over 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s hey gamers welcome to another new world
10s dev video i'm your host today tina
12s joined by scott lane scott we have a lot
14s to dive into today yeah we are super
17s excited to talk about one of our new
18s features pvp arenas and we're going to
20s do a deep dive on that we're also going
23s to talk a lot about some upcoming
24s community events we have coming right
26s and speaking of community we actually
28s have questions directly from you guys
30s the community that the devs are going to
31s be answering later in this video
34s all right you ready let's get started
36s all right
41s this next segment is about pvp arena
44s something that both the team and the
45s players are really excited to talk about
47s so let's dive right in i have scott with
49s me and then on a remote i have dave and
52s mike all right dave i'm handing it off
54s to you to tell us more about the pvp
56s arenas
57s all right well three v3 pvp arenas are
60s finally here we're gonna have it in the
61s may build
63s uh really excited about this it's
64s basically on demand pvp so you can just
67s jump into the game uh go to the mode
69s screen uh press join q and get yourself
71s put into a match very quickly uh you can
74s queue up by yourself if you want you can
75s queue up with your friend or with both
76s friends and just have a full team
78s of three um if you queue up by yourself
81s you will end up being in a team of three
83s but we'll match you up with uh similar
86s level players so we do have level bands
89s in our queueing system
90s so from 20 to 29 30 to 39 and so on
93s uh if you do end up joining into a group
96s with a higher level player so you're
98s level 20 and you're in a group with a
99s level 60 you will be in the level 60
101s band just so you know go with the
103s highest level player there
105s um it's a
107s we have a lot of little neat things
108s we've done with this one where we've
109s actually added it so when you join into
111s the match you're going to get
112s consumables that are given to you so you
114s can use those in the match you don't
115s have to buy your own consumables any of
117s that kind of thing so it should be
118s really easy for the player to just jump
120s in and play you also don't take any
122s durability damage
123s and
125s yeah it's uh we also oh the one big
127s thing we also have is uh
129s we have an arena announcer in there so
131s you're gonna have some play-by-play
132s action calls as you're in the match um
135s kind of yelling and screaming at you
136s about what's happening so it's pretty
137s fun i'm very excited about that yes i
140s assumed you would be but yeah i think uh
142s we're there and then the big thing about
144s the pvp arenas this year this time is
146s that we are also bringing out the pvp
148s rewards track at the same time which is
150s going to go directly with the arenas um
153s and all the open world pvp and other and
155s the other pvp
156s modes
157s i got a question dave yep
160s who wins in a match you were mike
164s i think we're pretty close and uh skill
166s i think right now um
168s probably a little better probably played
170s a few more of them than he has but
172s uh we're pretty close in skill i don't
174s know what the new op tactics are
177s you know as they say over in in your
179s side of the world uh but i i adapt very
182s quickly so i'll have to find out more
184s from uh from from chris
186s dave what weapon are you playing a lot
188s when you're using uh what are you using
189s a lot when you're playing in these now
191s uh right now i'm using sword and board i
193s just enjoy playing with that and then
195s i'm also using the warhammer those are
197s two of my favorite right now
199s um i do i am using a little bit of
200s blunderbuss it's just super fun to play
202s with so i would definitely get that in
204s there
204s um
205s and then i'm also speaking of new
208s weapons that i'm trying out a little
209s more the bow
211s we did a little revamp of the bow this
212s month also so if you're a bow user
214s definitely get out there and try it it's
216s much more fluid than it used to be
217s really fun to use
219s awesome all right well i mean speaking
222s of fights between the guys let's talk
223s about rewards dave do you want to touch
225s a bit more on the rewards yeah sure we
228s now have a rewards track for pvp and so
230s basically what happens whenever you earn
232s a pvp contest of any nature um you're
235s going to get rewards for killing and
236s being a part of killing somebody so
238s you're going to get there's two main
240s tracks are two main things you get the
242s xp the pvp xp and then the salt and salt
245s is our currency for this uh so the
248s higher the more xp you get you're going
250s to open up tracks that have rewards that
