy to see
9539s how fast he was able to just eliminate
9541s him I was really hoping we were going to
9543s get to see an absolute insane fight
9545s coming through with the kylin ultimates
9549s where we were seeing the kylin 1v1 they
9550s took out everybody in the lobby and
9552s they're just like okay I'm going to par
9553s you twice as you know the cloud Weaver
9555s throw a little bit irresponsible from
9556s him coming there as a you know we we
9559s don't see iten happen very often that we
9560s get to see Cloud Weaver in a one V one
9562s situation like that in that final Circle
9564s but uh yeah props to asc's XY to be able
9567s to come through with that triple
9568s Carousel at the very in the realm of
9570s Yang that was my play of the game by far
9572s ladies and gentlemen we are going to go
9574s to a short break and we'll be right back
9575s with the rest of the nraa action that
9577s we've got for the day we'll see you guys
9578s in just a sec
9581s [Music]
9597s h
9604s [Music]
9648s [Music]
9657s [Music]
9664s w
9666s [Music]
9689s [Music]
9706s [Music]
9709s look ladies and gentlemen welcome back
9710s to the nraa blade Point pro league I'm
9712s your host and Caster 7 I'm joined
9714s alongside my man run keeper the OG the
9717s first person I ever casted with on the
9719s na side this is an absolute blessing to
9722s be here this is by week four finals for
9725s solos we're going on to game number
9727s three as we speak right now these
9729s players are getting ready getting locked
9731s in for their hero selection choices as
9733s we're going to be seeing that shortly
9734s but let's just take a little recap of
9736s what happened in game number two early
9738s offs spawn fight to E goes down we
9740s thought we were going to see a comeback
9741s he ends up going out we see a crazy
9744s Carousel in the realm of Yang we see drg
9747s fun going to the storm he goes out to
9751s The Zone in a very crazy misplay where
9753s he thought he had a little bit more time
9755s to be able to come through with some
9756s eliminations in the zone doesn't end up
9758s picking anything off ends up going out
9760s to the Zone Frost of is having an
9762s unfortunate zero kill Force Place finish
9764s was still able to pick up some placement
9765s points but we do need to see a lot more
9767s from him if my prediction is going to
9768s come true R how are you feeling cuz I am
9771s just so pumped right now we're going to
9773s be going into game three and I it's just
9775s crazy right now I'm I'm excited there's
9778s a lot of absolutely just anomalies
9780s happening today and that's what I love
9782s to see when you get to finals you
9784s typically when we say anybody can take
9786s it in finals this is exactly why when
9788s you have games like this where things
9791s just get absolutely flipped on their
9792s head right like I still have got to talk
9794s about that fight between verse and tt25
9797s there in the end you just don't expect
9799s that that those two are not even going
9801s to send ultimate there it's going to end
9803s that quickly the back-to-back Parry just
9806s to end the fight there that is how
9808s things very quickly get out of hand
9810s that's how you get somebody like verse
9811s who is 19.8 points right now very very
9816s close to uh being able to get to that
9818s threshold if he can manage to put
9820s together nine points in this next game
9822s he's going to be above that threshold
9824s and then it's going to be a dangerous
9826s place for the rest of these players to
9827s be in but again I think the the the
9830s script is going to get flipped every
9831s single one of these games these players
9833s are going to come in we're to see
9834s different people on top for most of
9836s these games we might go to eight games
9838s today Seb if that pattern
9841s continues yeah I mean the players that
9843s are putting up points in the first
9844s couple of games in the first game wasn't
9846s putting up enough as much points in game
9848s number two so yeah there is a good
9850s chance that we're going to be going all
9851s the way to the eight games I'm still
9853s hoping we're going to get to see uh you
9855s know two these next two games we're
9858s going to see Frost ofis go backto back
9860s MVPs with 20 plus point games and he's
9863s going to get himself that mvp and that's
9865s that's my predictions you know I I know
9868s it's a very very long stretch but I'm
9869s rooting for our boy the tri region champ
9872s holding it down in CN right now for us
9875s you know he hasn't had the greatest
9877s start to the season so hopefully he'll
9878s be able to finish it off strong he needs
9880s to get some worlds points on the board
9881s so he can go and qualify and compete in
9885s the J Cup this season hopefully the last
9887s chance qualifiers will also give him a
9889s good a chance to shine but right now
9891s we're hopping into game number three all
9893s of these players are getting locked in
9895s and getting ready for that hero
9896s selection and moving on to Morris we
9898s might see a little bit of these players
9900s hopping off of their meta picks or
9903s hopping back onto their meta picks sorry
9905s where as ug's mic right now has played
9908s Tessa and Zing so uh you know maybe
9911s we'll see a little bit more of a meta
9913s hero coming out from him in this game
9914s maybe he gets the pick onto the kylin
9916s maybe he'll get to play on the Liam or
9918s the hottie uh hopefully he'll be able to
9920s figure something out to put some extra
9921s points on the board because right now he
9923s is not looking too great in the
9925s standings I mean look it's ug's mic uh I
9928s do believe just from his his season one
9931s performance he's already qualified to go
9933s to Worlds here so there there is a world
9936s I don't think it's the case right now
9937s cuz he's definitely off of his game you
9939s know we talked about uh in that realm of
9941s Yang where he throws the
9943s 211 look as much as I'm a fan of 211
9946s especially cuz I'm a nunchuck user and
9948s it's very common to throw that we know
9950s it's not really optimal so we don't see
9952s a lot of players really going for it
9955s it's kind of been like the bane of
9957s Mike's existence he's lot lost a lot of
9959s fights to it but there is a world right
9960s now where he's taking these off meta
9962s picks and he's practicing just for that
9966s scenario where he ends up spending too
9968s many hero points once he's in that world
9970s and he needs to be able to perform on
9973s these Heroes as well also you never know
9976s there there's always players trying to
9978s cook up some stuff in the LA
9979s this could be Mike's opportunity right
9981s now to cook up uh some stuff to take to
9985s Worlds and it tested in an actual
9988s competitive environment I don't think
9989s that's the case again cuz again he has
9992s been struggling here into this season
9994s but maybe maybe I'm huffing a little
9997s copium over here on that one and just
9999s you know hoping Mike's got some crazy
10001s picks he's going to bring out at Worlds
10003s you know I get all excited over the
10004s crazy pics yeah I mean the crazy pics
10007s are something that I do as well get
10008s excited for as they you know they're a
10010s very rare thing that happens we get to
10012s see the odd Tara we get to see the odd
10014s Zing the odd Tessa um you know what I'd
10017s really love to see just you know I'm
10019s going to throw this out there randomly
10020s just in case that it happens I can say
10022s that I called it is I'd like to see a
10023s Yodo back just to bring us back to that
10025s season one Vibe of the mvpl where we saw
10028s these 16 Yodo lobbies as uh we are going
10031s to be jumping into this game right away
10034s and it looks like wangyang and XY going
10037s to be the first players to get there
10039s hero selections kylin going to be locked
10040s in for Wang leang these players are
10042s going to want to lock in that kylin
10043s early this has been the hero that's been
10044s showing the most promise into these
10046s games looks like XY is going to op to go
10048s for the Liam so we might actually see a
10051s a Rono and star probably doing the same
10053s thing unless we get a double Liam lock
10056s three different Heroes already four
10058s different Heroes star at oronto locking
10060s in the hottie and the Matari it looks
10061s like they don't want to use that double
10062s pick too early AIS and Mike completely
10065s open board nobody's been banned out yet
10067s no double picks have happened yet so AIS
10070s and Mike still with the opportunity to
10072s pick whoever they want to hottie going
10074s to be locked in for Mike AIS going to
10076s lock in that kylin Frost ofis now on the
10077s fourth round selection kylin hottie band
10080s everybody else is fair game we're going
10082s to be seeing who they're going to lock
10084s in frost ofis on the Liam this is a game
10086s where he's going to really need to put
10087s some points on the board he's going to
10088s be playing one of his meta Heroes he
10090s only has the chance to double pick one
10091s time so if he messes up his Liam game
10094s it's not going to be looking good for
10096s him in the future Fong and spider spider
10098s going to be opting for the just
10100s are we going to see the double Justina
10101s come out Fong
10102s here going to play the Tessa so uh a
10106s little bit unsure about Fun's strategy
10109s is he hasn't been performing too well
10111s playing an off meta hero might not be
10113s the best decision for him right now but
10114s vers and tt25 going to be going for
10116s their last rounds of selection as tt25
10119s locking in that AOS pick verse going to
10121s be locking
10123s in looks to be a vda we're going to get
10127s to see the vda coming through again it's
10129s always nice to see a vda coming through
10131s in these games right
10132s now yeah I mean I'm super excited to see
10135s valda coming back into the meta a really
10138s really fun hero uh you know I know
10142s everybody in chat very excited to see
10144s vdi piix coming through as well I know
10146s Moxy over there loves her and balda one
10148s of our
10150s co-term Duncan hanging out and chat with
10152s us today as well uh but again that vda
10156s really really fun great hero to come
10158s back into the Met the rework very solid
10161s rework on the hero as well I think
10163s overall just really fun changes to the
10165s hero that doesn't absolutely break the
10167s hero gives them an opportunity to come
10169s back and play into the meta here so it's
10172s very nice to see and it's on verse I
10174s think verse looking to make something
10175s happen this game again he's sitting
10177s pretty right now if he can put up nine
10179s points this game he could walk away over
10182s that threshold after only game number
10184s three Seb and that would put him in a
10186s really power position over the rest of
10188s this Lobby
10192s yeah and it'd be interesting to see if
10194s verse has a super huge pop off game
10195s especially that we've seen these vdas
10197s being able to take away so much in those
10199s ending circles um it's going to be very
10202s interesting to see exactly what he's
10204s going to be doing um we're seeing spider
10206s on the V2 ultimate trying to be able to
10208s get those guaranteed uh freezes
10211s especially when you're in a lobby with
10212s kylin who's able to purple focus on a
10215s whole lot of his attacks whereas and as
10218s well as the Liams and the hotties who
10220s are able to focus away a lot of that
10223s damage uh from the V1 the V2 ultimate is
10226s going to be the more optimal play here
10227s taking a look at our forecast we've got
10228s a couple of players spawning closer to
10230s the Eastern side of the map where most
10235s players spawning close to the even tide
10240s Temple at the very top we' got a bunch
10242s of players spawning in the gold Zone
10243s surrounding and then closer to celestra
10245s on that Eastern side we've got a couple
10247s of gold zones looks like these players
10248s are going to be trying trying to go for
10249s that cave got about four players going
10252s to be playing on that cave slot there as
10253s ug's mic is well going to be entering on
10255s that side jdg Alliance and te all
10258s spawning on that gold Zone just east of
10262s celestra so this could be a very
10264s interesting fight everybody is very very
10266s condensed as the game is going to start
10268s and you know as these kills are going to
10269s happen we're going to see everybody
10270s spread out and uh these players will be
10273s starting as the fights go on but right
10275s now we're seeing Wang leang fighting
10276s against tt25 they both picked up a
10278s weapon great use of the Dodge there into
10280s the one two overh holding that fist
10283s blades and is able to come away with a
10285s whole lot of damage Frost is trying to
10286s bring it around now fun plus Fenix is
10288s verse fighting against Frost able to get
10290s that overh hold charge on turning it
10291s around tries to do the same thing again
10293s verse trying to make something happen
10294s goes for the Parry now as it is in the
10296s back of his head that he's going to let
10297s that out and he does let it go here as
10299s Frost is going to be able to turn that
10301s around trying to go for the musket shot
10302s is verse isn't going to be able to get
10303s the grapple so here Frost ofus has an
10305s opportunity to reset isn't going to take
10307s it it looks like they're both just going
10308s to go and their separate Rays right now
10310s as verse is going to still go for that
10312s full aggression armor swap found by
10313s Frost so he is in a better position to
10316s take this fight so it looks like he does
10317s want to get something to happen and he
10318s gets a huge Fair coming out F ability is
10320s going to be invested vers losing most of
10322s his armor going to try and bring these
10324s fight back around seeing if he can make
10325s something happen with the fist blades
10326s into the one two into the one two three
10328s here into cancel animation Frost is
10331s doing a great job of keeping the chase
10332s up but we do see the armor swap
10334s available for verse but he's not going
10335s to be able to connect with it into the
10337s 12 three is going to be able to bring it
10338s around now frost on the back foot this
10340s could be a lot of trouble for him the
10341s one two going to come out from frost
10342s ofis as he going bring it back around
10344s the musket shot is going to connect now
10345s vers able to hit a jumping lmb Frost is
10348s able to get that blue armor swap off now
10349s vers on the back foot of this fight
10351s going to try and kite away and it looks
10352s like he's able to get away pretty fast
10354s Frost is still giving that chase we're
10356s going to see if he's able to get an
10357s armor swap but looks like frost was able
10358s to steal the armor swap vers onto that
10361s gray armor was able to get himself a
10362s little bit back F ability invested from
10364s frost here looks like he might try and
10366s just go for a bit of a reset as ver
10367s going to try and bring this back into
10368s the fight F ability available for verse
10371s as well Frost backing off ultimate
10372s almost available for both of these
10373s players Frost ofus is hungry for this
10376s kill just as much as verse but verse had
10378s a little bit of a disadvantage with the
10379s armor and the weapons as uh we do see
10381s them part ways for a little bit and it
10384s looks like frost is just going to end up
10386s trying to kite out yeah frosto is making
10388s a smart decision here I do believe uh
10391s the valo there are going to have a
10392s little bit of Advantage into that body
10394s ewg's aono here trading blows with
10397s Jail's AIS Rono on that white armor most
10400s of it shredded away a in a very similar
10403s situation as we cut back over to
10405s alliance's frost ofus versus fun plus
10407s Fenix verse Frost ofus decides he wants
10409s the smoke he wants to take this fight
10411s here especially cuz he's got the armor
10412s Advantage he's going to try to press it
10414s while he can here as we see verse down
10417s below here with the fist blades trying
10418s to make something happen Frost ofus with
10420s really clean reads into these fist
10421s blades here on the nunchucks nunchucks
10423s being one of frost' uh favorite weapons
10426s if you're unaware a lot of tech coming
10428s out here here from frost ofus just to
10431s keep the pressure up the reads very very
10433s strong on terse here from the fist
10435s blades now Frost ofis coming in able to
10437s push past the bubbles the old going to
10438s be inversed by verse here and Frost with
10441s still full HP in a very strong position
10443s here if he can hold out for the duration
10446s of this old but verse tries to get the
10448s downhill vus going to use the F to break
10450s away there so he doesn't get carried
10452s away but we do see huge damage coming in
10454s Frost is going to use the ult to
10455s counteract it here the timing really
10458s good for frost Frost as versus old comes
10460s out but no hot swwa to the musket shot
10463s into the head shot and frost ofis
10466s disappears oh no ultimate timer ended
10470s for first he was able he just needed to
10473s send the one more alt charge out catch
10476s him get the pryo Come Away with the
10477s elimination but verse on 20.2 closest to
10480s match point that we've seen one
10481s elimination on the board for him so far
10483s and fun trying to make his footing into
10485s this game as we do take a look at the
10487s scoreboard here Wang's got three elim
10488s ations already which is absolutely
10490s insane as is going to get caught out by
10492s this we're going to see the Mortal
10495s coming out as we do see him coming
10496s through with a full charge coming out F
10499s ability is going to be invested now AIS
10501s going to try and make something happen
10502s with the kylin ultimate scale rushing is
10504s going to be avoided as J's as going to
10507s bring this fight back to reset here as
10510s wangyang trying to come in for his
10511s fourth elimination of the game drg spun
10514s not having it looks like he's going to
10515s back out wangley and going to take that
10516s blue armor and go for a reset just to
10518s try and get him a little bit of an
10519s advantage next time they run into each
10520s other in this fight as it looks like
10522s we're now flipping over to asc's
10524s XY XY on the spear today has just been
10527s an absolute Menace and now the siphon
10529s damage coming through beautiful to dodge
10531s roll but the F from the Ultimate Gold
10533s Focus heavy damage jdg Chu Jang able to
10536s pick up a beautiful elimination with the
10538s F ability thrust from Matari here as he
10542s does end up burning his ultimate but
10544s he's got 31% charge already already back
10546s on it as we're going in to Circle one
10549s closing on a circle two as we speak
10551s wolves wangang with blue nunchuck in
10554s hand looks like he's going to be going
10555s for that realm of Yang wanging off to a
10557s tear so far three eliminations on the
10560s board has the Challenger activated so
10561s he's going to be able to get himself a
10563s good amount of gold to be able to go
10565s shopping after if he does not get
10567s eliminated in this R Yang here now we're
10568s going to take a look spider on the other
10570s side as well te star taking this scrap
10572s off near the other side of the map and
10574s spider able to push him into the corner
10576s dealing so much damage crouching R&B
10579s again te star getting so low tries to go
10582s for the AL but the focus attack able to
10584s interrupt the trying to get away and
10588s spider coming through with his first
10589s elimination of the game yeah really
10592s really clean engagement there from wbg
10594s spider he knows exactly what he needs to
10596s do and he makes it happen very very
10598s quickly this is perfect for him and he
10600s still has time to rotate if he wants to
10602s look for one of these Realms of Yang
10604s we're to see Mike over here trading
10606s blows with fun plus Phoenix's verse Mike
10608s trying to use that jumping lmbb here on
10610s the side of the buttery rocks to his
10612s Advantage vers taking a lot of damage
10614s there from it as well but now coming
10616s back in here with these dual blades
10618s catching Mike out not quite able to find
10620s the uppercut Mike going to be able to
10622s come in and get the ticket here so
10623s versus Mike going to have to trade blows
10624s here but verse decides maybe not like
10627s there's so many Realms of Yang clustered
10629s together here on the bottom side of the
10630s map he's just going to go look for
10632s another one and see if he can get in for
10634s free without having to trade blows there
10635s with ug's mic and burn a bunch of
10637s resources for it fighter thought about
10639s heading towards one T225 shows up he
10641s decides he's going to go look for
10643s another one but K's T225 up here holding
10646s on to the ticket just waiting for that
10648s opportunity to head on in 17 seconds
10650s before he can head into that realm of
10653s Yang going to blow the roar there just a
10657s Ju Just a Little asserting some
10659s dominance if you will SE T225 here on
10662s the AO Pig lets out a little celebratory
10665s Roar because nobody's come to contest
10666s him as there we go the time's be up T25
10669s going to wait to see who heads into the
10671s real Yang here as we cut back over wbg
10674s spider trading blows with ewg Zano and
10676s drg's
10678s Fong Treasure Trove no spider scale
10682s rushes into the Lantern and he gets
10685s eliminated that way no what did I just
10690s watch them what are these players doing
10693s fun to the storm spider no my boy came
10698s through he's like yeah watch this I'm
10700s going scal Rush get some crazy damage
10702s off with the purple pull sword in hand
10704s and then gets hit I was about to say it
10706s too I didn't want to interrupt you but I
10708s was like that flaming cage is going to
10709s come into play and then all of a sudden
10711s spider knocks himself into it and the
10713s triple charge from the great sword is
10715s going to give him the elimination now
10717s we're taking a look Frost ofus able to
10718s make it into the RM of Yang against jdg
10720s shuang if you're going to see fun plus
10721s fenix's verse fighting against K's tt25
10725s AOS versus balda this is going to be an
10727s interesting scrap here we don't really
10729s typically get to see AOS V vda in the
10731s realm of Yang pistol shots coming out
10733s from ver B shots coming out from tt25
10735s the scale rushes are going to be coming
10736s through and this is where all these
10737s players are just going to try and hold
10738s the other side of the pillar counters
10739s scale Rush doesn't want to get caught
10741s out cuz the pryo coming through is just
10743s detrimental there able to get that F2
10745s into the F2 from the vda as both FS
10748s being countered the uppercut trying to
10749s come through but the one two from verse
10750s into the three able to connect trying to
10753s go for the pry here both of these
10754s players just going trying to hit that
10755s uppercut combo here the one two coming
10757s out from ver go for that overh hold
10759s ultimate going to be invested now from
10762s first tt25 able to hit huge pryo into
10764s the corner though getting him up against
10766s the wall going to be able to hit some
10767s huge follow-ups right now as we do CF
10770s coming out pryo again and this is super
10772s great for K's tt25 favor right now is
10774s ver going to have so much of that
10776s ultimate timer burned able to tap Dodge
10778s the spear ultimate timer has finished
10780s now and a huge Parry coming out though
10782s as K's GT5 going to take so much damage
10784s ultimate going to be invested now and
10786s all he needs to do is hit this tiger
10787s pounce get a bit of Health back able to
10789s get him knocked into the wall as well
10790s the F ability going to come out misses
10792s the F but the tiger pounce the second
10794s one is going to hit and now all he needs
10796s to do is go for the follow-ups here
10797s isn't able to connect on these
10798s follow-ups but gets the last one and
10800s comes through as tt25 Victorious against
10803s verse in the realm of Y yeah really
10806s unfortunate there for verse verse tries
10808s to play around the bubbles there but I
10809s actually think it's a misplay there for
10811s him right cuz the bubbles receiving a
10813s change where gold Focus does you know
10815s doesn't go through them um you you can
10819s I think you can actually tank the blue
10820s Focus now but unfortunately that gold
10823s Focus From the ultimate ability there
10825s not going to uh get caught out in the
10828s bubble right so verse not really saving
10830s himself there at all as we see another
10832s leap come through with the followup uh
10834s jumping claws as well T225 just very
10837s easily clutches that out in a very
10839s strong position as we take a look now
10841s T225 trading blows here with alliance's
10843s frost ofis Frost ofus trying to hold on
10846s here T25 comes in with the master Parry
10847s though Frost going to immediately pop
10849s the F here on Liam just to hold on tt25
10852s trading blows Frost ofus keeping up here
10855s though with the chip damage back and
10856s forth between the two Frost now
10858s investing the ultimate here tt25 trying
10860s to go for that F the roar trying to land
10862s it doesn't quite find the end of the
10863s fight will find a little bit of
10865s something here The Lio going to be
10866s popped here though but the terrain
10868s actually going to grief Frost out just a
10870s little bit tt5 popping the ultimate now
10872s lands the F there's nothing Frost can
10874s really do the F comes through he is able
10875s to clutch onto it but he's got to play
10877s careful here T to five still has a tiger
10879s leap available he's able to avoid it but
10881s the F comes back through oh my goodness
10883s Frost still has HP just as tiny sliver
10887s here he gets the pot off this could be
10889s it for frost ofus T225 coming in here
10891s with the long sword is going to get the
10893s Carl and unfortunately alliance's Frost
10896s is going to be eliminated no my boy
10900s Frosty so unfortunate he's dropped down
10903s to 11th in the standings right now the
10904s only one not performing as well as ewg
10907s Zano you haven't seen too much of today
10910s we've were talking earlier in the cast
10912s about how we loved uh the progression
10916s that we seen from Morano but it looks
10917s like today is not his day as we are
10919s going to be jumping into these next
10921s couple of fights we've still got
10923s Vermilion bird Mite on a couple of these
10924s players we still have Yang depletion on
10926s verse and Wang leang Wang leang not
10928s winning his realm of Yang unfortunate to
10930s see Frost ofus going out like that it
10931s was a very very close fight but in the
10933s end the ultimate of the aost was just so
10938s much to be able to come away with that
10939s elimination tt25 beautiful textbook play
10942s there as we are seeing verse trying to
10944s give Chase on asc's XY into this play
10947s here he does see the Liam trying to
10948s catch the Liam out as oh my goodness the
10951s double charge from jdg CH Jang on the
10953s golden P sword just so much damage
10955s bringing it over switching over to
10956s nunchucks right now on these purple
10958s nunchucks going to try and go for a
10960s little bit of an ultimate play with the
10962s matarial does see jl's a has been caught
10965s out very very low is going to end up
10966s getting some siphon but J with only 15
10969s seconds left on
10971s that vermilion's bird m is going to be
10973s in a bit of trouble as we do see another
10975s kylin ultimate getting popped I believe
10976s that's Wang leang he needs an
10978s elimination and verse is hot on the tail
10980s hasn't burned the ultimate yet jl's a as
10982s well extremely low in HP we are going to
10984s see Wang leang Focus his attention over
10986s now onto verse bringing it over to XY as
10989s well trying to see if he can get some
10990s follow-up damage XY with the ultimate
10991s available as well going to pop out that
10993s first throw of the Liam Al is now
10995s wangang still trying to give Chase out
10997s of ultimate now in into oh my goodness I
10999s believe that was asc's XY bringing it
11001s over into Dreadful whale trying to see
11003s if he can make something happen with
11004s that wangang trying to still come away
11006s with this elimination and Shu Jang just
11007s holding Blue with the golden P sword
11010s going to be very lethal the scale Rush
11012s going to come in and take the
11013s elimination but verse does get the soul
11015s blo so he is going to cure himself of
11016s that Yang depletion didn't pick up the
11018s elimination but he's still into this
11020s game and he's got the closest amount of
11022s points to that match point threshold so
11023s he does really want to put on a show for
11025s this game yeah absolutely he does it tg5
11028s not too far behind now as well post
11030s picking up those two eliminations if he
11032s could rack together a 12-point game this
11035s could be it for him deg's Fong into the
11037s RL Yang here going to be versing asc's
11040s XY and we're going to go head-to-head
11042s here on the Tessa uh you know very very
11045s interesting pick uh for Fong this
11047s particular game hasn't been able to find
11049s too much success with it no eliminations
11051s to his name just yet you scaled pretty
11054s well though with the purple armor and
11056s this purple fan you know Fong of course
11057s being the dagger D gen as we like to
11060s call him here trying to come in here
11062s trading blows withan Jano on the fan as
11065s well able to finally find a little bit
11067s of something Fong though with the F does
11069s get parried out here though by XY huge
11072s damage off of the followup now bong
11075s trying to break away here needs to be
11077s careful for that Liam ultimate is going
11079s to go Skyward trying to get away here
11081s with the scale rushes is able to step
11083s away for just a second there I do
11086s believe that was the armor Soul Jade we
11087s saw pop there but it's not going to be
11088s enough as XY just cleans up this fight
11092s so quickly over to ewg's a Rano here on
11095s the hottie just griefing T225 T225
11098s though with that legendary long sword
11101s here still has a good opportunity arano
11103s though able to get the jumping lmb there
11105s off the fifth blades need to fight it
11107s there's the Parry T225 oh my goodness
11110s still in it ladies and gentlem
11114s God oh my God GG did not expect yeah did
11118s not expect to see the soul Jade coming
11121s through there to save T225 and he gets
11123s another one out of this box he's getting
11125s mortal Defiance here so saved over and
11129s over
11132s again that's crazy to to have your
11135s mortal Defiance proct inside realm of
11137s Yang and then immediately find another
11139s one inside the Box uh the RNG gods are
11142s smiling on T225 today
11149s T225 here still with the legendary long
11152s sword legendary set of armor in the back
11153s pocket as well as we get ready to head
11155s into our next Zone zone three will be
11157s collapsing onto zone four in the next 60
11159s seconds we're going to see our first
11160s late game Bain's breath coming through
11164s quite shortly de G Fong going to come
11167s back out now needs to find himself a
11169s soul Bloom he's got four minutes
11171s unfortunately zero eliminations to his
11174s name this
11175s game he's really going to have to make
11177s something happen uh if he wants to come
11179s back in off of this uh as we see now
11183s deg's Fong on the outside arano going to
11185s resawn immediately pick
11188s up the Bounty here it's going to go on
11191s to drg's Fong I'm pretty sure orano
11193s going to come do a little bit of
11194s shopping Fong trading blows over here
11196s with ug's might going to step away so
11199s many players coming in out of the
11200s woodwork and again arano has
11203s that scroll here on to Fong Fong trying
11206s to break away up top just trying to use
11208s this fan to break ankles looks for the
11210s reset R and fong in that exact same
11213s situation here they have that Yang
11214s depletion they're going to need a soul
11216s Bloom if they want to keep this game
11218s alive for themselves aano taking this
11220s opportunity knowing there's other
11222s players nearby also hunting drgs Fong to
11225s take a little bit of a reset here so he
11227s can come in nice and clean Fong going to
11229s be dropped to the bottom here most of
11230s that armor broken Away by as's XY bong
11233s tries to catch him with the fan R&B gets
11236s a little bit of damage out the ultimate
11238s coming out onto ewg zono The Buttery
11240s Rock saving Fong just a little bit
11243s here trying to break away K's T225 shows
11246s up bong not going to find a single
11249s opportunity to take a reset whatsoever
11251s will find a white armor swap but it's
11253s very quickly melted away from him here
11256s as we see the Liam invested is going to
11257s be jil's AIS off of a scale Rush with
11259s the p swur to clean up drg's Fong arano
11263s not in position to be able to secure the
11264s soul Bloom has 2 minutes and 55 seconds
11267s to make something happen that ultimate
11270s now on 22% charge unfortunately he's
11272s going to be without ultimate to make it
11273s happen T25 comes inside Nano puts him in
11276s the corner but tt25 with the ultimate
11278s immediately turns onto aono sorry not
11280s with the ultimate with the F Canon shots
11282s coming in from tt25 XY coming in as well
11284s a Rano stuck between a rock and a hard
11287s place quite
11289s literally Mike the rest of the lobby
11291s keeping the pressure up Rano able to get
11293s a little bit of a reset off there with a
11295s shield pot as T225 on the back side of
11298s going to go all the way down to the
11299s bottom here hoping to find that
11300s opportunity to get a full reset going to
11302s use the wall here look for some pots
11306s unfortunately arano here out of Shield
11309s BTS altogether just trying to keep his
11311s game
11313s alive yeah very unfortunate to be out of
11315s Shield pots right now Yang depletion
11318s closing in on him it's not the best spot
11320s that he wants to be in but you know he's
11322s going to try and bring it back no
11323s eliminations on the board very
11325s unfortunate for him I don't think he's
11326s gotten a kill yet all day
11328s so he's going to need to start picking
11329s up the pace if he wants to compete with
11331s the likes of verse and tt25 who are up
11333s on the top as well as XY in third place
11336s these players are all very very close in
11338s eliminations and um a minute and 41
11340s seconds left he did find himself a bit
11341s of a reset he's got some purple fist
11343s blades in hand now he's going to try and
11345s go crazy chuang is his Target he wants
11348s to get that Matari out of the lobby as
11350s fast as possible 82% on the alt so he
11352s does have a shot at bringing this back
11354s around finds AIS as well looks like he
11356s doesn't want to aggress on yes he sees
11358s the F ability burned from jdg Chu Jang
11362s he's bringing this back into the fight
11365s here yeah arano though unfortunately 1
11368s minute and 14 seconds left remaining on
11370s that Yang
11372s depletion 90% of the way to his ultimate
11374s though but he's going to have to make
11375s something happen here very quickly if he
11378s wants to keep his game alive that late
11380s game Baines breath going to be coming
11381s through here for that zone 4 as these
11385s players look to trade blows here Chu
11387s Jang forced to break away arano just
11389s trying to find a way into this fight
11392s unfortunately all these buildings are
11394s going to make it very difficult for him
11395s to lock anybody down will get the Clank
11398s unfortunately not the follow up there
11400s onto jdg chujang Chu Jang just trying to
11402s keep it moving
11403s here understands likely that Rano here
11406s is on that Yang depletion does not want
11408s to be forced into a situation where he's
11410s got to burn that ultimate just to
11412s survive arano and orano giving it
11414s everything he's got going to come down
11416s he says I don't care I will chase you
11417s you into the Bane I've got 20 seconds to
11420s make it happen but chuang is just moving
11424s here this man is moving across the field
11427s like a rocket ship and arano knows it is
11430s over for him he's going to try to find
11431s his own position Mike's there he knows
11433s he can't afford to take any damage here
11435s anybody he gives damage to is another
11437s point he gives the contenders on the
11439s board Mike trying to find it in comes in
11441s looks for the Parry oh my goodness Mike
11443s misses out I'm picking up the
11445s elimination by fractions of a second
11448s yeah it was close but he missed it and
11451s he's not going to be able to come away
11452s with that extra kill as it looks like
11454s as's XY with the Dreadful whale going to
11457s be able to do a very good job of holding
11458s this but somebody coming in for a cheeky
11460s Perry could be very apparent to him here
11463s as that he is just going to be taking
11464s this time to hold this zone out so
11467s nobody is going to get it and it looks
11469s like he pops the ultimate and he's able
11471s to go here bringing it back around onto
11473s jl's AIS here and it looks like the
11474s Liams trying to or yeah the Liam's
11477s trying to take out the kyin in this game
11479s right now as uh you know we've seen this
11482s happen countless times as uh all of the
11484s players on one hero are going to try and
11486s take out the other meta Heroes of the
11488s lobby is AIS becoming the target of the
11491s lobby able to get himself a blue armor
11492s swap here but everybody very very highly
11495s stacked very high aggression AIS
11498s flipping to that blue dagger to be able
11500s to get that extra movement that the
11502s dagger does give you here as we are
11504s going to see him pick up a one pot
11506s doesn't have the time to pot a second
11509s time going to flip over to the purple
11512s spear seeing if he can make something
11514s happen maybe flip the fight around onto
11516s somebody else as he gets another blue
11517s armor swap he does have W form hook on
11519s those dual Hollow birds so he could get
11521s himself a huge siphon play coming off of
11524s this attack the double charge it is a
11526s very Parable attack with that first
11527s lunch but if he's able to connect with
11529s it it's going to be very very useful for
11530s him cannon shots coming through able to
11532s get the pot off and avoid most of that
11533s damage as we are going to see him coming
11535s through now asc's XY just Relentless in
11537s the chase here wants to be able to come
11538s away with this elimination and now AIS
11540s getting dangerously low here forced to
11542s pop that ultimate has the mortality
11545s rocked already going to be able to get a
11547s hit off of that giving him just a bit of
11549s siphon but using that last charge does
11551s have HP still remaining but it's in a
11554s very difficult spot here as AIS just
11556s trying to run away getting grapple
11557s checked by the entire Lobby right now as
11559s asc's XY did invest the ultimate to try
11561s and come away with the elimination and
11562s XY does Come Away With The Kill and the
11564s soul blo and now Chang getting
11566s dangerously low able to get him out here
11567s as well as XY picking up two beautiful
11571s eliminations back to back here putting
11572s them on to four kills and now he's
11574s focusing his attention already onto K's
11576s tt25 with one charge of the ultimate
11578s remaining he's going to try and invest
11580s it ultimate timer does end but he still
11582s has 52% rage so getting that ultimate
11584s back could be pretty easy here flips
11585s over to the gold P sword is able to deal
11587s a lot of damage tries to go for that
11588s scale Rush here bringing him up onto the
11590s top k cg25 and a very bad position
11592s doesn't want to head into the Bane he's
11593s too low in HP mortal Defiance does get
11595s proed for him here he was going to go
11597s out pretty quick but that mortal
11598s Defiance was able to save him from most
11600s certain death and now ug's mik hot in
11602s Pursuit going to send Into the Storm
11604s Here giving that last little bit of
11605s damage and K's T225 going to go out to
