about 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
8s welcome back to another new world Dev
10s video I'm your host today Tina and
12s Scott's going to be joining me to start
14s off we're going to go into quite a few
16s things including a deep dive on the
18s summer release and some of the upcoming
20s events yeah and we're going to try
22s something new this month we're going to
23s go behind the scenes with some of the
25s game developers and take a look at
26s making the game and we're going to do
28s this with a few of our new features
30s we're really excited and we hope you
31s like it all right let's sew a bit behind
33s the curtain let's go
39s all right now that you guys experienced
41s a bit of what we're going to talk about
43s in the PTR I wanted to bring the devs in
45s responsible for it and pick their brains
47s about it Mike you want us to tell us
49s about your favorite little fare going on
51s uh the summer medley Fair yes the
54s percentage of the population has already
56s experienced or watched the video on uh
59s it's a celebration of Music food and all
61s things to turn them so it's a great
63s place to gather around with other people
66s do some adventure and do some fishing
67s fishing's a big thing that happens
69s during the medley Fair uh with these
71s mystical sturgeon that have suddenly
73s appeared during the summer months the
75s eternum sturgeon the eternum sturgeon
77s rolls off the tongue if you will
79s um but you get to participate in you
82s know creating trophies and doing other
84s types of events that we haven't really
86s celebrated thus far and uh it's a fun
89s time it's very vibrant you get to dance
91s I was gonna say don't you gotta mention
93s you get to cut a little rug on the dance
94s floor for a bonus every day that's
96s really cool like uh though what do you
99s call the this is that kind of yeah it's
102s kind of like the Roger Rabbit yeah
105s all right fine if you do it for 10 more
107s minutes we'll get it
110s all right so doing a little dancing it's
112s a it's a crazy amount of activities that
114s you get to do to to satisfy the the
118s Maestro and uh he's the one that leads
121s the charge of this celebration in the
123s summer months uh and you get to play
125s some music get to do some fishing and
126s earn some awesome rewards yeah totally
128s yeah to me it celebrates everything
130s summer right you want to get outside you
132s want to listen to music you want to have
133s some fun and for some of you fishing
135s because I love to fish but
137s maybe not everybody
139s but at least in our fishing you know you
142s get to build fish you're on little
143s trophies you get to catch really weird
145s things I think that's one of the cool
146s parts of the event is uh the the amount
149s of fish uh activity that you could do so
151s like almost anything you catch you can
152s turn into a trophy for your house it's
155s not going to have a utility but you can
157s deck out your house that's what I was
158s gonna ask so like a decoration yeah it's
161s more of a decoration but you could catch
162s a boot and you can make that a trophy or
165s out your own boot you can mount your own
167s boots
169s tadpole tadpole everyone's you know been
172s really wanting to show off that Deadpool
174s a very rare tattoo I was gonna say I
177s actually struggle catching them so I
179s love the table you would all right well
182s I mean now that we've very clearly gone
184s over the fishing aspect you mentioned
186s instruments so I'm gonna throw that over
188s to you sure yeah another big component
190s of the medley fair is the introduction
192s of our instrument feature and the the
195s music instrument feature for those that
197s haven't played it it's a rhythm action
199s kind of music game where we've got five
202s instruments that we're introducing we've
203s got a a mystical sounding as Off flute a
207s guitar Amanda Lynn drums and an upright
211s bass okay so yeah
216s pull that right base
218s magic backpack magic backpack but it's
221s awesome you haven't experienced the
222s tournament if you don't end up in the
223s fox Rock cave and see someone playing
225s the bass in the middle of there that's
227s right
227s um but I'm really excited for what
229s that's going to do bringing a lot of
230s life and just uh fun social activity
233s activities of the world I think it's
236s gonna be really cool the music totally
238s slaps it's really exciting it impacts
240s gameplay too because depending on the
242s pieces of music that you play at your
245s score yeah so as you know uh every track
248s you play you get a performance rating
250s um and and the better you do in
252s performing the song uh a buff can be
255s applied to you to you or anyone playing
257s in your group okay uh also players have
259s the ability to tip performers which
261s makes it like kind of more of an
262s official trade skill right and so uh if
265s you tip you also get the buff as well
267s and I think it's important to mention
268s like we talked about playing solo but
270s you you can also hook up with you know
272s up to four or five people up to five
274s people yeah can you play different
276s instruments yeah each person yeah it's
278s really cool like rotol over here loves
281s the flute
285s it really depends on
288s um what uh what track you pick but you
291s know some tracks are Solo some some are
293s Duets some are full group full Ensemble
296s band and so it's it's really cool like
298s I'm really excited for it and we've got
300s a little over 30 tracks that we're
303s releasing here and yes for players more
305s than like five yes exactly two more to
308s get to go out and um
309s in play and then uh we'll be releasing
312s more too okay and you get them all like
314s at once or do you have to like so you'll
317s get it you'll get a couple that are
319s unlocked automatically and you'll get a
320s couple specific ones as part of the the
322s quest line for the summer medley fair
324s and then the rest are scattered out for
327s people to discover an attorney but you
329s can either so you go and you look for
331s musical pages okay and they'll drop from
334s different locations in the world and so
336s uh when you get those you can uh read
338s them to learn them in your inventory or
340s you could also trade them on the Trade
341s Post oh okay so you can like collect the
343s ones that you don't have yeah and sell
346s the ones that you get multiples of yep
347s all right so we kind of went over the
350s summer medley Fair there we go nailed it
354s um let's go a bit into the theme of
357s today the Barnacles and black powder and
360s Mike you want to take it away oh
362s absolutely so Barnacles and black powder
364s is a brand new endgame Expedition uh
367s interest entrance is down in Cutlass
369s Keys which is pretty much pirate
371s territory so uh brand new end game for
374s players to explore has repeatable quests
376s has quests that you can acquire right
378s outside as well and it's about Admiral