252s you can buy with your salt
254s and then you just continually do that
256s and we're gonna let you go through many
258s different uh levels there to get there
260s lots of cool rewards um different armors
263s some pvp only perks things of that
265s nature are in there
266s we're gonna have a lot more info coming
268s out with this uh before it's actually
270s released the public but it's uh
272s it's it's a really fun system and gives
273s you gives you a reason to go in there
275s and just start fighting each other
277s all right so now that we have mike here
280s mike i have a question for you about
282s mutators let's go into some of the new
284s mutators
285s oh well sure uh well kicking off
287s mutators in the this upcoming release uh
290s the depths the depths is going to get
292s mutated finally
294s due to popular demand we're releasing
296s more mutated expeditions and this is the
298s one that's going to kick things off and
300s we know how much everybody loves to
301s fight against thorpe so i'm very excited
303s to see how people fare against that
305s fight i know i'm fantastic uh in in this
309s series of mutations so i'd love to see
311s how other people are faring during our
313s ptr but we have three new mutations that
316s are also going to get cycled into the
317s mix so the first one is called overgrown
320s and this mutation focuses on nature
322s damage and resistances so it adds
324s effects like uh toxic which is like a
326s pull that'll track down players and
329s compost which turns trash into healing
331s areas for your allies
334s uh and then the next promotion we have
336s is barbaric which focuses on physical
338s damage so it adds berserk which is an
341s enrage effect and then shattering which
343s deals stamina damage so that's going to
345s be a big one to deal with if you're a
347s tank and you're just you know trying to
349s absorb as much of the attack as possible
351s for your team uh and then lastly is a
354s new curse it's called fiendish which
356s kind of uh
357s focuses on the nocturnal if you will so
360s uh it adds weary which weakens players
363s with a rend and then makes them
365s vulnerable to slows
367s and then uh blood offering which stacks
369s damage over time so these three will
372s start cycling in with all the rest so
374s they'll have different combinations that
376s you get to experience and along with all
378s the new mutations and then you have the
381s depths which is going to add brand new
382s bespoke rewards so it should all be one
385s really fun package
386s i'm super excited to get you know when
389s you're leveling the depths was one of
390s the more fun expeditions and to now get
392s to go back and play that over and over
394s at 60 to get better rewards is it's
396s pretty cool
397s so mike i know uh one of our stats for
399s the year was that thor pad killed more
401s players than any ai have you had a
403s chance to fight him at a high mutation
405s and
406s how many times did you die let's see i
408s have not been able to make it to a high
410s mutation
411s uh
412s and i'll probably put the blame on me
414s and not my team so it's probably me
417s um but i'm interested to see the stats
420s as it rolls through ptr as we're gonna
421s make typical adjustments to make sure
423s it's in line with everything else
425s but i think the current champion
427s as of recently of just murdering players
429s is uh isabella our tempest
432s okay and while we have you here mike
435s there's another topic that i wanted to
436s bring up the varangian knights is that
439s how we're saying it varangian varangian
442s yes yes you have right there the
444s psychotribe the varangian knights
446s yes so we're continuing their story in
448s eternum and as they're starting to like
450s spread out as this invading force of of
453s knights is seeking out uh relics of
455s power throughout eternum and so
458s they're
459s they have some new encampments that are
461s now into the next tier up like past
463s level 25 so we're going to start telling
465s more of their story so this is really
468s recommended for players like 25 to 30 to
470s start on this next episode of the rant
472s of the varangian knights
474s so there's brand new three like tois
477s three major pois that are there so
478s they're really starting to dig in and
480s they have one really giant fortress that
481s you get to crawl through which is pretty
483s exciting uh so brand new storytelling
486s telling elements some new gimmicks
487s associated with those pois
490s and then four new enemy types as well so
491s we have uh the crusher the spearman the
494s hound and the mage all part of that
496s family
497s and the quest for the second episode is
500s granted by abigail rose and she's just
502s outside a new varangian camp at
504s sorcerer's delve which is in ever fall
