over 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s hey gamers welcome back to another new
10s world dev video i'm your host today tina
12s and i'm joined today with scott lane
14s we're going to be going over a few
15s things in the upcoming world that is new
17s world scott you want to go over a few of
19s them yeah we have a little event we're
21s going to talk about that's happening in
22s april um we're going to answer some
24s community questions and i got some fun
26s stats to share with everyone about our
28s first six months of being live can you
30s believe it's been six months already it
32s time flies seriously all right thank you
35s so much and we're gonna dive right in
41s let's talk about the update something
43s that so many people are constantly
45s asking about what went on in this update
47s what are some things that are gonna come
49s of the update so today i have greg and
52s katie the two professionals that know so
54s much about it since you guys both had a
55s hand in it so let's get right into it
58s yeah so um there wasn't any new content
61s in this update um but we did do a lot of
64s quality of life features um
67s uh my favorite thing that we've put in
69s that i've been asking for for quite some
71s time is that when you
72s open the map and you're in a settlement
76s it's already zoomed into the settlement
78s uh i know that there are quite a few
79s players that have been asking for the
80s same um so that has made it in which is
83s super awesome i know we have a lot of
84s greg's favorites in we do yeah big
87s changes uh targeted healing is a nice
89s change so you can individually pick
91s specific players in your group to heal
93s and i think that's a nice enhancement
94s yeah absolutely and then we fixed um
97s more more bugs and that's what we
100s focused on really for this one and i
102s think that's like
103s they're gonna see that um with the
105s update so it's really exciting yeah i
107s think it's really important to find that
109s balance of where we're now introducing
111s more content but you know and i tell
114s people on the forums all the time like
115s we're still listening you know we're
117s still taking feedback for current issues
120s and how we can make the game much more
122s fun and you know just more natural to
124s play so yeah and i know greg you work a
127s lot on all of that you know you you take
130s it very much to the heart you play the
132s game constantly so you really know what
134s the players want i do you know last time
137s i was here i was talking about this
138s player insights tool too
140s and how we were taking in in-game
142s feedback and forums feedback well we
144s also added steam reviews to that too oh
146s okay so we have this machine learning
148s tool that's helping to gather feedback
150s that we can take action on yeah you know
152s something that's difficult for a lot of
155s games is ingesting that feedback at
157s scale and so
158s all we're all the time looking for new
160s and better ways to get the feedback from
163s players in some kind of actionable way
164s and so greg talking about like the
166s machine learning those models are
167s helping us
169s substantially
171s um
171s like gather and also parse feedback yeah
174s i'm pretty excited actually about how
176s many defects we fixed in in this i
178s thought you were gonna say about how
179s many defects and i was like
182s what game are you
184s we fixed so much stuff yeah we fixed a
188s lot of defects i think greg you have
189s some numbers yeah we did so i i uh i was
192s in the february developer update video
194s with you and yeah and i said hey we
197s fixed 700 defects at that point in time
200s and you asked me it's like well how do
201s you feel about the build and and i said
203s well there's still more work to do
206s and i think we can maybe do better well
208s we did awesome uh we actually fixed 1500
211s defects that's a few more uh since the
214s february update
216s and we also included 600 minor
220s uh defects you know polish oriented
221s things
223s 900 more serious things and it's really
225s added added up i think
228s along with the reduced friction
231s improvements that we've got right yeah
233s you're starting to get this feel of the
235s title becoming more streamlined
238s uh usability is better performance is
240s better it's easy it's we're getting
242s things out of the way so you can play
244s the game you want to play and the way
245s you want to play with bus hassle right
248s and i think it's really adding up i'm
249s starting to get that sense of polish
251s where we want it in key places yeah game
254s play is a lot more smoother and natural
256s almost you're not sitting there like
258s with a chart trying to figure out you
260s know what you need to access the next
262s thing it's kind of a little bit more you
264s know holding your hand
266s and so to speak along the way i mean it
268s still has to be challenging for sure
270s absolutely and we definitely don't want