11607s Mike yeah Mike able to clean up the
11609s elimination super unfortunate for T225 a
11612s lot of greed Happening Here uh in these
11615s final circles a lot of ultimates being
11617s invested just to chase down an
11618s elimination given how many other players
11620s are in the lobby you've got to keep a
11622s cool head here and not spend those
11624s ultimates too early uh XY here for as
11627s though that ultimate almost back online
11629s now coming in onto Mike wants to chase
11631s down Mike Mike having spent a little bit
11633s of that ultimate but most of his rage
11634s still back there because he was able to
11636s get the soul Bloom and he cancels the
11638s ultimate early there so hopefully he's
11639s going to be able to get it back online
11641s quite shortly jeanan though wants to go
11643s ahead and eliminate him before he gets
11645s the opportunity to make that happen Jan
11647s looking for the scale Rush huge damage
11649s onto Mike Mike so close to getting that
11651s ultimate back online can johanan make it
11654s happen Mike just keeping the dream alive
11657s here is going miss the grapple out here
11658s XY will find the grapple this time the F
11660s going to be invested Mike will be able
11662s to get so close to that ultimate will
11664s they be able to lock him down here the
11665s pistol shots coming through left and
11667s right Mike will get the ultimate he's on
11669s the backside here but how long will he
11671s be able to keep it up as these two other
11673s players just continue to Pummel him down
11675s once the ultimate's gone his safety net
11678s is going to be entirely gone the advance
11680s deal saving him a lot here but a huge P
11682s sword hit coming in from the overhead
11684s Mike no ultimate F invested he needs to
11687s turn the atten on to jeanan he's not
11688s having too much luck the Parry comes
11690s through but jeanan just invest the F
11692s Mike with the followup jumping lmb
11694s though going to shred a lot of armor off
11695s of XY here comes back in Mike might
11698s actually flip the scrip ladies and
11700s gentlemen John Juan into the ultimate
11701s Mike still looking for it the cannon
11703s shots coming in and verse turns his
11705s attention to XY oh my goodness against
11708s the odds Mike is able to turn the tables
11710s onto XY XY just trying to keep the game
11713s alive a gold meter dump to buy him a
11715s little bit of space but Mike keeps the
11717s pressure up he wants to return the favor
11719s for what XY did to him earlier XY trying
11723s desperately to get bur to turn on to
11725s Mike to no avail and it's Mike who picks
11728s up the elimination on to XY ug's Mike
11732s finally coming awake here in game number
11734s three ug's Mike able to pick up a couple
11737s of eliminations putting him on to four
11738s almost guaranteeing him that first place
11741s Victory and he just trying to get this
11742s extra kill to keep the advancement of
11744s the points not having a first good good
11746s first couple games able to get pryo a
11748s second time here popping the bubbles is
11751s verse and it looks like he might just
11752s try and go into the Zone oh he's got an
11753s armor swap in the middle of the Zone
11755s verse with a beautiful play into this
11757s armor swap but is going to get knocked
11759s into the Zone from pryo all he needs to
11760s do is set the ultimate up but no time
11762s and Mike five kills in a first place
11765s finish absolute Insanity coming through
11768s here able to pick up a beautiful kill
11771s into those final games picking up those
11773s last two
11774s eliminations not letting they're holding
11776s on to their ultimates too long in the
11778s end there they don't want to be the
11779s first player to Al but he needed to Al
11781s quicker and Mike was able to capitalize
11784s on the fact that these Pro players try
11786s to hold up on their ultimates for as
11787s long as possible he held out a little
11789s bit too long Mike read the play he
11791s knocked him into the Zone the pistol
11792s shot finisher and sending burst back to
11796s the
11796s L what a crazy game this one actually
11801s was so Mike here breathing a massive
11805s sigh of relief over this game he has
11807s been struggling all day and he needed
11810s this win so bad he needed every single
11812s elimination he gets here he needed that
11814s first place finish just to bring him
11816s back into the running here for this
11819s biweekly final and he was able to make
11822s it happen he clutches it out here in the
11824s end and this is the mic we're used to
11826s seeing so hopefully he can continue the
11828s trend as we head into the next game here
11830s because he is going to need another big
11832s one if he wants to come out on
11835s top yeah he he's definitely going to
11837s need to put a lot more points up but
11839s this it has shown us that you know the
11840s old mic is back coming into these next
11843s half of our games so first three games
11845s down usually this is halftime um we do
11848s have two extra games to play so
11850s technically it's one before half um but
11853s game three finished Mike looking very
11856s very strong climbing his way back up the
11857s ladder here unfortunately we're not
11859s going to get to see the four game Frost
11860s of his W um was my prediction but uh
11864s yeah the players that are getting these
11865s points and going high they're getting
11866s shark down early into these games and we
11869s saw vers is only able to pick up one
11870s elimination with a second place finish
11872s so he does get the placement points but
11873s he doesn't get enough to get him over
11876s that match point threshold so nobody on
11878s Match Point yet game four this is where
11879s we're going to start to see these
11880s players starting to pick up getting into
11882s Match Point Mike if he has another game
11884s exactly like he did just now he's going
11886s to be in very good contention for taking
11888s it away spider not the greatest game
11891s that we've seen we saw the uh we saw the
11893s uh flaming death that that came through
11896s from the lantern knocking him stunning
11899s him and dealing all that fire damage the
11900s followup from all of these players was
11902s just insane how quickly they were able
11904s to react and Come Away with the
11906s elimination look I I I hate to say it
11908s for wbg spider we've already seen looks
11912s of dread on his face today uh we'll come
11914s back to that thought in a second but we
11915s take a look Mike here five eliminations
11916s first place finished for a game score of
11918s nine very solid game for him but also
11920s still very solid game for chujang XY and
11923s tt25 as well all walking away with
11926s around 5 5.55 and 4.5 on the board
11930s really good for you guys it sets them up
11932s for a huge follow-up game heading into
11934s game four but uh back to spider here wbg
11938s spider I don't think he bounces back
11940s from this game I mean you saw the look
11942s you saw the look on his face after the
11944s end of game two he was not happy with
11946s his performance whatsoever in game one
11948s game two there was kind of a big dread
11950s there for him and then to go out to a
11953s player mistake like this to scale rush
11954s into that Lantern and immediately go
11957s down down spider again very very mental
11960s player that's not the sort of mistake
11962s spider bounces back from especially when
11964s he's already having a bad day I do not
11966s expect to see spider turn things around
11969s like Mike did here uh in this last game
11971s where he just pops off like this unless
11973s something drastic comes in and improves
11977s his mental very quickly here uh between
11980s games three and four but takeing a look
11981s right now verse at the top with a 22.2
11984s XY with a 21.4 and t22 5 with 20 verse
11989s only needs a six-point game to be over
11991s the threshold uh XY here only seven and
11994s T225 an eight-point game and he will be
11996s there Mike needs a 10-point game that I
11999s mean it's ug's Mike if Mike bounces back
12002s like he did in this previous game here
12003s and plays just as well as he did here in
12005s game three uh I don't see that being a
12007s problem for him whatsoever either Seb so
12010s all four of these players in contention
12012s to break that range as we take a look
12014s here back at game number three in the
12016s replays here brought to you by by
12018s Thunderbolt yeah and these eliminations
12020s were crazy we saw the musket shot coming
12022s through there the stun was just enough
12023s and then spider coming through with a
12025s beautiful elimination as well on te star
12027s but it was just not enough for him to
12029s succeed into this game because we saw
12030s him go out pretty quickly there as this
12032s is the elimination the triple charge of
12034s XY coming through and chuang having a
12037s beautiful play in the realm of Yang
12038s against Frost ofis here as we see the
12040s teleport coming through no Parry is
12041s going to be had and then the pryo into
12044s the jumping lmb is just so much damage
12046s coming through as a Frost was almost
12048s able to hit it but the tap Dodge from K
12049s gg25 to avoid that purple Focus finisher
12053s at the end of the blue Focus attack and
12055s then in LM pry was just absolutely
12058s insane and then bong getting a little
12060s taste of his own medicine there getting
12061s killed by a dagger in the realm of Yang
12063s here as we saw asc's XY there picking up
12065s some beautiful eliminations on the side
12067s able to come away with one kill able to
12069s come away with two eliminations there
12071s putting him still pretty high up in the
12073s standings but then we saw ui's Mike able
12074s to bring it back around here in that
12076s final kill able to just knock first into
12079s the Zone the beautiful Focus slash
12081s follow up with a pistol shot and the
12083s storm damage giving a little bit of an
12085s assist to him the hottie taking the MVP
12088s for game number three jumping in on that
12090s glider showing us exactly who is meant
12093s to be the winner ug's Mike coming
12096s through with a five eliminations 13k
12099s damage beautiful Jade line up too he's
12101s got two three sapu Jades a little bit
12105s unnecessary there you they don't stack
12108s Mike I I I pretty sure you know this
12110s having them for the stats though is it's
12112s definitely something that these players
12113s are using the advanced deal was able to
12115s save him a lot into that fight the
12118s advance deal was one of the reasons why
12120s he was able to come away victorious in
12121s that off the reset from his hotti
12123s ultimate and then Rampage and was a huge
12126s Factor as well in being able to push
12127s these players out with that purple Focus
12130s yeah I mean Mike just a huge game for
12132s him in general in the end here he was
12134s really able to make things happen and
12136s you know Mike has the patience to hold
12138s on to his ultimate what we actually
12140s really see happen is we kind of see uh
12143s uh our boy T225 and a couple of other
12145s players grief themselves out they burn
12147s their ultimates trying to chase that
12148s elimination that's super low but as soon
12151s as that elimination off the board the
12153s rest of the lobby is just like cool
12155s You're vulnerable now you have no
12157s ultimate and they're able to just clutch
12158s it down and Chase it down without even
12160s having to use their ultimate as well
12162s right because once everybody in the
12164s lobby turns on you they don't really
12165s need to use ultimate it's kind of death
12167s by Thousand Cuts very easy to send
12170s somebody home that way so we to send
12171s somebody home we're going to send things
12172s over to an interview before we come back
12173s and lock in for game number
12177s four hi everyone welcome to the post
12180s game interview am Leah so this time we
12182s have t star come to our interview so
12183s please say hello to our audience
12188s first okay welcome so for today's
12191s competition you begin with a MVP for the
12195s game one how do you think about to
12196s today's
12210s matchups okay I see with my eyes I just
12214s wanted to know because uh you didn't
12216s have a really high start uh beginning
12220s points but just after the first game you
12222s got like such a uh many points after for
12226s the game one and how do what's your plan
12228s for the following
12242s games oh I want to get the champion okay
12245s I know let's move on to our answer forer
12247s please so this time our question is
12249s which road did te star used in the game
12252s three a Zing B AO CI D mat now
12266s please count
12268s time three two one okay screenshot so
12272s what's the
12274s answer D yes the answer is D so by the
12279s way is there any possibility maybe you
12281s don't need to play the qualify
12284s competition
12292s oh and there will be some uh possibility
12295s but it's very small so what's the
12307s condition I think if I don't want to
12311s play the qualify competition I need to
12314s uh be the solo Champion for this by week
12317s and also sh and got the last one as well
12321s do you think um play the qualified
12325s competition is a good things or
12339s not I think it just depends on if I can
12342s get into the uh Grand Final if I can and
12346s it must be a good things but if I can't
12348s it's bad okay I see so you know do you
12353s think it's like a normal things for the
12355s first
12357s game was the first hero
12368s [Music]
12374s b oh okay I think it's not very normal
12378s because it's the first time happened in
12379s the competition theing was the first
12382s herob band uh do you think is maybe have
12385s some effect for the fallowing
12394s games oh I think maybe not the fact very
12397s much uh because the byly final uh is
12400s like quite difficult with the regular
12402s game okay thanks St come to our
12404s interview just collect to in the
12405s following games ni the start
12410s okay that's all for the interview byebye
12414s everyone last night they sacrificed
12418s another
12420s Soul even the dead tremble before
12431s them the manifestations and ghostly
12435s Tales
12438s [Music]
12448s wolf-headed greeters of The Departed
12468s underworld rulers with dark wings of the
12491s Abyss the judges who decide over life
12495s and death
12506s hellish fiends their sides reaping
12510s Crimson paths
12518s [Music]
12532s [Music]
12534s be where for the Lords of Soul
12539s stir you ready for a show
12544s [Music]
12580s [Music]
12584s yes
12587s [Music]
12615s what a
12634s [Music]
12667s [Music]
12675s a e
12678s [Music]
12734s what's going on ladies and gentlemen the
12736s fans welcome back to the nbpl summer
12738s split 2024 as we get ready to head into
12741s game number four for our last bi-weekly
12745s solo finals I'm your hosting your cast
12747s with Room Keeper D today is my boy Seb
12750s and I know Seb you're excited for some
12752s of these twitch drops as we get ready to
12755s head into the day oh yes I am I've
12758s already claimed my twitch drops so it's
12761s it's in my nraa it's in my naraka
12763s account and you too can claim it for
12765s just a small price of watching nraa and
12768s if you really think about it that's not
12770s that's not a that's not a cost at all
12772s that's an absolute crazy bonus that you
12774s get you get free stuff from just coming
12777s and watching us talk about a video game
12779s you know it's it's so great that we're
12782s blessed with these twitch drops and
12783s things that we can give out to the
12784s community because the community gives us
12786s so much they come here and they watch
12788s and they enjoy and it's the least we can
12789s do to give back to you guys we give you
12791s those summer split random gifts as well
12793s it is just a blast to have you guys in
12797s coming and watching all of this so
12799s starting off with this next game that
12800s we're bringing it in game number four
12803s make sure you guys are watching because
12805s the twitch drops are live yes make sure
12807s your account is linked as well to your
12810s Twitch so that you are definitely
12812s getting those twitch drops cuz you do
12813s not want to miss out cuz these bi-weekly
12815s finals do have those special twitch
12817s drops and you can only get them today
12820s and tomorrow so don't miss out on those
12823s forever drops while you have the
12824s opportunity to get them but we are
12826s getting ready to head into game number
12829s four which promises to be a banger we
12832s have four players very very close to the
12834s threshold and we could see multiple of
12837s them heading over that threshold as we
12839s head into game number five unfortunately
12842s uh your prediction did not come true uh
12845s after our game number four here today
12848s but there's been some pretty sad stories
12850s outside of just that prediction as well
12852s our boy wbg spider having a very very
12855s rough day and then griefing himself out
12858s of this last game in a fashion you do
12862s not want to go out hitting yourself into
12864s a lantern off of a scale Rush dropping
12866s yourself down and just having to watch
12869s uh as the other players send you back to
12871s the lobby when you are a player like wbg
12874s spider is not the place you want to go
12877s you were you're talking about being one
12878s of the top players in the world to see
12881s yourself go out on the big stage that
12883s way especially when you're already
12885s having a bad men till day has got to
12887s just compound the problems that you're
12890s going to be facing heading into the rest
12892s of the day you know last worlds we had
12894s to sit down and have an interview with
12896s wbg spider and he really put a lot of
12899s emphasis on his coach being the one
12901s who's been able to help him with
12902s bouncing back from his mental I hope
12905s here between this little bit of a longer
12906s break we had between games three and
12908s four his coach was able to come in he
12910s was able to talk him through uh what
12912s happened in these last couple of games
12914s and really help him reset his mental so
12917s he can find his feet again here in game
12918s number four as we get ready to head that
12920s direction Seb yeah and it is going to be
12923s interesting to see who is going to be
12925s winning this game number four because we
12927s have a lot of players in contention for
12928s the match point like you said we've got
12930s about four people who have the
12932s opportunity to make it happen
12934s realistically of course other players
12936s could go on to match point if they have
12937s a crazy pop off game but realistically
12940s we've got four players that are going to
12941s be competing for this match point today
12944s in game number four and it's the crucial
12946s turning point of the game because if
12947s none of these players do it and nobody's
12949s on Match Point by the time we come into
12951s game number five this is going to be the
12953s crunch time because then game number
12955s five we've only got three games left
12957s after five and if nobody's on Match
12959s Point by five you know it's most likely
12963s going to go all the way to game number
12964s eight unless somebody's able to backto
12966s back clutch up near the end because
12968s there's going to be so many players so
12970s close to match point by the time we hit
12971s five or six if these top players don't
12974s continue to perform as they have today
12976s and it has been a very inconsistent play
12978s like uh our top player right now fun
12981s plus Fenix verse who is number one in
12982s the standings he had a z point game
12984s number one so it it is going to be very
12987s difficult to see um what's going to
12990s happen consistency wise because today
12991s has just been all over the place and
12993s it's going to be hard for some of these
12995s players to pull it back but it is
12997s possible everything's possible that's
12998s why we play the games that's why we love
13000s to watch yeah I mean absolutely I mean
13003s this this is typically what you expect
13004s to see from the solo fins is it is still
13007s anybody's game all day long there's
13010s never really the opportunity for one
13012s player to absolutely Crush things out
13015s you typically see a lot of players
13017s trading those MVPs back and forth
13019s because everybody is very very hungry to
13022s be able to come in and clutch things out
13024s there uh and we are getting ready to
13026s head in right now we're going to be
13027s heading into game number four so we're
13028s going to see how that hero selection
13030s plays out and this is going to be a very
13033s very crucial game for today these
13036s players are like you said four players
13039s on that contention point where
13041s realistically two or three of them could
13044s head over that threshold depending on
13046s how the scoring comes out here and once
13049s we have that it is going to be an every
13051s man for himself scenario as everybody
13055s scrambles to try to eliminate those
13057s players going into the next game to keep
13060s them from crushing their dreams of
13062s walking away the bi-weekly
13064s Champion yeah and it is still anybody's
13067s game and that's what we love about this
13069s is nobody is a Surefire thing we don't
13072s see players running away with it like we
13074s used to and with this new format it is a
13076s lot harder to be able to run away with
13078s it and that is what that these players
13080s have happened and that's why these
13081s systems have been put into place is so
13083s you can't just be like okay you know
13084s what I'm going to run away with every
13086s single game I'm going to play all of
13088s these games and I'm going to be the top
13092s I don't even need to get first place
13093s that's why they added multiplier only
13095s for first place it's why they did all of
13097s these things to make it even more
13098s difficult to succeed so that the best
13101s really don't just separate themselves
13103s from the pack and it has made you know
13106s the game is so much closer so much more
13109s difficult for these players to try and
13111s come away with lots of Victories as we
13113s are going to take a look in this
13115s bi-weekly final for game number four
13118s we're going to see these hero selections
13120s coming up in just a second here and Mike
13123s and rosis last round of hero selection
13126s so they're they're going to be in a bit
13128s of trouble down there um I don't think
13131s we've seen kylin come out from frost
13133s ofice yet he uh it is his favorite hero
13135s right now we saw in a past interview he
13136s said hottie is no longer his favorite
13138s hero he said because kylin is so
13141s handsome he just loves to play him as a
13143s a Rono and star going to be opting for
13145s the Liam and the hottie as we're seeing
13148s it's not being textbook right now
13149s everybody is opting for these different
13151s picks wangang is going to go for that
13153s kylin pick or sorry the kylin and Le M
13156s and then the double kylin XY wangang and
13158s star all on kylin one Liam pick coming
13161s through Liam has not been banned out T25
13164s and verse do have the opportunity to go
13166s for those picks if they want I believe
13167s verse has already played a Liam so this
13169s could be his double pick here and tt25
13172s is going to opt to play the
13174s [Music]
13175s hottie here we go we're going to see
13177s Matari coming in from drg's Fong wbg
13181s spider still trying to decide what he
13183s wants to play in this game and again
13184s this game very very crucial he's going
13187s to lock in the Matari as well again
13189s spider if he's going to bounce back it
13191s has to be this game he has to make it
13193s happen that longer break between games
13195s three and four the only real opportunity
13198s for somebody to find a good reset to
13201s their mental and we're going to take a
13202s look it's going to be frost ofis and
13203s chujang double locking in the hottie
13206s that's going to be three hotties in the
13207s lobby as hotti is now banned out here
13210s heading in to our last round of
13211s selection a going to be looking to lock
13213s in the Justina and ug's Mike going to be
13215s be coming in on the Tami Mike has got a
13218s lot of Tami MVPs this season and off the
13221s back of that really good game in game
13223s number three for him this could be a
13224s really strong pick for him Believe It or
13226s Not Seb yeah this would be an
13228s interesting pick to see if if the Tami
13230s does work out in his favor like we've
13231s seen happen for so many players Chang
13233s and XY being very very good Tami players
13236s Mike also being a super skilled player
13237s on the Tami so if he's able to have the
13240s circle fall into his favor if he's able
13242s to avoid getting sharked out into the
13245s that mid and late game he does have a
13248s really good shot at MVP here and it
13251s would be super detrimental to players
13253s like verse who are really trying to
13255s succeed into this game I believe this is
13257s versus double pick no it is not Wang
13259s leang is double picked the kylin though
13261s as a most of these players are going to
13263s be trying to have that double pick be
13264s their kylin but that means that wangang
13266s has to play a different hero for every
13268s single one of these other games going
13271s into game four using your double pick
13273s already it seems like a bit of a RIS Ry
13276s move for Wang leang but he does have to
13277s kind of all in it at this point as we're
13280s taking a look it is going to be pretty
13281s standard across the board no variations
13284s of ultimates are going to be played that
13287s we don't normally see everybody going to
13289s be running the standard ultimates and
13291s abilities for their respective Heroes uh
13294s V2 running on the Justina as uh as we've
13297s started to see everybody moving away
13298s from the V1 we saw it in past games it
13301s even in this bi-weekly split we did see
13303s the V1 have some success with with uh
13306s the tods in the realm of Yang but
13308s nowhere else was it succeeding so we're
13310s going to try and see if the V2 is going
13312s to be able to come out through full
13313s fruition AIS is going to try and make
13315s something happen with that but AIS not
13317s having too much success on the day so
13319s far so hopefully this will be the game
13321s where he's able to pick up the pace as
13323s we're taking a look at our pdor spawns
13325s lots of the gold zones are going to be
13326s covered by most of these players we're
13327s seeing a few players spawning at
13329s Imperium a bunch of players trying to go
13331s for that red jade at Arcadia we've got
13333s spider wangang chuang and XY K's tt25
13338s going to get a gold Zone all to himself
13340s on that Temple the it I call it the
13342s kiting Temple because nobody is able to
13344s catch anybody out there it's the place
13346s where everyone is able to run wild
13348s there's so many opportunities for kiting
13350s especially with JL and fun plus venix
13353s spawning there's a lot of ways to be
13355s able to get around the area and the
13358s armor swaps come out very very crazy
13361s there as well as we're probably going to
13362s see when these first fights start to
13363s kick off Frost ofis spawning close to
13365s Imperium as well as game number four is
13367s about to get underway verse able to pick
13370s himself up some blue weapons and armor
13372s he's going to try and go in for this
13373s elimination onto jl's a right off the
13376s rip here able to try and go for that fan
13378s charge 1.0 isn't going to come away with
13380s the hit off of it as we see the overh
13382s coming up from AIS AIS on the Justina is
13385s going to try and make something happen
13386s with the scale Rush gets the scale rush
13388s off F ability going to get invested here
13390s to avoid any damage coming in from verse
13392s verse going to keep the scale Rush up
13394s into the grapple coming over over Clank
13396s going to come through from both of these
13397s weapons overhead going to connect from
13399s AIS into the one two burst now on the
13401s back foot of this fight huge Parry going
13403s to come out though as we're going to see
13404s him flip over on to this spear as it
13407s looks to be the more favored weapon into
13409s this fight right now and now verse going
13410s to back out go for a bit of a heal
13412s before re-engaging onto this fight he
13414s does have that blue spear in hand now
13415s the combo Potential from this spear is
13417s going to be great as he does grab that
13419s blue long sword as well doesn't want
13420s anybody else to have it they see the
13422s Parry come out but no connection coming
13424s through as the over is going to come
13426s through on the fan tries to make it
13427s happen a second time here Perry going to
13428s come out from verse doesn't connect onto
13430s anything no blue is throwing as the
13432s overh hold's going to come through but
13433s the F ability is going to be able to
13435s negate any punish damage that Perry is
13437s going to have allowing verse to be able
13438s to keep his weapon as well ultimate
13440s almost online for AIS as well this could
13443s be very bad for him but he's able to get
13445s the overh hold onto the scale Rush huge
13447s Parry coming in though and flips it over
13449s into the spear for a bonk on the head
13452s and a good night back to the soul alter
13455s yeah ver getting things started strong
13458s here that R&B there off of the spear
13460s that 1.0 doing so much damage it is the
13464s second most damaging singular move in
13467s the game there uh I do believe the
13469s jabbing Soul Jade being the only one
13470s that does more damage than that there uh
13473s on the spear so a lot of players opting
13476s to do it when it's safe uh coming there
13478s out of those pares rather than the
13480s followup there off of the Parry just
13482s because of how much damage it actually
13484s does as we see here huge fight breaking
13486s out between these four players T225 XY
13489s chuang and wolves wangang as well as wbg
13492s Spider here so five players this is all
13495s these players trying to gather
13496s everything up so they can get their
13497s hands on that extreme Soul Jade that
13499s vulpine Essence that we saw spider get
13502s in game number one but unfortunately
13504s almost loses it
13506s immediately and unable to find any value
13508s out of it XY here trying to turn on to
13510s wbg spider here going to get some clean
13513s damage coming in forced to burn the
13514s ultimate though go ahead and use one of
13516s those dashes spider now extremely low XY
13518s going to use the opportunity to come in
13521s and get some heals off with a crazy read
13524s into a Parry on the wbg spider like to
13528s have to know that that's coming is
13531s absolutely insane to be able to get the
13533s read it's almost impossible to Parry
13537s that without doing it on prediction XY
13539s here just a different player apparently
13542s as he's able to get that massive parry
13544s and clutch up a another elimination
13546s there such a strong start for as's XY
13549s here unfortunately the ultimate has
13551s ended the hotti old going to be invested
13552s here XY going to break away very quickly
13554s just trying to break the ankles here but
13556s with those two early eliminations more
13558s than happy probably to come run this
13561s back and try to get his hands on that
13562s vulpine Essence when he gets the
13564s opportunity the fan coming here from jdg
13566s shuang as he drops down on the head of
13567s wol wangang wangang trying to come back
13569s in there with the spear will come in
13572s with that Marshall Soul Jade and get a
13573s lot of damage there on toose Jang
13575s evening up the fight J Jang trying to go
13577s around the side here as both players
13579s look to back away from one another and
13581s create a little bit of Separation before
13583s they go back into these fights as we cut
13584s over to fun plus Phoenix's burst versus
13586s Alliance Frost ofis frost ofis on the
13588s back foot was able to pick up an
13589s elimination that we saw earlier in the
13590s kill feed onto Mike and now he's on the
13592s chase verse trying to make something
13595s happen onto alliance's Frost we're going
13596s to see him trying and go for the armor
13597s swap here it looks like wasn't able to
13598s pick anything up able to get that armor
13600s swap through though now bringing these
13601s pistol shots around verse in a bit of
13603s trouble dropped his purple armor is
13605s going to end up just trying to go for
13606s the scale Rush here sees the Perry come
13607s out is going to try and see if he can
13609s make something happen right now as both
13610s of these players just grappling each
13611s other back and forth the C grapples
13613s coming up the musket shots into the
13614s pistol shots here as we saw this happen
13616s earlier into the game Frost does did get
13619s eliminated by one of those pistol and
13622s musket shot so now Frost ofus in trouble
13625s is getting caught out over and over
13627s again by the pry with the F ability
13628s going to be invested from verse ultimate
13629s coming out from frost to try and kite
13631s this
13632s out bur now on the back foot going to go
13635s into the Zone try and see if he can kite
13637s this out and it looks like he was able
13638s to get a jumping lmb in for damage and
13641s he's able to get the burn tick off and
13643s that's the kill here and frost picks up
13645s his second elimination of the game he's
13647s going to get himself a purple armor as
13648s well that he saw on the outside bur
13651s going to send himself to a soul alter
13653s this is going to be super unfortunate
13654s for him as he is very very close to that
13657s match point threshold but Frost ofis two
13659s kills in the early game stacked up with
13662s some purple loot now too very very good
13664s place that he wants to be in was able to
13666s kite out until his ultimate got up
13668s turned the fight around on to verse and
13671s came away with a beautiful elimination
13672s we did see him kill Mike earlier as well
13674s into the game this is insane and frosty
13677s my boy is doing it oh my goodness look
13679s at the look at the coins he's got all of
13682s the
13684s coins here we go woles going to be
13686s coming in to make that
13689s play there we go vulpine Essence going
13693s to be secured here for wolves wangle
13695s unfortunately you know woles gets no
13697s kills out of this crazy Skirmish five
13700s players trying to fight over vulpine
13701s Essence but crucially he does get the
13703s vulpine essence as a realm of Yang
13706s appears right here ready and waiting for
13709s him that means he's going to head into
13711s that perfect yeah I know he's going to
13713s have the perfect setup to take this
13716s realm of Yang get a super huge safety
13718s net for himself here and secure himself
13721s that much needed buff so he can go out
13723s and start to chase some of those
13724s eliminations te star here using the Hong
13726s swword here just to try to buy himself a
13729s lot of space here in the Statue to just
13732s play a little separation there just
13734s going to keep it dodging around going to
13735s get in the pot here super happy about
13738s his lot in life this is a hard place to
13741s try to be fighting somebody for that
13743s ticket to get into realm of Yang here
13745s especially when that somebody is a kyin
13747s with the ultimate activated here with a
13750s purple honk sword in the back pocket as
13751s well Frost is and everyone just going to
13753s back away while they wait for this ult
13755s to tick down but by the time it ticks
13756s down our boy te star is going to find
13758s himself heading straight on into this
13760s realm of Yang with no contention there
13763s it is both drg's Fong and frost of is
13765s just back away we head in it's going to
13767s be as's XY versus wolves Wang leang
13771s going head to-head here XY going up here
13774s with the dagger wolves wangang though
13776s with that vulpine Essence in the back
13778s pocket XY not sure if wolves is going to
13781s have it or not wolves coming in here
13783s with the fist blades trying to make
13784s something happen XY there on that dagger
13788s the bow shots coming out nobody
13789s connecting here yet there we go the
13791s scale Rush going to come in on the side
13792s of XY W's going to invest the F but
13795s unfortunately gets the misread and a
13797s neutral immediately given back there to
13799s XY the old being invested here on the
13802s side of wolves starting to try to tear
13804s through here the HP of XY XY though
13807s still holding on to that ultimate going
13809s to be in a really strong power position
13811s once wolves comes out of this ultimate
13812s here XY coming in it does still
13815s have oh my goodness there he is he
13818s catches him once he's going to catch him
13819s twice the vulpine essence comes through
13821s wolves now though in a strong position
13823s he just needs to wait out this last Dash
13826s here and take control of this neutral
13828s looking for the scale rush to go in John
13829s one going to break away look for the
13831s reset wolves going to do the same now
13834s Vine Essence definitely saving wolves
13836s here but XY comes in clean control of
13839s the neutral unfortunately for Wang Lang
13840s he just can't seem to find a clean entry
13843s into this fight and XY is getting tons
13845s of Chip damage in left and right wolves
13847s comes in gets a little bit but the F
13849s invested immediately by XY turns it
13850s around with the RB off the dagger no
13852s place for Wang Lang to go here he's got
13854s to take it now he's able to find the
13856s clean ENT elimination woo oh my goodness
13861s Wang leang the pryo is so hard to take
13864s away from a dagger the uh the the mixups
13867s that you have the ability to just Dash
13869s away with your dagger dashes it's it's
13873s an interesting weapon to fight and
13875s wangang does a textbook job of being
13876s able to come back very very low HP
13879s survived with the vulpine essence and
13881s then ends up coming through and coming
13883s away with the victory vulpine Essence
13885s was not expunged for nothing and he
13887s comes away with that Vermilion as now
13889s we're going to see te star and jdg
13891s chuang going at it in Imperium right now
13894s as te star does have that vermilion's
13898s bird buff so he's not going to be too
13900s worried if he goes out right now would
13902s prefer to Come Away with some
13903s eliminations but chuang no Yang
13905s depletion so he's not going to want to
13906s come away with this fight and now we're
13908s seeing aano Yang depletion timer on him
13911s as well as jl's as they are going to be
13913s going at it together seeing if they can
13916s come away with some sort of elimination
13917s onto one another the uppercut confirm
13919s into the one into the one two coming
13922s through AIS able to escape the ultimate
13925s clutches but it's very very difficult
13927s for him to try and maneuver around
13928s especially with this Liam ultimate in
13931s play he's going to try and see he's got
13933s one dash left seeing if he's going to be
13934s able to pick up the freeze taking to the
13936s skies now and it looks like they're
13937s going to be going up into the sky AIS
13940s and now tt25 jumping into this fight as
13942s well we do see the freeze get popped
13944s does miss it here AIS now taking most of
13946s the damage is going to be forced to kite
13948s out this situation now as arano back to
13950s full HP now with got himself a bit of a
13953s reset AIS was looking a little bit too
13955s greedy into this fight wasn't able to
13957s make anything happen has to pop that F
13959s ability and now spider into the mix as
13960s it looks like tt25 is going to be able
13962s to come away with the elimination arano
13964s picking himself up the soul Bloom and
13965s curing that Yang depletion very nicely
13967s here as it looks like spider going up
13969s against tt25 on this fight here none of
13973s these players have vermilion's bird Mite
13975s but they're both getting aggressive like
13977s they do as we're going to see tt25
13978s taking to the skies trying to run away
13980s we do know we he doesn't have he does
13983s have his ultimate hasn't burned it yet
13985s as Spider still giving Chase XY taking
13987s so much damage from that gold P sword
13989s there almost all of his blue armor
13991s chipped away in one Fell Swoop as te
13994s star still giving a huge attack and
13997s wangang is well with gold P sword in
