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Who's got the best City Jerseys? 🏙️ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoW-d2bU0AA9e0q.jpg
Congrats on the new logos today! Who’s getting one next time? @brutalsim @YaBoiTonio_ @RealSosaGuwop @BADGEPLUG @mariosmindset @Aircriss @rafaelTGR2K @avemario32 @HollyMyWood @isoqueenn @KOT4Q @AlperBicen @ThePeterMc @Thebrothajones
.@NBA2K teamed up with @victorsolomon to create a one-of-a-kind Kintsugi Kit inspired by the athlete's journey, celebrating the challenges, imperfections, and sacrifices made along the way. Watch the full video HERE: https://t.co/MNEuSn9PBe Presented by @NBA2K https://t.co/RW7uDej6GH