382s black powder and his cursed treasure and
385s also as you go on this journey you're
387s going to find out just like on most
388s things in a tournament they're not what
390s they appear to be there's another big
391s bad waiting for you lurking surprise so
395s a bunch of new mechanics and traps it's
398s a fun Goonies like experience Pro tip if
401s you see these in the world you might
402s need them
404s 10 potentially there's a lot of black
406s powder powder all right stay away from
409s that cursed treasure though you know
410s that's a really cool mechanic it's a
412s it's a fun Expedition too like we've
413s been playing it a lot internally and
415s it's it's it's different than our other
417s ones there's definitely different
418s gameplay mechanics in there oh for sure
419s we're gonna dive into it a little bit
421s later but there's some brand new
422s mechanics uh with not just the
424s environment but with our bosses as well
426s okay that's great people always like the
428s challenge of things being switched up
430s you know you have to actually learn the
432s fight as opposed to just running and
433s killing and leaving so
436s um
438s like I'm gonna need friends hello so
441s let's go over the group finder
443s you want to go over that Scott well sure
445s I mean along with all right you know
446s Scott Mike
449s no it's cool but along with another
452s Expedition coming in we want to give
454s people a way to connect easier to get in
456s the Expeditions you know and group
457s finder is a great way at that it's kind
459s of like a billboard where you can sign
461s up look for people with similar
462s interests who want to have the same
463s goals and quickly match with them and
466s get you into that content as fast as
468s possible because that's really your goal
469s as a player right you want to you want
471s to get in the game get in there and have
472s some fun so this should connect people
474s and make it a lot easier okay great and
476s is that just connecting people in like
478s one server or how does that work yeah
480s today it's server only okay going
482s forward in the future at some point
483s we'll definitely looking at expanding
485s that but right now it is all in the same
487s world okay that's great to know man
488s players can select into like what role
491s they want to partake in like if you want
493s to go DPS or you want a tank or you want
494s to heal you can also request what you
497s need to fill out your party in order to
499s do it and specific Expeditions gear
502s score range you can even leave comments
504s in I'm like Hey we're super casual we're
506s just looking to have fun or do whatever
507s okay yeah that's good to know because
511s like straightforward groups and some
513s like you know goofy silly let's all be
515s healers and do it and see if we can do
517s it challenge so all right so uh the last
521s thing I kind of want to touch on is like
522s quality of life changes I know you had a
524s hand in that do you want to sure over
526s some of that yeah I think it's a little
528s bit more just improving the overall
530s quality of loot versus quality of life I
532s think is how I would maybe maybe reframe
535s it a little bit
537s um
537s a couple things to to chat about one is
540s uh we're introducing I mentioned this in
542s our June video but we're we're
543s introducing uh perfect Selvage and
545s that's a way to give you just more value
547s for all the loot that you collect in the
549s game and when in just a quick refresher
551s like uh anything you Salvage has a
554s chance to uh trigger a perfect Salvage
557s and that perfect Salvage is going to
558s give you uh really cool materials that
560s you can do to like uh you know give
562s yourself bumps and trade skill
564s experience or craft a different uh high
566s value item things like that and so uh
569s overall uh the salvaging process in
571s collecting loot should be a lot more
572s valuable to players I can tell you I
574s already know anyone who's played on the
575s PTR is now saving all of their purples
578s and oranges and live waiting for this
580s feature so that's going to be uh there's
582s gonna be a lot of savaging happening
583s when this comes out there's going to be
584s a lot of fun inventory things happening
586s yes when this release goes out
588s um but that's great I hope people really
590s enjoy it because you know also the if
593s you've got keys I'll just mention again
594s left in your inventory they're going to
596s transform into uh special chests that'll
599s give you boss rolls why is that Phil
601s what why is that oh because we're
603s removing dungeon keys yeah uh so hold on
606s Phil owes me a dollar and we're updating
609s Expedition or I'm sorry
613s dungeon and he said dungeon and key yes
616s so it's two dollars
618s owes me lunch
624s uh so uh Expedition orbs right we've
628s removed those
630s um and so now it's uh free to enter the
632s Dungeons and they're they're our daily
633s and weekly limits for that um all
635s mentioned in the June video but also uh
638s we'll be uh detailed in our patch notes
641s and then a couple changes that we're
644s making because of the feedback we
645s received on PTR that I want to call out
647s to
649s um and and also just thank you very much
651s for all of your feedback that you
653s provide to us especially uh when we ask
655s for it specifically the PTR but uh one
658s is an experimental change that we are
660s testing on the PTR which was a plus five
662s bonus for dual stat a dual attribute uh
665s items um
667s where uh the Dual stats could give you a
670s A plus five more than a single stat item
672s would so like
674s um a strength and item would give you a
676s plus five more than potent okay gear
679s score 600 yeah then didn't disappear
681s strength one
682s um
684s so uh you know we heard we heard the
686s feedback from the community pretty loud
687s and clear I think this is something that
689s we want to uh refine a lot more and
692s think about a little bit more make sure
694s it's not going to impact crafters and
695s Timeless charts right
697s um also uh you know we just want to make
700s sure we're doing it right so for the
701s July release We're not gonna we're not
703s going to be shipping the plus five dual
707s stats stuff we are going to reduce the
710s overall frequency that dual stat items
711s do drop in the world though so that
713s players get more valuable loot okay when
716s they do get drops right but they will
717s still get dual stats it's not completely
719s going away and then uh you know we're
721s just going to reevaluate that change
722s that's great that's huge honestly I
725s think this is a great example of the
726s Community Helping like with the feature
728s it's something that like long term we
730s still like think there's something
731s behind the idea the concept but I think
733s it's more about when you roll it out and
735s what what you release it with where it
736s makes the most sense and just to
738s reiterate with Phil said I mean thank
