6 months ago - Play New World - Direct link

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0s I think the the battle at the end with
2s um oh shoot
5s oh I just like the you you find a bad
9s guy at the end yeah I really like how
12s that turned out
14s [Applause]
17s too all right well welcome everyone to
20s forged in eternum the show where we talk
22s about All Things New World I'm James
24s Wong narrative designer for new world
26s and I'm joined today by Brian and
28s valyria you guys want to introduce
29s yourselves I'm Brian patod season's art
32s art lead and uh including season 4 hey
35s I'm valer and I'm environment artist on
37s season's team total rock stars and today
40s we're going to be talking about uh the
43s story for season 4 Eternal Frost um so
47s season 4 uh you know in in New World in
50s general I'd say we've met a handful of
52s characters from King artorius Court um
55s and in season 4 I think we have a lot of
56s fun diving into the story of one
58s particular night of the round t
61s who had a falling out with king artorius
63s during the wars of crimson Madness extra
65s points if you guys know what listeners
68s at home if you know what that is um and
72s so he's uh doing everything in his power
74s to take down everything that artorius
76s loved Humanity
78s puppies snowflakes no I don't know
81s anyway so uh we're chasing him uh across
84s aternum as he tries to recover these
87s powerful artifacts um that were used
90s long time ago by one of the Ancients to
93s create uh Amara or or in their attempts
96s to create Amara which are basically like
97s trying to deify regular human beings and
100s give them god-like Powers um so we go
103s into some pretty fun and unique
105s locations I'd say in season 4 um so if
108s you guys want to share maybe what some
110s of the favorites uh that that you worked
112s on were yeah without going into too much
114s detail or spoiling um I suppose um I I
118s worked on a lot of the different quests
120s and everything but uh Quest 6 was uh
122s pretty special to me um I got that off
124s the ground and there was a big uh
125s traversal section where we were able to
128s kind of dive into one of the existing
129s locations in the world and get more
131s gameplay out of it instead of just a
133s facade and the Vista um we get to to
136s kind of get up and interact with it and
137s it leads us to a a new location um and I
142s won't go into any details well so so
145s Quest 6 is is basically where it's it's
147s towards the end of the the the story
149s line where you're trying to chase after
152s um this night of the round table and
154s he's he's he's I don't want to spoil
157s anything either but um but I think one
159s of the things that I liked about that
161s that we talked about before is that
163s you're basically you're you're breathing
165s new life into an existing location uh in
169s great cleave can I spoil that I think
170s that's
172s okay and made it really fun yeah yeah um
176s yeah I really enjoy it um because it's
178s just again it's something you pass by
180s um in last season now it's it's integral
183s to the to the actual game yeah and I and
185s I feel like there's just so many places
187s in eternum that like you know the
188s corners of the map that like some some
191s Adventures are out there exploring but
192s like it it's cool because like you know
195s think oh I've been there before like you
197s know I I didn't know this was like this
198s up here so yeah it's always fun it's
201s it's it's fun finding new purpose and
203s you know like the entrance to five as
205s well just making use of that nice sort
208s of composition and that that area
210s uh so what are your what are your
212s favorites I just like you work in
215s multiple areas but um most of the time I
218s spent on daichi Quest like okay yeah so
220s let me yeah so daichi um daichi Saito is
224s a new member of the silver crows uh that
227s we recruit in this um in this storyline
230s and he's really fun um I you know this
232s is like my personal like passion area is
236s like Japanese feudal ERA this is like
238s the fun of a tourn I think is cuz we can
240s bring all these really interesting
242s historical you know groups and cultures
245s into our stories like you know King in
249s the same storyline we have someone from
251s king artorius court and then also
253s someone from the Japanese fial era yeah
255s yeah that's really fun it's awesome to
256s have so so few sort of constraints and
259s yeaha did a fantastic job in the in the
262s quest yeah it's yeah I really like how
265s it turns out especially in the beginning
