over 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s hey guys welcome back to another dev
10s video with new world we're going to go
12s over quite a few things today we have a
14s long list so let's dive right in the
16s first thing that we're going to talk
17s about is we're going to deep dive into
19s march we're going to go over the weapons
21s in combat we're also going to go back
23s into reducing friction i know it was
25s requested that we go into a little bit
27s more detail we're going to go over
29s upcoming events customer support which
31s is another big question community
33s questions actually from the forums and
36s streamers and then finally the roadmap
39s and with me today is scott lane and how
41s are you feeling about all that i'm
42s excited like we've been wanting to talk
44s about a lot of this for a long time
46s especially the road map but there's a
48s ton of great content in today's episode
49s so let's uh let's get started all right
57s okay guys so we are gonna go into a deep
59s dive with the upcoming stuff um joining
62s me today is rob chesney mike willett and
65s charles bradbury our art director um so
68s we're gonna go a little bit into the art
70s side of things too which is really
71s exciting uh let's just start off with
74s what are the pieces of new content that
76s march is going to be experiencing well
78s we're real excited about this so we have
81s a brand new expedition the tempest's
83s heart which is the merk guard expedition
85s and this is kind of like the whole
86s finale of the isabella arc uh which is
89s part of our story and so rob's going to
91s dig into that in just a sec i just want
93s to get out a couple of things we're
94s doing first super excited about it and
96s then we're also introducing a brand new
98s weapon type uh the blunderbuss right so
100s it's a mid-ranged uh weapon uh that uh
104s basically scales off a strength and and
106s we're really excited about those two
108s editions that are coming but we should
111s definitely dive right back in yeah i
113s mean this is the diving deep so you're
116s just giving us a little taste now i mean
118s you want to talk about the story or you
119s want about the art first the story
121s we can touch either i mean there's
122s there's so many new additions to it
124s because you're you're diving into the
126s mind of isabella so what we've we've
128s tried to like this is one of our larger
130s expeditions multiple bosses multiple
132s encounters against isabella uh and some
135s transformative if you will
137s and and then uh some kind of like new
139s set pieces that are just like awe
142s inspiring and super interesting i think
144s that's actually a really good place to
145s start is
146s that evoking that story visually yeah so
149s tempest heart we really wanted this to
151s like push the limits of what we could do
152s visually with a with an expedition space
155s like this is sort of a surreal like
156s supernatural dive into an alternate
158s reality space like looking at if a space
161s is like totally taken over by corruption
163s and chaos like how do we express that
165s and also digging into like isabella's
167s story a little bit and we wanted really
168s big set pieces is kind of showcase that
171s and like feel really different than
172s something players have experienced
174s before and and have this like big final
176s showdown with isabella in a really cool
178s space
179s yeah and so i mean that's you know if
180s you've been following story that's the
181s culmination of the entire main story arc
184s from the the beginning of the game when
185s you first wash up on the beach but one
187s of the things that you know i think is
188s super cool about it i mean the whole
190s idea of a tournament this idea where um
193s you know it's an island where everyone
194s lives forever death is no longer the
196s threat but the threats are actually
198s you know they're more they're more
200s psychological you know they're threats
201s of insanity they're threats of despair
204s they're threats of corruption and like
206s so this whole idea of um isabella and
209s like the way she's embraced corruption
211s it is it's a psychological thing and
213s that's why the final realization of it
215s is like going into the you know the core
217s of her power is
219s going into her mind and and
222s the way that she fell to corruption as
223s players go through they'll you know
225s they'll get to see uh little vignettes
227s showing uh pieces of isabella's story
229s from the past and uh you know even meet
230s a character
231s um who has a personal connection
233s isabella outside the expedition who will
236s uh who is really interested in uh
238s uncovering all of her story so i think
240s uh yeah there'll be a lot more
242s i mean all of israel's story i guess is
244s revealed here that that we haven't shown
245s so far so it's pretty exciting there's a
247s ton of like little easter eggs therein
248s like we put a bunch of like hidden side
250s things that you can collect and utilize
252s in order to unlock other things
254s uh the repeatable quests that are like
257s outside of the expedition that you can
258s gain uh delve into like
261s other little corners of like her
263s personality and why she is the way
265s he's there that's that no no no no no no
267s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
267s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
267s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
267s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
267s no no no no no no no no no no no
267s barcamini's does not travel all right
269s fine he waits for simon oh okay all
272s right fine all right
274s i love i love his outdoor requests or is
276s he sitting outside just like wanting
278s more
279s but these ones are really focused on
281s like like finding out what made her the
284s way that she is and also the reflection
287s of like her mental state and
289s and having no reprieve and constantly
290s being at the at the will of these forces
292s of corruption and then her own kind of
294s like desires so we hope players are find
298s it fascinating and beautiful and and
300s creepy all at the same time yeah so
302s you're talking a lot about wrapping up
304s like the main storyline right but this
307s isn't the end of the game you're just
309s getting warmed up so where
311s you know where is the story going to be
313s going next yeah it's pretty exciting and
315s you know when players finally do defeat
317s isabella uh we actually have a cinematic
319s that that foreshadows what's coming up
322s and uh and really you know if you look
324s back at the story arc so far like you
326s know players have have been introduced
328s to the angry earth they've learned about
329s the solas lost
331s um and these this ancient civilization
333s that was here before that uh there's
335s just a huge amount of mystery
336s surrounding um and you know without
338s giving too much away obviously i mean
340s those are these are the mysteries that
342s we're gonna explore as we go forward and
343s we're gonna deal with these different
345s um groups and you know corruption may
347s not be the threat in the next story arc
349s um but precisely like some of the forces
352s and the characters that the player
353s encountered in the main storyline so far
356s will will be coming back and perhaps
358s like
359s you know not as friendly as you thought
360s they were in your first meeting
362s suspicious
364s yeah i was gonna jump on that in this
366s expedition in the cinematic and kind of
368s beyond that i think we're really looking
370s at how we tell story and trying to come
372s up with new ways to like present
374s narrative and story to the player so
375s they can like ingest it in new and
377s interesting ways that kind of ups the
378s ante for the whole game a little bit
380s which i think is exciting i love
382s cut scenes all that so that that's great
385s to hear since we're talking about story
387s elements i want to go back to the
388s blunderbuss so blunderbuss is our brand
390s new weapon mid-range weapons scales on
393s strength and intelligence there's two
395s different trees one where you play
397s up close you're like kind of like glued
398s to your opponent with different ways to
400s like control them with like uh grappling
402s hooks and netting and big spread shots
404s and the other one is more like keep away
406s where you can blast opponents back and
408s then land grenade shots on them and a
410s bunch of cool stuff so i love the
412s dichotomy there but what's interesting
414s to me is that you've also incorporated
416s that into like the legendary weapon
