over 1 year ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s i look upon you
2s with pity
8s you think you're special
10s don't you
13s you think
15s you can replace my glorious destiny
19s with one of failure
22s i can see why you think that
26s why face the inevitable truth
31s when you can convince yourself you are
34s worthy
35s but worth
37s is earned
42s think now
44s how have you been truly tested
50s tested in the fear of isolation from
53s your companions
55s in your resourcefulness to overcome
59s in your strength to overpower those who
63s dominate
64s tell me
66s are you and your companions true for the
69s difference in this fight
73s this place will be your tomb
78s i will be a god
80s and you are powerless to stop me
87s [Music]