13999s hand two gold P swords fighting against
14001s asc's XY who is on Yang depletion XY in
14004s a very bad spot right now spider very
14006s low on the other side too as we do see
14008s onto the other end spider on one HP in a
14011s dream right
14013s now yeah absolutely crazy spider was so
14016s in control of that trying to break away
14018s here spider does have that birds Smite
14019s though so if he does go down it's going
14021s to be okay wangang picking up an
14022s elimination there onto te star spider
14024s also going down to jg's CH Jang spider
14028s of course with the Vermilion Birds might
14031s still going to be in the game tt25 super
14034s happy to be able to break away get the
14035s attention off of himself there
14037s unfortunately does burn the ultimate so
14038s he's got to be careful about when he
14040s looks to engage in a fight here XY
14042s though not in a great position still has
14045s his ultimate but only a minute and 20
14047s seconds left remaining before he's got
14049s to find himself a soul Bloom here and he
14051s was not in the middle of any of those
14052s mixups no place for for him to secure a
14055s soul Bloom so he's got to go in and take
14056s a fight here he's trying to trade blows
14058s here on a JD shuang but Shu jang's just
14060s getting the better of him here in
14062s control of the neutral able to take pryo
14064s left and right there dagger V fan and
14067s the fan coming out on top XY into the
14070s armor swap that he noticed before here
14072s chujang is still coming in strong here
14075s the Parry to open the fight again yet
14078s again we see the F invest is going to
14079s save him a lot of damage but
14081s unfortunately it is chuang who continues
14083s to maintain control of this fight
14085s continues to get pry we to see a little
14087s bit of damage finally coming out from XY
14089s Chang though on the Clank knows at this
14092s point jeanan with how desperate he's
14093s being he's got to be on that Yang
14095s depletion so he doesn't have to go crazy
14097s here he's just trying to run the timer
14099s out here on XY does not want to die to
14103s him but doesn't want to go super crazy
14105s XY going to take a lot of damage there
14107s from the R&B though the old going to be
14108s invested and all jdg jang's got to do is
14111s live for another 15 seconds the ult
14113s coming through he finds an armor swap
14115s ohoh that might have been a mistake he
14116s swaps back into the white or sorry the
14119s purple armor there leaving all of that
14121s white armor behind that he had and
14123s almost eats it and now XY no Al chuang
14127s comes in oh my goodness and chuang
14129s misses out on getting the kill because
14131s he gets greedy and swaps immediately
14133s back into the purple instead of fighting
14135s it out and going to get the purple
14137s afterwards oh my goodness jang's got to
14140s be beating himself up for that one oh
14142s 100% and we're now taking taking over to
14145s the realm of Yang XY was our closest in
14148s contention for getting the match point
14150s and now he's nowhere near getting it
14152s here we are going to see Alliance rosis
14155s in the realm of Yang here already has
14156s two kills under his belt we are going to
14158s see be seeing K's T225 facing off
14160s against wg's spider first though as both
14163s of these players going at it very fast
14165s here spider with the onew onto the staff
14167s is going to try and make something
14168s happen turns the 1.0 from the P sword K
14172s cg25 doing good job of not getting
14174s paired scale Rush is going to connect
14175s into the followup huge Parry going to
14177s come out though now gg25 going to get
14179s hit with that 1.0 lmb as we do see the
14183s hex of Harmony come out but he parries
14184s the hexa Harmony and with the overh from
14186s the dual blades is going to come in with
14188s a lot of damage we are seeing him take
14189s to the skies in the ultimate but the
14192s scale Rush is going to deal so much
14193s damage oh my goodness I believe he is on
14195s Matari is going to try and make
14196s something happen with this Matari
14198s ultimate here as the triple charge is
14199s going to come through no damage is going
14201s to connect from that though as it looks
14203s like he did get that burn TI off though
14205s he's going to try and bring it around
14206s full sword just to hold space and
14208s alliance's frost does win his realm of
14210s Yang here huge play for him and a Parry
14212s coming through spider with a beautiful
14213s Parry able to bring this around trying
14215s to turn around onto that golden staff
14217s right now Cavalry Bloom is going to come
14219s out knock him out of that Dash he does
14220s still have the dash available though I
14222s don't believe it was canceled yet Dash
14223s going to come out is going to do a great
14225s job of blocking or dodging the dash here
14228s as we are going to see coming through
14230s with the Cavalry Bloom and this is
14232s what's going to try and save him here he
14233s has the Jades to do it F going to go for
14235s a heal into the uppercut here but K cg25
14238s so low in HP the uppercut going to come
14239s through is going to knock gg25 up into
14241s the air just long enough for the focus
14243s attack to come out and spider coming
14245s away with his victory in the real Yang
14247s look spider getting so many pairs then
14249s the F clearly gets into t22 5's head
14252s T225 so afraid to throw that Cavalry
14255s Bloom out because he gets parried so
14258s many times there by spider spider just
14261s ripping weapons out of his hand left
14263s right and Center and he is so happy
14266s about that turn of events his second
14267s elimination doing a lot better this game
14271s than he definitely was last game coach
14275s definitely had to give him a little bit
14276s of a pep talk there between games three
14278s and four because spider looking to make
14280s a little bit of a return to form there
14282s T225 and spider two players who
14285s constantly trade blows and T225 always
14288s kind of gets a little mental out by
14290s spider when spider's in top form and
14292s that's exactly what we saw happen there
14294s in that real of yang right now T225 and
14296s te Star both with Yang depletion as we
14300s head into zone four in the next 10
14304s seconds yeah and look at that Frost ofis
14308s gold armor he's got himself a gold
14310s weapon in the back pocket as well we
14311s know this as he did get himself a
14314s victory in the realm of Yang and that is
14316s absolutely huge frost on three
14317s eliminations bring himself up to 10th
14319s place in the overall standings right now
14321s and he's in a very good position to Come
14323s Away with a victory as right now we have
14326s more hotties alive in the lobby than we
14329s do kyin so the majority of the lobby
14331s could go into that favor we do still
14332s have the Liams alive though we're taking
14334s a look at this end Circle if we get the
14337s kylin out because there's one kylin and
14339s one hottie on Yang depletion if we get
14342s the kylin on Yang depletion out this
14344s could be huge as K's tt25 the hottie on
14347s Yang depletion is now the one getting
14348s sharked down wbg spider hot on the chase
14351s the gray armor swap is coming out here
14353s and it's super un does to see him have
14355s to switch over to that gray armor we're
14356s going to see fong in the back end able
14358s to pick up that that purple armor and
14361s reset it as uh now Kay's tt25 going to
14364s try and see if he can go back into this
14366s fight try and find himself a little bit
14367s of better armor but right now it's not
14368s looking too good for him here as te star
14372s on the bottom side does have that Yang
14373s depletion as well gold P sword in hand
14375s though could have a very very strong
14378s finish to this game if he's able to come
14380s away with any sort of eliminations fun
14382s plus Fenix verse K tt25 T G25 and star
14385s both players who are were in contention
14387s for match point now on Yang depletion
14389s it's going to be difficult for them to
14391s come back into this game but especially
14393s in the location that they are the amount
14395s of kiting that you're able to do around
14397s this area of Imperium is look at how
14399s vast this building is the the traversal
14403s from one end to the other of this
14405s building the amount of pillars it is
14407s just so
14409s huge star here two minutes left
14412s remaining on that Yang depletion for
14415s those of you who are unaware a couple
14416s patches ago they did make a change where
14418s that second realm of Yang you have a
14420s much longer time to be able to secure
14423s yourself a soul Bloom before that Yang
14425s depletion Cuts you down a change where
14428s these players seem to be willing to
14432s patiently wait for the better
14434s opportunity to go in and get that Soul
14436s Bloom not that it always pays off but
14438s that's why we see these players able to
14440s last so much longer uh when they have
14442s that Yang depletion post our second
14445s realm of Yang here we to see te star
14447s trying to come in here and make
14448s something happen cuz he is down to a
14450s minute and 26 he cannot wait too much
14453s longer K's T225 going to take a hit here
14455s star looking for that scale Rush with
14457s that legendary P sword knows just how
14459s much damage it actually does not quite
14462s able to find it just yet but going to
14464s keep the pressure up here on the T225
14466s both of these players are the players
14467s who need to cleanse that Yang depletion
14469s as they start to trade blows here star
14471s going to get some huge damage in there
14472s onto T225
14475s D taking the time to look for a reset
14476s T25 going to be forced into the ultimate
14479s here looking to find a reset the scale R
14482s going to DCH him instantly as wolves
14484s Wang and cleans up the elimination star
14487s misses the opportunity to get the soul
14489s Bloom though now with 44 seconds to stay
14493s in this game Star trying to make
14494s something happen the scale Rush coming
14496s in from Mike though going to do a lot of
14497s damage star going to go ahead and spend
14498s the ultimate smoke him if you got him he
14501s says he's trying to make something
14502s happen but the Emy going to cut him off
14505s here he gets caught out in the Wisp as
14507s well 28 seconds before star goes down to
14511s the Yang depletion just caught out
14513s inside this ultimate Frost ofus up top
14515s looking for the opportunity to come down
14517s star able to come in and get some hits
14519s there on to Fong trying to find another
14521s one unfortunately not going to find a
14523s lot the armor still there but star 10
14525s seconds left remaining and it's going to
14527s be wbg spider who shuts him down spider
14531s with a beautiful elimination there as we
14534s are going to be seeing him come away
14536s with a beautiful kill with the Bonk from
14538s the spear here as we do see a couple of
14541s these players still going in for a bit
14542s of a fight Wang langang is going to end
14544s up using his F ability to clear out the
14546s space as fun plus Fenix is ver the
14548s closest player in contention to coming
14550s away with the 28 point threshold he
14553s needs to pick up a lot of eliminations
14555s right now he's only on one kill so
14558s getting this eliminations into the
14560s coming game very very crucial right now
14562s chuang with the Phoenix blast able to
14564s come through and deal some damage on to
14566s his opponents right now holding Blue
14568s into the Zone verse going to be able to
14570s is going to get parried arano coming
14572s through with the scale rush and frost of
14574s is jumping into the mix as well is going
14576s to try and see if he can make something
14577s happen with those dual blades gold dual
14580s blades in hand trying to see if he can
14581s take the fight onto aano and it looks
14582s like CH Jang is going to be the one to
14584s be able to capture this Spirit Well
14586s Frost does decide to try and come in
14588s here Chang not going to burn the
14589s ultimate right away able to get himself
14591s some good loot isn't going to go for
14593s that gold armor right away he does know
14595s that nobody else is able to pick it up
14596s so he might just try and hold it till a
14598s little bit later into this game where
14600s he'll go back and pick it up seeing if
14602s he can make anything happen with that
14603s Mystic might Frost ofus almost able to
14605s come away with a couple of eliminations
14606s there he's got three kills under his
14608s belt with six minutes left in the game
14611s he's really going to have to put on a
14612s show otherwise it's going to be a lot of
14614s trouble for him JG shuang he's going to
14616s let the other hottie get the Mystic
14618s might because he knows he's not going to
14619s be the one targeted into this game so
14621s letting him take that here not going to
14623s contest him he's going to go for that
14624s gold weapons and gold armor here now
14626s he's got a gold Hong sword in hand gold
14627s armor and they're on the hunt for
14629s everybody that is not a hottie this is
14631s what's going to happen we're going to
14632s see the Liams we're going to see the
14634s kylin getting sharked out Alliance and
14636s frost is going to use that Valiant
14637s challenge to get himself a bit of a
14638s Mystic might buff H gives you that
14641s location and basically a bell that pops
14644s on your body every single couple of
14646s seconds here as we're going to see Frost
14648s ASC sending those musket shots in from
14649s the back end as aano now taking a lot of
14652s damage CH Jang is going to get hit out
14654s by the 1.0 from the bis blades as we do
14658s see all of these players sort of backing
14659s into this other side as the odies trying
14663s to take control of the
14665s lobby yeah eight players left remaining
14668s alive as that final Banes breath of the
14669s game comes down 30 seconds until zone 5
14672s starts to collapse on to zone six spider
14675s and frost of is on the legendary armor
14677s we see Mike on the side
14679s here reloading that repeating crossbow
14683s here looking for these opportunities to
14685s break into these fights see verse on the
14688s other side wbg spider just coming right
14690s on through here none of these players
14693s really wanting to aggress into these
14695s fights while this Baines breath going
14696s down but it's going to be away here in
14698s the next 5 seconds and we're going to
14700s see these players start to try to find
14702s themselves a good position on the map as
14705s we do get ready to rotate to that zone
14706s six zone five collapsing down right now
14709s and things about to get much much
14710s smaller for many of these players chuang
14713s trying to use what little bit of that
14715s Mystic might he has left to locate these
14718s players giving Chase here to ver ver
14722s just able to continue to break the
14723s ankles here as he is able to get away CH
14725s Jang finally able to find some damage
14727s into the f verse going to pop the F just
14729s to break away from it here Chu Jang
14731s still just trying to keep the pressure
14733s up there on diverse Mike looking to come
14735s in and sh this down as well as we see
14737s Chu Jang just play Ring Around the Rosie
14740s as we head right back around to where
14741s this fight started between chuang and
14744s ver verse just trying to keep it alive
14745s for himself here Frost is coming up
14747s behind going to get caught out a little
14749s bit there CH Jan going to take a moment
14751s to come over here and po it tuna as
14753s verse breaks away verse still here able
14755s to get the full reset holding on to his
14758s F and ultimate nobody really able to
14761s pressure verse into a bad situation as
14764s we are fully collapsed down onto zone
14765s six now we have 58 seconds until we
14768s collapse to zone seven eight players
14771s still left remaining alive in the lobby
14773s wolves wangley with three wbg spider
14775s with three and alliance's Frost ofis
14778s with
14778s three other players with one two and
14781s zero kills drg's fun just having an
14783s absolute howler of a finals right now no
14785s eliminations on the board for him this
14787s game I believe he's had one or two total
14789s in the past three games game four he
14792s doesn't have a single elimination either
14794s it looks like Frost ofis and Chu Jang
14796s just holding up on the top gold armor
14798s gold weapons for both of them we do see
14800s the blue long sword coming out for the
14801s Phoenix blast right now as they uh are
14804s going to be fighting with each other as
14806s they are the two hotties in the lobby
14808s they're going to want to team up
14809s everybody else I believe is a Lone Hero
14811s other than the Liams the Liams have two
14813s but
14814s uh they're not grouping up nearly as
14817s much as we do see these other players
14818s grouping up if Frost were to try and
14821s take out chuang right now it wouldn't be
14822s the smartest play for him here as uh you
14824s know the whole Lobby focusing on the two
14826s hotties fighting it's not going to be
14827s the greatest day for them it's a verse
14829s just holding the underside and this is
14830s going to be an interesting Circle
14831s because of the fact that these players
14833s can go underneath
14834s this the heal off situation is going to
14836s be great some of these players as the
14837s circle is going to close are going to
14838s get isolated from everybody else is
14840s Frost is sending some musket shots in
14842s looks like he's got the eyes on some of
14844s these players down below so it looks
14846s like frost is going to try and take the
14848s top side with chuang they're going to be
14850s able to hold this top very well as a wol
14852s wang leang now taking a whole bunch of
14853s damage on the inside of this fight he
14855s does have advanced heal going for him
14857s here so he's not going to take too much
14858s damage he's going to be able to get most
14859s of that Shield back pretty quickly going
14861s to end up exiting the building going to
14863s the underside here does find verse and
14865s this could be an interesting situation
14867s here as the underside is going to end up
14869s collapsing pretty small they're going to
14870s need to have to go into the Zone if
14872s they're going to want to jump back into
14874s where everybody's going to be fighting
14876s here now Frost in a bit of trouble
14877s Chiang on the top spider as well on the
14880s top side everybody else playing to the
14881s lower end of this map huge Parry going
14883s to come out though from spider onto
14886s chuang as these players are going to end
14888s up backing down here and we see spider
14890s coming through on the underside
14892s everybody just sending these rain shots
14894s nobody wanting to get too aggressive
14896s spider with that storm stride as well
14897s going to be a very very crucial part to
14899s his gameplay here able to deal some tick
14901s damage could be that last hit that he
14903s needs to secure these eliminations going
14905s into this final Circle three
14906s eliminations on those three players you
14908s mentioned earlier wangang spider and
14909s Frost they are on top of the board right
14911s now but f plus fenix's verse has the
14913s most to lose he's got 23.7 points and he
14916s just needs a few more to be able to come
14917s through with a crazy game and get
14921s himself onto match point and if he's
14923s able to do it it could be a huge game
14925s for him here and it looks like he's not
14926s going to try and fight aano out now
14928s we're going to see all these cannon
14929s shots coming through grg F just sending
14930s Cannon shot after Cannon shot bur going
14932s to get caught in the Wisp here that
14934s could be crazy for his game he is going
14936s to end up getting back into it Nano not
14939s wanting to destroy the only Ally that
14940s he's got in the rest of this game here
14942s Chang going to try and enter in now as
14944s Frost is going to send that double
14945s charge out of the dual blades just
14948s creating space for himself as we're
14949s going to see these players starting to
14950s drop down now verse trying to make
14952s something happen with the gold full
14953s sword in hand isn't going to be able to
14954s connect with any of these scale rushes
14956s the oh my goodness the blistering Edge
14957s going to send verse super far into the
14959s storm we do see the Liam ultimate coming
14961s out H ultimates invested from frost of
14963s his verse is going to go down pretty low
14965s here able to get most of these players
14966s caught out in his ultimate and he gets
14968s brought down ewg's aano does end up
14970s picking up this elimination here as we
14972s do see arano picking up a bunch of them
14973s Frost ofis getting a kill onto spider
14975s Frost ofis and wangang the last two
14977s players remaining chuang here as well as
14979s we do see Wang leang trying to make
14980s something happen onto chuang but it's
14982s the last two and they tie it out as
14985s Frost ofis with four I don't know who
14988s MVP I believe it could be
14991s wangle this is a very very tight game I
14993s do believe it is going to go to wolves
14995s wangang though who's going to be walking
14996s away your MVP nobody makes it over the
14999s match point threshold as we ready to
15001s head into game number five which means
15003s we're going to go to at least game six
15007s as these players get ready to head in
15009s there is going to be so many players in
15011s contention to be heading towards towards
15014s that match point what a day it's been
15016s already wolves wangang taking away the
15020s MVP here huge for him wbg spider seeming
15024s in much better spirits after this game
15027s you know he has a very good game for
15029s himself here and I'm going to throw some
15030s credit towards his coach it is his coach
15033s that he always credits when he's able to
15035s bounce back from a bad mental day and
15038s bounce back he certainly did this game
15041s yeah 100% the bounce back was crazy as
15044s we do see all of these players heading
15046s off to get themselves a little bit of a
15048s rest before we start this next game up
15051s what an incredible game Wang and that's
15053s what I was saying if if these players
15055s aren't able to get through that match
15057s point threshold we could see this go the
15059s entire eight games as Wang leang a
15062s player who's very low in the standings
15063s right now he's at about seventh sixth
15065s place was able to clutch out that mvp
15067s into that final Circle there were so
15068s many players alive it was really
15070s anyone's game into that final stretch we
15072s did see Frost miss picking up a couple
15073s of we saw arano getting some
15076s eliminations finally putting some points
15078s up onto the board and we do see nobody
15080s getting that multiplier but right now
15081s first we're going to ask you guys a
15083s quick question to get you some free
15085s Treasures into the game we love those
15087s Summers split random gifts how many
15089s kills did asc's XY get in game number
15091s four was it A1 B2 C3 or
15095s D4 and right now I can tell you
15099s that it is not five you know that's the
15104s hint that I'm going to give you guys
15105s today because I I'm not feeling too I'm
15107s not feeling too generous today a hint
15110s that's not a hint ladies and gentlemen
15111s how many kills did our boy as XY get on
15114s the board in game number four make sure
15116s you lock your answers in for chance to
15118s get that summer split or random gift box
15120s you're not going to want to miss out on
15121s it just like you're not going to want to
15123s miss out on these next couple of games
15124s cuz things are going to be wild we have
15127s a cluster of players all sitting up out
15130s of the top which we will get a chance to
15132s see once we get to look at the
15134s scoreboard and the overall scoreboard we
15136s will see just how many players are right
15139s there on the edge of that threshold I
15141s bet going into game six it is going to
15143s be a Mad Dash for the MVP for many of
15147s these players but what a game five this
15151s was a lot of upsets coming in here you
15154s know wbg spider we talked about it we
15156s said if he was going to bounce back from
15158s his performance in those first three
15159s games it had to be this game this was
15162s the game he needed to do bounce back he
15164s does indeed he has a fairly good game
15166s for himself it's not the MVP that you
15168s know I'm sure he was hoping from but you
15170s could see from the look on his face he
15172s was much more happy uh with the
15174s performance he has in this game than
15176s he's been with his performance all day
15179s long and sometimes that's all spider
15181s needs is to have a little bit of
15182s confidence in himself to be able to
15184s bounce back and have a good game like he
15186s has here so super happy to see spider
15189s coming in making something happen here
15191s of course we do get that draw into the
15192s end here we talk about the potential to
15194s going to game number eight and when we
15196s have games like this where there's no
15198s multiplier because there is a draw for
15200s that first place position it does take
15203s quite a hefty number of points away from
15206s the lobby which does mean it could
15208s potentially drag us out to that game
15210s number eight because of it so time's
15213s going to tell if we are going to go to
15215s game number eight or not but we still
15216s have game number five to get to we still
15218s have these scoreboards to get to we
15220s still have that mvp screen to get to as
15223s well cuz we got to give it up until
15225s wangang who's able to come out on Top
15227s This Time Seb oh yeah you said oh we
15229s might be going to game eight that's more
15231s ncka for us that's exactly what we want
15233s we want this to go the the whole eight
15236s games because then we get to watch more
15238s nraa as wolves wangang is going to be
15241s getting that game score of six with his
15243s four kills and the two ranking points as
15245s he tied with chu Jang for that final bit
15249s ranking points are going to be split two
15250s and two for them six game score for wol
15253s wangang frostivus in second place with
15255s the 5.5 able to pick up a good amount of
15258s kills in that final Circle I he picked
15260s up one had three in the early game
15262s brought the ranking points got the 1.5
15264s ranking on the 5.5 it's a game that he
15266s really needed to have we wish he could
15268s have had a little bit more there but you
15270s know it's it's it's a good it's a good
15272s step in the right direction and spider
15273s was able to pick up a good amount of
15275s points as well spyer putting Four Points
15277s up onto the board for game number four
15279s putting him in eighth place Frost is in
15282s Ninth Place drg's Funk dropping down to
15284s 10th AIS in 11th and aono in 12th and at
15289s this point I'm really just hoping that
15290s Frost ofus is going to be able to get
15291s that top six top five placement and if
15294s he keeps playing like he did in games
15296s number one and four he'll be able to do
15298s so as we're going to take a look now at
15299s the top of these
15302s standings yeah the the top side of the
15304s stands is going to be very very
15305s interesting we've got buum Fenix vers at
15307s a 24 XY at 23 tt25 at 21 OG's Mike at 20
15314s those same four players very much in
15316s contention WS Wang Yang if he has
15318s another pop off game could find himself
15320s there as well te star also in that range
15324s where a 11-point game could bring him
15327s there so all six of these players
15329s realistically heading in that direction
15331s but if you take a look you have two
15333s players that need about four points uh
15336s actually vers only needs 3.3 points to
15340s break ahead of that threshold we could
15342s very easily find ourselves having two to
15344s three players over the threshold as we
15346s righte in game number five but before we
15348s talk about game number five we're going
15349s to take a look at some replays of game
15351s number four here brought to you by
15353s Thunderbolt that Parry on reaction from
15355s asc's XY there was absolutely beautiful
15358s and then the early game from frost ofis
15359s able to come with a bunch of
15360s eliminations then he did get us our
15362s realm of Yang win that it's first time
15364s we've seen him win real of Yang in a
15365s while as we're going to take a look now
15366s Frost ofis or spider versus arano as we
15370s do see oh my goodness what a beautiful
15371s uppercut toes spider Come Away with this
15373s win here one 2 three oh my
15377s goodness juicy wangang one dash into one
15381s able to come with a beautiful
15382s elimination spider with the Bonk on the
15384s other side and this is wangang jumping
15385s from the top here this is where we see
15387s it happen he does get that dash out on
15389s to drg's Fong then tries to get the kill
15392s onto Frost ofus and I believe he does
15394s pick the oh Fong gets the kill onto
15395s Frost ofus and then the last two players
15397s one HP in a dream able to tie it up here
15400s as our kylin second kylin MVP of the day
15404s Wang leang is going to be the MVP for
15406s game number four we still have a lot of
15409s naraka left but this is still a great
15411s standing for Wang leang four
15412s eliminations 11,000 damage very good
15415s stack of Jades the advanced heal has
15417s been on almost every single MVP's Board
15420s of Jades today and this is that Jade
15422s that's just changing the entire PA of
15424s the game hexa Harmony as well from the
15426s spear one of my favorite spear Jades the
15429s mixup and the amount of damage output
15430s that you get if you connect off of the
15432s hexa harmony especially if you're mixing
15434s it with hard stopper kick it is a
15436s amazing Jade I personally love it the
15439s Alchemy as well coming through and the
15440s Cavalry Bloom I don't think we saw too
15442s much Cavalry Bloom coming out from Wang
15443s leang but it was there we did see it
15446s happen and then a bunch of these other
15448s Jades coming through the Thunder call
15450s with the pistol P sword being most of
15452s his damage though as we did see him with
15454s that gold P sword just dealing so much
15456s damage as wolves Tak it away for game
15459s number four you know I love me is some
15462s team wolves I love me some wangang as
15464s well so happy to see our boy wangang
15466s coming away with his fifth MVP of the
15468s Season here huge game for him not as big
15472s as some of the other games we've seen
15473s today but a game he desperately needed
15475s for himself there as well as we get
15477s ready to set up here and transition into
15480s game number five this is going to be a
15483s very very crucial game if we get you
15486s know three people above that threshold
15489s this is where things can end very
15490s quickly in game number six typically
15493s when you have one to two players above
15495s that threshold it's very easy for the
15498s lobby to kind of split themselves up and
15500s kind of grief one maybe two players out
15503s of the lobby if they know there's
15505s players above that threshold once you
15507s start getting three four players above
15509s that threshold it becomes very very hard
15512s to then try to focus players out of the
15514s lobby without actually griefing yourself
15517s out of the lobby because there's so many
15519s players for you to try to focus down and
15520s put that aggression onto so depend
15523s ending on how many players we have
15524s coming out of game number five here with
15526s how many there are very close to that
15528s threshold will determine how things head
15531s into game six potentially game seven and
15533s eight as well so this game going to be
15536s very very crucial to how the rest of the
15538s day plays out and man what a game this
15541s last one was the next one promises to be
15544s just as much as we are going to be
15546s heading back on over to hollow Roth for
15548s our game number five everybody's
15551s favorite place to watch the th roller do
15554s its work to contest Podium and head on
15556s over there to plume Castle to break the
15558s ankles of everybody in the lobby time
15561s will tell who's going to come out on top
15563s there Seb yeah as it it is going to be
15566s an ankle breaking map and that's you
15568s know that's what typically seen it's
15569s it's it's going to come through it's
15571s going to happen and you know I'm just
15572s I'm still rooting for frost you know at
15575s the end of the day I'm still rooting for
15576s J team if you you seen the Jersey I've
15579s been wearing the whole game I I want ss1
15582s formerly team to make a comeback into
15585s this but you know unfortunately we don't
15586s get to see too much from them today Pace
15589s did not make the finals so we are going
15591s to be flipping over taking a look game
15592s number five we're rolling backto back
15594s games right now no breaks no stop in the
15597s action all of these players getting
15599s right back locked in game number five
15602s we're going to see who's getting that
15603s first selection who's going to be
15604s brought back down to the bottom and I I
15606s don't we haven't seen Frost ofus kyin
15608s game yet he still has two kyin games I
15612s so um it's going to be interesting to
15615s see how he's going to perform if we do
15617s get to see him pick kylin um you know
15620s this late into the day I believe he is
15622s going to start taking away from those
15624s off meta picks and start running onto
15626s the main picks that we usually see these
15629s players running um some of these players
15631s that have already used their double
15632s picks it's going to be interesting to
15634s see what they're going to be using as
15635s their last heroes especially as we're
15637s getting into gamees seven and eight
15638s where they have to pick two other Heroes
15640s that they might not normally play so you
15642s know we'll get to see a little bit of
15644s interesting switcheroos coming in there
15646s as H you know K's tt25 first place in
15649s average damage right now 13k average
15652s damage per game which is a very very
15654s consistent streak going off for him
15657s three third place for average kills and
15660s fourth place for ranking points he's at
15661s a very very good spot right now but he
15663s really needs to have a crazy pop off
15664s game as well as a lot of these other
15666s players if they are going to be able to
15669s walk away with match point and since
15670s nobody's on Match Point this will not be
15672s our last
15674s game we have the opportunity to end it
15676s in game number six if some of these
15678s players get Match Point here but it is
15681s looking like it's going to go the
15682s distance to at least seven that's what
15684s I'm
15689s saying Seb here always wanting the extra
15691s games of naraka there Never Enough nraa
15694s action for our boys Seb and I can't
15697s blame him we absolutely love to be here
15699s and watch these games play out but again
15701s I think this game is going to be crucial
15704s we have four players very very close to
15705s that threshold plenty of points
15707s available to get those players there you
15709s know realistically two of those players
15711s only need four points a piece we
15713s typically see our top six players
15716s getting four points minimum so it's
15718s going to be very easy for those two
15719s players to make it over that threshold
15721s and qualify and as long as one of the
15723s other two players there that are like
15726s 10ish points away have a decent pop off
15729s game they will also qualify and go over
15731s the threshold unfortunately somebody
15734s definitely not in that range is going to
15735s be drg Spong who came in today with the
15738s most reposed points from the regular
15740s season here in the bi-weekly actually
15742s very very strong player somebody we've
15744s sung the Praises of uh these last two
15746s bi-weeks because they have stopped
15748s looking to grief other players and have
15750s focused very much on their game of nraa
15753s and have been performing so well for it
15754s so kind of a shame to see them falling
15757s apart here today in the finals where it
15759s matters
15761s most yeah and Hope y we do get to see
15766s them bring the points where it matters
15767s most but it it it's you know it's it's
15770s really coming down to the mental right
15772s here and if Mike's able to pull it
15775s off he's going to do great he's on first
15778s round selection he's going to have the
15779s pick of the litter of Heroes he's got a
15781s good spot to do it right now especially
15783s on
15784s oloth or Morris
15787s Isle he is going to be doing himself a
15790s favor getting himself that first pick we
15793s did see earlier in his he went first
15795s pick he did not pick the meta hero I
15798s believe he went with the Tessa and he's
15799s going with
15800s AOS Mike you devious little guy man he's
15804s he's he's running with these these
15806s interesting picks right off the rip and
15808s frost of is still the pick is going to
15809s go on the kyin this is the game we want
15812s to see Frost ofis just start to go crazy
15814s here and uh four individual Heroes Have
15816s Been pick nobody banned out yet Fong
15818s going to go for the kyin spider still
15821s deciding Liam is going to be be picked
15823s out for him so kylin and Liam both
15824s banned out here as you do see his coach
15827s and that's that's who you were talking
15828s about earlier spider's coach letting him
15830s know what's up tt25 and verse both going
15834s for the Justina Justina getting banned
15836s out pretty quickly here interesting play
15839s to see that coming out from them and XY
15841s and Wang leang fifth round selection
15843s they're the next two to be locking in
15845s their Heroes we're going to see the tamy
15846s coming out from XY wangyang still to
15849s pick MVP of last game he's he's sitting
15852s pretty good but he does need a little
15854s bit more pep in his step if he wants to
15856s come away with a very crazy game and it
15859s looks like he's going to be going for
15860s the Z ping as well as star we're seeing
15863s two
15864s zings you know it it wasn't all that
15866s long ago where we used to see 16 zipping
15870s lobbies uh into Hollow Roth here so
15873s heading into Hollow Roth here not a
15875s surprise to see now that zipping slowly
15877s making her way back into the meta for a
15879s couple of these players to be picking
15880s her up as we had in game number five
15883s here and it promises to be a very very
15886s good game I'm very excited a hollow Ross
15889s super fun map lots of great hero
15892s selections here the double Justina a
15894s little uh off the beaten path there to
15897s be locked in that early on here but
15900s still love to see the
15902s justinas great map for it too as well
15904s you know there's a lot of different
15906s surfaces to scale rush off of a lot of
15908s ankle breaking that can happen on this
15909s particular map but there's also a lot of
15911s like super flat air areas and that's
15913s where Justina really plays very well if
15916s you're able to freeze somebody out there
15918s it is the perfect opportunity for you to
15920s be able to jump cancel that ultimate and
15921s follow it up with huge damage in those
15924s areas it makes it so easy for the
15927s Justina to maximize the efficiency of
15930s that ultimate especially while trying to
15932s give Chase in those areas people will be
15933s able to scale rush but as soon as they
15935s get that opportunity to get a straight
15937s line and get that Dash through somebody
15939s they can follow it up very quickly with
15941s some big damage Seb and look at this
15943s both justinas running V1 we've seen
15946s every other Justina running V2 we have
15948s the V1 ultimates coming out from both
15951s verse and tt25 both players who do need
15953s to put a lot of points up on the board
15954s so they're going to be trying to do some
15955s pretty devious tricks you know going
15957s with that uh the V1 TOs and you know
15960s verse Shines on the Justina we've seen
15962s it happen time and time again and uh you
15964s know hopefully I'm just I'm just really
15966s praying that uh Frost ofis and Fong are
15969s going to have some great games we have
15971s not seen very much coming out from them
15973s just yet and Mike first round selection
15975s pick an AOS I I don't understand it but