507s so it should be very exciting very fun
509s stuff
510s and these are what level 25 to 30 uh
512s that's where the starting range goes
514s from and then it goes a little bit
515s higher than that as we take players
517s through
518s but it's really exciting because the
519s varangians fight completely different
521s than uh our typical ai they fight more
523s like players and use like player style
525s abilities
526s all right another reason to level
528s another character through well i want to
530s thank you guys for joining us remote and
532s scott for keeping me company here on set
534s uh and we're just going to call that a
537s closure on those great topics thank you
539s so much guys see you guys
548s now we're going to touch a bit on the
551s upcoming events now you may have a very
553s familiar face
556s greg has taken the time to come back and
558s join us for a few questions welcome
560s thank you it's good to be back at the
562s table but from a very different
563s perspective i'm not asking the questions
565s this time no that's that's your job yeah
567s yeah yeah okay
569s and then we have brittany who is our
571s community manager so you're gonna see
573s her a lot on the forums and everywhere
575s actually and then katie we love katie
577s katie is okay he's the best of us wow
580s okay moving on a lot of pressure all
582s right
583s so we're gonna touch on
585s as i mentioned the upcoming events and
587s we're just gonna kind of jump around and
589s i'm gonna keep you guys on your toes so
591s let's start right off katie the first
593s one's for you
594s uh recently released regional and paid
597s transfer tokens let's talk about it yeah
599s so the last time that we talked um we
602s had mentioned that we in our last update
604s that we were laying down more groundwork
606s that we felt good about it and that we
608s felt like we would be able to opens up
610s soon and we were able to and so we've
612s had tens of thousands of people
615s transfer either intra region so across
617s services or within your same region or
619s into regions so
621s from like us east to eu central or from
625s eu central to ap southeast so it's been
628s really exciting seeing the migration
630s patterns of our players but that was
632s really cool um we did encounter one
635s issue where people um had tried to
637s transfer and they were stuck kind of in
639s a limbo for a little bit just you know a
641s stuck state
642s we were able to resolve that and so
644s we've been addressing that as it comes
645s up and we have a fix for that that is in
648s uh so it shouldn't happen anymore
650s but but yeah so that was the only thing
652s which which
653s was really helpful as a lesson learned
655s but we were really excited to see so
656s many people going to the worlds that
658s they wanted to go to right i know people
660s were talking about it constantly so yes
662s that's great
663s all right brittany you're up let's talk
665s about the combat academy series yeah
668s definitely so for may we wanted to
670s really emphasize combat because we have
673s the new pvp arenas we have you know the
675s new mutated expedition with thorpe and
678s we just want to make sure that you know
679s we're emphasizing combat for this month
681s and so we asked you our community to
683s come up with helpful guides your best
686s clips your best twitch clips where you
688s know some of you were running away from
690s crocodiles i saw that
692s and so
693s you know we had a blast watching through
695s those and we have a playlist on youtube
698s that's curated and you can use a hashtag
701s new world combat academy
702s to search those up see if you missed any
705s yeah and if you're in the creator
706s program we also sent an email out to all
708s the members of the creator program that
709s they can
710s how to submit their favorite clips and
712s stuff so we can showcase them yeah and
714s speaking of creators greg let's dive
717s right in devs versus creators what's
719s going on with that yeah so like you said
721s with that new arena system um we wanted
724s to be able to showcase that new feature
726s and how best to do it then working with
728s content creators
730s on twitch uh we have a three it's gonna
733s be a weekly series and
736s the way that this video is gonna go is
738s probably gonna release a little bit it's
739s it's starting tomorrow greg time like
742s this uh this
745s [Laughter]
753s the first one is on the 12th for today
756s greg is tomorrow okay uh and then the
757s next one's gonna be on the 19th and then
759s the final one's going to be on the 26th
761s okay so it's three content creators
763s versus three of our devs uh they're
765s going to be playing five uh rounds five
768s matches um of the uh the pvp arena and
772s we'll see uh we'll see who can take who
774s so i got a question