740s you all for the feedback it really
741s helped guide this decision yeah and then
744s uh one other thing to note uh that we
746s are changing from the PTR as well uh
748s right now in the PTR there is an 80 uh
751s gold earned nerve from Expeditions and
755s um safe not going for three bucks
759s um
760s but you know we heard your feedback on
762s that as well I think we uh the initial
764s uh Nerf on that was way too conservative
766s and so we are pulling that back it's
767s only going to be
769s um 50 of what it is currently on live uh
772s with the opportunity for players are on
773s uh Expeditions a lot more freely now
775s okay um so that's only going to be down
779s 50 and then I do want to call out we are
782s adding a thousand K bonus gold that
784s players can earn by either completing uh
788s uh darkness of breaches or opening Elite
791s chest so other activities too are going
793s to get Juiced up with some more gold too
795s all right great I like gold buy more
797s furniture any other perk changes coming
799s uh we are uh just reevaluating all of
802s the park Jamie we touched almost every
804s perk but uh uh but with the feedback
807s that we are getting yeah we're making
808s some minor polish and tuning tweaks on
810s those as we get um as we play with it
812s more and then get more feedback yep
815s all right I mean you guys heard it here
818s feedback feedback feedback
820s um it is absolutely listened to we
822s collect it constantly on the forums
824s Reddit everywhere the Discord so if you
827s guys have suggestions and thoughts let
829s us know
830s um just know like with the Expedition
832s orbs sometimes it does take a little bit
835s longer for changes to come into effect
838s um but we are absolutely listening and
839s taking things very seriously
841s um so I guess that wraps it up guys
843s let's move on to the next segment
849s foreign ERS we're going to talk next
852s about some of the upcoming events
854s between going to actually conventions
856s and in game so we're going to start off
859s with Greg today and we're going to dive
861s right into the twitchcon EU tell me more
863s about that yeah I know happy to be back
866s at the table this is a fun return to
868s form so I'm pretty sure I know I just
870s Dove right in I'm like tell me
872s everything well it's it's gonna be
873s really cool so it's uh the European
876s twitchcon right there's going to be one
877s in Amsterdam one in San Diego
880s um and what we're going to do we're
881s gonna take New World there uh we have a
883s space in the land area where we're going
885s to host a PVP tournament using the
888s Arenas feature right so you can go you
891s can sign up go to our website there's a
893s bunch of details on how to do that flow
895s the main uh reward there'll be several
898s rewards but the the top reward first
901s place reward is a flight to uh San Diego
904s twitchcon so it should be released yeah
907s so it'll be really cool
909s um and so yeah twitchcon is 16th and
911s 17th of July and we're also going to
914s have a booth on the show floor I'll be
916s there kind of representing the Creator
918s program we're going to have creative
920s programs sign up so if you want to go
922s you can sign up on the show floor uh we
925s brought a bunch of new Creator programs
927s swag that I'm really excited about it's
929s for all the people in the program and
930s anyone who signs up who doesn't love
931s swag everyone loves a good piece of Swag
933s right and we're all says as he has that
935s I know yeah I literally want to swipe it
938s there's only like five hats that they
941s made yeah we made it like we made just a
943s few for ourselves three years ago I'm
945s eyeing it up I like this hat
947s um but uh also we're gonna have the
949s community managers uh for new world and
953s our European Community managers will be
954s there as well so if you want to swing by
956s say hi you know chat to us we love uh
959s talking to players so it's gonna be a
960s good time all right awesome yeah and
962s Brittany you're going to be going I'm
964s going to be going I'm going to be
965s shadowing Greg going to be following his
967s tail wherever he goes I go it's gonna be
969s a long time really long flight I believe
973s in you
974s so along with going to an IRL a real who
979s goes to real events you're also going to
981s be doing in-game events yeah definitely
984s so we've heard your feedback we know you
988s really like interacting with us and the
990s team and so we want to do something a
992s bit more fun special for those of you
994s who are part of our end of alpha
996s celebration you might remember this uh
999s we are bringing back some crazy spawns
1001s and we're going to be having some fun
1004s Shenanigans as well so breaking the
1005s server breaking no no
1012s was when we tried to increase Scott's
1016s character's size by 200 percent and what
1020s do you keep wearing like a sweet outfit
1022s as well yes he was wearing like a a very
1025s interesting from everyone else he did of
1028s course but he definitely took down the
1030s servers but it was great because it was
1032s a lesson learned and now we can actually
1034s now you're doing Society exactly we now
1038s know the limit that really was a bummer
1040s yeah threshold yes so that's going to be
1042s super exciting because that was such a
1044s fun event yeah oh definitely we were we
1047s have some crazy spawns coming in uh you
1049s might see some pigs uh you might see
1051s some people flying around that does not
1052s mean we're getting flying just by the
1054s way putting that out there
1056s um but yeah so it'll be every Friday we
1059s did one last Friday uh July 1st and so
1062s it'll be every Friday until this update
1065s goes live so from four to five PM
1067s Pacific time we're in Pacific Time right
1069s Pacific Time Pacific perfect time
1071s um we'll be we'll be doing those things
1073s and this is on the public test drive
1075s this is on the public test film uh so
1077s PTR for those people yeah exactly yeah
1079s right we love acronyms
1083s exactly so I hope you come join us
1086s because we're going to be having a blast
1088s yeah I'm excited I'm actually hopping in
1090s this time too so yeah you're more than
1093s welcome please join I'm kind of scared
1095s though I'm kind of scared I've heard
1096s horror stories of as long as you don't
1099s bash the server I think we'll be fine
1100s I'm the most random things being spawned
1103s in all right not a horror story that's
1105s legit it was legit I might be able to
1108s Wrangle some devs to join you too so
1111s TBD friends TBD
1115s um well then Katie I want to touch with
1117s you on Double XP fishing uh and musical
1122s instruments too right yeah yeah so
1125s um once
1128s um this update goes live we're going to
1132s spend the entirety of the event so
1135s that's the summer medley Fair uh we're
1137s going to spend the entirety of the event
1139s giving folks Double XP on fishing trade
1142s skill and on instruments
1145s um to really
1146s reward your progress
