11 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s when we're planning for a major update
3s that's a huge undertaking that's months
6s and months and months of work and
7s preparation and planning that's not the
10s same for a minor update
12s [Applause]
17s welcome to forged in eternum where we
19s talked about new world uh today we're
21s going to be talking about how we prepare
24s and plan for a minor update so we'll
27s talk about the difference between minor
28s major updates I'm Katie I'm here with
31s Derek who is one of our former release
34s managers and is our senior live
38s operations producer so let's talk about
40s what goes into like what first what's
44s the difference between a minor and a
46s major
47s um well for us our major updates
50s um typically revolve around delivering
52s new content new game systems new world
56s events to the players so these are the
59s uh the patches where we introduce a ton
62s of new things to do
64s um conversely for our minor updates
67s these are typically focused more around
69s quality of life updates bug fixes
73s um sometimes uh New Mt sorry new MTX
78s skins and other sort of small changes
81s that aren't quite new and groundbreaking
84s but still we want to deliver to the
86s company or to the players uh quicker
89s than our usual Cadence for our major
92s updates yeah so a major update has all
95s like the big key features and stuff and
97s then the minor updates are kind of the
99s in-between ones if the players want to
101s think about like the Cadence of them so
104s you have those big beats and then these
105s these smaller updates are matches that
107s they see between them
109s so when we're planning for a major
112s update that's a huge undertaking that's
115s months and months and months of work and
117s preparation and planning that's not the
119s same for a minor update it is not months
122s and months and months of preparation and
124s planning definitely the small ones allow
126s us to have a little bit of agility in
128s terms of uh reacting to what the players
131s are experiencing in the now so as you
134s said the major ones are a huge effort
136s from the entire team and uh from
139s development to testing to play testing
142s it all is a very time consuming process
145s and then so some fixes can't wait for
149s these large updates and then so we got
152s to move quickly improve our game
154s experience and then so these uh minor
157s updates allow us to accomplish just that
159s but we don't just put it's I mean it
162s sounds like this is where we're going to
163s put in all of the little bug fixes that
166s players have been asking for but that's
168s not really what the minor updates are
170s for you're they're more likely to
171s actually see that in the major update
173s because what we do with the minor
175s updates is we do the high priority
178s things exactly so we have like a rubric
180s of what that means where we look at the
183s severity of the problem and then the
185s priority of it so you know is it related
187s to content that we just released is it
190s impacting a large group of people is it
192s impacting a small group of people but in
195s a really major way and so we take all of
197s that into consideration and we meet
199s every week multiple times a week to
201s discuss those yeah almost every day
203s pretty much yeah um and yeah exactly
206s it's exactly the things that cannot wait
208s for those monthlies or major updates
211s that
212s um that allow us to move quickly to
215s bring these high impact changes uh to
218s the players got it cool yeah so now it's
221s time for the community question what
223s minor update do you need in your life to
226s be more agile cool let's talk about it
228s uh and if you like the show you want to
231s see more of it or you want to give us
232s some feedback on you know what we can do
235s in the next the next portion of turn
236s them episodes make sure you like smash
239s that subscribe button and we'll see you
240s next time
245s [Music]
246s [Applause]
253s thank you
255s [Music]
256s [Applause]