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0s Is there anything unique that will give players a competitive advantage when they purchase the Premium Track?
6s No, no.
7s The Premium Track is mostly the only thing that's really exclusive to that are the cosmetic items.
18s Welcome to Forged in Aeternum where we talk all-things New World.
22s Today I'm joined by Patrick, the Season's Lead, and Phil, our Progression Product Owner.
26s Today we're going to do a deep dive on Seasons.
29s In case you didn't get to play in the PTR, this will be the show that sort of gives you a deep dive in what they are and why they're important to New World.
36s Yeah.
37s So let's start off with Patrick.
38s Give me a brief overview of what Seasons are for New World.
40s Yeah, so with New World, every quarter we're going to give players a large drop of content that's themed around a central idea.
46s So using Season One as our example here, we're giving players the Fire and Fellowship Season.
52s What comes in Fire and Fellowship is a Season narrative.
54s You're going to follow Grace O'Malley and this band of mercenaries along their quest to defeat of a Varangian warlock.
60s You're getting a Season Pass, which is a great way to progress yourself, get a lot of awesome rewards along the way.
66s And then we're also going to give players additional content each Season that's tied to that theme.
70s So the Empyrean Forge, the Rabbit's Revenge event, and Fury of the Spriggan.
75s That's awesome.
75s What's an Empyrean Forge?
77s Is that a new crafting station?
78s Empyrean Forge is not a new crafting station.
80s It's the new Expedition where you're fighting a lot of Varangian knights and an elemental being named Ifrit inside a dungeon.
86s Really Cool.
87s Yeah, that sounds awesome.
88s It is awesome.
89s Actually, I kind of have an inside track here.
92s It's pretty cool.
94s One of the things you mentioned, I just want to call out, is super important - is this regular cadence that Seasons is going to come out.
99s You know, we're going to try to do this every quarter and like make sure there's an appointment or reason to come back.
104s Yeah, absolutely.
104s Players should know that, you know, when a Season comes, this is a great time to hop into New World.
108s You have a whole new path to progress, a lot of new content to check out.
111s And as you said, should be an appointment for players.
114s And all the content that Patrick mentioned is free, right?
119s Regardless of...
120s like the narrative, the expedition, all the content is?
123s That's right.
124s Everything's free.
125s So think of it as just a massive update to the game, right?
128s And it comes along with everything Patrick mentioned.
131s And, yeah, it doesn't cost anything to just jump in and check it all out.
135s So like, it's a really, really good time for players to, you know, have maybe put the game up for a second to come back in and see all the new improvements.
144s And it also just comes with a bunch of other improvements we're doing across the game, too.
147s So it's just - it's huge, quarterly, massive updates for sure.
152s Well, let's dig into the two biggest parts of Seasons that I want to talk about today.
156s The first is Season Pass.
158s So let's start off with you, Phil.
159s Talk to me a little bit about the Season Pass and the different tracks and how it all works.
164s Sure.
165s So like we were kind of mentioning, it is free for people to engage with for the Season Pass itself, similar to other types of examples that you'll find another games, we have a Free Pass and a Premium Pass and that goes along 100 levels.
182s So when you jump into a new Season, you'll have a hundred levels of a Season to progress through.
188s And the cool part I think about our Rewards Track, about the Season Pass, is that you're going to get rewarded on every single level that you accomplish, so 1 - 100.
198s So it's 100 free rewards and 100 premium rewards that you can earn throughout the course of an entire season.
204s Now, the Free Pass is exactly that.
207s All players can make progress against that when they come in and they start playing through the seasonal content.
214s And that, you know, costs nothing and has 100 rewards.
218s If you want to opt into the Premium Pass, an optional purchase, you can do that as well and you'll unlock both the Free and the Premium Rewards.
226s So you get both rewards.
227s Yeah.
228s And you can opt in any time, which is really important.