418s quest i think that's really awesome yeah
419s i mean i think that the weapons really
421s are as so many of our weapons are it's
423s really visceral feeling like when you're
424s playing with it um but yeah for the
426s story we had a lot of fun kind of
427s dreaming up what this story could be and
429s uh and it actually comes down to the
431s conflict between a designer and an
433s engineer as they're trying to build the
434s ultimate blunderbuss which is something
437s that's very familiar to us in game
438s development we're always navigating
439s these waters of different perspectives
442s and how different disciplines kind of
443s bring uh you know different uh
445s priorities to each thing that we work on
447s and i think this will be you know a fun
448s little story for players to play through
450s and then at the end of course you get
451s the the badass splendor bus that's uh
453s that's the culmination you know that
454s everything that anybody would want
456s okay well i mean anything else that you
458s want to add to this section of of the
460s dev video
461s oh well
463s it's not just that stuff that we're
464s working on we're constantly like there's
466s going to be a ton of bug fixes
468s a lot of quality of life improvements
470s that are being made uh
471s like some of which are
473s creating a lot more solo options for the
475s msq so you're not required to actually
477s run
478s certain expeditions msq so for the
481s uninitiated the msqs are our main story
483s quests or the main story lines so a lot
486s of times you would have to enter an
488s expedition in order to accomplish that
490s leg of your journey and rob's team has
492s done an awesome job of putting in
494s alternatives for solo players so they
496s can also you know hit those points and
498s keep moving along their path just in
500s case you know they don't have group
502s access or they really feel like playing
504s as a solo player and just that's their
506s deal yeah and it's nice because i play
508s with my friends but at the time they
511s actually had all done it and then when
513s it was my turn to do it you know i
515s didn't have anyone to you know do it
517s with and then i was just like well this
519s is awkward so so your friends wouldn't
521s come back and play with you
523s no i know i need new friends gotta check
526s them friends anyway but that's great to
528s hear that now you're like okay no
530s problem i'll do it myself yeah and in
532s addition to that just a couple other
533s little highlights that we'll touch upon
534s later is that uh tons of updates to pois
538s uh we've added a lot more for
541s rewards for just exploring the world so
543s more dynamic events roadside encounters
546s new wandering enemies updates to
548s wholesale pois and we're gonna talk
549s about that stuff later but we've also
551s added uh infinite ammo to weapons we'll
554s talk about that later uh in addition
557s one real big thing that i love just
559s because we love running expeditions is
560s now only one member of your party
562s actually needs to be at the entrance of
564s an expedition for everyone to
565s participate so now you don't have to
567s have the minimum requirement of three
569s present in the area it's just as long as
570s one person in your party is there
572s everyone else will get teleported in so
574s i think that's awesome because yeah
576s instead of having to wait for everyone
578s to get there now my question is then is
580s when they leave
582s do they leave out of the dungeon or do
584s they get teleported back
585s back to where they were oh all right so
588s i could be in the middle
589s farming some ore and they pull me in
592s should operate just like outpost rush
594s okay awesome that's yeah that's great
596s news
597s i'll throw out one other thing that
598s we're adding that uh you know a lot of i
600s mean players who are deep into the game
602s may not
603s appreciate as much but uh we're
604s streamlining some of the early quests in
606s the main story um like improving the
608s storytelling and making the uh the quest
610s objectives a little bit more exciting
612s and a lot more clear um and to the point
614s that charles made earlier like
616s you know even now we're looking back
618s through early parts of the game and
619s looking for opportunities to improve the
620s storytelling and certainly the the
622s presentation quality of the storytelling
624s so
625s okay ongoing that's great news all right
627s guys thank you so much for giving me all
629s this great information we're the deep
631s dive and i can't wait to experience it
633s all myself so all right thank you
639s now we're going to get into the weapons
641s in combat part of the video joining me
643s today is david verify and dave hall and
646s we're going to be going into some of the
647s questions that i pulled from the forums
649s from you guys
650s so the first one for you all today is
653s the musket and the blunderbuss
655s as we mentioned before the musket is one
657s of the you know lesser used weapons what
660s was the plan to bring now in the
662s blunderbuss which is you know many
664s looking outside in is very similar but
666s if you want to go into greater detail
668s about that yeah i think you know we
670s believe the musket has a pretty cool
671s place in the weapon pantheon so to speak
674s of new world uh the musk is obviously
676s long range
677s but the blunderbuss brings this cool
679s short range gameplay another big thing
681s is it's a strength based ranged weapon
683s which i think is going to be really
684s important right like it opens up
685s different builds different opportunities
687s you don't have to go decks now to get a
689s ranged element
690s and then lastly it brings some pretty
691s cool mobility stuff that i think is
693s going to sort of change up the gameplay
695s and get people interested about the
696s weapon okay all right so it's more of
698s like a shotgun effect and a little
700s shorter closer to you all right that's
702s exciting to know um you know as you said
705s dave can you go into detail about the
707s blender bus that we're going to be
709s getting absolutely yeah so as as dave
711s mentioned it's more of a short to
712s mid-range weapon with a high focus on
714s mobility it has two trees that we have
716s right now one is the containment tree
718s containment tree is mainly about getting
720s close to your enemy keeping them there
721s and then unloading basically a bunch of
724s shotgun shells in their face right like
725s it's a very powerful violent weapon so i
728s love it
729s and it's uh some of the
730s other abilities i got the claw shot
732s which is probably my favorite ability in
733s the game which is actually you hit the
735s enemy with it and it draws you into the
737s enemy so
738s just puts you right in the perfect
739s position to blast him um we also have
741s the net shot which will slow him down
742s trying to get away from you and then we
744s also have the a's off blast which kind
746s of the high damage close range one once
747s you get in there you can use it our
749s other tree is the uh the chaos tree this
751s one's a little more mid range we're
753s going to have splitting grenades
755s a mortar shot which is actually just an
757s entirely different game mode basically
759s switches you into it uh and you can just
761s rain down damage from like mid-range
763s around there anybody gets close we have
765s the uh the burst shot which is going to
767s knock them down so you can get away from
768s them at that point so a lot of really
770s fun ones in there and a lot of good
771s mobility on them a lot of the shots will
772s move you backwards
774s do a little things like that so i could
776s see it also driving the opponents insane
779s with you you know the shotgun sounds
780s like you're going to be moving around a
782s lot so yeah i think it's cool because
784s like the two trees offer sort of
785s different styles right like one's about
787s it's a little more on the dps right
789s right it's about like engaging with one
790s player moving towards them slowing them
792s down doing some damage and then the
794s chaos tree is a little more about
795s disruption like it'll be powerful and
797s wars uh might be good in some tank
799s builds like i think it's going to give a
800s lot of diversity okay
802s yeah all right well now you're bringing
804s in you know another weapon the first
806s weapon that you're bringing in and well
807s no i guess the void gauntlet and now the
809s blunderbuss and you know something that
812s gets thrown around a lot is the meta you
814s know what weapons of meta what you know
817s what's the favorite of everyone do you