1148s with those new and interesting things
1151s but it's just supposed to be like a fun
1152s summer event you know yeah it comes in
1154s good timing because I know the you know
1157s the other summer events that we're doing
1159s really tie in with music and fishing so
1162s yes yeah and if you have been tuning in
1164s for like any period of time really
1166s you've probably heard me say that my
1168s favorite thing to do in New World is
1170s just gravity drink and go fishing and
1174s it's really exciting when I get those uh
1177s those epic and legendary and rare fish
1180s that's a really fun moment no you gotta
1182s be excited for the boot now you know
1184s what I'm I'm excited for just about
1186s everything yes we are team boot except
1189s tadpoles
1191s I'm not excited okay why yes you know so
1195s rare because they they yeah slimy and
1199s for some reason the tadpoles put more of
1201s a fight
1202s than some of the bigger dresses and I
1206s have given that feedback to our team so
1208s many times and they're just like Katie
1210s get good okay
1212s why do clams fight back that's what I'm
1215s saying why is it the siphon I think it's
1218s the siphon that's what makes them fight
1220s back but the real big one is the snail
1223s why is the snail fighting back this is a
1226s turnip you know what that's right you
1229s know the answer the answer is azoth it
1231s is a supernatural world that fights back
1234s even the snails the clams the tadpoles I
1238s think they're aggressive friends
1241s all right so you're saying the double XP
1244s even for those aggressive snails out
1246s there and then you also have yeah we're
1249s gonna do another event so last month
1251s well not last month may may may may
1255s when this video comes out it will win
1257s several months ago the time is weird on
1260s time is weird when you're filming about
1262s it it is time what is time yeah exactly
1265s um we did a community team Throwdown
1267s where we hopped in and did 3v3 Arenas
1269s well this time we're going to be hopping
1271s on that double XP event we're going to
1273s be fishing so you know if you're
1275s interested we will be fishing on
1277s multiple servers we'll have a forum post
1279s up
1280s um and with all the details and if you
1282s want just come by chill grab a grab a
1285s drink hang out with us and we'll just go
1287s fishing I love joining these Community
1289s sessions because they get to find out
1291s what exciting events we're doing right
1294s and this is going to be on the PTR no
1296s this is on the live game
1301s all right so you heard it here check the
1304s forums for when uh USBS will be on there
1306s doing a fishing event wow there's a lot
1309s of like you better warm your fishing
1310s poles up I know that's what I'm saying
1312s tournament the tadpole tournaments you
1316s know what ship it terrible yeah we were
1320s we were gonna do like fishing Fest
1322s Friday but that's more of a like a
1324s tongue twister geez I can't even go to
1326s that fast yeah fish fish no Friday all
1330s right so on that note these are the
1332s events that we're going to be uh sharing
1334s with you guys this month and we hope you
1335s have a great time anything else that you
1337s guys want to add to this get your
1339s fishing poles ready get your fishing
1341s poles ready all right
1343s thank you she in Amsterdam
1350s this segment we're going to start diving
1353s into some of the events starting with
1354s the summer medley Fair once again we're
1357s really excited this month to bring in
1359s some behind the scenes the doves that
1361s created it all to get some of their
1364s thoughts and ideas on it so uh Derek is
1366s joining us today a brand new face and
1369s then you got Mike I guess it's just you
1372s know no Mike is back to join us and both
1375s go into their event that they've been
1376s working on so take it away guys yeah so
1379s I'd like to talk about the origins so I
1381s think it's really important to set that
1382s up so we wanted to do a Summer Event and
1386s we're just thinking about like what do
1387s we like doing in the summer and it was
1389s like oh we like going Outdoors we love
1392s going to concerts and playing music and
1394s and barbecuing and campouts and all
1397s those kinds of things and so that's kind
1399s of where it started and Scott and I
1402s mentioned something about Woodstock but
1403s we're like hey I don't know about that
1406s um but that was kind of like our
1407s inspiration so go to Derek and I'm like
1409s hey what do you think about doing like
1411s this like big festival or you get like
1413s lots of food and there's music and a
1415s bunch of fun stuff and then and then
1417s Derek just took it away yeah I mean so
1419s when you're kind of like starting off
1421s with the design of a I guess a holiday
1422s event from the ground up you take these
1424s kind of key terms and key senses of
1427s feeling that you want the player to kind
1429s of fill and convey to them so you take
1431s that mixed bag and apply uh the designs
1436s to it um so find magic to it yeah the
1438s magic to it make it actually be
1439s something that is coherent and uh you
1441s know exciting and fun for the player
1443s like establish the core Loop so we take
1446s all those kind of ideas and really from
1449s the start it's establishing the reason
1452s for the season so what is the shift in
1456s eternum that's occurring only during
1457s this time of year that motivates the
1459s player's actions
1461s um you know to go do the stuff do the
1464s things so in this case from a narrative
1467s perspective the reason for the season is
1469s the spa awning of the eternum sturgeon
1471s which is Mike mentioned magical magical
1473s fish yeah so yeah um that kind of you
1476s know that informed uh the other elements
1478s of Summer that we wanted to tap into uh
1480s which is uh fishing so from a
1483s establishing standpoint we have the
1484s anchor of the of the Season which is the
1486s spawning of the eternum sturgeon we know
1488s players are going to go out and engage
1490s with the fishing mechanic and go catch
1492s these really special fish
1493s um so with that
1496s um that kind of led us with the
1497s opportunity to build up the larger
1500s festivities and uh activities around it
1503s which is where the medley Fair venues
1505s itself comes into play so building off
1507s the template that we have at winter
1508s convergence with the winter Villages and
1510s the yeti we follow a
1513s we established a similar I guess like
1515s foundational setup for the summer medley
1517s Fair which is the medley Fair venues
1519s hosted by the medley for Maestro which
1521s is a really fun eccentric character that
1524s players are going to get to meet and
1525s he's one of my favorite characters oh
1527s yeah in the game right now okay um so
1529s super fun super colorful and as Mike
1532s mentioned the whole framework around
1535s that uh the venues is themed around a
1537s music festival
