New World

New World Dev Tracker

12 Nov

    Raftel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @DineryTV
Welcome to the forums! :smiley:
Would you be so kind to share what posts are you exactly talking about

    swarf on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi explorers!
We are aware of an issue where some players are stuck in an immobilized state and that this bug has hugely affected your ability to play New World. We’re working on a fix and are confident it’ll be ready next week. Once this update has been released, your character will be in the death screen and you’ll be able to respawn like normal. We know you’re excited to get back into Aeternum and appreciate your patience while we address this.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi Everyone!

We wanted to provide a brief status update for our weekly patch. At this time, we have decided to hold our publish this week in favor of incorporating the intended changes into our next release. Doing so will allow our team additional testing and polish time of a bigger update we are preparing to deploy next week. If you would like a glimpse into some of the new changes we have in store, please check out the New World Public Test Realm and send us your feedback! Additional information about the New World PTR can be ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your feedback! This is definitely something we’ve been noticing as well and I’ve forwarded the feedback over to the team. Unfortunately this is not something that can be immediately addressed but I hope you can rest assured that your concerns have been heard!

    Lane on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

I’d like to take a moment of your time to address the mini-map conversation. We’ve been following the conversation on the forums and believe we understand the reasons players want a mini-map. Also we are aware that there is a perception if we implement a mini-map then players that don’t want them can simply turn it off, but in reality players may feel at a disadvantage without it.

Right now creating a mini-map is not a high priority for us as we have other items we feel are more pressing. The high level reasoning is that we have concerns with it meshing with New World’s action combat style and world design, that it could break immersion, may limit the drive for exploration, and there are technical limitations. We feel the compass fulfills the needs, fits the setting, promotes exploration, and supports combat.

Diving in to some specifics, a big part of our combat is situational awareness and the addition of a minimap may compromise this in a few w...

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11 Nov

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all, we rolled the world data back to before the issue occurred. The world should be back up in just a moment. Sorry about this, we’re working on the fix. It’s a fairly complex issue and a scalable solution is being validated but we don’t have anything to ship just yet.

EDIT: your character data has NOT been rolled back. Just the world data.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sent to the team to investigate, thanks!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is the most recent information we have in terms of a patch this week. We’ll post an update once we have more info: Status of the 11/8 Weekly Patch + Public Test Realm Announcement - #3 by Luxendra


Thanks @Valnas - I’ve asked someone to take a look.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware and the team is already looking into it :slight_smile: (also, don’t need to ping me multiple times in one thread :wink: thanks)


The worlds should now be live again. Thanks again for your patience.


Greetings Adventurers,

We are rebooting the following servers to fix an issue with missing AI in Myrkgard:

World Region
Utopia AP Southeast
Lagado AP Southeast
Camelot US West
Runeberg EU Central

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to be clear, the marked solution says this:

Hi everyone! I’ve heard from the team that they are working to fix everyone listed in this thread as soon as possible and that some of you should be able to transfer now! We appreciate your patience while the team works through this thread.

No need to repost if you’ve already posted here.

I’ll provide an update once everyone should be fixed and able to transfer.

Marking as solution for the time being so people can stay informed.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Post it in the bugs megathread if you haven’t already! We have people going through to take note of any bugs encountered.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ich weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, wie nervig dieser Bug ist. Die Entwickler arbeiten weiter mit Hochdruck daran, diesen (und viele andere nervige Bugs) schnellstmöglich zu fixen.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ein Update dazu:

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We actually have a lengthy discussion on this, but haven’t posted it yet. We’ll clear up things with that post, hopefully tomorrow.

But I can tell you no one has been banned for an Overwolf minimap unless a mistake was made. This is not a promise that all existing minimaps will forever be ok, because their functionality could change over time in ways we can’t even anticipate right now. We’ll describe (hopefully with full clarity) what is ok in that upcoming post. Sorry, I know I’m running the risk of sounding like passing the buck, but it’s important to be precise about such things and we worked to make that post precise, so it’s better than any off the cuff response I would make.

But if we considered a minimap bannable, we would warn first before taking any account actions.