272s like players to deprecate their
274s spreadsheets that they've created
276s because they're very proud of that and
277s we're proud of them so that's true
279s like we know we would just want them to
281s adjust them just a little bit in ways
282s that favor them and other players so
285s that's what we're doing again like i'll
286s say it till i'm ready in the face we're
288s trying to find the right balance all the
290s time between fun and challenging and
292s sometimes that means quality of life
294s improvements like what we're doing with
295s this next update so
296s yeah so i mean
298s speaking about you know the events and
300s the quality of improvement and things
302s doing game can we talk about a few of
304s the events that are going on
306s a few of the events yes so uh talking
309s about like um there was the free-to-play
311s weekend
313s and the double xp which on the forums
315s players seemed to really enjoy
317s especially for the weapons they spent a
319s lot of time leveling up weapons they had
321s otherwise ignored so you know i feel
323s like those events have really helped
325s with the smoothness of the progression
329s yeah i would say double xp for sure did
331s um especially for folks that were trying
334s out the blunderbuss for the first time
335s it's really exciting to get all of those
337s abilities as quick as you can and with
339s the double xp a lot of folks got all 20
341s points on that weapon so that was really
344s fun to see all the videos that came out
345s of that from players and content
347s creators um
349s but i think that like that's that's
350s something that we're continuously trying
352s to do and improve on is get like events
354s that the players will find exciting that
356s will bring new folks to their servers um
358s and then figuring out after that like
360s what's the next new and exciting thing
361s that we can do um it's not to say that
363s we won't have another double xp weekend
365s sometime or free weekend free to play
367s weekend sometime but um yeah we're just
370s constantly looking for new and better
371s ways to to improve the experience for
373s our current and future players yeah i
375s took advantage of those events i i'm
377s shocked
379s i i you know when the blunderbuss came
382s out i i have my main on one server
385s and uh i really enjoy actually our end
388s game experience right now i can earn
389s like up to 11 orbs a day yeah if i
392s really get serious and
395s i didn't use the level up experience
397s where you know buying all high-end armor
400s when you could
401s so i've been purposely getting exposed
403s to the expertise system and slowly
405s growing my my gear score across mine but
408s i went and created a new character
410s on my manager's world on my manager's
413s world on my boss's world and it was
415s great to go through the leveling
416s experience kind of from scratch again
418s right and i got to level 30.
421s after a bit of time but all of these
424s refinements that we've been putting in
425s place
426s it's really making the leveling
428s experience much more seamless and fun
430s we've got shrines all over the place
433s it's easier to work your way through the
435s progression absolutely and um i'm having
438s a blast i'm actually a little torn
440s do i go play this newer character
442s or focus on the higher end stuff like
445s that's a good sign i had a very similar
448s experience with um double xp weekend
450s which was i have two level 60 characters
453s um in one of the regions and i play both
455s of them regularly
456s but i had to choose one
458s to really focus on
460s i can't i can't say because then they'll
463s find out oh yeah so
465s so yeah but it was it was definitely
467s tough but when um when you get all of
469s those like the banners that pop up when
472s you get a new ability
474s it was just super exciting absolutely so
477s we understand that those are like
478s moments where like the dopamine hits
480s and so um we're definitely gonna have
483s more of those in the future um okay
485s that's great yeah yeah cause i myself
487s have a level 60 that i leveled up in the
489s very beginning during the hype and then
491s we were actually just talking right
492s before we started this was you know i
494s want to join i want to start another
497s character you know and experience the
498s new level up system and come play with
501s it yeah it's it's it's been good i
503s recommend it absolutely it's a lot of
505s fun
505s i have another new character that on us
508s east i'm like just two and up in each
510s region right but unfortunately i got
512s that one after double xp weekend that
514s wasn't planned really well but yeah it's
516s kind of it's really cool actually to go
518s and see how the experience has changed
520s yeah that's what i was just going to say
521s i'm excited to see the experience from
524s launch you know and now six months into
527s you know all this work totally and our
529s previous update did include things that