775s yes who do you think is gonna win is it
778s gonna be like a two versus one like devs
782s creators or you think it's gonna be the
784s other way around i mean we've go out
785s we've got people like daneth and uh
788s baggins and redbird are gonna be on the
789s first team they're pretty they're
791s slayers so i would i would be worried if
793s i was on the dev team well the dev team
795s uses slayer script so
799s what's up greg
801s god mode
803s yeah no we are specifically not playing
805s on a build that is going to tempt us yes
808s to use our debug command oh and another
810s point for the the creators versus dev
812s saying is there's going to be a an
813s exclusive twitch drop that's going to go
815s along with that so if you're watching
817s the uh devs versus creators it's going
819s to be on the creators channels but then
822s it's going to open it up directory wide
824s and the twitch drop for this time is
826s actually really unique because it's a
827s battle chest filled with pvp specific
830s things so you're going to find things in
832s that chest that are going to help you in
834s pvp and in arenas
836s you can collect up to three chests so if
839s you tune in for each of the three um
842s then you can get up to three uh yeah so
845s go on twitch and watch the watch the
847s content creators who are involved and
849s then it's gonna go directory wide for i
851s believe 48 hours okay and that's going
853s to go away then it'll come back for the
854s next event and then go away and come
856s back
857s all right so technically when this video
858s releases you only got one more chance to
861s get this twitch drop i bet a lot of
863s these people are like you know reading
864s the the great article we wrote
868s stuff
869s oh yeah
870s the 26 that's the last one
872s got it mark your calendar all right well
875s brittany back to you let's talk about
876s the upcoming pvp world event yeah
879s definitely so we had a blast going into
882s the ptr and testing out arenas i'm not
883s sure if you saw but ann when trevzor and
886s i were you know getting decimated uh in
889s the ptr showing them how to win exactly
892s right we tested out the ring of fire we
894s made sure that was working
896s uh and then we all got demolished and so
899s you know that's how it goes when you are
901s playing range the odds were the odds
903s were in your favor so i don't know it
904s wouldn't happen there you know what i
905s tried i tried um and so we had a blast
908s and so we want to make sure that when
910s you know the live game goes live we get
914s to experience it with all of you so
915s we're going to be hopping into a bunch
917s of various servers we're going to be you
919s know letting you know ahead of time in
921s the forums when we are going to be
923s expected to be in these worlds so maybe
926s you'll catch us in there maybe running
927s some pvp missions maybe flagging up for
930s some war out post rush so
932s i'm gonna put a petition in the this
934s entire time you were pvp flagged
938s killing me
947s yeah well i mean the players are
949s constantly asking how they can fight the
951s devs and you know so here we go
954s all right so the next thing on our list
957s katie this is for you the xp
959s extravaganza tell us more about that
961s yeah so um we are not going to be doing
965s a big update in june let me just put
968s that out there
970s so we're gonna still have our weekly
971s updates um some of those might be a
973s little bigger than our former weekly
975s updates and so during this time we want
978s uh we want to make things kind of fun
980s and exciting and keep the party going
981s for the players so we have the xp
983s extravaganza uh
985s where you're going to have the
986s opportunity please tell me to actually
988s call that right i mean internally i
991s don't know i don't know what we're
992s calling it externally but now we have to
993s go
995s so you guys are here for the planning
997s session look at that we'll workshop it
1000s double xp reiteration you know they're
1003s going pvp they're flagging we're calling
1005s it xp extravaganza it is what it is my
1008s friends
1010s during the month of june just like uh
1013s the folks that had participated in our
1014s double xp weekend previously uh where we
1017s had
1018s multiplex or double xp on weapons double
1020s xp on your character progression this
1023s time we're opening that up
1025s to double xp on refining
1028s on those skills on a
1030s gathering on those skills and we're also
1033s opening it up for weapons and so there's
1036s a lot of excitement for june we didn't
1038s have we had the weapons previously but
1040s we did not have it for the other trade
1041s skills and i just
1044s want to make sure because i know this is
1045s going to be a big question that is asked
1047s it was the question that i asked
