New World

New World Dev Tracker

30 Sep

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just got the information that the problem should be fixed now - please try again. And thanks for your patience.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi jakeissexy88, I will reach out to you shortly. Thanks for reporting that issue.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Auf welcher Welt/Region und Expedition tritt das Problem auf?

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wir haben gestern mehr als 50 neue Welten in Europa eröffnet und werden heute und auch die nächsten Tage, sofern notwendig, weitere freischalten.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry my Brazilian Portuguese language skills are poor so I will give an update in English:

The dev team worked on the issues and they should be resolved now. Thank you for your patience and please let us know, if this is happening again

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the latest reports. We continue to investigate the issue and will update this topic once we have news.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports, the world should be back now.


BIG SAD… engineering is back on the case. Stay tuned.


The Forums are a place for people who are playing New World to come together and discuss their experiences, share exciting moments, and improve the experience for the players as a whole. We strive to provide a constructive and safe experience for everyone who comes to the New World Forums.

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Alright, another update from the engineers and they say we are really really good and resolved now.

Definitely let me know in this thread if issues persist!


Sadface :cry:… thanks for letting me know. I’ll update the team working on the situation.


Hey everyone,

I have been told that this issue should be resolved. Please let me know if you are continuing to have problems by replying in this thread.

Thank you kindly!


NA East getting more worlds!

World Set World Name
Lesnik Arkadia Radial
Bembina Arkadia Radial
Boosaule Arkadia Alto
Bouneima Arkadia Alto
Britannula Arkadia Alto
Caeno Arkadia Alto
Cenculiana Arkadia Alto
Ceryneia Arkadia Alto
Deipnias Arkadia Alto
Difu Arkadia Core
Dindymon Arkadia Core
Diyu Arkadia Core
Elelin Arkadia Terra
Empi Arkadia Terra
Eupana Arkadia Coral
Galunlati Arkadia Coral
Trapalanda Arkadia Coral
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Even. More. WORLDS! This time for NA West!

World Set (language) World Name
Westernesse Zeta Tarshish
Westernesse Zeta Tayopa
Westernesse Eta Ophir
Westernesse Theta Satanazes
Westernesse Mu Ortygia
Westernesse Mu Parima
Westernesse Nu Quanlu
Westernesse Nu Rivadeneyra
Westernesse Xi Taenarum
Westernesse Rho (ES/EN) Rupes Nigra
Westernesse Tau Sannikov Land

Even more worlds added! This time for NA East!

World set - World Name

Arkadia Terra Youming
Arkadia Terra Jiuyuan
Arkadia Terra Zugen
Arkadia Terra Santu
Arkadia Terra Yinfu
Arkadia Radial Maleas
Arkadia Radial Podesta
Arkadia Radial Jezirat al Tennyn
Arkadia Radial Antullia
Arkadia Radial Cibola
Arkadia Kappa Bentusle
Arkadia Kappa Brazir
Arkadia Kappa Ohonoo
Arkadia Kappa Mu
Arkadia Sigma Lin Lin
Arkadia Sigma Onkeion
Arkadia Sigma ...
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Hey everyone,

This is currently a known issue that we are working with Steam to investigate and resolve. We are just as frustrated as you are with the whole situation. Please hang tight while we get the problem worked out.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!