15980s uh you know hopefully he'll be able to
15981s pop off with some crazy action coming
15984s through down by salvation Podium we are
15986s going to see wolves te and ASC going for
15991s that puzzle and closer to plumed Castle
15994s we're going to be seeing wbg and jdg now
15997s by the Yon ruins and closer to Imperial
16000s Village we're going to get to see drg k
16003s Alliance ewg fun Plus Phoenix and a JL
16006s everybody going to be condensed into the
16008s gold Zone around the frozen lake around
16010s the uson ruins bong going to try and
16013s probably go for that portal in the back
16015s end try and get that Rage Cage give
16017s himself those fireflies right off the
16018s rip here as he's going to want to have
16020s his ultimate fast the kyin ultimate with
16022s some good loot could be the cause for a
16026s very very strong early game as we're
16028s kicking it off game number five Frost
16030s ofus blew all already in hand we're
16033s going to see them shooting out those uh
16036s little fireflies the uh the butterflies
16039s the ice butterflies so that nobody's
16040s going to be able to get Frozen giving
16042s themselves a little bit of an insurance
16043s option to get out of there asc's XY
16046s going to scale Rush up we are seeing
16047s wolves Wang leang in the back and it
16048s looks like he's going to try and give
16050s Chase over to plumed Castle Z saying
16052s Frost ofus now scaled up in loot does
16055s have the Bell hit he knows where these
16057s other players are Mike and verse close
16060s in proximity it looks like Mike going to
16062s go for the scale rush into lmb pryo
16064s trying to see if he can get something
16065s off with his F ability unable to connect
16067s off the F we do see the musket shot
16069s coming out F ability was invested for
16071s verse right now so he knows he's without
16073s F going to try and get pryo but he gets
16075s knocked away verse able to get back out
16077s of there we're going to see the overh
16078s hold coming through on the
16079s katana fre sword style skin coming out
16082s as well for verse very beautiful looking
16085s there he does get the stun through the
16086s wall here as we are going to see him
16087s come through as jl's AIS is well in the
16089s mix all of these players trying to make
16091s something happen right now now ug's Mike
16093s just giving full Chase on fpx verse and
16095s if he gets verse out early this could be
16097s very detrimental to his early game right
16099s now as all of these players very very
16101s close in contention for coming away with
16104s a beautiful point lead is now verse able
16107s to get himself a blue armor swap that
16109s was left there by Mike we're going to
16110s see the musket shots coming in off the
16111s F2 AIS trying to come through with a
16113s charge attack into the jump L andb verse
16116s now on the back and going to go back to
16117s that gray armor doesn't have full gray
16119s armor so he's just going to be able to
16120s pick it up try and see if he can get a
16122s scale Rush onto Mike doesn't connect
16124s ends up going into the uson ruins now as
16126s Frost is going to give Chase as well
16128s everybody joining into the usan ruins as
16131s verse trying to scale Rush away as fast
16133s as possible all of these players clam
16135s clamoring together for this elimination
16137s nobody wanting verse to get any kills
16140s off of Spawn here as he's just going to
16141s have to try and kite this out and kite
16142s away he's in a good spot to do it right
16144s now he's able to take another teleport
16146s if he really needs to it looks like he
16147s finds himself a blue armor swap putting
16149s himself in a bit of a better position
16150s getting himself a good little reset now
16152s Frost is going to try and come in with
16154s the scale Rush on the fist blades it
16155s looks like he has just backed off for
16156s the time being though bur up onto the
16158s top end now trying to see if he can get
16159s the kill onto J's AIS the one two coming
16161s out into the overh hold both of these
16163s hung sword players coming through trying
16165s to deal a lot of damage avoiding the F2
16167s by dropping down onto the other side
16169s here going to be able to kite this out
16171s and frost of is still trying to give
16174s Chase yeah Frosty here knows he needs to
16177s continue the tempo he had from the last
16179s game he wants to make something big
16181s happen here ewg's a here inside the no
16183s Zone going to pop the F here to break
16185s away still looking for some better armor
16187s going to be grappled out here by K's
16188s T225 T225 here only a couple of points
16192s away from that threshold but a massive
16194s par by arano turning things around here
16197s in this fight T225 with the purple Hong
16199s sword here with a huge uppercut onto
16201s orano with the follow up LM B charge
16203s there going to do a lot of damage orano
16205s investing the F to break away extremely
16208s fast here but ug's Mike on the hunt as
16210s well as aano finds the white armor swap
16211s going to come in looking for the kousol
16213s but T225 yet again with that lmb
16216s horizontal there off of the Hong sword
16217s here going to catch aano out but he
16219s finds another white armor swap Mike
16222s actually connects onto T225 through the
16225s building with that there not sure quite
16227s how that interaction works but Mike
16229s coming through here trying to clean it
16230s up onto aano with a hon sword of his own
16233s looking for the opportunity to take a
16234s reset but T225 right there in the wings
16237s trying to get some big damage out here
16238s on Mike Mike going to break away here
16240s take the portal up here just to get get
16242s away from it Mike with the armor swap he
16245s knew he had that armor waiting in the
16246s wings there Mike just doing Mike things
16248s T25 turning around with the Hong sword
16250s there doing quite a bit of damage you
16252s see the old invested there on the side
16254s of AOS T25 going to pop the ultimate as
16256s well use the dash just to get away knows
16259s that Mike was going to go for the
16260s aggressive re there he5 going to get
16262s away again and Mike with the MRE
16264s actually sends the ult out super
16266s unfortunate Mike no charges left here to
16269s take this fight on will catch the F
16271s though into the uppercut T225 Perry
16273s comes through the F being invested by
16275s T225 now trying to break away arono
16277s keeping the chase up here as we see Mike
16280s look to take the opportunity to go for a
16281s reset T225 goes for the scale Rush mik
16284s going to disappear through the portal
16285s here T225 on the back foot here zon is
16288s going to pop the ultimate tt25 really
16290s needs to break away from here but arano
16292s going to gatekeep him not allow him to
16295s get anywhere near those portals Rano
16297s playing that really smart going to end
16298s the old early going to get himself that
16300s Soul Bloom get some of that old charge
16302s back and set himself up to head towards
16305s these realm of GS getting ready to come
16306s through verse back to the soul alter TG
16309s do5 back to the soul alter XY only one
16312s elimination on the board Mike no
16314s eliminations on the board forced to take
16316s a reset kills gone to ewg's aono and
16319s jl's AIS as well as star nobody getting
16323s close to match point we're getting to
16325s see these other games I'm super excited
16327s to see this happening here as drg's Fong
16329s looks like he finally wants to start
16330s getting aggressive into these games
16332s right now trying to play his hard out
16334s unable to come away with any sort of
16335s elimination from that initial engage te
16338s star now picking up his two eliminations
16340s on the board for him here as he is
16342s leading the lobby in kills we do see no
16345s eliminations on the board for the
16346s majority of the lobby as we are going to
16347s take a look now arano fighting against
16349s ug's mik arano hungry for kills today he
16352s knows he's not going to make it up and
16355s win the games but he can at least get
16357s himself a little bit of a higher score
16358s no Al Zone was popped so it looks like
16360s he is going to back out spider with
16361s golden fist blades in
16363s hand Yang pass is going to get given to
16366s spider it looks like frost might just
16368s try and go for another Yang portal all
16371s of these portals are going to be pretty
16372s much covered though so we might get to
16374s take a look at the map Frost is going to
16375s be staying pretty close to the side
16376s looks like he might try and rotate out
16378s now as we do see spider going to be
16380s getting to hold that portal all to
16381s himself verse as well going to get
16384s himself a free portal as Mike AIS and
16386s xuang fighting it out for the portal
16389s closer to the side of the snow as we do
16390s see Circle one closing as we speak
16393s Circle 2 is going to be open in just a
16397s few seconds and these players who have
16399s the rebirths remaining like Mike are
16401s going to have no rebirths remaining
16403s anymore so if you die in the next couple
16405s of seconds it is going to be
16407s permanent XY here off the rebirth on the
16410s soul alter not a lot of gear to his name
16412s here still on that white armor looking
16415s to hustle through plume Castle here and
16417s find some scraps for himself we're going
16419s to see a lot of this already looted he
16421s will find a set of blue armor here just
16423s sitting on the box free upgrade for him
16426s here it's going to be nice as The Spirit
16428s Well gets ready to come through we're
16429s going to see XY here really want to try
16432s to fight out for this early Spirit Well
16434s to get himself some much needed upgrades
16436s but 's Mike showing up with the same
16438s game plan here looking to do the same XY
16442s not wanting to give it up though with
16443s the musket shots here we're playing an
16446s FPS game all of a sudden and Mike's
16447s winning XY forced to back away Mike
16450s getting a lot of charge here towards
16452s this the F going to be invested XY
16453s trying to come in and make something
16455s happen here onto Mike he's able to push
16457s him a little bit away here Mike going to
16459s lose most of that armor now looking for
16461s the reset will find a very quick white
16463s armor swap though wants to keep this
16465s contested and Mike's going to be the one
16467s who's able to come to get it but XY able
16469s to secure the armor here absolutely huge
16471s for
16472s him Mike going to be forced to burn the
16474s resources take the res we get ready to
16475s head into the realm of Yang it's going
16476s to be ewg's orano versus fun plus
16479s Phoenix's verse inside our first realm
16481s of Yang verse here with those fist
16482s blades trying to find some bow shots not
16484s quite able to get there the grapple is
16486s coming through and it's going to be
16488s verse who starts to take a little bit of
16489s damage there from those pistol shots
16491s after the grapple sends up pling arano
16493s on the bottom bur with a massive Parry
16495s though goes in now he's the one with the
16497s purple Hong sword in a really good
16499s situation here versus this other player
16502s now going to take a little bit of
16503s uppercut damage the F going to come in
16505s to secure himself from taking more
16507s damage there ewg Zano on the Clank
16509s another Clank followup verse deciding
16511s it's time to go invest the ultimate just
16512s looking for that opportunity just needs
16514s one good clean freeze here and the
16516s horizontal there on that purple Hong
16517s sword can end it up he misses out the
16518s opportunity the old going to be invested
16520s there on the side of hotti verse taking
16522s the opportunity to take a full reset
16523s misses yet another one needs to find a
16526s way to demme him here and get this
16527s freeze before he's able to get a full
16529s reset here verse though just waiting it
16532s out will take that fire tick damage
16534s coming in there from the hottie verse
16536s looking for the opportunity but the old
16538s going to end very soon misses out there
16540s on the dash yet again comes back in very
16542s quickly with the scale Rush from thean
16544s into the weapon swap here is able to get
16546s a little bit of damage there off the
16548s back of that lmbb but not a full bit of
16551s damage there Frost ofis going to pick up
16552s the elimination on K's T225 while we're
16555s watching this go down inside the realm
16558s of Yang here verse going to lose control
16560s of neutral there going to be forced to
16561s pop the F just to make something happen
16563s ewg zono with the F in the tank verse is
16565s going to have to find two controls of
16566s neutral to make it happen here arano
16568s gets griefed out there but refines
16570s control and very quickly picks up the
16573s elimination on to verse one plusus
16576s Phenix is verse going to be heading out
16577s there with the Yang depletion as we cut
16579s over to jl's AIS s and te
16582s star all of the good players are selling
16585s man nobody's coming away with the
16587s eliminations we do see it looks like
16588s spider might have uh lost himself uh
16592s those gold duel or gold fist blades that
16595s we saw earlier looks like tar oh no
16597s spider's got himself a pair of gold fist
16598s blades as well T star on the back end
16601s has that white Tiger's prowess that not
16604s 100% I believe he did pick himself up a
16608s um the white tiger prowess instead of
16610s the Vermilion bird might a little bit of
16611s a questionable play there but uh you
16613s know he's going to try and make
16614s something happen with it it looks like
16616s all of our players on the top are not
16618s succeeding right now AWG Zano the player
16620s that's coming out the most on top was
16622s able to take out fpx verse in that realm
16624s of Yang and is now using that Vermilion
16626s bird M fighting against jdg Chu Jang Chu
16628s Jang very very hungry for this kill here
16631s and it looks like going to be be
16632s swinging things back around trying to
16634s see if you can get an elimination off on
16635s aong unable to come away with that
16638s elimination or unable to connect with
16640s that hottie ultimate is able to get
16642s himself that purple armor that was on
16643s the ground swaps over to it frost is
16645s waiting in the wings as well he was able
16647s to get a kill onto K's tg2 5 so that is
16649s another one of our top players in
16651s contention for Match Point who has been
16652s dropped out and now Mike getting caught
16654s by the Wisps here and it looks like XY
16655s was unable to make anything happen with
16657s that as uh we are going to see XY Come
16659s Away with the elimination with the must
16662s get shot here so XY now on the top of
16664s the leaderboard 25.4 points it's up to
16667s XY to Come Away with this game and we've
16669s seen him go crazy on the temis he is
16671s very very good at catching players with
16674s the Wisp he's very good at turning these
16677s situations around in fights from one HP
16680s especially when he's got a long sword in
16681s his hands he does have those dual H
16683s Birds right now purple Rarity so they
16685s are going to be dealing a whole lot of
16687s damage and it looks like te star is
16689s going to go out to wbg spider as Spider
16691s pi up his second kill of the game and
16693s now 3 four and five in the standings
16696s Mike tt25 and star all eliminated
16698s already now verse trying to make
16700s something happen onto XY XY not wanting
16703s to get eliminated here as it looks like
16705s Frost ofis has gone down as well
16707s eliminated we do see him go completely
16711s down as xuang was able to pick up that
16713s elimination all of these players
16715s fighting it out to try and get on the
16717s match point and it looks like xy's
16719s chance might be taken away from him
16720s right here and there we we go verse
16722s trying to see if he can get the bloom
16724s but no wagle Yang manages to steal the
16726s bloom out from underneath him now verse
16728s needs to get himself another elimination
16730s ultimate burnt fighting against a Zing
16733s this is not the situation he wants to be
16735s in one elimination on the board Fong has
16737s also gone out spider just going crazy in
16740s the kill feed right now four
16741s eliminations on the board for him so far
16743s I believe and we do see ver trying to go
16746s for an armor swap it looks like he
16747s wasn't able to pick it up trying to see
16748s if he can take this fight
16750s against wolves Wang leang with only a
16753s minute and 28 seconds left on that Yang
16755s depletion he's in a lot of trouble Wang
16756s leang having a great game as well able
16758s to steal that bloom away from verse as
16761s he chases him down very very low in HP
16763s and the Parry is going to come through F
16764s ability actually able to save verse for
16766s a second there jumping lmb going to stun
16768s him too ewg's aano now jumping into the
16770s fight Wang leang picks up the
16771s elimination arano gets the soul Bloom as
16774s all of the top players in contention for
16777s Match Point are eliminated ladies and
16780s gentlemen oh my goodness you hate to see
16783s it ladies and gentlemen you only need
16785s four points on the board for multiple of
16788s these players and they're just not able
16789s to make anything happen Wang Yang here
16790s literally just
16792s griefing verse out of the lobby as well
16795s wbg spider picking up a ton of
16796s eliminations as we get ready head into
16798s against set of Realms Yang it's going to
16800s be aano versus wbg spider and spider o
16805s double legendary weapons in the back
16806s pocket here including a legendary set of
16810s fist blades here you also see the that
16811s he dropped an extra weapon behind the
16813s pillar there in preparation for looking
16815s for the Parry here onto AR so he's got
16817s that space just to immediately pick up
16819s the weapon there we go the Parry comes
16821s through he immediately picks up the set
16823s of Legendary Weapons there spider
16825s looking for that Parry so that he can
16827s take it away from him there arano going
16829s to take a lot of damage spider going to
16830s pop the ultimate here and arano going to
16832s have to be very careful here about how
16835s he plays this out Spider goes for it but
16836s is able to break through there cuz of
16838s the gold Focus Nano looking to set it up
16840s yet again spider playing safe here wants
16842s to hold that old charge for as long as
16844s possible able to duck underneath the
16848s fire Dash there able to avoid it yet
16851s again he does have one charge left he's
16853s going to go ahead and burn it here as he
16854s comes in with the legendary fist blades
16856s doing a lot of damage the ewg's arano
16859s orano looking for some heals there
16861s spider's going to come around the corner
16862s there will get a pot off spider able to
16865s get the reread Perry yet again he does
16867s it to aano twice there on the same
16870s pillar in the same way Tonto not happy
16873s about this sort of events he's one HP
16875s and a dream just trying to time it out
16877s now spider just needs to catch him and
16880s there it is wbg spider picks up another
16882s elimination as we head to our next realm
16884s of Yang Jail's AIS versus wolves wangang
16887s mental is back for spiders we are going
16889s to take a look at this fight first
16890s before we talk about that jl's AIS with
16893s gold fist blades in hand is going to be
16894s huge coming through wolves Wang leang
16896s needs to get this elimination to stay in
16898s the game is going to be in a very very
16900s tough spot here as jails AIS trying to
16902s make something happen on the scale rush
16904s we do see the Z ping F going to be
16906s invested here as we do see the overh
16907s hold coming through F ability invested
16909s from a here we're going to see bringing
16911s it back around getting the charge off
16912s and coming away with the elimination the
16914s 1.0 Dash from The Fist blades able to
16917s deal so much damage and Come Away with
16920s an elimination getting himself that gold
16921s armor white Tiger's prowess legendary
16923s long sword a lot of other good loot and
16926s goodies able to get himself back up to
16928s where he needs to be into this game as
16930s he picks up that white tigers prowess
16931s and exits the realm of Yang he is
16934s there's only four people left second
16936s Yang there's only sorry five people left
16938s two players with the Yang depletion
16940s we're going to have a three
16942s players with six minutes left in the
16944s game we'll have three players left as
16947s two of these players will either go out
16948s to Yang depletion or get themselves an
16950s elimination so the the only other
16953s scenario is we'll have four players
16954s because wangang oh it looks like he
16956s might just take himself out right oh
16959s just doing a little bit of shopping in
16960s the storm he's going to be able to get
16961s himself back here though and smoke him
16963s if you got him you got the dark tight
16965s coins you spend him ewg Zano though very
16967s quickly trying to rip through wangang
16971s here so he can go ahead and Cleanse This
16972s Yang depletion before any other players
16974s show up WS wangang going to invest the
16976s ultimate here arano has not missed a
16978s single beat here not missed a read on to
16981s wangang he wants to keep this game alive
16983s he said I haven't had a good game all
16985s day today I'm not going out now not to
16988s Yang depletion not like this able to get
16991s multiple hits here on to wangang wangang
16994s no ult available in the tank here a fire
16997s TI going to come down here on to our boy
16999s wangang as well looks for the
17001s opportunity yet again wolo trying to
17004s play Break the ankles here as he's just
17006s running around circles here in the
17008s building and arano not quite sure how to
17011s stop him from doing it as wolves Wang
17013s Lang finds most of a reset the bubble
17015s going to come through as well now and
17017s arano has to do it all over again with
17021s no ult available for him as wbg Spider
17024s also shows up looking to pick up some
17026s eliminations onto these players going
17027s for the carousel here onto wolves going
17029s to send him flying here with the
17032s legendary long sword the legendary Jade
17034s as well doing a ton of damage wolves
17036s nowhere near that ultimate right now the
17037s bubble not going to be back up for a hot
17039s second here we're going to see spider
17041s invest the ultimate but Jail's AIS will
17044s pick up the elimination spider forced to
17046s back away from that there as we do see
17049s uh our other player there a able to
17052s secure the soul Bloom which means we're
17054s going to have four players left
17055s remaining alive here with 9 minutes and
17057s 48
17058s seconds spider no ultimate though in a
17061s little bit of a vulnerable state and the
17062s question is will these players look to
17064s pressure onto spider and send him out of
17066s the lobby now that he doesn't have the
17068s ultimate spider on four AIS on three
17071s chujang and orano on two spider trying
17074s to catch out arano there the terrain
17076s going to grief him a little bit there
17077s orano looked like he hadn't fell yet but
17079s I do believe he actually had that's why
17081s the the followup hit there from spider
17083s to go for the carousel doesn't go
17085s through Rono dropped down to the bottom
17087s here trying to find a reset as all these
17089s players continue to give Chase spider
17091s not wanting to wait he says I want this
17093s Lobby to go ahead and end I want to go
17095s next spider on a
17097s 21.2 right now jdg is chujang coming in
17100s with the scale Rush coming in all four
17103s of these players just trading blows and
17105s playing a ring around the rosie right
17107s now trying to keep their game alive
17108s while also trying to secure those
17110s eliminations spider going to walk right
17112s in there to the R&B there from the Dual
17114s H going to use the F to break away now
17116s spider going to look for the opportunity
17118s to take a reset as he goes tops side AIS
17119s continuing to trade blows here with jdg
17121s changg Rano going to show up AIS going
17124s to take the opportunity to reset as it
17126s is third party central over and over
17128s here allowing these players so many
17130s resets as they continue to burn through
17132s resources jujang going to come tops side
17134s wait for that opportune moment the Ban's
17136s breath going to drop on all four players
17138s head as the action keeps going and white
17141s tiger prowess is going to be in our
17144s Circle for the spirit well so all of
17146s these players are going to be
17147s desperately trying to chase to grab that
17149s as we do see the Phoenix Blast coming up
17150s from that gold long sword just so much
17152s damage output coming from that charged
17154s R&B and lmb slashes that we're going to
17156s see spider trying to invest as we are
17158s going to see I don't believe spider is
17160s going to be able to come through with a
17163s A Match Point finish even if he gets all
17164s four eliminations or all three other
17166s eliminations with a first place finish
17168s uh we do see jdg Shu Jong with a cyan
17170s Fang Jade coming out there from the 123
17173s on the dual blades we saw earlier wbg
17176s spider still trying to make something
17177s happen ultimate online for him now is
17180s jl's AIS the one without the ultimate uh
17183s there two Liams two hotties so this is
17185s an interesting Circle huge Parry coming
17188s through able to come away but the will
17190s form Hook from arano is going to be our
17193s Saving Grace for AIS there as the punish
17196s damage does not come through from the
17197s gold long sword and spider is going to
17199s end up getting caught out in that
17200s backing off to go for a bit of a heal
17202s here as it looks like Chang going to
17204s take to the backs side of this fight
17206s going to try and go for a scale Rush
17207s ends up backing off nobody going for the
17210s spirit well right now as it looks like
17211s spider actually is going to be able to
17213s capture the spirit well almost
17214s completely free as H the one two coming
17217s through from AIS as we're going to see
17219s the overh hold coming through jumping in
17221s nobody able to Parry that as we are
17224s seeing the scale Rush coming in now from
17225s AIS spider getting hit with the scale
17227s Rush of his own and he need to go for a
17229s bit of a reset before re and engaging
17231s onto this fight everybody just scale
17233s rushing into this zone of the spirit
17236s well and it looks like arano going to
17237s try and capture this he's getting very
17239s close here as AIS going to try and bring
17240s it back into this game with the scale
17242s Rush going to be a big scale rush if
17244s he's able to capture this unable to
17246s connect with it spider bringing out the
17247s gold P sword to try and see if he can
17249s capture anything off of that huge Perry
17250s going to come in and now the F ability
17252s invested we do see arano missing the
17255s will for hook here as we do see now he
17257s is going to try and capture that by
17259s investing his ultimate to try and get
17261s these other players to back off and it
17262s looks like he might actually get this
17263s here pretty quickly we are going to see
17266s him getting very close to capturing it
17267s CH Jang just trying to hold the zone as
17269s long as possible so that he burns the
17271s ultimate without getting it and now
17272s Shang going to invest the ultimate all
17274s of these players full going into their
17276s alts to try and come away with it Nano
17278s is going to be able to come away with it
17280s able to get his ultimate back it was a
17281s very risky move to make but he was able
17283s to get the play here switching over to
17284s that gold armor now very very good
17286s positioning for him right now everybody
17289s very close in kills so this is anybody's
17290s game now nobody's completely ran away
17292s with it in the standings and we're going
17295s to take a look spider trying to make
17296s something happen onto orano Rano just
17298s going to go for a little bit of a
17299s replacement on his dual hirts
17301s replenishing those to get back to full
17303s durability and everybody just kiing out
17305s no as the second someone gets low
17307s they're able to find a way out of the
17309s fight and reset as they have their other
17311s teammate it's teammate's a strong word
17314s Ally is what we should use as they are
17317s two hotties and two Liams so they're
17319s they're going to try and keep each other
17320s alive and try go for the One V
17322s one yeah very very interesting game I
17325s don't think we're going to see a lot of
17327s crazy fights break out into final Circle
17329s this is going to go all the way
17330s unfortunately as these four players back
17333s away here this last Ban's breath really
17336s going to deter them from looking to
17338s fight here like you said because it is 2
17340s and two we're not going to see a lot of
17342s it unless CH Jang all of a sudden gets
17344s caught out here things could change very
17346s drastically there but jujang looking to
17347s break away maybe try to find the other
17350s Liam here on unfortunately he's nowhere
17352s to be seen as both Rono and AIS just
17356s coming in heavy here pumping the damage
17358s out here onto jdg Chu Jang Chu Jang
17360s trying to break away get a reset here
17362s the other Liam will show up to cause
17365s some problems here spider doing a little
17368s bit of damage here with that legendary
17369s long sword trying to give Chase here to
17372s ewg's arano orano now on the back foot
17375s here might be forced to burn the
17376s ultimate here as soon as Spider keeps
17377s the pressure up the scale Rush coming in
17379s down below nobody really able to find
17381s the follow-up connection though spider
17383s missing that jumping R&B unfortunately
17386s keeping it up and it looks like
17388s everybody will be taking another full
17390s reset here as we wait yet again for zone
17393s 5 to collapse onto zone six here this
17396s will likely go all the way to the end
17398s ewg's orano coming around the side
17401s trying to trade some blows here not
17402s going to find much of anything around
17404s the front misses the R&B there off of
17406s the Dual hi will come through gets a
17409s little bit of a connection there and a
17410s little bit of connection on to him with
17411s some scale Rush damage as well forced to
17413s burn the F will walk into the Cav Bloom
17415s Chu Jang going to get a lot of damage
17417s there with the Cav Bloom back into the
17418s Zone yet again Arana will find himself
17420s being forced to burn ultimate here and
17422s not going to be in a good place will
17424s turn back in there onto that c Blom to
17426s try to get some damage in here spider
17428s capitalizing now both hotties going to
17431s be forced to burn their ultimates here
17433s and this is a bad position to be in if
17435s you're a Rano and AIS as soon as those
17438s ultimates go down these two Liams are
17440s going to look to come in and capitalize
17442s and sure enough we're going to see ult
17443s being invested on the side of the Liams
17446s as well arano on the top side taking
17448s some big scale Rush damage trying to
17450s come back down and look for the reset is
17453s able to get a pot off CH Jang going a
17455s step away forced to stand in his
17456s ultimate here and now both sides without
17458s ultimates except for wbg spider who
17460s actually still has that ultimate
17462s unfortunately Rono and AIS will find
17464s full resets yet again as we continue to
17467s play Ring Around the Rosie here with
17470s this building no real way for these
17472s players to clutch this out even though
17474s both hotties are without ultimates right
17475s now Chu Jang needs to come inside help
17478s spider make a play here where this is
17480s just going to go all the way to the end
17482s huge damage coming through all of a
17483s sudden Rono disappears in the Mayhem and
17487s now it is just AIS versus wbg spider our
17491s boy jg's chujang aano all of a sudden
17496s disappears in the blink of an eye and
17500s the kill ended up going to AIS so is
17502s little partnering crime there you can
17504s see how quickly those alliances end when
17506s it comes to one HP and a dream AIS said
17508s you know what I can't peel for you any
17510s longer I'm sending this blue your way
17512s you're going to die if anybody's going
17513s to get the kill on the guy that I've
17515s been peeling for for the past five
17516s minutes it's going to be me so he picks
17519s up the elimination we're going to see
17520s all of them ganging up onto AIS right
17522s now it's going to be the 2V1 scenario
17524s sort of and then the 1 V one spider and
17528s xuang are going to be ending up fighting
17530s this out we're seeing the Phoenix blast
17531s come out spider going to try and get a
17533s connect off of that the minute he gets
17534s the connect off the Phoenix blast is
17535s that's when it comes through and then we
17537s see the Cavalry Bloom coming in from the
17540s wild as well the one two from the fan
17541s going to come through but a huge Parry
17543s comes out and it looks like the F
17544s ability invested so that Shu Jang
17546s doesn't get the brunt of that damage
17547s we're going to see him go for the Parry
17548s coming through but the fan is going to
17550s get released and Come Away with a lot of
17552s damage with the caval reom coming out F
17553s ability invested we're going to see the
17555s ultimate now invested wbg spider has the
17557s upper hand in this fight the only person
17559s with ultimate going to try and clip AIS
17561s doesn't clip it but gets the elimination
17562s flips over to the pistol and now we're
17564s seeing spider all he needs to do is come
17567s away with this kill no ultimate
17568s available but he's able to get him into
17570s the sky into the Phoenix blast and then
17571s there you go six eliminations and a
17573s first place finish spider on top very
17576s close to match point and there we go his
17578s mental is back he's set up and he's
17581s ready to go in third place I believe
17583s going to have himself a very good shot
17585s at match point for next game look this
17588s is exactly what I talked about right it
17589s was wbg spider needed to bounce back
17591s with J games three and four if he was
17593s going to do it he had a good game three
17595s he's sitting much better his mental you
17598s can see it on his face he's feeling
17600s himself right now wbg spider this could
17603s be what he needs to come back out and
17605s clutch out this bi-weekly
17608s final man it's perfect like we saw
17610s spider down all day we were like oh my
17612s goodness he's hitting 10th and 11th
17614s Place this is not where we want to see
17615s spider but the consistency and he's able
17618s to bring himself back his mental is
17619s looking stronger than ever and
17623s absolutely beautiful plays coming
17625s through able to pick up two of the three
17628s eliminations in that final Circle and
17629s look at Mike and look at star everybody
17632s just congratulating spider going hey
17635s look at you cheeky little bugger you
17637s know that was it was some pretty
17639s creative plays you made happen you know
17641s we're not going to try and give it to
17642s you cuz you know obvious they don't want
17644s spider I mean spider's winning all the
17647s time so they they like they they want to
17649s try and you know Steer clear okay
17651s spider's winning the finals spider's
17652s going to win the finals SPID they've
17654s heard it a million times they want us to
17656s clear that but you know you've got to
17658s applaud greatness when you see it that
17660s was a beautiful game played beautiful
17662s assist from JD Jong to be able to make
17664s that come through as well and then just
17666s being the only one with ultimate at the
17668s end there as soon as all three of those
17669s players burn their alts and spider was
17670s just like I'm holding on to mine you
17672s know what you know what I'm not going to
17673s burn my ALT you guys can have fun trying
17675s to make them plays with your alburg um
17678s yeah really smart the Phoenix blast
17679s really helping him out a lot there too
17681s if it wasn't for that I think aano
17683s survives those two hotties probably are
17685s just able to get their SS back online at
17687s that point as well and then it really
17689s just comes down to a kind of nightmare
17692s scenario in the end there but you know
17694s it's not a nightmare walking away with a
17697s summer split gift box here so we get an
17699s answer for Treasure here for you guys
17701s how many players chose to Mulk in game
17703s number five is it A1 B2 C3 or D number
17706s four make sure you go ahead and get your
17707s answers locked in for a chance to walk
17710s away with one of the those summer split
17712s random gift boxes you don't want to miss
17714s out on all of those goodies again season
17716s coming to an end very shortly this going
17719s to be your last chance to get some of
17720s these so you don't want to miss out on
17722s any opportunity to try to get your hands
17724s on one uh just like wbg spider is not
17727s missing out on an opportunity to try to
17728s walk away with this bi-weekly final see
17731s I I want a gift box man I when do the
17735s casters get their gift box you know I I
17738s was able to win one in one of the first
17739s couple of seasons been trying ever since
17741s and I haven't been able to do it so uh
17744s you know hopefully I'll be able to win
17745s this one out here I'm going to drop my
17747s my guess in the chat just as many as you
17751s do so um Everybody try and get your
17754s answers in but I have a little bit of an
17756s advantage I'm I'm a bit ahead of you
17758s guys so um we're going to get to see
17760s what happens anyways ladies and
17762s gentlemen we're jumping into game six
17764s after this game seven has been confirmed
17767s I don't know what it is uh they've made
17770s it so ult for players to know who
17772s they're fighting right the only way
17774s you're able to do it is if you're good
17775s at memorizing these other players play
17777s Styles and they're still managing to
17780s take out all of the top players look at
17782s this Mike fun tt25 verse and XY all on
17786s the bottom of the scoreboard here as wbg
17788s Spider picks up a beautiful game with a
17790s 10.2 game score second place is going to
17792s be half of that AIS with a 5.5 Chi Jong
17796s with the four arono with a 3.5 star with
17799s three in fifth place XY with a 2.5 and
17801s sixth wolves wangang and fun plus Fenix
17804s verse with two kills in seventh and
17806s eighth Ninth Place is going to go to
17807s Frost with a 1.5 tt25 going to be one
17810s Fong with 0.5 Fong is just having a
17813s terrible day I'm I'm it's very
17814s unfortunate to see it happen especially
17816s in the finals you know he could have had
17818s this in day one by weekly 4 he decided
17821s to pop off in day one and two and now he
17824s is not performing very well Mike with a
17826s donut on the day as well unfortunate to
17828s see him lose out on scoring these points
17831s to get him into the match point and now
17834s so many more players are in contention
17835s we're going to take a look at these
17836s overall standings now as we're going to
17838s see spider has jumped way up Frost ofis
17840s now down to 10th place at 16.1 te star
17844s at 20.2 wangang with 19.6 AIS with 18.1
17848s Fong with 14.8 and Orono with 14.2 and
17852s now Frost or sorry a spider jumped from
17855s like 10th place all the way up to second
17858s with one game 25 .9 he's actually tied
17861s with XY for second place with 25.9 26.7
17866s verse
17868s needs a two-point game less than he
17870s needs 1.3 points to get match point so
17874s hopefully he'll be able to do it spider
17876s needs just he needs like 2.1 same with
17880s XY they're so close if if no players
17883s manage to get onto match point for game
17885s number seven I I I don't know what I'm
17887s going to do with myself man
17890s look uh We've I can't remember the last
17893s time we went to eight games in solos
17895s solos very rarely uh does this happened
17899s so you know we are confirmed game seven
17901s not confirmed game eight just yet um
17903s there should definitely be a couple
17905s players on to match point in this next
17907s game I mean very very crazy to watch
