over 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

7s hi everyone welcome to the new world
9s developer update i'm scott the game
11s director on new world today katie's
13s joining us katie's the live lead we have
15s a lot to share with you we want to give
16s you an update on the roadmap we want to
18s talk about the july ptr we have some xp
21s events and then we have some pretty big
23s changes to loot perks and keys
26s it's going to be a great show and we
27s can't wait to share it all with you so
28s let's get rolling
35s all right we're back we're going to
36s start by talking about the road map
38s we've made some progress toward it
40s first and foremost back in march we
42s released the tempest heart expedition
44s and
46s it's been pretty fun for me i don't know
47s how you're feeling about it katie
49s yeah i've definitely been crushing
51s tempest heart but it was
54s it was a slow go there at the start
56s especially because we had introduced
58s blunderbuss at the same time and um
60s thankfully we did a double weekend xp
64s event our double xp weekend event uh and
66s so i got to level that all the way to 20
69s which is really helpful
70s um but lucky you know i got bombed i
73s didn't get to do that so i had to level
75s it after and as a tank
77s i wanted to be the blunderbuss paired
79s with the sword and shield so it was very
81s important to me what a new but anyway so
85s but yeah nesha tune definitely smacked
87s me down a ton of times last time i gave
89s stats that he had smacked down um
92s 400 000 times
95s that's how many kills he got that has
97s absolutely increased since last time we
99s discussed it um
101s so yeah it's it's been wild i've been
103s having a lot of fun with it but i've
105s also been having a lot of fun with
106s something that we also recently released
108s which is the pvp rewards track that's
111s been super exciting for me
113s and the company that i'm with has been
114s really enjoying like capping forts and
117s trying to be the underdog in the great
120s cleave uh faction missions
123s round that's a lot of fun to just group
125s up with five people and try to make it
128s well and it kind of like you know so we
129s released the pvp reward track and we
131s found a few people taking advantage of
133s some of the design
134s mistakes yeah where they were capping
136s the uh for capping the uh faction
139s control points too quickly because they
140s were set to two and a half we upped
142s those to ten pretty quickly
144s and uh
146s that solved that problem and it actually
148s had a really cool happy accident because
150s we saw our open world pvp numbers and
153s fashion control points going up because
154s i think people were like well there's
156s going to be people over there sleeping
157s let me go put an end to that so it
159s actually
160s worked out in the long run as a yeah as
162s a you know we were kind of fortunate
163s that we made that mistake because i
165s think we're going to stick with this for
166s a little while yeah it's definitely been
168s like the data has shown us that we get
170s more people like out there fighting near
172s the forts but then also just playing in
174s game it feels really cool to go over to
177s a fort and you know maybe for the first
180s couple minutes nobody shows up but then
182s you know they start trickling in one
184s person sends somebody to see if it's
185s just one person in there it ends up
187s being 40 people and everyone's having
190s this all out battle i think that's so
192s cool i love that i love that
195s so then going a little more forward
197s next you know the next release is going
199s to be focused on the summer medley fair
202s so you can read into that a little more
204s on what's coming
205s we're also going to have another
206s expedition barnacles in black powder
209s which is coming together nicely i've run
211s it a few times and it's it's very
213s different than our other expeditions
215s and to help you find your way in we have
217s the expedition group finder so these
219s things together are all going to be
221s coming in in the month of july and i i
222s personally am really excited for this
224s release yeah for sure and then there is
226s a change to the to the public test realm
228s that's the ptr that we're talking about
230s for folks that this is your first time
231s tuning in um so
234s initially uh well previously we've seen
236s we've released content like all at once
239s uh regardless of how we're planning to
240s roll it out so
242s this time um because we want to get the
245s the content in front of players to test
246s sooner rather than later and when i say
248s test um it's not just bugs it's you know
251s design feedback it's is this fun is the
253s content challenging um and then also is
257s there something that you would like to
259s see right like is there something
260s missing that you think would be really
262s exciting for folks uh all of that
264s feedback should go into the in-game
266s feedback tool um when you're actually in
269s the game so that's when you press escape
270s you go to the game menu submit feedback
272s it's that
273s um and that goes directly to us that's
275s what we use most often
276s and of course we look at the forums you
278s folks have seen the developers and our
280s community managers in there um but yeah
282s so we're doing the the medley fair first
284s so you'll see that content and we want
286s you to be able to focus on that without
288s having to split your attention across
290s additional content
291s and that gives us more time to respond
293s to your feedback
295s and then
295s right after that we're going to do the
297s barnacles and black powder content
298s release to the public test realm and
300s then you can focus on that and give us
302s feedback on that on whether or not it's
303s fun so i just want to make sure that
305s people know that we are making this
307s change to how the public test drama is
308s working so you should not necessarily
311s expect that all the content that you see
313s in test will be available in our next
315s released on the date of release so
318s that's something that
319s i'm looking forward to seeing how that
