about 2 months ago - NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s hello and welcome to another naraka 101
10s tutorial this time for the new weapon of
12s season 13 the fist blades the fist
15s blades are a practical and
16s straightforward Choice among the current
17s selection of weapons in the game and
19s today we'll get you started with the
20s basics of this weapon as well as
22s covering its unique capabilities first
24s off let's look at the basic attack
26s starting with the horizontal chain
32s and we have the vertical
38s chain you can interchange the horizontal
40s and vertical attacks in the string
42s however you'd
46s like next is the Crouch
52s horizontal and the Crouch vertical the
55s fist blades are the first weapon where
56s Crouch vertical does not make the
58s character jump up in the air Crouch
60s vertical can be confirmed from a neutral
65s horizontal and there is Jump horizontal
67s and attack with heavy tracking
71s properties and jump
76s vertically moving on to the charge Focus
79s attacks this weapon has three charge
80s stages for horizontal and vertical
82s charge attacks each charge stage of the
84s horizontal and vertical charges have
86s different animations and do increasingly
88s more damage the Third charge stage
90s horizontal attack ends with a purple
92s Focus attack with extended range all
94s horizontal charge attacks are
95s multi-strike attacks the vertical first
97s stage charge attack is a single hit
99s attack and the vertical second and third
101s charge stages are multi-strike
107s attacks this brings us to the fist
109s blad's unique mechanic known as wild
111s sweep to activate wild sweep simply tap
113s Dodge while holding a charge attack
115s without releasing the charge during the
116s Dodge wild sweep can be used to dodge
118s attacks while maintaining the current
120s charge then released to punish an
121s opponent with a blue attack after a
123s Dodge this mechanic has nearly unlimited
125s mixup potential since normal hold
127s checking does not apply to this weapon
129s multiple Dodges can be used in a row and
131s each wild sweep will advance your charge
133s to the end of its current charge
139s stage holding Dodge will cancel your
142s wild sweep so you can reset back to
144s neutral next let's check out the soul
146s Jades that can augment our fist blades
149s first one is Mist walk
150s this powerful Jade makes a wild sweep
152s Advance your charge to the next charge
154s stage immediately for example starting a
156s charge and immediately wild sweeping
158s equals a second stage charge attack
160s starting a charge and immediately wild
161s sweeping twice equals a third stage
163s charge attack holding your initial
165s charge for just a moment then wild
167s sweeping equals a third stage charge
169s attack Miss Walker is extremely useful
171s for getting to your big damage punishes
172s and only one or two well time wild
175s sweeps the second Soul Jade for fist
177s blades is called Cloud Weaver with Cloud
179s Weaver the Third third stage horizontal
181s charge attacks are changed into a unique
183s special attack that brings enemies
185s closer before knocking them away with a
186s powerful wind gust the final part of the
188s attack has extended range and purple
190s Focus properties and the first part can
192s be parried though the timing window
194s seems pretty short so it can be tricky
196s to
197s counter with the basics of the weapon
199s covered let's look at the core combo
201s structure for fist blades we'll start
203s with a horizontal into Crouch vertical
206s after Crouch vertical your next attack
207s will be the second attack in the three
209s hit chain so we'll do vertical into
210s horizontal for the maximum damage so
213s it's horizontal Crouch vertical vertical
216s horizontal pretty easy right another
218s good combo starts the same but instead
220s of ending with a horizontal chain Ender
222s you can do a jump horizontal into a
224s Crouch horizontal to end it so it's
226s horizontal Crouch vertical vertical jump
228s horizontal Crouch
230s horizontal this concludes today's lesson
232s on the basics of the Fist blades you now
235s have all the knowledge you need to
236s discover your own unique Style with this
238s Limitless weapon I hope you enjoyed the
240s this video have a great rest of your day
242s and I'll see you all in the next one