17910s like everybody in the top standings to
17912s just like be eliminated back to back to
17915s back to back this game uh speaking of
17917s watching that happen we're going to take
17919s a look here at the replays here brought
17921s to you by Thunderbolt jg's CH Jang
17923s getting picked up early by te star ewg's
17925s Zano cleaning up T225 early here as well
17929s look at T25 he's just like man come on
17932s as we pop over wbgs spider inside the
17935s realm of Yang versus wb's Fong and just
17938s cleans him up off of that Barry with the
17940s double jumping lbs here off of the
17942s legendary pistoles Fong taking a lot of
17945s damage here forced to pop the ultimate
17947s going to find a little bit of a hit
17948s there but again Liam just Returns the
17950s favor and sends him back out there with
17952s the Ang depletion over to frost ofis
17954s here who eliminates T225 from The Game
17958s XY here we also see Mike going out early
17961s not happy about that performance at all
17965s over to fun Phoenix's ver here who was
17967s able to get the elimination there onto
17969s XY but not able to secure the soul Bloom
17972s for himself and that costing him the
17975s game there as wangang just griefs him
17977s the rest of the way out's AIS and then
17979s in the end here spider there with the
17980s Phoenix Blast coming in and then it
17982s trades the end of this fight here on to
17985s Chu Jang Chu Jang no place to go gets
17987s picked up Ariel into the Phoenix blast
17990s as Spider picks up his six elimination
17992s first place finish and the MVP there for
17995s game number five it's going to be a Liam
17998s [Music]
18000s MVP taking a look at the Liam MVP board
18003s six
18004s eliminations seven parries 29,000 damage
18008s Fenix blast and burst arrow in hand long
18010s sword doing most of the damage fist
18011s blades coming in a close second full
18013s sword with, 1500 damage and we've got
18016s slow shot Sunwing shot fire arrow Target
18019s lock and the Damage reduction Jade's
18020s coming in for an added bonus of his
18024s stats yeah what a game for wbg Spider
18028s his 11th MVP of the season this is the
18031s spider we know and love and man you know
18033s we we talked about it all day today how
18035s bad spider can let his mental get a hold
18038s of him what have we seen we have seen a
18040s exactly what he has said time and time
18042s again you know we talked back to that
18043s interview at Worlds where he said he
18045s really owes it to his coach when he's
18047s able to bounce back from those bad games
18049s where he starts to have the bad mental
18051s and what do we see every time we cut to
18052s wbg spider today but his coach right
18055s there coaching him through it patting
18057s him on the back going hey you've got
18058s this you can do this he comes back game
18062s from 3 to 4 is our longest break it's
18064s the longest opportunity for spider to
18066s reset his mental he needed to have a
18068s good game in game four what does he do
18070s comes in has a really good game for you
18072s you can see the smile on his face and he
18074s brings it into game number five and
18076s comes out on top you love to see it but
18079s before we come back for game number six
18080s we're going to take a short break don't
18081s go anywhere you're not going to want to
18082s miss out on all this action
18086s [Music]
18102s h
18110s [Music]
18153s [Music]
18161s [Applause]
18163s [Music]
18167s w
18169s [Music]
18178s [Music]
18203s oh
18207s [Music]
18216s [Music]
18230s [Music]
18231s [Applause]
18241s what
18264s you thought it was over no no no welcome
18268s back to the ladies ladies and gentlemen
18270s welcome back to the nraa playpoint pro
18272s league I'm your host decter Seb we are
18274s far from over because our top players
18277s our top scoring players they seem to
18279s just not want to cross that match point
18281s threshold everybody just staying a few
18283s points away so we're going to be jumping
18285s into game number six with a confirmed
18288s game seven and a possible game number
18290s eight hopefully we will be seeing
18295s this come into final fruition we've
18298s still got chances for lots of these
18299s players it is it is still almost
18302s anyone's game arano starting to show up
18304s at game number five players are starting
18306s to come through from the bottom of the
18308s leaderboard and really show up and I
18310s don't know why they wait till the very
18311s end to do it because you know they they
18313s they let these people get a lead and
18315s then they're like okay at the very end
18316s and we play this out every single
18319s time I I don't think I don't think
18321s there's letting anybody do anything in
18323s the N I know yeah you're you're talking
18326s about playing into the greatest players
18328s to ever play the game so ain't nobody
18329s letting anybody do anything uh it just
18333s it's the nature of the Beast every once
18334s in a while every once in a blue moon we
18336s get a we get a solos finals like this
18339s where everybody is just so hungry and
18343s you what happens is like everybody kind
18345s of gets a little bit of an opportunity
18347s to shine and because of that the points
18349s get split out you all we also had two
18351s games today where like the top end tied
18353s and they weren't able to get that kill
18355s multiplier missing out on that kill
18357s multiplier also reduces the total number
18359s of points across lobbies as well so you
18362s that's how you end up in these
18364s situations where here we are heading
18366s into game six nobody's on Match Point
18369s yet and there so many people just like
18371s right there on the cusp of it they're
18373s just touching the edge of it uh and it's
18376s there's no way after this game that we
18380s don't have somebody on Match Point at
18382s least a singular player time will tell
18385s if that means if we go to game number
18386s eight where it ends in game number seven
18388s um but I just don't see any Universe
18391s where that's not possible I mean two
18394s like somebody needs what 1.9 points like
18397s the the odds of those two players not
18400s being Across the Threshold is crazy
18403s here's what's going to happen Okay the
18405s top six players are going to get don't
18407s you wish this on us Seb you you you no
18410s absolutely
18411s not you you will not bring that into
18415s fruition we will not cast a curse these
18417s boys sitting at the top of the
18419s leaderboard right now who've been
18420s working so hard all day I will not allow
18424s it you're going to get zero points not
18427s on my broadcast Z okay okay okay yeah
18432s let's agree to share the broadcast and
18434s then and then we will we'll we'll decide
18436s what's going to be happening but we're
18438s going to take a look at who's going to
18439s be picking their Heroes first it's going
18440s to be T225 and verse going first last
18443s will be XY and wayang yangang frost is
18445s going to be on that third round spider
18447s and fun second Mike and AIS fourth and
18450s fifth will be star and arono and uh and
18454s we saw the kyin game coming up from
18455s frost it wasn't the strongest game he's
18457s had so far so hopefully we'll get to see
18459s a little bit more Act
18460s coming through from our boy Frost ofis
18462s is uh up first verse and
18468s tt25 TD5 going to be locking in the Liam
18471s and verse going to be locking in the AOS
18473s first pick AOS is the second time we've
18475s seen that today and I believe just
18477s because this is our sixth game so seven
18479s and eight these players are going to
18481s want to save their their match point
18483s especially with verse being so close to
18485s it they want to want to save the match
18487s point for their strongest hero Fong
18489s opting to go for his kylin pick spider
18492s going to be rocking the
18494s hottie he's sit back and relax he's kick
18496s back and ready to go for this here Chang
18499s on the Justina Frost ofis what are you
18501s going to play nobody's banned out you
18504s have free pick of whoever you want you
18506s could burn a double pick on six but that
18509s means you have to play seven and eight
18511s different vda going to be coming out for
18513s our boy Frost Vis here very very
18515s interesting play to see if that's going
18517s to work as AIS also going to be rocking
18519s the VA having two vdas in the lobby
18521s isn't that crazy the first hero to get
18522s banned out is vda and then kylin shortly
18525s after but vda going to get banned out
18527s Justina going to be our second player
18529s band out Liam still available very
18532s interesting as uh lots of these players
18534s have already burned their picks so they
18536s they aren't able to pick it even though
18538s it is available star still debating on
18541s who to go with it looks like the aost is
18543s going to come up for Star AOS being the
18545s next hero banned out AOS Justina and vda
18547s are all banned that is the weirdest
18550s thing here as we go into the last round
18553s selection XY going to be going for the
18556s Tessa and Tessa getting banned out what
18559s is this ban what are these bands kylin
18561s is the only metah hero ban right now
18563s they had the chance to pick Liam and
18566s hottie my goodness you know we go to G
18569s you know if we go to game number eight
18571s we might get to see
18572s Taro oo faster oo speaking which this is
18578s game number six that we're walking in
18580s here for ladies and gentlemen we just
18582s seen our hero picks taking a look across
18585s the board here so many players extremely
18590s close to that threshold time to tell if
18593s we actually do get a player who goes
18595s Across the Threshold as we head into
18596s game number seven taking a look at all
18599s of her abilities here Frost ofis with
18601s the F2 V2 on to vda as well as J's a
18605s also on the F2
18607s V2 we're going to see spider here on on
18609s the hottie with the F2 V2 let's see if
18612s there's a V1 variation no the only
18614s hottie is going to be spider I apologize
18617s um uh I don't I think we saw a V1
18619s variation earlier today but you don't
18621s typically see it especially not into
18623s these lobbies deg Fong on his second uh
18626s kylin pick for the day which means he's
18629s going to have to play a different hero
18630s every single game going forward from
18632s here look at Chu Jang look at his F he's
18636s going to be rocking that f11 on the
18639s Justina I love to see it it is the
18641s optimal f i I have to say getting Shield
18644s back is great especially if you're as
18647s good of a neutral player as some of
18649s these guys
18652s are having a no combo break
18655s f it is dangerous in situations but if
18658s you're able to just Dash an f and get
18660s that freeze the amount of time that
18662s you're able to just take a second relax
18664s gain your stamina back gain your Shield
18667s back I believe it is the optimal f for
18669s this situation here and hopefully it'll
18671s be able to come into fruition as drg's
18674s fun has made happen a lot of times
18675s before as we're seeing most of these
18677s players are stacked in a line throughout
18678s the middle of the map closer to the
18680s Eastern side of these gold zones are
18682s going to be covered by the likes of
18683s Alliance and ug on the other side closer
18686s to that Northern North Middle side of
18689s the map like directly north just below
18693s the uh Castle we are going to see a
18697s couple of these players right by even TI
18699s Temple as we do see K and arano going
18704s for these fireflies here it looks like
18705s tt25 was able to get himself his
18707s ultimate first it looks like arano
18709s unable to get his full alt we're going
18711s to see it go off as he gets the other
18713s blo oh my goodness he grabs the
18716s fireflies again the one two coming in
18717s for frost going to get parried out here
18719s F going to get invested now trying to
18721s ring this back around has the dual
18723s blades out first is going to get another
18725s huge Parry off Frost of is not having a
18727s great start to the game here another
18728s huge Parry going to come but allowing
18730s Frost to escape here as verse is going
18732s to try and keep giving Chase here you're
18734s going to see the gold or the focus scale
18736s Rush going to come through but Frost
18737s going to get eliminated Mike coming away
18738s with the elimination now verse trying to
18740s make something happen but is going to
18741s get hit with the jump lmb jump lmb and
18743s Mike coming away with two eliminations
18745s right off the rip onto Frost ofus and
18747s verse verse in a very tough spot already
18750s going out with zero eliminations on the
18752s board ewg's Zano trying to make
18754s something happen on to K's tt25 tt25 a
18757s player who is in contention for match
18758s point arano going to try and get the
18760s freeze off has another one available is
18762s going to be able to get himself
18764s another Firefly to give himself an extra
18767s couple of dashes here as we are going to
18768s see the full charge coming through into
18770s the F ability from K c225 we bring it
18773s back around 55% on the AL for R right
18775s now is going to try and go for a bit of
18776s a heal goes for the overh hold the CL is
18778s going to come out k25 very very low and
18780s it's anyone's game whoever hits this
18782s first is going to be able to come away
18784s with it they are going to have them go
18786s for some pots and it looks like Aran was
18788s able to get an armor swap off really
18789s quickly and prevents the kill and aono
18792s picks up the elimination on a tt25 and
18795s Mike is the only player in the top right
18796s now who has been able to come away with
18798s any sort of elimination spider trying to
18801s make something happen on a te star star
18803s 20.2 points spider very very close to
18805s being able to get that match point but
18806s he needs to pick up this off spawn kill
18809s very very few of these uh top players
18811s have been able to make anything happen
18813s off spawn and spider needs to make
18817s something happen here no ultimate
18818s available for Star though star in a very
18820s tough spot and it looks like he could be
18822s it for him really quickly here trying to
18823s go for the followup one too the burn
18825s damage could be it for him as he does
18826s get that last slash in Star One HP a
18829s dream right now is going to be able to
18830s cut this out for a little bit longer but
18831s spider able to pick himself up in
18833s elimination putting him on the very top
18835s of the leaderboard at 26.9 he's 1.1
18839s points away from coming away with any
18842s sort of match point so it it is going to
18844s be very close but we're probably going
18845s to see spider coming on a match point JD
18847s Chong going to invest that UL Fong only
18850s on 50% these Firefly games these alss
18852s coming out super fast Fong is going to
18854s get caught the followup coming through
18855s and XU Jang picking up the elimination
18857s drg F going to get sent back to the soul
18860s alter with only one
18862s elimination as we head in here we are 30
18865s seconds before Zone one even collapses
18867s and we have seen so many eliminations
18870s coming through already we're going to
18872s cut on over to wbg spider and asc's XY
18875s spider hungry to keep the pressure up
18878s here going to come in here here with the
18879s dual blades catch some clean hits there
18881s XY gets a single hit there off of the P
18884s sword but spider will find it again the
18886s F being invested on the side of XY
18888s spider going to miss time a Parry here
18890s as both of them are going to see their
18891s armor stripped here XY trying to break
18894s away here looks for the scale Rush
18896s spider waits for the cancel there and
18897s follows up with some big damage the old
18899s going to come in spider able to just tap
18901s Dodge away with the eye frames and pick
18903s up another elimination is now literally
18906s .1 points away from breaking Across the
18910s Threshold as we pop over to wolves
18913s wangang versus alliance's Frost ofus
18916s Frost is going to invest the F
18917s immediately wangang taking a lot of
18919s damage here trying to break away as
18922s Frost keeps the pressure up here wangang
18924s looking for that armor swap potentially
18926s on the inside he's not going to find one
18928s here as he continues to break across
18930s tier looking everywhere there could
18932s potentially be one for but Frost comes
18935s in huge Parry for the cleanup and will
18937s pick up his first elimination of the
18939s game as we head over to fun plus fenix's
18941s verse versus ug's Mike two of her top
18943s contenders here trading blows with one
18946s another verse here no Resurrection
18948s available for himself as he's trying to
18950s trade blows here with Mike and to pop
18952s the ultimate will miss the V activation
18954s here but ug's Mike not going to miss any
18957s of his dashes coming through getting
18959s some big damage here on diverse and
18961s verse knows he needs to break away will
18962s find an armor swap here and is trying to
18965s play this out nice and slow trying to
18968s hold on to that last leap for as long as
18970s possible tries to turn it back around
18972s Mis reads Mike's aggressiveness there
18974s will miss out on it so both of these
18976s players going to lose their old but
18977s neither of them going to be low enough
18980s to chase down for an elimination here so
18981s Mike's going to take the opportunity to
18983s I do believe pop tuna here get a little
18986s bit of healing back he's going to see XY
18987s in the background Mike two eliminations
18990s to his name he needs to secure himself
18992s six more points this game or 5.4 more
18996s points if he wants to break that
18998s threshold wbg spider keeping me oh my
19000s goodness
19002s spider spider my boy this is twice
19006s you've done this
19007s now you've done this twice I I don't
19011s know his mindset this is going to be a
19013s huge hit to his mental here just the
19014s fact that he hit it even though he made
19016s it out alive this could ruin his whole
19018s game I the the way that spider mental is
19021s into these games this could ruin the
19023s entire momentum that he's gained into
19025s this fight as he does get hit he does
19027s see another fire cage just the PG SD
19029s reminder there is just watch him scale
19031s rush into this one as well scale rushes
19033s does not get the burn I do not believe
19036s he did get hit with the burn damage
19038s there uh but it it was it was very close
19040s he does manage to get himself that Yang
19042s pass though so uh jdg CH Jang trying to
19044s contest him for it as we do see the
19045s overh hold coming through into the one
19046s two as we do see them both going for the
19048s parri the one two coming up from spider
19049s able to connect into the overh hold jdg
19051s CH Jang now on the back foot going to
19053s pop that F1 and look at that he's able
19054s to get his shield back going for a bit
19055s of a reset spider as well going to take
19057s himself a reset as uh 34 seconds left
19060s before this Yang portal decides to open
19063s its doors for the contestants to enter
19065s and go for a huge fight but spider right
19069s now having a little bit of PTSD from the
19072s Flaming cages got hit once he's going to
19075s try and keep us cool revives are now
19077s down spider in the best position right
19079s now two eliminations on the board 0.1
19081s points away from succeeding all he needs
19083s is one more kill or he needs to hold off
19085s and place at very very close to coming
19088s away with a very High placement as you
19090s do see I believe this is his kylin game
19092s though he he is playing the kylin or
19094s he's playing hottie he's playing hottie
19096s so you know he's not getting K he's not
19098s playing kylin so I don't know if he's
19101s got another chance to play kylin for his
19103s match point game but that's probably the
19105s situation that he's going to try and put
19107s himself in for game number seven we are
19109s getting ready to head into these Realms
19111s of Yang is going to be drg versus ewg
19113s and alliance's frost ofus versus J's AIS
19116s and here we go it's going to be wbg
19118s spider versus K's
19121s T225 and this the classic match up again
19124s the last time we saw this spider was
19127s just able to get into T225 head make him
19129s afraid to throw the blues after Double
19131s paing legendary weapons out of his hand
19134s and come out on top so will T225 be able
19138s to come out of this with a better game
19141s here he's going to get parried again but
19142s he's on Liam this time so he's got the F
19144s comes in gets the Parry here on to
19146s spider takes his fan away from him gets
19149s the followup damage here at T225 not
19151s afraid to throw those blues or those
19153s paries as he starts to clean clock here
19155s on wbg spider spider though going to
19157s catch him out there with the grapple re
19158s extension into the wall and oh my
19160s goodness tt25 just
19162s disappears spider onto the hotti old
19165s here now giving Chase here T225 is going
19167s to have to play this out perfectly if he
19169s wants to make a comeback here he looked
19171s like he was doing really well and then
19173s spider finds one intro into the fight
19175s and completely flips the script there we
19177s go tt25 able to break away here but
19179s spider still with plenty of time left on
19181s the old here is able to come through
19183s doesn't look like he's able to get the
19184s burn tick in T225 needs to take control
19187s of this neutral get some big damage out
19189s he's able to get a pot off spider going
19191s to cancel one there looking to make
19192s something happen goes in there we're
19194s going to see him come down with the
19195s scale rush into the Clank spider trying
19197s to break away here looking for the scale
19199s Rush down onto T225 waits for it is able
19202s to come down gets a little bit of damage
19203s T225 though holding on goes into the
19206s overh hold spider takes so much damage
19208s this is going to be it
19210s T225 is able to come out on
19214s top spider's going to be one point away
19217s from coming away with the m with the
19220s match point oh my goodness the juggle
19222s downhill from fun plus fenix's verse on
19225s the jdg chuang hitting him with a
19227s jumping R&B to be able to finish off a
19229s lot of that damage and the tooth picking
19232s from plus Fenix is verse down the hill
19235s putting him onto 28 points or 20 he's on
19240s 27.7 he is so close 27.9 spider needs an
19245s elimination and a soul Bloom Kira's Yang
19247s depletion this is going to be a
19249s difficult task for him here Frost and
19250s arano as well both on Yang depletion see
19252s jl's AIS who does have Vermilion bird m
19255s going to be facing off against Frost
19256s ofis here purple armor in hand tries to
19258s go for the Parry overh hold is going to
19260s connect as Frost ofis able to get the
19262s damage output on to AIS with the purple
19265s fan in hand is going to try and go for
19267s it again AIS doing a great job of kiting
19268s here the one two going to come out able
19270s to hit the one two the second time into
19272s the overh into another overh hold into a
19275s third overh but the ultimate is going to
19276s get invested now both of these players
19278s on the vda so this is going to be an
19280s interesting one to see how these Spears
19281s are going to get thrown tries to go for
19282s the pa the overh hold is going to come
19283s out here ultimate coming up from frost
19285s ofus now going to be able to dodge that
19287s out both of these players doing a great
19288s job of cutting each other's ultimates
19290s out but very low HP AIS going to be in a
19293s lot of trouble holds it out and there we
19295s go Frost of is extremely close to being
19297s able to come away with this elimination
19299s here he's got one spear left he's going
19300s to try and throw it does not catch AIS
19302s but AIS now forced to try and kite this
19304s out both have abilities available goes
19306s over to the long sword able to get the
19308s elimination and frost of is back into
19309s the game AI Senter to the soul alter
19312s with his Vermilion bird might Frost is
19314s switching over to that purple long sword
19315s just in time drg's fun now taking a lot
19318s of damage fun plus Fenix vers just ready
19320s for this fight and he comes away with
19321s the kill and 28 points two players now
19324s have passed the match point threshold we
19325s do see verse and spider both on 20 28
19329s plus points XY and K are going to be the
19331s next two players to do
19333s it yeah verse here super happy about
19335s this Cent spider though still needing to
19337s get himself a soul Bloom to keep this
19339s particular game alive K is T225 on the
19342s receiving end of some pain here from
19344s verse verse popping the F here trying to
19347s step away wants to get away from that
19349s dagger huge scale Rush of the K T225
19352s with the followup there onto the long
19353s sword
19354s T225 risking it all here wants nothing
19357s to do with the followup but he does
19359s still have that rilion bird Smite so
19360s even if he gets eliminated here he's not
19362s out of the lobby just yet the old going
19364s to be coming in from X Y here T225 no
19367s place to go the cannon shot going to
19368s come in and clean it up but T225 again
19371s with that Vermilion still going to keep
19373s his game alive here as we see verse
19375s coming in here onto XY XY here needs one
19379s elimination to go above the threshold
19383s here could he find it here on verse time
19385s will tell but it looks like verse going
19386s to step away go back to wbg spider here
19389s with a minute and 30 left remaining on
19391s the Yang depletion looking for that
19393s elimination that he needs he's going to
19395s find te star do believe he's got himself
19399s a bounty here onto star this is the
19401s elimination he's got to go for it star
19403s trying to get away spider with a mass
19404s Parry though this is all spider needs to
19406s keep the game alive coming in Star just
19409s not able to take control even with the
19411s old going spiders just dominating this
19414s fight te star who had an incredible
19416s start to the day forced into the Zone
19418s here looking for an armor Swap and
19420s spider just walking away from it able to
19423s get through the leap here we see the
19424s reap the F coming in spider knows the
19426s star going to end very shortly star
19428s trying to get to the no old Zone to keep
19430s spider from being able to use his ult
19432s into this fight the no old Zone going to
19435s be invested in spider says I don't care
19438s I'm going to win on neutral run those
19440s ones ladies and
19442s gentlemen here we go spider with the one
19445s two they're both going for these overh
19447s holds huge Parry coming out in Spider
19449s going to be forced to pop that F ability
19450s now and star in a lot of trouble tries
19452s to go for that F1 or F2 to come out
19454s we're going to see the Hong sword
19455s movement coming through trying to see if
19457s he can get pryo off he doesn't manage to
19459s get that lmb gets the followup slash as
19461s he's one HP in a dream jump lmb jump lmb
19463s but the Clank is going to come out and T
19464s star going to come away with the
19466s elimination spider is on Match Point so
19469s he has succeeded in getting himself up
19471s into the top of the game here Mike going
19473s to get a super huge par going to flip
19475s over to the uh fan of Frost aist that we
19479s saw take from him here purple fan in
19481s hand is going to try and make something
19483s happen with it frost doing a good job of
19484s dodging trying to get the back Parry off
19486s onto that they're going to see him going
19488s for that lmb pry with the long sword
19489s both of these players onto the long
19490s sword now pistol shot going to come up
19491s for Mike Mike able to get a beautiful
19492s scale Rush up on the top trying to go
19493s for the 1.0 into the jumping lmb Frost
19496s is trying to make something happen but
19497s the ultimate from the kyin just super
19500s strong high output into damage but right
19502s now we still have that ultimate online
19504s from the vda so we could see it coming
19506s out in a beautiful way right here Mike
19508s going to try and get these slashes off
19509s is taking more damage than he's gaining
19511s very very low on HP Frost ofis can Al
19513s right now all he needs to do is get that
19515s ultimate off and now Mike in a whole lot
19516s of trouble here if he's able to dodge
19518s out these slashes we are going to see
19520s the ultimate getting dropped down for
19521s both of these players you see the slash
19523s come through Mike doing a beautiful job
19527s at kiing out all of this vda ultimate
19530s here as You' see him miss most of it but
19531s Mike getting a huge Parry now in Frost
19533s of his one HP in a dream it's going to
19534s be very difficult for him to come back
19535s from this here you do see trying to get
19537s the pry off but he doesn't get it and
19538s the 1.0 the lmbb is going to come away
19542s with the elimination as we flip over to
19544s fun Plus Phoenix and jl's AIS AIS taking
19546s up so much damage does have two spear
19548s throws left uses one of them very little
19550s timer left on the ultimate but he's
19552s going to be caught into pryo won't be
19553s able to throw that last Al slash
19555s ultimate uh HP is going to be taken away
19557s from him here Clank going to come in off
19559s of the Hong sword into the long sword
19561s here as JD fun plus Fenix is verse
19564s trying to come through with that overh
19565s damage AIS trying to make something
19567s happen goes for the followup doesn't
19568s connect with it into the one two able to
19570s deal damage onto the one two but the
19571s jump and be going to come through from
19572s verse so much damage coming through as
19575s we do see the scal come through nobody
19576s getting pryo off the scale Rush the one
19578s two coming through dealing some damage
19579s pry coming through now AIS able to get
19581s the grapple bump into the 1.0 into the
19584s jump and B and that is the game for him
19588s verse sent back to the soul alter oh my
19590s goodness jl's a here desperately
19594s struggling to put as many points on the
19596s board as he can here I don't think
19597s there's a world where where AIS can come
19600s back to win the bi-weekly final here but
19602s what he can do is climb higher up that
19605s leaderboard and secure himself some much
19607s needed points to qualify for worlds here
19610s that legendary great sort of weapon we
19613s don't see very often at all here in
19615s solos as we cut over to asc's uh XY just
19619s chilling in the bush Frost ofis coming
19621s through here 4 minutes left remaining on
19623s that Yang depletion Frost ofis in the
19626s same space uh that J's AIS is really
19628s just trying to put as many points on the
19630s board here as possible for himself as
19633s you can see Mike jl's AIS no really good
19637s targets for frost to jump onto here to
19639s look for that elimination to get the
19642s soul Bloom he's got to be smart and
19644s utilize that time he still has left
19646s remaining there on that Yang depletion
19648s going over to fun plus Phoenix's verse
19650s here going to do a little bit of
19652s repairing in the very similar situation
19654s as Frost ofis with the Yang depletion
19656s and needs to be careful about which and
19658s engagement he's actually going to take
19660s here as he looks for the soul Bloom to
19661s cleanse that Yang depletion we are eight
19664s players still left remaining alive in
19665s the lobby of zone three collapses onto
19667s zone four and frost ofus able to get
19670s some loot from the cave here as he looks
19673s to try and come away with an elimination
19675s drg's Fong looks like he might have
19678s spotted him out doesn't seem like Fong
19680s wants to go for this elimination though
19682s as uh he doesn't need to go for these
19685s kills as uh Fong very very low on the
19687s scoreboard right now now he's not having
19689s a great finals he's almost sure to not
19692s qualify or not come away with the MVP
19695s for the bi-weekly finals ug's mic though
19698s somebody who does have a shot at getting
19700s on the match point as well as K's tt25
19702s and XY from ASE all of these players are
19706s still going to try and battle it out
19708s there's seven potential eliminations
19710s that they can get in this moment right
19712s now so this is what they're going to be
19714s trying to go for Fong jumping into this
19716s Frost of is joining as well verse trying
19719s to back away but if Frost and verse find
19721s each other this could be a good scrap
19723s off XY just going to be kiting it out he
19724s wants to hold rep placement points right
19726s now he's on the Tessa he doesn't need to
19728s get aggressive he doesn't have a buff he
19731s doesn't have a debuff he just needs to
19733s chill he's going to try and relax and
19735s verse going to do a bit of shopping just
19738s see if he can burn the rest of his cash
19739s before he jumps into these fights and
19742s frost nowhere to be found right now it
19744s does need to cure that Yang depletion as
19746s well as drg Fong just hanging about
19748s everybody here just kind of holding
19750s through asc's XY ug's Mike and K's tt25
19754s are going to be the three players that
19755s you're going to want to watch out for as
19756s well as te star they have the
19758s opportunity to come through with a lot
19760s of eliminations and there we go verse
19762s and fun Plus Phoenix is verse and
19765s Alliance Frost ofus have found each
19766s other here we're going to see the pryo
19768s going over to verse and frost ofis just
19769s getting absolutely juggled down the hill
19771s the jump B and B is coming through three
19773s jump lmbs able to come through and now
19775s Frost is just taking so much damage
19777s needs to get that ultimate online really
19778s fast here but it looks like XY is going
19780s to come away with the elimation onto fbx
19783s verst and frostivus now in a bit of a
19785s struggle wasn't able to get that Soul
19787s Bloom wasn't able to make too much
19788s happen here as he's down on the back
19791s side of this everybody sharking him for
19793s this kill they really want to come away
19795s with this elimination everyone senses
19798s the blood in the water he's going to be
19799s able to get a full reset and he's still
19800s got a minute and 8 seconds left to Come
19802s Away with some sort of elimination on
19803s the vda it's going to be difficult but
19805s he has the chance to do it he's going to
19807s see AIS out here doesn't want to shark
19809s the gold armor going to try and take the
19810s kylin on in this fight now and both of
19812s these players getting hit assault
19813s smolder coming through dealing some burn
19815s tick damage Frost ofis now in not the
19817s greatest position ug's might going to
19818s give his Focus onto jl's AIS as uh they
19821s they see the vda they think they're
19822s going for the right one it looks like
19824s they might have gone for the wrong vaa
19825s here as Frost ofis is going to start
19827s taking a whole bunch of damage right now
19828s ug's Mike going to try and focus onto
19830s this replenishing the cannon first
19831s before jumping back into the fight is
19833s drg SW as well going to try and make
19835s something happen we're going to see the
19836s spear coming through the burn TI damage
19838s coming from the assault smolder of AIS
19841s as with the gold pull sword in hand as
19842s well going to just deal so much scale
19844s rush and grapple damage as frosted is
19846s going to pop that ultimate out we are
19847s going to see Mike getting caught out
19849s with the 1.0 from the P sword Mike going
19852s to try and make something happen with
19853s this kylin ultimate scaling through
19855s seeing if he can deal any sort of damage
19857s onto anybody the only Target that was
19859s close was the other kylin so he doesn't
19860s want to make that happen Frost now in a
19862s very bad situation tt25 is the one to
19865s pick up the kill and it looks like as's
19867s XY did pass that 28 point threshold as
19869s well so tt25 and Mike are the last two
19872s players that have a really good shot at
19875s doing it into this game te Star as well
19877s if he's able to pick up a lot of
19879s eliminations assault smolder onto Mike
19880s as well this is going to be an
19882s interesting one for this final Circle as
19883s we've got two kyland one vda one Liam
19886s One AOS and surprisingly a Tessa yeah
19889s six players left remaining alive like
19891s you said three players above that
19893s threshold d225 and Mike really good
19896s positions to potentially also cross that
19898s threshold which could leave us five
19900s players on Match Point going into the
19902s next game which would be absolutely
19904s crazy if that was the case we might
19906s actually see it end on game number five
19909s depending on who's able to secure the
19911s MVP Mike here trying to make sure that
19913s he's able to get himself this Spirit
19915s Well stepping away T25 also coming in
19917s desperately wanting to get his hands on
19919s it as well as's X Y coming in here with
19924s the Tesla ultimate going to force Mike
19925s away Mike really just kind of has to
19928s away from this can't afford to be locked
19930s down on the Tes hole in the middle of
19932s that Spirit Well drg's pong trying to
19933s come in and secure it for himself as
19935s well Mike though steing back in T225
19938s coming in as well AIS being forced away
19940s T225 just holding that space with the
19942s legendary dagger Mike finally just going
19944s to give it all the way up here as all
19947s these players continue to contest it T25
19949s been in it for a minute here might be
19952s walking away here with it deg's Fong
19954s forced to burn his ultimate after
19957s griefing everybody inside there
19959s everybody turns their attention to Fong
19960s Fong able to get two armor pots off here
19964s looks like he's able to get a regular
19966s pot off as well but that ult going to be
19967s coming off cool down very quickly as we
19969s do see the Baines breath coming through
19970s and invested I wasn't quite able to see
19973s who was able to get that Spirit well but
19976s I do believe it might have been there it
19977s is K's T225 who's got the Mystic might
19980s under his belt here huge here for T225
19983s as he's looking to chase drg's Fong he
19985s knows Fong without ultimate here T2
19988s survive in a really good position got
19990s the backup armor and goodies to fall
19992s back onto as well bong caught out in the
19995s zone here Tess coming through will
19997s connect on to Fong the bow shot's going
19998s to come through as well d25 just needs
20001s to set himself up for a good follow up
20003s here gets huge damage with the bow shot
20005s on to Fong but Fong going to clear out
20007s of that the Banes breath coming through
20009s almost connecting onto drg's Fong
20012s d225 going to not secure it it's
20014s actually going to be te star with a
20016s Canon shot was able to clutch it up here
20018s star going to two eliminations jil's AIS
20022s up top using two na as we are down to
20024s five players left remaining alive zone
20026s five going to collapse on zone six here
20028s in the next 6 seconds that final Ban's
20031s breath going to go away just before the
20033s Zone starts to collapse here as tt25
20036s starts to come in here on the fight
20038s between 's Mike and jl's
20040s AIS taking a look now Mike losing so
20043s much HP from this meteor cannon shots
20046s coming from K's tt25 G G25 really
20049s wanting to get this if he gets three
20051s kills in a first place or four kills in
20054s second place as uh you know my best
20056s reading of Chinese in my deduction of
20058s basic numbers is going to try and
20059s translate that page for you guys tt25
20062s does need these eliminations he has to
20064s get first or second place and he has to
20065s get either three or four eliminations
20067s based on that placement but Mike just
20069s going to be sending these kylin slashes
20071s onto tt25 is going to end up helping him
20073s out there as jl's AIS could have had
20075s some huge followup full sword damage but
20076s he's not going to be able to come away
20077s with it Mike very very low in HP now and
20080s it looks like tt25 is going to pick up
20082s the elimination able to bring himself
20084s back out with a full reset here 48% on
20087s the ultimate as well all of these
