New World

New World Dev Tracker

15 Nov

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mmm yes, attack the dev - good strategy. :clap:

Anyway, the video that link took me and the team to looks like the trophy disappears. Not dupes. I’ll watch it again in the morning when I have had some sleep and maybe by then you’ll all be a little less… whatever this is.

EDIT: sorry all, I’ve been up for a long time investigating this as well as other happenings in New World, shouldn’t have popped off. We’re working on the issue.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello fellow kid. Tell me more about which world and the company name :slight_smile:

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t see a dupe in those videos.

Has someone tried this on the PTR? Where you’re safe from bans.

EDIT: if you know of a player who successfully used these steps to dupe an item, message me.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s different from the other reports so far, and gives us a new data point. Def helpful. Thanks.

14 Nov


We have found and fixed the issue with crafting Arcana items up to 600, but that change didn’t make it into the PTR.

We have also found and fixed the issue with the various core crystals, so they should start dropping in the same update as the above fix, too.


We are tracking a fix for this. I don’t have a specific ETA on the fix but we’re aware of the issue and already looking into it!

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

DM me with the repro steps.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks - this is helpful. We are looking into it. If there’s anything else you think would be useful for the repro or if you do crash, let me know.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks @DarXyde we are going to check logs, I’ll check back when the video is up.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the update - what’s your ping?

Videos can be incredibly helpful for us.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

What’s your RTT?
Anything specific you’re placing, or is it any item?

And which house is yours (location coords)?

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are looking into this. If any of you can provide the exact date and time your crash happened, that would be helpful.

13 Nov

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

DM me the repro steps and we will have QA look into it.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are working through edge cases before we open server transfers back up. It’s covered in the post linked above too.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

It means we aren’t offering a second free transfer immediately after the merge (something folks in the forums have been asking for). If you still have your original free token, you can use that at any time regardless of world merge status.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s not exactly what it says. We aren’t giving you another free transfer yet. If you haven’t used your transfer token yet from the first round of free tokens, that can be used any time, regardless of merge status for your world.

It also says we are targeting another round of transfers by end of year, and will keep folks updated.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you’re only interested in helping us test the merge:

Create a character in the US East or EU Central PTR world.

Create a company, add some money to your treasury.

Put items in your storage.

Put up both buy and sell orders on the trading post (min 7 days for post)

Grab some quests/missions and make some progress on them. Don’t complete them yet.

Note the status of all those things before you log out.

Log back in on Monday after the merge.

What is the status of your character? We’re all items in the trading post returned to your inventory? Is there still money in your company treasury? Quests still in progress?

Complete one of the quests you made progress on.

Log off, wait at least 5 minutes. Log back in and make sure your progress has been saved.

If anything is off, post in the dedicated PTR merge thread that our Community Managers are setting up.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

You should be able to edit your post! Or you can mark Malakith or my response as a solution if you’re worried people may get confused.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t think Kay would say that since I don’t have the ability to assist with in-game character specific issues. I can; however, point you to a piece of communication about it :sweat_smile: Status of the 11/8 Weekly Patch - #2 by swarf

You could be talking about a Support team member though. You should have your friend submit a web ticket so their team can...

Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just a reminder that this is for the PTR. (In case anyone gets confused :slight_smile: )

Edit: Hah Malakith beat me.