New World

New World Dev Tracker

02 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are great suggestions, thanks. Turkulon definitely is a starting point. It is will really exciting to see where the team is able to take this concept and how we can work with players to make fun events like this better and better.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haha I realized that after the fact, sorry. I was confused.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no forum autoban system. What I am saying is if a thread is generating a lot of reports, we can see it on the forum back end, peek in and find the flame wars happening. We’ll likely unlist the thread so it isn’t continuing to produce reports and clean it up, if it can resume being civil we should unlist it and continue to monitor. This is all very manual stuff done by humans which is why we care when threads are generating a ton of reports because it represents hours of work for humans.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate everyone’s feedback in this thread. our goal was to introduce something fun and seasonal into the game. We didn’t want to announce it or make it a big thing, just a fun surprise for folks to enjoy. I do understand the feedback that some players would have preferred it was announced and easier to find in-game.

What other feedback do you have on this kind of event? What do you like, what don’t you like? What suggestions do you have for possible future activities?

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are definitely working hard on fixes.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Clearly a different topic than forum moderation but, the team does listen to feedback not only from these forums but from a lot of different sources. We are working to improve our communication as well, you can see that in our efforts in the Developer’s Corner. But folks also need to see that we are listening in our actions and that can take more time. So I hear you on this, we know that we have work ahead of us to earn that trust.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a good question, any thread with a large volume of reports in it should be unlisted and cleaned up, which is not the same as permanently removed. Folks in violation of our Code of Conduct should receive appropriate moderation actions. Then, if the thread continues to offer a larger value to the community and should be able to return to a civil place, with a warning from the mods that they will keep an eye out, it should go live again.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Generally you do review every violation in the thread but when a thread is a violation factory, you typically unlist it and clean it up and then decide if it will be able to become a constructive discussion.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand moderation can be a difficult thing sometimes, people can feel targeted or it can feel oppressive. The goal of these forums is to create connection between the folks making the game and the folks playing the game. It isn’t always clear the best way to make sure one group feels heard but that it also doesn’t just become a flame war.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hope this explanation is helpful. We are simply trying to enforce our Code of Conduct and threads that generate a ton of reports will be closed and scrubbed and violations will be handle by moderation.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Then you are not referring to the correct threads or the worst is being removed before you see it.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don’t want to keep chasing threads all morning on the same topic producing the same results. If a thread is Closed the answer isn’t to recreate it immediately.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The ask we have seen is to consider an LGBTQ in-game event or additional quest lines and a recruitment thread for LGBTQ players to join. The feedback has been absolutely heard and folks should join that community if they are interested.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

A handful of folks keep making the same threads over and over that are dissolving into political fights that are generating a ton of moderation reports and violations.
New World clearly cares about inclusion but we also have to handle threads that get very ugly very fast.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please be aware that any thread that generates a large volume of moderation reports will be closed and scrubbed by the moderation team. If this is a recruitment thread, the recruitment message has been shared, the only conversation that will follow will be a political fight.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This thread and the previous thread are generating a lot of reports. It is not uncommon for threads to get closed or unlisted and scrubbed when they are producing such large volumes of moderation reports and violations. This thread will also likely get closed and scrubbed.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a thread to track feedback from the December PTR.

You can find resources on how to leave good feedback in the ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a thread to track bugs that popped up due to the December PTR. We will update the list below when we see new issues appear. You can find our December PTR Notes here.


  • Engaging with crafting stations can sometimes be inconsistent, at times requiring multiple attempts to interact with or even complete an item craft.
  • Settlement building can sometimes have no collision at runtime, allowing player characters to walk through walls.
  • Entering an instance may cause chat channels and coin transfers to become non-functional....
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please see our full update for the harvester chest here: [Notice] Update on Horticulture/Harvester Gear

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Okay great, thanks for the update!