267s comic list no spoilers of course but um
271s after you enter the area you get into
274s another one which is quite um quite
278s different comparing to the rest of the
280s quest and I think this is what I like
282s the most because it still fits the tour
285s as in a world but it's a little bit
287s different and it portrays the character
290s daichi really really nice and unique way
293s yeah I think so and I think we can we
295s can talk a little bit about the detail
296s of that space so like people don't know
298s what we're talking about um
300s uh it's so we get actually an invitation
303s to daichi's Dojo um and so like I think
306s yeah you just just knocked it out of the
307s park with that one like I didn't even
309s realize that we could do were asking for
312s hey we'd like to have a dojo like I was
314s just picturing like oh it'll just be
315s like this like wooden blocks Jenga kind
319s of it I decided to it UNL movie and it
324s just it it it it gave sort variety to to
326s season 4 as well I mean obviously we're
329s indexing on the the Frost sort of
330s aesthetic and everything but yeah I
332s think that that really mixed it up and
333s it was just it was a lot of fun to to
335s get the variety in yeah and I should say
337s that we're we're actually um recruiting
339s him partly because he happens to have
341s really powerful Fire magic like so he's
343s a ronin um that came to aternum and like
347s once he got to aternum he studied um at
350s a fire temple on AUM and learned Fire
352s magic um so I think you know we're we're
355s recruiting him for that so that's the
357s tie into the to the frost element and
359s that reminds me of the the the third
361s Quest as well like that was just it came
363s out of nowhere it's it's amazing and um
367s yeah I'm just I'm super excited to get
369s everyone yeah in there yeah so um I and
372s you know I feel like we should we can we
374s can get into that a little bit as well
377s the details I don't want to spoil
378s everything but um so so in our um in
382s that part of the story basically we're
384s going after one of the artifacts that
386s that um a king has recovered and it's
390s such a powerful artifact that it's
392s basically it's and it's centered on the
394s power of frost um so that it's driven
396s him mad but it's also sort of iced over
399s his entire domain like it's basically uh
402s you guys created like an
404s amazing um island of ice
408s essentially credit to tza credit to
412s thank yeah what's your favorite uh area
415s within that Island um I really liked the
417s approach I think she did a bang up job
419s there um so many aspects of it honestly
422s um and again I just like I don't know I
424s guess they can cut it uh spoil which I'm
427s known to do but um yeah the approach to
429s the castle the the traversal up and in
432s and it's just um yeah it's just it was
435s yeah it's it was from scratch in in such
438s a short amount of time and turned out
440s great it looks amazing yeah um yeah I
443s think we got a lot a lot of the people
444s who' have been play testing even in
445s house are just like wow you know like
447s I'd like to hang out here yeah you know
450s if I could charge charge him a ticket
452s fee or something yeah or in real life
455s I'd like to hang out in some of these
456s things yeah I know how about you Valia
458s what was uh what was your favorite space
460s on that on that island uh on the island
463s it's um it's probably inside of the
466s castle the room that you worked in yeah
468s of course the room I work on but not
470s only uh I actually really like the
472s throne area right I don't like the
475s lighting there and just in general the
477s whole stuff is happening there so yeah
479s yes I have a question like for you guys
481s so like and and sorry total totally
483s didn't prepare
485s you but um when you when when we say
489s something like hey we'd love to have a
490s space where like this or that event
493s happens right like how do you guys even
496s get started on like what to do you know
498s well if we're lucky enough I always uh
500s when we can manage concept it's it's
502s nice um you know we we always we always
505s fight for it and we get we get less than
506s we'd like um but yeah um as far as the
509s the new spaces it's it's one of my
512s downfalls too is is I I love so many of
514s the ideas that you guys come up with
516s that it's hard for me to start making
518s Cuts you know to like hey keep keep
521s everything no no no I I I'm like love
524s all of these and I want to do them all
526s and so it's it's a balancing act trying
528s to keep everyone happy um and also just