819s guys take into consideration what you
821s know the meta is at the time um when
824s creating weapons or bringing weapons in
826s uh we definitely consider meta for
828s balance purposes right like i think
830s which weapons are being used
832s very highly uh you know is an indication
835s of how strong they are right like people
837s generally don't use the worst weapons so
839s we definitely look at that and affects
840s our choices and balance i wouldn't say
842s it's the only thing right like sometimes
844s there's just fun things people enjoy but
846s it gives us places to really investigate
848s and like go all right everyone's using
850s this ability or this weapon or this
852s build we need to take a closer look at
854s that right
855s speaking of taking a closer look we
857s bring up the void gauntlet once again
859s it's currently still kicking butt in um
862s pvp things like that are you guys
864s looking deeper into that again we are
866s looking into it a little bit i think uh
869s you know one of the things we've heard
870s is that you know why is the void
871s gauntlet like the best weapon for pvp
873s crowd control right and i think those
875s are the types of statements that i think
877s really you know we're considering
878s because that wasn't the original vision
880s for the for the weapon right like the
881s weapon was really supposed to be more of
883s a a debuffing type weapon a support
886s weapon to you know support your team uh
888s and also you know a little bit of off
890s healing so that part of it is something
892s we didn't really want it to be front
894s center so that's something we're going
895s to be looking at okay and then bringing
897s the blunderbuss in again you know it's
899s considering the meta and the balancing
901s you know you look at it the the whole
903s entire picture it's not just one
904s specific weapon yeah i think in terms of
907s new weapons we consider meta a little
910s bit less when building a new weapon just
911s because weapons take a long time to
913s build right so the meta is going to
914s shift you know two three times in in the
917s amount of time it takes us to build a
918s weapon so
919s meta is less of a concern and instead we
921s look at like you know what is the role
923s of all the weapons does this have a
924s unique place in the sort of weapon
927s pantheon you know does it provide some
929s new and different
939s else that you guys gamepl like to add
941s when it comes to the weapons in combat
942s in-game absolutely one of the things
944s we're adding in march is an in and out
946s of combat state and it's something we're
947s going to keep adding on to and attaching
949s things to the first thing we've done is
951s when you're out of combat you will have
953s a constant regen now on your character
955s so that's going to help you get back
956s into battle much much faster and i think
958s it's going to be a really big boon for
960s the early players and and for the late
961s level players too so okay that's great
964s well that's very exciting for people
965s just diving into that so thank you guys
967s so much for joining me and that's it for
969s the weapons in combat
975s okay so this section is about reducing
978s friction we did touch a bit about this
980s last month and we've even made more
982s changes since then and we're talking
984s about making more changes in the future
986s so we're going to talk about that
988s because that's why we're here surprise
990s um so guys last month how were the first
993s changes you know accepted what were some
996s things that we worked on uh i think it
998s went overall really well players really
1000s seemed to like the changes to fast
1002s travel i think that was the big one now
1003s you can zip around the map the azoth
1005s cost is you know almost negligible and i
1008s think that's great other big wins i
1010s think the housing tax reduction people
1011s really noticed uh we did some loosening
1014s of orbs for expeditions there's more to
1016s do there but i think overall the
1018s reception has been good i think you know
1020s we probably should have done some of
1021s this earlier but we're on it and we're
1023s going to keep working on it yeah it's
1025s awesome to see that we're gathering more
1026s and more feedback from the forums and
1028s you guys are getting more and more
1029s comfortable with changing certain things
1030s and and finding a nice balance can we go
1033s into detail of some things that are
1034s going to be coming up in different
1037s changes yeah for march we have some
1038s pretty big changes coming also uh the
1041s first one is you're going to be able to
1042s move while you're in your inventory uh
1043s that's what we call
1045s it's a big deal nice you'll be able to
1046s move your equipment around do whatever
1048s you need to do as you're running around
1050s the world so it's going to be a really
1051s big change really nice quality of life
1052s there
1053s some of the other ones a big one is the
1056s infinite ammo so for our
1058s our range weapons you're going to have
1059s infinite ammo so if you have t1 ammo
1061s right now it's going to be automatically
1062s upgraded to t2 tier 2. so
1065s no losses there and it's going to be
1066s just once you get a weapon you can use
1068s it as long as you want so and no worries
1070s there
1071s some of the other good ones we're going
1072s to be able to sign up for warren
1073s invasion from the maps
1075s oh okay so you don't have to go to it
1077s okay absolutely and then when you do
1079s sell back your house nowadays you're
1081s going to get 50 back which is pretty
1083s nice uh a little uh extra cash there um
1086s we're also going to increase the rewards
1088s for invasion and more gonna get a little
1090s more uh rewards there for the people
1091s participating and then
1094s i think uh oh and then the durability
1096s loss so one of the things we did is like
1098s you're only going to lose uh durability
1100s on the items that you have equipped
1101s nothing in your inventory and not your
1103s tools either so that's great especially
1105s when you're going around and doing all
1107s your harvesting runs and things like
1109s that and expeditions and expeditions big
1112s that's true absolutely so and then
1115s i feel like i'm forgetting one or two
1117s well my biggest one my favorite one
1118s because i do a lot of crafting and i've
1119s got stuff everywhere in every separate
1121s town so uh in march we're going to do
1124s something big you can now move stuff
1126s from any town uh to any other town for
1129s free regardless of faction so if you
1131s know right now in game you have to your
1133s faction has to own both the town you're
1135s in and the town you're taking stuff from
1137s and there's a gold cost it'll be free
1139s and there is no longer a faction
1140s requirement which basically means you
1142s can get stuff from anywhere it's like
1143s it's our first step towards a more
1145s global storage system system okay wow
1148s that is huge especially because i have
1150s cooking stuff you know in this storage
1153s you know all my special spell stuff and
1155s another storage and and now i don't have
1157s to travel to do those things i can stay
1159s in one area and i guess that's good too
1162s because some towns um you know don't
1164s have the right tables so now you can now
1168s go to the places with the right tables
1170s and you're still able to access all your
1172s stuff so all right that's absolutely i
1175s mean i'm a huge fan of that and i mean
1177s is there even anything else anymore to
1180s come after all of that uh yeah so longer
1182s term there's definitely still stuff
1183s we're looking at uh you know this is
1185s going to take a little bit longer to get
1186s to some of this uh but one of the things
1188s we're looking at is salvaging uh you
1190s know you get a lot of gear in our game
1191s because the way it works that might not
1192s be interesting to you and salvaging
1194s right now is a little unrewarding it's
1196s not celebrated well so that's something
1198s we're definitely looking into like if
1200s you get a pretty cool weapon but it's
1202s just not right for you that you can at
1203s least salvage it for something that's
1204s interesting some other changes like
1206s you know the faction control points and
1209s the territory upgrade bonuses that
1211s people get a lot of those have sort of
1212s become
1213s less useful now with some of these
1215s friction changes we've made it so we're
1217s going to be adjusting a lot of those and
1218s re-tuning them uh and we may even give
1220s players a way to sort of reset the
1222s choices they made in standing bonuses so