1049s uh
1050s phishing
1051s is included
1052s thank you so you will get your fishing
1055s double xp
1056s uh you'll get that trade skill increase
1058s and i expect to see everybody i know
1060s what i'm doing for the rest of the week
1061s i will be reviewing the
1065s data and speaking of data ma'am you want
1068s to go into some fun stats before we yeah
1072s we love fun stats so since um since we
1075s released the um the tempest expedition
1079s and the mutation
1081s i want to let folks know that as far as
1084s the um the ai that have killed the most
1086s characters nesha tune is at the top uh
1090s nesha tune has killed over 400 000
1093s characters uh and right behind him is
1097s isabella uh and isabella has killed just
1099s over more than thor
1101s yes just over 200 000 players wow that
1105s was about it so yeah so very exciting
1107s and i did i did want to bring up some
1109s additional information i'm going to have
1110s to reference my notes nobody look uh so
1114s i wanted i wanted to give players
1116s because it's something that i personally
1117s really like um to figure out who can do
1120s things the fastest and so i wanted to
1122s give the players some insight into who
1124s uh what the fastest m10 so the 10th
1127s mutation
1128s already the fastest completion times for
1131s our our mutated expedition so starting
1133s things off with dynasty the fastest run
1136s of an m10 was 21 minutes and 48 seconds
1138s wow uh garden of genesis was 13 minutes
1142s and one second
1144s last was just under 25 minutes uh we are
1148s actually there's it's kind of like when
1150s in a race where you're like looking at
1151s the photo finish we have some reports
1153s that we haven't been able to validate in
1154s data that we are still looking into so
1156s keep running this but we have a report
1158s of one potentially being 19 minutes for
1160s that
1161s uh and then 19 minutes just to like get
1164s through the day
1167s don't say that though so
1170s and last but certainly not least is our
1172s newest expedition in the m10 for tempest
1174s that has taken 27 minutes and 12 seconds
1178s what i'm hearing is we got to bump those
1180s up
1184s i would like to see players see just how
1186s fast they can get through that content
1188s so i know which parts to bump up oh
1191s that was all off the top of your head
1192s too that was yeah definitely
1198s incredible stuff well well done
1201s and i mean that's the questions that i
1202s have for you guys today so thank you so
1204s much for joining me and and diving a
1206s little bit deeper into the community
1208s great to be here all right thanks guys
1210s all right thank you
1216s hey players this section is going to be
1218s about community the community team
1220s spends a lot of time looking for
1221s questions and it's been asked time and
1223s time again for us to directly answer
1225s questions so joining us today is phil
1229s dave and then we also have dave who is
1231s joining us today remotely so i mean
1234s let's get right to it phil you're the
1236s first one up and i'm going to read
1237s directly questions that players have
1239s been sent to us by other players awesome
1242s um all right new world just finished its
1244s first ever rabbit's revenge
1247s what did the team learn from this and
1248s any hints to what we can see for future
1250s events
1252s for sure uh first i do want to say we we
1254s think about events in new world in two
1257s general sizes we've got our major events
1259s like the winter convergence festival and
1261s then we have these like smaller what we
1262s refer to as minor events uh like
1265s rabbit's revenge or if you remember the
1266s giant turkey that uh yeah mysteriously
1269s showed up in uh november last year
1271s yeah uh those are more of the size and
1273s scope of like what we call our smaller
1275s events and that was our intention with
1276s this one it was a nice like
1278s uh
1279s change of pace uh you know introduce it
1281s like a new short set of goals for
1282s players to um
1284s tackle
1285s for a little while in new world um add a
1287s little bit more spice and variety into
1289s the game and then um you know go back to
1292s the general gameplay right when the
1294s event ends one of the things we learned
1296s and i think the big takeaway for us here
1298s is we want to make sure in future events
1299s that we run it's a lot clearer
1302s what players
1303s need to do or how they are making
1305s progress to achieve like all of the
1308s rewards right in the event so you know
1310s for all those players that did uh were
1312s eight were lucky enough to to get the
1314s chest hair drop
1315s which was a an actual chest not hair oh
1318s storage but storage chest
1321s um i know
1322s [Laughter]
1324s you know congrats to those players
1325s awesome um and uh but yeah i mean uh we