230s So if you complete your entire Free Track, then at the very end of the Season, you can buy the Premium Pass, too, and get all the Premium Rewards you've earned up until that point.
237s Yes, it's super cool.
238s It's actually fun.
239s That would be a long unboxing moment, but it would be really rewarding and really fun.
244s So tell me a little bit about the types of rewards players will get.
246s Like, give me some examples of some cool ones in the in the Free Track.
250s Sure.
251s In the Free Track where we have a cosmetics armor skin in there, which is really awesome, and we have a house pet that you can earn.
259s So those are a couple of premium items in there.
261s It's also just loaded with a bunch of resources for all of your Trade Skills, gear as well as Umbral and Gypsum.
271s We're super generous with the Umbral and the Gypsum that you can get in the Free Track.
276s That's awesome.
277s Yeah.
277s So like, it should be a way for a lot of players to jump in, get a bunch of cool stuff and make a lot of progress at the same time.
284s Cool.
285s And what about on the other side?
286s The Premium Track?
288s Oh yeah, it's more of the same - a little bit from the Free Track - like, you get more loot, more in-game items, you get dyes - I forgot to mention - on both tracks.
298s So that's really cool as well.
300s But on the Premium Track we do have more cosmetics.
303s You get weapons skins, tool skins, a tent skin, and you get that tent skin actually pretty early on in the journey.
309s So it's a really good early carrot for players.
313s And then we have full premium apparel skin as well on the paid track.
319s Actually, let me talk about that.
321s So, as you progress through the track, the rewards start to scale a little bit.
327s They get a little bit better as you get to the end track.
329s But at level 100 is where the juiciest rewards are on the track.
333s So for players who complete the Season Pass on the Free Track, they're going to get a free Gear Set Storage slot, which is huge.
341s It adds a lot of benefit to players.
343s So that's on the Free Track, and on the pay track, that's where you'll unlock the premium apparel skin, along with just some more progression materials and stuff like that.
351s So it will be, I think, really, really lucrative for players who make it through the entire pass.
357s Awesome.
358s And then I got to ask you, is there anything unique that will give players like a competitive advantage when they purchase the Premium Track?
365s No, no.
366s Everything that you can earn on the Premium Track you can earn on the Free Track or honestly in-game.
373s The Premium Track is mostly - the only thing that's really exclusive to that - are the cosmetic items.
379s That's cool.
380s So let's talk a little bit about how you level up. So Phil said there's a hundred levels.
383s Take me through some ways that you can level up.
385s Yeah.
386s So we have a handful of ways we're expecting players to level up in the Pass.
389s First and foremost, we have the Season Journey.
391s The journey is subdivided into a handful of chapters and each of these chapters is going to ask you to go do certain pieces of content.
397s So chapter one, for example, is going to ask me to go locate a lost easel and gather that, go capture a Faction control point, things like that that are tasks you're probably going to be doing anyway in New World.
408s So you're going to make consistent progress in your journey, just doing your day-to-day activities.
413s One thing that's really important about the journey that I want to call out is - we intend for that to be solo-able by players.
418s So if you're a solo player who does not like grouping or maybe does not like PVP, you have the opportunity to progress your entire journey and complete all those chapters.
426s So that was really important to us and that's something I think we did pretty well in Season One.
431s Other than the journey, you also have the Season Activities Card.
434s This is a card with a lot of stamp locations, kind of like a bingo card where you're going to have the opportunity to go to more day-to-day tasks.
443s So something like, go and gather a Wispybloom flower if the Springtide Bloom event is active, or go and participate in Outpost Rush.
451s By doing that, you're going to get a nice chunk of Season XP that you can stamp on the card and collect.
457s Other than those two, we also have these Season Challenges.
460s These are more aspirational Season-long goals for players to partake in and they're going to be a lot harder.
466s So one of those, for example, is complete the mutation level ten Empyrean Forge with a score of 75,000 points.
473s That's for the more high-end PVP player's.
475s Aspirational people like Phil probably won't take that on during the season.
