over 2 years ago - Play New World - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s a gun is a tool when the job calls for
10s carnage the best tool is a blunderbuss
17s this bugger is short for stout two shots
20s in the barrel and a bullet spread that
22s makes the concept of aiming seem
24s antiquated
27s [Music]
33s there are many ways to handle
35s blunderbuss with two distinct styles to
38s master
41s the first is containment a series of
44s techniques focused on positioning and
46s crowd control
49s net shot packs a punch and slows your
51s enemies
53s claw shot helps close the distance
56s finish up the combination with an azov
58s shrapnel blast
60s to dispatch even the most tenacious
62s adversaries
64s then there's the school of chaos name
66s speaks for itself
70s splitting grenades blanket the
72s battlefield with fire and brimstone
78s the mortar charge lobs high explosive
80s canisters that fly high dive fast and
83s boom big
85s bad guys closing the distance too fast
88s last shot will help you put them back in
90s their place
92s so when you need to clear a crowd and
94s you want to get it done up close and
95s personal keep a blunderbuss at your side
98s but remember it's not the tool that
100s counts it's how you wield it
120s you