1329s want to make sure it's a lot clearer
1330s that if you are putting in the work kill
1332s hundreds or thousands of rats yeah we
1334s saw some huge numbers on the forums
1336s right yeah that that um you know you
1338s know you're gonna
1339s hopefully gonna
1341s net out into a positive result so that's
1343s a big takeaway um we're gonna look at
1345s you know the the the nice part about
1347s events is we have the ability to bring
1348s those back at certain points in the year
1350s too so as it makes sense we can look at
1352s bringing those back and and making
1354s improvements as we do it as well as
1356s introducing new events too so um
1358s i think you know more to come a lot more
1360s to announce in future releases but like
1363s um for this one yeah we just want to
1365s make it you know make sure that players
1366s understand like what's my goal why am i
1368s doing this stuff and make it clear like
1370s here's here's you know what you'll get
1372s if you if you reach the end of the
1374s rainbow so yeah and we're listening to
1376s players when it comes to these events
1378s we'll learn how to make them even better
1379s next time
1380s all right so the next question from the
1382s players is previously and this is for
1385s dave h
1386s this is for you buddy all right
1388s previously in the desync blog the team
1390s mentioned that they will be constantly
1392s striving to approve the in-game
1393s experience can you tell us some
1395s additional fixes that you made to the to
1398s make the game play smoother
1400s yes for sure we still have a dedicated
1402s desync team that's working on these
1404s night and day uh and so we have a we
1406s have a lot of minor fixes coming in we
1408s also have a couple major ones that we
1410s should have in for may they're still in
1411s testing we really hope they make it
1413s through
1414s uh
1414s and some of the big ones and most
1417s notable ones will be when you're rooted
1419s uh and get leaving root um and getting
1421s that animation stutter uh looks like we
1423s have a finally have a fix for that which
1425s also fixed a bunch of other ones at the
1426s same time so that should be a really big
1429s quality of life improvement that's
1430s happening from the gravity well and ice
1432s shower and all those those moves the
1434s other big one is that when you
1436s quickly move your camera during an
1437s attack it was actually giving you a
1438s positional desync so you could actually
1440s pop at the end of your move to a
1442s different location and we have a really
1444s nice fixing for that one right now too
1446s we're still looking at the void blade
1448s desync we think we're going to get a fix
1449s in it's been a little bit trickier
1451s trying to get that one done but that
1453s that's on the horizon um and those are
1455s just some of the notable ones but we're
1457s we have a big list of them and we're
1459s still
1460s going through them every day so
1462s okay
1463s that's great that's great to hear
1465s all right so then our next question and
1467s this is for you dave uh crafting has
1469s always been an interesting feature
1471s within new world however some players
1473s believe it to be expensive are there any
1475s changes coming into the crafting to make
1477s it more viable
1479s uh yes i think you know first we we
1482s agree it is expensive and it is you know
1485s some trade skills are a little more
1487s arduous than others so one of the things
1489s we're looking at is sort of balancing
1490s out the efforts so that you know for
1492s instance logging is a good example of
1494s phishing those types of trade skills are
1496s taking way longer than some of the other
1497s ones like gathering so oh my god logging
1499s took me forever
1501s you hit 200 logging heads yeah
1503s oh yeah so one of the things we're
1505s looking at doing is balancing that out
1507s so that they're more equal another thing
1508s we're going to look at is you know uh
1510s there's sort of like a a train to this
1512s right you gather then you refine then
1514s you craft
1516s and right now the gathering is is
1517s usually going faster than the refining
1519s and the crafting is usually the slowest
1521s by far so trying to balance that out
1523s another a little bit is also something
1525s we're going to be looking at
1526s in terms of the value of crafting like
1528s we do think there's some very valuable
1529s stuff you've been crafting right
1530s especially end game i think end game
1532s crafting and super early game crafting
1534s are in in okay place
1537s uh the middle we have some work to do on
1539s for sure but in the end game there's
1540s some very valuable stuff right like
1542s depending on the weapon like some places
1544s have great drops but like uh hammer has
1546s a lot of great drops but great axe