479s It's a faraway gleam in my eye.
481s Yeah, but.
482s It's a great way to progress your passif you happen to complete that challenge.
485s So those are your three primary vectors.
488s The fourth is the passive experience you get just by playing New World.
491s So a lot of activities in the game are going to reward you with tiny amounts of Season Experience just for doing them.
496s So if you participate in an Outpost Rush, you'll get 25 Season Experience here and there, participating in Arena, completing an Expedition...
504s all those activities will reward you.
505s And one change that we have coming in thanks to PTR feedback is we're adding in a a system that will give you passive Season Experience for all experience you gain.
515s So once you hit a certain threshold of player experience, you'll get a nice little bump of Season Experience.
520s A lot like what we do with Azoth Salt - this will let players feel like they're progressing at a consistent cadence, doing whatever they want to do in-game.
527s That's cool.
528s And you like the Activity Card, right?
529s I really like the Activity Card, yeah.
531s This is a - I was really excited about this design from day one, honestly, when when we were talking about how we want to allow players to make progress in their session, the system that we came up with in the gameplay features, the Activity Card, like Patrick mentioned, it's a bingo card essentially.
548s It has a lot of the activities that players routinely do in their daily play sessions, a lot of stuff that kind of correlates with activities that players do when they're earning Gypsum and things like that as well.
560s And so the idea is you come in, in your session, you're doing stuff and you're getting progress on this Activity Card.
566s You can use it to form goals, but also it should just be something that you're steadily making progress against, too, and when you complete one of the activities, you get to go stamp the card.
576s And based on that, there's also a little strategic level of gameplay too, because creating lines and filling out cards gives you bonus XP.
584s So if you're strategic about what you're doing and where you're stamping, then it really is a super powerful way to earn Season XP based on just completing stuff and essentially playing bingo, completing lines, filling up your cards.
599s It's super fun and you get to decide when to reroll - like there's a little almost mini-game in it.
603s There is, yeah.
605s So I'm really excited.
605s I think it was a really fun way to add a little layer of, you know, strategery on top of the...
613s Strategery.
614s That's a good word.
615s ...on the Season XP earning.
616s Yeah.
616s So, what do you think?
619s Like, how long is it going to take a player, you think, to get to level 100?
621s An average player?
623s Yeah, I think an average player, if, you know...
626s I will say that completing the journey will get you a very big chunk of progression.
632s That should get you about halfway through the pass and then completing the Activity Cards and everything else - you know, we want that to be around, you know, 50ish hours, depending on how you're playing.
644s I think, you could, I mean...
646s that's going to scale based on how...
650s For me, right, let's go back to the challenges real quick.
655s You might not get all the challenges.
656s I might not get all the challenges done right.
657s And so players that do, you know, will get through a bit faster, players that don't - thanks to the pass of XP and thanks to the Activity Card - I think they can still make really, really meaningful progress every time they play.
669s Yeah, it's about 50 hours, give or take, I think depending on, you know, how proficient you are.
676s And that should be achievable for even casual players throughout the duration of the Season.
679s So we really want to make sure that everyone is able to progress that pass and kind of do that at their leisure.
684s Yep, correct.
685s Yeah, because it is three months.
686s And so, yeah.
688s So I like to focus mostly on PVP.
691s Can I still hit 100?
692s You still can.
693s Yeah.
694s Some of those activities will definitely point you towards other not-PVP content.
698s You know, Expeditions are not really PVP content and that'll be on your journey.
702s But because you're getting that passive XP from Arenas and Outpost Rush and other things, you know, you have a path to level 100.
708s But it might be just a touch slower.
710s Yeah, might be a little.
710s There are specific PvP activities on the Activity Card though, too.
714s So you can definitely get rewarded in larger ways and big chunks for that.
719s Awesome.
721s Let's jump into the narrative, the other cool thing.
723s So give me a little overview.
724s What is the narrative?
725s What's it about?