320s change goes me too
322s and i want to reiterate something you
324s said that in-game feedback is so
326s valuable to us we read it we look at it
329s a lot i know greg was in here talking
330s about it a few months ago
332s but
333s don't assume that other people have the
335s same opinion as you or think in the same
336s way get that feedback because we will
339s you will have an impact on where we go
341s with the game and i hope you're already
342s seeing that from us in the past
344s but going forward things are
346s not always clear-cut and you might have
349s be the opinion that pushes us over in
350s one direction so please please please
352s use that
354s and with that we're going to move on to
356s the next section so thanks katie let's
358s go
363s hey everybody phil here again uh one of
366s the product owners on new world here to
368s talk about a couple
369s few big changes coming to new world uh
372s first we're going to talk about uh
374s expedition keys we're going to talk
375s about loot and perks and then we're
377s going to talk about a bunch of
378s improvements to our trade skills so
380s let's get started
385s so the first thing i'd like to talk
386s about is a big change coming to
388s expedition keys in new world the tuning
390s orbs
391s uh
392s we heard your feedback
394s since we launched the game and we've
396s been looking for a great way to balance
397s this out and shift to a better system
400s and so with this next update we are
402s removing
403s dungeon keys from the game
405s and replacing them with a daily limiter
407s system we think this is going to be a
409s lot
410s uh more rewarding for players who want
412s to run dungeons a lot more and not
415s provide that you know hard level of
417s friction where you have to complete
419s other things if you want to just jump in
421s and run a dungeon so
422s uh to that end you'll be able to run uh
425s 15 normal dungeons a day in 20 mutated
428s dungeons per week
429s the dungeon keys that are in your
430s inventory right now uh
433s once the change occurs with the update
436s they will be converted
437s into inventory caches that will give you
440s roles on the bosses for those dungeons
442s so when you click them and your
444s inventory they will they will give you a
446s couple boss roles
447s you won't get like the full set of drops
449s or loot you would have gotten if you
450s actually did run the dungeon
452s so it might be worth you know consider
455s your options there but uh we do want to
457s make sure that you we are giving you a
459s good value for the you know materials
463s and the the the cost and tokens and gold
465s that you spent to get those keys
467s initially so uh
468s you'll just click them inventory and get
470s a bunch of sweet boss loot so that'll be
472s really fun if you've got me hanging out
475s uh when we when the next patch goes live
477s um other than that there will be a bunch
480s more details in specific in the
482s patch notes so make sure to keep an eye
483s out for those when they come out
490s okay so next i want to talk to you all
492s about a bunch of changes that we're
494s doing with perks and the quality of loot
497s overall so first uh the headline here is
500s we've buffed over 150 perks in the game
504s the reason behind that is there are a
505s lot of perks uh you know that we hear
508s with a lot of the feedback that you all
510s have given us and we're playing the game
512s a bunch we realize that there are some
513s perks that
514s surpass almost every other perk in the
516s game and that really limits the amount
518s of viable combinations for gear at
521s endgame and so we really wanted to bring
523s a lot more perks up
525s to meet the level of some of the best
527s perks in the game so
529s we've done a lot of buffs there one
532s notable call out is that the skill perks
534s on weapons the ones that relate to the
536s specific you know weapon abilities
539s those are way more powerful now on if
541s they're on a weapon than if they are on
543s armor
544s okay so keep an eye out in the patch
546s notes for all of those changes there and
548s some of them have actually gotten a
550s rework to make them a lot more viable as
551s well so
553s uh
554s another i think
556s high level note to talk about here is
558s that there's a large amount of tweaks to
560s the logic on the way that we're kind of
562s calculating the way that uh perks uh
565s roll on weapons uh to improve
568s the combinations of perks you get there
570s so it's just an example uh our weapons
573s and apparel and trinkets and everything
574s else um
577s uh for earrings uh they now have like a
579s very low drop chance uh for
582s trade skills or like gathering and um
585s and crafting perks to roll on them and
587s they're more focused on rolling combat
589s perks they can still roll some of those
591s gathering and crafting perks but now
594s they're going to roll more combat focus
595s perks to be more applicable to the
598s moment to moment gameplay that you're
600s experiencing and don't be worried
603s we're also reviewing the drop rates and
605s locations of all the crafting specific
607s clothing in the game to make sure that
609s those are obtainable and uh
611s and really more obvious to you where to
614s go to get them
616s lastly
617s i just because this one comes up all the
618s time
619s i want to touch on it is uh
622s we lowered the percentage drop chance on
624s the durability perk of that showing up
627s on on items uh we've also buffed it and
630s renamed it to indestructible so
633s now if that perk is on an item
636s it will
638s uh not take any durability damage at all
640s so it got a bit better and you should be
642s seeing it less uh and note like if you
644s have current items in your inventory
646s that these already are on they will
648s retroactively change so if you have
649s durability on an item in your inventory
651s it's going to change indestructible with
653s the update and your that item won't take
655s any durability damage anymore so they
657s will all you don't have to go and get
659s new items they'll all level up with
661s these uh buffed perks so that's great