531s changed that beginning experience so if
533s folks haven't created a new character
535s since you know the beginning of the year
537s or something yeah try it yeah you know
539s if you don't already have them at all
540s definitely good yeah okay well awesome i
543s can't wait to finish wrapping this up so
545s i could go home and make a new character
547s that's right get on it thank you so much
548s guys
553s hey gamers i know you love the events
556s that we bring to you in the game so here
558s we are let's talk about events we have
560s phil and katie joining me and we're
562s gonna go into greater detail what's
563s going on phil take it away
566s well all right
568s we can get started with uh an event that
570s we ran a little bit earlier this year
572s which was our double xp weekend where we
574s gave players a double player xp as well
577s as weapon mastery xp
579s uh and we got a lot of great feedback
581s from our players in the community that
583s it was a lot of fun we saw a bunch of
585s people coming in leveling up their
586s blunderbusses as well as everything else
588s but um it was really exciting to just
590s kind of come in blast
592s some lost some withered and and get big
595s bumps on your weapon and it was a a ton
597s of fun uh and and players of every level
599s had something to do and engage with so
600s anyway thank you for all like the
602s positivity you sent us around that stuff
604s we we had a lot of fun with it and we
606s glad we're glad you did too and we're
607s gonna look for more opportunities to
609s introduce those throughout the year
611s all right so along with the the free
613s weekend and the xp we also have another
616s little themed weekend coming up can you
619s tell us a little bit more about that one
620s and it's more than a weekend it's a
622s little bit longer than a weekend uh so
625s as you might have noticed uh there are
628s large corrupted rabbits invading eternum
631s and they you know i'm not really sure
634s where they came from but they are all
637s over the place and
639s they're dropping heck and good loot heck
641s in good blue okay note that down
645s make sure that yeah is noted
648s and uh so it's really cool so
650s for uh so we i think we launched this
653s april 12th starting from there uh
655s for a couple weeks players are gonna be
657s able to earn
658s uh some diamond gypsum from killing
660s these rabbits okay also they're also
662s gonna be able to earn um
665s a special like lucky rabbit's foot totem
668s oh okay that'll help them it's a really
670s good luck consumable
672s and then there's a very exclusive rare
674s drop which is
676s a cool-looking corrupted rabbit's uh
679s chest for their home oh so i love home
682s style so i have a question yeah am i
684s supposed to feel better about killing
687s the rabbits because they're corrupted of
689s course i still harbor deep regret for
692s having to kill stanley stanley no
695s i know
697s i had the stanley quest and i like i
699s went going to find him on rabbit island
702s and he like came hopping up to me
704s and i could pet him
706s i can't pet these rabbits right no you
708s cannot pet the prescripted ones you
709s don't want to harbor any excellent can
712s you imagine if it sentiment to
714s them would i be corrupted
717s um
718s anyway so yeah don't worry about these
720s these ones you know put them down that's
722s what they're there for done yep and uh
724s and then there's that that chest for
726s your house that's a very cool super
727s exclusive that's only going to be
729s available during this event and it's a
730s real jackpot moment if you can actually
732s find a rabbit that drops that for you
734s right that's kind of cool to show off
735s i'm going to put it right on my front
736s porch everything goes on my front porch
738s really there's nothing inside my house
740s yeah no just stack it up outside that's
743s right you got to be that guy
745s you got to be really come on i love
748s going in people's houses and looking
749s around you have a lot of space in mine
751s oh my gosh all right activities thanks
753s great to know
754s light colors
756s let's move on all right so future uh
759s let's give the players a little
760s something to look forward to do are
762s there any events or things that you guys
764s have planning
765s can't say too much i will say we are
767s hard at work on on creating some crafty
768s new fun events in the future okay um we
771s did announce the summer event coming out
772s but i think that's something we're going
774s to go into a lot more detail in in a
775s future dev video right so stay tuned
777s quite a few big dev videos coming up so
780s all right well thank you so much yeah
782s thanks
787s so the community team spends a lot of
789s times on the forums and there are three
790s topics that we see a lot of including
793s the pvp just in general we have the 3v3
796s arenas and we have the expedition finder
799s so let's get a little bit more into
801s detail about what each of those things