1224s oh uh they can make choices you know
1226s especially now that you're 60 a lot of
1228s you know experience all the experience
1230s bonuses that are now just a waste so
1232s some of that stuff's further in the
1233s future uh but we're working on it uh
1236s another one i think you know uh
1238s expedition orbs is a continual topic uh
1241s we made some i think starting to make
1243s some good changes in february with
1245s giving more access but i think we've got
1247s more ways to go there i think our
1249s our vision for the future is is a world
1251s where orbs aren't required uh for
1253s expeditions but instead uh potentially
1255s buff the the rewards you get from them
1258s so uh we're still working on that it's
1259s gonna take a little while but uh that's
1261s sort of where we want to go in the
1262s future with them yeah that's great news
1263s i know the forums are constantly talking
1265s about the orbs we hear you guys you know
1268s wanting to remove them wanting to change
1270s things so hearing that this is something
1272s that you guys are taking seriously is a
1274s really important thing and hopefully
1276s that will reassure the players that we
1278s are listening and we're constantly
1280s working on reducing that friction when
1282s it comes to any sort of content for them
1284s all right thank you so much guys
1291s all right guys so we're gonna dive into
1293s the upcoming events so uh well let me
1296s first actually introduce this great
1298s bunch of people that we have with us we
1300s have phil bolus we have mike willette
1302s and we have katie kasinski and like i
1304s said we're going to go into some of the
1306s upcoming events so guys take it what are
1308s we doing with the upcoming events what's
1309s going on well let's talk about a current
1311s event that we've got going on right now
1313s so if you remember on march 9th we
1317s kicked off a big event where we gave uh
1320s viewers on twitch a preview of our
1322s tempest's heart lair uh and our very own
1326s mike willette ran a dungeon uh very
1328s successfully potentially uh with um
1332s some let's just say it was great it was
1334s great
1335s he had no problems they're great carries
1336s weren't they mike absolutely they're the
1338s best the best
1340s and uh with that event though uh we also
1343s uh
1344s rolled out an amazingly awesome drop
1346s that's still going on right now uh right
1349s now viewers watching new world can earn
1352s uh what we're calling the indigo eyes
1354s and they're flaming fiery eyes so cool
1357s very cool looks awesome um that they can
1359s earn it's an exclusive twitch drop and
1361s that's happening and it's going to be
1362s running through march 21st
1364s uh leading right up to our next our big
1366s march release okay and i mean that's
1369s pretty exciting i mean i don't think
1371s we've had anything to do with eyes yet
1373s so that'll be the first one so that's
1374s really exciting and along with events
1377s what else have we added into the world
1379s with things like that oh there's a bunch
1381s of new stuff that went into the world
1382s that we're pretty excited about one of
1384s the first things that we added was a
1385s brand new set of collectibles that we're
1387s calling vista views so these are our
1389s world paintings there's
1391s two easels per zone that are
1392s discoverable that are placed out there
1394s so as you search around and looking for
1396s awesome views you might find one of
1397s these easels and then you can procure a
1399s painting and those paintings can be
1401s placed into your house and just kind of
1403s like showcase so it's kind of like this
1404s cool little thing that you could just
1406s earn a place you know that's awesome and
1408s there's two per zone and if you if you
1409s happen to lose one of your paintings for
1411s whatever reason 24 hours later you can
1413s go about go back to the same spot and
1415s pick that up in addition to that uh
1418s we've added a loot goblin of sorts that
1420s just roams around all of eternum its
1422s name is raffle bones and just basically
1424s collects all the stuff from everywhere
1427s obviously
1428s obviously
1429s this golden character that just roams
1431s about and if you can defeat raffle bones
1433s before raffle bones decides to destroy
1436s itself you get to collect some really
1438s cool items so
1439s usually raffle bones is uh leveled to
1442s the the level of the zone uh but uh
1445s regardless if you're
1446s if you catch raffle bones you get a cool
1448s piece of gear to your level or to that
1450s zone but you also get a gypsum orb and
1452s if you defeat a level 60 raffle bones
1455s then you can actually get i think it's
1456s 500 umbral shards it's a big umbral
1458s chart reward for actually finding that's
1461s kind of great putting them down before
1462s he poofs out of there so yeah so keep an
1465s eye out for old raffle bones yeah
1469s and so leaving winter convergence uh
1472s some of the yetis forgot to you know get
1474s the memo and they're supposed to take
1476s off so there now there's still some
1477s roaming yetis that exist in great cleave
1480s and so you can defeat them for like
1482s really cool gear at around level 45. uh
1484s we also uh did some big updates uh into
1487s the lower levels of the world as well so
1490s uh unbound island and cutlass keys got a
1492s major upgrade so go see boatswain
1494s benjamin there uh so that's cool
1496s questing in your 30s as well as weaver
1499s sven we've added uh stinky the hunter
1502s and so this is a new uh roaming npc who
1505s also has a shack so you can try to find
1508s and discover stinky around your mid-30s
1510s and
1510s stinky has three named drops that are
1512s pretty exciting so that's some good uh
1515s gear to go after if you're just getting
1516s started and you're on your your way
1518s through weavers the return of stinks
1522s i mean we don't encounter it in the
1523s outhouse
1524s we've encountered a shack and i've
1526s always been curious about stinky
1528s it's upgraded fully i mean we've gone
1531s from outhouse to
1533s slightly bigger than outhouse
1534s it's very interesting
1536s excellent news excellent news uh also in
1539s weaver's fan and restless shores we've
1541s added dynamic roadside encounters so you
1543s should just see random enemies working
1545s on stuff or planning things or roaming
1548s about so those are interesting new ads
1551s um
1551s and then i think andromedus is the
1554s latest addition to weavers that we've
1555s done another upgrade on for that poi so
1559s yeah wow all right so they're i mean
1561s yeah just a few things i was not
1563s expecting that i was like oh did you
1565s have like one thing or two things yeah
1567s that's along with all of our normal bug
1569s fixing when we dig into the zones we're
1571s like oh we see opportunities to add like
1573s you know just more dynamic moments or
1575s just add a lot more you know variety so
1578s we're taking that to heart right and we
1580s know our players want more stuff so and
1582s i love to see the return of the infamous
1585s stinky in such a celebratory way that's
1588s so cool
1589s what brought on the decision to bring
1591s them back you know what it was
1593s unfortunate that there was a bug
1595s associated with stinky originally like a
1597s long time ago where you could just
1598s generate a ton of stinkies by
1600s interacting with this out here
1602s that actually sounds wrong when you say
1604s it out loud i was going to say but
1606s but we we love the idea so that's why
1608s you had to make a comeback stinky
1610s essentially made an impression on us and
1613s probably the people who were a part of
1616s the the stinky bug as we so lovingly
1619s refer to it on the team but yeah we uh
1622s we came in game and stinky was bringing
1624s down the servers because people were
1626s spawning so many so many stinkies it was
1630s it was insane uh but then we fixed the
1632s stinky bug and stinky no longer appears
1634s there so this this returns stinky
1638s now i came back
1639s all right well i think he might be
1641s lingering a little too long so we'll
1643s move along but you know check it out if
1644s you go to weavers well that is
1646s definitely good to know and i i love
1648s collectibles i love the little things
1650s that you just stumble upon and you got
1652s to tell your friends and and and have
1654s them come join now with friends being on
1657s other regions can we talk a little bit
1659s about the region transfers sure so uh
1662s it's not it's not ready yet as of the
1664s time of this filming um but we've been
1666s working very very hard on it it's