726s Tell me about it.
726s Yeah, for sure.
727s So when we last saw Grace O'Malley, she was shipwrecked on Aeternum and you helped free her and do a few quests with her.
734s Now, as a level 60 player, she's been spreading your name around the island, kind of singing your praises to a lot of people, and she's decided to form a mercenary company.
742s So, without your knowing, she's now been kind of selling you out, trying to get people to sign up for your help.
748s And now that she has you on board, you're going to sign along with her and you help your first client: this Celtic spear warrior named Skye.
755s Skye had her warriors' fire stolen by a Varangian warlock name Faceless.
759s So a lot of the season narrative for the player is going to be helping Skye get that back.
764s You're going to track down Faceless, figure out where he's hiding out, what he's been up to, and ultimately you're going to bring the fight to him.
771s So while you're doing that, you're also recruiting more people to your mercenary company, because a mercenary company of two is not that great.
777s A mercenary company of 3 to 4?
779s Much better.
780s So you'll meet Zander, the warrior, and you'll help get him aligned with your goals and brought into helping the Silver Crows.
786s Awesome.
787s So this is like a quest structure.
789s Are there rewards along the way as I'm doing these quests?
791s Oh, yeah, yeah, there are rewards along the way.
794s We're introducing a new material called Flame Cores, too, because that's going to be - it essentially is a little bit similar to the way that the Gypsum casts work in the game.
805s But Flame Cores can be traded into a specific station that will guarantee that you get items that have the anti-Varangian perk on them.
815s So that's another perk we've added in this season, because we're really ramping up the endgame presence of the Varangian Knights.
821s And so this will be a way for you to get a little help and a little bit of an edge against the enemy AI in this season, so I'm excited about that.
831s I think that's really cool.
833s One big reward I forgot to mention, that I do want to touch on, it's around Skye.
839s So, I think Skye is a brilliant character.
841s I think she came out so well.
843s The artists and the narrative team did a great job, I think, crafting her.
848s And when we saw her, it was like, Oh my gosh, we need to let the players get that outfit.
852s And so completing the season journey too, will also get you a skin of Skye's outfit too, which is really, really cool.
859s So you can be a tartaned up Celtic Warrior like Skye.
864s It's really, really cool.
865s That's awesome.
868s Let's talk about some...
869s can you give me your favorite moment in the narrative without, obviously, we don't give any story spoilers, but anything really cool or memorable.
876s Yeah.
876s So one sticks out to me.
877s As you are recruiting people to the Silver Crow's company, Grace interviews a number of candidates in Mourningdale.
883s And that sequence to me really kind of drives home where we're heading with Cinematics in our quest line.
890s It's funny to play.
892s Yeah, that's super fun.
893s I was like, Oh my gosh, this is great.
895s It really does ramp up our in-game storytelling though, and in a good way, and I'm really excited for the future just seeing that too.
901s It makes me - it still makes me - I've played it a bunch already and it makes me laugh every time, so it's awesome.
906s It's a really good point.
909s Moments that resonate for you?
910s Yeah, that's a big one actually, because it still makes me giggle, but the other one too is - I just love a good villain and I love the introduction of Faceless.
918s And I think every hero needs a villain, personally.
922s And the more that we introduce that and give these threats on Aeternum, some characterization, everything too...
929s so like the whole introduction in the face-off with Faceless...
935s I really like that.
937s There's a...
937s I don't want to give any spoilers but there's a cool spy scene that I love where you got to like sort of parkour to the top of a church and you watch and see.
945s Yeah, I agree.
946s The storytelling is really, really nice.
949s Well, thanks everyone.
950s That sort of takes us to the end of the deep dive on Seasons and brings us to our Community Question What we'd love to ask you all is, what do you hope to see in Season Two?
961s The one thing that you'd love to see changed or adapted or new in Season Two?
966s Thanks for joining us today.
967s Please like and subscribe and we'll see you in Aeternum.