531s um yeah bu building the like helping
533s realize you guys' Visions on the from
535s The Narrative perspective um I don't
538s know if I answered your question
540s no but like you know what's the what
542s sparks your creativity you know I mean
544s would you take a shower I think never um
548s no I think pulling rough too like I I've
550s traveled a bit and and it's always fun
552s to kind of um pull pull reference and
555s ideas from that um so I don't know I
558s think it really depends on what exact
560s location is in in any of the Season
562s stories is there any places for I my my
564s my head just went to the the castle in
566s salsburg which I just love so um that's
569s cool
570s yeah and like some of the areas on the
571s the castle on the island and everything
573s kind of reminded me of that as far as
574s the open Vistas and everything ni so
576s yeah um yeah everything is inspiration
579s how how about you what where do you get
581s inspiration I'm getting inspiration from
583s the story behind you put it so I read
585s quite a lot what exactly you put in the
587s character I'm trying to kind of reflect
590s their I don't
592s know their character into the
594s environment out this is what happened
596s with the for example because ially get
600s yeah in terms of the Dodger he is a
603s traveler it is his place he's training
605s there sometimes he's you know growing
607s his uh little bons yeah yeah yeah but in
611s general he's not really spending a lot
612s of time there so you are supposed to
616s notice it and this is the reason why I
618s made it I I'm not sure can I share it no
621s I think it's okay so I decided to make
623s it like overgrown area because he
626s doesn't really have a lot of time to
628s spend there because I it's huge so he's
631s just like our players traveling around
633s fighting yeah know I love that I love
635s that and like I feel like you know the
637s work that you guys do adds back into the
640s story especially yeah now that you
641s mentioned the dojo I did I really
643s appreciated the amount of like effort
644s and like story and and everything that
646s you again it just sort of cyclical how
649s you you the idea comes back and it it
651s sort of enhances over time yeah I agree
654s I agree okay so I have another question
656s for you guys
658s like
661s what's uh what's a favorite uh Story
664s part of the story or favorite character
666s that you have that we told so far in
668s Seasons I think the the battle at the
671s end with um oh shoot
674s oh I just like the the you you fight a
678s bad guy at the end yeah I really like
681s how that turned out too and I I got that
682s off the ground and Carlos took it over
684s and he just really it's it's so it's so
687s fun and sorry this is indexing more in
689s the the environment than the character I
691s really love the character but just when
693s you're you hit a place and I had to go
695s off and do this and that and and and
698s they kind of like they take it and run
700s with it and the collaboration I just I
703s just love yeah um yeah cuz it was just
706s took it to this level and then he he
707s pushed it further so yeah I just I guess
710s I love that no I I agree with you no
712s like the back and forth that we have on
714s our team uh between you know narrative
717s and art is just awesome I think like we
719s just feed each other like what about
721s this yeah that' be great yeah and then
723s um papova and tza went into like the the
726s part of uh Quest 62 and just hit it with
729s like some of the you know the the decor
732s and the lighting and the V effects and
733s everything and it just yeah it just yeah
736s I don't know it's Collective
739s work um how about you Valia uh I would
742s agree with Brian about like the last
745s part of the season but I also really
747s like the location prior to that right
749s because it's so deep it's so amazing all
753s right well that that pretty much brings
754s us to our community question and I'd
757s like to ask you guys if you could see
759s more of Any Given character that's been
761s introduced in season so far which one
764s would that be um thanks so much you guys
766s we've had a lot of fun here with you um
768s if you like the show please like it and
771s subscribe and we'll see you all in the
773s next one see you in a tum see you see
775s you in a tum oh thank
778s you
781s we got a big group of people here
782s because today is a special day we are
785s almost to the date one year of filming
788s forun aternum that's over 50 episodes
791s probably over 60 we didn't
793s [Music]
794s [Applause]
800s [Music]
803s count