1668s currently in testing
1670s um but
1671s we will let folks know as soon as it is
1674s ready
1675s but
1676s cross region transfers is on the very
1678s soon
1679s trademark
1681s horizon
1685s no we've heard players we know that they
1686s they want that possibility we know that
1688s it launched some people chose regions
1690s that they thought they were going to be
1691s able to move and that
1693s they weren't able to so we're making
1694s that a possibility and it is coming out
1696s soon and they should stay tuned to the
1698s forums and twitter because our social
1700s media and community managers are going
1702s to be announcing that so yep and when
1704s that comes out it will be accessible
1705s through the shop and players can access
1708s it there and then choose to go wherever
1710s they need to go yeah very similar to the
1712s transfer tokens
1713s as far as where it is right so this
1716s gives people a little heads up start
1717s doing your homework and figuring out
1719s where you and your friends want to go so
1722s all right that's great to know and then
1724s now that hopefully we're getting also
1726s more new people with adding the friends
1729s we want to talk about double xp weekend
1731s that was another thing that you guys
1733s came up with uh definitely so shortly
1735s after we launched the march build we're
1737s going to be rolling out a double xp
1739s weekend and that's for player xp so
1741s players who uh
1743s may not be at max level yet or returning
1745s to the game can come in and for a
1748s weekend about you know about three days
1750s we'll probably be running for uh they'll
1752s be able to earn you know twice as much
1755s character xp as they would for doing you
1757s know any of anything that generates that
1758s in the game okay but phil uh as a level
1761s 60 um i don't really care about that
1764s yeah
1770s you know it's very important okay it
1772s fell out of here
1774s so
1774s no isn't there something for me though
1776s of course yes you're right you're right
1778s uh also
1780s not just with character xp but we're
1781s releasing the blunderbuss weapon right
1783s with this release
1785s and therefore in that same weekend we're
1787s going to be also doing a double weapon
1790s mastery xp for the blunderbuss so all
1793s players not just the 60s uh
1795s but also the 60s
1796s [Laughter]
1799s earn twice as much weapon mastery with
1801s the blunderbuss anytime they're using it
1803s in combat so it'll help you you know
1805s level up some of the early skills unlock
1807s a few skills and perks faster with the
1809s blunderbuss maybe i don't know twice as
1811s fast i think that's what double means so
1813s yes yeah agreed twice
1817s all right well that's great to know that
1819s both the 17s and the 60s uh we'll get a
1823s little bit of action so i appreciate
1824s that and the the level 30 players are in
1827s cutlass keys to going to unbound island
1829s to see both wayne benjamin you really
1831s have a thing for benjamin don't you he's
1832s awesome
1833s all right thank you so much guys yeah
1835s thank you
1841s okay guys now we have a group of amazing
1845s people here that you have not met before
1847s this is the player support or part of
1849s the player support team um so i want to
1852s introduce rachel barnum and brad wilcox
1855s and then katie is also here to uh join
1857s us with a little
1860s a little bit fun topic of uh player
1863s support and moderation so i mean let's
1865s dive right into it guys um how does
1869s moderation work what's going on yeah
1872s absolutely so when players make reports
1875s and games we have a moderation system
1878s that they go into
1879s depending on the severity depending on
1882s some other factors eventually they can
1884s be
1885s turned into a case against that player
1888s we have real life moderators that take a
1890s look at that case
1891s and they determine based on the
1893s information from those player reports
1895s they might go hang out on your chat log
1897s see what else has been going on and any
1899s based on your past history with
1900s penalties
1902s they'll go ahead and make a decision on
1904s whether or not to penalize you and how
1906s severe that penalty will be for those
1908s penalties we do also have a peer review
1910s process and we have an auditing process
1913s as well okay can you tell me a little
1915s bit how
1916s fast the turnaround is with these
1918s processes yeah sure so we work towards
1921s an sla or we try to have all player
1924s reports at least looked at within three
1926s hours now this can vary based on the
1928s volume that we get um and also different
1931s reports are maybe categorized a little
1932s bit different and some are some are
1934s responded to or viewed much quicker than
1937s others but ultimately we look and and do
1939s a good job at getting everything looked
1941s at within three hours okay that's
1943s awesome that's great to know and i know
1944s the question
1946s players are constantly asking guys is
1948s bots how many bots have been banned so
1951s good question and yeah i think that
1953s seems to be a common question that
1955s everyone wants to know you know you need
1957s to know that we're body we are banning
1959s bots
1960s constantly it's 24 by
1962s and
1963s it's very safe to say that over the last
1966s uh few months we have banned tens of
1969s thousands of bots okay well in addition
1972s to that we also uh the dev team with um
1977s our player support team we've done some
1979s actual like you know gm in-game actions
1983s against bots so you've probably seen
1985s some folks asking in chat hey anybody
1988s got eyes on a bot
1989s uh we have like locations that we've
1990s looked at that we're aware of again like
1992s when they report in game and they say
1994s there was a bot in this location we see
1996s the location in the report and we we tag
1998s that and that's what we've been using
2000s uh in addition to just where we've seen
2002s bots
2003s ourselves um so we have been doing that
2006s as kind of an additional action on top
2007s of this for those bots that you know
2009s we've heard folks say like they've seen
2010s the same bot in game for a while
2012s right because they don't fall into any
2014s particular
2015s pattern that we've seen and so it's been
2017s extremely helpful getting uh getting
2020s those bots and people in game to ban
2021s them so yeah it's very satisfying when
2024s you're like oh oh we were on we were all
2026s on a call we're like got one
2028s got em we got this and everybody yeah
2030s everybody was like oh yeah so amazing
2033s and then one guy was like i haven't
2035s gotten one guys
2037s well that brings up a good question then
2039s two how do you how you know how does how
2042s does player support determine that a bot
2045s is a bot and not a player yeah so like
2049s katie mentioned one part but before i
2050s kind of go into that uh there's some
2052s systematic ways that we we determine
2054s this too so we have systems that
2056s actually are
2058s detecting bot type cheat type software
2061s and those are the easy ones because it
2062s immediately is detected on the pcs we
2064s know that it's running and so those will
2066s automatically be banned right away the
2068s second thing that we kind of do that's
2070s more of a systematic thing is we have
2073s telemetry and
2075s analytics that basically are looking for
2078s outliers and normal player behavior and
2081s that then
2082s creates these reports not just player
2084s reports but other reports that can be
2086s investigated the third way is the player
2088s reports that's where we get all of the
2089s help from the community and we really
2091s appreciate it uh because it does allow
2094s us to double check those systematic
2096s reports but then also takes us to the
2098s fourth thing which katie just mentioned
2100s and we we we have uh game masters admins
2104s whatever you want to call it in-game um
2107s looking at those player reports and
2108s validating the reports that we get and
2110s it is satisfying it is a lot of fun
2114s and i like to see it i don't know if
2115s players know this but when when someone
2117s is banned they actually it looks kind of
2119s like their log off type sequence so they
2122s lay down
2123s and go to sleep
2125s and we know it's a permanent sleep and
2127s they don't they don't wake up oh
2131s this just got dark
2132s bye bye
2135s well what if somebody would like to
2136s appeal you know what is the appeal
2138s process yeah so whether it's player
2141s reports or maybe you got caught up in
2143s the bot system which maybe you shouldn't
2146s be appealing for that one but that's
