New World

New World Dev Tracker

01 Oct

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer,

Wir führen Wartungsarbeiten durch, die sich kurzzeitig auf die Charakterauswahl und die Liste der Welten im Spiel auswirken. Diese Wartung betrifft keine Spieler:innen die sich bereits im Spiel oder in der Warteschlange befinden, sondern nur diejenigen, die darauf warten, ihren Charakter oder ihre Welt auszuwählen.

Wenn ihr also die Charakterauswahl und die Liste der Welten nicht seht, wartet bitte 5 Minuten - beides sollte dann wieder auftauchen.

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Nous effectuerons une maintenance qui affectera brièvement la Sélection des personnages et la Liste des mondes. Cette maintenance n’affectera personne, que ça soit dans le jeu ou dans la file d’attente, uniquement ceux qui attendent de sélectionner leur personnage ou monde.

Si vous êtes affecté, veuillez attendre 5 minutes et ils devraient réapparaître.

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension !

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are performing maintenance that will briefly affect the Character Select and World List. This maintenance will not affect anyone in the game or in queue, only those who are waiting to select their character or world.

If you experience this, please wait 5 minutes and they should reappear.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurer,

we are having a short downtime now for the following worlds:

EU Central: Hades, Annwyn
Australia: Adiri, Kibu

Downtime should last for 30-45 minutes. We apologize for the short notice and thank you for your understanding.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Das war ein Fehler und ist nun wieder so wie es sein sollte. Sorry für die Verwirrung.


Greetings Adventurers,

It’s been an incredible week of growth for the New World community. The demand we’ve seen has been staggering and we continue to be humbled by the number of players that want to explore Aeternum together. While it was certainly our aspiration to welcome massive numbers of players into the game during launch week, we were frankly surprised by just how many adventurers washed up on Aeternum’s shores. Over a million players entered New World on launch day. Each day after launch that number has increased, translating into long queue times for some of our more popular worlds.

Since our launch on Tuesday, we have more than doubled the number of servers and we are working to increase the capacity of all available servers to support a higher population cap. Our team has been working around the clock to add as many servers as we can and will continue to do so until we stabilize wait times.

While we do that work, there are options to get into the ga...

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30 Sep



Downtime is now complete on Australia as well marking completion of this downtime cycle.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding!

Good luck in Aeternum!


Good news!

NA West is back online! Woooo!

Unfortunately, Australia is taking a bit longer than expected. Possible resolution in the next hour or so. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Small update:

The downtime start has been pushed back 15 minutes and should be starting shortly. The estimated completion time of 2 hours currently stands.

We apologize for the confusion.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime for the US-West and Australia regions that start at 12:30pm PT/5:30am AEST to improve server performance. We will be adding 250 more capacity to servers in these regions.

Expected downtime: approximately 120 minutes (2 hours)

Additionally, we will be releasing a no-downtime client-side patch to implement some queue stability fixes around the same time for all regions. You may receive a download for New World the next time you start Steam.

Thank you for your patience!


Salutations Aventuriers !

Nous voyons de nombreux joueurs offrir des conseils et des solutions afin de résoudre certains des problèmes connus que nous avons dans notre liste, donc pendant que nous travaillons sur des corrections complètes pour ces soucis, vous pouvez essayer certaines de ces solutions !

Comme toujours, vous pouvez vérifier si le problème que vous rencontrez figure sur notre liste de problèmes connus et s’il existe une solution concernant votre problème, celle-ci sera publiée ...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wir haben viele weitere Welten für EU Central aufgemacht:

World Name World Set Language
Argyre Vanaheim Eta
Harmonia Vanaheim Theta
Montes Serrorum Vanaheim Theta
opar Vanaheim Mu
Bermeja Vanaheim Phi
Ophir Vanaheim Phi
Nexdorea Vanaheim Psi (DE/EN)
Nysos Vanaheim Psi (DE/EN)
Ramaja Vanaheim Psi (DE/EN)
Avalon Vanaheim Psi (DE/EN)
Delphnius Vanaheim Core (DE/EN)
Lesath Vanaheim Core (DE/EN)
Marsic Vanaheim Core (DE/EN)
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Massive addition of EU worlds right now:

World Name (Language) World Set
Argyre Vanaheim Eta
Harmonia Vanaheim Theta
Montes Serrorum Vanaheim Theta
opar Vanaheim Mu
Bermeja Vanaheim Phi
Ophir Vanaheim Phi
Nexdorea (DE/EN) Vanaheim Psi
Nysos (DE/EN) Vanaheim Psi
Ramaja (DE/EN) Vanaheim Psi
Avalon (DE/EN) Vanaheim Psi
Delphnius Vanaheim Core
Lesath Vanaheim Core
Marsic Vanaheim Core
Arcturus Vanaheim Coral
Canis Vanaheim Coral
Eridanus Vanaheim Luft
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re doing our best to help alleviate the queues by opening up extra servers so that people who want to are able to jump into the game immediately. Unfortunately, we really don’t have any additional information to share on additional server capacity or server transfers but we are 100% aware that queues are a problem and the team’s been working literally around the clock to address this.