1538s um so we have some nice uh you know some
1541s good like you know bass thumping music
1543s going on throughout the venues
1545s themselves
1546s and kind of ties back to the players
1549s motivations of going out catching the
1551s fish and supplying the medley fair with
1553s all of you know The Delectable meats and
1555s all that kind of stuff to basically keep
1556s the festival going
1558s um okay so it's like all these things
1560s kind of get wrapped together did this
1562s really fun space so it's kind of like
1564s our take on what that Festival kind of
1566s like Fairground would feel like and look
1567s like so you're like what does the stage
1570s look like on a term where would people
1572s perform and how do we dress that how do
1575s we set it up and some of the Innovative
1577s things that our artists don't to create
1578s like the the big spotlights and all the
1582s the musical Fanfare and like how that
1585s all comes together is like one cohesive
1588s kind of experience I think uh and Derek
1591s I'd like to hear uh some more of your
1592s take on its like as we started to
1594s develop these quest lines in kind of
1597s like the Gathering yeah it's not just
1599s like oh well it's the time of the
1600s festival but now we got to get the word
1602s out now we need people to come here
1604s yeah so that kind of ties into the whole
1606s idea of um you know again like summer
1608s just like partying and being together
1609s with people and all that kind of stuff
1610s is uh part of the quest line has the
1613s medley for Maestro uh sending you on to
1615s the world to go basically gather people
1617s to go come to his festivals like when it
1619s starts off no one's really there but
1621s throughout the course of the quest lines
1625s it's a party for one at that point now
1629s throughout the quest line you're helping
1630s uh the medley for Maestro bring people
1632s to the festival which is really fun
1633s because you know as you're doing it you
1634s see that like the different people that
1636s you're bringing like dancing on the
1637s dance floor oh okay it's kind of like a
1639s fun different you can see like the
1640s progression okay yeah you see okay you
1642s see the effort put in yeah and it kind
1644s of touches on each of the activities uh
1647s that Derek and the team have like
1648s established and set up so like dancing
1650s you get rewarded for uh playing music
1653s which is actually kind of another big
1655s part of the loop on and dive into it in
1658s a sec is like how you're participating
1661s in all these other types of events like
1663s there's this nice synergy that kind of
1665s rolls throughout one of the things that
1667s we learned when doing the winter
1668s convergence is like we have these nice
1670s Villages but we didn't have a chance and
1672s didn't really explore like really
1673s populating them out with like other
1675s vendors other things that kind of like
1677s that's what I was like what did we learn
1679s because we have mentioned to the
1681s community that we took the feedback what
1684s did we learn already we're rolling it
1686s into this event that was actually the
1688s main thing is what we took away as Mike
1689s mentioned uh just filling the Village
1692s locations themselves with more uh
1694s thematically appropriate uh things to do
1697s really that tap into different uh
1699s mechanics that players can do so in the
1702s medley Fair venues we have the central
1705s Dance Floor which features our new emo
1707s interaction type so players can go up
1709s there bust out whatever their favorite
1710s emote style is and you know get a daily
1712s reward for that right behind that we had
1715s the medley Fair pyre which
1717s um kind of like feeds into like the
1719s celebration aspect like the the nature
1721s of the medley Fair where they have this
1723s ritual or you know celebration
1729s sturgeon is you can get a magical fish
1732s bone from the sturgeon and it's a very
1734s rare drop item and if you're lucky
1736s enough to get one you can toss into the
1738s medley for pyre get a nice big explosion
1741s a celebration and you know get a major
1743s reward for that so and you know kind of
1746s behind that is also the mounted catch
1748s station which I I'm super super excited
1750s to get that one in and work with the
1752s team to figure out just how we can even
1753s pull that off
1755s um so the amount of cat station is
1756s really cool because
1757s you can basically go out in the world
1759s catch any of the fish any of the objects
1761s like the Soggy boots I
1766s love the tadpole so go grab those things
1769s bring it back to the festival and craft
1771s your own home furnishing mementos that
1772s you can display inside your house so
1774s okay that was a super that was a super
1776s fun one like that was one of the first
1777s activities um that kind of
1779s you know just expand the methods in
1782s which players can acquire rewards that
1784s are just that are outside of the token
1786s Chase and the event shop itself
1788s um so you know I think that's kind of
1791s like the nature of like the medley Fair
1792s venues and um kind of like the push for
1795s the additional activity types that we
1797s wanted to you know make it be a party
1798s you know right can you talk a little bit
1801s more about the Synergy that we
1802s introduced with the the music and the
1804s fishing oh yeah totally so you know when
1807s we introduced The Eternal sturgeon it's
1808s a you know special type of fish so the
1810s first design challenge is how can we
1812s make it compelling to the player to
1813s catch this fish so it kind of goes hand
1816s in hand special fish you need special
1817s bait so the other thing that's going on
1820s throughout eternum is uh the Swarms of
1822s the modern bugs which okay this is a
1824s personal thing for me because when I
1826s think about summer I think about June
1827s bugs okay so June bugs fireflies things
1830s those big bugs just bugs in general so
1834s modeling bugs yeah some Modern bugs and
1836s these swarms was kind of like a natural
1837s like okay well I'm thinking about what
1839s summer means to me so the modern bugs
1841s came into play so it actually was a
1844s perfect uh alignment of you know just a
1848s perfect alignment between teams where at
1850s the same time the musical instrument
1851s Strike team was working on their
1853s features so we know that music needs to
1856s be inherent to the soul of the medley
1858s fair and summer in general so that's
1861s where you know from a design perspective
1862s you look at what mechanics are available
1864s for you to tap into or which ones are
1865s upcoming so musical instruments was the
1868s perfect fit for just kind of having fun
1870s with it so players grab their guitar go
1873s on to the world find the modern bug
1874s swarms and play the enchanting tune of
1877s modern bug Haze to entrance Captivate
1879s and capture you know the bugs okay which
1882s again ties into the whole Loop of you