20088s players just going for the loot on the
20089s bodies seeing if they can make something
20091s happen he does also have access to all
20093s of that loot that's on the ground from
20095s The Spirit Well that he did end up
20097s picking up earlier as now he's got three
20100s eliminations so if he placees first
20102s right now he's able to do it if he
20104s places second he needs one more kill and
20106s he is in a very good spot he doesn't
20108s have Al right now um and everybody is a
20110s lone player in the lobby no Duos no
20113s alliances are going to be formed as
20115s everybody is their own hero and right
20117s now the vda looks to be like the most
20119s powerful in the lobby as uh that extra
20121s 2K HP is going to be very very vital for
20124s that endgame Circle but if alt gets
20126s popped early for AIS he could be
20127s finished as he does have gold armor gold
20130s P sword though assault smolder as well
20132s is going to be very very useful for him
20134s into this end game coming out two
20137s eliminations for everybody star AIS and
20139s XY except for tt25 who's on
20142s three yeah tt25 needs to stay alive as
20145s long as possible here even one more
20149s elimination could be the difference
20150s between him calling and a not I do
20152s believe if he picks up that elimination
20154s goes to third it might be the Difference
20155s Maker here in terms of points that he
20157s needs to actually go ahead and
20160s go uh past that uh qualifier Mark where
20163s he'll be at 28 points here which would
20166s leave four players we had it into game
20168s seven with that qualification points XY
20172s here super happy not only is he able to
20175s secure himself that 28 point threshold
20178s but currently right now sitting at the
20180s top of the leaderboard 29.4 points they
20184s goes to game eight and he's not able to
20186s clutch it out every single one of these
20188s points going to matter here so you're
20190s going to see XY really look to play this
20192s one out to the best of his ability AIS
20195s here trying to go ahead and clutch up
20197s onto X why T25 doing the same as well
20201s looks like they've decided they want the
20203s Tessa out of this Lobby that Tessa could
20205s be a disaster in final Circle as well
20209s surprised more players aren't turning on
20211s to AIS there it is T25 with the cannon
20213s shots does not want that vda to make it
20215s final Circle they want to go ahead and
20217s rip that vda ultimate from her as soon
20219s as possible vda using the scale rushers
20223s to go top side XY in the tree te star
20225s going to evict him send him down below
20228s AIS taking quite a bit of damage here
20230s that fire tick really doing a lot of HP
20233s damage there to AIS the bubble's going
20235s to be invested there T25 looking for a
20237s reset going to use that building to
20238s their advantage see as try to come in
20241s threaten the space not quite going to be
20243s able to get it we're going to see the
20244s cannon shots ring through yet again onto
20245s a tt5 takes the opportunity to take the
20248s full reset I do believe te star sitting
20251s top side there with the cannon more
20252s cannon shots coming in from T225 as well
20255s down on to AIS AIS able to get the full
20258s reset though Zone 7 is coming in ladies
20263s and gentlemen the last 50 seconds of the
20265s game here is going to be heavily favored
20268s on the VA the AIS there being able to
20270s just press V and get that instant 2K
20274s HP XY going airborne here as long as
20277s possible trying to Grapple get some
20278s cannon shots out and stay airborne not
20281s going to be able to stay up there very
20282s long T25 holding the space Jan Yuan uh I
20286s do believe popping the two no just
20288s standing there on the edge of the Zone
20289s T25 able to catch out a throw him into
20291s the Zone throws the bow shot down as
20293s well as oh my goodness gets parried
20295s going to be forced into the ultimate now
20297s as well tt25 going to get sent flying by
20300s te star here tt25 pops the AL to come
20303s back in but there's just no place for
20305s them to go here in the end AIS going to
20308s come in clean up another one and again
20309s the vda here heavily favored into these
20312s moments AIS will pick up another one and
20315s it looks like we're to see a vda MVP
20317s coming in from jl's AIS ah
20320s T225 was so close to match point but it
20323s looks like we're only going to see three
20325s players coming in on that match point
20327s and AIS doing a phenomenal job at
20329s holding out those Spears keeping those
20331s players into the zone and doing a great
20333s job of playing Bal in those final
20334s circles they didn't deal with him early
20336s they weren't able to get him out and the
20338s whole Lobby should have focused him that
20339s 2K HP he was so close to getting out
20341s sting sent him into the storm K with
20343s that overhead from the staff was able to
20345s send him far into the storm but the
20346s ultimate was able to come out prevent so
20348s much of that damage that had just been
20350s done on to him from tt25 and then tt25
20354s getting sent into the storm from the
20355s whis tried to use his ultimate to get
20357s back into the Zone miss the shot and
20360s ended up going out a able to pick up a
20363s good amount of those kills as well very
20365s very TCH game from him so far as ladies
20368s and gentlemen we're going to be going
20369s into game number seven after this and
20372s maybe even game eight I think spider or
20375s XY or verse are going to come away with
20377s it here but it it's going to be a close
20379s one it's going to be a very very very
20381s close one indeed yeah this is going to
20383s be a very very intense game seven for
20385s these players you have three people on
20387s Match Point it's game seven this is the
20390s only game that they're going to maintain
20392s that sort of Advantage uh where the MVP
20395s going to be very important I mean they
20396s could still get the MVP in game number
20397s eight um but this particular game they
20400s have that advantage over the rest of the
20402s lobby uh so they really need to pressure
20405s that Advantage as much as possible so uh
20408s I'm willing to bet you're going to see
20409s these guys come out play very very
20411s aggressive their hero picks are going to
20412s be heroes that are all able to have a
20415s very aggressive early to mid game so
20417s they can lock in those eliminations as
20419s soon as possible especially because the
20422s less people that are alive heading into
20424s those final zones the better for them
20426s but speaking of things that are better
20427s for them we got some things better for
20428s you and it's going to be the Summers
20429s split random gifts how many players have
20432s reached match point is it A2 B3 C4 or D5
20436s if you don't know this
20438s I don't know where you have been in the
20440s last couple of minutes cuz we literally
20443s uh just talked about this make sure you
20444s get your answers locked in for a chance
20445s to go ahead and get you some
20448s goodies C4 go boom oh my
20451s goodness and uh yeah we're on Match
20454s Point
20456s and well they just showed it to you they
20458s just gave it away so um we do see how
20462s many players are on Match Point get your
20463s answers in quick everybody knows the
20465s answer already it's okay it's okay it's
20467s fine yeah all that matters is you time
20470s it right with when nvpl nraa TT takes
20473s the screenshot and if you're watching on
20474s YouTube or if you're watching on Tik Tok
20476s I I got a nraa blade Point pro league on
20479s my Tik Tok for you page the other day
20480s which is pretty cool um if you're
20482s watching on those sites please hop over
20484s to Twitch to answer the question we will
20485s not be giving any prizes away if you are
20488s on another platform so come watch on
20490s Twitch we love to have you here we love
20492s to say what's up we can't really say
20494s what's up if we're on Twitch or on
20496s YouTube or Tik Tok so come and say hi Oh
20499s My Goodness wherever you're watching the
20501s mvpl we're happy to have you here but
20502s we're going to take a quick look at the
20504s scoreboard if we get ready to hop into
20506s game number six of course AIS here with
20508s a four eliminations in the first place
20509s finish for game score of 7.8 ASC XY with
20514s three eliminations for a game score 5
20515s tt25 also with three for 4.5 Mike and
20518s Fong with three each going to be going
20520s out with a game score of four a piece
20524s what a game this one is we're going to
20526s have three players heading on in there
20529s on that match point above that 208 Point
20531s threshold as we ready ahead in game
20533s number seven like I said this game seven
20535s going to be a very intense game very
20539s intense indeed it's going to be very
20541s very very very very very very very very
20544s very intense with these players and
20547s since there's only three the entire
20549s Lobby is going to be very like chasing
20552s these players sharking them down trying
20554s to make sure that the players who are on
20556s Match Point do not get MVP because then
20558s they do not have a chance at coming away
20561s with a higher score they don't get that
20562s extra game so
20565s hopefully we'll see either X5 verse or
20567s spider be able to come away with the
20571s victory but tt25 AIS and Mike are very
20575s very close into this game so it it it
20577s could go either way it could go any way
20580s possible we have no clue what is going
20583s to happen and that is
20585s why we are choosing and we are playing
20588s this next game if it goes to game eight
20591s I don't know what I'm going to do this
20592s is just absolutely insane if we're going
20595s to see game8 come through but look I I
20598s mean we've seen it before but I mean
20600s these three players very very strong
20603s players uh it's going to be a challenge
20606s for them to eliminate these players into
20608s game number seven but speaking of a
20609s challenge we're going to take a look
20611s here at our game number six highlights
20613s brought to you by Thunderbolt Mike here
20615s cleaning up multiple eliminations right
20617s here all the rip with that staff catches
20619s out both ofse and frost ofus there and
20621s cleans up two very quick eliminations at
20622s the beginning arono Pi up one there onto
20624s c25 CH Jang coming in with a huge freeze
20627s on the drg's Fong for the free cleanup
20630s wbg spider here into toan and look at
20633s that the perfect tap Dodge just
20634s completely avoids the ultimate there as
20636s we see verse coming in here as well on
20639s to jg's chuang and chuang just no place
20641s to go reverse cleans up XY coming in
20644s here this was the elimination he needed
20645s the one that sent him over the edge as
20647s we pop over to jl's AIS here with a very
20651s clean clean up here on to fun plus Fenix
20654s verse inside the realm of cannon shots
20655s musket shots cinate across the map to
20658s clean up elimination after elimination
20660s this game K's 2225 comes in picks one up
20663s onto ug's Mike Mike not happy about it
20666s but T225 needed that elimination if he
20669s was going to get the threshold
20670s unfortunately he doesn't make it and he
20672s griefs Mike out and then AIS here in the
20674s end of course on the vda they let the
20676s vda get to heal off this is never what
20678s you want to do and AIS just cleans up
20681s elimination after
20683s elimination yeah AIS tbook finished
20686s there able to dodge through all of the
20688s extra damage that was coming through and
20689s the fact that he's got 2K HP on the VA
20692s of V2 is just unfairness that has come
20695s through and led this vda to be the MVP
20699s he had Phoenix blast and we didn't even
20700s see him pull out a long sword assault
20702s smolder was one of the big weapon that
20704s he used for his soul Jades in this game
20706s tuna as well we saw him hitting that
20708s tuna in the middle of the End Circle
20710s there uh four kills 13,000 damage so not
20713s a super impressive game but one that was
20715s able to put him up in contention for
20718s Match Point next game so if we go to
20719s game eight he's got a chance he's at
20721s 25.9 right now and we do have a very
20724s good shot at seeing him take it away if
20727s game eight comes out but if spiderverse
20729s or XY hits it that is going to be our
20731s game seven at the very end of this game
20733s here ladies and gentlemen we finished
20736s our standard six game we're going into
20738s overtime right now this is the overdrive
20740s these players have one last chance to
20742s put it all on the line they're going to
20744s try and take spider XY and Burse out as
20747s fast as possible try and get them double
20749s eliminated before anything is able to
20752s put them ahead they're going to try and
20754s prevent them from getting kills they're
20755s going to try and steal all of their
20757s scaling at the start of the game they're
20759s going to make sure that they do not
20762s become victorious in this game because
20764s then their runs over and the finals have
20767s fully
20767s formed and our winner will be decided
20770s I'm I'm going to tell you the way these
20771s guys have been playing today that is
20773s going to be a very tall order for this
20775s lobby but before we come back and lock
20777s in for game number seven we're going to
20779s take a short break so don't go anywhere
20781s you're not going to want to miss the
20782s explosive action in game number seven
20786s [Music]
20802s h
20809s [Music]
20827s a
20853s [Music]
20870s [Music]
20873s oh
20875s [Music]
20887s a
20891s [Applause]
20892s [Music]
20902s [Music]
20915s [Music]
20927s what's going on ladies and gentlemen
20929s welcome back to your nbpl summer 2024
20932s split we on our bi-weekly for solo
20934s finals and we have got three players on
20937s Match Point you've got XY verse and
20940s spider as we get ready to head into game
20944s number seven and it promises to be a
20947s banger Seb oh it is definitely going to
20950s be a banger I've been jamming out all
20952s day I'm so excited to get this game
20955s underway I out of the three I know you
20958s hate predictions K so I'm just going to
20960s predict I'm going to say that it's going
20963s to be a final Circle all three of these
20965s players are going to be alive and it's
20968s going to come down to who's going to win
20969s of the three of that that's that's all
20971s my predictions going to
20974s be oh my goodness Z if you just cter
20977s verus our top three players I'm going be
20979s I'm going to be angry with you I know I
20981s I'll do a I'll do a punishment I'll do
20982s I'll do some sort
20984s of I I don't know what we can do but
20986s I'll do a Forfeit of some sort um for
20989s you guys if if if I just cast your C it
20992s and we go to game eight well look if you
20994s did cast chrisan we go to game eight at
20996s least we're going to get some more
20997s naraka today so it's not all bad ladies
21000s and gentlemen we love getting some more
21002s nraa that said again I think these three
21005s players are going to make it tough on
21006s this l Lobby man they are going to come
21008s in they are going to be hungry they have
21011s been fighting tooth and nail today to
21013s get here and these three particular
21015s players have been performing
21017s exceptionally well today you know spider
21020s struggled in his first three games and
21021s then all of a sudden dude he comes back
21023s in game four and he has turned it on he
21027s is here to play ladies and gentlemen
21030s here it is game number seven of your
21032s bi-weekly solo finals for your last
21035s bi-weekly
21037s of the summer split and there he is
21039s Spiderman he is looking good to go again
21042s we talk about him being a mental player
21045s and uh his mental is really good today
21047s take a look at this by the way he is not
21049s double picked to Hero yet which means K
21052s Liam hottie all available for spider
21056s into this next game the strategy is big
21059s for him here if this pays off it's going
21062s to pay off a big and spider could easily
21065s walk away your bio weekly
21068s Champion as we cut over we're going to
21070s take a look here at verse from fun Plus
21074s Phoenix fun Plus Phoenix
21076s also six Heroes locked in has his double
21080s pick available which means kyin Liam
21083s hottie all available if he wants to play
21086s him here as well as the rest of the
21089s roster so both verse and spider holding
21093s good to that strategy here where they
21094s can play anybody they want going to game
21097s number six here and as's XY taking a
21101s look our other player on Match Point
21103s also sitting here with every single hero
21108s available heading into to our next game
21111s this is absolutely massive not only do
21113s we have three players on Match Point but
21114s they can play just about any hero they
21117s want to
21119s Seb I
21121s think I think we're going to you know
21124s I'm hoping we'll see a three kyin
21127s wouldn't that be great if we got to see
21130s three kyin coming through cuz I believe
21132s everybody else has double picked their
21133s kylin already so I'm not 100% sure how
21135s this going to work we're going to get to
21136s see our game selections of who's going
21139s to be picking first so the first person
21141s to pick out of the three oh my goodness
21144s they're all on last round selection so
21146s XY at the end and vers XY has the upper
21151s hand and vers and spider they're they're
21153s not going to let a kyen go through rosis
21155s and Rano are probably going to try and
21157s that out as fast as possible um cuz they
21160s do not want to have to face off against
21161s meta Heroes for Match Point look at them
21164s getting ready to go everybody's starting
21166s to lock in the tension is going to break
21168s people it's already breaking me so I
21171s could not imagine being on that
21173s stage going to compete the kylin locked
21176s in by Frost ofis arano going to bring
21177s the AOS
21179s out wangang and fun I want to see F2
21182s there we go I I wanted to see the
21184s Justina F1 from Fong
21187s and now we're seeing it nobody banned
21189s out yet Liam going to be picked from
21192s Star Chang with the opportunity to ban
21194s out any one of these Heroes right now he
21197s he can make it much more difficult but
21198s he's going to go for the Tami pick I
21200s believe he's already got his double pick
21201s coming down AIS and
21203s Mike are going to be AOS is going to be
21206s our first hero ban out Mike with the
21209s opportunity to pick whoever he wants he
21211s had justinas and Tessa so I think he
21213s still has his double pick of of kylin
21215s left he's got the opportunity to mess
21217s everybody up he's going to go Liam the
21220s Liam and AOS now banned out XY with the
21223s first opportunity and I think this is
21224s where the kylin's going to come out here
21226s and verse and spider are going to have
21228s to play hottie I think that's how we're
21230s going to have we're going to play it out
21231s here yeah kylin picked by XY versus
21233s spider going to lock the hotti picks in
21235s really quickly unless I've been
21237s completely mistaken and we go Matari um
21240s it's going to be interesting one here
21241s hotti for verse spider what are you
21244s going to play you've got it all on the
21246s line this is your last
21248s chance no way
21251s spider I okay I'm I'm going to say I
21255s agree with this pick wholeheartedly we
21258s seen okay so here's why first of all
21262s ziping is a hero that is very very able
21265s to actually deal with Liam we've got two
21268s Liams locked in already you combine that
21272s with the fact that wbg spider when he
21276s made his big debut his Breakout game
21280s onto the scene where he broke records as
21283s a brand new player he did it on the back
21286s of ziping this is a hero he knows
21288s forwards and backwards and has a good
21292s place in The Meta given the number of
21294s Liams here in the lobby as well I think
21297s this is an excellent choice for wbg
21300s spider and I hate
21304s zipping shout out to I hate Zing that is
21306s a very real player in the na Community
21309s um Fong F1 V2 love to see it coming out
21312s from Fong as you know it is his last
21314s game and he's in 11th place so he's just
21316s going to try and rack up as much points
21318s as possible XY with the double pick on
21319s the kylin and the hottie coming out for
21324s verse verse XY and spider the three
21328s you're going to want to watch out for
21330s this game of course we're going to be
21332s taking a look at Frost ofus seeing if
21333s he's going to be able to end himself in
21334s the top six I really hope he's going to
21336s be able to p through pick up maybe four
21338s or five kills get himself a couple in at
21341s least in the top five hopefully as uh we
21344s want to see him put some world's points
21345s up so he can go to the J cup and compete
21348s with everybody where he will perform
21350s absolutely amazing you know he does well
21351s at J cup he always perform as well so
21354s you know he had a bit of a Down Season
21356s but we're going to see him bring it back
21358s here as we're taking a look at the spawn
21360s points close to the Salvation Podium
21363s we're seeing jdg and te uh closer to the
21365s gold Zone surround ing that we're seeing
21367s wolves and Alliance up in the north side
21371s by the ice rink area the ice Lake and
21375s we've got um Imperial sorry uh uh yon
21379s ruins and close to those portal areas
21382s and the gold Zone surrounding we've got
21383s JL UG wbg and the rest of these teams
21386s you see one player just hiding in the
21388s little background there you can see the
21389s little bit of his icon bobbing through
21392s the ede as we are going to see these
21395s players starting to get ready
21397s jump in ladies and gentlemen match point
21401s game number seven this has been a
21402s stretch usually we see players hit Match
21404s Point by game four but don't end up
21406s securing the victory until game five six
21409s or seven but right now this is the first
21411s time these players have been on Match
21413s Point so we've got to focus on them
21415s verse and spider already going up
21417s against each other here as it looks like
21419s spider going to be facing off with a
21421s little bit of a disadvantage the one two
21422s going to come out trying to go for the
21423s overh hold here you do see the lmb in to
21427s or R&B into jumping lmbb so you see one
21430s two coming up from verse here trying to
21432s come through lmb py going to get given
21434s to verse into the grapple bump extension
21436s into the 1.0 focus into the repeating
21438s crossbow spider in a bad spot now needs
21441s to try and kite out 6 seconds left on
21442s the cool down for his F ability he's
21444s going to be doing a good job of King out
21445s here but we do see verse very waiting in
21448s the wings here trying to make something
21450s happen able to use that F to gain a
21451s little bit of health and shield back the
21453s lmb catch into jump lmb is going to come
21455s through the overh from spider we going
21458s to see him just still trying to scale
21459s away first trying to go for a bit of an
21461s uppercut action here as we see spider
21463s just jumping into the buildings we're
21464s going to see the armor swap coming out
21466s now spider able to get a scale rush into
21467s an armor swap now verse on the back foot
21469s of this fight F ability invested spider
21472s going to try and see if he can make
21473s something happen here it looks like
21474s these players are just running away
21476s everybody's so good at kiing right now
21478s spider does have ultimate available and
21479s F ability available we're going to see
21481s the F come out into lmb pryo doesn't get
21483s the priority off or the head stun but is
21485s going to be able to connect with a
21486s little bit of of the damage and now
21487s verse going to go for a bit of a reset
21489s here spider able is going to let the
21491s reset happen going to try and jump back
21494s down into this fight as we see looks
21497s like verse just going to go for a bit of
21498s a hit onto the Rage Cage see if he can
21501s get himself Su spider with the purple
21502s armor now is going to be huge in damage
21504s trying to go for the weapon swap combo
21506s from the halberds into the katana here
21508s as we do see the blue halberds coming
21509s out overh hold is going to be successful
21513s gets the weapon swap into the swap back
21515s over into the release into the followup
21517s and spider comes away with the
21519s elimination on diverse verse back to the
21521s soul alter spider on one elimination
21524s already Frost of is also got a kill as
21528s well as ug's Mike and JD's Chu Jang as
21531s the game progresses Fong getting comboed
21534s into the fist blades weapon swap
21538s what love to see it coming out here for
21540s Mike though fall extremely on the back
21542s but does have the ultimate available to
21544s him here but Mike going to come in
21545s immediately going to pop the ultimate
21547s say I don't want to give you the
21548s opportunity Fong will pop the ult and is
21550s just going to be forced to burn the
21551s dashes just to try to get away they are
21553s extremely low as ewg Zano shows up and
21556s starts to throw some pistol shots down
21558s range as well bong continuing to take
21560s chip damage left right and center the
21561s last Dash going to be coming through on
21563s the side of Fong no place to go here
21565s going to be forced to just burn the F
21567s here just to hold on for dear life wbg
21570s spider coming in hungry looking for that
21572s second elimination early on here spider
21575s really trying to set himself up here for
21576s that late game wants to keep the
21578s pressure up going to come back around
21580s here Fong not going to fall for it here
21582s spider getting clanks left right and
21583s center but Fong not going to send it
21585s flying here off of the purple great
21587s sword huge damage coming in it looks
21588s like it's going to go to ewg's
21590s arano spider wants to trade some more
21593s blows here going to do a little bit of
21595s uh shopping there on the
21597s body he looks to head right on back up
21601s here letting arano and Mike trade blows
21604s your spider wants a good clean third
21605s party needs another elimination for
21607s himself every elimination matters so
21609s much right now for wbg spider he needs
21613s to put up these early to mid game
21614s eliminations here on the zipping pick
21617s and then just try to go play for heal
21619s off if you can in the very end spider
21621s still just waiting for the good
21622s opportunity into the fight oron going to
21624s pop the F there Mike with the armor
21626s stripped trying to slip away but spider
21629s going to come back in we're going to see
21630s the regra will come back through for
21631s Mike we see spider come in here able to
21634s get the R&B off but the Parry coming for
21636s Mike Mike going to find the armor swap
21638s into the carousel there with the huge
21641s grapple followup spider they're going to
21642s pop the F here more than happy to keep
21644s trading this fight here he's got that
21646s purple armor that ult going to do a lot
21648s of work as well as the F to get that
21649s armor reset back up we're going to see
21651s the no ult Zone invested here as now
21655s it's going to come straight down to
21656s neutral orano versus ug's Mike here
21658s arano with the fist blades able to get a
21660s little bit of damage off before Mike
21661s invests the F here R waiting to find
21663s another way in here with the fist blades
21665s Mike going to take a a lot of damage
21666s from the double jumping lmb there off
21668s the fist blades might going to go low
21670s the F goes through and aono able to
21671s clean it up with the pistol shot in the
21673s last second now wbg spider showing up
21676s spider unable to snake either of those
21678s eliminations out unfortunately for
21680s himself here just going to pick the body
21683s here for some resources head on back
21685s into the n Zone while he looks for an
21687s opportunity to pressure this onto orano
21690s going to do just a little bit of
21691s shopping before he decides to pressure
21693s anything though unfortunately this no
21696s old Zone making things difficult for
21699s some of these players spider taking some
21700s rain shots here going to swap to the bow
21702s as jl's as looks to come in here spider
21705s around the back side of the tree here
21706s waiting for a good intro the F going to
21708s come through as takes control here some
21710s huge damage coming in off the Hong sword
21712s spider not in a good place forced to bop
21714s the F here just to keep things alive
21717s able to get up get away the uppercut
21719s going to connect actually though
21720s spider's got to be careful about where
21722s he goes here he cannot force himself
21724s into this no old Zone unfortunately
21726s there it is it's going to go in so
21727s spider going to take the full reset now
21730s another player coming back though zis W
21733s mid gets his reset and it looks like bur
21737s is waiting in the wings as well as we're
21739s going to see this come up spider will
21741s get this ticket wants to go inside this
21743s realm of Yang and make something happen
21745s for himself he is not happy he is still
21748s only on one elimination yeah arano
21751s picked game seven to say you know what
21753s I'm going to pop off I'm you know I
21755s played not the greatest the entire day
21757s and decides to make game seven the game
21760s that he's going to MVP um whereas spider
21763s almost able to pick up be on three
21765s eliminations whereas we H did not see
21767s him come away with any of those kill
21769s seals and it looks like nobody
21771s contesting the realm of yangs anymore as
21773s uh they really don't want to be a person
21775s to get caught out and getting eliminated
21777s early off of this realm of Yang Portal
21780s fight as these players are deciding to
21782s fight for the pass it looks like asc's
21784s XY and fun plus Fenix verse going to be
21786s ending up near the same realm of Yang as
21789s looks like he's just going to hide this
21790s out right now they do have a very
21793s limited amount of time before the Yang
21795s portals are going to start to open here
21797s as the charges are coming through purple
21799s nunchuck
21800s versus blue Nunu verse trying to make
21803s something happen but verse just getting
21804s absolutely decimated right now XY does
21806s have the pass so he's going to be able
21807s to hold on to it looks like he's going
21809s to end up just jumping himself into that
21811s real of Yang and verse going to back out
21814s go for a reset and try and pick up some
21816s kills into this mid Game asc's XY versus
21820s ewg's arano arano has been off to a tear
21823s at the start of this game so we are
21824s going to see some crazy stuff going on
21826s spider going to be facing off against
21829s Frost ofis in the other real Yang here
21831s we go XY here trying to get in here with
21834s the nun chugs but the pistol shots going
21836s to come through and wipe away at least
21837s one bar of his armor here Zano still
21839s looking for way into the fight they're
21841s going to trade pistol shots to Rano
21842s though still ahead here as both of them
21845s take a chip damage here that purple
21846s armor doing him a lot of favors the old
21848s going to be immediately invested here by
21849s ewg's arano as joh Juan here takes a lot
21853s of damage the V will connect we're going
21855s to need to see XY pop that ultimate soon
21857s he does pop the F he's looking for the
21859s opportunity to take a little bit of a
21860s reset here but he's not going to give
21862s him much of an opportunity to do it the
21864s old going to be invested here he waits
21866s as long as possible here so he can try
21868s to get some big damage out here onto
21870s arano waiting for arano to show face
21873s here will go in huge damage coming in
21875s here for from XY on it to ewg zorano
21878s he's got another Dash available will go
21880s through is going to find another one on
21882s as well and he oh my goodness and there
21885s it is ladies and gentlemen XY secures
21887s himself as first elimination to the game
21889s as we cut over to wbg spider versus
21891s frostivus Frost no HP and a dream spider
21895s here with that ult going here Frost
21898s though coming in with a dagger goes down
21901s holy Christmas frostz turns it around
21905s with the quickness
21908s I I believe it's Halloween the next
21909s holiday that's actually coming up but um
21912s fun plus Phoenix's verse going to be
21914s coming through with uh the dual blades
21917s right now purple dual blades in hand
21918s trying to focus the attention onto ug's
21921s mic everybody trying to catch him out
21923s right now so it looks like jl's AIS and
21925s wbg spiders the ones on Yang depletion
21928s right now and spider being on Yang is
21930s not the greatest scenario to be in here
21932s as well and it looks like nobody else
21934s has deci has been able to pick up up
21936s enough kills to pass that uh threshold
21939s for match point so going into this next
21942s game if this game does not decide our
21945s winner we could not we could not see any
21948s additional players joining into Match
21950s Point as's XY here one elimination on
21953s the board spider does spot AIS out both
21956s of these players are on Yang depletion
21958s so this fight is going to be sure to
21959s happen now AIS going to try and get the
21961s grapple combo off is going to be able to
21963s connect here spider losing a lot of HP
21966s going to try and go for lmb pryo with
21968s the or R&B pryo with the long sword
21971s trying to see if he can toothpick into
21972s an uppercut combo huge Parry going to
21973s come out AIS is the one to pick the
21975s Parry up spider in a very dangerous
21978s situation mortal Defiance already
21979s frocked for him this is a bad spot you
21981s do not want to be here he's able to turn
21983s the fight around a little bit and now
21985s fun plus Fenix is verse going to try and
21986s come in spider able to kite this out
21988s really quickly though is going to be
21989s able to get around but now K ct25 hot in
21991s Pursuit and spider could be getting
21994s taken out pretty quickly here oh my
21996s goodness no way spider's going to go
21997s down spider's going to go out f plus
21999s fenix's versus gets the kill oh my
22001s goodness I cast her cursed I'm sorry
22004s ladies and gentlemen this is not the
22006s ideal situation ewg zonto also going to
22008s get eliminated drg's Fong picking up an
22011s elimination Frost of is on two kills as
22013s well does have that Vermilion bird might
22015s could get active as we do see reverse
22018s now with one elimination XY as well with
22020s one elimination the leaders of the lobby
22022s right now are Funk and frost as Funk
22024s picking up his third elimination taking
22026s out XY from his vermilion's bird might
22030s so uh privus as well is going to go down
22033s to wolves wangang fong in first place
22035s right now with uh three eliminations on
22038s the board as we are going to see AIS
22040s getting fully eliminated now K is tt25
22042s trying to make something happen both of
22044s them in a bit of a tough spot as tt25 no
22048s ultimate available neither does verse
22050s but uh very low HP huge Parry going to
22052s come out there and verse almost coming
22055s away with the elimination but the F
22056s ability going to save him the one two
22057s going to come through ver able to pick
22058s up the elimination uh Soul Bloom is
22061s going to go to Mike though Mike is going
22062s to try and give aggression onto this
22064s fight it looks like he's ready to come
22066s away with this elimination Mike is going
22068s to end up backing off though letting
22069s verse go for a bit of a heal two
22071s eliminations on the board reverse bong
22074s still in the lead with the 3.5 right now
22077s the plus so you see the points that
22079s they've had before going into this game
22080s and then the points after on the plus
22082s side are the points that they have
22084s currently for this game so they leader
22086s at 3.5 is fun wolves Wang Yang Frost
22089s ofis and burst are tied with the 2.5
22093s next is going to be Mike and XY with the
22095s 1.5 and the 0.5 is going to be te
22099s stop we see XY looking ahead into
22102s another realm of Yang here is able to
22104s secure the ticket and just sit top side
22106s here XY and verse the only two players
22110s eligible to walk away if they pick up
22112s the MVP here from game number seven
22116s verse looks like he's going to be
22117s heading towards a realm of Yang himself
22121s here as he needs to pick up as many
22123s eliminations as humidly possible he's
22125s going to do a little bit of shopping
22126s before he heads that way spend it while
22129s you got it verse use those dark TI coins
22131s to your advantage Fong here trying to
22134s fight out for this realm of Yang wolves
22136s wangang though coming in but fong in a
22139s bit of a pickle here as we're going to
22141s see Wes wangyang pop the ultimate but
22143s Fong just making it look easy here on
22144s wangyang Wang
22146s burning the ultimate here too while he
22148s doesn't have the pass a very tight
22150s situation for himself here he will catch
22153s that spear though off on to Fong and
22154s Fong now uh with the ultimate trying to
22157s break away misses the spear back from
22159s wangang wangang going to take a lot of
22161s damage here that ultimate going to be
22163s ending it needs to be very
22166s careful long trying to come in he's
22168s going to take the portal here so he gets
22170s the reset and it's going to leave
22171s wangang on the outside there XY here
22175s needs to go ahead and head on inside if
22177s he wants to pick up an elimination here
22180s verse here versus te star star going to
22182s be the one who's able to pop that there
22184s but verse going to come in with a very
22186s clean introduction into that fight with
22188s into the armor swap as well te star
22191s going to come in and take the armor he
22192s leaves behind
22194s though first going to just look to scale
22197s Rush away here let Wang leang in them
22200s trade blows before he heads on inside
22202s and here we go REM of Yang going to be
22203s XY versus drg's Fong brg's Fong a lot to
22208s prove XY a lot to lose in this fight
22211s we're going to see Fong taking to the
22213s skies purple nunchuck opting not to try
22216s and use his gold weapon right off the
22217s rip gold nunchuck in hand for XY kylin
22221s is usually the winner in this situation
22223s here as we do see Frost aist is going to
22225s take out ug's Mike in the other realm of
22227s Yang drg fun already lost both most of
22230s his shield we are going to see him be
22231s able to gain a little bit of that back
22233s with the F2 we are going to see them
22234s both on a level playing field now as
22236s they're both going to go for the pots
22238s musket already in hand ready to see if
22240s he can take a shot off we're going to
22241s see him go for the grapple cancel of the
22243s RMB or the lmbb sorry as we're going to
22246s see him bring it back over does connect
22247s with the next charge lmb we're going to
22249s see him bringing that around coming
22251s through with a bit of a pot and then
22252s jumping right back into the action they
22254s both have ultimates available here we're
22255s going to see pryo coming through as XY
22257s is able to get the 211 drg spun going to
22260s hit that F ability now getting himself
22262s back a bunch of Shield we're going to
22263s see the scale Rush come through doesn't
22264s connect on the scale Rush pry is going
22266s to come through F ability invested by XY
22269s to avoid pryo in that fight the one two
22271s is going to come out 46 seconds left
22273s neither of them have aled yet we're
22275s going to see the AL come out from the
22276s kyin now and drg F in a bad spot but he
22280s does still have ultimate available we're
22281s going see him get chased down F2 or F1
22284s available again ultimate coming out
22286s you're going to see the dashes from both
22288s of these teams players coming through
22290s kylin slash is going to come through
22292s first come to fruition but now F ability
22295s invested immortality proc 22 seconds
22298s left Fung with no slashes all he's got
22299s to do is survive but he can't do it as
22303s ase's XY comes away victorious in the