2148s okay but yeah if you get caught up in
2149s the player reports you feel like your
2152s penalty or ban is unjustified
2154s you can reach out on our support site
2157s all of those appeals go to one of our
2158s more advanced moderation teams that take
2161s a look through it and if they have any
2162s questions any doubts especially in the
2165s case of
2166s potentially did get caught up in the
2167s bots maybe you just really like fishing
2169s i don't know
2170s those issues do get escalated to us um
2173s and so us on the game team do take a
2177s look at those appeals and we'll go
2178s through your history and everything so
2180s those appeals are taking very seriously
2182s okay i remember some of the wars you
2185s know would happen and all of a sudden
2188s people would be screaming oh
2190s we got mass reported or we're you know
2193s that group got mass reported can you
2195s go into a little bit more detail about
2197s that situation about mass reporting is
2199s it a thing is it not a thing how does
2201s that work yeah so
2203s it is a thing yeah and unfortunately
2205s there are uh bad actors and especially
2208s can happen in company pvp type
2210s situations where players will mass
2212s report other players and try to troll
2214s them or get them kicked out of the game
2216s we have a very hard and fast rule that
2218s the number of reports doesn't matter
2220s what really matters is the context
2222s behind those reports a lot of context is
2224s passed on with the reports the location
2227s chat messages
2229s you know all of the player information
2231s so that shouldn't be an issue it never
2233s should be an issue but mistakes happen
2234s and it has happened before uh where
2236s someone is just like they got reported
2238s it might it must happen
2240s but we really do
2242s have
2242s standard operating procedure to look at
2244s the context to make sure that there is
2246s proof uh
2248s the
2249s moderation process if it can't be seen
2251s and it can't be found they need to look
2253s into it and do a deeper dive and look
2255s for additional context to see if they
2257s can really do that the last thing is too
2259s that just to to add to that is
2261s if players are doing that if they're
2263s mass reporting someone and trolling them
2264s and trying to get out of the game that's
2266s a violation of the code of conduct as
2268s well
2270s and do take actions which could put them
2273s for that permanent sleep yeah so if
2275s you're planning on mass reporting for a
2277s nefarious purpose and not because
2279s somebody legitimately has broken the
2282s code of conduct or terms of use you can
2284s expect to uh
2286s to maybe get a little penalty there your
2288s hand that feeds you yeah all right i
2291s guess my last question is just in
2292s general what is the best way to report
2296s stuff is it in game is it forums like
2299s where where's the most helpful for you
2302s um and also too when people report
2304s should they really go in you know i know
2306s you get like the little box usually or
2308s the check boxes of what is going on
2310s should they explain more is it is it
2313s worth their time to explain more what
2315s helps you guys the best do your job
2317s definitely endgame that way it can go
2319s straight into our moderation system
2321s that's the fastest way that it's going
2322s to be looked at if you put in the forums
2324s we're probably going to take it down
2326s because we don't want to build on you
2328s know we don't need oh that's a good yeah
2329s backwards
2331s exploits i guess you don't want
2333s explanations
2334s forums if you do see exploits for
2336s example sending those up through
2338s customer service is very helpful as well
2341s but
2342s any in-game issues with players please
2344s report them definitely the fastest way
2346s you're going to get that looked at we
2348s also do have a way that you can report
2349s outside of the game
2351s as well but in-game is for sure the best
2353s way to go outside of the game you could
2355s maybe include some additional
2356s information like if you were reporting
2358s bots you could include maybe a link to
2361s a bot or something like that that's been
2363s recorded uh but the quickest fastest and
2365s most simplest way is to report it
2367s in-game all right well thank you so much
2369s you guys have very clearly answered all
2372s my questions and i really appreciate you
2373s joining us thank you thanks for having
2375s us
2380s all right guys so i spent a lot of time
2383s on the forums reddit discord and it's
2385s constantly thrown to me that we're
2388s giving you feedback you should listen to
2389s feedback and we're giving you questions
2391s why can't our questions be answered by
2393s devs well great news guys i gathered
2396s some of the most important questions
2398s that are asked across the board and
2400s we're now throwing them in front of the
2401s devs let's start with phil can you tell
2404s us a little bit more about the economy
2407s after all the server merges yeah
2409s definitely um
2410s so what we saw after a lot of the recent
2413s server merges and transfers
2414s um it was a big boon to a lot of our of
2417s our worlds out there that are a lot more
2418s full a lot more engaging the trade posts
2421s in those worlds i think are really
2422s active and and the resource generation
2425s everything that players are doing
2427s on the fuller worlds is just it's it's
2429s making the game feel really alive in
2431s those spots i think in some of the lower
2432s population ones it has had a bit of a
2434s negative impact to the economy and so in
2437s those instances we are you know taking a
2439s look at the size of the population in
2441s those worlds and potentially you know we
2443s may take uh other actions there like
2445s server merges also we're going to be
2447s introducing paid server transfers though
2449s um and
2450s and not just you know giving massive
2452s amounts of free server transfers out to
2454s players so when when they do transfer
2456s there it'll be a really intentional
2457s transfer so
2459s we shouldn't be seeing big swaths of the
2460s population you know pulling stakes in in
2463s a given world okay i just want to add on
2465s to that i think that it's important to
2467s call out that
2468s we are not planning to do any more free
2472s mass tokens
2474s to to the players we're not planning to
2476s do that again and so we need to see how
2478s things are
2480s you know to put it one way how they
2481s shake out in the world
2483s and then we're always considering future
2485s merges so future server merges when we
2488s see a population that's unhealthy um or
2490s we see that the character count on a
2492s world has gone below a certain threshold
2494s then we'll look at that and we'll we'll
2495s merge those and we'll of course give the
2497s community a heads up through forums uh
2499s and then also in-game when that does
2501s happen but we're watching constantly
2504s constantly okay yeah that's definitely
2506s great i think people are always
2508s concerned about their world you know and
2511s how we're kind of affecting it so that's
2513s good to know and and now people have a
2515s little bit more control over things
2517s scott especially you wanted me to ask
2520s this um you saw asthma gold had answer
2523s or
2524s asked this and wants an answer from you
2526s about the azoth system do you think it
2529s had a positive effect in the game or how
2531s do you feel
2532s don't look at me like this
2533s [Laughter]
2535s no in truth uh it hasn't you know and
2538s it's a bummer because first off you know
2540s we don't get everything right on the
2541s first try
2542s but the reason it's a bummer to me is i
2544s love the concept of as off this this
2546s this mineral that flows below eternum
2549s that people think it has magical
2550s properties
2551s and it felt so cool tying that to fast
2554s traveling through the world and to you
2556s know amplifying your weapons through
2557s perks and stuff however the way it came
2559s through in game play was more of like a
2561s constraint than a than a currency of
2563s cool or fun
2564s and for that it's it's a bummer but it
2566s did not work out the way we wanted that
2568s said the takeaway is we listened we
2570s learned and we improved it it's fixed
2572s and it's a lot better now and i'm
2574s the behavior i hope we start to see is
2576s that players are using that more and
2578s more in the crafting side to amplify
2580s their gear and like to really start
2582s driving their gear in the direction they
2583s want it to go absolutely all right well
2585s that's great to know and also yes we do