803s are i have dave dan and dave with me
805s today so let's dive right in tell me
807s about the current state of the pvp uh
810s well
810s we want our next update to be really pvp
812s focused so we're going to be doing a
814s couple things the first one is what
815s we're calling the pvp reward track
817s so this is like an overall system that
820s helps pvpers in general so no matter
822s what activity you do say i'm out in the
824s open world and i kill dave
826s i am now going to get uh pvp reward
828s track uh experience for that okay so
830s there's two things i'll get one is the
832s the xp which will be sort of like a
834s general progression so i'll rank up and
836s be able to show off my pvp ability
838s uh the second thing i'm gonna get is a
840s new currency that we're calling pvp uh
842s salt uh so like
845s the the salt of his tears will power me
847s uh and i'll be
849s i'll be able to use that new currency to
852s purchase uh different rewards
854s uh what's great about this system is it
856s sort of it provides an overall way to
858s reward all sorts of pvp activity right
861s so i do an opr i'm gonna advance in this
864s track uh i do a faction control point i
866s do a faction pvp mission no matter what
869s i'm doing if it's pvp oriented i'm going
870s to be advancing in this okay and
873s speaking of cool activities to advance
875s this dave's got one of the cooler ones
877s coming up absolutely the next best way
879s to get all that salt is to join the pvp
881s arenas are you going to be able to join
883s up with these from the map uh they're
884s 3v3 uh best of five so you get first to
888s three rounds wins the match you're gonna
890s get lots of rewards for them uh you can
892s play with your team or you can go solo
894s queue if you want to uh the first three
896s in the first three out so basically you
898s just start filling these matches up and
900s instant starts up and you're going to be
901s pvp and gaining rewards so it should be
903s pretty fun if you one good thing we have
905s in there if people are trying to run
906s away a little too much in pvp which is
908s which is possible uh they're gonna have
910s the ring of fire start coming in to
912s force the fight towards the end of the
913s match just to make sure that that match
915s concludes in a fun way yeah these are
918s super fun like i love the way our combat
920s shines in this sort of smaller scale
922s right we've already got the big epic
923s wars right but this is like a little
925s more tactical it's very strategic it
927s shows off scale i think they're just
929s super fun yeah for sure something for
931s the pvpeers to really kind of spend some
932s time on yeah and then we have the
934s expedition finder you want to go into
936s that a little bit absolutely uh we're
938s bringing a expedition finder into the
940s game
941s uh so you know when you're trying to
943s find a party to do an expedition with
945s you don't have to go to chat anymore now
946s you can use this tool you can start you
948s can make a listing from a dungeon
950s entrance and then from there you you can
952s declare
953s the roles which are going to be new to
955s expedition groups moving forward you'll
957s be able to say you know we really need a
959s healer right now you can declare uh
961s damage healer or uh or tank for the
964s expedition oh that's really nice
965s actually i always said it
968s but that's really nice so you can uh
971s declare yourself you said a healer a dps
973s or a tank correct okay and then people
976s can see that when they search i'm sorry
977s i'm i'm so excited about this because
980s you can actually see what role people
983s are you know planning to play in the in
985s the group that's right and you can also
987s check out their stats you can make sure
989s that they have the the weapon masteries
990s and the you know the spec that that they
992s need to actually do the role okay so you
994s can check gear score and all that not
995s that anybody would no of course not
998s first not you can set your minimum level
1000s or minimum gear score okay and does
1002s everybody have to be at the expedition
1004s or just only the person who starts the
1007s the listing everybody else can just be
1008s wherever they are and
1009s get teleported great all right thank you
1011s so much guys
1018s community is something that we take
1019s really seriously around here as you may
1021s have noticed some of our community
1022s members spend a lot of times in the
1024s forums discord steam gathering feedback
1027s from all of you players and i know it's
1029s constantly said oh when did the devs get
1031s to answer when did the devs get to
1033s answer well when they're not actually
1035s actively working on the product i have
1037s them in here with me answering those
1040s questions so here are some of the most
1042s asked for things and uh we're going to
1045s start off with katie katie
1047s people are getting more and more
1049s passionate about the transfers both
1051s regional tokens