663s the other thing i want to mention in
665s just terms of the overall quality of
667s loot
668s is that um
671s we're just increasing the quality of
672s drops that you get and primarily the
674s rarities so
676s uh with this update you'll get higher
678s rarity drops uh you know based on your
680s player and expertise level obviously um
683s but at like the the far end you should
685s be seeing way more epics and um
689s and rares versus uncommon so more
691s purples and blues way less greens um the
694s epics and legendaries you know now
696s should have a more viable stat
698s combinations you know example like
700s higher chances for keen and lower
702s chances for
703s beast ward
704s and then also uh we've
707s juiced up uh the amount of ability
711s uh points that two stat combinations get
713s so anything with like strength decks in
716s focus
717s um excluding constitution they now have
719s increased potency where they actually
721s provide an overall higher amount of
723s stats than um single stat items single
725s state items will still give you the most
727s attribute bonus to a single stat but to
730s make the double stat ones a little bit
731s more viable they will give you an
733s overall
734s uh
734s numerical amount more stats
738s the last thing on loot that i'm excited
740s to talk about is we're introducing a new
742s method to reduce the randomness acquired
745s in
746s uh acquiring specific expedition boss
749s loot for so for everybody hunting that
751s lazarus bow or fury um
754s we are
755s we're we're introducing a system where
758s in an expedition any expedition specific
761s named item that you get can be salvaged
764s and when it's salvaged it's going to
765s produce a new type of a resource and
767s then that resource can be used to craft
770s a specific drop now it's going to cost a
772s bit of those resources to get the very
774s specific drop you want
776s but
777s after a number of times if you're not
779s getting that item you want you're
780s salvaging the named items you don't need
783s you can use those resources to go get
785s that thing you do need so hopefully that
787s that helps out a lot and gives you um a
790s lot more structure around the the loot
793s chase that y'all are after so a lot of
795s really exciting changes uh please it's
798s way too much to talk about
800s you know every little specific here but
801s read the patch notes we're going to be
803s full of detail they're going to have a
804s bunch of meat to chew on there and yeah
808s one more
813s topic another thing coming in this
815s update that i want to talk to you all
817s about are a bunch of improvements that
819s we're making to our trade skills so
821s first
822s uh let's talk about salvaging
824s in this next update we're making
825s salvaging way more rewarding and now
827s when you salvage an item you'll have a
830s chance to get a perfect selvage and that
832s perfect salvage is going to give you a
833s resource that can be used to research
835s trade skill xp
837s fabricate it into like new crafted items
840s uh condensed into gypsum castle you get
842s like another opportunity to earn gypsum
845s and expertise
847s extract it into valuable resources or
849s salvaged for a bunch of repair parts
852s so that's gonna overall increase a lot
855s of options that players have to go and
857s like make a bunch of progression uh and
859s and
860s you know feel better about salvaging
863s loads of items that they're getting in
864s the game
866s we're also making a bunch of i think
868s well needed in in you know feedback
870s we've heard uh loud and clear on
873s gathering refining and crafting
876s for gathering specifically uh in short
878s we're we're speeding up
880s uh the the progression from levels one
882s to two hundred for
883s logging and fishing those were sloggy
886s and i think they needed just a big shot
888s in the arm so we're giving them a boost
890s uh for refining all of the refining
892s skills are getting um a percentage boost
895s too for
896s the
896s levels that they need to get from one to
898s two hundred we noticed that those were
899s lagging behind
901s you know players progressing through the
903s the gathering and so we wanted to make
905s those like more in align with their
906s progression curves so with this update
909s that's our goal
910s we want refine to keep pace a lot better
912s with with uh with the gathering skills
915s uh another big change of refining is
917s that we are um
920s only
921s use uh we're only gonna use the t5
924s values for the refining reagents so
928s things like sandpaper flux tannin etc
931s like all of those things uh they're all
934s going to be leveled up into the t5 value
936s and we're going to give ways for players
938s to convert the existing
940s lower value once the t3 and the t4
942s variance
943s up to t5
945s and so that should help you progress a
946s lot faster to refining
949s lastly for crafting
951s we wanted to make sure that players feel
954s like they're getting a lot more value as
956s they progress up through the crafting
957s spines right and so for every
960s crafting skill uh we're adding the uh
963s we're upping the xp that you get from
965s tier 4 and tier 5 crafts
967s we're given a big shot in the arm as
969s well to furnishing and weapon smithing
971s reducing the overall xp you need to get
973s from level 1 to 200 there as well so
976s please keep a lookout
977s for for those big changes bunch of
979s details in the patch notes again and all
983s these changes are coming to the ptr and
984s keep in mind that the values that
986s they're on and the ptr are not
987s necessarily final we're going to keep
989s tuning these and we're going to listen
990s to all the feedback that you give us
991s there so please go check it out and i
994s hope you're as excited for all these
995s changes as i am and that's that's the
997s big update for me on this side and uh
999s looking forward to your feedback
1002s thanks phil that was awesome i cannot
1004s wait to see all of the changes uh in the
1006s ptr which by the way is coming in july
1009s so we hope to see you all there thanks
1010s to you katie also for joining us today
1013s and we'll see you all real soon