1883s got the bugs go get the fish that's your
1886s you know nice little tight core Loop
1887s that Taps into different types of
1890s mechanics so again that was kind of the
1893s uh you know when we talk about learnings
1894s from the winter convergence is given the
1897s player just a variety of things to do so
1899s in this event you're gonna be playing
1900s music you're going to be fishing you're
1901s going to be dancing at the emotes and
1904s all that kind of stuff so you know just
1905s really arts and crafts okay yeah
1909s all right and then uh just like the
1912s winter event a ton of rewards skin and
1914s things that you can you know try to grab
1917s during the duration of the event yeah
1918s okay and that's actually a really good
1920s segue which is just the reward structure
1921s of it too like you know we got feedback
1923s from the winter convergence that was our
1924s first one out the door got a lot of
1926s great feedback from the community and
1928s yeah we took that to heart and we I'm
1931s really excited to see you know how the
1933s community you know takes to the
1934s offerings of the summer medley fair and
1936s just getting more feedback from it
1938s um I think for this one we expanded the
1940s number of skins that you can get
1941s outright I love skins another another
1943s fun Furnishing rabbit another pet that
1946s you can get for your house
1947s um and then you expand like the emote so
1949s you can get some dances and stuff like
1951s that and test those out on the dance
1953s floor yeah yeah absolutely all kind of
1955s ties in together trying to trying to do
1957s a little dance earlier and it didn't
1959s really work yeah
1961s I gotta practice that so all right well
1964s I I know a few things for us on the
1966s forums recently that I saw is players
1969s are excited to know more of like what it
1971s was your absolute favorite or do you
1973s have any Easter eggs that you're hitting
1975s and you know hiding in this event itself
1979s I think my
1980s it's kind of a I have two absolute
1982s favorites if I can just like so the
1984s development of the medley Fair venue
1986s itself was just so much fun working with
1989s the art team as Mike mentioned just
1991s getting super creative with how we can
1993s you know stretch the universe of a term
1997s and how can we sell basically a the
2001s celebration of this magical fish with
2004s music so I think you know I think with
2007s that you know we had a lot of fun on
2009s just the development side of it and you
2011s know just pushing the extent of the
2012s colors of the color scheme and
2014s identifying that figuring out you know
2015s how to do the dance floor and just the
2017s general layout and again just as Mike
2020s mentioned deep kind of fun playfulness
2022s that we have with like the subs and like
2024s the speakers the barrel speakers like
2026s things that should not exist in that
2027s particular time period but you know I
2030s think that's kind of where we just have
2031s some fun with the holiday events and
2033s that's from a design perspective that's
2034s my favorite part of it is just being a
2037s little silly yeah being a little silly
2038s and just pushing something it's it's the
2040s world building and you never feel like
2042s you're Jumping the Shark like we try to
2043s make things feel cohesive and that you
2046s know what here in our term they probably
2047s could develop that technology because
2049s it's not it's crazy far-fetched it's
2052s like we're not going towards like
2053s steampunk or anything crazy like that
2054s but it's stuff that would exist like all
2057s of our big spotlights are using candles
2059s and reflectors and sometimes yeah like
2062s it's very creative ways that uh the art
2064s team was thinking about solutions to
2067s like really tell that story I think one
2069s of my favorite usages though is that
2070s you're running around the medley Fair
2072s um we're trying to figure out what the
2073s art solution like the sorry the art
2075s solution the lighting uh solution would
2077s be we don't have light bulbs in a turn
2078s them so uh the artists were super
2080s creative and we have this blobfish or
2082s it's like a frog fish type thing yeah
2084s it's like it's a frog fish and you see
2087s those hanging throughout the festival
2088s with like little lanterns
2091s yes that's kind of little top goes
2093s fishing and hung them for light oh so I
2096s mean
2097s what you can do yeah all right that's
2100s kind of like so keep an eye on all the
2102s lighting too see what you guys did I
2103s think that's just little details it's
2106s just fun to run around and I've even
2107s seen some early videos of like the PTR
2109s or someone just running around just like
2111s taking a look and just having a blast
2113s just looking at all the different
2114s creative ways to that the art team was
2117s able to sell this medley fair in in a
2120s tournament so yeah you guys always do
2122s the art really well and also the sound I
2125s mean that was totally that was a huge uh
2127s compliment from day one is the noises
2129s and the sounds from the game um is just
2132s uh kind of like next level so I'm really
2134s excited to see a music event you know
2138s kind of happen and experience that so
2141s and that kind of gets like the you know
2143s the sneakily second favorite thing that
2145s I have was just the whole overall
2146s development of the modern bug swarms and
2147s incorporating the musical instruments
2149s like that was such a fun and exciting
2151s feature just to see come online and to
2154s identify you know the design challenges
2155s by okay how can I incorporate this to be
2157s a way that players can interact with the
2159s world and just develop that whole thing
2160s so the collaborative efforts between the
2163s medley First Strike Team and the musical
2164s instrument Strike Team two figure out
2166s how to you know make you know mesh up
2169s chocolate and peanut butter together to
2171s make this kind of uh event yeah so
2173s delicious that was a fun one all right
2175s any anything else that you guys want to
2177s add about this I think we've covered
2179s quite a bit so
2180s we hope you enjoy it and send all of
2184s your feedback through all the normal
2185s channels but remember the quickest best
2187s way is just go up into that main menu
2188s setting and just go down to that support
2190s tab give us your feedback all right well
2193s thank you so much and I hope everyone
2195s enjoyed that and let's move on to the
2197s next event
2201s foreign
2203s but more so the next not dungeon but the
2208s Expedition thank you Expedition that
2211s we're going to dive into is the brand
2213s new one of the Barnacles and black
2216s powder right correct okay because I feel
2219s like you know say that five times fast
2223s um all right and joining us today is
2225s Mike is back yay and then Chad Chad had
2228s a hand in the dungeon not dungeon
2231s Expedition Expedition someone else is
2234s buying me lunch today all right so
