10 months ago - NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what's up guys Max here I'm excited to
3s see that so many fresh new players are
4s going to be checking out naraka and
5s seeing how much fun it is but because
7s there is so many new faces that are
9s going to be checking out the game we
10s wanted to put together a collection of
12s tips based on my experience and things
14s that'll help you get started in the game
15s even faster obviously this is not meant
18s for expert levels this is not meant to
20s make experts even better at the game but
22s more so to help you just weave your way
24s in start picking up some gear get on the
27s battlefield and have as much fun as
28s possible so let's get this thing started
32s let's talk about one of the first
34s choices you're going to make in naraka
35s which is choosing a spawn point and on
38s principle you can pick any spot on the
39s map that's available but you have to
41s think strategically before you even land
44s on site site selection is an important
46s part of Battle Royale because some sites
48s are more lucrative than others so you
51s have a better chance to get armor and
53s weapons by looting these resource-rich
55s regions however a lot of other people
57s will be thinking the exact same thing so
59s you're going to need to be ready to
60s fight for those resources
64s also be alert to the potential of
66s enemies surrounding you equip yourself
68s as soon as possible with weapons and
70s armor and be ready to fight however poor
73s they may be anything is better than
75s nothing you cannot win combat when
77s empty-handed
80s you'll inevitably need dark tied coins
82s it's probably best to take some of these
84s Quest Scrolls to make that happen
86s whether it's to enhance yourself in
88s terms of damage or protection buy
90s restorative items or simply upgrade your
92s bag capacity Vitalia armor powder and
95s soul Jades are essential items that
98s could very much determine the success of
100s your match so make sure you are fully
103s equipped
105s when engaging any enemy in melee combat
108s the entirety of naraka is based around
110s this rock paper scissors style of
111s countering common attacks will disrupt
113s counters counters will block blue Focus
116s strikes and also disarm the attacker and
119s blue Focus strikes will beat out common
120s attacks there is no single move that's
123s going to guarantee you a 100 success
125s rate look look check this out the enemy
127s has made two consecutive horizontal or
129s vertical common attacks the third attack
131s of the string could be a blue Focus
133s attack now's the chance to be prepared
135s for one and make a counter
139s all heroes in naraka get their unique
141s abilities so use your skills wisely to
143s assist allies or free yourself from
146s enemies deadly combos
147s enemy attacks could lead to a stagger
150s and when an attack hits you you try to
152s use your skill see there it is it's like
154s a get out of jail free card in addition
156s to your selected skill you also get
158s access to an ultimate zeping Yin for
160s example has an ultimate that grants her
162s and her allies a second chance when
164s taking lethal damage from enemies the
166s ultimate's effects would be activated
167s allowing her to restore some health
169s while it's knocking back nearby enemies
171s she's a perfect choice for newbies
176s are you feeling like you're about to
177s lose the entire match well it doesn't
179s really matter because escaping in naraka
181s is relatively easy things like the
183s grappling hook the scale Rush all are
185s possible to make that happen climb onto
187s any wall and scale Rush up will take you
189s across the landscape fly with a
191s grappling hook and the grapple will take
192s you anywhere
194s your movement is boundless just like in
196s Spider-Man distancing yourself from
198s enemies doesn't make you a loser it
200s merely gives you another chance to win
202s later
204s a team is a team and one of them is
207s going to have your back you just have to
208s trust them to do so yo so check this out
210s your friend over here just got a
212s legendary weapon a great sword so he
214s just left it marked it somewhere for you
217s to collect on the map he's waiting you
219s gotta go get it right
221s uh you know what never mind
223s all right that's just about all the tips
225s I have for you guys right now especially
226s if you're brand new to naraka but you
229s could be generous if you've been playing
231s the game a lot and you have some expert
232s strategies go ahead and leave a comment
234s below but I hope all of you guys have a
236s ton of fun in naraka I'll see you on the
238s battlefield and let's go