New World

New World Dev Tracker

24 Nov

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m only going to post what I am absolutely sure about, which is that this is a small patch that we hope moves the needle for stabilization and performance. I don’t have additional information on future updates.

EDIT: spelled performance wrong the first time :upside_down_face:

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are hopeful this small patch will have a big impact on stability and war performance.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all, as an update, in this release the in-game Harvester gear has been re-added to the loot tables, and is earnable in-game once again. Unfortunately we found issues with the horticulture gear we intended to grant players. We want to make sure to get you the gear exactly as described, so we will be correcting this and issuing the gear later than we had thought - we will update when we know that schedule.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, aventureiros,

Estamos mantendo outra parada 2021-11-24T07:00:00Z (em seu fuso horário local) em todos os mundos para resolver alguns problemas, como o conjunto de equipamentos do Harvester e a missão Ritual.

O tempo de parada durará aproximadamente 3 horas (~ 180 minutos).

Por favor, veja a lista de correções abaixo:

  • Corrigido um problema com a missão Ritual, fazendo com que os jogadores fiquem impossibilitados de concluir a missão se a Heartgem for usada antes de derrotar Alastor.
  • O set do Harvester voltou ao jogo
  • Correções de estabilidade especulativas
  • Alguns reembolsos de moeda para questões específicas

Reembolsos de moedas

Dadas as questões recentes com os servidores avançando no tempo que os jogadores estão enfrentando, também estamos lançando reembolsos de moedas para Companhias e jogadores potencialmente afetados por estes problemas:

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, from what I hear, El Dorado should be back up. Hope you both have a great evening!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

El Dorado seems to have a small restart scheduled from what I understand.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Title should be updated now. The body of the text is accurate.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are holding another downtime 2021-11-24T07:00:00Z (in your local timezone) across all worlds to address a few issues such as the Harvester gear set and the Ritual quest.

Downtime will last approximately 3 hours (~ 180 minutes).

Please see the list of fixes below:

  • Fixed an issue with the Ritual quest, causing players to become blocked from completion if the Heartgem interactable is used before defeating Alastor.
  • Restored the Harvester Gear set back into the game
  • Speculative stability fixes
  • Some coin reimbursement for particular issues

Coin Reimbursements

Given the recent time skipping issues players have been experiencing, we are also rolling out Coin reimbursements to Companies and players potentially impacted by these issues:

  • Companies will have a one-time reimbursement for any war declarations made since our November 1...
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23 Nov

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, I read through every single message here and it’s completely fair to give us constructive criticism. We know New World isn’t perfect and the team is working hard to knock out all of the bugs and exploits plaguing the game.

I am closing this thread because of multiple violations of our Code of Conduct. While you may disagree with someone’s opinion, attacking them is not a acceptable way of interacting with members of this community. Please take some time to review our ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

These worlds are back up. Thank you for your patience and we’ll see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can reach out to me. I’ll dm you. Closing thread.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can reach out to me with that information. I’ll send you a dm. Closing this thread :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

A lot of the wealth transfer disabling we implemented to fix duplications and exploits severely impacted players’ abilities to pay taxes or keep their town projects from downgrading. We are working on unlocking furnishing/trophy trading in a later update but this is only a portion of the compensation we’ve been planning to release.

For further context, I’ve linked the Official News thread that contains this information as well as the patch/fixes that correlate to it.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, thanks for your feedback! I know the dedicated team has been exploring different ways to make sure that everyone can enjoy the game properly whether you’re a solo player, part of a small group, or part of a big company but I’ll make sure to pass this onto them.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for all of the feedback! We’ll make sure this gets passed onto the developers.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Farming AI without it being a fair fight, like when a player is hiding in an area where they know the AI won’t agro on them - then killing them multiple times, is unintended and should be treated like an exploit.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was DMd a capture of the placement below the rock. If there is an additional spot we haven’t discussed yet (on the ledge above as well as the ledge adjacent to) let me know.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Company income from home ownership should not be impacted by the lower taxes; they will continue to receive income as if this temporary discount wasn’t in place.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you DM me how it’s happening? Is it the same spot? Or a different one?