1548s doesn't have as many right so if you
1549s want to get a truly bis drop like you
1552s have to craft those so i think there is
1553s value there uh the requirements that you
1556s need to fulfill to be able to craft
1558s those truly great things and then the
1560s resources that go into that we do agree
1562s that's high right now and that's
1563s something we're gonna be looking at
1564s there's no sort of immediate plans but
1566s it is on our radar okay great that's
1568s great to know that even you guys are
1570s looking into it so yeah i think no big
1573s changes for me but it's like we're
1574s really taking a really deep dive look at
1576s that stuff and making sure you know
1578s trying to we want to get it right when
1580s we when we do those balance changes they
1582s have a big ripple effect into how you
1584s know the
1585s economies in the game work and
1586s everything else so we want to make sure
1587s we're we're buttoned up on that before
1589s we we send it out so we're looking into
1591s it okay that's great all right so this
1594s one is for you two gentlemen dave and
1597s phil
1598s how about an update on the state of the
1600s economy
1602s why don't i start uh i think in terms of
1605s the gold economy we're generally happy
1608s with where we've gotten to i know like
1609s you know there was a period of time
1611s there were deflationary times at one
1612s point
1614s coin was a little tight it was tight
1616s i think we've made some changes the
1618s economy has spruced up and i think we're
1620s generally happy with the gold economy we
1621s see players balances increasing over
1623s time but they're not increasing at such
1626s an alarming rate that we're worried
1627s about hyperinflation so i think we're
1629s generally happy with gold i think uh
1631s azoth is you know i think the azoth
1633s economy has been sort of
1635s uh ruined or erect with a lot of the
1637s facts we took it all for our
1641s we are aware that azoth is a currency
1643s that needs a better home we do have some
1645s very interesting ideas coming for that
1647s uh you know i like how it's tied to
1649s crafting now expect us to dig into that
1651s even more in the future but that's a
1653s little ways off so we're aware of it and
1655s we're working on it uh i think you know
1657s uh item disparity in the value of items
1660s might be an area where there's some work
1661s to do phil
1662s i think so too um it kind of goes back
1664s to what we were talking about with
1665s crafting a bit on the material economy
1668s side of things the mats that you used to
1669s craft um you know we did notice a big
1672s deficiency in
1674s things um like star metal and or calcium
1676s oh yeah right and so we are actually
1678s adding a lot more veins of those into
1680s the may build okay so i gotta change up
1682s my my routes now there's gonna be
1684s actually some new routes so we took a
1685s look look at the map we looked we found
1687s some areas where it was like sparse and
1689s i think okay really good so yeah so
1691s that's actually be something to dig into
1693s for the players when when the may build
1695s comes out like where did the more or
1697s what are the routes now right first star
1699s mental health we didn't take any away
1701s that's what i was just gonna ask did you
1702s take any away or we did not we
1704s just added just added so
1706s uh so that should help that out we are
1708s looking um also at uh mid-tier hides and
1711s things like that as well
1713s and so expect some changes in the future
1715s for for all the different like you know
1717s which is balancing and tweaking and
1718s polishing but um we are definitely
1721s listening to all your feedback out there
1722s on where you're having these pain points
1724s and we're and we're you know trying to
1726s find those ways to
1727s introduce you know make it better in fun
1729s ways like i'm really excited for like
1731s the new um
1733s metal vein runs that we're right we're
1734s adding yeah all right well thank you so
1736s much for joining me guys and that's it
1738s for the community
1742s and that brings us to the end of today's
1744s video i just want to thank everyone for
1746s joining us we've gone over quite a few
1748s things including the pvp arenas we dove
1750s deep into the events and what we've
1752s learned from it and answered some
1754s questions that the community has been
1755s really asking about yeah it's been
1757s really fun working with the community
1759s and doing these videos so we're really
1760s excited to provide them and now it's
1762s just a matter of seeing like who can
1764s survive in the pvp arenas this month
1766s it's going to be it's going to be a
1767s blast it's exciting to see all right
1769s thank you everyone for watching and we
1770s hope to see you next month