2588s watch a lot of content creators and uh
2591s take that all into consideration with
2593s these questions i guess katie especially
2595s now
2596s when we did do the server merges before
2599s some of the servers have been locked
2601s some unlocked wha what's going on with
2603s that are there plans to lock more
2605s yeah so we don't have any plans to
2608s preemptively lock any servers we said in
2610s february that we were preemptively
2612s locking some servers in anticipation of
2614s the token going live we don't have plans
2616s to do that ever again as far as i'm
2618s aware um that could change but
2622s as far as like right now we have
2623s absolutely no plans to preemptively lock
2624s servers however we do have a system in
2627s place where
2628s once a world reaches a certain threshold
2630s of individual characters of population
2632s and a couple other metrics um it will
2635s automatically lock that will sometimes
2637s unfortunately happen when a company is
2639s moving over
2640s and so that that has been an unfortunate
2642s side effect but it's to protect the
2644s people that are on the players that are
2645s on those worlds because last thing we
2647s want is for
2649s you know our march update to go live and
2650s then they're sitting in queues that are
2652s 12 hours long and so we're trying our
2654s best to mitigate that um again why we're
2657s not going to do another free server
2659s transfer token we saw what happened um
2662s we understand we
2664s looked at those metrics and we decided
2666s that was absolutely not something that
2667s we wanted to fall into again so uh we
2669s will not be making that mistake
2671s um hopefully this age as well uh so we
2674s will not be making that mistake again
2676s like you guys are i mean even what we've
2678s answered so far is like you guys are
2680s taking feedback you are making changes
2682s you are adjusting things you know if if
2685s that doesn't go that great you know you
2687s guys are looking at other options
2689s absolutely and we do we are looking
2692s again at the worlds to see as we
2693s mentioned like we're looking at those
2695s worlds and we're deciding which ones
2697s need to be merged further right so
2699s that's going to be a constant exercise
2701s that we're going to be doing it's not
2703s like a one and done um and then that's
2705s also why the um the transfer tokens
2707s going into the shop are really key
2709s because then it's not going to be
2711s thousands of people transferring at the
2713s same time there's going to be a little
2714s bit more friction there so that we can
2716s keep a better eye on it
2717s and so that people make good decisions
2720s and we provide them that information to
2721s make a good decision so it's all looking
2723s up from here as far as merges and the
2726s tokens go we figured it out and and
2729s we're making really positive changes
2730s there okay great with all these
2733s transfers going on between servers i
2735s want to talk a little bit more about you
2737s know activities between servers is that
2739s something that we're looking into yeah
2740s absolutely um
2742s the idea of joining people on different
2744s servers to do expeditions um outpost
2747s rush
2748s at some point we'll we'll have you know
2750s more casual versions of war and invasion
2751s i think that is something we totally
2753s aspire to and i think it would be really
2754s cool
2755s it's always fun you know socially
2756s connecting with people in different
2758s parts of the world and stuff yeah i mean
2760s it i mean that's a whole reason of
2763s having like an mmo right is being able
2765s to play with other people who would have
2766s thought um but that's great especially
2768s for like the smaller
2770s servers that are having issues finding
2772s enough people for stuff so you know
2775s hopefully they'll have right i mean it's
2777s a topic that comes up a bunch internally
2779s and we we discuss it and we are actively
2780s looking into you know how we pull it off
2782s and do it the right way and so um we
2784s definitely want to make sure that people
2785s are able to get together and play and
2787s experience all of our cool instance
2788s content
2789s yeah the tech is challenging though so
2791s it's not something we can you know say
2792s is going to happen tomorrow or next
2793s month or it's probably not going to show
2795s up on the roadmap but it's something
2797s we're working at it's one of those
2798s things you don't really want to put on a
2800s committed roadmap but you want to work
2802s until you get it right that feels really
2803s good and then we'll just put it out yeah
2805s for sure i think the you know i read a
2807s lot players are like hey as long as we
2809s know what's going on you know and take
2811s your time and make sure it's done right
2813s so you know it's nice to hear that
2815s something like that because i can just
2816s see that being a hot mess like being
2818s caught in limbo between two servers
2820s definitely something we don't want to
2821s get wrong right yeah yeah
2823s um so a few of the things that we have
2826s touched on not even a few a lot of
2827s things is have been changes because of
2829s players feedback right but on top of
2832s that are there any things that really
2834s come to mind that have been completely
2837s changed due to players feedback or
2840s adjusted at all yeah um i actually have
2843s this a very clear memory from early
2846s right right after we launched where we
2848s had a lot of players asking for
2850s inventory while running and i went to
2853s our our meeting and i was like hey
2856s everybody's asking for this can we make
2858s it happen and everybody was like yeah
2860s let's make it happen we all wanted it to
2862s we all wanted it we all wanted it but
2864s that was something that the the the
2866s movement on that was definitely
2868s increased because players were like this
2871s will be such a huge quality of life
2873s improvement for us
2874s and yeah it's it's gonna be
2877s it's yeah it's coming you know you know
2880s we have things like like right now the
2882s stuff we've been talking about the
2883s reducing friction like that's an
2884s initiative inside in in the office that
2886s we follow and it's it's constantly
2888s having constantly going we have another
2890s concept c to c we call it it's concept
2892s to customer when so when when the player
2894s talks about something that they don't
2895s like we immediately like okay can we
2897s turn this around fast what can we do how
2899s do we how do we address this like
2900s there's more features that are in
2901s response to what players are asking for
2903s than on the other side of that equation
2906s yeah just like things that we've done
2908s recently in the last few months
2909s regarding uh tax taxes
2912s um access to expedition orbs uh all
2915s sorts of things like you know making
2916s sure that players have more access to
2917s those things that we've reduced the cost
2919s of housing taxes are greatly uh the fast
2922s travel costs with the azoth that we
2923s talked about
2927s we listen yeah
2928s to what you said and you know we we
2931s agree and we're making changes based on
2933s that so our players have a big voice in
2936s those design meetings and we're
2938s listening too so yeah
2940s yeah i mean i'm personally happy to hear
2942s that too because i spend my days you
2944s know combing through the forums and
2946s gathering it all in a list you know so
2948s it's nice to know that yes it is being
2950s heard and used and and going from there
2953s let me just add real quick now that
2954s we're out of that launch window that
2957s that's why like if you're noticing in
2958s the patch notes oh they're doing a lot
2960s more than they were three months ago or
2961s two months ago because we've kind of got
2963s our head above water now and we're back
2965s in that cycle we want to get in that we
2966s had in the alpha where we're turning
2967s things around really quickly based on
2969s player feedback
2970s i mean that's great i mean now we've
2972s talked a lot about pve you know and i
2974s could already hear the pvp players being
2976s like what about us um
2978s what are the plans to
2981s focus on pvp in the future right in our
2984s spring season we're going to be
2985s introducing some majorly cool features
2988s for pvp players wait wait wait i got a
2989s road map coming out oh yeah next we're
2991s going to be talking about that in a
2992s minute i don't know if you want am i
2994s spoiling am i okay go ahead and spoil it
2995s okay small spoiler for the road map uh
2998s segment uh but in our spring season
