New World

New World Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Hi @Profanity13

I understand the frustration that you have with this scenario.

I will contact you through PM to get more information about this issue.

Please know that we cannot discuss the results of our findings, but rest assured we will give this a second review.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention

I will closed this topic after sending you the PM.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

The team is looking to collect feedback on the Musket Changes.

We’d like to emphasize testing towards performance and balance evaluation through both PvE and PvE combat, in addition to general skill/perk usage.

Goal with the musket build was to make it feel a little bit better to use across all levels, And increase the use and effectiveness of several abilities.

  • Increased musket base damage by 2.5%
  • Fixed an issue where the musket could not be reloaded after dodge rolling then triggering auto run
  • Fixed an issue where the reloading would not automatically resume after interruption while player is aiming.
  • Fixed an issue where musket overcharged shots were not being consumed while hipfiring while crouched.
  • Fixed an issue that caused this Critical Reload passive to function inconsistently.
  • Traps
    • Traps no longer can be triggered by players in deaths door.
  • Sti...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

The team is looking to collect feedback on the Rapier Changes.

We’d like to emphasize testing towards performance and balance evaluation through both PvE and PvE combat, in addition to general skill/perk usage.

Goal of the Rapier changes were to fix some issues that were being encountered as well as make it easier to work around the bleed effect in the Bleed tree by reducing the cooldown of Tondo and make Riposte’s payoff a bit better due to the risk required to trigger it.

  • Fixed an issue where Tondo, Flourish, and Fleche had their cooldown begin 1 frame before the hitbox would appear. This resulted in the abilities going on cooldown if the attack was interrupted early even if it did not hit.
  • Flurry
    • Fixed an issue where subsequent attacks would frequently miss or be hard to hit when using Flurry by improving the homing on the attack.
    • Overwhelm: Fixed an issue where this upgrade was incorrectly applyi...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

The team is looking to collect feedback on the Ice Gauntlet Changes.

We’d like to emphasize testing towards performance and balance evaluation through both PvE and PvE combat, in addition to general skill/perk usage.

Goal with the Ice Gauntlet was to reduce the effectiveness of some of the maxed out combinations of abilities while still maintaining their usefulness.

  • Heavy Attack - Increased heavy attack start up and recovery time to make it consistent with other magic weapons heavy attack timing.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice Gauntlet movement while attacking was faster than other magic weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where basic attacks on the ice gauntlet can sometimes shoot through a player or AI without dealing damage if the attacker is too close.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed enemies with the Heavy Freeze passive to root players standing in their own Ice Storm.
  • Ice Storm
    • Increased time betwee...
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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please do not use the forums to appeal bans on another player’s account. We cannot disclose to you the details of violations on another account. Please have them manage their appeal process.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

The team is looking to collect feedback on the Spear Changes.

We’d like to emphasize testing towards performance and balance evaluation through both PvE and PvE combat, in addition to general skill/perk usage.

Goal was to buff some of the lesser used abilities as well as improve the modifier for the Coupe De Grace upgrade to sweep, its previous setup made it questionable to whether or not it would be worthwhile to take.

  • Adjusted the distance the player would move towards the target when doing a heavy attack. The heavy attack was pulling the user too close resulting in the Deadly Reach passive not being able to trigger consistently.
  • Sweep
    • Coup de Grace: Increased damage scaling from 125% → 150%
    • Coup de Grace: This attack is now flagged as Heavy, allowing it to trigger Heavy-related passives.
  • Skewer
    • Increased bleed damage from 10%→ 20%
  • Perforate
    • ...
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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please do not use the forums to appeal bans on other player accounts. We cannot disclose to you the details of violations on someone else’s account.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please do not use the forums to appeal bans on other player accounts. We do not have the ability to help you in the forums and we cannot provide you details on someone else’s account.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

All in-game moderation actions are handled by the Game Moderation team. This is not an in-game bug.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I saw this suggestion a while ago and forwarded it then! :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The best way to report bugs and exploits is either in-game through the Feedback tool or here at this time but we are exploring other avenues.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately we will not be rolling back this world. We have determined that a rollback would cause more harm than good in the world due to the amount of time that has passed since the time skew occurred and when the development team was made aware of the issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes we’re aware of these two :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, other than what HelpfulWalrus said above, I don’t have any insight into this. I know that the feedback has been passed along so they are aware but in regards to a status update on any changes to be made, I don’t have any further information to share.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The houses disappearing issue itself should be fixed and we still plan to reimburse players who lost their houses as stated in the screenshot in the original post. I am unaware of how this process will work at the moment but I will work with the team to see if we can get an answer for this :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware of the issues listed in this thread and should be addressing them in an upcoming patch!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is on our Bugs Megathread! Thanks for the report :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, sorry. Should we release another round of server transfer tokens, we’ll make an announcement.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hallo allerseits!

Wir wollten ein kurzes Status-Update für unseren wöchentlichen Patch bereitstellen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt haben wir beschlossen, die Veröffentlichung auf nächste Woche zu verschieben und stattdessen alle Änderungen zusammen mit dem für nächste Woche geplanten großen November-Update zu veröffentlichen. Dies gibt unserem Team auch noch zusätzliche Zeit zum Testen und Polieren.

Wenn ihr gerne einen Blick auf einige der neuen Änderungen für das November-Update werfen möchtet, schaut auf unserem öffentlichen Testserver vorbei und schickt uns euer Feedback zu den neuen Inhalten. Weitere Informationen zum New World PTR findet ihr ...

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    Raftel on Forums - Thread - Direct
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