2237s I mean let's get right into it I'm
2239s really excited to learn
2243s a lot more there's a lot more things
2246s that the monsters and the boss is doing
2248s um it's not just a very straightforward
2249s fight anymore so if you want to go into
2252s that yeah absolutely so we've got two
2254s new boss fights uh in this Expedition
2256s we've got uh admirable black powder as
2259s well as uh the neriad at the end uh so
2262s the uh the Admiral fight uh is
2264s particularly fun uh he's uh throwing
2267s appropriately themed explosive uh kegs
2270s of black powder around uh which will
2273s explode on the players I was gonna say I
2274s guess I shouldn't catch them right
2275s potatoes okay dangerous and then uh he
2280s also has a really great mechanic where
2282s he uh jumps up into the rafters and
2284s calls down cannon fire on the player so
2287s there's a lot of things to dodge and
2289s avoid and and kind of counter play uh
2291s back and forth and there's also a really
2294s interesting mechanic uh interacting with
2297s uh cannons for the players themselves
2299s where they can fire back at the Admiral
2301s and send some of the the shot back at
2304s him give him a taste of his own medicine
2306s it kind of reminds me of those like uh
2308s kind of I guess they're old school now
2310s but like the 3D Platformers where you'd
2312s have to go like pick something up load
2314s something up and then shoot it at the
2315s big bad and then it's a unique uh
2318s version of patterns that we have in this
2320s fight that it's really fun so there's a
2322s lot of elements of just dodging out of
2324s danger and then using other mechanics
2326s that we have in the game to make this
2328s really compelling Loop so I think
2329s players are gonna have a lot of fun and
2331s we've seen that in the PTR yeah
2333s yeah and it it's very uh frenetic uh
2337s little chaotic fight but a lot of fun
2340s lots of explosions uh a lot of action
2342s going on okay
2344s was any of the
2345s event your favorite part making any of
2347s it or did you know any characters that
2350s you enjoyed the most with yeah
2351s absolutely uh we we did add a couple of
2354s new features on this one uh in
2356s particular the the boss himself will be
2358s able to jump up into the rafters which
2360s is entirely new for our boss mechanics
2362s here uh and then also interacting with
2365s the Cannons actually picking up
2366s cannonballs hauling them over to the
2368s Cannons to load them up and then fire
2370s them back all new mechanics all right
2373s have you taken any previous feedback of
2376s other dungeons or events that you guys
2378s are bringing into this one uh yeah I
2381s mean we always try to incorporate
2382s feedback back into our Boss Designs
2386s um with these ones in particular uh
2388s we're definitely making sure their
2390s mechanics to address a variety of
2392s different play Styles as well as keep
2394s everybody involved in the fight
2396s um this is a pretty challenging set of
2399s fights there's a lot of damage flying
2402s around uh there's a lot of uh positional
2404s challenges is as well not quite as
2407s challenging as maybe the corrupted Naga
2409s but but we'll still throw some some good
2412s curveballs at the player okay
2414s okay he's a little bit debatable but
2416s what's awesome is so you have black
2418s powder and the steam of the the cursed
2420s treasure and as you're going down
2422s through everything and there's a whole
2424s bunch of new hazards and when I say
2425s cursed treasure I legitimately mean it's
2427s cursed and bad things will happen when
2429s you try to touch it
2432s a bunch of fun mechanics kind of
2434s surrounding that kind of like The
2436s Goonies Vibe and Pirates of the
2438s Caribbean kind of vibe but there's
2440s something that lurks even further into
2443s the depths of the Expedition uh and
2445s that's kind of one of my favorite things
2446s is the the reveal of the of the Myriad
2449s is like you see this like water spout
2451s this like Cyclone of water is like
2453s you're approaching and you get to fight
2455s this this all-new creature and I think
2457s it has really awesome mechanics if you
2459s want to dive into those yeah absolutely
2461s so uh as Mike was saying uh at the the
2465s ultimate fight at the end of the
2467s Expedition is with the neria and she's
2469s this uh water creature uh who can
2472s control the water and storm around her
2475s um really fantastic uh reveal and she
2478s also calls in tornadoes to uh to whirl
2481s around in the arena with her and provide
2483s lots of Hazards for the player oh yeah
2486s well throwing out quite a few
2488s projectiles and dangers a little bit of
2490s bullet hell action yes lots of dodging
2492s is necessary absolutely uh so it's a
2495s real fun fight as well okay okay so a
2497s lot of different mechanics once again to
2498s learn and and to practice with your
2500s friends and laugh as they make mistakes
2502s but as you do so absolutely and then of
2505s course for our more advanced players it
2507s you know have gone beyond the the
2509s standard level 60 and game Expeditions
2512s we have additional mutations that are in
2514s the rotation so we're introducing
2517s through three new mutations with
2519s icebound which has to do with ice
2520s Elemental damage and absorption uh
2523s oppression which has to do with silences
2526s and uh monolos okay so which is pretty
2529s awesome and then frenzied which is
2531s awesome
2532s that's awesome and then uh frenzied
2535s which is a curse it has to do with
2537s damage over time uh and stacks being
2540s applied to players as they Dodge so and
2544s will this be an interesting will this
2546s Expedition be included in all mutations
2549s too like that yes it will so after
2552s initial release and everyone's gotten
2554s their you know a couple weeks of reps
2556s going through this one then there'll be
2558s the mutated version we'll enter the
2560s overall rotation the global rotation for
2562s uh Expedition mutations okay keeping
2565s things fresh all right is there any sort
2568s of lore that you guys maybe wanted to
2570s touch on with this specific like event
2573s just in general or well this one is more
2577s isolated as a Side Story down in Cutlass
2580s Keys about strange things happening in
2582s the waters off the shoreline
2584s um strange creatures and then this
2587s kind of like curse that is occurring and
2590s then the Admiral as he's going about and
2592s stealing this lost plunder okay great
2594s you discover things are a lot worse than
2597s the Admiral himself as you dive deeper
2600s into the Expedition all right so it's
2602s not a nice little contained event going
2604s on with this all right well anything
2606s else that you guys want to add with this
2608s one
2609s I'm just super excited to get it out to
2611s players and get their feedback and uh
2613s yeah hopefully everybody has fun with it
2615s lots of cool new loot yeah we love Lou
2618s all right thank you and thanks Gamers