1053s server you know wanting to transfer to a
1056s more active server server merges
1058s anything to do with that can you please
1060s let us know more about that
1061s yeah so something super exciting is that
1064s in our um in our update
1066s we have more of the groundwork for
1069s regional transfers and we'll be able to
1072s open those up soon after so that's
1074s really exciting i know that a lot of
1076s folks have been interested in that we've
1078s been working our tails off getting that
1080s ready tested um so we're finally in a
1082s good spot with it that we feel confident
1084s and we're ready to release it
1086s um and then uh we are going to have paid
1090s character transfers so those will be
1092s available in the store
1094s um again soon after the update so those
1098s are two things that i know folks have
1099s been asking about right so those are
1101s those are coming out um so really
1103s excited that we finally get to do that
1105s yay
1106s i know the players will definitely be
1108s happy to hear that they've been talking
1109s about it a lot recently especially so
1111s yeah we just want to make sure that we
1112s get it right like
1114s that's that's the most important thing
1115s to us is doing it for the players and
1117s making sure we get it right that's great
1118s to hear
1119s and another topic that is asked for a
1122s lot and is getting a little heated right
1124s now is talking about weapon balance
1126s especially the bow do you want to go
1127s over some thoughts on that uh yeah i
1129s mean it's it's a good topic it's it's
1132s very truthful what the players are
1133s saying
1134s uh you know the bow is not up to par
1136s with some of the other weapons right now
1137s it's something we're looking at uh in
1139s particular with the fluidity of the of
1141s the bow the
1142s cancelling out of uh your attacks your
1145s abilities not canceling out quick enough
1147s uh some of the abilities not being super
1149s useful uh the
1151s sometimes being rooted basically what
1153s you feel the lack of translation after
1155s you shoot a lot of these things we're
1157s looking at them right now the rate of
1158s fire and the damage the overall damage
1160s output so they all kind of go together
1162s it's something we are we're we're
1164s actively working on we we know there's a
1166s bit of an issue there it was you know a
1169s little bit left behind from the other
1170s ones especially the magic weapons are a
1171s little higher further ahead of them uh
1173s and it's not something that we intended
1175s or want to have so that's something
1176s we're working on right now okay
1178s thank you so much for going over two of
1180s the topics that players have been asking
1182s about the most i appreciate it and i'm
1183s sure they do too thanks
1187s all right guys so that brings us to the
1188s end of today's dev video scott can you
1191s believe that we're going over so many
1193s things and we've been around now for six
1195s months it feels like it's been yesterday
1197s that we started yeah just doing these
1199s every month has been so fun and such a
1201s great way to connect with the community
1202s so like we're super appreciative of
1204s everyone watching and giving us the
1206s feedback it's great absolutely yeah we
1208s really do appreciate everybody giving us
1210s the feedback on the forums even on
1212s social media we do read through all of
1214s that so hopefully some of your questions
1216s were answered this month and if not
1217s we're going to be having these videos
1219s every month so we'll be able to go over
1221s some of those other questions too now i
1223s know you have a few fun stats for us for
1225s the six month anniversary yeah like you
1228s said it's been six months and we're
1229s amazon so we look at data and have
1231s numbers and i thought i'd share some of
1233s the interesting ones with you um
1235s we've had 33
1237s 427 wars fought on eternum that's crazy
1240s that is insane
1243s almost 8 million expeditions run just
1245s under
1247s the most dangerous enemy
1249s captain thorpe in the depths has killed
1252s 4 million 830
1254s 397 people and i might be one or two of
1257s those
1258s um
1259s and the big number that kind of makes me
1260s cringe is 413 million people have died
1264s on uh on the island and
1267s our creative director owns a lot of
1268s those deaths but i think our team owns a
1270s lot too and it's just been fun to
1272s to be a part of all that with all the
1273s players absolutely and we're just
1275s warming up right just getting started so
1277s just getting started as a matter of fact
1279s next month you know is uh something
1281s we've been talking about we're going to
1282s give you some more detail on our release
1284s for
1285s pvp arenas and the pvp reward track so
1288s we're pretty excited that is very
1290s exciting something that players have
1291s been asking for for a long time
1293s absolutely all right thanks so much and
1294s we hope to see you guys next month