22306s realm of Yang and let me just say Frost
22308s ofus is having a beautiful game right
22309s now he's got both realm of Yang wins and
22311s he's doing absolutely insane just a
22313s little too late for what we've seen but
22317s at least he's going to climb himself up
22318s into the standings it's great to see
22319s Frost ofis up on top yeah vers and XY
22323s here still trying to trade blows here
22326s uh trying to make sure that they are
22328s going to be the MVP here both of them on
22330s two eliminations but again Fong and
22333s frost of is sitting on three the two
22335s players they need to look to eliminate
22336s from this Lobby woles wangang really low
22338s on the backside here as the entire Lobby
22341s looks to chase him down here vers trying
22343s to go in and secure that elimination at
22345s all possible would put him up to three
22347s tie him up with frost ofus and F wangang
22350s able to slip away but it's te star who
22353s slides in and finds the elimination
22356s for himself here star finally puts one
22358s on the board but verse shows right up
22361s looking to pick up an elimination while
22364s he can te star going to slide away
22368s though verse can't afford to overcommit
22370s here as he's not sure who's got the
22373s white tigers prowess there from the
22374s Realms of Yang XY here seeing star wants
22378s to come in in pressure he does have that
22381s white tigers and he needs to use it to
22383s go ahead and get some points up on the
22384s board Mike looking for the scale Rush
22386s here coming top side going to keep the
22388s fight going verse just going to hold
22391s here with the bow trying to get damage
22393s out onto whoever he can deg's f going to
22395s take a lot of damage there from Mike
22396s with the followup musket shot Mike 2
22398s minutes and 30 seconds left remaining
22400s here on that Yang depletion the ult
22402s going to be invested there uh from the
22404s Justina so Mike going to be forced to
22406s try to give Chase Justina top side here
22410s the ultimate going to be coming to an
22412s end 4 seconds until the F comes back on
22416s line XY coming top side got an idea
22420s where they're going to be at
22422s unfortunately not quite able to get
22424s there none of these players look like
22426s they've got the gecko foot bong going to
22429s break away drop all the way to the
22430s bottom here it looks like do just a
22433s little bit of skywalking to keep
22434s themselves away from these other players
22435s for as long as
22438s possible verse again looking for those
22441s eliminations but can't afford to
22443s pressure too much as he's y still with
22446s 57 seconds on white tiger prow trying to
22448s create some pressure here onto grg's
22450s Fong might going to come in and grief it
22452s out just a little bit here z y decides
22455s he needs to go ahead and back away here
22458s zone three collapsing onto zone four
22460s we're going to see the top of plume
22461s Castle disappear into the Zone very
22463s shortly if only we had a Viper ultimate
22466s to uh you know drop down on this
22469s tactical ac130 nuke coming through this
22472s I just got some Deja Vu from these
22475s happening in the the past trios games as
22477s ug's Mike right now trying to make
22479s something happen with his gold long
22480s sword trying to see if he can get some
22482s scale kills he does have Yang depletion
22484s as well as drg's fun so they're going to
22486s be in a very tough spot right now as XY
22489s has seemed to have found Mike able to
22491s get the one two off trying to go for
22492s that long sword horizontal slash is
22494s going to be unable to connect Frost
22496s trying to see if he can clean up the
22497s kill Mike now no armor available
22500s ultimate is going to be popped might try
22502s and use it to just get out of this
22504s predicament here but XY is going to be
22505s the culprit getting caught down we are
22507s going to see XY picking up the kill onto
22509s Mike and Fong able to grab the soul
22511s Bloom right from underneath of XY
22514s ultimate had to be invested though for
22516s XY to be able to come out of that fight
22518s Victorious he is now on three
22520s eliminations 4.0 points as the placement
22523s points have added in an extra five we do
22526s see XY he is going to need to come away
22528s with capturing this Spirit Well which
22529s could be difficult given the fact that
22531s he doesn't have ultimate the other kylin
22533s in the lobby as well Frost of is not
22535s going to have ultimate either so they're
22537s going to try and see if they can win
22539s this together holding that Spirit Well
22542s for themselves as fpx vers on two kills
22546s bong and frostivus on three SAR on one
22549s this is a close close game this is not
22552s exactly what I pictured you know we
22553s thought spider would be in the mix but
22555s uh he's he has been out for quite some
22559s time now in this game he did get that
22561s Yang depletion Frost ofis ending his
22562s game very early we do see the OCTA slash
22565s coming out from the dual blades of
22567s brosus here which is going to be a very
22569s good gold Focus Jade to have especially
22572s when trying to capture that Spirit Well
22573s coming into these last minutes of the
22576s game it it's still anyone's game to win
22579s it we could see a game eight it's really
22581s too hard to tell XY and verse XY having
22585s a great game looks like frostivus is
22587s going to go for the capture here he's
22588s getting it almost completely uncontested
22590s looks like XY might try and jump in
22592s later on into this to see if he can come
22594s away with that but it looks like he
22595s might just give it to frost ofis here
22596s 99% on the alt we're going to see Frost
22599s get his Al pop it out get himself that
22603s Spirit Well I believe this is one of the
22604s first Spirit Wells that we've seen him
22606s get as we do see now Frost of is fully
22609s on the aggression and XY just helping
22612s him out showing him where to go grapples
22615s are going to be coming through every
22616s single player just trying to get as far
22618s away from frost ofus as possible cuz
22620s they know he's got that kylin ultimate
22621s available no ult available after a
22624s couple seconds here as there we go it
22625s drops and it looks like they're going to
22626s shark on to the Liam in the lobby as
22629s they're going to try and get him out as
22630s fast as
22631s possible makes sense here for the two
22634s kyin to try to go ahead and get this
22635s Liam out star to take a lot of damage
22637s there being forced to invest the F there
22639s Frost ofis going to step down into to
22642s that huge hit there but going to keep
22644s the pressure up here on to Star he knows
22647s he's got a little bit of back up here
22648s the grapple is going to keep coming
22650s through star just trying to break away
22651s keep his game alive here does not want
22654s to be the target of the lobby but
22655s unfortunately currently is Frost is
22657s coming in here with those legendary dual
22659s blades absolutely cooking as we're going
22661s to see verse come through as well
22663s looking to get into The Fray here star
22665s taking a lot of damage trying to break
22667s away hoping the target of the lobby has
22669s changed onto somebody else but it really
22672s has not XY coming in Star feeling forced
22674s to go ahead and burn the ultimate there
22676s I do believe as we going to see that
22678s late game ban breath getting ready to
22680s come through the last Bain breath of the
22682s game Star on the old burn here has got
22684s one activation left trying to break away
22687s there's the activation onto Frost ofis
22689s unfortunately he's not going to get a
22690s lot of value out of it frost ofus deg
22692s Fong all still hanging here Frost with a
22694s huge Parry on to fall dragons rush into
22697s nees might the followup fun plusus Fenix
22699s verse trading some bow shots there onto
22700s frostivus as well as we see all these
22702s players break away star no ultimate here
22705s and frost of his NOS it wants to keep
22707s that pressure up does not want to give
22709s Star the chance to reset here star with
22711s the Parry though will take away that
22713s spear from frost of his Frost
22715s got to be careful here as the pressure
22717s continues to come through verse on the
22720s top side Frost is going to step away
22721s from it trying to make sure this Bane
22723s doesn't come in XY nearby as well trying
22726s to turn on to frost sees that he's gone
22728s low the alliance between the kyin
22731s breaking down here XY I think he was
22734s just trying to peel for him and then
22735s ended up accidentally hitting him in the
22738s face we see the musket shot coming in
22741s here from XY frost ofus on the backside
22745s here here does still have that armor
22746s swap to fall back into grg's F going to
22748s be the player going to go low this time
22750s around as the rest of the lobby looks to
22752s turn their attention here on Def Fong
22754s Frost is going to keep the pressure up
22755s five players left remaining in this
22757s Lobby it is still literally anybody's
22759s game it could end here it could go to
22760s game number eight time is going to tell
22762s deg's fa going so low who's going to
22765s pick up the elimination is it going to
22767s be verse is it going to be XY is it
22770s going to be frost ofus y up here with
22773s the musket trying to secure the Elation
22775s verse down below as well trying to pick
22777s it up for himself see some rain shots
22779s come out and connect onto XY is going to
22781s force XY to take a reset here ver he's
22785s trying to protect fun at all costs here
22788s he's he's sending these bow shots to the
22790s other way like get down Mr
22794s President absolute insanity is going on
22798s with the three players on three kills
22800s one player on Two And te star on one
22804s elimination star no alt Fong no Al both
22807s kyin have ultimate both kyin have gold
22810s armor this is stacked on the side of the
22812s kins but it's a 3v2 the kyin are still
22815s the they are the only two that have that
22818s are both the same hero but they are
22820s against three other people so if what
22823s verse was trying to do was ban the uh
22826s the off meta Heroes together to try and
22828s rally and defeat the kids as a
22831s protecting Fong for dear life right
22832s there as we do see the meter dump coming
22834s through but the F1 is going to be
22836s invested to gain himself back some of
22837s that Shield XY now trying to make
22839s something happen with the meter dump
22840s he's lost so much of that gold armor
22842s this is not the greatest spot you want
22843s to be in but Fong now getting caught out
22845s the OCTA slash coming through for the
22846s Peele XY now in a lot of trouble they're
22848s all trying to come away with the
22849s elimination on the Fong and this is
22851s where it's going to get sticky as there
22853s we go we see the kylin slashes coming
22855s through frostz comes away with the
22856s elimination though the kill steal from
22858s frost putting Frost to four eliminations
22861s and 5.5 points in this game and is is
22865s all coming down to the wire here as
22867s asc's XY not looking to be in the very
22871s good position right now as he's going to
22872s see if he can get a kylin slash off
22874s before the alt goes down he's not going
22875s to be able to hit it we're going to see
22876s him go for that meter dump he's got very
22878s little meter left Rost is going to do a
22879s bit of peeling for him here he's going
22881s to try and bring that octus slash out
22882s but he's able to kite around and XY just
22885s able to back away from this and verse
22887s just hungry for this elimination and T
22890s star comes away and steals the kill no
22892s my goodness verse is the only one to be
22895s able to clutch this out if ver is able
22897s to get both eliminations with the first
22899s place finish he'll be able to come
22901s through or he just needs one with the
22903s first place finish I believe and he'll
22905s be able to beat out Frost ofus but if
22907s Frost ofus gets another kill it could be
22909s done for him here so this is this is a
22911s very sticky situation watch te star Come
22914s Away with the the MVP here I I I feel
22916s like it's something that's bound to
22918s happen we do verse is on the hottie so
22920s it is the more optimal pick for this
22922s final Circle uh especially since there
22924s is not not that much terrain for these
22926s players to hide on hottie will be able
22928s to fly into the skies we're seeing the
22929s dragons Rush come out star trying to
22932s make something happen as we see the uh
22934s martial artist Jade as well coming
22936s through there as uh trying to make
22938s something happen both of these players
22939s with the martial art Jade Frost ofis in
22941s the back end taking a lot of pot shots
22943s from verse huge Parry going to come out
22945s star is going to end up getting hit with
22946s the Parry we do see the hard stopper
22949s kick coming out as well from him trying
22951s to do an extra bonus attack into that
22953s Dragon Dr getting the silence as well
22955s meter dump coming through trying to make
22957s something happen but that OCTA slash
22958s just doing so much peel for him there
22961s the gold focus is very scary to try and
22963s fight against as now Frost ofis and star
22965s going at it we're seeing an Assassin's
22967s lunge come through from frost ofis verse
22969s able to do a great job of just King this
22970s out here and verse needs the win here
22973s he's only got two eliminations tries to
22975s go for the jump Parry isn't going to
22976s connect here we're going to see the
22977s overh hold come through the F ability is
22979s going to be invested now it's going to
22980s be in a lot of trouble no F on that
22983s attack now Frost of is taking a lot of
22984s dam kyl still available though as we are
22986s going to see the overhead slash come
22988s through now kyl going to be invested
22989s pretty quickly here huge Perry going to
22991s come out tries to send the punish damage
22992s over to verse Perry going to come
22994s through as well not going to be able to
22996s connect though as we're going to see now
22997s taking to the skies is going to be fun
23000s plus fenix's verse and now he needs to
23001s get this kill on Frost he needs to get
23003s the kill as you're going to see him take
23004s to the skies G Star gets the kill on
23006s Frost and now it's three kills for star
23010s two kills for verse verse needs this
23012s elimination otherwise he's not going to
23014s be able to seal the deal and there's 4
23016s seconds left does he get the kill but St
23020s no oh my
23023s god oh bur
23026s [Music]
23028s my oh ladies and gentlemen we're going
23032s to game
23033s eight oh my goodness sh I thought bur
23038s had it he came I thought he clutched
23040s that out it looked like he hit te star
23042s there but I guess the cannon shot still
23044s goes through through oh my
23047s goodness
23049s no oh we're calculating ladies and
23052s gentlemen we don't know if ver might
23056s have had enough points to beat out te
23058s star we're going to see who came away
23061s with the MVP I do believe that it is
23063s going to be T star because there's no
23066s way star is the four eliminations in the
23068s first place finish there's no way verse
23073s yeah oh oh ladies and
23076s [Music]
23078s gentlemen yeah oh my goodness we just
23081s got the
23083s [Music]
23085s confirmation crazy crazy last second I I
23090s I need a slowo replay of that cuz he he
23093s is charged up in the V2 when he comes in
23095s there and I thought he makes the
23097s connection there uh onto te star but I
23100s guess the cannon shot hits the ground
23103s beforehand and does enough damage for
23105s the Zone tick to clean up the
23107s elimination so congratulations to te
23109s star for an MVP here in game number
23113s seven I mean that one was a nailbiter
23116s dude again I I feel like I need a
23117s slow-mo instant replay to see what
23120s actually happened there cuz you see him
23122s holding the charge and looks like he
23124s goes in and cleans it up he catches what
23125s four back to back before star ever
23128s catches a cannon shot there I just
23130s thought he had it it it he I don't know
23133s why he didn't try and go for the kill on
23134s rosis and now we've got T225 Star Verse
23138s XY and spider all on Match Point and
23141s we've got one more game coming through
23144s oh my goodness first you sold my boy if
23149s he goes for the kill on Frost ofis picks
23151s up that elimination and then tries to go
23154s for the kill I feel like there's a CH
23155s that he wins that and oh my goodness
23159s it's wow wow wow guys we're going to
23164s game eight we're going to game eight
23166s absolutely crazy sh dun out it's getting
23172s ooly oh ladies and gentlemen I am I am
23176s I'm at a loss of words right now we're
23178s going to play so long the J team's going
23180s to become a team again like this is this
23182s is just so crazy that we're we're we're
23186s running into this right now and of
23188s course we got to bring it down to the
23189s wire it's the last bi-weekly split like
23192s how else would you want this to be
23193s played would you want it to end on game
23195s four no that's anticlimactic we're
23197s bringing you to the very end and then
23199s you know what's going to happen spider's
23200s just going to win cuz that's always what
23203s he does oh my goodness don't wish that
23206s on us so come on I I wanted to be a
23209s nailbiter all the way in but there is TE
23211s star with four eliminations does pick up
23214s the MVP there for a game score of
23217s 7.8 X why if he had been able to secure
23222s one more elimination in the end there
23225s and take first place it would have all
23227s come down to XY walking away the MVP but
23230s it is TE star with a game score 7.8
23232s Frost with a game score of 5.5 and as XY
23237s with a game score of
23238s 4.5 as we get ready to head into game
23241s number eight te star picking up an MVP
23244s for himself and frost is getting the 5.5
23247s this is you know it's not a bad it's not
23249s a bad place to be of course it's not the
23251s best place he wants to be but he's able
23253s to put a few more points up on the board
23254s so hopefully he'll be like maybe like
23256s eighth ninth place instead of down in
23258s 11th and 10th so uh you know we'll see
23261s we'll be running it back up but now
23263s we've got five players on Match point
23265s we're going to game eight Frost ofis in
23268s eighth place right now at 24.1 F Chang
23271s wangang Orono AAS and frost ofus these
23274s guys are not going to have a chance to
23276s come away Victorious unless they do
23278s something absolutely insane get a
23280s 20-point game and decide you know that
23282s they're going to pop off is a
23283s possibility but most likely we're going
23285s to see one of our players on Match Point
23287s we've got five players on Match Point so
23289s sixth place ugi's mik not going to be uh
23295s eligible for match point so he needs to
23298s get more points than every single player
23301s if he wants to come away Victorious 35.4
23304s would be his base threshold he'd have to
23306s beat and the fact that as e XY is going
23308s to probably get a few more kills in this
23310s game is going to make it even more
23312s difficult for him to come away
23313s Victorious
23315s this is going to be a tough one ladies
23316s and gentlemen it's between tt25 spider
23318s star vers and XY
23320s and XY used his double
23323s pick verse didn't I don't
23327s believe and spider was playing zp so
23332s spider is going to have the chance now
23334s to play
23335s kylin and just decimate the L we might
23338s get to see some taras though like you
23339s said so I'm I'm excited to see how we're
23341s going to pick we're going to take a look
23342s at our replays first where I'm just I'm
23345s I'm I'm already in game eight in my head
23347s right yeah I mean absolutely same I'm
23349s I'm ready to go see where this finally
23351s comes out we haven't had a solos day
23354s good to game eight in a hot minute here
23355s as we take a look at the replays I mean
23358s spider was off to tear at the beginning
23359s of the game unfortunately he just wasn't
23361s able he missed out on like three really
23364s easy eliminations uh in the early Game
23367s XY did a really good job he played it
23369s out um super close to the chest here
23372s unfortunately in the end I think he
23375s actually griefs himself by leaning on
23377s frost ofus a little too much there by
23379s leaning on the other kyin in the lobby
23382s just too much there uh I think if he had
23385s created some pressure onto the other
23387s kyin and split the lobby back into just
23390s everybody's their own solo hero there uh
23393s it would have been much much better for
23395s him but instead he actually ends up
23397s forcing the lobb's hand to go ahead and
23399s try to eliminate them as soon as humanly
23402s possible here we go in the end here this
23403s is what I want to see super
23405s slow-mo what what healed him there wait
23408s was he able to get a soul Bloom there in
23410s the end I think he just tapped watched
23412s away and I don't know heal or he he
23416s healed
23418s there uh Liam I think I I
23422s no maybe I don't know that was super
23426s tight I I yeah I need to go back and
23428s watch that in slowmo quite honestly cuz
23431s that is insane but te star here with the
23433s sixth MVP of the season 10,000 damage
23435s four eliminations Phoenix blast hard
23436s stoper kick twoa rupture Gale quick
23439s charge and sap that sap Soul Jade been
23443s putting in absolute work today for these
23445s players but we had a quick question for
23447s those of you watching from home here for
23449s a chance to get another summer spit box
23451s how many kills did ug's Mike get in game
23453s number seven is it A1 B2 C3 or D4 D4 I
23458s was hoping to get some C4 you know just
23461s blow this game right up oh my goodness
23464s but uh or I'm not even sure the answer
23467s you know my guess is as good as yours
23470s right now ladies and gentlemen we are
23471s absolutely
23473s cooked and we are going into game number
23475s eight it is going to be a very fun one
23477s to end this bi-weekly finals out with
23480s eight games is I it's just so poetic as
23483s uh we are going to be taking a look at
23486s who's going to be playing what we're
23488s going to get the whole rotation going
23490s again we are going to be starting game
23492s eight in just a second we're going to go
23493s back to back with his energy too we're
23495s not taking a break we're not going to go
23496s to an interview we're just going to play
23498s it right out and we're going to have
23500s game number eight we're going to get it
23502s going really quickly here as uh you know
23504s these players want to be have this
23506s finish just as much as everybody else we
23508s want to see the winner it's not even
23510s that we don't want to see more games in
23512s aaka I just want to know who's going to
23513s win and it it's just the suspense is
23516s killing me it's like they they it's like
23518s a cliffhanger episode it's like oh you
23520s got to watch one more episode of your
23522s show to uh find out what happen happens
23524s to the main character and right now the
23526s main characters are all locking in for
23529s game number eight every single person in
23532s arcka all of the players in the mvpl
23534s they've all got that main character
23536s energy you know some a little bit more
23537s than others right now but yeah I say
23540s speaking to lock it in as the main
23541s character we have five players in
23543s general who are our main character here
23545s because this is very crucial if a player
23548s who's not in those five players who are
23550s already on Match Point threshold takes
23552s the MVP that does does not make them the
23555s winner and that means we will go down to
23558s score and whoever currently has the most
23560s overall score will be walking away your
23564s winner so if those top five players
23566s aren't able to secure an MVP every
23569s single point that they do manage to put
23571s up on the board is going to matter for
23572s so much Seb yeah it is going to matter a
23576s whole lot more than it would in the
23579s other scenarios so yeah they it it's
23583s going to be difficult
23584s for the players on the bottom six to be
23586s able to actually put themselves into a
23588s position where they're going to be able
23589s to score if that makes
23592s sense as uh you know they need to put up
23597s way more points because they can't just
23598s MVP it's not going to be good enough for
23600s them they need to MVP and
23605s also they need to score more points than
23609s whoever is on Match Point so 35 points
23612s is the threshold and some of these
23613s players are only on 15 16 points so it's
23615s very very difficult to make happen not
23617s totally impossible but it is very very
23619s very difficult as that's we're probably
23622s going to see our Match Point players
23623s taking it to the end you know who
23626s knows but if it comes down to it asc's
23629s XY has the most amount of points right
23631s now by a huge margin so he will probably
23634s be the one to come away Victorious and
23636s ladies and gentlemen Match Point players
23638s star spider T225 verse and XY 35 33 31
23644s 29 28 so they're all pretty close in
23646s points but um XY still at the top it's
23650s anybody's game between these five
23652s players they've got a chance at coming
23655s away the victors of by week four finals
23659s and it has been a long road to get here
23661s we've played a lot of naraka and we're
23664s ready for one more game these players
23665s fingers must be so tired mentals must be
23670s so wrecked but we've got the coaches
23672s here helping them out getting them set
23675s up and back ready so that they can
23677s continue to compete into this game and
23680s come through with some crazy plays T225
23682s taking a look at these other two players
23684s these are the new ones as we're seeing
23686s look at look at fpx verse so close yet
23691s so far away now forced to make every
23694s single ground back up again for this
23699s game by weekly Finals game number eight
23702s wow what a Time
23705s what to
23706s play yeah I'm ready to go ahead and get
23709s locked in I want to see these hero
23710s selections T225 every hero still
23712s available to him
23714s here he has not double played yet today
23718s as we get into game number eight that's
23720s absolutely crazy to me Seb that some of
23723s these players still holding on to that
23725s double pick to be available for him and
23728s he T225 just finally over the threshold
23730s so might have been a smart decision for
23732s him verse here though could have
23734s clutched out in this last game but still
23736s has double pick available to him as we
23739s head into game number eight here I do
23741s believe he was kind of forced uh into
23743s taking hottie in this last game though
23746s uh with kylin being banned out before it
23747s gets to him
23749s so
23750s verse going to be in a very very
23752s interesting position here wbg spider in
23755s a very similar position here seven games
23758s seven Heroes played which means double
23759s pick also still available to wbg spider
23764s as we wait for game number eight to get
23767s underway
23768s here see coach going through his
23771s notebook there and eight games in is
23774s just like it it's going to be a crazy
23777s one look at that star is not going to be
23779s able to play I he's going to go either
23782s Justina or Tessa I believe would be his
23785s next picks in the meta cuz the Liams
23788s played twice and all of his other Heroes
23790s played once he might try to do something
23792s funky but uh I doubt get to see that
23794s maybe maybe from these little these
23796s bottom players since Fong is in the
23798s bottom you know there there's a chance
23800s we might get to see a little monk action
23802s going on but uh you never know but uh
23805s you know hopefully we'll get to see
23806s something fun coming out uh from the
23809s bottom players and hopefully we'll get
23812s to see some crazy plays coming out from
23814s the players in contention for Match
23816s Point as we're going to get to take a
23817s look really quickly here I'm I've got
23820s ants in my pants right now I'm jumping
23822s around I might even stand up for this
23824s game and so we're we're getting intense
23826s ladies and gentlemen like it I I can
23829s feel the tension there's nobody else
23831s around me right now I'm looking at a
23832s computer screen but it is tense in my
23835s building now everyone can feel the
23838s energy roaming through run I know you
23841s feel the energy right now I I know that
23844s everybody is just ready for this game
23847s Ronald wangan getting to pick first CH
23849s Jang and Fong second this going to be an
23852s interesting one as we go into these hero
23853s sele wangang and aano don't know how
23856s many Heroes they've locked they haven't
23858s shown us their hero picks I believe
23860s wangang already uses double Pickel we're
23862s going to see Wang leyang on the Z know
23864s that's an interesting one coming out
23866s here I forgot about zy being a viable
23869s hero into these games so we'll see zai
23871s coming through from wangang arono going
23872s to be on the Tessa chuang on the uh kyin
23877s Fong on the AOS nothing fun coming out
23880s from well AOS is still fun Ros is going
23883s to be on the Matari AIS on the hottie
23885s nobody banned out yet is uh XY and Mike
23889s we're going to see XY on the Justina
23892s Mike going to be on the aost aost now
23894s banned out verse and star two of our
23897s Match Point players are going to be vda
23900s for star vda has been a very viable hero
23904s so it's an interesting pick verse is
23906s going to go for that kylin pick that's
23907s his double coming out spider and T225 in
23911s the last round they both they have Liam
23913s available I believe spider's already
23914s picked it so I don't know if he spider
23916s might still have his double pick cuz he
23918s did play spider spider does have his
23919s double pick spider has his double pick
23921s so he he can play anybody but kylin
23924s unfortunate that he can't play kylin but
23927s uh so Liam is going to be his pick here
23929s and it's going to be a pretty
23931s interesting Lobby we do get to see a z
23932s we don't get to see a Tara or a monk
23934s sadly um coming into this game it's
23939s going to be an intense one as I said
23941s time and time again we're ready to go
23943s we're excited to see the plays come out
23946s spider bring it home for us we're on
23949s Morris aisle the original map it's dusk
23953s so I believe that means fireflies every
23958s everybody is going to be playing their
23963s hardest and run why don't you walk us
23965s through these ultimate abilities and
23968s seeing if there's anything out of theary
23969s here yeah we're going to take a look
23971s here of course we're going to have to
23972s look at Z first on land going to be the
23974s F1
23976s V2 not a major surprise there uh we will
23980s see who is on their double pick it's
23982s going to be versus spider and T225 as
23984s well as Mike and Chu Zang star down here
23987s going to be playing the F2 V2 no big
23989s surprised
23990s there not really seeing any major
23994s variations here I will say surprised to
23996s see Fong on the F1 on oos as the F2 has
24000s been much more favored from these oos
24003s picks as you can see OG's Mike will be
24005s rocking the F2 V2 on his oos selection
24009s as well John Yan going to be on the F2
24011s V1 for their Justina pick as well and
24015s everything else pretty much exactly what
24018s You' expect to be seeing coming here uh
24020s from these players on the pro stage as
24022s we get ready to head into this game
24024s number eight I know everybody's ready
24027s for this game to be underway so we can
24030s find out who's going to be Crown
24031s Champion here for your fourth by weekly
24035s of the summer split solos as we take a
24038s look we come back to where it all
24039s started here on Morris Isle and this is
24042s very classic moris aisle spawn no gold
24046s Zone there uh in celestra in the very
24048s middle of the map celestra being where
24050s everybody tends to head after taking
24053s their early fights and securing a couple
24055s of wins here and what do we see we see a
24057s big circle of players spawning
24060s everywhere around celestra but on in
24062s celestra so many of these players are
24063s going to take these early game fights
24065s and then look to pressure into celestra
24067s to be able to use it to not only
24068s potentially secure some eliminations but
24070s also have that option to scale Rush away
24072s and try to break some ankles if things
24074s go wrong for
24076s them yeah and those celestri fights
24078s those are definitely the trickier fights
24080s that we see coming through because of
24081s the movement that these players have
24083s every single player has goated movement
24085s in this game some more goated than
24086s others but every single player when you
24088s get to the mvpl level your movement is
24090s on point so hopefully we'll get to see
24092s some cool stuff coming through and as
24094s we're going to see the first Firefly
24095s battle going on spider able to get
24097s himself 71% on his ultimate right now
24099s going for that next Firefly spot is
24101s going to be able to pick it up here
24102s going for the loot now he doesn't have
24104s any weapons in hand going to be able to
24105s get himself a dual hirs and a katana
24108s right away so this weapon swap combo
24110s could come out pretty strong he wants to
24112s find himself armor before he engages on
24113s a Chu Jang looks like he is going to
24115s back off pretty quickly here going over
24117s to the other side where he's going to
24119s hit Bell and just try and see what's up
24122s five players on Match Point and all
24123s these players already spawning pretty
24125s close to each other looks like verse is
24126s hunting and ready for some action right
24128s now as it looks like Hal c25 not wanting
24131s the smoke right away here looks like he
24133s is just trying to back off and loot up a
24134s little bit more but we are going to see
24135s the one two coming through into the
24136s charge we're going to see the F ability
24138s getting invested from verse going to try
24139s and make something happen with the scale
24141s rush but the Liam F hasn't been invested
24143s so he is not going to be able to get too
24145s much off of value if he hits a Parry um
24149s other than burning the F ability here as
24150s they are going to be backing out here
24152s verse going to try and make something
24153s happen again goes for the overhead slam
24154s isn't going to connect F still not up
24156s for him going to go and grab that blue
24159s spear away from him trying to go for
24161s that overhead Bonk as we're going to see
24162s T25 just going for a couple of uppercuts
24165s blue armor in the back end there I don't
24168s know if there's uh much HP on the armor
24170s so these players are going to opt to go
24171s for the
24172s grays for now as drg F already picking
24175s up an elimination on a frost ofis here
24177s they're going to see the overhead SL
24178s coming out into the one two F ability
24180s now invested from verse verse on the
24182s back end of this getting getting caught
24184s out J's AIS already been eliminated as
24187s well as ug's mik picking up his first
24190s elimination of the game and uh you know
24193s he's got a lot of ground to make up but
24195s you know the the chances of him coming
24197s away with a 10-point game right now
24199s could be huge verse able to get a huge
24201s Parry off into pryo off of the frpr and
24205s now going through with the carousel into
24207s the 211 weapon swap as we're going to
24211s see K's tt25 is going to end up just
24213s backing off here trying to go for a
24215s reset but verse still heavy in Pursuit
24216s gets the one into the two we're going to
24218s see him now backing off trying to find
24221s himself an armor swap is unable to find
24223s it cg25 going to try and go for a little
24226s bit of a cheeky play with the scale Rush
24228s unable to connect off of it finds
24230s himself the armor swap though we are
24232s going to see him Bring It Around The
24233s Charge coming through from the R&B we
24235s going to see verse now in Ultimate tt25
24238s as well popping that Al use it very well
24241s able to back off no damage coming
24243s through though as we are going to see
24244s one more ultimate to be invested here as
24246s he is going to use it to teleport back
24248s through and now he's at the mercy of the
24250s kylin and there we go we're going to see
24252s it come through one more slash for him
24254s as he's now in trouble though
24256s immortality proc going to come out going
24257s to try and see if he can catch gg25 but
24259s he's unable to do it ultimate down and
24261s tt25 is able to make it out of their
24263s alive it looks like the misplays are
24265s real right now as looks like that
24268s blaming cage he doesn't want to run into
24270s it as we see tt25 jumping over the reset
24273s does come out and he goes for the fruit
24274s grab and decides to go for the reset
24276s here these fights are so intense nobody
24278s wanting to overcommit ASC XY though has
24280s picked up picked himself up in
24281s eliminations he is now in a pretty bad
24284s spot against ug's mic though and does
24287s send himself back to the soul alter very
24289s quickly Mike two eliminations on the
24291s board if Mike comes away with a 36
24295s points finish and gets the MVP I'm going
24298s to be blown away as K ct25 and verse
24301s still fighting it out purple
24304s in hand now purple fan is going to be
24306s super huge damage coming through ver
24308s able to get the pr off with the F
24309s ability going to be invested from gt25
24311s to be able to come through and prevent a
24313s lot of that damage the one two going to
24314s come through tries to go for the overh
24316s Perry is going to come out so he's just
24317s going to cancel that Dash away gets the
24320s overh hold gets the scale rush into the
24322s lmb into the double uppercut into the
24324s carousel drops the carousel though verse
24326s one HP in a dream right now K ct25 still
24328s going to try and make the scale Rush
24329s happen the armor swap is going to come
24331s out from both of these players here at
24333s every single time you think one of them
24335s is going to go down they both get
24336s themselves an armor swap wolves wangang
24338s already fully eliminated from the game
24339s right now and now K tt25 on the back
24342s foot of this fight but verse only one
24344s little bit of white armor left it looks
24347s like tt25 is going to take verse out
24350s sending him to the soul alter verse our
24352s second place player no eliminations on
24354s the board so far this is very bad spot
24356s to be in right now they cut over to te
24360s star here looking to give Chase to wbg
24363s spider again five players sitting there
24365s above the threshold T225 wbg spider te
24368s star one plus Fenix verse and as's X Y
24371s as we see 's Mike trading blows with XY
24374s again Mike's already killed XY once this
24376s game if XY actually dies here that will
24378s be it for XY they will be back to the
24381s lobby and they have got to hope and pray
24383s nobody else makes any points to catch up
24386s with them as they are currently sitting
24387s on top of the leaderboard and that would
24390s be a sad way to lose out here uh on
24395s becoming the biweekly Champion knowing
24397s you're sitting at the top of the
24398s leaderboard and having to watch the rest
24399s of this game play out uh without being
24402s able to do anything about it Jean Yan
24404s here on the white fan here trying to use
24407s the movement here inside celester just
24409s to break some ankles Mike going to show
24411s up johanan though able to break away the
24413s Clank going to come through we're going
24414s to see the F invested by Mike jeanan
24416s going to be forced to pop the f as well
24417s going to scale up trying to break away
24419s scales back up inside again with the
24421s rescale rush here scale rush into scale
24423s Rush Mike not quite sure where XY has
24426s gone they've been able to find an armor
24427s Swap and a heal here they need to cut
24430s silence here they need to not let
24432s anybody know where they are and XY