2620s for watching let's dive into the next
2622s one
2627s and we're going to touch on a topic that
2631s everybody keeps talking about constantly
2633s we hear you balance balance balance so I
2636s brought the Dave's in Double Trouble
2638s Dave and Dave they're going to go on
2641s about a few things that we're working on
2642s with balance especially when it comes to
2644s weapons I know there's a lot of concern
2646s we want to reassure everybody that when
2649s any changes are made it's not a
2651s permanent change the game is constantly
2653s adapting we're learning the feedback is
2656s very important so we're just going to
2659s touch on some of the weapons that I saw
2661s were super active on the forums let's
2663s start it right out with everyone's
2666s favorite
2667s the bow yes the bow Dave you want to
2671s take that uh sure yeah so the bow we've
2673s made a lot of updates to the bow in the
2675s past few updates and I think we worked
2678s really hard at making it more fluid
2680s easier to play and just for people have
2682s a good time with it while doing that we
2684s might have gone a little too far and I
2687s think we're going to rein in some of the
2688s damage a little bit it's doing a little
2690s bit too much burst damage it's a little
2692s too powerful in some modes not in all
2694s modes though right you were saying in
2697s PvP it's actually not the greatest right
2699s now right and are in arenas well yeah
2701s and opr is performing really well but in
2704s arenas it's actually the third worst
2706s weapon and in PVE it also isn't super
2708s strong and so it's really hard when
2710s we're talking about balance we've got to
2711s think about the whole game not one
2713s specific mode and you know we want
2715s weapons to each have at least one or two
2717s areas they shine but every weapon can't
2719s be the best at everything you know so
2720s it's a tough balance that we're trying
2721s to strive here right and and I know in
2724s the beginning like there were issues
2725s with the void Gauntlet there were issues
2727s with the life staff so uh you know I
2729s think we're constantly working on that
2731s and the bow is just being a little a
2733s little pickier with with needing that
2735s adjustment so
2737s um anything else that you want to touch
2738s on with the bow
2740s uh no I think we're gonna we're gonna
2742s make some more adjustments it's in PTR
2743s right now so please play and give
2745s feedback um and we're still making a
2746s couple more adjustments as we're getting
2748s close to the July date so okay great so
2751s the next step we wanted to talk on was
2753s the sword and shield
2754s Dave also Dave would you like to take
2758s that one yeah I think you know uh sword
2760s and shield had a combo with the shield
2762s bash stun that was really going zero to
2765s a hundred and that's a type of gameplay
2767s that we don't want to really Foster in
2769s New World so that is something that if
2771s you play PTR we've reduced the amount of
2772s stun weeping strike has to sort of uh
2775s not allow people to do that zero to 100
2777s combo uh and we're gonna be on the
2779s lookout for those if if you are aware of
2781s those if you see things like that let us
2782s know that's something that we don't
2783s really want to be a part of of the new
2785s world combat experience okay yeah that's
2787s great to know
2789s um and then also the hatchet I know you
2791s were talking about the Hot Chip briefly
2793s too what is going on with that yeah so
2795s we looked at uh how people are using the
2797s hatchet and unfortunately the right side
2798s tree the throw tree is not being used
2800s that often we think it's a really fun
2802s tree so we went through and did a pretty
2804s major overhaul on it so it's got a lot
2806s of new bonuses and Buffs and damages and
2808s things of that nature so definitely be
2811s on the lookout again try it out on a PTR
2812s that'll be great but it's uh it's should
2814s be much more playable now okay that
2817s that's great to hear and you guys keep
2819s hearing it you know over and over go on
2821s the PTR that's why it's there the public
2823s test realm we want to hear that feedback
2826s go and experience these changes give us
2828s your thoughts because you guys do take
2830s the feedback very seriously and and are
2833s willing to keep making those adjustments
2835s to find that balance
2837s um I guess my last question being the
2839s future what's the future for the weapons
2841s the balance team what's going on with
2843s that
2844s I'll start out one of the things that
2846s we're definitely looking at is equipload
2848s and what is strong and what isn't strong
2850s we definitely feel that the light equip
2852s load is very strong right now and heavy
2855s in particular is weak it doesn't have a
2857s really good rule especially in PvP and
2860s PVE I think the extra sort of toughness
2862s it gives has enough weight but I think
2865s in PvP just that lack of Mobility you're
2867s getting is really you know I think
2870s hurting the heavy equivalent so we're
2871s doing tests internally trying some
2873s pretty pretty interesting stuff that
2874s we're excited to talk about that's not
2876s ready for this PTR hopefully we can put
2878s it in next PTR this might be more of an
2881s experimental change you know we're going
2882s to be free to do that in PTR now where
2884s we're gonna you know sometimes try some
2886s things that aren't necessarily going to
2887s go into the game but uh we're definitely
2889s looking that's one area we're looking at
2890s okay great anything else yeah another
2892s area is blocking um really like blocking
2895s in PvP is not a good option at the
2897s moment really it's the Dodge is
2899s definitely the meta and so we really
2900s want to take another look at blocking
2902s PVP and how can we adjust it to make it
2904s more worthwhile for all weapons not just
2906s the shield too so we're going to take a
2908s really close look at that and that'll
2909s definitely make PTR here pretty soon all
2912s right well great thank you so much guys
2914s and
2915s and again we look forward to all that
2916s feedback go and try the weapons let us
2919s know we want to fix them all right thank
2922s you so much
2924s and that's a wrap we've gone over quite
2926s a few things and I hope you guys really
2928s enjoyed behind the scenes Scott what do
2930s you think about it all
2932s I'm excited about so much on this
2933s release the music instruments the summer
2935s medley Fair I've had a blast playing
2937s Barnacles and black powder like just
2939s being able to connect with people
2940s through the group finder
2943s but overall I think the perk rebalance
2945s and the perfect Salvage are going to
2946s change the way the game is played and
2948s I'm really excited for those as well
2949s it's it's an exciting release and I hope
2951s we see you all out there all right
2953s thanks so much Scott and thank you
2955s everyone for watching we'll see you next
2956s time