3000s we're rolling out pvp focused arenas
3003s that'll be 3v3 uh pvp arenas and on top
3006s of that a full pvp rewards track where
3010s players can
3011s just earn uh pvp specific xp and
3014s currency by doing any kind of pvp action
3017s in the game and then uh that would
3019s unlock access to really exclusive
3021s prestigious pvp rewards
3024s excellent yeah pvp
3026s because yeah they they deserve some love
3029s too so
3031s um that's and that's great to hear
3033s honestly uh having more of a pvp sort of
3036s thing to focus on because yeah you know
3039s the vision hasn't changed for the game
3040s yeah right everyone gets love right well
3042s yeah it's a you know they don't just
3044s coexist they complement each other and
3045s we're supporting both and pvp and pve
3047s both are very important to the future in
3049s new world
3050s okay and i mean just to kind of follow
3052s up on that with cooldowns you know can
3054s we talk a little bit more on i know big
3057s topic another thing
3059s comes from listening
3062s yes
3063s well the good news is that scott's gonna
3065s be able to delete his spreadsheet that
3067s he uses to track all of his cooldowns in
3068s the game so that'll be good uh because
3071s uh we're introducing global cooldowns so
3074s yeah
3075s now everything that's on cooldown
3077s depending on the length of time of the
3079s cooldown in terms of days or a week
3081s it'll reset
3082s at a consistent time for players in
3085s their time zone uh you know
3088s whenever it's ready so let's just say
3090s i've got a daily crafting cooldown now
3092s that's going to reset at 5 00 a.m every
3095s day so 5 a.m my time every day that'll
3097s reset if i've got something that's more
3099s on a weekly timer uh that those are
3101s gonna those will roll over on tuesdays
3104s at 5 a.m so 5 a.m is kind of the time
3106s where we see really light engagement and
3108s it's a good time just like get people uh
3111s just to like you know roll it over so
3113s the next session you join in the game
3115s you're ready to go again so technically
3116s he doesn't have to delete his
3118s spreadsheet but it is greatly reduced
3120s because he still has weekly cooldowns
3122s but it is nice that if you play at nine
3124s o'clock one night and you do a bunch of
3126s stuff and then the next day you're free
3127s at six you're not kind of like oh what
3129s do i do now so now you can immediately
3131s go exactly yeah you could definitely
3132s plan your
3134s play style a bit more around those
3135s cooldowns yeah so like elite chess
3138s crafting earning bonuses from like
3140s faction missions those types of things
3141s yeah um those will all be now
3144s consistently rolling over right day over
3146s day and as we said before i'm sure we
3148s will listen to player feedback and and
3150s see you know how they like that and
3152s what's going on with that but i mean
3155s that's it for the major questions that i
3157s have from the community is there
3159s anything else that you guys would like
3160s to add any
3162s anything keep the feedback coming we
3164s appreciate it not just where we have
3166s room for improvement but if you have big
3168s ideas and that you want to see us
3170s implement and you are just so excited
3172s about that put it in the forums we read
3175s that all the time and we really
3178s appreciate the big ideas that our
3179s players have all right absolutely well
3181s thank you so much guys and i really
3183s appreciate it we're going to go on to
3184s the next section
3186s thanks
3192s hey guys so this is something i'm very
3194s excited about because i spend a lot of
3196s time and discord the forums reddit and
3199s i'm always asked where is the roadmap so
3202s today we're going to dive into the
3203s roadmap we have three seasons that scott
3205s is going to go into greater detail with
3207s so scott take it away well it starts
3209s with spring which is march right now
3211s we're releasing the tempest heart
3212s expedition we've talked a lot about this
3214s today but it's an endgame expedition
3216s where you get to finally close the
3218s chapter on the story of isabella the
3219s tempest
3220s we also are releasing the blunderbuss
3222s which is a run and gun shotgun type of
3224s weapon
3225s really fun for movement combat
3227s especially close range and everything's
3228s trying to get you close we're releasing
3230s 3v3 pvp arenas this is exciting this is
3234s where players get to really go in and
3236s show their
3236s their their skill and their muster in
3238s the game right because if you're in a
3240s war 50 v 50 it's kind of easy to hide if
3242s you're not good if you get in the open
3244s world it's it's rarely a fair fight this
3246s is your opportunity to show your skills
3248s along with that pvp reward track
3251s so for players that get better we want
3253s to make sure they get rewards
3254s you know for playing it and doing stuff
3256s so there's a really cool reward track
3258s that goes along with that that takes us
3260s into the summer this summer we have
3262s another endgame expedition barnacles in
3264s black powder i think the name gives you
3266s a hint of what you're going to run into
3268s in there it's really exciting and we're
3270s super happy to get that out there on top
3272s of that we have a group finder for
3274s expedition so a lot of players have been
3275s asking for this especially as more
3277s players get up into the 590 600 gear and
3279s they're doing mutations this will help
3280s you find groups and make it a lot easier
3282s the summer is going to end with a pretty
3284s awesome summer event we're excited
3286s you've seen how an event is in new world
3288s they're only going to get better as we
3289s add more so it's pretty cool and then in
3292s autumn we have brimstone sands territory
3295s which is this giant desert territory
3297s with a whole bunch of different ai that
3298s you've never seen in the game we're
3300s introducing a new culture and it comes
3302s with the iniad its own expedition this
3305s is an end game going to be one of the
3307s harder expeditions in the game it is not
3308s for the faint of heart another big
3310s request we've heard from a lot of
3312s players
3313s is for another new weapon so i'm happy
3315s to officially announce the great sword
3317s is happening
3319s it is epic this thing is huge and it's
3321s going to live up to the name of the
3323s great sword we have leaderboards coming
3325s which aren't going to be just for pvp
3326s leaderboards they're also going to be
3328s for pve activities which is pretty cool
3330s and then a couple more events we have a
3332s halloween event coming and then you know
3334s can't really have a thanksgiving without
3336s turkey on of course so uh turkey lon
3338s 2022 is coming and those of you that
3340s remember last year's we have a few new
3341s surprises to put in for this year
3343s overall we're really excited and it
3345s doesn't just stop you know this is the
3346s feature list that like this is the road
3348s map we're out committed to we also have
3350s new mutations coming we have balance
3352s changes coming bug fixes and we have a
3355s team that just responds to people to
3357s stuff that people ask us for in live so
3360s if you see other features work their way
3361s in it's because we're listening to
3363s players and we're putting stuff out that
3364s they're asking for right that's awesome
3366s all right well thank you so much scott
3367s going into greater detail of the road
3369s map i'm sure players are going to be
3370s super excited to kind of pull this apart
3372s so here they go there you go guys the
3374s road map for the upcoming three seasons
3380s and that concludes the dev video for
3383s this month i mean i'm really excited we
3385s touched on a lot of hot topics that are
3387s constantly asked on the forums and scott
3389s is there anything else that you want to
3390s add just a special thank you to the
3392s player support team for coming out and
3394s answering questions like they're the
3396s front lines of the game and we
3397s appreciate them absolutely so i mean
3400s just one last quick question for you is
3403s what are we going to be working on next
3404s month
3405s next month is all about bugs bots and
3408s balance again we're going to deep dive
3409s on all of those we're you know we hear
3412s the community saying they want us to
3413s spend more time on that that's what
3414s we're going to do
3416s absolutely all right and thank you guys
3418s so much for joining us today my name is
3420s tina degenhart also known as shadowfox
3423s on the forums and i hope to see you all
3425s there