24435s breaks the ankles of ug's mic and Slips
24438s Away lives to fight another day as we
24440s get over to te star now ring blows with
24442s drg's Fong Fong on the receiving end of
24444s the pain of these purple nunchucks the
24446s have going to be invested there by drg's
24448s F going to get a little bit of damage
24449s reduction there te star though going to
24451s keep the pressure up here as we go to
24452s everybody 's favorite ballista watch
24455s here Tower watch te star forcing Fong
24458s away though as the Zone comes in Fong
24460s will find a set of blue armor here with
24461s somebody else previously was doing a
24463s little bit of shopping likely wbg spider
24466s star now having to rip the armor yet
24469s again off of drg Fong able to avoid the
24471s F there lots of damage coming out and
24473s spider just griefing the fight sending
24475s bow shots left right and Center there as
24477s Spider does not want to give up the
24478s realm of Yang that he's got the ticket
24479s for hits bong a second time with the bow
24481s shot te star
24484s wants it oh my goodness spider really
24486s just trying to send those shots downtown
24488s and pick up the elimination almost gets
24490s it too if it wasn't for the white armor
24492s swap there star already invested in the
24494s ultimate not in a great place really
24496s needs to clutch up this elimination
24498s before Fong just Slips Away inside
24500s celestra oh my goodness he's able to
24501s clutch it out he catches the F but now
24504s the ult being invested on the side of
24506s drg's f te star just trying to secure
24510s this elimination but celester going to
24512s make it very difficult for star to do it
24514s bong looks like he's going to be able to
24515s get a pot off here makes most of a reset
24518s the F goes out it's not going to matter
24519s as the tiger leap comes through catches
24522s star up in the clutchers gets a huge
24523s heal and now star no ultimate no F into
24526s the fan and te star is eliminated by drg
24529s is f fully eliminated from the game as
24532s well he does not have a soul to revive
24535s as we're going to take a look now K is
24537s tt25 fighting against f plus fenix's
24539s verse we going to see the huge Parry
24541s coming out here was able to stand up at
24542s the right second uncrouch and Come Away
24545s with the Parry the F ability from the
24547s Liam going to save him the trouble of
24549s having to lose his weapon here we're
24551s going to see him try and go for the
24551s Parry but the grapple cancel into the
24554s one two as we see it come out and now
24556s fun plus fenix's ver in a lot of trouble
24558s we're going to see the kylin ultimate
24559s coming out now immortality proc already
24561s in full effect K tt25 with a huge upper
24564s hand into this fight ver needs to
24566s connect with these slashes misses one
24568s misses is going to connect on the two
24570s here and now is going to go out tt25
24573s picking up a beautiful elimination verse
24575s panicking right now is going to be in a
24577s lot of
24579s trouble as we're going to see ewg arano
24582s versus as's XY arano here on the dagger
24586s come through is able to secure the Tess
24588s ultimate XY on the wall here taking a
24591s ton of damage again XY In Contention
24595s here still in first place needs to hold
24599s on for dear life here if they want to
24601s walk away the champion here here their
24604s odds slowly dimming away here as the
24607s hottie gives Chase XY onto the side of
24609s the tower here knows they've got to
24610s break ankles here going to wait for that
24612s hotti old to go out trying to get away
24614s there able to get the read to dash away
24616s one hit here is all it's going to take
24618s and J L's
24620s AIS since XY back to the lobby two of
24625s your five players in contention on Match
24628s Point have already been eliminated and
24631s two of them are also on on Yang
24633s depletion ladies and gentlemen this is
24635s the kind of gameplay that we're so used
24637s to seeing these top players crumbling
24639s Under Pressure right now as looks like
24641s they making a few misplays letting some
24643s of these players just absolutely
24645s decimate their HP bars and that's what
24647s we're seeing happen verse is going to
24649s get hit with the grapple bomb Mike just
24651s a huge follow-up damage immortality
24653s already proed here very little HP has
24656s been gained back from this he's going to
24657s be in a lot of trouble has started to
24659s gain back a lot of HP was able to
24660s connect the KY slash on to multiple
24662s players and now in a decent position but
24665s if he misses this last slash he's going
24666s to be in trouble no HP left for verse as
24670s he does have that Yang depletion as well
24672s and this is going to be three of the
24674s five players completely eliminated from
24676s the game already jdg Shong also has been
24679s eliminated but I do believe he had the
24681s Vermilion bird bite so he will be
24683s brought back into this verse able to
24684s find a beautiful spot to heal here as
24686s the f is going to get invested as he's
24687s going to try and scale out of here Mike
24689s not going to give up the chase trying to
24691s use that F2 to make something happen
24693s tries to come through but ends up
24694s hitting a Parry instead of the uppercut
24696s here trying to go for that scale rush to
24698s connect on verse ver so close to death
24701s and everybody trying to chase and AIS is
24703s going to come away with the elimination
24704s and now only two Match Point players
24708s remain guys what is going on what is
24712s going on right now this is absolutely
24715s insane tt25 does have Vermilion it's
24718s looking like it's all coming up for him
24719s spider though on Vermilion or on Yang
24723s depletion wants to get this kill onto
24726s Fong Fong trying to scale away right now
24728s is very close to death as K's tt25 and
24733s wbg spider are Relentless in their Chase
24735s they're going to try and take it to the
24736s tower but spider doing a great job of
24738s just covering out where he's going to be
24740s and now we're going to see fun getting
24742s sent to the sky no ultimate available
24744s very low in HP spider able to come away
24747s with the kill and the Soul blo does go
24749s to spider here so he is going to be okay
24752s coming back in with still have two Match
24753s Point players alive both with three
24756s eliminations on the board Fong
24757s completely
24758s eliminated Mike three eliminations on
24761s the board as well but Star Verse and XY
24764s selling their game the point of death
24767s and now tt25 and spider have it all on
24769s their
24770s shoulders what a crazy turn of events
24774s three of the players before second Yang
24777s immediately eliminated here in our
24780s eighth and final game of the day
24783s T25 wbg spider a lot of uh feelings
24788s going on right now as we see XY right
24791s now out of this game but still in first
24793s place XY hoping and praying that
24796s somebody eliminates wbg spider and T225
24800s because if they do it's going to be hard
24802s pressed for anybody to take away that
24804s first place from ASE Jean Yuan as we
24807s take back here we're going to take a
24809s look at the replay inside the realm of
24811s Yang spider versus JD G's Cho J where to
24813s see how spider end up losing the Yang
24816s here Tri to go for the bow
24818s shot goes in looks for the scale Rush
24820s onto the Clank here CH Jang though able
24823s to get the read spider forced to burn
24825s the F there just to get in there taking
24828s the pry but chujang does the same
24830s Returns the favor though spider into the
24832s uppercut there misses the grapple
24834s opportunity realizes it and immediately
24835s decides he's got to pop the ultimate
24837s here the KY Lan going to pop the ult
24838s return the favor as well spider with one
24841s ult charge left here trying to get the
24843s heal off here but juang not going to let
24846s it happen we're going to see the F come
24848s through from the ultimate on wbg spider
24850s he's going to burn it a little early
24852s there I think maybe the old was about to
24854s run out feeling forced to go and spend
24856s it and there you go that's how spider
24857s loses his realm of Yang but speaking of
24859s R gang we're second R gang it's going to
24861s be OG's Mike versus alliance's Frost
24863s ofus we watch this fight start to break
24865s out between wbg spider jails AIS by the
24868s way AIS having cleaned up two of the
24871s three top players in this Lobby griefing
24873s them away picking up both verse and Jean
24880s Yuan spider here trying to see if he can
24883s make something happen it looks like jdg
24885s chuong versus K's T225 K risking it for
24889s the biscuit right now going to try and
24890s see if he can pick up that fourth
24892s elimination that he so desperately needs
24894s looks like frost did end up going out to
24896s Mike in the real of beginning we saw it
24897s the other way around happening earlier
24899s in the day but uh it looks like Kay cg25
24902s able to get that that connect off with
24904s the RMB as we are going to see him
24906s coming through now with another R&B
24908s trying to go for the grapple cancel here
24909s seeing if he can go for the Parry F
24911s ability going to be invested from him
24912s here trying to see if he can go from up
24914s top with the cannon shots able to
24915s connect on one jumping lmb is going to
24917s come through but the one two from Chu
24918s Jang is going to also come out as now
24921s Chu Jang winner of two real of of the
24923s first realm of Yang against spider is
24926s going to be fighting for his life now
24928s trying to make something happen jl's
24930s fully eliminated now only six players
24931s remaining into this game with 12 minutes
24933s left everybody is getting super
24936s aggressive as we're going to see it come
24937s through ultimate available for both of
24939s these players kg5 going to try and hold
24941s on to this ultimate for as long as
24943s possible going to use that F to get out
24944s of the way jumping lmb going to come
24945s through and just stagger for just a
24948s second here able to use that ultimate to
24950s get out of the way looks like Chu Jang
24952s was able to heal a pot off as well d25
24956s in a good position to win this he's
24957s kiing out the alt very very well he just
24960s needs to catch tt25 or he just needs to
24963s catch Chong one time and there we go
24964s immortality proc going to come through
24966s ultimate is down but the P sword is just
24969s so much damage that very very tough to
24971s fight against as if he does Come Away
24973s with one of these scale rushes here we
24975s might see it come through oh my goodness
24977s so close to the follow up one HP
24980s remaining and chuong is going to get
24982s eliminated K is T225 four eliminations
24984s in the best spot right now to come away
24986s with the victory for by-weekly number
24989s four as he's going to pick up that
24990s legendary armor legendary fan he's got
24992s Legend legendary fist blades he's doing
24994s the most right now wbg spider still in
24996s this game as
24997s well going to try and make something
24999s happen it looks like frost ofis needing
25001s that bloom it looks like Mike was able
25002s to take it away from him
25004s though as he's trying to come away into
25006s this fight as well oh you Mike with the
25010s white tiger prowess as well going to be
25012s very difficult for him to try and make
25013s anything happen here the one two going
25015s to come out Frost is taking so much
25016s damage here K C5 going to try and make
25018s something happen it looks like he's got
25019s Cloud Reaper in his pocket as well now
25021s as where do see the we come out F
25023s ability invested from spider Frost is
25025s now the target of the entire Lobby only
25027s no eliminations on the board for him so
25029s far Cloud Weaver is going to deal so
25030s much damage the followup from Mike is
25032s also going to be very dangerous as
25034s frosto is going to have to use that
25035s Matari ultimate to get out of there as
25037s fast as possible jdg Chang finding the
25039s Target now spider coming away with the
25040s elimination who gets the bloom nobody
25043s knows and it looks like Chu Jang didn't
25044s get the bloom his Yang depletion was not
25046s cured as uh four players remain with 10
25049s minutes left in the lobby this is
25050s absolutely crazy yeah this is going
25053s insane this is about the level of fight
25056s I expected from these players dt25 here
25059s now on the timer for eliminations him
25061s and spider both of them trying to fight
25063s for MVP here though Mike ahead with five
25067s eliminations if Mike takes MVP it's
25069s going to go to Jean Yuan I do believe I
25071s don't think there's enough eliminations
25073s left in the lobby for Mike to even be
25075s able uh to climb that point difference
25078s there he is still almost 10 points
25080s behind uhan on here is wbg spider going
25084s to come pick up some of The Spoils of
25087s War there from Frost's body tt25 again
25091s needs to find another elimination here
25093s so he can tie it up with Mike and so he
25095s can get ahead of wbg spider using that
25097s Cannon to maximum efficiency T25 has
25100s been finding so much damage out this
25102s game with the cannon if he takes the MVP
25105s we will be able to get to take a look
25106s there at those damage stats for the
25108s Canon T25 on the legendary armor
25111s legendary fan in the back pocket as well
25113s as the legendary uh fist blades and
25115s Cloud Weaver chilling there in the back
25118s pocket as well T25 in a really good
25121s position potentially come out on top of
25124s this ug's
25127s Mike doing a little bit of uh changing
25130s here going to change that staff into the
25131s spear wasn't that long ago that would
25133s have been absolutely wild to
25135s see wbg spider JG Shang trading blows
25139s here spider trying to catch him with the
25142s long sword there not quite able to make
25144s it happen going to break away here needs
25146s to find that opportunity to get a reset
25148s does not want his game to end here would
25151s be an absolute disaster for him cannon
25154s shots are ringing through K is T25 doing
25156s a lot of damage there to spider Chang
25159s coming in will get the grapple grief out
25161s onto spider spider in the ultimate will
25163s TP away there with the ultimate but now
25166s no ultimate no F available for wbg
25170s spider we're to see those pistol shots
25172s coming through doing a lot of damage
25174s over time there wbg spider is going to
25176s be the no he gets a Parry on T5 but T25
25179s with the F still available spider looks
25181s to be the next player eliminated from
25182s the lobby and it's going to go to ug's
25184s Mike who now goes to six T25 has a lot
25187s of work to do if he wants to walk away
25189s this bi-weekly Champion as Mike actually
25192s moves ahead of him
25195s here5 needs to find at least one more
25198s elimination in the first place finish
25200s here to be your by we Champion or it
25203s goes to Jean Yuan chujang going
25206s extremely low Mike going to go into the
25208s cloud Weaver here the ultimate being
25209s proed by Mike tt25 on the Canon trying
25212s to make it happen the ult being invested
25214s there Mike goes down T225 finds the
25216s elimination if he can find the first
25218s place finish that's going to be it
25219s chujang able to find the bloom though
25222s T225 no ultimate chuang goes so low
25226s though the old going to come up the ban
25228s breath coming in T225 just has got to S
25231s survive this ultimate he's got to proc
25233s the old tier very fast there it is
25235s ladies and gentlemen two jangs so low
25237s T225 needs anything and T225 he's going
25240s to walk away your by weekly
25243s [Music]
25249s Champion absolutely insane here ladies
25252s and gentlemen klaas's
25254s T225 Mike for a second looked like if he
25257s would have gotten all three of those
25259s eliminations cuz he got the pick on a
25260s spider he almost got the pick on to T
25269s the forest by weekly solo Champion he is
25273s ko8
25279s T225 today you finally break your
25284s curse finally you got today how do you
25288s feel now
25293s so at the last second you finally
25296s relieved yourself how's that
25299s [Music]
25301s feel think I finally did
25309s it you know so for today's competition
25312s you always like
25316s not on the top performance how did you
25320s do the adjustment
25326s I think because I'm really lucky because
25329s yesterday my driving
25333s lessons so I'm
25343s today okay this is the coach of K and he
25347s said I think because he didn't pass his
25350s family lessons yesterday I think it's
25352s not
25352s good but today is really
25360s surprised so we know T5 already came to
25365s K for a really long time how did you
25368s like
25369s support that
25372s way I think because we have kind of
25377s Rel We Believe each
25383s so especially for this year I think he
25387s like changed his
25389s mind and he know what to do on the
25392s competition what he have to practice
25395s more and he will do better and
25404s better you know need to deive
25407s impressions for all of us we always know
25411s he may
25415s but today
25418s he we know he got the champion
25433s today champ and
25438s [Music]
25447s we know this Champion for to5 he tried
25451s hard for such a long time and he wor it
25489s congratulations to K T225 to be the
25492s forest by wly solo champion
25510s so also today have a lot of T225 fans
25515s what do you want to say to
25521s them I think you guys got the
25527s [Music]
25530s box also want to know you already break
25535s these
25536s Cur what do you think about like falling
25539s games I think I will break another as
25543s well and what's your expectation
25552s for I think I just want him to like
25555s maybe do
25561s better and for this way we believe in5
25566s he can break the curse one by
25569s one also what do you want to say to all
25572s the players
25574s today I think they all did pretty well
25578s like Mike like spider
25584s like especially For Worse I think he may
25588s at the game in the game seven but maybe
25591s a little bit unlucky
25601s also thanks to all the players who gave
25604s us like wonderful competition today but
25607s we have to congratulations again to 2024
25612s mvpl supl the for by weekly solo
25615s Champion k d to defy
25621s [Music]
25626s [Applause]
25627s [Music]
25628s [Applause]
25631s [Music]
25643s oh my goodness what a crazy day eight
25645s incredible games when it comes down to
25647s the end though it all goes to K's
25650s T225 finally walking away with his first
25653s biweekly Championship now he needs to
25656s head on in here he needs to be qualified
25660s for the season Grand finals in T225 I
25663s want to see you take it all it's time to
25666s break the curse you broke it today if
25668s you can take the grand finals and head
25670s on to Worlds I would love to see it time
25672s to change your name too it's no longer
25674s T225 it's
25675s t115 because you are standing on top
25678s today my boy super proud to see T225
25682s finally come out on top get the
25683s bi-weekly final he has been fighting for
25685s so often for those viewers who are
25688s unaware there's been a long standing
25690s talk about T225 being cursed because his
25692s name is
25693s T225 and he almost always ends up right
25697s there in second place even at World's
25699s last year literally just like a couple
25702s uh a handful of points away uh from
25705s taking that first place and coming out
25707s on top man's always the bridesmaid never
25710s the bride but today he gets to stand on
25713s top yeah and he should change his name
25715s to T1 T first place no numbers after
25720s that T1 one and only one and he he had a
25723s very very very amazing performance and
25726s the the cannon play was what changed the
25728s game for him there we we saw it come out
25730s we were talking about it while they were
25732s going through the MVP
25733s screen he had a phenomenal phenomenal
25738s performance throughout all of these
25740s games it was able to come through and
25742s and just finally push through and Come
25744s Away with his victory it's so great to
25746s see him doing these things H cuz we we
25749s haven't seen a lot of it from him we
25751s always see that second place we never
25753s see the bi-weekly winners so he wins the
25755s bi bi-weekly hopefully he'll come and
25757s win the bi-weekly finals and we'll get
25759s to see a lot more stuff coming through
25760s from him and uh yeah it's it's it's an
25765s interesting one for sure you know it's
25767s been a roller coaster of emotions
25769s through the day you know we thought we
25771s were going to be seeing these games end
25772s a lot sooner we we saw some misplays
25775s happen and through the magic of it he
25776s passes through the Threshold at the very
25778s end and clutches it out in game number
25780s eight props to him for being able to
25782s come and do that having the persistence
25784s to stay through throughout every single
25788s game and coming through on top as the
25791s victor of our bi-weekly four finals
25794s we've played a total of we played 18
25798s qualifying games with another eight
25800s games on tops that's 26
25805s games to come to this one point where K
25809s gg25 through all of these games came
25812s through and became the winner I I'm at a
25816s loss of words right now we're we're both
25818s a little fraud and it's it's been a long
25821s journey but now that we're here it's so
25823s great being yeah absolutely love to see
25825s T225 finally coming out on top I know
25828s everybody in chat is absolutely singing
25830s his praise look T225
25832s absolutely beloved name here in North
25834s America the casters always trying to Pat
25837s him on the back and tell him to keep
25839s going make sure he keeps competing
25841s because he has got the skill to do it
25843s here and you know in the final moments
25845s of this game uh there's one point I I
25847s want to break down in the realm of Yang
25849s there's a moment where he takes a huge
25852s risk uh to repair in the face of his
25854s opponent in that second realm of Yang
25856s and we talked about the risk he took
25858s just going into that realm of Yang in
25860s general anyway but he knew he needed
25862s those eliminations he needed to keep the
25864s pressure up if he wanted to come out on
25866s top and that moment he has the
25869s wherewithal he just says I know the
25870s scale Rush is coming I'm going to let it
25873s I'm I'm going to let it go I'm going to
25875s I'm risking it all for this repair he
25878s gets it off on the cannon he's able to
25879s come out on top because of it the scale
25882s Rush misses by just a hair he's able to
25885s get those two cannon shots down range
25886s and clean up that realm of Yang that
25888s realm of Yang of course giving him that
25890s white tigers prowess that he comes out
25891s and puts to Absolute work he comes in he
25893s cleans up elimination after elimination
25895s and he does it against the best players
25897s he does it against wbg spider he does it
25899s against ug's mik he does it against
25901s every one of these players in this Lobby
25904s so there can be no question that our boy
25907s uh T225 absolutely earned this Victory
25910s he fought Blood Sweat and Tears to make
25913s it here today and uh I couldn't be
25915s prouder of him Seb yeah it's like a
25918s proud dad moment I I know that we're not
25921s you know related to them in any way but
25922s it's it's really great to see like when
25925s playeres from being in a certain spot on
25928s the scoreboards never putting up points
25930s KLA was on the bottom of the scoreboard
25931s at one point in time and now they're
25933s putting up the craziest numbers we're
25935s going to see the scoreboard for the last
25937s game 10.2 points to make him the MVP in
25940s that match point putting him just up on
25943s the top Mike at a
25944s 7.5 spider at 5.5 Fong at 3.5 arono at
25948s three Chang at three AIS on 2.5 five XY
25952s and frost on one verse on 0.5 and te
25955s star and wangang zero points going into
25959s that last game eight games played it' be
25962s a very difficult spot for these players
25963s to come through Come Away with
25966s anything yeah this was crazy crazy day
25970s of games love to see it coming in and of
25972s course K T25 walking away your by weekly
25976s Champion I I don't know really what else
25978s there is to say it's a it's a momentous
25980s occasion T225 has been working towards
25983s this all year like I said always the
25986s bridesma never the brides if we take a
25988s look here some of the replays brought to
25990s you by Thunderbolt wbg spider here in
25992s the early game I don't think we actually
25994s saw this fight man what a bow shot there
25996s on the chuang actually Mike here with
25998s that early elimination on XY uh Fong
26002s coming in here on to wolves Wang Lang
26004s T25 here in this fight and I mean this
26007s fight really sets the tempo for T25 this
26009s fight lasts for almost four minutes in
26012s the beginning of the game and it's verse
26014s he's able to come out on top of then we
26016s cut the mic here onto Frost of Po Frost
26018s is here just gets the work put onto him
26020s uh by 's mik as he's able to come
26023s through here and clutch it out there we
26024s go he lands the ultimate there there's
26026s not a whole lot Frost to do after that
26028s is the followup guaranteed there uh from
26030s the jumping this is it the moment the
26032s repair he waits it out is able to get
26035s the repair off I don't know any other
26038s player that would have waited that out
26040s Seb yeah it it's definitely an
26043s interesting spot and he's able to go
26045s through get the repair and the whole
26047s reason he wins the fight is because of
26048s the cannon shots and we see it happen
26049s here again the cannon damage just so
26052s much extra coming through and he's able
26054s to get the kill onto Chu Jang we see
26056s Mike cheering on his friend for the win
26059s here as he gets up and he wins the game
26062s absolute teor as we're going to take a
26064s look at the final standings in 12th
26066s Place arano with only two points oh
26070s these are the ranking points total
26071s points for 20.2 on the day the ranking
26073s points getting two wolves wingland going
26076s to finish with three prosus with 3.5
26079s Chong with four B with 4.5 AIS with five
26084s as we're going to take a look at the top
26085s of our leaderboard in just a
26088s second is we like to simmer and just you
26092s know soak all of this information and
26094s there's a whole lot of numbers we're
26095s throwing at you so you got to you got to
26097s really check this out because we you
26099s know when you're getting to the time of
26100s the day and look at that 10.2 MVP at the
26104s end is going to put K on to nine ranking
26107s points XY on to eight spider on the
26109s seven Mike on a 6.5 verse on the six
26113s star on
26115s 5.5 as uh we're going to be closing this
26118s out K's
26120s d225 finally getting a win under his
26123s belt nine ranking points is going to be
26125s huge going into these Grand finals
26127s giving him a very decent standing to uh
26131s play in the mvpl grand finals here as
26133s we're going to be seeing and then we've
26135s got the lcq last chance qualifier coming
26137s through as well and then we also have a
26139s couple of other things that are going to
26141s be going on so right now total kills
26144s spider with 19 with 77,000 damage the
26149s amount of T225 got more kills he got uh
26154s 21 kills but only 76,000 damage Mike
26157s with 69,000 damage XY with 66 verse with
26160s 64 Frost with 59 Frost ofus with sixth
26163s for damage that's a that's a good one to
26165s see and here we go KS gt25 the solo
26169s winner of biwe number
26172s four oh my goodness what a bi-weekly it
26175s has been as well don't forget though to
26177s tune in tomorrow as we're going to have
26179s our trios bi-weekly four finals and you
26183s will still have a chance to get that
26185s Banner drop I know so many of you in
26187s chat are chasing so make sure you tune
26190s in tomorrow for the gr uh for the
26192s bi-weekly finals for trios and like you
26195s said there's still a lot of nraa left to
26197s play this year we still have last chance
26198s qualifiers uh for the grand finals for
26202s uh the summer split then we have last
26204s chance qualifiers to head on over to
26206s World we're probably going to have
26208s another event post that if I'm not
26210s mistaken last year it was astral cup and
26212s then heading from there we will be
26213s heading on in to the main qualifiers for
26216s everybody for the grand finals uh for
26219s the world championship and then of
26220s course the world Championship itself it
26223s is still going to be a very stacked year
26227s of nraa going forward be sure to check
26230s out that Astro cup I'm going to win the
26232s Astro cup I'm sending that prediction
26234s out right now I'm going to compete in
26236s the Astro cup and I'm going to win the
26238s astral cup well we hopefully see I'm
26240s probably going to get dead last I
26242s haven't even signed up yet but uh we're
26244s going to try and make that happen astral
26246s cup is going to be sure to be a great
26247s one to watch that's going to be our na
26248s tournament we get to see before the end
26250s of the year and and um we've also got
26252s our sea qualifiers we've got our China
26254s Mainland World qualifiers we've got so
26256s much nraa action coming for you guys in
26258s the next couple of weeks like you guys
26260s are going to be so hyped for this to
26263s come
26264s out yeah it is going to be a very very
26267s good year of nraa what a day today has
26271s been though and again don't forget to
26272s show up tomorrow for those Trio finals
26276s for the bi-weekly as well cuz you're not
26278s going to want to miss any of that action
26280s and of course if you didn't get the drop
26281s today you're not going to want to miss
26283s those lovely lovely twitch drops again
26285s if you're watching on any other platform
26287s make sure you head over to Twitch and at
26288s least link your Twitch account leave a
26291s lurk up so you can get the drops and
26293s still watch on your preferred platform
26295s whether that be Tik Tok Facebook YouTube
26298s wherever it may be that you watching the
26299s rocket blade point we appreciate every
26301s single one of you no matter where you're
26304s watching the action from because it
26306s means the world to us to have you all
26308s here uh cuz we wouldn't get to do what
26309s we do without you so we appreciate you
26312s guys being here to watch The Incredible
26314s games and of course a huge shout out to
26316s all the players as well cuz the pro
26318s players keep the game alive and uh man
26321s do they put on one heck of a show there
26323s it is again
26325s T225 your solos bi-weekly Champion for
26329s biweekly number four ah what a day Seb
26333s what a
26334s day yeah it it it has been a crazy day
26339s like there's there's nothing nothing
26341s else to describe it like the the plays
26343s that I've been going through are
26345s absolutely insane the stuff that we've
26347s been seeing is just mind boggling and
26350s messing with my skull and you know it is
26353s it has just fried me internally and
26356s externally and every other Turnal that
26359s could possibly exist as um yeah wow it's
26363s like the stuff that we saw today like
26365s spider almost threw the entire thing at
26367s the start with the fire cages and then
26371s and he doesn't end up winning the game
26373s seven doesn't end up winning the game
26375s eight goes out pretty early we had three
26377s players like XY ASC schan Yuan had such
26381s a great performance all day and then in
26383s the last game goes out in like 11th or
26386s 10th Place it was just so unfortunate to
26389s see that happen I mean jeanan had a
26392s really good day I mean he was still up
26394s there he actually had a chance of still
26396s walking away uh he just needed Mike to
26399s slow down kind of the rest of the Bobby
26401s a little bit so that his points were
26403s enough to get him there that there
26405s wasn't going to be an MVP unfortunately
26407s it's just not what happened uh he
26410s literally like I said worst case
26412s scenario is being juanan in that
26414s situation where you literally have got
26416s to watch as your Championship walks away
26420s from you at the hands of
26423s k225 horrible place to be my condolences
26426s go out uh to asc's XY cuz man I would
26430s not want to be there there I would be I
26432s would be very very frustrated that said
26435s I I couldn't think of a better way to
26436s end the season
26437s T225 he he really deserves it he has
26440s been working for it he like I said
26442s constantly in second always the
26444s bridesmaid never the bride he deserved
26446s his opportunity to come out on top again
26449s he he missed it I think by like 04
26451s points walking away the world champion
26454s last year we're talking about a player
26456s who's exceptionally skilled but you know
26459s that curse of him being t 225 always
26463s chasing him around so congratulations to
26465s him again for finally being able to come
26468s out on top and taking a championship
26470s that's well well deserved T1 St is the
26473s new name that I've seen in chat and uh
26477s and thought up you know a T1 T1 St I
26480s like that um it
26484s it's we've gotten to a point
26488s where we we come to these finals and
26490s like okay we're going to expect this
26492s we're coming to expect a certain thing
26494s coming through in these games but
26499s never it never happens in the way that
26502s you're going to think it happens it it
26504s just the twists and turns the amount of
26507s emotions that you get brought up from
26511s watching these like the the journey that
26513s you get taken on watching these games
26514s like eight games played there's so much
26517s energy that comes through the rise and
26519s fall of these players coming through
26521s like you know spider used to run away
26524s with every single finals and now it's
26527s anybody's game we're going to take a
26530s look at his 78 total
26534s kills oh my goodness most of it coming
26537s from the nunchucks fist blades and the
26540s staff D hird's pull sword and hung
26543s swword taking up the other bits
26545s 300,000 damage with melee weapons over
26548s his summer split of 2824 is a very very
26553s very crazy play through the Valiant
26557s Pioneer award is also going to kale is
26559s T225 that
26561s is
26565s insane yeah we love to see it coming
26567s through T25 well deserved again don't
26571s miss out tomorrow for your trios fourth
26576s bi-weekly you can see here who was able
26578s to take which bi-weekly bi-weekly one
26580s goes to J Shu Jang and solo wolves takes
26583s it in our bi-weekly 2 ss1 Pace takes her
26586s bi-weekly 2 solos wolves clutching out
26589s the trios yet again in the second
26592s by-weekly as we had in our third
26594s by-weekly goes to wbg spiders and team
26596s bada takes the trios today it all comes
26599s up K T25 in the solo by weeklys uh will
26604s wolves be able to come back out on top
26606s in the trios or will another team clutch
26609s away the trios bi-weekly final time will
26613s tell that time will be tomorrow you're
26616s not going to want to miss it ladies and
26618s gentlemen as we continue to take a look
26619s you can see here uh as we had into
26621s November the as qualifier the EU qualif
26624s na qualifier will be taking on the first
26626s second and third solo Grand finals and
26628s trios Grand finals uh for our fourth
26630s season it will be the ninth and 10th and
26632s then we will have the Chinese Mainland
26634s qualifier on the 14th 15th 16th and 17th
26638s so you're not going to want to miss in
26639s any of that action
26643s as we take a look at the overall
26645s standings here uh
26647s for all of our teams the number of
26649s points they've been able to put together
26651s for themselves into qualification
26654s unfortunately uh BB's fat milk here all
26656s the way at the bottom with zero points
26658s get put together frostz today puts up a
26660s respectable
26661s 3.5 his first to BU weekly final he's
26664s able to clutch up some points for
26665s himself there take a look verse
26669s 18.5 he doesn't come out the champion in
26672s any of these but a respectable at least
26674s four points he's here every single week
26676s and again Kay is 2225 always sitting
26679s towards the top of that leaderboard just
26681s not quite able to clutch it out but
26683s today makes it happen wbg spider last
26687s week as well and then man what a day
26691s today was and You See Kay T25 number one
26695s in the season the most points put
26697s together this is a guy who's
26699s consistently putting points up in the
26700s board consistently being here and again
26702s this is a championship well earned as we
26706s take a look at the solo qualified
26710s teams these are your solo guaranteed
26712s qualifies going into the season Grand
26716s Final AKA wbg OU ewg drg and as
26723s e and then we've got a couple more slots
26726s for these players who are going to try
26729s and come away with the last chance
26731s qualifier so out of these teams out of
26735s these 12 teams six more will be added to
26739s the tally and doesn't matter what their
26742s placement was before it only matters
26745s what they do in the lcq so it giving G
26748s it's giving frost ofis a chance to be
26749s able to make up for the season you know
26751s he had a great run by-weekly four but
26754s unfortunately his performance in
26756s by-weekly 1 through three wasn't able to
26758s make finals so hopefully he'll get a
26760s little bit more going into it for that
26763s and then the world's points will be
26765s added on after the lcq and after the
26768s solo Grand finals of the
26771s [Music]
26774s mvpl taking a look here tomorrow's
26777s schedule as we head in it's going to be
26779s morile predor Hol Roth predor Hol Roth
26782s morile Hol Roth and then if we go to
26785s game eight it will be rounding it out
26787s yet again on Morris Isle it's going to
26790s be a good day again you do not want to
26791s miss the trios cuz it's going to be some
26794s absolutely crazy games yeah the trios is
26799s three times the fun three times the
26800s chaos the match point is at 70 instead
26803s of 28 so they do make it a lot harder
26807s and the trios games go absolutely insane
26809s everybody knows how crazy the trios are
26811s there's three times the amount of people
26812s in the lobby so you're going to have a
26814s tough time if you don't know what you're
26817s doing but luckily these mvbl players
26819s they know exactly what they're doing so
26820s they are going to be giving us the
26822s go-ahead pretty soon for that we're
26825s going to be seeing the finals kick off
26826s and I'm super excited to watch that
26827s tomorrow as well and it's going to be
26831s great to see how fast they're going to
26833s be able to play their games or how if
26834s they're going to go to game eight as
26835s well know I I did predict the frosting
26838s game four unfortunately did not come
26841s through but uh you know you you cast
26844s cursed a lot today so I it's not a curse
26847s I swear I swear it's not the curse
26851s I swear it's not my fault I promise I
26854s just want my friends to
26856s win I just look look if you want them to
26859s win stop calling it out I keep telling
26862s you we we've been telling you for years
26864s every time you do it you did it you did
26867s it in game seven too you were like
26869s there's no way or game six you're like
26871s there's no way people aren't on Match
26872s Point after this there's no way
26874s everybody gets zero and gets eliminated
26876s oh oh oh oh oh okay yeah well guess
26879s we're going to game eight
26881s [Laughter]
26884s I'm sorry for that chat but ladies and
26887s gentlemen that is going to be it for me
26889s and The Keeper of the runes tonight I've
26891s been your host and Caster Seb I'm joined
26893s alongside Rune keeper we've had an
26895s amazing time and we're absolutely cooked
26896s thank you so much we'll see you again
26898s later
26917s [Music]
26927s [Music]
26954s oh
26957s [Music]
26966s [Music]
26973s [Music]
26981s fore
26983s foreign
26985s [Music]
26993s fore sh
26999s [Music]
27015s [Music]
27024s wait how
27027s [Music]
27029s [Applause]
27032s [Music]
27047s oh good give
27051s [Music]
27060s you
27067s [Music]
27083s [Music]
27093s [Music]
27104s oh
27108s [Music]
27116s [Music]